#little drabble i found in the depths of my notes app
thisantithesis · 4 months
wolfstar drabble, 1509 words, fake dating (??)
Remus Lupin is nothing if not a man of his word.
So, when he tells Sirius that he could easily make people believe that he’s dating someone without actually being together, he knows he’s going to make damn sure that he and whoever he decides to enact this bet with makes their time together as believable as possible.
They’re sitting at a table in the Great Hall discussing this topic when James plops himself down with a certain lack of finesse only he could pull off. “Moony, Pads, what’re we up to today?”
He immediately starts piling his plate with whatever food is in front of him, likely hungry from quidditch practice this morning, and Remus turns to Sirius with a raised brow.
Sirius pulls a smile with a scheming edge to it, and suddenly Remus wishes he had kept his mouth shut and not let Sirius goad him into this stupid bet. “Well, Moony over here thinks he’s able to get a girl to agree to be his fake girlfriend and convince everyone in the school that they’re actually dating.”
“Hey, I didn’t say the whole school, just our year. Stop lying, you git,” Remus cuts in, if only to prevent James from getting sucked into one of his and Sirius’ plotting rabbit holes.
“Oh, same difference,” Sirius drawls and rolls his eyes in that elegant manner of his.
James’ interest is clearly piqued at their bet, the food on his plate all but abandoned in favor of getting more information out of his two friends. “Oh? Honestly Moony, I would expect something like this from Sirius, not from you. This is bound to be interesting.”
It’s Remus’ turn now to roll his eyes despite slowly starting to realize that maybe giving Sirius his word about being able to do this might have been a mistake.
“Well I think it’s bloody brilliant,” Sirius says with a wide grin plastered on his face and his eyes gleaming from the chance at causing chaos. “I mean, girls have been lining up all year to get a chance at going on a date with our dear Moony here. This just gives a chance to one of the lucky ladies to experience what it’s like to date him.”
James scratches his head, tilting it in confusion. “If they’re expecting a real date out of him, wouldn’t it be a dick move to do this without telling them about the bet? It seems kind of mean.”
“Oh, you’re right…” Sirius taps a finger to his lips in concentration, and Remus has to make himself look away from his friend when he feels that tell tale blush creeping up his neck.
He doesn’t understand why he’s been so drawn to Sirius recently. Well, okay, he does know, he just doesn’t want to admit it. Having a serious crush on your best friend when he doesn’t even know you like blokes is not a very smart thing to do.
But then again, when has Remus ever done anything smart?
Sirius suddenly claps his hands in triumph, clearly having found a solution to their dilemma. “I’ve got it! Just date one of us.”
James and Remus both promptly choke on their food, the proposal clearly unexpected.
“I beg your pardon?” Remus chokes out.
James looks at Sirius with his eyes unnaturally wide. “You mean one of us four? Like you, me or Peter?”
“What? No. I meant one of us, like one of the girls in our friend group. None of them like Remus as far as we know, and we’re all already friends, so it’s the easiest solution,” Sirius says matter-of-factly.
“What’s the best solution?” Peter says out of nowhere, dropping down beside Remus at the table.
“Hey Wormy, we’re just trying to figure out who the best option is for Remus to fake date.”
Peter stops his process of piling the small sandwiches on his plate, looking at their friends like they’ve all lost their minds. “Is this for a bet or something? Remus, why on earth would you want to do that? You’ve rejected almost every girl that’s asked you out.”
Remus winces a little at that, fully aware of his romantic track record. The girls were all nice, don’t get him wrong, he’s just not interested at the moment. Or emotionally available to date someone who isn’t Sirius. So.
He knows there’s more of a chance for him to find a cure to being a werewolf than Sirius ever considering Remus as someone to date, so he’s left to pine and yearn from afar. Which is fine, truly, but sometimes it just hurts.
He’s sure he could find someone else if he really wanted to, but part of him doesn’t want to lose the dynamic he and Sirius currently have. Even if said dynamic is the cause of multiple 3 a.m. breakdowns behind the safety of his bed curtains when he’s sure no one else is awake.
So, yes. He’s completely fine with everything, and he’ll continue to be fine with everything, so long as it all stays as it is right now.
