#liz watches tol
akkpipitphattana · 2 years
why don’t they ever translate the ads. maybe i wanna buy the seaweed snacks did you ever think of that
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Hi Vi! For the ask game :)
BL ask box meme 📬
🌄 your favorite scene of any BL show
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAH LIZ ok i KNOW you haven't seen bad buddy 😭 but i haven't moved on from the rooftop scene ep5 4/4!!! the fight "mani di" leading up *the* kiss and then pran leaving pat there?????? died dead rip me 🙏 idk what p'aof puts in this closing scenes of each episode but special mention to the guitar-corridor scene at the end of ep3, the sleepover at the end of ep4, the bet by the boat of ep6, THE "YOUR FACE HAS TAKEN OVER MY HEART" for the audition at the end of ep7, the ep10 rooftop scene and obviously "pran it's not a porno". i am so not normal about this show!!!!
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another all time favourite is the scene in gaya sa pelikula where Karl & Vlad have their first kiss with Ben&Ben playing and then they talk about their queerness and childhood and parents and hopes and dreams. contrary to popular opinion but i loved the ending of the show so much! both karl and vlad had so much growing up to do and it was really right person wrong time with them
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then of course there is every scene with li ming (& heart) in moonlight chicken but especially the scene in which li ming shares a beer with jim after the funeral and they wholeheartedly and candidly for the first time in the show!!!
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AND my most beloved scene in triage when Tinn & Tol kiss for the first time in the loop where ~spoilers~ they kill tinn 🤡 there's so much softness in that scene especially the conversation they were having before i cried while watching it
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yeah im not gonna stop listing all the scenes if i don't stop here 😭
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floripire · 3 years
i saw this tweet & now i’m once again mourning the lost potential tvd’s third spin off could have had.
i know logically caroline would’ve never, ever allowed this because she’s a good person and a good headmistress (in my head) but just imagine with me for a second here:
imagine you’re a new student at salvatore’s. a newly triggered werewolf like raf, maybe. or maybe you just discovered that you’re from an ancient lineage going back all the way to iran that grants you fire magic, the ability to heal with your tears, and the ability to resurrect. it’s always been in your blood. it’s what your mother gave you. or maybe you’re a newly turned vampire.
huntress meredith sulez welcomes you and assures you that salvatore is the safest place for a young supernatural creature like you. she fills you in on headmistress forbes-salvatore and a bit of the history.
imagine that when you step foot in the school, the first thing you notice is that there is always some underlying tension between the three factions. that people are more concerned with upholding centuries old tradition than anything else because they don’t want to get ostracized from their respective communities.
imagine that you sit in on all the classes, from histories of the species, to physical education to magic lessons. that is where you meet hope mikaelson, the famed tribrid, and the siphoner twins: josie and lizzie saltzman. you think that there might be something going on between hope and josie. there’s certainly history there.
the curriculum for the witches is something that bonnie bennett has personally created. the witches respect her.
the witches don’t respect the teacher of this class, however.
ms featherwood explicitly tells the witches not to dabble in forbidden magic but when you exit that class, you find that drusilla knockwood does it anyway. you find that wade rivers only pretends to be a bumbling fool but that he’s actually so much smarter, sharper, than anyone gives him credit for. 
you find that, sometimes, werewolves and vampires do get along. because one day you walk past an empty classroom, and the door’s ajar. from where you’re standing, you see jed sitting on a chair, with floribeth on his lap; his head is tilted backwards, giving her access to him. at first you think she’s taking her sweet time sucking a hickey into the column of his throat, but then you realize she’s drinking from him and that he’s enjoying it - which is a huge gamble; you heard from alyssa that she’s not very good at controlling herself or the bloodlust - but they seem to make it work. you hurry down the hallway when you hear the heartfelt declarations of love and trust turn into groans of pleasure.
it’s not the first time you’ve seen vampires feed on their fellow students.
from there you go outside, hoping to catch some air and to cool yourself off. you run into penelope at the old mill, who is scheming. you don’t know how you got out of there before she spotted you, but you did. not knowing what else to do, you slip back inside. you catch sebastian’s eye from across the huge, expansive dining room, and you turn away, because you have no desire to get tangled up with him.
jade, wendy and diego seem to be okay. kind of strange. kind of feral. but okay. which is great because everything everyone does seems to be like a calculated chess move. and you’ve always been terrible at chess. checkers, too.
fortunately, finch tarrayo - also a werewolf - is just as new as you are and is just as confused. you find her texting maya machado-fell, a human.
and if that’s not enough: amidst the tension between the factions, mg and lizzie come together, but there is something missing. someone. and then they up the ante by bringing in the very human ethan machado-fell into the fold because they both fell in love with him, turning most of the factions against them.
welcome to the salvatore school. and good luck. you’re gonna need it. 
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doublel27 · 2 years
Would you do 12 & 41 for Malex?
