#litg chloe
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mrsbsmooth · 2 years ago
If you sent your S6 LI a nude while they were at work:
Did these for S4 but someone got in before me for S5, but now that we've got all the LIs, here we go. I don't have gifs this time, just HCs lol.
Has his hands full right this very second, holding a particularly nasty cat. Leans over to quickly glance at his phone, sees the image preview. Eyes go wide, and he leans in to make sure he's seeing things correctly. Completely loses all concentration, he's coming home with scratches up his arms. But don't worry, he's gonna get his girl to put a few more on his back when he gets home.
Can't really look at her phone while doing a set, but she feels it buzz a custom vibrate pattern in her pocket, and smiles a little. It's late , and there's only one reason that her girl would be awake at this hour... so Bella knows exactly what's in that text message. And she knows she's not sleeping at her place tonight.
She doesn't have her phone while she's practicing or on stage, but as soon as she comes off it you best believe she's squealing. Everyone's asking her what happened, and she's proudly announcing that her girl just sent her a nude. But she's not sharing. The other ballerinas aren't getting a look at her girl.
He's in the middle of streaming. His phone chimes, sees its from his girl, pauses to look at it (because he always pauses the game for her), and immediately just freezes. He glances up at the camera, then back at his phone, then back at the camera.
"Sorry guys, gotta go. Something has... uh... come up. Don'tforgettosubscribebyee!" Slams the computer shut, he is gone.
She's probably overseas, so she can't rush home like the others, but she can take a break, jumping into the nearest bathroom, locking the doors and taking a sneaky nude back. She's been in enough photos, she knows how to take them. The pic she's sending back is good enough to frame.
Doesn't have a phone. Even if he did, doesn't have reception in the middle of the forest.
Got his airpods in while practicing in the half pipe. Siri reads it out. 'Text message from My Girl. Attachment: 1 image. Text message reads: I want you.'
Jamal immediately wipes out on the half pipe. He's fine. He climbs out, packs his shit and is on his fucking way.
Just finished training, checks his phone. Eyes go wiiiiiide. The lads see him and know exactly why, but he quickly locks his phone and packs his shit. Doesn't bother showering. He can do that at her place when he drags her in there with him.
Like Flo, sneaking into the bathroom to send her a dick pic back. He’s a sexting pro, in minutes she’s on her way to drop by wherever his event is. Crazy quickie in the backseat of his car. Gives her a kiss, fixes his clothes, back to work like nothing happened. Sends her a text a little later to let her know he’s ready for round two
Would barely be able to tell anything was awry. The tiniest smirk, the subtlest flash of fire in his eyes, and a text back.
He can't talk right away, (he's flying a fucking plane, obviously). But he can check it at the hotel that night. He's immediately sending her one back, and then, he's picking up the phone to call her. He's not hanging up until they're both satisfied.
Like Bella, he's probably performing, so he can't respond right away. But when he sees it, he's sending her a message back straight away, gushing about how beautiful she looks... and telling her in no uncertain terms exactly, step-by-step, what he is going to do to her when he gets home.
Bonus: Hamish
Checks the message, fires a text back, slips it back into his pocket. No prospective buyers any the wiser. She opens the text back: 'On your back on the dining room table. Fifteen minutes.' He's making a... quick stop at home before his next showing.
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queen-of-boops · 9 months ago
Meet The Bombshells
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Age: 27
Hometown: Lisbon, Portugal
Occupation: Pilot
Bio: Como vai? I've slept with girls in... 26 different countries now. Sometimes you don't even need to speak the same language. As long as the chemistry is there, it just takes a look and a well-timed smile.
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Age: 25
Hometown: Zurich, Switzerland
Occupation: Ballerina
Bio: I'm bubbly and bendy, the perfect little package! My job is pretty demanding, so the last thing I want is a high-maintenance relationship. More of a situationship girl than a relationship one.
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Age: 22
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
Occupation: Semi-Professional Wrestler
Bio: Watch out Paradise Island, here I come. I'm competitive in life and with girls and I'm not afraid to ruffle some feathers to get what I want. You bet your ass that every eye in that villa is going to be on me when I step off that boat.
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caitkaminski · 2 years ago
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rebelrayne · 2 years ago
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Hamish definitely texts you back acting as if he didn't do the homework, then he hands in his A+ paper his dad paid for.
**basing Grace off my game where she's super sweet because I'm not after Ozzy.**
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veilvoyager · 2 years ago
LOVE ISLAND: double trouble faceclaims (pt. 2)
chloe. 25. ballerina. from zurich. / ryan. 22. singer&songwriter. from leeds.
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andy. 27. vet. from st ives. / hamish. 28. luxury estate agent. from chelsea.
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marshall. 24. entrepreneur. from newcastle. / francis. 25. conversationist. from warsaw.
