#little bit about haelithra
haelithra · 3 months
list 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers 😁
1. Copia in all his forms.
2. Ghost in general, everything about it from the music, the Papa's, the ghouls, the lore, the esthetic.
3. That I was finally able to attend something ghost related (Ghovie). I heard "year zero" ages ago (pre terzo ear), but it has since then been long forgotten until I suntbled upon "Rats" and really got into ghost. Sadly, by the time I was caught up with the albums, lore, papa's, I had already missed out on all of secondo, terzo, and cardinal copias eras. I'm juts happy I was here for whole year of papa copia and will be here for whatever comes next (hopefully a ritual somemday...kicking myself over missing the past papa's as they were all in my city....ahhhh).
4. Completing artworks. I have too many unfinished projects that never get done.
5. Walking in the woods, as cliché as it is, it's very calming and just fills me with joy.
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