Sirius speaks up when Remus doesn’t, completely oblivious to his little bout of heavy introspection. “Moony made a bet with me and we all know that he never goes back on his word. So, yes Wormtail, he’s going to find a girl to fake date and try to convince everyone they’re dating.”
“You know what would make this even more interesting?” Peter says as he goes back to filling up his plate, “If you found a bloke to fake date. Now that would be one hell of a thing to convince people about. Might also give all those girls you rejected some closure on why you didn’t want to go out with them.”
All three boys are silent at that, staring at Peter with slack expressions. The boy in question stops when they don’t say anything, looking at them with a raised brow. “What? If this really is a bet between the two of you, why not make it more interesting?”
Sirius and James turn to look at Remus, who once again feels his neck flush with fervor. “I—” he tries to speak, but no words come out of his mouth.
A huge smile grows on Sirius’ face, and Remus knows he’s doomed. “Oh Wormy, you brilliant idiot of a man! That’s it,” he exclaims, “This makes it so much more interesting.”
“Shouldn’t we let Remus decide on if he’s comfortable doing that or not?” James cuts in before Sirius has a chance to start on his rambles, and suddenly all three pairs of eyes are on him.
Remus looks to his friends, his stare lingering on Sirius a little longer before looking away. He rubs his hand on the nape of his neck, suddenly feeling way out of his depth, but pushes on with what he wants to say anyways. “Given that I’m already into blokes, I don’t think I’ll have much trouble with it.”
His mouth snaps shut as soon as he realizes what he just said, wide eyes trying to gauge his friends’ reactions. They’re all looking at him in different levels of shock, but Sirius has a different look to his eyes, almost assessing him in a way.
“Well,” Remus clears his throat, “that was unexpected.”
“You think?” James exclaims, clearly snapped out of his shock.
Sirius starts laughing at that, so hard that he bends in half and slumps himself over the table. James and Peter start laughing too, albeit more subdued, and eventually Remus joins too.
Sirius is the first to calm down, James and Peter’s giggles dwindling down as well. “Oh Moony,” he says while wiping the tears from his eyes.
“Yes?” Remus says a bit more wearily now, still unsure about his friends’ reactions to his sudden revelation.
“Oh, don’t worry, we’re surprised but not grossed out or anything. Right guys?” James asks and looks to Peter and Sirius, both of who nod sincerely.
“Definitely not. You’re still our Moony! It’s just an added part of who you are.” Peter pipes up and suddenly Remus feels a bit emotionally overwhelmed.
He looks back down to his plate, a little smile forming on his lips. “Thanks, means a lot.”
A hand closes over his forearm from across the table, and Remus looks up to find Sirius staring at him intently. “My proposal still stands, you know?”
Remus blushes violently at that, not fully believing what Sirius is trying to say. “Wh—What do you mean?”
“That you can do it with one of our friend group? I mean, the girls are out but we still have the boys to choose from,” Sirius explains, and Remus can feel his heartbeat slowing down drastically.
“Oh,” he breathes out, slightly disappointed that his friend didn’t mean what Remus was thinking.
“Or one of us three,” James pipes up, and damn it all, there goes Remus’ heart again. “It might be harder to convince people since we’ve been friends for so long, but I’m sure it’s doable.”
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Little Bones 3
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape (series); harassment, general creepiness.
This is dark! (biker) Thor x chubby!reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Series Synopsis: You’re a city girl stuck in a small town, but Birch isn’t as sleepy as it seems.
Sister series to Smalltown Bringdown and When the Weight Comes Down
Note: Another random update of a series for y’all as I toil away at drabbles in between!
Thanks to everyone for their patience and feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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Your skin crawled as you walked to work the next morning. The memories of the night before made you cringe and tuck your chin down as you kept your eyes ahead of you. You feared if you looked around, you might summon the incessant biker from his hole.
The library was as empty as any other day and you claimed your seat at the curved desk. You booted up and sipped from your thermos, the coffee bitter on your tongue as you watched Melissa appear from the non-fiction section. She sat in her own chair and yawned as she signed on.
