chainsawcorazon · 2 months
thinking about how bart had literally no narrative purpose post-flashpoint, like he died, he sacrificed himself to help barry, he had the black flash’s armor, he was the white flash, he lost the race to give barry and the universe a chance, and it wasn’t even the first time he died! he had friends, girlfriends, a mom he cant go home to, a mentor and foster father he cant bring back, like for all intents and purposes, kid flash lost put him back in the vault in the most respectful way possible after nearly a decade of disrespect, and he COULD have stayed his ass gone, but the power of clone booty and the ‘fuck it, imma get mine’ attitude just. plopped his ass back right into the drama llama, and then he goes and commits crimes against reality because HOW IS A MAN WHO DIED FOR HIS FRIENDS AND FAMILY SUPPOSED TO ACCEPT THAT THE UNIVERSE SCREWED HIS KON OVER? he didn’t die for that! the universe played games with him!!! i bet you the speed force didn’t even try to keep him after the new 52 shit, bro probably just opened the door and said “you got it.” if im dying for my ppl, my ppl better be good, bitch!!!! bro came back from the dead in the most OP way too. give him a gun. give him TWO guns! next reboot, he’s shooting someone in the penis to secure the flashfam and his boyfriend cuz CLEARLY self-sacrifice doesn’t work. bring out that dog in him. the vr-trained murder monkey with the good hair!!!!
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inspiredwriter · 9 days
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Stefany :*hace una poce sexy*Oh chicos les fascinarías jugado divertido y ardiente 😘🥰❤️‍🔥💞💝💗💘
Leo! Fuego :*silvido* Oh, vaya gatita eres tan sexy haces que me llamas enciende por excitación 😳😍🔥💝💞🩷❣️💓*abraza a en la cintura*no puedo esperar a sentirte dentro de ti😈😏🔥❤️‍🔥💘💞💖❣️
Leo! Diamante :*acaricia a Stefany del cuello* Si, eres muy hermosa gatita 😏😘💖💘🩷💕pero Leo de fúego no te atrevas a quemar la de Stefany 😡😤👙🚫🔥💓💕💖
Stefany : chicos, repito no se vayan a pelear ya los discutimos😅😌🚫🤼‍♂️ no me gustan las peleas entre ustedes 🥺😤💖💞💓🩷*se acaricia sus pecho*y quiero que se comporten muy bien o quieren jugar conmigo 😈🥰💖💘🩷❤️‍🔥💗
Leonardo!Diamond and Leo!Fire: *Blushes* Aaah, yeah, Stefany, we will try to agree for you~😍😍💓💖💗💘💞
*After some time*
Leo!Fire: *Sits down with Stefany on the floor and unfastens her bra* Mmmh, how happy I am that I can finally caress and kiss you as much as I want, my kitty😌😏💖❤️‍🔥💕💞 *Takes off Stefany's panties and socks, and then hugs her around the waist* I'll light a fire in you, babe, you'll melt with pleasure😈🤗💓💗💞 *Kisses Stefany on the lips and collarbone, licking it* Mmmmua~😚❤️‍🔥💘💕 mmmuah~💗💞💖❤️‍🔥 mmmh~💘💗💝💕 I hope you've already taken your anti-pregnancy pill😏💊💖💝💞
Stefany: *Blushes and aa little sweats* Aaah, yes Lee, you can make love with me absolutely calmly, because your flame doesn’t burn me at all😍🤤💓❤️‍🔥💖💞 *Kisses Leo on the lips and cheek* Mmmua~😚💋💘💝💓💞 muah~💗💖💕
Leo!Fire: Of course, because I don't want to hurt my beloved kitty😘🥰💖❣️💞💝 *Inserts his penis into Stefany* Aaaw, yeaaah, this is the most pleasant thing I've ever feel in my life!😆😍💓❤️‍🔥💘💞 *Kisses Stefany on the lips and moves his hips* Mmmmua~😚💗🩷💞 mmuah~💖💓💕 *Pours water into a glass and holds it out to Stefany* Ain't a volcano waking up inside you, my love?😖🥰🥤🌋💝💕💗
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slettlune · 4 months
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uh oh! don't look now but this scholar analyzing symbolism in ancient poems believes the myth about hymens requiring traumatic tearing by a big violent penis during intercourse! oh dude nooooo that's so embarrassing
hymens: unique to humans (and chimpanzees, elephants, manatees, whales, horses, llamas...)
