#lmao. they'd be best pals after.
ddlcbrainrot · 5 months
I love how your mind works so much everything you say is canon now bc I said so.
Since you've done Monisuri, Moniyuri and Natsuri thoughts, do you plan on doing any other ships? Sayonika would be cool/nf
my mind is a cat, a red panda and a raccoon in a trench coat pretending to be human, or so i’ve been told so thank you
if people ask me to, then sure!
sayonika makes my brain go brrrrr and i stop thinking proper thoughts bc i love them so much every time i see them i just go hehehe so this is going to take a while bear with me
m…monika and sayori,… kithes…
ok but srsly, i think the reason i like sayonika so much is bc its a very versatile ship. You want cute best friends to lovers? Side stories are right there. You want angst fest, hurt no comfort with no happy ending? Base game is right there
If we are talking about base game, a lot of questions pop up. Like how did they even get together? (probably some time after the ending, maybe since both have gone through the epiphany they bond over that) Can they even be in a functioning relationship after the events of ddlc? (a functioning one? no lol, but maybe after a lot of work they make something special) Does Sayori ever forgive Monika? (surprisingly, yes after a long time. I actually can see her "forgiving" Monika right away, only for her to build up resentment over time and snap and so she realises that she needs to actually feel and process her feelings of anger and betrayal before she can forgive Monika) Does Monika forgive herself and lets herself be loved? (THERE IS NO WAY LMAO). So yeah, the main headcanon i have for them in base game is that Monika never fully forgives herself, no matter how much Sayori insists she forgives her. Because i love suffering.
Anyway lets step away from the sad sad world of base game and get to the happy stuff of side stories :D
So yeah, bffs that slowly realise they like eachother
I think ive mentioned this before, but they give off first sapphic crush/relationship vibes. if you know you know
Both had a hard time accepting they like each other bc both were like "shes too good for me..." (dumbasses)
Acting like a couple before even being together, im talking hand holding (how lewd...), cuddling, compliments, you name it
And when Natsuki would be like "you guys act so gay for eachother" they'd be like nnNnNoOoOo We're just gals being pals (dumbasses p2)
Who would confess? Probably Sayori. But only in a last resort situation. She'd be expecting to be rejected too. Surprise surprise being the kindest person alive gets people to like you who would have thought
PDA couple.
Sayori's physical affection and Monika's words of affection? You can't be around them without getting diabetes
Im not kidding when i say they would be the worst couple to be around. But like in a sweet way
Sayori steals Monika's clothes
They paint their nails the eye colour of the other person, so like Sayori paints them green and Monika blue
When one is having a bad day, the other gives little notes filled with cheezy puns throughout the school day to cheer them up, and they talk about whats bothering them after (sayori started this and it has become kind of a tradition)
I can keep going but if I do this will end up longer than the declaration of independence
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canadianlucifer · 10 months
1, 10, 20, and 21 for Seidou?
*vibrating with excitement* yeah i'm so normal about him
under the cut bc I wrote nearly 1k words and 50% of that is the first question oops
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
Where do I even start? I'm gonna separate og and re here and explain them separately.
Starting with the unbelievably tragic insane opossum, he immediately became one of my faves when I first read vol 3 because it was just such a shock I think. Obviously I felt bad for him when I thought he died, but the contrast between his human self and now was just crazy. I'm not entirely sure why I liked him when the volume came out bc that was back in 2018, but after rereading the series I can fully say I like him so much now because he is just incredibly sad and complex. I could go on and on and probably write a whole essay (which, huh. Come to think of it that might actually be fun), but it kinda boils down to "he didn't deserve to suffer like that" and that leads into why I'm also a fan of his human self.
In og, he was a bit of an asshole, yeah, but he was just a kid. He was excitable and eager and quite emotional, easily showing when he was happy or proud or angry or upset or scared and the CCG took advantage of that. He was indoctrinated and told that genocide is the only option. He was only 20 year old when he was given a gun and told to kill and that that wasn't just okay, but good. That he'd be a hero protecting Tokyo for murdering people. He was told "good job" for killing and was even upset when he wasn't able to kill even more, wanted a promotion so he could wipe out families and communities and be rewarded for it. I could go even further with how fucked up the CCG is and their practices but let's move on. Seidou is one of the few investigators who didn't become an investigator because of some personal hatred for ghouls or a significantly traumatizing event, he became an investigator because his mom was scared of ghouls. From what he wrote in his will it seems that he wasn't particularly scared, but his mom certainly was and he wanted to protect her. So he went to the academy and worked hard but it just wasn't enough. No matter how hard he tried, he was always second place. Always just not quite good enough. He still got the job he wanted, but it's clear he wanted Akira’s place. He wanted to be partnered with Amon and to go on missions but got stuck with a workaholic that calls him into the office at 10pm to fix a report (not to mention knowing that he's already drunk like. It could wait until morning, do you really want someone in the office that's wasted? But that's for another day-). I think it's important to understand his human self to fully appreciate his character in re, there's just so much context for why he became like he did if that makes sense.
