#lmk if anyone wants to see some of my playlists i have like... 17 or 18
selfspinninglies · 2 years
May or may not start sharing playlists here because I think they're silly <3
Also please talk to me about music I love when people talk about it to me so much rambles in my ask box >>>
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jimmys-zeppelin · 3 years
chapter nine
(table of contents)
(chapter eight)
march 26, 1976
you take my breath away
The next morning Ellie woke up to a tightness in her chest. She couldn't figure out exactly why until she opened her eyes; seeing Jimmy fast asleep on top of her with his head beside hers. With a small smile to herself, Ellie kissed his bare shoulder, the sound of her lips touching his skin being enough to make him stir.
Lifting his head from where it rested in the crook of her neck, Jimmy looked pleased to see Ellie, memories of the previous night flooding into his mind, "Hi." he said.
She felt as if she could look at him forever. The disheveled hair and tired, morning face made him look so pure. Reaching up, Ellie lightly dipped her fingers into his hair, smoothing it away from his face. It was as plush as a cloud and all she wanted was to keep going as she combed her fingers through it.
Ellie just maintained eye contact with him, not saying much of anything. "Do we have to get up?" she asked after a few minutes.
"Unfortunately the day must begin." Jimmy replied.
"I just wanna look at you all day." Ellie said softly, brushing her thumb against his cheek.
"I guess we can do that." he said simply, leaning down and kissing her sweetly.
It was scary how quickly she got lost in him. So much as one glance could send her tumbling to her knees, and one kiss and she would melt into him like chocolate on a hot summer day.
Ellie was content. She figured if she could spend the rest of her life with Jimmy in his bed, there would be nothing more she'd want in life. The love they shared was a special kind of dynamic. Months could go by where they only spoke over the phone, and when they got to see each other again, it was as if no time had passed. 
And, of course, the sex was amazing. How couldn't it be? Jimmy knew his way around the female body quite well. It helped that they'd both grown so much more intimate with each other in the time they'd been together. He helped Ellie discover her body and know what she was comfortable with. In the past, she'd hooked up with guys, but after Jimmy came along, it was like they were two pieces of a puzzle. They just fit together. Seamlessly, they were perfect.
Oftentimes Ellie imagined a future with Jimmy. Possibly get married, or just continue dating—she figured it was really up to him. But she would love to wear a ring symbolizing that she was his and he was hers someday. The novelty of it made her stomach flutter with butterflies. And as she looked into his eyes, all she could see was her future right in front of her. If she couldn't be with anyone else, it would be fine by her if it meant she'd be with him for many years to come.
And they would be happy. Until they weren't. This thought scared her. Having always thought on her side of things, Ellie never considered his opinion. Would he want to get married? Would he even want to be with her for much longer? He was her everything, but was she what he loved most too? He had a daughter and a family that loved and cared for him just as much as she did. Ellie? Not so much. Having left home at 17 to pursue a music career, she didn't think her parents wanted to see much more of her again after departing on the bitter note they did.
They wanted her to become a boring receptionist at an equally boring company in a quiet town somewhere in upstate New York. They wanted her to marry a boring rich guy, have a few kids and slowly grow old; having done nothing exciting in life. Had she gone to college, she figured she'd get to do some exciting things like go to parties and concerts. But, in reality, she wanted to party like a professional. Like the rock stars she grew to admire.
And as the admiration for the stars grew and the Sunset Strip called her name, Ellie knew she wouldn't have the same visceral response from her parents. After a battle of words between the three, she packed her bags, took some money, and left in the middle of the night; never looking back.
Now, as she looked back at Jimmy, she wondered if he, or anyone, would love her the same way he did. Because, frankly, she didn't have much more in the ways of family. And friends could only be there for so long.
Jimmy shifted his body off of hers and he found solace in laying just behind her. Her back flush with his front and he started placing light kisses on her shoulder. Letting the late March sun warm them, she could hear his breath in her ear. She figured he was going to say something after the silence had gone on for too long. He always hated too long of a pause.
"What were you writing about the other day? It sounded good." he asked softly, tracing absent lines up and down her arm. 
Ellie took a beat to respond, not wanting to fully tell him the lyrics that were locked away inside of her songbook, "I had some lyrics in my head. I put a bit of a melody to it. But I couldn't get much done. Writer's block has been a bitch."
"I could help you finish, if you'd like."
"That's okay, Jimmy. This is one I need to get done on my own." she said, looking back at him with a small smile.
"Will you tell me what it is when you're finished?"
