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frenchraisins · 7 years ago
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The beach. . . . . Tag @liveauthenticmovement for a feature. #liveauthenticmovement #nofilter #nopretentions #realphotos #realphotographs #realpictures #realtravelphotos #authenticphotos (at Philippines)
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frenchraisins · 7 years ago
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[#18] “And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.” - Kahlil Gibran . . . . . . . . #quotes #quotestoliveby #quotesaboutlife #liveauthentic #liveauthenticmovement #travelnarratives #ivankhristravels #ourtravelstory #livelifetothefullest #aboutbeinghappy #happystories #thepharchipelago #allaboutphils (at Philippines)
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frenchraisins · 7 years ago
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Tell us what makes you #happy. Tag @liveauthenticmovement for a chance to be featured. . . . . . . . . #foodphotography #food #friedchicken #livelife #liveauthentic #liveauthenticmovement #behappy #realphotos #realpeople #nofakephotos #kudostotruthfulness #notofake #notofakeIG #notodroneshots #keepitreal #keepingitreal #foodgasm #foodporn (at Philippines)
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frenchraisins · 7 years ago
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Ditch too much filters and unnatural poses. No need to stress yourself with finding the perfect shot. As long as you are happy with it, then it’s the best. If it captures #real and #authentic #emotions, then share it. —————————————- Tag @liveauthenticmovement and use #liveauthenticmovement and #keepitreal to be featured. Send your photos to [email protected] together with a short description and your IG username and we’ll choose the photos for sharing. . . . . . #everydayphotographs #dailylife #streetphotography #realisbeautiful #authenticisbesutiful #landscapephotography #notofake #notofakeIG #nofuss #notofilters #notodroneshots #nofakephotos #keepitauthentic #liveauthentic #livelife #happylife #livereal (at Philippines)
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frenchraisins · 7 years ago
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The Erickson boys would like to wish everyone a very happy December 1st 🎄#itsthemostwonderfultimeoftheyear __________________________________ #liveauthenticmovement #keepitreal #keepingitreal #authenticity #authenticphotos #happyphotos (at Philippines)
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frenchraisins · 7 years ago
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What makes you #happy? What makes you #smile? It can be anything — a quiet #walk along a #roadside, a warm meal with a loved one or a playful afternoon with your #dogs. Whatever it is, feel free to share the #beauty of #authenticity. ————-—————————— Tag @liveauthenticmovement and use #liveauthenticmovement and #keepitreal. For a chance to be #featured. Send your photos with a brief description and your IG username to [email protected] and we’ll share the photos that best exude real emotions. . . . . . . #notofake #nofuss #livelife #liveauthentic #realphotos #realpeople #realemotion #keepitsimple #simplicityiskey #igers #igreality #rawemotion #notofakeIG #wearereal #weareauthentic #authenticisbesutiful #realisbeautiful #discoverauthenticity #streetphotography #landscapephotography #realsnaps #snapshotsoflife #everydaylife #dailylife #everydayphotographs (at Philippines)
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frenchraisins · 7 years ago
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Bird whisperer? Here’s a photo of a man feeding a group of small #birds along Ayala Avenue in #Makati City. ____________________________ Do you have an interesting #photo to share? Tag @liveauthenticmovement, #liveauthenticmovement and #keepitreal to be featured. Send your photos with brief description and IG username to [email protected] and we’ll choose photos to share. . . . . . #dailylife #authenticlife #authenticphotographs #streetphotography #realpeople #realphotos #nofakephotos #notofake #everydayphotographs #interestingphotos #liveauthentic #keepingitreal #happyphotos #amazingphilippines #choosephilippines #itsmorefuninthephilippines #tripkada #traversephilippines #philippinediscoveries (at Pilipinas)
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frenchraisins · 7 years ago
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#Sunset shots? No need to overdo them. Keep ‘em #simple and #true. ————————————— Tag #liveauthenticmovement, #keepitreal, and @liveauthenticmovement for a feature. Send your photos with a brief description and IG username to [email protected] and we’ll choose the best photos that exude authenticity. . . . . . . #notofake #realphotos #realpeople #authenticphotographs #rawemotion #truepictures #trueliving #authenticliving #strivefortruth #stopfakesocialmedia #nofuss #landscapephotograph #amazingphilippines #choosephilippines #itsmorefuninthephilippines #authentictravel #meaningfulphotos (at Philippines)
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frenchraisins · 7 years ago
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Food shots...keep ‘em looking #delicious and #real. Join us in our quest for authenticity. Tag @liveauthenticmovement, and use #liveauthenticmovement and #keepitreal for a chance to be featured. Submit your photos with a brief description and your IG username to [email protected]. . . . . . . . #liveauthentic #wearehuman #authenticphotos #authenticshots #naturallooking #foodphotography #stopfake #notofake #notfakephotography #wearereal #weareauthentic #nofakephotos #nopretentions #stoppretentions #realisbeautiful #igreality #backtoreality #amazingphilippines #choosephilippines #itsmorefuninthephilippines (at Philippines)
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frenchraisins · 7 years ago
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#streetphotography #nightphotography. Tag @liveauthenticmovement for a feature. . . . . . . . #realphotography #nofakephotos #notodroneshots #happyphotos #allrealphotos #keepitreal #keepingitreal #kudostotruthfulness #genuine (at Philippines)
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frenchraisins · 7 years ago
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#liveauthentic #liveauthenticmovement #beautifulphotographs #realphotos (at Philippines)
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