#lmk if you're interested in this kind of stuff for the fic and i can share more?
starkidmunson · 6 months
For visualization purposes, if anyone is interested... I imagine this (25 E Superior St APT 4602, Chicago, IL 60611) as Steve & Robin's apartment in Glitter & Crimson.
Also, this (1043 W Greenwood Ave, Nashville, TN 37206) is the general idea for Eddie's Nashville house.
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maliland · 11 months
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"i gotta look her in her eyes and see she's had half of me." part two
barbie(s): e-42 miles morales & black fem reader includes: flashbacks/backstory stuff, angst, infidelity, homewrecking, & heartbreak (men being disappointments per usual) synopsis: you used to describe your experience with love as one of complexity and simplicity all at once, but after you learn what your boyfriend did at a party with another girl while you were at home and sick, your heart is left with irreparable damage and an abundance of resentment. wc: 2669 banner credz: @/cafekitsune
a/n: first fic on this ho 😓 nervous. idk if i like this so i was procrastinating.. but lmk what y’all think! 🫣 i’ll post a post a poll the end of the fic. if y’all like it then i’ll finish up the second part and post it whenever i get a chance. i haven't proof read, but i'll fix any mistakes when i do.
(nd let me ease your nerves: this is not a fic where miles cheats on reader w/ gwen. she isn’t included in or mentioned in this part or the next 😭)
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unfaithfulness might as well be a disease. not one that can be contracted, but one that stems from within. 
those who are unfaithful are unequivocally the weakest links. you? you've always presumed them to be snakes that were to join lucifer on earth at the very beginning of time, because they'd rather cause havoc and jeopardize how those they love perceive them rather than relish eternal peace in the clouds. had adam and eve left the forbidden fruit alone, the one thing that those unfaithful could've stayed faithful to was their identity as whispering serpents. alas, that's not how the story goes. and for the sake of free will, god decided they should reside on earth with those who know nothing but faith. 
betrayal isn't limited to one kind of person. whether the relationship is romantic or platonic, anyone can smile in your face, only to turn around and drive a pre-sharpened knife right through your back when you least expect it. you're left to bleed out while you try and make sense of why it had to be you.
you've been double-crossed before, but never bad enough to the point where you needed to make a huge deal out of it. it was usually stupid stuff, like your elementary friends ratting out your genius hiding spot during hide and seek after they got found, or your mom revoking her promise to take you to the park that one day after school when you were younger. your ex-best friend from middle school spreading nasty rumors about you was far more serious than all the other instances, and it was probably the worst one until now. 
you know that girls and guys alike get cheated on. you've heard stories and even seen it happen firsthand. infidelity occurs more frequently than you initially thought it did. then again, you tried not to think about it much because you were positive it would never happen to you. ever. especially not with your boyfriend, miles.
that was your first mistake—thinking you were immune.
you wanted to gauge your eyes out when your best friend video called you and showed you that photo of miles kissing another girl in a bedroom at a halloween party. 
the girl you were once worried about.
❤︎₊ ⊹
when you were younger, you were in love with the idea of being in love. 
many of your earliest memories consisted of your father reading you fairytales right before bed, since your mother was never around to do so. when he learned that you took a liking to stories that were more centered around love, he began to look for various fairytales pertaining to such that he could read to you. you adored how the love interests would always end up together by the end of each and every story. after enduring all the conflict getting in the way of their relationship thriving, it felt like a reward. you always felt secure knowing a happy ending was guaranteed no matter what transpired throughout the story. you liked that security, but your obsession with it inevitably flawed your perception of love itself. you grew up under the impression that love in the reality in which you reside wouldn't be all that different from the fairytales.
it hurt you when you finally discovered that that wasn't the case. in eighth grade, you had asked your crush to the winter formal. he had harshly rejected you, cracking the most heartless jokes in addition, in attempt to impress his friends, who were indeed laughing up a storm. that encounter alone was enough to ground you to earth. you discovered how disappointing the world and its inhabitants truly were, and how the unrealistic fairytales you once swooned over would never be real life. maybe it was insane of you to ever even think so, given the perilous city you live in.
seeing as dating these days is more detrimental than beneficial, during your sophomore year of high school, you decided that you'd steer clear from being romantically involved in any way, shape, or form entirely. of course, the universe always sends you someone or something you stopped wishing for ages ago when you least expect it. maybe something you didn't even long for anymore at all. you were perfectly okay with sticking to romance novels. you sure didn't want to put your peace on the line, especially not in the name of romance—but someone changed that.
you knew of his existence before you started dating him, but only briefly. you had an algebra class together your sophomore year, but the boy was quite reserved, only speaking when spoken to. trying to keep to himself and stay out of your school's public eye completely backfired on him, because he became the topic of everyone's conversations multiple times for a full week after his father, the former police captain, passed away. 
officer morales' death was a humbling reminder that brooklyn would only continue to grow more and more minacious. you haven't gone for a walk at night by yourself for as long as you can remember. you'd either be mugged, killed, or both. on the streets of new york, there was peril lurking around every corner. the city has more loose criminals than you were able to count on your fingers. you got used to living in such an environment, but your arm hairs never did stop shooting up whenever you had to step outside.
you recall giving your condolences to miles when he returned to school two weeks later. he had just nodded. you couldn't blame him though. everyone was constantly reminding him of something he'd rather not think about.
if he wasn't reticent and constrained to silence before, he was sure as hell was now. you tried your luck with him anyway, though.
whenever you'd see him sketching in his sketchbook in algebra, you'd compliment his skill or ask him what he was drawing. maybe it seemed a little invasive at the time, but your heart was in the right place. 
"i didn't know you could draw," you whispered to him. your desk was right next to his, so ignoring you wasn't really an option.
"that's cool, art takes skill—and patience," you had smiled.
you fell into a routine of asking miles what he was drawing every day in class. he was undoubtedly annoyed by it at first, but he eventually got used to it, and you finally got more than a one-word response. it was this conversation in particular that changed the way miles saw you.
"is that the prowler's suit you're drawing?" you whispered, surveying the page.
miles nodded and responded flatly. "yeah."
"i think it looks cool. i really like his suit design," you retorted. "especially the purple."
"you do?" he stopped drawing completely and looked up at you.
"hell yeah," you expressed with a faint grin. "he may be a criminal or whatever, but you gotta admit, his suit and his tech are pretty neat."
so then you two were friends for a couple of months. you'd do things like eat dinner at his house, help around the flat, and study together. surprisingly, miles' mom, rio, took a liking to you. she even taught you how to cook, and would let you assist with fixing dinner. 
miles had it was rare for his mama to warm up to people as fast as she did to you, and that made you feel special.
within the period of time in which you and miles would hang out, you ended up catching feelings for him, which you pushed to the side without a second thought. you still firmly believed that a relationship would bring you nothing but trouble. what you didn't know was that miles felt the same way about you as you did him, and eventually, he decided that he couldn't hide his feelings for you anymore.
miles confessed to you one night under the water tower on the roof of his apartment complex. you'd been watching the sun go down together and talking about whatever came to mind. you could've gazed into his perfectly sculpted face until the end of time. you doted on the way his eyes glowed gold when the sun hit them just right.
"you helped me open up. i didn't think that was something i was capable of doing anymore," he had told you. "i really do like you, [name]."
though you were terrified of putting yourself in a position to be played, you didn't want to say no, so you didn't. 
for the two years you've been with miles, you've never not trusted him. he's never given you a reason not to. he's always treated you like royalty, practically kneeling at your feet like being in your presence was a reward all by itself—at least that's what you felt like being his girlfriend equated to. 
it's no secret that miles tends to capture the attention of numerous girls without ever even having to try, whether they went to your school or simply passed him by on the street. miles didn't even have to lift a finger to have them drooling.
when you two got together, you didn't announce your relationship to the public like you were some kind of celebrity couple. that didn't stop people from gossiping like you were, though. according to everyone who went to visions, "miles and [name] popped out with each other out of nowhere!" and that was okay with you. nobody needed to know the ins and outs of you two's relationship. unfortunately, the obvious fact that you and miles were together didn't stop girls from constantly trying to have their way with him—one girl in particular was more persistent than the rest.
you'd be lying through your teeth if you said it didn't bother you at first, because it made you sick to your stomach. the thought of miles leaving you for one of those girls was one you couldn't bear. 
you vividly recall standing beside miles while he was situating his books in his locker before a girl who was well-known around campus, arielle, approached your boyfriend on the opposite side and 'not-so-subtly' flirted with him like you weren't even there. it was no secret that she didn't like you, so you were stuck between trying to figure out if she actually liked miles or was just trying to get under your skin. all you knew was the way she was twirling her perfectly spiraled, bouncy, brown curls around her index while she bit her lip bottom had you undeniably heated. 
