isupportonlinedoctor · 6 months
How Can I Take Online Doctor Services in Ontario?
Introducing the system of virtual healthcare services is a great step towards provision of medical facilities and expert opinions to people from the comfort of their homes especially when 10 percent people in Ontario fail to find a qualified house doctor for their medical concerns. Through virtual appointments, people in Ontario can have their medical issues solved without even having to leave their couch.
How to Get Virtual Health Services? A Step-by-Step Guide.
Before going for hiring an online doctor for your medical issues, you need to know about various platforms offering online healthcare services. The increase in demand of online doctor services has allowed a lot of companies and service providers to step into this avenue.
Step 1: Finding a Good Virtual Service Provider
There are different medical companies and healthcare providers online, all with their unique packages but one thing that they do share in common is a team of highly qualified and experienced professionals to assist the patients in the best possible way. Here are a few options where you can book an online doctor in Ontario:
Maple: Maple is a virtual service that brings Canadians closer to licensed physicians. The spectrum of this service focuses mainly on family and emergency medicine. People can access specialists in the field 24/7 to get their problems solved. This service also added screening tests for Covid-19 in its coverage program. People who have suspicions about contracting a coronavirus infection can get screened for a y possible infection (people need to have a valid OHIP card for this purpose).
Get Well Clinic: The clinic is located West in Toronto. It has a virtual care wing that provides online services to people who don’t have access to the clinic. It provides an e-membership for just $226 but significant waivers can be availed if you have a valid OHIP card. This particular service provides people with an opportunity to have consultations with Toronto-based doctors via private messaging, online chat and video chat.
Appletree: Appletree is an excellent virtual health service provider in Ontario that offers free of cost consultations to people who have a valid OHIP card. But it does not cover all healthcare issues so be sure to check the list of their services before booking an appointment. Once found suitable, an appointment can be arranged by simply checking in with your OHIP number and completing a survey.
EQ care: This particular platform is a pioneer of virtual health care in Canada. With an experience of over 30 years, it provides excellent services at the greatest level of convenience. The doctors are available 24/7 to discuss cases in both English and French languages. The service can be availed by downloading the app and describing the symptoms to EQ care team member who them connects you with a doctor. This way patients can receive expert opinions, get prescriptions and can also be suggested lab investigations and specialist referrals.
Livecare: Livecare is a telemedicine company that is currently owned and operated by physicians in Canada. It provides a wide range of health care services covering treatments for common disease conditions and allows people to connect with licensed practitioners. People can book online visits, discuss their concerns and keep a record of their progress. It also provides additional facilities such as online journals, health trackers and calendars.
Step 2: Booking an Appointment.
Once you have identified a suitable health care provider, the next step is to book an appointment with an online doctor. Most platforms have simple procedures such as signing up and providing relevant details and selecting an appropriate time slot for an online session. Some platforms provide toll free numbers where you can directly talk to a team member and book an appointment. In short, booking an online visit is not an uphill task.
Step 3: Discussing the Issue and Having Your Problem Solved.
The next step in line is to discuss your issue and getting an expert opinion.
The End Note:
Now that you know how to talk to a doctor online, avoid delays and book your online visit right now (if you have a problem of course!).
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seoaccount2024 · 6 months
تصميم سيرة ذاتية مُلفتة: أدوات سهلة ونتائج مذهلة
في عالم اليوم، تُعدّ السيرة الذاتية أكثر من مجرد ورقة تُقدمها لأصحاب العمل. إنها انعكاس لصورة نفسك المهنية، وأداة قوية تُمكنك من التميز عن باقي المُتقدمين للوظيفة.
كيف تُصمم سيرة ذاتية مُلفتة للنظر؟
لا داعي للقلق، فمع وجود العديد من الأدوات السهلة الاستخدام، يمكنك تصميم سيرة ذاتية مُبهرة تُجذب انتباه أصحاب العمل وتُزيد من فرص حصولك على الوظيفة التي تُريدها. cv جاهز
إليك بعض الأدوات التي ستُساعدك على تصميم سيرة ذاتية مُلفتة:
Canva: يُقدم هذا الموقع مجموعة كبيرة من القوالب الجاهزة للسيرة الذاتية، والتي يمكنك تخصيصها بسهولة باستخدام مُحرره المُبسط.
