#lmaoooo i have no idea what this is
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animakemecry · 2 years ago
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Questionable Decisions
Chapter 1 - 3.4k words
Summary: Being a grad-school student with Connie and Jean as best friends is a lot of fun, but you find yourself in a precarious situation one night after Connie's friends Annie and Mikasa join you and the guys for drinks at the local bar.
Tags: Attack on Titan modern!AU, Attack on Titan college!AU, Annie x reader (kinda), Jean x reader, bisexual!reader, afab!reader
CW: NSFW, masturbation, drinking, alcohol
****Minors DNI****
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It’s only 4 p.m. and you’re just barely able to keep your eyes open through your last lecture of the day. Finals week is approaching much more quickly than you anticipated and you’re behind on some major projects, but motivation is dwindling and procrastination keeps taking over. You’re past trying to focus on the lecture, so you pull out your phone to text your best friend Connie.
“I’m about to pass out in class right now, I’m so bored.”
“lol that sucks dude. did you wanna come over after you get out of class?”
“Yeah that sounds good. I need to work on my project proposal, but I can work on it while I’m there.”
“aight bet. idk what time Jean is gonna be back, but we could grab a drink when he gets home if you need a break.”
“A drink sounds pretty damn good right now.”
You zone back into your applied biostatistics class and try your best to focus on the material. You love neuroscience and you don’t regret choosing this major, but after grinding through the first two semesters of your master’s degree it’s taking every ounce of your willpower not to take a gap year. You start thinking about getting drinks with Connie and Jean later and the thought of Connie’s overconfident approach to flirting with girls at the bar makes you smile to yourself. Finally you hear your professor start to wrap up the lecture and you make a beeline for the door.
The walk up the stairs to Connie and Jean’s apartment feels extra long today. Maybe it’s just the mental exhaustion adding to the psychical fatigue. You hang out with Connie so much that he got tired of having to get up to let you in while he’s gaming online with his friend Bertholdt, so he just gave you your own key. You’ve never met Bertholdt since he moved across the country for college with his best friend Reiner, but Connie has told you all about them and how they begged Annie to go with them when they decided to move. You’ve only met Annie a few times, but you have a good sense of her vibe. She’s working on a master’s degree in kinesiology at the same university you attend so you see each other on campus sometimes. She usually seems pretty closed off, but you’ve seen her laughing with her friend Mikasa on campus and it’s like seeing a totally different person.
Once you walk inside the apartment Connie moves over to give you room on the couch and offers to get you a snack, but you’re so behind on your project that you accidentally cut him off to ask if you can use his kitchen table as a desk for a couple hours. You set up your laptop and textbooks and put on your headphones to block out the sounds of disapproval coming from Connie as he plays Overwatch. It felt like an eternity of checking your notes, cross-referencing, and meticulously typing out the appropriate methods when Jean finally walks through the door smiling over at you.
“Hey you.”
You instinctively roll your eyes at him. You know Jean well enough to know that he’s a natural flirt, but you can’t stop the slightest blush from appearing on your cheeks when he directs his flirtatious energy at you. Before you can reply to him Connie blurts out,
“Dude where have you been? I've been getting slaughtered in game without you.” 
“Sorry bro, one of my coworkers had an emergency and I had to cover the last couple of clients he had coming in. You guys wanna go get a drink?”
You immediately close your textbook and push your chair back from the table making Jean laugh.
“That bad huh? First round is on me then.”
“I appreciate it. Sorry you had to work late.”
“Nah it was nothing really. I’m just sorry I kept you waiting.”
“Yeah, you better be.”
Jean pretends he’s hurt by your sarcasm before going to his bedroom to change out of his work clothes. Connie asks if it would be okay if he invites Mikasa and Annie. You see no problem with that, in fact, you get a little excited at the idea of getting to know them both better.
Jean comes back out of his room in joggers and a loose fitting t-shirt with the Vans logo on it. You try to distract yourself from looking at the casual flex of his muscles as he stretches his arms up over his head. Connie decides he’d prefer to walk, so you guys set out for Sina on Tap. You listen to Connie tell Jean all about his plan to find a girlfriend tonight as you hold back the urge to poke fun at him. Once you get inside you see Mikasa and Annie at the bar throwing back a couple of shots and you can’t wait to have one yourself. You know you’ve been in need of a break and a good distraction from school, so you’re hoping you can let loose tonight. Mikasa sees you and the boys and she waves you over to her. Connie gives Annie a little half hug and asks her what they were drinking and then turns to Jean,
“Well Jean, you said first round on you right buddy? That’ll be 3 tequila shots, we’ve gotta catch up to them.”
