#liu kang is a mortal and is sweet .kind benevolent. honorable. sarcastic. and firey. i will die on that hill! no other version exists to me
mrstsung · 4 months
Mortal liu kang over dumb fire god liu kang
Vent ahead. Sorry.
Cuz dumbass fire god liu kang did fucking nothing. Nothing worth a damn. Didn't change anything. All mk12/mk1 proved is they can't write god characters and they make them fucking useless. What actual divine authority do they really have?! Eldergods mean nothing. These fucking titans are the stupidest useless plotpoint. Nothing actually changes or gets done. Everyone still suffers,no matter what they fucking change?! So.....yeah....what fucking new era is called a new era,if nothing actually happens? Some characters are ruined because the dynamics are changed in a way where it's not actually the character. It's someones oc fanfic. Legitimately NOTHING CHANGES. It's legitimately mk11 2 electric boogaloo. And using shang tsung again as the main baddie? Sus as fuck. You got nothing new? You gotta use my boy as a plot point again because you ran out of tagawa money? You couldn't get him again because your script sucks! Im not being nice,im being raw and the truth is and sometimes it hurts,you could have fucking stopped nrs and made your dumb superhero injustice game like all you stupid braindead fans wanted. But noooooo! You had to continue a storyline that's been fucking dead and is done. Mk11 wrapped it up nice. Both guys won anyways. It's already hinted at. Why go any more? It's fucking done. Shang won,liu won. End of story. Bye bye. Like ffs,mk spinoff game would have sufficed. Most fans wanted a mk shaolin monks remastered. Most fans didn't want a continuation. They just were doing fun fan theories as they always do that doesn't mean we want a new fucking game or continuation. Speaking of which. What did you actually continue? There's nothing to continue. New world? Dont fucking feel like it. If it was. You wouldn't be using the same fucking bad guy. Nor same roster. Nor would you be fucking over integral parts. You'd be actually writing something new. In a new world. That isn't basically high def of the same fucking world. Rebranding your shit isn't making it new or better! It's all to put money in your ips so you can renew shit and fuck over your fanbase. Im sorry but i hope nrs gets fucked over and boon gets a thousand hammer death. For real.
Thanks for nothing boon. The game is garbage worthless,like your job.
Mk12/mk1 is bullshit because there actually is integral lore to mortal kombats world and character archs and they ruined the characters and story by trying to be "look at me,im not like other games guys!" Pick me ass shit.
But back to liu
Liu kang,when mortal. Got more shit done. Abit it was very plot convenient for him to win. Hardly any real struggles after the first fucking arch of his journey. Aka the real mk1. The last time i saw any struggle was in the mk 1995 movie. And even then that was still Hollywood,convenient win.
Like i just want a story where liu kang stays fucking mortal. And liu actually struggles and has realistic ups and downs throughout his life and heroes journey?
Still got more done. And he had fucking actual help. And friends.... as a god he made the same mistakes as raiden yet gets none of the flack. Fuck outta here. Nah liu kang as a god sucks and all who like that version of him can fuck right off
Also that fusion bullshit that happened in mk11 is ridiculous. And a cop out. Everything in the story thus far....is a fucking cop out.
I get it,they don't want the same dudes on the roster. But....guess what? You do it anyways nrs?! Is wb fucking you over in the ass? Just blink twice if they are. Like that's the only reason nrs keeps making mistakes,problems,and stupid ass decisions.
Anyways. Mortal liu kang any damn day.
No questions.
Anyone who picks god liu kang over sweet boy mortal liu kang is a fucking fool and honestly doesn't really know liu kang.
Fuck fire god liu kang,Oops i ment boons comicbook insert.
Mortal,shaolin monk liu kang ftfw.
All day any day.
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Like I'm just sad they couldn't have just let....ya know....his shaolin bromie kung lao take over? And ya know LET FUJIN DO HIS JOB!? and ya know....let liu kang fucking retire from the narrative?
Without god powers,without killing him off,without making him evil from plot device,without making him undead,like ffs man this man has been thru every trope except having a fucking sexy honey boo on his hip! Ffs man let this guy have happiness?
Ya think the narrative would be kinder to him considering how much bootlicking they do to him.
But nope....they want their cake and eat it too. Fuck nrs.
I'm sorry liu kang,im so sorry they made you a joke. (And to all the other characters that i know n love and grew up with so much)
People think that shit is funny,or nothing to sneeze at. Well how would you feel if something that bringed you joy growing up was being fucked over by corporate greed? And fans just eat it up and consume mindlessly without actually thinking about it? Like they buy cuz of brand and "it looks cool" .
Ugh im just sick of it man.
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