ResumeGenius: يُقدم هذا الموقع أدوات لبناء السيرة الذاتية ومراجعتها، مع إمكانية الحصول على نصائح من خبراء التوظيف.
LiveCareer: يُقدم هذا الموقع مجموعة من النصائح والمصادر لكتابة وتصميم السيرة الذاتية، مع إمكانية تحميل قوالب جاهزة.
VisualCV: يُتيح لك هذا الموقع إنشاء سيرة ذاتية تفاعلية تُعرض على شكل موقع إلكتروني، مما يُتيح لك إبراز مهاراتك وخبراتك بشكل مُلفت للنظر.
نصائح لتصميم سيرة ذاتية مُلفتة:
استخدم تنسيقًا واضحًا وسهل القراءة.
اختر ألوانًا احترافية تُناسب مجال عملك.
استخدم خطًا واضحًا وسهل القراءة مثل Arial أو Times New Roman.
احرص على خلو السيرة الذاتية من الأخطاء الإملائية والنحوية.
استخدم صورًا عالية الجودة تُظهرك بشكل احترافي.
ركز على مهاراتك وخبراتك المُتعلقة بالوظيفة التي تتقدم لها.
استخدم كلمات مفتاحية تُظهر مهاراتك وخبراتك.
اختبر السيرة الذاتية على مختلف الأجهزة للتأكد من عرضها بشكل صحيح. المزيد : قوالب سيرة ذاتية
مع اتباع هذه النصائح، يمكنك تصميم سيرة ذاتية مُلفتة للنظر تُساعدك على اجتذاب انتباه أصحاب العمل وزيادة فرص حصولك على الوظيفة التي تُريدها.
بالإضافة إلى الأدوات المُذكورة أعلاه، إليك بعض النصائح الإضافية لتصميم سيرة ذاتية مُميزة:
استخدم رسومات بيانية ورسومات توضيحية تُظهر إنجازاتك.
أضف قسمًا للمشاريع التي عملت عليها.
أضف قسمًا للشهادات التي حصلت عليها.
أضف قسمًا للجوائز التي حصلت عليها. تابعنا : سي في جاهز
ختامًا، تذكر أن تصميم سيرة ذاتية مُلفتة للنظر هو استثمار في مستقبلك المهني، لذلك احرص على بذل الوقت والجهد لإنشاء سيرة ذاتية تُبرز مهاراتك وخبراتك بأفضل طريقة ممكنة.
مع تمنياتنا لك بالتوفيق في مسيرتك المهنية!
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lead-academy · 7 months
Mastering Transferable Skills: The Employer's Essential Checklist
Employers are seeking transferable skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, leadership, adaptability, and effective teamwork. These skills are valued across industries and demonstrate an individual's ability to excel in diverse professional environments. Source: FlexJobs, Smeal College of Business Career Connections, Indeed, Coursera, LiveCareer, Hello Monday, The Forage, BetterUp, Milkround. Here is my blog:https://lead-academy.org/blog/examples-of-transferable-skills/
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lindsaykarny · 2 years
8 Best Resume Tools Online
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A resume tool is a website or software that helps you create, edit, and format your resume 2023. Many resume tools have different features. Some of them allow you to create a professional-looking resume with little effort, while others provide customization options. Some also help you track your activities and create reports that show your job search progress. No matter what needs you need, there is a resume tool that can help you get the job you want.
Why are resume tools so popular in 2022?
It's no secret that the job market has become increasingly competitive in recent years. With many qualified candidates for the same positions, employers must find new ways to identify the best candidates. As a result, resume tools have become increasingly popular in recent years. By 2022, it is estimated that more than 60% of employers will be using some form of resume tool to screen candidates. There are several reasons for this trend. 
First, resume tools can identify candidates for the job. Second, resume tools can automate the screening process, making it more efficient and less time-consuming. Finally, resume tools can provide a complete picture of a candidate's qualifications, making it easier for employers to make informed hiring decisions. In an increasingly competitive job market, it is clear that resume tools are here to stay.
