#little bumpy lumpy guy!!!!!
skyward-floored · 2 years
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found hopkins jr in my tech theater class
Lumpy guy!!!! Bumpy little frog!!!
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Bad Batch Season 3 Episode 4 thoughts (scattered) and initial reactions (rambling)
Nothing is even proof read and my brain is faster than my fingers so
Also I have very long nails and often click the wrong button
Spoilers below the cut
(Update I rewatched and had more thoughts)
God I was so stressed now I need to rewatch because I know how it goes and I don’t need to be anxious
Batcher kicking crosshair’s seat lmaoooo
Needing to change outfits “isn’t this better?🥰” “No” 😂😂 we officially have ray of sunshine and grumpy black cloud dynamic (my favorite)
Also only being able to see his eyes 🔥🔥🔥 (even if it looks like he’s wearing a toilet seat- seriously what is that thing)
I love that omega’s pony tail has a little bump at the back, thinking about when I was little and trying to put my hair up by myself god it was such a lumpy and bumpy mess. I doubt anyone would have shown her how on tantiss only telling her she needs to keep her hair out of her face. She’s just a little girl who had to take care of herself all those months. Like the kaminoans were bald, the other clones were men. Where would she have even learned how to do a pony? Emrie? (Hunter? 🤭)
“I can take half of them out before they know what’s happening” “how about we try not killing everyone in sight? 🥰🤗” “booooooooo”
I just know Cross is secretly proud of his gambling sister kicking ass and hustling money
The captain gave me such gross vibes I just know he smells bad
Crosshair clicking his tongue at batcher idk it did something to me it was so cute
And then her licking him later like sorry crossy you’re a dog dad now
Speaking of dads: “I’ve never seen you or your dad before” *nick miller screams.* CROSSDAD! CROSSDAD!!! 🥰🥰🥰
I know Dee is the voice of Batcher- do you think he made all the animals sounds? Is he just in a sound booth making animal noises
Ugh sobbing at the reunion 😭😭😭 literally water works
Noooo what is this face off at the end everyone put your eyebrows back up in a relaxed position and unclench those jaws and fists
Does Omega’s glove have a bottle opener on it?
I can’t wait for the reaction to the new puppy 😄
Also guys, omega kept saying we need to contact Hunter and Wrecker (sad she doesn’t say echo :/) so I think Crosshair knows about Tech. Either she told him while she visited him or perhaps Hemlock told him as another form of torture, that his brother fell trying to rescue him (maybe that’s why he look soooo terrible in the hallway on ep 1) I’m sure omega confirmed it also
Also I was expecting the clone cadets to pop out, I know they said they were taking them to pabu but still
Imagine omega does meet them and gets a lil crush on one omg Hunter would lose it lmaoooo
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i-am-a-fraud · 2 years
congras on the new blog! this is me asking for a funny scenario with kalego with his human s/o. maybe something funny like his s/o is cooking for him and it tastes so bad that he dies a little inside every bite but he wont say anything coz he doesnt want to hurt his s/o's feelings :D
Oh my god thank you so much your so sweet!
Kalego x reader
Trying readers really bad cooking
No warnings
I personally headcanon kalego to be autistic but that doesn't limit him it just explains some stuff about him
He is very sensitive to foods he likes them cooked his way and his way only
Not to be a ass or Gordon Ramsey 2.0 but because of textures and flavors
When he walked through the door after a long day to see you setting out plates, he got nervous
Can you even cook? Have you ever cooked before? Did you use HIS recipes?
He has so many questions but not enough energy to ask
"Thank you" is all he could say as you made him sit down
Your eyes where bright and you looked so excited as you layed out a feast of your favorite meal you really wanted kalego to try
He took a bite and died a little bit inside
His soul left his body and not in a good way
You looked so happy to be eating your favorite dinner and so happy that he was too
He clenched his jaw and sucked it up
Although he did slide some of the food into his pockets because of how bad it was.
"Wow you eat all that in such little time do you want more?"
"No I feel bloated"
"Oh I am sorry, I really thought!"
"No! It is good, definitely needs some improving but how about next time we make it together"
"You can take the *food* out of your pocket, I know I'm not a good cook thank you for trying it"
Now if you where not a crush or s/o it would go something like this . . .
"Are you trying to poison me?"
"No just try it"
Takes one bite
"I wouldn't feed this dry ass burt to the crisp bumpy lumpy dumpy bull shit to a mouse or iruma!"
(Ok he doesn't talk like that but you almost made bro go on his evil cycle smh)
Will avoid you for a week or month or the rest of your life because he will probably live longer than you because you will die of your own cooking but that's beside the point.
Anways back on track . . .
He loves you and doesn't want you upset and you know that
Your honestly surprised how nice he was about it kalego hates and I mean HATES people touching or messing with his food
(Probably eats the same 3 meals every week)
It is the thought that counts to him
He will make a point to make your favorite dinner for you so it doesn't look like the bottom of a grill at the end of summer time. Or rather the remaines of a house fire
Will be sure to make you watch him cook so you can "learn"
Needless to say you do not learn, you are just born a bad cook
Doesn't mind cooking with you, gives you small tasks you can't possibly mess up
If you do, he will give you the most annoyed horse face every to be seen
Loves you either way master chef or white trash grill fire (ok, but if there is a grill fire, you know them burgers gonna taste like heaven or like lacking charcoal)
If you say something like "master chef who?" He will give you the most confused and disappointed face known to man to this day
He will not tease you or make fun of you and will go along with lies
Your lies may include lying when you bring baked goods to a gathering saying you made them not him
I feel like he doesn't want anyone to know that he can cook.
He doesn't want to seem housewife like I guess I don't know
BBQ god that's all I am gonna say
I tried to make this a little longer. I don't like writing short things. I feel like I am failing you guys (you guys being my one follower, that is my other account)
I hope you like it annon please request again
Requests cure my depression
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thewekman · 1 year
This Cream is Grrrreat! (chapter 1)
Abuela Valerie, grandmother of Dora, had always been a rather spicy woman. She was sitting around, posting to her favorite furry 4 chan board, when she recieved a comment from a fellow user, a mysterious hunk. Abuela Valerie excitedly clicked the notification, as she loved meeting new like-minded people. he complimented her fursona, his fursona appeared to be a buff tiger with a really nice ass. Abuela Valerie started blushing. She replied to the tiger's comment, getting a little flirty and he would flirt back. The juicy packin' tiger introduced himself as "Tony". Abuela Valerie smiled. She knew guys named Tony would be more likely to have a huge veiny mule cock with all the fixin's, Abuke Valerie had lots of experience with Tonys. After a bit of chit chat, Valerie and Tony agreed to meet up at their local Arby's for some fun. Tony was excited to see Abuela Valerie in her new fursuit and he got a massive boner when he saw her hot fursona, Dishwasher, a green dung beetle with braided nipple hair and piercings on the nipples, clit, and bellybutton with chains connecting each piercing. The next day, the two of them arrived at Arby's at exactly 3:30. As soon as Tony saw Abuela Valerie, he was immediately erect. " You look scrumptious, my dear!" He told her as he stuck out his tongue and began panting like a dog. From his eyes emerged cartoon hearts popping out of his head while he made goofy sound effects with his mouth. Abuela Valerie was dressed head to toe in her dung beetle decor. Tony the tiger grabbed those firm, juicy beetle titties and gave em a good squeeze. Abuela Valerie blushed and later down on the concrete, spreading her legs wide open. "Don't be shy, big boy! Have an adventure!" She said to Tony as she motioned towards her moist coocharoo. Slimy, hairy, and bumpy N' lumpy, nice and pruny with the smell of mothballs. This elderly cooch was hitting like a balogna and tuna sandwich. The stench was so rancid, Tony's nostril hairs disintegrated immediately after they were violently raped by the smell. Tony could hear several tiny bugs screaming for help, and mercy from their bug god before getting drowned by squishy cooch ooze deep inside Abuela Valorie's wrinkly glorycave. Tony knew he was about to have a jollygood time, this was his kind of puss puss. Tony began plunging his tongue deep inside her. He ate her out vigorously with much passion, as Abuela Valerie pulled out her "secret ingredient" with a sly wink. Even though Tony still had his face buried in that delectable moldy oldie holey, he could still sense that shit was about to get creamy. After lapping up that triple geezer deluxe, he gave Abuela Valerie a lil smoochie woochie to let her taste her own coochie, her cooch fluids still fresh on his tongue. Abuela Valerie showed Tony the fresh, newly purchased can of cream of corn and some funnels she had brought with her. Tony's tongue rolled out of his mouth, several miles long. He was excited to get creamy. A funnel was placed inside Abuela Valerie's coochie, one betweenxt her pruny ass cheeks, a small one in both of her ears, smaller ones in both nostrils, and one large funnel in her mouth. Tony then proceeded to pour cream of corn in each of the funnels. Abuela Valerie's body began to be filled with the creamy, chunky goodness from nearly every hole. Eventually, the two ran out, so Tony hustled off to the market to grab more. While Abuela Valerie was waiting, she spit in the funnel sticking out of her hag vag so it wouldn't get bored waiting for Tony's return. After filling herself up with saliva for a bit, she shoveled a bit of gravel from the ground nearby in there. The sharp gravel poked and cut her coochster on the way in. Abuela valorie moaned in delight as blood began pouring from her juicy bread flavored puss and she began fisting herself.
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pinoyrella · 4 years
Inarizaki Giving You A Red Envelope on Lunar New Years
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Inarizaki x Manager Reader
FT: Kita Shinsuke, Ren Omimi, Ojiro Aran, Michinari Akagi, Ginjima Hitoshi, Miya Atsumu, Miya Osamu, Suna Rintarou
TW: Language 
Genre: headcanons + crack + fluff???
Word Count: 1,720 (They’re all rlly short! Like me)
had another crack convo w my bb @babydontstoop abt atsumu and red envelopes after seeing a funny tiktok 
a/n: i mainly went off from chinese/vietnamese tradition with the hóngbāos/ and lì xìs for these headcanons bc i celebrate with my chinese + viet relatives growing up, im not familiar with the other traditions, i’m sorry! also 1 week kinda late but technically lunar new years goes on for about 2 weeks sooooo-
FYI: i’m going off of u.s currency for this asdhfkjk just an fyi.
ALSO: all images are taken off of google search, none of them belong to me!
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Kita Shinsuke:
- He would give a kinda subtle yet pretty envelope
- With an ox on it (bc year of ox)
- It also has that coin u kno the coin, commemorative coin(?)
- He is very VERY generous
- Gives u $100, all in 20′s babbeyy 🙈
- He hands it to you with both hands like he’s ur ah ma / bà nội 
- He’s so kind and gentle please 🥺
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Practice had just ended and you were helping the team clean out the gym, before packing and heading out to go home.
“Excuse me Y/n” You hear a soft and calm voice calling from behind you. Turning your head you make eye contact with Kita who barely a few feet away from you
“Kita-san! ” You turn to face him, your hands grabbing onto the straps of your backpack. “May I help you?” You ask giving a sincere smile.
“I’m fine, but there is something I want to give you before you leave” He lifts his left hand from his back, now using his right to connect and grab the envelope with both hands.
“Happy Chinese New Year” He wishes as he extends and offers you the red envelope.
Blushing furiously, you accept it with both your hands and give him your most heartfelt thanks.
Arriving home, you open the red envelope curious. Your soul leaves your body the moment you see good old Benjamin Franklin on the $100 note.
“Kita-san holy fuck.” You cry in shock. Thinking of how you’re gonna thank him.
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Ren Omimi:
- Envelope’s square shaped and plain af
- it’s just red with “lucky money” in gold or sum
- He too is very generous
- Gives u $50
- Also hands it to you with both hands
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You sit in the gym with your clip board in hand, taking notes of the other players until you feel a presence approach you from your left side.
“Y/n” The deep voice says. You turn to see Omimi’s shadow towering over you, jesus christ this man’s so goddamn tall. “Yes Omimi?” You greet him cheerfully.
The man says not a word, but pulls out a red envelope, handing it to you with both hands.
Your brain short circuits, confused before he gives a nod. Sudden realization takes place, it’s for you. “Omimi!” You cry, setting down the clip board and taking the red envelope from his hands. Thanking him endlessly before he leaves to get back to practice.
As he turns to walk away, you grab your clip board again, shielding yourself opening the red envelope curious. ‘50$?!’ You scream internally. 
Running after Omimi, you tackle him from behind giving him a hug, your face buried into his shirt. “Xiexie” You muffled into his jersey.
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Aran Ojiro:
- gets you a very fancy envelope
- Like the ones that isn’t sold in packs when u go to the chinese market
- Specifically the ones made from silk and has a jade ring attached
- He gets u ONE LIKE O N E THAT ONE SPECIFIC DESIGN (pls i sound crazy i’ll just attache the image so u kno what im talking abt)
- He wasnt sure how much to put inside so he gives u $40
- He tries to remember how to say happy new year to you and pronounces it perfectly
- No seriously like PERFECTLY like better than me.
- also take this man home right now to meet your parents i fken swear
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“Y/N!” You hear someone yell from behind you as you were walking home. Turning you see Aran running to you, trying to catch up.
“Aran?” You run to meet him halfway.
Aran pauses and takes a few breathes before grabbing his backpack and grabbing something from inside.
He pulls out a beautifully crafted silk red envelope pouch with a tassel and jade ring tied to the front.
You stand there completely flustered and frozen.
He looks down, the envelope in both his hands offering it out to you.
“恭喜發財 (gōng xǐ fā cái)” He says perfectly, the sunset hitting his face. 
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Akagi Michinari:
- Cute bb would give u the cutest fucking envelope
- Probably w hello kitty on it
- He gives you a $2 bill
- Shiiiii he knows whats up, that shit lucky and rare
- He’d hand it to u while giving u a back hug
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“Y/n!!!” Before you can turn around, a heavy weight drags you down from behind. “A-Akagi-san?!” You yelp in surprise.
He stays cling onto you from behind as you try to gain balance. Hearing him let out a soft chuckle. “Here you go!” He says, his arms going around your shoulders to shove the super cute Hello Kitty li xi in your face.
You take a second to process what he had just given you to face. “AKAGI!!” You take it as he hops off your back. Then turning around to smother him into a hug. Giving him little cheek kisses.
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- I love him, he would give u a cute envelope too
- Like with a little cartoon ox character on it
- With like lil horns sticking out
- U get the idea
- Gives u $10 but in $2 bills
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You sit with the Miya twins and Suna during lunch, scanning around the cafeteria trying to find Ginjima, usually he’d be with you guys.
As you were about to ask-speak of the devil.
“Y/n-chan” He immediately sits beside you, placing his tray of food down.
“This is for you” He reveals the cutest red envelope with a cartoon cow on it, handing it to you flustered. His cheeks bursting red.
You sit and stare for a second, you start to blush feeling embarrassed. Slowly taking it from his hands, you give him a quiet ‘thank you’ before returning to your meal.
Unsure of what to do, before going back into your meal, you quickly turn your head planting a kiss to his cheek.
Osamu, Suna and Atsumu watched, their jaw dropped as Ginjima begins to turn into his own red envelope. Before you quickly place your face in your palms.
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Atsumu Miya:
- This mfer would give the flashiest one
- Like you kno the ones that are so colorful and has like
- W those shitty knock-off characters from cartoons
- Hes broke as fuck so its p empty
- He would put a coin inside.
- Not the fortune coin
- Literally a coin like a quarter or somethin
- Hed slap it against ur table while giving it to u
- He tries to say happy new year but fucking butchers it
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You sit at your desk, it’s so early in the morning and your parents had woken you up early to help prepare some cooking essentials for tonight’s dinner. 
As you were about to doze off to sleep, you hear a CLACK against your desk, immediately waking you up and having you face up.
Just inches away was Atsumu’s face, that lil smirk oh how you just wanna-
You look down seeing the red envelope he placed on your desk. 
“CHUC MUNG NAM MOIIIIIII” he greets dragging out the “i” it’s like he didn’t even try to pronounce the greeting correctly. He ruffles your hair and gives another warm smile. 
You look back up to him, blushing before greeting back. “Ah, chúc mừng năm mới ‘Tsumu.”
Atsumu quirks his eyebrow staring back down at you. “I’m pretty sure you said it wrong.” He says before walking off to his desk.
You sit there fucking flabbergasted. ‘What the fuck?’ You blink and turn your attention back down to your desk. Looking at the envelope you cringe. ‘It’s so bright...’ you internally think.
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Osamu Miya:
- He gives you the basic basic red envelope 
- He was running late and didnt have time to stop by the bank, he wanted to be extra and give you $20 in $2 bills.
- So he just gives you a $20 bill.
- When he hands it to u, u notice its all bumpy
- Ur feeling around the envelope and theirs something else inside than just money
- U open and theres lucky candy stuffed inside
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“Good-morningggggg” You turn to look up from your desk, seeing the younger twin walk in after his brother. He looks down at you, then to your desk seeing the red envelope his brother gave you. 
He cringes with you, before pulling out another, handing it to you.
“Happy Tết cutie” He greets. You thank him and greet him back as you take the envelope, you realize how bumpy and lumpy it is. 
You look back up to Osamu, he’s waiting for you to open it. You open it and out drops like 7 pieces of lucky candy. 
You look back up to him in confusion before he swoops in and takes back the 7 pieces, unwrapping them all at once and shoving them into his mouth.
Chewing, he winks at you before walking away to his seat. You can hear the audible crunch coming from the hard as fuck candy as he walks away.
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Suna Rintarou:
- My guy doesnt even give you a red envelope
- He straight up just gives you cash
- Drops it on your desk and leaves
- Im jk he would come back and be like “sike u thought”
- Pulls out a red envelope, cute but has one of the most stupidest fucking design 
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You listen to the crunching of Osamu’s poor teeth grinding against the lucky candy before-
“Yo” Before having the time to look up, you hear a slap against your desk as Suna begins to turn to walk away. You look down to see a $50 bill on your desk.
You turn to look at him, he stares at you for a second before walking away.
He comes back to you after settling his bag down.
He takes the $50 on your desk and slips it into the red envelope now in his hands. After sliding it in he brings the envelope to his mouth and begins to lick the ends as he seductively looks at you before folding the paper in. 
You watch him in disgust suna baby you don’t have to lick the ends of the red envelope that’s not how they work. He sets the red envelope back on your desk, his head coming closer to yours, enough for you to feel his breath against you.
