captainstrawberrywings · 11 months
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Happy Birthday Levi
Here is Graffart postcard for Levi birthday 11/14
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iconsturkish · 2 years
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littlestardescendants · 5 months
So I did a Poll Yesterday about doing Mirjami's future kids with the four kings and since peeps are interested here they are!
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We got Sathana, Maymum, Livya, and Baal. All names that remind Mirjami of their fathers now let's yet into their details!
Info Under the Cut
First we have: Sathana, Satan and Mirjami's Daughter
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How It Happened: So I've made it no secret that Mirjami and Satan are feeling each other that way. Satan's kind of already has her heart and while Mirjami is shy or a bit hesitant I imagine it wouldn't take long for her to fall in love and eventually the two would marry. She's a touch shyer than Satan but the two are fiery so I imagine on their honeymoon or in one particular night together, she actually gets pregnant with their baby girl. The two are hella into each other it was bound to happen.
Relationship with Mirjami: Now Sathara has a very positive relationship with her mother. She's 100% a daddy's girl but she and Mirjami are very close as she's like Satan, always wanting to protect or spend time with Mirjami and Mirjami loves her to bits. She does occasionally wish Sathara was more lady like but she doesn't mind as her daughter is well loved and troublesome but with a good heart.
Relationship with Munira: While initially unhappy with a half sibling, Munira did warm up to Sathara and the two are actually very close. Sathara is very protective of Munira too and it's cute because she's the mischievous and feisty sibling while Munira is very calm and behaved. Sathara looks up to her and while she argues and gets in fights alot she will never yell at or argue with Munira. Munira helps calm her down because she's so attached to her.
Extra Facts:
Sathara acts like Satan a lot from their passionate fiery sides to her grinding her teeth.
She's very social and like Satan has horrific naming when it comes to things she likes.
Sathara loves when Mirjami sings and firmly believed her mother was a fairy for most of her early years.
Next is Mammon and Mirjami's Son, Maymum
Sathara is very loud and passionate but never raises her voice against her parents or Munira
Sathara gets in a lot if fights and because of her teeth grinding she also gnaws on random things for her temper
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How It Happened: So this pretty much goes like Satan's, I can see Mirjami and Mammon eventually marrying especially since Mammon is so respectful of her being and spoils her. I imagine they get married and eventually Mirjami gets pregnant.... Several times... Maymum just happened to be the eldest of the brood Mammon is breeding Mirjami full of right now-
Relationship with Mirjami: So Maymum is like Mirjami very awkward and sweet so Mirjami spoils him relentlessly, anything he wants he gets but she's also learnt to be firm and teach her son to be kind and polite. The two are very close and Maymum actually is always following Mirjami around, his mother very doting and coddling to him to the point she even gets hissy if Mammon tries to shoo him off for private time. Momma's boy through and through.
Relationship with Munira: Munira and Maymum have actually a very close bond. Munira was at first jealous but Maymum is very sweet and doesn't acknowledge what he gets as he always at the end of the day just wants to spend time with Munira or have her read to him. Munira is very protective of her little half brother and is always keeping him close because she's afraid he'd get exploited. He's just a big gummy bear honestly!
Extra Facts:
Maymum was frail as a baby and Mirjami actually had difficulty carrying him making her very fearful and anxious with him even now.
Due to having two very loving parents Maymum is a very chubby and spoiled but he's also a very sweet yet awkward kid not really good at picking up social cues.
Maymum likes money but he also likes hiding it from Bimet because of the time Bimet scolded him over wishing in a golden fountain for his coin back.
Maymum can be very naive or ignorant and that's led him to get in trouble for unintentionally helping or trusting troublesome people.
Maymum is always following Munira around as he only ever likes sitting with her or being with her. He's greedy for her time.
