#liz Bartlet
bestwwquote · 2 months
Welcome to Best Quote from The West Wing!
Inspired by all the polls about best quotes from different media/hottest actors from different media I wanted to do one for one of my favourite pieces of media The West Wing.
1. It has to be a quote. There are some great unsaid moments but the competition is 'best quote' so it needs to be something someone said.
2. It can only come from the TV show 'The West Wing' that aired from 1999 to 2007. Interviews are not allowed, and anything from 'A West Wing Special to Benefit When We All Vote' that was NOT already in the episode 'Hartsfields Landing' doesn't count.
3. Yeah I already have the end of 'Two Cathedrals' in here.
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rushman2-0 · 1 year
Donna Moss this, CJ Cregg that, I wanna know your favorite random featured female guest star with less than 10 episodes
For our favorite ladies with 10-20 episodes, go here
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solar-settings · 1 year
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fic: and secure the blessings: amy/liz
written for @twwpride day 6, “rare pair,” and @sapphic-september 2023, “phone call.”
wordcount: 4,270 // rating: T
tags: childhood friends, growing up together, pining, politics, not actually unrequited love
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starship21zedna9 · 7 months
I love how Bartlet gets all pissy at the suggestion that he plays favorites with his kids and yet Zoey is the only one he has a picture of on his desk. Liz and Ellie? Sucks to be you guys, I guess.
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isagrimorie · 1 month
Season 7 dropped the ball with Charlie and Zoey -- IMO they should have been the ones getting married in the wedding episode and not Ellie. And boy, the tone-deaf -- 'thank god, Ellie's not gay' thing was uh, not great.
But also, Ellie should've been queer. Liz should have dumped her loser husband and gotten into politics herself.
If there's one thing the show failed is with the Bartlet daughters imo.
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mihrsuri · 1 year
Being the children of a victor and a governors son is very weird - because tbh the fact of being a victors child makes you as close to royalty as District 2 ever gets. But it also means you are never going to be a normal district kid ever because you grow up in the victors village! And then on your dads side you regularly visit the capital and go to functions! The three Bartlet daughters dealt with this in different ways:
Ellie did not deal with it well - having parents who hated the system and did not seem to understand her at all. Who she felt had hoped for another kind of child - she responded by conforming Hard. Also trying to get into Residential which…I don’t know if she did manage that. But she was desperate - it was a way to get everything out, a way to drown out the noise/voices in her brain. I think what happens is that one of her Victor!Aunts starts regularly taking her for sparring instead (although fuck the angst of Ellie becoming the Volunteer out of spite and that’s the thing that clears things up).
Elizabeth is the example of an oldest daughter bar non - if Ellie rebelled then Liz conforms in a different way - she’s the perfect first daughter! Marries a man from the capital (who is terrible! I like to think she stabs him)
Zoey in my head is the late in life surprise baby - like her sisters are very much in their twenties when she’s born and that does change things. She’s definitely the most well adjusted and also the one who…so Liz was born when her parents were really young and Ellie just did not mesh when she got past the age of nine (it wasn’t even necessarily anyone’s fault!) but Zoey was inherently Easy (tm) which I think is a different kind of pressure.
Listen Zoey and Charlie as the Mockingjay and Peeta gives me FEELINGS
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episodeoftv · 1 year
Round 1 of 8, Group 2 of 8
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propaganda and summaries are under the cut (May include spoilers)
30 Rock: 2.11 MILF Island
While the entire cast and crew is obsessed with watching the season finale of MILF Island, Liz tries to keep Jack from knowing that she is the person who made negative comments about him to a newspaper journalist.
The West Wing: 2.22 Two Cathedrals
As the Haitian army continues their seizure of the American embassy there, Bartlet and the staff prepare for the announcement that Bartlet has M.S. and the President must decide whether or he will seek re-election. As the funeral for Mrs. Landingham takes place and the announcement draws nearer, Bartlet thinks back to his past in search of the answer to the question everyone is asking: Will he seek re-election?