He brings his mouth over to your ear before whispering in a husky voice “Happy Lunar New Year đẹp gái qua~” Before pulling away and walking to his desk like nothing happened.
You sit there absolutely shaken, until you look down to see the red envelope he left. Jesus fuck what the hell is that thing.
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quillvine · 4 years
Aaron Hotchner x Gender Neutral Reader
A/N: Here have this monster of a fic. It’s been kicking around in my drafts for so long I had no idea what to do with or how to end it. I hope you guys like it! My requests are still open so don’t be afraid to drop a line :)
You’re awoken by the sound of Aaron’s phone ringing, it's his work tone. It’s too damn early for work especially considering it’s a Saturday. Next to you Hotch presses a quick kiss on your lips before reaching to grab his cell from the nightstand. He answers, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he listens to whoever’s on the other end. Before he even hangs up you know there's a case.
Aaron turns to you with his usual grim bossman look on his face. It’s a far cry from the cute  sleepy look that you’re used to seeing in the mornings.
“Why don’t you start the coffee? I’ll go call Jessica and check on Jack.” He tells you.
He leans over again to give you another kiss. This time it’s long and slow, his lips molding against yours. Your hands find their way to his messy hair and he shifts to pull you closer to him on the bed. 
All too soon he pulls away and you whine in disappointment, you’re not ready to start the day. Aaron just smiles pulling you up from the bed and pushing you towards the door. He pats your ass gently giving you another kiss before heading down the hall to Jack’s room.
He had food poisoning so you and Aaron had already been up later than usual making sure he was okay. The poor boy was hugging the toilet bowl way past his bedtime. You guys had hoped that you wouldn't get called away during the weekend, but alas the UnSubs of the world had their own agenda.
Flicking the lights on in the kitchen you get the coffee pot going. You also search the pantry for the individually packaged instant oatmeal that you guys keep for the mornings where Jack is running late for school. Neither of you are particularly hungry in the mornings but you figured that instant oatmeal is easy enough to make on the jet. 
Pulling your go bags from under the buffet table in the hallway, you throw the oatmeal cups into your bag and then head back to the kitchen. You pour the hot coffee into travel mugs and then set them next to your go bags.
Heading back up the stairs to the bedroom where you see Aaron buttoning up his work shirt. He gives you a quick smile before grabbing the pair of slacks on the bed.
You walk over to the closest to grab clothes and get changed. After a quick glance at Hotch who is tying the tie you got him for his birthday you settle on a red shirt to match his power tie.
“Jessica is on her way,” He tells you, walking over to where you're standing to give you a kiss on the cheek, “Jack’s okay, he’s still sleeping.”
When Jessica arrives, you thank her for coming on such a late notice and then hurry out the door into the car.
Once you guys hit the highway it seems like whatever early morning energy you had left you. Your body feels limp and your eyes are drooping which really isn’t good considering the fact that you the coffee was supposed to kick in already.
By the time you reach the office you’re feeling a little worse for wear but you have a job to do so you reach into the backseat to grab your go bag. Before you can exit the car Aaron grabs your wrist and pulls you into a slow languid kiss.
“One for the road.” He tells you.
You smile as you exit the car, maybe this morning will get better.
It turns out the morning did not get better. The flight was bumpy and filled with turbulence adding a headache on top of your tiredness. By the time you guys get off the jet and to the station you’re really not in a good mood. For some reason the caffeine still has not kicked in and you’re still exhausted. 
It’s six in the morning right now which means it’s still too early for you guys to check into a hotel so you have to leave your bags at the station. As soon as you’ve set your bags down, you’re beelining it to the break room, praying to whatever god is out there for a fresh pot of coffee.
Morgan is there already and smirks when he sees your disgruntled face. You groan internally, the whole team has been eyeing you since you got on the plane, they know how you get when you’re low on sleep. Morgan is the only one brave enough to toe the line with you.
“Oh ho ho, looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. What happened, Hotch keep you up too late last night?” Morgan as you push past him to the coffee pot.
“He’ll have your head for that.” You grumble.
Morgan just laughs, giving you a teasing smile as he follows you. He actually has the audacity to beat you to the coffee pot and starts pouring himself a cup. You come up next to him and grab a cup of your own, as Morgan pours you a cup you fumble with the cream and sugar passing them to him. He thanks you, adding some to his cup. 
You stir your own coffee as you reach over to pour a cup for Aaron. He probably doesn’t need another cup, if anything he seems to be functioning fine but it’ll save you another trip to the break room if he doesn't drink it. Who cares if it’s cold.
Taking a sip from your cup you find that it is potentially the worst cup of coffee you’ve ever had in your life.
“Ugh, dishwater.” You grouse as you guys walk to the conference room the team has hijacked.
Morgan takes a sip of his own coffee and chuckles.
“Come on now you know that they never have the good stuff in these places.” He tells you as you guys walk into the conference room. “If you want anything other than dishwater you have to be like Pretty Boy and bring a whole pour over set.”
“Reid, I didn’t know you brought your Chemex on cases.” You say as you slide into the seat next to Aaron, giving him his cup of coffee.
He’s helping Spencer get the geographical profile going. There are no actual bodies at the moment, the girls are just missing. So you guys really only have the abduction sites and victimology to go on.
“You know,” Reid says as he looks up from the map. “The Chemex Coffeemaker was invented in 1941. It’s intention was to-”
“Yeah, yeah, we get it. All I know is that the last time we roomed together you woke me up with all that fumbling around.” Rossi complains.
Spencer at least has the decency to look sheepish. He squirms under Dave’s semi-annoyed gaze and turns back to the map. You chuckle at the thought. Only he would have enough coherence in the mornings to meticulously weigh out the ratio of coffee grounds to water.
As you reach out for the victim files you’re startled by Aaron pushing his coffee cup over to you. He takes your hand and squeezes it gently.
“You need it more than I do.” He tells you.
You sigh happily, dishwater or not caffeine is still caffeine. Buzz from the earlier cup starts to thrum pleasantly through your body. Although, you think it’s partly because of the fact that Aaron is being so sweet to you today.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He asks.
You simply nod and squeeze his hand again. He’s so endearing when he’s worried about you. His big brown puppy dog eyes and the slight wrinkle between his brows makes you want to coo and plant a nice solid kiss on his lips. But the last thing you need is more teasing from Morgan so instead you bring Hotch’s hand to your lips giving his fingers a gentle peck.
He doesn’t look convinced though, still looking at you with a slight frown on his face. As cute as Aaron is when he’s pouty, he has you a little worried. Normally even a quick grab of his hand would warrant a gentle reminder about professionalism. The last thing any of you need are the local police thinking you're a two-bit agent sleeping with your boss for your position. You must be in really bad shape for him to act like this.
“Hotch I’m fine, really. I think it’s just a bad combination of lack of sleep and the turbulence from the plane ride here.” You tell him gently. “I’ll get some sleep when we get to the hotel, promise.”
You give him a small smile and Aaron seems to relax at your words. You scoot closer to him, grabbing the case files that sit on the table. Reid shifts the map a little so you can get a better view. 
As you pour over the files to help with the geographical profile your feet find Aaron’s under the table. You nudge them gently to let him know that really you’re okay and not to worry about you. He nudges your back, as a reminder that he’s here if you need him. You smile setting in for a long day of profiling.
You know you promised Aaron that you would try to get some rest in the hotel but the hotel bed is so lumpy and you can’t seem to get comfortable. It’s not like Aaron’s sleeping either, his workaholic ass is still pouring over the case files.
You can tell he’s stressed, this case is weighing on him, you can see it in his eyes. But some of his stress is probably from the fact that he’s worried about you too. You feel so bad, he doesn’t need to worry about you, today was just an off day. He has enough to think about already with Jack and the case and everything else this job is pushing on him.
You yawn stretching languidly under the sheets. Hugging the blankets you turn to look at Hotch. He’s sitting at the desk in the corner of your guys hotel room still dressed in his normal work attire albeit a little disheveled. The crease between his brow is deeper than ever and you can tell that if he stares at those case files any longer he’s going to give himself a killer headache.
Luckily for him you know just how to stave off the impending headache. He could never resist your charms, especially this late at night.
“Aaron…” You croon, “Come to bed, baby. I’m so lonely, why dontcha come and keep me company?”
From his seat at the corner of the hotel room Aaron chuckles.
“Come on now, none of that.” He tells you. “You promised me that you would try and get some sleep.”
“I know, I know, but the bed is so lumpy and uncomfortable and I’m so cold. Why don’t you warm me up?” You purr.
You feel like a sultry young socialite waiting for her lover to come back to bed. The only thing that is missing are the silken sheets and the feather soft mattress.
Aaron sighs and rises from the desk chair. His suit jacket is already flung across the back of the desk chair and his tie is undone. He heads over to the bed with a large grin on his face. You smile back and make grabbing motions with your hands.
The bed dips as he climbs onto to lie next to you. Pulling you into a hug Aaron presses a kiss to the top of your head.
“What am I going to do with you?” He murmurs into your hair.
“Love me.” You say cheekily.
He laughs again and you laugh along with him. Oh god, his laugh is warm and honeyed and it feels like home. You could listen to it for days on end.
Patting his chest gently you say, “Come on baby get changed, you need to get some sleep too.”
Aaron gives you a quick squeeze before climbing out of the bed to change into his pajamas. As he slips out of his shit you purr in appreciation and grin wolfishly at him. He returns your grin as he wiggles out of his work slacks. Once he is fully changed Hotch pounces on top of you wrapping you into his arms. He flips you so you are resting on top of him, your head lying on his chest.
You bite your lip and bat your eyelashes at him. “Oh, so you want me on top tonight huh?”
“Stop it,” Aaron says with a low rumble. “You promised me that you would get some sleep.”
“Technically we would be sleeping together.” You tell him running your hand over his arms.
“Oh, you’re bad.” Aaron tells you as he leans up to nip at your lower lip. “But, you promised me that you’d get some rest, we need you at your best for this case.”
You sigh and roll off of him snuggling back into the blankets. He leans down to tilt your chin up so he can kiss you on your lips. He then reaches over to turn the lights off. With a soft smile you curl into Hotch and he gathers you up into his arms pulling you closer, the both of you settling in for a long night in a lumpy bed.
Normally, the sound of the engine is too loud for you to consider sleeping on the jet, but you’ve been running on fumes for the last couple days so you probably could sleep on anything that wasn’t a lumpy hotel bed.
You’re leaning against Aaron, your face planted firmly onto his side. Everyone else is asleep or trying to sleep, your boyfriend is the only one still awake. Honestly that silly stupid man would work himself to death if you and Jack weren’t around.
“Come on Aaron the paperwork can wait,” you tell him, “Why don’t we get some sleep?”
“You can get some sleep, I need to finish my report first.” He says not looking up from his papers.
You sigh and curl into Hotch’s side. It’s a little uncomfortable since he’s still upright and you can feel the movement of his arm as he writes. You focus on his even breathing and strong scent. Slowly, they lull you to sleep and you drift off dreaming of good coffee and nice hotel beds.
When you wake it’s to the sound of laughter. Rubbing your eyes bleary you see Derek and Emily with their go-bags slung around their shoulders. As you look around you see the rest of the team making their way off of the jet.
You look up when you hear a soft thud. Hotch has dropped your go bag next to his on the table. When he sees that you’re awake he leans down to kiss you on the lips.
“Welcome to the land of the waking,” he says with a teasing smile.
“Why didn’t you wake me up?” you ask rubbing your eyes groggily.
“Well, you just looked so cute in my arms I couldn’t bear the thought of waking you up.” He tells you to reach out his hand so he can tug you up.
You sigh a little as you stretch, your back cracking nicely. Reaching out to grab your go-bag you find that Aaron is already holding it with his own bag hanging on his shoulders. You grab his free hand and as you walk off the plane together.
When you get home you thank Jessica for looking after Jack and go upstairs to give the sleeping boy a kiss on his forehead. Collapsing in your nice not-lumpy bed, and drift off into a peaceful sleep. Just before you fall asleep fully you feel Aaron slide into bed next to you cradling you gently.
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
Tags (lmk if you want to be added or removed): @winterscaptain @yes-sir-hotchner @mrs-joel-pimentel-23-25 @crying-river @genevievedarcygranger @ange-must-die @ogmilkis @saintd0lce
@agenthotchner and @dr-reid-ismyspiritanimal I tagged you guys too, thought you might like it :)
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coprolite-posting · 4 years
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Guess I forgot to upload this here!
It's a Ceratosaurus, done in a... Sketchier? Art style inspired by some of the stuff I saw on the BLM stream. Kind of gives me Lisa Frank vibes, between the glittering bisexual cloudscape and the leopard-type markings on the dinosaur itself.
In terms of design:
I made the crests and back spines more decorative, with a fire-colored gradient, while the rest of the body more or less looks like a leopard and/or wall lizard of some sort.
Normally I keep my theropods' teeth covered, but Ceratosaurus has some. Very long chompers, so they stick out a bit.
The fourth finger isn't visible, since most newer skeletals show it as probably too small to be, but I tried to imply the bones present in the shape of the hand.
I didn't give him any feathers because afaik he doesn't have any close relatives confirmed to have them, plus it has confirmed osteoderms and is believed to be a morphologically basal relative of abelisaurids. (God I hope that made sense.) Abelisaurids are known to be bumpy boys- or, you know, at least some are, making it more likely for their relatives to share this trait. To be honest, I'm a bit worried I made the skin a little too lumpy, but part of that is because of how the shading was done (not to mention most animals- especially larger ones, and this guy would be pretty large by today's standards, even if its not exceptional among theropods- don't have perfectly smooth skin). I tried to imply scales with the highlighting, but I think I could've done a better job by shading some in as well.
The eye is yellow with a hint of greenish, primarily based on birds of prey and wolves' eyes. I'm almost certain I attempted to give it round pupils, although the lighting makes it hard to tell; if I didn't, I'll just say I did, because he's, once again, a decently-sized animal (maybe taller than a person and much, much longer).
He has an ear- something along the lines of a little pocket at the edge of the head. I do worry if it's too close or too far away from the hole in the skull it connects to.
Hope you enjoy!
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insomniac-dot-ink · 5 years
The Breakdown Ch1
genre: supernatural gay ghost story
rated: M
words: 4.3K
summary: What do you get when you combine an urban legend turned real, a psychic hick, and bunch of ghost hunting Yankees? A bad time.
All Kevin Lampton wants to do with his summer is stop The Lady in White from killing anymore road trippers in the middle of nowhere Kentucky. Unfortunately, a group of ghost hunters looking for answers makes his job a lot more complicated.
Chapters: One, Two
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Technically, no one agreed on its name. It had no name and no place on the maps- faceless as a cliff smoothed over by time and as anonymous as a stranger in a New York City subway at rush hour.
The dirt road peeled off highway US 68 halfway between Lexington and Springfield in the dusty empty guts of Kentucky. There was no hint of its existence except a dinky gas station on the corner that didn’t even sell hot dogs and required a pair of clunky keys to enter the fly-infested bathroom. The turnoff itself was only indicated by a little green arrow on a rusting metal pole.
Kevin had tried several times to kick down that green arrow and put up construction cones across the mouth of the road. That had worked a couple times before “Destruction of Public Property” letters started showing up in the mail. He tore up the letters first and then the next green arrow.
The unnamed road eventually breached the tiny town of Reginald. Its long bumpy neck skirted around the boxy houses with battered tires out front, ownerless dogs barking at the burnt sky, and dried grass the color of eye-crust. After Reginald it breached into “nothing land,” land that could be anywhere at all in its tired and timeless way.
It raced for thirty straight miles after that- no bends, no twists, no turns. It was as a straight as khaki pants at an old navy sale and guys in bars who would rather sleep on concrete floors than even brush the skin of another man.
It surged perfectly lonely toward Hillsboro. Hillsboro, population barely 100, was like Reginald except with the aftertaste of even more broken satellites on each roof and burnt trash since the garbage trucks wouldn’t come out that far.
Some people called the road between the two towns “Hillsboro Road” or “Reginald Lane,” each town denied such names and spat on the ground at the mention of it. An old man with a handsome nose half the size of his face and a bite for every other word called it “Catpiss Trail.”
It was yellow in the sunlight, and tinted brown in the night, ground that took on whatever color suited its mood. The dirt was loose and dried, easily sludgy in the rain, and a scourge to tires everywhere as the rubber flung stones into the air like rapid-fire projectiles. It was the type of road that was just another nameless dirt road in a nameless corner of the world.
Nevertheless, someone swore on their mother’s grave that there used to be a sign next to it, just a wooden post with white lettering. The post had read “Sumpter Road.” Kevin agreed on it being Sumpter Road. It was a thirty-mile lick of dirt that connected the very empty bits of a middling world. Sometimes a field or two bordered its edge- owned by men in ties that had never stepped foot in Kentucky. They grew grain or corn or somebody’s next sandwich. But mostly, it was grass, dry grass the color of yellows-lesser-cousin, a decayed yellow that had given up on its goals a long time ago.
You could drive for miles and miles alongside that wilting yellow, across flat plains with only tiny white shacks off in the distance and rusting red pickup trucks abandoned off to the side. It was junk and nothing all at once. Empty, lonely, ugly Sumpter road. 
Locals of Reginald and Hillsboro used different options other than Sumpter. They knew not to travel on that road, not at night, not during the full moon, not during the crevice moon or no moon, and especially not during the summer. There was a conscious little heartbeat that traveled from mother to cousin to old great aunt back down to second cousins twice removed: don’t go on the dirt road off highway US 68, you know the one.
They knew not to go there, Kevin knew not to go there, and despite their collective best efforts, somebody wasn’t listening. People in Subaru's and Honda’s and family minivans, always in the lean months of summer with the faint smell of sweet heather and somatic cow filling the air.
They appeared as the sun roasted the dry earth and sucked the color from the sky until it was such a fragile, wilting thing you wished to drag your finger across the silken bottom and taste it.
Kevin knew those summer’s well, and he was sick of them.
Chapter 1: The Blue Toyota
Seven miles from the highway, fourteen minutes from the closest house, twenty miles from the nearest public restroom, Kevin Lampton snapped open a folding lawn chair. The chair had been his roommates, but his roommate claimed it had been left in their backyard from the previous owner.
Strips of worn cloth draped across it from one metal limb to the next, the stripes had probably once been bright teal and red and clean white. Now it was just a faded peach and wheezing blue, it was rusted around the screws and held his weight with a reluctant groan.
