#location nam nightclub
ded-and-gonne · 2 years
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8 notes · View notes
muniimyg · 2 years
40 | muse ✒️
series m.list
taglist: @kakixaku @boraength @4ksj @pamzn @jinsearth @fancycollectormoon @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @fan-ati--c @kthlvr30 @ellesalazar @taeees-world @sukunasrealgf @firesighgirl @jeonninja @bloopkook @butterymin @pinkseokchim​ @joonsjuice
warning: it’s a club scene y’all. ur typical fanfic yn getting hit on by someone else nd the love interests being 👊🏽😡 … take it as u will … implied violence (punch & a mini threat the guy deserves), angst angst aNGST 🤭
note: FRIENDS !!! this ch is the sole purpose of paraluman… i literally built an entire plot over this mere idea of conflict 😃 i hope u enj ,, as i will be taking a short break to update my other ongoing fics prewrite for the finale 🤡👍🏼 as always, ur thots nd reblogs are always appreciated <3 see u guys later
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“No fucking way,” Taehyung gasps.
Taehyung is stressed—almost irritated with how you look tonight. He is in disbelief with how you walk in like you don’t know everyone is looking at you. Since Taehyung has always been a man of standards, evidently so, he doesn’t waste his time with people who don’t meet them. Tonight, it seems that you’ve exceeded them. As the sight of you settles in, he begins to get it. He finally understands why Jin and Jungkook are so obsessed with you.
Case in point: you look good. 
You look good and everyone here knows it. Nevermind that the club is filled, getting through the crowd doesn’t seem to be an issue for you. As people clear a way for you to walk through, you gently thank them. Now, everyone has their eyes on you for sure. It’s like a grand entrance of a rom com.
As the music blasts and the lights flash around the nightclub, your friends seem to have no problem fixating on you. You continue to make your way through the clearing crowd and stand before them with a warm smile. They are all gathered around a reserved lounge seating with drinks in their hands. It’s so nice to see everyone together. Of course, Yoongi isn’t here but this is as close to competition as your friend group can get.
Taehyung, who is already standing, greets you as he hands you a drink. You thank him sweetly and just as you’re about to sit down next to Nam Joon and Hoseok, Jimin purses his lips and makes a face at you. 
“What is it?” you demand, folding your arms together. You aren’t sure if he’s giving you that face because you disgust him or impress him. It’s really either or. “Something wrong with the way I look, Mr. Park—”
“No, you look beautiful,” Jimin admits smoothly before turning towards the direction of Jungkook and Jin. Jungkook and Jin raise their glasses to you, nodding nonchalantly. You tilt your head at them, unsure what to make of this image. You aren’t sure if they’re playing a trick on you or not.. They look awfully close tonight.
You’ve never really seen them get along. Aside from somewhat friendly and vague exchanges prior to your relationship with Jin, the two were never really friends. They were merely roommates whose families have always been acquainted with one another. Their friendship was out of respect for their families. Living together was just a coincidence and practical decision in terms of location and connection. Meeting you and being caught in the middle of it was just… Life.
Therefore, this an unlikely picture to see. 
The two men sitting next to each other? Odd.
In a way, you’ve waited and wondered when this time would come—rather, if it would ever come. When have these two ever willingly been this civil? Even before your relationship with Jin was out in the open, Jungkook often presented himself passive and rude to Jin. Jin would always reply coldly and in a way, challenging to Jungkook... So what now?
Tonight they were buddies?
You begin to create possible reasons as to why they’re acting this way in your head. Perhaps its the drink in their hands and the multiple pre-drink shots in their stomachs. Perhaps it’s because everyone was here and they knew they had to be on their best behaviour. 
Perhaps it’s because the two, in a way, have already lost. 
Nevertheless, you take a breath in.
As you breathe in, you remind yourself that taking a break from the both of them has been an effective and practical decision so far. It’s been a little weird to live life so quietly. Even if it’s only been a few days, it’s been nice to be alone. Like, alone alone. No texts, no calls, no surprise show up’s at your door. Being alone isn’t as scary you initially thought it would be. Yet, your anxious feelings don’t fade away that quickly. Though you’re slowly but surely feeling more at peace, you know this won’t last forever. Soon enough, you three will have to have at it.  
Until then, it is what it is. 
Space. Time. Reflection.
“Aight, this is exactly why one of you guys should’ve picked her up!” Jimin stresses. You look down and don’t catch on. Is it the dress? “She goes out looking like this? You guys let ___ go out looking like this?!” Jimin then gestures at your figure before facing Jin and Jungkook. 
“What is the big deal? She didn’t wanna be picked up. They just respected her decision of getting here by herself. Which, I think, is a good start. Baby steps, right?” Hoseok interjects, tugging you to sit down next to him. You smile and greet him.
“Hi, Hoseok. Thank you for coming home.”
Sure, you and Hoseok are okay now. You two have texted in the days between then and now, but there’s a part of your friendship that still feels like it’s recovering. That’s just life though, isn’t it? Sometimes we get hurt and we say sorry to one another. It doesn’t mean everything is okay tomorrow, but it’s better than yesterday.
“Hi, ___,” he smiles, opening his arms for you to crash into. “No more playing dumb?”
In his embrace, you laugh and shake your head. “Sorry for making you lose a few braincells while I find mine.” Your apology is unnecessary but nice to hear. Even if it’s a little unserious, he knows where your heart is. 
“I have a surprise for you,” Hoseok nudges you as you pull away. He looks excited a insanely suspicious.
“What is it?” you wonder. 
“You’ll see.”
You open your mouth but Jimin cuts you off before you can push your curiosity any further. Jimin huffs, articulating his following words. “No, shut up you two. Seriously? Everyone here is looking at ___! How could you two—”
“She can wear what she wants,” Jin interrupts Jimin. He says it slow and calm, it’s completely intimidating. It must’ve been even scarier to receive the comment and not just hear it. Jimin’s lips twitch, fully knowing he’s swimming in dangerous water. 