This episode is such a tour de force. It makes me cry, it’s amazing. Also the casting of the flashbacks is so well done?? Idk, no clever thoughts, it’s just really good / Per Wikipedia, “widely considered to be one of the greatest episodes of The West Wing and one of the best episodes in television history.“ If you watch this episode and don’t have feelings all through Bartlet’s monologue then did you even watch it? No, you didn’t. If you haven’t seen this show, and this episode specifically, then you need to.
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marchdadness · 2 years
these are dads from the west wing! vote for your favorite, or the one you think is the best, or the hottest, or whatever! the winner will be entered into a poll tournament with 63 other fictional dads.
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thebreakfastgenie · 1 year
Since you have more than a concept… ☔
☔ Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
I have so damn many. You know what. Fuck it. It's been this long, even if I'm still planning to write Jed Bartlet's funeral, which I am, I can explain it here.
It's exactly what it says on the tin. It's set in March 2011, although I was very tempted to move it to election day 2010 because I want Josh Lyman to suffer as much as possible. I chose 2011 because I wanted it to be early in the second Santos term; I wanted the death to feel a bit premature. Because I'm a bad person.
It follows the week of Jed Bartlet's death, from his death on Tuesday to his funeral on Sunday, and everyone being back at work on Monday. I did some research at one point to make this work with lying in state but I forget what I figured out.
The fic opens with Josh answered the phone in the middle of the night. He tells Donna "it's the First Lady," and she thinks it's for her because he clarifies that it's Abbey. Abbey tells him that Jed died, and that he's the first person she called after the girls. He died suddenly and unexpectedly; he wasn't sleeping, so he'd gone into his study, and Abbey went to check on him. He said "Abbey, something's wrong" and went into respiratory arrest. Abbey called for help and tried her medical skills, but he didn't make it. Abbey keeps repeating "we were supposed to have more time." After talking to Josh, she hangs up to call CJ, and Josh and Donna decide they can't go back to sleep. Josh prepares to tell Santos first thing in the morning.
The rest of Tuesday is various conversations informing everyone else. Wednesday through Friday get various people to New Hampshire. CJ is the first one, she goes right away and leaves the baby with Danny, who will join her in a couple days. Josh has a conversation with Zoey, because he hasn't seen her cry. Zoey tells him she cried for two day straight but then she saw her mom, sisters, and Charlie (who she's married to) crying and pulled it together.
All the canon couples, including Will and Kate, are still together, although they have a complicated semi-long-distance arrangement because he's in Congress in Oregon. Sam is married to his offscreen fiancée, who does not appear. She can't go to the funeral because of work, but it's implied their marriage may be in trouble.
Josh has a bit of a breakdown about his fears of dying young the night before the funeral, and the conversation turns to whether he and Donna want kids.
Just about every character ever shows up for the funeral, including both Hoynes and Russell. Mallory brings the napkin and has a nice moment with Abbey.
After the funeral, the main characters all have a wake at a local bar. They peel off for various reasons (Charlie wants to get back to the family, for example) until it's the original group left and when Donna goes to hail a cab, it's just Josh, Toby, CJ, and Sam. They all get very, very drunk.
Liz is considering finally divorcing Doug.
Toby goes to Andi's house after leaving New Hampshire, and ends up crashing on her couch. They take the kids to school together in the morning, and Andi asks Toby to get coffee. It hints at a future for them, unconventional but together, if Toby slows down and stops asking her to marry him.
Will and Kate get engaged while drunk, and Monday morning decide to think about it, but mutually agree to get serious about their relationship.
Donna orders breakfast for her and Josh, and shows him the birth control pill she didn't take.
I'm not sure I ever worked out CJ and Sam's final scenes. It ends with everyone getting on with their lives and certain things having progressed. The summary is "everyone comes together to bury a great man."