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fox-from-fairytale · 2 years ago
Aawww 😍 look at Fusebox giving us a ✨️ free ✨️ pride bikini while keep making shit routes for the female LIs 😍😍
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alitgblog · 2 years ago
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"he was a punk, she did ballet"
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k3elai-the-li · 2 years ago
mc x li as random pics i found on pinterest while looking for pose refs
jamal x mc
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lewie x mc
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ryan x mc
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roberto x mc
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bella x mc
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ozzy x mc
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chloe x mc
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elliot x mc
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redspacewriter · 2 years ago
season vi moments as the mindy project gifs
let’s be honest with ourselves, this season with only five volumes so far has us all rolling our eyes
ivy after her couple doesn’t work out
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*non-roberto route* mc meeting roberto
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amelia to mc at all times
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when grace mentions how perfect her couple is
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chloe with li while mc is right there
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*on a elliot route* mc to everyone, elliot walks in
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*non-elliot route* mc eavesdropping on li talking about chloe
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crimswnred · 2 years ago
a skater boy and a ballet dancer??????
he was a punk she did ballet
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mrsbsmooth · 2 years ago
Future Islanders: My thoughts
My predictions about the Islanders we haven't seen yet, based on their character designs. This information will be 100% accurate, guaranteed*
*Not at all guaranteed
Spoilers under the cut. 18+. Contains gratuitous swearing.
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Love his style, love his vibe, love his earring. He's so cute, and seems like he's gonna be really fun and flirty. But dear God, when I saw his surprised face, I just:
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Those eyes - those fucking eyes. They are lifeless. Like this man has seen either seen some shit or had some serious plastic surgery, and I worry about him. I just… oh god, I got the ick so fast it's not even funny. And then I realised he got the same as Ozzy and got the Rocco flirty face which ends up looking like this emoji specifically
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Definitely has a cool job though - maybe a runway model, artist, or some other artistic profession. Definitely from a cool part of Inner London.
*Editing to add:
It’s been brought to my attention that the way I worded this criticism is rather offensive, and I want to clarify what I meant. When I mentioned Andy’s eyes, I was referring to the way they were drawn. Usually when animating a character you’ll give them smile lines or crinkles to show a smile “reaches their eyes” etc, but this looks like they just slapped a shocked mouth on him and nothing else. My intention isn’t to make fun of his eye shape itself, or of any aspect of his ethnicity, it was a poorly worded/thought out criticism and I’m sorry 🤍
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Villain. Calling it now, she's a villain. Her pose is too cool and confident to be anything other than a villain, because GOD FORBID Fusebox give us a strong, confident WOC that doesn't have some deep, unbridled desire to get her claws into whichever man we tell her we want.
I LOVE her design though. She's got super cute outfits, and isn't afraid to show a bit of skin (THAT CORSET TOP GIVE IT TO ME!) so definitely great style. I'm calling it now - she's a model. Might even be French. If she's French and a complete and utter bitch I might just fall in love with her, give me the pain, urgh.
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Don't let the glasses fool you. This man is a snake. I knew it from the second I saw him, and it's only been confirmed in the Casa postcards that @oliverslove posted. Never trust a blonde man (except Lewie, trust him with your life and ass).
Judges you on your book choices, but hasn't read one himself in years. Namedrops philosophers but has never had a unique thought in his life. Thinks some of Jordan Peterson's ideas "aren't actually that bad, when you think about it".
This is a man who looks innocent on the outside. "Oh, look at me, I'm a cute little nerd who reads books and plays D&D". But I guarantee, he's a fucking asshole. The kind of guy who thinks women owe him something, so treats them like dirt when they don't give him what he wants.
THAT SAID, his daywear is super basic but very cute, and he's wearing Versace underwear, so he's probably loaded. Jobwise - I'm putting my money on marketing or some other office-type job.
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Okay, yeah, she cute. But I am suspicious of her too. Something about her screams Lily from S3 to me, like she's gonna come in purely to take my man. And what's worse, in the Casa postcard she's in bed with a girl, so she might even be taking my girl too!!!!
Love her style, but don't love her vibe. I can't even develop any thoughts outside of wild jealousy.
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🤢 sorry, let me just *throws up in my mouth*, 🤢 Felix 2.0, God, I hate his character design so much. When I saw him briefly in his daywear I got SO EXCITED because I thought we might be getting a dadbod, but no, apparently the guy who walks around in the camel-hair woven poncho has a FUCKING EIGHT-PACK (FUSEBOX IN WHAT UNIVERSE?!!??!?!??) Then I thought he might be an environmentalist type, you know, vegan, save the animals and that. But then I saw his LEATHER JACKET and SHARK TOOTH NECKLACE and God damn it, I've lost all faith. This guy wants so bad to be Rocco it's not even funny, at least Rocco was decent looking, this guy has a pig snout for a nose and a smooshy face, don't ask me to elaborate, I hate him, and don't get me started on the fact he's wearing SANDALS with his FORMALWEAR
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Smokes so much weed he can't get it up, will disappoint anyone who comes near him. Stay away, 0/10.
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Gold diggers come get your man! It's Lucas Beresford-Smug the third. If this guy doesn't have a double-barrelled last name and a numeral in his name I will buy a hat and fucking eat it. Absolute guaranteed 100% arrogant FUCKHEAD, giant twat, thinks he is God's gift to women until he inevitably meets MC and falls so desperately in love that he changes his ways to show her he's the man she deserves. Yeah, okay, the storyline's predictable. Yes, he's likely an insufferable, sheltered, self-obsessed pig. But does that make me want him any less? ... No it does not.