Your eyes meet Jin’s. It’s sudden and no part of you felt ready for this. So, you stay still, practically holding your breath as his eyes trace your body. You feel the way he’s looking at you and how much it hurts to be looked at him like this and not be able to have him. 
Yes, the break is good but holy shit.
Sometimes, you forget about the way Jin looks at you and how easy it feels to drop everything for him to stop looking at you the way he does. You want him to do something. Hold your hand, take you away from everyone, kiss you… You know him.
That glint. 
That hunger. 
That look.
You brush your thoughts off as the chills down your spine begin to calm. You can’t say you saw this next part coming though. Jin blinks away to Jungkook’s direction and nods at him politely. To which, Jungkook crosses his arms and checks you out too. Instead of feeling nervous, you shoot Jungkook a glare in response because he just ruined a moment between you and Jin. You open your mouth to—
“Yeah,” Jungkook agrees. “What Jin said.” 
Jimin almost spits out his drink. “W-what? Oh my god. Did I just hear that right? Did you two just agree on something—?”
Jin clears his throat, “Jimin, if you’re so hot and bothered with the way ___ looks then don’t look at her.” His warning sounds conflicting because he says it so sweetly. It’s the undertone that everyone can identify. Jin is maddened.  “Actually, I am bothered. Don’t look at her.”
Jimin gulps. He closes his eyes and turns around, avoiding your direction. 
Rashly, Jungkook downs his drink and clears his throat. It’s like the alcohol doesn’t burn his throat. It goes down like water and you can’t help but watch the way Jungkook wipes his lips with the back of his hand. 
Suddenly, you recall the way they felt against yours. 
You shut your eyes, dismissing that thought. You open your eyes to Jungkook shoving his empty glass to Jimin’s chest. Jungkook catches the way you look at him. You look nervous—the kind like your heart was just racing. 
It was. 
Jungkook sends you a suggestive look. He’s playful about it and you hate how easy it is to read you. The way you flush is an easy tell. 
You squint at him, poking your tongue out in return. Jungkook rolls his eyes before smirking. He winks. At least, you think he does. You aren’t too sure. It’s so fast you aren’t even completely sure if he just did that, yet with the way Jungkook lowers his gaze, you become sure. 
“Doesn’t matter what she wears. I can fight.” Jungkook discloses, causing Jin to scoff and the rest of the boys to boo him.
As for you, you wonder why your heart hasn’t stopped racing. 
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Jin doesn’t like dancing. 
Jungkook said he would catch up and dance with you later. 
They insist you dance with Hoseok and Jimin or literally anyone else in the friend group but for them. Regardless of how much they like you, maybe there are some things you can’t convince them to do. 
Honestly, it’s okay.
Dancing with them would’ve probably turned into a whole thing. This is for the best. At all costs, your goal for tonight is to make it through without any more misfortune. You figure this is an easy out. Spending less time with either one of them can save this night from foreseen disaster.  
Jungkook and Jin stay at the lounge area, standing and watching over the floor. From time to time, they laugh and point at you and Hoseok dancing together. While they drink their scotch, they bond like the three of you aren’t walking on thin ice. 
It’s not like you’re in the position to assume anything at this point. No way were you going to be nosy and ruin a good thing. However, it just feels so... Different. This is the first time in months—actually, ever—that you’ve seen the two get along.
What can you do? 
What do you want to do? 
Confront them and tell them this is weird? Isn’t this on you? Insisting on the break because you haven’t drawn a clear conclusion on how to keep both men in different ways? This is on you. This is the bed you made, therefore you must lay in it. 
As the night goes on, the dance floor gets more and more packed. You were dancing with Hoseok for the most part while Taehyung and Jimin floated elsewhere. Nam Joon was taking a break, sitting down in the lounge area, chatting up some girl. From the sidelines, Jin and Jungkook are still watching over you. It feels weird—watching them get along. You don’t think you’ll ever get used to this feeling. It’s almost frightening. You’ve thought about it multiple times and even mentioned it to Hoseok probably a million more times, but as much as it is alarming, it’s just as radiant. 
It’s interesting. 
“Wanna get out of here?” The stranger's voice interrupts your thoughts. It doesn’t belong to anyone you recognize. 
As you turn to put the voice and face together, you see Hoseok practically being shoved away by two other men. While the main one, who you assume voice belongs to, smiles down at you. Immediately, you feel timid and confused. Why is Hoseok being pulled away from you? You can sense Hoseok’s blood instantly boil even as he’s parting ways from you.
You never doubted Hoseok in anything. Advice, his ability to be a food friend—yet, it shocks you how secretly strong he is. He pushes through the two men that block him and cut between you and the man towering over. 
“Woah—those your friends, man?” Hosoek bites, pushing their hands off his body. “The fuck is your problem?” 
You’ve never seen Hoseok get angry or cause trouble. Hell, this man is a saint. His friends growing up were probably angels and when he passes, he’ll probably become one as well. A horrible feeling kicks in when you notice Hoseok’s fists curled. He takes a step toward the taller guy. 
“This your girl?” the man spits. 
Hoseok hesitates and the man studies the way Hoseok does so. He laughs, drawing the conclusion himself.
“Not your girl, not your problem,” the stranger insits, smirking as he gestures his friends to dismiss Hoseok.
It happens so quick.
Before you know it, he takes a step toward you. In response, you take a step back. He’s a lot taller than you and it makes you realize just how small you are. It makes you feel so small and ultimately uncomfortable. “What’s your name—”
You scan for Hoseok. The two men have already pushed him away from arms reach again and it looks like Hoseok is starting an argument with them. He’s too far gone. You scan for Taehyung or Jimin. 
No where to be seen.
Abruptly, you turn towards the direction of Jungkook and Jin. 
They left their spot?
You’re alone. 
A lump in your throat starts to build up. You want to feel courageous and swiftly get away from here, but you think of nothing but for—
“I have a boyfriend,” you blurt. 
Maybe you said that a little too fast because the man doesn’t buy it. 
