justn0t · 4 months
I need to figure out how I want to render because all of my posts are un-rendered barely-coloured sketches
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roseamongroses · 1 year
got apple cider vinegar in my eye and had the fight of my life
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libraryofcirclaria · 20 days
09 November 1299
Library of Circlaria
Third Level Society: First Version
Story Nine: Sophie Qalmers
As I anticipated my upcoming trial this coming Wednesday, I have decided to dedicate today on reflecting upon the past.
Thirty years ago this year, I was born in the town of North Kempton. I was raised there on certain social manners there. I went to school there, from kindergarten through high school. Not much of that turned out to be significant to me until I met Cray Fenton in the fall of 1286. Up to that point, I had thought of life as drab and awful. Cray Fenton was a source of enlightenment for me. I had heard of him through the older brother of a friend of mine.
And that friend, believe it or not, was Brythar Foren.
That was in early high school. So I was not old enough to take part in Cray Fenton's Circle Project, but I was allowed to sit in and observe. They apparently had effectively reconstructed North Kempton, its history up to that point, the province of Nintel and its details, the entire nation of Retun, and even started building details of Locin and the Great North. It was an almost exact replica without the nuances and alterations present in the Arturian Realm. Its realism, initially, was what lured me. I mean I was fascinated with the Arturian Realm when I came to that later on. But the exact model of Remikran Society, and Cray Fenton's ability to craft the many social dynamics involved was something that blew my imagination. I begged and begged to be given permission to take part in his Project despite the age limit that every Member had to be at least 18 years old.
I finally got my wish in the fall of 1286. It was my final year of high school. And the previous school year, I signed the official paperwork finalizing the assignment choice of my senior project: an internship as a co-administrator for the Nintel Sector of Cray Fenton's dymensional plane.
I put forth my effort. I got good marks and graduated. And I contributed a lot to Cray Fenton's work. It was something I was proud of.
The issue with Cray Fenton was, believe it or not, his stance on the Darkfire Community. Early on, I had learned about the plight with Ceri Mains. I was inspired by her story, but I was also outraged by how much I had been lied to about the Darkfire Community itself. I was taught in my childhood that darkfire conjurers were morally corrupt individuals who had ulterior motives and sought to achieve their agendas via mind control and also conjuration of the dead. As the years went on, I realized that the dead-conjuration part was a completely false myth. Later on, I learned not only that the mind-control notion was a false myth as well, but that most of that type of propaganda...and propaganda I do appropriately call it...was spread by Reonard Chaney, who I have come to realize was quite the notorious, and even misogynist, radio host.
Cray Fenton, when I first met him, seemed very much in the same league as myself on this, as he also believed, and still believes to this day, that Reonard Chaney was wrong and that darkfire is not the morally corrupt art that the media is cracking it up to be.
But that was his limit. The more closely I worked with him during my senior project, the more I began to realize that Cray Fenton viewed darkfire conjuration as dangerous, regardless of morality. He did not outright believe that darkfire enabled mind control but believed that its influence on the emotions of a person was to such a degree that those with Involuntary Darkfire Conjuration Syndrome could not be trusted to interact freely with the rest of Remikran society.
This came to be when I was shown the part of Nintel that is actually under Finzi's regime in the Mount Carris Perimeter. Like in the real world, the Mount Carris Perimeter was enclosed in 100-foot-thick and 100-foot-tall concrete walls and a network of barbed wire fences. It gave a holistic picture of the great divide in our society that not only marginalizes the Darkfire Community but also cuts it off from the outside world. So I proposed an idea to Cray Fenton to knock down those walls and allow the Darkfire Community to integrate with the rest of Society.
Cray Fenton said that he would not even consider the idea.
I was shocked at first. I thought that Cray Fenton was out of his mind to do that. I went to my closest friend, Brythar Foren, and tried talking with him to maybe gang up on Cray to show that Cray does not quite yet understand what he believes in.
But that was when Brythar and I fell out. At first, he was still my friend but told me to leave my idea in the past. In other words, he insisted that Cray Fenton was the one with common sense and I was the one without it.