"so miles, i've been learning how to braid hair," she had said. "honestly, i think i've pretty much mastered it. i want to practice cornrows... problem is, i couldn't find anyone with the type of hair i prefer to practice on, but then i saw you!"
you had to turn around and face the opposite direction just to hide the distaste that hastily painted your once-neutral expression. you brought your arm to your mouth and coughed twice so it wouldn't look like you were turning around for no reason. when you turned back around, arielle was looking you dead in the eyes, like you had done something horrible to her. you were surprised that she decided to give you even a fraction of her attention instead of acting like you were a ghost altogether.
you returned the energy, narrowing your eyes to slits. you weren't going to go toe to toe with another girl over a boy who was clearly yours. you had just redone miles' hair not even three full days ago, so she'd had to find another guy to practice on.
you shifted your gaze onto miles as he closed his locker. he hadn't even said a word to arielle up to that point, or even looked at her. when he finally made eye contact with the girl, she smiled innocently, as if she wasn't trying to murder you by burning holes through your skull with the way she was staring at you. 
you were no longer bothered by the time miles turned his head to look at you. the way his face was twisted was more than telling, with confusion written all over it. you read that boy like a book. 
"i mean, come on," arielle giggled. "you'd be the perfect person to practice on."
this girl didn't know when to stop. you were silently growing furious, wishing miles would take your hand and drag you away from that foolishness, but no. instead, he chose to engage in conversation with arielle.
"what do you think of my hair now?" miles asked.
this made your stomach drop, but it didn't show on your face. instead of saying anything or trying to figure out why miles cared what this random ass girl thought, you stood still where you were, waiting for the worst to be over. at the time, you and miles had only been together for about five and a half months. you didn't expect your first relationship to end that quickly. if this conversation didn't wrap up soon, you were sure that your head would start spinning and you'd pass out on the spot.
"of course! the two braids always look so good on you. i love them," arielle angled her head and leaned against the locker next to miles'.
"so do i," miles smirked, snaking one of his arms around your upper back to the shoulder furthest away from him. he pressed his palm against your arm and gently urged you closer to him, pointing to you with his free hand then looking back at arielle. "my girl got me right the other day, and she did a damn good job."
a smile crept up onto your face. for only half of a second, you didn't want to come off like one of those annoying moms of five who got the last 75" flat-screen tv during black friday and rubbed it in everyone's faces in the checkout line, until you remembered who's boyfriend miles was.
you had bragging rights.
"thanks, miles," you looked up at him, smiling brightly as any and all doubts left your mind. your eyes soon met with arielle's again, who was in disbelief. it seemed that you'd exchanged expressions. you were the one geeking now. 
"damn, i'd say gossip doesn't spread like it used to, but the looks you were giving me tell me you know we're together and don't care."
arielle shifted her weight off of the locker, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes. she was never one to admit, let alone accept defeat.
"girl, c'mon. don't be lame. miles wouldn't cheat on me. it's even crazier that you thought he'd flirt back while i was standing right here."
"have it your way, but he's gonna crack."
with that, arielle scoffed, opting to leave the situation alone for the day. that wouldn't be the last time she tried something like that, and it probably wasn't the first either. you just happened to be around to see it that time. it made you wonder how miles reacted every other time. you were also quick to question why she claimed miles would "crack." it rubbed you the wrong way.
"she's jus' talkin' outta her ass, hermosa. she likes attention," miles assured you.
for whatever reason, that response alone didn't satisfy you. you had an uneasy feeling in your stomach for the rest of the day. you remember calling miles that same night while you both did homework. in the midst of the comfortable silence that had settled, you decided to bring up how you felt about what had happened.
"i won't lie, earlier today, i was a little scared," you admitted.
"of what?"
"i thought you were gonna ditch me for arielle," you replied, letting out a deep sigh at the same time.
"i'd never," miles promised you. "te amo, chica. and only you. i'm with you for a reason."
"i love you, too," you grinned, genuinely feeling at ease. "i was just paranoid. i know now that you'd never do that to me."
the invasive thoughts that often crowded your mind and kept you up late at night; the ones listing each and every reason why your relationship with miles would crash and burn? they haven't bothered you since then.
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blossomwritesthings · 11 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐟 𝐨𝐟 𝐢𝐭
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pairing: jisung x fem!reader x male oc (afab)
genre: producer!jisung/hairstylist!reader. badboy!jisung. enemies to lovers. twin dynamic. cheating/infidelity au. some angst. smut - MDNI, 18+ only. reader pov.
content & warnings: explicit & strong language. thematic elements. just a tad bit of angst in this, but mainly, it's just degenerate shit. cheating is a big part of this. smut warnings below cut!! 
word count: 4.1k
summary: the han twins are infamous in south korea for being the #1 duo in the country, with han jisoon gifted in rapping and han jisung in producing. jisoon is the best man a girl could ever ask for- and a wonderful boyfriend. it's just too bad that jisung is the one you truly want out of the two brothers. 
18+ warnings: unprotected sex (keep it safe, my friends). kindaa jealousy sex. harddom!jisung. cheating sex. sub!reader. fingering. dom/sub undertones. degradation (slut, whore, etc.). manhandling kink. size kink. humiliation. dumbification. ownership/possession. jisung edges reader a bunch. overstimulation galore. lots of dirty talk. breeding kink!!. subspace. orgasm denial.
a/n: OKAY- SO !!!! 😖 I first got inspired to write this months ago just from watching this edit over and over again. 😩 originally, this was gonna be a chan fic, but I decided to change it to hanji at the last minute, so here we are lol! 😂 honestly, this is kind of an interesting premise for a longer series, so idk... if I'm feeling inspired to, I might expand on this oneshot and make another part to it... lmk if that's smth you guys would be interested in!! 🤎
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ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ sɪᴛᴇs (ᴛʜɪs ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇs ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴs). do not copy, spin-off, or write inspired work based off of this fanfic without full permission to do so. ©ʙʟᴏssᴏᴍᴡʀɪᴛᴇsᴛʜɪɴɢs ⤐ ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ
"W-We shouldn't be doing this," you gasped out, feeling the rise of your arousal flooding every part of your mind. It overtook all of your senses - forcing you to see stars, making the blood in your veins boil deliciously, casting visions of rainbows across your mind, flashes of effervescent violet and topaz coating your eyelids. "It's... it's not right." 
The man between your legs was incessant in his movements, pressing your spine a little harder into the shower's cool tiled wall. One hand clamped down onto your hip, nails digging into sensitive flesh there, as he held you up, continuing to hoist your legs around his waist tightly. His other hand was busy at work between your colliding bodies, thumb drawing messy circles around your clit. It was so fucking puffy and felt like it was engulfed in a vat of flames. 
"Why? Because you wanna deny that you're mine? That only I can make you feel this way, only I can fit this pussy so well?" His messy raven locks curled underneath the shower's hot steam, his entire naked form covered in a glistening sheen of suds and sweat and water. "You stay with him- with that prick, but you and I both know that he doesn't bring you to your knees like this- doesn't fuck you as well as I do." 
And the worst part about it- was that you knew he was right. 
Deep down, in the depths of your heart, mind, and spirit, you knew he only spoke the truth. 
That's the thing that killed you the most. 
The Han twins were infamous in the music industry - raising their empire of success from the ground up in the basement of their parent's house when they were just young boys in middle school. As they grew older, they only became better at their crafts - Han Jisoon with his rapping, and Han Jisung with his producing. 
Soon after their 18th birthday, they made their official debut in the Seoul music scene. Instantly, their first track was a complete hit - sweeping the nation with its catchy rhythm and unique rap lines. It was unlike anything anyone had ever heard, and by the time the twins turned twenty-one, they were on track to be the biggest stars of their generation - overtaking all other duos in the industry and winning all the year-end awards. 
You met Jisoon, the singer out of the duo, when you were training to become a hair colorist and he was in his late twenties. One day, a mysterious man came into your salon in Hongdae. Soon after you heard your teacher talk about who he was to some of the other stylists there - you realized that the man you would be working with was none other than the biggest star in the country at the moment. 
Instantly, there was a connection between the two of you. His smiles were so warm, the way he spoke to you so soft and delicate, his laugh contagious. His happiness was infectious, and like a drug, you began to think of nothing but him. After work that day, you came home to watch all of his performances and interviews, completely captivated by his persona. 
As it turns out, he decided to use your salon for his monthly appointments - and soon, after you graduated with your specialty license in hair color, you became his personal hair colorist. 
It didn't take long after that until you two grew a deep connection, and then he was asking for your number before he took you out on your first date together, and the rest... was history.  
