…3…2….1….aaaand rolling!
[A recording seems to be playing. A young, tall African American male with blue glasses and a scar is barely in frame, an orange palleted room in frame. He awkwardly grins, waving at the screen. A orange background is in the frame, belonging to a Rotom Phone, which hangs in the right side of the border.]
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‘Ello, and yello, everybody! I’m Lochland Prowse, born and raised in Galar, and current attendee of the elite Naranja Academy! The person doing the footage is my partner, Roto! Why don’t you introduce yourself?
(Bzzt! That wazn’’t in the script >:/)
Ahem! Hi! I’m Roto, and I’m a Rotom-Phone! I’ll be Lochland’z assistant for most postz and/or videox like thiz! Which leadz uz to the main reason we made thiz blog, bzzt!
This Rotoumblr blog is meant to bring back memories of Professor Oak’s Radio Show, except me and Roto are gonna be doing a whole lot more! Our new school allows us to travel for a few months all around the Paldea region, and during that time, we plan on traveling and showing off all the great Pokemon that we can find and research! A deep dive, if you will!
(Ough, that’s such a catchy title, why didn’t I think of that as the blog name….)
A-anyways! This includes, but isn’t excluded to: The history of the towns, types of Pokemon and their biology, as well as if I’m allowed, Gym Battles!
For right now though, you guys can just ask us some questions! Me and Roto are an open book!
That’s all! I hope some people enjoy watching our travels! Bye bye <3
(.......Ten dollars says this flops,)
(Bzzt! I can only do LP.)
[Pelipper Mail: Open!]
[Magic Anon: Off (for now)]
Current Pokémon (League Card)
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- Pavé/Quaxwell
- Garlic/Shroomish
- Rosa/Charcadet
(Non Battling)
- Roto (Rotom/Rotom Phone)
- Fangs the ???
Hi! Re-doing this blog! I’m the mun here! I’ve had Lochland as an oc for about two years, and thought it’d be cute to show him off! He’ll be the protagonist of a SV universe, and he has his own self contained story, which you will see throughout the blog! I am perfectly fine RP with others though!
This blog will switch between low stakes to high stakes storylines, especially towards the end of his story, so those will be properly tagged and made aware of so that people can blog or simply not interact if needed!
Basic boundaries apply, both mun and character are minors!
tagging system
#lochland-here! > Lochland
#roto-sayz > Rotom
#(blank)-arc > whatever’s going on at the time!
#post > blog post
#ask > asks, either anonymous or regular
#monoftheday > pokemon biology and headcannons!
#thisfinetown > town/city they’re in
#video > videos! probably tagged with #monoftheday
#herba-hunting > Path of Legends Storyline
#gym arc > Victory Road Storyline (might get changed.)
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quilt-cove · 11 months
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Lake dragon boy
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sterina-sims · 2 months
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*blows dust off draft post* I wasn't sure if I'd ever post this, after I borked my game... But here we are! A while ago, I started a new medieval charter challenge because that's what I do. Here's some pictures of the small settlement.
I got inspired by @lochlander with regards to architecture. It made it so much easier to build nicely and coherently. I think my lil' neighborhood looks quite good.
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thedoodlemuffin · 3 months
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Been a while since I posted any art on here but here are some WIPs I'm working on!
Been trying to push for more full body poses and actually drawing proper clothing. Folds are hard but I'm happy with how these turned out so far.
The one with colors is my boy Rat, then Lochland who is part of another OCs backstory, and then my newest addition Maggot with his pet spooder.
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lame2882 · 7 months
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I’ve been neglecting this page and Lochland lately so here is some love for both.
I love hot murder-y men 🥰
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lochlander · 3 months
hello! could you maybe tell me where the woman's outfit in this picture is from? (it's a beautiful picture btw!)
Thank you! It's Skell's Dairy Man's Daughter, which she posted at Plumbbob Keep in 2015 and on Tumblr here.
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a bit o'skirt, she's the one sold her 'air
AN: scrooge 1951 but they lesbians
The first time Jacobine Marley sold her hair, she was fifteen.
She'd been working an extra shift at the local pub when James Lochland came in. His cough always seemed to come before him, as if to announce his presence. He slammed a coin he assuredly did not have yesterday on the table, and smiled at her with bloody teeth.
