#lo'ak sully smut
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lovemyavatar · 2 years ago
Just for the Night
Lo’ak x Fem!Omatikaya!Reader
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Warnings: slight angst, one bed trope, frienemies to lovers, fluff, mutual pining, smut-ish
part two
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“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
Lo’ak’s head swivels at the sound of your exasperated whisper. He slowly rises from his crouched position near the entrance of his family’s tent, dropping his bow with a quiet thud as his eyes flick over the dark space.
First, his gaze sweeps over your tense form, noting the way your shoulders are bunched as your hands fall to your hips pointedly. Then he glances toward whatever’s caught your attention, a low groan rumbling his chest when he realizes what’s going on.
He crosses the tent in a few quick strides, coming to an abrupt stop beside Kiri’s bed, where she and Tuk are curled tightly in each other’s arms. Normally, this wouldn’t be a problem. The two of them often end up in this position, especially on chilly nights like tonight.
But it is a problem. A big fucking problem because while your parents are away on a hunting trip, they’ve entrusted the Sully’s to watch over you. For the past several nights, you’ve been sleeping with the family, at the request of your father. He didn’t want you alone—unprotected—for that long.
“Kiri!” Lo’ak bends down, murmuring only inches from her face in an attempt to wake her.
His brow is pinched, mouth downturned in a deep frown. The muscles of his back ache from being so tense for days on end, but there’s nothing he can do to stop it. There’s nothing he can do to quell the way his body reacts to you.
He’s never been so irritated, so frustrated in his entire life. It’s not that he doesn’t like you. Usually, he tolerates you, finding it simple enough in the fleeting moments he runs into you around the village. But now, he can’t avoid you, doesn’t even get a break from your stifling presence at night.
Under normal circumstances, he settles for lingering glances when he’s sure you aren’t looking, and secret, wandering thoughts during the latest hours of eclipse. He’s always been drawn to you, finding it impossible to ignore the way his heart skips a beat at the briefest connection of your eyes with his.
You’re always close by, due to a lifelong friendship with his sister, and it wasn’t always a bad thing. When you were kids, the two of you often played together, flocking to each other like moths to a flame. But then, you all got older, and things became complicated.
Lo’ak quickly learned that the spark of heat in his lower belly whenever you got too close, accidentally brushing your skin against his, was most definitely not platonic. The realization flooded him with anxiety, uncertainty clawing at the back of his mind, catastrophic what ifs plaguing him.
He could never act on the stupid crush, that much was obvious. Because if he did, and the feelings weren’t reciprocated? It would crush him. Shatter a piece of his heart so violently he knew he’d never recover.
So, instead, he did the only thing he could think of to protect himself: push you away. Over the years, you’d gotten over the initial sting of his sudden dismissal, finding comfort in your budding friendship with Kiri.
He’s kept you at arms length ever since, barely acknowledging your existence other than to mumble the occasional terse response or sarcastic insult. As much as it pains him, carves a hole in his chest every time your lips pull into a frown because of his actions, it’s better to have your hatred than rejection.
At least that’s what he keeps telling himself.
“Kiri!” He tries again, raising a foot to kick her shoulder when she remains fast asleep.
“Are you crazy?” Your fingers curl around his bicep, tugging him back harshly before he can land the hit.
He stumbles back a step, eyes flicking up toward yours. His heart skips a beat, skin burning where you grip him firmly.
“Me? This is your fault for getting us into trouble.” He seethes lowly, willing himself to maintain eye contact when he notices the way your freckles have come to life, glittering under the low light.
He aches to trace your body with his heated gaze. Wants nothing more than to devour every inch of you while he has you this close. It’s a rare occurrence, since he typically does everything in his power to avoid this very situation.
But he doesn’t trust himself, doesn’t trust the way his body is so beholden to yours. He knows he’ll mess it up just like he does everything else.
Your jaw drops, eyes narrowing incredulously. The blame is equally his to bear, and you both know it. You’d joined his family for dinner, seeing as your parents are still gone, and the two of you couldn’t help but fall into a familiar pattern. Snapping at each other and arguing throughout the entire meal.
His father assigned you both the duty of cleaning up after everyone finished, insisting you work through your longstanding issues. Of course, it took longer than usual, as you couldn’t help but sabotage each others efforts at every turn. So now, you’re in this predicament, all because the two of you refuse to find common ground.
“I’ll just wake Tuk then.” He yanks his arm free a bit too harshly, stomach flipping when you wince, retracting your hand quickly.
“No!” You whisper pointedly, eyes narrowing.
Your gaze falls to the sleeping pair, unable to make yourself disturb them. You know they’ve had a long day, and it’s late. It wouldn’t be fair. Even though the youngest Sully is occupying your temporary sleeping spot beside your best friend, meaning the only other option is…
“Not a chance in hell.” Lo’ak growls, watching closely as your gaze shifts to his cot.
It’s the only empty bed in the tent. His parents rest together across the room, Kiri and Tuk are obviously spoken for, and Neteyam, well…color blankets your cheeks at the thought of sharing such a small space with him. He isn’t even awake to gain his permission, and you wouldn’t dare climb in beside him without asking.
“Just go home.” Lo’ak’s chin drops, narrowed eyes searing straight through you to hide the way his heart threatens to beat out of his chest.
The idea of sharing a bed with you, of your body only inches away for the entire night…fuck. It drives him insane, makes his stomach flip with something hot, something he’s suppressed for too long to acknowledge now.
“You know I can’t do that!” Your arms cross over your chest tightly, hip popping in annoyance. His eyes can’t help but drop toward the movement, hooded gaze lingering a second too long over your curves. “Your parents will freak out if I’m not here in the morning.”
He growls, tearing his eyes away as his face screws in displeasure. His lips purse, one hand rubbing down his face as he considers the options. He can’t exactly kick you out because, as you said, his parents would rip him a new one if they found out. But the idea of being so close to you makes his stomach flutter uncomfortably, heat prickling at the skin of his face and neck.
“I know you don’t like me, but one night without being an asshole won’t kill you.” Your voice drops, a twinge of sadness hidden beneath the rough hiss.
Lo’ak’s jaw grinds, hands tightening into fists as his eyes cut through the darkness, boring into yours for a long moment. His chest aches, a mix of frustration and something else, something he can’t quiet name cinching his heart. His tail curls at his back, swaying side to side as his mind races.
He hates that you think so lowly of him, the idea weighing heavily in his gut. But there’s no one to blame other than himself. He’s done this, made you believe he can’t stand you out of pure selfishness. And he’s the one who has to deal with the consequences.
“Fine.” He grunts, stalking toward his bed stiffly.
He gathers his blanket from its disheveled position over the mattress, crumpling it up before pulling it tight, creating a long barrier that he shoves in the center of the bed. You watch with a quirked brow, eyes dancing over his toned body as he crouches over the bed, hastily shuffling the material around until it's perfect.
Sharp teeth find your lower lip, chewing on the plush skin as you're momentarily mesmerized by his fluid movements. You can't deny, no matter how much it pains you, that Lo'ak Sully is attractive. He'll never know it, since he spends most of his time being a jerk to you, but everything about him makes you hot.
The low timbre of his voice, the confident sway of his shoulders when he walks...Ewya, there's no getting around the fact that the skxawng (idiot) ignites a flame of desire deep within your belly. It’s infuriating, really, the way your traitorous body responds to him against your will.
He plops down onto the edge of the woven structure, long fingers curling tightly around the bedframe. He glances up at you through his brow, golden eyes glowing with clear irritation.
“Just stay on your side.” He mutters, searing gaze lingering for a second too long before he slides into bed, laying with his back toward the makeshift wall.
“Gladly.” You can't help but roll your eyes in exasperation, a rough sigh falling from your lips as you cross the room, mirroring his position on the empty half of the bed.
Tense silence blankets the tent. Both of you lay completely still, muscles taunt with uncertainty. You've never been this close, in such an intimate situation. Warmth radiates from Lo'ak's back, a stark contrast to the frigid air that shifts in through the slight gap in the entrance.
Within seconds, a chill washes over you, making your muscles tremble. Your arms wrap around your middle, hugging tight in an attempt to hold in some body heat. But the evening breeze is constant, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake as it caresses your skin.
“Stop it.” Lo'ak barks, tail snapping against his leg in annoyance. You’re shaking the whole bed, and it makes his chest cave with annoyance. For some reason, the idea of you suffering only inches away has his stomach in knots.
“Oh, I'm sorry.” You turn slightly, glaring at him over your shoulder as you coo the sarcastic apology. “Is my freezing to death bothering you?”
“Don’t be a wuss. It's not that bad.” His spine stiffens as your shift in weight rocks the bed, the back of his neck prickling under the weight of your pointed stare.
Despite his words, a shiver runs down his spine, making his teeth chatter as cool air seeps into his skin. It’s colder than average tonight, but he's locked in place, terrified to move an inch incase his skin touches yours.
This goes on for what must be a least half an hour. Both of you are too stubborn to even consider giving in. It's turned into a silent battle, a war of wills to see who breaks first. At this point, your muscles ache from clenching so hard, but you're willing to endure it to avoid acknowledging how close Lo'ak is.
How the heat from his back penetrates the cool air, tickling against your spine with the whisper of comfort, of the warmth you so desperately crave. It's so close, only inches away. All you'd have to do is lean back a tiny bit and—
A gasp lodges in your throat as a frustrated growl pierces the thick silence, just before Lo’ak flips over roughly. The bed rumbles, a large hand gripping your hip firmly. In an instant the blanket is ripped from between you, creating a valley of space.
You clutch onto the mattress as you’re dragged across the bed, until your back is flush with Lo'ak's chest. Your eyes pop wide, the heat of his skin almost too much as it sears through the icy layer coating your body.
He’s suddenly everywhere, invading every one of your senses. His scent wafts over you, light and earthy, tickling your nose as his chin rests against the top of your head. The strength in his corded muscles makes your breath catch as they meld with yours, pressing into you firmly.
“Goddamn. You’re freezing.” Warm breath fans the skin of your neck, causing another shiver to roll down your spine.
Lo’ak trembles against you, partially from the stark contrast in temperatures, but mostly because of you. He’s hyper-aware of every movement, every quick rise and fall of your chest.
His fingers twitch against you, restraint tightening his chest as he desperately represses the need to touch you, to drag his hands over your body until you’re moaning his name. He tried, he really did, but keeping himself at arms length with you this close was near impossible.
At the end of the day, he’s only a man, and you make him weak. It was simply a matter of time, and he just couldn't take it anymore, knowing sleep would never come with your shivers shaking the bed like that. And now his heart clenches, stomach tight with remorse when he feels just how cold you are.
He's lucky enough to run hot, typically sleeping uncovered, but tonight is exceptionally bitter, to the point where even he wants to wrap up. You're rigid in his hold, every muscle in your body taunt as he settles into you. One of his arms snakes beneath your head, the other slinging loosely over your waist.
His eyes flutter as he allows himself a single moment to enjoy the newfound proximity before they pop wide, horror washing over him as he realizes what he's just done.
“What are you—” The question is a breathless whisper, heart pounding so harshly you’re sure he can feel it.
“I can’t sleep with you shaking the bed like that.” He responds curtly, voice matching the tension in his body as he stiffens against you.
He wasn't thinking, simply acting on pure instinct. Truthfully, he couldn't stand the idea of you so uncomfortable right beside him. In that moment, his heart demanded that he put his pride aside, allowing both of you what you so clearly wanted.
Maybe it wouldn't be so bad, a mischievous voice whispers in the back of his mind, if he let his guard down just for the night...
Despite continued internal protests, your body gradually sinks into his. Coiled muscles slowly unravel, a soft sigh falling from your lips as his heat blankets you. It penetrates the frozen shell encasing you, allowing you to relax for the first time all night.
