#liv is everything to me i love her so much
damiansgoodgirll · 2 days
Hi gorgeous how you doing? I have a request for a few things so just hear me up on this. I just had this in my mind by the way jey uso x reader Rhea and Damian has been friends with the reader since NX T but when the Yeet master comes along they started to be friends but the reader gets hurt  badly not so good judgement day ( i’m sorry to say that but the new judgement day nah) and who comes out and saves them terror twins and jey
jey uso x reader (romantic) / terror twins x reader (platonic)
likes, comments and reblogs are always welcomed !!!
‼️ a little angsty, fluff, the new judgment day being awful (just like they are)
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forever my girl
the bond between you, damian and rhea was unique. you’ve been friends since the old days at nxt, where the three of you tried to make it up to the top in the company. if you had any problem, any doubt, any question, you knew that you could count on rhea and damian, the same way they could count on you.
you all made it big, being drafted from nxt to smackdown and raw where you all gained more respect and success.
being on the big rosters meant that you all got to make more friends and so a few people started hanging out with you.
rhea and damian got lucky that they got paired together for being a part of the judgment day while managers thought of giving you a solo push. it was working really good for you as you have been both raw and smackdown woman’s champion. you won your matches at wrestlemania and summerslam, so everything was really working out for you.
even if you were all pretty booked, you never stopped seeing each others outside work. a few people joined you too, especially jey uso who couldn’t stop teasing and annoying rhea. you thought it was funny and you pranked her a few times together.
jey was nice to hang out with. he was kind and funny and never fail to make you laugh. you were all like one big happy family, the judgment day members too. but when the judgment day broke up at summerslam you knew that rhea and damian were going to be alone. jey was busy with the whole bloodline mess again and you knew that you had to pick a side.
so you went ringside at bash in berlin and stopped finn when he tried to ruin the match for rhea and damian. you helped rhea when her leg got stuck over the ring and you were ringside again when, much to your surprise, jey joined damian in a tag team match.
but now it was you facing liv morgan. one on one. and it was an easy match as you were basically destroying her. she wasn’t as strong as you were and it was easy for you to pin her down quickly. she was mad that she lost and of course, in judgment day style, she started hitting you. she hit your back while the ref held up your arm as you won the match. your back immediately feeling an intense pain, you tried to get up but she shoved you on the ground. finn, dom, jd and carlito circling the ring, so now you were trapped. live kept hurting you and it felt like hell.
suddenly, rhea’s music echoed in the arena and she tried to run as fast as she could to help you inside the ring.
but she was alone and hurt so she was an easy target for the group. only a few minutes later both damian and jey ran out and followed rhea’s lead.
as rhea tried to stop dominik from running away, finn and damian began fighting. jey ran inside the ring and liv, as the coward that she is, ran away and tried to save dom from rhea.
you were laying there, hurting.
jey kneeled next to you, trying to see if you were still conscious “y/n…” he softly whispered “are you still with me love?”
you wanted to answer but no words came out of your mouth, instead you nodded but the slightest movement made your head pulse.
“medical staff is coming…we got you, i got you love” he gently whispered, moving some hair from your face.
“everything hurts…” you whimpered, a few tears rolling down your cheeks. jey’s heart broke, he couldn’t stand to see you in pain.
he didn’t understand why. it’s not like you were dating but the idea of seeing you hurt and crying made his blood boil. he was so mad and at the same time so conflicted because he couldn’t do anything to help you.
medical staff got there immediately and when they tried to move you, a soft scream left your lips that made jey shiver.
“i got you love…” he whispered “let me carry you backstage okay? the stretcher is too uncomfortable for you…” you nodded at his proposal and even though you felt like your whole body was in flames “hey shh…i got you, you’re safe with me” he gently whispered leaving a kiss on your forehead “i got you” he kept repeating, mostly to himself because he needed to be sure that you were okay.
once he brought you backstage, rhea and damian followed along, both worried about your condition. jey followed the staff instructions and he gently laid you down over the stretcher waiting for you in the medical room.
“she will be okay” one of the nurses tried to reassure the trio but non of them dared to leave the room.
rhea and damian were pissed. it wasn’t fair for you. you won your match without cheating and yet they cheated and doing so, you ended up badly injured. jey was stressing out, he couldn’t really understand what he was feeling. he always thought that you were beautiful and kind but he never thought about you in a romantic way so why was he so angry? why was he hurting? he hated seeing you barely conscious on that bed, doctors working on you. you shouldn’t be there, no, you should be backstage happily celebrating your victory with your friends and family.
“is she okay?” jey asked, pacing back and forth around the room.
“we are still checking her out…she has a concussion from the hit on the head she got when liv attacked her from behind…probably a few broken ribs but she should be fine…we still need time to finish all the tests” one of the doctor spoke and jey felt like fainting. he was beyond mad.
rhea and damian watched how stressed jey was and they couldn’t really understand why.
“uce” damian called him “what’s going on?”
“what you mean?” he pretended everything was fine.
“we mean, why are you so stressed? rhea stepped up.
“why aren’t you? she is your best friend and you’re here without saying or doing anything…” he said, passing a hand over his hair.
“uce you gotta stay calm…” damian tried one more time.
“i can’t…” he whispered, trying not to break.
“what is going on jey?” rhea was confused. she never seen jey so agitated and uneasy.
he took a chair next to them and shook his head “i don’t know…when i saw her in the ring and she couldn’t move, i felt like someone was ripping part of my body off…i don’t know how to explain it but it hurts seeing her like this…and when i brought her backstage she was softly crying in my arms…and i couldn’t do anything to help her…”
damian was still confused but rhea immediately understood why jey was acting like that. a smirk appeared on her face, shocked that none of the men were able to understand the situation.
men - she thought.
“you have feelings for her jey” rhea said, a little smile appearing on her face.
“what?” he was shocked. he knew he had feelings for you but hearing someone saying that out loud made him unsure.
“you like her and it’s pretty evident. you can’t even stay sit for five minutes, always checking on her or what the doctors are doing…you have feelings for her and that’s okay…she’s my best friend and if you hurt her i’m gonna kick your ass, but you like her and that’s normal…” rhea tried to reassure a very confused and scared jey uso.
he looked at rhea with a confused look. maybe she was right. he couldn’t understand the sudden pull towards you. but all the time you’ve spent together, pranking rhea, flying together, watching movies and training together, he never realised how much he actually liked you and now, seeing you hurt, laying on a hospital bed made him feel so helpless. he wished he realised it sooner, he wished he could tell you how much he likes you.
“she needs to rest…at least one month at home, no wrestling, no training, just rest so she can get better” the doctor said to the three adults. all of them nodding their heads before medical staff left the room, leaving them alone for some privacy.
“do you wanna stay alone with her?” rhea asked jey. he nodded, moving the chair next to your bed while the duo left. you were still unconscious. jey didn’t know if you actually fainted or if the doctors gave you some painkillers to ease your pain and to calm you down, but anyway, both cases sounded bad to him as he wanted to see you awake and smiling.
he gently stroked your cheek, his calloused hand moving delicately on your face “you’re so pretty y/n” he smiled to himself “i wish i realised sooner what i feel for you…”
you, on the other hand, woke up when the doctors explained that you had a concussion to the team. you heard rhea talking with jey, you heard him confessing. you didn’t know what to feel. you’ve always had a little crush for the twin but the idea of him actually being in love with you never crossed your mind.
your body was still on fire, your head hurting but you needed to let jey know that you were there, that it wasn’t his fault, that you were in good hands and that you were going to be okay.
“jey…” your broken voice caught his attention.
“hey…” he whispered, a soft breath escaping his lips, relaxing a little bit.
you coughed a little before opening your eyes. they were burning, meeting the strong and white light of the room. it took you a few minutes to get adjusted to the ambient light and temperature “by the way, i think you’re very handsome…” you took him off guard and you saw it by his embarrassed face.
“how much did you hear?”
“pretty much everything” you tried to laugh but you coughed more and jey, trying not to panic, handed you a glass of water “thanks…”
he smiled “so you weren’t sleeping uh?”
“i was but you all couldn’t keep your mouth shut and you woke me up” you made him laugh. that’s what he always liked about you. your sarcasm and funny personality, the way you always tried to find the good in bad situations. you were so similar and yet so different at the same time.
“everything i said it’s true…i like you, i should have realised it sooner…but i really, really like you…” he confessed once again, making you smile. you tried your best to not to laugh but he was jey uso, always trying to be funny and sarcastic, so a few laughs escaped your lips “girl, im trying to be serious”
“sorry sorry…” you smiled, making him chuckle “but i think you’re pretty cool too…”
“just cool?” he teased you.
“cool, funny, very good looking…” you were playing his game and he loved it. you were making him go crazy “and i think i like you too…fuck, i’ve had a crush on you since rhea introduced us…”
“oh wow, you’re good at keeping secrets uh?” he winked, making you laugh again “would you like to be my girl?” his voice got a little bit too serious now “i’m serious when i say that i like you, a lot…i’m probably just too stupid because i could have realised it sooner…but i promise you that i’ll be here for you, i’ll help you heal and you’ll get stronger than ever…”
“this means a lot to me…it sucks not being able to be at bad blood though…i needed to see liv crying after she loses the title” you faked being disappointed, earning a laugh from the uso.
“i’ll take care of you girl, my girl, forever my girl if you let me…” he whispered, looking into your eyes.
“how can i say no when you look at me like that?” you matched his serious tone, making him smile.
“then say yes…be my girl” he moved closer to you, sitting on the bed instead of the chair next to you. his hand gently caressing your cheek, brushing delicately over your lips.
“yes…” you whispered meeting his smile.
he felt relieved that you were okay. probably not okay mentally and definitely not physically but you were there with him. comfortable in his touch and that was enough for him.
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canadianfangirl-95 · 2 days
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Window of Opportunity 
Frankie Morales fanfiction x f! reader 
Summary: Years spent with the wrong guy leaves you desperate for true love and single again. Will Frankie be able to squeeze into the window of opportunity and confess his feelings, or will he miss his shot again?
Warnings: swearing, deadbeat boyfriend, talks of infidelity, drinking, friends to lover’s, fluff, kissing 
Picture is just for the banner, does not indicate readers appearance.
Word Count: 6k+ 
“Alright it’s Thirsty Thursday guys, what can I get you?” You say with a smile spread across your face, staring at your favourite customers and some of your best friends, Santi, Will, Benny and Frankie. They themselves have been coming into this bar for 6 years, after they were all discharged from the army and relocated to Fort Lauderdale. You’ve worked at this bar for almost 8 years now, having gotten the job in your mid-twenties to make some extra cash. It was only supposed to be temporary but here you are all these years later, still with an apron wrapped around your waist, a pen tucked behind your ear and shuffling around behind the old wood bar, illuminated by the neon beer signs. 
Santi offers you a kind wink as he settles onto the bar stool across from you, “Just a Rum and Coke sweetheart.” His effervescent smile shining as bright as always.  
Nodding, you begin to make the drink, while Benny and Will offer up their orders. Finally, Frankies sweet brown eyes meet yours and your lungs feel a bit lighter. “And what about our pilot?” you ask sweetly.  
He grins just enough for some of his teeth to peek out below his mustache and tucks his hand under his chin, “Surprise me Skip.”  
Smirking, you begin to whip him up your favourite and slide it over to him on the bar.  
Taking it, he smiles, “Should’ve guessed it’d be a Whisky Sour.” 
“Hey, pick your own drinks if you don’t like my favourite.” You say with a huffed laugh, knowing that despite them not being his type of drink, he’ll sip it down anyway. “How has your week been?” 
“Good, picked up Camila from JK on Monday so now she’s with me until next week Friday morning. She’s having some much-needed Abuela time right now.” 
“That’s good, everything still good with Liv?” You ask intently. 
He shrugs, “Yeah I’d say so, we’re doing pretty well at the whole coparenting thing now that negotiations are over.”  
You reach over and pat his hand that rests on the bar top, “Good, you’re a good dad Frankie. I’m glad you’re able to enjoy her again.”  
His ears and cheeks grow red, and his eyes soften, he whispers to you, “Thanks Skip, couldn’t do it without you.”  
Pulling your lips into a tight smile, you bat your lashes a bit to relax and turn your attention back to the rest of the group, “So, Will, how was the trip? Did you pick a venue?” 
Will nods, “Yeah, Orange County is really beautiful. It was tough picking just one place to have the wedding at, but we put a deposit down on a winery, so now we have a date which is great.” He says with a smile plastered across his face.  
“Oh, that’s great, Wendy must be so excited. Especially since it can be so close to her family.” You say before you notice the server drop down some chits on the other end of the bar. “Oh, I’ll be back guys.” You say before departing down the bar to work on the new orders.  
Later, you are standing cutting limes in front of the men, talking and laughing causally when the bell on the door chimes again. You look up, seeing your boyfriend Marcus step through the door and scan the room for you. The rest of the group turn their heads slightly to see what has caught your attention.  
Frankie grumbles to himself as he peers over his drink to see your boyfriend strutting towards the bar. His overbuilt muscles and $50 hair cut speak volumes about his personality. “Why’s Marcus here?” 
Will nudges his shoulder with a shush, Frankies eyes widen slightly realizing his voice was a tad bit higher than it should have been. Luckily for him, you had already moved down the bar towards Marcus. “He’s here to see his girlfriend, idiot. Why wouldn’t he be here?” Will says sarcastically.  
“He only visits her at work when he needs money.” Frankie states matter-of-factly under his breath.  
“That’s none of your business man, play nice.”  
With that Frankie rolls his eyes and stares Santi down the bar with an annoyed look on his face. Santi nods and takes his hint. Standing from the stool he calls over to you, “Hey Skip, we’re gonna be at the pool table.” The rest of them follow his lead and stand with their drinks to head over to the other side of the room.  
You nod and smile at them before turning your attention back to Marcus.  
“Why do they call you Skip anyway?” Marcus asks, leaning his body weight on the bar top.  
You shrug and smile to yourself, “One time, they were the only ones in the bar, like it was completely dead, and so we played Uno. The guys were such assholes every time it was one of their turns before me, they played a skip card. I swear I got every skip a turn card the whole night.” You say, laughing slightly until you see the utterly unamused face of your boyfriend staring back at your explanation. Swallowing your laughter quickly you clear your throat, “Um, and so yeah, they just call me Skip now because of uh…’cuz of that.”  
His face hangs low with uninterest, “Huh, guess you didn’t get many tips that night huh?” 
Pulling your face tight you reply, “No, I guess not.” 
“Does that happen often? Maybe you should find a different place to work where you can make more money.”  
“Um, no it doesn’t happen a lot. I think there was a storm that day.” You say quietly before stepping to the side to grab your wallet. “So, uh- how much did you say you needed for this football thing again?” 
He rolls his eyes exasperated, “Babe, it’s my fraternity brothers NFL fantasy league, it’s not just some football thing. And the buy in is $200.”  
Your eyebrows pop up, “Geeze, that’s kind of steep, isn’t it?”  
“It’s not about that, it’s about the networking I do with it, alright?” Marcus says. 
Nodding, you hand him the cash from your wallet, and he takes it with a giant smile, “Thanks babe, you’re the best you know that right?” He says before leaning across the bar and planting a kiss on your cheek.  
You say your goodbyes and wipe your sweaty hands on your jeans, letting out a deep breath you didn’t realize you were holding.  
Across the room, Frankie watches you fidget after your uncomfortable meeting with your boyfriend. He stands near the pool table holding his stick standing straight up and leaning some weight on it. “What is she still doing with that guy?” He asks the group. 
Benny huffs, “Wish I knew. Every time we hang out it’s always Marcus did this, and Marcus won’t do that. It’s like she’s his mom”  
Will steps up to the table and leans forward to take his shot, “He seriously doesn’t mind the two of you hanging out as much as you do?” 
“Nope, she even asked him before the first time we went to the movies if it was okay, and the guy is so fucking full of himself he said there’s no way she would ever find better than him, so he doesn’t worry about her cheating at all. In fact, one time he even thanked me for “listening to all her bull shit” so he doesn’t have to.” He says with air quotes and a sarcastic tone. 
Santi shakes his head, “What a dick. Why won’t she just end it with him?” 
Benny steps up to the red-felt pool table and eyes his shot that his brother has set up for him by accident. “Oh, she’s still holding out hope that he’ll man up and pop the question and then things will be better. Not gonna happen though, I think he’s cheating.”  
With that Frankie straightens up, “Why do you say that?” 
“He’s shady as shit, she works evenings and a lot of weekends, you think an asshole like that is really just waiting around for her watching Game of Thrones by himself every night?” 
“So, you don’t have any proof then?” Will comments. 
“Well, don’t tell her I told you this. But a few months ago, she got a DM from a girl that she knows, claiming he was hitting on her at a bar across town. But this girl knew Skip and recognized him from her social media, so she turned him down and messaged her. When Skip asked him about it, he said he wasn’t hitting on her, he was just trying to make some female friends, since you know, she has so many male friends.” he says, pointing around the pool table at the group of them and shaking his head at the obvious lie.  
They all groan in response and look over at you at the bar, working tirelessly to pay for yourself and your deadbeat boyfriends’ lifestyle. All the while he’s probably sneaking around behind your back and then dipping in to steal a kiss and some cash. 
Behind the bar, you stare blankly at the faucet on the sink, seeing your angled reflection in it. Your face looks sad, your eyes tired and your heart sunken. All you want, all you’ve ever wanted, was a relationship, an engagement, a marriage, a house and a family. It’s what you grew up in, it’s what your sister has. The white picket fence, the husband that kisses her at the door when he gets home, the two beautiful children she chases around all day. In your early twenties, it seemed like something that was guaranteed. Then it was just disappointing man after another until you finally found yourself on a date with Marcus 6 years ago. He was handsome and charming, and after a year you settled into a nice routine. But year after year you asked for a ring and never got one. One thing you could control was the house, so you saved everything you had to buy both of you one, thinking that would kickstart the conversation again. Yet here you are, a cold finger and your love for a man long gone, but 6 years too long invested in the relationship to bow out now.  
Grabbing a washcloth, you decide to take out your frustrations through cleaning up the bar top, using all the bent-up anger you felt towards your life to scrub off that damn stain you’ve never been able to get off. You peer up through your lashes and see the guys at the pool table, seemingly in deep discussion. You wonder if they’re shit talking your boyfriend. You wouldn’t blame them if they were, you wish you could join them. Frankie rounds the table and bends over to take his shot. His t shirt stretching across his broad shoulders, his curly locks peeking out from underneath the baseball hat you loved to see him in. Frankie, a man who actually talked about wanting a marriage one day but lost it all when his girlfriend fell in love with someone at work. He says they were mostly together for their child that they had accidentally gotten pregnant with and that he could move on. Not seeing his baby girl every day was by far the hardest part for him.  
Frankie was different than the others to you. Santi was your advice guy, always offering his words of wisdom. Will was your hands on guy. Need your breaks done on your car? Will’s got it. Need an Ikea cabinet put together? Will’s on it. Benny is your bestie, your movie and sushi date guy. Your talk shit about your boyfriend guy. But Frankie, Frankie is your if things were different guy. If you weren’t with Marcus, if he was ever even interested in you. Maybe, he could be something more, just by the way you talk so earnestly with one another, you knew he would never treat you the way Marcus does. And boy was he cute. You wish you felt bad when you would find yourself thinking about him late at night instead of your boyfriend laying a foot away from you. You figure after his failed relationship he is probably done with anything serious, maybe just date casually for the next few years and then settle down with someone as a companion. Surely, he wouldn’t be interested in learning about how lovesick you are over him and ruining your friendship and his favourite hangout-. 
A hand suddenly grabs yours to hold it still as you look up and see Frankie looking at you with concerned eyes. You look back down at the bar and see that during your whole internal monologue, you had still been scrubbing the stain and now the pain in your wrist was starting to register just how aggressive you were being with it. Pulling your hand out of his grip you toss the rag into the bucket and slowly rub your wrist with your hand, avoiding eye contact with the man across from you.  
He breathes deeply out of his nose and grabs some of the paper towel you have on the counter to wipe up the soap and water on the spot. He pulls a half smirk and looks at you, “Looks like you finally got that stain huh?”  
You peer over and see that it is indeed gone, certainly needed some elbow grease.  
“You okay?” he asks. The very last question you want to answer right now.  
Doing your best impression of a girl who is going to be okay, you nod and suck your teeth before muttering out, “Yeah, yeah just, - really fucking hated that stain.”  
Frankie can see the tears that want to spill over your eyes, knowing you the way he does, he knows very well that you do not want to lose it right there behind the bar. “Alright well, could I get another delicious Whisky Sour please?” he says with a boyish grin on his face. 
Looking up at him through your lashes you let out a chuckle, “I thought you didn’t like them.”  
“People change.” He states.  
His words dry your throat, and you do your best to nod and go on making his drink. Hoping his statement to be true.  
The night wears on and you say your goodbyes. You close up shop and head home to Marcus, playing every moment of the night through again in your head and hoping to make that people change statement a reality, whether it be you or Marcus.  
Sunday is your day off, and you and the guys planned a backyard BBQ at Will and Wendys to commemorate the end of summer. 
Frankie steps through the patio doors into the backyard. A red and white striped umbrella is stretched out over the patio table and chairs where Santi is seated comfortably talking with Wendy while Will works on the grill. He moves to sit down across from Santi and says hello to everyone.  
Wendy excuses herself to go work on the salad for dinner, and Frankie stares at the door she exits through, hoping you may come through it. Alas, you still don’t show up after another ten minutes, so he turns to Santi. 
“When are uh, Ben and Skip getting here?” Frankie asks, urging his voice to sound less eager than it does.  
Santi gives him a knowing look, “Ben told Will yesterday they may be a bit late cuz Ben had to go out of town this afternoon to pick up some stuff from their moms, she went with him for the drive.”  
Frankie nods and brings his cold beer to his lips, excited at the notion that Marucs won’t be joining them after all.  
A half hour later, Frankie, Santi and Will are seated at the patio table as Wendy finishes up in the kitchen. Their attention is pulled from their conversation when they hear Bennys boisterous voice call out to her as he moves through the kitchen and to the sliding patio door.  
“No Skip?” Santi calls out, as he notices Bennys lonely walk towards them. Frankie and Will look up from their plates of appetizers to observe your apparent absence for themselves. 
The younger man has a surprisingly pleased look on his face as he slides into the chair next to Will. “You’re never gonna believe this. They broke up.” He states with excitement burning behind his eyes.  
The group looks perplexed for a beat, Will asks to clarify “Who broke up?” 
“Skip and Marcus.” Benny says, popping his eyebrows up and down and nudging Frankie’s shoulder.  
Frankie’s eyes blow wide, unable to believe what he was hearing. His ears ring and before he knows it, he’s lost part of the conversation, gripping his beer bottle tighter he tries to focus on the flow of questions coming Bennys way from Will and Santi. 
Santi leans forward on the glass tabletop, “What happened?” 
“She finally had enough. I guess she tried to talk to him again last night about getting engaged and just like all the other times, he made up shitty excuses, so she dumped him right there on the spot. Took all her shit and is staying with her sister right now until they get the house sold and her money back. She called me this morning to tell me she couldn’t come today.” 
“How’s she doing? She okay?” Will asks, concern growing in his voice.  
Shrugging, Benny replies, “As good as she can be, I think. They were together a long time, and she feels like it was all wasted. He’s such a jackass.” He says before shoving some chips from a bowl on the table into his mouth. 
Will glances at Frankie, “So Fish, girl of your dreams finally single. What do you think about that?”  
His eyebrows almost get caught in his hair line and he stutters, “I uh- what. Don’t know what you’re talking about Will.” he says, trying to slurp down his beer before he puts his foot in his mouth instead. 
Shaking his head he dives deeper, “Don’t give me that shit man, we owe nothing to that guy. You’ve always liked her, you’ve been respectful, but now she’s fair game.”  
Santi nods along, “Yeah, we all know man. It’s pretty obvious.” 
Benny and Will nod along to Santis’ statement as Frankie looks around flabbergasted. “Seriously? Does she know?” 
“Nah, I don’t think so. She’s been too caught up in her own shit to notice.” Benny confirms.  
“But now’s the time to make a move, alright? Don’t let the window of opportunity close. Girls like that don’t stay single long.” Santi comments, giving Frankie a stern look.  
Frankie nods, “I can’t just ask her out the day after her relationship ended, she needs time to process this. I don’t want to be a rebound. I’ll let her sell the house, get her shit together, and then I promise I’ll talk to her.” He says defensively.  
“You better, because I’m not listening to her complain about another shitty boyfriend for half a decade.” Benny says, tapping his hand on the table and peering up at the sky, thinking about all the nights he’s had to hear you cry about how Marcus wouldn’t commit to you, even your house was bought by you, him not wanting to invest too much of his savings in case it didn’t work out between the two of you.  
“I don’t think any of us want to see her go through that again, and Frankie man, you’d be perfect together. I hope it works out for you.” Will says, reaching over to pat Frankie on the chest.  
Frankie nods, “How do I do this without looking like a total jackass who just wants to take advantage of her vulnerable state though?” he asks inquisitively.  
Santi shakes his head, “Frankie, Frankie, always counting yourself out before you get in the game. Any girl would be lucky to get a man like you, just have some faith in yourself alright?” 
Before they can continue the conversation, Wendy waltzes up to the table with salads in tow. “Alright everybody, time to dig in.” 
Thursday comes around again; you have switched shifts with the other bartender for a very exciting reason. Each of the guys had reached out in their own ways after they got the news on Sunday, simple texts and calls here and there, all trying to be as delicate as possible. 
Skipping through the door, you make your way over to the booth the guys are situated at. Santi spots you first and gestures to you for the rest of the group to turn and look. They all grin when they see your smile, your hair done exactly how you like it best, a white sundress with brown flowers and brown sandals finishing off the look. Frankies eyes light up seeing your sunny appearance and blossoming self-confidence.  
“Whoa, what are you all dressed up for?” Santi whistles, taking in your ensemble. 
Smiling brightly, you stand in front of the booth and state, “I have a date.”  
Their faces drop entirely, and Frankie can swear you could hear his heart fall to the floor and roll down between the booths like a child dropping candy in church.  
Will is the first to pick his jaw up from his chest and stutter out, “A date?”  
Nodding you reply, “Yep, I’m meeting him soon for drinks and appetizers but I needed to swing by here first for my pay cheque.”  
Santi waves his hands casually in the air as he formulates a question. “Don’t you think that’s a little soon, I mean, you and Marcus broke up last week.”  
“I know, I know trust me I’ve heard it already from my sister. But I’m not really grieving the relationship ‘cuz to be honest, I fell out of love with Marcus a long time ago, but I just had already invested all that time and energy, so I wanted to make it work. But, since he’s a total asshat, I have now had no choice but to move on and there’s no time like the present. I don’t want to have wasted 6 years with him and then 6 months waiting for the “right time” to start dating again and then another 2 years trying to meet the right person.” You take a deep breath, trying not to get too worked up over your current situation and pinch your eyes closed for a moment. “I just want…. All I’ve wanted this whole time is a marriage and a family and I’m frankly running out of time. So, I hopped on the dating apps and met this guy Sean, and now we’re going on a first date and then I guess we’ll see what happens from there.” You finish your sentence out of breath and out of options. If Marcus wasn’t your person, and you were too scared to see if Frankie would be interested in you, then this would have to do. 
Frankie can’t believe his ears. He’s already missed the window of opportunity. You’re going to go on a date with this guy, he’s going to fall madly in love with you, because how could he not and whether you like him or not, you’ll stay with him another 6 years just like Marcus. You just want it so badly, that you’ve grown careless with your heart. His stomach is turning in his seat as he tries not to look at Santi, whose eyes he can feel burning into him with a plea to stop this madness.  
The uncomfortable silence finally creeps through your skin and makes you eager to leave. Their shocked and unapproving faces with no acknowledgement of what you have said has you unsettled and honestly kind of annoyed. Looking over your shoulder, you spot your manager and nod to her briefly. “Well, um, I’m gonna go get my cheque and then head out.” Turning quickly, you miss the way their heads all spin to Frankie whose mouth still lay low.  
Benny finally speaks once you are out of ear shot, “What the fuck?” He throws his hands into his hair and looks around the table dumbstruck.  