But it had been free which was perfectly within his budget.
The headlights of his shitty 1990 Hatchback blew up his lumpy shadow across the ground and was the only light for miles except the teetering mix-drink stars up above. The headlights streaked valiantly across the dark ether and cut out a little life there. I’m wasting so much fucking battery, he reminded himself bleakly, but it was better than waiting in the dark.
He used headlights since flashlights always made him feel like an amateur that was just asking for someone to knock it out of his hands and kick him in the nuts for free. He wasn’t an amateur.
He slouched in the chair and the hungry heat crawled across his flushed skin, it was technically May, but it had the teeth of July- beating down on his brow and dripping long damp fingertips down his spine. He had on a white tank-top, one that made him look like he stored a shotgun in his trunk and didn’t know how to give his consonants any backbones.
Which was all true. But usually he didn’t want to show it. However, summer didn’t play by any judgement structured by how much PBR you drank or how much army camo print you owned. It was too hot for t-shirts and he settled.
He remained in his ragged slouchy jeans though, not even the murderous undead deserved the sight of his knobby gawky knees in shorts. 
Kevin blinked up at the night sky, a vast unreadable thing, and listened. Crickets chirped in all directions and a few coyotes cried woefully to each other in distant places, but nothing more. Sometimes he thought he spotted blinking lightning bugs just above the tides of grass, but he usually chalked up to his imagination.
He slipped the cracked screen of his Samsung phone out of his pocket and just barely registered the time: 10:32. He sighed again. Kevin Lampton was big subscriber to sighing, he renewed it every year and regularly added: wrinkling his mouth into a tiny scrunched frown and running a hand pensively through his shaggy brown hair.
He needed a haircut. He needed to clip his nails. He needed to get back to his tiny motel room and throw out the milk in the mini fridge- it was at least five days old. He needed music. 
He sighed again and instead craned his neck back and went over notes in his head: perfectly inelastic: the price stays the same regardless of the quantity demanded. Demand curve is a vertical line.
Elastic: if price elasticity of demand is greater than 1, quantity reacts to price…
He traced the vocab words on the arm of the plastic chair and occasionally mumbled to himself. He lost track of time, there was no other choice at that point in the night but to lose track of it.
11:00, 11:30, 12:00, coffee break, piss break, cursing at his cellphone as its battery drained, 12:20.
Kevin got all the way up to his anthropology notes and classifying primate bones. Orangutans: lesser apes, globular head, longer forelimbs.
It was 12:22 and the night split open like a ripe melon bashed with a baseball bat. A horrifying guttural scream pierced the air. He didn’t exactly hear it with his ears, which always seemed stupid if he thought about it too hard, but it pierced through his mind in a flurry of sickening bites. Yellow jabs, cloying blows, gut churning, and body seizing sensations.
Kevin let it hit him once, twice, before bursting to his feet and digging his hands into his stuffed pockets and patting the contents. He extended his senses outward: sending soft feelers toward the bleak oceans of anyone nearby. “Shit.” They were two miles up the road, further up than he expected, but ghosts were dreadful about being reliable.
Another shriek bristled from behind him and Kevin tossed his chair aside and dove back toward his car, “Shit!”
He hopped into his shitty hatchback, stalled the ignition in a reckless moment, and then backed all the way up. His tires threw up dirt as he accelerated with the devil on his heels and he took a U-turn that as more of a V-turn.
His car groaned for a moment, but had enough soul left to take off with a high-pitched growl and dramatic skid. He gunned the gas and fishtailed across the night, “Come on baby.” He sped, there was no speed limit out there, but he had no way of knowing what ‘fast enough’ was going to be.
He got close enough to recognize the robust shape of a car pulled off crookedly to the side of the road, headlights splashing across the ground and two pale figures sitting rigidly in their seats. The sound of someone twisting the key in the ignition with careless jamming motion crackled through the air.
Waves of spiky sticky fear pierced Kevin’s stomach and knew he was in the right place, obviously. That’s also when all the life went out of his car.
It didn’t stall or sputter or curse at him in any known electric language, it simply rolled to a perfect limp-boned stop. As it always did when he got this close.
Kevin scrambled out of the car and locked it just in case, you know, just in case.
“Stay calm!” He shouted across the way as they kept revving the engine and going absolutely nowhere. He started running. It was a shiny dark blue Toyota with a handsome finish, the plates were from out of state.
A woman with chin-length stiff red hair sat in the passenger seat, wild-eyed and chest heaving, all the blood drained from her face and hands braced on the dashboard. She was wearing a college t-shirt and looking at nothing.
A man with black glasses and a dark stubble beard sat next to her, eyes on the steering wheel and muttering curses in jagged uneven breaths. They looked like a young couple that were either lost, wayfarers, or their GPS had general murderous intent. It didn’t really matter at this point.
Kevin swung around to the passenger side door. This was the tricky part.
“What was that?” The woman’s voice was shrill, frantic and formless. “What the fuck was that Robert? Tell me you saw that Robert.” Robert did not respond.
Kevin hesitated; he had tried this part before with varying results. Quickly he decided on a new combination of methods, first tapping on the glass lightly and then simply opening the passenger door and hopping inside.
She always left the doors unlocked by that point.
The woman let out a shriek like bloody murder and jumped to the side, and the man looked up with empty-eyed terror.
“Don’t worry folks!” Kevin put his hands up and realized maybe ‘wife beater’ wasn’t the ideal outfit in this situation right then. He cut to the chase. “When’s the last time you saw Her? One minute ago, five?” “Ahhhh!” None of his methods seemed to work very well.
The man snapped out of his stupor and balled his fist up, “Get behind me Julie!” He put his arm out in front of the woman’s chest and offered impractically. He was plastered to the back of the driver's seat and Julie wasn’t getting behind anything. Kevin raised his hands up even further, “I’m here to help.” He winced as Robert raised his fist, “Wait, wait, you don’t want to punch me! I promise. I’m your lifeline.” They both stared at him, dumbstruck, the girl hyperventilated, “WHAT the fuck is going on?”
“Is this some sort of sick prank?” The man’s face bubbled red hot, “Tell me if you think this is some sort of practi-” “Not a prank,” Kevin’s eyes roved around the back of the car and an inconspicuous cold gently seeped through the air like mist rising off early morning grass, “I swear.”
“Don’t tell me...” The woman wrapped her arms around her body and shivered- she felt it too. “Don’t worry,” Kevin explained quickly, “You’re lucky I got here in time, now… when’s the last time you saw the lady in white?”
“What, what are,” the woman stammered. He was too late. There had been too much talking. Kevin was too late.
He was still working on this part.
He saw the movement before he saw the shape itself. Skin as white as crushed daisy petals, hand small and childlike one moment and then tendril thin and clawed the next. Kevin’s breath stalled in his chest, the white hand slithered out from the backseat, just by the driver’s side window and hovered for a moment.
It stalled in place, like the second before a giant metal airplane with no feathers or hollowed bones or thousands of years of aerial evolution pressed off the hard earth and into the sky anyway: a certainty of the impossible.
The hand lunged, fingers spreading impossibly wide, impossibly quick, and it clenched around the man’s neck with no ceremony or preamble and squeezed. His head hit the headrest with a swift jerk and his glasses slunk down to the end of his nose.
“Sir!” Kevin barked, but the hand was already latched on. The blood drained from the man’s face like there was straw attached to his neck and sucking. His skin squished in like silly putty being molded and the smallest of choking noises escaped his parted lips, barely a noise at all.
The woman didn’t move, Kevin internally complimented her for not pissing herself… yet. 
Kevin reached into his large pockets. He was getting better at this part. When he first started, he used to quote bible lines like “the power of Christ compels you” and “in the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit, be gone.” However, it didn’t seem to make any difference.
“Fuck off!” He shouted in its place and didn’t turn around; he knew better than that and continued yelling. “Get back!” He dug out salt rocks from his pocket and tossed them wildly into the back, flinging them over his right shoulder with abandon. A guttural growl answered, like a barely rumbling thunder cloud or the echoes of a tumbling rock fall in a canyon. A warning.
He caught her eyes in the rear view mirror.
He wouldn’t dare turn around, but he could do this much. She was positioned in the middle seat perfectly so and staring unblinkingly ahead.
Her skin was as pale as bleached bone and tendrils of lank black hair fell around her face. Her eye holes were surrounded with ragged black eyelashes, burnt ground around white, a white with no irises, a white with no pupils, a gaping emptiness with bruises underneath. Deep shadows and sagging skin, unslept and unwept.
The eyes themselves were nothing, empty fissures, otherworldly, but the bags under her eyes spoke of something human, something real, skin gathered and drooping mundanely. A suggestion of a person in the worst way, and it made his stomach heave.
“Fuck off!” He yelled again and threw another handful of salt, a hissing came right by his ear like the hiss of pipes just about to burst, animalistic and inhuman.
He reached into his other pocket and silently apologized to the upholstery. The man was choking, gasping, eyes bulging out of his head and spit dripping down his chin in glistening strings. The woman Kevin was squished next to remembered to scream.
“It’s got him, it’s got him!” She babbled and twisted around in her seat to look. The second she turned a new scream etched out of her insides, primal and broken. He took note for future reference: shoulda told her not to look.
He held up a pouch over his right shoulder.
Kevin squeezed the cold plastic bag furiously and aimed without looking, like he was trying to splatter abstract art somewhere and hated the canvas itself. The blood squirted out of the little tube in a perfect arching stream and the sound of liquid hitting fabric followed. He waved it back and forth until it sagged empty and deflated in his hands.
Kevin’s arms goose-fleshed and the overwhelming scent of bog rot and frost flooded through the car’s vents, a hissing like rattlesnakes and tortured cats joined it. Julie stopped screaming to cover her nose and mouth and she gagged on the waves of rank air.
Robert on the other hand started hacking and drawing desperate breaths of air, the type of sound you hear in the wards of newborns or from ailing vacuum cleaners.
Kevin braced himself, grabbing the handle above and shoving one shoe against the car door and the other against the dashboard. “Hold on.” He advised, but it was lost to the violent gagging of the woman and the man besides her attempting life.
The car shuddered like it was going through turbulence, rocking forward and backward as a bucking bronco trying to dislodge them, tipping wildly in some unseen ocean.
Kevin squeezed his eyes shut as their impromptu roller coaster trip shook the life from them like rag dolls in the hands of a vindictive toddler. Julie crashed into his side while the man gasped for air with a certain reverence and loving devotion.
Kevin exhaled from somewhere deep within himself when the tipping settled and the temperature in the car quickly climbed like a morning birdsong at dawn.
The woman clawed at the dashboard in a move Kevin could only wonder at and she twisted in her seat to look behind them again, teeth clenched and whole body trembling. A vein popped out of her forehead like a rather elegant blue engraving in her skin.
Kevin released the tension rippling through his nerves and exhaled. It was over.
He shifted in place, he was now positioned directly on top of the plastic middle island between the seats and tilting his head up toward the ceiling. He closed his eyes for a moment and listened. It was quiet except for crickets chirping. The scent of blood seeped through the air, but that was his fault.
“Where is she?!” The woman said louder than strictly necessary. “Where the fuck is she?!” She reached for the door, ready to do the logical thing and bolt.
The man felt at the red-marked puckered skin on his neck and wheezed in response.
“Don’t worry,” Kevin remembered he had to do this part too. “She’s gone. Don’t get out, she’s gone for the night.” The couple in the car both turned to him at once, as if seeing him for the first time and clearly not being pleased.
“You,” the man spoke first, still laboring for the breath and his voice faint as a crushed soda can. “You,” he seethed, “What is this?” He spat, “Who are you?” The guy who just saved your life.
“You can try the car now,” Kevin said instead, “it should start.” They both eyed him warily, mutely trying to process the existence of the evil undead and also this sunburnt white kid in a wife beater sitting in the center of their car. “I’m Kevin,” he looked between them, “I stop stuff like this.” He didn’t elaborate or add only on this road and with this particular ghost. “I came to help.”
He could still feel the anxiety and adrenaline rolling off the couple. It was a vivid electricity that clogged his chest and made his teeth ache. However, they hadn’t tried to hit him again- which was a fabulous perk for that night.
“Are you,” the girl poked at his cheek the way you might poke a strange stray dog collapsed on your porch, “are you real?” Kevin knit his brow together. “Yeah, I am,” he struggled to explain, “I, uh, she’s the only other thing on this road.” That didn’t seem right either. “In Kentucky.” He frowned, “Okay, maybe just on this road.”
The man mutely grabbed for the keys and tried the ignition, the car easily murmured to life with no complaint, you’ll want to check the shocks later. Kevin didn’t add that yet.
The woman held her chest and stared off into nothing, “What was it?” She finally whispered.
“Was that real?” The man had turned the car on but was still feeling at his abused neck. At least he dropped the idea it was a prank, you know, the murder kind of prank.
Kevin realized he was stuck between the both of them in the car, a dinner party he was not invited to nor wanted to attend. “You shouldn’t drive on this road ever again.” He said darkly, “Not ever. She might remember you.”
“What is this road?” The man asked, tasting the weight of each word and staring at Kevin with an even keel.
Kevin nodded, because that was the right question, “Sumpter. Just try to remember it.” Kevin said plainly as exhaustion finally peeled off him like soggy tree bark from a dead oak. They looked back to him, “What did you do?” The woman asked, flatly and not particularly kindly.
“I just stop stuff like this,” he repeated, “with a little lamb’s blood and salt.” You’ll need to get the back reupholstered- he didn’t say that yet either. “You’re okay now, really, like I said she won’t come for you again tonight.” He met the woman’s eyes and managed to extend a small scrape of reassurance toward her. “It’s over.” Kevin glanced over to the door handles to indicate his job here was done.
They both were still looking at him, “And what the fuck is it?” Robert growled.
“Ghost.” Kevin stated flatly. He waited for their disbelief, their rejection, their grappling with wild powerlessness and the simply thought of something more to all this. Kevin pushed out another wave of reassurance and another long moment passed. He cleared his throat, “The Lady of the Road. The Strangling Demon. The Lady in White depending on who you ask.”
Julie’s entire body shuddered at that and she curled inward like a roly-poly poked with a stick and buried her face in hands. It was a long fertile moment, hanging in the infinite, and then she started crying softly, without any pretenses or filter.
“Uh,” Kevin scratched the back of his neck, “I should go.” He didn’t look over to her; he already felt enough of her trembling shock waves of mortal despair. “I’m just… yeah.” They ignored Julie as she had her private moment and Robert turned to him with strangely piercing dark eyes, “How did you find us?” Kevin licked his cracked lips, “I’m from around here. I know she sometimes attacks people on this road, I come out a few times to stop it.” It wasn’t entirely the truth, but he needed to get out of here. “I should get going.” The man was frowning so hard it might as well have been an indent in his lower face, he reached for his door handle and silently stepped out. This was the point where some people gave Kevin cash or a hug, but it wasn’t one those nights.
“Wait,” the woman’s hand strangled the back of his shirt and stopped him, “How do you know she won’t come back?” Kevin didn’t turn to look back at her, “I just know. It’s the rules, it’s only on this road and only once, promise.” A long silence stretched thin, the man’s eyes shifted outside the car and the woman’s weepy voice clung to him. They focused on him, “Where does the road end?” Kevin just pointed, “When you reach the highway, then you’re out.”
The man and woman exchanged a glance. “And you get rid of her? That’s your job?” The man asked steadily, feeling his neck again.
“I mean, yeah, kinda. It gets rid of her for a little while.” This was Kevin’s least favorite part.
The man got back in the car and closed the door, “I’m Robert, that’s Julie,” he grunted, “Show us the way from here?” Kevin sighed deeply, and sometimes they asked him to stay with them. “Sure.” He would have to walk back to his car later. It was going to be a terrible night.
The couple didn’t say anything more with the scent of lamb’s blood drying and the air-conditioning left off. He rode silently to the highway with them in the blue Toyota, his thoughts dripping out his ears and falling to the ground like unfolded laundry. He didn’t bother pick them up again.
They’re alive tonight. Another car is going to be okay. He reminded himself gently, now just 90 more days of this.
Ninety more days, another summer, and however else long it took to make sure no one else died because of The Lady in White. 
Kevin would make sure of it no matter how many times it took.
                                                                                         Next Chapter =====>
Hey! Being a writer is a tough business and I put the “ah” into st-ah-rving artist so if you enjoyed the story please consider donating to my ko-fi or subscribing to my website or patreon
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Aftercare program.
Skin firm, utilizing Hifu By Levura.
" We then apply a Sodashi cream having hazelnut oil as well as cypress to keep skin smooth as well as supple, decongesting any locations of cellulite and carefully boosting the endocrine system, which regulates skin cells," claims Ostronska. Cellulite does worsen with age and also this is mostly to the reality that as ladies get older we create less estrogen. Estrogen is a hormonal agent in charge of keeping blood vessels flowing efficiently, so, when there is much less in the body it can bring about inadequate circulation, less collagen production as well as the break down of connective cells. All of this combined with each other can increase the bumpy fat under the surface area of the skin and cause extra visible cellulite. This does not always associate with weight gain or losing tone-- it is typically an unavoidable concern. The second major source of the orange peel result of cellulite is when fat cells press against the skin.
Cellulite decrease.
Can you feel a prolapsed uterus with your finger?
Insert 1 or 2 fingers and place over the front vaginal wall (facing the bladder) to feel any bulging under your fingers, first with strong coughing and then with sustained bearing down. A definite bulge of the wall under your fingers indicates a front vaginal wall prolapse.
You've drank gallons of water, body-brushed up until your skin is red raw and also signed up to every sweat-inducing exercise you can. Yet, somehow, that bothersome patch of cellulite still refuses to move.
Weight loss does seem to enhance the appearance of cellulite and also workout with excellent diet regimen, although not confirmed, are reasonable recommendations with various other health benefits. Details therapies consist of massage, completely dry body cleaning and tights wraps, although there is extremely little scientific research behind these therapies for cellulite.
" Watery" Cellulite-- this form of cellulite shows up and slightly soft to the touch. In some females, it might create level of sensitivity, varicolored skin, crawler veins, heavy legs, tingling in the legs and also fluid retention. It is believed that watery cellulite is the result of blood circulation problems as a result of physical lack of exercise or an inactive way of life. To get rid of watery cellulite you require to exercise consistently throughout the therapy. ' Not just does it help maintain body fat degrees lower, it also boosts flow as well as muscle mass tone in cellulite-prone areas. Boosted blood circulation will certainly maintain both the skin and also connective cells healthier, along with helping with the removal of waste as well as excess liquid retention which once more exacerbates the look of cellulite,' discloses Dr Dressmaker.