Your shoulders shift, hips swaying side to side as you nestle closer, eyelids growing heavy as a wave of sleepiness washes over you. Finally, finally feeling a semblance of comfort for the first time that night. Lo’ak jolts when your hips writhe against him, cock jerking to life beneath his loincloth.
“Don’t do that.” He growls lowly, the sound rumbling through his chest and into your back.
His arm tightens around you, stilling your movements as he shifts his hips back, carving out space between you. A soft groan of protest falls from your lips before you can stop it. In your tired state, your body chases his warmth, pressing yourself against him again with a sway of your hips.
A sharp hiss is forced through his clenched teeth, cheeks flaming when your ass rubs along his already painfully hard cock. Fuck, he silently chastises, this can’t be happening right now.
Your brows furrow in confusion when he tenses behind you, something firm stirring against your skin. He’s so rigid, so stiff, even though he’s the one who pulled you in. It doesn’t make sense.
Suddenly, realization dawns, and your eyes pop open in surprise. Your breath hitches, heart thrumming wildly between your ribs. Your lower belly dips, warmth rising in your core.
“Lo’ak, are you...?” Your head turns, temple only a fraction of an inch away from his lips.
You’re so close, they brush along your skin with every minute movement, sending a shockwave of desire between your legs.
Tentatively, you flip over, rounded eyes peering up into his as you face him. His jaw ticks as he lays completely still, muscles taunt as his heated gaze watches your every move. Color blankets his face, skin hot as a wave of embarrassment washes over him.
You can see how much he wants you, a burning flame of arousal making his golden eyes shimmer in the low light. Ragged breaths mingle, chests heaving as you both pour every ounce of pent up longing into the tiny space between you.
Something snaps within you, and you can’t help but close the last few inches, leaning forward to connect your lips with his.
He responds eagerly, all restraint instantly forgotten. His hand leaves your waist, instead cradling your jaw as he urges you closer. A low groan rumbles his chest, heart exploding with relief that you want him too. His tongue swipes along your lower lip, and you readily open for him, allowing him to explore your mouth freely.
He swallows your gasp of surprise when he flips onto his back, free arm snaking around your waist to haul you on top of him. Your spine arches as you chase his lips, never breaking contact while your legs part, his body easily sliding between them.
You’re straddling him, knees pressed into the mattress on either side of his hips. You can’t help but grind into him, a low moan rumbling his chest in response. You’re already soaked, the rough material of your loincloth creating delicious friction against your clit as it drags along your wetness.
Lo’ak moans, cock twitching desperately beneath his loincloth. He ruts into you, kiss turning feverish. You’re both completely lost in the moment, surroundings forgotten as you devour each other.
The hand cupping your face slides downward, caressing the skin of your neck before skating over your collarbone. A chill runs down your spine, hips stuttering over his when he cups your breast, gently kneading the soft flesh. His thumb ghosts over your stiff nipple, sending a shockwave of pleasure to your dripping pussy.
His other hand grips your hip with bruising force, dragging your clothed center along his cock at a steady pace. He trembles under you, abs tensing, the muscles of his lower belly rippling, already nearing his peak. He pulls back, chest quaking and heaving as he tries to catch his breath.
“Fuck, Y/N.” His voice is rough with desire, hips snapping up into yours harshly.
A shaky moan falls from your lips just before you close the distance again. Lo’ak ruts into you roughly, desperate to feel you fall apart for him. His fingertips trail along the string of your loincloth, dipping under the material, ready to rip it off you in one fluid motion.
That is, until someone stirs across the tent.
You both freeze, mouths ripping apart, muscles instantly taunt. Your breathing stills, eyes popping wide to peer into his fearfully. He blinks up at you, ice cold air washing over him as he’s catapulted back into reality. Back into his family home, where his parents and siblings sleep only feet away.
Shit, he hisses internally, what the hell am I doing?
A chill runs down your spine, body trembling not only from the cold, but from the weight of what you were just doing, lust-fueled thoughts clearing. Lo’ak still lays beneath you, stiff as a board. Your eyes flick over him, from his raised brow, to his reddened cheeks and parted lips, all the way down to his heaving chest.
You glance to the side, head turning slightly at the sound of light footsteps against the floor. Your adjusted eyes easily find Tuk through the darkness, watching with baited breath as she pads across the room. Her arms raise in a sleepy stretch, eyes still closed, a long yawn splitting her lips as she makes her way toward her parents bed.
You’re quick to scramble off Lo’ak’s lap when she settles between them, instantly drifting back to sleep. He rises onto his elbows, still catching his breath as you push yourself from the bed. Your arms wrap around your middle as you stand awkwardly beside him for several beats.
His stomach twists, already missing your heat. But the spell of desire that consumed you both has been broken, replaced with uncertainty and a tinge of remorse. He blinks up at you, hands curling into tight fists at his hips to prevent himself from reaching out, from pulling you back to him and claiming you the way he so desperately wants to.
“I’m just gonna…” You gesture toward Kiri’s bed blindly, voice low as to not wake anyone else.
“Yeah.” He nods absently, clearing hoarseness from his throat.
With one last lingering glance, you turn on your heel, eyes pinching shut the second your face is shielded from his piercing stare. Your heart is racing, chest tight with disbelief at your own actions. With one taste of his lips on yours, you were putty in his hands. It’s shocking, and unnerving, the way your body submitted to his advances so readily.
You quickly stalk across the room, tucking into Kiri’s bed. Thankfully, your back is toward Lo’ak, concealing the tiny smile that won’t leave your face. You don’t even bother messing with her blanket, the chill from the cool night air long gone under the weight of Lo’ak’s searing touch.
It’s etched into your skin, the feeling of his firm hold, the light caress of his hard ridges against your softness…Eywa, you’re done for. One taste isn’t enough, the ache between your legs already urging you to finish what you started. As you settle into a comfortable position, fingertips drag along the skin of your lips, where they still burn from his touch.
Sleep doesn’t come easily for either of you. Unbeknownst to the other, you both lie wide awake for the majority of the night, contemplating what just happened between you. It makes your cheeks flame, equal parts embarrassment and arousal keeping drowsiness at bay.
Whether for better or worse, one thing is clear: your relationship will never be the same again.
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@fanboyluvr @minjix @daeneeryss @aonungsmate @glimmering-darling-dolly
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strongheartneteyam · 1 year ago
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Do I really have to tell you how he brought me back to life?
Pairing: Lo'ak Sully x female!human!reader
CW: infidelity, Lo'ak yearning for reader, sexual content, clingy Lo'ak, TRIGGER WARNING for sensitive themes, Lo'ak's cock against reader's thigh, a lot of angst, jealous Lo'ak, heartbroken reader, use of "princess" and "babygirl", mentions of sexual fluids, reader feels like she's not pretty enough after being cheated on, confessions of love, neck kissing and licking, dirty talk, sexual language
Synopsis: Lo'ak fell for you at first sight but you only had eyes for Neteyam, so, when he started having feelings for you too, you became Neteyam's mate. Now things are different, Neteyam is cheating on you but you're pretending you don't have a clue about his rendezvous with the na'vi girl he's seeing behind your back. You are close friends with Lo'ak and he's the only person you told about Neteyam's infidelity and now, Lo'ak just won't let this opportunity go without trying to finally claim you to himself.
So... I think this feels a bit incomplete but I had this idea haunting my mind like crazy until I surrendered and wrote it down lol Tell me what u guys think in the comments 🥲 I love y'all a lot <3
Lo'ak is aged up.
Slighty proofread.
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My husband's gone, don't need to worry
Take you upstairs to the swan bed
Let you fuck me hard as you can
The next time he kisses me, want him to taste red ruby lips
And the love we made and the lemonade
So come on over and give it to me
Lemonade (Nicole Dollanganger)
"Eywa, baby, I've always wanted you... since the first time I saw you, I wanted you, pretty human... But he took from me any chance I had of trying to make you mine. He was faster than I was." Lo'ak talked about Neteyam as he ran his hands through your body and kissed your neck, his big body pressed against yours, clinging to you, so needy, his weight and body heat comforting you, giving you exactly what you needed right now. You were feeling broken, unlovable and not so sexy as you used to feel before. That's what getting cheated on by the man you loved did to you and your self steem.
Lo'ak's melancholic and full of pain cooing filled the air as you felt your heart hurt, feeling that you were doing something so wrong but you still couldn't stop yourself from letting Lo'ak's love cover you finally. You always knew he wanted you, it had always been obvious. He was not very good at hiding his feelings. His whole family - Neteyam included - knew he was in love with you.
But he always respected his older brother and you were Neteyam's mate, he had made you his before Lo'ak could even try to. He understood he couldn't anyway. Lo'ak saw how your eyes shone the first time you saw Neteyam, your shyness not letting you look at him too much so he wouldn't notice your interest while you still didn't know if he was interested in you too. That broke Lo'ak's heart. He already felt like he lived in his brother's shadow in almost everything in his life and now Neteyam was taking the girl he loved from him too. Great.
But when Neteyam cheated on you and left you feeling alone and broken-hearted, Lo'ak knew that was his chance and he would not let it go.
Lo'ak just couldn't believe it when he leaned in sheepishly to kiss you, his hands cold and his heart beating painfully fast, and you kissed him back eagerly instead of pushing him away.
Now you were under him.
"Now I can finally touch you, baby... Be with you, fuck you... I can't believe it, princess... I want you so much... " You could feel his cock against your thigh, so deliciously big, thick and hard as a rock too. "You never belonged with him. You always belonged with me, baby. And I'm gonna make you mine now if you let me, babygirl... make you mine forever. I need you so much. I love you so much. I can be better than him. I can fuck you better than he used to."
He was making you so wet. You were feeling needed again. And you wanted him too. He was so hot, his body so toned and beautiful. He wasn't as tall as Neteyam but you didn't mind because, as you were human, he still towered over you like crazy. You had always felt attracted to him and now there was nothing pulling you away from him. Neteyam had broken any vows of love and fidelity you had ever made to each other. You wanted Lo'ak and you were gonna let him have you all the way. He was making you feel alive again and you knew he loved you.
"Five fingers, not four. You're perfect for me. And I'm perfect for you." Lo'ak moaned these words for you as he intertwined his big, slender fingers with your tiny in comparison ones "My perfect human mate. You don't think bad of me for not being fully na'vi like they do." He licked your neck and slightly bit the skin there, his fangs making you feel a rush of an indescribably good feeling coming through your whole being.
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wheneclipsefalls · 1 year ago
Ma Neteyam Masterlist
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Pairing: Omega Aged Up Neteyam x Alpha Male OC
Synopsis: Neteyam is kidnapped by the Olo’eyktan alpha from a nearby clan who claims that Eywa has destined them to be soulmates. Only weeks away from fully presenting as omega, Neteyam is caught between trying to find his way home and giving in to his primal desires.
Warnings: omegaverse, abo, male x male, explicit MDNI, abo, alpha/omega dynamics, power imbalance, stockholm syndrome, kidnapping, heat, male omega, alpha oc, aged up Neteyam Sully, family guilt, first child syndrome, angst, smut, fluff, daddy kink, dom/sub dynamics, etc.
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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
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Jealous Neteyam
Kxolo's birthday
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Young Kxolo
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Neteyam calls Kxolo 'Daddy' in front of Jake (Neteyam/Kxolo reaction)
If you would like to join the Ma Neteyam taglist feel free to comment or message me.
My ask box is always open for Ma Neteyam thoughts, questions, or ideas
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loakstahni · 1 year ago
Good. Fucking. Girl.
Based on this post.
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Agedup! Lo'ak x fem!na'vi reader
Day 28 of lunaskinktober2023 @pandoraslxna
⚠ warning ⚠
Smut without plot, rough p in v, dom-sub, male and female orgasm, breeding kink, praise/degrading kink, edging, teasing, breast suckling.