"Probably..." she trailed off, knowing she'd have to come up with a good explanation for the song she'd just written about him.
That next week, it was Ellie's birthday—and subsequently the last day she was in England—so Jimmy took her out to lots of places, and after they'd had dinner at one of the fanciest restaurants in the area, Ellie suggested they go out for ice cream after seeing a kiosk while on their walk through the city. However, they tried to be lowkey so as not to be recognized by anyone.
Jimmy put out his cigarette before approaching the ice cream stand and looking at the options, shoving his hands into his pockets. "What do you think?" he asked.
"Chocolate?" Ellie asked absently as she also scanned the options written neatly on a plaque on the side of the kiosk.
"Oooh, they have banana." She said, looking at him for a quick second.
"Banana split, too." he remarked, suggesting the other option.
"Wanna share?"
"Sure." Jimmy replied, "split a split."
"Shut up," Ellie chuckled, lightly punching him in the arm.
"Why did you have to take the first flight out?" Jimmy whined teasingly as they continued on their way down the street with the ice cream in hand.
"I told Carolyn I'd be back as soon as possible. April 1st was her deadline. Plus, I'll be going back in time so by the time I get back in the states..." she trailed off, realizing she didn't know the exact calculations of time, "I don't know, it'll be earlier in the day, I guess." she dismissed with a laugh.
"My little time traveller..." he replied, taking a spoonful of ice cream. "You seemed a bit distracted today, is everything alright? It's not anything I did, is it?"
Ellie's heart sank slightly in her chest at his inquiry. Swallowing the rest of the ice cream she'd been playing around with in her mouth, she responded, "No, you've gone above and beyond for me today, Jimmy. Thank you. It was just something a little off that happened this morning when I was getting ready, but it shouldn't be too big of a problem."
"What happened?"
"I thought my period was gonna come today, but it didn't. And it's usually not late, but maybe it's the time difference or something. Once I get back to California, I'll sort everything out and see what's going on."
Jimmy looked at her cautiously, not wanting to say the words that were on his mind, "you're not..."
"Maybe. Maybe not. I don't know. I don't wanna think about it." she replied awkwardly, shoving some more ice cream into her mouth.
Jimmy counted back the days in his head, calculating just when something might've happened, "Scarlet's birthday." he said softly, the twinge of panic in his voice was nearly unnoticeable.
"You think?" Ellie asked.
"Has to be." he answered.
Ellie didn't say anything for a long while, her thoughts brewed in her mind before a single word left her mouth.
masterlist | playlist
Taglist: @diaryofafan17 @tophats-n-lespauls @witchesdust @jonesyjonesyjonesy @paginate54 @hejustsatisfiess @salixfragilis @princesspagey @reincarnated70sbaby @rebel-without-a-zeppelin @kyunisixx if you want to be added to the list lmk!
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nuclearbeom · 5 years
50 Questions Tag
Tagged by @jinyoungmoans to do this! I'll try my best to keep it short! But no promises.
1. What takes too much of your time?
2. What makes your day better?
Chatting with ahgafam! Or when I have queued stuff to watch, like new HIP or Mafia episodes.
3. What’s the best thing that happened to you today?
 Watching HIP ep 5 with @sevenpeaches ☺️
4. What fictional place would you like to go to?
The Internet world in Wreck-It Ralph 2!
5. Are you good at giving advice?
I like to think I so. I've been told I am...?
6. Do you have any mental illness?
Not medically, no. 
7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?
Many times. I'm very used to it and don't even freak out anymore when I “feel” it coming on. 
8. What musician inspired you the most?
Freddie Mercury. 
9. Have you ever fallen in love?
Maybe? I fall in love all the time, and I truly believe that I do, but its actually not the real deal lmao.
10. What’s your dream date?
I like cafe dates, then stupid cutesy shit after like a walk in the park or a long ride in a car to nowhere.
11. What do others notice about you?
Usually my sassiness.
12. What is an annoying habit you have?
Being a people-pleaser. Its exhausting.
13. Do you still talk to your first love?
No. Shit gone down real bad. He has apologised but the damage is already done.
14. How many ex’s do you have?
Official or unofficial ones?
15. How many songs are in your playlist?
Cuz Spotify is dumb and can’t display the total number of songs, I'd say about over 700?
16. What instruments can you play?
Piano, violin and guitar. Do air-drums count?
17. Who do you have the most pictures of?
Mostly Jinyoung, but Yugyeom is catching up.
