#lmk and ill remove you
librarycards · 1 year
hi! im not sure if this is the right place to ask but my friend recently suggested to me that i probably have chronic pain and i sort of dont really know what to do? do you have any good resources for newly felt chronic pain (idk how to word it but its only cropped up in the last year or so) and how to navigate it? im really worried since its getting worse and i feel so lost :(
Hello anon! I'm also thinking and moving with this pain-made-pain, and very much empathize with what you're dealing with here. I recommend looking into the work & wisdom of crip doulas like Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha and Shayda Kafai, both of whom have written extensively on grief and grappling with worsening pain / "becoming more disabled" and the complex fears that go along with that. I also wrote about acquired disability, and will probably do so even more in the future.
Annie Elainey is/was an influencer who spoke a lot about queercrip matters, including tracking their chronic pain. They aren't so active on youtube anymore, but they provide an excellent grammar for talking about shifts in pain and ability.
#NEISVoid is also a huge community on basically every platform, where you can ask questions and get answers from a variety of people –– many of whom have been through exactly what you're feeling before.
Lastly, there are a few folks on here I also trust to speak about pain and becoming (more) physically disabled/ill - @crippleprophet, @cannabiscomrade, @materialisnt, @illnessfaker, @myalgias, and @osmanthusoolong, and whoever they all recommend.
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h1tmanmode · 6 months
sigh. another one
audio by @sumrbloom i think!!
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crplpunkklavier · 1 year
thoughts on vongole, and kristoph as a dog owner
DISCLAIMER: i am not a professional in dog care nor training. i have had and trained a dog for many years now, but he is not a retriever. i've studied up on other breeds out of curiosity (and due diligence tbh). if anything i say here is factually wrong and you know more, feel free to reach out!
Kristoph: Ah, yes, she's surprisingly delicate, you know. Requires careful tending. But, she is my "best friend", as they say. Phoenix: "Best"...? Come on, now I'm starting to feel bad for you. Kristoph: Oh? Of course, she's known to bite if handled roughly. Phoenix: Y-Your rose bites? Kristoph: ...... I was speaking of the photo next to the rose. My retriever, Vongole. Cute, but feisty.
this is all we ever learn about vongole. am i going crazy about it? maybe. (also, after this line, phoenix thinks to himself, "every dog has its thorn..." as if that means literally anything. i love him so)
vongole is one of my favorite mysteries about kristoph. she is not at all relevant in aa4, and if she was only ever going to be in this tiny bit of flavor text (so easily missable too!) why put her in at all? was she going to play a bigger role in a later game that shu takumi never got to bless us with? i guess it's possible. that would lift vongole on the same level as those pesky black psyche locks. but either way, we have her here, and that means i get to overanalyze her :)
or more accurately, i get to overanalyze kristoph gavin on the basis that he has a dog who
is a retriever
is "surprisingly delicate"
requires careful tending
is his best friend, as they say
bites if handled roughly
hey. what the fuck does any of that mean, kris?
lets start with the breed. i've mentioned in a post before that many of us seem to have collectively decided that vongole is a golden retriever, which seems fitting, since those are famous blondes, just like the other gavins. however, "retriever" doesn't automatically mean golden retriever! there are a few other retriever breeds. you're probably familiar with labrador retrievers, for instance. i have a curly-coated retriever in my neighborhood who, you guessed it, has a charming curly coat, pitch black, and is a trained service dog!
we often see retrievers as service dogs, because they're pretty fit for the job. the name retriever comes from hunting though. while my own dog is more engaged in actually running ahead and killing prey himself (no i don't let him do that.), retrievers have been bred to go and, well, retrieve prey for the hunters. this of course means that you can also teach them to retrieve other stuff for you fairly easily. like meds, socks, blankets -- stuff a service dog would be helpful for.
apart from that, retrievers are also known to be good family dogs, because they're friendly, affectionate, loyal, and quick to trust. they're also very active, and pretty smart! there are minor differences between the various retriever breeds, but this much goes for all of them to some extent.
why in the world does kristoph have a dog?
i... just..... does he seem like a dog person to you?? i just.... i mean, he doesn't seem like a cat person to me either. or a plant person. maybe he doesn't seem like a person to me. i just really stumble over this sometimes, because it seems wild to me to think that kristoph gavin got himself a retriever just because he.... wanted a retriever?