"A pint for m'self, Jackie." He said. "I'm shipping out."
"Not in the navy, you're not." She said as she poured the brew.
"And how!"
"The navy'd never take a wreck like you." Jacobine's father, for what he'd been worth, had been a sailor. She knew the sea.
"They would with Le Emperour on the move!" James spat. "The navy's taking all they can get."
"Yup. No exam or nothin'. Men worse off than me enlisted, and are getting paid the same way!" When he told her the rate of pay, she gasped. It was more than she made in a month.
Jacobine sat that night, on her side of the bed, staring off at the sea. She knew it better than anyone. Surely better than James Lochland. She was the best swimmer in their tiny village by far. And there was no man who could beat her in a fight. It'd be easy. Surprisingly easy. No inspections.
When she ran to London, she left behind a lock of hair. Her mother wouldn't starve, not while she had air in her lungs. It wasn't hard for her to pass as a young man. She'd inherited all her father's rough qualities, and not enough of her mother's nice ones. She was as dainty as a dishrag, as delicate as a cow. Broad and tall for her age. The only thing feminine about her was her hair.
She'd always kept it long. Once, a long time ago, even before she started wearing trousers and spitting, her mother had ideas of making her a lady. And she'd told Jacobine that her hair was her treasure.
"It's so very beautiful," Her mother had said. "You're beautiful."
That was a lie. But her hair was about the only beautiful thing about Jacobine Marley. She'd kept it long, even when she shouldn't. And now it had to go.
She sold it to a wigmaker, who just about salivated over the locks. When the cutting was done, she felt too light.
In the mirror stared back a boy. It'd be easy to hide now.
But she didn't like it all the same.
When the Navy threw her out for her broken leg and her 'fairer sex', Jacobine Marley swore she'd never cut her hair again.
She continued to do everything men said she shouldn't. She drank and spat and swore, and did math and liked business and liked other women. She wore trousers and kept her medals, and still swam like the wind. But she never chopped her hair. Scrooge once asked her about that, when they were young and still desperate for each other. Jacobine had been brushing it out after a night of 'checking the ledgers'. Scrooge had watched her with narrowed eyes.
"Why do you bother with that? I'd have thought you'd have cut it all off. It seems more your style."
"I like it long." She said, tying it back with a ribbon. "Too short, and I look ugly."
"You always look ugly." Scrooge said primly. "Never took you for vain."
"About this, I am. Kept it short for Prince George for too long. Now he don't get anything from me."
Scrooge hummed. Her fingers brushed through it. "It is very nice. You could get a pretty coin for it."
She didn't laugh. Scrooge sat silently, and then rolled over to consult a book.
"You've made a mistake. Here. Come back."
A sailor of the navy never denied such a request.
The second time Jacobine Marley sold her hair, she was 39.
Jorkins had gone too far this time. The other members of the board were on his case. A meeting was being called, and a chance could be taken. It would take everything they had, but they had it. They had a chance.
They counted the money again, and then again, and then again. It was Scrooge who gave up first.
"Just short." She said, with quiet desperation. "Just short. We've tapped out our savings, and I dare not go for credit. Jacobine, what are we to do?"
It wasn't like her to panic. This was bad.
"Shut up." Jacobine growled. It was the closest to comfort she could give. "I'll think of something." Scrooge got up to review the books again. "I don't suppose we can whore ourselves." She said it as a joke. But Jacobine didn't laugh.
The wigmaker was still there, right by the docks. She hardly seemed to have aged. Jacobine couldn't say the same.
"How much for the lot?" The woman looked at her like she was mad until she unpinned her hair. Her eyes widened in undisguised delight. Jacobine knew it well. It was the look of a vulture. She was like her.
The amount was exactly what they needed.
Jacobine still closed her eyes when she made the cut.
There was just enough left to tie back when the scissors stopped snipping. Just enough to secure with a ribbon. But she didn't bother.
The woman gave her the money, and that was that. She was on her way back to the financial district. She didn't look at her reflection the whole way.
When she arrived, she kept her hair tied under a kerchif. Scrooge didn't ask how she got the money. And she didn't know until they went to the meeting, and she took the kerchif away. The lack of weight on her head made her feel like a sailor. She didn't like that at all.