WOW I have been rambling for a while oops let's move on lmfao
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
I doubt it. As a ghoul, no way he's way too annoying of a friend. Like, clingy but also pushes everyone away and at some point you just have to be like "fine, be that way." I would not be able to stand his emo ass tbh. As a human, I just don't think he'd want to be friends with me lmao. Like, he places so much of an emphasis on rank and achievements and stuff I don't think he'd want to hang out with someone who'd have absolutely no interest in the CCG if it were real and would probably harbour ghouls lmao
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Oooh good question... hmm, I'd say Kaneki honestly. Human Seidou and kuroneki would be good pals because they'd just be silly good pals hanging out and Kaneki should've known more about both sides before going off the deep end and Seidou should've had someone to talk to outside of the CCG to know when his aspersions were getting a bit obsessive, someone to point out there's more to life than work and I think Kaneki could have shown him that through his stories. And with ghoul Seidou and kingneki, we only saw it a little bit but they seem to be on good terms after he got his sanity back. Kaneki says that they're similar in that they're both empty and need something to chain them down lest they go off and die and they could be each other's chain so to speak. Like, if they make plans to get coffee or whatever it's like "well shit I can't die now, I've got plans", it's the same mentality if having a gym partner I think. You get a gym partner because it holds you accountable for going to the gym, you don't want to disappoint your friend, right? Anyways yeah I think Seidou and Kaneki would be good pals.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favourite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
INFLICTING THE HORRORS UPON HIM AND THEN GIVING HIM THE EMOTIONAL EQUIVALENT OF WARM SOUP. You can see in the two fics I've written that I just love putting that babygirl into bad situations and then giving him comfort it is the BEST. Hurt/comfort my beloved.
As for don't like, I'm not sure... I don't write too often. I suppose dialogue is kinda difficult, I have a hard time giving characters different speaking styles, I end up making everyone sound the same but that's more of a general writing thing, not specific to him.
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beevean · 1 year
ooh, are we making fun of NFCV again? i wanna add to the pile re: how all the so-called "diversity" and "representation" it gets praised for goes overwhelmingly, if not entirely to the bad guys - and half of them don't even have a speaking role or even names, or at least we don't learn about them anywhere else besides the supplementary material, like in the case of drac's vampire generals (except godbrand, of course). even the two PoC good guys i can think of, zamfir and greta, aren't that great considering zamfir is portrayed as hopelessly and delusionally devoted to the deceased targoviste royalty, to the point of forsaking the wellbeing of both the underground and aboveground survivors, and then dies anyway in service of that delusion. and greta's just a last-minute newcomer to allegedly address grant's conspicuous absence that fans were complaining about from the start.
We never stop making fun of NFCV lol, there's always something new to point out 🥰
I can see how fans would respond to this that representation doesn't need to be relegated to heroes only, and you can have minority villains as long as they're not stereotyped. But yeah, the representation in NFCV is shallow at best and offensive at worst.
Most Generals in Dracula's army don't have a speaking role. Cho, the Japanese vampire who goes down in less than a minute in S2, gets a flashback after she died, because storytelling.mp4, and even then she doesn't talk. I only remember Raman's name because Carmilla says something like "there are only 4 women in this castle" nope it's just 3 of them lmao
Sumi and Taka look identical despite not being related according to Word of God, which is hysterical to me because you know they said that to divert the accusations of incest. my pal. you really think your GoT-inspired show is above twin siblings having a threesome? Also, you know, they immediately jump to rape by deception without a hint that they'd do that through all season, and then their corpses get graphically mutilated and pissed on (contrast this with the white, most likely French Lenore who gets to flirt and be cute with her victim)
Isaac is gay! How do we know that? He "jokes" out of nowhere about kissing Hector, a guy he has zero respect for. This line has no follow-up and is OOC with how serious the character is always portrayed. And that's not counting his declaration of love made to his abusive master when he was a boy.
I don't know enough about Islam to have a solid opinion on how it was treated in Isaac's case, and in a vacuum having a "complex" Muslim anti-villain is more original than usual. But I don't like how his self-flagellating habit was first treated as a result of his traumatic past, then as a religious practice, then completely dropped. Using Mohammed's own words about Hell being emptied, which from what I've read mean that in Islam hell is transitory, and twisting them to justify his necromancy is... certainly a delicate choice, but again, he doesn't really reflect on this in S4, he just jumps to "wow I sure love having agency!"
Also, in retrospect, it would have been much better if Isaac hailed from the Emirate of Granada instead of being a slave, a backstory more befitting for N!Annette for her origins and time period. In his case, it would have been more original, and expanded the world a little more. What's that? He wouldn't have a reason to hate humankind? Then how come game!Isaac can do it just fine? :) You know, since he was persecuted (maybe even by the Spanish Inquisition!) for his cursed powers? :) maybe you can have more reasons to hate humans than "former slave"? maybe black people can be depicted as something different than slaves? :)
Striga and Morana are cute together, but are non-entities who begin and end with each other. Also, funny how Morana, the lesbian of color (triple minority!), is literally the most useless and wasted of the four :) and even then the most characterization she gets is "she loves to torture people". nice
Alucard was made bi by Word of God and I don't need to repeat how appalling it is. I hate that most "antis" have a problem with him being attracted to men in the first place, and not that the declaration was made to downplay his sexual assault.