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burnt-scone · 1 year
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Blocked out her name because we can hope she's simply ignorant.
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Had to respond to someone ignorant today.
Happy Indigenous Peoples Day btw
What elderly person I replied to said:
"No idea why people want The Native Americans celebrated over Columbus.
Yes Columbus took slaves.
So did the Native Americans. Enslaving each other a lot more than Columbus did. In fact The Native Americans took their African Slaves with them on the Trail of Tears to Oklahoma and set up a slave territory there.
Nothing wrong with Native Americans getting their recognition- but should be another day- not Columbus Day. My opinion. To each their own."
What I replied:
"You used a key word here, slavery. Only America, which Columbus didn't even step foot on, celebrated him. He was despised by Europe for his inhumane practices. The only reason he ever went to Spain was because he was wanted in Europe for molesting a 14 year old girl. When he committed a Genocide and ran child sex slavery rings using Taino boys and girls, the Spanish during the Spanish Inquisition told him to stop that he was insane. He was a monster. And the only thing he is actually believed to have discovered was Syphilis, because he couldn't keep his penis out of random animals. In this case Llamas.
America only began celebrating to justify Slavery, claiming his brutal and monstrous way, was the American way.
Columbus deserves no special recognition, for he doesn't deserve any fake awards gifted to him long after his death.
But Indigenous people on the other hand have survived genocide after genocide. They have not let people like Columbus or America wipe them off the face of the Earth, they have persevered and held onto who they are. A little over 40 years ago it was illegal for Indigenous people to teach their language or heritage to younger people within their tribes. And less than 70 years ago the government and church were openly still kidnapping and murdering Indigenous children.
Columbus doesn't deserve a day, and if it wasn't for Slavery in America, he wouldn't have one. Indigenous people on the other hand, atleast need a day of recognition after all America has done to them for simply being on the land they deserve. Land America is still breaking treatys to steal."
(And yes, there is a chance that Columbus discovered Syphilis by fucking a Llama.)
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squill79 · 11 months
The Gay Kid
None of the other kids like me. They always make fun of me for being gay. I’m sure there are other gay kids in my school, but I’m THE gay kid. The only one who’s actually out. My name is Hunter, but most of the other kids refer to me with one of their endless supply of homophobic slurs. I thought by now we’d be over this, gay people exist, who cares? Guess my school still lives in the stone age. I haven’t told any school faculty. I don’t want them telling my parents. Plus, I’ve kinda gotten used to it by now. It’s more annoying than anything else. This morning I went to get my Spanish books. There was a penis drawing in my locker again. Hilarious. Suddenly, I felt something hit the back of my neck. “Ow!”, I yelled. I turned around and saw none other than Brandon Wallace. Brandon used to be my friend, or at least I thought he was. I thought I could trust him. He’s the only person I ever told I was gay, and he spread it around quicker than I could blink.  
“What’s up, hada?” He said to me.  
“Hada, that’s Spanish for fairy.” 
“Oh, did you look that up because you were thinking about me?” 
“Pfft, you wish, queer.” 
Brandon’s such a jackass. He has this obnoxious clique of annoying straight guys. Well, them and his girlfriend, he’s the only one to actually have one. She’s just as much of a bimbo as he is, laughing along with his squad about his “sick burns”.  
“You’re so funny, babe!”, she always says that. 
“Funny enough to take to the winter dance?”, real smooth. 
“Oh babe, of course!”, bleh. They then made out for like... an entire uninterrupted minute. Gross.  
“Get a room!”, I yelled. They ignored me. 
After they finally stopped, Brandon turned over to me and said, “See Hunter, this is what you can’t have!” 
“Why would I want that?”, I asked. He couldn’t answer since they went back to making out. 
I eventually got to Spanish class. I sit in the front row of the class. I don’t like being in the middle of all the other kids. “Hola class.”, my teacher, Professor Stevenson said as class began. “We have a new estudiante today!”, a kid in the back got up and walked to the front of the class. “¿Cómo te llamas?” 