I had no other close friends in the Circle other than Cray and Brythar. But nonetheless, I determined to show them wrong. So I joined with a few of the Gallestons and their friends and set to work on a secret agenda to cast sophisticated spellwork in order to make the concrete of the walls brittle and the barbed wired fences dissolve into dust. The idea was to do this while Cray was gone, so that those avatars of the Darkfire Community would be given a chance to integrate into modern society. This, of course, was within Cray Fenton's dymensional plane, not the real world.
We kept this secret. We kept this steady. And we noted that Cray Fenton was going to be leaving with a friend named Tom Pero in early February of that year. So we chose the perfect date to launch our plan: February 6, 1287. I made a lot of good friends in the process, especially the Gallestons. I went from feeling frustrated to feeling at a very high point in my life. I felt proud against the misunderstandings of Cray and Brythar. And yes, I saw them as misunderstandings; and I was going to set them right with this, and have an impact on Cray's organization.
Of course, our plan was interrupted on February 6, 1287, when all the events happened, and all the panic spread. It shook us up. We obviously did not carry out the plan that day. And so we were left scrambled. After a few days, though, we regrouped and discovered that due to the national border closures, Cray Fenton was stuck in the Great North and would be for awhile. So we pulled ourselves together and decided to launch our plan on February 15.
During that week, rumor came that someone tried to hack our phone system. That of course caused concern among the Galleston leaders and Brythar, those who I deemed "old-timers." But we saw this as a perfect distraction, morally controversial is that would seem. And so on February 15, we launched our plan.
And it worked beautifully. The walls came down, the barbed wire dissolved. And all the darkfire avatars came out and integrated into Fenton's dymensional plane Remikra and did so gracefully.
I figured that this would be enough to change the minds of both Cray and Brythar. But then Brythar, upon seeing what happened, turned hostile on me. He had his avatar create mass numbers of daemons who rounded up all the darkfire daemons and destroyed them. He then rebuilt the Mount Carris Perimeter, and respawned the daemons inside. In other words, he had everything reset to the way it was before. To say I felt disappointed and let down on this was an understatement. But then Cray Fenton returned the following week, following the re-opening of the borders, and had me demoted to serving as a simple phone secretary role in the in-built reception office of the Galleston Farmhouse.
In other words, I was no longer working directly with the dymensional plane.
I had a little negotiation with Cray, with the hope that crowd pressure from the friends I had made during the great plan would back me up. But Brythar had stricken fear into them, convincing too many of them that I was actually crafting darkfire in order to sway them. Nonetheless, I did convince Cray to let me back into his dymensional plane, albeit with me reporting to a Third Level Society outcast named Carol Owen.
But therein at my low point, I ran into a source of inspiration: Jeo Brock. I had heard about him and his avatar-card invention at Cabotton University, but never met him while he was in North Kempton, even though we had gone to the same high school. About a month after the Lykian attacks, though, he had called me. Well, he called to Cray Fenton's project, and I happened to pick up the phone.
Jeo asked me a simple question: Where was Cray Fenton?
So I told him how Cray Fenton had been in the Great North, and how he was temporarily back in North Kempton again before heading off to Ebony Town. But I did not tell him the part about how during his stopover, Cray had demoted me. That was because this was right after I received the letter stating that I was accepted into Cabotton University. And by that point, I was inspired to finally leave North Kempton and join the ranks of Jeo at Cabotton University and the Third Level Society. So I asked him a lot of questions about his card agenda. He said that it was a hard battle, to which I told him that I knew how it felt.
And then I remembered, just before I had launched my darkfire plan, how some avatar named Rendo, accompanied by Rosane, and approached my avatar, named Sophie, and asked her the whereabouts of Cray.
It was from that point forward that I became hell-bent on leaving North Kempton and starting anew at Cabotton. Despite my shortcomings with Cray and his dymensional plane, I got good marks on my senior project and graduated high school. That fall, I moved into my residence at Cabotton University, where ultimately, I was to major in the real version of the pseudo-craft I used during my internship with Cray. The craft in question was lightfire.
