eccentric-ensemble · 9 years
“Excuse me...
Wake up...
I SAY...
...Would you like to be a hero?”
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onlyborntheotherday · 9 years
Pokes Vision's side out of boredom. "Save me. I'm dying from boredom."
“One does not die of boredom,” Vision chuckled at his little girl, “But… If you want to have something to think over… I am not in a romantic relationship.”
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sciencewithashield · 9 years
"I'll seya guys round. I'm going away for a while and I'm not coming back."
“You’re leaving, just like that? Well…we’ll miss having you around here.”
“Meh, some of us will get over it sooner.”
“Wherever you end up, Elise, just…good luck. And thanks…for everything.”
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“I would have thought Elise would have materialized beside me the instant thisth Cybrid M!A kicked in, but I haven’t theen her anywhere.” the King chuckled, scratching idly at the panda fur sprouting from his metallic Cybrid exoskeleton.
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hxlksmash · 9 years
Cue groaning from Elise as she lays face down on the floor with a red substance that looked like blood underneath her and 5 empty packets of Sugar Snakes besides her. Thankfully the drink was just a slushy. "Help me."
Hulk went into a short panic before he realized the red substance was in fact a slushy, and not a pool of her blood. He bent down and picked up one of the packets. “Why would you think this was a good idea?”
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onlyborntheotherday · 9 years
[[long day at work today. need monies. SO I will be back probably tomorrow.]]
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sciencewithashield · 9 years
Grabs a marker and writes on Bruce 'Not a monster,' writes on Steve 'Super-Saine-Solider' and Tony 'Elise was here! Deal with it!'
Grab a marker and write something on my muse! ( Anywhere over my muse’s body. )
“Gee, Elise was here? Well, golly gosh, if it weren’t for this writing, I never woulda guessed.”
“...This isn’t permanent marker, right?”
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korosxnsei-blog · 9 years
"Here Korosensei, my math homework!" Elise replied with a chirpy manner as she handed him her notes. Hopefully he didn't notice that the hand-writing wasn't hers.
He took the sheet, and after looking over the suspiciously all correct problems (especially those which she commonly had difficulty with, which were all especially suspiciously right and tidy), he gave her a barely noticeable, but slightly scrutinizing look.“Correct! Let’s try more of these ones so I can see how you figured them out...”
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hxlksmash · 9 years
Elise or Zorii who would you rather date?
"They’re my friends, so neither.”
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onlyborntheotherday · 9 years
"Hey Vision! How ya been?" Elise waved from a tree branch.
“Oh, just… Planing my death and all that,” Vision sighed, “Just got done speaking with Ultron… My day is not going well it seems… Though it is nice to see you at least!”
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sciencewithashield · 9 years
"I AM THE GOD OF DISTRUCTION!" Elise bellows before setting off way too many fireworks from the safe house rooftop.
Tony and Bruce ran outside to see what all the noise was. Tony beamed and pumped his fist in the air. “HELL YEAH!”
Bruce covered his ears and smiled as well, then ran back inside before Steve could steal his headphones.
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leaderofstone · 9 years
Not noticing the other, Elise went ahead with a brave face and ran for the edge of the building. The closer she got however, the bigger her fear of not making it came to life on her features. Still that didn’t stop her from running, she just jumped a lot earlier than she expected.
Thinking of her wings, Elise more jumped than hovered but she soon did for a second or two. Then it was short lived as Elise began to plummet downwards with a scream. She was so close though, that she managed to grab onto a piece of the building, but now she was stuck.
The gargoyle adjusted his wings and glided over to the building the fallen jumper had grabbed onto. Landing by her, he dug his talons into the side of the building to anchor himself before glancing at the girl. It was unlike anything he'd seen but was she one of Oberon's children? It wouldn't surprise him considering her wings and what not but he shook it off from his mind.
"Your wings aren't meant for flying like that I take it?" he asked rather smoothly.
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korosxnsei-blog · 9 years
"Hey Korosensei, what are your students like? I'm curious to know what they're like. All I've heard from school is that there's always a bully, smart guy and a girly-girl. Is that true?"
“Well, levels of those things are relative. But it can be true! There can in fact be crude students, sweet students, and teacher’s pets. Although, I rarely and in fact never at all have done the sort of glorification of just a single student.”
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zorii-unknown · 9 years
"Hey, excuse me miss?" Elise tapped on the other's shoulder. "You haven't seen an Australian Shepherd around here before have you? I've lost her."
Zorii looked back when she felt the tap, and then turned completely around. “No, I’m sorry, I haven’t.”
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hxlksmash · 9 years
Send me a ☆ for a headcanon about our Muses relationship together.
Hulk always talks to Elise about running away and living on his own in the wilderness or something. As much as she would want to go with him, she continues to remind him that he’s got a better life in the city.
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