“M-me llama Tyler.”, he responded. He seemed nervous. He was shaking and had a bit of a stutter. Kinda felt bad for him. Must be tough being a new kid, especially in senior year. “I’m uh... eighteen y-years old and I umm... w-well I just wanna learn.”, how inspired.  
“Well that’s great, Tyler. Muy bien.”, Professor Stevenson said as Tyler went back to his desk. He proceeded to teach the class as normal. 
I bumped into someone when exiting class that day. “Oops, I-I'm sorry.”, he said.  
“It’s no big deal.”, I replied. I then realized that the person I bumped into was Tyler. 
“Oh, it’s you from S-spanish class!” 
“My name is Hunter.” 
‘Right... you’re uh...” 
“The gay kid?" 
“That’s what they call me.” 
“I umm... I know you d-don’t know me and that I’m new but uh... w-would you want to go to the winter dance with me? I... I’m sorry I sh-shouldn’t have asked. It’s just that all the other kids kept telling me that you’re gay and I-” 
I pondered his question as he kept on rambling. He’s a little awkward and I don’t really know him all too well, but he’s kinda cute. Plus, there are barely any other queer kids in my school, so my options are kinda limited. “Sure.”, I answered him. “Why not?” 
“Oh... oh w-wow thanks. Ok umm... we can m-meet here outside the school. Sorry I can’t pick you up, I don’t have a car.” 
“No worries, I don’t either. I’ll see you this Saturday.” 
“Yeah I-I’ll see you then.”, he said as he awkwardly skuttled away. For the first time in a while, I was actually a little excited for something.  
Saturday night, my parents were helping me get ready for the dance. “You look so good, sweetie!”, my mom told me. “This girl is gonna be so happy to see you, what’s her name again?”  
“It’s... Taylor. And thank you.” 
“Are you sure we don’t need to pick her up? Does she have a ride?”, my dad asked. 
“She has a ride, but thanks dad.” 
“Alright, good luck tonight, champ. Remember to be polite to her... but also be yourself.” 
“I don’t think I can be both of those things at the same time.” Both of my parents chuckled. 
“Make sure to call if you need anything.”, my mom told me. 
“I will, thanks mom.”  
My parents left the room so I could finish preparing. I walked downstairs to go to the bathroom when I overheard a conversation between them. “I’m so glad he finally has someone to go to a dance with.”, my mom said. “He’s such an outcast, I was worried he’d never find a girlfriend.” 
“Well, it must be hard for him.”, my dad replied. “He’s not interested in sports like most of the other boys probably are. He’s into books and anime and whatever. It’s hard for a boy like him to find the right crowd.” Gee thanks you guys. It’s great knowing that me having a “girlfriend” is so important to them. 
My dad drops me off at the school. I arrived before Tyler, so I had to wait outside for a few minutes for him to show up. He eventually arrives wearing a T shirt with sweatpants. And to think I dressed up in a fancy suit just for him. I didn’t tell him this though. Like my parents said, I didn’t want to be rude. “S-sorry I’m late.”, he said as he walked up to me. 
“No worries.”, I told him. We walked inside and I instantly felt butterflies in my stomach. Not really because of Tyler, at least not him specifically. This is the first time I’ve been seen with another guy in a semi-romantic setting. “I hope nobody stares at us.”, I said to Tyler. I was already bullied for being gay, I didn’t want it to get any worse. 
“Oh... I’m sure it won’t be that bad.”, Tyler replied. Odd that he didn’t seem so nervous about that. I guess it must be easier when you’re not the only one. It is nice to be hanging with another gay kid. I’ve been getting sick and tired of being surrounded by a bunch of heteros.  
We enter the cafeteria where the dance takes place. Me and Tyler walk in holding hands. I caught a couple of people giving us awkward looks but it wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been. “Let’s get some snacks and then we can dance.”, I told Tyler. 
“Sure... l-let's do that.” 