I will try not to brag when I say this, but I will admit that I was strong in the academic knowledge part of the Lightfire Curriculum, and I got good marks in the music performance aspect of it, as required. I was a piano player, I remember. And I also did well in the rudimentary spellfire caster training courses, receiving my Spellcaster License by the end of October of that year. It was just that I could not do lightfire crafting, no matter how hard I tried. Looking back, I now know that lightfire crafting is not for everyone. And I was definitely one of the ones not naturally inclined to excel.
This was not helped by Josh Marquin, at the time, who was originally my study partner, but then became inspired by me for some reason, showing, shall I say, a little too much admiration for me. He was not aggressive, but was that one annoying person after all who would not leave me alone. Whether or not his approach was romantic is still unclear to me to this day. But nonetheless, his presence was a contributor toward my consideration to actually move on from Cabotton.
I did my best in the lightfire crafting core classes. I got passing grades. But my performance there was not terribly great. Everyone else knew that I would leave after the first semester. And West Horizon? Not even in my wildest dreams.
Most of my pride, though, came from the Third Level Society. I created my avatar, Lowen, that semester. Lowen was originally going to be female, but I decided to leave the avatar non-gendered so as to create as many questing opportunities as possible for them. I did, after all, notice some avatar-gender bias in the Arturian Realm. So I developed Lowen through numerous quests and experiences. But then I got busy with the mounting schoolwork. And then late in the month of October, I decided that my first semester at Cabotton would be my last. By that point, the schoolwork ebbed a little, ideally leaving time for lightfire students to begin networking with lightfire professionals. Instead of doing that, however, I indulged more with the development of Lowen, at the end of which period Lowen became pretty good at casting concealment for groups of avatars. Lowen, in fact, had grown a bit popular, helped not in the least by the fact that Lowen had a really good custom-built starship.
I was sad to leave that behind, I will admit. But unfortunately, I just could not continue to study at Cabotton University. And there were no other viable career options in the spellcrafter small business market of Cabotton proper. My life took me, ultimately, back to North Kempton, where I sought to completely avoid Cray Fenton by working a job in the back section of the North Kempton Library.
During my time at the Library, I became fascinated with the art of writing. And a little while later, I submitted a written work to the Royal College of Terredon in the Great North, who, to my surprise, accepted me as their student. Four years later, in 1292, I obtained my degree in Journalism, and shortly thereafter, landed my current position with the Three Points, the newspaper for the town of Three Points, Ereautea.
I started there as an editor, aspiring to become one of their Field Journalists. When the opportunity arose, I was passed over by Tom Kearney with the vague excuse of being that he "had more desirable experience." However, I am suspicious that there may be another reason.
In any case, the years and years of disappointment are what led me to this point. When Josh Marquin approached me with the idea of myself reporting on an independent article on everything currently happening with the Third Level Society, I felt that I had to take it. Being stuck as an editor was not my idea of fun when it came to my chaotic career path. So this would have to do.
Only now, I may be on the cusp of yet a large disappointment, the largest in my life.
Perhaps, though, perhaps I need to have a little hope. If this does not turn out to be a disappointment, it will be a major accomplishment, something to give me confidence in the years to come.
<- 06 November 1299 <- || -> 12 November 1299 ->
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random-racehorses · 1 year
Random Real Thoroughbred: FROC
FROC is a bay mare born in Australia in 1920. By RAEL LOCIN out of BOW BELLS. Link to their pedigreequery page: https://www.pedigreequery.com/froc3
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exgen24 · 1 year
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Also Elocin / Locin.
VPN - Virtual Private Nicole the Vtuber
אשת הניקול / אשת - the work superhero
I like you N. You're a hella weirdo. <3
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shqiperialive · 2 years
“Mos luaj të moralshmen”/ Ish-konkurrentja e “Për’puthen” i kthehet rëndë ndjekëses: Pse moj zonja injorancë...
