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Just Some Guy OC Tourney - Side B: Round 1
do NOT be mean to anyone or any characters in these polls. you MUST clarify if you are joking/teasing or you will be blocked. if you are someone who entered an oc into this and you are mean to other contestants you will be disqualified
do NOT claim a character doesn't deserve to be here. yes including your own. be nice
if you are posting propaganda you have to tag us, including if your propaganda is in the reblogs. it is difficult to tell when something is or isn't propaganda. anything not tagging us will likely be missed
please don't hesitate to let me know if i messed something up!
have fun, hype each other up <3 thank you
Chel | She/her | @toonfanstars
CW: Body horror (in other images in toyhouse gallery)
She was just an average guy. She would wake up, eat breakfast, and get ready for work. She didn't particularly like her job, but her coworker was friendly enough, even if a little too ambitious. She likes to keep her routine as normal as possible, and any little deviation usually bugs her but she tries to deal with it. Whether it be that she can't find a matching pair of socks or suddenly getting possessed by a demon, nothing is stopping her from getting her morning coffee & bagel from her favourite bakery.
Promos: https://toyhou.se/11556109.chel
Rishi | He/Him | @littlemsterious
he’s cursed, has seen the horrors. is pretty laid back about it. he didnt do it, it just happened to him.
Full images and descriptions under the cut!
[no extra description provided]

[no extra description provided]
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Tag list part 1
@izzy2210 @dieseldrakilis @orionsangel86 @callcenterkilljoy @castielsprostate @cassiecasyl @vulcancoded @musingsofaretiredunicorn @gats-puckish-rogue @cosmosinfinity23 @ar1mas @brokenlibrarygirl @deancasdeancas @alloutofgoddesses @carryonwaywardsquirrel @red-pen-revolution @scarhoax @wildishmazz @rockangelwicked @the-randomest-ofthe-fandomest @bexfangirlforlife @historyandqueershenanigans @infinitysided @samcarterphd @lingzhu @fadingcalamity @rippingyarn @little-bloodied-angel @smol-magical-bean @melmey @likemmmcookies @gaybird-the-fifth @aheartofgold @babycakeskaylabby @skinnyscottishbloke @purplegalaxydetective @cagedpencil @redshoes-blues @nutcasewithaknife @salt-and-pepperbeard @moutonenchocolat @hozier-natural @still-at-thee-restaurant @littlemsterious @llovelyclouds @queuest @venusgrestell @noonbirdsstuff @biromanticboba @cptnvers

What if aziraphale and crowley tried to postpone the second coming by finding increasingly ridiculous activities for jesus to do
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thoughts on this halloween decoration that still hasn’t been put away?
Oooo not a bad looking fellow! Little bit wonky from the front but they've got the general shape. Odd bit of bone next to the teeth looks like it's fusing the maxilla to the mandible. Sutures on the temple are pretty good except missing the coronal suture (goes over the top from temple to temple). Got the left infraorbital foramen in the right place but none of the other foramina (inc the right infraorbital one!) and lots of random looking holes on the right side of the maxilla and mandible? Much like myself this fellow looks quite handsome with a 3/4 view but somewhat less so when staring straight at the camera 7/10 I would never put them away!
#ask the judge#judge your bones#thanks for this it's got me back in the judging mood#littlemsterious#maxilla = facial bone (technically plural bones) where the teeth come out#mandible = lower jaw bone#suture = place where skull bones have fused together#infraorbital foramen = small hole in the maxilla under the eye socket (one on each side)#foramina = plural foramen = a hole/passage/opening often in bone
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tagged by @paleode-ology , this was neat, needed a new pfp so uh. woo!

no pressure tagging, @conluvsstede @burnseternally @littlemsterious
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@gaydrieeen @tir3dace @morganski-19 @zerokrox-blog @stillfullofshit @seths-rogens @superchellerific @itsanarrum @elizbaehth @marklee-blackmore @little-gae-shit @vi-an-te @fearieshadow @thing-a-ling @hellowhatthehellisgoingonhere @novelnovella @thegingerrapunzel @thedragonsaunt @adaed5 @shunna @elevenclouds @froggistain @kindred-aquarian @deadflowercollector @irethsune @mydirtyromance @sapphireoceansoc @theultimatefriend @questionablequeeries @eye-open @chaoticlovingdreamer @bornonthesavage @michael-the-angelo @n0-1-important @envyadams-vs-me @neutralmermaid @yourmom-isgay @crimsonwing62 @lunapics @bloodybalerina a @artofabookworm @katytheinspiredworkaholic @breealtair @panicatthediaz @pheonixashtree @januslover14 @greatsportsprofessorathlete @mistlafey @sagasimon @sadboislovebeans @anne-bennett-cosplayer @littlemsterious @feelinhellabi @beckkthewreck @sugar-haus @littleintrovertedgeek @whimsicalwitchm @chaoticlovingdreamer
Steve groaned at the light that invaded his closed eyes, trying to hide his face in the pillows. It had been nearly a week since he was kidnapped and, not for his lack of trying, had done his best to seclude himself. His first night after his recapture Steve had tried to escape through the door only for it to remain bolted in place. The only way out was when someone came to check on him, however, since the escape he’s only allowed to have visitors of two or greater so he couldn’t pull any more tricks.
