#location terms for star rail
voiceoutofstars · 6 months
Another fan narration of HSR. This is the first part in a collection of Data Bank entries on Terms, including all Locations (as of 2.0).
Concepts - 00:00
Herta Space Station - 00:47
Jarilo-VI - 02:26
Xianzhou Luofu - 04:37
Penacony - 06:11
Music Tracks are "Reflected Light" by SergePavkinMusic, "Sinius" by Daljit Kundi, "Beata" by OB-LIX and "Dark" by Haletski.
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moon--meeks · 2 months
hello i have the geology flavor of autism an am so so normal about honkai star rail an have not stoped thinking about the myriad celestia trailer so im going to make a thread of fun facts about the gems/minerals each of the stone hearts are named after topaz: ❥ topaz is naturally colorless but gets its color from elemental impurites ❥ the word topaz comes from the greek word Τοπαζος (topazos) ❥topaz is most commonly used in jewelry ❥ its the state gemstone of Utah! Aventurine: ❥ Aventurine is a form of quartzite ❥ the word Aventurine comes from the italian word a ventura meaning by chance ❥ its a mineral! not a gem! ❥ green aventurine is the most common Jade: ❥ Jade is actually the common term two diffrent minerals, nephrite an jadeite. ❥ nephrite is usually darker than jadeite due to it haveing more amphibole an jadeite having more pyroxene ❥ the word jade comes from the french l'ejade meaning kidney area Sugilite: ❥ imma be honest i havent heard of this mineral before the trailer droped an thats probably because its very new as it was discovered in 1944! ❥ sugilite was discovered by Kenichi Sugi who it was named after ❥ most sugilite is purple or pink Agate: ❥ Agate is the common term for the banded variety of chalcedony ❥ the word comes from the ancient greek word for the dirllo river, Achates where it is said to first be discovered ❥ Agate is formed from lava an volcanic rocks Pearl: ❥Pearl is not a mineral as it comes from living creatures making it an organic material ❥ pearls are made of the same thing shells (an tums!), calcium carbonate ❥ natural pearls were most commonly found in the persian gulf Sapphire: ❥ Sapphire is the blue variety of corundum, the second hardest mineral on the mohs hardness scale ❥ the word comes from the greek word σάπφειρος (sappheiros) but back then was talking about lapis lazuli ❥ Sapphire is one of the minerals used on sand paper! Amber: ❥ not a mineral, it is fossilized tree resin so it is organic material ❥ 90% of the worlds Amber is located in Lithuania ❥ the word comes from the arabic word anbar Opal: ❥ Opal is a mineraloid because its naturally occuring but doesnt have the crystaline structure of other minerals ❥ the word opal comes from the sanskirt word upala meaning jewel ❥ Opal is the national gemstone of australia Obsidian: ❥ Obsidian is classified as a rock since it is formed rapidly cooling lava ❥ this baby is VERY sharp it was used in paleolithic times to make cutting an hunting blades and was used as surgical tools ❥ the word comes from the latin lapis obsidianus
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writtenbyjeanofarc · 8 months
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Blade X Reader | 1.8k
𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: gothic lit, dark fantasy, eventual smut.
𝖈𝖜: none, as of the moment.
“When will death come for me? My patience is wearing thin.”
A skilled swordsman, hunter, and consumer of blood, Blade’s name is feared with a body count of over fifty thousand deceased hunters in the battlefield. From hundreds of enemies, he stood amongst other Stellaron Hunters for his ability to ingest blood and guts of mere mortals, something not expected of his kind. Kafka knows this, in fact all his fellow hunters and swordsmen have long figured out his insatiable hunger for the weak and frail.
But in spite of his endless meals since he found the world, he has embarked on a personal quest. That is, to find the perfect mate worth consuming (and perhaps, killing) for the sake of lifting the curse that brought about his immortality.
Blade never played soft with his intentions, and he never portrayed himself as a sweet man with whom he went in for the kill. He was never gentle, not even in his pursuit of the little old you—a fragile princess protected by the security of your father’s kingdom.
You were but a princess confined to four walls for you held on a special ability which was able to slowly kill whoever got ahold of you. After accidentally poisoning your soon-to-be husband in a wedding, your father decided to lock you far away in his other castle, doomed to never experience the beauty of marriage or intimate affairs.
Blade craved death far more than you needed air to breathe, and upon Kafka’s discovery of your existence, she alerts him of a potential cure to his immortality—your soul.
The man himself keeps this in mind, and will stop at nothing but to hunt you down, granting he draws his final breath after one night with you.
𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗’𝖘 𝕹𝖔𝖙𝖊:
Just a heads up, because I have yet to admit this, but I don’t, and actually never played Honkai Star Rail. So perhaps you can expect some OOC Blade and canon divergence, though I also did some research. However, seeing this man made me go through some kind of brainrot. It’s official. I have the HOTS FOR THIS MAN. So I cooked up this fic.
Minors and ageless blogs don’t interact. I whipped this up last minute because I have a lot of spare time with my hands.
Not proofread. No beta we die like men!
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Chapter One || Haunted By Yours Truly
“Bladie…..ravaging your opponent at this point may seem a little….uncalled for. Perhaps you should take some time off.”
A tall, dark-haired man bent over to take a closer inspection of the body laid before him. Stretching out his arm forward to check on the corpse’s eyes, they turned out to be rolled all the way back, signifying that the body was lifeless indeed. Going by the name Blade, he looked up at his fellow Stellaron Hunter Kafka with those ferocious, feisty eyes of crimson hue.
“And what if I don’t?”
Kafka’s smile dropped, Blade hinting at the slightest sign of annoyance as she kept watch on his every move.
“Bladie….we can’t be stuck around dwelling on what’s already been ruined.” Kafka sighed. “You’re out for the princess, remember?”
“Suit yourself. I have yet another soul to devour, should death approach me upon consuming it. Out of my way.”
Thick air engulfed the dark hallways, Blade and Kafka standing before corpses that laid bare on the floor as a result of their attack on your beloved kingdom. After single-handedly killing almost every guard with their lethal weapons, they ensured no one shall be spared. That is, if it means finding the antidote to lifting Blade’s curse.
He was far too stubborn, just far too stubborn. Blade leaned closer onto the corpse’s neck, locating sensitive areas worth having his teeth to sink in. He searched far and wide for an erogenous zone with minimal difficulty, marking his territory by entering a halt once he found the right spot. His face leaned closer to the corpse’s neck in a rather intimate distance; the heat of his breath felt upon as he opened his mouth wide open.
And in that moment, Blade’s sharp canines sank and buried itself into the thin layer of skin. He bit hard enough in a way that sent piercing, prickling pain to the receiver, granting the corpse was still alive to feel the sensation. The approach was harsh, without falter. His teeth sank under and bit hard enough to draw blood. What wasn’t there, however, is its ability to kill upon consumption.
Blade dipped his tongue onto the wound, savoring the beads of blood that leaked out of the fresh cut. Bleh. The taste was nasty, leaving no room for Blade to keep suckling further. Instantly pulling away, he coughed at the sight of the mess he just caused.
“Too much iron. Not a good sign.” Blade scoffed. “Not the best way to bring about the limits of the flesh.”
“Bladie, we don’t wanna waste time. If all you’re searching for is the cure for your condition, I believe it is best if we start looking elsewhere for the princess.” Kafka announced.
“Tch. Fine. But convince me the search will be worth it.”
Kafka and Blade left the blood-stained halls as they embarked on a mission to find remnants of your presence. It was quite a long and tedious journey, traveling across different regions for the sake of finding a worthy cause for Blade’s incoming death.
It was but a miracle that Kafka has established some connections with the divine and spiritual—she recently made friends with a wandering witch amongst the people who told her of a possible cure to immortality. Upon remembering her comrade, she made it an essential task to tell Blade of the good news. Not even the members of the Astral Express knows about this plane of existence, but since Kafka believed helping Blade gave her a sense of fulfillment, she made it a goal to seek an antidote if it meant risking certain abilities. Thankfully, there was not much required of her upon meeting and consulting the witch for help.
“No one here,” Blade observes. “It seems as if this place is abandoned. Not even the Aeons know what happened in these ruins.”
“Let’s just keep searching, alright, Bladie?” Kafka winked.
“Halt!” yelled a guard who stormed out of nowhere.
Blade drew his sword, ready to charge his blade towards the guard only to suddenly stop upon an interjection.
“Wait, please!” the guard retorted. “I can explain!”
“Oh?” Kafka crossed her arms, smiling. “Very well, Bladie, let’s hear this man out, shall we?”
“If…..if you’re looking for the king and his daughter, they’ve moved to another castle!”
“Pfffft. Is that so?” Blade sneered. “Well then, show me the ropes. Where can I find this kingdom?”
“I-It’s….it’s located on the far north within the Xianzhou Loufu, I-I promise it’s not too far away! I’ve pers-“
“Enough talk. Let’s go, Kafka.”
“Wait, about the princess!” the guard exclaimed. “The princess is currently on lockdown, so it’ll be forbidden to visit her chamber, just a heads up!”
“Whatever. We’ll make sure to have a word with her.” Blade replied.
“But you don’t understand! If you try courting the princess, the king will kill you! I could go on about how the princess’ father is quite strict! He’ll come after you if you ever tried to harm his daughter!”
“Tch. Whatever. Let’s go.”
The guard’s wails waned as Blade and Kafka left the halls, footsteps echoing amidst the darkness. The sun set hours ago, the castle’s windows lighting up to mark the sight of night engulfing the sky like a wide blanket. Inside the castle were you and your father. You wore a cream-beige gown that faded to white at its base, much to your father’s choice of clothes. It’s not like you had any other choice, your father prohibited you from wearing anything skimpy and revealing, so as to not attract the eyes of unwanted men.
“Daddy, am I going to bed this early? I’m thinking it’s a bit too early.” you asked. “What if I’m not all that sleepy?”
“Your mother said so.” your father, the King of Xianzhou Luofu, replied. “While she’s out of town, you better meet her expectations of getting the most rest, for you shall need that energy when you reign Queen.”
“I’m not that sleepy,” you retorted. “I’m sure she’ll understand that. It’s not like I’ll loiter around the kingdom again.”
“You don’t get it, [Name].” your father frowned, looking at you with a dead serious expression on his face. “After you were scheduled in marriage with the man who has kissed you with his bare lips, his slow, agonizing death was uncalled for. We do not want to risk the lives of other men as well as your womanhood.”
“Is it….is it because of my special ability, dad? Why was I cursed with it anyways? Why am I cursed with poisoning whoever gets a taste of me?”
Your father was bombarded with numerous questions. He didn’t want to spill the secret there and then, but he had to. He bowed his head and started to speak hesitantly as you could only helplessly stare at him with that innocent curiosity.
“Fine, I’ll tell you everything.” your father frantically spoke. “Me and your mother…..were unable to conceive a child. It was obligatory for us to preserve the bloodline, so we had to contact a witch to actually carry out a remedy. She stated that provided we are granted a child, we must face the consequences—it is that you will be cursed with a fatal kiss that can only be healed through the right man’s touch. We were also reminded to never tell anyone of this curse, if we do not want to face bad luck.”
“And it turned out that the man I married during my wedding wasn’t the right one?” you asked.
“I’m afraid so. It is but a rare condition, I can’t imagine having to deal with such a burden. So hear this, you’re better off without anyone as of this moment. We are still on the lookout for offering you the right man to be your husband.” your father replied.
“Are we finished yet, miss [Name]?” a servant appeared from behind.
“Ah! Yes, yes…..!!!!”
“By the way, there’s a gift waiting for you outside the palace, my Lord. I assume it’s one of your favorite drinks.” the servant said, tapping the shoulder of your father. “Blueberry champagne.”
“Ah, hand it over, please. I’ll drink it before bed.” your father requested. “Who might be this guest?”
“I’m afraid there is no label from where the product came from,” the servant replied. “But a commoner called Kafka introduced herself before delivering it to the castle’s main entrance.”
“Very well then, might I invite Kafka to stay here some time. I would like to thank her for knowing my taste in liquor.”
“Yes, my Lord.”
The servant left, leaving you and your father to dine. The conversation was pretty much nothing out of the ordinary—it was just another day of being showered with wealth and splendor exclusively celebrated by the royal families. You immediately got up from the dining area after a heartfelt interaction with your father, rushing to your room and changing into sleepwear. Your father always liked buying you dainty chemises, for he believed they suited your doll-like figure best.
Sounds of plates and glasses were being arranged along with other miscellany as the clock struck ten o’ clock. A princess like you was recommended at least ten hours of sleep, as to get rid of your dark circles and to prep you up for your everyday, luxurious skincare routine. It was only a week after you and your father moved castles. He spent all his wealth trying to cast you away from unwanted men peeking at you, let alone court you. Your father was surely an overprotective man who didn’t want his daughter engaging in unlawful acts, provided every man you hooked up with ended up poisoned.