“Mos luaj të moralshmen”/ Ish-konkurrentja e “Për’puthen” i kthehet rëndë ndjekëses: Pse moj zonja injorancë…
Që kur u bë pjesë e “Për’puthen” ajo mori menjëherë gjithë vëmendjen dhe u komentua shumë në rrjet. Shkak u bë edhe deklarata e saj që ditën e parë në emisionin e dashurisë, ku tha se ishte e virgjër. E kuptuar se është fjala për Sindi Locin,e cila tashmë është mjaft aktive në profilet e saj në rrjetet sociale. Ajo poston herë pas here foto të ndryshme në “Instagram” dhe bën biseda virtuale me…
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nguyenthiennhuong · 2 years
Lời bài hát I’m Supposed To Die Tonight
Lời bài hát I’m Supposed To Die Tonight
“I’m Supposed To Die Tonight” [Intro – 50 Cent] Ah man You know where the niggas be at right? Take me to ’em [Chorus – 50 Cent:] All through the hood, I keep hearin’ niggas sayin’ I’m supposed to die tonight niggas come put a hit out and they talkin’ like the shit okay I’m down to ride tonight We rolling, whip stolen, AK loaded I’m down to ride tonight We smokin’, straight locin’,…
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senderopress · 4 years
Silent Voices
They talk about how our lives will be better with a balance between mind, emotion and body, that's how they talk to live in the present moment. Sounds easy to some people, we think it's the opposite.
If we have to make a constant and prolonged effort to achieve this desired integration where some say that the light of the spirit manifests itself... and things happen that are indescribable to talk about.
We need to always do so for the rest of our lives, the shadows of evil, manifested in fragmentation and anguish, loom over our world, through the television, press and internet. It is now that we have to achieve that inner light.
LOCIN Jun 2020 Inspired by the writings of John Baines The Secret Science books I and II
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nicol345yei · 5 years
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bossladyward · 6 years
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That Great Feeling Of That Retwist Be The Ones 💙 . . . . . #Locs #LocJourney #Loc #LocLovin #LocLife #LocsAreBeautiful #MyLocsAreBeautiful #WomenWithLocs #Dread #Dreads #DreadLocs #LocNation #WomenHairStyles #ThisIsMe #LocStyles #NaturalLocs #OliviasNaturalLocs #OliviaLocs #DreadLocStyles #LocIn #MyDreadsAreBeautiful #Rastalocs #Rasta #RastaDreads #RastaDreadLocs #RetwistingLocs #Retwist #retwistdreads #Twist #LocNation https://www.instagram.com/p/BqO8dx7HDxM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1875bmxcrsj4y
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kimaruspell · 5 years
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Locin/Nimroa ---- DeathSong103 (Request Event)
Hey all! I have finally finished all of the watcher event pieces! Not only that, but I also finished Queue #1 in doing this! This is Locin, an aquatic Kivouack belonging to @deathsong103 He's shown here sitting atop of Nimroa's head as he's only 3' 9" and she's 9' 6"! I wanted him to keep his snarkiness and "This-is-now-my-throne" feeling so I hope I did him all right!!! Check out the Nimroa piece that I did! Click Here (Nimroa---DeathSong103 (ArtTrade event)) !
Posted using PostyBirb
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janelledarling · 5 years
It's wash day 😩 Depression has been kicking my ass lately and it's been a good minute since I tackled this mess of hair of mine.
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libraryofcirclaria · 1 month
May 1323 to April 1329
Library of Circlaria
Remikra Timeline
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The Peace and Reunification Movement of 1323
Stories of violence and brutality emerged from the ensuing conflict, and had an influence on Ellen Readon. Born in 1301, Readon witnessed economic declined and the war against Jeffeerson Davis' regime. She would later criticize these acts of war, and sided with Peter Umbol on the issues of Finzi's policies, taking part in the peaceful demonstrations in 1317. After Umbol's death, Readon established herself as a peace activist, and, citing building tension in the Commonwealth at the time, warned the public of imminent conflict.