He offers you a half assed smile. It’s like he’s entertained by your distress. He pouts at you and it makes your stomach ache. It’s the sarcastic kind that only makes everything feel so much more uneasy. It’s like he’s tormenting you. In reality, you want to remind yourself that this is just a man that basks in preying on people’s fears. If you feed into them, he’ll have you just where he wants you. 
You hate this predicament. 
“That guy?” he points at Hoseok, who is struggling to get back to you. The crowd practically swallowed him. “Not him. Don’t lie to me.”
You gulp, taking your time to regulate your feelings. Yes, you’re overwhelmed and this is utterly uncomfortable, but you know you have to stick this one through. You may despise this moment, but you need to act bigger than it in order to get through it. 
“Y-yeah, he is my friend. He’s not my boyfriend,” you clarify, as you attempt to back away. As you so do, you accidentally step on a pair of passing feet. You stumble and the man lunges forward, catching you. It’s not like you were going to fall entirely, but his catch was still of aid. You hate that it was. His hands are on your waist as the other wraps around your wrist. Your breath shakes as he takes the opportunity to close in on you. 
“Careful with your excuses,” he advises. “Just say no and I’ll listen.”
“No,” you say sternly, finding your balance and getting back on your feet. Before you can turn around to walk away, he grabs your upper arm and pulls you towards him. He chuckles, his breath hot with heavy with alcohol. 
“Pretty girl, my bad. Forgot to mention I’m not the listening type.” Before you know it, he lifts his hand to your face. You turn your cheek, not wanting to look at him. He brushes the strands of your hair that have fallen on your face. Tucking your hair to the side, he then gathers your hair and moves it back. With a clear view of your neck, he leans in to kiss it. 
Before he can, you struggle in his arms. 
“My boyfriend is watching,” you utter. “Get off me. Now.”
Cockily, he whimpers to your ear, “boo fucking hoo, bitch.”
You begin to sink in the struggling feeling. Yet, a part of you knew there was no way your friends were here and this would go any further. You hold it together a little more. “Last chance,” you repeat, this time with a firmer tone. “My boyfriend is watching. Get off me. Now. I’m not asking you a third time.”
With an unamused tone, he asks, “who? Show me and I might believe you.”
“Let go of me and I’ll show you.” 
Perhaps because he’s drunk and you’re entertaining him, he listens. He lets you go and you take a breath in as you get on your feet. Now what? Push through everyone and hide in the bathroom? Scream so loud and make a scene that everyone on the dance floor can kick him out? Or do it? Make a fucking choice and get this bullshit over with.
Jungkook or Jin.
That’s it. 
You scan the club once again with your fingers crossed. You shut your eyes for a moment, hoping that when you open them they’ll be either. You know Jungkook and Jin have left their original spot. You know that Hoseok is pushing through whoever to find you. You know Nam Joon must know about this somehow because he’s Nam Joon and Taehyung and Jimin, in their own way, will rescue you too. 
You open your eyes and immediately feel relief. 
The sight of Jin and Jungkook stomping their way over to you relieves your nerves. The weight of your fear and anxiety lighten with every step they take closer to you. 
You don’t condone wrathful behaviour, therefore violence is out of the equation. But you can’t help but feel so much fucking happiness as you recognize their facial expressions. You’ve known the two long enough to be able to read them to an extent. 
It’s too late. 
It’s too late for this guy because the Jin and or Jungkook do not look pleased. 
Jungkook’s fists are curled and Jin has never looked more than ready for anything in his life. Jungkook is pushing his tongue around his cheek, directing disgusted looks towards the man beside you. Jin’s eyes pierce through and it’s like the crowd you’ve been pushing and shoving through all night is clearing a way for them. 
It’s then when you see it clearly. It’s not the extent of anger their that brings you to believing you’ll be okay. 
It’s him. 
It hits you.
This is the moment. 
You blink and feel the need to rub your eyes. 
In the midst of it all, Jin and Jungkook are still childish boys fighting over the pretty girl to pick between them and you do so. It happens so fast they almost trip over their own feet.
As the two approach you and the man, Jin and Jungkook’s heart continues to pound. Partly because of the adrenaline and anger as they watched you being hit on this entire time and partly because they knew what you were doing. They knew this was the typical “that’s my boyfriend,” play. Their anger fractures for a millisecond.
The man hisses, feeling impatient. “Cats got your tongue? Where’s your boyfriend, bitch—”
Before you can even stop yourself, you point toward the direction of Jin and Jungkook. 
Jungkook or Jin.
You point towards their direction. The man bends his knees slightly and squints to see no one. 
“Are you fucking with me?” he growls. “You were pointing at the two fucking guys—”
“She was pointing at me, you dumb fuck.”
Stepping out from behind Jin and Jungkook, he reveals himself.
It’s him. 
He’s here.
He steps forward and the familiar voice brings you absolute security. You’re going to be okay. There’s nothing bad that could happen now. Focused on you and your boyfriend, Jin and Jungkook circle behind the man without being noticed.
Drunkenly, the man huffs. “You? You’re her boyfriend?”
You nod at the sight, heart racing as he exchanges a warm smile with you. He extends his hand and you take it. Standing by his side, you burry yourself into his embrace. He smells so good. 
He smells like home. 
“Yeah, fucker, I am. What the fuck were you doing touching her like that?” 
Just as the stranger is about to put up a fight, a hand taps him on the shoulder. Sluggishly turning the stranger is met with a punch to the face. It’s a big hit. The kind where you watch his face turn and you wouldn’t be surprised if he would be missing a tooth or two. Falling on the floor, you gasp as Jin is revealed to be standing there. 
Jin is the one that threw the punch? 
Jungkook laughs, congratulating Jin. “Nice hit,” Jungkook then before he bends over the man lying on the floor. he picks him up by the collar of his shirt and shakes him. 
“Don’t ever fucking touch anyone like that ever again,” Jungkook says flatly, “because I’ll kill you next time.”
Jin rolls his eyes and grabs Jungkook by the back of his shirt. Jin pulls Jungkook back up and swears, “he’s not fucking worth it.”