(meanwhile Carmilla, inspired by the literal archetype of the lesbian vampire, to the point that you can even see her game version as being a lesbian thanks to Laura, gets reduced to joke that she'd only sleep with Godbrand if all the men, half of the women and some of the animals died. but hey, she's a radfem, I guess that's enough)
Apparently I have... controversial opinions on the choice of darkening Hector's skin and the ethnicity he is in this version. But I will say that there is something weird in deliberately giving him bronze skin, I suppose to emphasize his Greek heritage, and then spending two seasons literally dehumanizing him and lowering him to the level of a dog and pet.
Also something about the Speakers, nomadic people whose oral traditions get made fun of, by Sypha in particular who calls them idiots, is... hm. The wiki even points out: "They are also similar to the Jews (especially due to their reverence for knowledge and their tradition of oral history) and, to a lesser extent, to the Romani."
I skipped Zamfir's plotline because by S4 I had burnout, but yeah, Greta is probably the best character of color and even then she's little more than a generic badass woman with attitude. Also she's even more ambiguously brown than Hector, I would say on the same level as Casca from Berserk - you can tell she's not white, but she's not really anything else.
(btw no, she has no relation with Grant :) )
tl;dr: the only good representation in nfcv are the tunisi people isaac speaks to and this is why i do not trust them with black annette, and i hate the fucking discourse on twitter from people who just don't like the design change
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detroitbecomeonline · 2 years
Who is fanon Sixty for you? I have seen the range from glue eating dumbfuck to sadistic rapist
I've seen that range too, and it's wild how people can interpret and add to the base of Sixty as a character. Technically it's just a warped version of Connor, but like... Incredibly, so, so much worse (affectionate). I mean I will not(TM) write an essay about how he's not a 'character' as such but symbolism for Connor's self-reflection and
For me, fanon Sixty exists in all fanon forms equally, because that's how I like to interpret canon stuff too. (Multiple timelines = different ways you can interpret a specific behaviour or choice.) BUT I do have content preferences, and glue-eater is definitely one of them lmfaoooo
Either way, I don't actually like the versions of Sixty I've seen the fandom adopt (it's just personal preference), yet I don't have my OWN headcanons about the character since I haven't played enough rounds to hear all his evil monologues lol. (I like to discover things organically, so I stay away from YouTube.)
But fanon Sixty to me is just... Connor. If Sixty survives the bullet in the head and goes on to deviate and live life, then he's Connor up until he deviates, just like Connor in crossroads. He has the ability to adopt his own personality, and interests, and assign himself personal goals which could look very different from Connor. Connor (according to Bryan) would become a palaeontologist I think if he no longer worked at the DPD. For Sixty, using the same skills of reconstruction, licking stuff, and tracking where things had been, I think he would become an efficient game hunter and could be called to take down bears or other dangerous animals that bother farms. He wears a cap but his pickup truck blares show tunes. His hunting pals hate him, but he's the best. He's formal, logical, and doesn't mind doing the dirty work. Clean at home, filthy in the field, always in the long grass and shrubs. Imagine just... dungaree!Connor, basically. He lures animals out with replicating sounds. (We all know how he lures Hank out and about smh.) And as a deviant, he cares for animals enough to understand how the wilderness works. Plus, he can find a cliff to monologue upon well after the sun has set.
Sixty would visit Connor to give Hank free meat (he knows Hank loves meat) (and he has a dimmed affection for him due to Connor's memories) and they'd hang out and play video games together. Connor and Sixty exclusively play on Russian lobbies and are absolute bots at it as a duo.
To me, Sixty is dead either way. If he kills Connor, CyberLife replaces him, but of course, he can die in the tower. If they somehow got him out altogether with the android army, he's still as smart and calculating as Connor is. He's still willing to do anything for the mission, but whatever is strictly necessary for the mission. On the fanon scale of "glue eating dumbfuck to sadistic rapist" (so well put anon btw) I wouldn't know where to rate him because fanon Connor is hardly aligned on that scale. Connor's fanon scale is like, good boy - evil machine - submissive - dominant (LIKE A POLITICAL SPECTRUM LMAO???) and I rank fanon Sixty on the same wavelength as Connor, which in my headcanon, is also up to interpreTATION FROM THE MEDIA WHENCE IT CAME. IDK if I'm making sense anymore. Sixty exists in the void but he's still a hunter to me.
For the record, I really enjoy @poorlydrawnandroids' interpretation of Sixty. That one's my favourite. It lingers in the salty-idiot area on the scale.
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1,2,7,6,9 for whichever s/i you’d like!
Since I'm working on creating a C.araval s/i, I'm gonna answer for her rn 🌟
1. As all my s/i's pretty much her name is Gillian, I do enjoy the idea she's called the Muse. Do fates have birthdays? They were created I think, I guess it'd be whenever they were created, not sure if it was like simultaneous. She smol, tiny girl. My default is 5'0, maybe smaller; I'd make my s/i's three inches if I could lmao
2. Hm, the fates are all only released at the end of C.araval? It'd be then I guess, unless she was woah special, she couldn't appear earlier. I have to read how they're released and that stuff to know more.
6. I feel like I want to give more s/is pets, I haven't given many any. Maybe she could have some lil pets, something that represents love and inspiration like her. I was thinking of pomeranians today; the pomeranians of inspiration lmao
7. Of the characters I know currently, probably not. Julian being a flirt might hit on her, but like there wouldn't be any actual romance there.
