#littol nightmares
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strange creachure spotted. I shall attempt to identify.
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lurxof--thxmaw · 1 year
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// Absolutely obsessed with the Alice in Wonderland quote hidden in the files of the Residence. Specifically between two paintings of hers. I think about it all the fucking time.
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viscericorde · 6 months
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i love it when a new fill-in chart for oc's starts going around on twitter i can't stop myself from filling it out every time. anyway who want her
(you're going to have to fight her 5000 yr old situationship and the ghost of her dead boyfriend before you can even shoot your shot)
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catgirlkirigiri · 2 years
Hisui team lineup coming idk eventually. In the mean time here’s Corvus
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pre1ude · 2 years
What is the first thing your muse does in the mornings? Bonus: Describe their morning routine. // @vilestblood
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Pull apart the curtains and crack a window open. Fresh air and natural light aside, it lets in all of the noise of the early morning outside world. Sets the scene for his day, be it cold, warm, rain, fair weather, loud or quiet. He likes to prepare before he leaves his personal little sanctum. The change isn't always smooth either, he values his privacy something fierce, so he has rituals for every occasion. A bath before stepping out into noisy heat, for example. Extra time spent with Bentley if the day is shaping to be a bit more desolate and barebones. Schedule permitting, of course.
He's diligent about his mornings, how things happen and in what order. Those tend to start ridiculously early, if not by alarm clock then by early-bird pavlovian response to sunlight. If he's woken up earlier than he should, he'll idle by a window with his coffee and watch the sunrise. Allergic to sleeping in.
As for his routine: Basic hygiene first thing, sans shower. He'll attend to Bentley next, mix a nice dog walk with some jogging for practicality's sake. 6-7 am is the ideal time for this, when the streets are empty and the sun's not bright yet. Then some awfully healthy four-part breakfast and two espresso shots for the irony. He may not need the extra pep, but he drinks coffee for taste. Lots of creamer. Next it's time for vanity, with an extra cool shower (which is to say- warm, where it tends to be scalding hot) if he needs to shake off residual grogginess. He's got this part down to 10 minutes if need be: fix his hair, put on the clothes he's diligently laid out the evening prior and pronounce himself ready for the day. But he can and will sit in his bathrobe for ages, fuss over flat curls and accessories. Even take some time before a shower for yoga or meditation or whatever new physical wellness/exercise fad he's into lately.
It's all designed for immaculate speed, with some leeway. Most of all, it speaks of a guy who takes full advantage of his favourite time of day - the early hours before everyone else wakes up.
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Headcanon prompts // accepting
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sanchoyo · 9 months
biting my tablet pencil in half i HATE . drawing
(this is a joke. i am mad i cant draw things as fast as I think of them tho. drawing the comic has me seriously mad sequential art takes SO long. i love doing comics. & hate doing them also. i need a magic printer that instantly puts whats in my brain on the page)
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sixeyescurseuser · 5 months
Thinking about an alternate timeline where Geto never defected; he and Gojo took Megumi and the twins in, raising them as one little family. 
Whenever smol Megumi had a nightmare, he would sneak into his parents room and wiggle his littol body in between Gojo and Geto.
Upon hearing Megumi’s sniffles, Gojo would instantly wake up. He'd pull the child in to fit against his tummy, softly shhhing him and telling him it’s safe so go back to sleep. 
Or whenever Geto reads his books on the couch, the twins love mimicking him. Well, Mimiko mimics him with an actual book while Nanako is more content to brush her doll’s hair. But they’re still spending quality time together doing their own activities.
If Geto helps the kids with homework, then Gojo whips up a five-star-dinner. 
When the Gojo/Geto household go on a road trip, Geto dutifully drives and Gojo points out whatever interesting things - cars, scenery, landmarks - they pass by.
Because he’s the youngest, Megumi is awarded the middle seat in the back. He frowns the entire car ride to their destination. 
(“Megoomi! Relax that face, or else you’ll have wrinkles in your twenties,” Gojo teases.
Through the rearview mirror, Megumi glares at him like a grumpy cat.)
A couple years later, teen Megumi steadily grows, and Geto has to tell the twins: “Okay girls, let Megumi-kun have the side. He’s taller than both of you now.”
When Megumi enters Jujutsu Tech, he’s fawned over because he has the famous dads in the jujutsu world. Some of the curses even know about Megumi (who has traces of his dads’ cursed energies on him) and want to mess with Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru’s kid. 
Sometimes, a little part of Megumi wishes he could exist without being recognized as Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru’s kid.
But at the same time, he wouldn’t trade them for the world. It’s just that shouldering the expectations and Gojo/Geto name is a lot to handle as a younger teenager. 
