#live laugh love silvaze
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itz-pandora · 9 months ago
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The bride and the ugly little ass groom
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silvazes-1fan · 10 months ago
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theflashdriver · 6 years ago
Silvaze: Nightly Routine
Blaze finds herself drifting off but, having left the couch and trekked up to her bedroom, she finds the mattress occupied by a certain Silver hedgehog. I’ve decided to start posting my works from Silvaze week here now! Prepare for 5 more fics over the next little while! This story was written for the Dream prompt and comes in at 3.2k words!
Crisis city nights weren't much different from Crisis city days. Thick cloud hung overhead, fires still wildly burned and you could rest assured that the spawn of Iblis still prowled the streets. With the sun down it was, admittedly, a little darker, but the ever-present flames prevented true darkness. Really, one could sleep all day and scavenge all night without the slightest change in difficulty; the difference was that small.
Yet, for whatever reason, Blaze had fallen into a routine based on this unseen solar cycle. The first of her yawns had just broken through her lips, no matter how she'd tried to smother it, and dampness was starting to collect in her eyes. The words in her poetry book had started to jumble, she was scarcely able to read them let alone understand the prose's deeper meaning. Thus began that evening routine; stretching slightly, she rose from the chair she'd been lounging in and began to wander through her abode.
She and her partner had recently claimed a townhouse as their home, gathering the prior occupants' heirlooms and enshrining them in what had once been a child's bedroom. The building was nice, being one in a row of houses had offered some additional protection, and they'd settled rather easily. Books and games they'd gathered were neatly pilled in the living room, the cupboards were filled with salvaged goods and any damage to the walls had been thoroughly patched.
Blaze climbed the stairs, another yawn sneaking past her lips as she reached the landing. A few paces more and she arrived in their bedroom hallway, but before she could sleep step two of this routine had to be completed. She pushed into the first door on the right, coming face to face with a thoroughly unused bedroom; its neat bedspread coated in a thick layer of dust. Ignoring that she turned to the closet, opening it and finding her clothes neatly arranged. Shedding her combat garb, taking extra care to avoid the various bandages crossing her body, she donned her nightwear; a loose-fitting grey tank top and equally baggy black shorts. Her gloves removed, she reached up and gently undid her ponytail. Free of it and her heels she couldn't help but feel she'd shrunk considerably. Regardless phase two was complete, with the spring of carpet directly beneath her Blaze exited her room crossed to the door directly opposite. Here she hesitated, not for fear of continuing but out of courtesy.
Ever so gently, the feline turned the doorknob and slowly pushed inside what had become her true bedroom. The room was dark, heavy curtains pulled, but every so often a pulse of cyan light would push away that darkness. That lowlight provided more than enough visibility for Blaze to glance across the room. Of course, that presence of that light meant the one who cast it was also present. Silver the hedgehog was fast asleep, lying upon their shared bed. She didn't remember when he'd come in from scouting, she'd surely been too engrossed in her reading, but it was wonderful to see him sleeping so soundly, despite the world outside. His quills and limbs strewn in every direction, he was laying on top of the duvet rather than beneath it; backside in the air as he took up the central section of their bed. Blaze tried to smother her laugh. It was common that she stayed up later than him but she'd only found him like this on a couple of occasions. Today's scouting must have really sapped him for energy; he hadn't had the strength to crawl beneath the covers let alone give her a proper rundown of what he'd seen. As Blaze rounded to her side of the bed she knew the end point of her routine was near, it lay somewhere beneath that hedgehog's left shoulder.
His face was buried deep into the pillow but, from her new angle, she could see dimples brought on by his sleeping smile. The patchwork of bandages garbing both their bodies slipped her mind as she watched him. From the corner of her eye, she caught sight of a slight movement. His foot was twitching, a telltale sign that he was dreaming but about what she could only guess. Perhaps some great success, be it the final defeat of Iblis or the discovery of some helpful artefact from a bygone era.
As she slid to sit on the bed the hedgehog shifted in response, a sound not dissimilar to a sigh slipping his lips, but he hadn't moved nearly enough. Fortunately, however, Blaze knew exactly how to handle him. Her hand came up to caress his quills, slowly but methodically returning his quills to their typical arrangement. With every brush and caress, she watched his expression shift, through her touch she was able to gently ease him further toward his side of the bed. Her fingertips rounded to the back of his ear and scratched, though she did so much too gently. Silver's head tilted toward her hand, his whole body shifting back into her grasp as he attempted to fully embrace that contact. After no more than a minute he was fully on his side, his sleepy smile fully displayed to her, and she managed to slip into a lying position.
Face to face with him, she could see the effect her touch was having. His grin had been warped, small fangs glinting through a broad grin and his brow smoothed through relaxation. Another yawn having broken through, Blaze's head fully met with the pillow; her eyes slowly closing. From there her scratching slowed, her hand slipped to hold at his nape and she felt sleep begin to overtake her.
But alas, it could not claim her yet.
A whine, bordering on pathetic, slipped his throat; his sleeping form lumbered closer in clear protest of her stopping. She lowered her hand to the small of his back and gently pushed her forehead to his but, apparently, this contact wasn't enough. The feline felt him even nuzzle closer, as if attempting to sink deeper into her touch if not reclaim the other side of the bed.
She bumped back with her own forehead but, as she did, words tumbled from his lips. Spoken no louder than a whimper, he pleaded with her, "Don't go, Blaze, please… I need…"
She felt the twitch of his foot and, prying her eyes open, she watched his brow harden. There was no doubt in her mind, the hedgehog was dreaming of her. For as long as she'd known him, she known he was a frequent dreamer. He'd often regale her with them as though they had really happened, sometimes Silver would dream of how he imagined the past; sailing over bright blue seas and clambering through vine filled forests. He'd even talked of a school life, attending classes and doing whatever it was they were meant to do in school. Oftentimes she was present in such dreams but, on occasion, he would wake up scared. Either he'd noticed she wasn't there or, as was more common, he'd lost her in some nightmare.
"So naïve…" Her hand gently brushed between his spines before returning to hold the back of his head, drawing his face closer to hers. Tired as she was, Blaze couldn't stand to leave him like this. The feline's claws pricked free as she resumed her gentle scratching, "So sweet."
The smile immediately returned to his lips, she felt him gently wriggle back into her grasp as coos flavoured his breath. Blaze heard his tail begin to wag; a gentle yet repeated slapping noise filling their small bedroom. As if in response, she felt her tail flop across their waistlines before gently curling around him. Soon her free hand found its way to his chest fur, her fingers gently dragging through it; undoing the knots that had formed over the day's endeavours. He smelled strongly of smoke, well… everything in this world did, but beneath that was the slightly more appealing scent of sweat from the day's work. She'd trained with him in the morning, they'd sparred as per usual, but they'd spent most of the day apart. She'd checked their inventory and gathered food from the surrounding area; Silver had both scouted for Iblis' inevitable return and, more crucially, flown around the survivor settlements to make sure they were still intact, crossing from one side of the city to the other. His powers were strong but, naturally, overuse had drained him. It was no wonder he'd fallen into such a deep sleep.
