#lmk red bottomed horse monkey
rottonfishie · 1 month
"Bai he only saw one side of Wukong. Macaque remembers when he was the Wukong he adored." Bloody hell break my heart why don't you.
Also, you metioned that Wukong make Macaque a celestial monkey - can you explain that please?
Of course I can!
Their is only three naturally born celestial primates, that is :
Sun Wukong
"Knows transformations, recognizes the seasons, Discerns the advantages of earth."
Red-bottomed horse monkey
"Has knowledge of yin and yang, Understands human affairs, Is adept in its daily life And able to avoid death and lengthen its life."
Long Armed Gibbon
"Seize the sun and the moon, distinguish the auspicious from the inauspicious, and manipulate planets and stars."
The Six Eared Macaque and his sister, The Two-Faced Macaque, are cosmetically made celestial primates. To be turned into a celestial primate is to be given a piece of their power by their blood.
Macaque drank Wukong's blood with wine (because of his previous experience with almost being cannibalised by his sister..).
The Two-Faced Macaque drank the blood of the long armed Gibbon after being revived by the Red-Bottomed Horse Monkey.
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noodlecatt467 · 1 year
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I could not get this interaction out of my head where the baboon would immediately assume Wukong and Macaque are a couple and them just being very confused when Wukong says that’s not the case
You know those two people that obviously love each other and everyone knows it but them,yeah that’s FFM with these guys, and they are over it
This scene is hypothetical and I have yet to decide whether it’s canon to the CelestialPrimatesAU comic
Also the grey monkey is the solder that rides with wukong on the cloud in the AU comic, I named him Wei,he has anxiety and I love him
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 days
Hi! I wanted to ask something.
Like, most of us knows there are 4 Spiritual Monkeys in the legend(book)... Do the Wukongs and theyr LEM's ever tought about looking for them? Cause mines did and It was chaos
Tongbi: Wait... why there are not other us, Chikao? *Sad precious sunshine noises*
Chikao: We are probably lucky in theyr universes to not having to ature theyr "bullduey"
*Wukong and Liu'er fighting in the most platonic way possible*
(If you are wandering who Tongbi and Chikao are, Chikao = Baboon and Tongi = Gibbon. And both are girls)
Love them and all the different versions people are coming up with! Bonus: the @journeytothewestresearch post about them!
I've been personally calling them "Babs" = Baboon (Chikao mahou, 赤尻馬猴) and "Gibs" = Gibbon (Tongbi yuanhou, 通臂猿猴) as a nickname! XD
My idea is that they are the older of the four *known* celestial primates, with the oldest celestial primate being the since-ascended Shen Monkey who raced for the Jade Emperor.
Tongbi/Gibs has a naturally stretchy body (think like Monkey D Luffy) and is very optimistic. Whilst, Chikao/Babs is more of a realist with the power of reading a person's thoughts/intentions (an interpretation I have for "Understands human affairs,").
My personal hc backstory for them is that;
Tongbi/Gibs was born/hatched along the Heavenly River, her species limbs stretching to allow them to climb, swim and dance between the clouds and astral waterways. She could be considered the "Fresh-Water Monkey" for this reason. Her egg had actually fallen to earth during the Great Flood when the fifth Heavenly Pillar broke, and was found by a tribe of proto-humans (of which Fuxi originated) that raised her as their own. She lived with them for many years before deciding to seek out others of her kind - where upon she met Chikao/Babs
Menawhile, Chikao/Babs was actually born into the Underworld amongst demonkind. Her fellow demons did not understand why she had hatched from a egg-shaped stone that sat undisturbed in the demon-capital city of Youdu for many millennia, but they accepted her as their colleague nonetheless. When Chikao/Babs came of age, she was trained to carry out the duties of a Psychopomp; to gather and bring deceased soul before Yama and the Ten Kings, the same duties as Ox-Head and Horse-Face. She could be considered the "Abyss Monkey" for her gloomy origin.
The two celestial monkeys meet by pure chance when Chikao/Babs herself nearly dies trying to collect the soul of a reluctant water demon. Tongbi/Gibs saved her, and it was love/fascination at first sight like Little Mermaid.
The two female monkeys are soulmates in a yin-yang like dynamic. One stern and aloof, the other silly and expressive. They began seeking out others of their kind almost immediately after meeting - failing until they found a certain little stone monkey being cared for by an old mentor.
I made a joke post a while back about these two finding little Sun Wukong early and raising him as their own, and now I can't stop thinking of it! The Netflix and Smash Legends SWKs are who I most imagine as having the two super-powered moms, but I could def see an AU of Lego SWK having moms. X3
Chikao and Tongbi def be cringing hard at how bad their son is fumbling expressing his feelings for Macaque, and for how bad Macaque is at confronting *his* feelings!
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violetjedisylveon · 9 months
Shadowpeach Family AU Meme 5
writing gives me meme ideas
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*Yuanhou is the Long Armed Gibbon and Mahou is the Red Bottomed Horse Monkey, Macaque is okay with Yellow Tusk, it's not great, but not terrible.*
I thought it would be funny to have Macaque know the other celestial primates and Wukong be confused af when these two show up at his house.
So they are besties and currently placing bets on how long it takes Wukong to realize that they are besties. Once he does they plan to go on double dates and trade stories of all the shit they've been up to.
Yuanhou and Mahou have been watching the development of Shadowpeach for the longest time. They have seen so much of it.
I hc that Yuanhou uses his arms the same way Plastic Man does cause, it's funny. I don't have a better reason, I just think it'd be funny. He will just drop stuff off on FFM from his home by just stretching his arm all the way over there.
