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jabbubab · 7 years ago
All the even numbers you haven't done yet? ☺️
12: Have you pretended to like someone?
Never, I would never do that to someone
14: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
Definitely a few i can think (including you dopey)
16: Think back five months ago, were you single?
18: Hold hands with anyone this week?
Hahaha no
20: Who did you last see in person?
My sister about 5 minutes ago
22: Have you kissed three or more people in one night?
24: Are you good at hiding your feelings?
Not to sound edgy but hiding my feelings is what I do on a constant basis
26: Who did you last share a bed with?
I can’t even remember, probably when I was a kid
28: What is something you currently want right now?
A hug
30: How is your heart lately?
Alright I guess, still pumping away
32: When was the last time a member of the opposite sex hugged you?
One of my sisters friends about 2 weeks ago
34: Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but didn’t?
All the time
36: What are you listening to right now?
Wrestling themes because I’m just that cool
38: Love really is a beautiful thing huh?
Most of the time, yeah
40: What is on your wrists right now?
42: Where did you get the shirt/sweatshirt you’re wearing?
Charity shop like most of my clothes
44: Have you hugged someone within the last week?
Nope, except my mum and dad when they left on holiday
46: What were you doing at midnight last night?
Having a shower I think
48: Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone?
With someone else obviously
50: Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it?
I hope so
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davidbyrne · 8 years ago
23, 34, 63! X
23: Do you have piercings? How many? just my ears34: Who/what was your last dream about? i have no idea, can’t remember when i last had a dream63: Would you change your name? probably not. Maybe if I got married I’d change my last name but not sure
Thank you!
Send me asks! :)
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matt-i-guess · 7 years ago
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I’m sorry I’m so late with this! I was tagged by the radiant @livinginsalt to post my favorite selfies of 2017. Needless to say, I’m very happy I have my puppy and I actually take waaay more pictures of him than I do myself, but occasionally I’ll take one of the two of us. I’ll tag the lovelies of @piratecaptainmouse @nihterne @talkmagically @t-rexcorcist and anyone else who wants to spoil the internet with their selfies!
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canaljeito3-blog · 5 years ago
Pizza de Calabresa da Moradia
Conteúdo completo
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1. Pizza de calabresa de liquidificador
Regue com o azeite e sirva. Com um rolo de pizza baía a massa, formando um disco, se ficar muito grande corte-a e faça duas pizzas. Então, em poucos restaurantes, a pizza de calabresa com muzarela é chamada de Castelões, como relatam a chef Janaína Rueda e o noticiarista Rafael Tonon no livro "50 Restaurantes com Mas de 50 – 5 Muito tempo da Gastronomia Paulistana" (2018). Se você solicitar uma pizza de calabresa em São Paulo, possívelmente receberá isto. Só que muita gente acha um contraditório a carência da mozarela, e possui ainda o pessoal que odeia a cebola quase crua. Essa receita é muito prática e ótima para fornecer a família inteira. Agora que você já sabe nossa receita de pizza feita na frigideira passo a passo, Eu tenho uma indicação que pode te ajudar bastante. Coloque o atado de pizza por cima da massa. Se você ainda não sabe como fazer punhado de pizza, veja nosso post que te ensina como fazer punhado de pizza. Abrindo a seleção, essa receita de pizza de calabresa é tão simples que você deve fazer de olhos fechados! Primeiro, você vai aprender a preparar uma deliciosa massa com borda seca em formato de tortilha.
Sabores de Pizza Mais Pedidos [Tradicionais e Especiais]
Depois, retire do forno e espalhe a magricela calabresa cortada, adicione a cebola e decore com a oliva sem caroço, regue com azeite de oliva. O fato é que não existe ainda uma ABNTP (Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas de Pizza), logo as pizzarias podem entregar os nomes que quiserem às suas pizzas. Se um restaurante quiser chamar a pizza de calabresa de "Pizza Bruno de Luca", estará no direito dele. E, como diz o @livinginsalt, pequeno número de pizzarias chamam a pizza de calabresa com muzarela de TOSCANA. Molho de tomate Misture os ingredientes e reserve. Não ligeiro ao fogo. Transfira a tamanho da pizza para uma assadeira redonda forrada com papel bajulação, e leve ao forno a 180°C por cerca de 15 minutos, só para endurecer algo. 2. Cubra a tamanho com uma estrato bem fina de mussarela, sem seguida acrescente a calabresa, a cebola temperada e coloque para assar um pouco, cerca de 10 minutos. Leve ao forno médio preaquecido (200 ºC) por por volta de 20 minutos ou até assar a massa e gratinar o queijo. Regue com o óleo e sirva. Gozaria compreender cada vez mais a respeito de este argumento Conteúdo completo, continue lendo
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blackmuddyriver · 7 years ago
Name: Maciek Nicknames: I’m not telling! Gender: Male Star sign: Capricorn Height: 5'11" (1.79m) Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw Favourite animal: Owl or Deer Average hours of sleep: 8 Dogs or cats: Cats Blankets you sleep with: I’m not telling! Dream trip: Anywhere that is far away from a civilization. Northern Canada, Alaska, Siberia. Also: A tour around American National Parks. Dream job: Live musician/music journalist. When I made my blog: Late 2013? Followers: 229 Why I made a tumblr: (a) to be a part of fandoms, (b) to be able to share some pretty eye-candy-stuff anonymously Reasons for my url: Originally it was meant to be a temporary url, but it grew on me after a while. It’s a title of Grateful Dead’s song, but it was a cover by Bruce Hornsby and DeYarmond Edison available on Day of the Dead LP (2016) that inspired my url. Thanks for the tag @livinginsalt ! I’ll tag @kubricksodyssey, @marissimo & @auroriers
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jabbubab · 7 years ago
third times the charm here for answering
Okay so its really difficult to narrow down one compliment because there are so many but I just love how kind you are?? Like no matter what else is going on or what else you’re dealing with you just make time for people and make time to make sure people are happy and okay and do anything you can to help them and I love it
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theshrewdone · 7 years ago
I was tagged by the dear @wouldwehaveknown, thank you! :)
tag 20 followers you want to get to know better
name: Noémi
nicknames: Don’t have any, really...Nono for some people.
gender: Female
star sign: Scorpio
height: 1.77 m
hogwarts house: -
favourite animal: Cats and felines
average hours of sleep: If I’m lucky it’s 7, but usually 5-6...
dogs or cats: CATS!
blankets you sleep with: One lightweight duvet that I use for both summer &winter :D
dream trip: Iceland, Danmark
dream job: Something with glass art
when i made my blog: May 2017 
followers: 64 (+/-, they come and go all the time :D )
why i made a tumblr: I had been following a few blogs, especially about crime cases than I discovered the F1 fandom and I decided to be a part of it to keep an eye on it 24/7 :)
reasons for my url: The shrewd one? I like that this word has many meanings (at least when translating it to Hungarian): wicked, mischevious, spicy, kinky, strong, smart, crabby, insightful, sharp, perceptive...I think I'm a mix of all of those things. 
I’m just gonna throw some blogs here, if anyone who would like to do it go ahead @checoyourself, @where-is-stone , @awkwardhumpback , @livinginsalt , @sacredjaguar @rosskt1989
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