re1gn404 · 8 days
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andymatronic · 1 year
Haven't rlly drawn a lot of PL related stuff lately, but have swap Alfendi and Lucy ^^'' ✨
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Came up with the swap thingy yesterday and i already love them qwq
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islaytonlost · 1 year
This is based on this post by @mystery-room not the fanfiction it links to because I could not get google translate to translate it on my laptop but if you can read it I reccomend giving it a go, it looks interesting.
Here's my take on it, I hope you enjoy.
He’d woken up slowly, what the doctors had called a minimally conscious state, he’d been able to open his eyes for short periods of time and move his fingers. Alfendi didn’t remember this. He didn’t remember what Hilda had said to him while he was unconscious. He couldn’t remember his sister’s visits; he could only see the flowers that proved them. Some had been brought, some picked.
When Katrielle was a child she’d picked flowers out of people’s gardens, not understanding why it was bad, no matter how many times anyone explained it to her. He remembered her doctor phase, learning everything and anything she could about it and being delighted to hear that Florence Nightingale had recommended flowers. Katrielle had loved the idea and demanded flowers every time she got sick.
He regretted now not being for her last time that had happened. He’d been so busy on the case with Justin and Hilda he hadn’t found the time.
He should have.
Hilda had been there when he woke up, properly, when he’d sat up gasping. She’d looked delighted, about to hug him, hold him in her arms. Missed opportunities.
“I killed Keelan Makepeace.”
He could remember those words, echoing around in his head. He could remember them but not all the times Hilda had come to sit at his bedside.
The face Hilda made he would remember. He would never forget that. Even if he had forgotten everything else. It’d just been a blur of voices, all yelling, trying to get him to retract his statement but he’d held true to what he said. He had shot Keelan, he remembered clear as day. He wasn’t supposed to. He had meant to do it. He’d wanted to kill him.
Someone had gripped his shoulders and yelled, “this isnt you!” the nurse ushered them all out after that insisting Alfendi needed his rest. She kept giving him nervous looks though. It was understandable he had just accused himself of murder.
He’d been handcuffed to the bed before Katrielle  arrived.
"Alfendi? What happened? They're saying you killed Keelan. I know you didn't tell me what happened."
"I'm sorry Katrielle ."
"What?" She backs away from the bed, shock in her eyes, "Alfendi?"
"I killed Keelan Makepeace." He'd been repeating it so much it sounded like he was just commenting on the weather. Well, sounded like someone else was commenting on the weather, Alfendi wasn't this calm, ever.
"No, not you. Alfendi would never kill anyone… Who are you?" Her raised voice didn't even make him flinch. He just sits there, accepting his fate.
Alfendi always fought, his fiery temper and stubborn nature meant that he rarely relaxed. He usually got fired up promising he was doing the right thing, that he'd catch the bad guy.
He did remember that. His calm demeanour surprised was because that hadn't worked out. He'd changed so he wouldn't hurt anyone. Hadn't he? Why else would he just be accepting his fate.
"I'm your brother."
What? Why would Katrielle say that. He was her brother, he'd always been her brother, "I'm your brother." He repeats, house devoid of emotion, surely she just didn't understand.
"No!" She repeats louder.
Maybe he didn't understand, "very well," he accepts. Katrielle  stared at him somehow this statement shocked her further.
"What have you done with my brother?"
"I don't know what you me-"
A nurse rushes into the room and tries to soothe Katrielle . His sister doesn't fight her, only stares at Alfendi, tears streaming down her face.
When the real Alfendi, the murderer, had started whispering in his head he'd been so angry about Katrielle.
Why didn't you fight back? She wanted you to fight back! She wants her brother. Pathetic.
Maybe. His family had loved a murderer though and he wasn't about to lie about that. Even if it hurt.
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quibbs126 · 2 years
Random question, but why does everyone seem to assume Layton and Alfendi had a relatively rocky relationship, and seems to have been the least favorite child?