Jean orders your shots for you and you take it back no problem with a swift bite into the slice of lime on the rim. You feel Annie’s eyes on you and you turn to try and start a conversation with her.
“So what made you want to go into kinesiology?”
“I originally picked it at random cause I thought the pay would be worth it, but at this point I actually find it really interesting. What about you? You’re in neuroscience right?”
“Yeah, I want to work on neurological solutions for hearing loss. I would be devastated if I wasn’t able to listen to music or hear my friend’s voices anymore.”
“Wow, that’s a pretty big goal. That’s cool.”
Annie talked to you for a while longer before Connie challenged her to a match of pool and Mikasa followed them over to the tables. You looked at Jean and joked that Connie pulled two girls instead of his usual zero and he chuckled. You guys just sat and sipped your beers for awhile before Jean asked you,
“So what do you think about Annie?”
“She’s cool, I still don’t really know her, but I feel like we could be friends.”
“Nice. I know that would make Connie happy.”
“I wanted to ask about that, do Connie and Annie have some kind of history? I saw the way he looked at her when we first walked in, and I don’t know if I’ve ever seen him initiate a hug.”
“Annie and Connie? Nah, no chance. She and Reiner were super close and Connie helped her through her depression after he and Bertholdt moved across the country. I know it was her choice to stay here, but I think it really hurt her to be left behind.”
“Damn, I can imagine so. I’m glad she has Connie then, and based on what I’m seeing right now I’m glad he has her too.”
You and Jean both look back over at the pool table where you see Connie attempting trickshots behind his back. You notice the way Mikasa is watching Annie laugh at Connie’s performance, and with some observation you start to understand their dynamic a little bit. You watch Mikasa’s eyes trail down Annie’s body taking in her tight black jeans and her oversized flannel. You see her eyes flit back up to Annie’s smile in an instant with adoration on her face. You turn back to Jean to confirm your suspicions,
“Are Mikasa and Annie…”
Jean cuts you off,
“Dating? I don’t think so. Mikasa has always seemed protective of Annie even though Annie can absolutely take care of herself. I don’t know if the attraction goes both ways though. I’ve never asked.”
You look back over at the scene unfolding in front of you and realize you’re a bit envious of Annie. You wish you had someone that looked at you with the level of care that Mikasa’s face is conveying. It’s been a couple of years since you’ve let anyone get close to you emotionally. Your mind trails off into thoughts about the last relationship you were in. A relationship that left you feeling like domestic life was a cage. It’s not that you wanted to date tons of people or sleep around, but you felt like you were constantly being told how to live your life and truthfully, your ex had some beliefs about traditional gender norms that became a major turn-off. Jean must have noticed that you were staring off into space cause when you snapped back to the present you heard him ask,
“Were you even listening to me?”
“I’m sorry, I got caught in my brain. What did you say?”
“I was just talking about how it always seemed like Annie had feelings for Reiner, but nevermind about that. You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m alright, just some memories from the past.”
“You wanna talk about it?”
“Not particularly.”
“Okay… you wanna drink about it?”
You laugh at Jean’s successful attempt to bring you back to earth. He flags the bartender over and orders you a couple more beers and another shot. You both throw your shots back with ease and decide to take your beers over to the pool table to join your friends. To everyone’s amusement Annie is showing Connie the right way to attempt a trickshot from behind the back. She sinks the 10 ball in the side pocket and smirks at Connie. Connie shrugs his shoulders trying to appear unimpressed, but you can see the boyish excitement tugging at the corners of his mouth. You watch as Connie and Annie finish their game with Annie easily pocketing all of the stripes in just a few turns. After she sinks the 8 ball she turns to ask who wants to face the winner and Jean jumps at the opportunity. You watch as Annie meticulously reracks the balls and lines up the cue. You notice the rings on her fingers, gemstones wrapped in delicate wire, dainty enough to appear feminine, but drawing enough attention to her hands to feel a bit sensual. You watch her shoot the breaking shot sinking the 3 ball. The raise of her eyebrows conveying careful consideration of what her next move will be. She sinks the 6, 2, and 5 balls before she just slightly misses her shot on the bright-yellow 1 ball. Jean observes the table with a fervent look in his eyes.
“Damn, you’re not going to make this easy for me.”
“Why would I? Can’t keep up Kirschtein?”
You giggle in admiration of the confidence rolling off of Annie’s tongue. Jean looks over at you with a shocked look of betrayal on his face. He can be so dramatic when he gets competitive. 
“You’re rooting for her now!? I thought we were friends.”
You roll your eyes at him and smirk at Annie.