Honestly, he was the best boyfriend you could ever ask for. He was so fucking kind and sweet and considerate. He wasn't selfish in the least bit and always wanted the best for you. And when you told him you wanted to keep things on the down-low in regards to your relationship, he heeded your wishes. Over the three years that you two had been dating, not a single word had gotten out to the press about your relationship. Sure, his fans speculated about his relationship status, but no one ever came out with any hard evidence of his true girlfriend.
He had even met your parents during Chuseok soon after your first anniversary, much to their delight. He brought over gifts for your mother and spent time out on your father's boat fishing in the early morning even though he hated fishing and always got seasick. Your mother fell in love with him during your trip, and wouldn't stop talking about the expensive rice cakes he had brought her for that holiday season. Your father also took a keen liking to him, saying he enjoyed having a fishing partner, which was your father's way of saying that he approved of your choice of a man.
All of your friends loved Han Jisoon too. Your best friend, Ryujin, was obsessed with your relationship - and was always checking up on the two of you. She was just chomping at the bit for him to propose, and every Christmas that passed, she claimed that 'next year, he'll do it on New Year- I swear to you that he will.' 
Jisoon liked to hang out with you and your friends when his schedule allowed him to, and you did the same with his large group of friends. Granted, most of his connections were either famous producers or other popular singers, but still - you liked the fact that he wasn't afraid to introduce you to the important people in his life. Because all of it made you feel important to him.
Not to mention all of the gifts he got you - sending you huge bouquets of your favorite flowers when he was away on tour, and sending you little gifts here and there 'just because.' Like the box of chocolates during a particularly shitty day of your period, or the small teddy bear that was programmed with his voice and said 'I love you,' that he bought for you during one of his promotional business trips to Taiwan. 
Overall, he was the best person you had ever met. He was funny and quirky and so fucking entertaining to be around. Not to mention talented- he could write thirty lines of rap within an hour, something you never could get over even after years of knowing him. He was perpetually changing his hair color too, thanks to your help - and for the past year, he had been rocking a dusty blonde look. He also loved to dress in bright colors and wasn't one to shy away from all the new fashion trends.
So... everything must've been amazing, right? 
You had a beautiful, unique boyfriend who fucking adored you and practically worshipped the ground you walked on. 
So then, what was the problem? 
Well, for one thing, the root of the entire bane of your existence was his twin brother, Han Jisung. 
With his perpetually messy black hair, onyx eyes, and scowl he always seemed to wear no matter what. You had never seen him dressed in anything other than dark clothes - grays and blacks only. 
His temperament matched his outward appearance, with his downright rude personality at times and his snide comments that were always directed towards you. He was an absolute thorn in your ass and he loved being one. 
He and your boyfriend couldn't be more different from each other, and you were almost surprised when you first met him after you and Jisoon first started dating. Because... they were such stark opposites of each other it was almost comical. 
But Jisoon loved his brother, despite his flaws and all, and since they had an entire career together, you were forced to share space with your boyfriend's other half. When Jisoon would invite you over to the studio late at night to listen to some of the new lyrics he had written, there Jisung was. Sitting at the desk in the recording studio, directing everything and making changes to the track... just brooding for a fight.
When he worked, Jisung was even more serious than his normal day-to-day persona; changing into this silent, man with a menacing kind of aura surrounding him as he sat behind a huge desk in their shadowy recording studio. 
You'd be turned on by the sight of it all if you were dating Jisoon - his twin brother. 
But as it turns out, life has a funny way of playing tricks on you... 
On your mind and heart and everything you had grown accustomed to. 
And before you even realized it was happening, your dynamics were changing. No longer was it you and Jisoon against Jisung. Slowly but surely, throughout your relationship, you somehow grew closer to your boyfriend's twin brother. 
It started with him being a little nicer to you randomly during your visits to the recording studio, or during the luncheons you'd sometimes attend with your boyfriend and his entire crew. 
Han Jisung turned out to be kind of... nice. 
Despite all of his flaws and rude mannerisms. 
But even so, he was still an asshole, he was still annoying most of the time and a total prick. He liked to get under your skin, and wiggle around in there - teasing you just enough to the point where you were close to blowing up at him. But he always pulled back eventually. 
Almost like, he enjoyed the thought of edging you irrevocably, for years on end. 
Things came to a screeching halt though, when the twins were on tour and Jisoon invited you to tag along with him to their dates in Japan. Not wanting to deny the offer since you had always wanted to visit the country, you joined him during the four days that he and Jisung would be in Tokyo. 
At first, everything was going smoothly. 
Their rehearsal the night before their first show went well, and you enjoyed sightseeing with your boyfriend after he was finished with preparations. After the two of you got back to your hotel, Jisoon quickly fell asleep in your shared queen-sized bed, completely exhausted from his busy schedule. 
And then somehow, you had found yourself roaming the halls of the luxurious hotel, stumbling upon a small alcove in the back of the spacious place, fit with a self-serve mini bar and a few velvet-lined seats overlooking the glittering night's cityscape. 
But the person who was sitting in one of those seats was the thing that surprised you the most, with his black tresses and even darker stare. He regarded you with a tilt of his head, swishing around the ice in his crystal glass that was filled with dark bourbon. 
Pathetically, it only took you three drinks in. 
Perhaps the red wine they served at the hotel's mini bar was more potent than the stuff you were used to in South Korea. 
Or, perhaps you were just as exhausted as your boyfriend Jisoon from spending the day traveling across the city and sightseeing.
But before you knew it, you had somehow migrated onto Jisung's lap, allowing him to place his palms on your ass that was just barely covered by the mini skirt you had changed into to tour the city with Jisoon earlier that night. 
"I have a boyfriend, Jisung," you had said, as the man before you leaned in a little closer to your form. Nose coming close to your exposed neck, he had breathed in a deep sigh. Your spine shuttered from how near he was to you. Nearer than the two of you had ever been before. "Jisoon- he- he loves me." 
After that, Jisung looked up at you with a raised eyebrow, a dark, familiar look twirling right there in his eyes. He stared on at you in silence, before he let out a dry, humorless chuckle. "Oh please- you couldn't give a flying fuck about my brother. Especially not when you're with me..." 
The moment his lips had come in contact with your skin, you melted instantly - like a bar of milk chocolate being held over the high flames of a fire. The fire ended up being him, his heat engulfing you as his mouth came around the spot between your clavicle and neck, teeth biting down there slowly, tongue darting out and licking ever so slightly. 
"I've seen the way you stare- you're practically begging me to fuck you at any chance that we're together," Jisung had grunted out, his mutterings fanning against your skin and making the butterflies erupt even faster in the pit of your stomach. "Such a little whore- why have one brother when you can have two, right?" 
After that, you were trying to push him away. Palms on his muscular chest, you tried to move off of his lap. But his digits just dug in harder to the supple flesh of your asscheeks, and when you moved slightly, you could feel the hardness of his middle gently hitting up into your warm center. 
In the end, you couldn't deny the wetness that was slowly growing in your panties. But you could sure try your damndest to forget about it all. "I'm dating someone else, we... can't..." Your voice trailed off after that, as his mouth traced up the column of your neck, pressing light, heart-fluttering kisses against your jawline and the corner of your mouth. 
"Too bad you're such a horrible fucking liar then," Jisung said in a low voice, staring into your eyes and giving you that look - the one he always leveled your way when he was officially done with your bullshit. "Too bad I can no longer ignore the wetness that's growing between your legs- ignore the way you press these cute little pussy lips together each time I make you squirm with my taunting." 
In the next instant, he was pressing his mouth against yours, swallowing up your groan of surprise, quieting the moans that threatened to slip free from deep inside of you when his tongue danced against yours. 
Turns out, he was right. 
Without even really realizing it, you had been taunting him. 
For fucking years. 
With your combativeness, and playful banter. Not to mention, the long stares and shifting in your seat every time he made you feel... bothered.
He was like a powerful magnet, something you couldn't deny the pull of any longer. 
Your kiss there on the chair in the hotel alcove turned into something heated and disastrous, and soon, you found yourself locked up in Han Jisung's hotel room - hands pinned against the soft downy mattress as his thick cock ripped you right open. He drew the filthiest of sounds out from the depths of your soul as he pounded into you completely raw, fucking you well into the night. He edged you for hours - just like he did in your regular lives - before bringing you over the brink of five different orgasms. 
The sex with your boyfriend Jisoon was good, 
but nothing could compare to the way that Jisung made you feel that night. 
How filled up you had felt - completely whole in every way possible. 
Usually, the sex with your boyfriend was fairly quick, very vanilla, and in the same three positions. 