The monotony of Birch was sobering after the night in the dank bar. The bikers and their own little world, a microcosm of the worst types all in one place. You went about your usual tasks, there were a few returns on the cart to put back on the shelves and you walked the shelves and checked for out of order codes.
The hours slaked by like the peaks of a mountain against ancient gales. The stale lights made the days stretch to tedium and the grey without added to the sense of listlessness. Colin’s low snores escaped the back room and Melissa sorted through bent paperbacks in a far aisle to put out for the Sunday penny sale.
As the windows darkened, Colin gave his usual grumbled farewell and further mussed his wavy hair as he tried to smooth it out. It didn’t matter much as he covered it with the old faded Leafs toque and left through the automatic doors. His shadow was soon followed by Melissa as she looked forward to seeing her daughter and watching some new program on the local channel.
You were the last as you walked the aisles before final lock-up. The automatic doors were off as you checked for unlikely stragglers. You came back to the round desk and flipped off the lights for all but the entry way and the back office. You pushed open the door and locked the outside ones with a jangle of keys. As you turned back, you gripped the big key to the back door and shook your head.
You stepped through the space between the inner doors and stared at the man behind your desk. He sat in your chair, your purse sat before him on the counter as he shoved a large hand inside. You crossed your arms and watched Thor as he pulled out your coral coloured wallet and unsnapped it.
“What are you doing?” You asked harshly. “How did you get in here?”
He snickered and pulled out a card and lifted it up to look at it closely. He leaned back and flicked it with his thumb. “I knew you were a city girl.” He said.
“Get out. We’re closed.”
“Sorry, I’m late. I’m a busy man.” He slid the card back in place and searched the rest, uninterested by the few bills inside the fold and your various reward cards and outdated alumni ID.
“Late? You don’t seem the reading type. We don’t have that many audiobooks.” You neared and grabbed the other handle of your purse. “There’s an app for that now.”
Again, he laughed and dropped your wallet into the depths of your purse. He released it and pushed his shoulders back as you dragged the bag off the desk. He tilted his head and held up your phone in its shiny lavender case. He smirked as the screen lit up and he swiped it open. You never should have added the library as a trusted location.
“Hmm,” he turned it to face him and scrolled with his thumb, “I think you’re missing a number in here.”
“Give it.” You reached for the phone and he held it away from you like some annoying teenager. “Hey… Thor! Give me it. It’s mine!”
His blonde lashes flashed and he looked at you with delight. “Oooh, I love it when you say my name.”
“Stop. You can’t be in here and you certainly can’t--” 
You swiped for the phone again and he caught your arm. He yanked you so hard you almost left the floor and you dropped your purse and keys. He held you over the counter as he twisted your wrist just a little.
“And who exactly is going to make me leave?”
He kept his thick fingers locked around your wrist as he searched your phone. You struggled with him but it only sent a violent jolt up to your elbow.
“I can do whatever I want and you can’t do anything to stop me. In fact, there’s no one in this town who can.” His jaw clenched and he locked your phone. “Well, kitten, I’m going to hold onto this.” He let go of you and stood as you retracted your arm and rubbed your sore wrist. “And when you want to be a good girl for me, you can come find me and ask for it nicely.”
“Ask? You’re crazy. It’s mine. You’re--” you sputtered.
You swallowed as his hand balled to a fist and his brow twitched. It was the first hint of anything but amusement. It was much more troubling, a slight tell. He was angry.
“I’ve been nice, kitten. I like you and your claws but don’t scratch too deep.” He warned as he backed away. “I’ll see my way out unless of course… you would take me up on my offer from last night.”
“Go. Keep the fucking phone.” You snarled and reached for your purse and the keys. 
You stood and watched as he ran his tongue just below his teeth and turned away. He snaked his way through the back office and you heard the heavy metal door whine in his stead. You locked the inner doors and grabbed your jacket from the rack.
You went to the same door and hit the lights. You activated the security system and stepped out with a cautious look around the vacant parking lot. You locked the door and headed around the side of the brick building and out into the glow of the streetlights.
You could get a new phone, that was nothing, just a chunk out of your check. He could search your contacts, your apps, your phones, he’d find nothing but the pathetic life of a thirtysomething wash out. That wasn’t what worried you. 