“Says you,” Jungkook remarks, smacking Jin’s soon to be bruised knuckles. Jin flinches and hisses at the initiating pain. 
In the blur of the moment, perhaps it was the adrenaline; you feel ecstatic. The two look like brothers when they get along. You think to yourself, maybe it’s not that peculiar after all... 
You see security guards come in and take the man on the floor away. Jin and Jungkook talk to the security guards before directing them to Hoseok. Hoseok leads the way, pointing out the other guys that were acquainted with the man hitting on you. Jimin, Taehyung, and Nam Joon follow along. 
“You okay?” 
“Yeah,” you admit, processing it all. “Thanks, boyfriend.”
He pats your head, his gaze softening as he leans in and teases, “whatever you say, my love.” 
He offers you a shy smile and you can’t help but get watery eyes. You’re so thankful. You’re so heartbroken at the same time. Seeing him again after all these years; you never expected to feel this way. It’s a relief to see him. It makes your heart feel heavy as you notice how his hair grew, how his style changed, but the way he looks at you hasn’t. 
You know it in your heart it hasn’t as Yoongi, your first love, reaches for your hand and kisses it.
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You’re sitting in the lounge with Jungkook. He’s listening to you give your perspective on what happened. He’s tucking your hair behind your ear and leaning closer and closer every time you pause and look at him with wide eyes. Jin knows you aren’t flirting. He knows you’re used to going to Jungkook for comfort and given the events of tonight, you’re right to.
Jin watches you two, completely unaware of Yoongi approaching him. 
“Looks like it’s swelling already,” Yoongi offers an ice pack and another drink with his other hand. Jin thanks him, taking the ice pack and placing it on his knuckles. 
“I don’t know how Jungkook fights all the time,” Jin confesses. “I get that he boxes and shit but this is gonna be annoying to deal with as it heals.” 
“She’s worth it,” Yoongi comments. “The fights. The heartache.. I think she is.” 
Yoongi’s words catch Jin off guard. He clears his throat and pulls his attention away from you and Jungkook to Yoongi. Jin leans on the ramp and looks at his hand. 
He knows Yoongi is right. 
It aches though. 
It ached when you thanked the two and immediately lectured Jin about hitting people. How you congratulated Jungkook for using his words like you were a preschool teacher dealing with children. It ached when you took Jungkook’s hand and let him guide you out of the crowd and to the lounge. Where you two have been sitting together for the past fifteen minutes, talking and simply being together. Shouldn’t that be him? He was the one to throw the punch. 
Jin isn’t even sure how it ended up being him that threw the punch. Jungkook was more than ready and willing to do so. It was more of an in the moment thing anyway.
“... So it’s nice to meet you. I’m Yoongi,” he says. “___’s ex... And you are?”
Jin’s thoughts halt. He awkwardly laughs and nods his head, apologizing for being so disoriented. “Nice to meet you. I’m Jin. ___’s something.” Jin extend his good hand for Yoongi to shake. Yoongi shakes it, chuckling at Jin’s introduction. Jin takes that as a hint.
“So you know..”
Yoongi nudges Jin to scoot over. Jin does so. Standing side by side, they both watch you and Jungkook continue to bond. Like little kids, you two laugh and tease each other. Yoongi sighs, “Hoseok updates me every now and then. I usually don’t like talking about my ex on a daily bases so I try not to know too much.”
Jin snickers in response. “So, you’re not up to date then?”
Yoongi shakes his head. “Should I be? Feels a little like high school drama. Couldn’t stand that shit when I was high school, what makes you think I’d care about it now?”
“Because it’s about ___.”
“I digress,” Yoongi chuckles, cheersing Jin. Together, they both take a sip. 
In the silence, Jin can’t help but feel like his whole heart is sinking. He wonders if Yoongi feels the same in regards to how Jungkook and you are like together. He recalls asking Jungkook what Yoongi and you were like and having that conversation last less than a minute. Jin decides to bite. 
“Why’d you two break up?” Jin almost strutters, afraid he’s crossing a line. It’s unknown territory. He’s unfamiliar with Yoongi. 
“Ah,” Yoongi gives in. “Work was—”
“I know about work,” Jin implies. “I don’t know about you and ___.” 
Yoongi pauses, smirking at Jin’s cleverness. He likes that’s straight to the point. Immediately feeling like this must have been an aftermath to your circus of disaster. It’s then that Yoongi has a quick realization of how much you’ve changed without him by your side and in contrast how much you’ve stayed the same. “She didn’t want me enough.”
“Lies,” Jin claims. “If it’s not Jungkook or I, it’s you.”
With that, Yoongi shrugs in response. “Then it’s either you or Jungkook. If she wanted me, she would’ve kept me.”
Both men hold each other’s gaze, not knowing what to say next. Ultimately, Jin drops it and turns back to you and Jungkook. 
The conversation grows cold. 
Jin begins to wonder what interest you had in Yoongi back then if he can hardly hold a conversation now. It’s a little funny because Yoongi seems to be quite the opposite of what he was expecting. Sure, he knew Yoongi was going to be the quiet type and a little mysterious, but Jin never registered the possibility of Yoongi being hard to read. 
“Childish for me to ask, but whose side are you on?” Jin confides in Yoongi, breaking the silence. “You know enough—you must.” 
Jin couldn’t help himself. Something about Yoongi felt so easy. Like you could tell him anything and everything you say is kept safe.
He wonders if Yoongi’s opinion would do anything. 
If Yoongi’s opinion would shift the way he sees Jungkook and if after hearing it, it would be easier for him to understand. Understand anything. Jin has been nothing but confused and hurt by you over and over again. Which, is ironic. Ever since he came into your life, that’s all he’s done to you as well. 
Yet, he can’t help but wonder why it doesn’t feel like you two are going in circles. Though the challenges feel repetitive, the actions and growth beneath it all are not. Each choice, each step forward together has ultimately changed the way he continues to love you. 
Jin acknowledges Yoongi’s answer yet decides to push it. “But—”
“The most difficult lesson I had to learn is that not everything you love is meant for you. I’ve made my peace with ___. I don’t think you should.”
