#live laugh regus
lostmykeysie · 2 years
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marigold-hills · 2 months
burnt, part 2
part 1 here: LINK
They don’t have a first date.
Here is the thing about dating while raising children: it doesn’t work. Or maybe it does and it’s just James, particularly unlucky, because it’s like clockwork: they set a date, they choose a restaurant, James gets ready and then something happens.
No-show babysitter. Broken washing machine flooding the kitchen. Harry waking up screaming, with a fever.
By the end of two weeks, he’s cancelled on Regulus three times.
He’s more than surprised to get another shot. They’ve been texting, Regulus wonderfully sharp and wonderfully patient. Every day, he drives his now-silent not-ice-cream van down James’ road, and they wave at each other through the kitchen window. James watches him and vows to never get in a car with Regulus behind the wheel, because the way he drives? Atrocious. He regularly stalls, misses his turn off the road, and treats traffic rules as nothing more than suggestions. For James road safety is very important, but somehow even this is endearing instead of rightfully horrifying.
It’s a Thursday evening and James is ready for their date on Friday. Everything is sorted out: the dinner reservation is made, the flowers are waiting in a vase (sunflowers and baby’s breath), his good thin sweater (curse the English weather) is dried and ironed and ready. His mum is taking Harry for the night. Nothing is going to go wrong.
At six thirty, it starts to rain. It’s been raining for a few weeks, so he’s not surprised, but then the sky gets dark and ominous looking, and it really starts coming down. Within half an hour he can barely see outside. Harry, mercifully, sleeps through the thunder, uncaring of the inclement weather. At six thirty, James makes himself a cup of tea, looks out of the window, and promptly chokes.
Against some of the strongest wind James can remember seeing, the flimsy little ice cream van stalls. Sputters. Doesn’t start again. James puts down his tea, puts on his shoes, grabs the baby monitor, and rushes outside.
It’s a pitiful sight. The wipers are trying their best but no matter, the window remains completely obscured by water. The side of the van is open. Regulus sits inside, frantic looking and completely soaked, trying his best to start the engine.
James, already feeling the water seeping though his socks, knocks on the window. It’s rolled down. Big eyes, big pout.
“If you ask me for a flake I’ll ruin your life.”
James laughs out loud. “You can’t drive in this.”
“Sure I can. It’s just rain.”
As if in response, a massive, forked lightning splits the sky in half, rumble of thunder following within a split second.
“Bit of a storm,” Regulus adds. The right side of his hair is plastered to his face, the curls stretched and sagging. A raindrop makes its way down his nose. He sneezes and its all so pitiful James just wants to bring him tea and wrap him in a blanket.
“Come on, love,” he says, patient despite having gotten completely drenched, “come inside. I’ll park this up for you, alright?”
For a second Regulus looks like he’ll argue – against coming inside or James driving his van, or maybe against both. Then, another strike of lightning and he scoots over on the chair, opens the door for James to climb in.
It’s less than five minutes, the whole interaction, until they’re tracking water across the floor of James’ living room and kitchen. Harry hadn’t stirred, unaware that the person his daddy has been excitingly talking about for days is now in their home.
James gets them each a towel and sticks on the kettle for tea. Regulus thanks him and runs it over his head, making his curls stick up in all directions. James has a startling realisation that there is a drug dealer in his house and that he let him in willingly – demanded it even.
It’s not the reason he starts laughing.
He starts laughing because, apparently, that is how drug dealers look. Beautiful and tiny and scowling at their wet t shirts, with rings on every finger and eyes like those.
Regulus looks at him a bit wounded, and that’s fair enough actually, because he stands in James’ kitchen for the very first time, looking a little worse for wear, and James just laughs.
“It’s not…” James starts, trying to explain himself, but a bout of giggles stops him again, “you’re very beautiful, and you’re in my kitchen.”
The blush that spreads across Regulus’ face goes al the way down his neck (pretty pretty pretty), and James notices just how soggy his clothes are. “I’ll bring you something dry to wear, alright? Just make yourself comfortable.”
He comes back, himself changed and with a soft T-shirt and comfortable joggers for Regulus (and if the thoughts that led him there were too close to: I want to see him in my clothes, then that’s his own business and nobody else’s.)
“I didn’t know how you take your tea,” Regulus tells him as he takes the clothes, “but I made you one anyway. The way I have it. Because that’s the correct way.”
There’s something so wonderful about how Regulus speaks, all blunt edges to cover a softness.
“Black with lots of sugar?”
