#liveblogging tgaa
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milesdadworth · 4 months ago
legit SO impressed and surprised how tgaa is handling thing with regards to [redacted] like?!?!?
(under a keep reading to try to avoid posting spoilers too hard lol)
LIKE going into these games we knew kazuma 'dies' but is 'resurrected' in the last half of the story but with the way ace attorney usually is or hell even how dense they make ryuu with some of the evidence/plot points I was expecting kazuma's whole revival to go largely unnoticed by ryuu and susato until some big reveal where kazuma removes his mask and cloak and they're like WHOA HOW CAN THIS BE?!!?!? YOU WERE DEAD!!!!!
and theyre not???? like BOTH susato and ryunosuke immediately clock him as kazuma despite the cloak and mask?? SUSATO LITERALLY YELLING 'KAZUMA-SAMA' AT HIM IN BROAD DAYLIGHT IN FRONT OF VAN ZIEKS?!?
it's like a really pleasant surprise and twist to something I thought I had a good handle on how the story was gonna go
maybe it really shocked me cause of how godot/diego was handled in the original series where it was kind of a last minute reveal even though us as an audience kind of already know so it was like 'ah another masked dead loved one coming back from the dead that no one's going to piece together until our hand is forced'
good ol' ace attorney spoilers alway panning out a little differently than I expect - god bless this series
i'm really excited now to see how this pans out especially with sholmes being in on it in someway and definitely making me think of some juicy angst/hurt ryulock where ryuu has confided in sholmes all about the grief of losing his first love and then ryuu finding out later that sholmes knew all along that kazuma wasn't really dead.....and the trust issues that come with that oh man, oh man, oh man. I can't wait!!!!!
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klaviermylove · 2 years ago
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he brings me so much joy
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badaceattorney · 6 months ago
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Every day I am more and more confused about why most people think narumitsu is the gayest thing in ace attorney
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jidem · 9 months ago
Replaying Tgaa, there really are a whole bunch of moment where I get the impression that van zieks is trying to help out.
Not in like. A nice way. He's being a real dick about it. But in 1-3 and now in 1-4 I really get the impression that he figures out the truth before us, and then try to. Passive-agressively nudge us towards it as well as he can while still opposing us diligently.
That's a GOOD ASS angle for a prosecutor. This man HATES US, but he cares about the truth more than he cares about how much he wish we weren't here lmao.
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dragonnon · 13 days ago
Starting from the ending sequences. if you want to see my entire experience through he game just look through the live blog tag on my blog! ^^
I thought that scene was gonna be Ryunosuke and Van Zieks dueling in the courtroom, (brain want samurai fight. in fact I wanted to see a duel between Kazuma and van zieks since the 3rd case lmao) but I was pleasantly surprised. We got hints at his back story! I've been waiting the entire game for his backstory so I'm deeply satisfied. I mean I think van zieks is the prosecutor for dgs2 as well, because I never see anyone talk about a different prosecutor for dgs2 so I'm just assuming it's van zieks again.
Ryunosukes belief that no matter who you are, we can all relate to each other because we're all humans who experience human emotions is one that deeply resonates with me, and it means a lot to see it in this game, I think ryunosuke's my favorite character, he overall just means A LOT to me.
Then, with Gina, the way she was trying to be nonchalant about it all but was actually holding back tears the entire time was so cute, man. And her crying sprite reveal got me just as hard if not harder than Athena's did, like gosh, my tearducts were WORKING through the entire ending of this game.
AND RYUNOSUKE WONDERING IF HE MADE IT UP TO KAZUMA'S EXPECTATIONS BROKE ME LIKE LITERALLY. i like to make jokes that ryunosuke keeps hallucinating Kazuma, (even in the musical) but it breaks my heart every time deep down inside. Crazy how this game makes me think and feel exactly how his is. It's like I share his same grief to some extent.
(And Iris with her good news and bad news thing was really funny to me, cause I've been thinking about that for basically my entire life. personally me, I'm with ryunosuke, the good news cancels out the bad news. That along with sholmes' bit with constantly being ignored when he thinks he should've been noticed never gets old. Ever. Sholmes is king.)
Let me tell you, at the boat scene I could barely contain myself from screaming, I was so happy to see susato again and finally knowing why she was calling herself a failure all the time, despite being a actual freaking legend. ryunosuke telling her she's the BEST JUDICIAL ASSISTANT in the world was 100% deserved. She's a LEGEND. She planned ALL of that. ALL of it. And she's so humble about it too.
oh and the whole thing with the Morse code actually had me running laps around my living room, (it was 3:00AM 💀) WHAT BUSINESS DOES KAZUMA, GREGSON, AND IRIS'S DAD'S NAME HAVE BEING IN THERE. When it first dawned on me that it spelt out asogi i went absolutely feral, y'all should've seen me lmao, I was crouched on the floor in shock. if you ask me, it's gotta be a hit list right? 2 outta four people on that list are literally dead. (GREGSON WATCH YOUR SIX 😭) Wait, now that I'm thinking about it, maybe there's actually more to Kazuma's death than I thought? Gonna find out next game.