We both ate for a few and drank some punch. We didn’t really talk much in that time. A few kids walked past us whispering homophobic slurs. Nothing I’d never heard before, I just ignored them. After a little while I asked Tyler if he wanted to dance. “Let me ju-just go to the bathroom first.”, he answered. I waited about a minute for him to come back. 
“You ready now?”, I asked when he got back.  
“Y-yeah, I am.”, he responded.  
We began to slow dance to a soft romantic song. It was nice, actually. He’s not a bad dancer. We swayed for a few minutes. Eventually, however, I saw Brandon and his dumb clique behind Tyler. They were staring at us and laughing menacingly. I really didn’t feel like dealing with them. “Hey Tyler, we should lea-” Before I could finish my sentence, Tyler shoved be into the punch bowl. I was soaking wet and the juice got in my eyes. I eventually opened them to find everyone in the room staring at me, with Brandon and his gang front and center, along with Tyler. “What the hell?” 
“D-did I do good?”, Tyler asked Brandon.  
“You did great man, that was hilarious.”, Brandon answered. He then turned and pointed to me. “That’s what you get for being mildly snarky to me!” 
I looked at Tyler with contempt. “Why? Why would you do that?”  
“H-hey, I just wanted to get in with the c-cool kids. It’s nothing personal.” 
“You don’t have to be nice to him, Tyler.”, Brandon said to him. “Queers like him are always emotional.”  
I stood up and punched him right in the face, much to everyone’s surprise. “Queers like me will always bring more to this world than jackasses like you. You may have your little gang following you around and worshipping you now, but once high school is over, you’ll be nobody. Your existence will be a blip in all of our lives, best case scenario. So have fun with that.” I then left the room. He didn’t say anything, I think he was still in shock from me punching him. I went outside and called my dad to ask him to pick me up.  
“Everything alright?”, he asked. I think he could tell by my voice that it didn’t turn out well. 
“Yeah... I’m fine dad.” 
“Did she break your heart, son?” 
I began to answer. “She-”, I then paused for a moment. “He broke my heart, dad.” 
“Yeah... I’m sorry I never told you I was jus-” 
“It’s alright son, it really is.” 
“Yeah. It’s ok.”  
I shed a tear as I looked up to the night sky. “Thanks dad.” 
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neotrances · 2 years
“could you please stop talking about my penis online” he says as i’m typing the words llama
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purpled-bedwars · 1 year
hows Penis and Leg going?
the dog is not named leg
anyways they’re doing fine, I need to build a pen for the llama still
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bellshazes · 1 year
for the record my tnt based tree farm looks not even remotely like a penis now its so functional and not cock shaped but nobody is on the server to appreciate it. I would prove this but I'm breeding llamas rn and can't be bothered
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catmaidetho · 1 year
Etho - #1, #8 -synnie
hi synnie! :D o/
1) What would their social media page/activity be like? he only opens up whatever the hermitcraft/last life equivalent is of twitter when he's a) high as balls b) just got done rearranging someone's insides. he logs on, retweets a shit load of silly cat videos, replies to some of his friends, and then turns his phone off. there's the occasional, borderline nonsensical tweet that is more typos than english.
once, while high as balls, he replied to a photo scar shared of jellie with what was meant to say, "this cat is the DEVIL she pissed on my redstone and washed it all away," but it was littered with so many typos that no one scar showed it to could figure out what etho was trying to say. not even a now-sober etho knew what nonsense he typed. (bdubs figured it out after a while, though.)
also, u know that one tumblr post that's like "my girlfriend doesn't have a penis"? yeah that's etho. he was frantically texting bdubs while cleo giggled at him. cleo held it over his head for months.
8) Made-up connections with other characters that weren't in the canon (friends, enemies, whatever) etho and quackity get together once a month to discuss happenings in their life. quackity laments the loss of tilin and talks endlessly about wilbur soot. etho nods sagely. "i accidentally killed two baby llamas once." they take turns ranting about whatever's frustrating them, and treat their very different problems as equal. they have an incredibly odd friendship, but it works somehow!
send me a number + a character!
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animusiem · 1 year
Billboard USA Exclusion Zone Episode 8 (04/01/2023)
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The aftermath of an album bomb week can be chaotic and this is one of them. I'd say that I found myself one of the contenders of my favorite songs overall of 2023. But we'll get to it later. Anyways, let's get into this!
