#litg miki
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girlsontourgirlsontour · 1 year ago
Ugh unpopular opinion but I think I’m gonna miss season 3 the most, the cast is so hot I want to play all routes 😭
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mrsbsmooth · 1 year ago
Didn't Mike apologize for stealing Bill, like Iona/Genevieve did? Sounds personal, but in a funny way.
Yeah and I was nice to her after that.
Like here I am trying to sort shit out with ciaran the LOML and trying my best to tell every other islander I’m not interested in anyone but him and this bitch- this bitch has the NERVE to pull some “stop fucking with his head” bullshit when HE is the one who left our apartment and GHOSTED. Like bitch what happened to women supporting women???? What happened to us supposedly trying to be friends?
Miki can eat shit
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litgpersonalities · 1 year ago
#74: Miki
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mechadria · 1 year ago
i can't believe they didn't make nicky and iona (but especially nicky) romanceable like. i need them actually. also i want to be much better friends with miki she's so so fun and she reminds me of an irl friend :(
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kleebis-and-fombus · 1 year ago
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The next morning, Carl and Hannah both woke up very sad. Ciaran woke up wanting to be friendly with Jen. AJ woke up sad, and wanting a bro hang with Tim. She flirted with Lily over breakfast. After chatting with Jen (and gaining happy memory sentiments), Ciaran got a want to get engaged to Cherry. I noticed Lily and Tim’s spark had come back, at around 50%
I sent Cherry and Ciaran on their first date. They went to a park in Del Sol Valley and had a steamy exchange over a picnic of flirty beer and vending machine burgers. Ciaran grilled fruit for their dessert, and they had a funny conversation. They had a small kiss at the end and refreshed their “smitten” sentiments and their “Deeply in Love” sentiments became “Deeply Connected”. Their love bar sat close to 80% and their friend bar around 60%.
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Back at the villa, Mason wanted to woohoo with Miki. They flirted and gained mutual “Deeply Connected” sentiments. When their conversation became steamy, they made out in the closet. Hannah chatted with Gary and Carl chatted with Jen.
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Ciaran snuck off with Hannah and had some cheeky kiss time with her on the terrace. I noticed that Priya had also slightly reconnected with Tim. Then Yasmin started flirting with him and wanted to ask him on a date.
When Hannah woke up the next day, she gave Ciaran a kiss out in the open. Cherry didn’t see it (though we can assume she’d find out irl), but Carl and Jen did. Jen gained a “Deeply Wounded” sentiment for Ciaran and a “Festering Grudge” against Hannah. Carl and Hannah gained mutual “Personal Rifts” and Carl also became furious with Hannah for “cheating.” He had the same grudge against Ciaran that Jen had for Hannah. Then the apologies came out. Carl went back to just having a grudge against Hannah for kissing Lily, and Hannah kept her personal rift sentiment against him. He also kept his grudge against Ciaran. Jen kept her grudge against Hannah, but forgave Ciaran. Then Ciaran chatted with Yasmin, who he had a small connection with, but didn’t know very well at all.
Levi called AJ to tell her that he was going on a date with Shannon on the outside.
Yasmin got another want to break up with Camilo, and one to flirt with Lucas, who she apparently had a small connection with. Lucas only wanted to marry Priya. Miki became smitten/deeply connected with Mason as they kissed in the kitchen. Mason wanted to get engaged to Miki.
I had Ciaran and Hannah kiss in front of Cherry, and Cherry and Jen in front of all of them, to complete the process from earlier and bring the love square to light. Ciaran is a sweet character, not the type to kiss three girls behind each other’s backs. He had maxed love bars with all of them at this point, and that wasn’t his fault. At first, Cherry felt betrayed and furious with Ciaran, furious with Hannah, and hurt by Jen. Hannah felt furious with Ciaran and was no longer smitten, and was furious with Jen, with whom she now had a personal rift. Jen had a festering grudge against Hannah. After apologies, Cherry and Hannah no longer felt furious with Ciaran, but Cherry still felt betrayed. Jen still had a grudge against Hannah, but otherwise all of the girls forgave each other, and lost their romantic sentiments for Ciaran. He would have to earn them back…with the right girl. Cherry stayed behind chatting with Ciaran after the other girls left. Their friend bar had been reduced to a sad 35% and they had already started repairing it. Then Ciaran chatted with Jen, who shared her insecurities. 