The servants have already rushed to their rooms after a long day of tending to the dishes. You didn’t wait until midnight to drift off to sleep, it was only ten thirty when your eyes sealed shut without a care in the world. Your father was the one that stayed up, his sleeping schedule remaining inconsistent. But it wasn’t as if it mattered. After all, he makes the rules of his own castle.
A man of muscular, yet lanky frame took notice of your father still at the dining table from the windows. This man was revealed to be the one who has purchased a bottle of your father’s favorite champagne, your father not knowing it was drugged with a powerful sleeping pill.
“Ah, more glasses of champagne, please.” your father requested.
“As you wish, my Lord.” complied another servant.
Fizzy bubbles of champagne filled the glass, offered to the King like the drunkard he was becoming. The servants didn’t care much, some of them chuckling at the King’s gullibility. The lights at the dining table were dimly lit, and it wasn’t long before the King fell asleep, drugged at the dining table.
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Halong tourism trying to overcome damages of Yagi typhoon
Cruise Halong bay - The devastation caused by Typhoon Yagi is still a haunting experience for many people and businesses. According to the general assessment of the tourism industry, just a preliminary assessment of the damage has produced frightening results.
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In particular, the tourist accommodation sector suffered damages from small-scale establishments, motels to 4-5 star luxury hotels and resorts. The largest damage was probably in Halong City when the accommodation establishments on shore suffered damage related to broken glass, broken roof tiles of villas, collapsed by wind, damaged ceilings, damaged furniture in the rooms, reception areas, restaurants, bars, and auxiliary areas. Along with that were broken trees, lamp posts in the premises, and damage to the electrical system, air conditioning, water, etc.
The restaurants, shops, shopping centers, businesses, souvenir shops, many of which mainly use steel frames, corrugated iron roofs, and simple materials, all collapsed, were blown away, broken, severely damaged, and many were even completely damaged. Some key tourist attractions such as: Quang Ninh Museum, Planning Palace, Provincial Fair and Exhibition, Sunworld entertainment area, Tuan Chau tourist area… suffered heavy damage to facilities…
Tourism service and management facilities on Halong Bay are also in a similar situation. According to the unit's statistics, most of the management and operation points on the bay of the Halong Bay Management Board have had their roofs blown off, damaged, or sunk. The Cua Van Floating Cultural Center was severely damaged, and 15 preserved raft houses at Cua Van were completely submerged. The stone railing of the wharf leading to Thien Cung Cave was broken. Many equipment, machinery, signs, and regulation boards were broken. Ornamental plants at tourist attractions on Halong Bay were almost completely broken.
Property of people and businesses at boat rowing and kayaking service points in the areas of Ba Hang, Cong Do, Cua Van, Hang Luon, Vung Vieng on Halong Bay was severely damaged. The system of tourist ports was more or less damaged. In particular, Tuan Chau International Passenger Port had its roof damaged. The offices and reception areas of businesses at the port were all damaged. Halong International Passenger Port had the entire pontoon of wharf No. 3 washed away, and 2 pontoons of wharf No. 2 sank. Businesses and tourist boat owners continued to be devastated after the storm when up to 27 tourist boats and 4 cargo boats sank, some boats were slightly damaged.
Along with Halong, other localities also recorded significant damage to tourism service infrastructure, green landscape systems that create beauty for destinations in the area. For example, at Quang Ninh Gate Tourist Area (Dong Trieu Town) with an area of ??20 hectares, including entertainment systems, resorts… located along the Vang Chua River.
The damage to tourism after Typhoon Yagi is difficult to measure, especially when tourism businesses have not yet fully recovered after the Covid-19 pandemic has passed. Recovery will also be a long-term story, but with a solid foundation and strong spirit of the tourism industry that has developed over a long period of time in Quang Ninh, we have hope for a revival and a chance for a spectacular recovery in the near future.
As of September 13, the province has 11/12 districts, towns, and cities with recognized tourist areas and spots ready to welcome visitors again after quickly cleaning. Among them, the two tourist areas of Binh Lieu and Co To have both overcome the storm's impact and welcomed visitors. 67/87 tourist spots are ready to welcome visitors again.
Halong City has 39 4-5 star hotels with 8,572 rooms, of which 5,196 rooms are ready to welcome guests (accounting for 60% of the total number of rooms). There are 36 hotels that are both under repair and welcoming guests (accounting for 85%). The 1-3 star tourist accommodation sector that meets standards is still ready to welcome guests with about 580 hotels, including 8,540 rooms.
In addition, the system of large, solid restaurants in Bai Chay and Hon Gai areas are still operating normally. Many souvenir shops and tourist service establishments are ready to reopen; many cafes and night eateries are operating normally.
In localities such as Mong Cai, Hai Ha, Uong Bi, 100% of accommodation facilities are ready to welcome guests; 30% of accommodation facilities with 60% of the total number of rooms in Co To district are ready to welcome guests; some onshore facilities in Van Don are also ready to serve…
This shows the great efforts of localities, businesses and individuals participating in tourism business in the area. For example, Legacy Yen Tu, although affected by flooding due to rising stream water, broken trees, prolonged power, water and telecommunication outages, has quickly overcome the situation to be able to welcome guests during and immediately after the storm. Businesses such as Halong Pearl Joint Stock Company also temporarily put aside worries about pearl farms in the bay being destroyed, urgently cleaned up and repaired 2 showrooms, pearl farming and pearl experience shops whose roofs were blown off and glass doors broken by the storm, to be able to welcome guests after 3 days of the storm.
Even Van Don International Airport and the two international passenger ports of Tuan Chau and Halong, which were more or less damaged, were soon put back into operation. Cruise ships quickly repaired their facilities, ready to operate 315/359 ships at both ports, accounting for 88%, including sightseeing ships, restaurant ships, and overnight ships.
Although not all, some destinations on the Halong Bay tour were also quickly checked to be ready to welcome guests, including sightseeing spots and overnight accommodations on the bay. And from September 13, cruise ships were ordered to continue taking visitors to visit and stay overnight on Halong Bay…
It is easy to see that tourism activities in Quang Ninh have recovered quickly after Typhoon Yagi. However, the assessment also shows that the impact of Typhoon No. 3 will lead to a weakening of the financial capacity of enterprises at different levels, affecting many aspects of the province, affecting the jobs and income of thousands of workers.
Therefore, supporting tourism businesses and workers to recover strongly in the coming time requires practical attention, consensus and joint efforts of the province and responsible agencies as well as efforts of each establishment, unit and tourism business in the area. The support is not only for a moment, in the short term, but it is necessary to have a roadmap and long-term solutions so that tourism businesses have a foundation to ensure truly sustainable development…
Source: https://cruise-halong-bay.com/news/halong-tourism-trying-to-overcome-damages-of-yagi-typhoon.asp
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xiehua5432 · 17 days
China Travel Tips That Work
Recently, “Black Myth: Wukong” triggered a hot debate, many game fans were attracted by the game's vivid images and storyline, ancient Chinese legends vividly presented in front of the eyes of the crowd, according to incomplete statistics of the game players, “Black Myth: Wukong” in China selected 36 attractions as the background of the game, of which 27 places in Shanxi Province, including the Datong Yungang Grottoes, the Suspended Temple, the wooden pagoda of Yingxian in Shuozhou, the Chongfu Temple, Xinzhou The beautiful images in the game have inspired netizens from many countries to visit China. In this issue, the blogger will create a detailed guide for travelers from all over the world to get a perfect trip in China.
Visa-free transit policy
All China's ports of entry are open to the outside world for people from all over the world to implement a 24-hour visa-free transit policy.
Requirements: Foreigners holding valid international travel documents, seat reservation of the joint ticket on international voyages of aircraft, ships, trains from China to a third country or region in transit, stay in China for no more than 24 hours and do not leave the port, can be exempted from visa; if you need to leave the port, you should apply to the entry and exit of the port of entry and exit of the border inspection authorities to apply for a temporary entry permit.
At present, 41 ports of entry and exit located in 19 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) are open to the outside world, and the policy of 72-hour or 144-hour visa-free transit is implemented for people from 54 countries.
Travel Location Options
As a country with a 5,000-year history of civilization, China is home to both historic ancient cultural sites and modern urban landscapes. For first-time travelers, each location exudes a unique charm, from the majesty of the Great Wall to the softness of the West Lake to the multiculturalism of Xinjiang.
Travel time
Choosing your travel time is crucial. Peak travel times are usually during large holidays such as May Day and National Day, so it is recommended to avoid these crowded moments and wait until the off-season to travel. February to March and the end of fall and beginning of winter in November would be good choices.
Transportation Options
China has an extremely well-developed high-speed rail network that covers all major cities in the country, making it easy for travelers to visit popular attractions via high-speed rail. Inter-city bus and subway systems are equally convenient and easy to ride, allowing travelers to get to their destinations quickly. In addition, some cities offer bicycle sharing services, making it easy to travel short distances.
Accommodation Options
There is a wide range of options from five-star hotels to youth hostels. Choose the accommodation that suits your personal needs, whether it is luxurious and comfortable or affordable. In terms of food, try local specialties, street stalls and night markets are good places for you to experience regional cuisine.
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estatedekho23 · 3 months
Open Plots For Sale In Hyderabad Below ₹15 Lakhs
Open Plots for Sale in Hyderabad Below ₹15 Lakhs: A Guide to Your Dream Investment
So, you’ve been bitten by the real estate bug, huh? And now you’re on the hunt for open plots for sale in Hyderabad below ₹15 lakhs. Well, sit back, relax, and grab a cup of chai, because this guide will help you navigate the exciting world of affordable real estate in the City of Pearls. And don’t worry, we’ll throw in some humour and a few personal anecdotes to keep things light and fun.
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Why Invest in Open Plots in Hyderabad?
A Growing City with Endless Opportunities
Hyderabad isn’t just famous for its biryani and Charminar. It's also one of India’s fastest-growing cities, offering a plethora of opportunities for everyone from IT professionals to entrepreneurs. Investing in open plots here is like hitting the jackpot without even buying a lottery ticket!
Affordable Investment
Let’s face it, not everyone has a billionaire uncle to fund their real estate dreams. That’s where affordable plots below ₹15 lakhs come into play. They offer a chance to own a piece of Hyderabad without breaking the bank.
Top Areas to Consider for Open Plots Below ₹15 Lakhs
Shadnagar: The Rising Star
Shadnagar is one of those places that’s been on the radar of savvy investors for a while now. Located about 50 km from the city centre, it’s becoming a hub for affordable housing and open plots.
Why Shadnagar?
Proximity to IT Hubs: With the new IT parks cropping up, Shadnagar is becoming a prime location for techies.
Infrastructure Development: The area is witnessing rapid development in terms of roads, schools, and healthcare facilities.
Affordable Prices: You can still find plots below ₹15 lakhs, making it a steal.
Adibatla: The Next Big Thing
Adibatla might sound like a mouthful, but it’s a name you’ll want to remember. Known for its aerospace and defence industry, this area is slowly transforming into a residential hotspot.
Why Adibatla?
Industrial Growth: The presence of TATA Aerospace SEZ and other industries ensures job opportunities and development.
Connectivity: Well-connected by road and rail, making it a convenient location.
Affordable Plots: Yes, you guessed it – you can find plots below ₹15 lakhs here too!
Yadagirigutta:A Holy Investment
If you’re looking for a place with spiritual vibes, Yadagirigutta is your go to. This temple town is not just a pilgrimage destination but also a promising real estate spot.
Why Yadagirigutta?
Tourism and Pilgrimage: The famous Lakshmi Narasimha Temple attracts visitors, boosting local economy and infrastructure.
Development Projects: The government’s focus on developing the temple town is driving real estate growth.
Affordable Plots: Plenty of options under ₹15 lakhs, perfect for a peaceful retreat or an investment.
What to Look for When Buying an Open Plot
Location, Location, Location
Just like in Bollywood, location is everything in real estate. Make sure the plot you’re eyeing is well-connected and in a developing area.
Legal Clearances
Trust me, you don’t want to end up like my cousin Vinay who bought a plot only to find out it was disputed land. Always check for proper legal clearances and documentation.
Infrastructure and Amenities
Look for plots in areas with good infrastructure and amenities. Schools, hospitals, and shopping centers nearby can make your life easier and increase the plot’s value.
A Quick Comparison: Shadnagar vs. Adibatla vs. Yadagirigutta
Proximity to IT Hubs
Industrial Growth
Spiritual Significance
Plot Prices
Very Affordable
A Personal Anecdote: My Plot-Hunting Adventure
Let me share a little story. A few years ago, my friend Ravi and I decided to invest in an open plot. After weeks of searching, we stumbled upon a gem in Shadnagar. The price was perfect, and the location was promising. We took the plunge, and today, Ravi’s plot has almost doubled in value. Meanwhile, I’m still waiting for my lottery ticket to hit!
Tips for First-Time Buyers
Do Your Research
Before jumping in, spend some time researching the market. Visit the areas, talk to locals, and get a feel for the place.
Set a Budget
It’s easy to get carried away, but stick to your budget. Remember, you’re looking for plots below ₹15 lakhs.
Get Professional Help
Don’t hesitate to seek help from real estate agents or legal experts. They can guide you through the process and ensure everything is above board.
