#literally the worst date of my life was Guy Insisting We Watch Several Episodes Of The Office???
queenlua · 2 years
i’m two episodes into Peaky Blinders, and
damn does this show understand the inherent hotness of Calm Guy Talking Soothingly To Panicking Horse
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smugsmythe · 4 years
The One With the Enervation
Date: May 22nd, 2017
Location: Blaine’s school & Seblaine’s apartment
Who: Blaine Anderson & Sebastian Smythe
Notes: Blaine wears himself too thin so Sebastian takes him home to take care of him.
en·er·va·tion /ˌenərˈvāSH(ə)n/ noun a feeling of being drained of energy or vitality; fatigue. "a sense of enervation"
Blaine Anderson:
To say it had been an incredibly long few weeks and that Blaine was exhausted would be two vast understatements. Between work, school, Sebastian’s health, and his secret second life as Nightbird, Blaine was bound to collapse any moment from exhaustion. 
That’s what nearly happened one day while he was in the library with one of his classmates, discussing their lesson plan and future lesson plans they’d like to have in their own classrooms when he suddenly began to feel out of it. His mind was hazy and the room felt like it was spinning. It had happened to him a few times before, he’d gotten to his breaking point when spreading himself too thin and he would faint. He would wake up with his ex-husband hovering over him and trying to wake him up, having no recollection of what happened.
He slapped at his face gently as the girl next to him asked if he was okay. He assured her that he was fine, he had just felt faint for a moment. She didn’t buy he was fine, judging by the way all of the color completely washed away from his skin. Assuring her he was fine once more, Blaine stood up to show her and ended up on the floor, his legs weakening under his weight. That’s when she suggested they call Sebastian to come get him. Blaine insisted they shouldn’t bother him and tried to go about his business. 
It was about five minutes after the girl had left that he’d gotten a text from his boyfriend, causing him to sigh and roll his eyes. 
Sebastian Smythe: 
Although there had been multiple occasions where Sebastian could tell Blaine was wearing himself thin, he didn’t realize the severity until it was clearly too late. Blaine had nearly passed out from pure exhaustion. Sebastian felt horribly for not having paid more attention when they were at home and Blaine had left early for his morning classes.
After having received a call from a concerned classmate/friend followed by a mild text argument, Sebastian made the executive decision to pick Blaine up from school early and take him home. The same way Blaine had taken care of him after his epileptic episode, it was time for Sebastian to step up to the plate. He was more than ready to be the boyfriend Blaine needed.
Only minutes after Blaine had agreed to be picked up, Sebastian raced over with a speedy taxi although he wished he could’ve just sped over on foot. He’d told Blaine to wait for him inside the school but he pointed out his boyfriend to the taxi driver. “Goddammit, Blaine...” Sebastian growled under his breath as the car pulled up in front of Blaine who was sitting on a stoop that led into the school. “Hey, stoop kid, I told you to wait inside!” He told him, jogging up to Blaine and kneeling down to meet him. One glance and he could tell Blaine was sick.
Blaine Anderson:
The last thing Blaine had wanted to do was worry his boyfriend. He’d been through enough and had enough stress on him between having such a bad seizure and focusing to write his article about Nightbird. No matter how much he insisted he was fine, Sebastian wouldn’t take no for an answer. 
With a heavy sigh, Blaine gathered his things from the library and gave in, going outside to wait for Sebastian. He didn’t want to make the other search for him, it was bad enough he was coming all this way to get him when he could literally make it home himself. He sat there with his head in his hands, trying to take some deep breaths. The longer he sat there the more tired he felt. When he heard Sebastian’s voice he looked up and raised his eyebrows, giving a half smile. “And I told you not to come get me.” He chuckled before moving to stand up, swaying a little and losing his balance and stumbling off the stairs a little.
Sebastian Smythe: 
Sebastian luckily didn't need to use his powers to be quick enough to catch his falling boyfriend. “You're a feisty one even when you're sick,” he teased, wrapping an arm around the smaller man's waist and helping him into the taxi. Once they were seated, Sebastian placed his hand against Blaine's forehead. “You're warm.” With the click of his tongue, Sebastian pulled Blaine in to rest against him. “You've been overdoing it lately, killer. It's straight to bed with you when we get home.” Sebastian spoke in a playfully stern manner, serious though he wanted to be clear that he wasn't upset. Since Blaine was still awake and talking, Sebastian wasn't extremely worried-- especially now that they were on the way home.