Next is Leviathan and Mirjami's Daughter, Livya
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How It Happened: Now this case is a bit dark as Mirjami never really enjoys when Leviathan touches her. In fact... She hates it. I imagine since that one H Scene she hated it so much she tried to avoid him but... Avoiding Leviathan isn't something entirely possible when he has her captive and runs a whole ass country. I imagine eventually she did slip up again in desperation not to die and eventually she got pregnant. She was not very happy about the news but that was how Livya was conceived.
Relationship with Munira: Now this is interesting as for a long time Livya was bitter and envied Munira but as Mirjami distanced herself from Livya, Munira stepped up to actually raise and care for her and with time that Envy turned into a heavy dependence on her. Livya loves Munira immensely and gets jealous when Munira is with other people as she feels Munira is the only person who loves her. She admires her older sister a lot and refuses to share her. It's quite an ordeal.
Relationship with Mirjami: Now sadly Livya and Mirjami don't have a close relationship. It's not bad but it's not.... Good. Mirjami raised and took care of Livya but she never really wanted her daughter and since being stuck with Leviathan she had been pretty depressed and distant not really acknowledging her because every time she looks at Livya she sees Leviathan. I think in part Livya knows this and it led to her feeling unloved as she craves Mirjami's love but Mirjami just... Struggles to accept Livya is here and this is her life now. Their relationship is strained and it's hard to be close since Livya has to be the "perfect" daughter and Mirjami still sees her as a "regret". It's complicated.
And lastly we have Beelzebub and Mirjami's Son, Baal
Extra Facts:
Livya was raised mostly by Leviathan. Since I imagine Leviathan's poor treatment of Mirjami never went away, Mirjami withdrew her role and Leviathan raised Livya leaving her feeling very confined or like she has to be perfect like he is.
Livya is desperate for Mirjami's love but has actually given up on receiving it as the two are barely in the same room most of the time.
When Livya was 5 she almost drowned only being saved by Munira in a split second. This is another reason Livya is attached to her.
Livya sews and crochets a lot and has actually made dolls of her family. She sleeps with the Mirjami doll the most and refused to make a doll of herself as she doesn't see herself worthy
Livya is considered the perfect child as she's always refined and intelligent but in reality she's incredibly depressed; She feels as if Leviathan only sees her as an extension of him and like Mirjami never wants her. It's why she clings to Munira because she feels only her older sister loves her.
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How It Happened: So Beelzebub and Mirjami's relationship is an interesting case since technically we haven't seen how their meeting would go. However I will say this; Mirjami does admire Beelzebub's free spiritedness and I imagine that and his affectionate side was enough to get several one night stands to make it happen. Mirjami didn't even ask Beelzebub to help her with it though because she thinks low of him as a parent.
Relationship with Mirjami: So raised by Mirjami Baal is very spoiled as Mirjami loves him but struggles being strict. The two are pretty close but Baal wants to grow up fast and see the world and it leaves them at odds as he's still young but he has the itch to grow. Baal is independent as well and it leaves Mirjami and him having a bit of a distant relationship since he practically takes care of himself even if she wants to do it for him. However make no mistake, Baal loves Mirjami. He may want to explore but she will always be home to him.
Relationship with Munira: As his older half sister Munira is always cleaning up his messes or watching over him and it's lead to them at odds. She thinks he's bratty but the two do get along in that Baal never wanders too far from her and Munira is one of the few able to coax Baal when he's hiding or slacking off. The two are siblings but also have each other's backs in different ways which works decently enough for them.
Extra Facts:
Baal actually wrote that stuff on his chest; He wanted to be like other kids and Avisos Demons.
Baal is a bit of a smart mouth and troublemaker but he never disrespects Mirjami or Munira, everyone can catch his attitude but them.
Baal lowkey resents Beelzebub for wandering off often making jokes he doesn't know Beel whenever he stops by. It's always passive aggressive jabs no matter what.
Baal wants to grow up and travel the world and eat an angel for the first time but Mirjami is too doting to allow that.
Baal loves to run and climb buildings preferring to do that over anything else.
Anyways! If you have any questions let me know but there we go Mirjami's Potential child with each King :>
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superiorthaumaturge · 3 months
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Her name is Livya
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zoroara · 9 months
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December Belphegor Redraw 25 of 31!  
