omgkatsudonplease · 10 years
Is this the last you're gonna RP as Spock? :(
I might stay on the blog for the summer, depending on how long jgoose13 is available to play Jim, b/c my Spock muse is needy and really likes her Jim.
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respectsthechair · 10 years
"Captain!" He paused though, before he could actually pounce on the human, because that would be an un-Vulcan thing to do. Instead he settled for a somewhat less austere expression. "I have missed you."
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"Spock, hey…" Jim breathed, small smile curling at full lips. His hands are firmly clasped around each other at the small of his back, spine straight and tall. They were practically the same height but Spock was capable of making him feel so short, perhaps it was the lithe build, the hidden strength beneath that skin. "I’ve missed you too."
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[alleyway] He immediately leapt into action against the assailant, taking them down with a couple blows and a Vulcan nerve pinch. Then he rushed to Jamie, kneeling down by her to inspect her injuries. "Captain, do you require medical assistance?"
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"I’m fine, Spock." She sits up with a small groan. "Nothing a hot shower can’t fix."
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bitchtothebridge-blog · 11 years
oh no, he's hot || closed | live-long-and-bite-me
New assignment
Jim had been waiting for this, he could do it. 
Or at least this was what he'd been telling himself as he sat, not so calmly in the seat of the shuttle taking him to his new assignment. He took in a deep breath to calm himself - well that was the idea, it really wasn't doing much. He was too excited. 
And he was on the Enterprise for crying out loud! That's like the newest flagship in the fleet! Of course he'd red all about the Captain too; a Vulcan -well, half Vulcan- by the name of Spock. Efficient, intelligent and maybe a bit strict. Jim thought he wouldn't mind so much though, not with the job he was getting.
Science officer already! He could hardly believe it. Part of the bridge crew of the Enterprise. 
As the shuttled docked, he stood and straightened, taking one last deep breath and one last look around the small vessel before nodding to himself, and stepping out into the docking bay of his new home.
Once he'd made sure he had all of his transfers in order and anything he might need, he found his way to the bridge, as were his orders. Before the doors opened though, he steadied his breathing, closing his eyes and pinching himself to make sure this was all real. He then stepped in the doorway and spoke up best he could, not quite looking at his new Captain, his eyes a little out of focus, "Permission to enter, Sir?" 
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someborngreat · 11 years
+5 bite their thumb at you, sir.
               " ------ Ah, visitors."
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                       "What a rare, yet glorious burden."
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commanderpyrrhadve · 11 years
livelongandbiteme replied to your post: happy new years eve guuuuuuuys
hOLY SHIT why didnt u say u were a babe oh my g o d
aslkdfdjfjdsfsksadhsk <3333
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omgkatsudonplease · 10 years
What time tomorrow night?
7pm PDT? a little earlier too, perhaps.
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apostateapologist · 11 years
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inspired by shena and julian who have assured me that australians cannot feel love; most likely because australians, as everybody knows, are constantly on fire 
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live-long-and-bite-me replied to your post:Online
((if you wanna look over what I’ve written of the star trek/dw au, gimme your email and I’ll make a google doc?))
((I'd love to, but I'd rather not give out my email address. Sorry. D: Would you by any chance be posting it on AO3 or something like that at some point?))
darktentoo replied to your post:Online
//hello~ I probably would be but I know very little about the TTverse. If you ever wanna interact I’d be happy to after some reading up
((Not to worry! I combine a little of the cartoon!Teen Titans in with the original comic!Teen Titans (mostly her backstory) so she's not 100% TV accurate. I might pop into your inbox or something then, if you don't mind. ^^))
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itwasajokecupcake · 11 years
In a universe where everyone is born with numbers on their wrists counting down to when they’ll meet their soulmate, send me 00:00:00 for my muses reaction to their numbers hitting zero when they meet yours.
Politics were not James T. Kirk’s favorite thing to do.
Unfortunately, it was part of his job after he walked in his father’s footsteps of being a military man. Wasn’t easy keeping his nose clean as a kid, but he managed to stay out of major trouble.
This is what led him to this new foreign world: Vulcan. One of the driest deserts of a planet, yet, with such an interesting culture. Jim was fascinated to say the least. This wasn’t a pleasure trip, however; they were here for a revision of trade contracts, escorting a high official to the planet
As he stepped off the ship, the blond adjusted his uniform hat after receiving a glare from his higher ranked officer. He was going to die of heatstroke, he could tell.
Wisely he kept his complaints to himself, focusing more on the people that bustled around their little group. Vulcans were interesting people in the way they dealt with everyday matters. He glanced at a few of the slightly pointed-eared people, coming up with back stories to some that were interesting to him as the small hoard of humans made their way up the steps of the official building.
 The military man smiled faintly as he took in the architecture and few artifacts on display that gave a glimpse into the past. Ice blues flickered this way and that like an excited child.
That is until they fell on one of the Vulcans that approached their little group. Jim wasn’t sure what it was about him, but he couldn’t tear his eyes from his figure in the loose robes. 
Once the two groups met and the officials started introductions and small talk, the blond felt his wrist itch—a bad habit of fidgeting he had not been able to conquer just yet. In attempt to stop staring, he glanced down at his wrist that was barely covered by his military sleeves.
And then he did a double take.
His timer was out.
Immediately, he looked back up and straight at the man that had caught his attention before.
Was he…?
A quick glance towards the more important men told him they were still busy and he took the chance to slink a tad bit closer. 
"…hi, I’m Kirk. People call me Jim."
Had the other man noticed his timer?
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In a universe where everyone is born with numbers on their wrists counting down to when they’ll meet their soulmate, send me 00:00:00 for my muses reaction to their numbers hitting zero when they meet yours.
Nyota had spent her entire life fighting that damn timer. She told herself that she wasn’t going to let a series of numbers define her life, tell her who she should and should not love. But no matter what she tried, nothing ever worked out and she was sick of it. She’d always been good in school, good with words—languages—and since she wasn’t going to let the stupid timer run her life, she decided to do something drastic.
She enlisted in Starfleet, started at the academy, and she was one of the best in her class. Still, the timer patronised her and she resented it. Until one day when she walked into a new class for a new semester… taught by a sort of living legend in the academy. Looking up at him when she walked into his class, the up and coming xenolinguist smiled a little bit.
And then it happened.
"Well then…"
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commanderpyrrhadve · 11 years
livelongandbiteme replied to your post: “livelongandbiteme replied to your post: “THE REALLY HARD DECISIONS IN...”:
lbr here.jack harkness is the original pansexual space captain. u know in ur heart it is right
u make a very good point there
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omgkatsudonplease · 10 years
What's your Spock URL? I'll make a Bones side blog.
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apostateapologist · 11 years
livelongandbiteme replied to your post: oh btw merry bought me a new webcam ...
fwaaaAA ur so cute omg (and thats so sweet ahhh)
i know ohmygosh shes the best
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