The first year consists of adjusting for Gojo and Geto as well, as they have to be professional and treat Megumi as any other student. At times, the line between parents and teachers can be difficult to manage. 
Megumi lives in the dorms now, so he has a space away from his parents. Though he knows he can always crash at his parents' house if he wants. 
In fact, Megumi goes home often to see his sisters - who have opted for normal school - and enjoy his dad’s (Geto’s) cooking. 
On his sixteenth birthday, Megumi makes a drastic mistake.
He hadn’t meant to be a party pooper on his special day, it’s just that he hadn’t gotten enough sleep the night prior, and his body still ached from the injuries he sustained on his previous mission.
Moreover, even though he requested a quiet gathering later in the day, Megumi now sits in front of a cake at ten in the morning, surrounded by his friends and family who have dragged him out to a restaurant that is infamous for having a whole production for customers who dine in on their birthdays. 
Under the pressure of dozens of eyes and non-stop talking, cheering, and singing, Megumi inhales deeply, then exhales, blowing out all sixteen candles-
and making the impulsive wish to be alone. 
Megumi wakes up in his dorm room, alone. No signs of people singing happy birthday or the taste of cake lingering on his tongue. 
This is…perfect? 
Megumi lets out a long yawn. He glances out the window, he briefly wonders where all the snow went? Did it really all melt after one night?
A light rapping at his door breaks Megumi out of his stupor.
“Fushiguro! Are you awake?” Yuji’s voice filters from the hallway. “Gojo-sensei sent me to check on you. Our meeting started five minutes ago.”
Meeting…what meeting? Weren’t they on winter break? It had just been his birthday, right? What could the meeting possibly be about?
“Coming!” Megumi calls out, then quickly jumps out of bed to get dressed. 
Walking to the classroom, Yuji whistling by his side, Megumi realizes it’s not even winter anymore. The flowers are in full bloom, and the sun shines down in all its glory. 
Something is seriously off, Megumi knows.
This is proven even further when the meeting Gojo called his students for is to inform them about the upcoming Goodwill Event with their sister-school from Kyoto. 
Megumi has no recollection of his parents discussing this to be so soon, nor does he know how the seasons suddenly changed and everyone seemed to be on the same page except for him.
Feeling sorely out of the loop, Megumi takes advantage of his classmates’ constant chatter to wave his father over. Gojo approaches Megumi’s desk with his hands shoved in his pockets, and black blindfold secured over his eyes.
“Dad, what’s going on? I thought we didn’t start up classes until the new year,” Megumi says. Gojo’s lips twitch into a smile, hesitant yet cheerful.
“Oh? What is this? Are you going to call me Dad after all these years? Megumi is finally coming around!" Gojo exclaims, clapping his hands excitedly. Megumi’s eyebrows furrow in deep confusion. 
"What? But I always call you-" Megumi starts, but Gojo has already turned away to answer one of Nobara's questions.
Megumi's heart sinks.
His father has never turned away from him like that before. Never.
Without thinking, Megumi pulls his phone out and frantically searches for his other dad's number. The longer it takes for Megumi to find the contact "Papa," the more Megumi's heart dangerously speeds up. 
This can't be, Megumi thinks as he finishes scrolling through his contact three times. 
It's- it's not there.
Something is very, very wrong...
When the meeting concludes, every student except Megumi filters out of the classroom.
(Fushiguro? You coming?” Yuji questions. Megumi shakes his head and explains he has to ask Gojo-sensei a couple questions. 
“We’ll meet you at the front in fifteen minutes. I need some new outfits for this event,” Nobara says. She and Yuji shuffle out after that.)
Now alone with his father(?), Megumi asks where his Papa Geto is. 
Gojo instantly freezes at those words. “What did you say?”
“Papa…he’s not here. I can’t find his contact in my phone either,” Megumi elaborates, holding up his device. “Where is he? Usually, you’d be all over him by now.” 
“Who, Megumi, who?” Gojo pushes.
Megumi answers, “My papa, Geto Suguru?” 
Gojo is silent for a short beat, then utters the first thing that his disassociating mind can muster: “You're not my Megumi."
And he slams Megumi against the wall. 
“DAD? PLEASE STOP! YOU’RE HURTING ME! I-I DON'T KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON!?” Megumi yells, his heart slamming against his ribcage now being on the receiving end of his not-father’s attack.
Meanwhile, Gojo shoves his blindfold off and uses six eyes to scan the boy up and down. But nothing about Megumi's cursed energy seems off. Everything seems to be in place…
This is Fushiguro Megumi. 