Meanwhile, Jisung had you in all kinds of ways that night - knees, back, stomach. You name it, he somehow coaxed you into it. 
And afterward, after he finished coating every crevice and surface of your insides and outsides in his seed and sweat and saliva, Han Jisung helped to clean you up. The two of you lay side by side in his bed for a little bit, soon after he had wiped your skin clean. 
No words had been spoken between the two of you then, but you just felt, that nothing had to be said. The deed had been done. You had gotten over the hardest part. 
And now... there was no going back. 
When you had crept back to the room you were sharing with your boyfriend and laid down beside him just as the clock was about to strike five in the morning, you realized that things were completely ruined. 
Nothing would ever be the same again - because no one would ever compare...
To the way Jisung made you feel that night, and how he had made you feel over the past few years, without you even fucking realizing it. 
Slowly, as you lay there underneath the covers, hair disheveled and the marks of Jisung's lips littered across your body - your legs and arms and pussy sore from his arduous, heated attention - the tears slipped out of the corners of your eyes unchecked. You stared at the back of Jisoon, your boyfriend, and cried yourself into a listless kind of sleep, void of any dreams or thoughts. 
"I'm sorry, babe," you had whispered to his sloped shoulders, just before your eyes had slipped shut in finality in the early morning rays of sunlight for that day. "I'm so fucking sorry..." 
Three weeks after they were finished with their Japanese leg of the tour, and back home in Seoul resting before they finished up with their encore concert in America, Jisung paid a visit to the apartment you shared with Jisoon in the heart of Gangnam. Your boyfriend was out for the day, visiting his parents for the rare break that they had in their schedules. 
The moment you opened your door and saw him standing there on the step, your heart dropped into the pit of your stomach. But the two of you didn't have to say anything, because you already knew. 
Things had been ruined the moment you stumbled upon him late at night in that hotel, all those weeks ago. 
That day, you christened every surface of your apartment with your mixed essence. Every place you could imagine, Jisung fucked you on: the kitchen counter, the living room couch, the dining room table, against the front door, in the shower, on the study room's floor, and perhaps worst of all... in your very own bed. The one you had shared with your boyfriend, who was also Jisung's twin brother, for years.  
The sex that day was mind-blowing and cataclysmic, as Jisung led you over the brink of so many orgasms, you lost count after the third one. By the time the two of you were finished and the sun was beginning to set, you were so deep into an odd limbo state of mind that you couldn't even form a coherent thought or sentence. 
And like a thief leaving in the middle of the night, like a ghost visiting you for only a time, Jisung just kissed you goodbye, promising he'd come back soon, and left you in your apartment right before your boyfriend came back. 
He left you as a pile of messy hair, weak limbs, and a murky mind, sprawled out across your bed, completely naked and littered with bite marks and violet hickies. You managed to throw a nightgown on before your boyfriend came home and saw you that night. 
You were so fucking ashamed, but no matter how bad you felt about it all, you couldn't stop yourself. And apparently, Jisung couldn't either. You two were drawn to each other, for whatever reason. And no external factor - even the idea of a long-term boyfriend - was going to stop the trainwreck that you were slowly causing with your secret meetings. 
Over time, the periods spent with your boyfriend's twin brother bled together into a fever dream of passion and the greatest sex you had ever experienced in your life. Any chance you could get alone with each other, with your boyfriend nowhere in sight, the two of you were fucking...
In the recording studio, during the rehearsal for a TV appearance, at the hair salon you worked at, in the bathroom during a late-night dinner with their company. And soon, you found yourself falling into a weird kind of rhythm with Han Jisung. Half of the time, you spent it with your boyfriend, Jisoon. And the other half, you spent it with Jisung... fucking and delving into each other in all different ways. 
Your time spent with the other brother became so intense and all-consuming that you lost track of how long it had been since everything had started. And that's how you found yourself that specific Friday night, with your boyfriend spending the night at the studio working on a recording. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to him, his twin brother was between your legs. 
Jisung had already taken you wholly atop the dining room table earlier that night after you had finished eating the takeout he had brought over. Once you were done chewing your orange chicken and fried rice, the dark-haired man was upon you with a vengeance - ripping off your panties and pushing you atop the wooden table. His fingers had this magic touch to them, and within just a few minutes, with a couple of practiced strokes, he always brought you over the edge in a blinding light of arousal. 
After he was finished with you on the table, you two took a shower together and somehow... he ended up inside of you, once again, for the millionth time in a row. 
"W-What about Jisoon..." You whined out, head bumping against the tile wall at your back with every hard thrust of Jisung up into you. His cock stretched you out so deliciously, and you ground your hips against his, loving the feel of his hand clamped down on your clit, rubbing at it with a rabid kind of heat. "He... He'll die if he finds out, Ji..." 
He flashed you a swarthy, devilish kind of smirk, before he leaned into you, pressing his teeth against your shoulder and biting down on your clavicle. Tongue coming out to press against the purple spot left there, he chuckled lowly. "Oh, just shut up already- I think we're past the point of you giving a fuck about him." 
And then you were clutching onto his wet locks even harder, as he drilled his cock so far deep into you, entire galaxies and other worlds flashed across your vision. Gasping out in pure bliss, you moaned out his name breathlessness, your whines getting swallowed up by the sound of the running showerhead above you. 
"Yeah, that's right... moan my name, bitch," Jisung coaxed in a deep voice, his thumb drawing figure eights around your puffy clit as his cock fucked the squelching juices back into you. "We both know this - us - is never ending... either you leave that fucker, or he finds me fucking you one of these days and everything turns to shit. Your choice." 
You were so fucked out, mind fuzzy with arousal and the pit of your stomach on fire from all of the feeling coursing through your system that you could barely form a coherent sentence. Even still, you managed to crack your eyes open just a tad bit to level Jisung with a serious frown. "N-No... never- don't want to ruin this..." The breath caught in the middle of your throat as the tip of his rigid cock hit that soft spot deep inside of you, making your legs shake around his waist, cunt clenching around his length. 
"Then take everything, you slut- be a good little whore and take daddy's cock," Jisung commanded out in a stern tone, pounding into you incessantly and making your ass bounce back and forth against the shower wall. "Open wider for me, baby doll- wanna see this pretty pussy of yours bulging with my cock." 
As always, you did what he commanded of you. Spreading your legs wider and hugging them a little closer around his hips, your head shot back against the tile of the shower wall when you felt Jisung's cock prodding into you. 
He pushed down on your lower belly, feeling the way his thick cock rubbed up into you so far, he bulged out against the seams and the outline of him displayed deep inside of you. "Oh fuck- such a cute pussy... fits me so fucking well..." Jisung said in a low voice, as he rubbed a little harder against your clit with his thumb. Meanwhile, his dick was reaching all new lengths inside of you, drawing out a flurry of moans from between your lips. "J-Just a little longer... just hold on a little more, 'kay kitten?"  
And in the end, you heeded his commands. All of them. You did everything he wanted, because truthfully- you couldn't help yourself. Couldn't deny him, no matter what. 
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🌊 taglist: want to be added onto my taglist? well then, comment below on this post/reblog it, and indicate your interest in my taglist and i'll add you... or, you can send me a msg and request to be added!! to be removed from the taglist, please send me a msg and i will promptly take you off of the list.
🌊 tags: @sleepyleeji :: @if-spearb :: @hyunes4ngel :: @drhsthl :: @seosalad :: @toomuchtellyneck :: @endzii23 :: @smally97 :: @ana-marais98 :: @sherryblossom :: @priincehoseok :: @biribarabiribbaem :: @/leyknxw :: @linovely :: @lolqxv :: @linonyang :: @morningstardada :: @taeriffic :: @day6andetcetera :: @hyuka-luvbot :: @linohumina :: @urmomma0324 :: @poisonivy2 :: @nappynapnaps :: @/annsunakai :: @bellamuerte1987 :: @julciaqwerty :: @abbiestearsricochet :: @leeknowsramen :: @maeleelee :: @cb97breathing :: @/wealwayskeepfighting :: @armystay89 :: @drhsthl :: @skzcollision :: @noellllslut :: @skz-streamer :: @hello-2-u-from-me :: @h0p3l3ssromantic :: @bangchanbighandsome :: @imastraykidsfan :: @feellikecinderella :: @hyundumpling :: @/weirdkoaladuck ::@hyunnieshannie :: @astralis-is-typing :: @ivyisnotokay
a blue tag means that there was an error in tagging you.