As she continued, claws combing deeper through his fur, more words were pushed past his lips, "Thank you, Blaze…"
Whispering again, she started a reply; "There's nothing to tha-
Lost in a reality all of his own, the hedgehog cut her off. With three simple words knocked the sleep from her, "I love you…"
Blaze told herself it was sleep babble, plain and simple, nothing more and nothing less, but with those words spoken her heart quadrupled in pace. He'd been dreaming about her, dreaming deeply enough to call her name, and had then spoken those three words; three words simple words she'd never expected to hear. Before she could catch herself Blaze was purring, her claws shrank as her fists bawled and teeth grit. Even if he was asleep, even if there was no one to see, the feline wanted to hide her face; embarrassment burned like wildfire.
The sleeping hedgehog didn't help matters; he slipped forward again, attempting to seek out her touch. It was too much; she kept her hand to his chest in an attempt to keep the distance. Eventually, he settled; head slumping against the pillow and a look she could only read as dissatisfied formed on his face. Her fists slowly unclenched, her heartbeat rang above her considerable purrs.
Slowly, without so much as a thought, Blaze found herself shifting; soon her chin hung no more than an inch above his forehead. She aligned herself with his right ear, its tip poking free from his mess of quills. Leaning closer still, heat growing in her chest and on her face, Blaze closed her eyes. Opportunities like this were common, quiet moments always heightened the tension between them, but only in her dreams would she dare act upon them. With him asleep, Blaze's confidence was bolstered but even still she was afraid. What would this do to their partnership? Would he return her feelings? Even if he did, how would that affect their future? It might make him reckless, overly defensive of her… well, more than he already was.
Despite these thoughts, Blaze felt a twinge of confidence; likely brought about by his sleeping state. In as soft a voice as she could muster, she whispered four simple words into his ear; "I love you too," His head tilted upward in response to the sound, her muzzle dragged through his quills only for her chin to linger upon his forehead. Still whispering, purred words fell from her lips; "I want to tell you properly someday but, for now, I guess this will have to do."
Without so much as a thought, Blaze's lips found the hedgehog's forehead; her hand gently tugging back his quills to better allow the contact. The kiss was anything but brief; she'd longed to do this for so long and finally worked up the gumption, Blaze was going to take her time. Despite the coarseness of their world, his fur was still soft. He really was a naïve wonder in this otherwise rotten city, she didn't dare to think where or who she'd be without him. They would have struggled alone, a far worse fate than struggling together.
Finally, the kiss completed, Blaze pulled away from his forehead; releasing his quills, but as she did a groan sounded beneath her. Silver was shifting, his movements were different from those prior.
"B-Blaze?" Though sleep's slur lingered in his voice, Blaze could tell he was awake, "Wh-When did you get here?"
Their eyes locked and, try as she might, Blaze couldn't smother her purr. There was no way he knew of the kiss, he'd only started to stir as she pulled away, but the thought of that contact lingered in her mind; she bashfully broke eye contact. Her eyes slipped to his lips, "Not too long ago. I'm sorry to have awoken you."
"D-Don't worry about it," A sleepy smile crossed his face but, beyond it, even in the dark she could see his blush, "I'm sorry I didn't come down earlier, I was just too drained. Rest has really helped."
"So I noticed, you didn't make it under the covers," Now that her eyes were on his muzzle it was as though bashfulness was holding her hostage, she couldn't pry her eyes away from his lips, "You were dreaming, weren't you? Do you want to tell me about it?"
"W-Well," His hesitation spoke volumes, "Y-Yeah, I had a dream, it was different from the usual sort though," It seemed as though his sleep talk was truthful, "You were there…"
"I was…?" She struggled to feign ignorance; she couldn't help noticing his face was drawing closer… or was she drawing closer to him?
"Yes and… w-well, we…" It was like she was magnetized; slowly but surely the feline found herself inching closer and closer. Her lips were so close to his, no more than three inches between them. He'd clearly noticed, "Blaze…"
"Silver…" The end of his name rolled with her purr, her head began to tilt as the inches counted down.
As the tension heightened Blaze's eyes closed, his fanciful dream had granted them both the confidence to move forward! Their lips were about to meet, purrs ferociously tore through her chest and her ears pinned forward as if pointing her closer still. Her tail began to lash in anticipation and claws extend, a second longer and they'd seal their bond with a kiss!
But, for some strange reason, their lips never met. Instead, Blaze felt something bizarre. She was no longer leaning toward him, her head felt heavy and there was a pair of arms holding her, not his arms hugging her close but an arm behind her knees and another around her shoulders. Her eyes flickered open, she blinked twice, only to find they aligned with a familiar ceiling rather than her partner. She was in the living room, no more than three paces from the chair she'd been reading in.
A groan slipped her throat as she continued to blink the sleep from her eye, she felt the grasp around her shoulder and legs tighten slightly. They'd been moving before, they'd suddenly stopped. Where was Silver? Turning slightly, she locked eyes with his frazzled muzzle; the hedgehog was indeed the one holding her, but for some reason, they were in the living room? What had happened to that kiss? They'd been so close to-
Blaze's groggy mind finally caught up to her body, reality crushed her like a toppled skyscraper. It'd all been a dream; she'd been so foolish! While Silver occasionally spoke in his sleep the phrases were rarely so concrete. Furthermore, while her warmth often drew him close, for him to move so fitfully yet remain in deep sleep; it was simply unrealistic. It all made sense; she didn't remember him coming back because she'd fallen asleep before he'd returned! Even her confidence had been dreamt; taking such blatant initiative was well beyond her current capability. A different type of embarrassment swept over her, not that of butterflies in her stomach and inevitable kisses but the type born of hindsight, the type that toted an overwhelming compulsion to kick herself.
Judging by the sheepish look in his eye the embarrassment was mutual, albeit heavily lopsided with her bearing the brunt. He was a mess, fur lined with soot and a fresh bandage bound around his left shoulder.
His voice wavered, "H-Hey Blaze, sorry to wake you."
"Silver," She accidentally grumbled, "What are you doing?"
"I thought you were having a dream so I figured I'd move you somewhere more comfortable," He quickly explained, her awakened grumpiness had lit a panic in his eyes, "Your claws kept coming out so I thought it might've been a nightmare, w-was I wrong?"