Will is shaking his head and chewing his bottom lip, Santi is still looking at Frankie as if trying to use secret superpowers to control his body and make him rush after you. Frankie is silent, picking at the label on his cold beer as the condensation loosens the adhesive on the fish picture laden across the front.  
Santi finally breaks his stare and leans in closer, “You gonna do anything about this Fish?” 
Frankie shrugs, “Nothing I can do. You heard her, she’s moving on.”  
“From Marcus, not from you.”  
“Same difference.” He sighs, blowing all the air and joy out of his lungs.  
Shaking his head Santi straightens up in his seat. “No, it’s not the same man. She has no idea you have feelings for her and I’m willing to bet if you told her to cancel that date, she would in a heartbeat.” 
Shaking his head he sighs, “You don’t know that man, what if I fall flat on my face with her. There’s no going back.”  
Will leans his elbows on the table, “Fish, you gotta start believing in yourself more. I know what happened with Liv was really hard on you but-,” 
“But it wasn’t.” Frankie states. Upon being met with the confused eyes of his comrades he continues with shaky breathes, “It wasn’t hard. I liked Liv, felt something similar to love at times when it was easy, but it wasn’t hard when she left, because she wasn’t Skip.” His voice trails off with his confession.  
The familiar sound of your sandals hitting the hard wood floors snaps the group out of their trance, they turn to look at you with desperate eyes, unsure what to say as you stop for a beat in front of them.  
“Alright well, got my cheque.” You say awkwardly, raising the envelope up slightly in your hand. “You guys have a good night.” You tuck your chin down and don’t wait for their goodbyes. They’re being completely weird after all, gawking at you with open mouths like it’s the worst mistake of your life to go on this date.  
Stepping through the bar door you’re hit with the humidity of a late summer night. The sun was already setting leaving a low glow across the sky. You stand for a second, squeezing your eyes and urging the thoughts of Frankie out of your mind in an effort to stop the trickle of tears that would surely flow if you let yourself convince yourself that this wasn’t a mistake. Convince yourself you should go back in that bar and put it all on the line, even if it meant you’d fall with no safety net and lose him for good. That just wasn’t your style though, you didn’t free fall, you didn’t trust the universe. You needed certainty, and right now, the only certainty was that there was a handsome guy, who actually expressed interest in you waiting at a different bar, ready and willing to give you a shot. Taking one last look over your shoulder, you let your breath out and head to your vehicle.  
Frankie and the guys sit in silence, unsure what to do now. He watched as you left, desperate to follow and grab your wrist to spin you around and plant a seething kiss to your luscious lips.  
Benny takes a deep breath in and out, settling his head against the back of the booth. “That girl, Frankie, is worth the ifs, ands or buts. You know that, I know that, and I’m willing to bet she would agree.” 
Before Frankie can respond, the bartender that is covering for you, Tasha, hurries up to the table with a black notebook in hand. “Hey, did she leave already?” 
Santi nods, “Uh, yeah just. Why what’s up?” 
Tasha huffs, “She forgot her day planner again, would one of you be able to drop it off? I know she needs it before her next shift.” She asks. 
Frankie clears his throat and nods, “Yeah, no problem, Tash I’ll get it to her.” He says, leaning forward and taking the book out of her hands.  
She says thank you and swiftly heads back to the bar to greet the hoard of customers who have just stumbled through. 
Frankie stares absentmindedly at the worn book, pages from old day planners ripped out of their books and stuffed into this one instead of rewriting all the phone numbers and addresses you have in it. Quietly he passes it back and forth in his hands, a million thoughts running through his mind when it slips and falls down onto the table, some of the pages slipping out and exposing themselves in front of him. The guys look on with confused faces as Frankies face falls while he reads one of the faded and crinkled pages in front of him.  
Santi is the first to express his interest, “What’s that?” 
Taking a deep gulp, he picks up the piece of paper to examine it closer. Upon being sure that it says what he thinks it says, he slowly turns it around and slides it into the middle of the table for the guys to read. They all lean in and fall silent to see what has their friend so shocked.  
Frankie 555-666-7777 
baseball hat  
cutest guy ever?  
Update to self- definitely cutest guy ever 
He looks down at the book on the table, and thinks to himself, would it be wrong to go through it. Yes, it definitely would be, but he has to know if there’s anything else you’ve written about him it.  
Before the guys can get their “heys” and waits” out, he is opening up the cover and sifts through the pages. His ears start to ring as week after week contain the same notations. 
Lunch with Frankie <3 
Taking Frankie shopping to get news boots <3 
Borrowing Frankies truck <3 
No hearts beside Bennys name, Santis, Wills, or even Marcus’. He keeps flipping through the disheveled pages until he finds himself at the end of the book where the note pages are. “Fuuuck me.” Comes out of his mouth quietly as his whole world begins to spin, seeing a daily checklist you wrote out for yourself.  
Getting through the day, one step at a time. 
drink your water  
eat one vegetable, spinach dip doesn’t count 
do your morning Pilates, even though you hate it 
talk to Frankie <3 
He drops the book ceremoniously for the others to peer over and read as well. A grin spreads across Wills face as he pats Frankie's shoulder. “Alright man, no more excuses. What are you gonna do now?”  
Staring straight ahead with a sense of determination and wonder Frankie mutters, “I’m gonna go get my girl.” 
“Yeah!” Benny sounds as the others clap along and smile with Frankie.  
He thinks for a second, “Shit, did she say where she’s going?” he asks in a panic. 
Santi’s eyebrows pop up, “Oh, check todays date in the planner.” He says, pointing back to the book, seemingly the solution to all their problems that night.  
Frankie points his finger at his friend to acknowledge his good idea before grabbing the weathered book back into his hands and flitting through the pages to today’s date. He scans the week to Thursday and taps the page when he finds the notation. “9pm drinks with Sean, The Green Door.” He smirks to himself at the notice of no heart once again.  
“Green Door? That’s over on Park Street, right?” Benny asks. 
Will nods, “Yeah like a 5-minute drive, you better get going man.”  
Letting a deep breath out Frankie blinks quickly, “Yeah, yeah, you’re right. Okay.” He pushes past Santi in the booth and quickly pats his pockets to make sure he hasn’t forgotten anything. “Okay, I uh, I guess here I go.”  
“Go get her Fish!” Santi calls as Frankie begins to step away. Before Frankie suddenly finds himself turning in his spot and standing desperately back at the booth. 
“What the fuck am I supposed to say?” He asks with eyes wild.  
Benny scoffs, “Just say whatever you’ve been practicing in your head for the last 6 years and I’m sure it will be fine. Now go or I’ll kick your ass!” He swats at him playfully.  
With that Frankie gives them one last look of gratitude and jogs out the bar towards his truck, throwing it in gear and peeling out of the parking lot as quickly as the law will let him.  
After leaving work, you stop at a gas station to fill your tank. Standing at the pump you lean against the cool metal of your car and sigh. This new chapter of your life was daunting to say the least, no matter how optimistic you tried to feel about it, no matter how many fake smiles you had to put on for your sister, no matter how many cute guys messaged you on the app. You hear the click of the full tank signal and finish up, sliding back into your car and putting on some Taylor Swift to hopefully boost your mood on the drive over.  
Stepping out of your car, you look up at the neon sign above the green door. Sean had texted you on the drive over that he was there and grabbed a quiet table at the back. You smooth out your sundress to make sure it’s not sticking to the back of your thighs, thank you humidity and leather seats for that, and make your way over to the entrance.  
You hear the sound of a vehicle door slamming shut heavily and then the sound of boots sprinting against the pavement just as you are about to pull at the handle.  
“Skip wait!” 
Turning you look back and see none other than Frankie jogging up the sidewalk towards you nearly out of breath.  
“Frankie? What are you doing here?” you ask, your eyebrows furrowed as you peer over his shoulder to see if he is alone.  
Stopping in front of you he tries to catch his breath, “You can’t, - you, - you can’t go on this date.” He stutters out, trying to pull his shoulders square as he calms himself down.  
Feeling utterly bewildered by his statement you ask, “Why not?” 
He takes a deep breath and stares down directly into your soul. “You can’t because, well, I’m in love with you.”  
Your eyes nearly bulge out of your face and your breath hitches, unable to speak.  
He continues, noticing your shock. “I know, I know. This is probably not something you expected, because I’ve done my best to keep it locked away while you were with Marcus, and I was with Liv. But you’re not with him anymore, and I was never in love with Liv. I couldn’t have been, not when you were already taking up so much room in my heart. My heart is split right down the middle. It’s Camila, and it’s you. Has been for years now, there’s just no room for anyone else right now.” Gesturing to the green door beside you he continues. “This guy, I’m sure he’s nice or whatever, but I know you. I know you better than I know myself and I just, I love you. I do, and I’m not a hundred percent sure what’s going on in that beautiful head of yours, but I just need you to know, before you meet someone else. Before I miss that damn window of opportunity.” 
Taking a big gulp of air he finishes, looking down and embarrassed at his confession, fearing to look you in the eyes and see nothing but pity.  
“Frankie.” You whisper.  
He looks up to meet your gaze, and his heart thumps harder in his chest when he sees the tears welling up in your eyes and the way you have to bite your bottom lip to stop yourself from breaking into the biggest smile he’s ever seen.  
Clearing your throat, you find the courage to speak. “I love you too Frankie.” You say, finally allowing the smile to crack your cheeks.  
Frankie's grins goofily and his eyes light up, “Really? Since when?” 
Shrugging you admit, “Since I fell out of love with Marcus. So, years ago.”  
“Huh, never thought I’d want to thank that son a bitch for being such a useless boyfriend.” He jokes.  
You giggle and nod before noticing his face has suddenly changed into something of longing and he inches closer to you.  
Bringing his hands to your warm arms, he slides them up and down and looks down earnestly at you. “Can I kiss you baby?” he whispers.  
Looking into his deep brown eyes you part your lips and nod, “Yes, Frankie, please. I’ve waited too long for this.”  
He slowly leans down, his hands trailing up your arms to cup your face before gently pressing his lips to yours. His lips are plush and soft and move with such care. You bring your hands to his back and pull him slightly closer. He grins before encapsulating your mouth again in a seething kiss, poking his tongue through your teeth to lick into you. A moan vibrates through your throat.  
Before you can really get out of hand, a sound of “Whoops” and cheers sounds from the parking lot beside you and you both break to turn to look at the commotion. A large black truck with Will, Benny and Santi hanging out of the windows and sunroof with devilish grins on their faces is what your shocked and embarrassed faces are met with.  
“Oh gosh.” You laugh to yourself as you turn your body into Frankie's, he instinctively pulls you in close and wraps an arm around your back to shield you from the eyes of your obnoxious friends.  
“Seriously guys? Can’t you let me do anything on my own?” He calls over to them with his free hand raised. 
Santi laughs and retorts, “Had to make sure you didn’t bitch out man! Looks like we came at the right time though otherwise we would’ve been picking you two up from the jail for public indecency.”  
Will and Benny laugh before Benny calls out, “Alright guys, I think we’ve embarrassed them enough. We’re going back to my place for pizza if you two love birds wanna join.” 
You peel your face off Frankie's warm and firm chest and shrug, “I could go for some pizza.” 
He smiles and nods, before taking your chin in his fingers and pulling you closer for one more sweet kiss. “Sounds good to me, I’ll meet you there, okay?” he says once he has sufficiently sucked the smile off your face. 
“Okay.” You say and break apart from his hold. He swiftly takes your hand and walks you to your car, opening and closing the door behind you with a boyish smile on his face.  
You settle into your car and watch him as his tight little butt saunters over to his truck. You bite your lip before pulling out your phone and bringing up your messages. 
Sean: Hey just checking if you’re alright. 
You: Hey, I’m so sorry, I’m gonna have to cancel. Something came up, and I don’t think it’s gonna work out between us. It was nice chatting with you. Have a good night.  
Your phone pings before you put it back in your purse, you’re expecting it to be a disappointing text from Sean, but your eyes light up when you see the name on the notification.  
Frankie: *photo of the checklist in your day planner* 
Getting through the day, one step at a time. 
drink your water 
eat one vegetable, spinach dip doesn’t count 
do your morning Pilates, even though you hate it 
talk to Frankie <3   kiss Frankie <3  
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crossbackpoke-check · 2 months
about to be sooo nosy so. my apologies. but. morgan frost? girlfriend? do share (or don’t! again this is so nosy i’m sorry)
for legal purposes i can neither confirm nor deny anything about morgan and his girlfriend but afaik i think he’s single right now? at one point (within the past four years 😭) he did for sure have a girlfriend and that is the extent of my wag knowledge
#anon PLEASE i am the nosiest person in the world i understand i want to know everything. ever. however#because i have no evidence and don’t want to spread unfounded rumors i will state for the jury i am not a gossip blog#& anything i say should be taken with a grain of salt. or a vsco deep dive & also maybe a dig into the flyers media archives. wrt UNfounded#but i will gossip in your dms because it’s a vital method of communication and important for community building.#also i’m like 95% sure i just osmosed the fact that morgan and his girlfriend broke up sometime earlier in the hockey season from someone#else (probably flyerskay) and accepted it at face value like absolutely i’d trust kay with my life. she would never lie to me and therefore#i can’t be lying to you. i can’t remember morgan’s gf’s name tho but i can like. vividly remember her artsy possessive vsco photos 😭 help#that man posts more about tom petty than he does anyone else in his life besides joel so really how would we know if hes posted her less#the answer is we wouldn’t and i want to say her name is katie SO bad but i know that’s tyson’s gf it’s like. victoria or stacie or somethin#& i want to see if SHE deleted all her vsco pictures of him bc that’s how we’d know they broke up. frosty stop following so many girls#i want to try and find her and see (she’s a model and she was public and had her vsco linked so all of this is public info btw.)#ANON I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND YOU HAVE NO IDEA OANDJRIWNDHOWHDB IT IS 1:38 AM AND I HAVE JUST MANAGED. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD ANON HOLD ON#BUCKLE YOURSELF THE FUCK IN FOR AN ANSWER YOU DID NOT ASK FOR BECAUSE THIS IS A R I D E AND I NEED TO YELL ABOUT IT I CAN’T MY GOD I CANNOT#B R E A T H E i’m about to start crying again but the backstory is that. i have had a fic that i have been working on for literal years.#my version history says March 15 2021 and it started in my notes app about 3000 words before that and it’s based off of a tweet i thought#calla had quoted and just said ‘Joel’ about but in my notes i never#saved the actual tweet and many times throughout the years i have gone back and advanced searched every version of joel and joelle and bee#and behavior on calla’s blog that i could possibly think of and just assumed like. it must’ve gotten deleted or the account suspended and i#could never remember the wording well enough to just google it but believe me i tried and put in every variation. never found it in 4 years#i try periodically. fast forward to about twenty minutes ago i am looking through kay’s twitter and searching vsco because i SWEAR she has#the picture of frosty’s gf’s fingernail marks in the back of frosty’s shoulders i am talking about / I can’t find her vsco linked anywhere#but i’m like ok. search up a couple other things and think about who might have it and on a WHIM look up vsco in ash notthequiettype’s acct#no results okay whatever i think about what else could maybe pull it up for me so I have SOMETHING for you. I search frosty. I scroll. GUES#WHAT I FUCKING FIND FROM NOVEMBER 13TH 2020 it is THE FANTASTIC TWEET THAT SPAWNED 16K OF NOTES & FIC & A SPREADSHEET OF JOEL’S CLASSES#AND I NEVER WOULD’VE FOUND IT AGAIN IF NOT FOR THIS!!! LOSING IT!!! by it I mean my mind and my sleep schedule!!! it’s 2AM now good night!!#liv in the replies#morgan frost#philadephia flyers
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mclqren · 6 months
PAIRING ✦ charles leclerc x fem!singer!reader
SUMMARY ✦ most of your songs are based off of your relationship with your boyfriend, so it's only fair that he writes a song for you, right? [ SMAU ]
WARNINGS ✦ cursing
NOTES ✦ for the purpose of this fic, i have stolen some songs from other artists to use as the reader's/charles'. as per request, the fc i've used is sabrina carpenter, but feel free to picture whoever you want! my requests are open so feel free to leave a request :)
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liked by charles_leclerc, oliviarodrigo, and 3,555,971 others
tagged charles_leclerc
yourusername my new song 'cinnamon girl', and the music video to go with it, is out now!! i'd like to thank everyone who supported me through the making of this song, but especially my boyfriend, who inspired me to write it. je t’aime 💌
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charles_leclerc forever proud of you ❤️
yourusername 💘💘
user3 her aesthetic means absolutely everything to me
user5 y/n l/n one chance PLEASEEE
oliviarodrigo so proud of you baby!! 💜
yourusername thank you sm liv i love you 💌
user6 their friendship is everything to me.
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liked by charles_leclerc, tatemcrae, and 3,002,718 others
yourusername cinnamon girl is already at one million streams on spotify?! actually insane - thank you all so much for supporting me and my vision, i love you all to death 💌
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user11 beyond proud of you y/n you’ve come so far 💗💗
charles_leclerc couldn’t be prouder of you ❤️
yourusername love you!! 💕💕
user12 the way he supports her>>
user13 the fact charles leclerc inspired this song is actually everything to me
tatemcrae MY GIRL COME ON ❤️
yourusername TATEEE MY BABY 💕
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liked by charles_leclerc, oliviarodrigo, and 2,981,627 others
tagged charles_leclerc
yourusername next stop: bahrain!! 💌
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user17 y’all’s relationship is everything to me
charles_leclerc ❤️❤️
liked by yourusername
user19 the way he looks at her omg
user20 i want someone to look at me the way charles looks at y/n oh my days
oliviarodrigo take me w you!! 😭
yourusername next time!! 💕
user21 she’s so sweet i cant
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, and 2,671,902 others
tagged yourusername
charles_leclerc touchdown in bahrain! let’s hope for a good race 👊
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user24 y/n is glowing omg
yourusername can’t wait to watch 💕
charles_leclerc ❤️
user25 awwww stop it rn
yourusername FORZA FERRARIII
carlossainz55 SIEMPRE ❤️
user26 y/n’s two moods: cutesy gf and raging ferrari fan
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liked by yourusername, maxverstappen1, and 2,880,218 others
tagged yourusername
charles_leclerc i promised something new and exciting with my music, and here it is. 'perfect' is out now - a song i produced and played purely on the piano. this song is for my love: you write songs about me all the time, so here's a little present from me to you ❤️
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user30 he's so in love it's actually the cutest thing ever
user31 this song is actually so beautiful what on earth.
yourusername my love 💌
charles_leclerc forever ❤️
user32 kill me now why are they so cute.
maxverstappen1 photo credits for the last picture?? ☹️
yourusername thanks for capturing such a gorgeous shot maxie, much appreciated 😘
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, and 3,313,220 others
tagged yourusername
charles_leclerc to the person who i would dedicate all of my songs to. je t’aime ❤️
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user38 someone put them in a cheesy romantic comedy film right this instant they're too perfect for this world.
user40 can't tell who's punching more: charles or y/n
user41 she is so stunning i actually can't
user42 the song title 'perfect' is so fitting i mean look at her
yourusername im choosing to ignore the second picture 😘
charles_leclerc but why, it's so cute!!
yourusername you are joking charles.
yourusername love you always and forever 💌
liked by charles_leclerc
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liked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1, and 3,445,380 others
tagged charles_leclerc
yourusername thank you sm charlie for the song, it was truly one of the most beautiful things that have ever graced my ears, and i will forever cherish it 💌 this post is an appreciation for you (the last picture will forever be my favorite)
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user43 the way i can hear the last photo 😭
user44 "nothing it was just an inchident"
charles_leclerc the last picture ☹️
yourusername my fav 😊😊
charles_leclerc ❤️❤️
liked by yourusername
maxverstappen1 last pic brings back bad memories 😢
yourusername sorry about that mad max, i'm sure you'll get over it soon. 🫶
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Chemical Override (bonus chapter)
Ewan Mitchell x actress!reader
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a/n: surprise! Something to tide you guys over until the heart-wrencher that is part five!! Y'know, gotta have some laughs before everything blows up 💣 or something like that :)
previous chapter ▪︎ series masterlist ▪︎ main masterlist
What happens when your castmates decide to have a drinking game based on yours and Ewan's interviews? Chaos. Absolute chaos.
"Is it just me or does my head look abnormally large in this?" comes Tom's query as they sit on the floor around the low table in Phia's living room.
Phia, Tom, and Olivia are snug on the carpet, legs strewn in varying postions, their attention on the laptop on the table.
"No, just you, mate," Phia responds.
"Nah, look at 'im," Olivia counters, "Looking like a right old egghead."
"I knew it," Tom clicks his tongue, smiling at the jab.
The friends were just having a nice time catching up in Phia's apartment, and after several coffees and rolled cigarettes, they found themselves nestled on the floor, beers in hand.
Someone made a suggestion to check up on the interviews being released as part of the media rollout. And so they watched the cast's interviews, already having done with the one from Wired, MTV, and the Buzzfeed Puppy Interview.
"I loved those pups," Olivia remarked jokingly. "But they didn't love me back. Story of my life."
"Oh, I love you, Liv!" Phia had exclaimed, pulling her friend in for a hug.
"Aaanyway," Phia says, reaching forward and scrolling through the suggested videos, "how about this one next! I miss those two." She clicks on an interview you and Ewan had done together, in that long press day where you guys were paired by the media team.
"They look adorable, don't they?" Tom says. "Here's to hoping the lad's finally made a bloody move."
"What about the goss on that girl you all were with? The one at the pub?" Olivia curiously asks, not kept in the loop due to her holiday abroad.
"All bull. You know how the tabloids are. She was sweet and everything but Ewan was practically side-eyeing her all the way into oblivion when she kept clinging on his arm. Poor girl." Tom smirks, the memory still fresh in his mind.
"Awww, look! Ewan's looking at her all gooey-eyed. Even then!" Phia simpers, leaning against Olivia.
"Of course, I was extremely excited and nervous to join the cast for season two," you can be heard saying, "being a huge fan of the book and the first season... I mean, it was such a tall order for me to step into this world but you know - "
"She did it so flawlessly," Ewan says to the interviewer. "We were so lucky to have her join the show."
"Oh, come on," you can't help but blush and shake your head. "Everyone was so welcoming, really."
"Well, it's safe to say that the audience loves your character!" the interviewer says kindly.
"Thank you so much, I'm glad to hear that," you beam in return.
"What a character, indeed," Ewan says, looking at you again.
Tom giggles, swinging his beer, "The look on his face, oh my days! Ewan is whi-ipped, I'm telling you. Just look at those stars in his eyes, you'd think she's an angel or somethin."
"She is an angel," Phia muses.
"Lovely girl," Olivia agrees.
"Oh!" Tom sits upright suddenly, leaning forward on his knees, "How about this? They've got a couple interviews up, right? Drinking game then, shall we? A shot each time Ewan looks at her or pays her a compliment!"
Olivia laughs nervously, but she's more than game to participate. "A swig of beer or... "
"Nah!" Tom scrunches his face in response. "Say, Phi, have you got vodka or tequila or whatever?"
"I... think I've got some leftover tequila," she ponders. "Are you proposing a shot of tequila every time Ewan fawns over her? Isn't that a bit dangerous? Should we stick to beer?"
"It'll be fun," Tom reassures, already getting on his feet to fetch the bottle from the kitchen. "Ewan's a professional," he says, when he returns with tequila and three shot glasses. "Surely he maintained his focus during all of that. Can't be more than - what, three or four shots each?"
Oh, how wrong he is.
It only takes another interview for them to realise that they might have been overzealous in taking on the challenge.
Most Likely To with the cast of House of the Dragon, the screen displays. You and Ewan pop up in intervals, and they eagerly await your clips with shots in hand.
"Most likely to be late on set?" you say, raising your hands when you answer with, "I'm happy to say that it was not me."
"No?" Ewan asks.
"Nope, early each day," you smile at him.
"I believe you, I mean, I wish we actually had scenes together," Ewan says, smiling right back, eyes lingering on you when you add something more to your answer.
"Shot!" Tom exclaims. The trio's faces crunch up when the burning liquid slides down their throats.
"Fuck's sake," Olivia mutters. "Ewan better keep his googly eyes to himself."
"Don't get your hopes up," Phia says, knowing the both of you well.
"Most likely to accidentally date a serial killer? What the hell is this question?" Ewan snorts, eyebrows shooting up.
"Are we even in the right show for this?" you joke, and Ewan laughs harder, his hand finding your forearm and squeezing briefly.
"Shot, I suppose," Phia mumbles. "I mean, look at his face, the sweetheart."
Another round, and everyone feels warmer and more lightheaded.
"Wouldn't be me, I don't know about you?" you ask Ewan.
"Oh, I wouldn't. I don't think Aemond would either, he would see right through that."
"Next, most likely to show up in a stunning outfit," you read from the prompts off-camera.
"Hmm," Ewan muses, "I would say maybe Liv Cooke... she's had really good outfits on the carpet lately..."
"I agree," you nod enthusiastically. "Liv's killing it."
"And you, definitely," Ewan turns to you again. "I mean, stunning would be an understatement."
"Shot!" Olivia half-yells. "And bless her, look! She's turned all red from Ewan's flirting."
"Thanks, mate," you say, tilting your head at him. "You as well! Your stylists have outdone themselves this press tour, for sure."
"Half a shot cause she gives something his way?" Tom suggests, comically shrugging. By the end of the video, the group had done three and a half rounds of shots, all growing redder in the face, their laughter turning unhinged.
"I'm actually scared to do another interview," Olivia groans. "Can those two just shag each other already? Goodness!"
"Who knows? Maybe they have? Would be about time," Tom cheekily says, ever the agent of chaos.
"Ewan did fly out to see her," Phia nods. "They're both in America right now, my darlings."
"Another interview!" Tom gets to clicking, landing on the one you and Ewan did with Rotten Tomatoes.
"We ask everyone this question - can you tell me your favourite movie from this year?" is what the interviewer starts with.
"That's a good question," Ewan says. "Uhhmm, well, it isn't from this year I think but her film - " he gestures to you, " - is one of my all-time favourites. I think it came out late last year, if I'm not mistaken?" He looks to you for confirmation, and your flustered self manages to hum a response. "I just think the whole film was brilliant. It definitely showcases her talents and solidifies her as one to watch."
"Oh, for fuck's sake," Tom sighs, and they all bring the shot glasses back to their lips.
"Guys, I might pass out by the end of this." Olivia stands to fetch herself a glass of water. "Ewan's a menace!" she calls out from the kitchen.
"We shouldn't have done this," Tom shakes his head.
"You suggested it!" Phia punches his arm, laughing.
"I guess I underestimated the degree of whipped that Ewan is. That cheeky lad."
Four more rounds of shots later, and the group has their tally up to eight and a half.
Yet another interview plays on the screen, and when Ewan - with all his bloody audacity - pushes a lock of hair away from your face on camera, Tom's eyes nearly bulge right out of his head.
"Oh my god!" he cries out. "He's trying to kill us! I think I'm actually going to puke."
"I quit." Olivia slumps against the base of the velvet couch. "I can't drink any more. Ewan wins."
Phia giggles at the screen, at the sight of her two dear friends slowly but surely falling in love right before the audience's eyes. In some show of celebration, she takes another shot, the last player left in the game.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
Meanwhile across the Atlantic...
"Hey, darling," you hear Ewan's voice on the other line. "I just settled in my hotel in New York."
"That's good! Did your flight go well?"
"Mhmm, my meeting's tomorrow afternoon so I've got time to prepare," he takes a breath, before softly saying, "I miss you."
You laugh, "So you keep telling me, Mitchell."
"We're still on that huh, darling? Shouldn't you be calling me something more... personal, by now?"
"Like what?"
"I don't know, you tell me."
"Well... the internet does call you their babygirl."
"Oh come on," he complains, smiling nevertheless.
"What is it, babygirl?"
"That's how you want to play it, bunny?"
"Ewan!" you groan. "Okay, okay."
"Anyway, darling," he says. "I really do miss you. I can't wait to see you again.'
The longing is clear in his voice and it tugs at your heart so much that you need to pause and collect yourself, before finally saying, "I miss you too, baby."