the guy works what's pretty much an office job. his salary shouldn't be very high, as a defense attorney? but, well, he's implied to like high-profile cases, and he had the money to employ an assistant, so i don't think he's poor. he needs time and space for a retriever, though. vongole isn't a little shih tzu who's happy to just hang out on your lap all day. again, REALLY active. this is a dog who wants AT LEAST an hour of outside time a day. kristoph gavin doesn't even look like he's ever seen the sun. but ok.
one frankly hilarious route i've considered is that he wanted a dog for protection. klavier says he's been "living in fear" ever since zak gramarye disappeared on him, and then he panicked enough to straight up beat him to death the minute he saw him again seven years later. he's paranoid, he's spying on everyone involved. i think kristoph really was very scared. so maybe at some point he figured he'd get himself a dog that would protect him from assailants.
i say this is hilarious because..... a retriever is not the dog you want, man. like, yeah, she'll be loyal to you if she likes you. the problem is she is also really quick to like you, or the intruder in your house, or the guy coming to your office to kill you. if kris got a retriever because he wanted a guard dog, that was a fantastic bit of stupidity, and i personally love it for him.
another angle i like, one that makes him a little less stupid and a little more horrifying, is appearances.
But, she is my "best friend", as they say.
this line really does something to my brain. kristoph gavin talks like a law text book at the best of times, so the somewhat awkward wording of it isn't really what's bothering me. it's the fact that he said it at all. it's that very last part. the "as they say." because, yeah, sure, people say that. yeah yeah, man's best friend, we've all seen it.
and it just... seems so very kristoph to latch onto a truism about human beings, to make himself look like one. look at him! he's got a suit, he's got a job. he's totally on speaking terms with his brother. when the bar association voted to disbar phoenix, he was the only one who voted against that (one more thing i'd love to make a big post about one day lol), he has regular dinner with his good friend phoenix wright, he has an assitant, he has a law office. he probably has a car, because it's LA. he has a savings account. that's not, like, canon, but he does. of course he also has a dog. he's just a regular human guy! he likes poetry and the arts. his best friend is a dog, and more than that, a breed which is known for its gentleness, and for how great they are with..... children :)
let's all sit back and let that chill go down our spine for a sec.
kristoph got a retriever to prove something. kristoph got a retriever for the same reason that he made friends with vera misham before he tried to kill her.
remember what his prison cell looks like? with the books, the arm chair, the violin? he keeps up appearances, even after his arrest. of course he'd put up a framed picture of his beloved dog. like any normal human person would.
but did he treat her well?
well...... well.
here's the thing.
i don't think kristoph gavin is an animal abuser. i don't think he treated her badly. but that's a sliding scale, with dogs, and with most pets, isn't it? if i'm never outright mean or violent to my dog, that's great, but if i never give him enrichment, if i never learn to read his body language, if i never give him what he fundamentally needs as a certain animal of a certain breed, i'm still not treating him well. i'm not treating him right, i'm just not overtly torturing him.
back to kristoph. in this vein, i often think about what we hear of his interactions with young vera. one thing that particularly sticks out to me is how drew misham says that kristoph was one of the very few people who ever made her smile.
kristoph clearly has a way with children, to an extent. he knows to get her that stamp -- he actually understands her childish fascination with magic a little too well and gets her a present that she likes so much it thwarts his whole plan. keep in mind that vera was 12 -- when kristoph's younger brother was 12, kristoph was 19 already, old enough to consciously learn things about the 12-year-old in his household. he knows kids, and he gets through to them.
but never fully, does he? klavier figured out something was off about the way his brother came to his office. and even vera, despite smiling at kristoph so earnestly, despite really loving that stamp, despite being only 12, even vera was so horrified by that little twitch of the devil's hand. there was always something uncanny about kristoph.
why am i bringing that up? i'm not saying everyone who's good with children will be good with dogs, or the other way around. but there is common ground. you're dealing with a living thing that's smaller than you, dependent on you, and you're building a relationship that'll take a lot of calmness, understanding, and reassurance. kids often can't express themselves in ways adults would immediately understand, and neither can dogs.
and i think kristoph got about as far with vongole as he did with vera. i think vongole liked him fine. again, retrievers are quick to like people. he was there, he fed her, he probably gave up trying not to let her up on the couch. sure she liked him. but did she listen to him?
before i ever had a dog, my mom used to tell me that she thought the concept of dog training (the german word is Hundeschule, so literally "dog school") was stupid, that she'd had a dog as a kid, and that dog didn't have to know any tricks, it wasn't a circus animal! well, my mom was also bad with every pet we've ever had, and with all three of her kids. so.