Typically that left him with Gareth who was Joyce’s guard dog, very rarely was there anyone else. The woman seemed to be his designated babysitter, regardless that his wound and illness had cleared up. It was rare that she wasn’t the one bringing his food, clothes, or anything to get him to speak.
Since he was recaptured he’d taken a vow of silence, noting how Joyce was the only one not giving in to the irritation. Any conversation was carried by her while he made a point to remain quiet. Steve spent most of his alone time reading the books the healer continued to bring in, trying to find something to occupy his time.
Kas had yet to make an appearance to make demands, or to punish him for slapping, so he was surprised he got to keep his hand after all that. He didn’t believe the king was keeping away from him, not trusting Joyce not to say everything he had said, no matter how small it was. Steve had denied several calls He refused to act like he was happy to be forced into this life.
That’s how he found himself curled up in his nice, yet temporary, bed, boots tossed on the ground carelessly while he read one of the various books. He’d made it several chapters into the tales of a knight and a scholar when the door opened to Joyce and Gareth, taking it upon themselves to be invited in, Steve choosing to ignore them.
“Afternoon you sire. How are you feeling this day?” The healer asked like every day with the same patient smile. He just shrugged, keeping his head in the book. “I see you have moved on to a new book. What is this one about?” Her tone was softer, like she always did, all the while Gareth just glared. Neither boy trusted the other, the tension so thick you could run a blade through it, leading to a silent waiting game. “Could you possibly set it down and follow us? King Kas has ordered you to have an audience with him.”
“He can shove it. I’m done talking with him and if he is so dead set on conversing with me he can drag his royal hiney to my jail cell.” Steve scoffed, flipping through the book even though his attention was lost on it. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Gareth’s chest puff out.
“Guard captain, would you give us a moment alone?” Joyce’s smile went straight, eyes not leaving Steve.
“You know the rules.”
“I do, however, I need privacy with a patient. The king will understand.”
“I do not believe he would.” The young guard scoffed.
“How about you both take this out there, it’s hard enough reading this book without arguing. If he wants to speak to me I’m not going to play the good little prisoner, so he can march his ass down here.” Steve growls, losing all hope to even get back into the thrilling tale.
“Your attitude is due for an adjustment.” Gareth doubled down, the two glaring at one another.
“Enough boys. If the king wishes to have a word with me after his meeting then we shall. Now out.” Joyce huffed, shoving the guard towards the door. He left with mumbles, leaving a door cracked to keep an eye on the two.
Once she knew they were going to have an uninterrupted meeting, her attention fully returned to Steve. “May I sit?”
“You’ll do it anyway, not like there is anything I can do to stop you.”
“Contrary to popular belief, well more like rumored, I do have manners. If you are not comfortable with my presence in close quarters then I will not invade your space.”
“Just sit before can-man freaks out and comes back in.” She did as told, sitting on the edge of the bed.
“How is your arm feeling?”
“Doesn’t matter.”
“Of course it does. Your arm had a minor infection from whatever concoction Brenner laced the knife with. I would like to repay you for bringing him to face judgment.” She spoke, holding out a hand. Steve dragged his eyes to the woman, trying to analyze her motives.
“It wasn’t my doing. He offered to help and turned out to be a psycho. Just another shitty day.” He grumbled, laying his arm in her hand.
“Well, I would say that your shitty day has truly been the best day for me. Do you mind a story while I examine your injury?”
“Sure, might as well.”
Joyce removed the wrapping on his arm before speaking, looking at the angry red slash. If he’d been at home he’d have picked up some ointment, but sadly he’s stuck here indefinitely. “Brenner used to be a well-respected man in our court, a man of science. Sadly, he was obsessed with breaking magic down to a scientific level. My husband and I assumed he was crazy but harmless. In a moment of distraction, he managed to kidnap my daughter and younger son.”
She rotated his arm, looking at the cut before placing a glowing hand over the wound. “Will never spoke about what occurred, but Ellie said he tried to experiment with magic properties and the twin’s bond. Kas had ordered his head, but he had escaped. It took a while for them to be a fraction of who they were. Will is timid and El tries to act strong for both of them, but she pulls in sometimes. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you for bringing him back to us for punishment.” Pulling her hand away the skin looked less angry, smaller even. Joyce lathered his arm with some paste before wrapping a clean bandage around it. Steve didn’t say anything, just watched her tightening the wrap.