"Y-You're so naïve," Again, those words came out as more of a growl than she intended. Even outside that dream, her blush still ran rampant; chasing from her cheeks to the tips of her ears. The closeness of his lips certainly wasn't helping matters, "It was just a dream, a normal dream!"
Blaze quickly broke eye contact, her fists clenched as she turned to the ground. Her book had fallen, her page surely lost but that was the least of her problems. Even now the lowlight scene kept replaying in her mind, from his words to the kiss they'd very almost shared. Usually, her dreams would fade when she woke up, Silver was far better at recounting his, but given the contrast between the situations Blaze knew there was no shaking it.
"Do you want me to put you back?" Regret and dejection punctuated his query, her grows had clearly offset him.
While a small (very embarrassed) part of her wanted to say yes, her sleepy memories of that imagined night and the comfort she felt in his arms begged otherwise. Maybe it was the regret in his voice, perhaps she was simply too tired to refuse but the warmth she felt was undeniably contributing to her want to stay. Besides, it wasn't his fault she'd had that dream; on any other occasion, she'd consider this normal. He was trying to help her, carry her up to bed so she could rest peacefully; she would do the same for him, without hesitation.
Rather than answer him, she posed a question of her own; "Why didn't you use your powers to pick me up?"
"I was scared they'd be too loud, I didn't want to wake you," Silver admitted, "I guess that was silly considering I ended up doing it anyway…" The feline met her partner's eye once more, his guilt was plain to see, "I'm sorry."
"Just…" She rolled her eyes, feeling her face flare warmer still, and wrapped her arm around his shoulders. Though a pout remained fixed to her lips, his kind-hearted nature continued to warm her heart, "It's fine, j-just take me upstairs."
"A-Are you sure, I can set you down-
"Silver," Again she found herself hissing, the embarrassment was simply too much; reality mismatched with fantasy. Certain her words would fail the cat mustered some courage; she'd speak through her actions. Biting her lip, she pushed her forehead against his cheek, nuzzling in a rough attempt to relax him, before fully leaning into the crook of his neck; allowing her eyes to close, "I'm just tired, let's go to bed."
"A-Alright," She felt his grasp shift slightly, accommodating her shift, and started to walk, "Oh, um, I hope your dream was nice whatever it was…"
With her face hidden among his fluff Blaze hoped he couldn't read her expression, but from the strain in his voice she knew they were in the same position; embarrassed by their situation but too scared to confront it. Perhaps, one day, she'd have the gall to act as she had in that dream, but until then she was content with how things were. As long as they were together they were free to dream of what might be.
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kyomu-doggu · 6 years ago
Meet You Again - Silvaze Fanfic
I love this ship so much lmao. Please enjoy, I worked very hard on this! :)
Silver yawned deeply, stretching tiredly in his little recliner as he endlessly flipped through the channels on TV, nothing appearing to be interesting. His eyes drooped depressingly, and had dark bags underneath. His amber oculars were so lifeless and dull, all the energy lost from him.
Silver had always felt empty.. For so long he felt like something was missing. Like there was something erased from his life. It was like a literal hole in his mind and heart. Nothing he ever did replaced it. He was used to it by now. He could barely remember a time when he actually felt something. Whether it be good or bad. He couldn't cry. He couldn't laugh or smile. He couldn't feel anything. He felt numb. Of course, he constantly felt physical pain. His head would burst into fits of intense throbbing pain, reminding him of the missing pieces within his memories. Shattered and scattered, and he was unable to piece them together.
He still had friends, somehow. Sonic and Amy would sometimes come over, bring baked goods, make sure he was taking care of himself. He hung out with them at times, just simple lunch dates and whatever. But he could never really get into the fun. All he could do was watch as if from a distance, wishing he could enjoy something.
Shadow would come around sometimes too. It was weird to see Shadow act concerned, especially for Silver. He guessed most of his friends would only come by to make sure he was still living. But Silver couldn't really say he was living. This didn't really feel like living. Just barely holding on to the fragile string that is life.
He constantly pondered what was his purpose. Why had he been put on this world, just to feel lost? What could fill this void within him? Whenever Silver scanned through the shards of his mind, he found no continuity. No pattern. No correlation. Nothing made sense. He could catch glimpses of something, someone. They were a breathtaking lilac, but that was all he could see before it would disappear into the depths of his mind. It was the closest he came to feeling something.
*Knock knock*
Silver winced at the sudden loud noise intruding the ambience. It was one of those days where he had a terrible aching headache. He rubbed his head, and levitated out of his seat to the front door.
He took a quick peek into the peephole, to spot a blue blob standing outside his door. Must be Sonic, Silver thought. He opened up the door, putting on his best smile he could. After years of feeling empty, he had practically perfected his smiles.
"Hey, Silver!" Sonic said enthusiastically. "Amy and I have set up a picnic for today, and we're inviting some people over! I think it'd be great for you to get out, especially since I think there's someone you should meet," he winked suggestively, bumping Silver with his elbow playfully. Silver involuntarily rolled his eyes. But something inside him seemed to be urging him on.
"When and where is it?" Silver asked, the monotone voice he had lifting slightly. The slightest bit of emotion had managed to slip into him. This tiny bit of feelings managed to overwhelm him. He couldn't understand what the feeling was, but it was somewhat pleasant. It felt like a voice was calling distantly from the void in his head, telling him to go.
"It'll be in Amy's backyard, at around.. 3PM to like, 9 or something today. Really it depends on her," Sonic shrugged his shoulders. "Think you can come?"
"Not like I have anything else to do, so sure,"
"Great! Uh.. see you then?" He flashed a thumbs up. "Oh! By the way, I think you'll like this person. I'll introduce you tonight," Sonic said, then sped away.
Silver's heart suddenly started beating faster, pounding loudly in his chest. His face started to get warmer and warmer. Was this… nervousness? Was he finally feeling something? After so long of just nothingness.. now he could feel. It was such a small feeling, simply insignificant to anyone else. But to him, he felt breathless. He couldn't comprehend why this certain event had triggered such a reaction.. but he wasn't going to take it for granted. He wanted to feel more.
He checked his wall clock, to see it was 2PM already! Silver sighed, for someone who was so fast, he had a knack for being late. Silver had to get ready quickly! He didn't want to miss this event that had sparked his first emotions in forever.
Silver ran to his bathroom, finally showering after weeks of avoiding it. He hadn't cared then, but now he had the motivation. The water running through his fur felt so refreshing, energizing him.
He dried up, then brushed his teeth, trying to freshen up his breath. He combed through his chest fur and tried to style the fur on his head. He wanted to look good for this mystery person Sonic had in mind. He wondered if a bow tie would be too much, but figured he wanted to go all out today. He sprayed a bit of cologne, adjusted his bow tie one last time, and then he was ready.