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b4rtlet · 5 months
@wallflowerswit // liked for a starter
zoey requires a season in london. their mother had declared a couple of weeks ago followed by mentions of the eldest bartlet sister and visiting her at her husband's home. which was how ellie found herself wincing along to a unique rendition of mozart. it felt mean to judge, when her own musical talents were hardly better but she was beginning to suspect that the timing of liz's trip to the powder room had been rather strategic. "it would appear i was lied to about the wonder of this evening's show," ellie muttered, standing to applaud the bowing quarter. "oh i'm sorry that was rude," she hurried, eyes meeting the lady standing to her side.
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twwpride · 1 year
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Congratulations on finishing Day 6 of The West Wing Pride Week!
Today's works are listed below. Don't forget to leave love and support on everyone's work — community is what makes it all count!
and secure the blessings by violet_storms/@solar-settings Prompt Fill: Rare Pair, (F/F) Amy Gardner x Liz Bartlet
A family that will always show you love by @worldsofdreamers Prompt Fill: Rare Pair & Confessions, (M/M) Josh Lyman x Sam Seaborn, (F/F) Ainsley Hayes x Donna Moss [unrequited]
the sea and the sky by rearviewmirror/@larsulrichburneracc Prompt Fill: Rare Pair & Confessions, (M/M) Percy Fitzwallace x Leo McGarry
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bartletforamerica · 4 years
Inspired by this post, because I wanted background to their closeness.
When the Bartlets started campaigning, they had to decide what to do with Zoey. Obviously she couldn't miss too much school, so she couldn't be with them all the time. But she was also the one best able to portray a "family image" with them, because while Liz could be there sometimes, Doug couldn't be left alone with Annie for too long and Ellie was busy with college. They had to find a solution which balanced Zoey's schoolwork with campaign optics (against Jed's objections).
Zoey stayed with Liz's family whenever her parents were away, sleeping on an air mattress in Annie's room. Zoey loved her niece but the opinionated, outspoken, rambunctious younger girl occasionally made studying difficult. She wanted Aunt Zoey to do hair and makeup with her, and gush about boy bands, and trying to get the grades needed for a good college limited the amount of time Zoey had to do that, which Annie didn't want to accept. Zoey had always been the fun Aunt, and Annie didn't understand why that had to be different now that Zoey was staying with them more often.
In some ways, going on campaign was easier. Her teachers believed that joining her parents was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and so were flexible with her long absences, making sure to keep in touch with Abby as to test dates when Zoey had to be back in Manchester, though she ended up taking make-up tests often enough, since not all the classes had tests at the same time. Her teachers put together packets of schoolwork and homework for her, which they traded out whenever Zoey came back. She was constantly lugging a full suitcase of books and binders across the country.
Even with all the necessary textbooks and English novels, trying to cover six subjects on her own without help was intimidating. Her dad was always willing to help, but he was always being pulled away. The same with her mom. Instead, Zoey started going to the campaign staff, who, while just as hectically busy, were willing to sit down with her for half an hour and take the opportunity to eat something and go over things. Sam called it a helpful mental break.
Toby was surprisingly good at science, Zoey found, and so she went to him whenever her mom wasn't available to help. Sam defied lawyer stereotypes by being good at math, so she used him for math. Donna became her go-to for Literature, as she could discuss a book without it devolving into a lengthy critique of the writing. [This happened several times before Zoey discovered Donna's background. She'd thought the two speechwriters would naturally be the best for English, and while they were great at proofreading essays, they weren't so much into explaining why the blackberries rotting signified the fleetingness of youth.]
Josh became her favorite among the staff. He was kinda cute and charming (but no way would she ever admit she'd had a bit of a crush for the first month or two). She went to him for help with history and her philosophy elective. He had a talent for simplifying and condensing complicated topics so that she got the full scope without the five tangents her father would have given her, and in the end she understood the material. He was also far more patient than Sam or Toby, cracking a joke if she didn't get it and rephrasing until she did. He had the weirdest analogies, but that was part of the fun.