Yasmin flirted with Lucas, and then he asked her to just be friends.
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I sent the Islanders to the Sulani Beach Club for the day. They had a great time drinking cocktails, chatting, dancing to live DJ music, swimming, and giving each other massages.
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Hannah gained an adoring sentiment for Gary. Despite having three solid connections on his plate, Ciaran wanted to chat with Yasmin, so I let him. In the afternoon, Cherry got a want to break up with Ciaran. Lottie and Tim snuck off to woohoo in a waterfall. Carl and Miki chatted. They had a small connection. Camilo got another want to woohoo with Yasmin as he kissed her. Reese was at the club, and I let him see Jen kissing Ciaran (since he couldn’t watch it on TV.) Then Jen and Reese officially broke up.
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Shannon was also seen there flirting with Levi.
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In the evening, I summoned the Islanders to sit around a bonfire. A dumping had started. This would not be a couples’ dumping. I would be rolling the dice and selecting the two “least popular” girls and boys to send home. Cherry, the newest islander, was exempt from the “vote”. First, I rolled three girls and three boys each and made them stand up. The first girl I rolled was Jen. The first boy I rolled was Gary. The second girl I rolled was Miki. The second boy I rolled was Camilo. The third girl I rolled was AJ. The third boy I rolled was Ciaran.
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I rolled the die and landed on Camilo, and then Jen. I let them sit. They were safe from the dumping. Then I rolled Gary, and Miki. They were dumped from the island.
Ciaran and AJ remained standing. They were still vulnerable. However, they were not dumped. Each of them had a choice. They could leave the villa with their current partner, or break up with their current partners and stay in the villa. I let them each discuss with their partners.
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The decision was easy for Cherry and Ciaran. She already wanted to break up with him. It was a rushed decision but she was under pressure now so it made the most sense. She eliminated herself from Ciaran’s dilemma. They were left with a slight friend bar, and a slight red love bar. Cherry, who felt betrayed by his kiss with Jen, was furious and Ciaran felt bitter about the breakup, but still deeply connected to Cherry.
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Lily and AJ, on the other hand, had connected the day after AJ arrived in the villa. They had talked, flirted, and kissed for weeks, and finally had the chance to be together. Neither had other strong connections in the villa anymore. In a way, it was early days for them, but in another, it was a long time coming, and they professed their undying love for one another.
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AJ and Lily were dumped from the Island along with Gary and Miki. They all said their goodbyes. Hannah was sad, and Gary tried cheering her up before embracing her. She apologized to AJ again, who asked her to just be friends now that she’d be committing to Lily on the outside. Hannah yelled at her, and that’s how they ended things. AJ and Lily both shut down their other love connections in the villa. Jen embraced Gary. Mason embraced Miki, and they decided to be friends, but I kept their love bar at its 95%, and I made them become best friends. They’d had a soulmates label, but it was very early days for them, and Miki couldn’t let Mason leave with her.
I put Miki in a “houseboat” in Sulani, since it had the only water lots, made her a social media personality and gave her a cat. I don’t remember if she had a pet, but she seems like she’d enjoy a cat. And they get good views on social media. I wasn’t sure if I should move AJ and Lily in together, but then I remembered Lily was a student, so I enrolled her in University as a fine arts major and moved her into student housing. She and AJ would have to live apart in the real world for a little while and see if their relationship could really stand the test. Or maybe she would reconnect with Felix? Who knows. I made AJ a professional athlete, moved her into the same apartment as Shannon, Rafi and Jasper in Windenburg, and changed her sexual orientation from bi to gay, just like in the Game. Finally, I made Gary a manual laborer and moved him into a shipping container house with his Nan in Evergreen Harbor.
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To recap, Lottie and Tim, and Lucas and Priya were in solid, official relationships. Yasmin and Camilo were coupled, but Yasmin was thinking about breaking up with Camilo. Carl and Hannah were in an awkward friendship couple, but Hannah liked Ciaran. Ciaran was single, along with Jen, who also liked him. Cherry and Mason were single as well.