He was watching you. He had to be. He knew when you were alone and he knew how to get in. You might not see him but you were certain he could see you. You shivered and pulled your hate over your head and puffed out a cloud. 
You went home angry but slightly addled from the encounter. You watched over your shoulder the entire way home and locked your door with the tarnished chain. You found it hard to settle as you debated marching over to the bar and demanding your phone back and opening the wine you hadn’t touched since your impulsive purchase. You really hated Thor but you knew you could push him much further before he did something much worse.
You ignored your wrath and ate your dinner in front of the television before hiding under your covers and watching the snowfall until you fell asleep. Every night was as dull as the one before and the morning always came too quickly.
You woke and readied for your day with a cup of home-brewed Colombian roast and packed your lunch. You searched for your phone for two seconds before you remembered where it was. Your neck prickled as you thought of Thor with access to all your information and the barren social media accounts. 
The snow was even deeper that day and you fought through the thick carpet. The library felt twice as far by the time you reached it and you were panting as you entered and shook off the powder. You took your usual spot at the usual time with your usual thermos and usual disillusion.
You whiled away the hours without the distraction of your phone. You realised how easily this man could torture you and not even be in the same place as you. You went searching in the aisles for something to do and scraped the gum off the bottom of the tables. A disgusting task but work nonetheless.
When the end of the day came, you were all too happy to go home and hide under your duvet with a tea and a sitcom. You hated this. You would go to the city and get a new phone if you had too. God, how much would that cost?
The days slogged by and on your first free day, you were too tired to make the drive out of town. You resigned to your procrastination, instead taking a short walk down the main street to Babs’. Your usual order, but cinnamon instead of caramel in your latte, and a scone to enjoy at home.
The snow remained as thick as days before. You looked out the bakery window in dread as you awaited your order at the end of the counter. You still caught yourself reaching for your phone. If you waited too long, you might not even be able to make it into the city. Well, you could always order something online. 
The door chimed as Steve’s girl came to the other side of the counter and placed your latte out for you. She smiled and you thanked her but her eyes rounded as you heard boots come close. You turned, barely surprised by the man who was better described as your shadow those days. 
Since his visit to the library, Thor had made himself known in several instances, every day as you walked home he was outside the asp, watching. Other times, he’d be waiting by the steps of the library, mocking you silent as he pulled out your phone. You had too much pride to ask for it back and you knew that it would take more than asking.
You tried to sidestep him and he blocked your path. The foam pushed out through the hole in the plastic lid and you sighed.
“What do you want?” you hissed.
“I should ask you. I don’t know many girls these days can go days without their lifeline,” he taunted, “You know, it’s dangerous how much of ourselves we keep on these little things.”
He patted his jacket where he no doubt had your phone hidden. You looked down at your latte and thought of popping the lid off and tossing it at him. That wouldn’t be any good. You shrugged and looked past him.
“I gotta go--”
“Is there anything I can get you, Thor?” Steve’s girl eked out as if her voice could barely fit through her windpipe.
“I’ve come for something sweet but I think I found it,” he smirked, his eyes stuck to you.
“Give it up,” you scoffed and elbowed past him. He chuckled and followed you to the door as you sped up, your treads squeaking on the salt-stained floor.
“On you? Never,” he purred as you pulled the door open and he caught it behind you.
“You can break the phone for all I care,” you snarled, “just leave me alone.”
He kept up with you as flakes gathered on your scarf and you peered down the street and ran across. His boots crunched in time with yours as he lingered in your peripheral. You spun as you came to a stop on the other side and scowled.
“Jesus, I thought dogs were supposed to be obedient,” you snapped.
“I can be,” he winked and reached to brush the snow from the hair poking out from under your cap, “I’ll gladly get to my knees for you, kitten.”
You snapped at his hand and he pulled away with a surprised laugh. You gritted your teeth and took a step back.
“I won’t tell you again and I’m getting real tired of this.”
“You keep forgetting who you’re meowing at, kitten,” he stepped closer and you backed away again.
You turned and flitted away from him. You had not planned for him in your day off and you weren’t going to let him ruin it. You wanted to go home and enjoy your coffee, alone. However, that meant leading him to your front door. You stopped again.