Already posted it in response to @rebelrayne's husband's thoughts but what kind of spoilt little asshole wears a US$20,000 watch IN THE FUCKING SHOWER!!!!!!!
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I don't care that it's water resistant to 100m you don't wear a $20k watch IN THE SHOWER and expect people to not think you're a complete and utter fucking asshole. He's a Jasper/ Lucas / Tom hybrid, with Taron Egerton's body and face, I'm getting a short king vibe but maybe that's just from the way his suit is way too big through the shoulders for him, making him look like a 1920's gangster. Works in finance or medicine, I will stake my life on it.
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Blindfold this man, kidnap him, and handcuff him to the bed in the hideaway, he may very well be the death of my loyal Lewie route. He is so fine I can't breathe, it's something about the beard. Bearded men are the death of me. And if he's Ozzy's older brother, sorry, suddenly I can't breathe.
I have very few thoughts about him other than the fact he's a fucking stunning piece of artwork that, if real, I would physically need to take a bite out of. I am barking at him, god fucking damn. The arrogance and confidence and big dick energy required to wear an all-cream outfit is just... urgh, someone splash me with water.
Unfortunately, like his brother and Andy, our beloved and holiest daddy (Marshall) also got the Rocco treatment for his flirty face
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It's not as bad because his beard covers the smirk, but holy shit, Fusebox, do better. I don't want to be doing a steamy scene with the boys and they whip out THIS. It makes me want to punch something. DO BETTER.
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What an absolute waste of a hot-guy name. This dude looks like John Travolta had a child with Littlefoot from The Land Before Time. His mouth looks like it was slapped on his face as an afterthought, his eyebrows are too thick, and the only hot face he has is his angry one, which I'm going to be trying to elicit as often as possible. He looks like he's been to prison, Wentworth Miller vibes but not in a sexy way. Tried to join the skinheads but they didn’t want him. Tried to get a teardrop tattoo to look hard but everyone just ignored him. Strongest of strong dislike, 0/10, I will slander Toby until the day I die. Boooo. BOOOOO.
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beesandfigs-abandoned · 2 years ago
Footage of Lewie having his Shakira moment right before his date with Chloe
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caitkaminski · 2 years ago
Chloe&Elliot arriving after the hideaway?
A boy/girl bombshell duo?
Taking mc and her li on dates?
Going on beach dates?
I think we’ve played this game before…
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years ago
LITG Eps 13-15 thoughts...
I think atp we all knew that Elliot was going to come in and steal MC from her LI but I have to say I'm still so disappointed in this update. I feel like no one really had any time with their LIs, especially the Ozzy girls. Sure we got some lingering looks, Ozzy saying he would pick us if he has the opportunity and him looking jealous (yes pls more of that) but we didnt really have any time to just chat with him and learn more about him this update.
Also can we admit that the Elliot plot just sucks. it's not even about the fact that we get stolen, personally I love it on an angsty route. But for me it's more the fact that if you choose every option to tell him you don't want him, he still chooses you. If fb is going to give us a forced recoupling then they shouldnt be asking us every five seconds if were into Elliot. That temperature check on how we feel should only come AFTER we've already coupled up with him. BC for me Elliot looks like a massive idiot for choosing mc when I've told him that I wish he hadn't picked me for the date and that I like someone else. if you're blatantly telling someone youre not interested why would they then pick you, especially when your twin is standing right there....
am I wrong to say the episodes also felt super short this week? it just feels like nothing happened this update...first we go meet the new islanders, immediately get taken on dates, we have a few chats and then its recoupling. Our chats also felt superficial af, maybe bc I also dont care about the manufactured drama surrounding Lewie and Chloe. I was telling them to have fun and enjoy themselves on the date and then I was going on a hunt for gossip?? nah lol. fb needs to find a way of looking at the choices u make and then actually doing something about it. I am obviously on an Ozzy path and that joker was flirty with Chloe when she walked in so why not use that instead of shoving Lewie/Chloe down my throat. Dont get me wrong id be sad/pissed but so were the LJR girlies this update! Let us all feel the angst LOL
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willkimurashat · 2 years ago
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rebelrayne · 2 years ago
My Stick or Switch theory
Your LI previous to Elliot will switch with Flo
most likely because Chloe/Bella seemed to be grafting in movie night/postcards so he switches to stay safe to come back to you (everyone say ‘awww’) and he picks Flo because she’s maybe the one he thinks deserves to stay?
Elliot will switch with Ivy
and for WHY?! we just got rid of that backstabbing snake 😭 but I think he’s 50/50 on being endgame for this reason. If he’s not, it’s because he’s coded to couple with Ivy (yes even the bum and bicep thing- he does say he’s a runner). I feel like he’s somehow written to be the 20 bajillion things on her checklist so he’s just never going to be an option after CA
Would love to hear anyone else’s theories on stick or switch!!
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