“Can’t argue with talent, and from what I’ve seen Annie is the most talented player in the room tonight.”
Annie gives you a shy smile and you can’t tell if it’s the low lighting playing tricks on your eyes or if a light blush really did just spread over her freckled cheeks. You realize it must be the latter when you notice Mikasa glaring at you from behind her beer bottle as she takes a long sip. There’s a fluttering in your stomach that you can’t ignore as you realize the guys are looking back and forth between you and Mikasa trying to assess what just happened. Jean breaks the tension by lining up to take his first shot on the table. He sinks the 11 ball and just barely misses the corner pocket with his following shot. Annie lines up her next shot and makes quick work of the 1, and 4 balls before she asks Connie to grab her another beer from the bar. By the time Connie comes back Jean has managed to sink three shots before missing the fourth. He walks around the edge of the table to where you’re standing and leans into your ear to ask you what the hell you’re thinking by flirting with Annie like that. You tell him you didn’t mean for it to come across flirtatiously. Truthfully though, you have always thought Annie was beautiful. You start mulling over all the times you’ve seen her around campus in her doc martins and her layered crystal necklaces. Always listening to music with her bulky headphones on over her sleek blonde hair pulled back in an effortless bun. You feel a tension pooling inside of you and you don’t dare look over at Annie or Mikasa for fear that they might see your thoughts written on your face. This is the first time you’ve ever consciously considered Annie in this way and you get flustered by the flood of thoughts rushing to your head. Connie’s hand on your shoulder startles you enough to shift your focus and you see that he’s gotten you another beer. You must’ve had at least five beers and two shots by now, and you can feel the warmth coming over your body as the alcohol affects your senses. The game wraps up nicely with Annie sinking the 8 ball as effortlessly as breathing, and Jean and Mikasa make their way to close their tabs at the bar. Jean walks back over to you and Connie to ask if you’re ready to go.
“Yeah I’m ready, you didn’t have to pay the full tab though. I thought you were just buying the first round.”
“It’s no problem. You and Connie can split the next one for me.”
You say bye to Annie and Mikasa taking note of the tension on Mikasa’s face when you address her. You realize this might become an issue, but the alcohol has caught up to you at this point and you decide to pocket that thought for another time. As you walk back to Connie and Jean’s apartment with them you decide you don’t want to call an uber to take you home, so you ask them if it’s okay if you crash on their couch.
“You know you don’t need to ask us. You’re always welcome at our place,” Connie says lightheartedly.
This wouldn’t be the first time you’ve stayed at their place overnight. There have been several instances when you haven’t had the energy to drive home after a late night study session, or haven’t wanted to spend the money on an uber. You’re always grateful that the guys let you stay whenever you need to, and you always keep an extra change of clothes and a toothbrush in your backpack. You walk up the stairs following Connie’s lead and make your way into the apartment. Connie asks you if you’d like to take a shower and offers up his bathroom to you. As much as you would like to feel refreshed before bed you don’t have anything to sleep in except the shirt you’re already wearing.
“I don’t have anything to sleep in if I shower; the only clothes I’ve got in my backpack are jeans and a crop top.”
Jean mocks your unpreparedness and offers you one of his t-shirts for the night. You kindly accept his offer and tell Connie that he can shower first if he wants to. Connie obliges and makes his way down the hall to his room and bathroom. You sit opposite Jean on the couch and he asks you if you want to watch a show while you wait for the shower. He puts on a random episode of Bob’s Burgers and asks if you want anything to drink. While he’s in the kitchen getting you a water bottle your mind starts to linger back on the thought of Annie blushing at your compliment. The thought of her beautiful freckled cheeks blushing just for you forces a sheepish smile to your lips. Before you can catch yourself Jean comes back into the room,
“What are you smiling about?”
“Oh, um, nothing. I think the tequila is making me loopy.”
“Since when are you a lightweight?”
“Since tonight I guess.”