Investing in open plots for sale in Hyderabad below ₹15 lakhs is not just a dream but a viable reality. With areas like Shadnagar, Adibatla, and Yadagirigutta offering affordable options, now is the perfect time to make your move. Just remember to do your homework, set a budget, and seek professional advice. Happy plot hunting, and may your investment grow faster than your love for Hyderabadi biryani!
Visit estatedekho.com for more information about Open Plots for Sale in Hyderabad below ₹15 lakhs. Estatedekho is an online platform that offers sellers, potential clients, buyers verified plots, and professional agents at service.
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Unlocking the Potential: Utilizing Rooftop Space with Decks & Patios in First Floor Additions Sydney
Sydney's vibrant life and stunning scenery make it a coveted place to call home. However, with a booming housing market, finding a property with ample space for a growing family or entertaining needs can be a challenge. Enter First Floor Additions Sydney – a cost-effective and practical solution that allows you to expand your existing home upwards. But what if you could unlock even more potential from your addition? Here's where utilizing rooftop space with decks and patios in First Floor Additions Sydney comes in.
This blog explores the exciting possibilities of transforming your rooftop into an extension of your living space. We'll delve into the different deck and patio options, design considerations, and the benefits of creating this private outdoor haven in your First Floor Addition Sydney.
The Allure of Rooftop Decks & Patios
Imagine a tranquil escape overlooking the city skyline, a place for alfresco dining under the stars, or a sun-drenched haven for morning coffee. Rooftop decks and patios in First Floor Additions Sydney offer a unique opportunity to:
Expand Your Living Space: Gain valuable outdoor square footage, perfect for entertaining, relaxation, or creating a dedicated outdoor living area.
Unobstructed Views: Enjoy breathtaking panoramic vistas of the city, surrounding parklands, or the sparkling harbour, depending on your location.
Fresh Air & Sunshine: Create a dedicated space to soak up the sunshine, enjoy fresh air, and connect with nature amidst the urban environment.
Increased Property Value: A well-designed rooftop deck or patio can significantly enhance your property's value, making it a smart investment.
Urban Oasis: Transform your rooftop into a private sanctuary, a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.
Deck vs. Patio: Choosing the Right Option for Your First Floor Addition Sydney
The choice between a deck and a patio for your First Floor Addition Sydney depends on several factors:
Structure: Decks are typically elevated platforms constructed with timber, composite materials, or even concrete. Patios, on the other hand, are generally ground-level extensions of your existing roof structure, often built with concrete, pavers, or tiles.
Material: Decks offer a range of material options, each with its own aesthetic appeal and durability considerations. Patios provide more flexibility in terms of integrating seamlessly with your existing roof's materials.
Drainage: Decks require proper waterproofing and drainage systems to prevent water damage to the lower levels. Patios, being part of the roof structure, often have built-in drainage solutions.
Design Aesthetics: Consider how the chosen material and design will complement your existing home's architectural style and your desired outdoor space aesthetic.
Design Considerations for Rooftop Decks & Patios in First Floor Additions Sydney
Council Approvals: Always check with your local council for development application (DA) requirements and any restrictions on rooftop additions in your area.
Structural Engineering: Ensure your existing home's foundation and roof structure can support the additional weight of a deck or patio. A qualified structural engineer can assess your property and provide recommendations for reinforcement if necessary.
Sun Exposure: Consider the amount of sun exposure your rooftop receives throughout the day. Incorporate shade solutions like pergolas, awnings, or strategically placed planters to create a comfortable outdoor space.
Privacy Screens: If overlooking neighbouring properties is a concern, consider installing privacy screens or planters to create a sense of seclusion.
Seating and Storage: Choose weatherproof furniture that complements the space's design. Built-in benches or ottomans can provide additional seating and storage solutions.
Safety Features: Install railings that meet safety regulations, especially if you have children or pets. Consider adding slip-resistant flooring for added safety.
Enhancing Your Rooftop Oasis
Lighting: String lights, fairy lights, or strategically placed lamps can create a magical ambiance for evening gatherings.
Outdoor Rug: Define the space and add a touch of comfort with a weatherproof outdoor rug.
Greenery: Introduce potted plants, herbs, or even a vertical garden to create a lush and inviting atmosphere.
Water Feature: The soothing sound of a water fountain can add a touch of tranquility to your rooftop oasis.
First Floor Additions Sydney: Essential Considerations
Building Expertise: Partnering with experienced and reputable builders specializing in First Floor Additions Sydney with expertise in rooftop decks and patios is crucial. They can guide you through the design, council approvals, construction, and ensure all safety regulations are met.
How much does it cost to add a rooftop deck or patio to my First Floor Addition Sydney?
The cost will vary depending on the size, chosen materials, complexity of the design, and any necessary structural reinforcements. Expect to pay a premium compared to a ground-level patio due to the engineering and waterproofing requirements. However, reputable builders specializing in First Floor Additions Sydney can provide a detailed estimate based on your specific requirements.
What are the ongoing maintenance requirements for rooftop decks and patios?
Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure the longevity of your rooftop deck or patio. This may include: * Cleaning: Regularly sweep away debris and clean the surface to prevent staining and mildew growth. * Inspections: Conduct annual inspections for any signs of wear or tear, loose boards, or waterproofing issues. * Maintenance: Address any maintenance needs promptly, such as resealing the deck or re-grouting the patio tiles.
Will a rooftop deck or patio affect my home's energy efficiency?
A well-designed rooftop deck or patio can actually improve your home's energy efficiency. Strategic use of shade structures can help keep your living space cooler during hot summer months. Additionally, a rooftop deck can act as an additional layer of insulation, reducing heat transfer from the roof to the living area below.
First Floor Additions Sydney with rooftop decks and patios offer a unique opportunity to expand your living space, create a private outdoor haven, and enjoy breathtaking views. By carefully considering the design options, prioritizing safety and functionality, and partnering with experienced builders, you can transform your rooftop into a valuable extension of your home. Imagine hosting unforgettable gatherings under the stars, enjoying a morning cup of coffee amidst the city skyline, or simply unwinding in your own private urban oasis. With thoughtful planning and the right expertise, your First Floor Addition Sydney with a rooftop deck or patio can become the heart of your home and a cherished space for years to come.
First Floor Additions North Shore
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mchithane321 · 1 year
Making the Best Decision: Why Buying Residential Projects in Thane is a Smart Move
In the ever-evolving landscape of real estate, the city of Thane has emerged as a shining star, offering a plethora of residential projects that redefine luxury, comfort, and convenience. Whether you are a potential homeowner or an investor, Thane presents an enticing opportunity that beckons with its blend of urban sophistication and natural beauty. In this article, we will delve into the reasons why buying residential projects in Thane is not just a decision, but a smart one.
Strategic Location Thane's strategic location on the outskirts of Mumbai makes it an ideal residential hub. With seamless connectivity to the major business districts of Mumbai and other parts of Maharashtra, Thane ensures that you are never far from opportunities. The presence of well-connected roadways and an extensive rail network, including the metro, provides residents with easy access to commercial centers, educational institutions, and healthcare facilities. This strategic location minimizes the daily commute hassle, allowing for a better work-life balance.
Infrastructural Marvels Thane has undergone a remarkable transformation in terms of infrastructure. The city boasts well-constructed roads, efficient public transportation, and modern amenities. This has not only enhanced the overall quality of life but has also attracted renowned developers to create exceptional residential projects. These projects are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities such as 24/7 security, power backup, landscaped gardens, fitness centers, and recreational spaces, ensuring a life of comfort and luxury.
Green and Serene Despite its proximity to the bustling city of Mumbai, Thane retains its greenery and tranquility. The presence of Yeoor Hills, Upvan Lake, and Sanjay Gandhi National Park offers residents a chance to escape the urban chaos and immerse themselves in nature. Many residential projects in Thane are strategically designed to incorporate these natural elements, providing breathtaking views and a serene environment. This green cover not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also promotes a healthier lifestyle.
Variety of Options Thane offers a diverse range of residential projects to cater to various preferences and budgets. From compact apartments to spacious villas, the city has something for everyone. Whether you are a first-time homebuyer, a growing family, or a discerning investor, Thane's real estate market presents options that align with your specific needs. This variety ensures that buyers can make a well-informed decision based on their requirements and financial capabilities.
Appreciating Investment Investing in residential projects in Thane is not just a home purchase; it's an investment with potential returns. Thane has witnessed consistent appreciation in property values over the years due to its strategic location, improved infrastructure, and growing demand. The city's rapid urbanization and development have caught the eye of investors looking for long-term gains. Thus, buying a property in Thane can offer both a comfortable living space and a promising investment avenue.
Thriving Social Infrastructure TThane's growth story is incomplete without mentioning its thriving social infrastructure. The city is home to reputable schools, colleges, healthcare centers, shopping malls, and entertainment zones. This comprehensive social ecosystem ensures that residents have access to all essential services within arm's reach. Families with children can find reputed educational institutions, while individuals can enjoy a vibrant social life through various cultural and recreational activities.
Developer Credibility When it comes to purchasing a residential property, the reputation of the developer matters significantly. Thane's real estate market boasts a lineup of trusted and acclaimed developers known for their commitment to quality, timely delivery, and innovative designs. This guarantees that your investment is in safe hands and that the final product aligns with your expectations.
Future Growth Prospects Thane's journey from a satellite town to a self-sustained city is a testament to its potential for future growth. The city's development plans include the expansion of commercial zones, improved connectivity, and the creation of more recreational spaces. These initiatives are likely to have a positive impact on property values, making it an opportune time to invest in residential projects in Thane.
In the realm of real estate, the decision to buy a residential project is one of profound significance. When that decision involves Thane, the scales tip heavily in favor of a prudent choice. With its strategic location, burgeoning infrastructure, connection to nature, diverse options, and investment potential, Thane emerges as a frontrunner for individuals seeking not just a home, but a holistic lifestyle. The city's evolution into a self-sustained urban center makes buying residential projects in Thane a decision that is not only wise but also forward-thinking. So, take the plunge and embark on a journey of comfort, luxury, and growth in the vibrant city of Thane.
Read all Thane Real Estate Latest News
Also Read: Exploring the Benefits of Investing in Residential Property
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phelanspharmacy · 1 year
Franke Individual Epoxy Coated Aluminium Drop Down Blue Grab Rail Ral 5011 Grbx201b Uk's Premier Washroom Provider
Boris Johnson’s Brexit Bill is deeply damaging for Scotland’s financial system, public services and communities. As internationalists, it matters to us that human rights worldwide law is revered and strengthened. As Hong Kong’s freedoms are under assault from China, it’s time the UK authorities reveals the place it stands. The Queen’s Speech utterly failed to ship the investment and elementary change we want shower grab rails, and as an alternative the Tories are imposing long-term damage of cuts, Brexit and a power grab towards Scotland’s will. The car park has very limited space and has to be pre-booked on-line. We have a large community of three and 4 star associate motels in Ireland and we try to ship affordable hotel deals to go nicely with you.
Engineered delivery may also be purchased if you need products like riser recliners or scooters delivered, assembled and demonstrated. These effective vary of plastic grab rails have round fixing plates equipped with a overlaying disc. The rails are fluted to offer better grip for moist palms when bathing or showering. When standing from a sitting position within the bath you might discover it helpful grab rails to hold one wall-fixed grab rail and the outer rim of the tub to push in opposition to to face up. Grab rails in the bathroom should have a ribbed or textured surface to provide further grip when moist. Bathroom grab rails are accessories which are firmly secured to the wall and are helpful for providing help in the times if you need them most.
A wide selection of completed hand rails can be found from DIY chains for you to select from. A plain 5cm mop head cross part softwood rail could also grab rails for bathrooms be used. It is recommended that it is run repeatedly from the underside to the highest of your flight of stairs (including the perimeter of any landings).
They connect to the partitions and the ground and may be reduce or ordered to the required size. These are vertical rails which are hooked up to each the floor and the ceiling. They are significantly helpful when positioned on the outer fringe of the bathtub to offer support when turning spherical to step in or out. VAT paid on sure tools which is privately purchased toilet grab rail for use by a person with a disability can be reclaimed from Revenue. The relief applies to VAT on the purchase of goods which are aids and home equipment designed to help a disabled person to beat a disability within the performance of their day by day features.
Our drivers usually are not insured to manually carry heavy goods into non-public properties. Kerbside deliveries will arrive by a third-party courier on a pallet and shall be delivered to the nearest accessible location. On delivery of the order to the desired delivery address, you'll digitally signal for the order but when we miss you, we will grab rail go away a calling card so you presumably can rearrange supply. Goods stay the property of Deluxe Bathrooms and Tiling Solutions until they've been signed for. All faulty/damaged items points will be dealt with on a case by case foundation and greatest endeavours will be made to rectify within a well timed manner.