“Go,” you pointed across the street at the Asp, the town’s marquee.
“Oh, kitten, you’re so cute,” he tugged on your scarf and you swatted him away.
“Alright, that’s it!” you smashed your cup against his chest and the hot liquid steamed as it splashed across his front and dripped down his leather jacket. 
He held out his arms as he looked down at himself and slowly back to you. His blue eyes dilated as the ends of his golden hair sopped with caffeine. It was too late to apologize, too futile. You sputtered and quickly turned away.
You were thankful when you didn’t hear him behind you. You stopped and peaked back at the corner of the next side street. He watched you still and even at a distance you could see his rage.
If you hoped he’d lose interest, that optimism was dead.
A snow storm stagnated the already stale town and you could guess that the highway was even worse. You could replace your sim online but that would take at least a week to arrive and with the weather, likely longer. It might be quicker to wait out the blizzard. You stayed in limbo, reluctant to pull the trigger.
You kept to your apartment for the rest of the weekend, with no reason or want to leave. On your way, you didn’t see him. You sighted a few figures through the falling powder but they were faces familiar to the streets. You kept an eye over your shoulder, glancing around every few steps.
You avoided the cafe. He might look for you there, he might even be waiting for you. You sat down at your desk but felt out of place. He could walk through those doors like he had only days before. He could taunt you and tease you. What made you so antsy was that he could do worse than that. You knew it but you’d let your temper get the best of you. A wasted latte might have cost you everything.
By the end of your shift, it was decided. You were leaving Birch. No one could know until you were gone. Not Melissa, not Colin, no one. You old all-weathers would have to get you down the highway, just to the city so you could lose yourself there until you had a real plan. Even as the snow piled higher and higher, there could be no delay. You’d waited long enough.
Paranoid, you were certain you’d be met again on your path home. The town was dead as the soft blanket covered the ground. The flakes turned to mounds and the tops of your boots let in errant clumps of snow. The store may as well been closed for the day, the library had been little different but its lethargy was expected. Even The Asp seemed to have dulled with the pale gusts.
You packed a bag. One. The apartment came furnished and you never cared much for miscellany. Anything you left behind was replaceable. You went down the back stairs and cleaned off your small Focus. Used but reliable. You were out of breath as you climbed into the driver’s seat and threw the brush in the back.
You drove carefully down the side streets, snaking around as you knew the main fair would give away your escape. You stopped at the sign that pointed to the highway ramp and wondered. 
What if he had got the clue? What if you were running from nothing?
You remember the look in his eye and shivered. No, that glimmer assured you that return to your mother’s was as wise as it would be torturous. You followed the arrow and took the curve steadily with your foot planted on the gas. The traffic was slow and cautious as headlights were barely visible through the snowfall.
You gripped the wheel tightly and let out a breath. You would be gone before he knew. You’d get a new phone, a new job, a new life. Even if it was just pay-as-go, a McDonald’s visor, and your mother’s couch for a while. What good was a job in a place like Birch anyway? Just as good as your irrelevant degree.
You were startled and nearly lost control as a set of lights appeared behind you in the next lane. They were dangerously close to dinging your rear bumper as the reckless driver took a u-turn right before the upcoming barriers. You wrinkled your brow as you glared at them through the white haze. What kind of maniac was pulling shit like that in this weather?
And then, they did hit you. A nudge but enough to send you veering in the thick lines of snow. You clutched the wheel and tried to steer into it, tried to right yourself as you were knocked again. Your heart was in your throat as the engine revved and you hit your brakes, not knowing what else to do as a third collision came.
You spun out and hit the cement wall along the far lane, narrowly missing another car as it pulled ahead. You stilled, your seatbelt saving your face from a smack against the wheel, and stared down the highway as you stared at oncoming traffic. You were completely turned around on the arm.
You caught your breath and reached for your purse. Fuck, you had no phone. What was that asshole thinking? It didn’t seem like an accident.
The car that had bullied you into a crash pulled up along the barrier. You watched in the rear view as the barely visible tail lights glowed and a dark figure appeared between the car and the concrete. You squinted as the man neared, a long coat flapped around his tall figure as he held his hand to his face.