Sceptical wariness. “How did you know?”
“You look like you’d have a sweet tooth,” James laughs in response and isn’t it lovely, to stand in a kitchen, with the smell of tea in the air, and a person who inspires laughter?
But Regulus is apparently full of mischief, too. “Are you sweet?” he asks, innocent as anything, big eyes looking up from under his wet curls, and James chokes on his laughter and on thin air.
“Where can I change?” he adds like he’s not just rearranged all the atoms in James’ body to point north.
“Bathroom,” he manages, “first door up the stairs.”
When he comes back his curls are in a frizzy disarray, and James’ shirt dwarfs him. He pulls on the hem, looking unsure. It’s the first time James sees him looking unsure and goddamn it, this works on him just as well.
Could spend his whole life exploring different expressions show up on Regulus’ face, James could. Maybe even causing them. (Definitely causing them.)
“Harry?” Regulus asks.
“How long for?”
“Should be a couple hours still.”
“Good,” he strides across the kitchen, crowds James against the counter.
Regulus’ nose is cold the first time they kiss. It makes it even better somehow, this one point against the hot silk of his mouth. James thinks that without it – it grounds him – without it, his mind wouldn’t be able to stay anchored. As it is, he’s floating.
Regulus hums, pulls away. It’s a tragedy. “You are sweet,” he says and then his lips are on the corner of James’ mouth and on his jaw and on the space where his neck meets it.
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By Your Side
For: @ffxvrarepairsweek
July 4th: Getting Married / Wounds & Blood
Pairing: Regis x Clarus
Rating: G
Warning: None
Read on AO3: By Your Side
Sorry its late, guys.
It was a moment shared between the two of them alone. There was no priest, no aisle, no family to come and watch, no flowers or bells or decorations. Nothing that came with a normal wedding. No, none of that because this wasn’t allowed. This wasn’t official. But neither of them cared in the slightest.
In the gardens, it was just the Prince and his shield. Regis would become King soon enough, and he’d have to find someone to wed and produce an heir with. He was 24, the time was approaching for him to take his rule, with his own father recently deceased. Yet that wasn’t what he wanted at all. No, he was happy with his shield, Clarus Amicitia. He and Clarus had been seeing each other since their teenage years. They were inseparable, always at each others sides.
“Sucks it has to be this way,” Clarus murmured, hand brushing Regis’ lightly. Regis didn’t even hesitate to grip it, giving it a light squeeze.
“Yeah...But what can we do? We were born into lives of duty, we have jobs to do. At least you’ll be by my side.” the brunette said with a smile. Clarus laughed, nodding.
“Forever and always until the end, my King.” Clarus hummed with a soft bow, and Regis slapped him across the chest lightly.
“I’m not the king yet, enough of that.” he murmured.They walked through the gardens as they spoke, fingers intertwined between them. Regis had assured no one would enter the gardens, posting guards at the entrances. He requested time to think, and of course it was only his shields duty to follow him wherever he went. So Clarus joined, naturally.
Regis shoved his free hand into his pocket, fiddling with two items within it. He felt nervous. He really shouldn’t.
Clarus smiled, noting his nerves. He leaned down to press and kiss to the others temple, and Regis sighed, smiling slightly.
“You know, you don’t have to,”
“I want to....” the Prince quickly interjected. “I just. I’m nervous. I dunno why, it’s just you,” he murmured. Clarus dropped his hand and slung an arm around Regis’ shoulder instead, pulling him to his side and kissing the top of his head.
“I dunno whether to be offended or honored by that statement,”
“Perhaps both.” they laughed, and Regis sighed. He closed his fist around the items in his pocket and walked with the other to an archway of roses parting off one section of the garden to the next.
Stopping under the arch, he removed his fist from his pocket, stepping back from the other and turning to face his shield.
“Clarus Amicitia,” he began, looking up into those fiery eyes.
“Regus Lucis Caelum,” Clarus said, and his smile was soft, his eyes warm and soothing. This was a side of the shield only Regis ever got to see, and it made his chest well up, made him feel warm.
“With these rings I bond us together. Although not officially, in our minds we are wed. We will have something we will never have to ourselves.” he unclenched his fit, revealing the two rings. Two shining silver bands. He glanced down at the, then back to Clarus.
“I vow myself to you, aside from my duty to produce an heir. I will stand by you, just as you stand by me as your duty. I will love you through sickness and health, through peace and war. My love for you will never falter, and i swear myself to you wholly. Eh, again, aside from my duty to produce an heir,” Clarus chuckled at Regis’ nervousness, and reached out to grab his free hand.