It’s a horrible cover up for your real thoughts, but it’ll do for now. Connie comes back into the living room shortly after and tells you that his bathroom is all yours. You ask Jean to get you one of his t-shirts like he said, and he tells you to go pick one out for yourself. You go into his room and open his closet door to look for the softest shirt you can find. It’s a black shirt with the Guns and Roses logo on it. You walk back into the living room and ask him if that one is okay. He says it’s fine, so you walk down the hall to Connie’s bathroom to take your shower. Once you step in under the hot water you realize how wet you are. You can’t believe the thought of Annie got you this aroused, after all you barely know her. Your hand dances around your clit for a moment while thinking of her. You feel a need growing inside of you and you slowly slip two of your fingers inside your slit hoping you can take care of yourself before going back out into the living room. You move your fingers in and out of yourself at just the right pace and feel the pressure in your body building. You curl your fingers up into the spot that will send you over the edge. You come thinking about Annie’s cute little face underneath your pussy. After riding out your orgasm, you realize you’ve been in the shower longer than need be, so you wash yourself off quickly and hop out of the shower as fast as possible to avoid suspicion. You wrap yourself up in a towel and brush your teeth. You feel the warmth left over from your orgasm in your legs and it makes your pussy start to ache with need. You know you can’t do anything about it since you’ve already been in the bathroom much longer than you should’ve been, so you decide you’ll take care of it once the guys are asleep. You throw on Jean’s t-shirt and pause a moment to take in the distinct smell of him that lingers on it. You’ve never noticed Jean’s natural scent before, but now that you’re enveloped in his t-shirt you can’t help but take it all in. When you walk back into the living room Jean and Connie are both gone. You hear Jean’s shower running and assume Connie went to bed. You see the folded blankets they left for you, and you go to work making the couch into a bed. Once you’ve laid down you realize how warm your body is. You can’t tell if it’s because of the alcohol, the arousal, or both. You start to move your hand towards your clit when you hear Jean’s shower turn off. A few minutes later he comes into the living room to ask you if you need anything else for the night. You tell him you’re all set, and he tells you goodnight. Once he closes his door you let your hands wander to your breasts, pinching your nipples and massaging them with greed. One of your hands instinctively travels down to your clit where you start rubbing small circles making yourself squirm underneath your own touch. You inch your fingers further down into the pool of warmth forming between your legs. You’re so wet it’s almost embarrassing. You start fucking your pussy with your fingers, doing your best to suppress a moan as your back arches up from the couch. Your free hand is groping your breasts as you feel yourself spasming around your fingers. You move your free hand to your clit and start rubbing it delicately to avoid overstimulation. Your body is on fire with an aching need as you slam your eyes shut imagining Annie kissing down your body and sucking on your breasts. Your fingers are curling inside you and your body is spasming in response numbing all your senses. You open your eyes and freeze when you see Jean staring at you by his bedroom door, shocked.
chapter 2
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spacegirlsgang · 4 months ago
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berrysprouts · 1 year ago
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a cozy fall island inspired by the song "north" by sleeping at last
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@ ashtonirwin // 2019 WWJ Tour // @ 5sos
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kiivg · 8 months ago
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crow-quet · 10 months ago
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starryeyesmasc · 4 months ago
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frauleiiin · 9 months ago
Oh little they know..
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faunandfloraas · 8 months ago
Hanging with my cousin and was scrolling twt while she went in to pay at the servo and someone had posted a zoomed in shot of seungmins lil butt and when she got back in the car she was like What were you lookin at to make you look so evil all of a sudden, its like I can see the horns growing out of your head ? 💀
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snazum · 1 year ago
Take back the Fortress chapter 17 spoilers - - I didn't think I was going to be drawing smth for chapter 17 until I saw that the fic was updated, got sucked into reading and then I needed to draw. I sort of had to re-write cheavys thoughts in a first person POV, uh I'm not great at writing so idk if that came out well lmao. But please, if you haven't already you need to read this fic. I linked it above, it's by @medics-secret-shipfic-folder !!
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mvlionheart · 2 months ago
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There’s a text message from Nico, ten minutes ago, a vague offer to get drinks that Max wants to decline at first. His thumb hovers over the screen and it’s like the cosmos answer before he has the chance. Nico is typing and then a new message appears. All it says is Bottle Service and Max knows exactly what that means. It would be both of them, Kevin and Nico, and they’d be waiting for him. Every other idea about how he should spend the rest of his evening flies out the window. Wallowing traded for distraction. The chance to get them together is too good. Maybe he didn’t win today on the track, but he could make up some ground in the other championship he was steadily falling behind in.
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djevelbl · 4 months ago
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I probably will, actually
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artyfartyliz · 5 months ago
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au brainrot in the form of Little Guys TM
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recallback-art · 4 months ago
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Tis my friend @cystodiscus's birthday today, and what better way to celebrate than with a little art of the OCs I met them through all the way back in 2017? Been a long ride buddy, and it was a joy to draw my favourite guys.
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cerealandchoccymilk · 1 year ago
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another getakichi and some studies of the dads. when am i gonna be able to watch this movie.....
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god mizuki is such a cutie patootie it's ridiculous. puffy eyes, babyface, smoker, salaryman, war trauma, scars, bloody, pathetic, he's got it all. toco is a genius for designing him
and for gegero lets jusr say . im straight up [i am forcibly removed from the area]
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