There are numerous techniques and products that assert to deal with or decrease the appearance of cellulite from topical creams, oils, body scrubs and also massagers. Cellulite happens when fat deposits press with connective tissue below the skin, resulting in the skin having a lumpy and also dimply appearance.
You may also have a prostate biopsy, which reveals the place of the cancer and also how most likely the cancer is to expand and also spread outside the prostate.
These tests will aid your surgeon target the location of the prostate that requires to be dealt with.
As HIFU is reasonably brand-new knowledge concerning the long-term benefits and also results is raising each day.
Results from trials and also early instances in the initial five years are highly encouraging with way of living results much much better than many other traditional therapy alternatives.
The HIFU treatment typically lasts in between 1-4 hours, depending upon the dimension of the prostate, and also is either done under general anaesthesia or an epidural and IV sedation.
We can price quote the cost for therapy after an initial complimentary consultationwith you.
If the patient goes with a body contouring treatment, fat cells are eliminated through lipolysis.
Optimum cosmetic results are attainable with just one treatment session, the study photos below offer an instance of the results from HIFU treatment.
Poor nutrition as well as a lack of workout can boost the possibility of cellulite appearing. This is because an undesirable lifestyle indicates you are most likely to collect fat cells which will push on skin, triggering it to dimple. Not only this yet being less active for long periods of time will certainly affect your circulation, and also a lack of blood flow will certainly restrict your bodies regeneration and also repair work. Eating way too much particular foods such as those that are refined, high in sugar or salt can additionally increase your chances of cellulite forming. Cellulite forms in locations with the least blood circulation so, without task, it is extremely difficult to move. Daily energising movements and also skin warming exercises will have you saying goodbye to lumpy skin if you are consistent with it.
Cryo, Improving The beautiful video Game.
" The radiofrequency likewise tightens up the skin which additionally assists with boosting the cellulite," claims Dr Edwin. That said, even though it may diminish the appearance of cellulite briefly, our bodies will certainly remain to make even more afterward. Scientists do not really know what causes cellulite, however it's thought to be connected to the body's inability to get rid of toxin, fat and liquid. It becomes entraped under the skin and also creates fibrous tissue to end up being hard, that is the dimpling effect we see. " I such as all 3 of the functions that the Onda tends to use, I such as the truth that it is an effective cellulite decrease technology and also there is nothing else innovation that does the exact same non-surgically. We provide therapy to males and females and also are seeing good results with both.
This makes the orange peel look a lot more visible, as some of the skin is now being pushed out, while various other sections are being drawn in. The therapy includes positioning probes on the locations of the cellulite which after that release radial waves called shockwaves. The shockwaves then function to interrupt the fat cells as well as damage down the sclerotic coarse tissue. This cells is what is responsible for much of the uneven and dimpled look of cellulite. A further means it works is by firming the skin by boosting the collagen manufacturing and encouraging lymphatic water drainage. So, more fats are flushed away, improving the skin's look. 3D Shockwave therapy can be used on the upper legs, buttocks, abdomen, arms, hips and also knees.
What is vaginal tightening?
Vaginoplasty is a procedure that aims to "tighten up" a vagina that's become slack or loose from vaginal childbirth or aging. Some surgeons claim it can even improve sensitivity -- a claim the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has strongly challenged.
Clearly females have cellulite a lot more prevalently than males, however, with the aging process of guys there is estrogenization as well as we are seeing skin comparable to cellulite. Individual safety is a priority, and also what we locate with the Onda is that we can be felt confident that it is among the best treatments we can provide our individuals, particularly when it belongs to tissue damages, to burns as well as to negative results". One alternative to tackle cellulite available in centers is Radiofrequency. This technology works by heating up the skin and also damaging fibrous tissue, while ultrasound breaks up the fat cells. Combining these therapies offers centers with a great service to cellulite decrease nonetheless, the visual industry together with individuals continue their look for a purpose-built, committed therapy service.
Why does my girlfriends VAG smell like BO?
When sweat mingles with fluids in and around your vagina, your natural scent may change. The odor may grow stronger if you're sweating a lot, like during warm months or after exercise.
how Does The Femiwand Treatment job?
Cellulite appears when fat cells under the skin push versus connective tissue, triggering the skin to dimple. As a result of how cellulite is developed, it is near difficult to totally eliminate in your home, nonetheless there are a couple of things you can do in your home to help in reducing the frequency of cellulite.
Facelift treatment
What is a Stage 3 prolapse?
Other pelvic organs (such as the bladder or bowel) may also be prolapsed into the vagina.,. The four categories of uterine prolapse are: Stage I – the uterus is in the upper half of the vagina. Stage II – the uterus has descended nearly to the opening of the vagina. Stage III – the uterus protrudes out of the vagina.
' However a mix of appropriate diet as well as exercise will certainly lower the layer of fat underneath the skin, making cellulite less visible. A healthy and balanced diet plan can likewise enhance the skin and also connective tissue; making them more powerful, healthier and extra supple. Staying moisturized as well as eating well will certainly stop water retention which aggravates the look of cellulite,' she clears up. Scientists have benefited years to try to find efficient and also durable treatments for cellulite with little success.
You can utilize this treatment as part of a fat decrease programme or as a standalone therapy, both supplying noticeable and outstanding outcomes. 3D Shockwave treatment is effective enough to reduce the appearance of even the hardest cellulite, lifting and also firming the skin. The wall surfaces of the blood vessels are formed by a flexible tissue that allows a liquid blood circulation of the blood. When these wall surfaces lose elasticity, the speed of the blood circulation is decreased. As opposed to being eliminated, excess liquids and waste items obtain pushed in the direction of the adipocyte cells where they connect to the fat cells causing cellulite and swelling. The transport of oxygen and nutrients is also decreased creating the metabolic process to decrease. The present method to help in reducing the look of cellulite begins with referrals to enhance workout as well as optimize the diet.
Aftercare program.
How do you relax pelvic floor spasms?
Place one hand on your chest and another hand on your belly, just below your rib cage. Take a deep breath in to the count of three, and then exhale to the count of four. When you inhale, your pelvic floor relaxes, and as you exhale, your pelvic floor returns to its resting state.
Nobody must ever really feel ashamed that they have cellulite or like it is something that they merely should eliminate. Cellulite is perfectly typical as well as is something that over 90% of all ladies need to some extent.
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To help stop cellulite, minimized processed foods and also synthetic foods which contain sweeteners, additives and chemicals. Dairy and also high fat items, sugar and also high sugar items are all thought to contribute to the dreadful 'orange peel' skin. If your task has you sat behind a desk 8 hrs a day, attempt to include exercise during your lunch break, or after work.
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ONDA An advanced new non-surgical body forming device like no other. Using fat reduction, cellulite reduction, as well as skin tightening up treatments with no downtime. " A little bit like shaving, there's no modesty with this treatment but it is, weirdly, relaxing. My specialist started with a gentle peeling to help start damaging down fat cells. A lymphatic drain massage utilizing Cellcosmet's anti-cellulite oil was alongside encourage flow as well as help the body to do away with contaminants. The massage is a strong pressure and concentrates on the areas that are more than likely to harbour these fatty accumulations.
With time, your body normally generates much less and also less collagen and elastin, and as female age, the female body creates much less oestrogen as well as cells blood supply is lowered, this reduces the amount of collagen in the connective tissue fibers. When connective cells fibres deteriorate, the bulging worsens raising the look of cellulite on the skin's surface.
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Running, swimming and also brisk walking are some of the most effective type of exercises for raising blood flow as well as loosening up the fat tissues from those hard to move areas. A radiofrequency handpiece is used with a little specialist pointer to damage the connective cells hairs and also launch the fat to generate an even skin shape.
What is Stage 4 bladder prolapse?
Stage 1 – the bladder protrudes a little way into the vagina. Stage 2 – the bladder protrudes so far into the vagina that it's close to the vaginal opening. Stage 3 – the bladder protrudes out of the vagina. hifu facial , in which all pelvic organs including the bladder protrude out of the vagina.
We can decrease the look of unwanted cellulite making use of the most up to date Venus Legacy modern technology, which incorporates Multi-Polar Radio Frequency, Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields as well as VariPulse Innovation to generate heat deep under the skin's surface area. This aids to reduce fat cells, minimize volume as well as boost natural healing. This procedure also increases collagen and elastin manufacturing, tightening up as well as raising the skin. If you don't generally appreciate a conventional massage or you want a therapy that will certainly deliver immediate results-- smoother, softer and also stronger skin that's Instagram-worthy-- after that an expert salt scrub is your best choice. " The PH equilibrium of Himalayan salt is incredibly near that naturally located in our body," exposes Ostronska. It's likewise one of the best treatments for guaranteeing you obtain a relaxed evening's sleep ... Beach body goals worth going for.
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jawnjendes · 5 years
isn’t it obvious i’m a wreck | shawn mendes
university au, shawn x goth gf
AN: fun fact the song this fic is named after has the same name as one of shawns songs :P anyway, this one is a bit angsty, and continued from no medicine is strong enough so yh if u like this series blease let me know and blease feel free to reblog the masterlist :’)
masterlist | series playlist
Only rarely was I ever vocal about my pain. Go ahead, pretend to be shocked. I mask my hurt, angry, upset feelings with mannerisms and behaviors my therapist wouldn’t necessarily approve of. I’d clear my throat to keep from crying hysterically. I’d play video games on the couch to avoid thinking about whatever is shaking my world at the moment. I’d fuck my boyfriend to avoid talking about my feelings sometimes, I’ll admit it.
But this… This was something I could not put on a front for, even if I wanted to. I really did not want to put on a mask. Shawn had to see what was happening to me, he had to know what he created inside me. My knees went weak and I was on the floor in his bedroom, heavy tears welling in my eyes. Something like a scream erupted out of me, followed by several loud, uncontrollable sobbing. He didn’t even finish his anecdote before I pieced it together.
My insides went cold as ice but hot as lava at the same time. I felt like I was physically falling apart, like my limbs were going to come off, like my surgery stitches were going to pop, like my heart was going to fall out of my chest if I didn’t hold myself. I hunched over, my forehead hitting the carpet as I cried louder.
“I’m… so sorry,” Shawn mumbled from where he sat on the bed.
“No you’re not!” I yelled at him as I sat up, my voice shaky and incoherent. “You could have done… you could have done so many other things before… before…”
“I know…”
“No you don’t! If you knew you wouldn’t have done anything! If you knew, you could have just broken up with me instead of betray me!” Angry tears streamed down my face, blackened by my mascara. I looked as crazy as I felt, as crazy as I just became. “Who was she? Do you love her?”
“No!” Shawn replied, looking at the floor. He had a pained expression on his face. Pain he only brought to himself. “It was just a stupid mistake, I was-” He sighed.
“What?! Say it!”
He got to his feet, looking down at me. “I was mad, okay? I was angry because you refuse to tell me anything! Ever since you left the hospital, you’ve shut me out! You make it so hard for me to even look at you! You make it so hard for me to love you! You’re so difficult to deal with, it’s like you want me to leave!”
My hand went to my stomach, where I was cut open not that long ago. I could feel the thick, bumpy surgery scar under my shirt. I was practically botched, cut open like a pig at a slaughterhouse. It messed with my head for a bit, and I needed even more therapy for it. I have mild trauma from my time in the hospital and it gives Shawn an excuse to cheat on me? Where is the logic in that?
“You made the decision to go out, hit up some random girl, go home with her… and it’s my fucking fault!?” I screamed, standing up once again. No more tears, I actually wanted to punch him. “You betray me, you hurt me…” Okay, more tears. “You throw away everything we have, after it took so long for me trust you, and it’s my fault?”
It’s my fault! It’s my fault! Everything is my fault!
Shawn made big strides towards me, and he grabbed my arm. He was saying something to me, but I was crying so much it made my stomach hurt. His voice was gentle now, and he was shaking me slightly. I tried to yank myself away, how dare he touch me… His hands have been on someone else’s skin. How could he touch me?
I closed my eyes and shook my head, not wanting to hear the nickname he gave to everybody. He probably gave her the same nickname. It made me feel incredibly sick, I actually wanted to vomit.
“Hey there, little fighter…”
My eyes opened again, only slightly. It was hard to keep my eyes from squinting, because it was suddenly very bright in the room. I also felt wildly sleepy, like I could slip into a permanent coma at any moment. I couldn’t process any of my surroundings, the only thing I was sure of was that I was sitting on a bed, lying at an angle, and someone was holding my right hand and grabbing my left arm.
After blinking a few times, I looked to my left and saw a blonde lady in green scrubs standing next to me. She had thick black frames on and a pen in her bun. She was poking at a machine next to my bed until she realized I was staring at her with a stupid look on my face.
“Hi there, how ya feeling?” she asked, smiling at me like I was toddler.
“Sad,” I replied in a whisper. My throat was incredibly dry. I coughed once. “I think my boyfriend cheated on me.”
“That boyfriend?” the lady asked, pointing across the bed.
I turned my head the other way, finding Shawn sitting at my bedside. He was holding my hand and looking at me like it was fucking Christmas or something.
“You’re too pretty to cheat,” I mumbled. “Only ugly men cheat.”
He chuckled, though his brow furrowed in mild confusion.
“I feel sick,” I announced. “My boyfriend cheated and I feel sick.”
The blonde lady nurse person quickly grabbed a silver bowl from a table that appeared out of nowhere, and she held it for me as I puked in it. She reassured Shawn that that was normal, it was just the anesthesia. Oh yeah, I had surgery.
I fell asleep after that. When I woke up again, the blonde lady was gone, but Shawn was still holding my hand. Now, I knew that was Shawn Mendes, the popular singing guy from the college I went to. I knew that I knew him on some level. But I just stared at him with groggy eyes while he scrolled on his phone with his free hand.
“You’re pretty,” I mumbled. “Are you single?”
He eyes flickered up to me, and a the corners of his mouth went up. “Huh?”
“Are you here with anyone?” I asked.
“Uh, my mom should be coming soon. Stella just left, though.”
“No, like, do you have a date or something? You taken? You’re so cute…”
“Yeah, I’m taken. By you. I’m your boyfriend.”
My eyes widened for the first time. That statement shocked me so much I fell back asleep.
Several things kept me awake in the days after my surgery. For one thing, a nurse came in every hour to check my vitals and my incision site, even at night. I heard Shawn singing to himself whenever I tried to nap. I was pretty sure either his mom, Stella, or both were talking in the room. I felt like I was either balls deep in a coma, or balls deep in insomnia.
Anyway, the surgery was successful. Part of my bowel was removed, and I had to be kept on a liquid diet for a while. I still had a fever that made me slightly delirious. It was like the morphine except my body wasn’t numb. Shawn was quite entertained by my delusions, because I talked way too much about things I normally wouldn’t talk about.
“Don’t tell anyone,” I said to him on day four of fever dreams, “but you’re my favorite person ever, and I’m so lucky to have you.”
He was leaning on the bed, elbows on the thin, lumpy mattress. He was smiling so wide you almost couldn’t notice the bags under his eyes. “Well, you’re my favorite person too, and I’ll tell anyone who will listen.”
“Must be nice to not be scared of your feelings.” I looked at his arm, the one with all the tattoos. Then, I looked at his face. “God, you make me so-”
“So what?” He took my hand in his, and he rubbed my fingers with his thumb. He had a hopeful look in his eyes, like I was going to confess my love for the very first time.
Before my lagging brain could say anything more, a nurse entered the room. Older lady with short grey hair, very smiley. I wasn’t sure what time of the day it was, time didn’t exist in these walls. Maybe it was early, since she was so smiley. Most nurses at night were cranky and sleepy.
“Morning, you two,” she said, walking over to check my vitals on the machines. “You feeling okay, sweetie?”
“I’m good,” I said. “My cut feels warm, though.”
That warm feeling turned out to be a surgical site infection. It was hot, it was red, it was the cause of my fever, and best of all, it smelled and secreted some nasty shit. Needless to say, my hospital stay extended five more days. I had to convince Shawn to go back to work. One of us had to stay busy. He always came back to sleep at the hospital so I wasn't alone.
In other news, I was excused and given full credit for my English final, thank god. No prior studying had been done on my part, so I got lucky. As for research methods, I just had to email my final essay to my professor. Academically, I didn’t have to stress anymore. Living wise, Stella was constantly texting me about which of my belongings should go in which boxes, and where I got my textbooks from because none of them were from the campus bookstore. I had to make Shawn go to campus to help her.
By the time I was properly discharged, all of my things were moved into Shawn’s apartment, and my car was in the parking lot. We stumbled through the front door only to see several boxes lined up on the floor along the wall. I was leaning on Shawn for support, but the hallway was now too crowded for two people.
“Fuck,” Shawn cursed under his breath. “Here, let’s do it this way.”
He moved so he was standing in front of me, and he took both of my hands. Slowly, but surely. I stumbled my way through the hallway, careful not to disturbed the five tiny but deep cuts on my belly. They were still numb from the Vicodin I was given, so it was only a matter of time before the pain kicked in.
“You wanna go to the bed or the couch?” he asked, frequently looking behind himself so as to not trip on anything.
“Couch,” I said, “I wanna watch TV.”
“Alright, here we go.”
Who knew getting to the couch would be so exhausting? I was sat on the soft white cushion in minutes, completely winded. Shawn handed me the remote and smiled.
“Need anything?”
I shook my head.
“Okay. I’m gonna go move those boxes. Let me know if you need anything.”
What I needed was to be useful. Those were my boxes, my belongings. I had to be responsible for them. But no, one wrong move, and I’ll bleed out on Shawn’s white couch.
I couldn’t even lift my legs up and lie down on my side, or reach the handle to recline the seat without straining myself. I could only listen to Shawn move things around, and I could only stare out the massive windows. I had successfully turned into a couch potato in less than five minutes.
Eventually, I settled for watching gaming videos on YouTube. I fell down the rabbit hole that is Legend of Zelda theories. I had nothing else to do, anyway.
Then, my phone went off next to me. I looked at the screen, reading the name of the alarm I had set. It went off every day for the last few months, but weirdly enough I didn't remember it going off while I was in the hospital. Then again, drugs and fever dreams.