You know it's really cool when the Varia combine their attacks and box weapons together it's a damn shame it doesn't happen often at all. It'd be really interesting to see how they compliment each other. That's something I gotta think about more, because it could create such interesting and dynamic battles~ I also just like the stupid little interaction here of Levi Shouting out "Levi Dive" For Bel to correct him that it'd be "Bel Dive" Because of the fact he's the one on the damn stingray. Because even if Bel doesn't often call out names of moves the least you can do is get it right.
The Image I redrew is under the cut, just to keep the post small.
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hey why the FUCK is Livya shaped like that, WHY
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livakkuma · 6 months
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hi i'm livya (she/her) 25, virgo, bi ♡ this is my blog for my pink & non-pink interests, fandoms & things i like or want to share! ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ ᰔ ︎♡ blog may feature spoilers of vg/tv shows/anime.
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king-leos-world · 3 months
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So since I am rebooting my TFP Lions comic, I will be redrawing everyone's reference starting with Aquaways here.
The Prides will each have their distinct appearances; Aquaways is from a Pride called Livya Pride because her family consisted of huge lions and lionesses.
Rank: Hunter and Guard
Pride: Prime Pride (currently); Livya Pride (formerly)
Mother: Tsunami
Father: Seabrawn
Mate: Blaze
Father in law: Ironhide
Mother in law: Chromia
TFP belongs to Hasbro
Art belongs to me
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gotoid · 10 months
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Inverno Eterno - Escuro, inverno e sangue! (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1394791269-inverno-eterno-escuro-inverno-e-sangue/ Em um planeta envolto em perpétua escuridão e frio implacável, a vida humana depende da frágil luz fornecida por um deus vulcão. Inspirada pelas antigas lendas de um destemido Paladino, Livya, uma jovem de uma tribo sobrevivente, desafia os limites da área habitável, ansiando desbravar o mundo lendário que se esconde além das tempestades de neve, conforme narrado nos contos que ecoam em seu clã. Em um mundo congelado, onde colossais criaturas disputam a supremacia na cadeia alimentar e monstruosidades lendárias espreitam por trás das nevascas, a curiosidade destemida de Livya a impulsiona a uma jornada brutal. No capítulo inicial "Escuro, inverno e sangue!", acompanhe Livya enquanto ela enfrenta feras selvagens, desafia as tradições de seu povo e explora territórios desconhecidos. Esta saga é marcada por coragem, descobertas, busca pela liberdade e o constante pulsar do sangue daqueles que tentam permanecer neste universo hostil.
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https-gabs · 1 year
vamo lá, meu nome é livya e eu tenho 16 anos. ano passado entrei aq pq tava desesperada p emagrecer e de fato emagreci. aí tive uns problemas familiares fodidos, aliados ao tal do body positive e um período de crises ansiosas e cheguei no meu maior peso. 💀 a história de que se vc sumiu do ed é pq tá comendo é mt verídica. a gota d'água p eu voltar p cá foi a minha consulta c o ginecologista que falou abessa do meu peso e me deixou com um puta constrangimento. eu n costumo postar mt (pq tenho vergonha e pq n tenho tanto tempo, já que estudo em tempo integral 🥴) mas tô sempre interagindo aq. é isso monas, voltay 💋😮‍💨
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Feel like pure shit just want her back (that one post of Livya's i forgot to like and can not find)
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jahdiel-death · 1 year
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✧˖ ° Clout✧˖ ° 
Hawtie Pose Pack
Pack includes 3 poses.
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Can be purchased individually ONLY FOR WOW WEEKEND
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Backdrop Not Included.