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Cheers to all of yous who voted here! Baby it is ~
In the meantime...
Update! ~ part five
Taglist: @sprinklesprinkle888 @namelesslosers @skymoonandstardust @valyrianflower @luckyfirebasement @omgsuperstarg @elissanatok @callsignwidow @sinistersnakey49 @darkwriteracademia @yyrzmomo @queenofshinigamis @luvaerina @shamelessblazecrown @mirandastuckinthe80s @elleinex0x0 @pierrotlu @aegonswife @strangersunghoon @lunampacheco @writer-ann-artist @gaiaea @of-swords-and-words @ateliefloresdaprimavera @m00n5t0n3 @helaenaluvr @peachysunrize @annie-ruk @luvly-writer @ananas26t @athenafaes @lovelyteenagebeard @mamawiggers1980 @moongirl27 @katherine93 @barnes70stark @justbelljust @cloudroomblog @somestufftoday @esposadomd @girl-in-the-chairs-void @insideyourimagination @hotdismylife @vyctorya @wildrangers @livcookesgf @dracaryxzs @aemondwhoresworld @aisselasstuff @onlyrealjoy
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snoopyracing · 1 month
wanna be yours 2.0 // ln4 & po5 smau // alternate ending
part one | part two | part three (lando ending)
pairing: lando norris X american!reader / mclaren photographer!reader and pato o'ward X reader
warnings: swearing
summary: a remix of my fic wanna be yours in social media au form. or basically lando and the reader both being in love with each other but being too stubborn and scared to say anything so they suffer in silence until one finally crumbles.
contains: best friends to strangers, pining, angst, jealous!lando, asshole!lando, clueless!lando, and a lando or pato? situation.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
may 26th, 2024
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liked by y/bsf, patriciooward, landonorris and 98,520 others
y/n.jpg: something about an empty track the morning of a race (yes i was here so early that i got to watch the sunrise)
patriciooward: did you sleep at the track lol??
↳ y/n.jpg: no... but the gates may have still been locked when i got here. 🧍‍♀️
mclaren: missing you this weekend! -liked by author
user1: girl.... we saw that pic from last night...
user3: i'm feeding my delusions by thinking that lando is on the mclaren account commenting
user7: lando in the likes once again...god please let him comment again soon.
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liked by patriciooward, arrowmclaren, y/bsf and 105,321 others
y/n.jpg: so incredibly proud of you today pato!!! you gave it your all and left everything out on that track. so happy i was able to come back and spend this week with the whole arrow mclaren family. always a special week and one i've missed immensely. next year is yours pato. ❤️
patriciooward: it was a bittersweet day. would have loved to win, but loved having you here this year. gracias mi amor. -liked by author
arrowmclaren: so nice to have you back y/n! you know you're always welcome!! -liked by author
landonorris: @.patriciooward you killed it out there today man. you should be proud.
↳ patriciooward: thanks lando!
user4: um lando in the comments... and commenting to pato... maybe war is over
user3: if pato and y/n don't end up together i'm gonna lose my shit
user9: still team lando y/n
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may 27th, 2024
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may 28th, 2024
y/n.jpg and patriciooward added to their story
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y/bsf replied to your story
↳ have fun babe!! but not too much fun 😏
may 29th, 2024
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may 30th, 2024
y/n.jpg and patriciooward added to their story
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y/bsf replied to your story
↳ AHHHH!!! i truly love this for you!!! it's been a long time coming. 🩷
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june 2nd, 2024
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june 3rd, 2024
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liked by patriciooward, y/bsf, logansargeant and 285,650 others
y/n.jpg: my pretty boy ❤️ (and his crab)
patriciooward: think all i need in life is you, the beach, and that crab.
↳ y/n.jpg: that thing is back in the ocean where it belongs!!!
y/bsf: FINALLY!!!!!!!
↳ y/n.jpg: 🤭
logansargeant: gonna have to come to an indycar race soon!!
↳ patriciooward: yes man! you're welcome anytime at the arrow garage!
↳ y/n.jpg: um yes!! i'm gonna i miss you the rest of the season ☹️
user4: they are so cute.. crazy how people find their way back to each other 🥹
user9: there is no way to be normal about this.
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liked by y/n.jpg, alexanderrossi, davidmalukas and 900,402 others
patriciooward: may not have won the indy 500, but i did win with her ❤️
y/n.jpg: you big sap 🥺❤️
alexanderrossi: thank god. didn't think you two were ever going to get together.
↳ patriciooward: good things come to those who wait.
↳ alexanderrossi: since when are you philosophical??
davidmalukas: so happy for you guys! -liked by author
user4: this actually made my year. that second pic is everything 😭
user7: when does this get to happen to me?? i need me a man like pato 😩
user1: how did he bag a baddie like y/n? can you fight pato?
tag list: @daisyfreecs @mel164 @hurtblossom @the-untamed-soul @ameliaalvarez06 @ahnneyong @landotd @spideylovin @wobblymug @urfavsgf @lunamelona @sunflowervol18 @kiwi43-81 @horneybeach1 @czennieszn @dontworryboutitokie @weekendlusting @deamus-liv @lexiecamposv @nikki1dxx @eggingamazinglove @folklorelover888 @hashcakes @sarx164 @misspygmypie @ziraelmtd @sarah-thatstings-ann @gnarlycore @plotpal @formulaal @tremendousstarlighttragedy @saachiep81 @alana4610 @kissesandmartinis @green--beanie @moodymoony71 @tvdtw4ever @lottalove4evelyn
425 notes · View notes
illdowhatiwantthanks · 5 months
Can You Stay?
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Olivia Benson x fem!reader
Warnings: sexual assault/rape (not graphic or anything, this takes place after the fact), trauma, hospitals, rape kit, established relationship, hurt/comfort, some explicit language, brief mentions of self-harm
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: You're assaulted by a man the SVU just can't seem to convict. Olivia is used to victims, she's used to the aftermath of a rape. She's not used to walking through it with someone she loves as much as you.
“Let me see her!” Olivia yelled, shoving Fin so hard he slammed into a wall.
“Liv, you can’t be here as a cop,” Elliot argued, holding her back.
Olivia ran her hands through her hair, angry beyond reason and worried out of her mind. “I’m not, Elliot! I’m here because my girlfriend got raped. Now get the fuck out of my way so I can take care of her!”
Elliot lifted his hands in surrender. “Alright, just… you gotta let us do our job, okay?”
Olivia shoved past him and into your apartment, desperate to find you, to see you, to hold you and protect you. When she found you, shaking and huddled in a corner of your bedroom, it shattered her, but she didn’t feel sad, not yet. That would come soon, she knew. What she felt now was blinding, white hot anger at the man who’d done this to you.
You were so traumatized you didn’t even seem to notice her. Your eyes were glazed over, and you rocked back and forth, your head banging lightly into the wall each time. Munch sat on a corner of your bed, and Olivia looked at him, silently asking if you’d said anything yet. John shook his head. So it had just been the 9-1-1 call so far then.
Olivia lowered herself onto the floor next to you, careful not to touch you, to frighten you. Your hair was dripping wet, and the water had blotched your t-shirt. Her stomach sank. It was him again–Cleary–she just knew it.
“Sweetheart,” she started, her voice soft, looking into your blurry eyes. “It’s just me.”
You couldn’t bring yourself to look at her, but your eyes filled with tears, and you started banging your head against the wall with more force.
Olivia placed her hand between your head and the wall to soften the blows. You wanted to hurt yourself. You wanted to hurt so much that you forgot what had come before. But you couldn’t bear to hurt Olivia. You put your head in your hands instead and when you finally spoke, your voice was small and hoarse.
“I can’t stop shaking.”
“It’s okay,” she soothed, still not touching you. She’d let you initiate touch if you wanted to. “That’s normal. You’re in shock, okay, baby? It’ll pass.”
“He came in my window, Liv,” you stuttered, unable to breathe deeply enough, your fingers tingling with the lack of oxygen. “He came in my window. I thought it was locked. It– it sh– should have– been l–locked.”
You scrunched your eyes shut and shrunk into Olivia, her arms wrapping firmly and protectively around you as you buried your face in her neck and gasped for breath. She rubbed your back, resting her chin on the top of your head.
“Shh,” she whispered. “Just breathe, baby, breathe.”
Elliot entered the room and sat on the bed with John. Olivia met his eyes, and she saw that he hated to do this. They were always aware of the ways in which an investigation might come off as insensitive to the victim. In fact, they did everything they could to be kind and empathetic and caring. But it had never been clearer than it was now that questions and probing, while necessary, would likely only make your horrific night worse. 
You coughed, trying to desperately get enough air, the room swirling around you. You tried, you tried so hard to fight the darkening edges of your consciousness, but you couldn’t breathe. The last thing you remembered before blacking out was grabbing onto Olivia’s jacket.
“Shit,” Olivia muttered, as your body fell limp against her. “El–”
“On it,” he said, pulling out his radio and walking to the living room. “Yeah, we need a bus at Mott and Spring. Unconscious female. Rape victim, panic attack.”
Olivia laid you gently on the ground, brushing your hair out of your face and placing her fingers on your neck to ensure you had a pulse. It was hard to pass out from a panic attack–which showed just how scared you were. She sighed and watched you, holding back tears, as she brushed her thumbs back and forth across your wrist. She wanted to feel your heartbeat. Just to be safe.
“You okay?” John asked her.
Olivia shook her head, biting her lip. “No.” She smiled wryly, her eyes wet. “But I am dangerously close to committing a felony.”
“We’ll get him, Liv,” John assured her.
“We haven’t yet.”
“We will.”
When you jerked awake, gasping, your heart still racing, Olivia squeezed your hands and bent down close to you. “Hey,” she soothed. “Hey, you’re okay. It’s okay. I’m right here. Just keep breathing.”
She lifted your head onto her lap and you curled into yourself, your hand gripping tightly to hers. When the paramedics came, you shrank away from them and into Olivia, who might very well have assaulted an EMT to keep anyone from touching you and further traumatizing you.
“Can you walk?” she asked, and you nodded. “I got her,” she said forcefully to the paramedic who reached out for your arm.
Olivia walked you out of the room, out of your apartment, down the elevator, and into the back of the ambulance. She never once let you go, never once removed her arm from around your shoulder, glaring bullets at anyone who even came close to you.
Rape kits were always hard, no matter who the victim was, but it was excruciatingly hard now that it was you. Olivia almost couldn’t look at you as you talked the doctor at the ER through your assault. She wanted to cry, she wanted to shoot something, she wanted to hold you and never let you go. She would do anything, anything, to go back in time and have you stay at her place instead. Or, even better, to have been at yours so she could have shot the son of a bitch in self-defense. She didn’t know if she’d ever forgive herself for not being there.
You cried when they swabbed you, your body tensing in panic, hand squeezing Olivia’s so hard that little half moons formed on her skin under your nails. Olivia looked at the ceiling, willing herself not to cry. She felt like her heart was being fed through a shredder. It hurt more than anything, hurt so bad she was nearly bent over with it, to watch you cry. To watch your body flinch away from touch and comfort. To watch you poked and prodded and examined under the harsh fluorescent lights, the smell of alcohol sterilizer permeating everything, when you had already been through so much.
When they finally discharged you, Olivia pulled your softest, most oversized t-shirt and sweatpants out of her bag. She’d brought them from your apartment, knowing that they’d take your clothes for evidence. She dressed you gently, carefully, your eyes bloodshot, face streaked and puffy from tears.
She had Elliot drive you both to her apartment in a squad car, knowing you wouldn’t want to see anyone else, that you wouldn't be able to stomach a cab or the subway.
In the apartment, you sat on the edge of her bed, face blank, terrified to go to sleep. You couldn’t say anything, couldn’t speak. It was as if, after telling what had happened, your voice had switched off.
Olivia brushed your hair out of your face, bending down to look into your eyes.
“Do you think you can try to sleep, sweetheart?”
You nodded, exhaustion hitting you hard as the hours of adrenaline started to wear off. You crawled into bed, and Olivia pulled the covers over you. You struggled to keep your eyelids open, and Olivia gently kissed your forehead.
“Go to sleep, baby,” she whispered. “I won’t let anyone hurt you, I promise.”
You grabbed her hand as she stood to leave, turning off the light.
“Can you stay?” you whimpered, tears welling up again, no matter how hard you tried to fight them.
Olivia wordlessly lifted the covers and pulled your body into hers, and you breathed easy for the first time in hours. Her arms were strong around you, her heartbeat sure and steady, hands soft as they ran through your hair. And you knew, you knew, that she would keep you safe.
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sorchathered · 2 months
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The Willows Never Stopped Weeping for You
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Pairing-Tyler Owens x female OC (Olivia Wright)
Warnings- language, drinking, angst, death, injury, smut
Summary- Olivia let Tyler go to carry out his dreams, but broke his heart in the process. What happens when in the wreckage of a little small town he learns the real reason she left him, and how do they repair it?
A/N- we back at it again on the angst train, third week in a row lol!! I really loved this one, twisters was so good and I am excited to start writing for the fandom! As always, like, comment, reblog anything to let me know what you think!
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“We’ve gotta get the hell out of dodge, we can’t sit here any longer Ty!” Dani is panicked, sweat dripping from their brow as they tremble, eyes wild and afraid of what will happen if they don’t make it out.
“I can’t- I can’t leave without her goddamnit and you know it, go ahead of me, you gotta trust me! We will make it out of here, get everyone to safety Dan, I’m serious get the hell out of here!” He yells over the roar of the wind, shoving them towards the rv and as much as it pains the crew, they know Tyler would die in this storm before he ever left Olivia behind. She was his everything, he’d loved her his whole life, and even if things were broken between them he would die a thousand times over to make sure she was safe.
The crew had been up and down the state the past few weeks, working together with Javi and his crew to test out Kate’s theory and it had been one hell of a ride. They’d mostly been able to help keep the damage to a minimum, but as always with storms like these it was always a risk.
The little town on the outskirts of Enid had been ravaged more than once, but this storm seemed to be hell bent on taking whatever was left of the small community and turning it to rubble. So many injured, and so many homes and businesses destroyed, it seemed like a no-brainer that the government would send aid relief workers to help repair the damage, but what Tyler Owens hadn’t foreseen was the bright green eyes and auburn hair of his first love as he helped people in the aftermath.
Olivia Wright had been his everything since he was fourteen years old, occupied every one of his dirty fantasies and dreams of the future. He’d never been more sure of anyone in his life, until they’d crashed and burned so spectacularly shortly after college. He’d fallen in love with storm chasing, his dreams of working for the NWS had turned into something else entirely as he and the crew of misfits he migrated to became more and more obsessed with the beauty and danger these storms brought.
Liv had their whole future planned, finish college, get married. Ty would work for the NWS and she would become a nurse, fulfilling your passion to help people and getting to be by his side while he pursued his passion for meteorology. The two of them were growing apart, everyone could see it but him, and she knew she’d have to be the one to let go, he was always bigger than the whole sky and Liv couldn’t bear to keep him down. So she broke his heart and her own, and in that time she watched him flourish. His channel and all of his friends, the articles written about his discoveries, she watched it all with rapt attention, he was living out his dreams and Liv couldn’t have been more proud. Eventually she had to decide what was best for her, and watching storms ravage communities just like hers in Arkansas became too much to bear, working in disaster relief and helping to save lives became her passion, she kept her head down and let the work take over, but never lost hope that one day she’d run smack dab into that man that was as wild as the western wind.
It had happened less like a rom com and more like a horror movie, he’d seen her first and lost his cool immediately, ducking under an awning and scrambling to find somewhere, anywhere else to be but near her. Lily, who had been both of their friends in college couldn’t quite figure out what the hell was wrong with him, but it didn’t take long to spot her bright hair and the FEMA t-shirt Liv was sporting as she handed out water to a group not far from theirs.
“Oh my God is that my Livvy?!” She shrieked as she ran for her friend, the two of them erupting in giggles and swaying each other in the midst of the debris-covered road.
“Lily bug!! Oh my goodness what are y’all doing here?! I thought from your last video you guys were over near Lawton!” She said, smacking a hand over her mouth as she realized she’d given herself away already.
“Ooh so you have been watching hmm? Come say hi to everyone cutie pie, it’s been too long and we need to catch up.” She pulled her along but Liv tried to dig her heels in, wild green eyes panicked.
“I can’t intrude Lils, and I don’t want to make Tyler uncomfortable, I’m sure he doesn’t want to see me” she says as she puts both hands up in surrender but Lily is having none of it.
“Nope, you don’t get to pussy out Olivia, life is too short and you know it. Now come on! I want to hear all about your life, and Dani makes some bomb ass burritos so you should try to eat something, it’s gonna be a long day babygirl.
He somehow manages to avoid her like the plague all day, catching glimpses here and there but mostly staying close to Kate and Javi, much to Lily's frustration if the glares she’s cut at him all afternoon are any indication.
Livvy wasn’t quite sure what to make of it; she had been watching them for so long online that she felt like she knew the crew personally, they were some of the kindest people she’d ever met and it wasn’t lost on her that all of them had been brought together by Ty. He’d made himself a family, it was just another thing that she had missed her chance on and she couldn’t help but feel a little emotional over it.
When Kate had come over to introduce herself later in the evening, it had been obvious to Olivia that she and Tyler had something going on. It was hard to dislike her, she was beautiful and kind, and smart as a whip from what Liv could tell. Definitely perfect for him, so after a while of watching them all interact and being all but ignored by her oldest friend, it got to be too much and she found a way to make her escape, using an early morning as an excuse and holing up in her motel room to lick her wounds and cry.
Lily chases after her with another nasty glare in Tyler’s direction, everyone had questions now and he couldn’t give them, waving them off with a middle finger as he stumbled through the parking lot, a little tipsy and feeling an ache in his chest that he’d thought he’d healed from.
“Liv! Stop damnit, I know this shit is hard but just talk to me honey, tell me.” Lily shouts into the crowded lot and watches her friend's shoulders sag as she turns with tears sliding down her cheeks.
“Oh Lily.” She lets out a ragged breath and lets it all wash over her, everything she’s left unsaid and held deep inside. “I could never deny him happiness, if it’s not with me that’s OK, it’s been a long time and I’ve learned to accept it. If Kate makes him happy then of course I want that for him. I never stopped loving him, so of course I would always want what’s best for him. It wasn’t right back then Lily, that kinda love was unpredictable. We were growing together like two gnarled trees, neither of us were helping the other reach our potential and I had to let him go so we didn’t end up hating each other. “ A shudder runs through her at the declaration, tears are threatening to seep from her eyes but she won’t give them the satisfaction.
“That sounds like horseshit and you know it” Lily says she jabs her finger into Liv’s shoulder, her eyes are full of fire. Liv knows she means well, she’s always been a good man in the storm, someone you want in your corner when things get hard which is why she’s so glad that Tyler has her. Liv lets her shoulders sag and look at Lily full of defeat.
“I can’t change it now, even if I wish I could.”
“Do you wish you could?” She says with raised eyebrow and Olivia gives her a little nod.
“Every day. I miss him every day.” Tears well up in her eyes and she shivers as the wind blows through the camp, but she won’t let the pain overtake her, she made her choice and she can only hope that he’ll be happy.
Olivia doesn’t see it but Lily does, Tyler is half hidden behind the RV, he’s heard it all and she watches as his face goes from grief stricken to angry turning on his heel as he walks off into the dark, the weight of her confession breaking his heart all over again.
He paces the concrete hallway of the motel for what feels like hours, letting the weight of what she said run over him. Had he really been so blind? Olivia hadn’t wanted to let him go, and he’d never thought to question it when she pushed him away. He had been hurt and stubborn, shutting down immediately and saying some of the meanest things he could hurl at her to hurt her back. In hindsight he should have known she was just trying to give him the ability to do what he wanted, but just the fact that she had convinced herself that she was what was holding him back made a fire rage in him. Sure it would have been hard to manage, but they could’ve handled it! They could handle anything together, he’d always told her that, why she would have ever thought otherwise was something he couldn’t reconcile with.
He was at her door before he could stop himself, rapping sharply on the peeling metal and praying that she would listen. The sounds of the lock being undone told him she was still awake, the door swinging open to reveal her puffy tear stained face, hair up in a messy knot on her head and an oversized t shirt full of holes, one that had definitely belonged to him.
“Why are you here Ty? You’d had all day to say something to me, and you waited until midnight?” She said with a sniffle, there was no point in trying to hide what she’d been doing, it was all over her face and his heart clenched in his chest knowing he’d hurt her again.
“You didn’t want us to end, did you?” He said gruffly, he wasn’t leaving until he got his answers, he needed to know the truth.
“What does it matter now? You’re with Kate-“ she said as more tears formed, arms wrapped tightly around her waist as though she was trying to hold herself together.
“I’m not. We tried it, but she’s got her own demons to work out, and we agreed it would be better to be friends. Answer my question baby, I need to hear it. Do you still want me?” He was leaning in close to the door frame now, close enough to feel the heat radiating from his body and smell the beer on his breath. Liv let out a ragged breath and nodded, that was all he needed to push the door the rest of the way open and pull her into his arms, kicking the door shut behind him as he pressed kisses to her cheek and neck while she held on for dear life. Sobs wracked her body as he sat down on the creeky mattress, pulling her into his lap as he rocked her side to side.
“My sweet girl” he murmured into her hair, he let her cry it all out until she relaxed in his grip, tipping her chin up to look at him as he stroked her cheek.
“I never stopped hoping for this, I didn’t want to hold you back but- I can’t stay away anymore. I-I love you Ty, I always will.” She stuttered and he let out a groan as he pressed his mouth to hers, flipping them both so she was on her back and spread out for him, she’d been the star of every fantasy he’d ever had, and nothing would ever be as good as the real thing.
“I never stopped either Livvy girl, can I have you? Please baby I- I need it, need to show you how much I missed you.” He looks wrecked, hair a mess and eyes wild, and she can’t stop herself from pulling him down to her, licking into his mouth and running her hands over his broad shoulders, watching him shiver in her embrace as he grinds down into her.
They make up for all the time lost, re-learning each other's bodies until the early morning, finally coming up for air when Tyler’s phone begins to go off with weather alerts and texts from Boone.
“Looks like there’s another cell coming this way, we need to get these people to safety while we can.” He says with a sigh as he rolls his body off of hers, she’s sated and happy as she stretches her limbs like a cat and moans, he feels himself twitch in his boxers as he watches her. She’s like a siren, calling him back to her and he wants nothing more to than to stay right here between the sheets and ravage her again.
“Stop looking at me like that Owens, or we’ll never get out of here in time” she playfully punches his chest and he lets out a hearty laugh, they’d have plenty of time to talk and catch up, he wouldn’t be letting her out of his sight anytime soon.
“Ok, ok sugar, let’s get back out here, storms a comin’ and times a wastin’.”
He should have known. He should have known they’d never get that lucky, especially knowing how unpredictable the storms had been this season.
They thought they’d had more time, weather warnings saying the tornado would likely just pass the town, but it had all gone wrong. What had started out as one had turned into two, splitting off and causing maximum damage to what was left of the area. He’d lost Liv and Boone somewhere along the way, Kate and Javi and the rest of the crew were safely out of danger, but somehow the twister had gotten between his truck and yours, and when the dust had settled you and Boone were nowhere to be found.
He was sick, bile crawling up his throat as he trembled, they’d been searching the perimeter when he’d heard Boone screaming for help, tearing through the field of corn to find your upturned truck, mangled and covered in broken glass. Boone had tried his best to pull you from the wreckage, but his shoulder was mangled; most likely dislocated from the crude angle it hung from.
Tyler pulled Olivia’s limp body out and heard a sharp gasp from her, she was alive, that was good. At least that was what he thought until he got her in his arms and saw the jagged shrapnel wedged in her abdomen, blood flowing like a water hose from the wound, way too much to be a minor wound. She kept lolling her head back and forth as she tried to lift her hand to his face, god there was blood everywhere, he couldn’t take the metal out, what if that made it worse? He yelled for Boone to give him his shirt, tears pouring from his eyes as he tried to stop the bleeding, but it just wouldn’t stop coming.
“Livvy, baby look at me ok?” He says with a gentle pat to her cheek, her eyes keep rolling around in her head as she tries to focus on something, anything, but she just can’t seem to get there.
Finally she seems to see him through her unfocused bloodshot eyes, a small victory and he breathes for the first time since he found her.
“Oh god, Ty there’s so much blood! What happened? Are- are you ok? How do we stop it? We need help!” She cries out as her body shakes in his arms, she’s going into shock and bleeding to death but is still selfless to the end, always worried about everyone but herself.
He’s sobbing so hard now he can hardly speak, just kissing whatever skin he can get to as he holds her tightly, still pressing hard into the gaping wound despite knowing it won’t do anything to stop the inevitable. He’s going to lose her, and he just got her back.
A scream comes from somewhere, Tyler jolting awake from the world’s most uncomfortable hospital chair. He’s drenched in sweat, and his neck aches, as he looks around the dimly lit room he realizes the scream came from him. He’s replayed that awful night over and over for the past three days, it ends with Olivia choking on her own blood as she fades away and he can’t seem to make his brain understand that while it definitely happened that way, the end result wasn’t quite so gruesome. She’s alive, unconscious, but alive. How EMS found them in time will consume his thoughts for a good long while. He’d been so sure he’d lost her but the miracles just kept coming because somehow the doctors were able to save her and had assured him that though recovery would be long and hard she would in fact recover.
Months later he would still be convinced it was all just a dream, the nightmares had ceased but the jagged scar along Olivia’s sternum would always be there to remind him of how close he’d come to losing it all.
He lived for chasing storms, he’d convinced himself it was everything he’d ever need after she’d left, but he’d been so wrong.
She’d never ask him to give it up, but he didn’t know if he could continue to run after something that had nearly taken everything from him. He and Kate took a job consulting with the NWS on her research after Ben’s article got traction, and he left his truck to Boone to continue the legacy and the channel. He wanted to prevent the storms from happening before they started and he knew with Kate’s research and the grants from the government they could really dig in and make a difference.
He asked her to marry him on her birthday, 6 months after the accident and she’d said yes before he could even finish his speech. The future hadn’t been linear like he thought, he didn’t have to accept what he thought he deserved and finally allowed himself to accept what he wanted. Olivia Wright Owens sounded damn good to him, and maybe one day a house full of babies. Yeah he could definitely make that his new dream.
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Tagging- @sailor-aviator @goldenseresinretriever @hangmanapologist @roosterforme @trickphotography2 @mynameismckenziemae @seitmai @sebsxphia @im-just-ken @kmc1989 @jessicab1991 @dizzybee03 @nouis-bum @attapullman @bobgasm @floydsglasses @withahappyrefrain
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froggibus · 2 months
Saw your post!! Any thoughts on what Junkrat, Mei, Venture, and Sombra might do if their respective s/o's wanted a prize from a claw machine? Who can actually do? What do they do if they can't?
Claw Machine - Junkrat, Mei, Sombra & Venture
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Genre: fluff, little crack
Summary: how your s/o would win (or steal) you a prize from a claw machine
CW: sombra’s a jerk, established relationships, theft (in a funny silly goofy way), Ven gets stuck in a claw machine, none of these people are good at games sorry
thanks so much for giving me a cute fluffy req ^^ I really appreciate it. sometimes writing so much smut gets a little overwhelming so I am grateful for fun little ideas like this!! 💓 hope you’re having a great day lovely someone pls remind me in the morning to give this a proper banner
@kitsune-loves-fics wrote a beautiful continuation of Venture’s part! come check it out here 💓
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insists he’s the best at claw machine games
he is not.
however he will spend all day and all the money he has just so he could get you whatever prize you wanted
unrelated but Mako is probably crazy at claw games
keeps promising he’ll win it for you but progressively gets worse and worse at the game
eventually gets annoyed and starts shaking the machine
please walk away it’s so embarassing
if that doesn’t work he will literally break the glass and just grab the toy for you
gets down on his knee like a dork and hands it to you
“for you, little cricket”
grabs your hand and runs away giggling from security
you’re legally obligated to keep the toy forever or else he’ll get sad
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probably average at the claw game
she won’t try all day but if you really want it, she’ll give it at least ten tries
gets kind of confused when she can’t win and decides to apply some science to it
literally calculates a bunch of math based on how fast it moves, how far away it is, size of everything etc
the math still doesn’t help
some kid probably comes up and does it on the first try and she’s staring at them like ‘how’
is completely focused on this damn claw machine now just to get you a little plushy
please bring her a drink or something to boost her mood
when you walk away she’ll try to put her hand in the machine but her arms are too short :(
in the end she recruits snowball and together they manage to get you your little plushy ^^
however she feels so guilty about it after she has to confess to you
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she will never let herself be defeated by ANY machine
she’ll probably tell you to win it for yourself and lean against the machine with a smirk while she watches you
you’ll pout at her and beg for her help but she wants to see how ‘dedicated’ you are first (whatever that means)
eventually she gives in (she can never resist you) and steps up to try the game
and immediately loses.
doesn’t even try again, she just hacks it and forces it to do whatever she wants
doesn’t just grab you one plushy, she practically cleans out the whole machine
“liv can we just leave? people are starting to stare?”