18. Where would you like to go before you die?
19. What is your zodiac?
20. Do you relate to it?
Don’t know. Do I? Lmk.
21. What is happiness to you?
When my family gathers for Chinese New Year and everyone is happily drunk together and no one is bitching and griping.
22. Are you going through anything right now?
23. What’s the worst decision you’ve ever made?
Can’t think of one right now, cuz when something bad happens, I resolve it pretty quickly and its over with.
24. What’s your favourite store?
Borders bookstore.
25. What’s your opinion on abortion?
I don't support it. But I've never been in a situation or known anyone who had to get one, so I can't really say. I just don't believe in ridding innocence of life; its unfair to the child to not even have a chance, option, or opportunity to fight or fend for itself. 
26. Do you keep a bucket list?
Not really, no.
27. Do you have a favourite album?
Verse 2 and Present: You <& Me>.
28. What do you want for your birthday?
Got7 anything. Tickets, albums, merch, ANYTHING. I’M NOT PICKY.
29. What are most people’s first impression of you?
A cold bitch. BUT I’M NOT, I SWEAR. 
30. What age do you seem according to most people?
For some reason, 23 seems to be a recurring number. I don't know why 23 specifically 😂.
31. Where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping?
On the floor.
32. What word do you say the most?
I just asked a friend next to me and she said “Fuck”.
33. What’s the oldest age you would date?
Someone 5-10 years older.
34. What’s the youngest age you would date?
2 years at the most, I guess? I feel weird dating someone younger, even by a month.
35. What job/career do most people say would suit you?
Something which involves me interacting with people.
36. What’s your favourite music genre?
37. If you could live in any country in the world, where would it be?
38. What is your current favourite song?
Never Ending Story -  Got7.
39. How long have you had this blog for?
2 years this October, but I only posted my first post last... November? (It was @inyournightmares97  ‘s The Savage King. Its epicness broke me out of hiding. I simply had to show some love to it.) I wasn’t in the K-pop fandom before but I am truly comfortable here and now.
40. What are you excited for?
New episodes. Food. The time of day when I can cook to prep for tomorrow’s meal.
41. Are you a better talker or listener?
A better talker. But I’m a pretty good listener.
42. What is the last productive thing you did?
This tag 😂. Otherwise, I finished three homework quizzes and will finish another one when I'm done with this.
43. What do you want for Christmas?
Got7 anything. 
44. What class do you get the best grades in?
45. On a scale of 1-10, how are you feeling right now?
46. What can you see yourself doing in 10 years?  
I honestly don’t know. I just hope I'm not dead. 
47. When did you first get your heartbreak?
48. At what age do you want to get married?
Hopefully mid to late 20s? But I honestly don't mind if it doesn't happen. 
49. What career did you want to have as a child?
A model or actress. I just loved being in front of a camera.
50. What do you crave right now?
Time. I. Need. Time.
I tried to keep this short! I tag @sevenpeaches, @cockyjinyoung, @jjshipper and @screechingaussie. Of course, its optional!
(Chels, I understand if you can't rn. Hoping the hotel wifi is decent lmao)
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Best of 2017: 90 Songs You Need To Hear
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It feels cliché to talk about 2017 as the monstrous entity that it was. Mostly because we all know it. That’s all we talked about all year. (And anyone who doesn’t see it as a series of obstacles probably has a very different opinion on what makes America and humanity great.) 
Luckily the music was good. Very good. Some of it was a reaction to 2017, but a lot of it wasn’t. It was just great art that dealt with politics on the personal level. Discussing love, loss, anger, gender, race, technology, fun nights, and oppression weren’t inventions of 2017--and some of these issues have been bubbling for long enough that the explosion was going to happen regardless. So there’s not much else for me to say that these great creators haven’t already done. 
My initial hope of doing 30 great tracks stretched and stretched...and so now we have 90 tracks. The first 5 are the ones tattooed on my heart. The next 25 are just so damn good I wanted to make sure you heard them. And the remaining are in alphabetical order just for the sake of ease. Below is the embedded spotify playlist too. 
1. Just Dancing – Sylvan Esso
The beginning of a relationship is the most visceral part because you have the rush of “firsts” with a person. “Just Dancing” looks at the reality of hopping from person to person (via dating apps) just to keep yourself in a constant state of early love euphoria. It’s a simple concept laid over a building dance track that is as exciting as it is rueful.