✧˖ ° Krueger Bunnys ✧˖ ° 
Fiji Nail Set (Shown on Legacy)
Long XL Square
Rigged for Kupra, Peach, Maitreya, Legacy & Reborn
Located @ DreamDay
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Lilly Set (Shown on Legacy)
Top Bra Panty Skirt 7 Colors FATPACK
Maitreya Legacy Reborn
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Livya Hair
In Black ONLY۰Please try demo
Hairbase Included
Genus & Lel EVOX
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ndnbadbitch · 5 months
Elder Scrolls OCs
Severine Livincius: My beloved first OC; Imperial/Nord who's the daughter of a Legate and Ulfric Stormcloak as well as the Dragonborn
Aemma the Swift: A Snow Elf princess who was murdered during the conflict that made Alduin go crazy. I somewhat have an idea for what her story will be, but she was taken from her father and raised by Dragon Priests.
Livya Marenni: A Dunmer mage/thief who hates everyone but has manged to become leader of the Thieves Guild and Listener for the Dark Brotherhood.
Danika Snowstorm: A Nord warrior who happily joined the Stormcloaks and is deeply devoted to her country
Lianna "Lia" Avenicci: Modern Skyrim OC who is actually the other half of the World Eater and will eventually achieve real godhood next kalpa
Roxanna Fireshield: The Bosmer Neverarine I kind of have started.
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livymors · 7 months
’bout me!
hi everyone! this is Livya Ivona, you can call me Livya, Ivy, or whatever is still related to my name. my x account (@.kitscm) is unlabeled with she/her as my pronouns, i am of legal age with pisces as my sign and infj-t as my mbti.
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i'm a fan of TREASURE, TWS, IVE, and NewJeans but i also listen to music from other kpop groups especially 4th gen. regarding my taste in music, i don't have a specific taste in music in any sense. if it sounds good, then i like it.
what i like!
for movies, i also don't watch movies too often, but there are several movies & k-dramas. and i love cats, sometimes i post a photo or video of my cats on my timeline.
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zoroara · 10 months
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November Levi A Than Redraw 30 of 30!  
Finishing off this month with not just a bang, but a Super Levi Volta! This image was a huge undertaking to figure out and position everything so that it fit nicely and still conveyed everything it needed. Of course you may have noticed my incessant need to have animals accurate as i can make them has appeared once more, with Livya, and bluebell's tail. This was a really fun image to draw even if it was difficult.
I do really like that Levi is pretty damn serious when he fights but he's also the one doing stupid ass poses and calling out ridiculous attack names the most. All with a straight face too. Absolutely fantastic.
As this is the last day for him, I'll be seeing you in december for Bel's ;)
The Image I redrew is under the cut, just to keep the post small.
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Love that they don't even look like umbrellas anymore and that Livya looks like a slightly off flounder
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reviewgameonline · 11 months
"Review Game Mobile Legends"
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finansca66 · 11 months
Livya Butik
Elbise, kişinin stilini ifade etmenin ve kendini ifade etmenin güçlü bir yoludur. Livya Butik, herkesin benzersizliğini ve tarzını ortaya çıkarabileceği bir moda destinasyonu sunar. Hem erkek hem de kadın giyiminde özgün tasarımlar sunan bu butik, her türlü zevke ve ihtiyaca hitap eder.
Livya Butik, erkek giyim modern, şık ve rahat tasarımlar sunar. Günlük kullanımdan özel etkinliklere kadar farklı ihtiyaçları karşılayacak zengin bir koleksiyona sahiptir. Pantolonlardan ceketlere, gömleklerden aksesuarlara kadar her şeyi bulabileceğiniz bir yerdir. Hem klasik hem de çağdaş tarzları seven erkekler için birçok seçenek sunar.
Erkek Giyim
Kadın giyiminde ise Livya Butik, zarif ve feminen tasarımlarıyla dikkat çeker. Günlük hayattan özel günler için şık elbiseler, bluzlar, etekler ve daha fazlasını bulabilirsiniz. Renk seçenekleri ve doku zenginliği ile her mevsime ve her tarza uygun parçalar sunar. Aynı zamanda farklı beden tiplerini düşünerek tasarlanmış kıyafetlerle herkesin kendini güzel hissetmesini sağlar.
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