Silver glanced at himself in the mirror, seeing his amber eyes had managed to brighten up a lot. His fur was no longer all unkempt and matted, instead carefully brushed and smooth. He was glowing, inside and out.
Silver checked his clock, it being 2:45PM. Great, he still had 25 minutes! More than enough time for him. He felt so excited to go to this picnic. He didn't know what was different about today, but he loved it. He felt good. He hoped this feeling would last.
Silver had flown all the way to Amy's house. It wasn't a great distance away, but it still had exhausted his powers. He landed abruptly, accidentally releasing his powers earlier than he wanted to in his anticipation. He was launched to the ground at a fast pace.
Silver braced himself for the hit onto the cement walkway, closing his eyes tight as tight as possible, only to be met with a gentle, warm hold. He opened his eyes to see a lilac colored cat, who had just saved him from that painful impact.
He gasped in sync with the cat. She was the exact color of the person that would pop up randomly in his head. He studied the depths of her eyes, her sharing the same honey yellow gaze he did. She placed him down carefully, staring back at him.
Silver felt that hole inside him that had tortured him for so long, slowly start to fill. He didn't even know her name, but just seeing her and feeling her presence had managed to make him explode with emotions. Her aura felt so familiar yet so foreign.
"..Hi," Silver greeted her shyly, one of his hands starting to scratch the back of his head nervously. "I'm Silver," he gulped, hoping she didn't think bad of him, especially after such an embarrassing fall.
"Hello.. I'm Blaze," she fidgeted with her fingers, her eyes lowering to stare at the ground. The air around them was so tense, yet bursting with feelings.
"Oh, hey, Silver and Blaze! See you two met each other before I could introduce you!" Sonic swooped in, saving them from their awkwardness, with his hands full of food supplies. "I'm kind of busy right now, but good to see you two together!" Then he left as fast as possible.
"Why don't we head to the backyard?" Silver asked, stepping out of his comfort zone. Blaze had awoken something inside him. He couldn't let her get away. She caused this inside him, and he couldn't let her go. He felt connected to her, like they were destined to be together.
"S..sure," Silver impulsively took her hand, holding her hand tight yet gentle in his grip. He didn't realize what he was doing, just wanting her close to him. Blaze was shocked, but she didn't stop him.
They had grabbed a blanket from Amy and laid it down onto the grass. They each had a bottle of water. The smell of grilled burgers and hotdogs filled the air. Chit chat consumed the area. Silver didn't know how to start chit chat with Blaze, even as he watched all his friends just strike up conversations with random people.
"So.." Silver started, but trailed off as he didn't know what to say. He didn't know why he stayed with her. Why he brought her back here and sat with her. He was just drawn to her. And she seemed to be too.
"I'm gonna be honest.. I don't know what to say," he chuckled nervously. But then he saw Blaze giggle a little. His heart jerked, his face consumed by blush once again.
"I too… don't know what to say," she said, smiling softly. She looked so beautiful to him.. her silky lavender fur shining brightly, her wondrous eyes that held such emotion.. everything was breathtaking.
"You know.. we only just met.. but I feel like I want to tell you everything.." Silver said, sounding distant as if trapped in his thoughts. He was struggling to recall the memories he could've had with her. It couldn't be just a coincidence, considering the sudden change in his mental state because of her. That purple color consumed his mind, yet he could not pull up anything. They were so close, yet so far from him.
"Haha.. strangely, me too.." she trailed off, her voice almost trembling. Her voice was so gentle and soft, but Silver felt as if it held a hidden fierceness and power.
"Ok.. then here's a question. Where were you, emotionally, before this picnic?" Silver blurted out. "I..I mean, only if you want to answer,"
"No no, it's okay," she reassured. "Before this picnic… I felt empty.. like there was something missing.." Silver's eyes widened in surprise. "ha.. it feels weird, but also natural to share this with you.."
Silver paused. "That's exactly how I felt before this picnic too! But as soon as Sonic came around to tell me about it, it was like something came over me. I was so excited to go to this, after years of feeling dull,"
"Maybe we're meant to be," Blaze joked, though he could feel in her words that she meant it seriously. He spotted her delicate hand laying on the blanket. His own hand was just inching closer, preparing himself to just take the risk.
"Maybe.." Silver breathed out softly, gently but swiftly grabbing Blaze's hand. She turned her head to face him, a look of shock upon her face. But she relaxed a bit, and squeezed his hand. Silver gave her a small smile, a light pink brushing his cheeks.
"You know.. it feels like I know you. But I know that can't be possible.." Blaze started. "Like it feels like there's memories missing from my brain," Blaze told him, as she was subconsciously slowly inching closer to Silver's body.
"It's kind of spooky, haha. I keep feeling the same things you do," Silver laughed. "It's so strange, but it's not like I don't like it.. in fact.. I think I love it," he smirked mischievously. Blaze became increasingly red, and hid her face in her free hand.
The two of them had had unknowingly gotten incredibly close to one another. They had been talking for just a few minutes now, yet they felt so inseparable.
The bright blue sky had started to fade into a vibrant orange and pink, the sun falling away as the moon slowly crept in as time passed. Him and Blaze had laid down together on the blanket, still holding each other's hand. Everyone was gathered together, chatting quietly, most watching the sky. The two of them were more far away, in their own little corner of the yard.
"The sky looks so beautiful.." Blaze watched in awe. The two of them hadn't gone out much, a sunset was pretty strange to them.
"..Like you.." Silver whispered, just barely loud enough for Blaze to hear. He glanced over at her, to see her cheeks growing redder. He smiled tenderly, feeling love fill his heart. He'd never felt love before, but it felt familiar. He loved the feeling of love.
Blaze turned to her side, grabbing onto Silver's arm, basically hugging it. She rubbed her head against his fur, cozying up to him. He turned his head to stare into her eyes, to see her eyes filled with love. It felt so intimate.
Silver turned over as well, so they were face to face. His face was gradually getting closer and closer to hers, as he used his free hand to crable her face fondly.
Blaze then closed the gap between them, lips collapsed together. Silver closed his eyes, deepening the kiss they shared.
Suddenly, everything made sense.
The memories rushed into his head, each one flashing as he remembered each and everyone of them.
This was Blaze. The Blaze he worked with to beat Iblis. The Blaze he knew so well. The Blaze that sacrificed herself for him. The Blaze that he loved.
"...It's you," he whispered once they had finally separated. Tears formed in his eyes, unable to comprehend his reality. "I… I thought I would never see you again.." he said as the tears fell.
"Oh Silver, you're so naive.. didn't I tell you we would meet again?" she chuckled as her own tears began to spill.
"I love you, Blaze.."
"I love you too, Silver."