2. This Country – Fever Ray Who knew the protest song we all needed in 2017 would come from a Swede exploring her sexuality? Whether she’s talking about her native land or the U.S. or the world at large, Fever Ray (aka Karin Dreijer) lets a creepy synth trickle beneath her haunting voice until she exclaims “Free abortions! And clean water! Destroy nuclear! Destroy boring!” Leading to an unexpectedly cathartic “This country makes it hard to fuck!”
3. Pleasure – Feist You can always tell a Leslie Feist guitar moment. It manages to be aggressive and delicate, and that carries through every note of this title track. As Feist navigates the meaning of pleasure—is it personal or public? Natural or manufactured? It’s a heady topic built on a riff PJ Harvey would be proud of (not to mention the vocal range displayed here), all leading up to a clap along finale that sounds somewhere between defiant and exuberant.
4. Slow Disco – St. Vincent On her latest album Annie Clark goes big and personal, to varying degrees of success. But it’s no accident that the album’s highlight is a track that feels like the natural extension of her best work (think Strange Mercy meets Teenage Talk). It’s languid but weird in all the right places—including her own pitch-shifted vocals on an a funereal outro.
5. Ocean – Goldfrapp It’s been a long time since Goldfrapp went epic in the truest sense of the word. Early tracks like Utopia and Strict Machine were wildly different but had one thing in common: They were unrelenting in going big—and then even bigger when you expected them to back down. Ocean follows suit with a cinematic sound that closes the album on perhaps the darkest note of the band’s career. “I borrowed bones, I borrowed skin to save me from the hell I’m in.”
6. Make Love Stay – Blue Hawaii 7. Blood on Me – Sampha 8. The System Only Dreams in Total Darkness – The National 9. WWWater – WWWater 10. Dangerous – The xx 11. Build a Fire – Young Ejecta 12. Heatwave – Amber Mark 13. No Worries – Sarah Jaffe 14. Moving as One – LOYAL 15. Put Your Money on Me – Arcade Fire 16. Underwater – Millie Turner 17. Throwing Lines – Kelly Lee Owens 18. London – Maty Noyes 19. Disco Tits – Tove Lo 20. after that – yaeji 21. Someone – Anna Of The North 22. Glue – Bicep 23. Kids – LIA LIA 24. Lucky Girl – Fazerdaze 25. Flatline – Nelly Furtado 26. Everlasting Love – Sabrina Claudio 27. Deathless – Ibeyi (featuring Kamasi Washington) 28. On My Mind (Jorja Smith X Preditah) – Jorja Smith, Preditah 29. call the police – LCD Soundsystem 30. Baby – Tei Shi
Lotto in Reverse – Alex Lahey Some Mistakes – Anna Wise Paradise – ANOHNI Fire – Beth Ditto I Feel Alright - Mura Masa Remix – Bonzai, Mura Masa Country Girl – Boy Harsher 1UL – Danny L Harle Trees On Fire – DJDS, Amber Mark, Marco Mckinnis Get It Together – Drake, Black Coffee, Jorja Smith Heat Of The Night – Eat More Cake Go To Hell – Empress Of Falling – Forever Always Ascending – Franz Ferdinand Love You More – Fyfe No Horses – Garbage Kids (Ain't All Right) – Grace Mitchell 1986 – HÅN Controller – Hercules & Love Affair, Faris Badwan Godmanchester Chinese Bridge – The Howl & The Hum I Won't Judge – Jacques Greene Purple Feelings (feat. Rainsford) – Jerry Folk, Rainsford Love To Love – Jessie Ware Something Bout Our Love – JONES Al oeste – Juana Molina Sleepwalker – Julie Byrne LMK – Kelela Sleep Deprived – LÉON Leave the War With Me – London Grammar Wait For Me – Luca D'Alberto I'm Not A Disco – Maja Francis Sober (Over You) – Melis Tailwhip – Men I Trust Sleeping in My Own Bed – Morly 1 Night (feat. Charli XCX) – Mura Masa, Charli XCX Shouting at the Dark – The Mynabirds Cuffed – Nick Hakim Nobody – Niia 2 Good 2 Be True – Nite Jewel Off The Radar – Noga Erez Let Your Hair Down – Ouri, Mind Bath Choir – Perfume Genius Closer – POWERS Crocodile Tears – Ralph Sticky – Ravyn Lenae Dance With A Ghost – Sara Hartman Shine a Light – Shabazz Palaces, Quazarz, Thaddillac Kimono Hill – Sophia Kennedy Visions of Gideon – Sufjan Stevens Hands Up Head Down – Sure Sure Shake Em Off – Syd The Weekend – SZA Moonshine Freeze – This Is The Kit Further – TOPS Up The Creek – Tori Amos Fear & Force – Vagabon Falling (feat. Okay Kaya) – Vera, Okay Kaya Virtue – Vero I / You – vōx Bleed – WENS Stay for Real – Young Galaxy
0 notes
pokalkalasreko · 7 years
Top 50 Singles of 2017
Hello and welcome to the third annual edition of my top singles list (2016, 2015)
I really like writing these lists and 2017 is all about doing more of the things you like and less of the things you don’t. 