Scrooge's eyes widened, but she said nothing.
The only acknowledgment she ever made of it was that night, when they were now Misses Scrooge and Marley, primary owners of the company. They'd crawled back to their rooms, too tired to even consider innuendo. She'd unfurrowed her hair, feeling what was left with aged hands. It bit at her hands, too sharp, too light. There was a few strands of grey.
She could taste sea water and blood.
Scrooge's hands were surprisingly gentle. The brush she took to it had once been Jacobine's mother's. The last time she'd had her hair brushed, her mother had still been alive.
"It looks better than I thought it would." Scrooge said as she brushed it out.
That was 'thank you'.
"I got a good price for it. Shut you up, 'least."
That was 'I love you'.
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loched-off · 3 months
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Yo. Lochland here! made a little sideblog just for the fuck of it! I go by they/he pronouns and I’m probably somewhere on the spectrum, or neurodspicy in general. I’m black cis male, but I don’t reclaim the n-slur. Not online anyways.
I’m gay and I reclaim the f-slur, not to mention get a bit suggestive and push the limits on nsft content. nothing too vulgar but heads-up to just block if it makes you uncomfortable.
My main fandoms are Pokémon (extremely hyperfixated on Scarlet and Violet), Neon Genesis Evangelion, Bugsnax, Undertale/Deltarune, and basic cartoon shows.
I’m also a DND fan and I’m listening to the Magnus Archives in my spare time!
My main music genres are folk, rock, and indie. (with like. some jazz on the side but shhh). I wish I had the most grungy hoodies and boots but I’m kinda basic at this point.
DFNI: Proshitters, 30+ unless we’re close friends, self h@rm fetishers, Christians and/or Catholics(Unless we’re friends), TERFS, general bigots
- I swear a lot. Like MORE THAN USUAL.
- I’m Down Bad and a lot more open about it….especially for men wayyy older than me.
- I vent. I’ll vent. I have issues. I’m in therapy. Deal with it I guess.
Uhhh. That’s it. 👍🏾 Have fun ig
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It's getting to be that time of year again! ( I know, that Halloween hasn't even happened yet, but it will be here before you know it) My 3rd annual holiday minis are available for booking through the link in my bio! (at Lochland Botanicals) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj_49SrOhYw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hey rotumblr, specifically gym leaders, elite four and run of the mill trainers! having a debate with my friend, do you guys tend to twist the effects of your moves?
for example, one trainer created the counter shield, using his Pokemon’s attacks to block the hits or attacks of his opponent, his Buizel spinning while using Water Gun. Is that a legit tactic?
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16reapergrell66 · 4 years
Saw the Winter Ball charms are out again. Might as well shove this back into the shuffle.
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ozneedle · 4 years
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im stealing @furbyq​‘s idea of having one sim canonically owning basically every community building in town so. heres parsimmon lochland! im very tired and he didn’t turn out exactly how i was planning but he’s pretty cute i think
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parsimmon: i would like to buy the park
realtor: ...you need money for that, or at least a house first
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parsimmon: well where am i supposed to get a house
realtor: you buy one from us :)
parsimmon: >:(
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lame2882 · 2 years
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I don’t post a lot of my fanon stuff here, but I really like this design so I’m changing that.
I’ve posted Lochland before, but don’t really talk about how he was originally a Legend of Zelda fan character. He’s an ancient and bitter spirit of a past hero that accompanies a different hero fan OC.
Of course, this whole thing is an au to the canon Legend of Zelda universe. The canon timeline is confusing af and I’m not dealing with that. So if I continue to post about my fanon Zelda universe, don’t expect things to line up with canon 100%
Okay, now for the character himself
Lochland is an incarnation that came before Majora’s Mask. The reason why his name is Lochland and not the usual Link is because of… well, Lochland wasn’t meant to be the hero in the first place. In my au, heroes are predetermined before they are born. Their spirits are handcrafted by the goddesses and are reincarnated just in time to stop Ganon. However, Ganon managed to catch the goddesses off guard, making it impossible for them to send a hero in time. So instead, the goddesses put the hero’s soul into a mortal who was already of age to defeat Ganon, and that mortal just so happened to be Lochland. The reason as to why he was chosen will be discussed in a later post, I’m sure.