9. Probably the other fates, some of them. Again, haven't met them, but it makes sense. I feel like I know Jacks personally after hearing you talk about him as often as you do, but they're gonna be close in the way she annoys him on purpose. Of the characters I do already know, Scarlett is a neat protagonist but I'm not feeling incredibly attached, I think they'd be pals but not besties; same with Julian. I mean since she likes passion she'd probably want Scarlett to give in to what she wants more, but she would approve of how Julian and Tella already do that, whether or not it's great for them like I said she's probably got that double edge of falling too deep and she's not the best judge of when to pull back. And I'm curious about Legend, like I know he's gonna be portrayed as a sauve love interest type of man, but he feels like he should be some fail guy I could get behind Mr. Made a deal with a witch because he couldn't perform. Already have decided hes a loser but said endearingly. He may suck. Can't say exactly what their relationship would be, I haven't seen much of him; though I'm pretty sure I met him. He's Dante, like obviously, yeah? He's kinda a bitch, I'm into it, I want to know more. Aiko is neat, I want to know more about her, they could be good friends. With what little I know of the other fates rn, she'd probably be pretty friendly with most.
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softfuzzyships · 1 year
🌹 ⏰ 👀 for the s/i / oc ask! since it's been literal Months since i talked abt them i'm sending this for my kny oc sakurasou and your kny s/i!
some old og info abt them: they've known shinobu since they were kids, way before kanao was adopted. much like most characters, their parents were killed by demons, which made them want to join the corps. they were kind of mentored by rengoku and so they admire him like an older brother. at the start of the manga they're already a demon slayer w/higher ranking than mizunoto. not a hashira yet, but they're doing their best to get promoted so they can support their wife (shinobu). before kanae died, they were a bit of a problem child because they were more chill and appeared happy-go-lucky, and they'd often fall behind and slack off. but after kanae died, they adopted a more disciplined & strict, "tough love" personality to complement shinobu's now more "peaceful" and easygoing personality.
(sorry if that's a lot hehe)
YOOOOO OMG IM SO EXCITED they are so epic. Yes they will be pals
🌹 - Your S/I and mine are double-dating with our F/Os! How do you think that would go?
It world go well I bet, if not only cause shinobu giggles the whole time cause me n kyo are just being silly lol. I bet we would all have tons of stories to swap n stuff to catch up on from all the journeying. Poor sakurasou might just look at me n kyo like "Maybe u should calm down a lil" but I cannot I am sorry
⏰ - When/How would our S/Is meet? How were first impressions?
that's so funny they're the same rank essentially, I bet they'd meet during training sometime. Idk if i would make a good impression but I'd try lmao,,, I'd prob try n engage w them when they're training like "woah that's super cool How'd u do that" but if that annoys them I'll just walk away like a sad puppy
👀 - What does your S/I think about my F/O? Does it affect the relationship between your S/I and mine?
I like shinobu! She's rly cool and damn she got style. Honestly me @ all the hashira but I'm always like :0 cause I just think she's dope. Be very proud of ur wife sakura-kun
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juleworm · 1 year
Hiii I saw your post about Punk 57 and the main reason i liked it because it basically took me a day to read. I went in knowing it reads like a Wattpad fic so I kinda just didn't really deep dive into anything and just read it for what it is. I cringed and the spicy parts and kinda skipped over those. But Misha is basically every guy I've ever had a thing for soo idk kinda had a soft spot for him. Hated ryen she was the worst. Idk I wasn't obsessed it wasn't my favorite idk why it's being hyped on social media but i liked it probably would not read again. I gave it a 3/5 on goodreads
hellooo!! thank you so much for letting me know! i genuinely was curious and i'm glad you didn't take it as an offense, haha.
i think i understand liking misha to an extent? i agree, ryen is rather insufferable LMAO but i can understand having a soft spot for misha. i just think he was so unnecessarily mean for no real good reason if that makes sense. he also had no reason to string ryen along like that, i think he should have been up front from the start. could've avoided a LOT of the major plot point dilemmas.
and i agree, it took me about a day or a day and a half to read it as well. i think part of the issue for me was, like you said, it's written like a wattpad fanfic and had i known that, i probably would have been more patient and less scrutinizing with it. i don't think it lives up to the hype on social media; either that, or social media just isn't elaborating or reflecting better about what the book is and why they liked it, if they like it to embrace the cringe or whatever.
i didn't mind the spicy scenes that much, but there were definitely a few moments where it was... interesting to say the least hahah. i think i gave it a 2 when i first finished it because iirc i didn't mind the ending ( it's been a while though, i'm not sure if that was why or not or if the ending actually is good but i can't remember why else i rated it higher when i first finished it ) but i think i bumped it down to a 1.5 a few days later the more i thought about it.
i just felt like nothing really happened. it was like 300 pages of just vague plot and confusing characters and a really cool plot idea that just failed in execution. i mean the bullet point summary of pen pals for 7 years having a sudden fall out and then the trope of one of them knowing the other but not acting on it sounds so fucking cool and that's why i read it but something about the actual book and how it turned out just felt so... odd to me. i can't really place it.
i dunno. i think i should just admit that penelope douglas's writing style just doesn't agree with me for some reason. i liked credence well enough for it's characters; i LOVED kaleb, he's one of my favorite book characters ever as far as characters go, but i could never get over the plot and how it was all like... almost incest and they'd mention it every once in a while so it was sort of impossible to just forget about it. every scene with jake made my skin crawl. i feel like penelope is just rather overhyped in general for some reason.
i sort of want to read devil's night, have you read that series? i see people saying it's really good and that it's her best work, but after credence and punk 57 i'm... apprehensive at best hahah.
thanks again for the ask! really appreciate it!! :)
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avoskorm · 1 year
Finally beat Ganon in BotW this morning.