"Little fuckin' slut.." His words echoed throughout your mind like a song stuck on repeat as his hips kept slamming into yours, his heavy, full balls slapping against the curve of your ass, surely leaving a red spot.
"M-ma lo'ak! P-please!" You sob, choking out a moan. Your hands grip at his broad shoulders, trying to find something to hold onto. Lo'ak stares down at you, chuckling deeply. He stops his movements completely, feeling your gummy walls clenching and unclench around his length.
"N-no.. No no no, please.. I was so close!" You sob, your ears drooping, making you look abosutly pitiful. "Nah, baby." He cups your jaw, making you look up at him. "If you want to cum, you shouldn't have been a brat eailer." He chuckles, making you whine. You had to admit, you did snap at him today, only because you were upset about a sick person that you and mo'at were taking care of, but of course, lo'ak is gonna fuck the brat outta' you anyway.
You whine, squirming and arching your body, trying to make him move and get the smallest bit of friction. "Please..." You draw out a whine, looking up at him again, your yellow eyes glossy with tears. "Hm.. Only if your promise to be a good girl." He rolls his hips back into yours and your almost sob. "Yes! I'll be good! S-so so good!" You blabber, tears streaming down your cheeks from how overly sensitive you felt.
Lo'ak thrusts his cock in and out of you again, teasing you by the slow pace. "Please.." You whine again, yourhead falling back agaisnt the bedding mat. Lo'ak finally gives in, slamming back into you every single time he pulls out. Your body jolts with the force of his thrusts, making lo'ak hold your hips to keep you from moving to much. "Good. Fucking. Girl." He growls, punctuating each word with a vary deep and hard thrust.
You cry out his name, choking out moans and gasping sharply, "gonna cum! P-ppleasepleaseplease!!!" You slur, your walls tightening around him like a vice as your orgasm washes over you like a wave of hot pleasure.
Lo'ak groans deeply above you, grinding his hips down into yours before he gives only last deep shove, his tip pressing into your cervix as he unloads himself, painting your gummy walls white.
You whine softly, panting heavily. Lo'ak carefully flops down ontop of you, gently kneading your breasts and suckling on your left one. "Good girl.. Did so good for me.." He mumbles softly, gently running a hand through your hair.
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maverickbabes · 2 years ago
Can't Handle It Baby?
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Can't Handle It Baby?
Aged!Up!Lo'ak Sully x female!navi!reader!
Lo'ak and Reader are both 20
Warnings: Soft!dom!Lo'ak, daddy kink, oral fem receiving, teasing, squirting, cussing, praising, use of nickname "pretty girl" "ma girl" "princess", fluff and cute funny ending
Summary: Y/n told Lo'ak that he has no game and can't make a girl cum. Lo'ak decides to prove her wrong ;)
Y/n back arches as she tries to close her legs but Lo'ak groans against her heat as he trails his hands softly up her thighs leaving goosebumps in his wake. She feels his hands grip her thighs before pushing them apart and holding them down as he teasingly bites her bud, grazing his fangs against it.
"Hm can't handle it baby?" Lo'ak hums against her heat and y/n whimpers in pleasure as she tries to lift her hips up but Lo'ak plants them firmly on the hammock. "You look so fucking beautiful like this ma girl. All spread out for daddy with your hair all messed up and your legs trembling just for me" He praises as he raises himself up and hovers over her, enjoying how her dark blue skin glowed and her amber eyes blown wide with pleasure.
Y/n closes her eyes but Lo'ak is quick to grab her chin squeezing it gently, getting her to open her eyes once more. "No closing your eyes pretty girl, I want you to look at me" He says tilting his head which makes his braids fall over his eyes. She reaches up a shaky hand and plays with the fallen braids then resting her hand against his face.
She pulls him downward and crashes her lips against his and wraps her legs around him, catching him by surprise. He moans into her mouth and juts his cock against her heat, breaking the kiss as he begins biting at her flesh while his other hand trialed up and grabs some of her braids.
In one swift motion Lo'ak was on his back looking up at y/n who was straddling his lap and looking down back at him while biting her bottom lip. She leans down and kisses his neck grazing her fangs against it, earning a groan from Lo'ak as his hands squeeze her hips before fiddling with the beads that rested against the waist of her loincloth.
"Can't handle it baby?" She mocks leaving a trail of love bites and marks from his neck and down his chest. Y/n looks up at him innocently before moving her hand under his loincloth and grabs his cock, pumping him slowly. "Don't tease me pretty girl, you know better" He moans taking a fistful of y/n braids again and pulling her up.
Lo'ak flips them over once more and hovers above y/n's small frame as he thrusts himself into her, instantly bottoming out. "Fuck!" Y/n moans as she arches her back and tries to grab at Lo'ak but he grabs her wrists and pin them above her head. "Going somewhere pretty girl?" Lo'ak teases as he slows his thrusts causing y/n eyes to roll in the back of her head while letting out small whimpers and whines.
"You feel so good ma girl so fucking good" he moans quietly as he grabs her thigh and lifts her leg up to his shoulder, going even deeper with his slow thrusts. "OH FUCK RIGHT THERE LO'AK" Y/n screams as she squeezes around his cock, practically sucking him into her and holding a vase grip on him. "That's not my fucking name" He growls as he moves his hips in a tauntingly slow pace driving y/n mad.
"Mm... Lo'ak pl..p-please" She stutters out and Lo'ak grabs her chin forcing her to look at him. "Not. My. Fucking. Name" He says each word with his hard and fast thrusts. "Daddy Daddy please I'm mm so close I erm hmm" y/n rambles out as he smirks in satisfaction as he releases her wrists and grabs her hips.
"That's a good girl, cum for me princess let me see how good I make you feel" He praises pounding into her relentlessly and y/n lets out a sound mix between a moan and a whine as she comes undone, him climaxing seconds later. Y/n passes out from the amount of pleasure coursing through her veins, unknowingly squirting in the process.
Lo'ak groans as he looks down and sees her juices covering his chest, some droplets running down to his v-line. "Baby hey baby wake up" He says, a hint of concern in his voice as he shakes y/n gently and she slowly opens her eyes looking up at him. "You squirted baby" He says, pride all over his face and y/n looks at his chest in disbelief, seeing her juices running down his chest.
"Holy fuck" She says embarrassed and covers her face with her hands as Lo'ak chuckles from above her. "Aw baby it's okay, it's good actually cause that means I made you feel amazing" He reassures and gently moves her hands away from her face, kissing her passionately. Y/n breaks the kiss and grabs his face, caressing his cheeks softly.
"You sure it's fine?" She asks embarrassingly and Lo'ak places his hands on hers and smiles. "Yes I'm positive baby" He assures before wrapping his arms around her, lifting her into his lap. "At least I fucked you dumb" He jokes cheekily while smiling proudly.
Y/n slaps his shoulder "Lo'ak!" she says with utter shock and he lets out a hearty laugh before tackling her to the hammock once more.
"Round two ma girl" Lo'ak says as he lays on her
"No!" Y/n giggles before letting out a shriek while her mate tackled her to the hammock before laying on top of her
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ring-anon-official · 2 years ago
Your Mine
Lo'ak x Reader
Warnings: mean(ish) loak, brat reader, p in v, fingering, dirty talk, smut
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He dragged you away from the celebration against the winning of the war after seeing you talking to some guys. Flirting with other guys.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” He said through his teeth
You didn’t answer.
You couldn’t answer.
This is everything you had been praying for.
“Fuck! Why the hell were you flirting with those boys” he growled.
The way he talked with anger made a pool between your legs, all you could do for an answer was bite your lip.
“Fucking answer me when I fucking talk to you” he whispered yelled into your ear.
He grabbed your hand and dragged you away.
You yelped in response to the sudden movement, You couldn’t wait for the punishment you were longing for.
While thinking you ended up at your tent with him.
“Go inside.” He demanded.
You nodded in acknowledgement, you didn’t really flirt with those guys but you made it look like you did to where Lo’ak saw. You knew how bad his jealousy could get. You were pushing your luck today, and you know just how bad of a punishment you’re getting.
“Silent treatment y/n? Seriously?” He asked you with an annoyed tint to his voice.
You rolled your eyes to cover up how wet you were getting just to the sound of his voice. You had to cover it up better.
He had an annoyed smirk and then came up to you.
“Lose the fucking attitude or I’ll make you lose it.” He growled into your face and grabbed your hair.
You couldn’t hold back the whimper that came from you.
“Oh.” He rolled his eyes with a smirk replacing the anger and let go of your hair, “this is about getting fucked. Not other guys. Right?”
You looked away not wanting to answer, then he grabbed your face and made you look at him.
“Isn’t it?” He said with a blank face.
“Mhm.” You replied.
“Of course it is.” He got out of your face.
He rubbed his hands all over his face as it looks like he was making a decision. He looked at you again.
“Is that you want?” He asked sincerely.
“Yes…” you replied unsurely.
He came over to you, you flickered your eyes between his and his lips until he took the hint and kissed you passionately.
Enough for both of you to get turned on.
He starts undoing your top as his kisses linger down your neck.
Once he gets your top off he starts leaving hickeys on your breasts, then he went back up to your neck and jaw and left hickeys on those.
You then started to undo his loin cloth.
He stopped you, “m m, baby, you were bad. I get to choose what happens, mkay mama?”
You nodded against him, agreeing.
He unties your loin cloth and then starts moving circles on your clit with his finger.
“Fuckkk. Honey, your soaked. I didn’t know it was this fucking bad” he groans.
He starts moving his finger down to your hole, one, two, and three. Never stopping with your clit.
You couldn’t hold in your moans anymore. “Mhm fucking scream for me” he curls his finger right into your sweet spot.
You let out a loud moan, not being able to hold it in anymore.
“Lo’ak please!” You beg not knowing what for.
“No, you decided to be bad today. This is your punishment.” He stated.
His words brought you closer to your orgasm.
And he could tell.
“Shit Lo’ak! I’m gonna cum” you cried, walls fluttering around his fingers.
Then he took them out.
He took his god damn fingers out.
You whined at the sudden loss of pleasure as he chuckles at your desperate attempts.
He tastes his fingers covered in your juices still.
“Mm, so sweet mama” he says.
All you could even think of doing was keep whining till you got any sort of friction from him.
“Lo’akkkk” you whined like a child.
He rolled his eyes and asked knowing the answer, “yes my love?”
“Please” you begged.
He smirked once more and started undoing his loin cloth.
His loin cloth came undone and you could see the pre-cum dripping off the tip of his 12-inch dick.
You could feel your mouth starting to water.
You could faintly hear his chuckle, you then felt a slight tug at your queue.
You looked at him as he made tsaheylu with you.
Lo’ak I need you. Please.
That was all he needed before he put his tip against your opening and slid in.
You grabbed onto the back of his neck and threw your head back with a moan.
He goes back to your neck and starts marking your neck purple again.
You couldn’t focus on anything but the pleasure he was giving you right now.
“Mm Lo’ak so good” you said random words coming out of your mouth.
All he did in reply was a chuckle.
Speeding up his thrusts, you started to fall back to the ground more. Trying to grab onto anything.
You grabbed onto his arm, leaving inprints in his arms.
You could feel your walls start fluttering around him again.
He started slowing down his thrusts.
Lo’ak please, faster!
You screwed your face together in annoyance and looked at him.
He rolled his eyes once more and sped up again.
You started to feel the knot in your stomach and you could feel the pleasure he was getting from your walks tightening around his cock.
Fuck, you feel so fucking good squeezing around me.
His words made your orgasm come quicker.
You came all over his cock covering his hips in your juices.
You orgasm making him closer to his.
“Mm, fuck baby I’m gonna cum, where you want it?”
“In me, Lo’ak” you whined, too fucked out to know what you’re saying.
His eyes widened, then he started with a smirk.