Anyway, as the hero, he fought in the war against Ganon as the general of the Hylian Army. He took a lot of injuries in battle, losing his foot and ear being one of them.
In the end, he defeats Ganon but is cursed by the demon king’s final breath. A curse that trapped him with every future incarnation of the hero.
As a spirit, he watches every hero after him relive his worst traumas, maybe even becoming more traumatized than him. And he watches them do horrific things at such young ages. It hurts him and makes him grow bitter. Bitter towards the goddesses that he believed forced them into this vicious cycle. And in retaliation, he tries to keep the future heroes from completing their duty… which becomes a problem for the goddesses and Hyrule.
And that’s all I have to say about this little au for now! I’ll probably post things from both Foranon and this Zelda AU from now on. I hope you like them :]
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esotheria-sims · 6 years
hey i was just wondering...i've seen a lot of MM, but are there people who play a more realistic game? i mean, except for you and maybe a couple of others, i haven't seen many...
Oh, there’s definitely still a lot of semi-realistic players out there. :) Since I’m  assuming you’re asking for recs I’m going to compile a list.
(Note: the community doesn’t necessarily agree on what exactly constitutes a ‘semi-realistic’ style, but for the sake of my list I’m going to assume it’s players who play cc-heavy, with pooklet’s textures/colors for hair and skinblends that are shiny/detailed). I’m concentrating more on active bloggers though there are going to be some inactive ones too, in case you’d like to check them out.
ON TO THE LIST! (under the cut because it got really long)
@0201-sims (cc creator, currently inactive) | @2fingerswhiskey (cc creator) | @a-demimonde | @aklira (cc creator) | @alexbgd (currently plays TS3 but has lots of nifty TS2 pics as well) | @alexsh-19 | @alwayssims2 (cc creator, currently inactive) | @amidalasims | @ania-sims (cc creator) | @anitka-sims | @backerbse (currently playing TS4 but has nice TS2 pics and cc as well) | @badchriss | @beautifulnerdkitty (cc creator) | @bettssims (cc creator) | @blackswan-sims | @blaenil | @brattylulu (80′s aesthetic) | @brothersborges | @bunsblr (currently inactive) | @candydarlings (cc creator, makes and shared lovely sim homes) | @carriests2designsworld​ (cc creator) | @charlotkas-simblr (cc creator) | @chocosims2 (their edited TS2 pics are stunning!) | @cindysimblr | @classlion | @clonesimsimsclones (currently inactive) | @convenient-tragedy | @cordelia-haze (cc creator, has lovely pics) | @criquette-was-here (master of hood decoration) | @daturaobscura (currently inactive but has gorgeous pics) | @davidlevitan (same as with daturaobscura) | @digitalangels (cc creator, also runs @sims2packrat) | @dramallamadingdang | @driftsatellite (has a very distinctive style) | @eir-ung (cc creator, posts heavily edited but gorgeous pics) | @ellusims | @emperorofthedark (writes awesome horror stories and uses sims to illustrate them) | @e-neillan (cc creator) | @ergo-cyn | @eulaliasims (gorgeous gameplay pics) | @fakebloood | @frauhupfner (dedicated to a steampunk style) | @greatcheesecakepersona (makes awesome, game-changing mods) | @grecadeasimsstudios (cc creator and storyteller, also posts to @srath-farath) | @haut-gothique | @imaginaryboutique (cc creator) | @immerso-sims | @iolanta-missis-moore (cc creator) | @jahkatai (has a very distinctive style) | @jodeliejodelie (currently inactive but has gorgeous house makeovers) | @john-ts-sh-ai | @julietoon-sims2 (cc creator) | @kacicka777 (cc creator + posts lovely interior pics) | @katashkin (makes medieval cc) | @kim-lewis2 | @kim-simpearls (cc creator) | @kirschelatte | @kristyail (cc creator) | @leaf-storm (currently inactive but has a distinctive style) | @le-chat-noir-blog (cc creator) | @lemon-lime-sims | @lilsisterg | @lilithpleasant (reblogs lots of simblrs, check her blog for more recs!) | @limonaire (cc creator) | @linasims2 (a.k.a Trapping, cc