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shedreamsofstars · 6 years ago
Threads of our Sols - Chapter 1
A series of fluffy interconnecting snapshots inspired by the Silvaze Week 2019 themes of dream, music, fairy tale, marriage, ‘I’m okay’ lantern and gardening.
Next chapter
These Threads That Dream
Silver was a cad.
What other word was there for someone whose gaze kept drifting back to a beautiful yet unsuspecting woman? He wasn’t even being coy he noted, blinking slowly as Blaze read through and signed another Royal contract, blissfully oblivious to his ogling.
They were currently in the large meeting room where the Queen usually held gatherings with her advisers, but today they sat alone at the long empty table. Silver had offered to help Blaze sort through and prioritise the many request forms she’d received from the citizens of Sol, but he had long since given up the endeavour for something far more intriguing.
Day dreaming hopeless yet perfect scenarios in which he figured out how to reveal the secret that he was currently hiding in his back quills.
He had crafted close to a few dozen different plans, each more elaborate and extravagant than the last. But even those had subsided when he realised that Blaze was so engrossed in her work that she had no idea what was happening around her. Or who was admiring her.
Silver mentally berated himself for being so ungentlemanly, but the more he tried to look away the more he found that he couldn’t. Her eyes were golden nectar and he the bumblebee that had been caught in her sweet gaze. They were molten honey in the afternoon sun, drawing him in with every flutter of those dark lashes.
The ivory hedgehog’s back quills itched annoyingly, and he reprimanded his brain for betraying him. It wasn’t time. Blaze was busy working and he had had no time to prepare and execute any one of the several ideas he had just come up with. He needed the moment to be perfect and that meant that he had to plan everything down to the letter.
The Queens forehead dipped into a small crease as she read through the paper in her hand and a crooked grin stretched across Silver’s lips. Only confusion ever brought out that particular frown, and for a moment he let himself wonder what it would feel like. To reach out and smooth it away with his fingertips, to feel the smoothness of the crimson gem without being sequestered away in some hidden nook of the palace.
Sol be damned, he could write a million and one poems about this woman he thought as he tipped his head and cradled it with his hands. About the way she’d always bring the pen in her hand close to her mouth, as if to chew it, before catching herself and placing it gently before her. The way the strands of her hair that always escaped her braids and ponytails swayed at the tiniest movement. The way her lashes brushed her cheeks as she turned to look towards –
The hedgehog startled instantly, chin hitting the table with an irritable twinge of pain as he momentarily forgot what he was doing. “Yes?” he yelped, suddenly uncomfortable as he realised that he’d finally been caught out. He cleared his throat as Blaze levelled him with a look he had no clue how to interpret. Intrigue? Anger? Confusion? All three?
“What exactly are you doing?” she asked carefully.
“Hmm?” he said, pretending he hadn’t heard her. He needed time to think of an answer more appropriate than ‘admiring how wonderful you are’ but no luck.
“Were you day dreaming?” she asked when he failed to respond. Her tone lacked any accusation, but Silver felt guilty regardless as he realised he hadn’t finished going through the requests.
“No, of course not,” he said, sounding unconvincing even to himself. He most certainly had been day dreaming and from the way the cat arched a single brow at him, she knew it too. “Okay, yes. I was daydreaming,” he said, cheeks blazing with embarrassment.
She watched him with those piercing eyes, golden and intense with a hint of something warm that he fell for every time. That he loved. Silver’s back quills seared again with purpose and he swallowed nervously, battling with the idea that maybe he had been going about this the wrong way all this time.
Maybe this was it.
What if this perfectly normal afternoon was that perfect moment he had been waiting for and attempting to create all along. He was never happier than when he was with her, cherishing even the most mundane moments so maybe this one was their moment.
They were together, alone and happy – how much more perfect could it really be?
“Do you want to know what I was day dreaming about?” he asked a little too quickly, completely ruining the casual air he was aiming for as he stood and made his way towards her.
She tracked his every movement with her trained eyes, dipping her head in a simple nod – a request for him to elaborate.
“I was dreaming of a world where you said yes,” he said coyly.
Her forehead dipped into that enticing frown again, forming a small valley between her brows as she stared up at him. “I don’t understand Silver. Yes, to what?”
Silver took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. It was now or never. He reached forwards, taking Blaze’s two hands in his own as he guided her up onto her feet and into the strip of sunlight streaming through the window.
Her eyes widened a fraction as he dropped onto one knee, her hands still warm and comforting in his.
“Silver…” she breathed.
“Blaze,” he said, swallowing down the nervous lump in his throat. If he was going to do this properly, then he was going to need a little distraction. “Will you consider sharing your desserts with from now on?” he said quickly, the edge of his lips quirking into a smile. “Dessert is my favourite and you never finish yours anyway.”
“Oh, Silver,” she chided mockingly, pulling him back into a standing position with an airy laugh. He had a little height on the cat, enough for him to have to tilt his head down to look at her. “You had me thinking you were going to ask something important. Of course you can share my desserts silly.”
“Hey,” he said a little offended. “Desserts are a very serious business I’ll have you know.” He watched her smile reach her eyes before she noticed it – the glowing teal orb hovering just over his shoulder.
Blaze froze mid-laugh, watching the glowing orb in wonder as it circled the pair of them once before drifting down to occupy the sliver of space between herself and Silver. Her eyes flitted between the orb and the hedgehog in a mild panic, the fake out clearly catching her off guard as he dropped to his knee once more.
“Silver is this real?” she said, voice hushed in disbelief as the boy released a hand to catch the ring floating between them. A single gold band held an emerald cut diamond that caught the light just so as Silver held it up to Blaze.
“Blaze, Queen of Sol and eternal marvel of my soul … I don’t even know if I’m technically allowed to ask this,” he said with a nervous chuckle. “Having Gardon bark all that royal etiquette stuff at me is going to be a nightmare.”
Blaze squeezed his hands once, quick and gentle. “Ask,” she whispered. “Please … just ask.”
Something jumped in Silver’s chest at the warm longing he beheld in her eyes. A longing for him, for them. He obliged her request as much for her as he did for himself.
“Blaze, will you marry me and make me the happiest and luckiest man to have ever lived?”
“Yes,” she whispered, falling to the ground before him and pressing her forehead to his. Their noses knocked together clumsily but neither of them could care less. “I will you marry you in this world and every other that exists … I will marry you,” she repeated softly, a smile in her voice.
“Really?” he asked, looking more than a little stunned that it had truly been as easy as asking. She nodded and pulled back, letting Silver slip the gold band onto her finger.
Silver tried to commit the moment to memory but as he held onto the hand of the woman he loved he already knew there wasn’t a hope in the world that he would forget this. This surreal moment would be burned into his mind, engraved into his very soul – marking this moment forever more.
Blaze admired the ring for only a moment, refusing to relinquish her hold on Silver’s other hand before she reached up and placed the hand with the ring gently against his cheek, the cold band of metal soothing against his warm skin.