After several more thrusts he finally came inside of you as you screamed his name for the last time.
He pulled out, seeing his cum leaking out of you.
He kissed your forehead and made it to where your head laid on his chest.
You did so good tíyawne, so proud of you. Oe tìyawn ngenga nìftxavang (I love you)
He carefully undid tsaheylu. You then both fell asleep right there.
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jake-sullys-wife · 1 year ago
My rules/about me a little
About me*
Hello everyone, This is tina.
You might heard about me about how I am with my STUPID OR INSANE request that I asked with other authors.....Because I was desperate and everything going on with my life and sometimes i will forget the request are close even though i already sent it so please forgive me for the mistake 🙏🏽(plus I have add and learning disability🧍🏽‍♀️). but I learned my lesson and will respect the authors.
And Also you might have read or barely read my two requests such as :
A itchy horny feeling 💕, stepdad Jake Sully x human Reader.
(if you don't like this please don't read this if this makes you uncomfortable)
This account is mine is CRINGE 😭 but this is me🙊
My rules!
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Characters ✨:
Characters I will write 😏: Jake Sully, quaritch, neteyam, lo'ak, aounug, tonowari, sun wukong.
Characters I will NOT write 🙅🏽‍♀️: neytiri, Kirk, Grace (if I got her name right), spider.
Fav ship🥴: Quarjake(quaritch x Jake) my favorite ship
Will write ✍🏽:
will write down: r*pe/non con, abuse, gun kink, knife kink, blood kink, period sex, breed kink. Yaoi, male x male.(I think that's it for now 🤔 I'm not sure)
Will NOT write 🙅🏽‍♀️: feet kink/fetish, piss kink/fetish, sex with corpse, no male reader, no female x female, no non binary Reader, no transgender reader, no ace reader. (Sorry if that makes you mad or offended).
Also I LOVE roleplaying the most(forgot to mention that 😔)
The emojis I will use on my writing, I think:
Fluff: 💘, 🥰
warning: ⚠️, ✋🏽
Dark/non con: 🖤, ❤️‍🔥, 🩸
Smut: 🔞, 🫦
Funny: 😭, 🧍🏽‍♀️
(I will write down more later on as well)
I may not be a BIG writer/author I figured why not give it a shot since I read a lot, right? Sorry I'm nervous when it comes to stuff like this so forgive me 🙇🏽‍♀️💦.
But do please send me your wildest requestor or ask me anything you like for me to answer and so I will try my very best to write them down.
So please don't hate about what you just read I'm trying my best.
Have a nice day! 💓
I also draw...
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daydreamerbunny · 2 years ago
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honestly love when y'all send in stuff like this that I can do drabbles for while I work through writers block! Please send in your fluffy, angsty or naughty Avatar thoughts and I'll see if I can work something up <333
also thank you so much for all the reblogs and love I have been getting. It's really helping me stay motivated to get some stuff out there for y'all. mwah MWAH MWAH also my asks are always open if y'all just wanna chat.
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lovemyavatar · 2 years ago
Just for the Night
Lo’ak x Fem!Omatikaya!Reader
Part Two
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Warnings: (aged up) nsfw, enemies to lovers, angst, arguing, hate-fucking
part one
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The skin on the back of your neck prickles with unease, color tinging your cheeks as frustration mounts with each rushed stride through the forest.
You're practically vibrating with irritation, muscles pulled so taunt a dull ache radiates from between your shoulders. You welcome the sting of short nails biting into your palms, reveling in the distraction for only a moment before the scrutiny at your back becomes too much to bear.
“Will you stop that already?” Your lips purse with a low hiss, head turning just enough to send a steely glare toward the man behind you.
Lo'ak glowers at your quickly retreating figure, lips turning downward in displeasure. Long fingers tighten around the woven basket perched on his hip, the mere sound of your voice putting him further on edge.
“I can feel you plotting my murder back there.” You mutter with a roll of your eyes, attention returning to the path ahead.
The weight of his hard stare is palpable. It settles in your gut, twists your insides uncomfortably. Warmth blankets your skin, a heady mix of anger and...something else, something you haven't dared begin to dissect since the night you both crossed a line it doesn't seem you'll be able to come back from.
“Oh, I don’t have to plot, sweetheart. The whole thing’s already planned out.” His voice is rough, lips twitching into a satisfied smirk at the way your spine stiffens.
You whirl around to face him, fists clenching impossibly tighter, eyes narrowed in a fierce glare. Despite your best efforts, he's continued doing what he's best at: worming his way under your skin.
Whatever this is between you—this stifling tension—it's only gotten worse since that night in his family's tent. The lingering looks, the constant bickering...it's driving you crazy. Not a single day has gone by without some altercation with the youngest Sully brother.
Despite years of this back and forth, you aren't accustomed to the cold, unreadable wall that Lo'ak has built around himself since that night. It makes you uneasy, has you questioning if there may be some deeper issue he has with you, past the point of friendly competition.
“Charming.” Your nose wrinkles with an insincere smile, a scoff falling from your lips as you turn away from him again.
“You always do this." A humorless laugh echoes through the trees as you near your destination. Lo'ak jogs forward, arm extending to brush away a large leaf from the path, allowing you to duck through into the clearing first. “Get all mad as if it's not your fault we're in this position.”
You're already facing him as he steps into the plush grass after you, an expression of exasperated shock etched into your features.
“You're joking, right?” Wide eyes scan his lithe form, taking note of the way strong arms cross so casually over his broad chest.
He can't possibly think this is your fault. You were simply minding your own business, as usual, when he appeared and started bothering you. Kiri was at your side, the two of you helping prepare for the midday meal, chopping various vegetables for the clan.
Less than a minute after Lo'ak plopped down onto the rock only inches from yours, the fighting was unbearable for your best friend. She disappeared with the typical departing insult—calling you both skxawngs (idiots) with a soft sigh.
Truthfully, you don't even know how it started. You never do. Somehow, despite your best efforts, the two of you always end up right here. Harsh words and cold glares exchanged until one of you snaps and stalks off, only for the cycle to repeat the next time you see each other.
“I know you're used to getting away with everything, but you should know by now that I see through the good girl act.” Lo'ak's head tilts to the side, tail swaying with ease at his back.
Despite the volatile nature of your relationship, he's never stopped watching you. He's tried, he really has, to leave you alone—to keep his wandering eyes at bay. But you're always there, always so close yet still out of reach.
It's his own fault, and he knows it, but the fact does little to lessen the sting.
“What are you talking about?” Something ignites in Lo'ak's chest at the flare of heat in your golden eyes. It eggs him on, pushes him closer to the line he's always toeing, between good-natured bickering and actual fighting.
“Oh, please. The clan's precious little angel, used to getting whatever she wants.” His voice drips with mockery, and it makes a wave of embarrassment wash over your cheeks. “And you can't stand that I don't like you.”
Lo'ak's feet move on their own accord, bringing him a step closer with each harsh word. He has no idea what he's doing, doesn't know what's possessed him to take it this far, but he's just so...fed up. He's tired of this push and pull, tired of warring with himself every time you're close.
He can't stand you, and yet, he aches to be near you. His heart yearns for yours in a way he's never experienced with anyone else. In a way he hasn't been able to shake since the very moment he realized his feelings for you breached well past platonic.
It was only a breath later that he decided he would never have you. Decided it would be best to push you away, to protect his fragile heart from the surety of your rejection. Because, even at such a young age, he knew it would never work. He'd long been labeled the trouble child, the rebel, the one who ruins everything he touches...
And how could he bear to bring you down with him?
A surprised laugh bubbles in your chest, and you move back, desperate to put some distance between you. It's clear, what he's insinuating. That you're the instigator, the one to blame for the argument that got you into this mess in the first place.
Regardless of who threw the first verbal punch, Lo'ak's father—your Olo'eyktan—was not the least bit happy. He stormed toward the two of you without hesitation, sternly hissing that you were drawing attention to yourselves. Bringing shame to your families.
His words settled heavily in your heart, made your ears flatten with shame. But he was right. It only took a single glance toward your father, standing just a few feet behind Jake, to notice the disappointment gleaming in his eyes.
As the Olo'eyktan's closest confident, he has an image to uphold. Which, in turn, means that you do too. And typically, you're an exemplary member of the clan. You pull your own weight, help others whenever possible, and keep to yourself otherwise.
But there's just something about Lo'ak that makes you forget all duty and responsibility in the name of defending yourself, of proving that you're not some wallflower. That you're worthy of being noticed.
Jake quietly ushered you both off to collect some fruit for lunch, ordering that you not return until you've figured out how to get along.
“Are you actually that self-absorbed? You really think I'd waste my time trying to get at you?” You peer up at Lo'ak in disbelief, a flash of anger making your heart beat just a fraction faster.
“Drop the innocent act. It's just me, and I've already seen the real you. Can't get much worse than that.” He regrets the words the instant they leave him, jaw clenching at the way your lips part in surprise.
He's taken it too far. That much is clear, if the pained glimmer that washes over your eyes is any indication. It's gone in an instant, replaced with the fiery anger he's used to. Your ears twitch, tail snapping, a clear display of your animosity.
“If I’m the clan's angel, what does that make you? Clan screw up?” Your hands curl into fists and you take a small step forward.
The air between you is sharp, jagged edges of your tattered friendship hanging by a thread. You can't help but lash out, even if the insult has your own heart cinching in your chest.
It was a low blow, and it's obvious you've hit a nerve. Your chest heaves as you watch the words settle over him, watch his expression crumble before turning hard as stone again within seconds.
Lo'ak's tail twitches to attention against his spine, before swishing from side to side harshly. His breath hitches, heart racing with an overwhelming mix of emotion.
It washes over him in wave after wave, an onslaught of anger, frustration, crushing sorrow. Because after all this time, you finally see him for what he truly is.
What he fears he'll always be.
“At least I actually contribute. You can’t do anything without daddy hovering right behind you. How pathetic.” He crowds the remaining space between you, towering over you, chin dipping as his eyes narrow into a harsh glare.
He looks downright menacing, not an ounce of warmth in his expression. A soft gasp falls from your lips, moisture blurring your vision. He's breathing heavily, chest nearly touching yours as he fights to slow the violent thrum of his heart.
You peer up at him, equal parts rage and hurt swirling deep within your belly until you can't take it for even a second longer. One of your hands rears back, but before you can land a hit on his cheek, he snatches your arm out of the air.
Long fingers curl around your wrist, his hold gentle but firm. The feeling of his skin on yours sets you ablaze, fans the flame of desire that's been building within you since that night. This is the first time he's touched you since then, and though it was only in an act of self-defense, the warmth from his palm has you reeling.
“I hate you.” You voice wavers, the proclamation nothing more than a broken whisper.
“Good.” His jaw clenches, your spiteful words only spurring him on.
He pulls you forward roughly, capturing your lips with bruising force. You stumble into him, body responding without hesitation despite the weak internal protests warning against falling into this pattern with him.
The pressure on your wrist disappears, instead moving to your hips as both of his hands circle your waist. A gasp tears your lips from his as rough bark bites into the skin of your back. You hadn't even realized you were moving, too distracted by the burning heat of his lips on yours.
Lo'ak devours you like a man starved. His kiss isn't sweet, it isn't tender. It's all tongue and teeth, a explosion of pent up tension that's been brewing for years. A shiver rolls down your spine, and you arch into him, pressing your chest flush to his.
Your tongues battle for dominance, ragged breath mingling as you both pour every ounce of distain for each other into the kiss. One of your hands lifts, fingertips smoothing over the side of his neck to draw him in.
You hold him there gently, a quiet moan spilling into his mouth despite your best efforts to keep any noises at bay. Warring desires clash in your mind. You want to shove him away, and pull him closer all at once. He's so infuriating, so intoxicating, and you're far too under his spell to escape now.