“I know, Reggie. Stop being so nervous. Like you said, it’s just me.” he said, and there was that smirk. Regis smiled.
“Right.” he took a deep breath before continuing. “Although we cannot legally wed due to my duty as King, I wish to give myself to you in the same regard. So I stand here now with you to declare you as my Husband,” his heart fluttered as the word left his throat. This was happening. “And to declare myself as yours. Please take this ring as a symbol of our marriage.” he dropped the others hand to lift his left hand, slowly slipping the silver and onto the others ring finger.
Clarus smirk faded back to that warm smile and he grabbed the second ring from the other, looking down at his prince.
“And I take this ring to devote myself to you both in duty and in wedlock as your husband.  I vow myself to you in every sense, aside my duty to produce an heir as well. I will stand by your side through it all, and not only because it is my duty, but because of my love for you.” he said, warm grey eyes meeting matching hues. Regis looked like he was about to cry. Clarus chuckled a bit.
“Don’t go cryin on me now, highness.” he said, grabbing the other’s hand, holding the ring in the opposite. “I vow to love you every night, every morning, every evening. Every second i breathe i will love you. I will not only shield you, i will guide you, i will stand with you, be one with you. And ah, you know I’m not really good at these sappy things, Reggie.” he murmured, face tinging a light shade of pink.
Regis laughed, and shook his head. “Then with these rings, I declare us husband and Husband, until death do us part. We give each other to one another wholly, aside from our duties.” Regis smiled as Clarus slid the ring onto his left ring finger.
“And now, for the best part.” Clarus grinned, and Regis only had a second to take in what the other meant as he grabbed him around the waist, spun them and dipped Regis, leaning in to place a deep kiss onto his mouth.
The only sound that left the Prince’s mouth was a soft, startled gasp before he wrapped his arms around his shields neck, allowing it to tangle lightly in the long hair at the base of the others neck.
After several moments passed, they pulled apart, standing up straight. Clarus’ hair was rather messy from Regis’ hands carding through it, and both their lips were kiss swollen. They looked at each other, warm smiles and welcoming eyes.
“I believe we forgot to say ‘I do’, first.” Regis mentioned and Clarus laughed.
“I do, and I do some more,” Clarus said, swooping in to steal kiss after kiss from his husband. It sent a warmth through him to think that they were husbands, although not legally.
Once more they pulled apart, and Regis reached out to grab the others hands in his own, looking up at the brunette.
“I love you, Clarus.”
“And I love you, Regis.”
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lostmykeysie · 2 years
Hiiii I’m so inspired by the way you write regus it has very much inspired the way I write them thank you
okay first of all as if i wasn't already sold on the promise of regus, the excerpt in your pinned post of jegulus was just perfect so i RAN to ao3
the devil went down to georgia is my friday night reading thank you xxx opening line of reggie being mortified by his own (temporary?) humanity is just so on brand xxxx also supernatural beings AU??????????? weeing my pants
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lostmykeysie · 2 years
the horcrux hunt - epilogue 3
sirius: did you just… smooch my baby bro
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@theinvisiblemuseum with today’s cold hard truth
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lostmykeysie · 2 years
I absolutely loved THH. Ever since I saw the potential that Remus and Regulus could have as friends I've been looking EVERYWHERE for a good fic. Thank you so much for writing this. It was also everything I wished happened in the first war.
Do you have any good reg & rem (platonic) recs? I'm now officially invested and I need more!
babe xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx kisses 2 u xxxxxxxxxxxxx
i unfortunately do not i am super rubbish because
i am disorganised and never note down fic names or authors or bookmark consistently or use tags properly or anything so even when i have read a fic it's like wow. good luck finding that again
i have not actually read a rem n reg besties (aka regus) fic yet but i have been told best friend's brother is a regus fic but i haven't read it but i think it's super popular so that's defo one to check out if you haven't already i will be doing the same!!!
i do however have one bookmarked!!! i haven't started it but i saw it was regus and thought 'yes pls'. it's jegulus and wolfstar and i think it's reg pov (i am basing everything off the tags and description so could be wrong) where he goes to visit sirius and remus tags along with him bc they're besties. it's called 'the bridges we burned (and the home we hail)' and it's by star boy lyn !!!!!!! let me know if you read either of these !!!!!! ALSO pls let me know if you have any regus fics to rec because. i need them.
more kisses xxxxxxxxx
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