“I don’t understand why he was so obsessed. He was going to kill me for this bracelet, which I don’t understand the hype about it. I’m sure King Asshole has a whole stash.”
“This bracelet has a special place in the royal family. I am certain the king will explain to you if you would ask. Possibly in exchange for information on how you managed to obtain it.” Steve pulled his arm back, holding it to his chest as he looked over the gem. “So what? You can go and relay it to your boss. I told the truth, the king gave it to me.”
“If you dare to trust this old soul, I will see if it is worth telling the king I will tell the bare minimum. If I see nothing useful then it shall stay between us.”
“No offense, but why should I trust you? I have no ties to you.”
“Trust that as a mother, I owe you. A mother’s love is stronger than loyalty.” Steve huffed, curling into himself. He didn’t know what a mother’s love was like, his mother loved possession over him, and that’s what led him into this mess. He only worked because his parents forced him out of the only home he ever knew. A mother’s love is a cold, brutal, and empty thing.
Joyce seemed to notice his withdrawal, “You are not close to your mother?”
“No. I was a necessity, not a want. She constantly reminded me how I ruined her body. To say we weren’t close is an understatement. She never wanted me and blames me when good ole dad decides to be unfaithful.”
“I am truly sorry that your family is so frigid. I never have agreed with people having children as a lineage requirement. It has proven to be a cold performance, a loveless act.”
“I grew used to it, often left alone to my own devices.”
“They sound like unfit parents. A child is a blessing and I am sorry that you have an unfair, unloving pair.” He shrugs, fiddling with the gem on the bracelet. “It is their loss. I hardly know you, yet you have proved to be a decent young man.”
“You don’t even know me.”
“I would like to know you, as a citizen instead of a prisoner.” She smiled gently, offering out a hand. “If you join me to the king and tell your side, I promise that I can show you what a real parent is. I will pledge to you in front of the king, that you will live with my family, no guards or magic locks.”
“You would take in a dangerous taking in a man that has proven to be a threat.” Steve never took his eyes off her hand, contemplating in his head.
“I see only a scared man, a protector. You could have killed that guard or Brenner. Instead, you only subdued them in order to escape. I do not assume you find joy in harming people let alone children.” He remained silent, avoiding her eyes. “I have faith that you are a threat when you are as I see you, a scared man in a strange situation. I do not agree with the way they treat you like you are a threat when you seem forced into this situation. We are not terrible people, just wary of what has happened. Please allow us the chance to prove that our initial response was not a true representation of our people.” Her hand hovered between them, unwavering with patience.
Steve never called himself smart, he’s got a big heart that led him blindly into hurt. He didn’t know this woman aside from who she worked for and the patience to wait out his stubbornness. He’d have to be a complete idiot to blindly trust her, but he has been craving the outside for a week.
“Can we go outside, give me a moment in the sun before facing his royal asshat?” He hesitated before taking her hand. Joyce smiled, nodding as she waited a moment to see if the young man was going to back out.
“We can go visit the gardens before we visit King Kas. I believe my children are having class outside. You would get to meet those you avenged.”
“I guess.” He mumbled as she helped him climb from the bed, the healer pulling him from the room. They stopped in front of Gareth, who looked irate as he held up shackles. Joyce held a hand up to stop him, catching the attention of both men.
“No need for that. We will be visiting the garden, please tell the king we are ready for our audience when he is prepared to see us. Do come find us when he is.” Gareth groaned, holding back something before turning and walking away. “Come, young man, let us hurry before we are pulled into a meeting. They are terribly dull as a maiden’s gossip-ridden knitting circle.”
Joyce rolled her eyes, smiling at the young man before turning and leading him down the corridors. When they breached the outside the light invaded Steve’s eyes. He flinched, eyes taking a moment to adjust. When they did he was met with the sight of preteens playing amongst the garden flowers.
They were in a group, some jumping rope with a vine, others playing a game of tag. Off to the side were two men around his age, playing with some flowers as they sat talking and watching the younger children.
Like an alarm went off, attention was dragged to the two, a dozen eyes falling on Steve specifically. They bared into him, studying him like he was some weird specimen to study under a magnifying glass, and to them he probably was. He had climbed out of a grave, dressed in his work clothes, and the first thing he did upon meeting their king was punch him. They seemed on edge, muttering amongst themselves, which put Steve on the edge.
Joyce had waited back, allowing the strangers to grow accustomed to one another. Sadly out of both groups, the only one who seemed to brave it was a young girl. Steve had recognized her from his first trip through the garden, wavy brown hair bouncing as she closed the distance between her and the older boy. Her eyes burrowed into his, trying to peer into his soul for the answer he refused to share.