Within seconds, your loose hold is ripped away as he cages your hand against the tree, holding it above your head. You can't help the way your hips writhe along his, a breathy sound falling from your lips when you feel the stroke of something hard against your soft heat.
You respond by tangling your free hand into his braids, tugging harshly just to see his reaction. His head jerks back at the unexpected sting, a rough growl rumbling his lungs. Your hips rut against his again, the vibration of his chest on yours settling hotly between your legs.
A wave of pleasure washes over him, the color of his cheeks deepening. His eyes snap to yours, narrowed in warning before he leans forward, nipping at your bottom lip lightly. An involuntary whimper escapes you, hold on his hair tightening.
A low moan falls from his lips, a shaky breath fanning your face as he staggers back a step. Your lips chase his, seeking the heat of his touch before your mind has a chance to catch up. The two of you stumble blindly, an uncoordinated dance of passion as you desperately fight to stay connected.
This continues until one of Lo'ak's heels catches on an upturned root, sending him crumpling to the ground. His arms slide around your middle, caging you to his chest as his tailbone takes the brunt of the fall. He grunts against you, lips still ravaging yours without skipping a beat.
The slight ache from the fall is instantly forgotten as you mount him, spreading your legs so his body easily slots between them. His head tilts back at the sensation of your plush skin on either side of his hips, a shudder wracking his chest when your hands begin exploring his skin.
Your fingertips trail along his chest, over trembling abs, all the way down to the hardened length still trapped beneath his loincloth. When your touch ghosts over his cock, he jerks, his hips rutting into your hand. A breathy moan falls from his lips, followed by a shaky gasp when you do it again.
“Not so tough now, are you?” Your lips twitch into a smirk against his, earning you a low growl.
“Shut up.” He hisses, long fingers curling around your throat.
The hold is possessive, and oh so dominant, a show of control even though he's the one beneath you. He pulls you forward, claiming your lips harshly again. A shiver rolls down your spine, and you can't help but drag your soaked core over his cock.
“Fuck, Y/N.” He gasps, lips ripping from yours as his head falls back, eyes fluttering with a surge of pleasure. His hands fall to your hips, his hold tight as he presses you down onto him, guiding your movements.
“Take this off.” Your chest is heaving, breath ragged as you hurriedly tug at the strings of his loincloth.
His lips curve into a lopsided grin, though another moan rumbles his chest when your hips roll along his cock again. “That desperate already?”
“Don't.” Your voice drops in warning as you successfully undo the knot, before practically ripping the material from his body.
It's quickly discarded, leaving you with nothing to do but dissect his cock with heavy-lidded eyes. It's bigger than you imagined, slapping against his stomach as it stands fully erect.
Something warm and unwelcome blooms deep within Lo'ak's chest, as he watches you. Wide eyes, flushed cheeks, plump lips parted with wonder as you take him in for the first time.
He's quick to flip you over, to lay you gently onto the soft grass. His palms press into the earth on either side of your head, supporting his weight as he takes a moment to gaze down at you. He can't help it, the way his eyes lock onto yours, pouring out every last bit of his usually tightly shackled emotions.
Having you beneath him like this is something he's fantasized about for years, and even now, he's not quite sure that it's real. He's tried so hard to push you away, to wedge so much distance between you that this could never be a possibility. And yet, here you are, more beautiful than ever...and all his.
He rips his gaze away, warmth blanketing his face. He deftly unties your loincloth with one hand, slipping it down your legs smoothly. His palm skims along the outside of your calf, sending a shiver down your spine.
When he reaches your thigh, he gives it a firm squeeze before hooking his fingers behind your knee and urging your legs apart. A deep moan rumbles his chest at the sight of your glistening pussy, fingers moving to drag along the trail of slick coating your inner thighs.
“Goddamn, you always get this wet when we fight?” He rasps, only half joking. The mere idea of you so hot and bothered by him, by your frequent disagreements, has his cock throbbing in anticipation.
“Stop. Talking.” You hiss, the color of your cheeks deepening with arousal and embarrassment alike.
Lo'ak gives his cock a few strokes as he aligns himself with your entrance, dragging his swollen tip along your soft folds. You arch into him, a quiet moan falling from your lips. The sound has his gaze snapping to yours again, breath lodging in his throat.
Suddenly, this position feels too intimate. It tightens his chest, makes his stomach flip with conflicting emotion. A deeply seeded desire within his heart urges him to take care of you, to allow whatever this is between you blossom into something real. Something warm and soft, unlike the cold bitterness that's been festering for years.
It's all too much. Too good to be true.
So, instead, he grips your waist and roughly flips you over, hauling you onto your hands and knees before him.
“Lo'ak—” You gasp, surprised at the unexpected movement.
“Thought you said no talking?" His teeth clench so hard he fears they may shatter, but he welcomes the ache as he easily slides into your waiting pussy.
You cry out, arms already trembling, nearly collapsing onto the grass at the burst of pleasure. Lo'ak's eyes pinch closed, hands gripping your hips with bruising force as he slams his entire length into your sopping pussy. He groans when he bottoms out, tip pressing firmly into your womb.
You're a mess before him, reduced to a string of moans and whimpers as he drills into you mercilessly. Your back bows, head dropping between your arms when your lower belly tightens. His head falls back, a low growl echoing through the clearing as your silky walls flutter around him.
He doesn't give you even a second to rest, maintaining a brutal pace as he chases his high. One of his hands smooths over your lower back, pressing into it to force a deeper arch. It continues trailing upward, until his fingers tangle in your braids, jerking your head back firmly.
Sharp teeth catch his lower lip, restraint tightening his chest as he fights to hold back mounting pleasure. All you can do is whimper meekly, the sting in your scalp pushing you closer to a quickly approaching orgasm. Moisture pools in the corners of your eyes, his roughness too much and not enough all at once.
This is what you expected from him, and yet, it's better than you could've imagined. The way he handles you, bends you to his whim, it has your pussy spasming around his cock all over again.
“Fuck.” Lo'ak rumbles, his free hand snaking around your stomach, fingers expertly finding your clit.
You jolt at the sudden explosion of pleasure, the mere swirl of his fingers over your overworked pussy throwing you into an intense release. A series of sharp moans echo through the trees, every muscle in your body tensing before you shatter around him.
Lo'ak suddenly jerks his cock free, the abrupt emptiness jostling your trembling form as he pumps his cock, riding out his orgasm with an arm still firmly wrapped around your middle.
Silence falls between you, thick and uncomfortable as the weight of what you've just done settles over you both. You fight to catch your breath, pushing yourself up and out of his hold with shaky limbs. You avoid the sharp glare you can feel prickling against the side of your head, eyes scanning the area for your loincloth.
“That's never happening again.” The words aren't nearly as strong as you would've hoped, the slight quiver in your voice betraying the turmoil raging within.
Being with him like that, it was...good. Too good. It felt right, like the two of you should've been doing this for years, rather than pushing each other away at every opportunity. It's planted a seed of doubt in your mind, made you wonder what it could be like to let him in, to explore the possibility of being more.
It's a dangerous thing, hoping for something like that.
“Obviously.” Lo'ak is quick to agree, averting his eyes as you shakily stand to your full height and pull your loincloth back on.
By the time he's retrieved his own clothing, you're gone. A rough sigh caves his chest, disappointment lodging deeply within his gut. Some part of him, however small, thought maybe things would be different after what you just did.
He runs a hand down his face, replacing his practiced mask of indifference before he'll have to face you again.
The walk back to Home Tree is silent. He doesn't approach you, instead he maintains a wide birth between you, trailing your tense silhouette from a distance. When he breaks through the tree line a few seconds after you, his irritated groan has your head whipping around.
Your eyes widen, silently asking him to corroborate whatever story you've just told before your attention returns to his father.
“Lo'ak.” Jake's arms are crossed tightly over his chest, a signature look of disapproval etched into his strong features. “Did you two work it out?”
“Uh…yeah.” He winces, rubbing at the back of his neck as a wave of uncertainty makes his stomach twist.
Had you? Or did he only make things worse, like he always does?
Jake's eyes narrow, flicking between the two of you for several seconds. He notes the absence of any fruit, which is the entire reason he sent the two of you into the forest in the first place. That, coupled with your disheveled hair and Lo'ak's crooked loincloth, tells him everything he needs to know.
“Alright. Dismissed.” He pinches the bridge of his nose, a sigh of exasperation filling the space between you.
You're quick to scurry off, practically running away the very second you're given permission. Lo'ak's gaze remains locked on your retreating figure until it disappears into the center of Home Tree. His head drops, eyes closing as he considers the consequences of what you've just done.
He only makes it one step before Jake grips his arm, gently pulling him back.
“Not you, boy. We need to have a talk.”
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@youcantseem3 @neyetams @pandorxxx @daiyuu27 @taleiak @neyetams @mrslandryy @superiorbyfar
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strongheartneteyam · 1 year ago
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Dumb little toy.
Pairing: Lo'ak Sully x female!human!reader
cw: deep throating, dominant Lo'ak, sub reader, mean Lo'ak, CAN BE TRIGGERING to some audiences, aftercare, sadistic Lo'ak, humiliation kink, masochist reader, degradation kink, praising kink, use of "slut" and "good girl"
Just a little smth spicy about the dark, most perverted side of our Lo <3
Not proofread.
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"Yes, take it, my slut! Take it just like that." Lo'ak commands, his voice the one of a pervert, his eyes closed as the pleasure takes over him "Your mouth is so small... it's a miracle a part of my cock fits inside of it."
He looks down and sees that your eyes are glossy with tears and your face is reddish. There is drool coming out of your mouth.
"You look so beautiful taking my cock in your mouth like this. It's deep down in your throat, isn't it? Awww, you look like you're struggling. Can you even breathe?" Lo'ak pretends to feel sorry for you but you can hear the mocking in his voice, followed by a mean laughter. You look for air and can't find it, your lungs burning a little, so, you start choking and he rapidly takes his cock out of your mouth and lets you breathe. You begin to cough, tears rolling down the corners of your eyes. Lo'ak starts to pet your head softly, cooing "Easy, easy." trying to calm you down "It's okay. Just breathe, baby. You were such a good girl for me. You took me as well as I knew you could. You're my little toy." He smiles at you while you swallow and start breathing better, your lungs now filled with air again, but you still breathe heavily.
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miange1 · 2 months ago
hi aaronnnnnnn😎
can you write the sully men smut having a reaction to those sex perfumes? ykwim?
like they already make humans feel weird but since na'vi noses are most likely more sensitive then i wanna know how they'd act.
male human reader btw 😋
Neteyam, Lo'ak, with pheromone "sex" perfume
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male reader, mating cycle like symptoms, tails, sniffing, overprotectiveness, breeding, slight dirty talk, praise, begging, lo'ak prolly submissive idk, neteyam is dominant, accidentally going too hard, aftercare, big dicks, they're blue, idk, im hungry, belly bulges
— it really was just supposed to be a harmless joke. Back at the lab you had just seen it lying around and thought to use it, just to make him more clingy or something like that.
— today was a day you weren't in your avatar, so you just stayed in till you were needed or till neteyam would come by and he usually did.
— you had almost completely forgotten you had put that on, the little bottle long gone in the trash.
"Paskalin!" your body jolted with excitement as you heard his voice, the heavy footsteps echoing through your ears as you smiled seeing his big blue body in the corner of your eye.
"Teyam," the moment he stopped foot inside, he stopped for a second, pupils going full as his nose twitched, and tail swished around. You looked confused, looking at him a bit weird. Was he okay?
— he would brush it off, his smile at you toothy as he crouched down next to you to hear about your day. but the whole time you were speaking, his breathing which was steady, started to become heavy and unmatched. his ears pinned down to the sides of his skull, and his eyes fixated on any open part of your skin.
— his vision would be clouded from the smell alone, and his actual words would turn into 'mhm' and then into low growls. it wasn't his fault, it was the smell and it was coming right from you.