After doing literally everything else in that game.
I even got the motorbike Master Cycle. Waaaaay past the point at which it would actually be useful for me, but still. I like doing side stuff before main quests, so the MC was on the back burner until the last minute lmao.
So yeah. Finally done with BotW. And I have Opinions about it.
Weapon degradation sucks. I have always hated that as a mechanic. Even the Master Sword has it, and it sucks. It could have been better incorporated if they'd even just made it so the Master Sword passively recharged when not actively being used, rather than having to use it a set amount of times, it "breaks" then you have to wait for it to charge completely before being able to use it again.
I'm not sure if the game is trying to encourage combat or stealth. With the weapon degradation (which sucks, I may have mentioned), I'm leaning more towards stealth. But then there are mandatory fights, and boss fights. If you've been doing more stealth to avoid damaging your kit, then hooray you have weapons with which to fight, but absolutely zero practice with the combat.
The addition of Majora's Mask kind of exacerbates this, as it's basically every monster mask rolled into one, so I personally almost never fought anything unless I absolutely had to.
"Absolutely had to" usually referred to my cover getting blown by Octoroks, Chuchus, and/or Keese.
I find it odd that you can't really defend yourself without a weapon. You can't even punch. If you don't even have so much as a stick, you're basically screwed. I know remote bombs are available, but they do barely any damage to most things, unless they're the really, really low tier monsters.
The best horse is obviously Epona, which is paywalled. Which is kind of balanced out by the fact that horses overall are pretty useless. Epona herself can't have her tack changed, so you can't put the Ancient Armour on her, so you can't call her from anywhere. Which is largely what makes them useless, I guess.
Not enough outfit slots for every piece of clothing in game, even if you're not planning on doing on in every colour like some people have tried (and I thought I was a crazy collector)
Some upgraded outfit sets completely trivialise some of the puzzles, even in the DLC dungeons. And I'm 100% okay with that lmao
I really, really wish there was a better camera, or better yet a proper photo mode. Even the pictures you can take in the game with the Sheikah Slate, you can't really do anything with them, and screencapping them is pointless because the image is about half the size with the border and the Sheikah-style scan lines covering it.
The maps inside the castle and the Divine Beasts are confusing. At least to me they are. I prefer not having a rotating map, so when it's forced that way for the castle/ Divine Beasts, I have to check the map constantly and try and figure out where the hell I am. I'm aware that's probably a me problem.
The Trial of the Sword is probably harder than it should be. If you need a stronger version of the Master Sword to get through the game, you're not going to be able to complete the trials. If you can complete the trials, you probably don't need the sword.
There's a side quest where a Zora girl has you escort a love letter to basically a pen pal down river. You eventually find the recipient is a grown-ass man. The Zora is a child. What the fuck, Nintendo? He calls her "darling" at the end, and I felt really uncomfortable helping with this. It's probably supposed to be cute and I'm reading too much into it but still.
I think that's everything.
It's probably not everything.
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krabmeat · 2 years
Ctubbo is their first buddy. He probably finds em lost on the edge of lmanburg and brings em in just in time to witness the fall of lmanburg (L)
After that comes cphil and ctechno, the trio going on to form the Syndicate. Through the Syndicate they get closer with cniki and cranboo, as well as channah for some reason I just think they'd vibe together (they commit arson with niki👍)
Cranboo becomes a better friend over time bc they can kinda connect over personal shit and also they're both socially awkward so they just naturally get comfortable in each other's presence bc they know how awkward the other feels
omfgyoure SUCH a c!ranboo and c!techno kinnie ISTFG
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the-lonelybarricade · 3 years
Just dropping in to say IT'S FRIDAY!!! And that I hope you'll have a nice weekend <3
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Also, in the spirit of crack ships/friendships (because that's how we two started talking on here lmao), I just realized a Feyre and Aelin friendship would actually be really cool? I'm only on HoF, but I feel like after getting to know each other, they'd totally be friends XD
Oh, I love you darling! I so needed this, happy Friday!! I unfortunately have three assignments due mon/tues so it will not be a relaxing weekend for me 😭
Aelin and Feyre would 1000% be best pals. Can you imagine the havoc they could wreak together? Especially if you throw Mor into the mix bahaha. 3 badass, powerful females absolutely owning the faerie world.
And if we really want to talk crackships, they would make an insanely hot couple.
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lex-n-weegie · 3 years
I wanna infodump about my fnaf s/i so uhhh if you like hearing me talk for 3 paragraphs look under the cut skdjsoan
Ok so, Hannah the Hare. I know I've barely posted about her before (and tbh I'm in the middle of redesigning her) but here's some old art so you can get a good idea of what she looks like (along with her little bunny friends)
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Hannah's whole thing is art, hench her color pallet and her bunny pals having primary colors. She loves to paint, and she exists to teach kids about colors and shapes, with the help of her friends Lemon, Apple, and Azure (names may change in the future).