“What does that even mean?” Jin laughs as he takes a sip of his drink. Of course he understands what Yoongi means. 
He’s siding with you and your choice. Whoever you choose is his choice because whoever you choose must be the one that makes you happiest. That realization stings and spears into Jin’s heart as he watches you laugh, throwing you head back and enjoying your time with Jungkook. He can’t help but keep noting: you look happy with Jungkook. 
Do you smile like that when he’s around you?
Yoongi inhales sharply, tilting his head at Jin. Jin feels Yoongi’s gaze and turns to him. Offers a weak smile, he looks at Yoongi with pleading eyes. 
“Tell me something,” Jin begs, voice on the verge of cracking. Maybe he’s had too much to drink. “Tell me anything.”
Yoongi’s eyes shift towards your direction and his gaze softens. He downs the rest of his drink and goes through a quick dilemma in his head. How much should he share? He knew he would bump into Jin and have a conversation along these lines... But he didn’t expect it to be so out in the open. In a way, Jin surprises Yoongi. 
“She loves Jungkook—there’s no denying that. She always has and always will. Hell, even I can’t compete with him. I had and have no interest either… I think that Jungkook does well in tending to her needs in every way possible and by doing so, it heals the brokenness in him too. He’s always felt out of place and ___ has always been the person to make him feel needed,” Yoongi pauses and thinks for a moment. “...Like he belonged to her—which, some may argue but I beg to differ; I think it’s fair. They went through so much together. It would be a ridiculous expectation to have them move on from one another just because she fell in love with someone else.” 
Yoongi wasn’t talking about Jin. 
He was talking about himself and the short comings he felt towards you when he was your boyfriend. Though Jungkook wasn’t around for majority of it, he well understood the difference when Jungkook was. 
“Jungkook mended a heart he didn’t break. He hurts for her, he fumes for her, he loves for her and don’t get me wrong; I think they’re a great team. Jungkook protects her like she’s his entire heart and ___ has a way with him no one else does. At one point, a little before ___ and I broke up, I asked them individually if they ever had feelings for each other. Jungkook confessed to me and begged for forgiveness as if if was a sin to love someone. ___ shook her head and smiled politely at me saying she loves me. I told her, “that’s not what I’m asking. Answer properly,” and then she did.”
Jin’s ears turn red. “Well, what did she say?”
“She said I’m her first love. Jungkook is her greatest.”
“What does that mean?”
“Figure it out,” Yoongi teases Jin. Jin shoots Yoongi a glare and groans stressfully. It amuses Yoongi. “I’m just fucking with you, Jin! Lighten up! God, you’re so tense.”
Yoongi puts his hands up in surrender as Jin listens and tries to relax. He can’t help it! It feels like he’s losing you and like he’s never really known you at all. Everything he learns about you is simply an extension of Jungkook. He isn’t sure how he can process that. 
Jin once promised you the stars but it feels like he’s the fallen. 
“As childish and cliché as it sounds, it’s means you’re her true love. Regardless of how honest and pure her love is for Jungkook and I���we both lack something. A part of ___ never fully gave in and neither one of us have her entirely. Considering the way she’s been stealing glances all night, how she pretended not to care for your hurt hand—even avoided being the one to get you ice.. And not to mention the fact that she has mustered up so much strength and courage to refrain from crying and calling me up about you when she was having a hard time… Yeah, pretty sure she loves you. Sure, love is timing and chemistry, but what it orbits around is choice.”
“She chooses Jungkook a lot though,” Jin croaks, partly disregarding everything Yoongi had said. Yoongi’s mouth drops open, unable to comprehend how sensitive Jin was acting. He must really care for you. “I don’t know how to deal with it. I don’t know how to draw boundaries or keep Jungkook in our lives if he continues to act the way he does. She always goes back to him regardless of how much of myself I offer.”
“You don’t have to figure it all out at once... I mean, who would she be if she just woke up one day and didn’t need Jungkook?”
Jin nods along, taking everything Yoongi says in.
“Think of it this way: Jungkook and ___ are opposite ends of the same string...” Yoongi nods along to his own words, confident and ever so insightful. “___ and Jungkook both hate losing. They’re competitive and impulsive in the same sense they’re anxious and let life pass them by. To be completely honest with you, they’re soulmates but they’re not lovers. At least, not in this life. As much as Jungkook tries to convince you they are; I will convince you otherwise. Plus, maybe you’d know that if you stopped focusing on Jungkook and started paying more attention with the way she chooses you—”
“Yeah, but—”
“Dude, she broke up with me.”
“What?” Jin’s eyes almost fall out of his head. “Everyone says it was you—”
“Well, she didn’t break up with me break up with me,” Yoongi quotes. “I did that. I dumped her… But she’s the one that told me to go. I would’ve stayed if she asked me to but she never did. Fuck, I would’ve married her if she wanted me to. That’s why I asked her and Jungkook if they had feelings for one another. That’s also when I realized something important...”
“Realize what?” 
“What do you think you are to her? A practice round?” Yoongi returns Jin’s question with his own. “If Jungkook has always been her safe space and I’m her past, what do you think you are to her? She tries with you. Sad attempts but she does try. I can’t and don’t want to speak for her or for her feelings, but I’ve known her long enough to understand the way she handles things. I’ve never seen her so eager to grow when it comes to you.”
Jin freezes. He’s never really thought about that. 
“Paraluman,” Yoongi beings, “it means muse. Have you noticed that everything you and ___ go through, good and bad, have brought you two make better decisions for yourself and each other? She has a tendency to wish for parts of Jungkook to change. With Jungkook, she shifts back to this dependent and catered princess. Whereas for you.. She’s loved every part of you since the moment she laid her eyes on you and has constantly been finding ways to better your lives together. Even if she had moments where she fucked up, which I’m sure she has; she is choosing to change.”
“She has changed a lot.” Jin agrees. 
“I think you have too. You must have,” Yoongi guesses. “And for what it’s worth, I think it’s you. You’re her muse.”