The young girl came to a stop in front of him, tilting her head without breaking eye contact. Steve could feel the sweat rolling down the back of his neck, the return of the panic that he felt that night in the museum. He didn’t know what this girl could do, but he was her prime focus.
When it felt like too much for his heart to take she took a step forward and wrapped her arms around his waist. He was frozen to the spot, arms held up in uncertainty, gazing over at Joyce. The healer was smiling at her daughter, the young girl's head resting on his chest. Before his mind could even process anything happening she backed away, smiling wide as she gripped his hands in hers.
“Vindex.” Her voice was small, the language something unheard to him. The confusion must have been written on his face because the healer spoke up.
“It means protector or avenger. This is my youngest of the twins, Ellie, but she prefers El.” Her hand tightened, pulling Steve towards the group who still seemed on edge, but less tense.
“Come play with us.”
A laugh left Joyce as the young man stuttered, being dragged into the children’s playing circle. All at once the garden was filled with overstimulating yells from the preteens, screaming over one another as they pulled him into a game. In his overwhelmed state the kids had decided on a game of hide and seek.
He jumped as the young girl pulled him down, and another child tied a blindfold around his eyes. “Do not remove until we are ready, then come find us.”
“W-Wait! What!” His stutters went unheard as they spun him in a circle, giggles echoing Joyce’s warnings of no powers when non-mages are playing. He came to a stop and the giggles disappeared.
“Ready!” One of the boys yelled, Steve hesitantly reaching up to remove the blindfold. The world was still spinning when it came off, nearly toppling over before his eyes settled. When they did, he was greeted with an empty garden. “They are hiding. Perhaps a game with the children will pass enough time till the king calls.” Joyce says from behind, taking a seat on a cement bench.
“I guess it’s better than waiting at his beck and call.” Steve scoffed, looking around the garden and hearing snickers and shaking bushes. A smile slid on his face as he took a step towards the bushes. “Ready or not, here I come!”
Kas groaned as he rubbed his temple as he paused signing another document. He’d been signing since down, his hand was cramping and the words were starting to dance across the page. He’d been waiting all morning to talk with the intruder, who seemed to be a stubborn ass every other time he’d asked. His attitude had begun to get under his skin, despite the pretty face, yet he couldn’t deny that he was looking forward to meeting him again.
When Gareth told him that Joyce had finally wheedled him down into an agreement with him. Unfortunately, the paperwork had to be finished before said meeting could take place and his body was paying for it. Gareth stood against the door, a smirk on his face as he watched Kas’ features shift from annoyance to exhaustion. He knew the king would give up eventually, so he watched, taking in his entertainment. When the limit hit, he threw his head back with a groan louder than his prior ones. A snicker left the guard as he straightened and walked towards the king.
“Giving into the hierarchy’s demands for the evening?”
“Gare these parchments are idiotic and most require to feed the wealthy and leave the poor with nothing. It is exhausting and irritating. I am going on a walk, take a moment to give my body a rest and cleanse my body of all these negativities.” He stood, popping his neck with another groan. “Will you join or stay in this depressing room? I am thinking of checking the gardens.”
“I regret to inform you that the children are using the garden as a classroom. Who am I to presume it is in pristine condition?”
“I need a break, regardless of the mess they have caused, I have not been able to check up on the children. Come, follow me if you wish.” With that, both young men walked from the study. The walk was full of teasing gripes and playful shoves that disappeared once they were in a more public space.
Gareth followed Kas out into the garden, preparing for the loud squeak of the prepubescent, which there was. However, what took both men by surprise was the sight of the intruder blindfolded, hands outstretched. The children were running around him, clapping and yelling to lead him in the opposite direction than they went. He fell for the bait, hearing squeals as he almost captured them. What stuck out was the bright smile that played on his face.
It was the first time he’d seen anything other than a scowl, and it made his face glow and soften.
It was short-lived when he finally caught one of the children, taking the blindfold with a victorious smile. It fell when his eyes set on Kas. They locked eyes and the tension returned with full bloom. The pleasant smile and moment was gone.
To everyone that are interested in keeping up with Set in Stone I have set up a few different ways you can keep up. Unfortunately the tagging process isn’t working for everyone so if you’d like to keep up here are a few options. This will be the last tag set. I will no longer bring tagging in future chapters of just this work.
1. Follow the setinstonesteddie tag on tumblr
2. I made a blog dedicated solely to chapter updates, which can be followed here, any other progress updates will be here on my personal blog.