And I almost cried during the fully animated cutscene (AACJ reference lol) I miss susato already, AGAIN.
That ending sequence felt like it lasted a millennium, but once it was over it felt like it was all too soon.
I was so happy too see everyone in the character send offs. This game is really good at making me attached to absolutely every single character. Skullkin bruvvers, (& graydon) I love y'all, I hope y'all have a good time in prison, and I hope you get out the slammer soon Gina. And seeing hosonaga and soseki for what might be the last time was great, I've been missing those two.
DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE LAST END CREDITS PART. Kazuma and ryunosuke going on a stroll for a while, and Kazuma abruptly stops walking, ... I think from the text matter of this here post you can hypothesize what my reaction might've been. TEARS. Me and my siblings were screaming 😭
And then the part where the whole crew eventually groups together, I SCREAMED FOR EACH ADDITION. Look at the fuckkingggg.... SQUAD. and the ryunosuke and sholmes pose at the end there was the perfect way to end the ever. EVER... 👺👺
I'm looking so forward to playing DGS2 to see what's gonna happen next, I gotta know the van zieks lore and who the hell traumatized him that bad hat his face is permanently reminiscent of a depressed cat, and the Morse code lore, and if susato comes back sooner rather than later, and what she know about the hound of the Baskervilles!!
Definitely in my top three (as seen below.)
2. SOJ
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neutrallyobsessed · 8 months ago
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it's not a competition (but i'd still win lol)
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earlgraytay · 6 months ago
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If I say "yes" my next case is going to be defending you against the charge of killing all the people you clearly had to kill to become a Forge-Long.
So, I'm gonna have to say no, sorry not sorry.
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catteries · 9 months ago
I think it'd be remiss if I do not highlight the fact that, being both an ACD canon and Granada adaptation enjoyer, and also a member of one of the British Empire's ex-colonies, that I'd like to be in a comfortable enough headspace to share a perspective on this text site on how a Straits Settlement person views the works.
There's enough references to the Crown Colonies to make it interesting for me, so I just need to sit down and type it out, I guess? Just off the top of my head:
- The Penang lawyer cane reference
- The Haj pilgrims boat that departed from Singapore (presumably from Kampong Bugis)
- Lascars and Malays being explicitly referenced as part of certain subset and communities
- References to opium, which the Straits Settlements were one of the largest port of call for the Empire's supply
- Anything Sumatra region, given proximity
There's also a lot to be said about Granada's The Last Vampyre episode, which is such a profound piece of work about the othering of 'different' people by society, as well as the criticism and calling out of the quintissential brand of British racism that remained in ex-Straits Settlements' mentality today and how the general British public still practices it, that more expert people that is Not Me should talk about it.
But then again, how many would be able to reflect on this from a Malay peninsular residents' perspective?
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otacringe · 3 days ago
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i can be your angle… or youre devil…
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sunb0ts · 4 months ago
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ryunosuke is in fact both! hope this helps
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milesdadworth · 3 months ago
VAN ZIEKS THE BIGGEST SOFTIE I'VE EVER SEEN I cannot believe upon learning of his relation to Iris the first thing out of his mouth was why was she not entrusted to my care THE MAN THAT YOU ARE IM SOBBING MY EYES OUT
i can't believe sholmes invented holograms
ironically was much more distraught over susato and ryunosuke being separated than ryunosuke and kazuma being separated so thank fuck susato GOT TO CHOOSE HER OWN PATH IN LIFE, EXPECTATIONS BE DAMNED GOOD FOR YOU BABYGIRL I AM SO PROUD OF YOU
still not a fan of yujin and the parent that he is but he's not the worst but YOU COULD HAVE DONE SO MUCH BETTER BUD
ironically still don't really care for the yujin x sholmes ship as much as everyone else seems too - yes they were in a situationship back then for sure but they give me more vibes of divorced couple who still care about each other and enjoy catching up at family gatherings but are just in completely different places in life now
i still stand by judge daddy jigoku and yujin would make a hella fine couple and stepdad jigoku is the one who trained susato in the art of takedowns (yes I am mad at him about gregson obviously but at least it was a result of all the shit happening and not like. he was just big evil.)
in the end i think i am still the biggest sucker for ryulock but you can convince me of almost any other ship and I'm like hell yeah
i will be subscribing to asobaroryulock and any variation therein
chews all over all of them while I rotate them at worrying speeds in my brain microwave
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klaviermylove · 2 years ago
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badaceattorney · 6 months ago
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I think Herlock Sholmes needs to die as slowly and painfully as possible
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jidem · 9 months ago
I wonder if van zieks knows that we aren't a lawyer. Or even a law student. He's racist so it's fully possible he thinks Japanese law schools are so bad oneof their student wouldn't know what tampering with the crime scene is
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dragonnon · 1 month ago
Oh hurley going through burnout? Uhhgghh me too sis, we in his together 😞
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neutrallyobsessed · 6 months ago
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ARSENE LUPIN REFERENCE?????!?!??!?!?!??!
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