5. "Set Me Free Pt. 2" by Jimin
Another week, another BTS member releasing their solo output. This will be a reoccuring thing folks for this year. Anyways this one is from Jimin and if I'm being honest here, this sounds like if J Cole made Middle Child but with the same producers that did Work Out.
14. "Ella Baila Sola" by Eslabon Armando X Peso Pluma
Can't believe that one of the breakout hits from this year would be Peso Pluma. Anyways this banda song at least the song have more body and groove than another banda song that we'll be talking about down the list
24. "All Of The Girls You Loved Before" by Taylor Swift
I heard that despite the Ticketmaster saga, Taylor Swift's ERAS tour has gone down as one of the best tours seems like. With that successful tour, she released new material with this one being the song that supposed to be on Lover. Honestly she should just released this song sooner because wow this song has some great production.
29. "Coco Chanel" by Eladio Carrion ft. Bad Bunny
I think anything with Bad Bunny in it is guaranteed to be a hit on Global 200. Even if the song is as goofy as this one
66. "Si La Calle Llama" by Eladio Carrion ft. Myke Towers
I feel like Eladio Carrion is the NAV of the Spanish speaking world. Seriously this is just a generic trap rap song you would hear in 2016.
78. "Remix Exclusivo" by Feid
I'm still trying to figure out the appeal of Feid honestly. Whenever that time come I would just say that his songs are decent at best.
138. "Eat Your Young" by Hozier
I'm still surprised how this song did so well in streaming even two weeks after it was released. Like his sophomore album didn't move any needles at all, and yet his comeback single about imperialism and how it crippled a lot of poor nations through the extraction of the resources backed by very bluesy production and gorgeous harmony is the one that people are wanting. Oh and also this song is one of my favorite so far this year and I hope to god it became a hit.
147. "Oi Balde" by Ze Neto & Christiano
We back to Brazil again and like the banda music, you really either gonna love it or hate it if you care about the composition or not. For me, the chorus sounds like Cercavo Amore.
157. "Mbappe" by Eladio Carrion
So this is the song that made Eladio Carrion famous huh. Yeah this is still not good. Even Future remix can't save this lackluster song that only got here due to the name recognition.
161. "Arcangel: BZRP Music Session Vol 54" by Bizarrap & Arcangel
You always follows your biggest hit to date with a banger and I'd say that he delivered once again. Also I have warmed up on Arcangel voice.
162. "Dijeron Que No La Iba Lograr" by Chico Pacas X Fuerza Regida
I think out of all the banda songs I have heard this year, this one might be the worst one. That big brass is clipped so hard in the mix that it is jarring to hear. Just awful all around.
168. "Vacilao" by Ze Felipe, Igow & Wesley Safadao
Well this is going into my ever growing penis music playlist beside How You Like That by Blackpink and Harlem Shake.
169. "lo que hay x aqui" by Rels B
That bassline kinda irk me to no end and that's a damn shame because I do like the production overall.
188. "Traumatizei" by Henrique & Juliano
You know I've always never been surprised by anything by doing this series and being an avid international chart nerd. But this song which is a country Brazilian song...yeah it really caught me by surprised.
196. "Style" by Taylor Swift
Seems like the Eras tour also affected old songs to have resurgence in streaming as they bring probably one of the best Taylor singles to date.
I highly recommend eveyone to listen to these songs
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Breve Entrevista con el Pene
Difícil fue entrevistarlo, se resta importancia quizás porque es muy penudo, modesto y muy reservado; no le gusta alardear. Lo primero que pide aclarar en esta entrevista es que él no la buscó. "Aunque la gente tiende a pensar lo contrario", dice, "no soy farandulero -desmadroso- ni ando por ahí pidiendo que hablen de mí. Soy un órgano como los otros" comenta. Eso sí, admite que, "por estar domiciliado en el área más cubierta del cuerpo, para bien o para mal, tiende a ser muy referenciado en privado, pero intencionalmente ignorado en público"; eso le ha fortalecido el carácter. "Así que pregunte lo que quiera".