“Am I still daydreaming?” he asked out loud.
Blaze kissed the question off his lips and he got his answer.
He was definitely not day dreaming anymore.
Thanks for reading guys, feel free to drop me your thoughts if you can.
Hope you enjoyed todays [very loose] interpretation of the theme, DREAM. Just a quick heads up folks that this will be a sad boi hours free zone – there’s plenty of that good ol’ stuff around already, so we’re keeping this particular story to strictly fluff and low-key drama only.
Thanks again for reading and I’ll see you in the next theme, chao for now :)
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overandbeyond724 · 7 years ago
Silvaze Week 2018 Day 3: Red Thread of Fate/Tanabata
(I got this from watching an old anime movie, Is this canonically sound???)
“Aaah! Today is a wonderful day, yes?”
“You’re right Miss Amy!”
“Chao! Chao!”
Blaze quietly sat in her seat, watching her three friends Cream, Amy, and Cheese happily enjoying their sundaes here at a local café in Station Square, before looking bluntly at her own giant vanilla soft served ice cream drizzled with chocolate syrup and a strawberry perfectly placed on top.
She almost wondered why Amy and Cream loved it so much she could almost see sparkles and bubbles around them each time they took a scoop.
And why are they acting like nothing happened.
“Miss Blaze, are you alright?” Cream noticed her silence, turning the group’s attention to the inter-dimensional princess.
“I know you’re worried about Dr. Eggman being out and about in your dimension along with the Sol Emeralds, and we are too, but Tails needs more time to finish the portal” Amy licked her spoon clean and explained. “It wouldn’t be good for us to sit around and do nothing”, she continued, drawing circles in the air with her spoon as she spoke.
Blaze only held a stern look, and replied, “.. Sitting here wouldn’t do anything good for us either.” She didn’t intend that to sound rude, but it was the cold truth that the pink hedgehog must realize in their current situation.
The three frowned in her response, before Amy took her statement as an insult and chide her. “Hey, Cream, Cheese and I invited you to have a day out with us so you could have a chance to rest and relax, and we’re not going back until we know you are relaxed” she had a point there, these last few days, many things happened, after Dr. Eggman stole the Sol Emeralds and threw her in a another world (which is Sonic’s world but Eggman didn’t know that ;)), returning to the Sol dimension and retrieving the Sol Emeralds from the egg-shaped doctor became her main priority.
Yet she failed to realize how she made her friends worry about her.
“We were just worried about you Miss Blaze, all of us are, especially Mr. Silver”
“Chao-Chao…” Cream and Cheese sadly added, looking down to further express their good intent for the princess.
“Silver?” she quietly repeated, as though the name caught her attention.
Cream and Cheese happily nodded in agreement.
“…I’m sorry, I had no intention of offending you…” Blaze instantly realized her mistake and looked down in shame apologizing
Amy shook her head, “Don’t worry about it Blaze”
“We completely understand”
“Chao! Chao!”
The three happily forgave her.
“Speaking of Silver” Amy quickly changed the subject in the speed of sound as she placed a finger on her chin, “Are you two very close?”, before leaning closer to her. Curious and intrigued of her reaction upon mentioning the hedgehog’s name
Not to mention how she noticed these two got along so easily the moment they met.
“Uh-Uhm well not that I am aware of…” Blaze instinctively leaned back to maintain her distance to the overwhelming straightforwardness of Amy Rose, even finding her a bit nosy upon asking her such question without an ounce of hesitation.
Though now that she think about it, she is far more comfortable with the white hedgehog compared to everyone else, by which she finds it quite odd.
And somehow, comforting at the same time
“Oh is that so…”Amy returned to her seat and smiled at the conclusion in her mind, “Then it must be destiny!” she remarked with a closed eyed smile, along with the tan rabbit and her chao agreeing with her.
Blaze couldn’t quite understand these girls’ logic as she seemed stunned in her expression. Why would fate let their paths meet anyway? What could that even do for her? She wanted answers to the questions she is unable to provide answers to herself, but she was interrupted by Amy’s distress.
She immediately then decided to keep it to herself.
“Haaaaahhh! Look at the time!” Amy hurriedly emptied her glass and picked the strawberry she’s been saving for last at the bottom. “We’re going to miss it!” she almost jumped in her seat, causing a few people to turn their heads towards her from the commotion, and grabbed the confused Blaze’s hand.
Dragging her across the streets of the city, the four reached a small park nearby the café.
There was a small stage placed at the center of the lot lined with foldable chairs made of plastic and resin, where people from all ages chattering around the outdoor theater, as though they were waiting for something.
“What are we doing here?” Blaze looked around, puzzled on how this is going to relax her, when she noticed posters hung at the park’s lamp posts. She began to read: ‘Toto Theater Group Presents: The Legend of the Red Thread’
This sparked interest on the purple cat, lightly tilting her head to her curiosity. “The Legend of…the Red Thread?”
“Oh you never heard of it?” Amy heard her and glanced across Blaze, “It is a story about a man and a woman whose pinkies are connected by a red thread of destiny since birth!” she exclaimed, lifting both of her pinkies before holding her fists together as she girlishly explained the legend’s lore, her deep green eyes had the sparkling glitter that shone whenever such matters are discussed.
“And they’re going to perform it on a play for the upcoming festival Miss Blaze” Cream continued in place for her blushing best friend drifting away in La La land.
“A festival?”
Cream lively nodded, “Momma told me this festival is very important for two people who can only meet once a year!” – “Chao!” she innocently explained, sending Blaze in thought. She’s been here in this world a few times already and realized she barely knew anything about this world.
But who could blame her for not knowing anyway? It’s not like she’s here on vacation.
“Hmm? Silver!!” Amy, after pulling herself back to reality, she cheerfully waved at the crowd, drawing the attention of a light grey hedgehog mixed-in to the fray and excitedly raced towards him together with Cream and Cheese, with Blaze following closely behind, and found it unexpected to find the white hedgehog from the future in this lively, populated setting.
“I’m so glad you came!” Amy beamed in joy as soon as her feet halted on the dirt
“Where’s Mr. Sonic?” Cream followed, already beating Amy upon asking such question
“Ah about that Sonic decided to pass this up and wanted us to watch it without him, he said it’s-uhm…too girly…” he explained, shrugging at the end.
Cream and Cheese frowned, disheartened at the fact that the blue blur can’t come with them today.
“Hmph! He always says that” and Amy grumpily puffed out a cheek in frustration
“But I am surprised, that you didn’t think the same thing as Sonic…” Blaze casually commented whereas Silver only blinked in his bewilderment, not expecting the comment from the lilac colored cat.