And now for story lol
JJ was originally made to stand/be with BB, but was never fully finished and didn't have arms yet. After fnaf 2 shut down, JJ was found and it was decided that they'd make a spin off location, where every animatronic would be opposites of the original toys. Hannah and the rest of her friends (who have yet to be named lmao) were then made, using the toys as a base. The toys are still fine, they're just put in the spare room since after the robots were built, they didn't have a purpose anymore. However, there was an idea of booting up the toys and having a special show with the new guys.
Hannah, of course, was made to the opposite of Toy Bonnie. She's a lot more introverted, has a more calm/"girly" hobby compared to TB's guitar playing, and thinks she's average at best while TB thinks he's hot shit jsjsna
Also while I'm here, I might as well explain her other pals (no art because I haven't fully designed them yet). You got opposite Freddy, a serious chess champion who's kinda an asshole (a girl and based of black bears), opposite Chica, a culinary chef who's the best at cooking and has a hot temper (a boy and is a white/adult chicken), opposite Mangle/Toy Foxy, a fashionista who's a bit of a germaphobe (non-binary and a wolf), JJ, and a cheery clown puppet, being opposite Marionette (demiboy). A weird cast of pals for sure, but they all love and care for each other a lot!
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myvelouri · 5 years
I just can't remember how to be me
It's like this now, I cant remember how to behave or act like myself. Because when I acted like myself I wasn't "acting" all of that came naturally. How do you make something that used to happen naturally happen again? I'm not forcing it but I'm fucking it up. I can remember how I used to be. You know? At work or school, and you see someone, a coworker that you work with, you just mess with them, tease them or make a joke, and you naturally become friends with a unique relationship and you both fuck around with each other being stupid. That's how it used to be for me. I'd make everyone laugh. Ice breakers were so easy for me. Usually something funny would happen in front of us and I'd make joke about it, and that would be the first time we ever interacted, and lmao it would be a great first impression. Other times I literally had inside jokes with people I JUST met in the hall. I can't remember but I'd be walking down the hall and another girl would be walking down and we'd both see something ridiculous or someone do something ridiculous. Lmao and I'd make a gesture or something and they'd laugh. Next time I saw them I did it again and we'd crack up. Eventually I'd talk to them but there was already this safe familiarity between us. Do you want know how sweet that is? I'm so glad to have experienced this in my life, and actually it's happened a lot! I think it was my reaction to things happening, it used to be funny, I used to be funny. I used to also be very class clowny but not in a douchey way. God, life without depression is something else. Yeah so I made friends easy, don't get me wrong I still do this, I made a few friends just being natural. But I'm not consistent at ALL, and even at my best now, it's nothing compared to what I used to be pre-depression.
I think there's a few girls at work that just don't think I'm chill, they talk to the other guys at work all on their own and joke with them and try to mess with them. Meanwhile I'm just awkwardly there, I feel like, I'm not acknowledged and I'm not joked with... I don't think those two girls are comfortable with me. That "safe familiarity" isn't there with them and so they don't just come to me as friends and joke around. It does hurt, yeah, I mean, they are just people but... I really enjoy messing with people. I can't tell you, I can't explain how big of a thing this was for me. To joke, to mess with people. Sometimes I'd just make up shit and try to keep a straight face if my buddies were around cause they knew I was making shit up. But it was so believable lmao, some shit was so clever. I can't even come up with shit like that anymore
Anyway. Yeah. It applies to talking or hitting on girls too. There was this gorgeous girl at work, she was shopping around and my coworker egged me on to talk to her. She had black yoga pants or something on and a green athletic top with long sleeves, gorgeous straight hair, great legs, great butt like wtf wow. And so I couldn't even feel myself, I can't be myself, plus I can't be intimate with anyone right now due to my health, yeah, it's a huge drag, and so I only asked her if she needed help. And she SO CUTELY said "OH! NO! SIR! I'M just looking around!" And she was so full of energy and the way she said it, I died. Omfg she was the cutest girl ever. I couldn't find her after that. She was very bouncy and shopping, looking for home decor stuff, she was texting rapidly every few moments. She was so cute. Thin, fit, Hispanic, maybe mixed. White and Hispanic maybe. She looked to be around my age for sure, like maybe 26ish.
But what's the point. I'm being treated like subhuman my regular girls that are my coworkers, you think I'ma be able to pull someone I like? I am so beat down by my health, by this MRSA infection and my other virus I have. I'm really, really fucked up and it's triggered my depression badly, and then that depression is making me forget how to be myself. Another co-worker gal pal, she is being totally wary of me, I thought we were cool but it seems I was wrong. I just.
I'm so tired of this life.
It's not the same life I had. This is too much brain damage.
And when I first started working here I was more natural and jokey, totally able to be myself and the girl who was training me, omg I was making her laugh sooooo much. Because I felt much better, not as depressed, but like, that mode where I'm able to have a small tunnel of happiness and joy. I did that. And guess what? Me and her are hella cool! She's totally awesome and I talk to her, she's a cool chick! She kinda looks like rihanna I just realized. I even went to a party with her and had a few shots with her. She's totally fun. And see? I was just being my natural goofy self, even though it's not on the same level as my pre-depression goofy ass self, it's still good enough to be trusted and befriended, liked, what I'm used to.