He came up beside your car as you heard his voice muffled through the glass and tapped on your window. He bent and knocked again as you shot him the finger. You were ready to give him a piece of your mind. You rolled down the window with the manual crank and growled, “what the fuck!?”
“Can I have your name, darling?” he asked in a sinisterly familiar accent.
“Screw you! You almost killed me!”
He turned his phone out as you screeched at him and quickly put it back to his ear, “that sound like her?”
A deep voice rumbled in the speaker and the dark-hair man nodded as he shielded his face from the blowing snow, “you owe me, brother.”
“Who the fuck are you?” you spat and reached to your glovebox. You grabbed the heavy flashlight and swung it at him, “get away--”
He caught with a leather-gloved hand and glared back at you. He tucked away the phone in his jacket. His nostrils flared and his green irises caught fire. 
“Let’s not do this, darling,” he warned, “my brother has given me clearance to use whatever force necessary…” he pushed the button and pulled open your door as he wrenched away the metal flashlight, “and while he seems the bigger brute, I assure you his cruelty cannot match mine.”
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falsegoodnight · 4 years
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these are the fics I read (or reread) and loved this month!
*note: this list encompasses the fics i’ve read from the 1st to the 26th and any fics read after will be included in next month’s fic rec list because i don’t want this to be too long!
✰ you fold into me like a beating heart by @lil0 / theweightofmywords | 2k
He’s scrolling through his phone as this nervous energy consumes him. He feels like he’s on the edge of something. If he falls, he doesn’t think he’d ever make it back. He catches himself staring at his weather app. It’s sunny where his ex is.
It’s sunny here too.
(this was so lovely and well-written! i’m honestly impressed with how much development and characterization and emotion was packed into less than 2k words! also i don’t want to spoil anything but there’s an element in this fic that finally plays out in the final sentence and i ADORED that! the last few paragraphs in general are just so perfect!)
✰ no one to blame (but the drink) by @femstyles | 3k 
Harry misses Louis. He knows Louis deserves better.
(this was so well-written and heart wrenching! i’m a sucker for fics where so much raw feeling is packed into smaller sizes and this is a perfect example! and exes to lovers, my kryptonite! it has more of an open ending but i loved it the little flicker of hope that it left the reader with!!)
✰ For You I’d Bleed Myself Dry by @allwaswell16​ | 4k
After a public and humiliating breakup, Louis Tomlinson finds himself on his would-be honeymoon with his best friend, Niall. However, this St. Lucian paradise is not all that it seems. Louis may be particularly vulnerable to an unusually handsome predator.
(one of the many vampire harry fics i read this month to get in the mood for writing my own! this one was so addicting and alluring- the air of mystery had me on the edge of my seat the entire time and the ENDING! it was vague and mysterious and PERFECT for the story!!!)
✰ Sugar Cube by @zanniscaramouche | 5k
Louis is fine. He knew this would happen. He knows. The beat up laptop stuffed under his mattress can attest to how much porn he’s watched and hell, he’s been on his knees in a piss stained alley for a few tenners. He’s not some scared blushing virgin.
Except. He kind of is.
(THIS. FIC. i was engrossed from start to finish and i genuinely cannot wait to read the full fic when the blff rolls around. the writing in this was exquisite- it evoked so much imagery and feeling in the reader and gosh, that ENDING! i can’t wait to find out what happens next!)
✰ Click by @allwaswell16 | 5k
When Louis got assigned a roommate, he wasn’t exactly thrilled, but as far as roommates go Marcel was a pretty good one. That was until Marcel started clicking a counter everywhere he went...
(i haven’t read very many marcel fics but i gave this one a shot and loved it! short and sweet and well-written! i loved the aspect of clicking too! it added an extra layer to the story! and of course, one can never go wrong with roommates to lovers!!) 
✰ take me to the stars by @lil0 / theweightofmywords | 6k 
Staring at his darling daughter, in the middle of the pasta aisle, Louis found himself on the edge of a neurotic breakdown.