Best Resume Tools
If you are looking for a great resume tool to help you create your resume in no time and look extremely good without problems of any kind, you will find the best on the following list:
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1. CV Maker
Even though it has a simple amount of template recommendations, you can actually edit them as much as you want, edit everything you desire and eventually add any type of information in it as you will be able to configure the resume depending on your needs and desires. Moreover, it is free, and you can download your resume in PDF, TXT, HTML, or Word.
2. Resume Bucket
This site offers the opportunity to insert your experience in any way possible, plus it lets you learn the exact form of structuring a resume with their step-by-step guide on how to make a resume. This way, you can create a resume no matter what you need, making sure they are always good-looking and wonderfully structured to attract more attention. However, the site is paid, and you need a subscription to use all its features, including its ATS-friendly structure.
3. Resume Genius
This excellent site offers multiple template recommendations for almost any type of job application, but if you like a custom design, you will be able to create your own. However, the site offers a free 14-day trial you need to sign up for if you want to download your resume, but always ensure it is structured correctly and ATS-friendly for better opportunities later on.
4. LiveCareer
LiveCareer is like the brother of Resume Bucket. This website offers the same platform and app to create resumes, with excellent ATS-friendly format templates of resume for free users and a great vast list of features for paid users like a cover letter builder, different types of downloads, and much more, making it very good alongside the other resume builders available.
5. Kick Resume
As a free site, this one offers may be the most modern and good-looking template recommendations done by professional designers. This site was named one of the best resume tools in 2018 due to its efficacy and excellent platform. You won’t have anything wrong to say about this site when you use it.
6. My Perfect Resume
This excellent resume builder tool is also one of the best resume apps in 2022. Suppose you want high-quality resumes and top-notch structures. In that case, this website will give you both, plus the best templates to help you create a chronological, functional, or just a resume divided by profession to help you make any job application.
7. Visual CV
Visual CV is a resume builder created to join via LinkedIn. Every LinkedIn user can use Visual CV to build their resume by adding their profile. The site will generate the outline according to your LinkedIn profile. This makes it easier for job seekers to create a resume.
8. Ask Petersen Resume Writing Service
Suppose you’re looking for a custom design plus the most beautiful type of templates and many configurations according to your field of work or job application. In that case, you can use this website and make sure you make the best resume according to your needs and desires. This website is free but has some features you need to subscribe to.
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mainstips · 2 years
Cv maker free online
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Cv maker free online for free#
Cv maker free online how to#
Stand out from the crowd by creating a one-of-a-kind web and engaging PDF version. Simply include a call-to-action on your downloaded CV, encouraging potential employers or hiring managers to check out your full professional profile by scanning the QR code or searching your personalized Web CV link. Copy and paste job descriptions from any listings to get a job-specific resume match score. We make creating the perfect resume quick and easy. Customize dozens of professionally designed templates. Build a professional resume online with LiveCareers award-winning Resume Builder. Access and edit your cover letters and resumes anytime, anywhere.
Cv maker free online for free#
You can even save multiple CV versions for each job position you apply to. Create professional resumes online for free - CV creator - CV Maker Create beautiful, professional resumes in minutes, free. With it, you can: Save, download and print an unlimited number of resumes and cover letters in all major formats, like MS Word and PDF. With Zety, I was able to speed up my CV-making process to the point where I sent out 4 targeted job. With an web CV you can also feature extra elements such as links and videos - something you cannot accomplish with the PDF format. Zety’s free CV maker gives you pre-formatted and professionally designed templates and an intuitive text editor with a CV wizard suggesting ready-made content. You can go into greater detail adding more information on your work experience, skills, executive summary, and additional CV sections, while maintaining a concise traditional paper curriculum vitae (as recommended by recruiting professionals). The benefit of having an web CV, in addition to your paper resume, is that you can more thoroughly express your complete professional potential by including additional projects, seminars, courses, conferences, etc., that you can’t fit on a 1-page PDF document. Let us help you with our easy-to-use online CV maker! We provide you with a unique online or web CV, as well as a browser-based PDF CV builder. Use VisualCVs free online CV builder to create stunning PDF or online CVs & resumes in minutes. It comes with features that provides quick options. Resumemaker.in is a free resume maker website where you can make a professional resume online in a few minutes using pre-built resume templates.