And so the other girls I don't know. I am just. Bleh. Not able to be consistent. The other girl that I made friends with was also very chill! I love her, even though she's been distrant.
I just can't remember how to be me
But I so remember me.
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endgamehale · 6 years
The Falling of James Barnes
Hi guys!! So I usually post on ao3 but I decided to start posting my works on here? i’m kind of new to this lmao sorry 
read it on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13079523
and leave a comment or just enjoy here!
It's like Bucky is seeing him for the first time, like he's falling in love all over again.
"Stevie," he croaks out. There are tears in his eyes.
He remembers the time Steve and him had first met. He'd seen the blue eyed boy sitting in the grass, glowing like an angel. He had talked to Steve that day. Found out it was the first time in weeks he had been allowed outside. Bucky had flashed him a boyish grin, telling Steve he was glad that he was better now, and that they were best friends.
He remembers the time he'd first saved Steve from being beaten to death. It was after school in their 6th grade year. Steve had told some fellas to stop picking on a little 4th grader, so they beat up on him instead. There was blood coming from his lip and his nose and his eye was swollen shut, but he looked just as angelic as the first day they'd met.
He remembers the first time Steve had gotten sick- real sick. It was in the 4th grade, during winter. He'd gotten something called pneumonia. He was in bed for weeks- so sick he couldn't even stay awake. He was really sweaty, too. Bucky had been there. Every day. Even fell asleep a couple times when Steve got so bad he couldn't breathe and needed to use his inhaler. Especially when Sara had to work nights. When Steve had woken up, Buck was there. "Bucky? You stayed?" Steve's voice was raspy and cracky. "Till the end of the line, Stevie." There was a ghost of a smile on both of their faces. "Till the end of the line."
He remembers the night Sara had died. Steve was a mess. There were tears on his face, but he wasn’t moving. Looked like he wasn’t even breathing. He stayed like this for hours until he snapped, throwing and kicking shit and screaming until he couldn’t breathe. Bucky was there to hold the inhaler to his lips and stroke his face.
“It’ll be okay, Stevie. I gotcha. Sleep.” His best friend slept with tear stains on his cheeks that night. Bucky wiped them away, his body intertwined with Steve’s.
He remembers the first time they’d held hands. They had been at the water all day, summer heat finally getting to it’s humid parts. The sun was setting on the walk home, and they decided to take the back way. Steve had looked over at him and smiled, before looking both ways up and down the street, grabbing Bucky’s hand. Somehow, they’re able to make it all the way home without having to part hands, sharing shy glances. It's the first time Bucky's ever been nervous. Steve Rogers was the one to do it. They were 13.
He remembers their first kiss, just some days after they first held hands. They were at the water again, but relaxing in the cool shade of a tree, where no one else could see them. Their hands were intertwined and no words were spoken until Steve had turned on his side and analyzed Bucky's face.
"You're the prettiest boy I've ever met, Buck." Bucky could feel his face turn a deep pink, and felt Steve lips pressed on his own. It wasn't a pretty kiss, just lips pushing on one another. Steve pulled back and smiled at his friend before laying back down, looking at the sky.
He remembers their first fight. Bucky had been out with some dame, dressed up and ready to dance. 5th time this week, and it was Friday. He'd barely been home. Doesn't remember why he didn't come home to Steve, god knows he would've loved it. Maybe the fellas were making assumptions about him and Steve's relationship again. Maybe he'd been mad. He doesn't know. He knows that when he got home, Steve had been angry. Jealous.
"What the fuck, Barnes?" Steve wasn't yelling, but his voice was loud-powerful.
"Whatdya mea, "What the fuck" Stevie? I was jus havin a good time." Okay, he was a little drunk.
"Yeah, with every dame in Brooklyn. If you want to screw them all, Buck, then stop crawling in my bed at night. I'm tired of it." There were tears in Steve's eyes, and his voice grew more quiet as he continued to speak, "I know you have to go and make sure no one knows you're gay, but this hurts me."
Bucky remembers not going out for all the next week, and hardly at all after, mostly double dates with Steve.
He remembers when he found out he was being shipped out. He tried telling them he had to stay, that he was a caretaker to his friend who was too sick to live on his own, but they wouldn't listen. So he grinned when he'd told Steve, acted like it wouldn't hurt him at all. He tries to ignore Steve's face, like someone had just ripped out his heart and then punched him in the nose. He felt the same. They spent the day together at home, with Steve drawing Bucky. At the end of the night, when they were both cuddled into each other, Bucky spoke.
"Stevie, I know you're worried, but I'm coming back home to you." He felt Steve's head burrow further into his chest.
"Buck. Please don't die." Bucky felt warm tears on his chest.
"Nah, Rogers. I'm with you till the end of the line." Steve chuckled.
"Till the end of the line."
He took a picture of Steve on a polaroid, to keep in his cap while he was away. His boy was so beautiful.
He remembers when he'd seen Steve as Captain America, looking 10x bigger than he did in Brooklyn. Remembers wanting to beat the shit out of him because, what the fuck did he tell Steve? Not to get into trouble. What did Steve do? Got into trouble. He had been scared- maybe the serum had changed his boy. Made him different. When he looked in his eyes, all doubt fell away. Steve was still his Stevie. His blue eyed angel.