“Ah well, I always wanted to watch a play from this time, it’s interesting to learn more about my history” he replied, scratching the back of his head when the sea of people then started applauding the announcer climbing up to the stage, cuing that the play is about to start and took their seats at the front row.
The play ran until the late afternoon, and just like what the blue blur said, it was a bit girly and maybe even ridiculous at some point: an invisible, red string that is connected to your true love? Sounds more like a fairy tale rather than a legend.
But either way, the was indeed relaxing, heartwarming and endearing, kudos the effort and hard work the group put onto even if they are performing for free.
“Hmm, maybe we should eat somewhere before heading home…” Amy thought as they made their way home
Cream agreed, “Momma told me there is a good restaurant nearby and are serving free desserts for the festival, we should check it out!”
“That’s a great idea!” Amy chimed before looming over her shoulder to address the cat and hedgehog behind them, rendering a playful gaze at them.
“Hmm? You’re wondering who is at the other end of the thread aren’t you?”
Blaze jolted up in surprise, not realizing she had her pinky up the whole time and quickly hid it away.
But she then realized Amy wasn’t referring to her, but to the flustered white hedgehog in front of her.
Silver faintly flushed in embarrassment, “Uh-Uhm I am just intrigued that’s all, not a lot of people in the future believe in legends anymore other than being just a story –”
“What? Legends are true!” Amy exclaimed, and skipped a step, blocking the rest of the group in their path and placed her hands in her hips. “And I’m not speaking rhetorically here, they are called as one because they are more than just a story, but they tell us a lesson from the past.” she pointed out in conviction, subtly rubbing her own pinky as her determined and powerful expression softened.
“Miss Amy…”
“Chao…” Cream and Cheese empathized, holding their fists together with a gloomy expression painted in their faces.
Amy spun, before placing her hands behind her back and added, “Well, whether you believe it or not is only a matter of choice” she smiled at them, and called Cream to lead them to that restaurant and sped ahead of them.
With Silver and Blaze following behind the two ladies
“So, do you believe? In the invisible red thread of destiny…” Blaze started within the first moments of silence between them, as though it interested her to learn his opinion for some reason.
“Hmm? Well…who knows” he once again had the same reaction as he glanced at her, before sending off into deep thought and nonchalantly replied.
She chuckled, leaving Silver stunned in hearing Blaze’s laugh.
For the first time…
And also at the same time, confused on her response
“W-Why? What’s wrong?” he only stammered
Blaze closed her eyes as she walked ahead of him, obvious that she knew the light grey hedgehog has something else in mind and was so sure of it too, even if she only met him a few times. “Nothing”
“There’s nothing wrong with it” she lightly waved her pinky in the air, “After all, believing is only a matter of choice…”
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dxrkblaze · 7 years ago
so here’s another drabble/oneshot/thing from the silvaze pirate-princess au where silver is absolutely ooc but it’s ok because it’s an au. and he’s still a dork. hope ya enjoy
Silver rushed through the forest leading to the palace, kicking up grasses behind him with each stride forward. He held fast to his cap, looking every which way with frantic eyes, licking his lips chapped by dehydrating panic; he wasn’t used to this feeling. The kingdom of Sol was under attack - the life of his beloved princess was in jeopardy, without a doubt - and Silver never knew anything of it. He scolded himself each time that thought raced to the front of his conscience, for surely he could have intercepted such a plan had he stayed alert.
Through the passing spaces between trees, he soon found the despicable silhouette of fighting in the distance. Far too near in the distance for his liking, actually - one of the invading phalanxes had already advanced to the palace’s facade. Silver cursed beneath his breath, and gained a subconscious burst of acceleration once Blaze’s balcony was in his sights. It was as if all his nightmares had decided to rear their wretched heads on Sol’s shores.
After leaping over the shrubbery lining the foundation of the palace, Silver scaled the vines leading up to the princess’s balcony with an intensity he had never before employed. He moved as if he were under the eye of an archer - and perhaps he was, he thought - that would be the most typical of deaths. Sweat was pouring past his eyes, to the ridge of his muzzle, down his neck, saturating the frills of his coat and the fur beneath it. For a moment, he believed that the princess would be forced to tend to him once he reached her chambers. He also possessed enough self-awareness to laugh at such irony.
As for Princess Blaze, Silver had expected to find her immediately - surely she would be perched behind her window, gazing out with a somber contour to her lips as the enemy’s siege crept closer. He would be able to comfort her before speaking of his plan, and that would soften her to the idea of it. On the contrary, of course, she was nowhere to be found, and Silver had to venture into the hallways to stand any chance of escaping with her.
“Princess!” Silver whispered sharply, scuttering along the carpet so that his boots wouldn’t alert anyone. He peered around each corner he came to, fearing the inevitability that he would be mistaken for an intruder, or some senseless notion. He raised his voice as his search dragged on, leading him to duck behind tables and chairs whenever paranoia played its tricks.
Silver soon found himself on one of the grand hallways, weaving behind columns that overlooked the barren dining hall several stories below. There was simply nothing to hide from. He seated himself to catch his breath, and after he had done so without any disturbance, he decided that the residence portion of the palace was empty. Still, he checked the handle of the cutlass at his belt, and looked down either side of the hall before venturing to one of the tall windows before him. He winced at the faint clashing of swords and shields; Sol was never a kingdom built for war. Powerful, it was, but only for the peace it stood for. There were no battlements, no gatehouse, nothing separating it from the people it resided over. Even a mere pirate could roam its interior in a time of such crisis. The town, only a few hundred meters away, was being ransacked - by nightfall it would be reduced to a pile of dust. Silver checked the leverage he had on his weapon once more.
Perhaps the princess had already evacuated, or had fallen back to the barracks - no. Silver’s hopes deceived him not. Blaze was more likely to be outside fighting alongside her people than on a ship sailing elsewhere. That thought was troubling enough to force him back to his search, and down another adjacent path.
Silver passed another corner, and his heart leaped to his throat when he heard a footstep behind him. Before he could even flinch, an arm wrapped tight around his head, exposing his neck to the cool edge of a blade. His shock was paralyzing, though he was only in danger for a moment - he knew that boiling touch on his cheek.
“Princess!” Silver’s cap slid off his head, exposing his eccentric quills. “My, how glad I am to see you!”
Blaze retracted her smallsword. Her brow was as sharp as her tone. “What business have you in here?”
“Oh, I thought I’d stop for tea.” Silver retrieved his headwear, grabbed Blaze’s hand, and tried to pull her in the direction from which he came. “What business have you alone?”
She submitted a few steps toward him before standing her ground. “They wouldn’t let me fight. Everyone is either outside or guarding the entrances.”
“Well, they overlooked your balcony.”
“Enough! Unhand me!”
“Where are the emeralds?”