Hair Down by Mollie King would have been my top song of the year, except that ultimately it just wasn’t any good. 
This year, because I’m feeling extra festive, I have made the list into an apple music playlist. 
Allie X – Casanova
And we’re off. This chorus has one of the best hooks of the year. 
Jax Jones - Breathe ft. Ina Wroldsen
Ina Wroldsen has one of my favourite voices in music. You can hear her singing backing on a lot of early songs by The Saturdays, given that she wrote most of them. First of two Jax Jones entries on the list. 
Yaeji - Raingurl
Yaeji is cooler than me, you, anyone you have ever met, and anyone you will ever meet. 
Lost Kings - Quit You ft. Tinashe
In which Tinashe controversially claims she is addicted to a Coldplay song.
Katy Perry - Bon Appétit ft. Migos
In 2013, Katy Perry was the biggest popstar on the planet, and I couldn’t understand why. In 2017, she releases a string of actual bops and her career is in nosedive. I’m ready to stan. 
Josefine Myrberg - Head over Heels
Josefine Myrberg came third in Swedish Idol back in 2014. Nobody seems to be listening to her music much these days, but Head Over Heels (7.5k views at time of writing) is a genuinely beautiful song worthy of a lot more recognition. 
Kehlani - Already Won
The first time I heard this I was like ‘yaaas’ all the way through. Kehlani’s autobiographical ode to her own successes is a reminder to all of us to recognise that sometimes, we have already won.
Sigrid Bernson - This Summer
A pop song by a Swedish woman about enjoying summer. There is nothing better. 
Sage the Gemini - Now & Later
Released in 2016, but reached its chart peak in 2017 so it’s allowed. Now & Later was almost my most played song of Q1 so there’s that. 
Gabrielle Aplin - Waking Up Slow
I’ve just discovered that a PIANO version of this song has 3x as many views on YouTube. That is criminal. This song is full of synths and it bops because of it. 
Stockholm Noir - Hopeless Dreams
The “Take me to the south of France, I’ll feel poor again” bit is excellent.  
Anitta - Paradinha
A very good friend of mine who happens to be multi-lingual informed me that this song doesn’t make any sense in about 3 different languages. Which is as ridiculous as it is iconic. 
Dagny - Wearing Nothing
I love the choreography in this video. Dagny is a brilliant popstar. 
Shania Twain - Poor Me
I wasn’t mad about the other singles Shania released as part of her comeback this year, but this hit me for real. Shania voice has changed in tone so much, and now it suits the melancholic Poor Me perfectly. 
Danny L Harle - 1UL
What a song. I wish the singer was credited so I could look into her other work because I think she has a very listenable voice. 
SOFI TUKKER - Best Friend feat. NERVO, The Knocks & Alisa Ueno
That bassline. Features galore. Nonsense lyrics. A kitchen sink bop. 
Dinah Nah - One More Night
Dinah Nah is an international treasure, making banger after banger for anyone who will listen. As part of the excellent Spotify for Artists year-end thing, she proudly shared that she has 894k fans in 60 countries, which is quite remarkable and warms my heart. 
Shakira - Coconut Tree
I liked Malibu by Miley Cyrus but I preferred Coconut Tree by Shakira. This song is truly meditative, and takes me straight to the beach. 
Tove Styrke - Say My Name
Ironic because I still can’t pronounce Tove’s surname. 
The Chainsmokers - Paris
I know it’s the Chainsmokers, but I think this song is actually very good. That final instrumental goes off. 
PVRIS - Winter
From Paris to PVRIS, this song has one of the biggest choruses of the year. I also love that they have called the video a “visualette” - so extra. 
Wiktoria - As I Lay Me Down 
Wiktoria puts in a solid effort here, pretty much yelling her way through the entire song without taking a breath and it is incredible. Bonus points for a liberal use of “HEY” noises throughout. 
Niall Horan - Too Much To Ask
Don’t @ me. I am the last person who would have expected to see Niall Horan anywhere near my top thousand songs of the year, but here we are. The only thing constant in life is change. 