Jin is lost for words. What is he supposed to say? In a way, this conversation brought clarity but in others... Jin is more than confused. 
“What if it’s not ___ and I in the end? W-what if it’s not.. What if it’s not me?” Jin stutters, hating each word that came out of his mouth. “Every day I try to convince myself that she’s not the love of my life… But she is. She proves that over and over again just by being her… How am I supposed to get over this? How did you get over her? Because I don’t think I can do it.”
Yoongi doesn’t know how to answer Jin. He isn’t sure if Jin is genuinely insecure even after all the encouraging words Yoongi exchanged with him or if Jin has plans on forfeiting. Yoongi decides to be honest. What does he have to lose?
Yoongi has already lost you. 
“I didn’t.”
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As the night comes to an end, everyone is outside waiting for their Ubers. Jungkook and Jin are inside paying the bill. Taehyung and Jimin burst through the exit and light a joint. You cringe at the sight, hating the smell. Meanwhile, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Nam Joon will be staying at your place for a couple of days and you’re all waiting for your Uber. 
It’s never been like this. It’s always been Hoseok and Nam Joon coming to visit. Yoongi never comes with. 
You don’t know if it’s your drunken thoughts or the way Yoongi just naturally captivates you, but your words spill out of your mouth faster than you can stop them. 
“I missed you.”
“I missed you too—“
“I’m happy you’re here, but… Yoongi, w-why are you here? You never come back.”
Yoongi pouts shaking his head at you, “you know why, ___.” 
“N-no—” you refuse. “I don’t know why.”
“Yes, you do.”
“Is it—“
He nods.
“Are y-you.. How did you find out?”
The guilt sobers you up. You wish you didn’t know what he was talking about. Yoongi takes a hold of your forearm as you stumble towards him. You find balance and when you do, it’s useless as Yoongi’s words make you dizzy all over again.
“You won’t listen to them, so I need to you to listen to me. My love, you have to make a decision. Do you think you can hide this forever? They’re going to find out. ___, you can’t keep this from Jungkook or Jin anymore.”
The choice becomes bitter in your mouth. The same way it’s Jungkook or Jin, it’s leave or stay.
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belvatoplaces · 5 days
Top Global Destinations You Need to Experience
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Kuda Villingili
Kuda Villingili has introduced exciting new features, including sunset water villas with private pools. At the Teppanyaki Grill in Mar-Umi, expect a delightful culinary experience. A brand new padel tennis court adds to the excitement. This festive season, the island transforms, offering a redefined sense of time and space. Visit kudavillingili.com and follow them on Instagram @kudavillingiliresort.
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Mirihi, a boutique island reminiscent of Robinson Crusoe, offers 38 villas and suites, white sandy beaches, and a stunning house reef. The serene sunsets make television redundant. Activities such as yoga, Whale Shark snorkeling, and sunset fishing allow for complete relaxation. Enjoy dining at two restaurants, a cocktail bar, and a wine lounge. Unique beach dining experiences or a meal on the resort’s wooden yacht add to the charm. Visit mirihi.com and follow them on Facebook @mirihiislandresort.
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K-Club Ubud
K-Club Ubud, a winner of prestigious awards, features 30 luxurious villas and 11 glamping tents with jungle and rice field views. Enjoy gourmet dining at Akar, rejuvenate at Mekar Spa, and party at Kabana, Bali’s exclusive jungle nightclub. This retreat promises a holistic experience. Visit kclubgroup.com and follow them on Instagram @kclububud.
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Petit St Vincent
Petit St Vincent, a charming Caribbean island, offers unspoiled sugar-white sands and tropical greenery. Guests have enjoyed this laid-back luxury for decades. It's located in the southern Windward Islands of the Grenadines. Visit petitstvincent.com and follow them on Instagram @petitstvincent.
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Casa De Uco Wine Resort
Casa De Uco Wine Resort, in Argentina’s Mendoza province, offers a blend of architecture and nature. Enjoy wine culture in a warm and sophisticated atmosphere. The resort features a Wine Bar & Lounge, award-winning restaurant, and stunning outdoor dining spaces. The underground wine cellar boasts an impressive collection of regional wines. Visit casadeuco.com and follow them on Instagram @casadeuco.
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Alta Vista Bali
Alta Vista Bali is a luxurious retreat in Bali’s Munduk Mountains. It offers stunning views down to the north coast and is surrounded by natural attractions. This exclusive hideaway is perfect for guests seeking tranquility in pristine surroundings. Visit altavistabali.com and follow them on Instagram @altavista.bali.
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Fellah Hotel
Fellah Hotel, near Marrakech, blends luxury farm life with an inspiring art center. The hotel is deeply connected with the local community. Guests support the flourishing of Dar Al-Ma'mûn, a cultural hub. Employees from the nearby village bring local culture into this serene retreat. Visit fellah-hotel.com and follow them on Instagram @fellah_hotel.
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Bamurru Plains
Bamurru Plains, an all-inclusive Australian safari camp, offers an intimate connection with nature. Located in the Northern Territory’s tropical Top End, this camp is home to spectacular wildlife. Safari bungalows provide a front-row seat to nature's grand show. Visit bamurruplains.com and follow them on Instagram @bamurruplains.
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Platinum Heritage
Platinum Heritage offers cultural and nature-infused journeys across the Middle East. Explore the Dubai desert in 1950s Land Rovers or embark on a safari through AlUla's canyons. As the region's only eco-luxury desert safari provider, it offers a unique experience. Visit platinum-heritage.com and follow them on Instagram @platinumheritage.
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Halcyon Mawella
Halcyon Mawella, a boutique hotel on Sri Lanka's south coast, offers a peaceful retreat where the jungle meets the Indian Ocean. The hotel features traditional Iluk grass roofs and thoughtful design, perfect for relaxation. Visit halcyonmawella.com and follow them on Instagram @halcyon_mawella.