"Nete?" your words were muffled and sounded underwater to him, he could only understand the fact you wanted to see if he was okay. but he blinked and you were underneath him.
"Teyam— slow down!" his eyes darted around your body, his full length thrusting in and out of you at a quick pace. his dick was so wet..had he already came inside? he couldn't remember.
his head ducked down where the smell was strongest, his nose twitching once more as he sniffed your scented skin. bright yellow eyes rolling back, his ears quickly making a small flap motion— like a cats.
"Oh eywa.." he mindlessly thrusted inside of you making sure you were spread and he could reach all the way in there.
— you remembered only after that it was the stupid perfume.
— most sensitive. eyes dilated, tail swishing around knocking almost everything over following you around like he had no idea what he was going to do without you.
— he would make the excuse that you were his boyfriend, and that he just wanted to be around you at all times, yet you knew the perfume kicked in as is. he was getting more possessive than usual, not wanting you to leave his side whether you had to do your job or not.
"Lo, you have to let me—"
— you caused this, so you were going to be the one to pay for it. he was allowed to stay on the little mattress next to your work space, but he couldn't stop whining and squirming around. you hadn't minded it, till you noticed his shadow looming above you. you were fucked, quite literally.
he laid beside you, eyes hooded and looking drunk. his hand underneath your knee to prop your leg up so he could fuck you right, and another above your stomach just for the purpose of feeling his girth make an outline on your stomach.
"Feel.." he whispered, so fixated on how deep he was inside of you. your noises encouraged him to go quicker, trying to make you feel as good as ever, to pleasure you as best as he could.
the little 'ah, ah, ah's' and the clenching around him made him go feral. his heart was pumping so quickly as he caught sight of your expressions, eyes slightly crossing and uncrossing, drool leaking just a bit.
he just needed to reach a liiiiittle bit more, just a tinnyyyyyy bit deeper inside. his head collapsed onto your shoulder, his hips bucking into you as he came deep inside to fill you up to the brim. his slightly blue tainted cum spilled from your hole, his breathing erratic.
his eyes glanced over to your dick, noticing you hadn't yet cum.
"not done."
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torukmaktoskxawng · 1 year ago
Sleeping Beauty - Lo'ak & Neteyam
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Part of the Sleeping Beauty Series (all stand-alone)
Pairing: Lo'ak/Fem!Avatar Reader, Neteyam/Fem!Avatar Reader
Word Count: 3k+
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, minors dni, aged-up characters, somnophilia, mate bites, spitting, cussing, unprotected p in v (wrap it, skxawngs), orgasm denial, jacking off, praise, dirty talk, nipple play, squirting, edging, surprise threesome (but they're only into you, not each other), mentions of creampie, cumming on external places, after care, creative use of Na'vi words to avoid saying Y/n, etc.
A/n: Adult Lo'ak & Neteyam done by the one and only @ cinetrix 💕
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It was a long day for the both of you, with Lo'ak coming back from a tedious hunt while you were out-- essentially running a bunch of errands for Max with a grocery list of plant samples he wanted you to go find. You hadn't had any time to stop and see Lo'ak as it was running late and Max needed help labeling and taking stock of said samples. Unable to properly fit in the lab in your avatar, you decide to lay her down for the night in your marui and break the connection, opening your eyes to find yourself in your human form, lying on your back in a soft-glowing link bay.  
You eagerly got to work on the samples alongside Max, hoping to get it all done before the day got too late. Day quickly turned to night and you heard the Omatikaya going about their evening outside the lab, preparing and then partaking in their communal feast. It disheartened you to know that you already missed dinner with Lo'ak, knowing that by the time you were finally done with your work, he'd likely be so tired and cuddling your unconscious avatar form. Normally, you don't sleep in your avatar, no matter how much Lo'ak begs you. It's easier to refuse him when he's away from the clan and you have the marui to yourself, but other times, well, he's very persuasive. But Max and even Norm have warned you time and time again that you shouldn't make that a habit and it's required of you to return to your human body at night, or else it'll eventually be just a husk-- a shell of your former self. So far, you've been pretty stern with Lo'ak about this and only gave into him a few very rare times, which usually start with him wanting to take you somewhere private at night so the two of you could be alone. Usually, that then leads to several rounds of orgasms that make you too tired, and oh no, suddenly you can't break your link and you're forced to sleep soundly on Lo'ak's chest. What a shame.
Sleeping beside him, especially in your avatar, is like a reward of its own, and it's so comforting. Sleeping beside him as a human is nice, sure, but with your avatar, you don't have glass obstructing your view or any kisses Lo'ak might want to sneak you. Tonight, after not seeing him all day, was something you really needed.
As much as you knew that linking for long periods of time could be harmful to your human body, you really wanted to be able to sleep alongside your mate tonight. So, with quick feet, you return to your link bay and lie down, barely letting the lid close over you before closing your eyes and forcing your mind to relax. The link connected successfully, and you were whisked away to your avatar, led by a light at the end of that familiar tunnel. 
Waking up was slow, your avatar's eyes too heavy to open just yet, but a different sensation you were unfamiliar with waking up was happening between your legs. A brutal force that was slowly going faster, shoving its way into your gummy, and surprisingly wet pussy, feeling your thighs sticky with clear liquid. Your ears finally hear through the thick fog of your mind, catching the sounds of grunts, in sync with the loud sound of skin slapping together. One brutal push had your body moving up the mat an inch, and it felt as though it pierced the roof of your cervix, causing a quiet whimper to leave your lips. Now you are finally aware of a hot, growing coil, tightening at the bottom of your stomach, threatening to snap at any moment. There was no build-up or foreplay involved for you, just immediately waking to your orgasm ready to flood your entire system.
You gasp as the coil snaps and you leak around the thick cock shoving its way inside of you, some of your juices even splashing on both yours and the abdomen nestled between your legs every time they thrust in and out, prolonging your climax and making your thighs shake around what you assumed was hips. Still bullying their way into your body even as your orgasm finally cools down, you're more aware of how hard and twitchy the cock inside you felt, hitting your sweet spot each time and punching a gasp from your lungs with each thrust.
Finally opening your eyes, you look around and find your mate sitting off to the side, leaning against the foundation of your shared marui while his fist slowly runs up and down his hard, leaking dick, the tip tinged a dull purple color, indicating oversensitivity. Your lips are dry as you try to form words, "Lo... Lo'ak?"
"Hey, mamas," he grins wolfishly, his hand's pace on his cock remaining the same speed as he casually spoke to you, "I hope you don't mind, but I thought Neteyam could spend the night."
Between your orgasm and your sleepy mind, everything was still foggy, and it took a moment before you finally processed his words. Something clicked inside your head when you finally registered that Lo'ak wasn't the one who made you cum, sitting much too far away. Lo'ak wasn't the one currently shoving his way inside your body like he wanted to permanently blend your bodies together into one being. When you turn your head to look up at whoever is currently above you, rearranging your guts, you're met with none other than your mate's older brother. And despite the sweat and crease on his brow, Neteyam has a brash smile etched on his lips when your eyes meet.
"Kaltxì," he huffs out, the word rushed and followed by a rough grunt that escapes his mouth when his hips press flush against yours, your wet walls still occasionally pulsing around his cock in a welcoming embrace, making him dizzy with euphoria.
Your head was spiraling with so many questions, unable to voice them as Neteyam fucks you dumb, too cock drunk to form the words. Over the past year, you would periodically wake in your avatar form, sore and leaking with whatever mess Lo'ak left in between your legs, and when you eventually confront him about it, you both came to the agreement that he's more than welcome to use your avatar for whatever pleasure he has while you're not linked to it... just as long as he makes it up to you later on. You want a little bit of fun of your own, after all.
Lo'ak shuffles closer to you, his cock forgotten for the moment as he reaches you and plants quick and warm kisses all over your face before moving to whisper in your ear, "I wanted to show him all the... advantages of having a dreamwalker as my mate."
Even with Lo'ak's words currently distracting you, you couldn't ignore the way your body slowly began to grow warm and tight again, Neteyam angling his hips and hitting your sweet spot each time so that you were ready for another climax. You gasp at the sensation, reaching up to hang onto something, which ends up being the back of Lo'ak's neck.
Your mate grins before kissing your ear, "I'm so proud of you, mamas. You managed to take my cock before taking Neteyam's and waking up."
That explains why your body felt so sore and sticky, feeling more full than you would imagine with just Neteyam inside you. It felt as though you had run a marathon, but there were no physical signs of Lo'ak on your body until your free hand reached up and grazed his bite scar on your neck. There's a fresh bruise forming over the mate mark, confirming Lo'ak's lewd words.
Neteyam groaned and plunged deep and frantic into you when he watched the dawning realization cross your features. You make an identical sound, the thought of the older Sully brother currently fucking both his cock and Lo'ak's seed further into your womb sending you into a frenzy of soft moans, throwing your head back and arching up into Neteyam's thrusts.
"Great Mother," Neteyam hissed, "She just gripped me tighter."
"Aw, do you like that, baby?" Lo'ak purs into your ear, his lips grazing the shell of it, making it twitch, "Do you like it when I use your holes while you're unconscious? Or do you like it when I invite someone over to use your body without your knowledge?"
You groan loudly as your answer, and the sound spurs Neteyam to reach down and lightly pinch your already abused clit to the same rhythm of his thrusts. Lo'ak moves one of his hands to fondle one of your exposed breasts, and you faintly note that you are completely naked, remembering you had fallen asleep wearing a worn-out RDA shirt meant for avatars. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see that same shirt torn to pieces on the floor a few feet from your head.
Lo'ak pinches your nipple, watching it harden before moving to the other one to do the same thing. It leaves you moaning and writhing, practically impaling yourself on Neteyam's cock, your hips rising to meet his own thrusts, much to his delight. His tail unconsciously curls around your thigh, coiling tighter and tighter with each sound you make. Meanwhile, Lo'ak's tail had found your ankle and used it to keep you spread for his brother while he took one of your nipples in his mouth and the other in his hand, switching once or twice to lather both of your hardened buds in his saliva.
"Lo'ak, please..." you whine, feeling your body begin to tighten with anticipation. Neteyam felt light-headed with how hard you were gripping his length. He can barely even pull out you were so tight, holding his cock captive in your dark, wet cavern.
"What is it, mamas?" Lo'ak asks innocently, though one look at his grinning smile, and you know it was just a facade.
"N-Need to cum," you stammer.
"Hm," his yellow eyes twinkle with mischief, leaning down to mutter his reply into your lips, "That's not up to me, baby. Neteyam is taking your pleasure right now. Only he gets to decide if you cum again or not."
He takes advantage of your mouth opening in shock, spitting on your tongue, forcing you to inhale a soft gasp of surprise. His eyes dart back up to meet yours and you can't help the moan that escapes you at the heat you see in his gaze. Lo'ak leans down to kiss your lips in a dirty, sensual display of affection, exploring your mouth with his tongue while purring into your lips, your body proven affected by his actions as you unexpectedly slam your hips against Neteyam's.
The older brother's hand quickly grabs a hold of your waist to stop your movements, spewing out a song of Na'vi curses as he suddenly stops thrusting. He huffs and wheezes, any more movement from you would've led to him cumming too fast, let alone inside your pussy, which wasn't on his agenda, no matter how tempting it was. As pussy drunk as he was in this moment, he still had some sliver of respect for his brother and his wishes. Neteyam could fuck you as much as he wanted tonight, but he wasn't allowed to finish inside you.
"Stay still, yawne," Neteyam whispers breathlessly, trying to think of unpleasant things to keep himself from cumming. A small burst of confidence takes over as a smirk begins to play on his lips as his fingers slow down over your clit, "Or you won't get to cum at all."
