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Created this cozy little sewing nook for myself tonight. It's sew wonderful if I do say so myself. I am looking forward to all sorts of goodness and magical musings happening here! #sew #sewingnook #sewing #sewingmachine #singer #singersewingmachine #paperie #papercrafting #paperandlace #sewingjournals #happenings #theenchantingworldofmiladyleela #miladyleeladesigns #magicalmusings #artismymagic #sewingmachine #livingamagickallife #livelifemagickally #livingamagicallife #livelifeartfully #livelifebeautifully
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Cheers to that!!! 馃憜馃徑馃. . #mondaviwinery #robertmondavi #vino #artislife #lifeisart #creative #visionary #winetime #livelifeartfully #artiseverywhere #finallygotamanipedi https://www.instagram.com/p/B9da-y7J9mT/?igshid=1gks2wf6pe6ij
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#artfuldreams2017 Day 1: Location - What is your dream location? Where do you want to live in this big beautiful world? Join me on an adventure of artful dreaming. For 7 days we鈥檒l journal and create art to bring power to our dreamiest of dreams. This 7-day challenge is in honor of #ProjectGeoFreedom. >>>HOW IT WORKS<<< 馃挋 Choose a journal or notebook you enjoy working in: No need to buy anything new. Simply use what you have even if it鈥檚 scraps of paper. 馃槈 馃挋 Take a moment each day with the themes featured below and journal about your dreams: Write, draw, play, color, make your mark and enjoy the reflection and glow you feel when you dedicate time to thinking about your dreams. Have some fun and hold your dreams with a soft gaze. Allow the dreams to flow and morph. 馃挋 Share your creations to @simplyartworld with #ArtfulDreams2017 馃挋馃挋Each time you share your creations or this challenge with friends you鈥檒l be entered into a drawing to win An Artful Tote designed with the Simply Art painting titled Joy.馃挋馃挋 >>>Details also on the blog<<< 馃挋馃挋馃挋馃挋馃挋馃挋馃挋馃挋馃挋馃挋馃挋馃挋馃挋馃挋馃挋馃挋馃挋馃挋 #ArtfulDreams2017 #ProjectGeoFreedom #travel #artchallenge#entreprenour #mompreneur #mixedmedia #mixedmediartist #art #artjournal#artjournaling #dreams #remotework #livelifeartfully #painting #yoga#namaste #creativity #writing #joy #magic #2017 #dailyritual#intuitivepainting #creativitychallenge
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Goddess Good! #juliacameron #livelifeartfully #spiritualjourney #expecttheunexpected #trust
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Working with Natural Elements and Water Colors for this week's Planner/Vision Board Spread. More to come...stay tuned! #planneraddict #planners #plannergirl #plannerpeople #enchantingyourplanner #enchantingmyplanner #visionboards #visionboard #miladyleeladesigns #miladyleeladesignstudio #nature #papercraftingaddict #paperie #papercrafting #naturalelements #flowers #pressedflowers #flowerpress #livingamagickallife #livingamagicallife #livelifeartfully #livelifebeautifully
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馃寣馃挏馃寣馃挏馃寣 ~Enchanting Grace~ Harvesting Dreams and Wishes as the wheel of the year turns to the...#firstharvest #lammas #lughnasadh . Stay with me for a full video on my YouTube Channel soon for this spread and more. #plannerspread #planneraddict #planners #planwithme #plannergirl #manifestations #plannerpeople #enchantingyourplanner #goals #happenings #reminders #enchantingmyplanner #faerie #faeriemagic #faeriemagick #handdye #handdyedpaper #fashionshow #dreams #giftsfromthegarden #giftsfromtheearth #newbeginnings #artteachespatience #livelifeartfully #livinganartfullife #livingamagickallife #livingamagicallife #miladyleeladesigns #livelifebeautifully
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Creating Ribbons today from cotton sheeting fabric for my Faery Wings. I adore the soft colors..I am thinking the Faery's will too! #handdye #handdyed ##handdyedfabric #ribbons#cotton #Faery #wings #miladyleeladesigns #miladyleeladesignstudio #livingamagicallife #livelifeartfully #livelifebeautifully https://www.instagram.com/p/BSJqXwNBf_X/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7ra4dmlmnpyh
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~Memories and Moments of Magic~ So I just finished up this week's Planner Spread/Vision Board. Now that I am all caught up, I will be filming and editing the beginning pages of August up to the current Spread. There are SO MANY SURPRISES...I can't wait to share! Pictured is just a snippet of How I have Enchanted Grace this week with Memories and Moments of Magic! Stay tuned for the Full Video Soon. #enchantingmyplanner #enchantinggrace #memoriesandmomentsofmagic #plannergirl #plannerpeople #planwithme #miladyleeladesigns #livelifeartfully #livelifebeautifully #livingamagickallife #livingamagicallife #artteachespatience
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A Beautiful Bundle of ~HAPPY MAIL~ Look for the entire video soon on my youtube channel. I will be sending this lovely package of goodies this week to someone very special! #happeningnow #happymail #livelifbeautifully #lovebelessings #snailmail #snail #mail #mailing #prettypackaging #prettypackages #friendship #livinganartfullife #livelifeartfully #inthemail #miladyleelaonyoutube #livingamagicallife
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Enchanting my Planner With water color. After She dries, I will be journaling with words...loving this process. #watercolor #watercolorpainting #journals #planners #plannergirl#miladyleeladesigns #plannerpeople #livingamagicallife #mixed media #collage #livelifeartfully #livelifebeautifully
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Upcoming... For a Clip into my Planner, STAY TUNED! #planneraddict #plannergirl #plannerpeople #plannerspread #planners #planner #plannerspread #spring #miladyleelachannel #miladyleelaonyoutube #livingamagicallife #livelifebeautifully #livelifeartfully
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Created this cozy little sewing nook for myself tonight. It's sew wonderful if I do say so myself. I am looking forward to all sorts of goodness and magical musings happening here! #sew #sewingnook #sewing #sewingmachine #singer #singersewingmachine #paperie #papercrafting #paperandlace #sewingjournals #happenings #theenchantingworldofmiladyleela #miladyleeladesigns #magicalmusings #artismymagic #sewingmachine #livingamagickallife #livelifemagickally #livingamagicallife #livelifeartfully #livelifebeautifully
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Sneek peek of a project I am working on. #artismymagic #miladyleeladesigns #BOS #bookofspiratualimagery #bookofshadows #livelifeartfully #artteachespatience #livingamagickallife #livelifebeautifully
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So much fun to make! This Is one of the first ACT cards I made...always have been inspired by Roses and Tea Pots. I will have to create a similar one with a Red Rose to represent "Beauty and The Beast". Perhaps an entire collection. I absolutely Loved the new movie and am so inspired by it. #rose #tea #roses #teapots #beautyandthebeast #ATC #aceo #miladyleeladesigns #livelifeartfully #livingamagicallife #livelifebeautifully
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My son is kind, intuitive, wise and eternal. He knows when Mommy needs a hug and the simple gesture keeps me going. 馃挋Caring for my own parent as he fights for his survival from liver cancer is daunting at times. #babykai_m shows true compassion and strength as he sees the adults around him attempt to hold it together. I am strong. I am love. We are family! #livelifeartfully
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#babykai_m having a deep connection with a friend he met at the park while mommy talked real estate with the doggy鈥檚 mommy and daddy. It鈥檚 a good day when work comes natural and life鈥檚 small moments take your breath away. #livelifeartfully #simplyartfulliving #cltrealtor #charlotterealtor #listingagent
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