The sight of my medication alarm made me gasp softly. I had to get off my birth control and Prozac. Lack of birth control was fine, it just meant that my period would remain irregular. Besides, it’s not like I was having sex at all, not that that’s the reason why I take birth control. Lack of antidepressants would have been bad had I not been on morphine and Vicodin to keep me loopy.
“Babe, can you find me my meds?" I called.
Within minutes, Shawn came over to where I was sitting with the orange bottle and foiled packaging in his hand. He set them down on the coffee table, and then I had to ask him to recline my seat for me. I felt dainty and needy, and not in a good way.
The last of the hospital’s drugs wore off by the time Shawn and I went to bed. The physical act of getting to bed was more strenuous, now that there was nothing numbing me. I had a moderately high pain tolerance, but this shit was enough to keep me awake. I dozed off for minutes at at time before waking up again. Meanwhile, Shawn had knocked out the second his head hit the pillow. He had been moving my boxes into the spare room/his recording studio all day, and he had been running around getting me to the bathroom and walking me around the apartment so I didn’t turn into a full on potato. On top of that, he hadn’t slept much while I was at the hospital. He needed it more than me.
When sleep finally came to me, Shawn took my hand from under the sheets. I was too tired to squeeze it, let him know I was there.
I was up and running in the afternoon. Shawn had to work until the evening, so his mom came and stayed with me. Yes, I internally freaked out. Yes, I spoke to her while I was admitted, but I wasn't alone with her until now.
Karen was more persistent about getting me to my feet, so she took me on walks up and down the hallway of the floor this apartment was on. I felt winded every time, but I knew I needed it.
“So, when are your parents coming?” she asked, not for the first time.
“In the next couple of days,” I replied between huffs of breath. “They got my texts this morning, they’re working on flying over here.”
“Okay, good. I can’t wait to meet them.”
I feigned a smile. While I did miss my mom and dad, I was very nervous about their arrival. Not only was this going to be a belated hospital visit, this was also the first time they would be meeting Shawn and his family. Lowkey, I wanted to die. Lowkey, I’d rather be under the scalpel again.
Karen and I talked some more as we strolled through the corridor. I was able to finally tell her things about me that didn’t have to do with my illness. I told her about my goal of getting my Bachelors in psychology, and how much I loved my dealership job. You know, things your boyfriend’s mom would like to hear.
“Do you plan on staying in Toronto when you finish college?” she asked.
“I haven’t fully decided yet,” I said, “but it’s not off the table.”
“I imagine you’d like to keep living with Shawn if you stay.”
For once, I hesitated. It made me nervous. Was I supposed to be outwardly obsessed with her son, say I’d love nothing more than to be at his side all the time? I didn’t know how to sugar coat serious things like that, so I decided to be honest.
“Maybe. I mean, I’m only here because I had surgery and can’t travel.” I’m supposed to be home. “The only plan I have is to work in my field of study until I can open my own practice, wherever that may be. But I do love it here in Toronto, and I… I love Shawn.”
His mother was looking ahead as we walked, but she smiled at my sentiment. She was quiet, though, which prompted me to keep rambling.
“Like, if he and I are still together when we graduate, then yeah, we could live together. Properly, y’know, not while I’m recovering from surgery.”
Karen nodded in approval. “You’re realistic. That’s good. It’s good for him as well.”
I internally relaxed. Finally, a rational mom.
“You know Shawn is happy with you, right?” she said to me. “I’m sure he tells you, but I think you need to hear it from someone outside the relationship.”
“Really?” I asked. I felt a hint of doubt in my mind, but I wasn’t sure why. Karen was right, Shawn did tell me all his thoughts and feelings all the time. I just had the smallest feeling that maybe I was being lied to.
“Oh yes. The day he took you out on a first date, he told me… ‘Mum, I have a really good feeling about her. I haven’t felt this way about anyone before.’ He was over the moon, and he still is.”
My cold ass heart jumped for joy. I let myself believe I wasn’t being lied to.
Karen had to leave about an hour before Shawn was off his shift, meaning I had to be a couch potato for that long. It wasn’t a problem as long as I didn’t have to use the bathroom, and not much was getting into my system these days. After the liquid diet from the hospital, I was put on a “soft” diet. Most of what I ate was bananas, applesauce, and white rice. Oh, and soup. So much soup. Neither Shawn nor I cooked, so he always brought me soup or pasta from a shop downtown.
Shawn had decided to eat soft foods with me so I wouldn’t feel alone. But I knew he was most likely devouring whatever fast food was nearby his flower shop. I knew because I would probably do the same damn thing.
“Okay, they were out of chicken noodle,” he called as he entered the apartment, “but they had broccoli and cheddar, I know you like that!”
He made it to the couch, sat next to me, and kissed me on the cheek. Then, he set the brown paper bag down on the coffee table. He carefully took out the large styrofoam cup, but paused when he saw what I had on the TV.
“Thought you would have had enough of hospitals by now,” he commented, his chipper mood suddenly turned.
I shrugged. “Grey’s is comforting.”
Shawn sat back with my soup and handed it to me. “Can we watch something else?”
“Aw, don’t you wanna watch Lexie kick the can again?” I joked, giggling.
For whatever reason, he wasn’t amused. “Please. Change it.”
My laughter immediately died down. Then, I grabbed the remote and switched to The Office. “Sorry.”
Shawn had been hovering ever since I was admitted to the hospital. He frequently asked how my incisions were doing, if I felt faint, or if I needed anything at all. His hand was on my forehead more than it was sweetly cupping my cheek. He stayed by my side every minute. The only other thing he did was work at the flower shop. I wasn’t even sure if he had met up with Teddy for songwriting lately.
“How was work?” I asked him, nudging his side.
“I’ve seen too many roses today,” he replied, lying his head back on the cushion. “We have so many options, but everyone just wants roses. Or daisies.”
“Thought you liked roses.”
“Yeah, but when you see as many flowers as I do... “
“I wish I could go visit you,” I told him. “I’ve never actually seen where you work.”
“Mm, it’s a small place with a lot of light. Might be too out of your comfort zone.”
I made a face. Confused, but also mildly annoyed. Instead of snapping at him, I remained patient. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” He picked up his head again and looked at me. “I’m just worried about you, my little fighter.”
“Well, I’ll be able to work again in ten days, and I’m on a soup diet. I just can’t travel on a plane or anything yet.” More specifically, I couldn’t go back home. I tried to adjust myself so I could look at Shawn properly, but a certain sting on my abdomen kept me still. “Have you sang lately? Do you have any gigs booked?”
Shawn looked at the TV and shook his head. “I couldn’t go even if I had one. I’ve got a sick girlfriend here, after all.”
Maybe I was already going crazy from the impending cabin fever, but that kinda hurt. A sting of guilt when through my chest. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. It’s not your fault.” He changed the subject. “So, some of my friends are asking about you. They wanna come visit.”
The guilt only increased. Lately, I’ve been a lot more vulnerable than I was comfortable with. I was practically helpless in front of my boyfriend, who had only seen me as strong and independent up until my bowel crapped out on me. This was different territory, and I didn't like it.
“Not while I’m like this,” I said sheepishly. It wasn’t the first time I turned away visitors. I only allowed Shawn, Stella, and Karen to see me at the hospital.
“That’s okay,” Shawn replied. “Whenever you’re ready, you got people.”
Normally he would press the topic. In the earlier stages of our relationship, it was hard to come around to meeting Shawn’s friends. Almost none of them were expecting someone like Shawn to date someone like me. As always, I was my quiet and mysterious self, and it was a little off putting to them. Not to mention, my small reputation of sleeping around had gotten to some of them in the past. It was frowned upon when it was me, but if I recall correctly, my boyfriend used to be the exact same way. However, Shawn always gave me a push to be more engaging and reminded me to give people a chance, but this time he just let me have my way.
I was wide awake that night, and it wasn’t from my surgery pain.
It’s been two days since I was discharged. A week and a half since my surgery. Stella flew home to Florida without saying goodbye, and I was still stuck on not having any other visitors. I didn’t even tell my own friends, like the guys from my video game club. Most of them probably went home for the summer anyway. Now, Shawn was acting weird. Was he mad at me because I was keeping him from his music? Was he upset that I was taking up space in his apartment?
I turned my head to look at his sleeping figure. The moonlight shone in through the window, so I could barely make out the features of his body. For once, he didn’t look tense or stressed. He kept a physical distance from me, though. We couldn’t spoon like normal because I couldn’t lay on my side. Last night he still made the effort to hold my hand. Never had I wanted to turn to him and stroke his curly hair more than I did tonight.
Shawn suddenly twitched in his sleep. Not dramatically, but just enough to catch my attention. He was lying on his front, head facing me. He twitched again, and let out a small noise. It was a monotonous hum, lasted a good five seconds.
Delicately, I placed my hand on his bare shoulder. It was a little awkward because I couldn’t physically turn my body towards him, but I was still able to touch him.
Another groan left his mouth, distressed. Then, he yelped and twitched, now a little more spastic. He gasped and groaned into his pillow, so I gently shook him.
“Hey, hey babes. Wake up,” I said weakly. “Please wake up.”
Shawn woke with one final jerk of his shoulder. Panting, he turned onto his back and placed his hands over his face. “Fuck… Oh, fuck…”
“You’re okay,” I told him, touching his arm. “It’s okay. Just a dream, it’s okay.”
He took my hand and kissed my knuckles, all while trying to control his breath. Then he turned his body towards me. “I love you.” His voice shook in a way that made my heart ache.
I only returned the pressure on his hand, watching his face. It was probably for the best that I couldn’t see the exact expression he had on. I really hated seeing him in distress.
“I need to hear you say it,” he pleaded, holding my hand to his chest. “I need to hear your voice.”
“I love you. You know I love you,” I told him gently. “Do… do you wanna talk about what just happened?”
He shook his head. “No. No, I just wanted to hear your voice for a minute. I love you so much.”
That wouldn’t be the only night he would yell in his sleep and wake up shaking. That kept me up more than any surgical pain.
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hairringtonsteve · 6 years
ii. sound and vision. [quixotic]
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[steve harrington x reader (female)]
series summary: everyone that knew the truth about hawkins lab thought it was over, that it was all over. they thought that the fighting was over, the bad men were gone. the portal was closed. people were safe. you, however, you knew the truth. things were far from over. and they were coming fast.
word count: 6,510 words
a/n: hey folks! it’s been a minute, but here we are, chapter two, just as promised! this is set up in the new format, so links will be found in the first reblog of this! i’m pretty psyched for everyone to read it, so please let me know your thoughts!  tw: language and violence
• • • • • • • • •
“Seb, no!” Somewhere behind you, something heavy clattered to the ground. You shoved passed the sheriff and the other guy, darting to Seb. His arms wrapped around your waist as he shoved his face into your side, muffling his sobs. You could feel him rubbing his face against your shirt to wipe the blood and snot away from his nose. Tee was looking at you, her whole body trembling. “Let me handle this,” you murmured, giving her a small nod.
You turned around, shifting so you were partially shielding Tee and Seb. The sheriff raised his eyebrows at you, lifting his hands a little to show that he was unarmed, like you were some skittish animal that he was dealing with.
“Why are you kids here?”
“Why are you here?” You fired back, your voice shrill. You could see the gun on the sheriff’s hip, the sight of it sending a sharp pang of fear through you. “You can’t do this without a warrant.” Doctor Arayed had yelled that once when people from the military had visited the lab once, years ago. The same tension that had been in her voice then was in your voice now. “You can’t just do this.”
“Look, kid, don’t start with me. You’re already trespassing on private property and you tried to sell stolen records at the record shop. Just tell me why you’re here.”
You glanced over to the other guy that was with the sheriff, realizing it was the one from the shop. He’d been the one that was looking through the records, the one with the nice hair. You glared at him.
“What, did he tell you that?” You asked, motioning to him. “His buddy was just probably annoyed that he overpaid for the records. They were my records.”
“I thought you said they were your grandpa’s records?” The guy piped up.
Your glare turned into a scowl. “They were my grandpa’s and he gave them to me, dumbass,” you snapped.
The guy put his hands on his hips and frowned. “You sure about —”
“Harrington, can it,” the sheriff snapped.
“But she—”
“Would you shut the hell up?” The words flew out of your mouth just as the sheriff said the same thing.  Your heart was pounding in your chest as you glanced over to the gun that was on the sheriff’s hip once more. The easiest way to get it away from him would be to use Seb, but he was still firmly attached to your side, his fists bunching into your shirt as he trembled.
“They’re your grandpa’s records?” The sheriff clarified. You gave a sharp nod of your head. “The records were your grandfather’s, and what? This his cabin too?”
“Yeah, it’s his.”
“You sure about that?”
The tension was swirling through the air. Tee had her hand pressed against the back of your shirt, and you could feel the inhuman amount of heat coming from her. You took your foot and tried to subtly jab it into her leg behind you. She let out a little yelp, but got the message. The heat receded. The sheriff was still looking at you with a frown, and it was as though you could feel this whole thing unraveling, second by second.
“You’re sure that this is your grandfather’s cabin?” The sheriff asked once more.
There was one day when one of the new scientists had let you sneak into the breakroom and watch some movie about cowboys. This one had been in color. You’d sat curled up on a plastic chair, legs stretched out on another chair as you watched the scenes play out. You’d been fascinated by the entire thing, but the finale had been your favorite. Somewhere near the end of the movie, there had been this big standoff between everyone. Everyone was standing in a circle, all with their guns aimed at each other, ready to kill each other in an attempt to live.
This reminded you of that.
You were Blondie, the sheriff was Angel Eyes, and the guy that the sheriff had called Harrington was Tuco — except for the fact that he wasn’t ugly.
Somewhere in the back of your mind, you could almost hear the music.
“I’m positive.”
The sheriff shook his head and sighed. “C’mon, kid. Cut the shit.”
“I’m not lying to you. This is my grandfather’s—”
“No, this is my grandfather’s cabin.”
“Prove it.” Your voice shook despite your hardest efforts. Seb dug his nails into your side through your shirt, hard enough that you almost winced. He was mumbling something, just soft enough for you to catch.
“I don’t wanna go back.”
“You see that box over there, with the books?” The sheriff continued on, unaware of Seb’s words as he pointed to a cardboard box in the corner of the room. “You see what it says?” In thick, black marker the word HOPPER was scrawled messily on the side. “I’m Hopper. Those are my books, and those were my records that you sold earlier today.” The room was quiet save for the crickets starting to come to life outside. A breeze floated through the open door. “You want to try again this time? Why are you here?”
This was it. The panic was rising within you and your mind went blank. He was going to call the feds and they were going to come get the three of you and you’d be handcuffed in the back of a van again and you couldn’t breathe and —
And suddenly Seb wasn’t shoved into your side anymore. He was darting towards the open door, his little legs carrying him as fast as they could. Hopper noticed him a second too late, missing as he went to grab him. Seb was almost outside when another set of arms wrapped around his side, lifting him up into the air and holding on tight.
“I’ve got him!” Harrington yelled, struggling to hold on tight. Seb was kicking his legs in all directions, just like you’d taught him to.
“Seb!” Tee yelled, moving to go forward. She pushed passed you, stopping only when you grabbed her shoulder and yanked her back.
“You can’t,” you hissed, giving her an imploring look. Her escalating things would only make things worse. You looked over to the sheriff and Harrington, an unrelenting fury racing through you at the sight of Seb thrashing around like that. “Let him go.”
“You tell us why you’re here, and we’ll let him go,” Hopper said, giving you a pointed look. You tried to remember what the three of you had talked about, but it was hard to recall when Seb started kicking even harder and screaming. Tears were streaming down his face as he continued to move.
“Lemme go, lemme go! Get away!” Blood started streaming from his nose, covering the blood that had started to dry from earlier.
“Our parents… They… They hurt us,” Tee said, jerking her shoulder away from your grasp. Seb quieted down a little at the sound of her voice, slowing down just enough for the two of you to make eye contact. You shook your head at him. Seb frowned, opening his mouth to argue but you shook your head once more. He kept jerking around, but the trickle of blood stopped.
“They hurt you?” Hopper asked, furrowing his brow as he looked to her, not even noticing what was going on between you and Seb. Harrington, however, was fixing you with a weird look, his eyebrows pushed together as he tried to keep Seb still.
“We had to get out.” She tugged the sleeve of her shirt up to reveal a nasty gash on her arm. The stitches were messy. You’d done them yourself. “We had to get him out.”
Hopper looked between the two of you, his gaze settling on you once more. He looked at you long and hard before turning to Harrington. “Let him go.”
Harrington dropped his knees a little to set Seb on the floor. The second he loosened his arms Seb was jerking them away from him and sprinting back to you.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, El. I just got scared ‘n the door was right there ‘n…” He trailed off, the snot and blood streaming together in a giant mess. You crouched down and set both of your hands on his shoulders.
“Hey, you were brave, okay?” You whispered, offering him a small smile. “You did exactly what I told you to do, and that was to try and get away.” You leaned forward and pressed a small kiss against his forehead.
Hopper ran a hand over his face and sighed. “Where are you kids from?”
“Muncie.” You’d seen the sign for the town a few days ago and had thought it sounded weird. He looked to where you were still crouching, holding your gaze for a few moments too long, like he was trying to suss out the truth.
“Muncie. Huh,” he said after a few seconds of deliberation.
You tilted your chin up a little bit, jutting out your jaw as you waited for him to continue on. You didn’t even have to reach out to pick up on his emotions. They were swirling around him, all together in a giant mess.
He glanced over to Harrington. Harrington raised his eyebrows and offered Hopper a shrug of his shoulders. Turning back to the three of you, Hopper let out a slow breath. “Ummm…” He trailed off, gathering his thoughts. “All right, look. Whatever’s going on with you kids, I’m in no position to do anything about it tonight. You three stay here for the night, and we’ll figure all of this out in the morning. Deal?”
It was too good to be true. There was no logical way that he would just let the three of you stay there without doing anything. But despite everything, he still felt trustworthy to you, just like he had in the car earlier that day. Seb was leaning against you by then, making it harder to keep your balance. The three of you needed sleep and a place to stay for the night, so you ignored the imploring look that Tee was giving you, and nodded your head.
• • • • • • • • •
The couch in the cabin was uncomfortable.