look, it's important that your dog listens to you. i'm just saying. no, it doesn't have to know "circus tricks," although depending on the breed, it might have fun learning them! and it definitely just. it needs the basics. your dog needs to understand what "no" means, and your dog should come when called -- i know we're all tired of alpha terminology and it's constantly used wrong, but, genuinely, your dog needs to know that you're the leader of the pack. your dog needs that, it's good for the dog. turns out i was also using it wrong! this reblog explains what i meant to say better than i could. my point was that you have got to give your dog something, some form of structure. for the dog's own cognitive development, for you to work as a union, and last but not least to make sure you don't bring harm to the outside world!
and, yeah, this is absolutely the part where i think kristoph failed. because no, i don't think he was ever violent with her or anything, but i also don't think he would ever have the patience it takes for solid dog training.
why else does he, unprompted, bring up that she is "surprisingly" delicate, and requires "careful" tending? kris, did you not know? why are you surprised by how delicate a literal living thing is? did you accidentally step on her paw and she acted like it's the end of the world? yeah, they do that. did you come home late from the office one night and there was a pile of poop on your overturned laundry basket? hmm. if only something could be done about that.
the "bite if handled roughly" part is the last one i wanna talk about, because that also gave me a lot of trouble.
i mean... dogs bite. they do! mine bites. especially puppies are happy to play-bite, often into hands, and it's important to get that under control while they're young. this also loops us all the way back around to vongole being a retriever. remember, they're bred to carry stuff in their mouths. it is in this dog's dna to use her mouth for stuff.
this means she might be bite-happy in a very specific way. i've actually read multiple times that retriever bites are "soft", because again, they're just supposed to retrieve game when hunting, not kill it themselves. it's already dead, and a dog actually biting into it would make it yucky for humans to eat. retrievers are good at moderating bite strength for that.
but.... it doesn't sound like that's what kristoph is talking about, is it? she's known to bite if handled roughly. that sounds like she really bites. and of course she does. if handled roughly. hey, what the fuck does that mean, handled roughly? who's handling her roughly?
again, this doesn't necessarily scream animal abuse. as @mlmschemes, out of professional experience, has brought up, there are certain things that need to be done during a vet visit that dogs don't always love, especially if they aren't used to it, like nail trims, to state the easiest one. you might have to hold a dog down for that. and if that dog is trained and socialized like ass, yeah, she'll bite if handled roughly.
but, hey, don't worry. she's just feisty. :) cute but feisty, he says.
just like every fucking dog owner i've ever met in the neighborhood who has a half-rabid untrained menace that would probably tear my face from my skull if not for its stupid retractable leash.
kristoph wants to be a dog owner because it's a fun normal human thing to do and makes him look non-threatening, well-adjusted, and generally likeable. but he sucks at dog training. nobody has ever fully believed the guy--fucking, even apollo IMMEDIATELY deserts him in court. kristoph lives a superficial life and vongole probably has zero trouble becoming the best friend of whoever gets her next.
just to bring this already embarrassingly long post to a point and an end, here's some quick tips from me for portraying vongole, and by extension kristoph dealing with her:
retrievers are affectionate, so vongole is probably a cuddler
kristoph probably has fur fucking everywhere. he comes into the office with a briefcase thats just filled with lint rollers
vongole knows exactly zero commands. if you have food in your hand, she will sit down, because sometimes that gets her things, and she will try to use it at every possible opportunity
if sitting down doesn't work, she will become more and more annoying. if my dog felt like i wasn't giving him enough attention, he used to walk up to my desk and nudge my forearm with his nose so strongly that my grip on my computer mouse would slip and i would fuck up whatever i was working on.
kristoph loses patience with her. it'd be interesting to write, because he'd want to save face if it happens in public, too. he can't yell at his dog there, that'd look bad. i imagine a lot of insistent leash tugging, a lot of ill-advised grabbing/holding her (here's where he probably gets bitten too), and a lot of smiling and laughing and being like "ohh, haha, she's just so feisty today, what's going on ooo she's so nice normally haha"
i doubt he played much with her? she probably had toys, but for kristoph to interact with them a lot.... you can play fetch with retrievers pretty well, because, once again, they're retrievers. and that's a pretty classic "look at me i'm a normal dog owner" thing to do, so he probably has some like, tennis balls and stuff that he'd throw for her. but that's probably it.
if you write vongole changing owners to klavier and/or apollo, please please please let her do a full 180. if you're going by what i've theorized here vis à vis kristoph, that dog is DESPERATE to learn. dogs want jobs and she would be SOOO happy to be trained.
forget that thing about old dogs and new tricks. my dog is 8 years old and i'm currently teaching him a new command, for funsies. it's working and he loves it. you can write vongole becoming a model citizen at any age. i implore you to.