LITG Sims Season 2
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Welcome to Love Island Sims Season 2!!
This season we are starting off with Lottie, Lily, Priya, Elladine, Erikah, Kassam, Tim, Reese, Levi, and Camilo. I’ve started an entirely new game, so repeat characters have clean slates. I used my spinner app to choose my lineup; it’s entirely random.
I didn’t start with full autonomy this time. That way I was able to line up my boys by the pool and bring out the girls one-by-one to meet one boy at a time, before coupling based on their relationship bars. I made each girl have a very brief conversation with each boy and rolled the dice to choose a different romantic interaction for each boy to throw back.
Lily went first. She didn’t make a romantic spark and stood next to Levi based on a slightly higher friendship bar. Can’t blame her.
Elladine went second. She made a spark with Kassam when he offered her a rose, and stood next to him.
Erikah went third. Tim and Camilo both offered her roses, and Kassam caught her off guard with a bold pickup line. She connected with all three and had a harder decision to make than the first two girls. The love bars all looked the same but Camilo’s friendship bar was a little higher so she stood with him.
Lottie went forth. I had her try a gloomy interaction on Kassam to see if they’d bond over the shared trait, but she just made Kassam sad and it hurt their friendship bar. Kassam tried flirting with her and it didn’t spark anything, but it didn’t hurt either. Reese got to her with a sexy pose, and Tim did with a flirtatious joke. They had identical love bars, so she stood next to Tim who had a higher friendship bar.
Finally, Priya came out. Reese, Camilo, and Levi ALL asked her risqué questions, which she did not appreciate. (What the hell, guys?) Kassam tried to flirt with her, still sad, and failed. Tim complimented her appearance, and didn’t offend her, but they didn’t connect either. She had the highest friendship bar with Tim, so she stepped next to him in place of Lottie, who repositioned herself next to Reese, her second choice.
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Suddenly, a sixth girl appeared. It was Blake. Kassam gave her his earbuds because he was still too sad to flirt effectively, but she didn’t like them. She gave him a rose in return, but he didn’t like it. Both interactions lost heart points. Levi did a sexy pose for her, and she flirted back without command. They connected. They wanted to keep talking, but she moved down the line. Eventually she came back to him, leaving Lily on her own. I turned on full autonomy as soon as they finished coupling. It was 7am. We had started at 11am the day previous. Oy.
Our first couples of Love Island Sims Season 2 are:
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Lottie and Reese
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Elladine and Kassam
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Blake and Levi
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Erikah and Camilo
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Priya and Tim
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Lily is left single and vulnerable. She’d better get grafting!
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alitgblog · 11 months ago
part three of asking yall which litg characters are actually good at their job and easily these ones should all be good at their job to an extent so
feels like inherently this means who is the most popular
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kylovely8 · 3 years ago
I wish they’d bring back this hairstyle S3 MC was a true bombshell
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ravenadottir · 3 years ago
boat party: NO 💙
if you liked 'boat party' and doesn't want to read my opinion about it, skip this post, 'cause it's negative.
i'm pointing out the things i didn't like, so you know this one might be long.
i'm super late to this, and i wouldn't even play it if it wasn't for this ask. i couldn't give an answer without knowing what was going on.
if one character didn't get the same treatment the others did i can't give two shits about the whole thing. here's a very quick summon: you can choose everything at the beginning, your bff, if you shared the money or not, your partner and etc.
it all starts when your partner cooks dinner for you. the energy is a little off and he makes one too many jokes, enough to piss off mc, who claims he's not listening to her. in response, he leaves. for weeks. without calling. because apparently talking is not an option.
already off to a mediocre start, but i digress.
it has been implied that bigger problems were the root of the fight so i got excited about that, because there might be some some substance after all.
elladine's text comes in telling you about a one-week-vacation on a boat and it's set to have every islander from season 3. when you're there your LI is in your cabin but t's extremely awkward, so they find a new one for them.
the whole point of ‘boat party’ is to bring the drama that didn't happen during the season, but... the drama never happens! at least not on tai's route!