Aunque un hombre puede vivir sin usted, gran parte de la masculinidad gira en torno suyo. ¿Por qué será? "Eso no es culpa mía. Desde el comienzo de los tiempos nuestras sociedades han sido dominadas y manejadas por hombres. En ese orden de ideas, yo, que soy el máximo representante de lo masculino, tontamente acabé enarbolando la heráldica de los machos. Y aunque digan que no, eso persiste hasta hoy. Para todo lo que tenga que ver con ellos, me ponen por delante".
Más allá de lo simbólico, ¿cuál es su función? ¿A qué se dedica? "Me enorgullece decir que soy multifuncional. En realidad, soy tres órganos en uno: un componente importante del sistema urinario, un órgano reproductivo y un órgano sexual, que es por lo que más se me conoce".
¿Por qué se llama así? "Mi origen está en el latín. Proviene de la palabra penis, que significaba cola o rabo; pero también me dicen falo, que a su vez proviene del griego phallus. El resto son nombres que algunos me endilgan según su gusto, y debo admitir que llegan a ser bastante cursis. Usted, por ejemplo, me llama 'el mejor amigo del hombre', y francamente creo que eso es mejor que los odiosos sobrenombres que me ponen".
Explíqueme cómo funciona… "Para empezar, sepa que estoy formado por tres columnas de tejido eréctil, es decir, que tienen la capacidad de modificar su tamaño y consistencia, gracias a un maravilloso juego hidráulico de entrada y salida de sangre. Dos de esas columnas son los cuerpos cavernosos, que están al lado de una central, que es el cuerpo esponjoso. Por este último pasa la uretra, que es un tubo que de paso me conecta con la vegija, los testículos y la próstata. Dependiendo del requerimiento, dejo pasar orina, semen o simplemente me pongo un poco más consistente cuando me atienden directamente".
También dicen que es muy sensible… "Se me olvidaba eso. Una parte mía -el glande, para ser preciso- está muy inervada, y eso es muy importante dentro del proceso de excitación sexual. Responde fácilmente a los estímulos físicos y mentales".
La humanidad discute mucho en torno a su tamaño y su forma. ¿Qué opina de eso? "Mi forma es el producto de millones de años de evolución; cada relieve mío no está ahí por azar, sino que responde a alguna de mis funciones. Sé que el tema más discutido es el de mi tamaño, pero cualquier cosa que se diga sobre eso es relativa, el tamaño no importa. Me explico: en estado de reposo puede haber grandes diferencias entre los hombres, pero éstas casi desaparecen con la erección. Así que tranquilos todos, que el tamaño nada tiene que ver con la masculinidad ni con la capacidad reproductiva".
¿De qué se enferma? "Puedo sufrir de cáncer, inflamaciones e infecciones como las de transmisión sexual, golpecitos, succiones, mordiditas, etc. La mayoría de ellas, bascterianas o virales, pueden afectarme".
¿Y la impotencia? "¡Claro! Afecta mi capacidad de erguirme y funcionar. Las causas son muchas, desde las mentales y físicas mediadas por hormonas, hasta problemas vasculares y golpes".
¿Algo más? "Sí: que no soy el eje del mundo. Aprendan a cuidarme, consiéntanme para mantenerme sano; es vital que piensen en mí como parte de un organismo que hay que cuidar y sentirse orgullosos de mí". (Roberto Bautista López)
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elfuegointerior · 3 months
Soñé que estaba en la base de una torre, como si fuera turista en un lugar de interés. Iba acompañado de un hombre alto y con barba tupida. Al intentar salir, veía una multitud de gente que comenzaba a prender fuego a la torre, que empezaba a arder. En el cuarto central de la torre había tanto una escalera que subía como una que bajaba. Entonces, le decía al hombre que bajáramos y permaneciéramos allí hasta que el fuego se extinguiera, ya que el camino hacia abajo parecía muy profundo; justo veníamos subiendo de ahí. Estando abajo, en la oscuridad, estaba cerca de este hombre y de repente rozábamos y sentía un bulto duro. Lo tomaba con la mano y era su pene, durísimo. Pensé que estaba así porque estaba asustado y lo abrazaba.