"Dad...I'm sorry, I don't know what I did wrong," Megumi whimpers, gripping the wrists that pin him with unmovable strength.
His traitorous eyes begin to tear up, paralyzing fear crawling down his spine. He wants to go back to bed and wake up between his parents after this horrible nightmare, wants to wake up after being squished in the middle seat during their five-hour car ride, wants to go back to the familiarity of his home where his family was-
"I want my Papa b-back…” 
Gojo abruptly releases Megumi from his hold, crystal-blue eyes shaking in disbelief. 
Megumi collapses to the ground but scrambles back up and flees.
What have I done? The two of them think to themselves.
w/ @no-one-says-hi
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double--hh · 2 months
Remember that AU where Elenois found an old spell book and everyone turned into their nightmare counterparts. I can imagine how mortified the residents were when they’re being transformed, especially for Angus and Izaack. Angus’s eyelids are being peeled off and his body hurts while Izaack turns into some fleshy Jabba the Hutt abomination.
OURGH YESH. I can only IMAGINE the horror and the fear for them, Angus esp since I view Abducius still being human. I imagine Izaack's reaction would be like Ted's from IHNMBIMS when he turned into the flesh monster kudos to AM.
Art and littol drabble below, please heed the tw and take care of yourselves <3
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Angus rushed to the bathroom when that ever so familiar seering of white pain hit his entire body and threw up. His shirt was oozing blood, every orifice of his body felt as it was being split open, he tried to close his eyes as he wretched but struggled as his eyes watered.
All he feels at this moment is pain.
Pure, cutting, burning, excruciating pain.
Through blurring vision he refocuses on his hands, they're covered in scars, knicks and deliberate cuts, his fingernails fell off, they looked pulled off.
He has been sober for so, so long.
He tried throwing up more, but nothing was left in him.
Why now? Is this hell? Is this what death feels like?
Then he heard it, a voice calling for him,
He finally looked up into the mirror over his sink and got a look at himself.
He shrieks.
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marcynomercy · 6 months
Fate written in blood
Thank you @littol-rascal for beta-reading and for giving me so many tips and suggestions to improve writing thanks to that the next chapters got better too.
Summary: The blood has always been her way until the day that fate changed, After being kidnapped by mind flayers and the fall of the Nautiloid Calamity had a new opportunity for freedom and strangely her fate crossed with that of Astarion when the elf put that dagger around her neck. 
 Their fate until now was written by others, but now they would write with their own hands in blood. 
Warnings: Violence, blood, game events, mentions of trauma, distress/comfort, mention of abuse. (That’s it for now)
Ship: Astarion and Calamity (Tav), Shadowheart and Carniex (Tav), mentions of other characters.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4.
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Chapter 3 - Blood and a song
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 That night, Calamity told Astarion her story–vaguely, because it was a bit too foreboding in the middle of the night, and perhaps the details would leave them both with nightmares, she said. 
In turn, Astarion heard everything she was willing to say, making his own mental notes: First, that her masters were two motherfuckers who deserved death just as well as Cazador, and second, that she was clearly broken—she just didn’t know how much. 
 She’d admitted that she was just "acting" the lead role, and Astarion found himself impressed since she’d done so quite it masterfully... so he just realized that she just assumed what she needed at the time, like a good doll and puppet. 
 He felt disgusted by it. 
 For some reason, he began to hate it, the lack of personality, ambition and greed... the lack of life in her. By the gods, he was an undead and had more to live for than she who had a beating heart in her chest! 
 So he started little by little, and when she seemed to want something, he encouraged her to take it, no matter how useless it seemed.
"Darling, if you want something, take it! No one willcare, and it’s better to have than to not, don’t you think?"
Hearing these words, Calamity just kept quiet, but she agreed.
 Calamity went on to pick up a few things, starting with one or two books that she became curious about, and then jewelry–they found a bag with some, and Astarion picked up almost all of it, with the exception of one piece–a silver necklace. After all, he had to stay away from silver, but Calamity kept staring at the necklace with great interest.
"Do you like it?" he asked.
"A-Ah... the stone." She pointed to the small stone in the setting, probably a ruby, judging by its crimson hues. "It’s beautiful… I like that color," she said softly.
"Do you like red?"
"Yes! It’s a strong and welcoming color..." She looked into his eyes. "Like your eyes."
 Astarion found himself at a loss for words.
"R-Right, if you like the necklace, then take it! I can’t touch it," he chuckled
 That’s how she took the necklace she would wear around her neck often now. 