creator) | @littledevilsims (currently inactive) | @lochlander (currently inactive, plays a period game) | @loch-pearl (currently inactive but has gorgeous pics) | @lowedeus (cc creator, makes game-changing mods) | @luchiatores | @lunatachka | @marioneves2 | @marvelann (alternates between semi-rl and mm, nails both) | @maryannsims2 | @mdpthatsme (plays both TS4 and TS2, cc creator) | @medsie (currently inactive) | @mikexx2 | @mortia (plays a medieval game) | @motherof70 (currently inactive, plays a medieval game) | @mrs-mquve-cc (cc creator) | @ms5starchic23 | @msteaqueen (cc creator) | @mustluvcatz-reloaded (cc creator) | @mysimmylicioussims (makes and shares decorated lots) | @nelphaell (cc creator, has a distinctive style) | @neud-sims2 | @nikaonishko (cc creator) | @nintendolover13 (cc creator) | @ove51 (reblogs lots of simblrs, check her blog for more recs!) | @paranoia0612 | @phinae-simblr | @pistxl-sims | @pixelry (cc creator) | @pollysims2 | @rdshopcc (cc creator) | @redsimmer-blog (cc creator) | @rented-space (cc creator) | @retromaisie | @riekus13 (cc creator) | @rosemint-sims (plays an awesome post-apocalyptic game!) | @sadepaivas | @sariadeea | @serabiet (distinctive style, flawless aesthetics) | @simbury (plays a period game) | @simblrsilverl (cc creator) | @simper-fi | @sims2-secretgarden (cc creator) | @simsmilasmith | @skyburned (currently inactive, sim storyteller) | @squeezleprime (plays a medieval game) | @theatticbox (plays a medieval game) | @theboldandthebeautifulsims (cc creator, currently inactive) | @thecrimsonsparkles | @thepathofnevermore (plays mostly TS3 but also has TS2 pics and cc) | @timeparadoxsims | @tinkersnook | @titlesimslemon (cc creator) | @toujours-fatale (QUEEN YUXI. Sadly no longer playing TS2) | @uranium-z | @vampireacademysims (Sims 2 graphic novel, also posts as @gphoenixsims) | @whysim (cc creator) | @yakumtsaki (sim storyteller) | @zena-dew-drop (cc creator)
Did I go overboard with this? I absolutely did! :D But even so, this is by no means a complete list of all semi-realistic players out there. I didn’t list a lot of inactive simmers, and even among the active ones I’m sure I must have missed someone.  
If any of my followers know of more (preferably active) semi-realistic blogs, feel free to add them!
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alo-bien · 6 years
With a Blow of the Wind (The Pirate and the Princess)
This is the second part of a long fic, but it fits with today's theme
@pjofemslashweek :
Day 5: Period AU
Chapter 1/ Chapter 2/ Chapter 3
Chapter 2
The ship rocked from side to side, the sound of the waves crashing against the hull accompanied Reyna and Lisa as they trained in the main deck. On the horizon, a red sun came to meet the sea. They’d been training for the past hour while the rest of the crew ate dinner. Well, Lisa trained. Reyna supervised her.
“Ten more. You need to outlast your opponent if you want to win.”
Lisa stood by one of the masts, doubled over, holding a skin of water. “Why don’t you do this with me? Don’t you have to keep in shape, too?” She took a sip from the skin.
Reyna noticed how the sweat slid down her face as she drank. For a moment, she thought about giving her a rag to dry herself. “Break’s over. I’ll do the last ten with you.” She started jogging.
Lisa groaned behind her but caught up to her.
Reyna glanced at her from the corner of her eye. “When are you going to tell me your real name?”
“Why do you want to know?”
“Lisa… It doesn’t suit you.”
Lisa laughed. They were about to complete their first lap around the ship.
“I feel strange calling you that.”
“Then call me by my other name. Felix.”
Now was Reyna’s turn to laugh. She saw her smiling, too. For the rest of their jog, they stayed silent. At one point, Lisa fell behind, almost stopping, but Reyna grabbed her hand and made her go on. She was sure Lisa almost fainted once but kept going. That was something she’d noticed about her: she never gave up. Reyna wondered if she’d given up on returning home to her loved ones or was planning something to confront the ones hunting her down.