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Hope its okay to post this. Wanted to bring attention to it.
But yes! The way I draw the characters is to imply they're young adults now.
Aging has been implied vaugely throughout the run of Lalaloopsy. With the babies for the original 8, The Webisodes and the Nick Jr. Series portraying them as young children (10-12ish if I had to guess), then Lalaloopsy Girls makes them presumably highschool age, and We're lalaloopsy always felt like they were going for older teens young adults since they own businesses (Crumbs cafe, Spots Studio, Jewels Boutique ect.)
I know a lot of franchises really like to stick to the cast being children but I like turn to MLP: FIM which had the same feel of the cast being young adults in the primary show. I liked the feeling that these characters were growing up with me while still being for kids.
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dilemma-danger · 1 day
making a picrew chain bc im bored :]
make yourself, then your favorite person/people!
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favorite people:
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@killthejoyhahagetit @pebblerebble @absolutelyzoned @caffienecrash @jetstar2828 @j4st3rc0re @noah-is-in-the-closet and open tags!!
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s0lar-ch3ri · 7 months
i make a new theory post on a frog (psoilers ahead)
with theories such as felipe is evil and/or working with niklaus:
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(post from aethlingg, his post can be found here! note: after research they no longer do jrwi content but rather qsmp content [specifically q!bbh and q!forever from what i noticed! theyre still very cool so go follow him [heres to hoping ik how he/they pronouns works btw])
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(post from redcloverf3y, their post can be found here! i cannot find if they still do post jrwi and just talk about other fandoms rn, but nonetheless go follow them!)
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(post from razberrypuck, its post can be found here! they def are still into jrwi from their lil bio and shit, but theres also others things they post, like q!charlie [or qsmp in general] and stuff, follow it too!)
to theories of what demon actually got felipe:
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(post by pulchrasilva, their post [correct the pronouns if im wrong, i couldnt find anything on the blog] can be found here! considering how five or so minutes ago they made a jrwi post, they def still talk about it, as well as other things, go follow them!)
to even some on felipe BEING niklaus (which i reblogged and stuff):
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(post is from aethlingg again, this one can be found here! for once i cant get a full image because its a long one but ill be talking bout my tags on it too)
theres been 2 posts on how felipe wasnt the culprit (heres one by wrinklemcdinkle) (heres another by ralexsol) ive seen, so im throwing my own theory into the mix: the demon is kuba kenta and kk (or mr. kenta) has relations to both niklaus hendrix AND the compass. lets get into it!
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lets start with the tags i wanted to use (i found they werent actually on the felipe is nk post, but rather on the second felipe is being framed post i linked)! theres a couple details here i mention but why do i say kuba in particular?
the only person who could actually have something against gillion straight up is jayson ferin, mainly cause he got stabbed by him twice, but jayson isnt a demon! you know who is a demon though? kuba kenta. so for jayson, mr kenta was the perfect way.
as for felipe's escape, the rope was burnt, correct? who has fire powers again? mr ferin. when felipe was being investigated or whatever, kuba contacted jayson and he got him out of there, leaving there be reason to assume felipe was dragged to hell.
yes i do think felipe was controlled by kuba to hurt gillion, it plugs up some plot holes thats for sure. so how would felipe been target if he only pulled the card the next day? because felipe probably was a target since he was born.
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its important to point out the compass not only having effects like kk's scratches do (give nightmares, cause physical reactions/changes, etc), but a similar color pattern to both niklaus and felipe. (pointed out by several people before me, like aethlingg in his actual essay about evil felipe working with niklaus shown above) another interesting detail is the nk tattoo is used with a moon attached, felipe's choice of goddess to worship. he immediately finds a friendship with chip when about 4 eps ago, niklaus had been given a stick by chip (important cause of how it was harder to spy on niklaus since the stick was in his room and stuff before, i think itd also add in an idea of "greater connection with the person" and stuff). i could go on and on abotu their connections.