you're not on good terms with your partner, and the game even gives you the chance to flirt/kiss someone else, which doesn't sound right to me, but pop off. it all comes across very petty and childish and there's no real issues revealed to make either tai or mc to act like this.
you haven't even properly talked to your partner and you're gonna go around and kiss someone else? make it make it sense.
and the fact that your partner says something like "i thought you were having something wth so-and-so and wanted to be here with them instead of me" doesn't come across as cute, it comes across as weird.
now, whenever tai and my mc go to have a chat about their relationship, about four times throughout the entire season, the "bigger problems" are never discussed!
this is how it goes: "we should chat"
"yes, we should." then they go to a place to chat and the chat is:
"well, we have more problems than just you not listening to me."
"yeah, we need to talk about those..."
and it gets awkward and the LI says " well this is awkward."
if it only happened once or twice i would probably understand, you know... "oh, it's really soon to open up" BUT FOUR MOTHERFUCKING TIMES???
and i could totally see that happening with younger islanders like aj or harry, their brains are not fully developed, but tai??? he's 28!
fusebox couldn't come up with anything that would justify tai walking out so they just keep insisting on "bigger issues", but they don't exist!! they want you to hate mc's partner but there's never a good reason to do it! THERE ISN'T A GOOD REASON TO BE APART FROM EACH OTHER.
and in between those awful scenes you get your best friend saying things like "we should talk about your feelings.", then you tell them what happened on the chat with your LI and they say "yeah, it's tough." and fucking leaves!
i'm not kidding! seb has left every single time! he's just another tchotchke in the boat!
and hear me out, i love the rubbish chats we have as a group, like when bobby asks you about fruit cocktails and the entire group is together talking about it, i love those fluffy pieces. it's great to get a scoop on people's personalities and preferences, but it doesn't work here, guys, it really doesn't.
the whole point of those is to relieve tension or anticipation from dramatic situations, but given there's no real threat or danger in this story those group dialogues become misplaced! it just gives the islanders an idiotic personality because it seems they're interrupting you for nothing.
the whole LI x mc thing is like, almost as if boomers were trying to come up with a good reason for you to break up but they can't bring themselves to actually ruin the character, like making them cheat or choosing something beyond mc like a job. they didn't take risks with any of the storylines here and it sucks!
now, i don't know if the characters that interact with your partner on paddleboarding are interchangeable, but if they are, i still don't care. you get to make them jealous with your own islander on the board but your SO is not doing anything wrong... everything is really friendly and not on purpose... i don't understand!
everything about these episodes is so childish and petty, and not in a good way. marinating in a fight for weeks? without talking or calling or checking on each other to make sure you're both alive?
and the way your LI keeps it hot and cold all the time honestly gives me whiplash. i hate it. i hate the whole thing because it doesn't make sense.
the only reason why there's 10 episodes is because they're fucking children. because if they talked like two adults they supposedly are, this would've been a solid 10 episodes of fun with your friends and possibly romantic scenes on a boat!
if you wanna make it dramatic, DO IT RIGHT!
and the way the game forces you to interact with someone else is just so dumb. it's so evident they want to create drama but they're not in the mood of making it good.
miki calls you out for "playing" with someone else's feelings but nothing happened!!! you have the option of never kissing the second person but miki still treats you badly for "mistreating them".
the whole thing is designed to waste your time because it touches on how people are feeling about things, or even invents a mystery about it, only to be revealed after so much build up that the problem they're having is not dramatic at all!
i sincerely thought yasmin had a terminal disease or was pregnant, but it turns out she needs vacation and the whole building up of the matter takes like three episodes. WHY?
i'm not saying exhaustion is not serious, i'm saying "solve that shit better". it took us three episodes to get to the bottom of the truth, and why she was so temperamental, and everything is solved in three frames, with the dumbest resoulution ever!!! IT'S SO STUPID!
she's so annoyed about iona and everyone else, and she finally says "i'm just so tired and stressed out." and the solution is "you should keep your phone in a different room and take some time off." and she goes "oh, yeah, that's a good idea!"
fuck all the way off!
the truth to the build up is so underwhelming, i can't. it's clear they didn't take any risks and actually put the islanders in daring situations. i wish they did. i wish there was more to it than just "i never thought about taking some time off."
the only cool thing to come out of this is that aj realizes she's a lesbian and she has a girlfriend. that's it. that's the only highlight of this entire thing.
oh, and i thought there was gonna be some interesting discussions when nicky brought up the possibility of selling their podcast to a bigger company, but all we got is a rushed dialogue, at the end, with seb saying "nicky decided not to go for it so thanks for talking to him". the conversation didn't even last that long and all the options take you to the same place.
and viv had a job offer to go to australia and she's afraid of telling seb. mc goes "but he loves you, right?"