He looks down at you, though it was hard to see your eyes with Lo'ak in the way, making out with you as your lips make vulgar sounds as they slide together, strings of saliva connecting you to your mate every time the need for air takes over. Neteyam forces himself to look away, the sight of your kiss-bitten lips, so swollen and wet, made his cock twitch inside of you.
Lo'ak gasps quietly for air before leaning down to kiss your cheek and whisper in your ear, "Go on, baby. I want you to. You can beg for my brother, it's okay... We used to share a lot of things growing up. This is hardly any different. So go ahead. Beg for Neteyam to let you cum. I don't mind."
You whimper as you feel Lo'ak's hot breath fan over the side of your neck, squeezing your eyes shut as your thighs clench around Neteyam's waist. With your mate's permission, you don't waste time opening your mouth and shamelessly begging, "Please, Neteyam. Please make me cum! Oh, fuck--"
The whine that escapes you will haunt you later with a less foggy head, but it's the only thing you could do in protest when you feel Neteyam completely slide out of your pussy, tip and all. He waits until you finally open your pretty eyes to look up at him, then he smiles.
"There you are. Keep your eyes on me, yawne, and I'll let you cum."
You nod obediently, parting your lips to moan as Neteyam gently smacks his tip over your clit and then easily slips between your wet folds. It's so hard to keep your eyes open when his cock slowly and painstakingly slides into you, shoving the tip deep inside until he's sure he's pressing against your sweet spot, then pulls out and repeats the same motion, as slowly as before.
Lo'ak moves out of your space and sits back on his feet, taking his aching cock back in hand and jerking off to the same motions Neteyam makes when entering your pussy, the younger Sully biting his lip when the motion only relieved a small bit of the torture he put himself through by trying to cum again after already doing so inside you. Lo'ak watches your face as you're brought back over the edge of ecstasy, eyelashes fluttering, cheeks flushing, and swollen mouth open agape. You keep your eyes on Neteyam, but you can see Lo'ak just in the corner of your peripheral and you know what he's doing. Without warning, you reach a hand out to wrap around Lo'ak's cock and his hips jolt as if he'd been shocked.
"Shit-!" Lo'ak gasped as you continued to pump his dick, up and down at the same pace as Neteyam's thrusts. Your mate moans loudly, thrusting into your hand to try and urge you to go faster, "That's it, baby... don't stop."
You obey, even going a little faster and smiling between moans when Lo'ak starts to whimper, just the way you like him, knowing he was close. His whimpers are quickly forgotten, even if only for a moment, when Neteyam starts to thrust harder, forcing your eyes to roll back as you feel your body burning up from the inside out, the coil unbearably tight as your toes curl.
Neteyam's hips stop, flush against yours as he growls, "Eyes."
Your gaze immediately snaps back to him, and he chuckles under his breath, "Good girl."
His fingers move side to side against your clit, then in circles. He repeats this pattern when he noticed the way your pussy clenches around his cock, a deep growl vibrating from the back of his throat at the sensation. He can't keep edging himself like this or else he'll really lose control and then he won't pull out, no matter how much he knows he has to. So, he decides not to torture you for long as he finally nods.
"Now, yawne. You can cum."
Lo'ak whines at the feel of your hand squeezing him a little tighter, his precum leaking down your knuckles, "That's it, baby, you heard him. Cum for us, mamas, that's it. Cum on Neteyam's cock. Show him what you can do."
A long series of moans and soft screams tumble from your mouth as you throw your head back and chase after your high. Slamming your hips down on Neteyam's cock and using him, you make sure he hits your sweet spot every time before your coil snaps and your liquid spews everywhere, your whole body twitching as your juices leak out from around Neteyam's cock and splashes over his abs and bioluminescent freckles, slowly dripping down his delicious blue skin.
You're still cumming when Lo'ak follows suit, gently batting your hand away so he could take his cock in hand and finish over your tits, moaning and whimpering unapologetically as his cum splatters over your chest, pearly white droplets sliding over your nipples and down the curves of your breasts. Lo'ak gasps and groans at the sight, so whiny and desperate, continuously fisting his cock and painfully holding the tip so he squeezes out every last drop onto your tits.
Neteyam's less vocal than his brother, but you still manage to catch his climax as well, feeling not one but two different spurts of cum on your body, mixed with Lo'ak's loud whines and a soft growl you were less familiar with. As you're coming down from your high, you peer down between your legs to see Neteyam gripping tightly onto his cock, slowly softening beneath his fingertips as long strings of his seed dance and paint over your stomach, collecting in your belly button. Looking up, Neteyam's face is an absolute wreck, flushed in a darker shade of color, the color of his eyes now reverting to small, tiny rings, shrouded with lust. He's clenching his teeth, keeping himself quiet, much to your disappointment, but you don't complain since he has yet to stop circling your clit, drawing out the last of your orgasm until it becomes too sensitive. Once you whine in discomfort, he immediately stops his movements. 
The marui is filled with huffing and panting, all three of you clawing for air as your bodies cool down, turning into jello and unable to properly form words yet. You have to lick your lips as they've dried, but Lo'ak takes it a step further and kisses you, slowly, passionately, and less desperate. While kissing Lo'ak you feel Neteyam's hands in the crook of your knees, untangling them from around his waist and setting them on the floor while his body heat vanishes from your skin. You're about to whine into Lo'ak's mouth in protest when a warm, wet cloth meets your raw and fluttering pussy, gently cleaning you of any fluids before moving onto your stomach and breasts. You don't miss the way Neteyam kisses both of your knees as he works at cleaning you up, making your tail bat gently against the ground. Lo'ak softly groans into your lips before pulling away, his smile lopsided and boyish before he kisses your nose.
"You did so good for us, mamas. You've never woken up when I'm in the middle of fucking you before. Neteyam must feel awfully lucky."
Both you and Neteyam hum in response, but otherwise say nothing as your lust gives way to exhaustion. Lo'ak lays down beside you and wraps you in his arms, pressing your back against his front and kissing the base of your kuru, smiling to himself when your tail gently slaps his hip. Neteyam sighs and lays down on the other side of you, the two of you facing each other but at a more respectable distance, even though you both wish for him to move closer. You settle by holding his hand in yours while relaxing into Lo'ak's embrace, smiling to yourself over what just happened as you close your eyes to sleep.
While it's true that you've never connected to your avatar when Lo'ak was in the middle of using you, after tonight, you definitely need to be able to time this better for next time. 
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Taglist: @pandoraslxna @inolaphoenix @neteyamsoare @mooniequeen @avatar-lover @taronyuhunter @neteyamsyawntu @neteyamsl0ver @ikeyniofthetayrangi @neteyamssyulang
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erenjaegerwifee · 7 months ago
Summers In Pandora Masterlist
🌸I firstly want to say a quick thank you to @neteyamsoare and @inlovewithpandora for making this beautiful prompt list and I’m so happy to be able to write it!
🌸 please note my context is 18+ if that makes you uncomfortable do not read or interact with my post
🌸 if you would like to be added to my Taglist please let me know! Do not repost my work on any other website or app.
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Day One: Age gap // Jake
Day Two: One bed // Lo'ak
Day Three: Angry/Hate sex // Lo'ak
Day Four: Discipline // Neytiri
Day Five: Jealousy // Neteyam
Day Six: Choking // Ao’nung
Day Seven: Make up sex // Jake
Day Eight: Corruption // Jake
Day Nine: Morning Sex // Neteyam  
Day Ten: Lactation // Neteyam
Day Eleven: Somnophilia // Tsireya
Day Twelve: Mirror Sex // Tsireya
Day Thirteen: Sex Pollen // Neteyam
Day fourteen: Dilf/ Milf // Neytiri
Day Fifteen: Drunk Sex // Neteyam
Day Sixteen: One Night Stand // Lo'ak
Day Seventeen: Quickies // Tsireya
Day Eighteen: Forced Proximity // Neteyam
Day Nineteen: Dirty Talk // Lo'ak
Day Twenty: Recording/ Sex Tape // Neteyam
Day Twenty-One: Submission // Ao'nung
Day Twenty-Two: Friends with Benefits // Neteyam
Day Twenty Three: Mutal Masturbation // Neteyam
Day Twenty Four: Cowgirl/ Reverse Cowgirl // Lo'ak
Day Twenty Five: Exhibition/ Voyeurism // Tsireya
Day Twenty Six: Breeding/ Mating Press // Jake
Day Twenty Seven: Degradation // Jake
Day Twenty Eight: Caught Masturbating // Neteyam
Day Twenty Nine: Manhandling // Neteyam
Day Thirty: Shower/Ocean/River // Neteyam
Day Thirty One: Body Worship/ Praising // Tsireya
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maverickbabes · 2 years ago
You're Mine
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You're Mine
Aged!Up!Lo'ak Sully x female!navi!reader!
Lo'ak is 21 and Reader is 19
Warnings: Angry!Lo'ak, oral fem receiving, rough sex, biting, some swearing, spanking(like once), light choking, mating, claiming/owning kink, This gonna make your heart race oheheheooehehe
Summary: You've been annoying Lo'ak pushing his buttons the whole day, So he decides to teach you a lesson while you go out into the forest, him following.
Lo'ak lets out a growl of annoyance as he follows you into the forest, feeling his anger and annoyance bubble even more inside him. "Y/n" Lo'ak said firmly while you climb up a tree getting yourself situated on one of the thick branches.
"What" You said, attitude in your voice while you raise your arms in annoyance. "Where do you think you're going?" He asks attempting to climb up the tree but you release the branch that you were holding, knocking him on his ass. "Where does it look like I'm going dumb ass" You retort at him, amber eyes glaring down at him.
"Oops did I do that?" You say sarcastically as you let out a giggle while you mindlessly run your hand on the moss. You've been annoying Lo'ak all day and it was quite entertaining for you. First at one of the huts where you both were shaping arrowheads, you were humming a tune that drove him crazy.
Then, you would mess up what he was doing by accidentally bumping into it. You also pushed his buttons by giving him attitude and being a bitch to him because sometimes he's a reckless ass and a dick. Lastly, was this moment right here; in the forest and you were going to push him to his limit.
You didn't want to admit it but, you had a crush on Lo'ak. Hell, you wanted to mate with him and start a family but you didn't know if he felt the same way. "What the fuck y/n!" Lo'ak curses as he glares at you while you gracefully hop down the tree.
"Oh relax it's not as if I hurt your pretty face" You tell him before bumping your shoulder against his while you continue your walk. He grabs your arm, stopping you in your tracks as he turns you around so you can look at him.
"Enough of the fucking games y/n. I'm pissed off and at my fucking limit so don't. push. it" He seethes gritting his teeth. This was your chance to push him. You remove your arm from his grasp as you shove him by the chest. "Fuck you" You hiss before turning to walk away.
You froze in your place as he let out a dark chuckle, did you take it too far this time? "You're such a bitch" He grabs you by your shoulder and shoves you forward, almost tripping over your own feet. "Oh hell no" You charged at him and pushed him onto the ground, eyes wide with anger.
You guys stared at each other, both fuming with anger as you stood there. You feel your heart flutter from the way he was staring at you and from how intimidating he looked but still stood your ground to show he won't win. Within seconds his lips were on yours, both wet and hot as he takes your lips and absolutely devours you.
Both of you were still angry at each other but the desire and lust for each other was slowly winning. One hand rests on your hip while the other slides down to your ass, a hard smack hitting your skin as you let out a moan. Lo'ak takes this moment to shove his tongue into your mouth, biting your lips in the process.
You pull away from the kiss, wiping your lips on your arm pretending to be disgusted with the kiss but in all honesty, you were so turned on that it was almost unbearable.
"Did you just wipe my kiss off your lips??" He hisses as he watches you wipe your hand across your lips just to piss him off.
"Yea and I'll do it again. What the fuck are you going to do about it" You taunt him as you squint your eyes at him.