12. Who is smol/ Who is tol?
Oh I love this question, because Michael and Alex are so evenly matched most of the time. They kinda swap the Tol/Smol positions depending on who is vulnerable. And it's just...like...they're two cinnamon rolls who CAN murder you, you know? So sometimes Alex takes the smol role and sometimes Michael does. And they just take such CARE of each other (when we are in the same space).
41. Who cries during sad movies?
Oh, this is a both. They're both big softies. Alex doesn't hide it. He would have in his father's house, but he definitely cried watching sad movies with Liz, Maria and Rosa as a kid. Michael pretends he's not crying and Alex teases him unmercifully and threatens to tell Iz. (Iz already knows and lets Michael believe it's a secret)
50 OTP Things
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tenseoyong · 7 years
Yes, you're married to all three. Good luck~
k so here’s how a day in my foursome marriage goes
bed is too full. we’re all in the same bed. there’s no room. taeyong never goes a full night with a blanket. ten always steals the blanket. ten get’s a blanket. taeyong wakes up cold. i have massive tree jojo as a blanket. 
taeyong wakes up first every day. he cooks breakfast. then johnny wakes up. he eats literally everything while taeyong wakes ten and i up. i end up kicking someone bc when i’m touched while i sleep, i instinctively kick. hard. dunno why that happens. have 100% kick my grandpa across the room in my sleep. don’t touch me. tae get’s kicked. but i’m up. ten’s whiny in the morning so he’s the first to shower to shut him up. 
tae and i go to the kitchen.
johnny is nearly dead on the counter for eating food meant for 4 people
domestic cooking with liz+tae while johnny regrets his life decisions.
ten comes back. isn’t dressed. dude stays in his towel till noon.
johnny showers.
ten, tae, and i eat.
johnny ends up on the couch post shower. whining that his tummy hurts.
tae showers while i try and fix my rats nest hair that happens at night. i have straight have but my hair tries to curl then it just ends up…a mess….dunno why it does that. is a pain in the ass.
tae goes to give johnny medicine to make him stfu
i shower for 2 hours cuz bitch i got long hair, gotta wash my face, brush my teeth, and shave every inch of my body while winning imaginary arguments i need this time alone i have THREE(3) HUSBANDS LET ME HAVE THIS
ten, johnny, tae go do work
i spend the next 5 hours on the couch watching Arthur and Between the Lion eps I record to watch
i make lunch. small serving for tree jojo bc he ate so much breakfast. gonna get sick if he don’t stop doing that but tae’s cooking is so good i can’t blame him tbh.
i drop the food off.
say hi to my boys if i can, if not, i just leave. prob text em i love em or some mushy shit bc i love em.
gotta do the shopping since with our four dumb butts we run through all the food in one day. gotta restock for tomorrow. 
i find another cat to add to my collection. probs will get scolded by tae for getting another one but he wont take it from me. i win.
end up back home. put all the food away. back on the couch with my new floof. tumblr. more between the lions. i fcking love between the lions.
maybe some weird ass dancing
try and do cherry bomb.
attempts taeyongs drop thinging
end up hurting my dumb ass self
lay on the floor until the boys come home
johnnys big butt has to carry me to bed
im milking it, im not hurt but like…carry me pls
cuddle me i hurt :(
honestly this is ur fault for having such fun and dangerous choreo
ten and tae cook dinner bc i wont let go of johnny
he kinda stinks from practice but hey i brought home a dirty cat so how can i talk about stinky things
ten doesnt rlly help
more like he hands taeyong the stuff taeyong asks for
he doesnt actually touch the food
dinner in bed
on tuesdays we watch ahs
just a giant ball of sweaty boys, a hidden cat, trying not to spill food on the bed messy people
i pass tf out after dinner and ahs
stinky boys have to shower
tae finally found my new cat
will def scold me in the morning
but its got a collar and name already you cant take the cat from me taetae pls ily
ten and tae crash after showers
johnny does clean up duty bc hes tol he can put the cups back on the shelf
my tol comes to bed and has to push ten and tae out the way to cuddle
i have 3 rings 
its pretty weird
really hard to explain to strangers
and why my name contains 3 last names now
this whole situation is weird
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akkpipitphattana · 2 years
king, i will name his flaws for you, i got plenty
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akkpipitphattana · 2 years
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akkpipitphattana · 2 years
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akkpipitphattana · 2 years
so true he is NOT smart
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akkpipitphattana · 2 years
objectively this is sad, but crying fully clothed in the shower is so fucking funny of third
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akkpipitphattana · 2 years
oh damn pan marries that guy. literally who cares
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akkpipitphattana · 2 years
he waited all day :(
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akkpipitphattana · 2 years
you cannot just change platforms from film to stage on a whim what are you TALKING ABOUT
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akkpipitphattana · 2 years
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akkpipitphattana · 2 years
awwww the begin again movie :)))
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akkpipitphattana · 2 years
“when did you become so jaded about love” respectfully, khai is what made him jaded
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