As a basic rule the underside fixing of a 45cm lengthy vertical rail could also be positioned 79cm above the internal flooring (see dimension a) (COT, 2006). These are static right-angled rails that connect to the wall behind the toilet and the floor in front of it. They are useful for offering support and stability where there is not any adjacent wall like hinged and drop down rails but grab rails ireland they can't be lifted again out of the finest way. These rails usually are not recommended as they clamp around the bath taps and are therefore only as sturdy as the tap fixtures. Taps usually are not designed to face up to a full body weight pulling in opposition to them.
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homesfyin · 1 year
Top Reasons to Invest in Property for Sale at Godrej Horizon in Wadala
You've been thinking about investing in property in Mumbai for a while now. The signs are all there - interest rates are at an all-time low, the economy seems to be picking up, and property prices are expected to rise over the next few years. If you've been waiting for the right opportunity, this could be it. Godrej Horizon, a new residential project by Godrej Properties in Wadala, has just launched, and there are several reasons why investing in property for sale here could be a smart move. Located in a fast-developing area with excellent connectivity, designed by renowned architects, and built by one of India's most trusted developers, Godrej Horizon checks all the boxes for a property with high growth potential. If you're an investor looking to buy a home that will deliver solid returns over the medium to long term, this could be the opportunity you've been waiting for. Read on to find out why Godrej Horizon should be at the top of your list.
Prime Location in Central Mumbai
If you're looking for an investment property in Mumbai, Godrej Horizon in Wadala should be at the top of your list. Here are a few reasons why:
The location simply can't be beat. Wadala is a central suburb in Mumbai, well-connected by road and rail to the rest of the city. You'll have easy access to BKC, Bandra Kurla Complex, as well as the Eastern Express Highway. Being centrally located, the area is also poised for strong price appreciation over the coming years.
Godrej Horizon offers premium amenities right at your doorstep. We're talking a clubhouse, gym, swimming pool, jogging track, playground, and more. These world-class facilities will attract high-quality tenants and keep your investment in high demand.
Godrej Properties, one of India's most reputable developers, is behind this project. You can expect high-quality construction, transparent dealings, and a commitment to timely completion. Godrej's brand name also means higher resale value for your property.
The project offers 1, 2 and 3 BHK apartments and penthouses at competitive prices, starting at just over 1 crore. At these rates, the property has solid potential for both rental income and capital gains.
In short, Godrej Horizon checks all the boxes for an investment in Mumbai real estate. A prime location, premium amenities, reputable builder, and attractive pricing—what more could you want? Take advantage of this opportunity and you'll be enjoying the rewards for years to come.
Luxurious Yet Affordable Homes
When you invest in property at Godrej Horizon in Wadala, you get the best of both worlds: luxurious yet affordable homes.
Spacious 2 and 3 BHK apartments with high-end specifications and premium amenities at competitive prices. We're talking marble flooring, modular kitchens, and scenic views at costs that won't break the bank.
A prestigious address in a prime location. Wadala is a well-developed suburb in Central Mumbai with excellent connectivity and infrastructure. Living here puts you close to schools, hospitals, shopping centers, and more. Commuting is a breeze with multiple railway stations and bus stops nearby.
A secure gated community with round-the-clock security and state-of-the-art surveillance systems. You'll have total peace of mind knowing your family and belongings are safe.
Ultra-modern clubhouse, gym, swimming pool, jogging track, and landscaped gardens right at your doorstep. There are plenty of opportunities for recreation, exercise, and community bonding without having to go far from home.
Strong rental demand and high resale value. Properties in reputed Godrej developments are always in high demand, so you can earn good rental income or sell at a profit in the future if needed.
Owning a stylish, well-connected home in Mumbai has never been more within your reach. With Godrej Horizon, you get five-star living at a fraction of the cost. Now that's an investment opportunity worth grabbing!
Amenities for Modern Living
Luxury Amenities
Godrej Horizon offers premium amenities for a modern lifestyle. Residents have access to:
A clubhouse with a gym, yoga studio, and indoor games room to stay active and socialize.
A swimming pool, splash pool for kids, and sundeck to relax and unwind.
A function hall for hosting parties and events.
A library and reading room for those looking for a quiet escape.
A play area and open lawn for kids and pets.
Convenience and Connectivity
The project is located close to many conveniences. Within the complex, you’ll find:
Retail spaces for shopping essentials.
Restaurants and cafes to dine out or grab a quick bite.
Medical facilities for healthcare needs.
Just outside the gates, Wadala offers excellent connectivity. The area is well-linked to the rest of Mumbai by road and rail. Major transportation hubs like Wadala Road railway station, Anik Bus Depot, and Eastern Express Highway are minutes away. This makes it easy to travel around the city for work or leisure.
Safety and Security
Peace of mind is a top priority. Godrej Horizon provides:
24/7 security with CCTV monitoring.
Restricted access to residential towers with designated entry/exit points.
Proximity cards for accessing your tower and floor.
Intercom facility to screen visitors before allowing entry.
Fire safety systems including sprinklers, alarms, and clearly marked exits.
With its modern amenities, convenience, and focus on safety, Godrej Horizon has everything you need for comfortable living in the heart of Mumbai. The project offers an attractive opportunity for property investment in Wadala.
Strong Rental Demand and High Capital Appreciation
Strong Demand for Rentals
The residential property market in Mumbai is booming, and demand for rentals in Wadala is particularly high. As more companies move into the area and the population grows, the need for housing rises. Investing in a property at Godrej Horizon allows you to tap into this demand and generate solid rental income. According to industry experts, rents in Wadala have been increasing at over 5% per year.
High Capital Appreciation Potential
Not only will your investment property at Godrej Horizon generate rental income, but it also has the potential for significant capital appreciation over time due to Wadala’s growth and development. The area has become a hotspot for real estate investment in Mumbai, and properties at Godrej Horizon are poised to see strong price appreciation in the coming years. Industry analysts predict annual price increases of 7-10% for properties in high-demand, well-connected areas like Wadala.
Premium Location
Godrej Horizon is located in one of the most sought-after addresses in Wadala, with excellent connectivity and proximity to job hubs. It is near major roadways like the Eastern Express Highway and Sion-Panvel Highway, as well as the Wadala Road railway station. The area also has reputed schools, hospitals, retail outlets and entertainment options nearby. A premium location like this contributes to higher rental demand and faster capital appreciation.
Trusted Developer
Godrej Properties is one of India’s most trusted real estate developers, with a proven track record of successful, high-quality projects across India. They are known for their transparency, timely delivery and premium properties. Investing in a Godrej Horizon property gives you peace of mind and helps ensure a high level of customer satisfaction for your tenants. The Godrej brand also commands a premium that translates into better resale value.
In summary, the strong demand for rentals, high potential for price appreciation, prime location and trusted brand make property at Godrej Horizon an attractive investment opportunity. The project has all the makings of a solid investment that can generate good returns over both the short and long term.
Trusted Developer With Proven Track Record
Godrej Properties is one of India’s most trusted real estate developers, with a proven track record of successful projects across India. Investing in a property at Godrej Horizon in Wadala, Mumbai comes with several benefits due to the developer’s reputation and experience.
Established and Reliable
Godrej Properties has been developing innovative and sustainable real estate for over 120 years. They are an established, reputable and reliable developer known for high-quality construction and timely project completion. You can feel confident investing in one of their properties.
Premium Amenities
Godrej Horizon offers premium amenities like a clubhouse, swimming pool, gym, play area and more. Godrej Properties is known for developing properties with resort-style amenities and conveniences that enhance your living experience.
Prime Location
Godrej Horizon is located in Wadala, a fast-growing suburb in Mumbai with excellent connectivity and infrastructure. The area has witnessed significant development in recent years, with many reputable developers launching residential projects. Investing in a property in this prime, well-connected location is a smart choice.
Godrej Properties is committed to environmental sustainability and incorporates eco-friendly practices and green technologies in all their projects. Godrej Horizon is a LEED Gold Certified Green Building, meaning it meets high standards of environmentally-sustainable and energy-efficient design. You can feel good about investing in an eco-friendly property.
In summary, Godrej Horizon offers an ideal investment opportunity due to the trusted and reputable developer, premium amenities, prime location and environmentally-friendly design. Partnering with Godrej Properties for your real estate needs is a decision you can feel confident about.
So there you have it, the top reasons why investing in property at Godrej Horizon in Wadala just makes sense. With its ideal location, premium amenities, and strong rental demand, this new project checks all the boxes for a solid real estate investment. The icing on the cake is that properties here are still available at attractive pre-launch prices, allowing you to get in on the ground floor of Mumbai’s next up and coming neighborhood. What are you waiting for? Now is the time to take advantage of this opportunity and invest in your future at Godrej Horizon. You’ll be glad you did.
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voiceoutofstars · 3 months
A re-record of the Data Bank (Terms) entry on Penacony, with the paragraph expansion added in patch 2.3.
Music is "Dark" by Haletski.
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mystlnewsonline · 2 years
Top 4 industrial capitals of the world
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(STL.News) High-speed Internet streetlights, the headquarters of the largest IT companies, a huge number of successful technology startups, as well as virtual supermarkets and robots that brew coffee - it's all there in the most industrial cities on the planet.  We are talking about six megacities where advanced technologists and bright minds from all over the world are concentrated. Dubai, UAE The UAE's most populated city is Dubai.  It is the main financial, economic, and tourism hub in the region.  On the basis of a modest fishing hamlet established in the 18th century, the opulent city flourished.  Massive buildings, chic apartments, resorts, restaurants, and stores began to develop where there once were dunes.  The best way to get around the city is by car.  If you are a tourist, then the easiest way is to hire a car from the rental salon.  You can hire budget, sports, luxury, and exotic cars in Dubai.  The rental price will vary depending on the year of manufacture and model of the hired car. The greatest construction project in Dubai is built in Downtown Dubai.  The headquarters of the greatest corporations, banks, retail malls, 5-star hotels, pricey restaurants, and enormous buildings are located in this famous commercial zone.  Dubai serves as a meeting place for significant corporate executives, investors, event planners, and initiative professionals.  It is the residence of the third-largest port operator and the highest-traffic international airport in the whole globe.  Dubai also has one of the world's most cutting-edge digital networks.  This serves as a useful launching pad for exploring international markets. Seoul, South Korea The South Korean metropolis is saturated with innovation.  Super-fast Wi-Fi is distributed here even by street lights, intelligent video cameras post pictures on Twitter, and coffee in coffee shops is prepared by robots.  The Seoul subway deserves special attention.  There are elevators for the disabled, toilets, tactile tiles, and glass ceilings between the platform and the rails.  And while waiting for trains, passengers can order groceries in a virtual supermarket by scanning a QR code. Real estate in the Korean capital is also much cheaper than in other world cities.  The average cost of an apartment here is $533,000.  And even though South Korea closes the top five most favorable countries for doing business.  In addition, it breaks records in terms of the number of patents granted.  Among those who regularly file patent applications are tech conglomerates LG Electronics and Samsung Electronics.  In 2017, they registered 7.6 thousand and 5.2 thousand developments and technologies.  It is one of the most popular countries for IT outsourcing companies. New York, USA The American metropolis is considered one of the most innovative cities thanks to the huge volume of venture capital and thousands of highly qualified professionals who flock here from all over the world.  Tech corporations and start-ups make up the bulk of the local economy.  WeWork, Verizon, IBM, Citigroup, Kickstarter, Twitter, and Tumblr have offices in New York.  It also houses the Microsoft Lab and the Google Business Center. The city has all the necessary conditions to maintain a healthy balance between work and personal life.  It is also among the largest shopping centers.  Company leaders are against overtime: they set flexible working hours, regularly organize family holidays and urge employees not to give up vacations.  Prices for living in New York correspond to the status of the city.  Thus, the average rent in Manhattan is $3.2 thousand per month, which is about 82% of the average American salary.  Housing in other areas is not much cheaper. Tokyo, Japan While Japan's capital doesn't look as innovative on the outside as the other cities on our list, it's one of the most technologically advanced cities on the planet.  Tokyo is famous for its bullet trains, best robotics, advances in 3D modeling, and cutting-edge software.  The city attracts both very young start-ups and world-famous corporations: SoftBank, Hitachi, Toshiba, Mitsubishi, and Sony Corporation.  It owes its status to the hard work of the local population. Ahead of the 2020 Olympic Games, Tokyo launched facial recognition technology and invested heavily in artificial intelligence for transportation, hospitals, and financial services.  Interestingly, about 90% of all waste is recycled in the Japanese capital.  Containers for separate collection are installed in all offices, supermarkets, and railway stations of the city. The list includes many more cities, including the Netherlands, London, San Francisco, and others.  We have placed in this article only four of them, but even from this list, it becomes clear in which direction the world is moving. Read the full article
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jasonblaze72 · 2 years
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tonkirace · 2 years
Home 2 suites charlotte nc
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All rights reserved. All hotels are either franchised by the company, or managed by Wyndham Hotel Management, Inc. Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Home2 Suites locations in Charlotte, NC. Find Home2 Suites by Hilton Charlotte Uptown info for Charlotte hotels. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Find 177 listings related to Home2 Suites in Charlotte on YP.com. Our customer service agents are also available at 1-80 to provide you with assistance with and information about our hotels and programs.Īpple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. The Home2 Suites by Hilton Belmont, NC is located at 871 Hawley Ave., Belmont, NC, just off exit 27 on I-85 North in metro Charlotte, and offers guests convenient access to Belmont Abbey College.