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cherie-doll · 6 months
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This blog will be where I dump my stories & fics.
about me: unemployed graduate with too much creativity, she/her, aro, mexican, intj, goth/alt, visual-kei and kpop enjoyer, likes to play video games, writer, adores reading & literature, into anything vampire related, art & history
(im ageless to reduce the chances of ppl ik irl finding my acc again)
fav book shelf: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, Valerie and Her Week of Wonders by Vítězslav Nezval, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, Eleven Minutes by Paulo Coelho, Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Emma by Jane Austen, East of Eden by John Steinbeck
ཀlinks 🔗
୨⎯ ao3 ⎯୧
Donations & Fundraisers
‗ ❍König:
Only Rule of This World
Brain rot
‗ ❍Ghost:
Words of Violence Break the Silence
Zombie!Ghost x Reader
‗ ❍Alejandro:
Brain rot
‗ ❍Phillip Graves:
A Shining Star Taken From The Sky
Phillip getting glasses brainrot
‗ ❍Keegan:
Oblivious #2
SFW Alphabet
Keegan x Assassin!Reader
Keegan w/ a clingy, tired Reader
The Orange Peel Test
Beauty Mark
When They Come Back
They Realize They’re In Love With You
Night Routine
Their Dream Life With You
Missing You While They’re Away
Them As Parents
Them As Parents #2
Hidden Affection
Summer With Them
Their First Date With You
They're At Sephora Buying Your Makeup
They're At Sephora Buying Your Makeup #2
You Use The Head Massage Spider Thing On Them
They Pay For What You Want
Taking Care Of You While You're Sick
You're A Bookworm
You’ve Got Sleeping Issues
Royalty x Knight
Who I would Kiss, Marry, Kill But Make It Interesting
Their Sun Signs
Their MBTI
All other asks that are not requests can be found under the tag #cherie's offerings & sacrifices
Be nice & kind while you’re visiting my blog or interacting with my posts!! i hold my writings very close to my heart and it’s taken a lot of courage for me to finally share them on the internet
If you’re not happy with something I’ve posted please lmk! I’m always open to criticism (given with the intention of improving)
I don’t have an age restriction on this blog bc I don’t rlly post nsfw stuff but warnings will be added if a post is 18+
And lastly, this blog is a safe space for all! I post with the intention of sharing what I’ve written for others to read and temporarily distract their minds, if my posts have made you smile or giggle consider following ^^
My inbox is always open if you want to submit requests, talk about books, music, history, art or anything else!
Disclaimer: the paintings/images used in my posts are not intended to depict those who read my writing. I refrain from using physical descriptions of readers in my writing so no one feels as if I am catering only to a selected audience. The imagery is solely for aesthetic purposes, thank you.
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lamemaster · 1 year
The Silmarillion Elves Finding My Mutual's Blog
AN: why am I doing this? Lack of brain cells, I tell you. But here we go (lmk if you would like to be removed...I don't intend to offend anyone). A small gift for mutuals and feel free to add more blogs if needed.
Summary: How would characters from the Silmarillion react to finding my mutual's blogs. Purely based on my interpretation which may or may not be messed up.
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@asianbutnotjapanese: the loremaster with all the records. Elrond and Finrod. Do I need to say more? This trio would sit together to appreciate all the writings together. A group that thrives together as they compare their findings.
Finrod's appreciation might originate in the form of odes complimented by the notes of his harp.
Kings and queens of reblogging stuff for easier access.
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@doodle-pops: There's going to be a crowd here. But the chief guest of this gathering can be none other than Fingon. Accompanied by Glorfindel and Fingolfin (because I see you with that sugar daddy fic Mina).
I completely expect Fingon to encounter the blog, binge-read everything and then create his own the very next day (and yes, he will write the most cursed ships). This elf will create multiple other accounts to comment on the Fingon fics...Will jokingly compare the note count of his fic with that of Maedhros'.
Glorfindel is just another golden retriever. He will meticulously thank you and the rebloggers (celebrates humbly at his popularity). And he will be the one to send super sweet 'you're amazing' kind of asks to the writer.
Fingofin will become an established annon on the blog. No one knows it's him. His online personality is 180 from his real life. (He's got some ships and opinions and mans won't stop from stating them *aggressively*.
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@a-world-of-whimsy-5: The Ainur. Sauron, Namo, and Irmo (Manwe and Eonwe are lurking) are here and they will read everything. Don't be surprised if you get a bunch of passionate Sauron requests by an 'annon' the next day. Very specific requests.
Irmo on the other hand reads even the spiciest fics with a poker face late at night. I can just imagine him laying with his phone in his hand as he scrolls through the blog. A quiet existence but don't be surprised when you wake up with 50 notes and a new followers.
Namo will start by restraining himself to the sfw fics but somehow ends up reading nsfw and goes down the rabbit hole. Next day the he can't look anyone in the eye (especially Manwe). Decides never to do that again only to come back for more (don't even bring him close to hurt no comfort, this Ainur cried for Luthien. He can't handle angst).
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@wandererindreams: Ulmo, Manwe, Eru, and The Void. Just a merry group having existential conversations. You all would be sitting there with your copy of texts and believe me Eru will pull out receipts to prove shit.
The sight of the Void being hyped by all the extensive headcanons...chef's kiss. Literal black hole feels included in the fandom for the first time.
Manwe and Ulmo would be there with wisdom and appreciation for your deep contemplation. Both commenting their piece and views about the subject in lengthy comments.
Eru will be taking notes. I can envision Iluvatar, playing devil's advocate (ironic) and arguing against anything and everything. Eru likes hooman who challenge him (ask Numenorians).
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@animatorweirdo: Maglor and Sauron. The second eldest Feanorian will be found blushing as he reads your works and he will revisit the blog in bouts of day-dreaming of his true love. Leaves adorable emojis in the comments.
Believe me, Sauron would get some pretty interesting ideas from all your sci-fi fics. Now he really really really needs a vampire plus werewolf SO so bad. This maia will flourish under all the attention given to him. Follows fervently but will like sparingly (he's got an image to maintain).
I would also spy a lingering Maedhros but he's got the tired mom energy so he'll be a flickering presence who remembers Tumblr once every 3 months.
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Lamemaster: dead. Feanor or Finwe will smite me the second they see my blog.
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nanaloco · 2 years
Being best friends with Jaemin
"If y/n says the sky is pink, then the sky is pink 🙄"
Genre : fluff, Bestfriend!Jaemin x Gn!Reader
Warnings : none (I only write fluff)
What it would be like to be best friends with Jaemin (who you secretly like) [who secretly likes you too]
Appart of the : It's complicated series
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• Very spontaneous
• Always checks if you're comfortable with something or if you like something
• He's just so himself and that's what makes him a people magnet
• He changes from soft and quiet to loud and chaotic  within minutes
• Normally ends up going w/ whatever you say
• If yall (group of friends) are arguing on what to get, if you suggest something, even if no one else wants it, you'll somehow all end up getting it
• "Y/n wants icecream so let's get icecream 🙄"
• Defends you in public no matter what!!!
• "If y/n says the sky is pink, then the sky is pink 🙄"
• Genuinely values your honest opinion
• You follow him everywhere,
• You love following him around so much to the point where he will tell you his plans for the day and ask if you want to come
• Will either complete errans together or on facetime
• Typical hangouts with jaemin would be
• Running errans, Cafe not really dates but kind of a date dates or going to try new things that you both suck at like pottery,
• You made matching mugs and they both sit on the shelf above his bed
• You also love baking/cooking together, definetly doing seasonal stuff together
• Like carving pumpkins or making ginger bread houses or buying and eating chocolate bunnies
• You follow him around but he equally if not more follows you around
• He's so whipped for you and will gladly show it cuz hes Na Jaemin
• Inseperable
• His friends call him your sidekick
• Because he will gladly do anything you ask him
• Therefore, you guys often do facemasks together
• Very affectionate
• Will hype you up and take LOTS of pictures of you and post them to his instagram
• Talks about you A LOTTT to his friends to the point where they all want to meet you
• The dreamies will have really random awkward chats with you saying that jaemin is a really good guy
• "You know Y/n, if my sister had to date ANY of my friends, It would definetly be Jaemin"
•"Have you ever considered Jaemin as...more than friends??"
• They can all tell jaemin likes you but you remain oblivious
• Sometimes he'll sit on the other side of the couch
• Others theres no space between you
• Random little dances he does which you find adorable
• If you catch him staring, he'll continue staring at you until you look away
• Will cook for you at any given time of the day
• "I'm hungry"
• "Omw rn!!"
• Randomly messages/calls you about cool things he discovers or 'fun facts'
• "Y/n! Guess what I just found out!"