It was lumpy and bumpy, the fabric covering it making you itch the second you sat down. It wasn’t comfortable by any means and sleeping on it would have been near impossible. So it worked out, then, that you’d ended up staying awake the entire night anyway. You’d lain there in the dark, counting the ticks from the clock in the counter while you stared up at the dark ceiling. It was easier to blame the lack of sleep on the couch rather than the fact that you were positive that they were going to come slamming through the doors and get the three of you once more.
At some point, the sun had started to crawl up into the sky and cast little beams of light through the curtains.
You rolled over onto your side, huffing softly as you shoved your face into the rough couch cushion. Last night had been a shit show.
An absolute shit show.
It was hard to pinpoint what had been the worst part of it. You turned it over and over in your head, but it was all jumbled up into one steaming pile of crap. All you kept seeing was Seb’s face screwed up, tears sliding down his cheeks as blood dripped from his nose. What if you’d gotten there a few seconds late? What if he’d really hurt Hopper? What if he’d managed to kill someone? How was he supposed to live with that or understand it? Your heart gave a painful squeeze at the mere thought of it.
You needed to get it together.
A knock at the door made you jump up, shoving the blanket away only to cause it to pool around your legs, making you almost trip. The knock sounded again, this time more insistent. You kicked at the blanket as you stepped forward. Peeking through the curtain, you caught Hopper’s gaze. He shot you a frown.
“Would you relax, kid? I brought you breakfast.” He held up a plastic bag with what looked to be various containers in them. “Now open the door.”
You scrunched up your nose as you let the curtain drop away and reached over to slide the bolt to the right. You turned the lock on the doorknob, opening it up to reveal Hopper offering you a small smile. “Thought you guys might want some real food.”
“Oh. Thanks,” you said, eyeing him warily as you stepped aside. He walked over to the counters, dropping everything next to the sink.
“Where are the other two?” He asked as you shut the door.
Instinct told you to lie, to say that they were outside playing or that they’d left in the middle of the night over some argument. But you glanced over to the clock. It was a little after seven.
And he still felt trustworthy.
“They’re sleeping in the bedroom.” You crossed your arms, watching him. He was grabbing styrofoam containers and laying them out in a line. “What’s in there?”
He turned to look at you over his shoulder before nodding towards the food. “Come over here and check it out. I didn’t know what you guys liked, so I got a little of everything from the diner that’s down the road.” He stepped away from the food, crossing the kitchen to start rummaging through a drawer. You waited until he was engrossed in what he was doing before you stepped over to the containers. One by one you opened them up, a sharp stab of hunger hitting your stomach every time you laid your eyes on the different kinds of food. Pancakes, waffles, eggs, bacon, sausage — even some stuff you didn’t know — all there for you and the others to eat.
You settled on the one with waffles and bacon.
Turning around, you jumped to realize that Hopper had made his way back to the food. “Here,” he said, holding out a fork and a knife. “You can eat while we talk.”
It wasn’t until you were situated at the table that he walked over and took the seat across from you, setting a mug in front of you before putting the other in front of him. You hadn’t noticed it before, but he must’ve had a thermos shoved in the bag as well since he started pouring steaming coffee into your  mug. It was already a lighter brown color, so he must’ve added some milk beforehand. It was a nice thought.
You kept your gaze focused on your plate as you shove a piece of bacon into your mouth. It was hard not to groan at the taste of it — real, actual bacon that was practically melting in your mouth. You couldn’t help the grin that flickered across your lips.
“It’s good, right?” He asked. You glanced over to him. His eyes were fixed on you as he lifted his mug up to take a drink.
“Uh, yeah. It is.” There was a part of you that wanted to play it cool, to not show that you’d been living off of nothing but what had been in the cabin. There was another part of you — a larger part of you — that wanted to say screw it and shovel bacon into your mouth. So you did, taking a large bite of it while your stomach thanked you. “Why aren’t you eating anything?” You asked after you’d swallowed.
“I already ate.”
You bobbed your head as you took the third piece of bacon and ate that too. There was a little container of syrup that made your eyes widen. For a second, you almost forgot that he was even there. Tearing off the cover, you dumped it onto the waffle. Your stomach growled. You grabbed your fork and used it to saw off a piece of waffle before stuffing it into your mouth. Without a word, Hopper slid over a plastic container. He took the lid off, revealing a stick of room-temperature butter.
“Holy shit,” you mumbled through a mouth full of food. Your eyes flicked over to Hopper, wide and sheepish. “Sorry,” you said as you swallowed.
He shook his head and chuckled. “Don’t worry about it. My girl likes waffles too.”
You raised a brow. That explained all the waffles. “You got a kid?”
“Yeah, I got a kid. Her name’s Jane.” He watched as you grabbed your knife and used it to get a huge chunk of butter onto it. You slathered it onto the waffle as he continued on. “What about you? You got a kid?”
“They’re my siblings,” you said, pausing in your movements to make a face at him.
“I didn’t — I wasn’t saying that,” he grumbled. “It just seems odd to me that a couple of kids end up here from uh, where was it? Merrillville?”
“Muncie.” You continued to butter the waffle, glancing between your food and Hopper. It wasn’t that hard to figure out what he was doing. Your story was sketchy at best.
And he knew it.
“Right, Muncie.” He hummed, drumming his fingers against his coffee mug. He took a sip from it, nodding his head slow as he set it back down. “You mind telling me what happened that made you leave?” Hopper asked, raising a brow at you.
You paused.
It was hard dropping from the heating vents onto the ground. The fluorescent lights were flickering in the hallway, the dark streaks of blood marring the walls. Vee had miscalculated the height and twisted her ankle when she jumped. You craned your neck to see her. She had one hand clamped around her mouth to stifle any cries while the other was blindly feeling for her ankle. Your heart was stuttering in your chest. Somewhere nearby, there was the scuffling sound of someone — or something — moving.
“You alright?” You asked, soft in the darkness.
“It fuckin’ hurts.” She was mumbling her words, but it was hard to tell if it was just to keep quiet, or to make sure that she didn’t alert the things to her presence. She squeezed her eyes shut and moved her hand from her mouth to the floor to drag herself away.
You waited until she was far enough out of the way to hop down yourself. Relaxing your legs as you hopped down made the jump easier. It still stung, but it wasn’t as jarring. You let your body go limp as you hit the ground. “Fuck me, that hurt,” you muttered. Vee let out a snort.
“Right?” She winced as she moved to sit up. Her ankle was swollen. “We’re gonna need shoes. And an ankle brace, if there is one.”
“There should be one in the supply closet. You wait here, I’ll go grab it.” You stood up, grunting a little at the ache in your shoulder. Rolling it back made it hurt worse. That was great. You glanced around for a moment and frowned. “Will you be all right out here?”
“I’ll be fine. You saw how I took out the thing. I’ll be good.”
You watched her for a moment and frowned. You could feel the fear rolling off of her in waves, but calling out her false bravado wasn’t going to help with anything. “Just keep your back to the wall, okay?”
She rolled her eyes. “I’ll be fine, mom. Go.” You gave her a lingering look before starting down the hall.
The supply closet was only two doors down, but it felt like the hallway stretched on forever. There were memories carved into the tile flooring. You couldn’t count how many times you’d walked down them, whether it be to help with an experiment, or to get some bloodwork done. For years, it had your favorite place to be. It had been home.
But then Brenner had arrived.
And now there were bloody handprints on the walls and bodies littering the ground.
You set your foot down, too focused on the blood dripping from a broken window to pay attention. A sharp pain shot through it, making you freeze. “Shit.” You looked through the window into Doctor Lepner’s office. The emergency lighting was on, flashing on and off, but there wasn’t any movement. For the time being, it was safe. You lifted your foot gingerly off the ground. A large shard of glass was stuck in it.
Sucking in a deep breath, you hopped the handful of feet over to the supply closet and opened the door. It was almost pitch black in there, so you left the door open a crack for light. The glass was the first thing that needed to be taken care of. You bit down on your lip and pulled it out, like ripping off a bandaid. You could feel it scrape against your skin, the jagged edges tearing a little as it came out. Blood gushed and you fumbled for a first aid kit.
Thankfully, all of the supply closets in the building were laid out the same. You grabbed a bottle of rubbing alcohol and dumped it onto your foot, trying not to scream as it began to disinfect the wound. It stung and it burned, but at least it wasn’t like getting bit by one of those things. You felt around until your fingers found some of the medical tape. That could work. You began to wind the tape around your foot, keeping it tight to stop the bleeding.
At some point while you were winding, you could hear it — a crunch on the glass.
It was heavy, like the thud of combat boots hitting the ground. Your mind raced. It sounded like two sets of boots. You couldn’t breathe.
“There’s one.” You shrunk back against the wall, praying to whatever higher being there was to save you. God, Allah, Buddha, whatever the hell a saint was; you didn’t care who it was that saved you, just that it did. But then another thought occurred to you.
Vee was still out there.
They weren’t talking about you.
They were talking about her.
“C’mere, sweetheart. No one’s going to hurt you.” That was a lie. The voice — it sounded male, but you couldn’t be sure — had tension lacing through it. You shifted a little to peek through the crack. Two barrels of a rifle came into view. What was there to do? If you stepped out, it was two against one. You’d never manipulated two people at once before. And even if you managed to get the one, the other could still shoot you or Vee.
“Then put down the guns,” Vee said. Her voice was wavering. Where there was tension and anxiety radiating from the two men, it was nothing but fear when it came to Vee.
“Just stand up and come here. We won’t hurt you.”
“I can’t stand up. My ankle got rolled.” There was a pause. “Just put the guns down and help me.”
“You come here.”
“Did you not hear me, dumbass? My ankle is fucked. I’m not moving on my own.” Jesus, Vee. She’d always had a hard time keeping her mouth shut. For once in her life, she just needed to shut up.
“Then crawl.”
The men continued down the hallway. You watched them pass, holding your breath until they were a few feet away. It was difficult to see passed them, but they came to a stop. Just beyond their shoulders, you could see Vee moving to stand. It took her a few moments. They were long moments, stretching on forever as she grunted and whimpered.
You realized that she’d hurt a lot worse on the fall than just her ankle.
“Come here.” It was the man on the left that spoke. He’d straightened up as the words came out, his grip on the gun tightening.
“Where are my friends?”
“They’re safe. We’ll take you to them.” A spike of nerves shot through the man so hard you felt it yourself. You hadn’t even had to reach out to feel his emotions. It was just there and screaming at you, a blaring red beacon flashing LIE LIE LIE over and over again.
“I find that hard to bel-“ Her words got cut off, strangled to a stop. You took a risk and opened the door a little wider. A third man in combat armor had his arm around her neck, a handgun pressed against her head.
You hadn’t thought about checking the other end of the hallway.
“I’ve got her. I’ll take her to the containment unit, you two finish the sweep of the floor.” The third man had started to move, but Vee dropped her weight, making him almost tip over.
Everything that happened next was in flashes. One second the third man was going to yell at her, the next blood was rushing out of Vee’s nose. Her eyes narrowed, nostrils flaring as she gave a sharp snap of her head. The pair of men’s necks followed. It was a sharp crunch that echoed through the hallway. Their bodies fell to the floor, guns clattering on the ground. One was looking right at you; his eyes were wide open, staring at nothing. Dead.
You couldn’t breathe. Your body trembled in that darkness as the seconds seemed to stretch on and on. The man that had an arm around her neck still stood there, staring at the sight that lay before him. His arm loosened a little and you could hear Vee gasping for breath. You could feel his fear mingling with hers, almost to the point of fogging up your brain. Maybe he’d let her go. Maybe the two of you could escape.
A gunshot rang out.
Vee’s body slumped to the ground. Reddish-brownish liquid poured from her head. You could see it from where you were, staining the white tile. The man stood above her, staring down at her lifeless form before he started off the opposite way down the hall.
The seconds felt like years until he rounded the corner. You waited a few more just to be safe, and then you were swinging the door open and running out, ignoring the sting of your foot. “Vee, Vee, Vee,” you mumbled, tears making their way down your cheeks. Your knees hit the tile, streaking her blood as you grabbed her hand. Nothing made sense. “Wake up.” Nothing was happening. “Please wake up.”
It was hard to tell how long you were there for. It could have only been a few minutes, but it felt months. Something went numb inside of you. You let your fingertips drift over her eyelids, shutting them gently. You pressed a kiss against her forehead, your thumb brushing against her skin.
It was still warm.
“Elise?” Hopper prompted. You looked down at your food for a moment before back to him.
“Dad got drunk,” you said, starting off soft. “He got drunk a lot, and get pissed at my mom for not making him a turkey pot pie…” You trailed off, trying to remember how the rest of that line from that movie that the three of you had snuck into ended up. “Mom was bad too, but it wasn’t — she —” You made your voice crack a little to buy yourself some time. What was it that the character — was it Bender? — had said? Something about a cigarette? “Seb spilled paint in the garage and Dad was smoking a cigar, so he was gonna take it and, well, you know?” You said, miming holding a cigar and jabbing it at him.
“Jesus,” Hopper said, sighing. He sat back in his chair, fixing you with a concerned gaze. Guilt twisted in your gut, turning it sour. “He get him?”
You shook your head. “No, I wouldn’t let him. But after that, we were out. Like I said. I took them, and we left Muncie.”
Hopper took another sip of his coffee as he watched you. “Muncie’s a good ways away. How’d you make it here?”
You thought back to the car that you’d stolen, and ditched two towns over. “We took the bus and walked the rest of the way.” Did the bus even make it to Hawkins? You focused a little, forcing power into your next words. “It wasn’t a far walk. It was the easiest way.” A dull headache spread across the front of your head, making you wince. You needed some food if you were going to convince him further. But the words took hold, making him nod and blink a couple of times as though he’d just woken up.
“Makes sense,” Hopper murmured, reaching up to scratch at his scruff of a beard. “So what’s the plan here, huh? You kidnap your siblings and then…?”
“It’s not — I’m not — Look, I get that you’re the sheriff, or whatever, but can’t you just look the other way?” You were half-tempted to make him look the other way, but there was a weariness that was settling in you. If you kept pushing yourself, you’d be useless for a day or two. “We’ll leave, get out of your hair, and you never have to see us again.”
He watched you carefully, his arms resting on his legs as he leaned forward in his chair. A moment passed, and then another. You could hear Seb and Tee talking in the other room, their voices muffled. “Stay here a couple of days, rest up. I’ll bring you some food.” He ran a hand over his face. You stared at him, wide-eyed. “After that, we’ll get you some bus passes, all right?”
“Why what?”
“Why are you helping us?” You crossed your arms over your chest, setting your jaw. You were getting nothing from him but genuine concern. It was weird.
He shrugged, taking in a deep breath through his nose and letting it out through his mouth. “You kids need it, and I’m not in the habit of neglecting my job.”
“Are you gonna call CPS?” The first time you’d heard about child protective services, you’d thought that it was a good thing. A group of people were supposed to protect children. That made sense. You’d thought they could help you.
You’d been severely wrong.
“No, kid. I won’t call CPS. The last thing you need is for the three of you to be separated.” Your shoulders sagged at his words, relief flooding through you. There was no sign that he was lying to you.
“Thank you,” you whispered, the words coming out a little cracked and broken.
He looked at you, the corners around his eyes softening a little as he watched you. “It’s no problem, kid.”
• • • • • • • • •
Two days passed, and things were almost… comfortable. You were still on edge a little. The other shoe had to drop at some point, but currently, it was nice. Seb got to actually play outside for once, and even Tee had been enjoying just laying around and doing nothing. Hopper would show up once a day with some food, usually around five or so, and check in with the three of them. He’d always crouch down when he’d talk to Seb, listening attentively as Seb would recount whatever he’d done that day. It reminded you of the dads that you’d seen on TV, how they’d act with their kids.
It made your chest ache.
“When’s Hopper getting here?” Seb asked, his hair falling down into his eyes. “I wanna show him my picture,” he said, waving the paper in the air. Tee snatched it from his hands as she walked behind him and darted out of his reach. “TEE!” He screeched, launching his body from the chair to chase after her.
Laughter filled the cabin as Tee dodged every single one of Seb’s attempts. “You’ve gotta be faster than that, squirt,” she taunted as she ran towards the couch. From the kitchen, Seb gave a sharp tilt of his head. A second later, Tee was hitting the ground hard. “Not cool, shit-for-brains.” She was ready to tear after him when you grabbed her shoulder.
“You started it, shit-for-brains,” you said, the corners of your mouth twitching into a little smirk. She went to argue back when there was a knock at the door. The three of you froze. There was a beat of silence before a “Kid, open up!” sounded through the door. Your shoulders slumped as you walked forward. Behind you, you could hear Seb taunting Tee as he took back his artwork.
“Hey, what took you so —” You cut yourself off as you opened the door, eyes widening a little when you realized that there was someone with him.
“Elise, this is Joyce, a… Friend of mine. Joyce, this is Elise.”
“Hi,” she said. There was a kindness radiating off of her that even someone without powers would feel it. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
You just stared at her for a moment before nodding your head. You stepped aside, letting the two of them walk in. As you closed the door behind them, you could hear Tee and Seb making their soft hello’s. When you turned around, Seb was back at the table with a marker in his hand while Tee shifted her weight from one foot to the other.
“I’m Theresa, Reese for short,” you heard her say, sticking to the plan —  Elise, Reese, and Sebastian Smith, the runaways from Muncie. The two of them started talking a little as you  made your way over to Hopper.
“Who is she?”
“A friend of mine, like I said.” He stopped taking out the food to look over to you. “Relax, kid. She works as a cashier in town. She just wanted to check on you guys, making sure that I’m feeding you right.”
“That’s only because if he could, he’d just feed you all Eggos,” Joyce chimed in from across the room. She made her way over to the refrigerator, ignoring Hopper’s words that everything was fine, and he was feeding them healthy enough.
Just as she opened the freezer to find nothing but boxes of Eggos and ice, Seb piped up. “We eat asghettios too!”
“Hop, these kids can’t live off of Spaghettios and Eggos,” Joyce said, frowning as she looked through the boxes.
“Hey, I was gonna —” Hopper started to speak before she cut him off.
“Diner food doesn’t count.” She turned around to point a finger at him. You had to clap a hand over your mouth to muffle the laughter. Glancing over to you, she cocked a brow as she shut the freezer door. “When was the last time you had a home-cooked meal?”
You blinked at her. You’d gotten food at the lab, three nutritious meals a day, but something was telling you that that wasn’t what she was talking about at all. “It’s been… awhile.”