However, if you encounter any difficulty in using our site, please contact us at We will work with you to ensure that you have full access to the information available to the public on our site. from Charlottes premier Lodge at Mallard Creek Apartments offers 1-2. We strive to have a website that is accessible to individuals with disabilities. our elegant pet-friendly apartment homes for rent in Charlotte, North Carolina. This hotel is 4.5 mi (7.2 km) from SouthPark Mall and 6.4 mi (10.4 km) from Bank of America Stadium. Accommodations at this 3-star hotel have kitchenettes with refrigerators, microwaves, cookware/dishes/utensils, and dishwashers. 46 Home 2 Suites Charlotte Nc jobs available in Charlotte, NC on . With a stay at Home2 Suites by Hilton Charlotte I-77 South, NC in Charlotte (Executive Park), you'll be within a 15-minute drive of Charlotte Convention Center and Fillmore Charlotte. Accommodations have separate sitting areas and are furnished with unspecified sofa beds. So had to walk around to the office to find someone to help me.This website uses cookies so that we can remember you and understand how you and other visitors use this website, and in order improve the user experience.īy using this website, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with the terms of our Privacy Notice. Home2 Suites by Hilton Charlotte Uptown, NC offers 180 accommodations with safes and complimentary newspapers. I stood in the lobby next to the ringing phone at the front desk that I was calling to no avail. However at our 430 am check out to get back on the road no one was working the front desk. Home2 Suites by Hilton Charlotte Uptown, NC 3-star hotel in the heart of Charlotte Center City Near Charlotte Convention Center and Bank of America Stadium. So I asked ahead of time to make sure that wasn’t going to be an issue and was assured it was not. Conveniently located in the Downtown Charlotte district of Charlotte, Home2 Suites By Hilton Charlotte Uptown is located a 9-minute walk from NASCAR Hall of. We were once again going to be checking out very early morning. However when arrived I was told the app was not sufficient and because of how late we arrived the person who was workin g the front desk said “I hope I can still major it work for you.” The other issue we had was check out. We were going to be arriving very late, so I check in on the app and the app told me I was good to go. The issue we had was the check in and out process.
The following transit lines have routes that pass near Home2 Suites Bus: 11, 22, 29 Light Rail: 501 How to get to Home2 Suites by Bus Click on the Bus route to see step by step directions with maps, line arrival times and updated time schedules. Pool was out of order which was one reason why I booked the hotel and this wasn’t advertised. Home2 Suites by Hilton Charlotte I-77 South, NC 6025 Tyvola Glen Circle, Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 Reserve Photos & Overview Room Rates Amenities Map & Location Guest Reviews Poor 3. Directions to Home2 Suites (Charlotte) with public transportation.
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abookishdreamer · 2 years
Worldbuilding Intro- Welcome to New Olympus!
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In Olympius (where my fantasy series Kingdom of Ichor takes place), its capital is New Olympus, which is also the country's largest city! The inspiration/aesthetic of the city is an amalgamation of real world locations like Modern day Greece, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Modern day Rome, Modern day Italy, NYC (New York City), LA (Los Angeles), Miami, London, & many more other places!
Here's some general info about the city:
Overlooking New Olympus and situated on Ombrios Canyon is the city's sign- spelling out the word "New Olympus" in 50-foot-tall (15.2 m) shimmering gold uppercase letters and is 450 feet (137.2 m) long.
Near the Lightning Harbor stands a 600 ft glittering Imperial Gold statue of King Zeus (holding his iconic lightning bolt in one hand and an aegis in the other). It's called the Panhellenios Statue, commissioned & built by his son Hephaestus (god of the forge).
It's the most diverse, in terms of population!
Grand Thunder Station is a commuter rail terminal having a connection to the New Olympus Subway. It's a mode of transportation not just throughout the country, but also some direct lines to the Underwater Realm & a single direct line to The Underworld. The terminal's Main Concourse is often used as a meeting place. Grand Thunder Station contains a variety of stores & food vendors- including upscale restaurants, bars, three food halls, and a grocery marketplace. It's a tourist attraction! Grand Thunder covers more than 50 acres & has 45 platforms.
Other modes of transportation include ferries, cabs, buses & trains (courtesy of the NOTA- New Olympus Transit Authority), and even through use of a chariot (pulled by a pegasus).
The Three Kings Bridge is the longest suspension bridge in New Olympus. It's of course inspired by the three main rulers & most powerful gods with each section of the bridge being built out of a different material. One section is built out of Imperial Gold (inspired by Zeus), the middle section being built out of Oceanic Metal (inspired by Poseidon), with the last section built out of adamantine (inspired by Hades).
The governor of the city is a mortal woman named Corinna Sotiropoulou while the mayor is the first of its kind- a satyr named Stathis Spiridakis.
There's the Pantheon Walk of Fame- where five pointed Celestial Bronze & Imperial Gold stars contain the names of the major and minor gods & goddesses. They're embedded in the sidewalks along several blocks of Eaglepoint Boulevard and five blocks of Bolt Street in Downtown New Olympus.
The hearth goddess Hestia's eternal red flame (which never goes out) is a symbol of strength and hope is situated (seemingly juxtaposed) on a 20 ft. torch in Acropolis Square.
Acropolis Square is a major commercial intersection, tourist destination, entertainment center, & neighborhood in Midtown New Olympus. Brightly lit by numerous billboards, neon signs, and advertisements, it's often referred to as "The Crossroads of Olympius." It's the second most visited tourist attraction in Olympius (right after the palace on Mt. Olympus) & is the busiest pedestrian area. Notable locations in Acropolis Square includes Acropolis Square Garden (a multi-purpose indoor arena), Mall of Olympius (the largest retail shopping mall in the country), and The Parthenon Theater (the largest movie theater in the city)
* not to be confused with The Parthenon (an architectural feat & temple built to honor the goddess Athena, located in Athens.
Eaglepoint Park is New Olympus' largest urban park, located between the Queenstown & Skyline neighborhoods. It covers over a thousand acres of land- home to the New Olympus Zoo, among other attractions. Another statue of Zeus (built out of marble) with an eagle perched on each of his shoulders is here as well. The Summer Solstice Music Festival also takes place here. All the people of the city and its visitors know better than to mess with the stymphalian birds (carnivorous birds known for their bronze beaks, sharp metallic feathers, & poisonous dung).
Olympus Drive is a two mile long street in New Olympus. It's a shopping district famous for designer label and haute couture fashion. The name generally refers to a three-block long stretch of boutiques and shops but the street stretches further north and south.
Some notable things to eat in New Olympus:
Gyro hot dog- a beef frank folded into two slices of pita bread & topped with tzatziki sauce, feta cheese, cucumber slices, and sliced plum tomatoes.
A bag of spiced olives!
Loukoumades- small fried dough balls usually covered in honey & topped with cinnamon and chopped walnuts
Koulouris- a ring shaped bread garnished with sesame seeds
A bag of assorted dried fruits (usually containing raisins, figs, apricots, & pears) lightly drizzled in honey and dusted with a bit of cinnamon.
Greek frozen yogurt with a variety of toppings.
A box of mini honey cakes!
Dolmades- wrapped grape leaves stuffed with rice, onions, fresh herbs, & pine nuts. Comes with tzatziki dipping sauce & other sauce options.
*The next post will go more in depth into the individual neighborhoods of New Olympus!
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no-droids · 5 years
The Floor is Better
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Part Eight of the Rough Day Series
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 9.4K i am. appalled.
Warnings: SMUT, very vague attempts at sprinkling in hints of an overarching plot, language, the slightest bit of angst, TONS OF FUCKING FLUFF WOWWWW
A/N: This is by far the softest smut I’ve ever written.  I will say that there is a hint at butt stuff tho (just a HINT—THERE IS NO ACTUAL BUTT STUFF IN THIS GUYS) so brace yourselves
Alright so this bed is, like.  Atrociously uncomfortable.
It’s not even a bed.  It’s a cot.  Just a bare minimum place to sleep, shoved into the wall and taking up less space than the ship’s armory.  Like a… like a really shitty gurney almost, except no padding.  So not even a gurney then, just a fucking.  Piece of metal.  Just a piece of fucking metal to sleep on.
There’s surprisingly a bit of space to maneuver yourself when you’re pulled into the cubby completely like this, and yeah, it’s quiet and dark in here but man does your back hurt.  Is his spine made of metal, too?  Is that why he prefers this?  The floor isn’t a feather mattress by any stretch of the imagination, but at least there aren’t any uneven support bars digging into your side.
You’re on Coruscant, and Mando’s been gone for over three weeks.
It.  Fucking.  Blows.
You’ve literally run out of ideas to occupy your time.  You’re far enough above Coruscant’s dangerous underworld to not worry about any potential… mishaps, like what happened on Corellia, but the only issue with the ground being so far below you is that it’s not like you can just stroll down the road and buy yourself a deck of cards at the nearest merchant.  The only shop within walking distance of this hub contains the bare essentials; things like food, medical equipment and bacta, spare electronics and parts—all of which you purchased without hesitation.  Other than that, you need a ship to travel anywhere in this massive galactic capital, and while you just so happen to have a ship, what you don’t have, at least right now, is a Mando.
Fuck, but you did.  Before he left, you had Mando all to yourself for at least a full hour.  After he landed the Crest in a long-term terminal and turned his attention back to you, for some reason, he was insatiable.  It didn’t really make much sense back then, but in hindsight, it’s like he knew good and well how long he was going to be gone this time, attempting to search for a quarry on a planet with a population that broke a trillion last year.  It makes sense.  With this many people, a biometric tracking fob would be almost useless, and sure, you realize he set the ship down in the long-term terminal for a reason, but long-term with Mando typically means a week or two.  You suddenly realize that in a handful of days, he’ll have been gone a full month.
You suppose you probably could fly the ship somewhere else and send him a coded coordinate set of your new location, but for some strange reason, you can’t seem to reconcile going to all that trouble just because you’re bored out of your fucking mind.  You don’t want him to have to travel another however many miles out of his way to get back to you just so you won’t have to twiddle your thumbs for weeks on end.  You don’t want to run the risk of trying to make a quick trip there and back without alerting him of any change in location, either, especially on a planet this size.  He could return to the hub at any time, and if he comes back to a different ship parked in this lot, you’ll probably never see him again.
Okay, no, that’s not true—he hunts people for a living, and you have his kid.  You probably just wouldn’t see him for at least another month or so, and by then he’d be fucking livid.
So.  You stay here.  The baby offers a distraction, but only to a certain point.  The ship is pristine right now, inside and out.  Fucking pristine.  Almost… almost compulsively so, you reluctantly admit.  The console’s entire motherboard has brand new soldering and connections.  You used ear swabs to clean and polish each individual button, key, and knob in the entire flight deck.  You… may or may not have even labeled and color-coded the heat shrink wrap on every single cable in the Crest’s patchbay, all five-hundred and something of them.  When you pried open the metal paneling that covered all the ship’s interior routing jacks, you remember gasping at the sight of a mechanic’s worst nightmare and wondering if the last person who touched it took even more than a few hours on its installation.  What used to be a horrifying tangle of haphazard wiring is now a lovely set of rainbow snakes meticulously gathered and bound together with zipties, and you’re incredibly proud of it, though you still haven’t decided whether or not you should be.
There’s also a very particular reason you’re in this poor excuse for a bed.  You still very clearly remember Mando’s unfiltered voice in the pitch darkness, telling you he wants to come back to find you in his bed.  To find you in it, so he can fuck you though it.  
Well.  Three weeks ago, sleeping in here sounded like a good idea.  You even have a pillow now, and a blanket you can lay out beneath you while you curl up under the one you brought from home.  It’s thick and warm—probably a shock blanket, to be honest, since you did happen to find in the medical section—but it still doesn’t offer near enough padding to feel like you’re laying on an even surface right now.  Mando could theoretically get on top of you in here and fuck you—there is enough room vertically.  He might break one of your ribs on accident though, just judging from the way this one Maker-forsaken support bar seems to dig into your ribcage no matter which way you position yourself in here.
Stars, your back hurts.  You should just lay on the fucking floor.  If he hasn’t come back by now, what are the chances of it happening tonight?  But then your mathematical hindbrain immediately reminds you that statistically, the chances are the highest they’ve ever been.  The longer Mando’s gone, the more likely he is to come back every single day that passes.
It’s just as well, you figure, grabbing the tracks beneath the bed and slowly beginning to squeak yourself out of the wall.  You try not to let your fingers get pinched between the railing and the slider, but that just means the quickest you’re able to inch out is in intervals the approximate length of your index finger.  It’s dark in the hull—the baby is fast asleep in his crib in the cockpit, and the long-term terminal you’re parked in is quiet.  It would be a perfect time to sleep, if you could.  But here’s the thing—
It sucks that Mando’s gone for this long, absolutely.  It sucks that you slept on this awful fucking bed for three whole weeks when you could’ve done this ages ago.  But most of all, it sucks that you don’t have anything else to do.  Because that means you can’t occupy yourself, and when you can’t occupy yourself, your mind starts to wander.  And then you start to fixate on things you probably shouldn’t fixate on, for your own good.