“just one more, cariño”
it will not be just one more, but how can you resist when she’s being so sweet?
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dork ass steps right up the minute you press your face on the glass and coo about how cute it is
“don’t worry babe, I got this”
(they really do not)
they will hyperfocus on it and play it for literal hours
they’re not even bad at it—they keep winning prizes, just not the one that you want
you could leave for ten minutes and come back and they’ll still be trying it
after maybe an hour of playing they get you to stand on the side and shake it for them
if that doesn’t work, they try to shove their arm up there but they’re so muscly they get stuck
you end up having to call the fire department to get them unstuck lol
and the owner of the place feels so bad (or maybe embarrassed) for you guys that they unlock the machine and just give you the toy
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masterlist | overwatch masterlist
(if you enjoy content like this, interactions go a long way! comments, likes & rbs are always greatly appreciated ^-^ !!)
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spideysbruh · 4 months
your song
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liked by tchalamet, rachelzegler, yourfriend and 1,828,277 others
y/n thank you London!!! 'twas a good show innit?? 😁😁💕💕💕🫶🫶
view all 47,287 comments
ynxflo girl stop. (I love you im sorry)
ynscurtains well she's def timmys girlfriend !!!
tchalamet 'twas the best concert I've ever been to, luv!
y/n you so get me, luv
tchalamet absolutely beautiful gorgeous amazing spectacular best girl ever
y/n liked
lifetimeyn timmy is always so down bad 😭
tchalamet just posted a story!
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caption- mi estrella
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liked by tchalamet, florencepugh and 1,635,177 others
y/n home 💕
view all 32,827 comments
tchalamet i love seeing you on stage more than anything else
y/n I miss you.
rocketyn can't wait for your show next week🙏🏼🙏🏼
loveyn grammy nominations tmrw 😳😳😳
y/n just posted a story!
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caption- he surprised meeeee 🥺😭😭💕💕💕🫶🫶🫶
y/n just posted a story!
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caption- IM GRAMMY NOMINATED?!?!?? I can't stop crying
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liked by chappellroan, tchalamet and 2,188,299 others
y/n forever and ever grateful for everything. these nominations mean so much to me. I never thought in a million years I would be graced with a nomination, let alone three! so incredibly happy. i cannot stop crying, thank you thank you thank you.
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view all 45 comments
tchalamet I'm so proud of you. your reaction was the greatest thing ever.
liked by y/n
oliviarodrigo YOU DESERVE ITTT 💕💕
liked by y/n
liked by y/n
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liked by y/n, florencepugh and 3,727,788 others
tchalamet this beautiful girl is nominated for three grammys!!! proud is an understatement. I have seen her stay up late, wake up early and not even sleep to finish a song, video or her album, the most dedicated artist I know. I am so lucky to see your process from beginning to end. the most deserving person there is.
view all 97,277 comments
y/n my muse
timmysgf girl I guess...
honeymoonyn crying. i need a bf
y/n just posted a story!
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caption- it's moments like these with my favorite people during a time like this that make me so incredibly appreciative 💕
tchalamet just posted a story!
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caption- she serenaded me today😍😍
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liked by dualipa, tchalamet, sabrinacarpenter and 3,828,288 others
y/n did a cover of one of my favorite songs of all time. 'your song' by the one and only Sir Elton John cover is now available to view on youtube!
view all 87,727 comments
laurieslaurence ik they didn't rly show him, but you KNOW timmy was sitting in that room too with the amount of times she looked in that corner LMAOO
kingsyn my fave cover
horroryn you gotta sing this song when you're truly in love. that's why this one sounds so beautiful 😭😭💕
tchalamet so lucky I got to see this in person
eltonjohn wow!
liked by y/n
y/n just posted a story!
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caption- the sweetest eyes I've ever seen.
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liked by y/n, sza, florencepugh and 4,288,388 others
tchalamet grammys with my one and only.
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damiansgoodgirll · 16 days
excited for dont break my heart part 6 <3
here we go!
part one, part two, part three, part four, part five
the judgment day x reader (platonic) / damian priest x reader (platonic) / rhea ripley x reader (platonic) / drew mcintyre x reader
likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated!
‼️angst, mention of family issues, fear of abandonment, fear of loneliness, panic attack, nightmares, mention of past domestic violence, finn’s being violent, mention of daddy issues, sexual tension but nothing explicit (yet) some fluff too‼️
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don’t break my heart - part 6
rhea was waiting for bash in berlin to come. she tried to get her revenge on liv for the past week but someone was always there to stop her. but she knew, in berlin, she had the opportunity to prove everyone who the real champion was. she couldn’t wait to get her revenge on her, she had so much unleashed anger that she knew she was going to destroy liv, in every way possible.
the past week has been a blur to you.
everyone getting ready for the big event in germany, you too, so, you didn’t have much time to enjoy life.
you didn’t have a match but you knew that the judgment day would have tried to screw damian and rhea and you couldn’t let it happen, not again.
so you trained. you trained with damian, you trained with rhea, you trained with drew.
damian and rhea hardly accepted this new relationship between you and him. for her, he was too old. she would have never told you this but in her mind, you were just projecting your past self into this relationship, the need of having someone older to look after you, the feeling of being loved and chosen by someone older than you. damian didn’t mind the age difference as long as you were happy, but he knew that at the moment, you struggled being happy and he didn’t want drew to cause you more harm.
“you got his hermosa” damian happily cheered you on as you were training with rhea. she was tough and much stronger than you. training with her was always a challenge but you loved it.
you smiled at him and let rhea practice some other moves on you before you both took a breath and some minutes of break.
“everything okay?” rhea asked when she saw you looking at the ceiling, a little dozed off.
“i spoke with finn” you confessed. damian and rhea met you with worried eyes “he wanted to apologise but i shove him away…he kept saying how sorry he was for what happened…”
rhea took a deep breath before speaking again “what did you say y/n?”
“that i don’t wanna see him or talk to him ever again…i trusted him with my whole life and he betrayed me like that…he’s dead for me” rhea proudly smiled when she heard those words coming out of your mouth. she knew how important was finn to you and she was a little scared that you may want to forgive him so when you told her that you were done, she felt relieved.
“i’m proud of you hermosa…” damian kissed your head, making you smile against his chest.
“you ready for bash?” you asked the duo, seeing them working their asses off this whole week.
“ready to destroy them” rhea said making you chuckle.
“i feel like i need a hot shower and then i’ll start packing for berlin…do you guys need any help with packing?” you offered while walking out the gym.
damian smiled at your kindness “no princesa, i think i’m almost done packing, thank you though, i appreciate it”
you smiled back, riding with them and waving them off once they dropped you back home.
the rest of the night moved slowly, you took your time doing your skincare, washing your hair, cooking dinner and packing for berlin. you felt at ease, somehow. maybe it was because of damian and rhea being there for you like a real family, maybe it was because of your relationship with drew.
and thinking of him, your telephone popped up with a notification from drew.
sleep well kid, call me if anything happens, even if you just need to talk about the silliest things, i’m here for you, always, goodnight love, see you in berlin <3
you smiled, replying a thank you and a goodnight. for the first time you felt loved and appreciated and you wanted it to stay like that forever.
but you knew some things couldn’t stay true forever.
bash in berlin was a success. rhea and damian dominated against liv and dom. rhea took her revenge on liv, hitting her and making her pay for what she did to you.
“you’re gonna regret even speaking to y/n” she whispered in her hear, making sure the cameras didn’t catch that before licking her face.
of course the judgment day had to interfere but you were ready. the crowd cheered when they saw you kicking finn away from damian. you tried to bring some peace because five against two wasn’t a fair match. so you helped them as you could, trying to keep jd and finn out of the ring so damian and rhea could finish the match. you couldn’t express how happy you were once they won the match.
laughing at finn’s face was your little revenge. his expression was a mix of heartbreak and anger. he hated damian and rhea for turning you against him even more.
drew watched the match backstage, softly smiling when he saw you happy, not caring that he just lost against punk. he knew he was gonna get his revenge at some point, so, celebrating with you was his priority now.
he waited for you to finish all the interviews, he waited for you to get ready before he could come to your changing room.
you heard a soft knock outside, knowing that only drew knocked so carefully when it came to you “come in” you smiled.
his eyes a little sad but his smile still on his face when he saw you all this happy and energetic. you hugged him, letting him know that you were there for him, always.
“how are you drew? anything that hurts?” his heart missed a few beats when he heard you getting worried for him.
“i’m good…raw is happening soon and bad blood is next month, i’m gonna get my revenge” he softly kissed your head while you hugged him, the height difference making it easier for him to reach your head than your lips “you did so good y/n, i’m so proud of you…you showed everyone what you can do and i’m so happy for you, you deserve all of this” his words were sincere, you could see it in his eyes.
you needed to hear those words. you craved those words. you needed someone to be proud of you, it meant that all you fought for in the past years wasn’t taken for granted.
“thank you drew…i really appreciate it” there was moment of silence between the two of you before you slowly dragged his neck down and met his lips in a gentle kiss. he understood that physical affection was your love sign, more than words and honesty he didn’t mind. he loved the feeling of your lips over his. your smaller hands tugging his hairs and neck. his stronger ones holding you tighter by your hips.
butterflies were all over your body when he deepened the kiss, his beard slowly grazing your face, making you shiver under his touch.
drew couldn’t lie to himself if he said he didn’t want to have you naked under his body. he imagined every night what it would feel like having you under him, naked and begging just for him. he craved for your touch. no one was ever able to make him feel like you do. but at the same time he respected you too much and he wanted to take things slowly, making you feel comfortable and not rushing things.
you both needed to catch breath so you moved a little from his lips. his eyes never leaving your face, always looking for any sign of discomfort but when you showed none, his lips moved back onto yours.
he moved you both on the black leather couch near the door so you could be more comfortable, knowing that the height difference might cause you both neck pain after standing for so long. he took you in his lap, your hands still in his hair, playing with the soft ends while his hands moved from your hips to your back and from your back to your hips again.
everything was new for you. this was probably the longest make out session you’ve ever had. and you worried about what would drew say when you will tell him that he was your first ever real relationship.
“everything okay?” he whispered, catching breath. he sensed you shifting uncomfortably in his lap so he worried a little.
“yeah…it’s just”
“a lot?” he asked.
“no” you laughed “it’s nice, very nice but everything is new for me so…please, please let me know if i do something wrong…”
his hand gently stroked your cheek, as if he wanted to reassure you that everything was okay and you couldn’t do anything wrong “we are moving at your own pace, i promise you, everything is okay” you relaxed a little when he saw those words, making you smile when you started kissing him again.
a loud knock interrupted the two of you “mariposa! rhea and i are leaving, are you ready?” damian asked from outside the door.
“he’s gonna kill me if he sees us like this” drew whispered making it hard for you to keep your laughter down.
“uhm…yeah, i’m ready, just give me a sec” you moved out of drew’s lap as he watched you throwing your essentials into your bag “i’m coming”
“i’ll text you once we are back at the hotel” drew whispered, winking at you and blowing you a kiss.
you smiled before leaving the changing room only to be met with a questioning damian “what took you so long?” he asked when you both met rhea and drove back to the hotel.
“i showered…and watched the rest of the main event…” you hated lying to them but if damian or rhea found out you were having a heavy make out session with drew in your changing room, they would have killed him and then you.
“what’s that smile y/n?” rhea teased you, making you blush.
“oh nothing…i’m just happy for how the show went” you tried your best to not lie to them but you knew you couldn’t. they knew something was up but they both exhausted so they let it go, at least for now.
back at the hotel, you and drew kept texting like teenagers. you shared your room with rhea so you couldn’t have him over and if you left, she would get suspicious. she pretended to sleep but she knew you were up. she heard your nails typing on the keyboard, she heard your little giggles and even if she wasn’t a fan of this relationship, she couldn’t deny that you were a changed person since you started dating drew.
the day after was spent by everyone going back to the states because of monday night raw. you wished you had enough time to visit berlin but drew promised you that once you both had a few days off he would take you, so you held on to that promise.
if 48 hours ago you were in berlin, now you were checking in your hotel for the next few days in denver, colorado. you were tired and you wanted to sleep but damian and rhea called you in the gym so you could train with them.
“what’s with that face mi amor?” damian’s accent made everything even better but you were tired so you couldn’t care less.
“tired…” you yawned.
“if you slept instead of texting with drew all night long you wouldn’t be so tired…” rhea said out loud. she didn’t mean to. it was a thought that she had and she didn’t know why it escaped but now it was out.
it wasn’t what she said that made you upset, it was the annoying tone that she used that caused you to blow up.
“excuse me?” you didn’t want to fight, not with her, but if she had any problems you wanted her to tell you.
damian looked between the two of you, a little speechless as he didn’t know what was going on.
“i…i’m sorry…i didn’t mean it like that” rhea apologised immediately, knowing that she might have overstepped.
“if you have a problem with me dating drew, i wanna know it…instead of you talking behind my back” you didn’t mean to talk back like that, but again, you were tired and even if it wasn’t an excuse, rhea had no business in talking about your relationship like that.
“i don’t have a problem with you dating drew…” rhea breathed
“but don’t you thing you guys are going too fast?” rhea didn’t know what to say without you getting mad “i mean…i don’t want you to get hurt, i don’t want you to regret something because you moved too fast…”
“you don’t know anything about my relationship with drew!” you went in defensive mode.
damian stepped up, trying to calm the situation down “well, talk to us hermosa”
“no if you’re not respecting my choices! if you keep judging me based of who i’m dating, what i’m doing with my life and the list can go on…next time, keep your unwanted opinions to yourself” you said to rhea before leaving the gym.
you were feeling guilty, especially for screaming at her when all she did these past months was to be there for you. you felt like shit because they just wanted to help you but you let them out, like the first time you joined the team.
you wanted to tell them everything, you wanted their advices and support. but the way rhea couldn’t approve your relationship with drew made you somehow mad. it wasn’t her business and she had no saying in your choices.
“she’ll get over it” damian whispered to rhea as she watched you leave the gym.
the duo continued their training while you started packing for the arena.
an hour later damian asked you if you wanted a ride over there but you told him that drew was already taking care of it.
“what’s on your mind love?” drew’s thick accent made you smile a little. he knew something was wrong when you didn’t speak a word to him.
“i had a fight with rhea…” you whispered.
he was shocked at first, being aware of how close you two are “what happened sweetheart?”
“she said something she shouldn’t have said…and i may have overreacted” he smiled hearing taking your guilts. rhea cared about you too much for staying mad at you and he knew you two were going to make up by the end of the night.
“she said something about me, didn’t she?” he asked, already knowing the answer.
you nodded.
he was happy that someone cared about you. he was aware that rhea and damian were your family. he saw it everytime your fought together. he saw it when you first joined the group.
and he smiled even more at the thought of you fighting with rhea for him. he was a grown ass man and he definitely could take care about rhea and damian. he knew he was going to face them later on, wanting to assure them of his intentions with you.
he knew they needed to hear that from him and not from you. because in their eyes, you will always be like a little sister to them, no matter your age. they would always feel the need to protect you and right now they were seeing him as a threat.
“don’t fight with rhea over me…i promise you, i can take care of them” he laughed.
“it’s not that…i just feel like they don’t want me to move on my with life…” you knew that it wasn’t completely true, but you were stubborn and that was what you were feeling at the moment.
“you’ll make up, i know it…” he reassured you a little before kissing your hand and helping you down the car and into the arena.
you both went into your respective dressing rooms. you got there earlier cause you wanted to avoid rhea and damian. rhea was going to open up the show and you didn’t want to be a bother for her.
so you got dressed. you did your make up, you did your hair and you ate something before the show started.
backstage, you watched how confident she was on that ring. she delivered her promo amazingly, calm and collected as she was before dominik interrupted her. it was fun watching how the crowd never let him spoke. but when you saw liv coming out of nowhere, you knew that something was going to happen, since she was alone and they were two.
her leg got stuck between the ropes, leaving free access for liv to hit her and kick her. you knew damian was going out to help her but you were closer to the inside of the arena than damian was so you sprinted out, running backstage into the arena and letting everyone know that you were there and no one had to mess with your family. damian followed you behind. as he helped rhea, you were able to grab liv from her hair and yank her on the floor a couple of times before dominik separated her from you.
your attention immediately went to rhea and damian, who were watching you inside of the ring.
“are you okay?” you asked her, a little worried.
rhea smiled when she saw you and she couldn’t help but to embrace you in her arms, whispering how sorry she was for everything that happened earlier.
“it’s okay, i promise…let me help you backstage” you said smiling at her.
you and damian both helped her backstage. medical staff immediately came towards you and asked rhea to sit down so they could check on her. she was hurting but you knew she went through worse.
“thanks for coming out there” rhea said, honesty filling her voice.
“i’m sorry for getting mad at you” you realised how childish your behaviour was.
“i apologise for talking about things that don’t concern me, you were right… you will talk to us when you’re ready to do it and we will be here for you” damian hugged you both when he heard rhea apologising.
“i hate fighting with you rhea…” you smiled into her embrace.
“same thing here…”
“well, i’m glad everything is over now” damian said making you both laugh.
as the show progressed, you watched punk segment only to be interrupted by drew. you remembered what he told you about getting his revenge on punk. so you weren’t surprised to see him attacking punk with such violence. not even when the medical staff took him to the ambulance he stopped. he kept attacking him until you saw blood coming out of his mouth. you couldn’t understand how such a strong and crazy man could be so caring and sweet with you. but you liked him, a lot.
the event ended up with damian teaming up with jey uso. of course you and rhea were both ringside to make sure the rest of the judgment day wouldn’t screw up this match up. finn was so pissed when he lost. he couldn’t handle losing to damian once again. he was furious, going backstage, he started breaking everything he found on his way.
you laughed, celebrating the victory on the ring with jey, rhea and damian. it was a weird team but jey brought a wave of happiness that you knew was missing.
when the show ended, drew had one more thing to do before going back to the hotel and that was talking with rhea and damian. so, while you were going into your dressing room, drew caught the duo before they parted ways.
“what’s going on?” rhea asked him when he saw him approaching them.
“can we talk? there’s something that i would like to let you know…” he demanded, waiting for damian and rhea to answer.
they both agreed and they led him into their changing room “spit it out” rhea said, watching the scotsman straight in his eyes.
“i know you’re worried for y/n…i understand that but i want to assure the both of you that my intentions are pure. i like her, a lot. i know everything that she has been through, i know what happened to her in the past and i’ll be forever grateful that she has you caring for her. she loves you like a family and i know that the feeling is mutual…but again, i like her, we are moving at her own pace. i will never force myself on her, i will never make her do anything that she’s uncomfortable to do, and that’s a promise” he spoke. he didn’t really want to have a chit chat about his relationship with damian and rhea but he was doing it for you. he was doing it so you and rhea would no longer fight. he was doing because taking you away from the only family you had wasn’t his plan “i don’t like you and that’s pretty evident, i don’t have to like you…but i want to keep things civil between us because of her”
rhea was even surprised that drew took time to come to them. she felt like she had to approve her daughter’s boyfriend for the first time and she felt a little uncomfortable. she appreciated the effort that drew put on.
damian was the one to speak as he saw rhea getting lost in her mind “what you said it’s true. we care about her as a family, she is our family…and of course when you two started dating, we got a little worried, especially knowing the age difference between the two of you but she’s a grown woman…it’s hard to accept that because i’ve been knowing her for a long time, she’s been part of the judgement day since it started but she’s an adult, she can make her own decisions and she chose you…it means that somehow she likes you too, she even fought rhea today to defend you” damian chuckled “we can keep our cool for her” he suggested and drew nodded his head.
rhea nodded her head too “thanks for speaking with us, i can see the way she talks about you, she cares about you drew, just promise me, don’t make her suffer, she’s been through hell and the last thing she needs now is a heartbreak”
“you have my consent to kick my ass in case something happens between us” drew added making rhea chuckle.
in the meantime, once you changed clothes and took a quick shower, you decided to look for the usual buffet backstage. you were starving and after carrying the show you felt like you deserved to treat yourself.
so once you got there, your eyes immediately fell upon the chocolate cookies and the caramel bars. you ate in silence, sat down on the comfy chair present in the room while scrolling some videos on tiktok until you heard some very recognisable voices coming towards you.
“i can’t handle it anymore!” finn screamed. liv and dominik trying to keep him calm but failing miserably.
you were stuck in your chair. if you left they would have seen you but if you stayed there, they would have seen you anyway. you felt like you were trapped.
“you shouldn’t be here” dominik said when he saw you in the room “alone” he smirked.
“congratulations for tonight” liv annoying voice said “i hope mami’s leg isn’t too injured” she laughed.
you stood up. probably not the best idea facing them alone but if finn had some common sense after what happened the last time, he wouldn’t start any fight “she still kicked your ass with one injured foot so…” that pissed liv even more.
“at least i don’t go crying to them everytime i have a problem…oh right, you had a hard and difficult life and we all should pity you” liv laughed. finn closed his eyes, not wanting to create more drama.
“we should go liv…” finn suggested but liv wasn’t having any of that.
“ain’t it true?” dom laughed, taking a few steps forward, making you walk backwards “we had to hear your cries every single night because you had nightmares” you tried to move away but dom grabbed your arm “ you’re just a stupid crybaby” he said before dropping your arm and leaving with liv.
leaving you and finn alone.
“if you sided with us this wouldn’t have happened” he whispered.
“no, never. i would have never betrayed rhea and damian the way you did” you screamed at his face “you’re just a coward, you’ve always been…i trusted you with my life, you knew things about me that no one knew and the first thing you did was to betray me and tell liv everything…”
finn laughed “oh shut up!” he screamed, walking toward you. you walked until your back hit the wall, finn blocking any way out you might have had “shut up y/n!” he screamed right at your face.
he never screamed at you. he knew you hated screams.
“i cared about you! but you chose them!” his poisonous eyes turned black, watching the way you tried to squirm away from his body “i wanted you in this team but you chose the weakest part” his laugh full of poison.
his hand met your neck.
finn never being violent towards you. he knew what that might have caused you.
“but now…all i see is a pathetic little girl who can’t let go of her past!” his hand squeezing your neck as he whispered mean words into your ear “you’re weak…and you chose the weak team”
“finn…please” you begged him. in that moment you weren’t the strong and fierce wrestler anyone knew. finn’s action made you small, and afraid just like you were when your father used to hit you and just like when mother used to spit mean words on you “stop it please…”
but finn wouldn’t leave you.
his other hand went to grab your arm, just like dom did before “if you had chosen us, you wouldn’t be afraid!” he screamed. his voice echoing in the corridor, made dom and liv looked back.
“stay here” dom whispered to liv as he went back to finn. he was met with finn overpowering you and even if he knew you deserved it, he didn’t want more troubles with rhea as he already had a black eye “finn, let’s go” but finn wasn’t listening.
your eyes were closed and all you could imagine was your father hitting you again and again. finn used to be so caring towards you but tonight’s event made him go crazy. he lost again and he couldn’t take it anymore.
“finn please…stop it, please” you felt small. you felt paralysed, you didn’t know what to do.
“finn, you’re hurting her, let her go” dom got a little worried. yes, he was mad at you and he hated you for siding with rhea and damian instead of him but he saw how terrified you were and he knew that finn would have gone far if he didn’t stop him.
“please finn…finn stop it!” you screamed back. it was more of a desperate cry as your arm was losing sensibility and your neck felt like it was going to explode “stop it please…let me go!” you didn’t mean to scream so loud but you did and you were lucky you did.
a couple of rooms behind there were damian, rhea and drew still talking about you when they all stopped when they heard your cries.
they followed your voice. rhea a little behind due to her injury. drew ready to wreck havoc if you were hurt.
the two men were met with a sight they’ll never forget. finn’s hands over your body as he was screaming that he wanted to get revenge on damian and rhea and he wanted to use you to hurt them.
damian shoved finn on the ground as your body fell on the floor. your mind went blank, too many bad memories were brought back in that moment.
“drew take her away” damian whispered to the scotsman and he nodded. he wanted to kick finn’s ass but you were his priority.
when rhea entered the room, she saw finn and damian fighting and you crying in the corner “what the fuck happened here?”
“finn got violent on y/n” damian spat back.
drew moved cautiously but when he saw you flinching away he stopped his movements “hey love…it’s me, it’s drew…” his voice soft as he didn’t want to scare you away “can i take you somewhere else quieter?” he asked and you nodded, not trusting your voice.
he scooped you in his arms and took you outside of the room, letting rhea and damian dealing with finn.
your head fell on his shoulder as he walked towards his car, wanting to get you out of the arena as soon as possible. once he comfortably placed you in the passenger seat, he took a deep look at your body. the way your eyes were still closed, tears falling from your eyes. how you brought your knees to your chest and hid your face into them.
you were spacing out, like your mind wasn’t there and he knew he had to get you far away from the chaos as soon as possible.
he took you back at the hotel, walking with you in his arms towards his room. he gently placed you on the bed “love…can you please look at me?” he was worried, not knowing what might have cause this.
“don’t hurt me…please” drew’s heart dropped when he heard you saying those words. rhea told him that your trauma was heavy and that you were still healing. he never took her words lightly and he promised to hurt anyone who might have threatened you.
he couldn’t understand how someone could use something as strong and delicate as your childhood trauma against you. he wanted to end finn’s life but he knew damian and rhea were taking care of him.
“i promise you…i’m not going to hurt you darling…open your eyes please, let me look at you” he said softly.
you slowly opened your eyes and when you realised that there was no threat near you, you jumped into drew’s arms. he shielded you, as if he wanted to protect you even if you were the only people in the room.
“you’re okay…i promise you” he whispered but before he could say anything else, you stopped him.
“i can’t breathe…” tears were rolling down your cheeks. drew took a look at you and realised that you were having a panic attack. he wasn’t new to those. he had them before. but with you, it was different.
“hey hey…shh, it’s okay, focus on me, focus on my voice” he tried to help you “look at me y/n” his voice growing a little stronger when he realised that you weren’t focusing on anything “look at me” you did as he told you “follow me, catch my breath…look at me” and you tried your best to calm yourself down. you matched his breathing, in and out as he told you.
your hands were still visibly shaking and when he noticed it, he took no time to put your hands into his bigger ones. his thumbs caressing your hands in a calm motion.
you followed his breathing a couple of times before you were able to breath again “that’s good y/n…” he whispered softly in your ear “so good…you doing a good job”
“sorry for that…”
he shook his head “no, absolutely no, don’t apologise for that…it’s not your fault, do you hear me? i’m glad you are okay…”
you stayed there for what it felt like hours, even if it was just ten minutes, laying in his arms as he stroked your back, helping you relax.
he was waiting for damian or rhea to text him but when he saw you sleeping against his chest, he felt complete somehow, like you were the missing piece he needed in his life.
finn’s gonna pay for what he did. we’re coming back to the hotel, thank you for taking care of her. we own you. - damian
drew’s phone buzzed when he received a notification from damian. he knew he was going to ask more questions tomorrow but right now, he was there for you. watching you sleep, seeing how peaceful you were, he couldn’t believe someone as beautiful and loving as you were, was carrying a baggage of pain and traumas like that.
“nothing’s gonna hurt you…” he whispered before leaving a soft kiss on your head as he watched you sleeping peacefully.
part 7 coming too! i might add some spicy things in the next chapter…let me know if you have any ideas!