Lorde - Green Light
The final chorus of Green Light was one of my defining moments of Glastonbury 2017 - genuinely euphoric. I read somewhere that Lorde uses significantly more nouns than other songwriters and that’s what makes her songs so memorable. That could be true. I haven’t counted the nouns in Green Light though but it feels like there’s a fair few.
Charli XCX - Out Of My Head ft. Tove Lo and ALMA
Charli XCX’s POP 2 is an absolute triumph and my album of the year. Every song has about 12 different hooks and sounds so fresh. Tove Lo and ALMA are a dream collaboration on Out Of My Head.
KStewart - Sex 4 Breakfast
KStewart is my favourite new artist this year, and this is the first of two singles on this list. Somebody played a ‘prank’ on me at Brighton Pride this summer, and told me KStewart was playing on the mainstage at 4pm. I was so excited and squeezed my way to the front. However, at 4pm KStewart was nowhere to be seen and, to my surprise, out walks Louisa Johnson. Good stuff. 
Tinashe - Flame
The nicest thing I have ever done for myself is to buy myself VIP tickets to meet Tinashe and see her perform at Koko in Camden. Here I am like a competition winner:
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It feels now like she’s never going to break through into the top tier of popstars which is a shame, because I really think she has it all. 
IMRI – I Feel Alive
The best pop song Eurovision has had in years. Unfortunately slightly strangled by the 3 minute rule, I would take another 1 or 2 choruses at the end for good measure. Imri seems like he’s having the time of his life and that’s great to see. 
Loreen - Body
It took a couple of listens, but now I am completely addicted to Body, and it is pretty much on repeat whenever I am commuting. Perfect for drowning out the real world. 
Loop - As if
I follow Loop on Instagram and she seems great. This year she has released a bunch of breezy, refreshing electro-pop including As If. I’m hoping that 2018 is her year. 
Poppy - My Style (feat. Charlotte)
My Style would be right at home on Robyn’s Body Talk, which is one of the greatest albums ever. As Robyn appears to be taking some time out, I am thrilled that Poppy has stepped in with her own brand of robo-pop. 
Liv Lovelle - Won’t Say Too Much
For the first minute of this song I’m always like “where is this going”, and then that drop happens and it all makes sense. 
CNCO, Little Mix - Reggaetón Lento (Remix)
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Kim Petras - I Don't Want It At All
More like Kim Petr-SASS 💁  I Don’t Want it At All is the ultimate ode to materialism and an absolute stomper.
Nicki Minaj - Regret In Your Tears
I feel like Nicki Minaj is too often overlooked as a popstar who sings. Regret In Your Tears is an understated jam, and she sounds great.  
Astrid S - Breathe
Exactly what a pop song should sound like. I had a flatmate this year and we had nothing at all in common, apart from the we both listened to Astrid S. The power of pop music to build bridges.
Kelela - LMK
Kelela was one artist who made me genuinely excited about music this year. Her album Take Me Apart is exquisite, sounding both fresh and nostalgic at the same time. LMK is one of the best.
KStewart - Hands feat. Yungen
If there were any justice, this would have been huge for KStewart. But there isn’t and here it sits with less than 50k(!) views on YouTube. Hands is completely radio-ready, and could be lifted off any Ariana album.
Rita Ora - Anywhere
Rita Ora has had an incredible year. I love that she hosted America’s Next Top Model, then sacked it in and had 3 huge top 10s, which is probably more than your fave. Anywhere was instant for me, and her best by a long way. The nonsense post-chorus is reminiscent of those early 00s garage classics. Rita herself has said that it has no meaning, and I hope that in 2018 we are able to enjoy more songs with no meaning whatsoever. 
Dua Lipa - New Rules
Well this one took off didn’t it. Dua’s meteoric rise has been so exciting to watch, and it was New Rules that really took it there. She just seems like a great person too, and I’m sure 2018 will belong to Dua. Another lesson in the power of a good music video to rocket launch a song’s success. 
Aly & AJ - I Know
This song is just so perfect. The return of Aly & AJ has been the most welcome surprise. I Know is cool, lazy, atmospheric, synth-pop and a major shift from their 2007 Disney days.
Tove Lo - Disco Tits
I said this when I wrote about Cool Girl last year, but it’s worth repeating that Tove Lo makes it seem so effortless. Disco Tits is amazing and I wouldn’t be surprised if she wrote it in her sleep. 