Things like blood on your hands.  The baby limp in your arms.  A voice spitting, “pretty little bitch like you would sell for at least—”
Your eyes snap to the corner of the hull for the millionth time, the sight of where it happened, before you shake yourself out of it and hop down off the suspended cot.
“This’ll be good,” you whisper quietly in the darkness to yourself, pulling the blankets off and grabbing the pillow.  It’s… it’s something you’ve started to do when you need to instantly snap yourself out of a dreaded line of thinking but you don’t have anything stimulating around you to help.  Talk to yourself, talk about anything, just talk out loud and focus on the sound of your own voice.  If you listen hard enough, it’ll drown out your thoughts.  “The floor will be great.  The floor kicks ass.  I like the floor.”
You spread the fluffiest blanket down on the ground as far away from the offending corner as possible, and then close the much shittier metal bed into the hull wall before collapsing on your clearly superior one, never once ceasing your rambling nonsense about the floor.
Oh, this is nice.  This is fantastic.  Your back is still tight and achy from three awful weeks of sleeping on a “mattress” clearly made for someone with no concept of comfort, but being able to stretch out on a flat surface with a large shock blanket that feels like a fucking cloud under your body?  Your eyes are already starting to droop.
“The floor is better,” you whisper, yawning and snuggling deeper into the pillow.  The terminal is quiet.  The kid will be asleep for a while.  Mando won’t come back tonight.  Mando won’t come back tonight.  “The floor is better.  The floor… the floor…”
You jerk awake to something kicking your leg, hard.  
Gasping, you’re instantly pulling the blanket over your chest on reflex and bracing yourself for another impact, except then whatever kicked you is immediately toppling over your shins and stumbling to the floor with an unfamiliar grunt.
You and a man you don’t recognize blink at each other for a few seconds; him taking in the way you’re curled up on your makeshift bed, and you taking in the way he’s got his face squished against the metal ground, apparently not quick enough to use his arms to try and soften the abrupt tumble.
It’s like all your blood suddenly thickens and the adrenaline digs claws into your chest.  Your first instinct is to fucking bolt, but then your eyes instantly flick to the cockpit, where you know the kid is still sleeping.
Only—you can’t move.  You’re frozen in terror, quickly blinking your wide-eyed gaze back at the man on the ground.  You know you could’ve only been staring at each other for a few seconds at most, but with the way your mind is hurtling right now, it’s long enough for you to have just the briefest flicker of confusion as to why he hasn’t appeared to have moved either.
Except then another set of footsteps slowly begin clanking up the ramp.
Your heart is fucking slamming up against your ribcage at about the rate of four beats per footstep, but as soon as you catch a flash of beskar stepping onto the ship, you‘re reaching up to clutch your chest with your palm like you just finished a long-distance sprint and trying to take deep, calming breaths.
It’s just a quarry.  It’s just a quarry.  His hands are cuffed behind his back.  It’s a quarry.
The Mandalorian slowly comes to a stop right in front of your outstretched legs and the sharp angles of his chrome profile silently stare down at them, unmoving.  You swallow thickly and try not to blush as his helmet tilts towards you and follows your knees up to your hips, along your heaving abdomen and chest, before eventually coming to a rest on your face.
He holds there for a second, taking you in.  You bite down your lip and feel your heart thundering under your ribcage, blinking up at him as your cheeks flush in a boiling hot mixture of panic, embarrassment, and relief.
His metallic visor carefully follows the length of your body back down again, pausing once more at your feet.  
And then he sighs heavily through the modulator, loud enough to echo through the silent hull, before slowly stepping over them.
“Well, well,” the quarry says, stealing your attention with a sick smile creeping across half his face as it’s smushed against the floor.  “Who’s this, Mando?  She’s just darling, isn’t she?  Does Gideon know your crew has a lovely new addit—?”
The bounty abruptly cuts off with a strangled yelp when Mando bends down and grabs him by the collar, yanking him to his feet and then shoving him forward towards the carbonite chamber.  
You collapse back down onto the floor with a relieved breath and try not to tremble with the adrenaline comedown.  Maker, you woke up barely a minute ago but almost all of it was spent in fight or flight—or in your case, freeze—mode, and you’re already fucking exhausted again.
“I’ll tell him—” you can hear the quarry snarl just before Mando slams him into the metal frame.  As much as you try to just tune the confrontation out for the moment and focus on slowing your heart rate, you still manage to catch bits and pieces.  “See him again… be interested to know…”
You close your eyes and breathe deeply, counting to three during each inhale and exhale.  Fuck, that scared you.  You almost had a fucking heart attack, and it takes you a few seconds to get your body under control again.  But then you realize you haven’t heard anything from Mando’s side of the hub for an extended moment, and the carbonizing gas hasn’t yet filled the room.
Your head turns and if you squint from this distance, you can make out a leather glove clamped tight around the quarry’s throat, the man’s face a red-purple by this point as he sags weakly against the chamber.
“Mando!”  You bark quite suddenly, and beskar shoulders jerk straight at the sound as the bounty immediately takes in a giant, ragged breath from under a marginally loosened grip.  Mando quickly releases his neck altogether and punches in a few buttons on the control panel to the right, and then freezing gas soon solidifies the gasping quarry into solid carbonite.
He stays with his back to you for a moment, letting the cloud disappear completely before he moves a single muscle.  When he does eventually turn to look at you, he still doesn’t say anything.
He just stares.  The lights in the hull glint off his helmet, and you tug the blankets up your chest a little further on instinct.  Fuck, three weeks is a long time.  You’re defaulting in a way, finding it impossible to not reevaluate him after a long absence.  Before he left, you’d gotten a bit better at gauging his mood and countenance, been more relaxed and friendly around him, but now, after some time away from him, he’s still so… jarring.  Unpredictable, even when standing still.  Especially when standing still.  
You’re just trying to play it by ear, trying to respond to him the way he responds to you.  Only—it feels like he’s either not responding to you at all, or you’re just too rousing of a stimulus to show a response.
“You…” you breathe, and for some reason your heart rate is beginning to kick up again instead of decelerate.  You should be calmer now that he’s here, but he still hasn’t said a word.  “Y-You scared me.”
Mando stays rooted to the spot, just a motionless suit of armor, with the exception of his chest moving with breaths and his fists repeatedly clenching at his sides, and fuck.
Fuck, you’re wet.
You feel like prey right now.  You’re starting to gradually build into another fight or flight mode every second he’s staring you down, refusing to speak, but you also feel a stirring deep down in your floor muscles.  He’s so fucking tall from this angle, so broad and—
He steps a single foot forward.  You flinch at the abrupt movement, practically soaking your underwear now.  Mando takes another step forward, and you wet your lips and start to crawl back on the bed just a bit, staring at him with wide eyes.
Maker, the tension is making it hard to breathe.  You’re silently begging him to come take care of you after such an agonizing three weeks apart, and Mando’s body language looks like he’s more wound up than you’ve ever seen him.  He starts pacing directly to you, crossing the hull rapidly, and your heart thumps furiously with every step he takes.
But then he gets right to the edge of the blankets and suddenly stops short.  He looks down at the neatly made bed at his feet, and then down at his body.
You try not to make an audible huff of disappointment when he abruptly collapses down onto his back with a clatter right there on the floor, just a few inches shy of the blanket, immediately bringing the backs of both hands up to press against the face of his helmet.  It should look weird considering his knuckles are pushing hard against the visor, almost like he’s covering his eyes or has a headache but is rubbing the beskar instead of his forehead, but it doesn’t.  It just makes you want to rip that armor off his body even more and remind him again of what his skin feels like.
“What are you doing?”  You try not to make it sound like a breathless pout as you squirm impatiently under the blankets.  “Come over here.”
“I’m dirty,” is the first thing that comes through the modulator, gravelly and distorted but his voice burning a fucking hole through you after not hearing it for almost a month.  “I need to shower before I touch you.”
You don’t know why, but something about the way he says it makes you throb hard between your legs.
“Will you please just…” you bite your lip, stopping yourself short of saying take your clothes off and go with, “please, just—hurry.  I’m…”
Maker, you don’t know how to say it, and Mando soon rolls his helmet to the side to look at you when you don’t finish your sentence.  Desperate for it?  Hurting?  Feeling your clit pulse right now even though he hasn’t laid a finger on you yet?
“I missed you,” you eventually finish lamely, breathless as you fidget and bite your lip.
“Yeah?”  He breathes, suddenly turning the rest of his body on his side to face you.  “Tell me.”
“I… I want to show you,” you return quietly, scooting closer towards him.  “But you’re being withholding.”
Mando doesn’t say anything for a few seconds, but the front of his visor burns into you, steadily increasing your need for him the longer he silently stares at you.
“Show me, then,” he says after a moment, and the sentence rolls through you with a shudder.
You swallow thickly, and slowly start to pull the blanket down.  It’s unnerving that his helmet doesn’t move, even though you can literally feel his gaze lowering and searing hot along your newly revealed body.  You’re not even naked, not in the slightest, but with the way his shoulders tighten and his spine tenses just slightly, you would think you were completely exposing yourself to him right now.
“Do you want…”  Your fingers waver near your belly button, caught somewhere between wanting to pull the hem of your shirt up for him and wanting to pull the waistband of your pants down.  “What do you want to see?”
A breath comes through the helmet; slow, but shaky.
“I have to shower,” he grunts sharply, suddenly, his fist clenching at his side.  You don’t take offense to the stern tone.  He’s clearly repeating the sentence as a reminder to himself, not to you.
“You can get me dirty,” you breathe regardless.  “I don’t care.”
“I just spent three weeks on Coruscant’s surface,” Mando grits.  “I can’t touch you, I’ll infect you with someth—What are you doing?”
You bite your lip at him as an answer, bypassing your prior conflict altogether by slithering your hand down the front of your pants.
“What are you doing?”  He repeats through the modulator, just as your fingertips wedge underneath the hem of your panties.  
You shiver at the sensation, your eyes losing focus just slightly as you trail down the front of your pussy.  “I… I missed you.”
“Fuck,” Mando barks, and then he scrambles to stand up.  “Stop.  I’m taking a shower, just—just stop.”
You ignore him, turning on your back and widening your knees so he can still see the way your hand is still moving down between your legs, your finger just barely brushing the top of your slit.  “But it feels good.” “Take your hand out of your fucking pants,” he orders tightly.  “Right now.”
Your eyes flutter up at him as you do what he says, slowly bringing your hand out of your trousers.  “Hurry,” you murmur, biting your lip and blinking innocently up at him.  “Please.”
He doesn’t say a word, but his cape does make an audible sound with how quickly he whips around and shuts himself away in the tiny fresher.
You forget how long it takes to undo the beskar armor sometimes.  In fact, throughout the entire duration of Mando’s shower, you’re able to quietly sneak up to the cockpit and navigate the ship out of the terminal, pull up the coordinates for the next quarry on the navcomp while rising to a high enough altitude above the galactic capital, make a jump into hyperspace, return to the hull, shut off the lights, and slither back under the covers before the fresher actually turns off.
Soon, Mando raps his knuckles against the door separating the two of you, and you’ve completely wiggled out of your clothes by that point, the blanket resting just below your naked waist.  “Hey,” his unmodulated voice calls from behind the thick slab of metal.  “Eyes closed for a second.”
“I’m not looking,” you agree, draping your elbow across the bridge of your nose and waiting patiently.  He gives you a few seconds regardless before the door is sliding open.  You expect it to quickly shift shut again, plunge the room back into pitch blackness like before, but he hesitates.  It takes another moment for you to realize that he’s probably just staring at your naked chest while he stands there in the doorway, light spilling into the hull and illuminating you waiting for him with your eyes obediently shut.
“I thought I told you not to sleep on the floor anymore,” he murmurs after a quiet second, and you bite your lip and shuffle your shoulders impatiently against the floor, arching your chest out just slightly to entice him to come closer.
“Fuck that bed,” you breathe with your arm still pressed over your eyes, and your nipples feel tight in the cool air.  “Your armory is bigger than that bed, Mando.  Doesn’t that tell you something?”
“Yeah,” he returns, finally shutting the fresher light off and shifting the door shut behind him, beginning to make his way over to you.  “Tells me that there are more guns than people on this ship, as well it should be.”
“Maker, you’re impos—”
You’re cut off by Mando dropping to his knees and slowly crawling over your body, and fuck he’s as naked as you are, he’s naked and his skin is warm and damp from the shower and his hair is still dripping as you slither your arms up his chest and comb your fingers through it.
You can’t see a damn thing but you’re instantly thanking your lucky stars for that fact when his head drops down and a hot tongue drags up the curve of your neck.  Okay, this is better.  This is always better.  Even when you can’t see a damn thing, feeling the hollow of your jaw be caressed by a blazing wet furnace and tugging your fingers through his hair will always be better than when he keeps the helmet on.  Maker, you almost forgot how fucking good his mouth is, how soft and warm it is, and you can’t bite down a whimper when his lips finally trail up your chin and seal against yours.