• "Jaems, its 4am, why are you still up"
• Very expressive in how he speaks
• Large hand movements, crazy facial expressions
• You love him for it
• The type to yawn and put his arm over your shoulder
In a platonic way if thats even possible
• Once he knocks and you open the door, he either
• Hugs you immediately "did you miss me"
• Or waits for you to invite him in
• Aww what a gentleman Hyuck take notes  
Part 2 to my 'It's complicated' mutual pinning series where you're best friends :)
Might do a part 2 to when you actually start dating if enough people are interested❕
Thank you so much for reading ❕❕❕👾
@/hoshiiitrd on instagram and twitter [for mutual, friends or trades :)]
Ily guys!
Starting an @ mention list so lmk if you want to be added
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cloud-somersault · 1 year
Soul anon here, stalking your blog
I hard agree with you. I dislike so much of how the fandom treats the LMK characters. I don't understand how the fandom loves the show so much and doesn't seem to be able to grasp the characters at all.
Mk isn't written hardly with respect. He's so often reduced to empty air head adhd silly guy when he does have a lot of serious moments or otherwise when it's shown that he is intuitive, intelligent, and has a lot of good instincts.
Macaque is either constantly character bashed or woobified by the fandom, and so many fucking people in the audience fall for the facade he puts up. Like holy shit it's so bad. He's such an interesting character and a joy to watch and people just...seem like they hate him or love him and there's hardly any room for analysis on his motivations and behavior in a way that makes any sense when given full context.
Wukong is like...so loved by the fandom but ALSO is treated with zero respect somehow? Like they think he can't read? And the whole fandom sometimes feels like he can do no wrong when it's shown that he's still making mistakes but he is learning and growing (still! Even after his journey!) And that's a lot of the point to his character too! He's a silly little guy yes, but he's not a baby that the fandom makes him out to be who never does anything wrong. I don't get how he's so beloved by fandom and yet so many fan depictions are so...bad.
And Mei? Oh my god she has such good characterization in the show and so many good moments and yet I can't think of a comic, character analysis or fic where anyone gets her? She's shown to be strong, compassionate and analytical and yet so many people don't bother to let her be any of those things.
(I could keep going. Red Son. Pigsy. Tang. Etc.)
The fandom is small and there's great fanmade art and fic, but it always feels like so many people will get a couple of characters right and then just. Shit on the rest of the characters they don't like. I think it's partially due to that it's a small fandom and lack of people who can view any media with any level of nuance. All that said, it's why I love your fic so much, it feels like you nailed the monkey boys so well.
ohh yeah. there's a lot of younger people in the fandom (not that that's a bad thing but uh) so they're kind of lacking that critical thinking and life experience. not trying to be mean, but that's. literally how growing up works. and y'know, not being able to see the complexity to characters, thinking things are very black and white, etc. It's very frustrating!
MK will always be a great example of this, because the hints of deeper character he has in the show are just outright ignored for funnies and silly haha's for the fandom to enjoy. And Macaque isn't seen for who he truly is. like MK called him out explicitly in the show, and it's like everyone forgot about that. Like all it took for Macaque to drop his facade was someone looking at him for who he is and understanding him. and saying that...who he is okay.
it's just really sad because. you know it's a writing technique/literary device to put these sprinkles of character in, especially when you're working on a show that runs so short. that means every instance of dialogue matters. it's intentional. if they had more time, they could be more forthcoming with this stuff, but that's why there's a lot of things built into the background, too. they're literally using every trick in the book to tell a story BEHIND the story to make up for the small amount of time they have. and dealing with constraints and mandates. like "there has to be a big bad so we can sell sets with the mechs and weapons each season" and they writers are like "okay let's come up with a seasonal villain and everything. again."
But getting back to it -- yeah, Mei, too, is mischaracterized and it's such a shame. she's SO COOL. I love how out there and bright and funny she is! I love that she's so protective and determined. and she CARES about MK, they are best friends they get into some stupid shit together. i'd love to write their friendship, i wanna do that SO BAD PLEASE.
how the fandom treats wukong is part of what inspired me to write this big long fic in the first place. if they're not grossly misinterpreting something he's said/done, they're diluting him down to his cuteness and sweetness and ignoring everything else. and it SUCKS because I LOVE how the show demonstrates that he's not perfect and still needs to develop. Like he IS NOT a good mentor and is actually terrible LMFAO but he's trying!! he's trying. that's why there's so many sunburst duo moments in my fic because, after season 3, i really just see wukong going "okay, i have to take this seriously. for real this time. I don't like how I've been doing things and I need to do better"
and you know, a lot of the time in fandom, people don't know how to respectfully tackle these subjects? so they just focus on the good and ignore the bad -- much easier to handle the good. but straight up ignoring it isn't the way to go, either. ignoring a character's flaws is ignoring half of the character. take away wukong's flaws and that's not wukong anymore. people don't get that. they see flaws as this purely negative thing when they're essential to making characters be characters.
and there's also this tendency to just. take what one person says and parade it around as fact. that's how we got that "wukong can't read" thing going on. when i first saw that, i was so confused because it went against canon. we've seen him read...in the show...he has a laptop i don't. how did we get here LMFAO
and yeah, it extends to every character. it takes time to get characters right. you really have to like. study them. that's why roleplaying is a good way to like develop those characterization skills, but it only works if you're roleplaying with someone who has a good grasp of the show. or just being able to discern a good interpretation from a bad one. discernment is so pivotal. it's just like how, in film and television, you watch bad shows to learn what NOT to do. same thing here. you look at bad interpretations, you look at good ones. then you decide what's good.
not to say that's not what's happening, because that's how we get variance in interpretations. and you know, some people may not care about characterization and are having fun with their dolls. because that's also what fandom is. and it can be a good thing! but it can also be an aggravating thing.
I actually don't think the fandom is small at all. listen -- i know what a small fandom is. on my main, it's a small fandom, because it's me and 9 other people regularly making content for this pairing. like, every day in LMK land, there are new fics. like there are multiple artists making fanart! not so in where i came from
on main i think i'm one of ... five fic authors making content atm LMFAIJOWLMKA
thank you for saying you enjoy my fic! i'm doing my best, and i mostly wrote it out of spite LMFAO but i'll get into that more during my podcast whatever thingy. but thank you for sending this. it's nice to feel seen, i'm glad you agree! that's why you gotta follow/support people who do make content that suits you and makes sense, because then THEY feel encouraged to continue and do greater things!
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a-fools-errand · 6 months
Hi there, I hope you're having a nice day!
I'd like to start off by saying that I've been a huge fan of your works for a while. Everything from the way you write the characters to the pacing to the setup always leaves me feeling impressed because it's just soo good!
Recently I've been giving fic writing a go and I was wondering if you had any tips or recommendations for somebody just starting out.
Hi there!! Sorry for the late response, I've been very busy recently, but I hope you're having a good day too!! And thanks so much!!! ✧・:*♡(´∀`ʃƪ)♡*:・✧ i always feel like pacing is my weakness so thats really nice of you to say!!
Now, I'm by no means an expert, but I can make a little (long actually) list of tips I try to use/think about:
1. Quantity over quality - Obvs quality is great too, but like my really old stuff is garbo, however! I just kept going at it like crazy and eventually I learned what I like and dislike and how to write things in more interesting ways and everything just bc of how much I'd already wrote. No one is born a perfect writer with a golden pen in their hand, its all about keeping at it!
2. Fanfic writing is free labor (at least most is, mine included). This is kind of a no duh point, but it really helps me out when I get into a mindset thats like, 'oh no, this paragraph isnt perfect and everyones going to get their pitchforks out and burn me at the stake bc of it!' A) People are actually really nice, but B) fanworks are acts of love to the fandom/characters, theres no expectation that every single word has to be 100% super duper perfect. Someone out there will love your stories and they will remember them for the themes or the characters or whatever else, but not for that one sentence out of thousands that you thought was a little bit shaky.
3. Get creative with it!! This is my most biased point bc I looooooove adding in visuals and stuff to fics. Like the soon-to-be-released-hopefully chapter of my robo lance fic is coded nearly to the absolute max. Btw, if anyone ever has any questions they want to ask about ao3 workskins/html, feel free to message me and I will guaranteed talk your ear off about it!
But anyways!! Being creative doesnt have to be about coding if thats not your thing! Formatting is something I love to use too, especially to express a characters state of being or to highlight differences between characters. Like, when Keith gets frustrated, his inner dialgoue paragraphs are short and snippy. When he's panicking on the other hand, his thoughts repeat over and over again. Another example is that Lance loves to ramble so some of his POV chapters have long big chunks of text that are just tangential related thoughts often cut off by people trying to get his attention. Things like that really breath some life into a fic and get people into the head of the character youre trying to write (in my opinion at least).
This is really getting long, i just get excited about talking about stuff like this. Please feel free to lmk if this helps or if you want more or anything! Thank you again for your kind words!!