Little Mix - Power ft. Stormzy
Little Mix are just unstoppable. Every year I think they have reached their zenith and then they take it to another level. Power is single number four from their fourth album and it’s this good. By now, Jesy Nelson (the best one) knows her way around an iconic second verse, so I think it’s neat that this time her verse starts with “my turn”. Also - what a video. Well done everyone. 
Jax Jones - Instruction ft. Demi Lovato, Stefflon Don
"All my ladies” was THE call to action this summer. What a song. 
Carly Rae Jepsen - Cut To The Feeling
Carly Rae Jepsen has mastered the ability to make happy sounding music which suddenly hits you as heartbreaking once you get stuck into the lyrics. Cut To The Feeling was released about a week after the Manchester attacks, and for me, the line “I want to play where you play with the angels, I want to wake up with you in tangles” stuck out as truly devastating among the euphoric, soaring synths. 
Blessed - See Through All The Colours 
I’m obsessed with Blessed. See Through All The Colours is so huge and I really thought would have been their breakthrough. Unfortunately it wasn’t to be, but I think watch this space. Very excited to see what they bring in 2018. 
Nadine Coyle - Go To Work
One of the best things about 2017 has been seeing the true joy that Nadine Coyle, gets from being a popstar, and equally, the true joy she took from the really quite lukewarm reception of Go To Work. Earlier in the year, Nadine made a surprise appearance at a popular London club night to sing a couple of choruses of Go To Work (she didn’t even stay long enough to take her coat off). I was living in those few minutes. 
Mirela - Contigo
This song was the runner up in the Spanish pre-selection show for Eurovision, and won the televote by a landslide, but was struck down by some bizarre jury voting rules. It’s basically incredible. It’s ridiculous, it’s trashy, it’s fun. Bai-la-la-la-UH. 
Katy Perry - Swish Swish ft. Nicki Minaj
I know. A basic bop if ever there was one, but no song this year has bopped as hard as Swish Swish. I spent my entire time at Glastobury telling anyone who would listen that I only came to watch Katy Perry do Swish Swish. Everyone thought I was joking. I’m still undecided on that music video, and that dance, but the song is brilliant.
Steps - Scared Of The Dark
Let’s be honest, Steps in 2017 could have been shit but instead they were amazing. The moment when this sat at number 1 on iTunes ahead of chart villain Ed Sheeran was a sweet piece of pop justice. Scared of the Dark is a banger, incredibly good pop music, and my top single of the year. 
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jimmys-zeppelin · 3 years
chapter five
(table of contents)
(chapter four)
march 17, 1976
Ellie groggily rubbed at her eyes, 'still on the plane, I see', she thought to herself. She wasn't even sure how long she'd slept, but knew she should probably get back to it so as to avoid jet lag, according to Jimmy. Her throat was dry and she reached for a water bottle that was lodged in the seat-back pocket in front of her. The water bottle crackled loudly in the silence of the packed airplane.
Jimmy stirred next to her, his right hand was atop her left and he gripped onto her a bit tighter at the sudden noise. "Els?"
"Sorry, I was getting some water." she whispered, uncapping the bottle and drinking whatever was left in the quarter-full bottle. She'd have to remember to get another one in case she got thirsty.
"We're in first class, you can just ask a flight attendant for a glass." Jimmy whispered.
"I didn't want to bother anyone. Plus I had my water bottle." Ellie replied, "how much longer do you think?"
Checking his watch, Jimmy did some quick math in his head before answering, "I don't know, like five more. My watch is still on Pacific time."
"Ugh, I don't know how you can do this all the time," she said, leaning back into her chair, "This is just making me nervous, I don't know what to do. I'm so bored."
Jimmy lifted his hand from Ellie's and he took her hand off of the arm rest that separated them. Lifting the arm, he invited her to lean into his chest. "If we were on the Starship," Jimmy whispered once her head laid in the crook of his neck, "I don't think you'd be bored at all."
"Do tell, James." Ellie said suggestively, urging him to indulge on his thoughts.
"Not here, love." He answered—she could tell there was a smile plastered across his face. He patted her head, placing a light kiss on it, "go back to sleep, we'll be there in no time."
Ellie spit out her toothpaste in the Gatwick Airport bathroom. Washing it down the drain, she took some water and splashed her face lightly. Waking herself up so as to adjust the best she could to the drastic time difference. Looking at her watch, it read 10PM, but in actuality it was 6AM in London. It was a new day in her new location, whereas she would just be getting ready for bed—or a party—back at home.