After the jog, they went down to the mess room, where a few crew members played cards and drank rum. As soon as they saw Reyna, they put their cards down. “Captain! We were starting to get worried.”
“Training lasted more than I thought today.” Reyna walked over to one of the cabinets where they stored some hardtack and salted meat. She took out two plates and the jars containing them. She served them and passed one of the plates to Lisa. They sat down and ate.
When Reyna finished, she put the plates in the dirty stack. “I’ll be in my quarters if you need anything,” she told Lisa.
Once in her cabin, Reyna went over the route they would be taking. She'd calculated they would spend two more weeks at sea, sailing close to the coast of Lochland, waiting for the merchant ships that passed close. However, those plans could change with a blow of the wind. The royal navy could end up being called by one of the ships and get them on the run at any moment. That rarely happened now, ever since Reyna learned letting the ocean settle was more pleasant than spending a night at a royal dungeon. That time definitely left a mark on Reyna. She traced the map with her finger, stopping in the Sea of Lions, where her sister was. If they needed shelter, Reyna could pay a visit to her sister. It’d have to go through the crew’s approval first, but they were always up for a stop there.
Reyna turned around when the door creaked behind her. In the doorway stood Percy, holding two glasses and a bottle of rum. “It’s been a long time since we last did this.” He entered the room and closed the door behind him. He went around Reyna to the other side of the table, sitting in one of the chairs around it. Percy motioned for her to sit down on her end.
She sighed and sat down. Percy slid one of the glasses across the table towards her then poured the bronze liquid in it. “What’s bothering you?” Reyna took the glass, glanced at it, and focused on Percy.
“Why would something be bothering me? Can’t we have a talk in your cabin with rum without it meaning anything?”
“We both know we only do this when something’s bothering us.” Reyna drank from the glass. “It’s about the girl, isn’t it?”
“I don’t have anything against her, in fact, I like her very much—”
“Too much, in my opinion. Didn’t think you two could make the whole crew run away at the sight of you together,” Reyna muttered.
“And we’re very proud of that.” Percy grinned but turned serious again. “Here’s the thing though, we know close to nothing about her. I know she told she’s running away from someone. We need to know who that is.”
“It’s not that simple. What makes you think she will tell me that when she hasn’t given me her real name?”
“We need to know as much for her safety as well as our own. Put it in that perspective and I’m sure she’ll tell you something.” Percy drank the content of his glass and poured himself more. “If we know what we’re dealing with, we can be prepared for it.”
For the rest of the night, Reyna and Percy drank the bottle away, laughing and talking. They ended up with five empty bottles of rum by the time Reyna stopped laughing. When Percy started to bother her about her interest in the girl, she vaguely thought about punching the little sea snake for getting her drunk. She tried to avoid the topic, asking questions of her own about Percy’s romantic life, but Percy knew her, and by doing that she knew he’d confirmed his suspicions.
“You really have a liking for the mysterious ones.” He swayed in his chair as he pointed a finger at Reyna. “Remember that one fling you had with the leader of the Lightning Pirates?”
Reyna went to grab him but fell across the table. She tried her best glare and failed since she couldn’t focus on one point while the room spun around her. “You agreed to not bring it up again.”
“You’re drunk you won’t even remember this tomorrow.” Percy pointed at himself. “And I’ll be safe.”
“How come you aren’t as drunk?”
“Two words: Cards and rum.”
Those were the last words Reyna heard before blacking out.
Reyna counted the coins in her hand, putting them on the table in stacks of equal value. She was interrupted by someone knocking on the door. “Who is it!?”
“Come in!” Reyna continued making the stacks. She heard the door open and close behind her accompanied by Lisa’s light steps. Once she finished with the coins, she turned to face her. “What brings you here? You don’t have training today.”
“It’s been almost three weeks since we left Vernubés…” Lisa licked her lips. “I have to tell you something about my escape.”
Reyna raised her eyebrows. “Do you want to sit down?”
“Yes, that would be good.” Lisa walked over to the opposite side of the table and sat down. She put her hands on the table. “First off, my name’s Piper.”