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 It was the sixth day after the fall of the Nautiloid and the formation of this strange group, and now, they had two more members: A tiefling who fled the blood war called Karlach, and the hero of the coast, Wyll.
 So far, they’d just had to deal with some goblins, gnolls, some false paladins of Thyr, and at the present time–a hag. 
"That bitch pissed me off." She told the group as justification for chasing the hag to the bottom of her lair.
 Was it perhaps another idiotic reason? Maybe, but this witch had angered everyone in the group one way or another, so no one protested. At least it was a decision she made based on the trial itself, and that was progress and... well, they found a Gur. For some reason, he’d been there on the trail near the hag’s house, and they bumped into each other after the fight against the hag, saving Myrina and giving her a zombie husband. The Gur said he was looking for a vampire spawn,and immediately Calamity and Astarion’s gazes met. 
"And what will you do with him? Kill him?" Calamity asked.
"I have orders to capture him and take him back to Baldur’s Gate," the Gur replied, "my people are waiting for me there." 
As easy as it would be to pull a dagger and kill him– something she’d done before– didn’t seem justifiable, since she was the only one to know Astarion’s secret... therefore, she discreetly poked the vampire, hoping he would stop looking at the hunter as a beast ready to kill, saying goodbye quickly before snatching the elf, taking him down the road with her until they were out of the Gur’s earshot. 
"Why the hell did you spare him?!" Astarion’s tone was frustrated at best, downright furious at worst. "I should have killed him!" 
"Shh!!" Calamity put her hand over his mouth as she walked him away from the group a little so they could speak. "I did it to keep your secret hidden for longer! Think about it, Astarion… if I killed him without a GOOD explanation what others would think?" She argued, stepping away from him a little. " You once told me to think first before acting impulsively."
"Well, that was because you tried to draw the sword to a devil! He was just a Gur, and we killed a Hag because she annoyed you, remember?"
"I think the Hag’s death was enough of an impulsive action for today." 
He rolled his eyes and snorted.
"Yes! But if he shows up at camp..." Astarion’s tone was pointed, clearly expecting a response.
"Well," she replied, meeting his gaze with as serious of an expression as she could, “then I will have the pleasure of killing him, and draining his blood to be your dinner." She finished with a flourish of her hand, smiling at the vampire.
 Astarion just laughed in response, imagining her hanging the cadaver upside down to drain the blood–imagining such a small and adorable person doing it was frankly hilarious.
"Hey, you’re mocking my height in your mind again, aren’t you?!" She crossed her arms, a half-pout on her face.
"Me? No," Astarion said, feigning both seriousness and innocence, "I was just thinking lovely things about how cute and small you are."
 Judgind from Calamity’s expression, she was ready to hit him.
"Hey, when did the two of you start being so close?" Shadowheart asked suspiciously. " Now you’re even talking and whispering."
"Awww, let them talk! They’re so cute, like a couple." Karlach, chuckled, seemingly enjoying seeing them like this.
 Both of them looked up, denial and surprise evident on their faces.
"It’s either that, or you’re trying to make up for her brother's absence, which is kind of a... pathetic thing anyway." Much to their dismay, the cleric seemed as sharp as ever.
"Astarion and I just got a little closer as friends... what’s up? Is Shadowheart jealous?" Calamity teased.
"Only in your dreams." Shadowheart replied, rolling her eyes.
"You hurt me, Shadowheart, I thought you liked me." Calamity fake-pouted, though the beginnings of a smile were evident at the corners of her mouth.
"Don’t be dramatic, you silly." The cleric said amicably.
 After all, Calamity and Shadowheart seemed to have had a good rapport from the beginning, and if she wanted advice or to clear her mind so she could plan more clearly, the other party members could be sure they would find the leader of the group talking to Shadowheart.
As they walked, Shadowheart pulled Calamity away from Astarion.
"What are you two hiding?" she asked.
"Nothing that is problematic in, I think..." She thought a little better. "I think it’s not problematic... at least not for me. Anyway! It’s a personal thing for him, and I promised that I would keep it a secret, and you better than anyone understands secrecy, isn’t that Shart?" The cleric sighed, mainly due to the fact that she'd used the nickname.
"Are you really going to insist on the nickname?"
"If you don't like this, I’m accepting suggestions! You know... you’re my first friend, and I know that nicknames are something affectionate..." Calamity’s cheeks flushed slightly."So... you can call me "Caly" if you want to."
"Oh, that’s a cute nickname. Your brother calls you that, I suppose."
"Yeah, you know, whenever he calls me by my name,I’m usually going to get scolded, or it’s something serious." 
 They talked for a while as they made their way back to the camp.