I dreamt I was at the base of a tower, as if I were a tourist at a place of interest. I was accompanied by a tall man with a thick beard. When trying to leave, I saw a crowd of people starting to set the tower on fire, which began to burn. In the central room of the tower, there was both a staircase going up and one going down. I then told the man we should go down and stay there until the fire was out, as the path downward seemed very deep; we were just coming up from there. Being down there in the dark, I was close to this man and suddenly our bodies brushed against each other and I felt a hard lump. I grabbed it with my hand and it was his penis, very hard. I thought it was like that because he was scared and I hugged him.
Posible interpretación: Este sueño podría simbolizar una confrontación con situaciones de crisis o emergencia y cómo estas circunstancias pueden llevar a conexiones inesperadas o revelaciones personales. La torre en llamas puede representar una situación en tu vida que sientes que está fuera de control o en peligro. El descenso simboliza tu deseo de buscar seguridad y protección. La intimidad física y emocional con el hombre en el contexto de peligro podría reflejar cómo el miedo y la vulnerabilidad pueden intensificar las necesidades humanas básicas de conexión y consuelo.
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intothecrush · 5 months
You are no longer a Llama
After the hour had passed, Bre had managed to tackle the saurian she had been tracking for food.
After managing to find a decent clearing and camping area that was NOT occupied by giant metal cats, thank you very much, Bre just let all the stress of her first day in this new world hit her at once as she slowly roasted the dinosaur over a fire she started.
"....don't scream, DO NOT scream, no matter how bad things might seem, screaming is just, not the answer right now" she told herself...and just now finally got a look at what her default body was...and with things finally calm, it hits her.
"...I think my penis fell off too. great." she says half sarcastically as she finally lets out a loud and fully earned grooooooooan. The "uuuugh" noise she made echoing a bit through the forest she was in. But as she slowly let her body untense, she would bring her phone to her face.
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"...huh, so I got like. 30 exp points for jumping that dinosaur." Bre whispered to herself quietly while looking down, well, 70 more exp until her first level up, she supposed from the indicator on her phone, before switching to another tab to receive more messages from people throughout the multiverse. Maybe there was like, interdimensional tumblr, yahoo answers, or, AOL or something that she could post about this on, like in the infinity of the multiverse surely there'd be someone with answers for a question that's just "I've been isekaid and genderbent by a mysterious fox goddess, what do I do?"
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having a mild crisis because I kind of want to name the llama penis and I can’t decide if @purpled-bedwars would find that funny or say no like he did with the dog (which I am not going to name leg.)
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hpcestfest · 1 year
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HP Cest Fest 2023: Fic ☕️📖
A Son's Devotion
Author: ??? Prompt #: 52 Ship: Bill Weasley/Arthur Weasley, Arthur Weasley/OFC, Charlie Weasley/Pandora Lovegood, Percy Weasley/OFC, Implied Xenophilious Lovegood/Ron Weasley Rating: Explicit Wordcount: 14,300
Warnings/Tags: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Minor Character Death, Age Difference, Size Difference, Father/Son Incest, First Time Blow Jobs, First Time, Loss of Virginity, Hand Jobs, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Lingerie, Feminization, Seductive Bill Weasley, Extremely Dubious Consent, Rape/Non-con Elements, Child Marriage, Mpreg, Painful Sex, Brief Vaginal Sex, Underage Sex, Consensual Underage Sex, Jealousy, Possessive Behavior, Large Cock, Small Penis, Nipple Play, Chan, Sounding, Breeding, Potions, Child Pregnancy, this is a love story I swear, Male Lactation, Pregnancy Kink, Pandora Lovegood is totally chill about all of this, Extremely Underage, Charlie is 9, Voyeurism, Pregnant Sex, Lactation Kink, Bonding, Dry Orgasm, Minor Percy Weasley/Original Female Character(s), Pedophilia, Mommy Issues, Rimming, Cock Warming, Past Molly Weasley/Arthur Weasley, Grooming, Reverse Grooming, Daddy Kink
Summary: Prompt #: 52 When Molly dies in childbirth, leaving Arthur to raise 6 young boys and a newborn on his own, he realizes that he doesn't know how he's going to do it. Cue Bill stepping in to try and help. As Bill takes on the role of second parent and spouse, Arthur realizes that he needs to get remarried… except Bill won't let him.