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fatecantstopme · 4 months
I Can't Walk Away
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Pairing: Nick Amaro x plus size!reader
Summary: When you and your boyfriend break up, you're faced with the seemingly impossible task of putting yourself back together. Luckily for you, your very handsome coworker is more than happy to help along the way.
Warnings: Body image issues, low self-esteem, mentions of toxic/abusive relationships, cursing, use of pet names. SMUT, light dom/sub vibes, oral (F receiving), unprotected sex (P in V).
A/N: This was entirely self-indulgent and I have no regrets.
Spanish Translations:
Querida: sweetheart/darling
Hermosa: beautiful
Mierda: shit
Por favor: please
Si: yes
All other translations will be after the sentence in brackets/italics.
You dropped onto Olivia's couch with a huff, tears still threatening to break through your stubborn facade.
"Are we gonna talk about it or do I need to have someone beat him up?" Liv asked you, a small smirk gracing her face.
"As much as I'd love to see his ass get handed to him, I think we should avoid committing any crimes," you said lightly.
Olivia sighed softly and reached over to put her arm around you. You leaned into her shoulder and began to let your guard drop. Olivia had been your best friend for over a decade now, your time working together in SVU having brought you closer than you could have imagined.
"He was an asshole, (Y/N/N)," she said softly. "You deserve better."
"You say that, but I guess I just don't believe it," you muttered.
It nearly broke her heart to hear you speak so negatively of yourself, but she knew no matter how many uplifting words she spoke, you would still refuse to believe her.
"Maybe there's something wrong with me," you whispered, tears finally beginning to fall. "Maybe I'm broken--unloveable."
"Hey," she chided. "You are so many things, (Y/N), but broken and unloveable are not among them."
She tightened her grip on you, pulling you into a proper side hug. She let you cry into her shoulder, her own heart breaking along with yours.
You knew, objectively, she was right--your now-ex was indeed an asshole. He'd never treated you well and had often put you down and made you feel terrible about yourself. Your self-esteem had been lower than usual when you met him and in the 6 months you'd been together, he'd managed to destroy whatever vestige of self-love you had left.
There wasn't a single thing about you he didn't belittle. Whether it was your physical appearance, your career, your hobbies, your dreams...he made you feel like everything you ever did was a mistake. In his estimation, you were too fat, unintelligent, boring...and your choice in career was just about the worst thing you could do.
You'd made it your mission in life to help the victims of particularly heinous crimes, which is why you'd been working at SVU for almost 12 years. You were the squad's forensic psychologist, and you loved your work. In many respects, it was the one thing that really brought joy to your life. It was your greatest passion--and the amount of time you spent at work certainly showed it.
Yet during those 6 months with him...your love for the job had begun to wane. Every time you'd stay late or have to cancel a date, he'd berate you for it--mocking your job and your inability to 'be a real person'. Now that you'd finally taken the leap and broken up with him, you were hopeful you could fall back in love with your work.
In this moment, however, all you could think about were the horrible things he'd said to you when you told him you wanted to break up. He'd been especially cruel, calling out every physical insecurity you had and making you feel like an absolute pile of human garbage. He'd called you fat, ugly, unloveable, gross...and a million other things you couldn't bear to repeat.
You weren't thin--you knew that, but you weren't gross. That was just offensive. Unfortunately, he wasn't the first ex to make comments about your weight--something you'd been struggling with for most of your adult life. The words had hit you harder than you'd expected, making you actually think he might be right...maybe you were the problem.
Olivia's voice broke you out of your thoughts, "Do you want to stay here tonight?"
You just nodded, not trusting your voice to answer her properly.
She squeezed you a little tighter, her reassuring presence grounding you in ways you desperately needed. You were always thankful for her friendship, but it was moments like this where you were reminded how much she really meant to you.
You'd spent most of the weekend at Olivia's and by the time Monday rolled around, you were feeling a little bit better. She always knew what to do and say to make everything okay. It was a gift you'd always envied and appreciated.
It was very typical of you to be the first person in the office, having been an early riser most of your life. So you were more than a little surprised when you walked into the precinct Monday morning and spotted Nick Amaro sitting at his desk.
"You're in early," you commented lightly in lieu of greeting.
He turned his gaze to look over at you and shot you a disarming smile. "I couldn't sleep, so I figured I might as well get a head start on some paperwork I've been putting off."
"Wise man. Wouldn't want to upset the boss."
He grinned. "She's strict." His voice was teasing and warm and it made you feel something in your gut you always tried to ignore.
In truth, you were extremely attracted to Nick--it was undeniable. You had not, nor would you ever, tell him or act on it. Nick was so far out of your league it wasn't even funny. Besides, he was newly single, still fresh from his divorce.
"She can be calmed with good coffee and blueberry muffins," you said conspiratorially.
Nick chuckled. "I'm gonna have to write that down."
You offered him a smile before continuing past him to your office. You were surprised when his voice stopped you after a few steps.
"How was your weekend?"
You turned back to face him. "Friday was absolute shit," you said honestly. "But I spent Saturday and part of yesterday with Liv, so it's better now."
A look of concern crossed his face. "Everything okay?"
You feigned a smile. "Everything's fine. Thanks for asking."
His eyes narrowed as he gazed at you skeptically. "Is it that guy again?"
Your cheeks darkened, embarrassed Nick even knew about your ex. "We broke up."
Nick almost looked relieved. "I would say sorry, but it wouldn't be honest. I never liked the guy--he didn't treat you right."
You were surprised he paid enough attention to the things you said to know just how badly your ex had treated you. "Oh?"
Nick stood up and took a couple steps closer to you. He was still a professional distance away, but he could speak quieter so only you could hear him.
"You deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. You're an amazing woman, (Y/N), and a good man would never treat you the way he did. He clearly didn't recognize your worth."
His words slammed into you with surprising force. "I-um-thank you," you muttered softly.
"You can thank me by dating a man who will love you the way you deserve," he said lowly. "Como una reina." [Like a queen.]
His last three words were so quiet you weren't even sure you'd heard him properly--or if you were supposed to hear them at all. You weren't fluent in Spanish by any means, but you understood the basics...enough to know he'd said something about a queen. That is, if you heard him correctly.
You were about to ask him to elaborate when Olivia came into the squad room. She sent a warm smile your way and issued greetings to both you and Nick. Her arrival broke whatever spell Nick had been under, and he went back to his desk quietly.
You went into your office, leaving the door open behind you so you could hear the goings on and the arrival of the rest of the squad. There were plenty of things for you to do, but you couldn't get Nick's words out of your head.
Olivia looked up from her computer when Nick knocked on the doorframe entering her office.
"Mind if I come in?" he asked.
"Sure," she said with a smile.
He came in and quietly shut the door behind him.
"Uh-oh...closed door conversation? Everything okay?"
"With me, yes," he answered. "But I wanted to ask you something and I don't want anyone overhearing."
"It's about (Y/N)."
Olivia raised her eyebrows. "What about her?"
"She mentioned she'd spent the weekend with you and she and that asshole broke up."
Olivia chuckled softly, glad to hear she wasn't the only one who hated your ex.
"I know it's not really my business, but I can tell something is really upsetting her. Hell, I've noticed a change in her since the moment they started dating--and not in a good way."
"He isn't a good person," Olivia conceded.
"Tell me about it," Nick muttered. "Anyway, I just--well, I just want to know if she's okay? I mean, really okay."
"Why don't you ask her?"
"I did, but I know she wasn't being honest with me."
Olivia sighed. She had a feeling he was asking about you for a reason, but she wasn't sure it was her place to tell him the truth. She was torn between being honest with her partner and keeping her best friend's pain to herself.
"I don't know if it's my place to tell you, but he did say some particularly cruel things about her when she broke up with him."
Nick's eyes narrowed and Olivia could see the anger flare in them. "What did he say to her?" Even his voice was laced with fury--the mere idea someone would hurt you sent him off the edge.
"I can't tell you," Olivia answered. "But if you really want to know, then I think you should talk to her. She trusts you, so she may open up to you."
Nick nodded, anger still boiling beneath the surface. "You're right--I didn't mean to intrude or anything."
Olivia shook her head. "It's alright. I know you care about her...I guess I'm just a little surprised by your anger."
He winced slightly, feeling embarrassed for his display of emotion. "I don't like the idea of some guy making her feel like shit."
"Neither do I," she said honestly. "I am curious though...what made you ask about her?"
"Wha-what do you mean?"
Olivia smiled slowly. "I mean, why do you want to know badly enough to ask me?"
Nick had a feeling Olivia could see right through him--they'd been partners for a few years after all. He wasn't sure how to answer--or if he wanted to be entirely truthful. In the end, he opted for vague honesty. "I care about her."
Olivia watched his expression in silence for a long moment before responding. "So do I."
Nick could see the meaning behind her words as clearly as if she'd spoken them aloud--don't hurt my friend. He didn't say it, but he hoped Olivia knew he would never hurt you...it would break his heart.
"Hey (Y/N/N). You busy?"
You looked up to see Nick standing in your office doorway, leaning against the frame. You swallowed thickly as you pushed down the improper thoughts blazing through your mind at the sight.
"Uh--no. What's up?"
He stepped into the room, edging closer to your desk. "I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner tonight. My treat."
You raised your eyebrows at him, unsure of the cause of his request. "Is there some sort of celebration I'm unaware of?"
He chuckled lightly. "Other than your new-found freedom, no. I just...well, I wanted to spend a little time with you. Ya know, if you want."
You bit your bottom lip as you contemplated his offer. "Well, I don't have any other plans, so why not?"
He grinned. "Excellent. Do you want time to go home first or just leave from here?"
You looked down at your outfit, suddenly feeling very frumpy and unattractive. You knew he wasn't asking you out on a date--just a friend inviting you to dinner to cheer you up. Even still, you really didn't want to go out looking like this. "Do you mind if I go home and change first?"
"Not at all. I can pick you up from your place, if you'd like?"
"Oh, uh-yeah. Sure."
He smiled again. "Perfect. 6:30?"
You nodded. "Sounds good."
You watched him walk out of your office, mind racing as you tried to figure out his motivations and what the hell you were gonna wear.
By the time 6pm rolled around, you'd managed to change your clothes somewhere in the realm of 50 times, and you still weren't entirely satisfied. Even your favorite outfit didn't feel right--you could hear your ex's voice in the back of your mind telling you everything you tried on looked bad.
You dug further into your closet, looking for something simple--cover the things you wanna hide and accentuate the things you wanna show off. Your eyes fell on a beautiful black dress you'd actually never worn. You'd purchased it on a whim because you'd loved it in the store and Olivia had insisted it was too perfect to pass up on.
You pulled the dress off the hanger and put it on, pleased it still fit properly. When you turned to look in the mirror, you almost didn't recognize yourself--you actually felt pretty. The bodice of the dress was tight, but the lower half was flowy. The material was a soft, stretch satin, with a low neckline and flutter sleeves. The dress hit right above your knees and it practically screamed for a pair of heels.
You found your favorite black pumps, slipping them on and smiling at your reflection. You put on some jewelry to spice up the look, sprayed your favorite perfume, and double checked your hair and makeup one last time. You didn't wear much makeup on the daily, so you didn't go too wild with your makeup for the evening. You'd added some eyeliner and lipstick, but otherwise you looked natural. You'd actually been having a good hair day already, so you were pleased to see it was still behaving properly.
You'd just put the last finishing touches on the outfit when you heard the buzzer ring. You quickly went to answer it, and upon hearing Nick's voice, told him you'd be right down.
You took one last look in the mirror, took a deep breath, and headed downstairs feeling both excited and trepidatious. You reminded yourself once again this was just two friends having dinner--purely platonic...but you'd be lying to yourself if you said you didn't want it to be an actual date.
Nick was waiting just outside the front entrance to your apartment building, and he turned around when he heard the door open. Nothing could have prepared you for the look on his face when he saw you.
"Santa mierda," he breathed. "You look incredible." [Holy shit.]
You blushed and looked away. "Thank you," you mumbled softly.
He stepped towards you and gently touched your chin, lifting your face to meet his gaze. "You're very welcome."
He dropped his hand, but his eyes stayed fixed on your face for a long moment. "Do you like Italian?" he asked.
"Of course," you answered, silently pleased your voice sounded normal.
"Excellent." He gestured towards his car and you followed behind him. He opened the passenger door and helped you in before getting in the driver's seat.
The drive wasn't very long, and your nerves kept you quiet for most of the ride. You listened to him chatter on about nothing, simply enjoying the sound of his voice.
When you arrived at the restaurant, he once again opened your door and helped you out, but this time his hand didn't leave yours. He placed your hand through the loop he'd made with his arm and guided you to the entrance.
Once you were seated, your nerves began to ratchet up even higher. Unfortunately for you, Nick was both an extremely good detective and an annoyingly perceptive person. As such, he noticed your discomfort immediately.
"You okay?"
"Yeah," you lied.
"It's just me, (Y/N/N)," he said quietly.
You exhaled slowly--realizing he was right. It was Nick for God's sake. He was your colleague, your friend. There was no reason to be nervous. "You're right."
He smiled, reaching across the table to squeeze your hand. He pulled it back to his side of the table as the server arrived for your drink order.
You were grateful for the glass of wine he delivered moments later, lifting it to your lips almost immediately. You knew the liquid would calm your nerves--maybe then you wouldn't embarrass yourself.
"I'm glad you agreed to have dinner with me," Nick said softly as he sipped his own glass of wine.
"I was a little surprised, in all honesty."
"That I asked or that you agreed?" he teased lightly.
You smiled. "Definitely the former."
"I hate seeing you upset," he admitted. "I thought I might be able to cheer you up a little."
"Thanks, Nick. You're a good friend."
His face fell slightly, but he quickly hid it behind a soft smile. "May I ask you something?"
Whatever he was going to ask was cut off by the arrival of the server to take your food order.
As soon as the server left the table, Nick leaned forward and lowered his voice. "What did he say to you that hurt you so much?"
"Your ex."
Your expression shifted and you looked down at the table. "It doesn't matter."
"It does to me."
"Because whatever he said hurt you--and I'm willing to bet my career that he was wrong."
Your eyes snapped back up to meet his. His expression was deadly serious, yet it somehow put you at ease in a way only Nick could. "He said some unpleasant things about my physical appearance that I could have lived without hearing."
Surprise lit up his handsome face. "Unpleasant things about your appearance? I'll bet my life he was wrong."
Now it was your turn to be surprised. "I wouldn't make that bet, Nick."
"I'm confident. Tell me what he said and I'll judge for myself."
You took a deep breath, exhaling slowly before giving him a quick overview. "Essentially he said I'm unattractive and fat--I recall the word 'gross' being used as well."
Nick's temper flared instantly, the urge to punch that son of a bitch in the face nearly overwhelming. "He said what?"
Even if you didn't know Nick, you would have been able to see the rage simmering in his eyes, hear it in his tone. "It's not a big deal."
"If he was here, I'd launch him through a window. Bastard."
"I'm okay," you reassured him quietly.
Your soft voice grounded him, as it so often did, and he felt his anger dissipating. He was still angry, but the urge to hunt that asshole down had begun to fade.
"He was wrong, you know."
"He was wrong. Not only are you one of the most beautiful women I have ever laid eyes on, but your body is perfectly proportioned--deliciously soft and curvy. You're about as far from gross as a human being can be."
He spoke with such conviction, such assuredness, that you almost believed him--almost.
"While I appreciate the compliment, Nick, you've never seen me naked...your opinion would change, trust me."
Nick's eyes flared with a new kind of intensity. "I highly doubt that."
"His did," you said quietly.
"He clearly didn't know what he had."
Your eyes met his, shoulders tense, discomfort obvious in every movement you made.
"Listen to me, (Y/N). I'll say it as many times as it takes for you to believe me--I think you're gorgeous. Stunning. Elegante. Sin fin perfecta." [Elegant. Endlessly perfect.] He reached for your hand and you let him take it in his. "You are a prize, (Y/N). Any man worth a damn would be honored to call you his."
You didn't know what to say. His words surprised you and warmed your soul at the same time. You could also feel the familiar tightening in your gut, accompanied by an entire swarm of butterflies dancing in your stomach.
"Forget every terrible thing he ever said to you, hermosa. Let me fill your mind with praise. Let me remind you of your beauty, inside and out, of your brilliance, of your kindness, your empathy...of all the little things that make you the incredible woman you are."
"Nick..." you whispered, his name the only coherent thing you were able to utter.
The moment was shattered by the arrival of your food. You'd been hungry when you sat down at the table, but your body was now flooded with a very different kind of hunger--a hunger you now believed Nick shared.
"Thank you, Nick," you said softly. "I know it's not nearly enough, but thank you."
"You don't have to thank me. I meant every word."
You gave him a small smile. "Still..."
He returned the expression.
The two of you ate in silence for several minutes, minds clearly elsewhere. After a while, Nick noticed you'd done more moving the food around the plate than actually eating and he called you out on it.
"Eat your food, querida. You'll need your strength."
Your head snapped up, eyes meeting his gaze. "For what?"
He leaned forward. "If you'll let me, I'm going to spend several hours showing you exactly how sexy I think you are."
You gulped. "And how do you plan on doing that?"
He grinned wolfishly. "By worshipping that amazing body of yours...over and over again, until you're screaming my name."
You suddenly found it very difficult to breathe, let alone eat. Nick, on the other hand, went right back to eating his food as if he hadn't just threatened you with an incredibly good time.
You had to force yourself to focus on your food, desperately trying to ignore the throbbing between your legs.
As soon as the meal was over, Nick asked for the check and paid, revealing just how desperate he was to get back to your place.
Once again, he helped you into the car, only this time his hand lingered on the small of your back.
Anticipation flooded through you as Nick drove through the streets of the city. You'd wanted him for so long--never once thinking he'd reciprocate the desire. Despite his words earlier in the evening, you still felt a shred of self-doubt...worrying he might not find you as attractive once you were naked.
"Where's that pretty head at, querida?" he asked softly, noticing your anxiety.
"Can you promise me something?"
"Of course."
"If you don't want to go through with this...you know, when you see me without my clothes on...please just tell me. I don't want you to feel like you have to do something you don't wanna do."
He reached over and grabbed your hand, squeezing it tightly. "I don't have to promise that because I know what I want, (Y/N)...and that's you. You could be a alien underneath those clothes and I'd still want you."
You laughed lightly. "I promise I'm not an alien."
He grinned. "Then we're gonna be just fine, baby."
You closed your eyes, silently willing yourself to believe him. You trusted him with your life--something you'd never experienced with any of your past relationships. Every fiber of your being told you Nick would never hurt you on purpose--never. You just needed to trust him--let go of your pain and give in to your desires.
When you finally made it back to your apartment, Nick gave you a gentle reminder. "We don't have to do this if you don't want to, (Y/N)."
"I want to," you whispered.
He inhaled slowly and took a step towards you. "Say 'no' or 'stop' and I'll stop immediately, okay? No hard feelings--I won't push you."
"I don't want to say no, Nick."
He took another step towards you, effectively backing you against the wall. "If you wanna stop--"
"Nick, please just kiss me," you begged softly.
He groaned softly before leaning in to press his lips to yours. His kiss was like fire and ice--more addictive than any drug known to man. He kissed you like you were the air he needed to breathe--like he would rather suffocate to death than stop.
He pressed his warm body against yours, wedging his knee between your thighs to keep you from squeezing them together. His tongue tangled with yours, quickly asserting dominance as he deepened the kiss.
Your hands went to the buttons on his white button down, quickly undoing them in a desperate need to feel his skin. He helped you remove the shirt, followed by his undershirt, leaving his toned chest bare for you to see.
You bit your lip and stifled a soft groan as you appreciated his form.
"You can touch me, querida," he said softly. "I wanna feel your soft hands on my skin."
You did as he asked, hands gliding over his smooth, tan skin. He sighed softly and leaned into your touch, lips grazing your jaw affectionately.
Your hands traveled to his hips and you began to loosen his belt. He allowed you to unbutton his pants and he helped you remove them.
"I think you're a bit overdressed for the occasion, hermosa," he teased huskily.
You tensed slightly, a feeling of dread washing over you.
Of course, Nick felt it and instantly began to sooth your worries. "You can keep on as much as you want, querida, but I want to see you. I've wanted to touch you like this since the day I met you. But if you're more comfortable keeping your clothes on, that's alright."
You looked up at him, his dark eyes warm and honest. You took a deep breath and pushed him back slightly, giving yourself the room to pull your dress off over your head.
You dropped your dress to the ground, but your eyes didn't meet his gaze--you couldn't even bring yourself to look at his face, too afraid of what you might see there.
"Querida, por favor," Nick whispered. "Look at me."
You looked up at him slowly, a soft gasp leaving your lips as you took in his hungry expression.
"I wanna kiss every square inch of your beautiful body, hermosa. Will you let me?"
You nodded tentatively.
"I need to hear you say it, baby," he pleaded.
"I want you Nick, please."
He groaned and pressed his body against yours again. "Say that again, querida."
"I want you," you whispered.
"Fuck--" He slammed his lips against yours, sliding his tongue into your mouth almost immediately. You melted in his arms, reveling in the feeling of his body against yours.
He finally pulled away to catch his breath, but his hands didn't leave your body. Now that he'd touched you so intimately, he never wanted to stop.
"Come with me," he whispered, before guiding you to your bedroom. "Lay down on the bed for me, querida."
You did as he asked, noticing how his eyes never left your body.
He made sure you were looking at him before he began to lower his boxer briefs, slowly revealing his large cock. He was already painfully hard, a bead of precum lingering at the tip.
You licked your lips in anticipation, an action he noticed with pride.
"Like what you see, hermosa?"
"Very much so."
He smiled and climbed onto the bed, covering your soft body with his hard one. "May I take off your bra?"
You nodded.
"Baby..." he said in a clear warning tone.
You understood his meaning instantly, a flood of arousal going straight to your core at the order. "Yes, papi."
His eyes widened for a moment, surprised and pleased at your use of the title. "Such a good girl, aren't you?"
A soft moan left your lips at the praise and he smiled to himself, pleased he was able to suss out what you liked.
His hand snaked around your back, deftly unclasping your bra with surprising ease. The moment your breasts were bared to his gaze, his mouth descended on you, taking a pert nipple into his mouth.
You moaned softly, fingers intertwining into his dark locks. His lips and hands massaged your breasts, giving them equal attention. True to his word, he moved tantalizingly slowly down your body, kissing every inch of skin he could, while avoiding where you needed him most.
By the time he made his way back up to your face, you were begging him to touch your pussy--pleading for some relief.
"Nick, please--I need you."
"What did you call me?" he asked harshly.
Your eyes widened lustfully. "I'm sorry, papi!"
He smiled, ghosting his fingers across your still-clothed pussy. "That's my good girl."
You whimpered at the feather-light touches he placed to your mound, desperate for more. "Please, papi."
"Hmm? Qué deseas?" [What do you want?]
"Please touch me," you begged.
"I am touching you, querida."
"More, papi. Please!"
He smiled. "Normally I'd take my time teasing you--making you beg for what you want...but if I'm being honest, I'm as desperate to touch you as you are to feel it, so I'll be nice to you this time."
He tugged your panties off quickly before spreading your thighs as wide as he could, revealing your dripping wet folds.
"All this for me, baby?" he growled.
"Only you, papi," you responded.
"Yeah? No one else makes you this wet?"
You shook your head vehemently. "No one else."
"Now I have one rule, hermosa. I wanna hear you--every little sound coming out of that pretty mouth. Be as loud as you want. Entiendes?" [Understand?]
"Si, papi," you whimpered.
He smirked as he lowered himself down onto the bed between your legs. His strong hands gripped your hips and he tugged you as close to his face as he could before diving into your pussy with a deep groan of pleasure.
You gasped at the sensation, the sound quickly becoming moans of enjoyment. Nick was quite skilled with his mouth--his tongue alone made you feel things you'd never before experienced.
Your fingers tangled into his hair, tugging at the roots as you desperately sought your release.
Nick held you in place as he continued his assault on your pussy, ensuring he had complete control over your pleasure.
"Feels so good," you gasped. "Gonna cum, papi."
He groaned against your clit, the vibrations sending a shockwave of pleasure through your body. He could feel how close you were by the way your thighs tried to close and your grip on his hair tightened.
Your moans became more desperate--needy, and he slid two fingers into your pussy, gently pressing into your g-spot rapidly.
You cried out, legs shaking slightly, seconds before your orgasm ripped through you like a tidal wave. His name left your lips in a gasped scream as he worked you through your high, only stopping when you began to squirm away.
You were completely breathless when he lifted his head, mouth and chin soaked in your juices. He licked his lips and wiped his mouth on his hand, licking it clean as he maintained eye contact with you. "You taste so good baby...I can't get enough."
You reached for him and he obliged, leaning forward to kiss you softly. You tasted yourself on his lips and tongue, a soft sound of pleasure escaping into his mouth.
"Querida," he whispered against your lips. "I need to be inside you."
"Please," you whimpered.
"Do you have protection?"
"I'm on the pill..."
"I'm clean," he assured you.
"Me too."
He lined his cock up with your entrance and looked back up at your face. "Are you sure, hermosa?"
"Si papi. I want you to fuck me."
He groaned softly before thrusting into you, sheathing himself fully inside of you in one swift movement.
You cried out, the stretch both overwhelming and extremely pleasurable all at once. You clutched his neck and he breathed deeply, trying to calm his racing heart.
"You can move," you whispered.
"Not yet, querida. I need a moment."
"Are you okay?" you asked in concern.
"Your pussy feels so damn incredible, baby...I'm just trying to control myself so I don't hurt you."
You bit your lip and lifted his face up to look at you. "I like a little bit of pain, papi." You clenched your pussy tightly for emphasis.
"Mierda," he ground out. "You sure?"
"Fuck me senseless, Nick. Por favor."
As much as he loved you calling him 'papi', hearing you say his name like that made him feral. He pulled out and thrust back in harshly, starting a fast, hard pace.
"Baby, say my name again," he begged.
"Nick," you moaned lowly.
"Fuck." He was fucking you like it was the last thing he was ever going to do and you'd never experienced anything like it.
You felt the coil tightening in your abdomen, and for the first time in your life, you knew you were going to cum during penetration. Your moans were loud enough to wake the neighbors, your nails dug into his muscular back, and your pussy had his cock in a vice grip.
"You gonna cum for me, (Y/N)?"
You nodded rapidly, unable to voice a response. The only thing coming out of your mouth was a string of incoherent moans and pleas.
"I wanna feel you cum, baby. Cubre mi polla." [Coat my cock.]
"Nick!" you whined.
"What do you need, querida? Tell me."
"More," you whimpered.
He slipped his hand between your bodies and began to gently massage your clit. "This what you need, baby?"
"Nick!" you screamed. "Don't stop!"
"That's it, baby. That's it. I've got you. Cum for me, querida. Ven por mí." [Come for me.]
You cried out in ecstasy as the waves of pleasure overwhelmed your senses. You clung to him desperately, as if he was a life raft while you were adrift in the ocean.
He began to chase his own high as you came down, your awareness coming back to you. His thrusts were fast and rough, his breathing ragged.
"I want you to cum for me, papi. Fill me up," you begged.
"Dios mio! You feel so good, baby. Wanna cum for you."
You clenched your pussy as tightly as you could, desperate for him to enjoy this as much as you did.
"(Y/N)!" he cried out as he came, his hot seed filling you up.
His thrusts slowed and faltered before he finally collapsed on top of you, breathless and satiated.
You held him close, running your fingers through his hair as he caught his breath. You were a little worried he would regret this now that it was over, but your fears were assuaged the moment he lifted his head to look at you.
His beautiful brown eyes were warm and loving as he gazed at you, happiness and contentment clear in his expression. "That was incredible," he murmured softly.
You blushed slightly. "You were incredible."
"As were you, querida."
He pressed his lips to yours as he pulled himself up. He rolled onto his side and pulled you with him, so your head rested against his chest.
"I'm thinking we take a power nap, then we go for round two," Nick said softly.
"Round two?!"
He grinned. "I did promise you I was gonna worship this sexy body of yours for hours."
"I didn't think you were serious, Nick," you said with a chuckle.