"i guess."
that's also resolved in the same dialogue seb delivers about nicky and the podcast. everything is just "hey, here's a problem that's really big and it has a lot of potential." and it's resolved in two frames or less without even needing our help or intervention.
there's no reason to call my mc MC because nobody gives two shits about what's going on with her, and you know what? i respect them more for that.
now, the thing that made me chuck my phone in the couch was this: on episode 10 tai comes to you and it's implied you need to make a decision, AGAIN. because mc already made a decision on lie episode 6.
i'm supposed to say "i wanna be with you" but that decision was made before, i sincerely don't understand what this whole ordeal was, and i never want to go back to this again.
and like, i forgot some of the characters were here, like ciaran, rafi, lily, harry. they show up for like six frames on the last couple of episodes. not complaining, just observing. and if bill had a cork in his mouth i could forgive 50% of the bullshit storylines we had.
in summon, i hate it. it's even more shallow than season 3, more childish and filled with useless storylines that don't make any sense or don't have a satisfying ending.
with that being said, i hope the players don't get bamboozled like this on season 4. i'm not playing it but if you are, don't buy any gems nor support them, they don't deserve it.
i was left, once again, hating fusebox. it's a good reminder that they don't give a shit, and will continue not giving a shit.
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chiizuburger · 4 years ago
Sooooo started playing litg s3 and was thrilled by the new character design options!
Then as i was playing, i realized that my mc can totally be a cousin to Bobby
And so i have decided on that backstory!
Mira, my mc, is Bobby’s cousin from Glasgow. She got intrigued by the show after seeing Bobby the previous season and got more intrigued when witnessing the changes he had gone through.
When Mira saw that Bobby was mad serious about moving in together with his partner (basing this off my journey with Bobby in s2), Mira thought Love Island was worth a shot.
There was a bit of hesitation on Mira’s part because she had never had a serious relationship and it was weird to do something that major on television. But she and Bobby go way back and she trusts Bobby’s judgement.
And this trust goes both ways. It was Mira who convinced him to take on baking as a profession, and it was Bobby who convinced her to take up music.
She was also Bobby’s taste tester for all the experimental and Victorian recipes he did when he was younger. And she never minced words when it came to criticism.
Mira teases Bobby a lot for his odd sense of style, but he says it’s actually his personal take of hers!
She likes to live in the present and chooses to enter Love Island with a “whatever happens, happens” mindset. She just wants a good time and mingle with everyone and get some romance in between that good time.
Bobby was the first person Mira came out to.
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Personal thoughts on s3 so far, the characters are all interesting. Kinda sad that I don’t got a shot with Nicky or Seb, but I’m glad I get to bond with them at least.
Definitely may go for one of the girls, buuuuutttt excited to meet Tai ngl.
Will be talking about my s1 replay and s3 for the following days until I revisit s2 and reconnect with bobby and the lads!
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keikilahela · 4 years ago
some "and I took that personally memes" for your enjoyment
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girlsontourgirlsontour · 1 year ago
Correction season 3 has the most attractive cast, they’re all hot, no wonder I did a hoe route
Nicky and Elladine are the most attractive couple out of all the seasons, like look at them?!
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mrsbsmooth · 1 year ago
Harry from s3 may be immature, but he's actually not that bad. It's just FB make him act or look like a teenager. If he doesn't look like a teenager, maybe anyone would give him a time of a day.
This is absolutely true. I think it's because he both looks very young and acts very immature. Which inherently, isn't a bad thing. God, I married a guy who's 32 going on 22, I love me an immature jokester.