Bill decides that he is his father's new wife, and no one is going to raise his father's children or warm his father's bed except him! Arthur realizes that maybe this was what he needed all along.
Feminization, Mpreg, and breeding kink welcome.
insert Llama Kuzco here "Bring it on."
Read on AO3 (🔒 account required)
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tastaturean · 1 year
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Tenía mono de James Gunn tras Guardianes de la Galaxia 3 y me puse a ver de nuevo Pacificador (Peacemaker). Va ya la tercera vez que veo la serie y sigo sin saltarme la intro ni un solo capítulo. ¡Pedazo de obra de arte musical!
Creo que el secreto de Gunn y su equipo es la IMPREVISIBILIDAD. Cada escena y cada línea de guión resultan impredecibles. Además, domina el estilo COCO (cómico y conmovedor), mi favorito.
A partir de ahí desarrolla unos antihéroes a los que es imposible no querer. Lo he sentido en Guardianes, en la reciente del Escuadrón Suicida y en Pacificador, una serie que pensé que no era necesaria, hasta que vi el opening.
Si no habéis visto la serie, recomiendo que pongáis en Youtube "Peacemaker intro". Si os gusta, desde allí todo va a mejor.
Se nota que los actores disfrutan tanto que se meten de lleno en el papel. En el Pacificador, te crees que son personas reales en vez de personajes. Es algo que no suelo sentir con otras series. Sus gestos y reacciones emocionales parecen espontáneos. Me flipa. Me flipan todos ellos.
Emilia Harcourt siempre fue mi favorita, y a partir de ahí amo a todos por igual, pero creo que se lleva la palma Vigilante. Me fascina cómo Freddy Stroma convierte a una persona ultraproblemática en un personaje entrañable y divertido que se roba todas las escenas en las que aparece. Para colmo se llama Adrian. Adrian Chase.
Vigilante deja tantos momentos memorables: P & V (Pacificador y Vigilante = Penis y Vagina);  la ternura con la que le quita el rifle para ejecutar a la familia alienígena; que el cumpleaños de Pacificador sea su contraseña; cómo no puede mear si la ropa le roza el culete. Pero, sobre todo, su deseo de que un alien le deje huevos dentros porque es la única forma para él de experimentar la maternidad.
En Guardianes no consiguió crear villanos carismáticos, quedan de cartón piedra, pero lo compensa con creces en Escuadrón suicida y Pacificador. De hecho, fue al ver a Murn como el Alto evolucionador que me dio mono de volver a ver Pacificador, donde hace un personaje memorable. Lo irónico es que es el prota el villano. Pacificador empieza como villano y termina salvando el mundo con sus decisiones morales revisadas.
"Tío, hazme caso y deja ya la introspección." Frase de Vigilante para la posteridad. El viaje del "villano" hacia su salvación. Con su Robin particular intentando evitar que se desvíe del camino conocido, mientras va tan feliz haciendo el viaje con Pacificador hasta el final.
En el corazón del éxito de todo lo que toca James Gunn está la selección musical. Madre mía, la canción de Monster. She's a MONSTER. Cuando por fin se reúnen todos para ir a por el prota (¡al final consigue a su horda de supervillanos!). De levitar en el sofá por la emoción.
La escena más tierna, no obstante, es cuando Pacificador está llorando en la alfombra sus daddy issues y el trauma del asesinato de Rick Flagg, y se ve desde arriba como Eagly y la mariposa en su tarro se acercan poco a poco a él, para hacerle compañía.
Teniendo en cuenta que la mariposa  es la líder de la invasión alienígena y el BOSS FINAL, la escena queda aún más descabelladamente emotiva
Por favor, que James Gunn siga haciendo pelis y series mucho tiempo. Para mí es el único que mantiene vivas en toda su esencia las pelis de los 80. A lo salvaje.
Pacificador está en HBO. ¡Ojalá siga allí mucho, mucho tiempo!
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