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I forgot I had this pic of Chikao lying around
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So I decided to turn it into a meme
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amnesia-wukong-au · 2 months
Xing:… it’s Xing.
Chikao:…Xing…I just think you need a backup- *Starts glitching*
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broken-vow-au · 2 months
Nezha: Those rings were supposed to hold me back, but…what if…?
Chikao: You were a child back then…you didn’t know how to control it…
Nezha: But what if I still don’t?
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Mathias:*calls a number* got him by a thread… he’s coming…
???: Good. You did good Mathias.
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button-au · 6 months
Yeah… he is…
Mathias:they are dating~
Chikao: Awhh.
Tongbei: Young love.
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ghost-tripitaka-au · 8 months
Chikao clears throat: Apologies…I lost my temper there…
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rottonfishie · 2 months
What does MK think of Bai He?
Tw : Eye gouging
That's a very complicated question.
MK sees Bai he as The Ivory Woman, a being created to bring perfection to the world. He sees her as a tool, a piece in Master Yuzhiqin's goal. But, in his own twisted way, he admires her.
She killed the Monkey King, The Long Armed Gibbon, The Red-Bottomed Horse Monkey, The Two-Faced Macaque, and she led out the Six-eared Macaque to him. He admires her for that, which is why she allowed her to live with a mere warning.
That mere warning was gouging out her eye.
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rottonfishie · 1 month
Power Scaling ⚖️
I'm redoing this because my last one was inaccurate. This is power in strength and magic sense. It doesn't account for intelligence or strategy.
1. Jade Emperor
2. Qi Xiaotian
3. Sun Wukong
4. Bai he (This would be Bai he when she masters her "Demon Form".)
5. Master Yuzhiqin
6. Lady Ivory
7. Red-Bottomed Horse Monkey (Horse)
8. Long-Armed Gibbon (Gibbon)
9. Six-eared Macaque
10. Two-Faced Macaque (Two)
11. The General
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rottonfishie · 1 month
Out of all the celestial primates (+ Qi Xiaotian), Wukong is the shortest.
Wukong - 4'5
Two-Faced Macaque - 4'7
Six-eared Macaque - 4'8
Long Armed Gibbon - 5'0
Red-bottomed horse monkey - 5'3
Qi Xiaotian - 5'6
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rottonfishie · 1 month
sorry about the question abt the power scale, how about this. Who would win in a fight if no one had powers. For no shadows for macaque, no immortality, no shapeshifting. No demon form Ba-He. Pure strength and skill only
1. The Jade Emperor (if he was young!)
2. Qi Xiaotian
3. The General
4. Two-Faced Macaque
5. Six-eared Macaque
6. Red-Bottomed Horse Monkey
7. Long-Armed Gibbon
8. Bai he
9. Lady Ivory
10. Master Yuzhiqin
11. Sun Wukong
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rottonfishie · 1 month
How did Macaque start to help Ba-He? Like, what specific event? Was is fear of the other Celestial Primates? Or just, the enemy of my enemy is my friend?
The Celestial Primates were trying to hunt down Macaque for "the crown" (Wukong's powers and basically the title of the Monkey King). So, the whole arc was basically a race of time for the main gang and the Celestial Primates to get to Macaque first.
The Celestial Primates had they obtained "the crown" would've attempted to continue their King's work. Since the King's Warrior was too cowardly to fight the Celestial realm again.
Bai he managed to find Macaque on the remains of Flower Fruit Mountain. The Mountain had been completely ravaged by the celestial armies after Wukong was captured, becoming a lifeless wasteland expect for the angry immortal mangled monkeys that still harbour the scorched lands.
That was the only place that the Celestial Primates wouldn't think to search for Macaque yet. Macaque was aware that it was only a matter of time before he was tracked down. So, he agreed to help Bai he.
Macaque helped Bai he as a sort of way to honour Wukong and what he truly wanted to achieve. He knows that had the circumstances been different, he and Wukong would've fought on the same side of Bai he.
(Phew 😅. This was a long one!)
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rottonfishie · 28 days
I heard terms for villains. Pure evil, broken or just neither. Or just doing their job. What villians in the Ivory Girl AU do you think fit in with those titles?
The West Dragon Family - Just doing their job/neither :
The main reason for the West Dragon Family attacking the city in the first place was because the citizens had begun to stop worshipping them. Their goal was to regain followers, but their methods weren't the greatest.
Zhu Bajie - Pure evil :
Zhu Bajie is a pure narcissist, even when he was a celestial. He maintained his narcissistic ways when he became a demon and took what he wanted as if he deserved it. He has no true reason for wanting to rule the world except for the ego boost and to get back at Lady Ivory.
The Monkey King - Broken :
The Monkey King wanted to be a hero and protect the ones he cared for. But, he was deemed chaos and was punished for his idealistic fanasties. Wukong was turned into a monster.
The Celestial Primates - Just doing their jobs/pure evil :
The Long Armed Gibbon had to step up for the survivors who lived through the decimation of Flower Fruit Mountain. They stepped up as a leader and believed that they desevered to be the Monkey King. The Two-Faced Macaque and the Red-Bottomed Horse Monkey were followers of the Gibbon.
The Two-Faced Macaque would follow everything Gibbon said. She was devoted to them. The Red-Bottomed Horse Monkey was their for the fun. They had lived before time and even had a name and saw life as more of a game.
Master Yuzhiqin - Pure Evil :
Master Yuzhiqin was a man who lived his life full of jealousy and envy for his younger siblings. He saw his younger brother, the Jade Emperor, as incompent of his position and believed that he should've owned that role. And, he would do anything to obtain the position he believed that he deserves.
Master Yuzhiqin, in simple terms, owns a God complex. But, he is also a coward who uses the weak for his own gain.
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