Cause like, I keep seeing these two having a bad relationship, and I’m not entirely sure why
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highcicada · 21 days
i am literally making friends already
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theskoomacat · 2 years
the entire first asgard segment in Cod of War 2 made me scream. odin is sooooooo. a tyrant, a god slash ceo that's on some level tired of all that and wanting more, a fucked up patriarch of a fucked up family. to be clear that's not the qualities that endear me, only make him more interesting, but he's just sooo fun to listen to. (i will probably reevaluate my opinion on him once his motivation is cleared up - they still have time to say it was all a trick~ and a performance and flatten his character to shit.) can't not mention heimdall being a bitch and thor being an even bigger bitch. chefskiss
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lichedits · 1 year
i’m in the mood to change things up since i’ve cleaned up the inbox, so we’re going to play this game again:
send me two things and make me choose between them!
this can also include making me choose from a group of things (favorite p5 phantom thief, favorite genshin anemo character, etc.)
you can drop these into my inbox here! posts will be tagged with [ * make me choose ]
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caestusvulpes · 8 days
js if you think hikari can redeem straizo or that she can make him a 'better person' you have a fundamental misunderstanding on how their relationship works.
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eyesteeth · 1 month
i know the lmj/lmbr timeline is incredibly confusing (barton talking to hershel on the phone in lmbr despite layton still being gone in lmj, which takes place after lbmr chronologically) but i don't think hershel was there when forbodium happened. i don't think he knew his son got shot until years after the fact and heard it secondhand. maybe he didn't hear about it until he'd been back for months. i think fendi only has al's memories of their father, and doesn't have any for himself. maybe he's often compared to a man that, for all intents and purposes, he's never met. "forget hershel" is a fendi line, after all.
imagine if desmond looked after them after hershel left. now there's a man who knows how to hate a father. there's an older brother who knows what it's like to be left behind, to grow too fast, to have a younger sibling who's always so cheerful, to feel guilty that he can't be that happy anymore. maybe there's a family resemblance there. maybe desmond's more of a father to alfendi than hershel ever was.
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re1gn404 · 8 days
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added more stuff
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andymatronic · 2 years
Potty Prof✨
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islaytonlost · 1 year
Three's a crowd
For a prompt by @madmaxou. This is a four part series. Second Part, Third Part, Fourth Part
TW: Blood and stabby stab.
Disclamer: I am no professional in writing OSDD. Please do not use my fanfic to shape your views on the real world.
---- They were closing in. The killer was beginning to sweat, Lucy was beginning to grin. Fendi took a step back for once, letting her take the lead. She knew what she was doing after Forbodium after all and he trusted her, with every inch. She was a damn good detective.
“N-no I, uhm, I,” the killer stumbles, hands folded behind her, some false show of confidence. Fendi scoffs. Then his eyes narrow as her arms move out, too fast to be another false show of anything, no.
“Prof watch out!” Lucy calls. Pushing him to the side. She was so idiotically self sacrificing and he could never have expected otherwise. He'd always planned on being closer to the danger, to protect Lucy. Instead he found himself being pushed into a stack of paper. It tumbled to the side, he struggled to stand as paper slipped out from beneath his feet. It would be faster to look down, to stand up slowly and carefully but Lucy already had a gash in her arm as she struggled to apprehend the killer. Who only lunged at her again, aiming for her chest.
"Lucy!" He yells as she falls to the floor as if calling for her would bring her back at all. As if he could help her at all. As if he hadn't been scrambling there uselessly.
The killer stabs him on the way past. She didn't have to. He'd fumbled. Lost his partner, was she really so arrogant to believe he'd let Lucy die over stopping her.
Lucy… she lay motionless on the ground. Blood gushed freely from her wounds, pouring out with no care or concern for Lucy herself, "help!" He calls, hoping that the mystery room wasn't shoved so far out the way nobody would hear. That would be his fault after all, "help!" He needed to turn her, so gravity would start working with him.
Lucy’s eyelids flutter. She was still awake! "Lucy, Lucy can you hear me?" He crawls over to her, ignoring his own wounds, ignoring the blood smearing across what was possibly some very important documents.
"Prof?" She groans, "Prof did you get her? We can't let her get away."
"I know," She wouldn't get away with it, not for long, "but now I need to help you, alright? I need to turn you on your back. Okay?" Al was there too. For the first time in ages they were working together to control their actions.
Lucy groans out again, a mix between a sob and something else, "I don't," She pants, "I don't know if I can take it Prof. It hurts."
"I know," he begins to roll her, slowly, carefully, Lucy cries out in pain. Pain he was causing. What kind of mentor did that?
"I jus told you! It hurts! Thought you were better at listening Prof!"