Blaze tugged on the strap of her haversack. “With me.”
“Excellent! Forward thinking! So we can leave?”
“No!” Blaze asserted, throwing Silver’s hand down.
“Princess, I beg of you-”
“Out of the question!” she intervened, walking back to her post. “I will never abandon my people. The only way these emeralds are leaving Sol is if they’re stained with my blood.”
Silver bounced in front of her, eyes fixed on the end of the hall. “Princess, listen to me, I’ve docked at the kingdom’s rear-”
Blaze crossed her arms, and turned her head in disgust. “And what importance does that hold now? I have no time for your crude innuendos.”
“My ship is behind the palace! We’re outnumbered, but we’re not surrounded. We can escape!”
“Are you dense? I’ve told you no!”
“Princess, I admire your bravery,” Silver admitted, resting his hands on her shoulders, “and your loyalty to your people is unquestioned. But if those emeralds are stolen, you won’t have anything left to be loyal to! You can’t fend off an entire army!”
“I can die trying.”
“We don’t have much time! Princess, look at me.” The albino slouched into her line of sight, and his voice shook as he held her gaze. “It’s difficult to think now, I know, but you have to trust me. You don’t understand how badly I need you. If anything happened to you, I could never go on.” He pointed behind her. “They could never go on. You know this. Live to fight another day, my love, I beg you. Come with me.”
Blaze hesitated, but acquiesced with a sigh. They hurried back to the princess’s chambers, for that provided the most direct escape, though Silver continued to spout wit as if all was well. The true gravity of the situation didn’t intrude their reality until the enemy intruded the palace; the couple jumped back when a harsh crash sounded below them, followed by loud shouts echoing off the high walls. Tears filled Blaze’s sight, blurring the scene as Silver led her onward. There was nothing left standing between her home and utter disaster.
The princess was numb until her feet hit grass. Even then, she stumbled forward at Silver’s plea, reaching for her sword that she had dropped inside among all the commotion. For the first time in her memory, she felt powerless. Fire alone couldn’t melt all that armor. Her mind raced from regret to acceptance and back again, stomping over any emotion disgraceful enough in between. She couldn’t decide if death would have cleansed her of these thoughts anyway.
Blaze snapped out of her musing when they were approached by a few armored knights, ones clearly not allied with Sol, and ordered to halt. They identified the princess with a stark confidence. Her stomach sank - surely now she would not only die a brutal death, but one of a coward as well. She turned to blame Silver for this, and was shocked to find him laughing.
“My gods,” Silver began, staring the knights down without a trace of trepidation, “what flattery to be mistaken for royalty! Are both of our costumes so convincing, or is it only my partner?”
Blaze glanced down. Perhaps such duplicity would have been more convincing if she had her cloak - she sported a frilled blouse and tights, hardly befitting of an exaggerated royal get-up. The knights seemed unmoved, and they made it obvious by pointing their swords at the couple.
Still, Silver pursued with his game. “Gentlemen, please, we are but actors from the local theater! We have no hand in this fight. We will leave you to your business.” He turned to walk away.
One of the knights advanced, poking Silver’s neck with the tip of his sword. A harsh voice rushed through the slits of his mask. “Our king will be the judge of that.”
Another weapon was thrust close to the princess, and Silver rolled his eyes. “Yes, of course, I’m sure his Majesty will be thrilled by the capture of two peasants.” His eyes shifted to Blaze. “How laughable it will be, when you return home under the claim you’ve arrested the princess, and you present to your king a man in make-up instead. I’ll make plans to attend your execution.”
Blaze shot daggers at Silver, but realized his cruelty was part of the show. She spoke not, for she knew her voice would ruin the illusion, and nodded at the knights. The most vocal of them lifted his mask, and squinted at the princess’s frame, taking particular note of her flat chest. Blaze stared into his eyes with defiance until he was finally convinced, and all the knights turned back toward the palace with a cry. Blaze touched the bag at her side, relieved to feel the emeralds inside it, and was pulled by Silver back to their escape route. She followed him in silence.
Blaze was greeted with bows and hugs from Silver’s crew once she was helped onto the ship. They set off as soon as the anchor was hoisted; they were safe from the violence, and the wind was in their favor. It was only the princess and the captain who did not celebrate; the couple stood solemnly at the stern, gazes fixed on the palace as the madness shrank in the distance. Blaze placed her hand over her bag once more.
“I am sorry, princess,” Silver admitted, “I wish I would’ve gotten here sooner.” She gave him no response, and he was certain why. “Oh, princess, please forgive me. Surely you know that you’re the fairest woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.” He ran his hand along her side before sliding it up to her chest. “It was but a ploy to save our heads.”
“That does not trouble me.” She lied, but for once she was grateful for Silver’s deceitful nature. She removed his hand from her breast, but didn’t let go of it. “I simply fear for my people.”
Silver leaned his head against Blaze’s. “Aye, my love, but life is far too short to live fearing the worst. May we return to a kingdom strengthened by adversity. In any event, the emeralds are in the hands of their rightful owner.” He pressed his lips to her muzzle. “And she is safe with me.”
“Thank you, Silver.” Blaze lowered her eyes at a realization, and tightened her grip on his hand. “I don’t believe I could do without you, either.”
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silvazes-1fan · 6 months ago
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I FORGOT TO NOTE THIS IS NOT MY ART, this is new cover for an issue!
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silvazes-1fan · 8 months ago
One thing I want to point out is that this line suggests that Amy saw silver struggling making a garden but instead of helping she told blaze to find him, she was so setting them up
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silvazes-1fan · 9 months ago
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silvazes-1fan · 9 months ago
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silvazes-1fan · 8 months ago
I’ve had this silly little idea in my head where while silver is dating blaze he just suddenly realizes that he’s going to have to be a king soon
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silvazes-1fan · 7 months ago
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silvazes-1fan · 9 months ago
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silvazes-1fan · 8 months ago
One little silvaze head cannon I have is that even before they admitted their love to each other every one else thought they were dating so it was a bit weird to everyone after silver and blaze told everyone they just started dating
Blaze: um sonic we would like to update you on um silver and i’s relationship
Silver: we have started dating!
Sonic: wait what
Blaze: we recently admitt-
Sonic: no I mean you guys /just/ started? I thought you guys have been together forever!
Silver: I excuse me?
Sonic: yeah everyone thought that!
Blaze: I doubt that’s true, knowing yo-
Sonic: hold on watch *calls shadow* hay
Shadow: what do you want
Sonic: did you know silver and blaze have been dating?
Shadow: uh yeah? Haven’t they been dating for awhile now? Why?
Sonic: eh I’ll tell you later *click*
Sonic stairs at them with a smirk as silver and blaze stand frustrated and flustered
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silvazes-1fan · 8 months ago
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