#loan bad
alighterwithlove · 2 months
if you talk to the average conservative voter, they'll always talk about their conservative representative with unabashed enthusiasm. "this guy is supporting my rights!!!!!" even when the representative is very much not supporting their voting constituents' rights in some cases (ie. poor white ppl not realizing they're getting poorer because of their representative)
and I bet that's why conservative candidates are so good at winning. any person listening to their voters only gets a great impression of the candidate.
and if you talk to the average liberal/leftist voter, they all hem and haw. "oh yeah, I voted for them but they're Okay, they're Disappointing. they haven't done this. they haven't done that." and I bet if you fucking pressed them to state some Good Beneficial Legislation they've passed, either the voter 1. can't name any, or 2. has to attach caveats. ("yeah biden passed student loan forgiveness BUT not ALL loans were forgiven")
why aren't we ever excited about incremental progress. why aren't we cheering to the sky about every win. maybe more people would vote if there was genuine excitement, the same type of excitement that conservative voters seem to have about anything labeled "conservative".
I'm just so fucking tired of hearing ppl be like "I'm just disillusioned with my leftist representative" EVERY TIME but are DEAD SILENT on the small victories, the progress. conservatives know how to do this, and that's why they build momentum into the next election. why does this seem impossible for the other side.
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here-comes-the-moose · 2 months
When I’m writing my Modern AU but then try to figure out and calculate how the life I gave the Batch is financially possible:
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sainzstorms · 1 month
just when i thought mercedes putting kimi in f1 after skipping f3 and having only a singular season in f2 is bad enough, williams decided to put another f2 rookie to replace logan for the remainder of this season. like what is it with williams and their rookie driver man
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f0point5 · 1 month
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Had to check every news source in case this was a joke because HUH?
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transgenderenkidu · 5 months
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ok since i posted about it last night, i might as well finally debut my comicaurora sentinel au, even if my drawings for it are. not fully realized
in this chimerae are a localized disaster event that can spring up anywhere, draining the life energy for a mile around. in response (in accordance with the rule of cool), cities built the sentinel corps, giant robots to fight off chimerae before they destroy the city.
more under the cut
kendal is one of these sentinels, a relatively recently developed mark III whose pilot is vash fairblade, captain of the sentinels. there aren't any city gods in this au, so vash is just a guy. why does he have the same name as the city? bc i didnt want to change it. anyway. after a while, kendal develops something of an active mind instead of just being a giant robot¹, mimicking vash's own mind. and then a wave of chimerae attack the city, destroying it, killing vash, and leaving kendal the only remaining sentinel. in the midst of the destruction, though, he could have sworn he saw a woman, unruffled, just... watching.
the sun is on its way down when alinua finds the corpse. or, more accurately, she finds the sentinel. the pilot is still tangled in the cockpit, sentinel curled around him like it was trying to protect him. the corpse is of course vash, and the sentinel is kendal.
alinua still has the 'chimeric plague' (here hypothesized to be the cause of chimera events), and the only reason she goes with him is that a. hes inorganic (can't be affected by the life outburst) and b. if she does cause a chimera event, hes literally a giant robot designed for the specific purpose of fighting chimerae. and besides, vash the city is destroyed. there won't be any collateral damage.
sidebar, alinua can pilot kendal. it's a team effort - now that ive watched pacific rim, i think its a little like drifting if your jaeger also could think. tbh i also think canon kendal and alinua are drift compatible, but thats another post for another time
dainix is another mech pilot, though not willingly - zuurith's sentinel corps is not Exclusively prison labor, but what does it matter if a few prisoners die of brain hemmhorages while piloting? dainix, piloting the sentinel "champion", is the longest lasting prisoner pilot they've had, and he's brutally effective. there are murmurings that he'll be released and placed in the sentinel corps as a citizen, but if he is ever released he'd fuck off in a heartbeat, so he's still in prison, sentence artificially extended for as long as he's useful.
i'm still a little uncertain as to what kind of roles erin, tess, and falst play, so if anyone's got any ideas i'd be delighted to hear them!!
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I'm never going to financially recover from this.
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But seriously. A vet visit for two sick cats, totaling $671, and my pet insurance reimbursed...$35. I pay $25 a month for this!!! What is the point???