Cv maker free online how to#
Knowing where to start or how to improve your CV can be a big challenge. The names and logos of the companies referred to above are all. Make Free CV is one of the best and free CV makers you can find.
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rifercuray-blog · 7 years
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"Escapa de tu rutina, aventurate" Fecha: 02/07/17 Lugar: Cine Olaya Smarthpone #adventure #lifestyle #proyecto48 #car #viaje #livecar #travelcar #travellife #backpapers #huaweip9lite2017 #huawei #huaweistyle #nova #novalite #livefree (en Cine Olaya - Centro Cultural)
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carpornpowerwomen · 6 years
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Big Baby Bentley #Bentley #carporn #carlove #cars #carcandy #carcrazy #bigcars #carlife #livecars #carspotting #justcars #lovecars (bij Haarlem, Netherlands) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpwpL5bBw3Y/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jwvr59e163gz
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severebreadsuit · 4 years
The LiveCare Solution Manages the End-To-End, In-Home Healthcare Workflow and Related Financial Account Management Processes.
The LiveCare Solution seamlessly connects all parties involved in the home healthcare and out-of-home transport process through an integrated set of modules, including:
Provider Admin Console and Dashboard
In-Home Provider App
Consumer/Guardian Portal
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myhoneststudyblr · 3 years
hiii, so when applying for volunteerung work or organisations, they ask "how will you contribute to the team" and I always go blank. do u have any advice. thank you :)
hi anon!
the main thing is to prepare beforehand and look at the individual organisation and what they want in a person. you can basically predict this question (or smth very similar) so prepare and answer. jot some bullet point ideas down!
here are some resources i found on google that could help:
Indeed: Interview Question: "What Can You Contribute to This Company?" in Your Next Interview
The Balance Careers: Interview Question: "What Can You Contribute to This Company?"
LiveCareer: Interview Q&A: What Would You Bring to Our Team?
My Perfect Resume: What Can You Bring to the Team?
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jordanburkeacting · 4 years
AllStars Casting (2020) AllStars Casting, Available at: https://www.allstarscasting.co.uk/ (Accessed: 29/04/202).
Burke, J. (2020) Jordan Burke, Available at: https://jordanburke29.wixsite.com/website (Accessed: 29/04/202). 
Equity. (2020) Equity , Available at: https://www.equity.org.uk/ (Accessed: 29/04/202). 
IMBD (2020) Bernadette Foley, Available at: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0284100/ (Accessed: 29/04/202).
IMBD (2020) Crissy Rock, Available at: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0734156/ (Accessed: 29/04/202).
LiveCareer (2020) Actors CV Examples, Available at: https://www.livecareer.co.uk/cv-search/performing-arts/actors (Accessed: 29/04/202). 
Severson, D (2018)  How to Put Together an Acting Portfolio [Online] Available from: http://work.chron.com/put-together-acting-portfolio-5806.html [Accessed 15th Feb 2018].
Spotlight. (2020) Agents - Contacts search results , Available at: https://www.spotlight.com/contacts/listing/search?Category=Contacts%5CAgents (Accessed: 29/04/202). 
Spotlight (2020) Soho Voices, Available at: https://www.spotlight.com/contacts/listing/5018fd0e-1e6b-401c-b02f-30277352f710 (Accessed: 29/04/202).
Tarent, D. (2020) A Casting Director's Spotlight Profile Tips, Available at: https://www.spotlight.com/news-and-advice/tips-and-advice/how-to-create-the-perfect-spotlight-profile/ (Accessed: 29/04/202). 
Wix. (2020) Wix ADI, Available at: www.wix.com (Accessed: 19/02/2020). 
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carpornpowerwomen · 6 years
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Big Baby Chrysler(not a Bentley!)💝 #Chrysler #Chrysler300 #carporn #carlove #cars #carcandy #carcrazy #bigcars #carlife #livecars #carspotting #justcars #lovecars #wassalon #dubbelblank (bij Diemen) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpwpbH_BImA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=claq20kycd30
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carpornpowerwomen · 6 years
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Royalty BMW details💙 #BMW #carporn #carlove #cars #carcandy #carcrazy #bigcars #detail #carlife #livecars #carspotting #justcars #lovecars #royalty (bij Amsterdam, Netherlands) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpwpthRhIEC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=183s27lssljnh
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