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jadeee · 8 months
A few random thoughts before I actually go offline fr:
1. If you don't flirt with your moots just a bit, are they really your moots??
2. When Nanami picks your kid up from school, they mention hearing compliment his shirt and how tight is. They ask him what that means and why it's a compliment. It's a relatively innocent question but the moms of the school can hardly control themselves when they see him. He just wish his kid didn't ask him about this kind of stuff.
3. I'll be posting a bunch of Nanami fics when I come back in February (prob the 2nd week). Most are fluff, one involves him in dad mode and another as a coworker. There's one semi-angsty piece. Comment if you wanna be tagged and lmk which one you're interested in!
4. Continue to bring awareness to what's happening in Palestine. Support however you can. Be kind.
5. As BHM occurs, be considerate to poc (if you're not already). Don't touch our hair, don't be microaggressive. If you see smthn, call it out. Don't use AAVE just to "fit in". Our culture is not a product.
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Hey I’ve been looking into puppy play kink posts on tumblr recently, including your blog, I wouldn’t go so far as to say that it’s a ‘newfound kink’ or anything, but going from liking puppymerc posts to puppyplay seems like a slippery slope for me lol.
I was wondering were I could find more ‘education’ resources about it. For the most part I’ve been only reading tumblr text posts, and I’m curious about what puppyplay actually LOOKS like. Do you know where I could find some ‘female-gaze’ (ik calling it ‘female gaze’ is probably reductive or whatever, but you know what I mean) smut/content like that?
Also, I’m kind of curious about what puppy dom stuff looks like. I hear it sometimes involves ‘guard dog play’ but most of the stuff in the ‘puppy dom’ tag are subby pups talking about wanting to get dommed
Great question! I am going to open this by saying that I am a tf2 comedy blog and NOT an educator of any kind, do not take definitive sex ed or sex advice from a tf2 comedy blog. Okay that's out the way here's my advice:
I wouldn't worry too much about "what x kink SHOULD look like", because kink is really personal and looks different for just about anyone. I don't think it's bad to figure out what you like first and worry about labels after
Either way, I wouldn't recommend "smut" if you're looking for "education" - not to blow my own horn but I think my tf2 petplay fic (always be plugging) is like the only petplay fic on the face of the earth (hyperbole) that addresses what a power exchange relationship actually looks like. For SMUT, I mean, you're on Tumblr! That's everywhere. I know a lot of posts in puppy tags are a bit samey, but in the spirit of Always Be Plugging, I happen to have a kink sideblog where I post abt this kind of thing... @puppyboysluppy ... aheh... (and I have a Ton of stuff going on, I play with power dynamics a lot and do puppy dom stuff and focus on trans people a lot and etc. so if u want a step back from like, straight guy petplay I think I'm the guy for you)
For "education", I know I always recommend her but I gotta mention the YouTuber Evie Lupine, who I think is a great BDSM/alternative lifestyle educator who talks about kink, polyamory, asexuality, etc. and who I think makes really good informative, mostly impartial "advice" videos about a whole bunch of different kinks. Here are some videos you might find relevant
She has a bunch of older videos abt petplay too if ur interested, I think videos like this are a great way to get some ideas and approach the concept of petplay Outside of a sexualized context. She also tailors her advice towards people In The Lifestyle, so it helps you visualize what that kind of relationship might look like for you and if that's something you want
This isn't exhaustive of course but I think I've laid the groundwork okay! If u have any more specific questions lmk and I'll see what I can do
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n04hfiction · 1 year
don't know if you're still doing that ship thing buuuut- if you are this is my submission cause it's really cool and I keep seeing your posts about it lol
I shall just jump in bc- aa
I'm just barely 5'4- like I've been stuck at 5'3 for years and I celebrated when I grew an inch. I'm a trans guy who's demiaroace and gay!! brown eyes, brown hair, pale as hell- chronically ill too- fainting disorder, blood disorder- there's more.
autism, probably ocd- the basic depression anxiety trauma disorder combo
I'm learning guitar and bass (half way done learning scum on bass), I'm an editor, been editing for five years- I am an absolute space nerd who doesn't go a day without thinking about it- I write alot- fanfic writer who mainly writes about wilbur bc he's
he's stuck in my brain, I can't get rid of him, help me /hj
I write poetry- I've been working on a script for a Minecraft smp for two years- poured my heart n soul into it
uhhh I am decently quiet unless someone talks to me and gets me talking and then I don't shut up. I get forgotten bc I am so quiet which is like fine- I like my peace. I enjoy reading but when I can't read physical books I stick to fanfic. I bound a 200k+ word fic in two weeks bc I loved it sm. I really like cozy spaces and lots of blankets n pillows. I hate any number besides 0, 5, and 8- the rest are icky.
my favorite bands are Lovejoy, the front bottoms, los campesinos, fall out boy-
I hate blue origin and Elon musk (space x is on thin ice)
my favorite fun fact about me is that the curiosity Rover launched on my sixth birthday
oh- I'm a reality shifter, like- it's a special interest at this point. I've taught so many people (still haven't shifted yet AAA)
I'm hyper observant so I notice everything about everyone else- I'd make a good profiler to be fair
uhh last thing is that my favorite shows are Rizzoli and Isles, Heartstopper, The Closer and Criminal Minds- I'm interesting and not always in a good way-
lmk if you need more cause I might not have done this well lol
oh another thing- I had a forensic science hyperfixation years ago bc I wanted to be like Connor from DBH and now my name is Connor so-- I achieved it nonetheless!
hey hey i ship you with george!!
congratulates you for your like half inch you grew but also teases you for it xD he probably deadass baked a (burnt) cake when it happened and then 20 minutes go by and he’s like “HAHAHAH YOUR SO SHORT” cuz george is like 5’9(?)
tries to help you w/ all your disorders, but he doesn’t always understand all of them that well and ends up feeling awful, my baby just wants to help :( <3
sister is shook that you can read so much so god damn fast, he’ll be like “BRO TEACH ME HOW TO READ MY EMAILS THAT FAST” cuz i can just see him stalling on that kind of stuff lmfao, especially if it’s for work
loves to get you talking he just thinks it’s the best and cutest thing ever xD
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elytrafemme · 2 years
hello hello hello ! hope youre doing well :) did you know that mare means sea in latin? though it's pronounced like mah-ray. i remembered this out of nowhere while playing tetris probably and i thought id tell you :] though perhaps you already know! either way! i love when words have meanings :)
its cool to think about also! because a mare is a female horse right? but in greek/roman mythology neptune, god of the ocean, was said to have created horses from seafoam! so maybe there's some connection there? or maybe its just a coincidence? and then you have the word nightmare which your name is from im pretty sure! and it makes you wonder. i mean nightmare is a compound word right? "night" and '"mare." and its parts arent something obvious like with watermelon - its not baddream or antidream or anything like that, it is the word night plus the word horse, more or less. where do you think that comes from? is there some old story about like... a bad horse in the night or smth?
okay i googled it. apparently it comes from the old english word mare, which was a demon goblin creature who gave people scary dreams. and this doesnt have any associations with the word mare meaning horse. huh. the more you know!
i think etymology is soooo cool. like. where words came from. i guess that makes sense - im very much an english and history kid, and that's kind of a combination of the two: the meaning of words and the history behind them. wow
HSDFJ sorry abt the ramble, if asks like these are annoying lmk! as anyone who knows me irl will tell you, i am very good at talking... and talking.... and talking...... so if you ever need me to shut up, just say so KSHDFJ
how're you doing? has life been treating you kindly? sending you a bouquet of gomphrenas and flossflowers and bachelors buttons and lavender !! i dont know flower meanings i just think theyre pretty :) also you are just the color purple to me and most of those are/can be purple :) yeah!
absolutely no worries, i loved reading through this :] yeah the reason I'm so fond of the name mare (even over my other names that i go by which i still love but it isn't the same) is because of all those different meanings. i have a longstanding inside joke with SEVERAL people at this point about me being related to horses, and dreams as a whole are really interesting to me. i enjoy being in forests more than i enjoy being by the sea, but i would without a DOUBT equate my temperament to that of a sea. there is a rhythm in the way that a forest moves and similarly to the sea, but both look different when disrupted and i am much more adjacent to a tempest than anything else
nws!!! i am really slow at getting back to asks because 90% of the time i am REALLY bad at talking and just, remembering to do that, but you're always free to send things here and i'll reply to them whenever i can!
i'm alright as of right now! about to sleep in like, two minutes or something, which is good. physical health being weird as ever but i'll live! thank you so much for all the flowers; i'm actually really horrible with flower meanings even though in theory i love that kind of stuff, it's just a lot to remember and many overlap in a way that's kind of suboptimal. i remember not enjoying doing flower meaning research for old fic ideas of mine but regrettably it's in character for a surprising amount of characters.
i much prefer the whole generalization of purple flowers; that is easier to understand. you are very pink to me but like distinctly cool-toned pink, like closer to purple than red. and also light in tone. can't really explain it but it's a pretty shade i'll tell you that.
hope you're having a lovely night; always happy to see you around
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destiny-fics · 2 years
I am very surprised you're a non-monogamist considering I barely see any poly fics with you too.