“Would you be comfortable having dinner at our place?” She glanced over to Hopper, who was looking between the two of you with a small frown on his face. “You kids deserve to have some good food in you.”
“Oh, I don’t know. I’m not sure what —”
“We’ll go!” Tee said, giving you a quick, sharp grin. “We’d love to.”
“It’s settled, then. Tomorrow night. Hop will pick you up and bring you over for dinner.” She paused for a second before adding, “There’ll probably be some kids hanging around too, if that’s okay?”
It wasn’t ideal, but Tee and Seb probably needed to be around normal people for once. As you went to answer, Hopper was placing a hand on Joyce’s shoulder and nodding towards the front porch. “Can I talk to you for a second?”
Instead of replying right away, Joyce looked over to him and rolled her eyes, smiling faintly. “Sure, Hop.” She turned to you and smiled. “We’ll be right back.”
The second they were outside, the three of you ran over to the window to listen in.
“Joyce, you can’t go around taking in every stray kid you find.”
“Says the man that adopted Jane.”
“That was different and you know it. We knew what the story was there, we don’t with these kids.” You leaned forward a little, trying to get a better view of the two of them without disturbing the curtain. They were almost chest to chest out on the porch, Joyce looking up at Hopper with a small smile on her face.
“It’s dinner, Hop.” She leaned up on her toes and pressed a quick kiss against his lips. “Besides,” she began as she fell back onto the balls of her feet. “If I have to get one more call from Steve Harrington about how I really need to invite them over for dinner because The Party would be good for them, I’m going to lose my mind.”
You pulled away from the window a little, frowning. Harrington. You wondered if Steve Harrington was the same Harrington that had been there the other night with Hopper. You hadn’t seen him since that night, and Hopper hadn’t mentioned him again.
Your stomach twisted at the memory of him holding Seb in his arms while the kid thrashed and screamed. You shook your head and looked back out the window.
“You really think it’s a good idea to have them over for dinner just because Steve Harrington thinks he knows what he’s talking about? The kid can barely handle working at some ice cream parlor and a record store. What makes you think he’s right?”
“Well I wasn’t thinking that he was right before I got here,” she said, frowning at him. “But he’s concerned, Hop. And I am too. He said that they looked scared, that they reminded him of El.”
Seb’s finger jabbed into your side. “How can El remind him of us when you’re El?” He asked, scrunching up his face in confusion.
“Different El, dude,” you murmured.
Hopper was shaking his head when you turned your attention back outside. “I’m not going to talk you out of this, am I?”
Joyce smiled up at him and shook her head. “No, you’re not.” She went on to say something else, but you missed it when Tee grabbed at your arm.
“Come on, they’re gonna come back in soon,” she said, pulling you away. The three of you scrambled away from the window just as the door opened. Hopper was behind Joyce as they walked in, a small smile sliding across his features. He looked to the three of you standing in front of the couch and shook his head, chuckling.
“Looks like you’re coming to dinner.”
“If that’s all right,” Joyce added, giving you a warm smile. “It’s okay if you don’t.”
There was only a moment of hesitation before you nodded your head. “It looks like we’re going to dinner.”
• • • • • • • • • 
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historical-rp-memes · 6 years
Long song titles as starter scenarios
From a list of the 100 longest titles, but I only took the ones I thought might work as scenarios in the pre-Internet era. “Someday, in the Event That Mankind Actually Figures Out What it is That This World Revolves Around, Thousands of People are Going to Be Shocked and Perplexed to Find Out it Was Not Them. Sometimes, This Includes Me”
“Sir B. McKenzie’s Daughter’s Lament for the 77th Mounted Lancers Retreat from the Straits of Loch Knombe, in the Year of Our Lord 1727, on the Occasion of the Announcement of Her Marriage to the Laird of Kinleakie”
“Some People Know All Too Well How Bad Liquorice, Or Any Candy For That Matter, Can Taste When Having Laid Out In The Sun Too Long – And I Think I Just Ate Too Much”
“But When the Little Fellow Came Close and Put Both Arms Around His Mother, and Kissed Her in an Appealing Boyish Fashion, She Was Moved to Tenderness”
“I’m a Cranky Old Yank in a Clanky Old Tank on the Streets of Yokohama with my Honolulu Mama Doin? Those Beat-o, Beat-o Flat-On-My-Seat-o, Hirohito Blues”
“Gazing At The Blasphemous Moon While Perched Atop A Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Forsaken Crest Of The Northern Mountain”
“My Cosmic Autumn Rebellion (The Inner Life as Blazing Shield of Defiance and Optimism as Celestial Spear of Action)”
“In the Raven-Haunted Forests of Darkenhold, Where Shadows Reign and the Hues of Sunlight Never Dance”
“You be the anchor that keeps my feet on the ground, I’ll be the wings that keeps your heart in the clouds”
“Come Sing Me a Happy Song to Prove We All Can Get Along the Lumpy, Bumpy, Long and Dusty Road”
“In the Absence of Strong Evidence to the Contrary, One May Step Out of the Way of the Charging Bull”
“Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part To Save The Scene And Stop Going To Shows)”
“The Splendour of a Thousand Swords Gleaming Beneath the Blazon of the Hyperborean Empire”
“Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving With a Pict”
“I’ve Got a Dark Alley and a Bad Idea That Says You Should Shut Your Mouth (Summer Song)”
“Forlorned Invocations Of Blasphemous Congregations Of Lusting Goat Sodomizing Sathanis”
“Free Radicals (A Hallucination of the Christmas Skeleton Pleading with a Suicide Bomber)”
“Masturbating On The Unholy Inverted Tracks Of The Grim & Frostbitten Necrobobsledders”
“The Wizard Turns On… The Giant Silver Flashlight and Puts on His Werewolf Moccasins”
“I Will Never Write An Obligatory Song About Being On The Road And Missing Someone”
“Nocturnal Cauldrons Aflame Amidst The Northern Hellwitch’s Perpetual Blasphemy”
“The Hazards of Love 1 (The Prettiest Whistles Won’t Wrestle the Thistles Undone)”
“Oh, You Are The Roots That Sleep Beneath My Feet And Hold The Earth In Place”
“Transfixing The Forbidden Blasphemous Incantation Of The Conjuring Wintergoat”
“Our Lawyer Made Us Change the Name of This Song So We Wouldn’t Get Sued”
“You Probably Couldn’t See For the Lights But You Were Looking Straight At Me”
“Bloodlustfully Praising Satan’s Unholy Almightiness In The Woods At Midnight”
“The Putrefying Road in the Nineteenth Extremity (Somewhere Inside the Bowl)”
“I’m Like a Lawyer with the Way I’m Always Trying to Get You Off (Me & You)”
“Does Anyone Else in This Room Want to Marry His or Her Own Grandmother”
“The Siege and Investiture of Baron Von Frankenstein’s Castle at Weisseria”
“Journey to the Isle of Mists (Over the Moonless Depths of Night-Dark Seas)”
“It’s Hard To Kiss the Lips At Night, That Chew Your Ass Out All Day Long”
“If You Wanted A Song Written About You, All You Had To Do Was Ask”
“Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off”
“(Lord It’s Hard to be Happy When You’re Not) Using the Metric System”
“I’d Hate To Be You When People Find Out What This Song Is About”
“I Am Downright Amazed at What I Can Destroy With Just a Hammer”
“Apparently Hover Boards Don’t Work on Water (As a Day in the Life)”
“It’s Not a Side Effect of the Cocaine. I Am Thinking It Must Be Love”
“Champagne for My Real Friends, Real Pain for My Sham Friends”
“Good to Know That If I Ever Need Attention All I Have to Do Is Die”
“Behold, the Armies of War Descend Screaming from the Heavens”
“Everybody’s Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey”
“Counting Bodies Like Sheep To The Rhythm Of The War Drums”
“Bulls Make Money, Bears Make Money, Pigs Get Slaughtered”
“I Venture Into The Crowd With A Spelunking Lamp On My Head”
“Guy Who Got a Headache and Accidentally Saves the World”
“The Polka Dancing Bus Driver And The 40-Year-Old Mystery”
“I’ve Got All This Ringing in My Ears and None on My Fingers”
“Tell That Mick He Just Made My List of Things to Do Today”
“Thwarted by the Dark Blade (Blade of the Vampyre Hunter)”
“One Million Billionth of a Millisecond on a Sunday Morning”
“The Train Runs over the Camel but Is Derailed by the Gnat”
“Katy Says Today Is the Best Day of My Whole Entire Life ”
“The Difference Between Poison And Medicine Is The Dose”
“If You Can’t Live Without Me, Why Aren’t You Dead Yet?”
“Young Man, Old Man, (You Ain’t Better Than the Rest)”
“A Lot of People Tell Me I Have a Fake British Accent”
“Suffocating Under Words of Sorrow (What Can I Do)”
“Hold Me, Touch Me (Think of Me When We’re Apart)”
“Lift Your Head Up High (And Blow Your Brains Out)”
“The Dust Blows Forward And The Dust Blows Back”
“Bears See Things Pretty Much the Way They Are”
“Do You Have A Map Cause I’m Lost In Your Eyes”
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chelsie-fan-55 · 6 years
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No sinking feeling for Jim Carter when synchronised swimmingJuly 2, 2018 Downton Abbey star Jim Carter tells Ian Whadcoat how he struggled to get that sinking feeling when filming Swimming With Men. If you were asked to name a vital accessory for synchronised swimming, a nose clip would no doubt instantly come to mind. But for Swimming With Men star Jim Carter, he needed another extra piece of equipment to help him complete some of the scenes. “I’m not very flexible because I’m ancient,” said Downton Abbey actor Jim, who plays the role of Ted in the new British comedy film. “But I am incredibly buoyant – I’m like a cork.  “The impossible shot for me was sitting at the bottom of the pool. I had 5kg of lead weight in my trunks to get me down there. “We had to lie flat on our back, kick our feet up in the air and sink down and I could not do that at all. It was never, ever going to happen. “When I was on the surface, I could relax. I did not have to move anything while the others were panting trying to stay afloat. “People did hang off me when they were a bit tired.” Jim was no stranger to synchronised swimming having watched it at the 2012 London Olympics – but despite that, he still found it a challenge. “I have never been so tired in my life,” he said. “We had three hours’ training every day and I could barely move at the end of it. “It was hard work but good to do different things.  “I’ve always liked synchronised swimming – and I have a lot of respect for those that do it.  Lumpy, bumpy blokes giving it their best shot “We had tickets for the London Olympics for synchronised swimming and seeing it live was amazing. The routines were five minutes so for three minutes of that they would be under water.  “It looks incredibly difficult but our teachers, Katie and Adele [from Aquabatix], were brilliant. They were so patient and so helpful and really understanding. So willing to help when we were struggling and they never stopped smiling. “We were all of a similar standard. It’s obviously us doing it. A group of lumpy blokes giving it their best shot.” Jim thinks more men might be encouraged to try synchronised swimming after seeing the film – especially when they realise there is more to it than just performing in the pool. “For a lot of men, the social side is just as important as the sport side of it,” he said. “If someone is a decent swimmer but thinks doing lengths is a bit boring, it might be worth giving synchronised swimming a go. Find a team, go along and just watch from the side.   “One of the rules [in the film] was we do not talk about our private lives so it was a chance to get away from real life for an hour.  Blokes do that with sport. They’d get home and their wife will ask about your mate’s girlfriend and they say ‘we didn’t talk about that’.  “Ted is on his own, he’s widowed, and this is a place where he can go and be comfortable with other guys. It’s his club. He’s a little bit lonely and gets the time with blokes with no pressure – just the fun of synchronised swimming.  “What other sport would put Ted and Thomas Turgoose’s character together? It’s only sport that brings people like that together.” While Swimming With Men is based on a real-life story about a group of Swedish synchronised swimmers – who also appear in the film – the cast did joke about taking part in the World Championships for real. Jim said: “We did get excited at the end of filming as the Swedish team were off to the World Championships and there were only two men’s teams entered.  “It was more just a fantasy discussed in the bar but if we had entered, we could have been guaranteed a bronze just for turning up!” Swimming With Men is in cinemas nationwide from Friday 6 July. Source: http://www.swimming.org/synchro/jim-carter-synchronised-swimming/
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columnwasp30-blog · 4 years
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When the warmth gradually begins leaving the fat cells, it warms the skin-- causing 'built-in' skin tightening. Onda's Coolwaves ™ likewise warmth and thaw solidified connective septa, permitting the skin to produce new, much more elastic collagen. By ruining fat, Onda efficiently gets rid of the 'press' component of cellulite. From the inventors of the SmartLipo that altered the laser body contouring sector, comes Onda (Italian for 'wave').
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Lumpy, lumpy flesh on the upper legs, hips, buttocks, arms and abdomen can leave you really feeling ashamed and experiencing a loss of self-confidence when using swimwear, shorts as well as sleeveless tops. Anybody over 18 who intends to minimize the look of unwanted cellulite. You will normally discover noticeable outcomes after just one treatment. Nonetheless, a training course of 6-8 therapies is suggested for the best outcomes. Hereafter, an additional therapy every 4-6 weeks is advised to preserve the results as well as maintain your skin looking smooth, toned as well as vibrant.
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Cellulite is the name provided to the bumpy, uneven fat down payments typically found around the hips, butts and top leg locations. It is sometimes described as 'orange peel skin' as a result of the lumpy appearance of the influenced areas. We demand using the finest products and visual treatments readily available so you can be positive of long-term outcomes and superb security, as well as all are FDA-cleared (UNITED STATES Food & Medicine Administration). We are identified as Centres of Quality for cutting edge non-surgical visual therapies and also we have accomplished Lead Facility condition for many of the treatments we provide. Making use of Radio frequency modern technology Exilis Elite just moves over the skin and also melts away cellulite-causing fat cells leaving the location slimmer, smoother and also a lot more contoured.
This non-invasive treatmentregeneratesreduces and also remodelsby targetingcellulite, localized fat pockets and also skin laxity. Until now several tools have assured lots yet, delivered very little. A diet low in fat, carbs and also salt, smoking cigarettes cessation, and also an active way of life may help reduce the appearance of cellulite by contributing to a healthier way of life. There are a variety of topical products on the marketplace that insurance claim to get rid of cellulite but, as our appeal team uncovered when they tested them, few actually seem to have much effect. Nevertheless, cellulite is the outward display of fat cells, and also no cream can merely liquify those away.
Endermologie ® is the globe's first trademarked mechanical cellulite treatment technology to be approved by the FDA. Lipotherapy or Shot Lipolysis therapy includes making use of an injectable option to break down persistent locations of fat, which are then removed through the body' s very own lymphatic system.
Do squats tighten your Virginia?
Squatting is not only good for your thighs and butt, there are several health benefits of squats. It is also an excellent exercise to tighten your vagina. How to do it: Begin by standing straight with your feet hip-width apart. Your neck, shoulders and back should be aligned.
Whether you're a marathon runner or exercise-averse, cellulite can show up on ladies of all health and fitness degrees as well as body shapes. The puckering of skin occurs when the layer of fat under the skin pushes against connective tissue as well as bulges, creating the orange-peel or home cheese look.
Inch Loss", is a non-surgical choice to removing fat cells from the body via making use of ultrasound technology. The ultrasound waves destroy the fat cells by applying stress to them without harming any type of various other cells in your body. The fat cells can not endure this pressure and also break down and also transform to fluid. The fatty fluid then leaves the body naturally with the liver, leaving you with visible weight-loss and much less cellulite. Formulated to tone and also company skin, and also take on locations of cellulite, this natural body oil is made from organic silver birch, to motivate elimination procedures, flush out toxic substances and also recover skin luster. To obtain the best results of this rather uncomfortable as well as uncomfortable cellulite treatment, brush upwards towards the heart, from the soles of your feet, preventing sensitive locations. Gradual improvement of the treated area can be seen adhering to the very first treatment-- with the skin surface area of the cured location feeling smoother as well as firmer.
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People of all body types as well as weights can get cellulite-- it is not the book of overweight people or people bring excess fat. Furthermore, in most guys, this connective tissue is set up in a cross-hatched or diagonal manner and their skin is thicker, making cellulite much less recognizable. This thick cream contains high levels of caffeine-- an usual component in anti-cellulite products, believed to dilate capillary and also improve the appearance of dimples.
This makes some individuals extra genetically predisposed to having cellulite than others. The fat cells and connective tissue in the skin-related layer of women sit up and down, whereas in males they being in a criss cross framework, which is probably among the reasons women are more probable to reveal signs of cellulite than males. If you eat a lot of refined, refined or fatty foods, these might all contribute to poor flow as well as as a result won't encourage the body's natural digestive processes to flush out toxins, for that reason causing the beginning of cellulite. Daily massage therapy over the affected locations will assist to increase blood flow as well as decrease liquid accumulation. It's specifically reliable at minimizing cellulite on the legs as well as buttocks but requires to be done continually for a few weeks to see results. Solidified Coarse Cellulite-- likewise called coarse cellulite or simply solidified cellulite, this sort of cellulite is quickly recognized; it is difficult to the touch, and also has a purplish color as well as an obvious orange peel look.
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Once more, make certain to do your research study, as low strength RF treatments may be an expensive waste of money. ' A sort of exercise that reduces cellulite, does so on the whole body, out a details area. ' Exercise-wise, it is necessary to recognize that there are no particular exercises to reduce cellulite on a particular part of the body, i.e. there is no such point as "area cellulite decrease with exercise". This is naturally impossible, regardless of what those YouTube video clips say.' states Georgios. The look of cellulitis can be alleviated with a couple of simple exercises-- if you stick at them continually. Bend both knees into a best angle leaving a hand's size of room between them. Simply 10 normal reps of this workout each day will modify your number and the appearance of your skin measurably.
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25 years of proficiency and research has resulted in a targeted Coolwave ™ system that supplies energy like no other system can. The new device made by Deka in Italy harnesses clever microwave technology for body contouring applications.
Natural preparations were introduced in the 1990s for the therapy of cellulite. Secret ingredients in cellulite pills include a blend of organic extracts in addition to non-herbal materials. These products are not subject to clinical testimonial, and also their ingredients and also results have actually not yet been medically proven. Massage therapy boosts circulation and also lymphatic drainage, minimizes muscular convulsions as well as breaks down adhesions. Lymphatic water drainage is a certain massage, which eliminates accumulated fluid but has little result on cellulite. The major problems with manual massage therapy are the various strategies and levels of pressure utilized by therapists, which are essentially impossible to standardise.