3. If you have an AO3, you can subscribe to the story here
@steddieas-shegoes @steddie-steddie @paintsplatteredandimperfect @roastingdragon @the-brainr0tt @just-a-tiny-void @swimmingbirdrunningrock @izzy2210 @weirdandabsurd42 @throwbackthrowaway @steve-the-hairrington @loser-of-hearts333 @croatoan-like-its-hot @gingersass @alto-delete @anaibis @limbs-are-optional @thephantomhood @itsall-taken @jamieweasley13 @imfinereallyy @yeahhh-suga @awkotaco24 @aliea82 @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @stxrcrossed186 @emly03 @elviraenthusiast @siriusleeart @fxrgetmenott @amerikanskaya-krassavitsa @noctxrn-e @spicysix @chaosgremlinmunson @lovelyscot @goodolefashionedloverboi @teelagurl558 @seilahtitania32 @sparky-bunny @dontslayfay @amrice @pluckedstrings @plyerice27 @vae1bixy @grtwdsmwhr @vacantwatchers @8em-em-em8 @stevesbipanic @commonxsenss @sani-86 @suikatto @callmesirkay @spideysteveloml @neeerdrage @quevadilla @p0lybl4nkk @thetrueghostqueen @ok-just-why @eyesofshinigami @oxidantdreamboat @platinum-sunset @milottadoodles @chillichats @kyysposts @bookworm0690 @shrimply-a-menace @chocolateracconlights
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ha, found a couple of patterns to go with the faceplate link that @littlemsterious shared!
Free Furby Knitting Pattern
This is the pattern I came up with to make Furbies, in case anyone wants to have a go, If you do please show me the results! Keep in mind gauge might vary from person to person and you might need to make adaptions.

Here are some very handsome models!

Both lime green furbs are looking for their forever home, the white and green furbies favourite food is Granny Smith Apples and they love music that transports them to new worlds.
The navy and green furby really loves smoothies, and reading during thunderstorms.
Check out my etsy if you fancy bringing them home!
Text version of the pattern below:
Furby Knitting Pattern
For DK yarn and size 4 needles, if using thicker yarn (and you don’t want a massive furb) reduce stitch numbers by roughlyfive for every size increase. This pattern uses stocking stitch, but that can be substituted for your preferred stitch style, and I recommend a video tutorial for loop stitches if you’re unfamiliar with them.
K2tog: Knit two together
p2tog: Purl two together
St st: Stocking stitch
K: Knit
*-*: Repeat till end of row
Mk1: Make one
Cast on 30 stitches. (Reduction example: 25 if using aran or 4.5mm needles)
Work in St St for 2 inches, or as long as you want.
On a knit row, cast on another 10 stitches at the edge. (8 if using aran or 4.5mm needles)
Work in st st for 4 rows.
Begin shaping the head:
Row 1: K1, *k2 tog, k5*
Row 2: Purl
Row 3: K1, *k2tog, k4*
Row 4: Purl
Row 5: K1, *k2tog, k3*
Row 6: Purl
Row 7: K1, *k2tog, k2*
Row 8: Purl
Row 9: K1, *k2tog, k1*
Row 10: Purl
Row 11: *K2tog*
Cut the yarn and using a yarn needle thread the tail through the remaining stitches and pull them closed, then sew the seam closed between the top of the head and the stomach.
Cast on 12
Work in st st for 2 inches, or as long as the body
Cast off, then sew onto the body.
Cast on 8
Row 1: Purl
Row 2: Loop knitting
Repeat rows 1 and 2 until the mane is as long as you want it, then p2tog and continue pattern for 4 more rows.
Cast off and sew onto body.
- alternatively, knit a rectangle and fold it over, then sew it onto the head and body. -
Ears: (make 4)
Cast on 13
Work in st st for 4 rows, then k2tog at each end of every alternate row until 3 remain.
Cast off, then sew two sides together and attach to body along the bottom, or at the edges of the ears leaving the middle unattached like the original furbs.
Cast on 10
Rows 1 – 3: st st
Row 4: K1, mk1, k 8, mk1, k1
Row 5: Purl
Row 6: K1, mk1, k10, mk1, k1
Row 7: Purl
Row 8: K1, mk1, k12, mk1, k1
Row 9: Purl
Row 10: K1, mk1, k14, mk1, k1 (stop here for next size increase and miss rows 11 and 12)
Row 11 – 13: St st
Row 14: K2tog, k14, k2tog
Row 15: Purl
Row 16: K2tog, k12, k2tog
Row 17: Purl
Row 18: K2tog, k10, k2tog
Row 19: Purl
Row 20: K2tog, k8, k2tog
Row 21: Purl
Row 22: cast off
Sew onto the bottom of the Furby, attaching sewn feet and leaving a gap at the back for stuffing.
Final assembly:
Now is the time to glue on a faceplate and include a spine if you’ve made a long one, then stuff the Furby and sew closed.