“I wasn’t expecting you to drop your name like that.”
“I got to know you enough during these past weeks to at least trust you with my name.”
“Well, then it’s my honor knowing your name.” Reyna grinned. She took one of the stacks of coins and gave it to Piper. “Since you’re here, that is your share from these past weeks.”
Piper took the coins but lacked the usual smile that came with receiving them. “I… I can’t take this.”
“You’ve worked as much as any crew member. Your help needs to be appreciated in some way.”
“What you have taught me is enough for me. I never thought I would get to see—to live, like this.”
“You still need the money.” Reyna started to consider all the possible reasons for Piper to be acting the way she was. Daughter of a rich merchant? Runaway princess? Rich father/family?
“The truth is I don’t need the money. What I do need is your help.” Piper breathed in. Reyna leaned back in her chair. “I’m the princess of Lochland and I have to find my father to take back the throne.”
The world stopped for Reyna. The ticking of the clock in her cabin became a background noise as the words echoed in her head. No more than a year ago she’d turned down the offer to steal in the name of the Northern Islands’ crown, in hopes of staying away from political issues and remaining independent. Now, she was being asked by a princess to help her take back the throne to her kingdom. For a moment, she considered dragging Piper out of her cabin and closing the door in her face. Fortunately for Piper, Reyna wasn’t one to run away from her problems. Unfortunately for her, the problems seemed to come knocking at her door. “How do you plan on doing that?”
“I was hoping you could help me out with that part.” Piper smiled at her. Reyna sighed.
“Give me a rundown of what happened.”
Piper told her how her father had disappeared without leaving any trace, and how three nights later someone tried to kill her in her sleep. She managed to escape with only a scratch in her forearm, but she lost the kingdom. By the time Piper met Reyna, she’d been on the run for a week. According to Piper, nobody had followed her, but she couldn’t return. Not until she found out where her father was.
“You think the ones behind this are the Andrus, right?”
“I’m certain of it. This would be their move to get the throne. They have always wanted it”
Reyna rubbed her temples. “Do you know of any of their safe houses? They might be keeping your father in one of them.”
“No, I stayed away from them. Their son and I didn’t exactly get along.”
“We don’t have much to work with here. We’ll have to wait until we dock in Vernubés. If whomever they sent is good, they would have tracked you down there and they’ll be waiting. We can use that to our advantage.”
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mdpthatsme · 6 years
hi i really enjoy your S2BO story as i like to see people's takes on sims premades and i heard you have other stories made using sims 2 and i was wondering what they are about.
Search tags like “sims 2 story” here on Tumblr. There are literally thousands upon thousands of stories that use the sims 2 to portray their tale.  Forums also have places where people submit stories. GOS and HHS are two places that I used to update links, but I will admit, I have been lazy about that since joining Tumblr.
But here are some links:
Besides Sims 2 Bustin Out, I have a couple other sims 2 stories: The Gang and Alternate Universe.
@holleyberry Just Pleasantview / Dossanina / Widespot@strangetomato Strangetown, Here We Come / JRO Family (AU)@thesimtraveler (un)Pleasantview@whattheskell Fortune and Romance@dunne-ias thirty.@simtopi Simtopi@deedee-sims Bloodred Diamond@holesoulsims Deserter@quinndominion I Am Become A NAME@pleasant-lives Pleasantview: Secrets@yakumtsaki No Love Lost@therearecookieshere Pleasant Twins@threadsoftheeasternseas Faete of the ‘View@lochlander Simple Pleasantries@emperorofthedark All Stories@vampireacademysims Comic
dinuriel The Kingdom of Naroni / In Verona (and so many more)Theraven Little Fire Burning@nappe-plays-the-sims Isolerad@simlishnoir Bella Square
Abandoned/NoLongerInTheCommunity works, but still enjoyable reads:
@13pumpkin31 Sugar Coated Simsgoodbye-sun 100 Days of Sorrow / Weapon of Choice I guess Like Blaming the Rain has been deleted :(atomicspaceskitty Worlds Apart / Monster and Maidenbri247 Golden FlamesSenate The Bella Files
I know I have missed so many, but reblog if you want to add others.  Just Sims 2 stories please.
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