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 Maybe it was because of the awkward encounter with the Gur or just his mind dragging him back into misery to remind him not to relax, but Astarion had a nightmare. 
 The vampire from his trance after dreaming of Cazador meeting him in the forest. He was terrified of his desperate mind, and hunger tended to strike him as terribly and strongly as his fear did. He needed more strength, more power... he needed blood, not those animals he was taking, but someone. Astarion left his tent and began to think about who he should pay a visit to, but luckily for him, there was someone sleeping outside the tent tonight... It was Calamity. 
 She said she’d help him, so she probably wouldn’t be mad at him for that, right?
However, Calamity woke up before he could bite her, and stared at him, sighing in exasperation as she sat up on her sleeping bag. 
"You know…” she trailed off. “I expected you to at least ask." Calamity paused, watching Astarion for a moment. " What happened? You didn’t get anything in the forest today?"
"I..." He was silent for a moment, thinking about what he would say. " I had a nightmare with my Master, he found me and I went back to the shadows... I need to get stronger, and the hunger… it’s consuming me." 
 She saw the despair in his eyes, in his expression… it was a despair she knew very well.
"I understand you, and you know I promised to help you and trust you,” she said, trying to reassure him. 
"Can you trust me but a little more?"
" If it’s a bite you’re asking for, I don’t have a problem with that, but just…” Calamity paused. ”Don’t overdo it. Can you promise me that?"
"Of course,” Astarion replied, feeling the hunger gnaw at his stomach, “now, how about we get comfortable?" 
"I think we’d better go to your tent." she suggested. "Better to prevent any accidents, I’d hate for someone to try to stake you."
"You’re right, of course,” Astarion chuckled. “Can we?" he reached out to Calamity,who gladly accepted his hand.
 So silly. She trusted him so very easily…was it really so easy to conquer someone like her, just like that? 
 As soon as they entered his tent, Calamity just watched everything quietly, as it was messy; the empty blood jars and the wooden tablet on the floor... He didn’t seem very comfortable. 
"Wait a moment." Astarion took some pillows and a sleeping bag,quickly preparing a bed for her. "Much better."
"Why don’t you do it for yourself when you get some rest?" An innocent question from Calamity, but it hurt, somehow.
 Astarion ignored the question, making her sit in the sleeping bag accommodating her.
"How do you want to do this?" Calamity asked almost automatically, her eyes wide.
"Well…” Astarion paused. “Are you afraid?" 
"Of being bitten by a vampire? Honestly, I’m not afraid. I can’t explain it, but it seems natural to me..." Calamity said softly, her expression thoughtful. 
"Have... you ever been bitten?" Astarion was intrigued by her perspective.
"If I was, I don’t remember, I don’t remember anything before I was 10 years old, and there are things I just know." 
"No memories, but her subconscious remembers information it needs, so to speak..." he muttered, more as an observation to himself. "Well, whatever’s most comforting to you." 
 Calamity just grabbed her hair that was loose, moving to lie on a pillow leaving her neck easily accessible to him. Astarion then positioned himself on top of her calmly, watching her features. She stared serenely waiting for him... so soft, so inviting. 
  He slowly approached, placing his hand behind the back of her neck, then he finally set his fangs and bit down, feeling the blood flow into his mouth.
 The taste was... something he himself could not explain, it was coppery, savory, and sweet as vanilla, but had something more full-bodied, dense, strong... powerful. It was intense and addictive, and the more he drank, the more his desire increased. Meanwhile, Calamity felt pain, but also something completely new, unique; she could feel her blood flow from her body to his... but even after that, there was still something more. 
  Something asleep inside her that began to stir, deeply. Calamity grabbed the fabric of his shirt, trying to something, but Astarion couldn’t make out the words. He lifted her body, embracing her waist as her grip on his shirt tightened, her voice rising again.
"A-Astarion... please... stop." She pleaded with him, her vision blurred, her tone exhausted, weak even.
 Astarione realized he may have gone overboard, detaching himself from her neck immediately, but he kept holding her in his arms...saw what he did to her.
"Calamity?! Hey, don’t sleep!" he demanded, hiding his nervousness.
"Calm down, I won’t close my eyes."  Calamity’s voice was weak and her eyes looked heavy, yet she still tried to reassure him...
 To Astarion, her skin looked paler than before, and the blood was still flowing from the bite on her neck. Astarion then licked the blood that was dripping from the punctures,laying her down carefully. 
"That - that was amazing. My mind is finally clear. I feel strong. I feel… happy." Astarion said as he stroked her face. "This is a gift, you know. I won’t forget it."
Exhausted and drained, Calamity chose to just accept the affection willingly.