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What happens if prolapse is left untreated?
If https://www.sciontiprostatecenter.com/hifu-pros-and-cons or supportive connective tissue is weak, damaged, or stretched, eventually any or all of the organs can begin to slip downward into the vagina. Occasionally, if left untreated, the organs can actually protrude outside of the vagina or body.
While environment-friendly tea hasn't been evaluated it has actually got a lot of recognition as being a treatment for fat burning. While losing fat isn't an instant repair it does help reduce fat down payments. Bananas as well as mangoes are renowned for increasing blood circulation, which assists stop cellulite, so tuck into those as frequently as you can, as well as papaya, which research studies show assists stop tissue damages under the skin. The result is a system that deals with cellulite faster and better than any other non-surgical alternative on the market. As well as with the added in-demand profits streams of targeted fat reduction and also skin firm, Onda isn't simply shocking the market, it's providing it a whole new degree of body self-confidence. For the first time, users have the ability to reach temperatures that can liquefy fat and ruin fat cells without damaging the skin and also bordering cells, meaning it's entirely secure and controlled.
Why is HIFU not covered by insurance?
The cost of this testing is usually very nominal. We understand that HIFU is an expensive procedure. Unlike some other treatments for prostate cancer, it is not yet covered by insurance. That is because it typically takes about 5 years from FDA approval of a procedure to the time when insurers pay for it.
When you use chilly water the vessels contract and after that they increase in warm water. This advertises the blood circulation of blood as well as the tissue ends up being firmer. NIVEA Q10 Firming + Goodbye Cellulite Gel Cream functions to firm the skin and also minimize the look of cellulite in 3 weeks. The quick taking in gel-cream formula leaves skin feeling instantly energised and also is improved with 100% Skin The Same Q10 as well as Lotus Extract. Dry brushing or massaging is a good way to aid lymphatic water drainage - a procedure that frees the fat layer of gathered toxic substances. A step in how to do away with cellulite on upper legs and also legs can be to massage therapy or clean the impacted areas two times a day, in the morning as well as night. Genetics add to things such as an individual's metabolism, fat distribution and blood flow - all of which can contribute to the formation of cellulite.
This causes the dimples as well as 'orange peel skin' many of us recognise as cellulite. In ladies specifically, this connective cells runs vertical to the skin as well as tethers the skin to the underlying tissue causing fat cells to push up on the skin while the bands draw the skin downward. These all transform to sugar within the body and obtain stored quickly as a result creating the fat cells to increase. Drinking water and also eating foods with a high water content will certainly likewise keep your connective tissue solid and also supple. When collagen fibers beneath the skin become weak or shed their flexibility, underlying fat deposits start to press with the layers of fibers creating bumps under the skin. Collagen fibers as well as connective cells can end up being weak for a number of factors such as absence of muscle mass tone, ageing, sun damage, excess fat, hormones as well as poor circulation. A high intensity radiofrequency treatment supplies the most effective chance of reducing cellulite and also at the same time tightening the skin, therefore producing the very best results of all cellulite treatments.
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Every one of these little easy steps advise your rear it requires to maintain in shape. Cellulite forms in locations with the least flow so it implies that without task, it's very hard to budge! Everyday energising movements and also skin-warming workouts will have you claiming adios to lumpy skin if you follow it. No-needle mesotherapy (e.g. Eporex ™ & Acthyderm ® )seek to motivate the penetration of topically applied energetic components through the skin utilizing mild electric currents to deal with aging & lower fat. Cellulite is frequently referred to as looking like "orange peel" on the skin.
How long does it take for tight muscles to loosen up?
“Roll your tight muscles a minimum of once a day for 10 days to two weeks, or until you feel relief,” says Biggart. “Two to three times a day is even better.
If you're desk-bound in your work after that you'll know that your day consisted of little action and also unfortunately, cellulite is a huge follower of ladies with non-active professions. Take breaks, make tea as well as stroll as well as talk instead of pinging an e-mail.
Researchers believe that the solidifying of collagen fibres surrounding adipocytes creates this solidified fibrous cellulite. The mitt improve circulation in seconds as it aficionados away dead skin, clogged up pores and ingrown hairs. There are a couple of different therapies for cellulite, from body brushes to cellulite creams. In our experience, a mix of a couple of tends to make one of the most distinction. ' The amount of exercise you do can have an impact and also firming the muscle mass below the cellulite will assist smooth the skin's appearance,' describes Dr Rekha Dressmaker, cosmetic medical professional at Health as well as Appearances. Ask any skin doctor and also they'll tell you that over 90% of females have the rough patches of skin, which tend to build up around the upper leg and bum area.
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lionboy5-blog · 4 years
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Skin Tag Removal procedure.
When the warm gradually begins leaving the fat cells, it heats the skin-- causing 'integrated' skin firm. Onda's Coolwaves ™ likewise heat and also melt hard connective septa, allowing the skin to generate brand-new, more elastic collagen. By ruining fat, Onda successfully gets rid of the 'push' aspect of cellulite. From the developers of the SmartLipo that altered the laser body contouring industry, comes Onda (Italian for 'wave').
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Lumpy, lumpy flesh on the upper legs, hips, butts, arms and abdomen can leave you really feeling ashamed and also suffering a loss of self-confidence when putting on swimwear, shorts and also sleeveless tops. Anybody over 18 that wants to decrease the appearance of unwanted cellulite. You will typically discover visible outcomes after simply one treatment. However, a program of 6-8 therapies is recommended for the best results. Hereafter, a further treatment every 4-6 weeks is advised to keep the results and also keep your skin looking smooth, toned as well as vibrant.
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Cellulite is the name given to the bumpy, irregular fat down payments typically located around the hips, buttocks and top leg locations. It is in some cases referred to as 'orange peel skin' due to the dimpled appearance of the impacted locations. We insist on utilizing the highest quality items and aesthetic treatments readily available so you can be certain of long-lasting outcomes as well as excellent safety, and also all are FDA-cleared (U.S.A. Food & Medicine Management). We are acknowledged as Centres of Excellence for cutting edge non-surgical visual treatments and also we have actually achieved Lead Facility status for most of the therapies we provide. Using Superhigh frequency modern technology Exilis Elite simply slides over the skin and dissolves cellulite -causing fat cells leaving the location slimmer, smoother and also much more contoured.
This non-invasive treatmentregeneratesreduces and also remodelsby targetingcellulite, localized fat pockets as well as skin laxity. Until now numerous gadgets have assured lots yet, delivered very bit. A diet low in fat, carbohydrates as well as salt, cigarette smoking cessation, and an energetic lifestyle may help reduce the appearance of cellulite by adding to a healthier lifestyle. There are a number of topical products on the market that case to banish cellulite however, as our appeal team uncovered when they evaluated them, few really seem to have much effect. Nevertheless, cellulite is the external display of fat cells, as well as no lotion can simply dissolve those away.
Endermologie ® is the globe's initial patented mechanical cellulite treatment innovation to be accepted by the FDA. Lipotherapy or Injection Lipolysis treatment entails using an injectable option to break down stubborn areas of fat, which are then eliminated with the body' s very own lymphatic system.
Do squats tighten your Virginia?
Squatting is not only good for your thighs and butt, there are several health benefits of squats. It is also an excellent exercise to tighten your vagina. How to do it: Begin by standing straight with your feet hip-width apart. Your neck, shoulders and back should be aligned.
Whether you're a marathon jogger or exercise-averse, cellulite can appear on females of all physical fitness degrees as well as physique. The puckering of skin happens when the layer of fat underneath the skin pushes versus connective cells and protrudes, triggering the orange-peel or cottage cheese appearance.
Inch Loss", is a non-surgical option to getting rid of fat cells from the body via using ultrasound innovation. The ultrasound waves ruin the fat cells by using pressure to them without harming any kind of various other cells in your body. The fat cells can not endure this pressure and damage down and also turn to fluid. The fatty liquid after that leaves the body naturally through the liver, leaving you with visible fat burning and less cellulite. Formulated to tone as well as firm skin, as well as take on areas of cellulite, this natural body oil is made from natural silver birch, to urge elimination processes, clear out toxins and recover skin luster. To obtain the best results of this fairly agonizing and awkward cellulite treatment, brush upwards in the direction of the heart, from the soles of your feet, avoiding delicate locations. to Lipo Sculpt Fat freezing toning Kent of the cured area can be seen following the first therapy-- with the skin surface of the treated area sensation smoother as well as stronger.
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People of all type of body and also weights can obtain cellulite-- it is not the book of obese individuals or individuals carrying excess fat. In addition, in the majority of men, this connective tissue is prepared in a cross-hatched or diagonal fashion and also their skin is thicker, making cellulite less noticeable. This thick lotion includes caffeine-- an usual active ingredient in anti-cellulite items, believed to expand capillary and also enhance the appearance of dimples.
This makes some individuals much more genetically inclined to having cellulite than others. The fat cells and also connective tissue in the skin-related layer of females sit up and down, whereas in guys they sit in a criss cross structure, which is possibly one of the reasons why women are most likely to show signs of cellulite than men. If you eat a great deal of refined, processed or fatty foods, these could all add to bad flow and consequently will not motivate the body's all-natural digestive processes to clear out toxic substances, consequently causing the beginning of cellulite. Daily massage over the affected areas will certainly help to boost blood circulation and lower liquid accumulation. It's particularly efficient at minimizing cellulite on the legs and also butts but requires to be done consistently for a couple of weeks to see outcomes. Hardened Coarse Cellulite-- likewise called coarse cellulite or simply hardened cellulite, this kind of cellulite is conveniently acknowledged; it is hard to the touch, as well as has a purple tone as well as an obvious orange peel look.
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Once again, make sure to do your research, as low strength RF therapies might be a pricey waste of cash. ' A kind of workout that reduces cellulite, does so on the whole body, not on a particular location. ' Exercise-wise, it's important to recognize that there are no particular exercises to minimize cellulite on a certain part of the body, i.e. there is no such thing as "spot cellulite decrease with exercise". This is biologically impossible, no matter what those YouTube videos state.' claims Georgios. The look of cellulitis can be reduced with a couple of simple exercises-- if you stick at them consistently. Bend both knees into an appropriate angle leaving a hand's width of space in between them. Just 10 regular repeatings of this exercise on a daily basis will alter your number and the appearance of your skin measurably.
treatments With amber Body deal With.
Skin renewal.
25 years of expertise as well as research has resulted in a targeted Coolwave ™ system that supplies power like nothing else system can. The new device made by Deka in Italy uses smart microwave innovation for body contouring applications.
Natural prep work were presented in the 1990s for the therapy of cellulite. Secret ingredients in cellulite pills consist of a mix of organic extracts as well as non-herbal materials. These products are not subject to clinical evaluation, and also their ingredients as well as effects have actually not yet been medically verified. Massage enhances flow and also lymphatic drainage, lowers muscle spasms and breaks down adhesions. Lymphatic water drainage is a certain massage, which gets rid of built up fluid but has little result on cellulite. The major troubles with manual massage are the different techniques as well as degrees of stress utilized by specialists, which are basically impossible to standardise.
What happens if prolapse is left untreated?
If the muscles or supportive connective tissue is weak, damaged, or stretched, eventually any or all of the organs can begin to slip downward into the vagina. Occasionally, if left untreated, the organs can actually protrude outside of the vagina or body.
While green tea hasn't been examined it has obtained a lot of recognition as being a therapy for fat burning. While losing fat isn't a prompt fix it does help in reducing fat deposits. Bananas and also mangoes are renowned for increasing blood flow, which aids prevent cellulite, so tuck right into those as typically as you can, as well as papaya, which research studies show aids avoid tissue damages under the skin. The result is a system that deals with cellulite quicker as well as better than any various other non-surgical alternative on the marketplace. As well as with the extra in-demand income streams of targeted fat reduction as well as skin firm, Onda isn't simply shaking up the marketplace, it's providing it an entire brand-new level of body self-confidence. For the very first time, individuals have the ability to get to temperature levels that can dissolve fat and also damage fat cells without harming the skin and surrounding tissue, indicating it's completely secure and also controlled.
Why is HIFU not covered by insurance?
The cost of this testing is usually very nominal. We understand that HIFU is an expensive procedure. Unlike some other treatments for prostate cancer, it is not yet covered by insurance. That is because it typically takes about 5 years from FDA approval of a procedure to the time when insurers pay for it.
When you use cold water the vessels agreement and after that they broaden in warm water. This promotes the circulation of blood and also the cells becomes firmer. NIVEA Q10 Firming + Good-Bye Cellulite Gel Lotion functions to firm the skin as well as reduce the appearance of cellulite in 3 weeks. The fast absorbing gel-cream formula leaves skin feeling instantly energised and also is improved with 100% Skin The Same Q10 as well as Lotus Essence. Dry cleaning or massaging is a good way to aid lymphatic drain - a process that rids the fat layer of accumulated toxic substances. A step in how to get rid of cellulite on upper legs and also legs can be to massage therapy or brush the affected areas two times a day, in the morning as well as evening. Genes add to things such as an individual's metabolism, fat circulation as well as blood circulation - every one of which can contribute to the development of cellulite.
What is there to do after HIFU?
not necessary. • Makeup can be applied immediately post treatment. activity can be resumed. • A non-exfoliant cleaner and light moisturizer can be used the day of treatment. normal skin care the next day. resumed 3 days post treatment. apply sunblock daily to maximize your results and minimize irritation.
This results in the dimples and 'orange peel skin' a number of us acknowledge as cellulite. In women especially, this connective cells runs vertical to the skin and also tethers the skin to the underlying tissue causing fat cells to raise on the skin while the bands pull the skin downward. These all convert to sugar within the body and get kept conveniently subsequently creating the fat tissue to expand. Consuming alcohol water as well as eating foods with a high water material will certainly additionally keep your connective cells solid as well as supple. When collagen fibers beneath the skin come to be weak or lose their flexibility, underlying fat deposits start to press with the layers of fibers creating bumps under the skin. Collagen fibers and also connective tissue can become weak for a number of reasons such as lack of muscular tissue tone, aging, sunlight damage, excess fat, hormonal agents and also bad circulation. A high strength radiofrequency treatment provides the very best chance of decreasing cellulite and at the very same time tightening the skin, thus generating the best outcomes of all cellulite treatments.
Whilst the treatment doesn't harmed, you may experience small discomfort throughout the procedure, much like a light irritable sensation.
Your therapy may be slightly awkward but ought to not be painful and any kind of discomfort should promptly diminish instantly after treatment.
This involves relocating the handpiece over the location as well as delivering pulses of power to achieve the wanted impact.
The HIFU treatment is suitable for those individuals who wish to uplift their face, tighten up the skin and also general combat indicators of ageing.
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All of these little easy actions remind your back it requires to keep in shape. Cellulite kinds in areas with the least blood circulation so it means that without activity, it's really hard to move! Everyday energising movements and also skin-warming workouts will certainly have you saying adios to dimpled skin if you are consistent with it. No-needle mesotherapy (e.g. Eporex ™ & Acthyderm ® )look for to urge the infiltration of topically applied active ingredients via the skin using mild electric currents to treat ageing & minimize fat. Cellulite is typically referred to as appearing like "orange peel" on the skin.
How long does it take for tight muscles to loosen up?
“Roll your tight muscles a minimum of once a day for 10 days to two weeks, or until you feel relief,” says Biggart. “Two to three times a day is even better.
If you're desk-bound in your work after that you'll know that your day consisted of little activity and sadly, cellulite is a big fan of females with inactive professions. Take breaks, make tea as well as walk as well as talk rather than sounding an email.
Scientists believe that the hardening of collagen fibers surrounding adipocytes causes this solidified fibrous cellulite. The glove enhance blood circulation in seconds as it aficionados away dead skin, clogged pores and also ingrown hairs. There are a couple of various therapies for cellulite, from body brushes to cellulite lotions. In our experience, a combination of a few tends to make one of the most difference. ' The quantity of workout you do can have an influence and firming the muscle mass beneath the cellulite will certainly aid smooth the skin's look,' explains Dr Rekha Dressmaker, aesthetic medical professional at Wellness as well as Looks. Ask any kind of skin specialist and they'll tell you that over 90% of ladies have the rough spots of skin, which often tend to build up around the thigh as well as bottom area.
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lindsaywesker · 5 years
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Got a full day of 1-2-1 mentoring, so I am looking forward to helping people with their questions and queries. My job in these situations is to help them find the best course of action. Some guy said to me yesterday, “You’re always full of gems!” And that is my job in a nutshell; using my experience and my words to turn on the lights in people’s heads! You can see the realisation in their eyes. “Ah, Lindsay!” they say, “I finally get it!” Fills me with an enormous sense of well-being. Last night we had dinner with our American friend Ben, who regaled us with stories of a recent trip to New York. He went to see two musicals: a new production of ‘West Side Story’, and a new smash hit on Broadway, Alanis Morissette’s ‘Jagged Little Pill’. The Trouble is a huge fan of musicals! Me? Not so much, although ‘West Side Story’ does contain some lovely songs. In this new production, for some weird reason, they’ve decided to cut ‘I Feel Pretty’. I suspect a lot of ‘West Side Story’ fans will feel very cheated! Big love to my mate Nilesh, who thinks my early morning statuses are amusing. I love to make people laugh (and not just by taking my clothes off!) People have been giving me some right grief about the granddad jokes on my page! Look, they make me laugh! What should I do? Post jokes that don’t make me laugh? If you think yesterday’s status was too heavy ... tough titty! I haven’t finished yet. Not by a long stretch. Some moron on LBC was telling James O’Brien that socialism was all about high taxes. What a putz! I know comprehensive schools could be a bit hit-and-miss but that idiot must have must missed school all together! So, yes, I will be expressing political views and I will be using long words. My advice to you is: fasten your seat belts! It’s going to be a bumpy night! I can’t talk about sex all the time, even though you want me to! Alright, alright, here’s some lyrics for your Valentine’s card: “Roses are red, porridge is lumpy, you bring the rumpy and I’ll bring the pumpy!” That’s a panty-dropper! Don’t say I don’t give you anything! Thanks for reading all the way to the bottom of my status. Pucker up! Special snogs for you! Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday. I love you all. And, remember, if you enjoyed this status, you will love my third novel ‘Keep It Fun’ (available via Amazon.)
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