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Explorar Koh Samui (16+) Adults Only Resort
Explorar Koh Samui, located on Mae Nam Beach, is an adults-only resort offering direct sea views, spacious suites, and a 50-metre infinity pool. The resort also features a co-working space, wellness spa, and a private beach with sunset mixology. Visit explorarhotels.com and follow them on Instagram @explorarkohsamui.
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maxhunt0616 · 4 months
Discover the Wonders of Da Nang: A Comprehensive Travel Guide
Da Nang, a coastal city in central Vietnam, is a captivating blend of modernity and tradition. Known for its stunning beaches, vibrant nightlife, and cultural landmarks, Da Nang is a must-visit destination for travelers seeking a diverse and enriching experience. Whether you're an adventure enthusiast, a history buff, or a honeymooner, Da Nang has something to offer everyone. This comprehensive travel guide will help you explore the best of Da Nang, including adventure activities in Vietnam, beaches in Vietnam, and the best Vietnam travel tips.
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Da Nang
Da Nang is Vietnam's fourth-largest city and a thriving hub for tourism and commerce. Nestled between the East Sea and the scenic Truong Son mountain range, Da Nang offers breathtaking natural beauty and a rich cultural heritage. The city is renowned for its friendly locals, delicious cuisine, and a plethora of activities that cater to all types of travelers. Whether you're visiting for a relaxing beach vacation or an action-packed adventure, Da Nang promises an unforgettable experience.
Beaches in Da Nang
Da Nang boasts some of the most beautiful beaches in Vietnam. My Khe Beach, often referred to as China Beach, is a pristine stretch of white sand and clear blue waters, perfect for sunbathing, swimming, and water sports. Non Nuoc Beach, located at the foot of the Marble Mountains, offers a more serene atmosphere and is ideal for a peaceful retreat. Both beaches are equipped with modern amenities and are surrounded by top-notch restaurants in Vietnam, where you can savor fresh seafood and local delicacies.
Adventure Activities in Vietnam
For adventure seekers, Da Nang is a paradise. The city offers a wide range of thrilling activities, including river rafting in Vietnam on the Cu De River. The river's challenging rapids and stunning scenery make it a popular spot for white-water rafting enthusiasts. For those who love heights, rock climbing in Vietnam is an exhilarating activity available in the Marble Mountains. These limestone hills provide a perfect setting for climbers of all skill levels.
Another exciting adventure is trekking in Vietnam through the lush Son Tra Peninsula. The peninsula is home to a diverse array of flora and fauna, including the endangered red-shanked douc langur. The trekking trails offer breathtaking views of the coastline and the city, making it a rewarding experience for nature lovers and photographers.
Sandboarding in Vietnam
Da Nang is also a great destination for sandboarding enthusiasts. The city’s Nam O Sand Dunes provide the perfect terrain for this thrilling sport. Sliding down the sandy slopes with the wind in your hair is an exhilarating experience that shouldn't be missed. The sand dunes are also a great spot for picnics and sunset photography.
Cultural and Historical Sites
Da Nang is rich in cultural and historical sites that offer a glimpse into Vietnam's past. The Cham Museum houses an extensive collection of Cham artifacts, including sculptures and relics dating back to the Champa Kingdom. The Marble Mountains, a cluster of five marble and limestone hills, are home to numerous caves, temples, and pagodas. Exploring these mountains provides a fascinating journey through ancient Buddhist and Hindu shrines.
Vietnam Nightlife
As the sun sets, Da Nang transforms into a vibrant nightlife hub. The city offers a variety of entertainment options, from beach bars and nightclubs to traditional performances and street food markets. The Dragon Bridge, an iconic symbol of Da Nang, comes alive at night with colorful LED lights and weekend fire-breathing shows. The riverside promenade is perfect for a leisurely evening stroll, offering stunning views of the cityscape.
Honeymoon Destinations in Vietnam
Da Nang is an ideal destination for honeymooners. The city’s luxury resorts and romantic settings provide the perfect backdrop for a memorable honeymoon. The InterContinental Danang Sun Peninsula Resort, set on a private bay, offers world-class amenities and breathtaking views of the ocean. Couples can enjoy a private dinner on the beach, indulge in spa treatments, or take a romantic cruise along the Han River.
Vietnam Travel Tips
When planning your trip to Da Nang, keep these Vietnam travel tips in mind:
Best time to visit Vietnam: The best time to visit Da Nang is from February to May when the weather is warm and dry. This period offers ideal conditions for beach activities and outdoor adventures.
Transportation: Da Nang is well-connected by air, rail, and road. The city’s international airport receives flights from major cities around the world. Within the city, taxis, motorbikes, and bicycles are convenient modes of transport.
Safety: Da Nang is a safe city for tourists, but it's always wise to take standard precautions. Keep an eye on your belongings, especially in crowded areas, and avoid carrying large amounts of cash.
Vietnamese Food
No trip to Da Nang is complete without indulging in Vietnamese food. The city is known for its culinary delights, including fresh seafood, banh xeo (Vietnamese pancakes), and mi Quang (turmeric noodles with shrimp and pork). The local markets and street food stalls offer a variety of dishes that showcase the rich flavors of Vietnamese cuisine.
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Da Nang is a city that perfectly blends natural beauty, cultural heritage, and modern amenities. Whether you're looking for a relaxing beach holiday, an adrenaline-pumping adventure, or a romantic getaway, Da Nang has it all. From the pristine beaches in Vietnam to the thrilling adventure activities in Vietnam, the city offers a diverse range of experiences that cater to every traveler’s interests. With its friendly locals, delicious cuisine, and vibrant nightlife, Da Nang promises an unforgettable journey filled with memories that will last a lifetime. So pack your bags and get ready to explore the wonders of Da Nang with our carefully crafted Vietnam tour packages.
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jgkttfv · 3 years
Reaction: how yandere bts met you
Trigger warnings: yandere themes, murder, violence, smut
English is not my native language
you can leave a request!)
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You are the daughter of an ordinary fisherman who supports your family with money from the sale of seafood. Your family has always needed money, so they sent you to work at the age of 13 at the market in the neighboring village, where you saw Jin.