"Oh, baby, I'm always serious about worshipping you. I think you'll learn that very quickly."
You smiled and kissed his chest softly. You debated whether you wanted to voice the question that popped into your head, but once again, Nick beat you to it.
"You know this isn't a one time thing, right?" Nick asked gently. "I mean, unless you want it to be."
You looked up at him, expression soft and affectionate. "I was actually just going to ask you that."
He grinned. "So...you saying you might wanna see me again?"
"I see you every day, Nick," you teased.
"I mean like this, hermosa. Naked in your bed, making you scream my name, giving you as much pleasure as your pretty little body will take."
Your breath hitched in your chest, giving away just how badly you wanted that. "That too."
He chuckled and kissed the top of your head. "If I'm lucky, you'll let me take you out more too. Dinner, dancing, walks in the park, musicals...whatever you want. Wherever you go, I want to be there too."
Your eyes widened in surprise and tears filled them. You'd never had someone speak to you the way Nick did, let alone want to be with you in the way he just described.
"Querida," he whispered as he wiped your eyes. "Don't cry."
"Tears of joy," you assured him. "I promise."
His expression warmed, filling with the love and admiration he clearly felt for you. "So you'll be mine then? Exclusively?"
Your lips parted and you smiled. "I would love that."
He smiled back. "Thank god...because whether you knew it or not, I've been yours exclusively for the past year."
He blushed slightly. "I...well I've wanted to be with you since my marriage fell apart, but I didn't want you to think you were some kind of rebound, so I kept myself professional. It's gotten harder and harder to do and then seeing you dating someone who treated you so terribly knowing full-well I would die for you made it nearly impossible."
"I didn't know," you whispered.
"I went to great lengths to make sure of that," Nick said softly. "But now that I have you? Now that I know what it's like to touch you, hold you, kiss you, make love to you? Baby, I can't walk away. You're stuck with me."
You pulled yourself up into a sitting position, straddling his strong body. You leaned down to kiss him softly, pouring all of your emotion into the kiss. "There's no one I'd rather be stuck with, Nick Amaro," you whispered against his lips.
He grinned and wrapped his arms around you, kissing you with as much passion as he could muster. He was determined to spend every minute of the rest of his life making sure you knew how incredible you were, how much he appreciated you, and how madly in love with you he would always be.
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auras-moonstone · 7 months
heyyy i love your ficsss so badly! i was wondering if you could do “you are in love” reader x (ethan or jack, doesn’t matter) where reader and ethan/jack slowly start falling in love, and just make small little moments where it shows how they slowly start developing feelings for each other, and it ends up in them kissing in a car or on a rooftop!! thank you so much!! i love ur fics, they make me believe in love all over again xx!!
that’s actually the cutest thing someone’s ever told me🥺 thank you so much, i hope you like it!
you are in love — ethan landry
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word counter: 2.2k
pairing: ethan landry x fem!reader
summary: y/n moves to new york to be with her friends and meets ethan, with whom she connects instantly and they slowly start to fall for each other.
warnings: none! just fluff.
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Y/N couldn’t believe she had let the group drag her to one of the places she hated the most—parties. The only reason why she accepted was because she had just moved to New York after years of living in another country, and she missed her friends. Especially when she heard the news about their attack and the death of Wes and Liv. She needed to be with them, so she transferred to Blackmore University.
“Can you at least pretend you’re enjoying yourself?” Mindy asked, trying not to laugh at the girl’s scowl.
“No, at least people will get the memo. I swear if one more frat boy offers me to go upstairs I’m starting something.”
“Hey, you wanna go upstairs?” a voice from behind her teased.
Y/N laughed as she turned around. “Hi, Chad. You’re the only frat boy I tolerate… most of the time.”
“I missed your grumpiness so bad.” he hugged her. “By the way, this is Ethan. Eth, this is Y/N, my best friend who just moved and our new roomie.”
Standing beside Chad was the tallest 20-year-old Y/N had ever seen. With perfect brown curls and magnetic brown eyes, he was also the most gorgeous guy Y/N had ever met.
Very aware of the pretty girl’s intense eyes on him, Ethan blushed. In an act of nervousness, he foolishly extended his hand. “Nice to meet you.”
Y/N looked down at his hand and with a smile, she shook it. “Nice to meet you, too. I heard a lot about you. Chad is kinda in love.”
He truly spoke a lot about him, and Y/N thought their bromance was everything.
“Damn right. He is my boy.” Chad squeezed his male best friend’s shoulder. “I think you two are going to get along great. You can bitch about parties together while the rest of the group have fun.”
“Have they been dragging you to a lot of parties?” she asked in a sympathetic tone.
“Sadly, yes.” the boy laughed. “It’s nice to know I won’t be miserable alone anymore.”
Y/N giggled. “Hey, thanks for letting me stay in your dorm, by the way. I know we don’t know each other, so I appreciate it.”
“No problem at all, really. Chad says you make the best coffee in the world, and coffee is practically what keeps me alive in college. So my reasons might not be selfless at all.”
“I share the sentiment, and I’ll gladly make you coffee anytime you want. I promise.”
“That’s a dangerous promise to make. I truly do drink a lot of coffee.”
“Trust me, she could make a run for your money. She hasn’t had coffee for like three hours and she’s already Grouchy Smurf.” Chad spoke, reminding the two teens that they weren’t alone. “I’m telling you, you’re going to get along great.”
“I believe it. Hell, I might just have replace you already.” Y/N exchanged a smile with Ethan.
Chad rolled his eyes and scoffed, acting annoyed. Truth was, ever since he had met Ethan, the only thing he could think was what a perfect match he would be for Y/N. Sam and Tara could see it too, but Mindy thought Y/N was way out of his league.
“Whatever, you two party poopers can hide in the corner. I’m going to party.” the boy said, leaving them alone.
Time flew too fast, which was unusual considering they were at a party, but between getting to know each other and light-hearted jokes, they realized almost three hours had passed and together they decided to call it a night.
“Sorry I wasn’t here this afternoon to welcome you. I lost track of time at the library.” Ethan said once they entered their dorm.
“Don’t worry about it. We didn’t do much anyways, they just helped me unpack and then I took the most awesome nap.”
Ethan smiled. “Yeah, you look way too energetic.”
“And you look like you’re two seconds away from collapsing on the spot.” she laughed. “Go rest.”
“Are you going to bed?”
“I’ll probably make some tea and read for a while, I’m not tired.”
“I can keep you company.” he offered. Y/N smiled, he was trying hard to keep his eyes open yet he was still there making sure she didn’t feel alone.
“No, it’s okay. You look very tired and I don’t mind some alone time, really. Thanks, tho. You’re very sweet. “
“Fine, but if you need anything wake me up. I’m serious.”
“Okay, thanks. Good night, Ethan.”
Ethan yawned and mumbled a quick “Night, Y/N/N. It’s was nice to meet you.”
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It was a Sunday morning and Y/N woke up in a good mood, so she decided to make breakfast for Ethan and her. Starting with the coffee Ethan had become obsessed with ever since the first time she made it for him, and then she tried to make toasts. Keyword: tried.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” she cursed, taking the burnt toasts out of the toaster. “Idiot!”
“Well, good morning to you too.” a sarcastic raspy voice said from the other side of the stool.
Y/N turned around to face the curly-haired boy. “Sorry, Eth. Good morning. I tried to make us toasts but I burnt them.”
Ethan smiled and walked towards her. “Thank you, you didn’t have to. Let me do it, you already did coffee.”
Their shoulders brushed and they stood still, looking at each other in shock. The moment lasted for only a second, but it was a meaningful one. Just one look and a small touch, but they felt enough.
It had been a month since Y/N moved in with the two boys and met the rest of the group. And even though she had built a nice friendship with Anika and Quinn, it was safe to say that Ethan was the one she had connected the most with.
“So, what are your plans for today? Chad already left for the gym and then he’s going to Tara’s.”
“I honestly don’t feel like going out, so maybe I’ll stay in, watch some movies.” Ethan shrugged, giving her a cup of coffee.
“Do you mind some company? I don’t feel like going out either”
Ethan smiled widely. “Of course. What’s your favorite genre?”
“Slashers, horror, suspense… anything gory.”
“Fuck yes. I finally have someone to watch horror movies with.” the boy smiled like a little kid.
“What are you talking about? Mindy’s really into them.” she frowned.
Ethan grimaced and let out a chuckle. “Mindy kinda hates me.”
“What? Why? Are you sure?” she asked, completely taken aback. Mindy sure was a peculiar human, but Ethan was so sweet and funny, there’s no way you could not like him.
“Yup. Surprised you haven’t noticed, she doesn’t hide it.”
“She’s a little distrustful, because of what happened last year.”
“I know. But that’s not it, she actually dislikes me. She says I have the profile of a killer, and I swear to God I feel the disgust on her eyes everytime I’m near. She says something mean about me whenever she can, and she bluntly said you’re too good to be my friend.”
Y/N’s jaw fell open and her heart hurt a little for him. “That’s a load of bullshit. I’m sorry, Ethan. That’s awful.”
“It’s alright. The rest of the group is cool with me, and Chad is already my best friend. I can take Mindy’s comments.”
“Well, you shouldn’t have to bear with them. I swear if she says something about you in front of me I—”
“You’re not going to say anything.” he cut her off. “I don’t want any tension, I’ll just keep on ignoring what she says.”
“Okay, then. I’m not saying anything.”
“If you’re present.” she finished. “If she talks about you when you’re not there, I’ll give her my piece of mind. And there’s nothing you can do to make me change my mind.”
“Stubborn woman.” he rolled his eyes.
Y/N gave him a toothy smile. “Proudly.”
Ethan felt like he had been given an electric shock. There was a parade going on inside his stomach, and his heart was beating as if he had ran the longest marathon.
But it was all Y/N and her protectiveness over him. They had known each other for a little over a month, and there she was, becoming his best friend and making him feel cared for and important.
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There was one week left until finals, and the anxiety was in the air and printed on Y/N’s and Ethan’s faces. They were both sat on the couch—papers, notebooks and colourful markers sprawled around them—and talking to themselves under their breaths.
“That’s it, I’m out. I can’t stand the sight of you two.” Chad said, pocketing his phone as he stood up from his chair almost tripping over one of the empty cups of coffee on the floor.
“I’m so sorry we’re invested in having a future.” Y/N said sarcastically “If one day you need a doctor,” she pointed to herself and then at Ethan “or a lawyer, we’re definitely not going to be there.”
Chad raised his eyebrows, and bit his lip trying not to laugh. “Okay, whatever you say.” he raised his arms. “Good luck with this one, Ethan.”
“Ethan’s fine, he doesn’t get on my nerves. Unlike you.”
“Because you’re one and the same.”
“I smell jealousy there, Chad. Are you mad your boyfriend replaced you?” Y/N smirked.
“He didn’t replace me. I’m still his favourite, right, Eth?”
Ethan diverted his gaze. “I plead the fifth.”
“He doesn’t want to hurt your feelings, but the answer’s clearly yes.” Chad said to Y/N. “Goodbye.”
Once the door closed, the only sounds that could be heard in the living room were the turning of pages and some frustrated sighs. Ethan was the one who broke first, “Okay, let’s just stop. You’re going to get migraines and I can sense you’re about to burst out crying.”
“Thank fuck, I didn’t want to be the weak one and say it first.” Y/N said in relief, closing her textbook. “Want coffee?”
“Sure” Ethan said with a laugh.
“So…” Y/N started. They had sat on the balcony, with a cup of coffee, to admire the streets of New York at midnight.
“Who’s your favorite? Chad or me?” she asked with a playful smile.
Ethan rolled his eyes and tugged her close, so her back was resting against his chest. They both closed their eyes and enjoyed each other’s presence.
Something they loved about their friendship was that there wasn’t any need to fill the silences. There wasn’t any awkwardness because they had learnt to communicate without words, they could read each other’s expressions and body language. Everyone in the group could see they had a unique bond.
Y/N and Ethan never had to say anything for the group to know something stronger was developing between them. Something more than a friendship. They could hear it in their silences, they could feel it on the way home from university—both would walk beside each other and absentmindedly brush their knuckles or lean against the other—, and they could definitely notice the way they looked at each other. Whether the other was looking or not, they were constantly searching for one another. They were falling in love, you could see it even with the lights out.
“You’re my favourite, too.”
Ethan smiled and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. Y/N fell asleep listing to his heartbeats.
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Things changed after than night. The two friends finally realized what the rest of the group had known for months—they were in love. And with the realization came the fears. Fear of rejection, of ruining a perfect friendship, fear of those feelings being one-sided. And so they spent days trying to push down those feelings until it became unbearable.
“There you are.” Y/N said with a smile once he found Ethan lying on the rooftop. Now that finals were over, the group decided to take a well-deserved vacations and rented a house on the beach. “Can I join you?”
“Always.” Ethan smiled patting the place beside him.
“What a view. Can we stay forever?” Y/N said in a content tone. The sun was setting, painting the sky with pretty shades of bright orange and soft pink, contrasting with the clear blue water of the sea.
I already get to see the prettiest view everyday, was Ethan’s immediate thought. But he couldn’t say that, so instead he went with, “I wish.”
Silence followed those words. This time, it wasn’t the comfortable peaceful one they were accustomed to. There was this loudness in Y/N’s strange expression, like she wanted to get something off her chest but she was overthinking it way too much.
“You can tell me anything, you know?” Ethan said softly.
Y/N looked into his eyes and moved her body closer to his. Ethan’s heart started beating in anticipation, something about that move made him hopeful.
“I just…” she paused. “You’re my best friend, Eth.” they were so close she might as well have whispered those words against his lips.
Ethan smiled and closed the distance painfully slow. If she was any other person, he might have had second thoughts, but not with Y/N. He could read her like his favourite book. “I’m in love with you.” he whispered when the kiss ended. Their foreheads were touching and their eyes were still closed.
“I’m in love with you, too.”
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godmadeaterribleerror · 2 months
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Chapter 5 - Popped, Cool, and Ready to Go
Series Masterlist
Author's Note: If you want to picture me writing any part of this series, picture someone maniacally giggling to themselves the words “this is a surprise tool that will help us later” as they type. Chapter Title from Stand Up by The Revivalists.
Word Count: 9k...
Chapter Summary/Warnings: An opportunity to flip Sister Sage emerges. Contains usual tags.
Read on A03!
Chapter 4 - Chapter 6
Want to be tagged? Just ask!
“Everything is… disturbingly clean.”
Ben watched Cocksucker and Butcher in the living room, the former looking around in shock as the latter’s gaze bounced between Ben and Her with a half grin.
“Don’t tell me you two started bloody fucking,” he jeered, and Ben didn’t appreciate the speed at which She scoffed.
“Not everyone only thinks with their downstairs brain, Butcher.” She said with an eye roll. “We’re not children you had to put in a time out until we could play nice, we’re adults who found a common ground.”
“The common ground of fucking?” Butcher’s grin spread widely across his face. At the deepening of her glare, he raised his hands in mock surrender. “I don’t doubt you, Love, it’s Soldier Boy who can’t damn well breathe without his dick in something.”
Ben opened his mouth to defend himself, but She somehow beat him to the draw. “Well, Ben’s down to only trying to fuck me twice a day, and it’s the small victories like that which have kept us from killing each other.”
“Ben?” Cocksucker looked between them in befuddled horror. “Since when do you call him Ben?!”
She returned Cocksucker’s stare with a flat look Ben had seen many times and was glad to not currently be on the receiving end of. “It’s his name. I can’t say ‘Soldier Boy’ all the time, that’s a fucking mouthful.”
“Fuck yeah, it is.” Ben winked at Her, a cocky grin spreading across his face as he was met with only an eye roll.
Butcher chuckled, giving Her an amused smirk. “Not fucking, my puckered arsehole.” He paused, his teeth showing as his delight in his own words grew. “Or should I say, your puckered arsehole?”
Cocksucker choked on air. “I’m going to be sick.”
“If he throws up on the carpet, you can not make me clean it, Sunshine.” Ben snapped, eyeing Cocksucker with a grimace. “His weak, pussy stomach ain’t my problem.”
“Oh, I’m sure there’s been worse messes in this room.” Butcher wiggled his eyebrows, and Cocksucker gagged again.
“There’s not much left after to clean,” Ben said with another smug look, unable to find it in him to care how his words fueled the accusations She so clearly wanted to rebuff. She’d live, and all the bitchiness she wielded like a weapon would hopefully circle around into admitting the clear attraction he knew she felt.
“What, you all dried up after forty years asleep?” Butcher sneered.
Ben scowled, taking a rough step in the man’s direction, the drum in his chest abruptly sounding in the distance of his ears. “You want to say that to my fucking face? I’ll show you how dried up I am—fuck!“ He lurched back as he felt a sharp sting on his arm.
She appeared at the side of Ben’s vision, Her fingers still smoking as she pointed at Butcher. “You. Never, ever make me visualize that again.” She scrunched her face in dramatic disgust. “And you.” She turned the finger to Ben. “He did ‘say it to your face’, stop being such a fucking baby. And both of you need to repeat everything you think in your head before you say it. We get it, your dicks are both huge, either suck each other off or put them away.”
“I second that,” Cocksucker mumbled, residual nausea on his face. “The shutting up thing, not the other part.”
“Thank you, Hughie. Now.” She gave Butcher a titled-head frown. “What’s the mission.”
“Don’t have to be a mission, Love, we could just be checking up on our two favorite-“
“Shut up,” She snapped. “Nobody has come to visit in two and a half weeks. And then, just after the news about Sister Sage, you two are suddenly, and I’m sure completely coincidentally, in our living room. So, what’s the mission?”
“How do you know about Sage?” Cocksucker, matching the surprise on Butcher’s face, asked.
“I have a phone, dummy.”
Ben looked around the room, trying to figure out where She could’ve possibly hidden a phone from him. “No, we fucking don’t.” He narrowed his eyes at Her, suspicion building in his chest as anger clouded his head. “Have you been fucking leaving without me?”
“When would I even have the time to leave without you?” She snapped.
“When you go to the fucking bathroom all the damn time for no fucking reason. If you’ve been lying to me-“
“Jesus Christ, I was on my period the past week. You can come do an inspection of the toilet bowl next time if it’s that important to you.”
“Fucking,” Butcher faked coughed to poorly cover his words. Ben was sure a deaf baby would’ve still have understood them, and She certainly did.
“Can it,” She shot at Butcher before turning back to Ben. “Phones aren’t big blocks on walls anymore, grampa, they look like this.” She pulled out a weird black rectangle and waved it in his face. “And you’ve definitely seen one before, dumbass.”
If Ben thought back, admittedly not even that hard, he had. Cocksucker and Butcher had both used them the first time around, he’d spotted them in the shows and movies he had been making their way through at Her direction, and even seen Her using the one invading his personal space at that very moment. However, he’d known he’d eat a fucking whale dick before he asked Her what they were then, in the exact same way he was now going have to pretend that She was the stupid one trying to pull one over on him.
“I think I remember if I’d seen something that fucking dumb looking, Sunshine.” She just glared at him and turned away, so Ben decided to count that as a him victory.
“If one of you doesn’t tell me what the plan is now-“
“Don’t get your panties in a twist, Love, we’re getting there. Hughie?”
“Gross,” Cocksucker muttered, his scrunched face of disgust turning into shock as Butcher pushed him forward. “What! Why me?”
“You use all those posh fancy words, mate.”
“He hates me!” Cocksucker gestured to Ben, before saying Her name in a pathetically begging tone. “He made you do it last time, right?! Tell Butcher he doesn’t fucking listen to me!”
Ben grinned as She gave Cocksucker one of the most half-assed apologetic looks Ben had ever seen. “I mean, he doesn’t. But I wouldn’t call him Butcher’s biggest fan either.”
“I’m right fucking here,” Ben grumbled. “I can speak for my damn fucking self.”
She gave him a sarcastic, simpering smile. “Ben, do you like Hughie, or Butcher? Is one prettier? Would one of them talking be better than the other?”
“No, they’re both ugly, pussy ass idiots who sound just as fucking boring as their pussy ass counterpart.”
“Who’s acting like who’s not here now?”
“We don’t sound the same at all…”
She ignored Butcher’s snark and Cocksucker’s weak protest. “Lovely. So if someone could answer my fucking question, that would be great. I, personally, couldn’t give a flying fuck who.”
Cocksucker sighed. “What did you read about the Sister Sage situation?”
“Is someone going to tell me who ‘Sister Sage’ is?” Ben grunted, giving Her an expectant look. Right now his best guess was some nun with plant-based powers, and he couldn’t think of a damn way that would be helpful.
“She's a supe whose power is intelligence. She’s the smartest person in the world, and a member of Homelander’s team.” She wrinkled her nose. “Well, she was. She got fired. I saw Vought’s press release about ‘creative differences’, but it’s painfully obvious bullshit. She made one appearance on TV where she spoke five words, most of the time she’d just hovering behind Homelander looking mad.”
“Yeah, we think she made Homelander upset somehow, which isn't hard to do, so he cut her loose.” Cocksucker nodded. “Either way, we want to try and talk to her. Flip her. Or-“
“Uncle Sam here is going to neutralize her.” Butcher spoke over Cocksucker with a smirk at Ben.
“Neutralize?” She looked between them with wide eyes. “Neutralize as in kill, or neutralize as in remove her powers?”
Butcher winked. “We’ll see where the night takes us. You two have fifteen to get ready, chop chop.”
She began to make her way up the stairs, but Ben remained firmly where he stood, glaring his best daggers at Butcher. “You better have brought my fucking shield this time.”
“What, you going to start crying if we didn’t?” Butcher jeered, and before Ben could move to punch him in the face, Cocksucker piped up from the side.
“Annie and MM are getting it now, they’ll meet us there.”
Butcher grunted in annoyance at Cocksucker’s affirming words, but Ben ignored it and turned to examine Cocksucker’s increasingly pallid face. His heartbeat was rising, yes, but it didn’t seem to be because he was lying, more likely the pussyfuck was just afraid. “Good,” Ben grunted, pausing to listen for a relieved stutter in Cocksucker’s chest. At the sound, Ben turned and marched up the stairs.
He wasn’t sure how it had happened, because he certainly hadn’t done it, but Ben’s suit had been cleaned of the dust and dirt from its last use. It was folded semi-neatly in his dresser, on top of underwear and socks. It was a quick change, he remembered being incredibly instant to the designer all those years ago that any needless, bullshit complications would lead to a forcerful reiterment and be fixed by their replacement, and made his way down the hall to Her door. He paused, unsure of if he should knock or simply walk in. He’d never knocked before, and She’d never bitched at him about it, but she’d also made it incredibly clear that, if he saw her naked, she’d “claw out his eyes like Jesus”. He’d asked for elaboration, in a way he thought had been quite fucking polite, and She’d left the room only to return a minute later with a copy of the Bible that was hurled at his head. Ben had not bothered to read it, but he quite liked his eyes, as did most women, so he had no interest in losing them to one impressively violent and crude one. However, knocking was also plain fucking stupid. As such he found himself just standing at the door, all the way until She opened the door and jumped back at the sight of him.
“Fuck, Ben, you scared me.” She’d placed a hand over her chest, fucking over dramatically if you asked Ben, and stared up at him. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” he muttered. “I was just waiting for you.” And he fucking had been. Originally, the plan that had brought him here was to make fun of Her for clearly cleaning his suit and certainly going through his underwear drawer, now it just felt fucking stupid. She’d just caught him standing outside her room, she had too much ammunition to use against him now.
She tilted her head at him, giving Ben a look he didn’t understand or like, but just nodded. “Well, I’m ready. We should go.”
He nodded, stepping aside for her to pass him. She blinked at him a moment before doing such, and only after she was starting down the stairs did it occur to him that he’d let her go first. She hadn’t even asked. But she would’ve, he reasoned. He’d just been saving the headache of Her whining about it. Really, it had been a calculated move from his subconscious, which hated her finding every nerve of Ben’s to get on just as much as the rest of him.
Butcher and Cocksucker were right where they’d left them when Ben reached the bottom of the stairs, and She made her way to Ben’s side as they exited the safe house. Her body was less rigid and alert than last time, her heart almost perfectly calm, and though her eyes didn’t once leave him, she wasn’t vigilantly scanning his every twitch as they walked to the car. Even this car ride was more relaxed than the last, with Butcher not checking on them every damn second in the mirror, Cocksucker looking less like he was about to shit his damn pants, and Her body comfortably in the seat and not curled into the door. Ben appreciated that it was a real, windowed car this time, because that stupid fucking van had been deafening and fucking stuffy and boring to sit in. This satisfaction was squashed almost immediately when they pulled up to a warehouse that looked one fucking well-placed shit from collapsing, and Ben saw that same stupid fucking van parked beside where they stopped.
The back doors were open, and Ben could hear four moderately steady heartbeats from inside it. As they unloaded out of the car and made their way to join the others, Ben watched Her out of the corner of his eye, hearing the telltale warning sign of gnawing on lips and tapping of fingers in rhythmic movements. He’d noticed last week, then had his suspicion confirmed during their fight a few nights ago, that all her rapid, tense tapping was still controlled, always following the same pattern. For the fucking life of him, Ben couldn’t figure out what the pattern was, but he knew it existed, and it always went hand in hand with glassy eyes. Sure enough, when he turned to fully look at Her, clouds were forming behind her gaze, which had itself gone slightly slack. But before Ben could grab Her, ask her what the fucking problem was, if it was something he needed to worry about, She’d walked past him to sit beside beside the small, Asian woman he’d seen several times before. The woman smiled at Her, and she returned it without hesitation. She said a name, Kimiko, in a soft, kind voice Ben had never heard and though Kimiko didn’t say anything—thinking about it Ben hadn’t heard her speak once—the tapping slowed to a halt as they began a weird half-conversation with a lot of confusing fucking gestures.
Ben glanced around the van, looking for his fucking shield. When he didn’t see it, he turned to glare at Butcher, who’d moved to talk to MM.
“Hey!” Ben pushed himself into their conversation, ignoring their whiny glares. “You promised my fucking shield.”
Butcher rolled his eyes. “Technically, Hughie promised it.”
“Where is it.”
“Calm the fuck down, Gov, I’m sure it’s here somewhere. MM, would you give the giant cunt his stupid shield?”
Ben’s head whipped to glare at the man, who wasn’t even fucking acknowledging him. “Give me my fucking shield.”
“Can’t,” MM said, meeting Ben’s glare with an angry, cold one of his own. “Didn’t fucking bring it.”
“I was promised I’d get my shield back. If you pussies can’t get it, I’m certain I could fine someone who will.” Ben threatened, the drums starting to sound once more. “I don’t have to put up with bullshit-“
“Yeah, you do,” Her voice called from behind him.
Ben turned to look at her, and saw Butcher and MM do the same.
“This doesn’t concern you, Sunshine.” Ben snapped.
She just shrugged. “You want a private conversation? Lower your fucking voice. And I feel like any conversation where you start saying you’re going to leave does concern me, because I’m the one that’s going to have to smite your face when you try. And that’s just going to be a fucking bummer.”
“My face too nice to burn?” He taunted, barely noticing the fade of the pounding against his chest.
“No, I just would have to fill out a fuck ton of dogshit CIA paperwork after. So just suck up being away from your blankie for another week, and sit the hell down.”
“I don’t have a fucking blankie,” Ben scowled at Her, but she only smiled back at him and returned her attention to Kimiko.
“You heard her,” Butcher sneered from behind him. “Listen to your mommy and sit the fuck down.”
“Don’t make it weird, Butcher.” She called, not looking back at them for a second.
Ben turned to give Butcher one last, venomous glower. “If I don’t get my fucking shield next time, we’re going to have a fucking problem.”
“We’ll get you your shield, Gov, don’t loose your damn mind.”
Ben grunted, turning to take the seat next to Her, but carefully listened to Butcher and MM’s hushed whispers as he moved.
“Bloody hell, MM, you had one fucking job.”
“I am not helping him, Butcher. Don’t send me to do your damn dirty work.”
Butcher scoffed. “I’ve had you do much dirtier work, mate. This was a fucking cake walk, and you still fucked it up.”
“I’m going to tell you one last time, and it better get through your thick, dumbass head. I am not doing anything, fucking anything, for that racist piece of shit.”