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lets get back to the connection of niklaus and kuba. how would they even have met? probably something like chip did for his deal. as the quote above shows (found from the post by redcloverf3y, heres another link to it), people who have that desire for their goals will find him, not those who look for it. why would kuba need to strike a deal with desire daddy? because how else would he be able to use felipe. theres no way the curse would change the free will of felipe (it didnt do that for chip or gillion), so if he wants felipe to be a better puppet, he needs something to interfer with that. niklaus and kuba cut that deal, and felipe doesnt lose that curse on him, well to the others. kuba wouldnt have been able to give felipe the nightmares, anytime we see him hes with the three, so someone would have seen him get scratched! even if he got scratched in the couple months before they met him (cause felipe was six months old, not a couple days), the scars dont fade, rather theres the black ooze to them that burns, making it not a forgetable thing.
speaking of that, lets move onto the daggers situation. why the fuck would a tour guide have such dangerous daggers, poisonous ones to be exact (i heard it had poison effects somewhere, but sadly cannot find any info about that)? felipe has no need for poison daggers! he literally can spit acid! that means its only being used for its forgetfulness, which doesnt make too much sense to me since its not like being stabbed isnt just something you remember but theres the fucking pain of it too (example being, when i was younger and we were in the car getting ready to leave some place, there was this like tightness on my foot and i look at the door and [because it was one of those automatic doors and shit] it was closing on my foot. i didnt remember getting my foot in there and i still dont know how it happened, i do remember though how much of a bitch the pain was. not close to the pain of stabbing im sure, but you still remember the pain even without the memory of how it got there). that leaves one last usage: actually stabbing. again, hes a tour guide, he has no reason to need to stab people, no reason he should have a dagger that damaging, let along access to one like it. you know what has good weapons, ones with magic and shit? the navy. hell, theyre building a mechicanical leviathin! they of course have magic weapons for combat and such. and being a vice admiral, kk would have access to all of them. he gets a dagger for felipe, uses his deal to make sure felipe does whats needed, there.
so why would pulling the card get kuba as his enemy? its the magic of the cards! why would felipe hate gill? why would gillion dissappear only able to be brought back by powerful magic (whole can of worms for niklaus's abilities btw, needed to point that out)? the cards! theres also how felipe did reveal what his plans with gill were gonna be, but its probably just the cards.
i do also think the compass is related to kenta cause of their abilities being matched and it kinda fits him, a man driven even beyond the grave to reach a goal, even if that goal is only known by him...but this is long enough!
i hope i fed someones wants and if theres any contradiciting (or even more proving) evidence, lmk and ill try to counter it, bye and ill see you probably in a writing thing ive been putting off since this morning to write this
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preciouslittlecreature · 10 months
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Not sure when Ill finish this (my mental health has been on and off lately) but here's a W.I.P Nikolai Ive been poking at! Ive loved Nik for a good long while now and seeing him get more attention has made more happy so I figured Id finally throw my hat in the ring too. Especially wanna thank @sofasoap and @nrdmssgs for sharing all their wonderful work and being such great people!!
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dbssh · 2 years
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ive not really had the brainpower to do a ton of attacks this year but we’re about halfway through so heres the ones ive done (1 is @sistervirtue, 2 is broadcastpath9, 3 is @majorarcanas, 4 is @fictionallesbian ^-^) also heres my profile if you want to take a peek!
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cozyqueerchaos · 2 years
Oh, oh, can I have another one?
💤 for Infinite
💤 sleep headcanon-
omg okay okay I have to admit @dreaminginmysoup's amazing fic "simulated delusions" has infected me a little bit- the idea of infinite being able to dreamwalk is so cool to me, intentionally or not on his part. Unintentionally, I think it'd happen more often with people he's in close physical proximity to! Makes sharing a room a bit awkward heh. Intentionally, well. That'd be a really fun way to fuck with shadow :3
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qsmp-slime · 2 years
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cephalomon · 8 months
accidently nicked myself while shaving my neck so now i just gotta walk around with a bloody neck. ok
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nomaishuttle · 8 months
umm i doubt literally anybody aside from me is at all interested in this but here is my frankensweeney playlist its got all the songs from the 5 casts that r on spotify (1979 broadway, 2006 broadway, movie, 2012 london, and 2023 broadway) organized to the best of my ability :]
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something angsty for paige where maybe yall are talking and then you see the live of her kissing azzi at the bar?? (make it gut wrenching pls)
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summary — paige makes drunken mistakes and you figure out where you both stand
pairings: paige bueckers x fem cheerleader!reader
word count: 418
warnings: cursing, angst
authors note: hii thanks for this request! i dont really know the full context of that live moment so i didnt really wanna write it without that much knowledge but heres something similar! i kinda wanna make a part 2 just lmk if u guys want me too 🫶 ill stop talking now rah hope u enjoy!
part 2
It was around 2 am, everyone in the room feeling buzzed and tipsy.