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@gaydrieeen @tir3dace @morganski-19 @zerokrox-blog @stillfullofshit @seths-rogens @superchellerific @itsanarrum @elizbaehth @marklee-blackmore @little-gae-shit @vi-an-te @fearieshadow @thing-a-ling @hellowhatthehellisgoingonhere @novelnovella @thegingerrapunzel @thedragonsaunt @adaed5 @shunna @elevenclouds @froggistain @kindred-aquarian @deadflowercollector @irethsune @mydirtyromance @sapphireoceansoc @theultimatefriend @questionablequeeries @eye-open @chaoticlovingdreamer @bornonthesavage @michael-the-angelo @n0-1-important @envyadams-vs-me @neutralmermaid @yourmom-isgay @crimsonwing62 @lunapics @bloodybalerina @artofabookworm @katytheinspiredworkaholic @breealtair @panicatthediaz @pheonixashtree @januslover14 @greatsportsprofessorathlete @mistlafey @sagasimon @sadboislovebeans @anne-bennett-cosplayer @littlemsterious @feelinhellabi @beckkthewreck @sugar-haus @littleintrovertedgeek @whimsicalwitchm @chaoticlovingdreamer
Steve adjusted the clasp on the cloak as he stared over the market stalls. He’d been lucky that the guard they had sent was the same size and wasn’t the brightest. He had feigned falling asleep, which gave him enough time to plan an escape. When the unsuspecting guard had come in with the tray in full armor, it was like the gods were on his side for once. He’d fallen for Steve’s fib, that the chain was biting too tightly into his wrist that it was hurting to eat. Without a second thought, he had unlocked the cuff.
The tray the food came on was the perfect weapon, Steve picked it up and struck while the guard was distracted. He hit the bed, out cold. The young man held his breath for a moment, waiting for the other guards to come running in for their comrade with the commotion the tray had caused. By the second Steve relaxed, the door stayed closed through him stripping the guard down to his undergarments.
It took a little longer to dress in the unfamiliar clothing, but once he got everything situated, he hid his face below the uniform helmet and grabbed the tray. Taking a deep breath, he braced himself before sneaking out, closing the door quickly behind him. He nodded to the two guards as he walked calmly down the hall, sprinting once he rounded the corner.
He went down several stairs and a few corridors before he broke the outside. From there he slipped out through a garden, spotting two children playing amongst the flowers. Before crossing the garden he placed the tray on a pillar, slipping out of the castle walls with surprising ease. To be honest, it nearly was too easy that he thought that the king himself would jump up and attack. Instead, it was a clear path with little to no people on the trail to the village market.
He grabbed a cloak that was hanging unmonitored at a stall as he passed through, blending in the best he could. Currently, he was exploring a jewelry section of the market, trying to find something or someone to remove the bracelet. He’d caught glances and offers, but no magical key. It was a wild goose chase and if he couldn’t find someone to remove it then what were his chances of finding someone to help him home? At least when he was home he had his car to sleep in, here he didn’t even know a place or the currency to get a room.
Maybe his father was right, he’s an idiot that can’t seem to keep himself out of trouble. Somehow he managed to find and get a crush on a stone statue that happened to be alive. Luck was never on his side. It had to be at least after two in the evening and he was going to find shelter for the night. Steve wasn’t worried about food, he’s starved before, but still, life is a real pain in the ass.
“Pst, hey. Kid, you look like you need to lie down.” Steve spun around to find the owner of the voice. Besides him, peeking out from a curtained doorway, was a man with salt and pepper hair. He was around his father's age, yet more weathered than the bastard ever dared to look.
“Ah yeah. I’ve had a long day and honestly, it’s been shitty. To make things worse, I’ve got this stupid bracelet stuck on my skin and no one can get it off.” He unloaded on the guy, trying to remove the bracelet to emphasize the point. He was exhausted, on the run, his body still weak from his sudden illness. Steve just wanted to go home and sleep in his backseat.
“You do seem stressed. Perhaps I can assist you, I do have training involved with enchanted jewelry. Come, my home is open and if you give me the chance to look over it, I may be able to break the enchantment. While you wait I have a free bed.”
Steve stared at the man suspiciously out of the corner of his eye. No one was this kind out of the goodness of their heart, always something on the line. If it was the bracelet, he’d happily turn it over to him and let him deal with the crazy people and stone statue. Still, he was cautious. Steve entered expecting anything but what he saw. It was a living room, minus a tv or anything of value, just a woven sofa and coffee table. The door, a literal board on hinges, slammed behind him causing Steve to jump and turn.
“Apologies.” The man said, walking over to the sofa. “Come, allow me to examine the magic.” He invited Steve to sit, the younger man joining him on the sofa. “My manners seemed to have left me, I am Martin. I study enchantments and other types of magic.” He explained as he manhandled the younger man’s wrist, examining the bracelet. The older man rotated his wrist, fiddling with the clasp and gem while making noise to himself.