He remembers the first time Steve and him fucked with Bucky on bottom. They had never gone all the way before, Bucky too worried for Steve’s health. Now? Steve was Captain America, and Bucky wanted it up the ass. It had been rough to start- animalistic. They were both much too eager to start it slow, but when Steve put more then two fingers in him, the movements became gentle.
“You ready for me, Barnes?”
“Yes, captain.”
So Steve fucked Bucky that night, slow and hard. Made sure to draw out Bucky’s orgasm, fingers in the bottom’s mouth when he could no longer keep quiet. Moaning when Bucky came around him, clenching and whimpering Steve’s name.
Steve made sure to cum in Bucky, making him hold it all in there, and calling him a good boy after.
He remembers asking Steve to marry him- after the war. Before they’re on the train. He knows he wants to spend his days with Steve. All of them. Till the end of the line, right? Sure, gay marriage isn’t legal now, but maybe soon. If not, him and Steve will just be together. For the rest of their days.
Steve says yes, tears in his eyes. He kisses Bucky like it’s the last thing he’ll ever do- and funnily enough it kind of is.
He last thing he remembers falling from the train car. Steve’s face. His scream. He’s falling and he can’t stop it. He won’t make it. So he chooses to remember Steve, who’s always been there. His best pal. Till the end of the line.
“Stevie,” he croaks out. There are tears in his eyes.
He hits the ground.
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shslpunkartist · 3 years
Here's some platonic comfort ships from me: the Slut Sisters ship, Damien x Keith, Damien x Otis, Damien x Cass, Love Conquers All Pico x LCA Cass, LCA Pico x LCA Damien (hc that they become good friends in that universe), LCA Pico x main Pico (this one I feel like I need to explain cuz it's both a platonic and more-than-platonic comfort ship for me), LCA Pico x Benjamin Fairest/Soft BF (HE WILL LOVE SOFTIE AND WILL JOIN IN ON THE "PROTECT THE SOFTIE BABI" CLUB OK), Amelia x Olivia x Gold, Zardy x Jack, Zardy x Buster, and Buster x Jack!
This is not all of them, but these were the ones that first came to me off the top of my head.
Now I shall elaborate a bit on LCA Pico x main Pico: I always HC that Pico is a very empathetic person who is very good at picking up on cues. Now, I wouldn't say he's on Keith's and Amelia's level, but he's good enough to be able to read the mood well and often be able to pick up on very subtle cues. Again, not experts levels like our favorite lovable if often very dum-dum couple are at, but it's enough for him to be able to often pick up on subtle moods.
Of course, this mostly applies more so to LCA Pico since he, unlike main Pico didn't so much lose the trait but rather became more cynical and cautious toward strangers, didn't go through the shooting and trauma. Pre-shooting Pico also counts too but, uh, he doesn't count since he won't stay as open and such once a certain traumatic event happens lol.
I HC that LCA Pico would be very curious upon meeting main Pico and I like to think that, while there would be some little hiccups during the initial meeting, they would become good friends once they manage to get past that. However, main Pico would understandably feel conflicted on certain things (like how LCA Pico is best friends with the Cass and her pals of his verse for one) but doesn't say thing either. Yet it gradually builds up enough for LCA Pico to pick up on his internal conflict and try to ask what's wrong. Pico of course doesn't say anything at first but after some prodding, he opens up on it and some talking happen. LCA Pico is understandably shocked. I mean, Cass is his best friend so of course hearing what went down with main Pico and main Cass??? Yeah. Oh and fun fact, HC that he never fully realized the extent Cass was willing to go that day. He always had known she was serious to some extent- but to the point of ACTUALLY going through with shooting up the school? AND HEARING THAT'S WHAT EXACTLY HAPPENED WITH HIS COUNTERPART THERE? Yeeeeaaah.
FYI LCA Cass would just be as shocked too. Oh, she WAS very prepared to go through that day... and yet at the same time, she was STILL just a kid at the time. One who didn't really think that plan through all too well tbh, and most importantly one who THOUGHT she would be able to go through with it. But LCA Pico happened. Now she did know she was serious to some extent but at the same, she didn't think she would ACTUALLY go through with it. LCA Cass and LCA Pico are such close friends that she wouldn't be able to fathom a version of herself ACTUALLY going through with the shooting. :)
Wrapping this up here and skipping ahead, some talking happen blah blah blah, and LCA Pico eventually was able to help Pico talk through it enough for him to have some peace of mind. It helps that LCA Pico was able to give his main counterpart some insight on his Cass. Not enough for him to forgive Cassandra of course (and that's something that'll never really happen) but... well... it does make him wonder a bit. Even feel a bit of pity.
As for the more than platonic *cough*veryshippy*cough* version of LCA Pico x main Pico: I found it cute and decided to roleplay it a bit with another friend and the rest was history lmao.
Slightly not the MAIN focus, but I often forget that everyone (or most people)'s interpretation of LCA Cass is pretty different from mine, it's kinds funny
Back on topic! Very good platonic ships here! I feel like they'd all be very close friendship-wise, I love that. Mutual trust and understanding (and silliness)
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