He chuckles slightly, removing his lab coat. She'd stabbed across his chest, it hur6t to move, it'd hurt a whole lot mote later when the adrenaline wore off. He couldn't let that happen before he'd helped Lucy.
"You're bleeding out," he observes, folding the lab coat and pressing it against her chest. 
"So are you. What kind of detective am I, only just noticing a thing like that?"
"Your wounds are deeper," he observes, "I suppose you could be forgiven for being distracted," his chest was so warm and the rest of him so cold, maybe he was losing more blood than he thought, Lucy's eyes were fluttering closed, "no! Stay awake, please."
"'m sorry Prof. I don't want to let you down. Either of you," She mutters, eyes still closed. Her speech slightly slurred too.
"Never, you've never let me down" he looks at the door, then back at Lucy. His lab coat could work for now but nobody was coming. He needed to get someone. He needed to bet out there. Before they both bled out, "can you stay awake for me?"
Lucy doesn't answer. Crap. It was now or never. He forces himself to his feet, bunching up his jumper and sticking it half-heartedly into his chest wound, hoping it'd soak up the blood. 
This time he makes it out the office. Maybe fate thought it was funny. This time he made it partially down the corridor before stumbling over, catching himself on the ground with his own bloodied hands. Both Al and Fendi concentrated on moving now. Working in perfect sync to haul themselves along the corridor, towards an office.
Blaine Darrwrite stepped out of his, having heard the crash, "Alfendi?" Blaine called.
Oh great. Him. Alfendi didn't like him with every fibre of his being, Blaine was a pompous arrogant know-it- all who couldn't solve a case to save his life and now their life was in his hands.
"Lucy! She's still in the mystery room, help her!" He calls back to Blaine, sitting in a pool of his own blood, Blaine hesitates, "I can look after myself, please!" Blaine still hesitates, Alfendi glares and he hurries off. 
They manage, through some inexplicable strength, to find someone to call an ambulance. He sees Lucy, pale and unresponsive being carried off. Pain blossoms in his chest. His mind switches off. He lets the darkness consume him
The state Alfendi is in thought most of this is what the professionals call blurry. It's when you can't tell who you are because too many alters are close to front. In this case Al and Fendi are working too closely together in too dire a situation to keep questioning whose actions are who's.
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mystery-room · 2 years
Do you know where I can find the lmbr manga?
here you go, sorry for the late reply i forgot to check my PM box aa There is a fan translation in English in the LBMR Discord, Courtesy from @dryicecubes (tq so muchh)
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castaccio · 10 months
I understand that this blog is a bit of a mess but no I will not make any side blogs. I already mod one and I still fear misblogs. So here's my tag system, current and outdated, for each fandom and their sub-categories (no hyperlinks yet sorry,,, gotta copy-paste that in the search).
In use: am currently using as a labeling system, will continue using for foreseeable future.
Discontinued: did use as a labeling system, but no longer care enough to type it out each time.
Tags only used once or twice may not be included.
In use: #orin ayo #express #wekiddy #sevenbox #gonebox #scratch
#hazbin hotel
In use: #duckiedeer #sir pentious
#Resident evil
In use: #Ethan Winters (#Escape BSAA AU), #Rosemary Winters, #Mia Winters, #Eveline Baker
Discontinued: #Chris Redfield, #Leon Kennedy, #Luis Serra, #Karl Heisenberg, #Alcina Dimitrescu, #Mother Miranda
In use: #espio, #infinite #starline
Discontinued: #sonic the hedgehog
#Professor Layton
In use: #lbmr (see also #lmbr, a mistype), #flora reinhold
In use: #Hamlet (#OCD Hamlet), #Macbeth
Fandom, disambiguous:
In use: #dst, #ace attorney, #tbol, #fnaf, #aurora #CARL
Discontinued: #don't starve, #michael afton
Personal, disambiguous:
In use: #cast-ask-io, #precious things I don't want to lose, #castaccio audio file, #castaccio scribbles, #streamofconciousnessposting
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call-me-rucy · 1 year
“average LMBR manga chapter gets 24 comments" factoid actually is just statistical error. average LMBR manga chapter gets 17 comments. “Comments Al” Layton, who lives in the Prof’s head & gets 44 comments each chapter is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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arataki-neato · 1 year
Lmbr fam Seele's trailer was like... the main reason I downloaded this game so if I don't get her...
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