Her dad helped with her Italian. He put his foot down with the staff that he was to have at least half an hour on whatever bus ride or plane ride they were on to sit down and converse with her in Italian or explain some grammar point. Leo and Toby usually timed these sessions, pulling him away as soon as the half hour ran out, but she was grateful he set the time aside for her. She missed him. As governor he'd been nowhere near as busy, and when he was in the House of Representives he'd made time to call home every night, and he'd had frequent trips home and periods of recess where he prioritized coming to school plays and talent shows and horse shows. Campaigns had no such breaks.
She missed it when it was over. Yeah, it had been crazy and stressful, but she wouldn't trade the memories for anything. Learning how government worked from the people planning on running it had been way better than having her gov teacher eyeing her everytime he asked a question. She couldn't wait for the semester to end and for the class to be replaced by economics. Though then she'd definitely have to listen to her father's by-phone ramblings each night. Tradeoffs, tradeoffs.
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marshmelonlover · 3 years
I love the relationship that CJ has with each of the Bartlet girls. She's very good friends with Liz, and Ellie's obviously comfortable enough around her to ask her for help with a statement as seen in Eppur Si Muove, and you see her hugging Zoey in ITSOTG.
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Fun fact I’m like 95% sure these two shots are the only ones in the whole series that portray all three Bartlet sisters
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47cityordinances · 4 years
I feel like we had quality Zoey and Josh content stolen from us.
I'm rewatching some eps and I watched "Crackpots and These Women" and just. The Josh and Zoey conversation gave me so much SEROTONIN. I adore their "older brother-little sister" dynamic and their banter and I just want more big brother!Josh and little sister!Zoey content
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mihrsuri · 3 months
A fic I'd love to see you write: the Bartlets as everyone's grandparents! Y'know, Annie and Gus, Ellie's kid, Molly and Huck, Josh and Donna's kids, CJ and Danny's girls... and the list goes on. 🥰
I actually have extensive thoughts on this one it turns out! So Annie and Gus are their first grandchildren (and also in my head the almost singular thing that Jed and Doug ever agree on ever) - I do think Annie takes her position as the Oldest Grandchild very seriously - also I tend to think that Zoey is actually closer in age to Annie than she is to Liz, even with Liz marrying young, so she and Annie are very close and Annie (and Gus to an extent) spent a lot of time with their grandparents - Annie (possibly Gus a little bit less) is the grandchild who knew her grandparents before the Presidency - she’s also going to give them a great grandchild they will live to see.
OH MY GOSH ELLIE’S KID(s). (The Ellie in my head has a wife but regardless). I really think she has a daughter. Like, Ellie Junior is a girl and that girl is named after a female physician/scientist. Also, I do think Ellie’s daughter is…I think Jed in particular really wants to make sure she knows how loved she is like.
HUCK AND MOLLY (listen, during the rift etc Andy was taking those kids to see their grandparents - Toby is like, it’s a family but it’s a brotherly relationship but the twins are the Bartlets grandchildren I swear this makes sense to me - Molly the ballet dancer and Huck the writer and also during the time they were babies Jed and Abbey absolutely held onto them. Like, they were clinging to those grandchildren).
Okay I’m writing a novel so just some bullet points:
-CJ and Danny’s girls are forever @miabicicletta Little Flamingos that’s just How It Is and honestly, Jed Bartlet is just, he is always gone for his daughters but when it comes to his granddaughters he is somehow more wrapped around their fingers. (Someone get Jules, Leo, Molly etc together their group chat is going to conquer the universe and I for one welcome it).
-Josh and Donna (and Sam because I ship Josh/Donna/Sam now but ANYWAY) have a little girl (she has two older siblings - Noah Leonard and Theodore Jacob) named Miriam Abigail Grace.
-ZOEY AND CHARLIE. Listen. Twins. They have twins. It is the sweetest. And then they have a little girl later on, whose grandparents might not get to meet her on earth. (That little girl’s middle name is Dolores fyi)
(I have an AU where Zoey was actually born in the White House as like surprise late in life baby idea now which I actually want to read).
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