A beautiful black suit, it went so well to his face that you did not notice how you dropped all the fish under his feet, trying to see him as much as possible.
— Wow, baby, look where you are going, you need eyes for this, — Jin walked around you, not even bothering to look in your direction.
You were so embarrassed that you didn’t notice how the people who arrived with him took pictures of you and moved on. You spent the rest of the day wondering why someone like him visited your village.
When the working day came to an end and the fish was sold out, you got on the bus and drove back home, where an extremely unpleasant surprise awaited you. Your parents found a new job for you with an opportunity
go to college, and also get a decent salary. Everything would be fine if it were not for one "But": The young man whom you saw in the market is the very "buyer" who wants to take you to work for him.
Then you didn't know who Kim Suk Jin was and why you should be afraid of him; had no idea how this "job" would affect your life; and most importantly, they did not know how he found you and why he chose someone like you, and not another girl with a beautiful appearance and money.
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Library. An ordinary library located in the center of Ilsan. You often liked to come there after work / college and sit until midnight reading books by Shakespeare, Dostoevsky or Murakami. You can truly be called a real bookworm that attracted Kim Nam Joon.
An ordinary man, as it turned out, the owner of this library often liked to watch you through security cameras. Every day he wanted more and more to take possession of you, because you were his copy.
— She will be mine,— Namjoon said one day when he noticed that you were reading his favorite book.
Since then, he became your secret admirer and began to leave little notes in books that you did not have time to read.
"Come to the library today at 2:00"
Somehow it was said in one of them. And you, of course, decided to go without even doubting the further outcome of events.
Ever since you decided to go, you have never seen the light, that library, relatives and friends. Since then, Kim Nam Joon has replaced them all with himself. He became the one and only person with whom you could contact.
He promised himself that you will become him, and promises must be kept.
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Min Yoongi always liked to relax in a nightclub after work, where he saw you: a young, innocent and beautiful girl, dressed in the most perverted outfit and about to perform for other men.
He liked your body so much that he wanted to get to know you better, so he ordered you for one hour.
When you were brought to his room, he was so impressed by the appearance that Min thought you were a child.
For an hour, he asked how such an innocent person could be in this place, saturated with lust. With every word you said, he fell in love more and more and wanted to get you. Unfortunately, it will not be difficult for him to take you to his home that day and leave you there forever.
"Your body belongs to me, I do not want anyone to watch and touch it, except me"
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You were only 16-17 years old when you first met Jung Hoseok. You were too young and stupid for him, but he never wishes harm to children. You are a child, therefore you remained alive, although you began to be with him, in his trap.
Almost every day you were tormented by nightmares, the same evil dream was always repeated. It was a terrible night that you will remember forever.
You are driving with your parents to visit your beloved grandparents ... it is raining heavily, preventing your father from seeing the road ... Impact ... the car crashes into the only lantern standing not far from the forest ... "It's okay, no one not injured? " Father's restless voice is heard ... "Y /N Are you okay? Are you not hurt? Mother asks and gets out of the car to open the door for you ... Shot ... your mother screams ... Shot ... her body is pressed against you ... to your glass and silently whispers "Run"...The car door opens and you see him — the killer of your parents ... Fear for your life gripped you, so quickly opening the car door, you run out onto the road, waiting for another car ... Impact ... you fall on the asphalt and see how it leaned over you.
"You are lucky that you are still a child. Never dare to run away from me, otherwise you will follow your parents. "
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Your friends dragged you into the forest for mushrooms. You knew this was a bad idea since you might have stumbled upon a pack of werewolves. From ancient times, for more than a thousand years, people were afraid of humanoid animals; people thought that they would only have problems, so they secretly decided to oust them from their lives, leaving the forest as a home.
Since then, a thousand have passed and the cold war between people and werewolves has intensified: fear for their own lives forced a person to kill werewolf children, because of which they, in turn, killed people.
Yes, there were those who did not consider werewolves dangerous, so they tried to bypass them, and if they came across them, they apologized and went their own way.
You were one of those people. This is not to say that you were not afraid of them, but still you did not see the point of killing them, since in fact they are the same people.
When you were walking in the woods, you noticed a child whose leg was entangled in a trap. It was immediately clear that this was a small werewolf, and therefore decided to help him. When you pulled him out of the trap, you did not notice how several werewolf guys were standing behind, one of whom was Park Jimin.
"You will become my wife, and this is not discussed. I will get you at any cost. You will become mine and mine alone, dear Y / N"
*by design, the action will take place in the distant future. And the appearance of the world will resemble the movie "100" or "the maze runner" - a part where there is no any technique. In fact, we will go to live in the past, where there is nothing, but this is the future. *
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You and Taehyung went to school together. The boy was always a little weird because of what you were intuitively afraid of him. Once you saw how he beats a classmate and rejoices at his creation, but fear for his own life made you silent.
3 years have passed since then and you managed to forget about this young man, until he reminded of himself.
— Y / N, you remember me. I liked you since high school, '— Taehyung said when he met you by chance in Seoul, in one of the toy stores.
Pink hair, blue eyes, a deep male voice and manners. There is nothing else left of the sadist you went to school with. Kim Taehyung made you go on a date with him and see how his apartment has changed. Who knew Taehyung had dreamed of getting you all these three years.
"Now that you live in my house, you will be my girlfriend. Sounds great, doesn't it, love?"
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Jeon Jungkook - I was in a mental hospital for a long time until I saw you. You came to your relative to bring food and sit with him. You were the epitome of innocence by Jungkook standards.
If Jungkook got you, he'd make you take care of himself as well. He imagined how you cook for him, please him, take blows and groan his name every time. Jungkook was head over heels in love with you, so he struggled to get out of the hospital as quickly as possible.
Every day he thought about you and asked your relative about where you live. Jungkook was eager to get you. However, he will not immediately come to you after the hospital. For starters, Jungkook will buy a house, somewhere away from prying eyes, so that no one can take you.
"I swear you will be my Y / N. You will live with me, Y / N. We'll always be together, Y / N "
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sphynxtee · 4 years
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