After another victory from the women’s basketball team, they had decided to invite the UConn dance team to go out and celebrate with them for the night.
“Yo, guys! We should play a game.” KK sat up and leaned forward.
“What game?” You spoke up, making eye contact with Paige.
For the past few weeks, you guys have been getting to know each other and spending time with each other. Paige was so sweet to you. She got you gifts, took you out on dates and even introduced you to her family. You were starting to question things since none of you made it official.
“Truth or dare. But!-” KK stood up and poured a shot. “If you don’t wanna answer or do the dare, you gotta take a shot.”
Everyone started to sit up, listening intently.
“Alright, let’s start with you Paige!” KK rubbed her hands together. “Truth or dare?”
“I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl in the room.”
She scoffs. “Easy.”
Your grin widened as you realized she was walking to your direction, quickly dropping once she leaned in to kiss your teammate next to you.
“Ooh!” Everyone around you raised their eyebrows and laughed.
You felt like your heart dropped to your stomach. Did all of the gifts, kisses and the time you spent with each other mean nothing to her?
You cleared your throat. “I think im gonna head out. You guys have fun though.” You put on the best smile you could before grabbing your things and walking out.
“Get home safe!” Nika smiled warmly at you before glaring at Paige. “You’re a fucking asshole.”
Paige rolled her eyes. “What’d I do now?!”
Nika snatched the can from her hand. “You’re wasted. You’ve had too many shots and now you’re making stupid decisions.”
“Stop being such a killjoy Nika!”
“She’s done nothing but be there for you for the past 4 weeks!” She fumed. “You aren’t even going after her! Is she just nothing to you?!”
Paige stood up, rolling her eyes for what seemed like the tenth time tonight. “Whatever.”
She ran after you. “Y/N!”
You walked towards the taxi faster, wiping your tear-stained cheeks.
Paige jogged over to you, grabbing your arm. “Hey!”
You turned around, removing your arm from her hand. “What?”
“I’m sorry okay?” She slurred.
“Paige, I just don’t get it.” You sniffled. “You can’t treat me like im your girlfriend then go off kissing other girls!”
“Come on Y/N!” She groaned. “I thought we were just having fun! Playing around and being casual.”
You felt your chest tightening as she said those words. “Nice to know where we stand.”
“Wait Y/N-“
“Get home safe Paige. You’re wasted.”
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eccentricwritingbaby · 8 months
part one part two! part three
lando norris x fem!reader
summary - y/n is giving lando a run for his money in playing hard to get, and lando knows he's in love so so soon. 
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author's note! should i make another part or possibly make this into a series? lmk what ya think!
you woke up to a distant ringing running throughout the room. slowly rubbing your eyes and giving a bit of a stretch, you roll over in an attempt to find your phone. once found, you grimace at the time yet your smirk grows when seeing the contact read ‘mr mclaren’. 
“yes?” you answer the phone while letting out a cough to remove the sleep from your throat.
“did you just wake, love?” lando replies. you can practically see his teasing smile through the phone as he questions you. you rearrange your body so that you’re leaning against the headboard of the bed while biting into your answer, “mclaren, it’s currently 8am on a sunday, no person alive should be awake right now,”
you hear lando’s contagious chuckle from the other line along with a bit of shuffling around on his end, “i wanted to know if you were busy tonight,” he gently asks. you could tell he was a bit nervous from the small quiver in his voice. it had been around two weeks since your first meeting at the coffee shop, since then there were texts and calls constantly, but never an in person meeting since. you didn’t want to just be used by lando, expecting him to be a prick due to his celebrity status. there were certain insecurities that would become undone with seeing him in person that you were yearning to keep at bay for the time being. lando, on the other hand, only grew more attached to you. ever since he even saw you in the coffee shop he was beyond forward which he had never done before. sure there were girls in clubs that he could easily chat up, but he would never be so bold. and so sober. he knew from that moment - you were something special. something he needed. he enjoyed that you didn’t care about his celebrity status and were making him work, it gave him the reassurance that you liked him, not his wallet size. 