Still, Sebastian needed to remain vigilant tonight and if that meant skipping the rest of the work day to focus on Blaine then by god, he was going to do just that. Already Sebastian was thinking of making some of Blaine's favorite dishes-- that were also easy to eat when sick-- so he could cook up a storm while the other was getting his rest.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine chuckled when Sebastian called him feisty, crinkling his nose as he was led into the taxi. With a heavy sigh, he leaned his full weight into his boyfriend and closed his eyes for a moment before letting out a soft whine. “I’m not warm, I’m fine,” he protested through a yawn, his body feeling extremely heavy as it thrummed with exhaustion. “Alright, alright, I’ll go to bed. But you have to stay with me.” The shorter bargained, feeling that if he could keep Sebastian in bed with him he would be able to rest without worrying about the other. 
“I almost fainted today.” He confessed, though the other already knew, his face scrunching up into a frown. “I don’t like the way that feels.” Blaine turned his face to nuzzle against Sebastian’s neck in an attempt to get closer. “I wonder if it is similar to when you have a seizure.” He mumbled, raising his eyebrows. “I suppose I’ve never told you this about myself, hm? That when I get overly tired I tend to faint. The last time it happened, Kurt told me I hit my head and was out for a concerning amount of time. Thankfully nothing bad.” He let out a bitter laugh. “He didn’t even bother calling 9-1-1 or anything, he just let me stay out until I woke up. I took myself to the doctor when I couldn’t get rid of the headache it’d given me.” Blaine rolled his eyes to himself, thinking of the time he’d gone to Santana and told her about the event, she told him then it was way past time to kick his husband to the curb.
Sebastian Smythe:
“Of course I’ll stay with you,” Sebastian promised. He’d stay with Blaine until he was asleep and then do everything in his power to make sure everything at home was taken care of. With him being the Flash, everything could be done rather quickly, however, so Sebastian was looking forward to spending a lot of time with his recovering boyfriend in bed.
He listened quietly as Blaine told him how this wasn’t a first-time occurrence. When Blaine revealed that it had happened previously in Kurt’s presence wherein the latter did nothing to help in such a concerning situation, Sebastian didn’t feel an ounce of surprise. Instead, all he felt was anger for the man that Blaine once called "husband”. Sebastian swore under his breath and huffed, thinking of leaving another fiery bag of dog poo on Kurt’s front door when he had the time. “I won’t let that happen to you, Blaine. If you’re not feeling better after some sleep, we’ll go to the doctor to get you checked out. But hopefully it won’t come to that.” He rubbed Blaine’s back as he assured him, chewing on the inside of his lip. 
Blaine was only a little sick and Sebastian was already so worried; was this how Blaine felt whenever he was having a seizure or a dizzy spell? Sebastian made a mental note to do his best to not give Blaine any reason to worry in the future. “I’m mostly dizzy before a seizure and then have an awful headache afterwards; it’s not… the worst, I guess. I don’t know. I feel like it’s worse for you since you have to watch me have it.”
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine smiled to himself as he nuzzled his face against Sebastian’s neck, humming softly. He was feeling more content already. “You’re such a good guy, Seb. Mm’lucky to have you.” Sebastian was such a better boyfriend to him than Kurt ever was as his husband. “You’re like this really bright silver lining after being in a dark, cold, cave for so many years.” He mumbled tiredly against the taller’s skin as he took a deep breath.
Nodding gently, Blaine sighed. “Fainting feels dizzy at first and then I black out for a little bit. It’s definitely not as bad as a seizure but I imagine the first part feels similar.” The shorter yawned as he frowned, thinking of the times he’d watched his boyfriend have a seizure and how scary it was. “Watching it is awful, I hate seeing you like that. It’s...really scary.” He explained, shaking his head gently almost as if trying to shake the image from his mind. 
Sebastian Smythe: 
A fond smile graced Sebastian's lips as he listened to how Blaine described him. His boyfriend had such a way with words, even on the verge of passing out. "More like I'm the light at the end of the tunnel," Sebastian boasted, thinking rather highly of himself-- especially when compared next to Kurt. "And that's a cave or tunnel we're keeping you far, far away from for as long as I can help it."