Drying her face with a paper towel, she looked at herself in the mirror. She was a hot mess. Her hair was in need of a brush, her eyes were puffy from sleeping for most of the flight, and her favorite dress—a lime green shift dress that hit her just above the knees—was wrinkled. And her feet were freezing. And although she was wearing a thin layer of tights, they weren't enough to warm her with the penny loafers she was wearing.
Deciding she looked good enough to at least get out of the airport with Jimmy, she ran a damp hand over the flyaways on her head and straightened out her dress before making her way out. Upon exiting the bathroom she was met with a swarm of people. But they weren't surrounding her, they were surrounding Jimmy. He'd been standing outside of the bathroom and naturally people recognized him. Ellie pushed her way through the small crowd and saw Jimmy at the center, talking with other people—presumably Zeppelin fans—when he looked up and Ellie caught his eye.
"Okay, it was a pleasure to meet you all, but the lady and I have to go." Jimmy announced. A few flashes went off as the two walked away along with a couple of groans at the fact that they were leaving. Ellie was mildly stunned. She was famous, of course, but not at all on the level that Jimmy was. People didn't swarm her like they did him.
"Does this happen often?" she whispered once they were a ways away. Jimmy wheeled both of their luggages behind him and kept a quick pace as they walked through the airport.
"Unfortunately." was all he said as they walked out of the airport where a car was already waiting for them. They hopped into the vehicle and were able to take a breather.
The radio played faintly behind them as Jimmy's hand started up Ellie's thigh. She smirked up at him, "what are you doing?"
Smirking back, he answered, "nothing. I'm happy you're here."
"Cheeky thing, you." Ellie giggled, kissing him sweetly on the lips before scooting closer to him and resting her head on his shoulder yet again.
"Since when do you know British slang?" Jimmy asked with a chuckle.
"How long have we been dating?" Ellie asked back.
"Two years." he said, playing along.
"Well, then that should answer your question."
"Yeah, okay, but I don't say cheeky. Or at least not often enough."
"I guess I picked it up from my other English lover, then."
"And who might that be?"
"Not you." she said with an amused dullness to her voice. 
"Oh, now you're just taking the piss." Jimmy laughed.
"Wait, what does that mean?"
After thirty-five minutes or so in the car, Ellie felt like she was going to throw up from going through so much transportation. "Jimmy, are we almost there?" Ellie asked almost as impatiently as a toddler.
He reassured her, "Yes, just wait a few more minutes, I promise you won't have to get into another car or plane for the rest of the day.
Ellie breathed out a sigh of relief, "thank you."
Jimmy showed her a few more interesting sights as the driver went through some more twists and turns. Eventually, they slowed to a stop outside of a large, estate-like house. Ellie looked around after getting out of the car and taking in the fresh air. She got used to the sensation of walking again as she took a few steps around the car while Jimmy took care of the luggages and tipping the driver. Then the man drove off, leaving the couple out on the empty driveway.
"Here we are...home sweet home." Jimmy said after their quiet walk up the drive of the gargantuan house. He unlocked the door and let Ellie inside first.
"Wow, Jimmy, this is beautiful. And I thought my house was big. How come you never showed me?"
"You know I'm not one to show off. C'mon, I'll show you around."
Ellie had lost count of the number of bedrooms Jimmy's house had. She wondered how he was ever comfortable at her house when she didn't have nearly as many rooms or couches or as nice a kitchen. Everything was bigger and better at Jimmy's house.
"Now, don't let the size intimidate you. It's very comfortable here. I want you to feel at home." he said, taking a look around for himself, seemingly admiring the home he'd created for himself.
"Y'know, Jimmy. Taken out of context, one could think you were talking about something else." Ellie joked, holding a completely serious face as she said so.
"You dirty, dirty, girl." he shook his head with a light chuckle, soon changing the topic of conversation, "Are you hungry? I made some arrangements for breakfast at a tea house a couple minutes from here."
"Do they have coffee?" Ellie asked.
"Darling, it's a tea house."
"Right. But should I ask?"
"Absolutely not."
"Got it." Ellie said, "Can I shower and then we go?"
"Of course. There's a bathroom in my room if you wanna go there."
"Okay," Ellie said, starting in the direction of Jimmy's bedroom, "I'll be back in a jiff." she smiled, kissing him on the cheek before heading further into the house.
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Taglist: @diaryofafan17 @tophats-n-lespauls @witchesdust @jonesyjonesyjonesy @paginate54 @hejustsatisfiess @salixfragilis @princesspagey if you want to be added to the list lmk!
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