Anyway, I truly hate to ask, but if anyone would like to help me pay this off, I would be eternally grateful. I'll even write you a little fic of your choosing as a thank-you. Just message me and ask <3
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midnighticee · 1 year
cool cool cool i hope the supreme court burns down actually
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romanceyourdemons · 2 months
when i am king chu wanning will have a little beard and mustache that he’s worked really hard to grow and it won’t look good. xue zhengyong is not supportive
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love/hate relationship with reaching the stage of a hobby where if you want to get better at it / more into it you’re going to have to start accumulating really specialized skills. like aw fuck i have to study this. but also yay i get to study this!
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 years
I was in my bank trying to apply for a loan. The bank teller handed me a paper and told me that the cops were surrounding the bank and were going to arrest me for being a bad driver. I had to sign the paper to admit I was a bad driver. I then told the banker, "I don't have to do that. This is a dream." Then I woke up.
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steveharrington · 2 years
like i’m seeing criticisms that say the menu’s entire thesis is just “rich people bad” which to me is just not true….each table has a specific failing that goes beyond just being rich, that explains how their wealth has influenced their behavior. tyler entrenches himself in food culture and tells erin repeatedly that she doesn’t get it, but he can’t make a single dish himself because his supposed love of food is entirely upheld by other people making it for him. the food critic sees herself as the patron saint of chef slowik’s restaurant because she gave him a good review years back, but she also destroyed other chefs livelihood for the sake of content. she wants credit for the good, but removes herself from blame for the bad. the business guys think that their connection to their boss, who they think is owed credit for keeping the restaurant open while also providing his inexperienced input, makes them above everyone else. the married couple has spent $1500 11 times to eat there, but they can’t name a single dish they’ve eaten. and yes these distinctions are made by class, but they’re specific and the each make a certain point about the way art is removed from the context of its creator (tyler) or torn apart for content (the critic) or used to promote a soulless business venture (business dudes) or consumed only for appearance (the married couple) and to me that’s so much more than “rich people bad”
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ratatatastic · 23 days
"chucky did one with the cardinals not too long ago did you reach out to him any advice?" "i didnt... yeah just going for it we'll see what happens 😃!" (proceeds to be consumed by the spirit that haunts loan depot and airmails the ball)
"Have you thrown a first pitch before? And just your nervous level for tonight?" "I have never thrown a first pitch... a little bit of nerves! You always wanna throw a strike but I think I'll be alright!" "Did you play baseball growing up at all?" "Just a little bit, just when I was younger. And then started to kind-of get into hockey a little bit more and—so just when I was, you know, up until I was 7 or 8, I think?"
Fox Sports 940 | 9.6.24
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wonderful form this man did not want to get chirped for not reaching the plate he put his whole arm into that 😭😭😭😭
philedelphia phillies @ miami marlins | 9.6.24 (x)(x)(x)
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also just to note that erods wearing a 10th ani florida marlins hat as he dons the black alts which goes so hard man knows BALL
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mildmayfoxe · 7 months
yknow it is crazy to think about how much i have been able to improve my quality of life by selling art as a supplementary form of income. like obviously it's a second job and it's taxing but it's also so rewarding to know how much people enjoy my work and how much good it is doing me to like, feel like i can buy snacks at the store. to be able to get takeout every once in a while. like obviously those are extremely minor changes or things most people take for granted but to me it's huge. having berries in the house when they're out of season and more expensive. buying things for CONVENIENCE??! it feels so crazy to me to have such a sense of luxury which i know says more about the bleak feeling of poverty that's followed me around my entire adult life than anything else but i feel so much gratitude that i am afforded these small luxuries at least in part because of people that like my art. not to mention how nice is is to make things consistently again when, prior to 2020, i hadn't made art regularly in almost a decade. anyway. it's cool!
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noelledeltarune · 4 months
got my required to withdraw notice today 🔥💯 who wants to watch me live broadcast killing myself
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dreamieparadise · 11 days
Oh yeah since Jojo exposed the Momina 8 children fiasco I should add that when Hayato realizes that his children don't have a tribe (its through your dad) that actually makes him distraught!!! Momina comforts him by reminding him they have their own...tribe...I'm gonna throw up. I'm gonna choke her with her own intestines!!!
I blacked out in anger and snapped in the tags but also this is so long (tags) so I'll add here...really considered them having 9 kids because I think it'd be very funny for the two oldest to look at their dad like he's a monster. :) they did when the twins were born when they were 16 and 15 but would it not be even funnier if they visit from college and it's love "surprise! Hooyo is pregnant (again)!!" :) unfortunately I said Momina would be 41 when the twins are born BUT IMAGINE? Maybe for Mafia hs au 🙄
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answermywearyquery · 2 months
vegas (kinnporsche) wishes he had the kind of relationship with his cousin as korn (4 minutes) has.
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