Sebastian frown mirrored Blaine's as they both thought back to the times whenever Sebastian had suffered a seizure. Sure, Sebastian was a bit scared leading up to the episode but blacking out made everything a bit easier to cope with for him. He couldn't even imagine the wreck he'd be if he had to watch Blaine suffer the same fate. "Well, hopefully the dosage of meds I'm taking will keep me from having anymore of those seizures. I can't have you worrying and stressing over me when I'm trying to take care of you," Sebastian claimed with resolution, pressing a kiss to the shorter man's forehead. "Rest your eyes and I'll let you know when we're home, okay?
Blaine Anderson:
“Mmkay,” Blaine mumbled as he settled a little more against Sebastian. His entire body was buzzing with exhaustion and he couldn’t relax. Shifting a little bit as the cab turned a corner, Blaine whined. His tiny body was extremely tense and uncomfortable- it was beyond exhausted by the time they reached home. 
The shorter was quiet as they made their way up to their apartment, only making pitiful sounds when he moved a certain way that his body disapproved of. Once they were inside, Blaine made his way into the kitchen, rubbing at his eyes as he opened up the fridge to get a bottle of water. “Gonna grab water and then-” he paused as he pushed the door closed, the dizziness that he’d been feeling the whole day increasing. He was feeling worse with every passing moment, he felt feverish. He was going to faint. “Seb,” He called out as he opened his eyes, his vision going dark. “I’m gonna-” He dropped the bottle and moved to sit on the floor to make sure he didn’t hurt himself more than necessary if he actually passed out. A few more moments passed and his hearing faded out before he passed out completely on the floor of the kitchen. 
Sebastian Smythe:
Sebastian didn't like Blaine moving around on his own but he'd managed to make it through the lobby just fine so a trip to the kitchen should've been alright-- or so Sebastian had assumed. While Blaine had made his way to the refrigerator, Sebastian had been rummaging through the pantry looking for some of Blaine's snacks that he could enjoy in bed. When he heard his boyfriend's warning, Sebastian stopped all he was doing to clamber down to the kitchen floor where Blaine had seated himself. "Whoa, hey," Sebastian put an arm around the other man's frame to hold him up and before he could say anything else, Blaine had passed out. 
"Blaine? Babe? Can you hear me?" Sebastian asked with urgency, his free hand gently slapping at Blaine's pale cheek. "C'mon, babe, talk to me," he chewed on the inside of his lip as he looked around the kitchen in futility, searching for something-- anything-- to help him. His eyes landed on the dropped bottle of water lying on the kitchen floor and Sebastian carefully maneuvered his boyfriend against his body to free up his hands. Quickly opening up the water bottle, he splashed some water onto Blaine's face, careful not to get it into his nose. He didn't know if this was proper first aid for someone who had fainted but Sebastian held his breath as he hoped it would work. 
Blaine Anderson: 
What felt like hours to Blaine was only minutes in reality before the shorter came to, the water helping to wake him. “Wh-huh?” He asked, feeling disoriented as his eyes fluttered open. His body buzzed as it usually did when he’d wake up from fainting. “Where-” Blaine’s brow furrowed, wiping at his face as he tried to sit up a little straighter. “What happened? Did I faint?” He looked to Sebastian, reaching for his hand. “Seb...I’m sorry.”
He felt really guilty at that moment, and embarrassed. “I'm sorry, this is all my fault.” He looked around a little as his consciousness was coming back, he noted they were on the floor. “I didn’t fall on you did I? I didn’t hurt you…” He asked, looking at his boyfriend concerned.  
Sebastian Smythe: 
"No, no, don't be sorry," Sebastian assured his boyfriend that everything was fine. "You kind of sat down before you fainted; you probably knew it was coming… I should've, too." Frowning as he looked over his boyfriend's features for visual indications that he was truly alright, Sebastian took it upon himself to hoist Blaine into his arms bridal-style. It wasn't very difficult considering Sebastian's strength but the guy was already pint-sized. "It's off to bed with you, mister," he declared, gathering up the water bottle and some snacks in Blaine's lap as he carried him to their room.
"You're on bedrest until Doctor Smythe says it's alright for you to go. Maybe if you're feeling better tomorrow the good doctor will perform a very thorough exam on you," he joked suggestively. "But tonight is all about some good old fashioned R and R."
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine pouted as he let himself be picked up. He didn’t like to be babied; he liked taking care of people. “Seb, I can walk,” he whined, barely protesting as he rested his head on Sebastian’s shoulder. A small grin tugged at his tired mouth as the suggestive statement left Sebastian’s mouth. “I’m sure a thorough exam would do me some good.” Blaine chuckled tiredly as Sebastian placed him down on their bed. 