"It’s your birthday tomorrow! And your papa better not do anything to muck it up! Because your dada worked very hard to organise it! And all of your aunties and grannies and granddads and friends will be there!” Louis continued in a sweet sing-song voice that seemed to get increasingly frantic as he continued. “And if your papa is in rut, then what? What’ll we do, honey girl? Your dada will be too busy! And your papa will be too horn-”
“Louis,” Harry interrupted, touching Louis’ arm. “I’ll be okay. It’s probably not even my rut. I can appreciate you… all of you… even when I’m not in rut.”
Louis looked at him skeptically, imagining the shitshow that would be Harry in rut, surrounded by family and friends, at their child’s first birthday party. “I hope you’re right, H.”
(this fic was so adorable and soft! i had a smile on my face the entire time! i don’t read a lot of fics where h&l are parents that don’t include pre-pregnancy but this sounded so cute that i couldn’t resist and i’m glad i gave it a shot! it’s well-written and lovely just like all other of this writer’s fics!!)
✰ which is sweeter love or its loss by @doncasterkitten / patdkitten | 6k
After he catches his boyfriend cheating on him, Louis runs away from London and answers an ad to housesit an estate in the Yorkshire Moors while the mysterious owner is away. It's easy enough to forget about his problems when confronted with the routine that exists in a former abbey in the moors, when the only people around are a cat and the caretaker.
And then the mysterious owner returns.
(another vampire harry fic! i loved the writing and the atmosphere in this fic which felt so real and developed despite it being a shorter fic! i loved the louis and harry here and the added aspect of louis getting over being cheated on and trying to escape. the story had a very ambiguous/open ending that worked perfectly for the story!) 
✰ shine a light upon your ground by @ashleyjohnsonfanaccount / louizsv | 9k
Louis sighs again and fiddles with the bracelet on his wrist, twisting the charms around and petting the fake diamonds.
“How much for a night?” A deep voice suddenly asks him. The man who approaches him is already pulling out his wallet and flicking through a bundle of bills. Louis, who had been sitting at the bar completely innocent and minding his own business, lets out an offended, strangled sound.
“Excuse me?” He demands, straightening up in his seat. The hem of his dress creeps further up his thigh but he pays it no mind.
(this author’s writing style is always so immersive and evocative and this fic is no exception! i’m honestly floored by how she managed to write this wonderful story in ONE DAY! the smut was hot and although i definitely pictured H as Harry the entire time, i loved the aspect of mystery in his identity and that the reader could choose to imagine him as whoever they wanted!)
✰ kiss me in your chevrolet by @lougendarey / cinnamons | 12k 
"Yes, Lou?" Harry asked, rubbing his tired eyes. A gust of wind came through the open windows, sending chills down Harry's arms as a light rain began falling outside. He closed his eyes again and let his head fall back to the couch arm rest.
"Can we go there?" Louis asked, probably pointing somewhere. Harry opened his eyes and felt his heart jump in his chest, a magazine page a couple of inches away from his face. Startled, Harry closed his eyes and breathed heavily, trying to collect himself.
Harry blinked a few times to focus his eyes on the page Louis still held in front of his nose. "You want to go to the Grand Canyon?" He furrowed his eyebrows, tilting his head to the left to look at Louis' face.
(i love roadtrip aus and this one was so cute and lovely! the * troubles - don’t want to spoil - added another layer of depth to the story and i really enjoyed that too! their relationship was so cute and i loved how supportive and lovely harry was to louis in this fic when he needed it :’) also the ENDING!! i’m a sucker for endings like that - again, don’t want to spoil - and this one was so cute, i had a giant smile on my face!!! remember to read tags!)
✰ A Vivid and Wistful Memory by @lwtisloved / MyEnglishRose | 13k 
In which they are neighbours stuck at home and they happen to start talking through a wall with a piano, a violin, and a flute. They end up writing the soundtrack of their own love story.
(this was so adorable!!! i’ve been craving some more quarantine fics and this one delivered so well! i loved the aspect of violin and flute playing, writing songs together, the neighbors to friends to lovers, and of course i loved louis’ cat, Snowball <3 such a lovely story and so so heartwarming! highly recommend!)