Ben opened his mouth, subtle eavesdropping was a fucking overrated pussy move anyways, to defend himself. Collateral damage fucking happened, it wasn’t his fucking fault Vought was always sending him-
“What’s the big deal with the shield?” He heard Starlight mutter behind him, a question clearly addressed to Cocksucker.
“Dunno, but he was really weird about it last time, almost threw me out a window cause I touched it-“
“I can fucking hear you,” Ben twisted roughly to face them. “What is it with you pussies and pretending I’m fucking deaf?”
Starlight sighed, giving him an annoyed glare, as Cocksucker responded weakly.
“We just, we don’t think you want to talk to us-“
“Shut the fuck up,” Ben grunted.
“Don’t talk to him like that!” Starlight’s eyes started to glow, and Ben rolled his own in response.
“Fucking try it, Bitch, I’ll blow you back to Vought. If you have a question, fucking ask it.”
“Fine,” Starlight held Ben’s anger with her own. “What’s the big deal with your shield? Are you compensating? Do you get performance issues without it?”
“Annie,” Cocksucker’s heart had picked up, and he was grabbing Starlight’s arm tightly. “Don’t make him mad.”
A thousand, perfect insults pushed against Ben’s head. Fucking amazing hits that would have Starlight crying to Cocksucker for weeks. But he could hear Her heartbeat behind him, stuttering for only a second as she listened to the argument. He heard that rhythmic tapping again, and so he pushed the words down, and gave Starlight a taunting sneer.
“Listen to your little cocksucker.” Ben taunted. “I’ll let it fucking go this time, because I’m feeling fucking generous. But next time? I kill both of you pussies.”
Ben turned away, and once his back was fully to them, he pulled out the crumpled list that now always sat in his pocket, trying to figure out if She had added “broad” at any point. While the bottom was filled with Ben’s own scratchy, hastily written additions, the top to middle of the paper was written in her neat, clipped handwriting, and close to the top was the sentence loose broad with the doll face - Buttercup from the Princess Bride??? Ben frowned at it—why couldn’t She have underlined the word—and leaned to the side, nudging Her shoulder with his own. When she didn’t turn from her soft conversation with Kimiko—how She could possibly be so invested in a conversation with a woman Ben was pretty fucking sure was mute was beyond him—Ben shoved it under her face.
Her voice died off, hands pausing mid-air, and she slowly turned to stare at him. “What are you doing.”
He pointed roughly to the sentence. “What does that mean?”
She squinted, grabbing it from him to hold closer to her eyes. “I was probably confused why you’d call Buttercup that. She’s famously not loose for like, the whole story-“
“No,” he tugged it back. “Why did you write that sentence down? What’s so bad about ‘loose broad with the doll face’?”
Her lips quirked up. “That’s what’s so urgent?”
“Is it loose, or broad?” He ignored her amusement.
“I think both together. Loose isn’t great, but I’d be lying if I said I never called my mother loose. Broad is just…” She frowned. “I don’t think I’ve heard the word ‘broad’ out the mouth from anyone who doesn’t have an active memory of at least one world war.”
“So broad is fine?”
“If you want to sound a thousand, sure. I’ve definitely heard you say worse.”
Ignoring the age jab, Ben locked and loaded his next insult for Starlight. He would let the “compensating” comment go, he was forgiving like that, but there was no fucking way she wouldn’t say something else soon. And he’d be fucking ready for it. He shoved the list back into his pants, where it had stayed since he first caught Her using it. At first it had been going to take a one way ticket down the toilet, but then he’d noticed how when he used those words on the paper, She’d frown and not talk to him for a damn hour. It was a fucking annoying, inconvenient, bitch move because during that time she wouldn’t laugh at his jokes or tell him how stupid modern technology in movies worked or bombard him with annoying comments that made him want to grab Her pretty, taunting, insufferable face and teach her some manners. She’d just be quiet and mad, and it was like he was alone, and suddenly he would hear the drum. So he’d kept the list and, whenever he noticed the bitter silence showing its ugly head, he’d write down what coxed it out. Eventually She’d noticed, and started to help him. If it hadn’t proved an effective strategy to keep her off his ass about stupid fucking shit, he’d have lied up, down, and sideways about keeping it. But they hadn’t had any of those moments he’d grown to detest since she had, so he’d kept in his bitterness about the stupidity of the whole thing in check and counted this a win.
“Look alive, fuckers.” Ben looked up as MM stood, one of those alleged “phones” in hand. “Sage will be here in five minutes. She’s agreed to meet me, Starlight, and Hughie. Frenchie and Kimiko, I want y’all outside, nearby, and ready in case she’s pulling one over. Butcher, go home.”
“Nah, mate. I’m a part of this, Mallory said so. Could make me go home if you tickled my balls and topped me off.”
“Well, then you’re going to have to stay in here.” MM turned as he said Her name. “You’re staying in here with Soldier Boy. If we need you, you’ll hear the signal.”
She hummed in acknowledgment. “What’s the signal?”
“The Deep’s massive tits.” MM gave a tired exhale as Her mouth fell open in amusement. “Frenchie made the signal. Make sure they,” both Ben and Butcher receive rough jabs in their direction. “Don’t fuck this up.”
Before either Ben or Butcher, whose mouth and protesting words had somehow begun faster than Ben’s own, could argue, MM was following the rest of the already mobilized team out of the van, and the doors were slammed behind him.
Tense, angry silence was in the air for only a minute before Butcher spoke.
“Now that everyone’s gone, will you two admit you’re fucking?”
Her heartbeat picked up slightly, and Ben leered at Butcher.
“Watch it, Dick Van Dyke, I’ll cut your fucking face off.” From beside him, Ben heard Her snort. “What do you find so funny?”
Ignoring his angry look, She gave another small giggle. “I don’t think that insult is as good as you think, Ben.”
“It was a fucking amazing insult-“
“Dick Van Dyke is American.”
“No, he was in all those stupid fucking British movies, like that one about the magic fucking nanny-“
“You’ve watched Mary Poppins?” Butcher laughed, and Ben considered ripping off his lips and feeding them to him. One bitchy, melodramatic woman who constantly cut off his words was more than enough. He didn’t need another fucking asshole, whose comments were not nearly as unwelcomingly entertaining, doing the same.
“Only because your hound dog bitch threatened to burn off my fucking dick if I didn’t.” Ben grumbled, and She gave another laugh.
“You enjoyed it, you cunt. And you told me a story about how you met Dick Van Dyke in the 60s. When he was, as he is now, incredibly American.”
“Sunshine, are you going to let me defend your honor or not?”
“My honor?” She gave him a face of giddy disbelief. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“He said we’re fucking!” Ben waved wildly at Butcher. “I’m not going to let him talk about a lady like that-“
“You literally goaded him on barely an hour ago. And called me a ‘hound dog bitch’ like, five seconds ago.” She pointed out. “Even if that wasn’t true, you’d have a whole lot of misplaced faith that I have ‘honor’ to begin with.”
“I don’t think you’d know honor if it ate you out ass to cunt.” Butcher made an exaggerated face of thought, and was met with only a flat look.
“So taint? Ass to cunt as in taint?” Her voice was bored, arms crossed in front of her chest.
Butcher shrugged. “No lady with honor knows the word taint.”
“Then we’re lucky I lost the title of ‘lady’ years ago,” She said with a toothy, fake smile. “And you,” a glare was shot at Ben. “Are not helping the ‘we’re fucking’ allegations by defending my honor, dumbass.”
He wasn’t, he knew that. But her heartbeat had settled, no longer clawing into Ben’s brain, so he just grunted. “Fuck me for trying to help.”
“I won’t,” she smirked. “That’s the whole point.”
“Cunt. Butcher,” She turned away from Ben once more. “What time did MM say Sage would arrive?”
“He didn’t.” Butcher answered, making an angry face at the closed door. “Something about not trusting us to stay here.”
Just then, Ben’s careful ear on Her heartbeat, which had slowed fully in the past minutes, was distracted by steps, followed by voices.
“I’m glad you agreed to meet us.” A man’s voice, too low to be Cocksucker, had to be MM.
“Well, even though I know what you’re going to say, I’m still intrigued by how you plan to say it.” Ben didn’t recognize that one. It sounded calm and controlled like Hers usually was, but only had the edge of anger. Her voice was always lined with vague amusement, at everything all the time. This woman didn’t sound like it was capable of laughter, even mockingly.
“Well, if you know what we’re going to say, can you just tell us your answer now?” That one was self-righteous and insufferable. Starlight.
“Is that… your answer to what we’re going to say or whether or not you’ll tell us now?” Unsure, nervous, pathetic. Cocksucker.
“The later. I’m not going to tell you the answer until everyone joins us. Do you think I’m fucking-“
“Ben?” A pair of fingers snapped in his face.
Eyes refocusing, Ben realized She had moved so he was face-to-face with her concerned glare and frown watching him carefully.
“If that cunt fucking blows his bloody lid, I’m going outside, MM can suck my-“
Ben scowled at Butcher over Her shoulder. “I’m not going to fucking explode. I have a fucking handle on it-“ She gave Ben an incredulous look that he ignored. “And I’m trying to listen, so shut the fuck up so I can listen to what those pussies out there are saying.”
“You can hear them?” She dropped back to her seat, leaning forward with an intent stare. “What are they talking about?”
“I could tell you if you would shut the fuck up.” He grunted, and she rolled her eyes but didn’t move back. Ben paused, no longer hearing voices at all. “They moved.”
Butcher pushed off the wall. “What do you mean they moved? The fuck did they go?”
“I can’t tell you if you don’t shut-“
The door of the van was pulled open, and Ben jumped to his feet, hearing Her heartbeat start to rise as she did the same. But, instead of the blood and chaos Ben expected, was ready for, a short woman with a gleam in her dark eyes stood on the other side.
“Butcher, you look just as shitty as I expected. Should’ve listened to MM about staying behind.” Her voice was the cold, methodical one. Ben hated it, and hated how it matched her smug, stone-like face.
“If you’re as smart as you claim to be, Sister, you should know I do what I bloody want.” Butcher gave the woman a hateful, mocking smile.
She just gave a small nod back. “Well, I am ‘as smart as I claim to be’, and you are ‘doing what you want’. Reliable as always, William.” Her gaze turned to Ben. “I can’t say I’m surprised to see you, Soldier Boy. I knew they would be going for some sort of Hail Mary, and even though I was hoping for something more intelligent, maybe flipping Neuman, this will work fine. And you…” Her voice trailed, and a disarming smile grew across her face. “I don’t know you. I know everybody.”
Behind Ben, Her heartbeat was like thunder. “Glad to be an exception to such a weird and creepy rule.”
“Who are you? No, wait.” Sage titled her head. “I want to guess.”
The tapping had begun, and the drums had started their march from Ben’s chest to his head.
“You’re not Butcher’s friend, he doesn’t have any. You’re not CIA… not Vought. Not with Nueman, she wouldn’t be that stupid. I’ve seen pictures of all the supervillains Homelander tried to make, and-“ A first, true smile split across Sage’s face just as Her heartbeat became deafening. “Oh! Interesting. That hit a nerve, but how?”
Ben stepped forward, fists clenched, as Sage’s eyes scanned Her closely. “I don’t know what kind of big shot you think you are, but I’d shut the fuck up now before I make your mouth fill up with blood.”
“I’m good,” she gave Ben a sideways look. “Although that’s also interesting. Now, you aren’t military, or a terrorist. You don’t seem quite as idiotically rage-blind as the others, you might even be intelligent. Or, well, intelligent by human standards.”
“You going to keep shooting in the dark, and waste all our time?” Her voice had moved closer, and Ben knew he’d only have to turn his head slightly to see that glassy-eyed stare focused on Sage, who only hummed.
“I’ll get it, don’t worry about that. My shot in the dark has floodlights compared to yours. But time is a finite resource, especially now. You just have to come on out to join the party, and we’ll get started.”
Ben twisted to find Her exchanging doubtful looks with Butcher, who spoke first.
“How do we know you ain’t just killed them, and are luring us out to finish the job?”
“Because that’s fucking stupid.” Sage said with an annoyed frown. “And I’m frankly a little insulted you think I'd do something that plainly dumb. You would’ve heard it. In fact, Soldier Boy can probably hear them, alive, right now. I just told them to stay there and be quiet or I’d start screaming about Starlight trying to kidnap and traffic me. People would hear me, we’re at a warehouse in Queens, not fucking Montana.”
Ben gave an eye roll as all eyes turned to him. “Why do I have to fucking check? There’s a goddamn window right there. Just fucking look outside. Or those pussies can just grow some fucking balls and tell us they’re alive.”
“Ben,” Her voice was tired, and he could still hear the pressure of her heart against her ribs. “You can hear them anyway. Just fucking tell us, please.”
“Fine,” he grunted. He could hear them anyway, so he gave a tight nod after making a whole stupid fucking show of listening for signs of life, but fuck him if this was going to become a regular thing. Ben was not, threat of dick-burning be damned, going to be reduced to recon.
But Her stopped trying to claw out of her when he confirmed Sage’s words, and Ben felt an odd, satisfying rush through him when he heard it.
“Can we move?” Sage stepped aside with an exaggerated sweep of her arm.
Butcher left first, and before Ben could follow, a hand grabbed his arm. He turned back to see barely-contained panic on across Her face—panic he could feel with the tightening of her grip.
“Sage can’t know,” She whispered to him. “Don’t tell her.”
“About what?” Ben frowned, trying to ignore where she still held his arm. Firmly. Unflinchingly.
She didn’t even pull back as she spoke. “Me. If she knows about me, she’ll tell Homelander. He’ll know I’m in New York. He’ll know I’m working with Butcher. He’ll find me and bring me back. Don’t tell her.”
Disturbingly, it wasn’t only the angered acceleration of her heart eating at Ben. It was realizing that her face wasn’t full of panic. It was fear—real fear—in her eyes. He’d never seen her just afraid. He’d seen her infuriated and nervous and exhausted but never simply, rawly afraid. He didn’t like it. She hadn’t become that hollow shell he’d seen at the beginning, or that unbearably tragic picture, looking far away as she told him about Homelander. She was just as unbendable as he knew her, but paralyzed. Made of only pure, useless fucking fear.
So he meant every fucking word he spoke. “I won’t. We’re not going back there.”
“We?” She didn’t let go, her face unreadable.
“I’m not going back in the fucking box, you’re not going back to that pussy Homelander. I’m going to kill them, and you’re going to let me leave. That was the fucking deal.”
She nodded, glancing down at her hands on his arm, and her hold on him loosened. “That was the deal.” She echoed, and walked past him without another word.
They stepped out onto the street and began to follow Sage into the warehouse, Butcher’s Pussysquad walking ahead of them. The moment Ben was at the door, MM turned, raising a flat palm to halt him. “No, you stay right fucking there. You are not a part of this.”
“I’m not listening if he’s not.” Sage said smoothly, looking Ben up and down.
“Great, you two can bond over hating convenient conversation.” She muttered from next to Ben, glaring a hole in the floor.
“Fuck off, Sunshine. I’m charming and endearing, not a bragging, self-assured bitch.” He muttered back as the argument about where he should stand stretched on for far too fucking long.
“You are the most braggadocios, self-assured bitch I’ve ever had the displeasure of knowing.”
“I’m not the bitch that just used ‘braggadocios’ in a sentence like an asshole pussy.”
“At least I know the word at all. I think you came out of the womb knowing only pussy, bitch, and fuck and decided that was more than enough.”
“You sound like a fucking bitch right now.”
“You sound like a cunt who wants to fuck his mirror all the time.”
Ben looked back down to see a thin-lipped, but painless, smile creeping across her face. “One day you should ask my mirror how it is. I’ll receive a fucking amazing endorsement, and you’ll beg me to give you a fucking chance.”
“Endorsement’s a pretty big word, pretty boy. Are you sure you don’t need to sit down now?”
He did a double-take. “Did you just fucking call me pretty-“
“Oi, either fuck right now or come and do your fucking jobs.” Butcher yelled from inside, the argument apparently over with a victory for Sage.
“Please don’t fuck right now,” Cocksucker mumbled, and She rolled her eyes, leaving Ben’s side to stand amongst the group.
“I think I’ll manage to keep it together.” Sarcasm dripped from her tone and was painted across her face, but she didn’t flinch away as Ben came up behind her.
Sage was eyeing Her still, and Ben liked the woman less by the second. Even as Starlight spoke, Sage’s attention didn’t move, remaining locked on Her as if trying to pick her apart.
“We know how Homelander screwed you, Sage. He’s screwed all of us.”
“Screwed feels like a bloody generous term for ass-fucking to completion and then cutting off our balls.” Butcher muttered.
“Butcher,” Cocksucker sighed. “Unnecessarily gross.”
“I don’t know,” the French Prick, having apparently re-joined the group when Ben hadn’t been paying attention, mused. “The visualization helps.”
Cocksucker gaped at him. “How?”
“Well, either way-“
“It raises the stakes, no?” The French Prick cut off Starlight, a look of impossibly genuine concentration on his face. “Screwing is gentle, possibly playful. Monsieur Butcher's words make the issue far more…” As he searched for the words, Kimiko made another weird fucking gesture, and a smile spread across the French Prick’s face. “Oui, Mon Coeur. Fucking urgent. Far more fucking urgent.”
“Great, more urgent.” Starlight blinked, clearly giving a pathetic attempt to regain control. It was glorious for Ben to watch. “Now, we think-“
“It was still gross, things can be urgent and not gross.” Cocksucker frowned at the French Prick.
“Hughie,” Starlight hissed.
“Shit, sorry Annie-“
“No, petite Hughie, the gross nature of the words is what makes them so urgent.” The French Prick argued. “It makes them more difficult to ignore.”
MM gave an attempt to push back that didn’t involve nearly enough shouting or threats for Ben’s taste. “The words don’t matter, now just listen to Annie-“
“Words fucking matter, Mate." Butcher interjected. Ben agreed, if they didn’t then the whole stupid fucking list would have been for nothing.
“Not right now, Butcher, right now all that matters is we listen to Annie-“
“Well, Butcher’s technically right. Words do really fucking matter.” She chimed in from Ben’s side. “Language is a pillar of culture, and different words will have the same translations but different meanings across cultures.”
MM gave Her a disbelieving stare. “You too?”
“What words have different meanings across cultures?” Cocksucker asked, sounding somehow genuinely interested.
“More often than not, it’s symbolic changes, such as colors and animals having different connotations or there being a wide variety of words for one language that only has a few.”
“This can’t wait?” Starlight asked, throwing MM a hopeless look. Ben hoped it couldn’t. As utterly boring as the words coming out of Her mouth were, he’d never seen her so enthusiastic about something that wasn’t a piece of media to be explained. Her heartbeat was rising, yes, but it was beating like a drug, not a gun, against Ben’s head. This, this was tolerable, and if Starlight fucking stopped it he might have to kill her.
It was MM though, who said Her name firmly. As she trailed off, he looked at her with raised eyebrows and a frown. “You done?”
Ben could hear the chew of Her lip, and she nodded apologetically, shooting a nervous look to where Sage was watching Her with narrow eyes. If Ben was smart about it, he was pretty sure he could kill Sage, MM, and Starlight in one move. Unfortunately, that would probably make Her all bitchy and angry at him, which was exactly what he was trying to avoid. Maybe he could make it look like an accident.
“Great,” Starlight sighed. “Sage, Homelander has fucked all of us.” Butcher gave an approving grin as Starlight threw him a dirty look. “He needs to be stopped.”
“And what makes you think you can stop him? You’ve tried numerous times, and every attempt has blown up in your face more spectacularly than the last.”
“We have a plan.” Starlight said, standing up straighter.
“Then you don’t need me.”
“That’s what I fucking said.” Butcher grumbled.
“But they didn’t listen to you, which means whatever you’re trying isn’t a revenge-blind, foolish Butcher special.”
“Love, if you’re implying I’m a fucking idiot-“
“Wasn’t implying. Outright said it.”
“We can still bloody kill you-“
“Butcher,” MM said with a glare. “Shut the fuck up.”
“Well, I ain’t bloody wrong. Her power is ‘smart’, she’s not a fucking threat. We got the real threat on our side.” Butcher gave Her a wide, smug grin.
Right at Ben’s side, She froze.
“The ‘real threat’?” Sage asked, and turned slowly to examine Her once more.
“Soldier Boy,” MM said, looking between Her and Sage. “You know what he can do. We didn’t bring him back for nothing.”
“No, but you did bring him back… Why?” Sage wondered aloud, and Ben could hear the insufferable gears of her bitch brain turning. “Because you had the real threat. Not him, something worse.” Sage’s mouth turned up just the gleam in her eyes returned. “The Anomaly.”
“I- what are you- I don’t know what-“ Ben didn’t need to see Her eyes to know that the fear had returned. It was in every word She spoke, and he wanted to rip it out of her and shove it into Sage. “You don’t- I don’t-“
“He told me you died. Horrible accident, fourth shot of V didn’t take, and you combusted. I knew he was lying, I just thought he’d decided he wanted more secrecy and moved you, killed you himself, or you’d escaped and were on the other side of the world. Very, very stupid of you to come back.”
“If you know what happened to her, you should know what a fucking monster Homelander is.” Starlight said. “You should listen to what we have to say.”
“Not interested anymore.” Sage gave a dismissive gesture, another fucking smile creeping onto her features. “The Anomaly, alive and working with Starlight and Butcher? Working with Soldier Boy? This is good, this changes things.”
Ben braced his arms at his side, his anger feeding into the beat against his chest, moving forward as She took a weak, stumbled step further behind him. “You listen, or lose your fucking life.”
“I think I’ll just go. I had a much more dramatic reveal, but you have been set up, and this building is surrounded.” Sage sighed. “I would say I wish I could’ve played into the theatrics you all love a little more, but I’m actually incredibly fucking relieved I don’t have to. I’ll see everybody soon, and good luck with whatever you’re planning. I’m sure it will be entertaining.”
Before Ben could give in to the drums, or even more to grab her, the warehouse was flooded with men in black suits.
“Fuck,” Butcher shouted, pulling out a gun from thin fucking air. “What’s the point of having a super-hearing supe if you can’t fucking hear a warehouse full of enemies?”
“Sound-suppressing suits,” the French Prick yelled, taking a step behind Kimiko as he too pulled a weapon from nowhere. “I was developing them with the CIA, Vought must have gotten their fucking hands on them.”
MM pulled out his own gun, and Ben was now pretty fucking sure they were all keeping them up their asses. “Does Mallory know about them?”
“Oui, but they must have just gotten their hands on them, I finished them only two days ago.”
“When we made the fucking plan to meet with Sage,” Cocksucker had, like the cowardly pussy Ben knew him to be, moved behind Starlight. “But she can’t have known we had Soldier Boy, why would she spend time to get them?”
“Sage is nothing if not careful,” MM fired up at the descending men. “We need to get out of here, right fucking now.”
The words had hardly left MM’s mouth when the warehouse lit up with bullets.
“Are you just going to let Sage fucking get away?” Ben yelled, remaining firmly planted where he was, bullets bouncing off him like rain.
“Excuse us, Gov, not all of us are bloody immortal. And we quite like living, so shut the fuck up and be useful.” Butcher ran past Ben, firing back as he did.
Ben scowled at nothing, punching one of the men backwards like a bowling ball when he got too close. “She’s going back to Homelander, that feels pretty fucking important-“
“The doors are fucking blocked!” Cocksucker’s shrill, pussy yell cut Ben off. “They’re everywhere!”
“Then move them, you fucking pussy!” Ben threw another up into the ceiling.
He felt fucking alive. All around him, Butcher’s team was being the most useful they’d ever need in their pathetic pussy lives. The French Prick was holding something weird and long that Ben would very much like to use later, Butcher and MM were firing with an intent to kill that Ben appreciated, Kimiko ripped off a man's head with ease, and Ben was starting to hate her a little less than the rest of them. Even Starlight and Cocksucker were vaguely helpful, even if Starlight was mostly invested in keeping Cocksucker and his weak punches safe. It was fucking perfect, right until  Ben threw another man into the wall, leaving a dent in the concrete, and saw Her.
She was right where they’d left her, smoking but not yet burning, men trying to grab her but falling back with screams as they did. Her bloodless, frozen face was trained on where Sage had stood, and despite the chorus of gunshots and shouting through the warehouse, her heartbeat was as loud as if Ben were right next to her. The tapping was fast—faster than he’d ever heard it, her eyes were unblinking and glazed, and blood was dripping from her lips as she chewed through skin.
She was going to fucking blow.
Another man, in almost slow motion, grabbed Her. But not on the arms or shoulder like the others had attempted. Right on the fucking neck. Ben watched as the idiot's hand landed on Her throat, watched her eyes widen and clear, and watched the man let out an undignified, pussy-like shriek as he recoiled back. But it was too fucking late. The smoke stopped, for only a second, and Ben could’ve sworn the ground fucking shook.
Everything went up into flames.
“Fuck!” Ben heard MM roar from somewhere behind him. “Everyone out! Get the fuck out!”
Ben sent another man flying back, directly into the fire, as he kept his eyes on Her. Still frozen, eyes no longer clouded, looking almost fucking oblivious to the flames around her. She didn’t seem to be burning anymore, only standing in the fire that had burst from her. Her eyes were full of that fear again, shooting upwards as the first piece of the roof fell down with a crash.
“The doors! Open the fucking doors!”
Ben turned to find Butcher shouting as Kimiko and MM struggled with the warehouse entrance. Ben glanced back at Her, but his line of sight was cut as another piece fell. Somehow, over all the noise, Ben heard Butcher once more.
“Soldier Boy, get your cunt ass over here and be fucking useful. Open the fucking doors!”
Ben grabbed one of the idiotic men who hadn’t either burned or tried to scramble away, throwing him directly to the warehouse door. The man shot right through the building, clearing a hole to the outside with a crunch. In the momentary shocked silence of the groups struggle, fire crackled, and another piece of the warehouse fell.
“Out!” Out of the corner of his eye, Ben saw MM practically push Cocksucker through the hole. “Now! Get out!”
Ben stared at the hole, Her heartbeat ripping into him. He could leave her. The building would fall, and he could fucking run in the time it took to pull her out. He could be fucking free, ahead of schedule, no killing Homelander and saving a stupid fucking world full of backstabbing pussies required. They’d find another way to kill Homelander, or not. It wouldn’t be his problem. Ben couldn’t even see her through the smoke and debris anymore. It would be so fucking easy to leave, kill Butcher, and escape.
But Her heartbeat wouldn’t fucking stop. It would keep going and going into his head. And the drum hated it, every time it sank into him, it fed the fucking drum.
He wasn’t moving. He needed to fucking move, or they’d realize his plan and try and knock him out. He wasn’t going back in the fucking box.
And She wasn’t going back to Homelander.
“Fuck!” He yelled at no one, partially hoping she’d just walk out, or someone would call him forward. But all the team had left them, and now the warehouse was just Ben, Her, and a bunch of ill-fated Vought shit-eaters.
Ben turned, throwing the wreckage as he did. It probably wasn’t helpful to the general state of the building the way he did so, but he wasn’t in the mood to be a fucking careful or gentle pussy. He reached Her, and found her passed out, face almost empty. If it weren’t for the sound of her breath, the still-quick flutter of her heart, Ben would’ve thought her dead.
“If you don’t become at least 10% less of a bitch after this Sunshine,” he grumbled at her unconscious body. “I’m throwing you right back in here.”
But he hauled Her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, ignoring the way she seared into his skin, and walked through his previous path to the exit.
The ride back from the disastrous mission made Ben want to blow everyone’s fucking brains out of their heads. There were weird looks, hushed questions about what happened that he had to pretend he couldn’t hear, and a whole lot of self-righteous, sad faces. It was made worse by the fact that She didn’t even wake up until they were fully back in the safe house, meaning Ben had to fucking carry her inside. Butcher offered, but Ben had just glared at him—as far as Ben was concerned, the dick just wanted to take advantage of one of the only “safe” times to touch her—and refused to even respond.
Ben dumped Her in her room, and marched back downstairs to find Butcher still in the fucking living room.
“What the fuck do you want?” Ben grumbled, pushing past him to the kitchen.
“Well, I would usually tell your girlfriend, but seeing as she's taking a bloody little nap you’ll have to do.”