“But, for real, I’m fine. I’m just a little tired,” he said, struggling to even kick off his shoes due to how exhausted his body was. He knew better than to let himself get to this point. He would be out of order for at least two days and Sam and Santana would be left to watch over the city themselves. He felt guilty. “I’m s’pposed to meet Santana tonight. Can you let her know I’m sick?” He knew there was no way Sebastian would leave him long enough to properly notify the pair of his absence. 
Sebastian Smythe:
Sebastian rolled his eyes at the mention of Santana, because of course even while sick in bed Blaine would worry about his friends rather than his own well-being. After helping Blaine get his shoes off and setting them aside, Sebastian pulled the blankets up to tuck his boyfriend into bed. "Tell you what-- if you promise you'll actually try to get some rest, I'll give what's-her-face a courtesy call, okay? No rest, then no call to the devil incarnate." He gave Blaine a stern look that seemed to melt away as they made eye contact. There was no way Sebastian could actually be even remotely assertive when looking at Blaine's cute face.
He sat on the edge of the bed next to Blaine and leaned over to press a quick kiss to his forehead and another to his lips. "I'll even sweeten the deal for you here: you'll get to have me all to yourself in bed, for as long as you want. So what do you say, B? Do we have a deal?"
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine sighed softly, knowing that there was no arguing with Sebastian on the matter so it was in his and the city’s best interest to follow his orders of resting. It didn’t sound so bad anyway-- an entire night or two at home doing nothing but resting with his boyfriend at his side and pretending nothing else was going on in the world was extremely appealing. He’d deal with the consequences later. “Okay, okay, deal.” He smiled a little against Sebastian’s lips as he returned the kiss. 
“Will you just turn off my phone before you c’mere?” He asked, pulling back the covers a little and patting the spot next to him. “If we don’t, she’ll probably call me and bug me about not meeting them.” 
Sebastian Smythe:
With Sebastian satisfied with his boyfriend's answer, he made a quick call to Santana and kept the conversation short. He told her that Blaine was sick and the two could swap old lady recipes on another day. He didn't give Santana time to respond, hanging up immediately and turning off the phone. After placing it somewhere to be forgotten about, Sebastian got under the covers and snuggled up next to him.
"Better?" he asked with a smile, wrapping an arm around Blaine and bringing him in close. "Need you to get some rest, B."
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine chuckled softly to himself, knowing that Santana was probably cursing both him and Sebastian for just bailing on his Nightbird duties for the night. But...they’d managed without him before and they would again. Law enforcement was there for a reason after all. Blaine settled down into the bed, cuddling up close in Sebastian’s arms as he let his body relax, letting out a deep breath. “Mmm, much better.”
Nuzzling his face into Sebastian’s neck, Blaine hummed happily, feeling comfortable and content. This spot had become everything he believed the word “home” to feel like and it would never get old. “Love you so much.” He whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to whatever skin he could reach.
Sebastian Smythe:
Sebastian's smile only broadened when Blaine reached up to kiss him; it was obvious that Blaine was awfully tired. "I love you too-- so much," he said back in a quiet voice. With his hand resting upon Blaine's back, he rubbed up and down in a soothing fashion in hopes of lulling him to sleep.
"The sooner you sleep, the sooner you'll wake up and eat dinner… I plan on cooking up a storm while you sleep this away." Sebastian pressed a soft kiss to the top of his boyfriend's head and settled a bit more in bed; once he knew Blaine was in a deep sleep, he'd sneak out and make something for him to eat. Maybe he'd stay for just a bit longer, just to enjoy this closeness-- this amazing feeling of not wanting to be anywhere else but right here with Blaine.
Blaine Anderson:
“Mm, love when you cook.” He mumbled against Sebastian as he yawned yet another time before settling finally so he could fall asleep. “Don’t leave too soon, though.” He tightened his arms around the other. He could feel every inch of his body already beginning to relax and recharge just by being in Sebastian’s arms.
It didn’t take him much longer before he was fast asleep, his body and mind at ease and recharging from the exhausting days he’d endured.
Sebastian Smythe:
Sebastian gladly obliged; he stayed well after Blaine had drifted off to sleep. It was healing for him as well to be so close with him. Dinner and the like could wait until later since it seemed that his mere presence was the best antidote for Blaine at this moment. It was reassuring to him that just by being there for Blaine, he could actually see him feeling and getting better. Out of all the times they’d been together, it was moments like this that reassured Sebastian the most that they were both exactly where they belonged: with each other.
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