You moan when his tongue gently slides into your mouth, unable to stop yourself as your cunt fucking throbs between your legs with arousal, and Mando even lets out a short huff of air through his nose and a low noise quietly slips through his vocal cords as he tastes you.  The barely audible sound is enough gasoline to your fire that you wrap your arms around his shoulders and your legs around his lower back before tugging, wanting his cock pressed against your cunt so you can rub yourself against it while he kisses you.
Only, something in the way Mando’s elbows immediately buckle and the hiss of air through his teeth before he unceremoniously collapses on top of you makes you instantly let him go.
“Hey,” you say, letting him bury his head into the crook of your neck and puff a short few breaths of hot air against your skin.  “What’s wrong?”
“Fuck,” he grunts, sounding somewhere between discomfort and legitimate pain, moving to prop his arms up next to your head again but taking a moment before trying to push himself up.  “Back.  Back hurts.  Too—” he winces when his shoulder moves a certain way, “—too old for this.”
“Here.”  There’s just enough space between you and Mando to wiggle out from underneath him, quickly turning around and swinging a leg over his back as he abruptly drops to the floor with the extra weight.  “Let me rub your back.”
“Shit—come on,” he groans against the blankets.  “I haven’t touched you in three fucking—”
Your hands trail up his spine, slow and gentle, and Mando cuts himself off.  He shudders under your palms as they carefully push and roll into the small of his back, and the muscles curving down under your touch gradually rise as he breathes in a lungful of air.  “Let me rub your back,” you repeat softly, letting your voice lull just a bit in a lower register, and all the air immediately releases from under your hands.
“Okay,” he relents, but his spine still holds straight and tight with tension.
“Okay?”  You repeat, dragging your palms back up until they’re roughly in the middle of his spine.  “Tell me if I go too hard.”
Mando barely huffs with a chuckle beneath you.  “Yeah, okay, I’ll tell you if—nghh—”
You dig your knuckles into the dip right beneath his shoulder blades and start kneading, and Mando makes a strangled noise and sags into the floor.  Your smile is almost impossible to hide, but the pitch black hull does the job just fine as you press and roll your knuckles into the hills and valleys of his back.  The noises he makes are a mixture of soft gasps and chokes, but it gives you the perfect opportunity to explore his body in ways you haven’t been able to before.
Your thumbs you dig in and follow the curve of his spine down, squeezing through the tightness in his lower back.  The skin under your hands is soft and giving, even though you can feel massive knots hidden underneath.  You take all the time in the galaxy with it, isolating each ache and pain and then grinding your knuckles into them steady and hard enough to make Mando groan brokenly under the pressure.  You work at it for a while, trailing your fingers up to his neck and massaging the base of his skull, not being able to imagine how much those muscles have to hurt after holding up a heavy beskar helmet every single day.  Your hands explore everything you can from this angle—you squeeze the tops of his shoulders, slide your palms down and squeeze his biceps, the muscles under his elbows, the ones wrapped around his forearms.
“This alright?”  You ask after a while, and you barely get a hoarse grunt from him in response.  His body is perfectly relaxed under yours, almost dead if he wasn’t still breathing, and you slowly walk your hands down the length of his back until you’re braced upright on him once more.  “You gonna make it?”
Eventually, he drags his forearms up so he can prop them against the blankets and slowly roll over underneath you.  You allow the lazy movement, lifting your hips up as he rotates, feeling his smooth skin shift under your palms until he finally comes to a rest on his back.
“My turn?”  He asks through the darkness.
“Your turn for wh—?”  You gasp as his grip instantly tightens, and then he’s abruptly switching your positions until he’s on top of you.  Almost all of your breath is knocked out of you when Mando grabs you and flips you over until you’re on your tummy, and then whatever remains suddenly whooshes out when he straddles you and plops down on your lower back.
“My turn to give you a massage,” he says, and you let out a quiet, “fuck—” when his palms land on your shoulders.
“Wait—” You pant, “—Wait, hang on, I don’t need a—”
Thank the fucking Maker you turn your head quick enough to muffle a loud moan when his fingers begin rubbing hard circles into your deltoids.  Stars, sleeping on hard metal for three weeks was truly a nightmare for your posture.  The knots in your upper back burn under the steady push and press of his touch, and it’s like your muscles can’t decide if they want to relax under the manipulation or tense up against it.
“Maker,” he murmurs, his thumbs frame either side of your spine and slowly drag downwards, and your voice almost cracks as you hide another groan in the pillow.  “Why does your back hurt?  What did you do to yourself?” “I slept—” you gasp when his knuckles roll up the length of your sides.  “Slept—on that piece of fucking scr-scrap metal—you call a—” his fingers press firmly against the valley below your shoulder blades, and then widen apart to start squeezing your arms, “—a bed for three weeks,” you manage to gasp, sparks of sensation shooting down to your fingertips as he rubs the muscles along the length of your biceps.
Soon, Mando’s hands come back down to rest on the small of your back, and he begins digging his thumbs into the base of your spine.  “Why did you do it for so long if it hurt?”
“You said—” You cut off with a moan into the pillow as he slowly scoots back until he’s sitting on your thighs, his hands moving downwards and kneading the soft flesh of your ass, pressing deep into the sore muscles while you struggle to remember what you were going to say.  “Said you wanted me to sleep in y—”
His thumbs start slowly moving inwards, his large hands butterflying out along both cheeks and squeezing.  He spends a second just grabbing and pulling your pillowy flesh, shamelessly spreading you and manipulating it until you’re throbbing between your legs again.  He’s being so brazen about it, too, gradually moving his thumbs closer and closer together until they’re digging into the crevice.
“Hey, uh,” you pant, starting to tense up a bit as his thumbs begin moving downwards.  “Ma—h-hey, you’re getting really… close to m-my…”
His hands keep steadily moving down, and you’re starting to squirm just a bit at the unfamiliar sensation of someone’s fingers pressing and kneading the unexplored skin between your cheeks.  
“Getting real close to your what?”  He drawls out from above you, low in his throat, and your cunt pulses with need.
Fuck, you’re gasping raggedly into the pillow, wondering if the absence would truly make him this bold.  You’re halfway caught between nervousness and being incredibly fucking turned on, and the way he pauses right above your asshole and just holds there makes your the muscles deep in your lower abdomen twist in anticipation and heat.  Fuck, you’re soaking the blankets beneath you, you can tell.  A thin sheen of sweat breaks out across your body and it’s all you can do to just lay there and wait for it with bated breath.
But then his weight is suddenly lifting from you and sliding down the length of your legs, settling at your feet.  You barely have enough time to let out a deep sigh—half of it relief and the other half… disappointment, maybe?—before he grabs hold of one of them, the size of it only slightly bigger than his hand, and firmly presses both thumbs into your arch.
A groan of approval slips through your vocal cords and you go practically boneless underneath him, not realizing how tense you just were a second ago.
“Fuck, that’s s-so good,” you murmur into the pillow, grabbing the blankets at your sides and fisting them subconsciously as he clamps his large hand around your heel and squeezes.
After spending just as much time and attention on the other foot, you feel him grip both your ankles and start working circles up the length of your calves with his thumbs.  His hands flex against the backs of your knees when they get there, and then your breathing kicks back up again when they gradually drag up your subtly clenching thighs.
But then they come to an immediate halt about halfway up, and you have to bite back a huff of distress when he just holds there.  Fuck, why did he stop?  Why did he stop?
“Sweet girl,” he eventually breathes out, sounding somewhere between chastising and shocked.  Your eyes flutter in the darkness at the tone, the endearment after nearly a month without it, and you wiggle slightly on the bed with arousal.  “Is this…?”  Mando brushes his fingers along the inside of your thighs, and you can feel the way his cock pulses as he presses it tight against your leg.  It’s not until he drags his hand down to your calves that you feel the slick heat coating the tips of his fingers, wiping it off on your relatively dry skin.
The pitch blackness makes it impossible to truly tell, but you’re sure your eyes roll back.  Stars, you are so wet for him, you’re leaking it halfway down your thighs.  It’s been too long since he’s touched you.  You can feel your lower muscles bearing down and coiling tight, your entire pelvic area now cramped up with need.
When his hand carefully moves up and a finger just barely ghosts over the soft flesh of your lips, you can’t stop yourself.
“Touch me,” you hear yourself suddenly beg, goosebumps breaking out along your skin while he begins to slowly trace the outside of your slit, up and down, up and down.  “Oh, fuck—please, Din, touch me, I—”
“Hush,” he tells you softly, and fuck, he’s on top of you and you physically can’t do anything to encourage him to hurry up.  The only thing you can do is kick one leg out as wide as possible and just shudder helplessly against the floor, trying to give his hands more room to work.
You feel desperate, your blood pounding through your ears as he takes all the time in the universe exploring you.  “Stars, don’t do this—I need you to—”
“Hush,” he murmurs once more, before moving both fingers to spread your lips apart ever so slightly, your slick heat seeping out to coat his fingers and the blanket below.  “Relax for me.”
Maker, your lower muscles are tightening down and throbbing in equal parts, and you just can’t relax, you can’t relax when you’re this close to cumming all over his hand even though he’s barely touched you.  You’ve been aching for it this whole time, but now there’s a bite to it, a slow burn that begins to engulf the lower half of you in simmering heat.  “Din, please, I missed you so m—”
You choke when you feel the slightest brush of a fingertip next to your clit, before he’s firmly pushing down and tracing a torturously strong semi-circle around the top of it.
Your toes curl and your body locks up and you gasp his name into the pillow, flexing every single muscle in your body in response to his touch until you’re impossibly rock hard with tension under him.
“Poor thing,” Din whispers, slowly tracing an arch back around the other way, and your entire body trembles with it.  Maker, you’re soaking his hand, slippery and hot and every nerve from the waist-down feels sharp and exquisite at the same time.  He leans down to press his lips to your shoulder blade while starting to rub strong circles around your clit.  “All alone for three weeks, nobody around to look after you.  Make sure you’re seen to.”
You’re not sure which way is up right now, and not being able to see anything isn’t fucking helping either.  You feel dizzy with sensation, shaky as his tongue slowly drags up your skin, and you actually feel water rush to your eyes in torment when he pulls his hand away.
You open your mouth to beg him not to stop, but then he’s already moving.  Grabbing your hips and slowly lifting them until your knees have to shuffle up to compensate.  He still keeps your head buried in the pillow, though, still keeps the upper half of your body firmly pressed against the floor.  You pant into the fabric half covering your face and fist the blanket underneath you, biting your lip and clenching your thighs as two hands carefully settle along the backs of them.
Fuck, he keeps you there for so long.  He drags out the anticipation until you’re downright hurting for it, waiting with your ass up in the air for him to do something—anything to help relieve your stress instead of continuing to build upon it.
“Fuck—” he whispers, “—missed you, too.”
When his hot, velvety tongue finally glides through your slit, something about it makes you moan brokenly into the pillow, spread your knees and arch your back even more in presentation.  Fuck, there’s just something about the mindblowing eroticism of your positioning right now, how you’re bent in half and letting him lick through your folds however is easiest for him, something about it hits just right and makes your orgasm suddenly pull up tight and fast.
“Din—” you breathe frantically, your knees shuffling apart and your hips pushing back against his mouth.  “Din, I’m gonna cum—”
His hands come up to clamp around your thighs and hold them steady.  And then he lowers his chin to seal his mouth over your clit, slowly dragging his slick tongue over it, again and again and again, and fuck, you can’t do anything to stop it.  Everything surges up, searing hot and wet as you go rigid and gasp his name, shuddering your way through the debilitating bliss as it arcs brilliantly up and down your spine.
By the time you’re finished, you’re slumped against the floor in exhaustion.  He pulls away and sits up, and you try to push yourself up too, but a large palm firmly flattening along your spine stops you.  The sound of him spitting and the subsequent slick glide of his hand around his cock makes you groan hoarsely against the pillow and relax back down again.
Din eases his way inside you and the thickness of him as he slowly breaks you open is fucking electrifying.  Your sensitive channel hugs tight to every fucking inch of him, lighting your nerves up from the inside and sending skittering shocks down your thighs.  You melt into the floor and take what he gives you until his hips touch your ass, sagging against the ground as he stands so tall and upright on his knees behind you.
When he slowly pulls back out, you can hear the wet sound it makes echo throughout the pitch black hull.  Maker, he just starts up a slow, steady rhythm, his steel grip on your ass holding you steady as he pushes in and out of you.  It’s blinding, making you writhe against the floor while he gives you his cock at a languid pace, dragging the pleasure out but snapping his hips against yours whenever he does reach the apex of his strong thrusts.
It’s as agonizing as it is blissful, and you moan softly into the pillow the entire way through it.  Except—you’re too full of mindless pleasure, too stimulated to want to remain stationary for this long.  You need to move, you need to show him how much you thought about him while he was gone.  