Finally, after minutes of the hands-on approach, Martin released his arm. “Strong, ancient magic has bound this to you. May I ask where you acquired it?”
“You wouldn’t believe me. Hell, I don’t believe it and it happened to me.” Steve had to chuckle at his denial. With all that he has witnessed in the last 24 hours, he felt crazy for denying it.
“I have heard many tales in my days, you can hardly surprise this old man.” Said man stood, walking around the home, collecting items. “Humor me?”
“A statue gave it to me.” Martin paused, going silent.
“You mean you stole it from the statue?”
“No. The statue came to life, stuck it on my wrist, then took me captive. I’ve been stuck with it since.”
“I see. It sounds like a golem, an enchanter tasked with missions. The magic keeps stationed and once they have accomplished said task then they just crumble. Perhaps you were supposed to bring the bracelet to a new owner. Once I get it off I will study the magic properties.” Martin returned to the sofa, a basket filled with various items. There were bowls, bags of powders, gems, and a sharp blade.
“Alright, lay your arm down. I will try to remove the stone first, if that is the source of the magic then the bracelet should come off without a problem.” Martin explained, picking up the blade.
“Woah! Woah! Can we maybe not use a knife to test this? I do want to keep my limbs.” Steve yelled, pulling his arm back, but that seemed to sour Martin’s temperament. What followed pushed the younger man into an adrenaline haze. The older man charged with the knife, slashing through his arm. He didn’t have time to react to the blade's burn as it returned, meeting the gemstone instead of flesh.
When the steel met the stone a blast forced both men back, Martin flying back into the sofa that gave away from the impact. Steve stumbled back into the drapery, barely able to recover before the man came charging again. The younger threw the curtains at the man, giving him a moment to grab the rod to defend himself.
When his parents had been pressuring him into being a child prodigy they put him through an extensive baseball training camp, until they realized his only gift in the sport was his swing. Sure the three got on like a house and fire, yet he was silently thanking them as the brass rod met its target. There was a sickening crack and specks of blood as it impacted Martin’s face and Steve knew a nose wasn’t supposed to look like that, but it gave him the chance to escape.
With the rod gripped in his hands he sprinted to the door, throwing it open and running out into the market. He looked around for an escape path, but it seemed his path was blocked by people and an overwhelming appearance of guards. Steve Turned to run back to the other side of the market, but came face to face with Martin exiting his home, drenched in blood with his knife. He looked crazed, aiming his anger at Steve. As he took a step towards the young man, vines shot past him, wrapping around the threatening man. His head spun as the guard that had tried to interrogate him at the castle stepped up.
“Well, this is an absolute surprise,” Gareth said, eyes on Martin, hand grasping to the end of the vines. “We come in search of an escaped thief and come in contact with an old friend..” His tone reflected anything but friendliness, in fact, his smile was more of a scowl. “Hello Brenner. The guards and the king have been just dying to see you. Should have known your greed would send you our way.”
Steve took a step back, brain wanting to flee before the man snapped his attention to him. “Do not try to flee, I would rather lead you in shackles than a vine cage like this damned bastard.” He held up his free hand, shackles dangling.
They stared at one another, Steve weighed his options. One led to p; possible freedom, but if he moved one inch he’d be dressed up like a Christmas present. With a sigh, the man dropped his head and bared his wrists. “See, not so hard Mr. Rabbit-Hat.” Gareth made the snide comment while another guard took the shackles and fastened them awkwardly above the bracelet. “Now if Brenner had your self-preservation. Load them into the tumbleweed. We have a long journey ahead and I would like to sleep in my own bed tonight.”
With a harsh shove, Steve was loaded into the caged wagon, Martin being thrown in behind him. He was still bound, one gagging him leaving him to stare daggers at the younger man. He just huffed and rested back against the bars, letting his body relax as much as possible with the rocking of the wagon. It lulled him, letting his eyes shut before drifting, only to be jerked back by the cart stopping. Opening his eyes he was greeted with the sight of the castle and the last place he wanted to be, the home of the last person he wanted to see. The sunset was bouncing off of Martin’s bound body as they were removed from the cage.
The guards took the old man out first before dragging Steve out. He was groggy, nearly tripping over his own feet as he was paraded through the garden filled with children and servants. Martin was taken somewhere else while Steve was led into the castle, directly to the throne room. Standing before the stairs of the throne, the person that started this whole mess, a smirk plastered on his face.
King Kas stood proudly before him, giving him the chance to study the fleshier person. His hair was pinned up aside for two strands that framed his face, long, dark, and wavy, unlike the marble statue. His skin was fair and his brown eyes were just as lively and warm, inviting as they had been before. He was adorned in jewelry, much of what had been stolen by the thieves, aside from the bracelet.