"I’m happy to help... is it a bad thing if I fall asleep? I feel so... tired." 
Her breathing was heavier, and Astarion feared that if she slept, her heart would stop beating. An irrational fear, perhaps, but a fear nonetheless.
"You know, darling, maybe it’s a little dangerous if you sleep." He sat next to her.
"Are you afraid I’ll die?"
"Well, if you die after letting me drink your blood, I don’t think others will see it in the right light…it would at least be a stake in my chest."
"Do you think someone like me would die so easily?" Calamity questioned, slightly turning her face to look at him.
"Would you be offended if I said that at this moment you seem very fragile?"
"No…” she trailed off drowsily. “Am I delusional, or do you look worried?"
"It’s kind of hard not to be a little worried right now." Astarion admitted, concern laced into his voice.
Calamity smiled when she heard those words. 
"You know, I’m gonna need to sleep sometime." 
"Then, please drink a healing potion before closing your eyes." Shuffling about, Astarion quickly took a jar from somewhere–she couldn’t tell where.
 Calamity raised her head high enough to be able to drink the potion without problems. Astarion helped her, of course, and then laid her down again. 
"Will you rest too?" she asked.
"Not yet, if you’ll excuse me, you’re invigorating, but I need something more… filling."
 Astarion left her in his tent and ran into the forest, the truth is that he was hungry in a different sort of way.
"Gods... any more and I would have devoured her." He muttered, feeling heat begin to simmer beneath his skin, feeling the tension pooling in his groin.
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 When he returned to his tent, Calamity was still there, seemingly in a deep sleep. He laid down beside her, but much to his surprise, she was awake, turning towards him and open her eyes.
"Are you tired?" She asked.
"I’m still far too awake to go into a trance now." He sighed.
"I can sing, to help you relax." she suggested.
"What? Will you put me to sleep with a lullaby?" He joked, looking mischievously at her.
"Well, it’s a unique offer." Calamity hummed.
"In that case…” Astarion paused. “How could I say no." 
 Calamity began to sing; a soft and beautiful melody, but the music hit Astarion in a way he would never have imagined.
"Light is not a salvation, the shadows are,
Your place isn’t in the light but you still miss it;
Blood calls you, so don’t hold on,
I will accompany you; wherever you go, I will be by your side.
This moment is our eternity,
Don’t think about tomorrow or the next century;
Just stay in this brief moment by my side,
I’ll be yours until I die.
You don’t belong to the light,
The darkness in you that even the brightest light can’t illuminate;
For some reason I am drawn to this darkness, I can’t help it,
It ‘s the darkest part of my soul taking a breath from this welcoming darkness."
  It seemed to Astarion that this song was made for him, as the lyrics made every part of his being tremble, even down to his soul.
"Darling... where did you hear that song?" he asked perplexed.
"I don’t know, I don’t remember. But this song is recorded in my heart, I sang it whenever I felt lonely and helpless. It was my hope and my comfort, so I hope she will give you some of that comfort and hope Astarion." She smiled and stretched out her hand shyly to him.
 Astarion was still atonite, he didn’t know what to think or what he was feeling... but this is nice, why not? He held her hand and she continued to sing to him. 
"So I took her in,
I took you in,
If it’s my blood you want, I’ll give it to you;
If it’s my life you want, I’ll give it to you;
I’ll give you everything, down to my soul,
This moment is our peace,
This moment is our redemption;
Let me stay with you in this darkness,
This is our eternity, my love."
 He listened to the end, his mind slipping gently into a trance. Upon seeing him relaxed, Calamity finally gave in to sleep too, whispering to him before slumber took her... 
"Sweet dreams, Astarion."
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Well that’s it! Thank you for reading the third chapter.
@spacebarbarianweird @spacesquidlings @thechaoticdruid @vixstarria
Who wants to be tagged in the next chapters please tell me in the comments.
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New and all inclusive intro to the hellspace that's my brain and this blog!! Do not attempt to find any parallels in my blorbos to my behavior and desires I promise it says nothing about the very core of me as a living being haha
Every silly appearing above lives fulltime in my brain and refuses to pay the mortgage, in fact, is very adamant they will never do so. Henceforth, I yap about them sometimes!! Some more than others *coughNinecough* but they are always present
>Now to the tags I actively use!!
sonic prime / sonic the hedgehog / miles nine prower – The most of thoughts at the actual documented begining of life for this blog, and I like Nine!! A lot!! A character made specifically for me I think....
murder drones / arcane / nimona 2023 / dreamtale (UTMV) – Other stuff besides Sonic that I draw and yap about, although this is still mainly a Sonic blog
me does arts / littol doodl / actually finished doodl – My art tags!! I've been drawing the same character for over a year and a half now help :D Have no idea why I decided to split them into three separate categories but I belive the names are pretty self explanatory
me when I finish writing – I do a drabble or two sometimes as well just, don't expect for me to actually finish anything I start writing even though I say I will, that tag name is a lie
the silly text box – answered asks whenever I rember to use the tag lmao
silly brainwors – my yappings, Nine character analyses and headcannons!!