"Oh I'll show you what I'm gonna do about it" He growls and next thing you know, you're pinned on the forest floor with him above you and you let out a small moan.
Lo'ak smirks as his eyes darken with lust. "Aw does the little slut like it when she gets pinned down?" He asks, not missing how your legs quiver before closing on their own. You feel your pussy pulsing as he grabs your knees and forces your legs open. There was a small wet spot on your loincloth and he looks up at you chuckling deeply.
"Look who's so turned on just from my words" He taunts you as he gets in between your legs, practically ripping off your loincloth in the process. "Fuck you asshole" You hiss at him, earning a cocky grin. "What do you think I'm gonna do to you" He retorts back at you while he takes his loincloth off and tosses it to the side with yours.
"I can't wait to hear you scream my name while I fuck you over and over again" He says as he leans down and nudges his nose with your neck. "Fuck you, I'm not goi- Ahh!" You start to say but instantly cut it off with a moan as you feel his tongue against your heat.
Pleasure courses through your body as you feel his mouth on your heat, his tongue kitty licking your folds as he nips at your bud causing you to arch your back. You can feel your climax building up in your tummy but Lo'ak takes his mouth off of you, instantly making you whine and mewl.
"I'm gonna mark you all over so that way everyone knows you're mine" He whispers huskily which makes your eyes roll into the back of your head. Lo'ak begins to leave hot wet kisses down your neck and to your cleavage, stopping at your breast while he locked eyes with you before taking your nipple in his mouth.
You feel yourself shudder as he bites your nipple then goes to the other one to give it the same treatment. He leans up, resting on his knees as he admires your body covered in his marks. Feeling nervous, you try to cover your body but Lo'ak tsks at you. "Uh-uh. Don't cover yourself. You are beautiful baby" He whispers as he tucks some loose hair behind your ear.
"I'm not yours or your baby" You scoff at him before turning your head away and he wraps his hand around your neck and forces you to look at him. "You're not mine huh? I'll make sure we change that" He hums as he thrusts himself into you hard and fast. "Fuck!" You moaned as your mouth opened slightly while you wrapped your legs around him.
"You wanna change your answer pretty girl" He asks as he presses his body against yours, lifting your hips and thrusting himself even deeper inside you. "Lo'ak" You whine and mewled as you squeezed yourself around him, causing his hips to stutter while he hits the right spot in you.
Lo'ak groans as he goes rougher, a layer of sweat covering you both. "Fuck you feel so fuc-, do that again" He praises as he bites your neck, causing you to let out a cry of pleasure. You feel his hand wrap around your throat, squeezing it as he leans up to look at you. "Who do you belong to?" Lo'ak asks you, his voice becoming deeper at the last part.
"YOU! I belong to you!" You cry out as your orgasm begins to bubble inside you once more, this time with more intensity. "Good girl. Such a good girl for me aren't you" He praises as he feels himself getting close, his thrusts becoming sloppy and fast. "I'm gonna cum" You whined out, feeling Lo'ak kiss your forehead.
"I am too. Cum with me baby let it go" He huffs out as he feels himself come undone inside you, letting out a noise between a moan and a whine as he shoves his face in the crook of your neck, taking in your scent. You come seconds after him, a hoarse moan leaving your lips while you lay there under him trying to catch your breath.
Silence fell between you two as you both laid there, soaking in the moment of pure bliss before realization hit you both like a semi-truck. "We had sex. Lo'ak we just fucked and now-" You started to ramble but Lo'ak quickly shushes you with a soft kiss on the lips.
"Yes. We've had sex. You are mine and I am yours" He says as his amber eyes look deeply into yours. You suddenly feel like crying so you push him away and get up from the floor but you feel a hand grab your wrist gently. "Where are you going" He questions, confusion painted all over his gentle face.
You feel your lips tremble as you sink down to your knees and look at him."Do you really want me?" It was all you could mumble out as you both stared at one another, not knowing what to say. Lo'ak grabs your hands and gives them a gentle squeeze.
"Yes I want you. do you want me?" He asks and you nod your head fast as you wrap your arms around him.
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daydreamerbunny · 2 years ago
okie my loves. The discord is made! This server is for 18+ Avatar fans who wanna thirst together. I have a writers corner I would really love to see my fellow Avatar smut writers in here. I even have an idea sharing corner where people can pick up each other's ideas and write off of them (with credit of course)!
It is 18+ and I am doing age verification where I request to see JUST the date of birth on your ID then I will grant access to the rest of the server. I'm doing this for everyone's comfort and safety <3
The link takes you to the rules page, but you should not see the rest of the server until you age verify with me.
I need at least maybe one mod. Depending on how the server does I may need more? But I have ran multiple servers from 4,000 members to 80,000 so I'll be fine but it would be nice to have others hahah.
Feel free to share with your friends, but they will have to age verify just like you do.
Thank you loves!
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lovemyavatar · 2 years ago
| Lo’ak x F!Avatar!Reader |
(Star Girl extra scene)
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I’m so sorry if you guys are tired of Star Girl content I just missed writing for them 😭
warnings: (aged up) nsfw, sprinkle of possessive Lo’ak, a tiny baby hint at what’s coming in Temptation chapter two
takes place during chapter two of Temptation
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You hastily storm from the Tsahik tent, a volatile mix of emotion pinching your expression.
“Baby, wait!” Lo’ak’s desperate call only deepens the sting, makes your heart clench painfully in your chest.
Your pace quickens, hands curling into shaky fists. In just a few long strides, he’s reached your back, long fingers gripping your bicep with a firm hold. He spins you to face him, lips pulling into a frown at your agitated state.
His eyes flick over the rush of movement surrounding you, embarrassment coloring his cheeks. Thankfully, the clan is distracted, the flurry of activity within the base of Home Tree enough to conceal your now public argument.
“We talked about this.” The words rush out in a single breath, his stomach twisting with unease. His head dips, eyes searching for yours as they stare at the ground. “You said you wouldn’t run away when you’re mad at me.”
A rough sigh falls from your lips, ears flattening. Your tail swishes from side to side, frustration clawing at your insides. Sharp teeth catch your lower lip, regret pooling in your stomach when you remember the promise you nearly broke.
“I’m not angry, Lo’ak.” Your eyes pinch as another wave of emotion washes over you.
Lo’ak’s fingers hook beneath your chin, gently guiding your face from it’s slumped position. Tentatively, your gaze shifts upward, glistening yellow meeting his. A ragged breath lodges in his throat at the sight of moisture collecting in the corners of your eyes.
“I’m terrified.” The admission is nothing more than a trembling whisper, lungs quaking with a broken sob.
It’s just too much. The worry, the uncertainty that comes along with war. It’s barley begun, and you’re already a mess. Tonight was the very first mission that Lo’ak was allowed to attend. The first taste of what’s to come. Of waiting back at home with the other healers and hoping that he won’t be taken from you.
You fear your chest will cave in at any moment, mounting anxiety threatening to burst. The mere thought of Lo'ak in battle has kept you up for hours during many eclipses. You've been antsy, distracted in the days leading up to this moment.
And now, he's hurt. It could've been worse, in the many ways you've imagined, but he's still injured. Worry clouds your mind every chance it gets, thoughts inevitably returning to your mate in the line of fire.
Seeing him like this, battered and bruised...it tears you up inside, makes your chest so tight it’s gotten hard to breathe.
“Hey, hey.” Large hands quickly move to cradle both sides of your face, forcing it from its curled position against your front. “No. Please, baby girl. Don’t cry because of me.”
Lo’ak can't stand the sight. Can't handle knowing that he's made you this upset. It splinters his heart, makes his stomach turn with a wave of nausea. His pulse thrums harshly in his ears, panic gripping him as he racks his brain for ways to fix it.
“I will always come back to you, okay?” His head dips again, silently urging your eyes to meet his. A sigh of relief fills the miniscule space between you when your fingers wrap around the wrists caging you in. “Always.”
The only response you can muster is a meak nod, bleary gaze boring up into his. Without hesitation, he leans down, connecting your lips in a gentle kiss. You respond eagerly, grateful for the physical reminder that he's really here and in one piece.
His mouth is gone as quickly as it’d appeared. There’s barely a moment for confusion to pinch your brow before the warm hold on your cheeks drops, large fingers slotting through yours.
“Come.” He drags you along as he bounds forward, your legs stumbling to keep up with his rushed pace.
He heads straight for your newly finished home, practically running until he's close enough to throw the woven door open. He gently shoves you inside, hastily fastening the entrance closed before turning to face you.
“Lo’ak, what are you doing? I need to help with—” The weak protest is cut short as he stalks toward you, heated gaze pinning you in place.
He reconnects your lips, and you're powerless to stop him. A low moan falls from your lips as they part, allowing his tongue to eagerly explore your waiting mouth. He groans into the kiss, hands skimming down your spine, over the swell of your hips, not stopping until they cup the backs of your thighs.
He swallows your gasp of surprise as he lifts you, hooking your knees around his hips. You instantly melt into the embrace, fingers tangling in his braids. He walks you both toward the bed in the center of the tent, a rough growl rumbling his chest when you give his hair a light tug.
Realistically, he knows you should be with Kiri and his grandmother, tending to the rest of the wounded. But the idea of you touching other men, even if only to heal them, makes his blood boil. Fills him with a dark, twisted sense of possessiveness that begs him to mark you, to surround you with his scent so no other man will dare to so much as look at you for too long.
He blindly lowers you to the mattress, moaning at the way you arch up into him as he hovers above you. He leans back just enough to dip his head into your neck, peppering the damp skin with sloppy kisses.
“I just need to feel you.” He murmurs lowly, loincloth tightening when his hips involuntarily rut into yours.
Your head tilts back, a breathy moan filling the tent. A wave of pleasure washes over you when his sharp fangs nip at your skin, threatening the delicious sting of his bite. He's only done it once, when he was particularly riled up, but Ewya, do you want it now.
An overwhelming desire to have him everywhere consumes you, makes searing heat wash over your skin until you're panting beneath him. After the day you've had, every moment spent worrying about him, you need to feel as close as possible.
Your hands shake as they fish for your queue, pulling it from beneath your hips. An instant later, you've gripped his gently, slinging it over his shoulder. Without hesitation, you press them together, breath catching as the tendrils twist and curl around each other.
“Fuck, baby girl.” Lo'ak groans, hips stuttering, eyes rolling back at the rush of sensation.
The muscles of his arms quake, threatening to give out, so he quickly shifts you both. His hands cage your hips, easily lifting you as he turns to lay on his back. You quickly settle onto him, the rough material of your loincloth slipping over your slick core.
Your back bows, palms slapping against the trembling skin of his stomach as your hips wantonly rut against his hardness. In a rush of movement, your loincloth and his are ripped away, leaving nothing but bare skin between you.
He cries out when your fingers wrap around his hard cock, pumping him a few times before aligning his swollen tip with your entrance. You sink down onto him in one fluid motion, dripping pussy spasming against the pleasurable sting as his girth stretches you.
His hands clamp down onto your hips, with the goal of stopping your movements, but his limbs have a mind of their own. He can't help but aid your languid thrusts, hips rutting desperately to force his cock deeper every time your skin kisses his.
“Wait, baby girl. I'm—shit, I'm supposed to be the one...” His plea trails off, a long moan rumbling his chest as your spine arches, pussy clamping down on his already throbbing length. “Ewya, the one making you feel better.”
“This is making me feel better.” You huff, chest heaving with ragged breaths as your hips lift faster, before slamming down onto him roughly.
His head presses back into the mattress, a breathy chuckle falling from his lips as they twist into a lazy grin. He falls limp beneath your ministrations, blissfully allowing you to take out your frustration on him.
“I love you.” He grunts, eyes screwing shut as a wave of pleasure pushes him closer to release.
“I love you, too.” You gasp, feeling your own orgasm quickly approaching.
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