✰ until this blood runs cold by @soldouthaz | 14k
In a town as small as Louis’, everybody knows everybody and gossip spreads faster than the wildfires that rage on just outside their backdoors in the sweltering heat of summer. When something happens here everyone knows about it within seconds. Neighbors call neighbors and notes are left on doorsteps, old telephone lines ringing until there isn’t a single person who is left in the unknown.
So it’s definitely hot gossip when a vampire moves in across the street from him, the very same one who’s just become Louis’ boss.
(amazing, perfect, wonderful as always! sarah’s writing is like a breath of fresh air and this story was truly incredible! i loved the atmosphere and the uniqueness of louis and harry’s jobs - never read anything like it, that’s for sure - and i’m just a sucker for vampire harry in general but sarah’s is perfect <333)
note: this fic is part of a series of vampire fics/drabbles (all of which are completely separate!) titled love bites which sarah and i are doing together so check it out!!!)
✰ UN(RE)SOLVED by @daddyharrie | 21k 
The ghoul boys are back, but this time around there are some unresolved feelings involved. Harry is a skeptic, Louis is not. Watch them go on their ongoing investigation into the question: are ghosts real?
Or, BuzzFeed Unsolved AU.
(i actually re-read this last month and forgot to talk about it - a TRAGEDY, I’M SORRY - but this is pretty much one of my favorite fics of this year and of all time, hands down. it’s not even that i’m a buzzfeed unsolved fan- this fic is just so??? good??? i’ve read it over five times and i never get tired of this version of harry and louis or the story or the humor. also jealous harry >>>) 
✰ your eyes of blue, your kisses too by @loubellies | 22k
When they get out onto the streets away from the crowds Niall turns to walk backwards, “So did you get any leads?”
“Well- uh.”
Niall shakes his head, “Too busy kissing that pretty boy onstage, I see. Gonna blow the whole case for a piece of ass?”
or the murder in the alleyway.
(so good!!! mar has really outdone herself with this one! historical au + mystery + detective harry is pretty much a recipe to win me over and this took all of those things and combined them perfectly! it’s fast paced and atmospheric - love the 1920s setting for this fic - and engrossing! and the smut was hot hot HOT!)
✰ Quiet People Have the Loudest Minds by @2tiedships2 | 38k 
Louis is a nonverbal omega who has accepted the fact that he will never find an alpha that will treat him as an equal. On the other hand, he’s never met anyone like Harry.
(this was so amazing and so heartwarming! i loved the relationship between louis and harry here and especially how supportive and wonderful harry was with louis and trying to learn how to communicate with him :’) reading this fic was so comforting, i can’t explain it. i just read it in one sitting while laying in bed and i had the dopiest smile on my face at some parts. i don’t normally read fics with no smut but this one was so worth it)
✰ Lidocaine and Palm Trees. by @daddyharrie​ | 45k
Heat, fake tans and lots of traffic.
Harry never expected to earn his living this way when he moved to LA.
Louis didn't think he could ever be the same after his divorce.
A lighthearted story about two guys trying to find themselves in the vibrant, sprawling city of Los Angeles, with a side of technical porn industry stuff.
(i’ve already recced this fic on here a few months back but it’s recently been finished so i will be screaming about it again. another favorite of this year and favorite of all time. i’ve reread this fic over and over since it’s finished and i never get tired of it. i love these characters and this storyline (which is so unique and refreshing, honestly) so much. the setting also makes me feel nostalgic in the best way)
✰ Since I’ve Found You by @all-these-larrythings / Rearviewdreamer | 74k
Louis woke up on the morning he was meant to volunteer at the Feed the Homeless program at St. Mary's church hoping for an opportunity to give back a little to a city that has given him everything he could ever want. Little did he know, there was one more great thing waiting there for him; a boy with radiant green eyes in a weathered jacket and a beat-up backpack slung over his shoulders.
(THIS. FIC. it was so cute and amazing! i don’t get the chance to read a lot of longer fics as much as i want to but i somehow read this in one afternoon because i couldn’t put it down. it was so heartwarming and i loved the progression of their relationship and louis was so lovely and so was harry and ugh, it was so good! the ending made me emotional too <3)
If you read any of these beautiful works of art, remember to leave kudos and comment to show your appreciation!
*if i made any errors, please let me know :)
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