There's no talk tag, if you see my random unrelated thoughts, it was destined and once in a lifetime event
>I also have a few AUs but only of the "What if crossover variety
Prime bros – a more or less non commited collaborative effort of random.headcannons and drabbles between me and Marie and anyone else who has thoughts and wants to join in on the fun on the idea of having the Shatterverse foxes (Nine, Sails, Mangey and Tails) living together in green hill and causing mayhem because the way the show left them was bulshit and unsatisfying!!
The same but different is my own personal version of the prime bros universe than I'm.fighting tooth and nail to write and constantly failing gdhsg
Over the hills – is a Dreamtale and Sonic crossover brough on by The Nine-tailed travel guide through the multiverse event conceived by Donelywell and mashed with my long time held dreamswap au idea of Dream taking Night and running away from the village (I will...write the second chapter....eventually.......)
running from a Nightmare – another Dreamtale au, this time about corrupted Nightmare being set loose on the Sonic world by none other than Eggman and the suffering that comes with it (also fighting nose and finger to get it written, you see a pattern here?)
prime arcane – as seen above, I like arcane!! Jinx and Nine are eerily similar, I put them together, boom an Au :D other characters are there too but I need to get around actually designing them....
the n 'n n's (read as m&m's) – unserious crossover where I put Nine Night and Nimona together and have them be silly (perhaps Nuzi will tag along some day too...)
>This will most likely get updated in case I get possessed by something new or remeber a tag I forgor
Hey you scrolled this far might as well put some more random trivia abt me here :D
>paleontology and zoology nerd, but only as an avid listener to four hour documentaries, I don't actually know shit- (Miniminuteman, casual geo and Lydnsey Nikole hyper carry this special interest)
>Obviously a followup to previous point needed, favorite dinosaur is the Archeopterix and the animal ever is the Blunt Headed Tree Snake
>I have a pet snake, her name is Ebi and is a black head spider python!!
>Fourth (and last, pray for me please) year of studying Mechanical engineering, I also have no fucking clue what I'm doing, I don't know a lick of math :DD
>Favorite color is pink!! (In case you couldn't tell by my art and this whole post lmao) I went through a goddamn hero's journey to learn to love it alright you can pry the seven plain hot pink shirts from my cold dead hands
>I'm Slovak!! *zahučanie sokola a zvučka fujary*
>undiagnosed but there's something...
>I could recite the story of the ugly duckling backwards as a kid (unrelated to previous point)
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serial-designation-dz · 9 months
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New arrival...
As you can imagine, dying, especially being murdered, is very stressful. Lucky she wasn't alone in her fear.
N and V would later show her their spirit forms to make her feel better about being a tiny littol bat. Though bigger than her, they are still quite small, a fact which makes her feel a little less embarrassed.
backgrounds are my worst nightmare.
Also yes the first line is a reference to Corpse Bride
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trepans-apprentice · 1 month
huh wuh
i wrote something. i do not like writing in this style. nonetheless it is a loredrop for the littol guy
This story was always meant to end, wasn’t it? No matter what form he took, no matter at all what he did. It was always going to end this way. He looked in the sheet of metal, a visage not his own staring back. A beast stared back. Sharpened, translucent teeth, the lure of a fish, the claws of a nightmare. This was never going to have a happy end, was it? He tried to think of happier times, of when he was human and his husband was alive.But nothing came to mind. What was his husbands name again? The reflection staring at him looked terrified. Was he scared? What was that?He looked away, dropping the sheet of metal. The clatter echoed through the room, carrying with it the weight of realization.
He didn’t remember.
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staticshipstation · 1 year
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Just some more self indulgent fnaf content at 12pm.
As a littol teen I used to pretend my Foxy Plush (whom I still have) was actually nightmare foxy in his like disguse. So I'd convince myself if I had nightmares that he'd protect me because he was stronger than the other nightmares. It worked really well.
Thanks, Foxy.
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kiok0r0 · 5 months
Well, I was planning on attacking you with love.
But I also want to know more about your AUs.