“She’d cut off your dick if she heard that,” Ben snorted. “Take it from my personal experience.”
“Good thing she can’t. Just tell her we’ll be back in a few days for operation Quick and Bald.”
"Operation Quick and Bald?" Ben huffed a sarcastic laugh. “I am not fucking saying those words.”
Butcher smirked. “Your head, Gov. See you in a few days.”
And Ben was left alone in the kitchen.
It took all the way to morning for Her to wake up. She stumbled into Ben’s room with a frown and a determined look.
“Teach me how to fight.”
Ben gave her a lazy half-grin from the bed. “Welcome back, Sunshine. Anything you’d like to say to me? A thank you, for instance. Though I would also accept acts of gratitude.”
“I’m not sucking your dick. Teach me how to fight.”
“I’m good. Not in my job description.”
She glared at him. "Technically, you don’t have a job. We’re not paying you. Teach me how to fight.”
“They’re not paying you either, Sunshine. We’re both victims.”
“I’m legally dead, they can’t pay me. And you’re the farthest thing from a victim, Mr. Body Count in the Thousands. Teach me how to fight.”
“No.” Ben had no interest in doing more for these fucking idiots. He’d already saved her life once in the past day, that should earn him enough fucking gratitude to coast for at least a damn month.
“Please, Ben, this can’t keep happening where I lose control, someone could really get hurt.” She rubbed her eyes in obvious distress. “People did get hurt.”
“So? Hurting people is what we do. You shouldn’t be in the field if you can’t fucking handle it.” Ben repeated the words he had so often told himself through the years. It had always fucking worked for him. She shouldn’t be any different.
“I can’t fucking handle it?!” She scoffed in disbelief. “That’s a mighty stupid thing for the pot to say to the kettle.”
Ben shot her a cold look. “I know how to fucking hold my own, Sunshine, I don’t need someone to fucking save me. You can’t fucking control yourself at all, and it’s a goddamn problem.”
“Nobody made you go back, you could’ve just fucking left me.” She hissed.
"Well, I didn’t,” Ben growled. “Don’t make me fucking regret it.”
“I could say the same for you. You’re only out of the box because I wanted you here-”
“Aw, Sunshine, you wanted me?” He mocked.
“I wanted your powers here. You’re just the vessel.”
“I saved your fucking life, bitch.”
“And I’m sure you’re not going to be a fucking cunt about that forever.”
“You need me.” He shot to his feet. “Don’t fucking forget it.”
She took a step forward, her face venomous. “No, you need me. What do you think happens if they decide I’m a ‘problem’ now, huh? They send me home, and just trust you not to go all revenge-fueled vigilante? If I burn, you burn, Ben. So fucking teach me how to not be a ‘problem’, or it’s your fucking head.”
He bared his teeth at Her. “If I teach you how to fight, will you stop being a fucking pussy and thank me for saving you?”
“Teach me how to fight, really fight and not just throw a punch, and I’ll buy you a fucking fleshlight.”
“What the fuck is a fleshlight?”
She gave him a mocking smirk. “Trust me, you’ll love them.”
Ben paused, examining Her face, angered but firm. “I want three of them.” He still wasn't sure what they were, but She had been frustratingly fucking accurate about what he would and wouldn't like.
“Deal.” She extended her hand, and he glared at it.
“If I hate them, you’re cooking me something.”
“You’d volunteer to be poisoned?” She laughed. “Your funeral, dumbass.”
He ignored her words, and shook her hand as aggressively as he could. “Meet me in the kitchen in three hours. I’m going to make you fucking cry.”
She grinned. “Looking forward to it.”
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cobaltperun · 8 months
i have a request if possible ? for a tara carpenter x reader , or any jo character as you see fit , but in my head , it’s always been tara and no gf au-
so basically , if you’re familiar with 5 seconds of summer , every time i listen to them (their self titled album, specifically heartbreak girl) i always come up with like scenarios of r, mindy, amber and wes being 5sos basically and having r write that song about tara and how she’s always calling/texting r about the problems she’s having with chad without realizing that r is in love with her
which ofc leads r to go to amber, mindy and wes to write that song together and having them preform at a local bar/club or something because they’re locally known and tara, sam, chad and the rest of the friend group is in the crowd, being supportive- but once they hear the song , they immediately know who it’s about and just look at tara awkwardly , and- that’s as far as i’ve gotten
Heartbreak Girl
Tara Carpenter x gn!Reader (Request)
First of all, thank you for the request, it kind of just flowed out and here it is. I went with gender-neutral Reader since you didn't specify the gender. I hope you'll enjoy reading this.
Word count: 2.7k
"I know I should have seen it coming, but it still hurts, you know? I still love Chad, I just can't get over him," she sobbed, and you stopped pacing around your room to lean back and rest your head against the wall. You knew the story, you heard it from Tara countless times, and you may have heard it from Mindy even before Tara told you, mostly because Mindy got a bit pissed that Chad would end his relationship with Tara like that. Tara and Chad were in a relationship, they worked the summer job together and met Liv. Chad fell in love and broke up with Tara. The rest was history, and Tara, sharing Chad's circle of friends, and still being in love with him, couldn't move on.
One time Tara told you she figured it would be easier if he cheated on her. He didn't. He just sat down with her one day and said how he felt. Two weeks later Chad and Liv went on their first date and the circumstances kept Tara and Chad as somewhat friends.
"I'm sorry for being a bother, Y/N," she must have noticed your silence.
"You're not being a bother, Tara, I just don't know what to say that I already didn't tell you before," you bit your bottom lip, knowing full well you were lying. You knew what you wanted to say. You wanted to tell her you loved her, that in her heartbreak she kept breaking your heart too. Another sob made you speak before you could think things through. "Let's go out, just the two of us," you suggest, realizing too late what you were saying. "As friends, of course, just to get your mind off of everything," you quickly backtracked, hoping the explanation was sufficient enough, hoping she couldn't hear the nervous tapping of your foot against the floor, or the crack in your voice when you said 'friends' or anything else that could give you away.
Because, as much as you loved her, as much as you wanted to be with her, you didn't want to push her into another relationship when she was vulnerable and still heartbroken. You also didn't want to be her way of getting over Chad and nothing more. And you absolutely didn’t want to take advantage of her emotional turmoil.
"I'd love to, Y/N," it sounded like she stopped crying, thought she still sniffled a bit. "Thanks for being my friend and always being there to cheer me up," her words, even if you just encouraged them yourself, still hurt you.
"Don't mention it, I'm here for you," you brushed it off, subconsciously hoping maybe, just maybe, she'd realize how you feel on her own. You had no idea how mixed the signals you were sending her looked every now and then. In less than a minute you went from proclaiming friendly hanging out to promising to be there for her. "When do you want to meet up?"
Tara paused for a moment. "I'll call you tomorrow at ten to figure that out. Is that okay?"
You nodded and then frowned when you realized a moment later you were on the phone with her. "Of course."
And so you said your goodbyes, and you just slumped into the chair and dropped your head down to the table. A bit recklessly you tossed the phone to the bed on your side and silently expressed gratitude that it didn't hit the wall or drop to the floor. You sighed and placed your hands over your head, feeling like you were stuck in a never-ending cycle with Tara Carpenter.
Against your better judgment, you grabbed a pen and a piece of paper and began writing.
The friend date went well, better than you imagined it would and you and Tara hung out an hour longer than either of you anticipated. It was a nice change of pace and for a moment you actually convinced yourself you didn't feel anything romantic for her. For a moment, you were reminded of simpler times, when Tara really was just a friend in your eyes. That time was a long time ago, but sometimes you wished you could go back to that, at the very least everything was much simpler back then.
The paper waiting for you at your table broke that illusion and you grabbed your guitar, maybe you had something here after all. As you sat down to try different tunes you sent a message to the band, Mindy, Wes, and Amber, asking to meet up tomorrow for an additional practice.
The four of you met up in your garage where you kept your instruments, the guitars, and drums, anything else you needed you would just rent out for a couple of days. You were still a local band, so renting still saved you money.
"Let me see if I got everything right. You," Amber pointed at you, almost accusingly. "wrote this song about Tara and you don't want to confess how you feel?" she asked incredulously.
"Come on, it's not that obvious," you defended yourself and pointed at a line in the song. "See? Chad didn't exactly treat her bad, he just broke up with her."
"Yeah, sure, one line is going to convince everyone it isn't about Tara," Mindy added sarcastically and threw her arms up. "It's there for the dramatic effect, Y/N! Remember?" well, yeah, but still, were you really that obvious?
"She got you there," Wes wasn't helping.
You picked up your guitar and began playing the tune you thought would work well with the song. "Listen, I think we got something good here," you tried to focus on the song itself. "Regardless of who it was written for," you muttered.
"You're kidding, right? A sad tune? You're making this a ballad? No way," Mindy went to her drums. "This needs more energy," judging by the tone of her voice she wasn't budging on this. Well, at least she was on board.
"We are totally adding 'Thanks for being a friend' to the lyrics," Amber teased and you just groaned and buried your face in your hands.
"Don't forget being a sucker for anything Tara does," Wes joined in, causing all three of them to laugh at you.
"You're the worst," you muttered, too embarrassed to look at them. As it was the song that maybe could have passed as, you know, not absolutely obvious, might as well be named ‘Tara’ with how specific it was turning out to be.
Over the next month and a half, you and Tara fell into a bit of a habit. The first two weeks she continued sobbing, and you'd ask her to hang out. The week after that she just complained and you still asked her to hang out. The past few weeks she rarely even mentioned Chad during your calls, but she still insisted you were friends.
Honestly, just the fact that she seemed to be moving on as weeks went by mended your own heart. Somewhere along the line, you found out you were fine with the way things were. In a relationship or as friends, you wanted Tara in your life.
You walked her to her house, the backs of your hands occasionally brushing as you walked. The accidental touches became something both of you were comfortable with, as neither of you moved away from each other.
"You'll be performing tomorrow night, right?" Tara asked out of the blue.
You glanced at her and your eyes met. "Yeah. Are you going to come?" it wouldn't be the first time Tara would be in the crowd. Tara, Sam, Chad, Danny, Anika, and Liv were all supportive of your band, so they regularly came to your performances.
"You're not really asking that, are you? Of course, I'm going to come," she lightly jabbed your arm. "Besides, Mindy might have told me you guys have a new song you'll be performing for the first time in front of a crowd."
That little traitor. You cleared your throat to buy yourself a few extra seconds to get it together.
With the way things were going between you and Tara, you were almost tempted to scrap the song, but the other three voted against it. "No pressure then, it's not like we haven't had a new song in almost four months now," what could you say, it was a bit of a drought period as far as creativity went.
Tara laughed and just for a moment you thought you saw something else in her eyes, something similar to the way you would so often look at her. "You'll do great," she offered a much-needed encouragement as the two of you stopped in front of her house.
"Guess this is it for tonight," you smiled at her.
"Mhm, I'm glad I was the one to ask you out tonight, as friends, of course," she took a step closer and tucked a stray strand of her hair behind her ear. And then you froze when she got on her tiptoes and kissed your cheek. "Thank you, for always being there for me," somehow, this time she omitted the friend part.
"I," you cleared your throat once more. "did say I'd be here for you, didn't I?" you tried to brush it off as you usually did for months now.
The intensity of Tara's gaze captured all of your attention and for a moment you even considered leaning in. You didn't though, you weren't sure she felt the same, or that she actually moved on.
"I'll see you tomorrow night, then?" she asked, lowering her gaze to your lips before quickly looking away.
You noticed it, and you wondered if Tara could hear how loud your heart was drumming in your chest. "Y-yeah," you finally stepped back from her, and the tension you were trying so hard to ignore began fading.
Tara pretty much threw herself on her bed and buried her face in her pillow. This wasn't good. This wasn't good at all. What was wrong with her? Falling in love with you so quickly and almost out of nowhere. Especially when you so explicitly insisted on hanging out as friends. Perhaps you were insisting too hard to cover your own feelings? A girl could hope, right?
She turned her playlist on, hoping to find some peace in music. As if to spite her, the first song that played was Brian Fallon's You Have Stolen My Heart and she nearly chucked her phone into a wall. Groaning she turned around and tucked herself into a blanket. It was entirely your fault. With your charming smile and clumsy mixed signals, she could never get a good read on them.
You were amazing on that improvised stage, just mesmerizing to watch and listen to and Tara found herself falling even harder. She also found herself ignoring Sam's teasing smile.
"Thank you, thank you! You are too kind! We'll wrap up the night with a premiere of our new song!" Wes yelled, hyping up the crowd.
"Let's hear an applause for Heartbreak Girl!" Mindy demanded, encouraging the crowd to interact with the four of you.
Tara was pulled to her feet by Anika and they both cheered. The name of the song, however, made Tara's heart skip a beat. Or was it the way you looked at her from the stage?
"You call me up, it's like a broken record, saying that your heart hurts. That you'll never get over him getting over you, and you end up crying. And I end up lying, 'cause I'm just a sucker for anything that you do," you sang, your eyes never leaving Tara's. It felt like there was no one else in the club but the two of you. But you weren't alone, and Tara felt the awkward stares directed at the back of her head.
Did you actually write a song for her?
"And when the phone call finally ends, you say "Thanks for being a friend" and I'm going in circles again and again," now she had no doubt, that the song really was about her. She stopped cheering and just stood there, taking the lyrics in.
She saw you hesitating, probably since you noticed her reaction, and she just smiled. You smiled back and continued.
"I dedicate this song to you, the one who never sees the truth, that I can take away you hurt, Heartbreak girl. Hold you tight straight through the daylight, I'm right here, when you gonna realize that I'm your cure, Heartbreak girl?" did you...? Were you saying what she thought you were saying?
She wasn't reading this wrong, was she?
"I bite my tongue, but I wanna scream out, you could be with me now. But I end up telling you what you wanna hear, but you're not ready. And it's so frustrating, he treats you so bad and I'm so good to you, it's not fair," her heart skips a beat as you continue, quoting the promise to call you tomorrow at ten and once again singing the chorus.
"I know someday it's gonna happen, and you'll finally forget the day you met him. Sometimes I'm so close to confession, I gotta get it through your head, that you belong with me instead," the look in your eyes, the eyes that told her 'This is it, I can't take it back now' it vanquished any doubt she may have had about how you felt.
She just wondered how long you felt that way about her without saying anything? Definitely before you first asked her to hang out as friends, but how long before that? And she felt like apologizing, for not noticing how you felt, for leaning on you for support even if it hurt you as well. And at the same time she fell even harder, because you were there for her even with everything you were feeling you were giving her all the time she needed.
The moment you ended the song and without any idea where the sudden boldness was coming from you jumped down from the stage and went over to Tara. You took a few deep breaths as you closed the distance and offered her your hand, the guitar still in your other hand.
Yeah, you didn't quite think that through.
Tara raised an eyebrow, clearly looking at the guitar, but then shrugged and took your hand.
"Uh, what now?" you asked sheepishly.
"Isn't that something you were supposed to figure out? Before you jumped down and came over?" she gave you a cheeky, teasing smile.
"I didn't think I'd get this far," you admitted, causing Tara to laugh.
"Just go behind the stage dumbass!" Mindy yelled, with the microphone still on. "And leave the guitar there while you're at it!"
You lowered your head and winced, trying to hide the embarrassment clearly visible on your face. Tara wasn't doing much better as she quickly pulled you behind the stage to escape the teasing.
You packed the guitar as both of you took time to compose yourself and catch a breath. "I really didn't think this through, did I?" you asked.
"No," Tara sat down on the chair near you. "You really didn't," she was fiddling with the loose thread on her shirt.
"I meant it, the song. Well, at least when I wrote it a month and a half ago," you decided to just be honest with her.
Tara raised her head to look at you, you could see hopefulness and uncertainty in her gaze. "What changed?"
You approached and sat down next to her. "I don't think you are still heartbroken," you took her hand.
Tara smiled. "I'm not. I'm in love with a clumsy musician that sucks at flirting," she leaned closer to you.
"Hey, it worked," you closed the distance, capturing her lips in a soft, gentle kiss. "Mhm, how about we go on a proper date then?" she asked when the kiss ended and you couldn't think of any better idea.
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ridestomars · 1 year
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𖥻 summary: the party meets y/n and steve's firstborn. 𖥻 pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader 𖥻 warnings: girl dad!steve. the baby's name is amelia. too much fluff. everyone is alive and well thank you. one dirty dancing reference. bad grammar, italics & not proofread (hey it's me). 2k-ish words. weird divs :/
💭 liv's thoughts: this is based on an idea i had last year (s4 i miss you) and a sequel of sorts to my 'all is well universe' of sunny days that won't ever end – you don't have to read it, but pls do it's v sweet. i hope you like it! <3
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The sound of loud chattering could be heard from the end of the hallway, which wasn't surprising, given the number of people that were sharing the limited space of the apartment's living room. The kids – can you even call them that anymore? – were never known for their ability to speak quietly whenever they were together. However, everyone seemed to be in such a good mood that you can even hear the loud sound of Jonathan's laugh. There's a first time for everything, right?
You held the small baby in your arms, walking in slow steps out of her little nursery. Though you tried not to disturb your daughter too much, Amelia already had her big brown eyes open and searching for the source of all that noise. She wasn't used to such noises, being too accustomed to her parents' soft-spoken voices and the entertaining sound of their television – that didn't play anything other than Steve's recordings of Barney episodes. It's only natural that she finds the commotion strange.
As you arrive in the living room, you are greeted by Steve in his typical mom pose, hands on his hips as he watches Michael and Max's every move, anxiously waiting for his girls. From his stance, you can see that he already regrets the idea of inviting everyone over. Taking in the very worried furrow of his eyebrows, you just know that he is going over the most pessimistic thoughts as he looks at the crowded living room.
Appearing with the small baby in your arms, everyone gasped in surprise and amazement, including Steve, who quickly made his way over to you with the goofiest, most endearing smile. His big hands wrap around Amelia's small frame, as he leans down to take her from your arms. He has that sweet look on his face, that brightens even more when he sees the chubbiness of the baby's laughing cheeks. Delicately, like he's carrying the world's most precious jewel (he is!), your husband shows Amy to everyone, with a proud glimmer in his eyes.
"There she is!" he maneuvers her chubby body tenderly, making the baby sit on his arm to face everyone. Her upper body leaned on his chest for support, and she squealed happily when her curious eyes noticed how many people were in their living room. Unhesitating, Steve translates it to everyone, "Millie says hi". 
That was enough to erupt a string of awws, sighs and one high-pitched "she's so adorable!" from Eddie. It was funny to see how a human being so small had everyone wrapped around her tiny little finger. Even Max, who usually had a hard time showing any emotion other than pure annoyance, was goofily smiling at the baby, admiring her brown (and very full) hair and round cheeks. 
The kids were the most eager to get to know Amelia, with Dustin being the spokesman for their wishes, telephoning almost every day since the baby was born to ask when they could meet her. So, it's no surprise that the first person to make grabby hands to hold her next was Henderson himself. "C'mon, Steve, let me hold my goddaughter!" he exclaims as he looks at your girl in absolute awe. 
"Your goddaughter?" Eddie asks, scoffing from his seat at the couch's armrest, next to the boy. "Yeah, right".
"Guys," Robin quickly intervenes, rolling her eyes as she watches the two bickering all over again over the matter. She was seated comfortably in the chair by your living room's small table, alongside Vicky. "Not this again, please?"
That wasn't enough to silence Eddie and Dustin, who began to argue harder about who is supposed to be the baby's godfather. The usual arguments were professed, "You're not old enough!", "but I'm the most mature!", "The baby's lullaby shouldn't be Dio!", "And it shouldn't be Weird Al Yankovic either!"
Given that he couldn't clap, Steve stomped his foot on the ground as he commanded the room's attention to him again, "Hey, hey, hey!" he exclaimed, letting out a satisfied breath when everyone falls silent again. "So, before we let you hold our daughter, I'd like to go over some rules-".
Loud groans erupt from everyone's mouths, and Amelia looks up at her dad, even more curious.
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The kids were squished on the living room's small couch, surprisingly fitting in the space where you and Steve had a hard time adjusting in. Eleven was sitting on the side of the couch's armrest, patiently kicking her feet as Mike, Will, and Dustin elbowed each other in a silent fight for more space by her side. At the end of the couch, Max, Lucas and Erica found a way to position themselves without struggling too much. It was so crowded that poor Suzy had to sit on an old puff that Steve had bought in a garage sale when you moved in together ("It'll come in handy one day, you'll see!" Steve exclaimed while he walked off the sale holding the object, victoriously), right at Dustin's feet. On one side of the sofa, Eddie was slouched on the armrest, while Nancy sat on the other, as put-together as ever. Near her, Jonathan leaned against the apartment's wall, chatting with Argyle and Eden.
Amelia was carefully handed to Dustin, who sat in the middle of the couch. You figured it was the best position to have everyone look at her, an democratic decision, but it was still possible to hear Eddie complaining under his breath.
Your daughter got used to Dustin's hold fast, only shifting her tiny body over his arms a couple of times to find her position. When she did, Amy made one of those adorable baby sounds, showing everyone that she was incredibly satisfied now; and it was like the world had stopped for all of them. The only thing that mattered was to witness baby Harrington simply exist. Feasting your eyes on the scene, you hold Steve's waist, hugging him from behind as you rest your face against his arm, not being able to battle the tears that filled your eyes. Your heart was swelling with pride.
"She's pretty," El murmured, her voice sounding even quieter now, as her eyes sparkled at the sight of the little one.
With a trembling voice, Dustin agreed, "She is very pretty". 
"Yeah," Will says as he watches Millie yawn, "She looks just like you, Y/N". 
"Lucky for her," Mike and Max remark in unison, immediately glaring at each other with narrowed eyes. That makes everyone laugh, and baby Amelia opens up her eyes to check it out, opening a toothless grin after. Max, feeling as if her witty remark was stolen by the boy, adds, "It'd be such a shame if she had Steve's dead-fish stare. Thank God she has Y/N's eyes, too". 
At that, your husband gawks at her, letting out an offended gasp. He's so upset that his mouth hangs open, as he looks at her, in complete silence. Catching his incredulity, Max only shrugs, as if to say, "What can I do?".
"Well, at least she has his hair," Lucas observes, mediating the situation, as usual. 
"Thank you, Lucas!" Steve breathes out, feeling he got the justice he deserved. 
The bickering soon faded into a familiar silence, as everyone's attention fell fully on your little girl, who slept peacefully in Dustin's arms, completely ignoring the commotion around her. And that was when the emotional weight of the moment fell on all of you. Glistened eyes watched in tranquility as the baby squirmed every once in a while, as the importance of the scene settled. Amelia's sole existence reassured you of a peace that you hadn't known in years, as if she was the last step in sealing the serene fate that awaited all of you. She was living proof that life is still normal, and despite all the hard times, it isn't all that bad, actually.
Seeing those grown-up kids taking care of a small piece of you and Steve filled your heart with delight, and a different sense of fulfillment that you hadn't known until now. It's so meaningful. 
The nostalgia of seeing their sweet faces intensified when the kids started to argue about who was going to hold Amelia next, and suddenly the apartment was filled with loud chattering all over again. Just like the old times… but, somehow, better.
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"Jonathan, look!" Nancy points out to little Amelia scrunching her nose, as if to suggest that he should snap a picture of the baby like that. Now, the kid was laying in Robin's arms, having her full head of hair brushed by Auntie Bobby – the lame nickname was picked by Steve, of course. "What a cute little nose you have, Amy!"
The oldest Wheeler compliments the baby in a high-pitched tone, as if the girl would actually understand. By her side, Jonathan kept taking pictures of the baby, snapping beautiful frames with that domestic feeling that you're growing used to; he promised that he'll develop all of them later. 
"When's her birthday?" Eden asks quietly, as she smooches her face against Argyle's arm, watching the baby in wonder. 
"October thirty-first," Steve answers quickly, not helping himself. Ever since the baby was born, he started to cultivate this staggering need to answer anything Amelia-related, talking about her constantly as if he didn't know how to chat about anything else.
With that spaced-out way of his, like he just had snapped out of a trance by the baby's birth date, Argyle lets out a chuckle, looking down at Millie with… respect, it seemed. "Ooh, Scorpio. Cool, man". 
Then, everyone falls back into silence, just appreciating her small features and lovable babbles. However, Steve seems a little skeptical about how cool it is for his kid to be a Scorpio, and he slowly turns his head to look at you, giving Argyle a bit of a side-eye when he does so. "What did he mean by that? Isn't that, like, bad?" he whispers to you, still watching your friends interact with Amelia from the corner of his eyes.
"No!" you immediately reassure him, telling a little half-truth, "It just means that she's very… sweet". 
Steve seems satisfied by your answer, mainly because he doesn't ask any further questions, and he goes back to keeping his eyes on Robin, making sure that she's holding your kid correctly. It isn't his fault that she has spaghetti arms, alright? 
Eddie soon joins in, though he doesn't look very pleased about it, walking to stand in front of Robin with an exasperated expression on his face. He crossed his arms in front of his chest, looking down at the girl. You watch the scene unfold with confusion. 
"Well?" he asks, lifting his eyebrows as if he is waiting for something, though he doesn't say what it is. 
Rob looks up, still playing with the baby's hair, pursing her lips while she waits for Eddie to explain why he is interrupting her moment with Amelia. From over her shoulder, Vicky makes funny faces at the small girl, making loud squeals come out of your daughter's mouth.
When he doesn't say anything, Robin asks, "What, Munson?", blinking her eyes vigorously as she tilts her head.
"You're taking too long!" he tells her like that was the only answer possible. "It's been fifteen minutes already, it's my turn!"
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After Eddie's little protest (thankfully, he didn't feel the need to get on top of your table this time), everyone took turns holding baby Millie in their arms. You didn't mind it, because you knew that your friends were just very excited to be meeting your daughter for the first time, but you cannot say the same for Steve. He was hating every second of it.
"Y/N, I can't take it," he breathes out once he pulls you to the side, hiding with you in the kitchen, away from prying ears, "They're passing her around like a joint". 
"Relax, Stevie," you try to calm him down, though it's useless. Spying into the living room again, you see that Amelia is laying in Eleven's arms, which warms your chest a little. "El's rocking her to sleep, there's no prob-" 
You quickly stop talking when Mike takes the baby from his girlfriend's grasp, having a hard time managing his long limbs around the kid's small frame. Eyes widening, you look to Steve, wanting to catch his reaction to the scene. 
And he's fuming. 
But just as he is getting ready to stomp his way over to Michael, you hold his arm, keeping him back and away from the kids. "Give them a break," is how you begin to reason with him, "he's getting the hang of it". 
"Well, my daughter shouldn't be their little guinea pig," he huffs back, crossing his arms.
"Don't be like that," you persuade. "You didn't know how to hold her either, and now you're, like, a pro. Right?". 
His hardened expression seems to melt at your compliment – Steve always feels so elated whenever people praise his parenting skills, especially when it comes from you. Your husband's cheeks flush a little, and he looks down, a bit bashful. 
"You mean it?" he asks, playing with the loose seems of his yellow sweater.
"Of course, I mean it," giggling, you get closer to him, wrapping your arms around his waist as you pull him in for a hug. "She's so lucky to have you as her dad. Actually, we're so lucky to have you in our lives". 
He chuckles a little, pleased to still gain such flattery from you. From where you stood, you can clearly see the timid redness that cripples from his neck up to his cheeks, which makes him seem even more adorable in your eyes. But even his striking looks didn't distract you from the intimate feeling of his hand resting over the small of your back, drawing you closer for a sweet peck on the lips. It's funny how still after all this time, Steve was able to make you feel endless electricity and warmth just by the simple touch of his lips. 
Unfortunately for you, the pleasant moment was ruined by someone clearing their throat. Pulling apart from the kiss, you and Steve looked ahead, catching Eddie and Dustin's embarrassed faces after interrupting. 
"Hey, so, hm…", Dustin starts, clearly not knowing how he should start, still very awkward succeeding the scene they had just break in on. 
"We have settled on who should be Amy's godfather, and we swear-", Eddie cuts in, talking at full speed. But before he could get on with their (definitely) deep and sensible reasoning, you hear Steve groaning. "Jesus, guys. Not this again".
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