“Din—” you whimper, breathless and needy, turning your head back slightly to unmuffle your words.  “Turn over.”
“In a second,” he huffs, his cock continuing to steadily rock into you.  You’re bent in half, taking it the only way he’ll give it to you and not even being able to push back into him.  “No—l-later.  After.”
You whine, frustrated, clawing and pulling at the blankets under your arms.  “Please—”
“Fuck,” Din pants, “fuck, what do you need?  You need it faster?”  His speed kicks up the slightest bit, and stars, you have to bite the back of your hand to muffle the ragged noise you make in response.  “This what you need?  Tell me.”
There’s not a good way to phrase it.  Mostly, you just… feel the need to participate in this more directly.  You know from experience that he likes to finish when he’s on top, but after weeks apart, you… you need to be what makes him cum, not what he holds steady and uses to get himself there.  
Your voice comes out frantically, pleading gasps for him to grant you this one thing.  “Just turn over, please—pleasepleasepleaseplease—”
His thrusts falter, until they stop completely.  He sounds like he’s having as much trouble breathing as you are, but his hard grip on you gradually loosens.  “You—do you not—?”
You don’t let him finish.  As soon as he lets you go, you’re pushing yourself up and turning around, grabbing his shoulders and all but wrestling him down to the cushioned blanket.  Din grunts and lets you do it, dropping down onto his back and snaking his hands up your naked chest as you climb over him with weak, trembling limbs.  Once you get his cock into position and sink down though—fuck, you grab his wrists and yank them up until his palms are cupping your tits, and Din hisses below you.  Your hands are barely large enough to wrap around the backs of his, but you force him to squeeze them nonetheless, and then you begin to ride him in earnest.
He curses, bracing his feet against the floor and shifting his knees behind you, and then he starts pushing his hips up into yours in time with your downward rolls.  Maker, he hits something deep inside you at the angle, something that makes you gasp every time your hips meet.  Your palms drag down his wrists and forearms as he keeps groping your breasts, throwing your head back in ecstasy as another orgasm starts to stir somewhere low in your core.
“Stars, I—I think I m-might—” You barely have enough time to gasp it out before he’s releasing your breasts and anchoring his grip tight to your hips, beginning to angle and isolate in on that one spot that drives you fucking crazy.  The strong thrusts pull you forward until your palms are braced on the floor next to his head, and you just moan and push back against it as he fucks deep into you.
“Fuck, I missed you,” Din says again, his disembodied voice sounding tighter and more desperate in the darkness, like it’s coming out against his will.  “I—I missed you, t-too, sweet girl, I f-fucking—missed—”
You choke out a cry as another wave of euphoria all but fucking evicerates you.  Your elbows buckle and you fall into his chest, but Din wraps both arms around your back and keeps fucking you through it, gritting breathless curses at the ceiling as your cunt spasms around his cock.
“Tho—ught about you—” he groans, husky and low next to your ear, “every… fuck, every fucking day—thought about y—”
His body tenses and his thrusts stutter to a halt, and then he grinds up into you, gasping your name into the pitch black hull.  Your body is crushed into his chest when his hips jerk against yours, and you bite his shoulder in satisfaction, squeezing hard around his throbbing cock.
When Din finally settles back down to the floor again, both of you are spent.  Neither one of you fucking move.  You don’t say anything while you catch your breath against his chest, slumping down into him as his knees suddenly drop flat.
“Fuck,” he breathes.  “Fuck.  I’m.  I’m never taking a bounty on Coruscant again.”
You laugh lightly, swallowing and turning your head to settle in the crook of his neck.  Your knees shuffle up slightly until you’re resting all your weight on top of him, his cock still engulfed in your hot center.  As soon as you lift off him, you know you’re just going to dribble a mess all over these nice blankets, so you decide to put it off for as long as he allows it.
Din doesn’t seem to have a problem with it at all.  In fact, his chest shifts just slightly beneath you when he reaches down to catch one of the blankets and pull the fabric over the both of you, collapsing back into the pillow with an exhausted sigh and doing absolutely nothing to encourage you to move whatsoever.
“Corellia was worse,” you tell him instinctually, and he grunts and brings his hands up to trail his fingers along your lower back.
“Corellia was over within a day,” he points out, and.  Shit.  You know he’s just being diplomatic about it, but something in the way he casually brushes it off suddenly makes you go quiet.  He’s right, you probably weren’t on Corellia for more than a few hours total.  Not that you necessarily expected him to, but he clearly doesn’t realize the events that took place there have haunted you for weeks.
When you don’t immediately say something in response, Din stops dragging his fingers up your spine.  You can feel his chin lower slightly, his jaw brush against your forehead.  “You oka—?”
“I killed someone on Corellia,” you whisper, and your words hang heavy in the still air immediately afterwards.  “A man is dead because of me.”
He doesn’t speak.  For a long time, Din doesn’t speak.
By the time his voice eventually does come through the darkness, you’d almost convinced yourself he wasn’t going to say anything at all.
“You’re right,” he tells you bluntly, brushing your hair back from your shoulder.  And, for some reason, you’re not expecting it.  If you were able to get a verbal reply out of him at all, you… you hoped he’d argue with you even just a little bit, if only to make you feel even the slightest bit better.  “A man is dead, and you killed him.”
Though his voice is soft and you know he’s not being intentionally cruel, it’s like he reached through your ribcage and crushed your heart himself.  Your shoulders tense at the feeling, wanting to instinctively curl yourself inwards and make yourself smaller in response to it.  Only, Din’s broad chest prevents it.  All you can do is hide your face as best you can in his neck and let the unfiltered truth weigh heavy on you in the silent hull.
“But you’re wrong about one thing,” he eventually says.  “He’s not dead because of you.  That implies you had a choice.  You didn’t.  He’s dead because of him.  He gave you an ultimatum, and you did what you had to do.  Don’t feel bad that you won.”
“I didn’t win anything,” you whisper against his throat, uncomfortable with the implication.
“He initiated a confrontation, and you finished it,” he asserts.  “You did what you had to do, and you did great, so don’t—”
“Great?”  You close your eyes and try not to sound as upset as you currently feel, because you know this is just him being polite.  He does this for a living.  He’s probably lost count of how many people he’s killed in his lifetime, so what’s one body to him?  You shouldn’t have let the conversation lead here, especially after such a lovely moment.  “I… I’m sorry.  I shouldn’t have brought it—”
“Listen to me,” Din suddenly says, curling the tips of his fingers against your shoulder blade.  “There’s something you need to understand, and I’m not trying to hurt your feelings by telling you this.  But the galaxy will never be as kind to you as you are to it.  You’re tenderhearted, and that’s not a bad thing.  Hang onto it, but recognize that it’s rare.  It’s not something that you’ll come by often.  You’ll never see as much of it in anyone else as I see in you.”
Maybe it’s because you know he’s not used to comforting people that the words actually manage to make you feel somewhat comforted.  They’re blunt and honest, but they also allow an unobstructed glimpse into his feelings for you, specifically because of that.
“I just…”  You bite your lip and snuggle your head deeper into the crook of his neck.  “I just wish I could… somehow…”
His chest expands fully with air underneath you, and then you can literally feel yourself slowly sink down a few inches with how deeply he sighs.  But… this isn’t the normal Mando sigh.  He doesn’t sound frustrated with you, exasperated, or impatient.  He sounds… empathetic.  Understanding.
His hand comes up to cradle the back of your head and comb his fingers through your hair, tugging at some of the tangles at your nape.  “What would you have done differently?”
You don’t answer him, because you immediately see what he’s getting at.  You’ve told yourself these things a million times over in the weeks he’s been gone.  Regardless, he goes on for you.
“Would you have chosen to land the ship in a different spot?  Risked a different person following you onto it?”  He asks, and though the overarching point to this line of questioning is already blatantly obvious, his voice is still kind.  “Would you have taken that vibroblade to a different part of his body?  Given him a slower death?  What else would you have done, sweet girl?”
You stay silent, fluttering your eyes shut.  His fingers lazily trail up and down the length of your spine, goosebumps breaking out on your skin once again.
“Even if there was something you could’ve done—even if his death had been your fault,” Din murmurs, “—listen, do you remember what you said to me?  When I told you my name—before that, do you remember what you said?  You said that some things just belong to people.  That there are certain things that people just own, right?  Fundamentally.  And you can do whatever you want with them.  You can choose whether or not to share them with others, you can hide them, or you can.  Change them.  Burn them away.  Remember?”
You nod as much as you can with your head buried into his neck like this.
“Well, you’re right,” he continues, his voice softening.  “Some things do belong to people.  But some things… some things you can’t change.  Some things you can’t hide, and you can’t just burn away forever.  But that doesn’t make them any less yours, understand?  You killed someone.  It doesn’t matter what I tell you, or what you tell yourself.  The end result won’t ever change.  It can't change.  You own that now, and you’ll carry his death with you.  Just like I carry every single one of mine.”
He’s… he’s right.  You don’t have to like it, but he’s right.
“I don’t like it when you quote me to me,” you eventually whisper, your lips brushing his throat.
“Too bad.  I got another one for you,” Din rumbles, and you can feel his gentle smile against your hairline as he tilts his head and presses his lips to your temple.  “The Way says no take-backs.”
You narrow your eyebrows into this perfect little corner of him, not liking how curt and unapologetic it sounds rolling off his tongue.  “Did I say that?”
“Yep,” he huffs at the ceiling.  “Half-asleep, yet observant enough to be annoying.”
Your mouth twists, trying to appear visibly offended in the pitch blackness for some reason but fighting back a smile.  “Would you rather I be oblivious and adorable?”
“No,” he says immediately, and then you blink a few times in the darkness at the sincerity in his tone.  “You’re smart.  Well—you’re an idiot sometimes, but you’re smart.  That’s good.  That’s your best weapon.  Use it.”
“Use it?”  You ask, your voice quiet but curious.  “For what?”
He takes a second before responding, his fingers continuing to trace gentle, subconscious shapes along the curve of your spine.  “What planet are we going to next?”
The abrupt change in subject is stark and immediately noticeable, but you wrack your memory for the coordinates you brought up earlier when he was in the fresher nonetheless.  “Naboo.”
“I was thinking,” Din says, shifting just the slightest bit under you.  You groan when you realize his cock is still inside you, soft but still gorgeously thick enough to not slip out.  “Might… might be a good idea to show you some things.  Give you a few self-defense tips before I head out again.  Naboo is one of the safest planets in the galaxy.  We can… take a few days.”
“Yeah?”  You breathe, a spark of excitement bringing an immediate smile to your face.
“Yeah,” he repeats softly, the scruff on his jaw rubbing against your temple as he nods.  “Been awhile.”
“Okay,” you bite your lip on a grin and try not to let him hear the happiness in your voice.  Fuck, a few days.  A few days he’s delaying his job to spend with you.  Maybe you’ll be able to sleep on an actual mattress at some point.  You truly can’t fucking wait.
You two stay like that for quite a long time, just resting and breathing with each other in the pitch black hull.
“We just wouldn’t have gone to Corellia, how about that?”  You find yourself saying after a moment of comfortable silence.  When Din doesn’t speak, you elaborate.  “You asked me what I would’ve done differently.  We just wouldn’t have gone to Corellia.  Avoided the whole fucking sector altogether, like I plan on doing for the rest of my life.”  
And then your whole body abruptly jerks up and down exactly once with his genuinely amused huff of laughter from underneath you.
Your expression immediately narrows.  This is the third time you’ve ever made him laugh in all the months you’ve known him, and somehow all three of them have been at your own expense.  “What’s funny?”
“Absolutely.  You could’ve—” he clears his throat, “—convinced me.  Not to hunt down a bounty.”
He doesn’t make a sound beyond that, and had you not been laying on top of his chest as it subtly vibrated with stifled chuckles, you wouldn’t have known at all that he found that to be so funny.
“I could’ve… wooed you,” you try after a second, and nope.  You feel like you’re on top of a silent, quaking faultline now, and you do your best to keep a frown on your face as you rock back and forth on top of him.  His cock almost slips out of you in the commotion.  Almost.
“Get some sleep, you sweet talker,” he eventually sighs when he calms his breathing, kissing your forehead and settling back down into the blankets.  “The kid will be up in a few hours, probably less.”
“He’s your son,” you grumble, still sulking somewhat at his blatant disregard of your seduction talents.  “Takes after you.  For all I know he looks just like you, too.”
“Sleep,” Din tells you, bringing a hand up to cup the back of your head and push it deeper into the crook of his neck.  “That’s enough talking.”
You stomp down the playful urge to bite him and settle into him instead, closing your eyes and breathing him in.  Fuck.  A few days on Naboo.  You’ve only heard nice things about the beautiful planet.  You wonder if it has an ocean.  Could a planet be called beautiful if it doesn’t have at least one?  You’ve seen rivers and lakes on planets Din has taken you to, but there was always land on the other side.  You’ve never seen an actual ocean before, you’ve only heard about them.  Water, as far as the eye can see.  There has to be an ocean on Naboo, right?
“Hey Din, are there any—”
It’s alright, you’ll ask later.
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