Oh! So here's some mix and match AUs I had in mind:
- My guys as any of the popular outcode iterations (so like an Ink Rus or an Error Pine or a Nightmare Cyrus)
- Bonus: my ocs getting error-fied or ink-fied
- Adding a whole roster of different undertale characters and adding some more OCs to my expansive (actually it is small. littol even) multiverse because unfortunately it's not all skeletons. Also expanding what the multiverse is (to me)
- X-tale but it's x-swap and x-fell. I just want to see some others be more anime-fied alright
- Horror and swapfell and fellswap? I don't see a lot of those aus
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cloudydays69 · 4 months
ermm here's some better looks at my decorative chaos area
jjba tarot deck + the nine glory gods cards :]
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littol guys:
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foam Kinger I made that is unfortunately yellowing:
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decorative pickle jars:
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Sadako plushie I made:
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A straight up Valentines Day chocolate box:
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Pearler bead Spamton that my friend made me:
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Not on the chaos area but still cool:
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And finally...
the small The Nightmare Before Christmas tree that I have and decorated on my own with mostly advent calender stuff:
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Also you can't see they're face from this angle but there's a Ghostface ornament
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c3rnunnos · 2 years
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some portraits of morrigan and nemo. some info on them under the cut
Morrigan Ite Cohen is my Choir scholar oc. they’re... something. i usually refer to them as pathetic, slimy, generally unpleasant, and they can usually be found doing really neat stuff like munching on pieces of ebrietas, delving deep into nightmares and dreams in the hopes of talking (read: eating) whatever great one hides in there, and their goal in life is to consume and ascend. they think of themselves as a chrysalis, and they want to bloom into something beautiful like the god of the sea they saw so long ago. they are... awfully close to their goal too. they are someone that had no setbacks in life ever (aside from maybe being distant from their family on an emotional level), and proceeded to make everything worse for the people around them. from taking parasites from the hunter’s nightmare and using corpses, living patients and even themselves as a breeding ground for the horrid vermin, to eating the corpses of hunters who stopped dreaming, they truly aimed for the stars and became unbearable to their coworkers. fun fact: the scars on their face are not scars. they can open up and show the eyes on the inside. they tend to bleed the black substance that now makes up a majority of morrigan’s insides. fun fact 2: their hair is a mess of tangles cause they tend to braid sections of it when thinking. the only way to salvage it would be to cut it real short. fun fact 3: they used to be the shortest of my ocs. now theyre in the medium section exclusively cause a tall lanky bastard fit the vibe more than a littol creacher. as i made them worse and more evil, they got taller.
Nemo Heliwr is my White Church Hunter/Good Hunter oc. they were a church foundling, even if they were older than usual when the church finally managed to get them. they underwent a childhood as the object of admiration of a cult, and were made so that one day they may birth the child of a great one; their own mother didnt give them a name, for they were but a passing conduit. they instead told them to hold onto a name, so that they may give it to their child. eventually, as the cult started to get hunted down for their heretical actions, their mother abandoned them with nothing but the clothes on their back, a lifetime of terror regarding the church and the hunters, and a promise to fulfill their purpose. unfortunately for those lunatics, they spent a childhood and adolescence braving the streets of yharnam and scrapping with dogs, beasts and huntsmen, up until they got picked up by a rather concerned Holy Blade. after that, after being offered kindness for the first time in many years, after being offered a place to sleep and good food to eat, education, and a good way to get those violent urges of theirs out... they did their best to keep Yharnam clean. then, everything went to hell, and they traded that secret old name for oblivion; they were awoken on the night of the hunt, the city in a frenzy and beasts running free, old friends dead and gone, and they got to work. Nemo cannot escape their past - they cannot escape the dream, the hunt, and what they were made to do. they may not have conceived the child of a great one, but in the end they did ascend and take that old name for themselves. fun fact: Heliwr is simply welsh for hunter, and Nemo means no one. since they had no name or surname, they were given something rather ironic by ludwig. fun fact 2: the scars on their face are nothing compared to the scars hidden by their bandana and hood. they were mauled by a dog when they were a child, and survived by miracle. fun fact 3: their eyes are just like that. kinda weird to look at.
i like drawing them together cause they are kind of opposites in my mind, ya know? morrigan, so openly pathetic and disgusting, with no regard for their appearance or the feelings of others as they desperately try to become something more VS nemo, always guarded and hiding their fear and anger under a facade of coldness, unblinking and violent, trying desperately to avoid the destiny lain before them. i have a small confrontation between them written down, and it’s always a pleasure to break down nemo in front of that depravity. plus, since they knew each other (morrigan taught them how to read and write and anything required for them to be a functional member of society)... ah, pain.
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