I'll be honest though, my main issue with Harry isn't either of these things. It's the lying. He lies to make himself look more interesting-- like saying a professional driver said he was a natural, all that kind of stuff. Exaggerating/lying to show off is just a big ick of mine. I'm probably a hypocrite about it, because Bobby does stupid shit like that all the time, but for him, it's kind of in a banter-y way. It's performative arrogance, as opposed to genuinely trying to convince someone of an acheivement you haven't actually made.
I've seen the original design of his character before they switched staff and he was much better looking when he was a little older-looking. I still don't know why they aged him down so much. He looks 16 to me.
But you know what, I've read some absolutely amazing fanfic about him, and 99% of my bullying Harry these days is just because it's really fun to try to convince the Harry stans that Ciaran is bette (because so many people hate Ciaran). It's just a bit of good natured fun.
The only person I truly and unequivocally despise from S3 is Miki. The seventh circle of hell is too good for her (main problem with her is her braid and also she stole my Billy and was smug about it).
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adam-memeleri · 4 years ago
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-21, from Cambridge
-Lifestyle vlogger
-Loves it when you smash that Subscribe button
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idk-what-im-doing-19 · 5 years ago
Fusebox really gonna look us in the eyes and tell us our LIs stayed loyal when we ALL witnessed the betrayal of them forgetting our names, the constant blushing and looking guilty, not knowing who to pick for ‘Who’s hotter?’, the slide where Rafi/Lily comes and tries to grab them away from us, the thumb war section (basically just holding hands let’s be real). ALL THE GLANCES.
You’re really gonna tell me we had our hearts shattered for them to turn around end of day 10 and say they only want us and made it CLEAR that they weren’t interested... All I’m saying is shit ain’t adding up here and my trust is frazzled.
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lucas-koh · 4 years ago
Me throughout the entirety of Day 13:
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codename-mango · 4 years ago
Season 3 Character Vices and Bad Coping Mechanisms
Inspired by @ravenadottir 's S2 LI vices ask. I just needed more justification to talk about Seb more and thought I might as well do the rest of the characters.
Elladine: Drinking. She likes pairing drinking with real downer music. (Tell me why I think she had a Linkin Park phase?) I think she probably likes poker too and gambles.
Nicky: Drinking too, but I think he unintentionally fasts when he's going through it. Someone has to make him eat something.
AJ: Working out excessively. Like Gary, I think she's probably hurt herself working out too much as a way of coping.
Seb: Smoking, definitely. He also has a tendency to isolate himself, so he won't respond to texts or calls. He's ended a lot of relationships by just icing them out until he gets dumped.
Bill: Drinking, and gambling. He's also bad at gambling to he loses often, which only makes him feel worse. Do we think he's the type to ramble to inanimate objects when he's drunk? Or be uncharacteristically silent?
Miki: Social media. She'll constantly refresh her feed and check her notifications. If she's feeling bad enough, she'll respond to mean-spirited comments, which adds fuel to the fire. She's definitely the type to do Instagram lives of herself crying and drinking, and regret it in the morning.
Camilo: I think he actually eats a lot to cope, but tries to counteract it by working out a lot. He hides the eating thing from others. There's also sex.
Iona: S E X. She is always horny on main, but it's easy to tell when she wants it just because she'd rather feel anything but what she's feeling in that moment. She does give me comphet lesbian vibes, so it's also a form of self-harm.
Harry: He used to punch stuff and end up hurting himself when he was younger, before he started going to therapy. Now, it's probably gambling and smoking, though he doesn't do those things often.
Genevieve: I think she mostly bottles up the bad feelings. Bottling it up is a vice in of itself I think. She probably tried weed once during a low period but said it made her sick.
Ciaran: Oh he drinks. Probably a lot and ends up crying, so he has to really check himself after every drink.
Tai: Working out excessively, but he's got a few other healthy ways of coping to fall back on, so he rarely lets it become a problem.
Yasmin: Smoking weed and sex, I think. She smokes to avoid feeling depressed for as long as possible.
Lily: Drinking and sex. She hates drinking alone because she knows she'll feel way worse than with company.
Rafi: He probably bottles it up for the sake of his brother. When he isn't bottling it up and masking it with a carefree attitude, he's drinking. Sex for him too.
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