“i have dinner tonight for a friend's birthday,” you sigh, “maybe a quick lunch before?” you add on in haste for lando’s peace of mind. you honestly were not trying to avoid him, but his schedule was hectic with travel and you had many friends with whom you’ve made previous plans. 
“i’ve got plans during lunchtime,” lando says, you could practically hear the irritation in his voice, therefore leading to your next line, “i’m really not trying to avoid you, lando. I’ve just got a loaded schedule,” your words are gently said, attempting to ease his brain. 
“I know, love. I just really want to see you,” 
and then your next words came out of your mouth so quick you couldn’t even think, “come over,”
“what? i-i mean, are you sure?” his excitement was not hidden, yet the hesitation was purely based on his knowledge that you had just woken up, and only ever been with each other in person once. and that was your first time meeting. and nothing overly romantic happened. and now he’s invited straight to your place. 
“well, shit, if you don’t want to come thats fine ill just head back to sleep-”
“no no no no,” he interrupts sporadically, “i’ll be there soon, send me your address please,”
“hmm, i don’t know. you’re lack of excitement really turned me off from the whole idea i think i’ll keep my address to myself,”  you giggle a bit into your teasing. lando wants to be annoyed - he truly does. and if this was any other girl he just may have been. he most likely would have given up this chase the minute any other girl turned his request down in the first place. yet - there was something about you. you were different. and you were so worth it. 
lando clears his throat and begins to speak in a dramatic tone while giving your teasing right back, “that’s alright, y/n. i will drive all day and night if i have to, knock on every door. trust, my love, i shall find you,” your loud laughter rings through the phone and he swears his heart skips a beat. 
“ah mr. norris, your lovely sense of humor and perseverance have allowed you access to my apartment,” you smile once more and rattle off your address. once the call has ended, you jump out of bed and begin to get ready as lando said the ride would only be about 10 minutes. face washed, teeth brushed, perfume and lotion on, quick change of clothes from your ratty old pajamas to cuter loungewear, hair tied up to look as though you didn’t even try - all in record time. just as you finished the last spritz of your perfume, the knock on your door echoed through your home. 
sauntering over towards the door and swinging it open, you’re met with the face you hadn’t realized you miss so dearly. “why hello sleepyhead,” he chuckles. you usher him into your home while replying, “y’know you’re the one being irrational here? its currently 830 in the morning, it is crazy to be up right now. on a sunday,” he laughs once more while grabbing your wrists and lightly tossing them around his waist. his own arms then wrap around your shoulders as he plants a kiss to the top of your head. “i’m not being irrational, darling. but if you want to head back to sleep i would not be opposed to a nap,” you look up at him from where your face was resting against his chest, “please,” lando plants a kiss to your nose, “lead the way,” 
lando wakes up around an hour later, tucked into your bed with your head adorably pushed into his neck. he soaks in your appearance, one leg thrown over his hip, head cuddled into him, arm thrown over his chest and he relishes in it. the two of you hadn’t even kissed, hadn’t gone on a proper date, for the past two weeks only had fleeting phone calls and yet - this was normal. this was home. you were home. he thought as he laid with you curled into his side, he thought about a future, about a new beginning, about how adorable you would look in a certain papaya color, and god how his mother would just love you. lando couldn’t help the thoughts. he didn’t even know if you had siblings or anything remotely deep about you however he knew for sure three things. one - he was and forever will be completely, head over heels, insanely in love with you. two - his future has you and you only in it. and three - you both were so unconventional in your ways and in your soon to be love story that he knew his life would never be boring as long as you were in it.
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thebestandrealestever · 7 months
miles morales 42 x black fem reader
sum : miles is late again , but makes up for it warns : fem/black coded reader, yk he’s the prowler btw a/n : drabble. i realized i write like “hood love” 😂 anyway shessssssbackkk!!!!