During the violence of 1321, Readon decried the conflict, calling on Holz Finzi to cease; however, she was not believed. It was from this point on that she developed and implemented a strategy, which began with the establishment of a secret communication network between large numbers of soldiers from all sides. At noon on 4 January 1323, these soldiers disregarded orders and lay down their arms, while many of these, and civilians alike, peacefully disrupted government functions in Retun and Jestopole. While numerous factions continued to fight in rural regions, civil conflict was effectively brought to a standstill. Three days later, Prime Minister Finzi called for a special summit between the Combrian and Retunian leadership to be held at Cabbotton University. Such a meeting took place on 10 January, leading to the signing of the Jurisdiction Re-Establishment Deal, which initiated a cease-fire and respected the independence of the Combrian Confederation.
Relative peace and prosperity would ensue between March 1323 and April 1324.
In the beginning of the year 1324, the Commonwealth began hosting conferences and deep-trade transactions with the Ancondrian State of Ulbrae. This caused political controversy in the Commonwealth, as Finzi had, in the past, implemented heavy regulations and consumer protections on that sector of the economy. Under these measures, the Commonwealth had a Deep-Trade Administration that was, effectively, non-functional. But there was an exceptions clause, known as the Deep-Trade Allowance Policy, in which a Deep-Trade Administration representative or another entity could make a case to the Commonwealth Council regarding the worthiness of a prospective deep-trade deal, leading to the possibility for the full Administration to being voted in.
The Ulbrae State bypassed this measure on 16 March 1324, however, via consent from Lawrence Maynor, the incumbent Commonwealth Governor-General of the Ancondrian territories, and initiated deep-trade transactions. Controversy and unrest ensued in Remikra, as the media portrayed this as a deep-trade deal between the two entities, and was made worse on 8 April, when the Ulbrae State announced a temporary suspension of deep-trade functions. Prime Minister Finzi, in response, terminated all prospective deep-trade deals with the Ulbrae and, furthermore, launched an investigation into the matter. When the Ulbrae State resisted such inquiries, armed confrontations erupted. Governor-General Maynor was eventually impeached by the Commonwealth Council, as Finzi appointed Robert Climon to assume the position. The Council, in an effort to create balance and avoid another controversial deep-trade motion, voted on 14 April for the full establishment of the Deep-Trade Administration; the other heavy regulations would remain, however.
Petty Wars, Silba Fallouts, Economic Woes, and Lightfire Booms
Between September and October of 1324, a lightfire forum ensued in Silba, yielding disappointing results for the Commonwealth, and leading Retunian investors to begin withdrawing from Ancondrian initiatives. Prime Minister Finzi and the Commonwealth Council voted to buy lightfire tradestones, as part of government protocol. Between 1325 and 1326, the Southern Remikran nation of Locin began staging harsher measures of resistance against the Remikran Union, citing claims of further intervention by the Linbraean Regiondom in its education system. Locin, in turn, sided against the Commonwealth, owing to the Commonwealth's upholding of Waltmann's Global Academy. And before long, border "scuffles" ensued, in which Locian and Commonwealth troops shot at each other from across the border. This had an adverse effect on the tradestone markets across the Remikran Union.
Finzi implemented an economic stimulus measure, which led to the return of investment in the lightfire industry and a large yield from the Ancondrian lightfire forums in November of 1328. However, along with the lightfire boom came the increase in conflict within the Remikran Union. On 6 February 1328, a standoff between Locinian and Commonwealth forces prompted a limited invasion effort carried out by Finzi, marking the official beginning of the Petty Wars.
The Return of Benjamin Arnold Syndrome
Matters were made worse during this time, when Benjamin Arnold Syndrome returned to Middle Remikra, this time, present in numerous regions across the nation. In the spring of 1329, a great outbreak would leave millions of Retunians dead, as numerous entities, blaming Holz Finzi, would rival each other with differing agendas and plunge the Commonwealth into another period of civil conflict.
<- September 1321 <- || -> May 1329 to December 1332 ->
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indigogirled · 2 years
TAKE OFF THAT FROWN YOU'RE IN LOOOOVCEEEEE 👩‍❤️‍👩👩‍❤️‍👩👩‍❤️‍👩👩‍❤️‍👩👩‍❤️‍👩
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loctress · 3 years
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If you’re locin and you know it, swing your locs!!!
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serass · 6 years
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tell me your honest opinion about me on anon
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