He expected threats or a fight that would end up with his hand severed, or even his death. Instead, the king waved over a guard, having the bloodied shackles removed. Kas pushed his sleeve up, tsking at the sight of the angry cut. “I must admit, you are a surprising case. You climb from the family vault, wearing my family's bracelet, knocking out one of my guards, and escaping, then, after getting out to the market, you led Martin Brenner into capture. It has been quite the adventure and I would like to pay you back for bringing that dangerous man in. Hand over the bracelet, and allow you a night in the castle before sending you on the way. Joyce will see to your wound before you leave.” He was snarky. That’s what Steve noticed first, which didn’t help his attitude as he glared at the king.
“I can’t.” He grumbled, staring the man down.
“Cannot or will not?”
“I can’t! It’s stuck on my arm.”
“Magically adhered, your majesty. I did look it over while he was recovering.” Joyce spoke up, standing off to the side with the rest of the court. “This will not be a simple removal. I recommend having different magi look over the magical signature, and to do that you will have to stay.”
Frustration was building in Steve. He was going to be forced to stay in the place with his abductor, he was going to lose his job, and if he ever was able to leave he probably wouldn’t have a car. All of this happened because he had to make goo-goo eyes at an abnormally hot statue. A momentary dick over-brain slip caused him this living hell. His mind was bouncing around, between every regrettable decision that finally came to head when Kas had to have the last word. “Well, that is the universe punishing a thief.”
Like the break of a string, Steve snapped. His fist met the king’s cheek, sending the slightly older man stumbling back. Gasps resounded from around them, the guards reacting and binding Steve’s arm behind his back, but that didn’t stop the bite that came with the anger. Kas recovered quickly, glaring at the young man, ignoring the blood dripping from his lip.
“It’s your fault! You’re the one who put it on my wrist and locked me in that coffin! Don’t you dare try and blame me for this mess!”
“Lies! I do not even know your name! Guards, lock him in the guest room until he has calmed down for treatment!” Kas barked and trudged out of the room. Gareth followed him to his bed chambers, locking themselves in the room. The guard took a wet cloth from the basin, dabbing it over the king's lip.
“That man has a death wish. He is lucky Chris did not flay him. I do not understand his motives, but regardless of it, best to keep wary of him.” Kas hummed in agreement, fiddling with his pendent, spacing off as he looked at the doors. A scoff left Gareth before he smacked the king upside the back of the head, earning a yelp. “Are you seriously daydreaming about a thief that attacked you!?”
“Fucksake Gare! It is not my fault he happens to be a handsome man.” Kas huffed, crossing his arms.
“You can not be serious Eddie. You have the most absurd attractions.” He groaned.
“oh like you have the room to complain Gare. I recall hearing you in the middle of trysts with Andrew. The things you were begging for should have been transcribed by poets.” A pillow met Kas’ face, a snorted laugh escaping him as the two tussled.
“Why do I even try to care, you have always been the one to poke a bear.” The young guard scoffed, only for the pillow to greet his face. A loud, triumphant laugh echoed through the room. It was cut off once more when Gareth tackled the king, the two scuffling like children, the tension leaking out of the air as they ignored the elephant in the room.
I believe I have figured a way to track this story with the increasingly growing tag list. I am going to make a custom tag below SetinStoneSteddie. You can follow the tag to keep up with the story :)
@steddieas-shegoes @steddie-steddie @paintsplatteredandimperfect @roastingdragon @oblivion-void @just-a-tiny-void @lilangeldevil006 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @izzy2210 @weirdandabsurd42 @throwbackthrowaway @steve-the-hairrington @loser-of-hearts333 @croatoan-like-its-hot @gingersass @alto-delete @anaibis @limbs-are-optional @thephantomhood @itsall-taken @jamieweasley13 @imfinereallyy @yeahhh-suga @awkotaco24 @aliea82 @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @stxrcrossed186 @emly03 @elviraenthusiast @siriusleeart @fxrgetmenott @amerikanskaya-krassavitsa @noctxrn-e @spicysix @renaissan-vvitch @lovelyscot @goodolefashionedloverboi @teelagurl558 @seilahtitania32 @sparky-bunny @dontslayfay @amrice @pluckedstrings @plyerice27 @vae1bixy @grtwdsmwhr @vacantwatchers @8em-em-em8 @stevesbipanic @commonxsenss @sani-86 @suikatto @callmesirkay @spideysteveloml @neeerdrage @quevadilla @p0lybl4nkk @thetrueghostqueen @ok-just-why @eyesofshinigami @oxidantdreamboat @platinum-sunset @milottadoodles @chillichats @kyysposts @bookworm0690 @shrimply-a-menace @chocolateracconlights
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