May I ask why you're interested in that? I'm very curious.
Anyway, here is mine:
Tumblr media
It's amazing how I write so many mommy!seonghwa fics and I don't actually have a Mommy kink.
The irony.
I mean like, idk if I would actually be into it should it happen to me, or if I just like the concept
Maybe it's a little bit cheesy but I do really like the idea of being able to share my love with multiple people. Or my heart...or my bed. Idk it just seems like a nice thing to be able to do. Not that only sharing that with one person is a bad thing, do not get me wrong. I can kind of see myself doing either really.
And like, I've got a few poly fics. The study group with Hyunsung, Summer Sessions, Pick a Card and the Interrupted stuff all delve into poly relationships and non-monogamy and I would be interested in writing more of that, if anyone has any pairings they'd like me to write for please lmk, 👀👀. I just yeah, idk I don't want to overload people by writing so much of it, even though it is my page and I can write whatever I want. I just don't want to bother anyone 😅
Also like, I totally get you on the Mommy!Hwa thing without the Mommy kink (I'll have you know writing mum with an 'o' physically pained me 😂)
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hidden-otaku-stuff · 4 years
(1) Hey! So sorry for replying late, a lot has happened these past couple of days D: but I hope you've been doing good! (I say as if I've been gone for months aksjdf) anyway, yeah, they're definitely scary. I think it'll be worth being able to be that soft and open with someone though. And I'm glad it did have a positive impact on you! Even if they were hard you came out stronger or wiser in some way. And thank you, you're so sweet :') So do you hon ❤️
hey honeymoon! sorry for taking my time to respond, i hope everything’s been alright with you! 
(2) Terushima really does just seem like a big dork who loves volleyball haha. I feel like his initial vibe would make me not want to interact v much lol but once you get to know him he's actually a good person. and that tongue piercing tho 👀. "that one definitely hurts a lot more than Falling does" then I think I'm good for awhile hahaha. I've already read a sad hospital AU so I'm going to stay FAR away for now. Honestly I wish there was an interesting story behind it but there's not :')
(3) basically I had an art blog and the name of it was kind of a pun with the word "honeydew." but that nickname was already taken and I wanted to be ~original~ sso I didn't want to use it lol. I still liked the honey aspect though and I thought Honeymoon sounded cute. I'm also kind of a secret hopeless romantic and at the time I kept my identity on my art blog a secret, so it kind of felt like an "alter ego" of mine? long story short I liked the nickname and it kinda stuck haha
ok i mean, to be fair, he was super aggressive when he was meeting kiyoko. but i definitely feel like there’s that dorky side to him LMAO.
oooof idk if I can handle any angst rn tbh so i can definitely relate 😭 
that’s honestly such a cute story though??? like, that’s literally so freakin’ adorable. what type of art did you use to do? (and honestly girl, this whole blog is on the DL and i tried super hard to keep it hidden from my life LOL).
there’s nothing wrong with being a hopeless romantic though! it gives you a chance to day-dream hehe 💞 what’s your favorite romantic trope? it could be as cliche or non-cliche as you’d like! 
(4) "i’m sorry for being a sadistic fk 🥰" 😀 something tells me you're kind of not LOL (really though I know you're sweet and don't actually want to hurt people akdhf) and honestly I'm glad you decided to expand on it! Chapter one is also great as a standalone but I'm so grateful for the rest so far, and you're doing an amazing job with it love 💖 I understand the chara x chara thing. I don't know if I've ever actually shipped anything to the point of me /wanting/ it to be canon
(6) like, it'd be cool if it was, but I don't actually care y'know? unless it was actual romantic tension built up in the movie/book/series. Fanart and fic is what mostly got me lol. I think the HQ fandom is super diverse/creative in its shipping. Not only because of an incredible story with great characters, but great fans and creators as well. And yes! someone else who likes KuroIwa!! I think that ship is really cute (and they're my top 2 faves so I'm biased haha) have you seen neutinya's art?
i swear i’m nice 💞 thank you so much for the love!! 🥺 i’ve been having writer’s block for a bit, and your comments have honestly motivated me to write so much more for it LOL
i definitely agree though, like, i can’t aggressively fight for one ship over another because it’s literally just not canon. it just feels wrong to “shove that agenda”, so to speak. but it’s always interesting to see all the different character combinations. i never would’ve imagined half of the ones out there if not for this fandom LOL
neutinya’s literally why I have a thing for KuroIwa!! LMAO. i really like the art that they put out. same with bright_stars_45 on IG. Their stuff is literally why i ship Bokuaka soooo hard. 
(7) (did I skip 5?) I really hope I'm numbering those right it's 12:30 am here lol. anyway, it's probably a good thing you weren't in the fandom then. I don't know how it is now, but it was p chaotic and toxic and there was actually controversy surrounding one of those fics. I'm sorry about you and your sister love :( I don't know if you'd ever want to have a strong one with her but I hope you do if you do! and if not then there will always be people you share that with, blood or not 💕
LOL you did skip 5, but it’s okay bby 💖 it’s not too serious tbh. i’m not really close to my family, so i’ve always believed in the “my family is the one’s i choose, not necessarily the one’s i’m blood-related to” :) 
(8) Piglet has always been my fave, but Eeyore and Lumpy are also great. do you have any favorite characters or ones that mean a lot to you? and that's really cool too!! I know being mixed can get super complicated but knowing you have all of those cultures in you in some way is pretty amazing. Honestly I've been undecided for the past 2 years but after everything going on in 2020, I've felt this need to release the truth? no matter what that may be. I know a lot of people say journalism 
(9) isn't an honest profession but, and this will sound arrogant, I want to change that. Even if that just means me being an independent journalist while being an editor to make a living, I'm okay with that. Also it can give you the opportunity to travel, and writing has always been my strong suit. socio is so I can have a better understanding of the world and learn to be less biased and more objective and understanding. What about you? :O
my favorite Disney character is honestly Tiana from Princess and the Frog! her hard-working story is hella relatable to me, and it inspired me to be better for myself if that makes sense? 
TBH the most annoying part of being mixed is being called eXoTiC by guys who are tryna sleep with me 💀 there’s definitely a lot of fetishization about it lol
i hella respect that! the need to release the truth. journalism is honestly a raw and authentic profession that people underestimate because they read from biased sources or the things they read isn’t accurate. i have mad respect for you for following that career path! if there’s anything i could do to help, lmk love 💖 TBH, i chose business because i wanted to open my own business and i love psych because i love understanding the world and the people in my lives. psycho-analysing is one of my hobbies hehe. so similar as to why you did socio!
(10) and yes!!!! tbh I've always liked theatre but was never really one for the stage. I was in a child friendly version of macbeth in 6th grade and that was it lol. In my senior year of high school I performed a slam poem about my depression and my teacher called me emotionally constipated lmaoo. and because of how hs went down for me I never got to take classes anyway. I started getting into sfx/film makeup though and I really want to do that! I also just love the energy of backstage tbh
(11) this is getting really long akfdjh. but yeah I want to learn more! I'm actually kind of struggling in my stage management class right now because I honestly don't know much about theatre so it's overwhelming. I haven't even seen a lot of shows (I did see The Lion King when I was a kid though!! and a few hs productions). enough about me though, what's your favorite part, or what are some of your best memories? I love seeing that it makes you so happy :D
omg i’m so sorry that your teacher called you that. that’s so inappropriate, especially considering the subject matter. i hope that you’ve had a more positive experience involving your work since then. if you ever want to talk about your struggle, please feel free to reach out, ok? 
you must be pretty talented with makeup though! that’s so cool 🤩 i’ve always admired sfx and people who are talented with makeup tbh. what’s your favorite part about it so far? 
i was fortunate enough that my hs had a super talented theatre program that i could be a part of. i had the opportunity to be in both tech, management, and on-stage. i honestly really enjoyed being behind-the-scenes in the management part! it was so great seeing a production from start to finish and knowing that i was involved with that process. i’m a huge theatre nerd tbh 😅 i love watching shows like Phantom of the Opera, Hamilton, RENT and I’ll routinely watch them haha. 
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