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“where is this lil nigga ?” you said to yourself as you shivered outside the movie theater looking over your shoulders trying to spot him , when you couldn’t you grabbed your phone to check his location . it was off , n he only turned it off when he was doing sum he wasn’t supposed to . you decide to text him again and ask if you should just go home . surprisingly he responses within a minute. “nah go inside and start watching it i’ll be there .” you read it in a mimicking voice then he text again “15 mins ma , swear ill be there” you just send an eye roll emoji and head inside . you show the worker your ticket , gets your snacks nn just go watch the movie . after what seems like WAY more than 15 minutes you can sense a brownskin demon enter the building. and you were right , he sits down beside you and takes some of your popcorn looking at you . “ you look good , what i miss bae” you slow turn your head to him with a stank face “what i miss bae” you say mimicking him and he rolls his eyes and kisses your cheek “m sorry i got you sum it’s in the car , an apology to say the least .” he says putting his arm around you and moving closer . “you like making me look like a dummy ? this the 5th date you been late to , starting to seem like youn really care .” you say in a hushed voice looking back at the screen and he smacks his lips . “ don’t start bro , you know i got shit to do . you know i care and i don’t mean to be late im sorry baby” he says removing his arm and sliding it onto your knee and rubbing all the way to your thigh at a slow pace . “yeah i do know u got shit to do BRO but you gon be late every single time ? jus lmk what we really doing . you could just plan better” you say softening your voice and sipping your drink and he sighs rubbing his temple with his free hand . “im sorry mama , i need to be better and i will . trust me ima start doing right , these dates mean a lot to me , and im fucking them up . im sorry , imma be better for you okay ?” he says facing you and you turn to look at him too , its dark but you can still see the genuine look on his face . “i love you girl , and i do care . don’t ever question that ight ?” he says putting his hand on your neck to kiss you deeply and you return it of course . “i love you too miles , m sorry for being so harsh” you say pecking him one more time “you wasn’t being harsh i deserve it , you wanna stay and watch the movie or leave ?” he says adjusting his position and putting his arm back around you, “well shit i already watched half the damn movie let’s just finish it” you say and he chuckles leaning to peck your forehead again “whatever you want princess .”
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cyberkitty1 · 1 year
Twin au /e!42 Miles and e!1610 Miles
Warnings: reader is female & mentions of like fighting
inspo from: @moodysunflowerbaby
How did you meet?
middle school you have classes with the both of them but 42 neverrr shows up. So when he does and 1610 doesnt, youre going crasy!
“ hey miles! you got the braids you have been talking about done? I like em’ on you; suit your face well.”
he just looks at you sideways ”nah im not miles im Mylo, Miles is my identical twin”
you sit there mouth open “ but you look exactly the same its crazy!” he gives you a look like youre dumb ” yea… identical twins.”
after that you would bother them about twin stuff like crazyyy
“ ok miles whats he thinking?” “ getting new shoes” you look at Mylo “REALLY?” “No” they say in unison.
“ wait if you are the same then do you share everything?” you say out of pure curiosity. Mylo looks at you with the most annoyed fave he could muster” no i don’t let his musty self touch my stuff” miles looks at him “ we doin this here?” “ ill do it wherever hermano”
dating one while being friends with the other (42)
you spend a lot of times in your room bc if you try to leave rio makes you take Mikes with you HAHAHA
“ooo that sounds fun! take your brother” shes says walking away “ on second thought we just gonna stay here” Mylo says walking you back to his room.
You guys dont do anything you wouldnt do in front of his mom but when Miles walks in asking for shoes or jewelry Mylo still gets annoyed.
“ tomorrow night we should go to the mall and then get dinner at-“
“Hey can i borrow some dunks?”
“ hey can you take yourself out of MY room before I remove YOU myself? What I tell you bout nocking?”
“ my bad” he says walking out
Mylo pays like 0 mind but it still shocks him that he can pull yk? Not that Mylo likes you but how can his little brother that 0 shocking things about him get a girl?? just shocking.
“ you know what I think bout?”
“ that you got a girl acting and looking like that”
“ nigga what? WE LOOK THE SAME”
Miles is so annoying about having a gf i cant
“ Mylo, yk what i got that you don’t have?”
“ A GIRLFRIEND” ( insert crazy ugly laugh)
Imagine like guys dont like you and its a dumb reason like you rejected them and people dont know yall are frinds so they talk MAD SMACK about you and Miles and Mylo they egg egg them on to beat you up at a said location but they show up instead and get put on a hospital bed HAHA
^ do as you wish with that but if u use it LMK I GOTTA READ IT
taglist @soseoulol @shoyofroyoyoyo
side part NOT part 2 here
my taglist is open so please fill THIS out!!
if you filled it out and were NOT mentioned please dm me!!
i also cut my finger so writing is kind of difficult so bear with me 🤭
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