#literally paid 1.5 times the price of my order for shipping plus that bullshit
logarithmicpanda · 7 months
I hope the entirety of UPS spontaneously combust
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slimegalaxies · 7 years
So one day I received a message on Instagram asking about the prices of my slime. Now I’m already going to stop right here and say that there were two red flags here I probably shouldn’t have ignored. One, the person wasn’t even following me. Now usually I’d be fine with that, but it was also coupled with the fact that my etsy link is IN MY BIO. If you want to know my prices, you can literally design your own slime and see how much it’ll be. Now, I made the biggest mistake that I urge you all not to do. In fact, just about every action was a huge mistake and I insist that if any of you are ever in this situation, you don’t deal with it the way I did. I gave what I THOUGHT the price was. Didn’t look it up, in part because this brat would spam me with whiny messages if I was gone for more than 10 seconds. I WAY underpriced my slime, and I couldn’t just go back on what I said the price was. Plus, it was 1.5 ounces more than usual. So not only was it at LEAST a dollar under my normal price for a 4 oz container of that slime, it was waaaaay underpriced for the size it actually turned out being. And here’s where I should’ve stopped altogether and not sold them anything. (Again, desperate for money.) I decided to be nice and just accept that I had screwed myself out of money, and I made them a custom etsy listing. Well they sent me messages and tried to scam me in the most ridiculous and unintelligent way possible; telling me they had already paid for it and asking when it’d be shipped. (In two different messages.) Like man, you know I can SEE when you order something, right????? I pointed out in a quite overly sweet and borderline passive aggressive way that I hadn’t gotten anything saying the order was paid for, and that it wouldn’t be shipped until I did. At that point they backtracked and insisted they had meant to send that first message to their cousin. (Yeah, sure. At this point I very highly doubt that cousin even exists.) They supposedly then went to go ask for money, and then came back saying they couldn’t buy it because they’re poor and asking if I could send it for free. Bitch I’m poor too that’s why I don’t just give slime away. I said at the most I could possibly send a very small slime (mistake 2). They then ended up saying their “cousin” wanted to buy the slime they’d asked for in the first place. Which I’d already made, so that’s fi- … but in white. So I ended up having to make more. Plus buy more clay to make it with since I didn’t have white. Now another thing to note. They asked for a picture CONSTANTLY. Every slime I made, they wanted a picture of- in the container, out of the container, even pictures of all my containers themselves. They kept asking if I had certain containers in different sizes- like man I just sent you pictures of all my containers obviously not. Plus you don’t get to be choosey when it comes to containers. (Especially when I don’t have them???) My slime, I package it the way I want. It’s a 5.5 oz thing of slime for like 2/3 of the price it should be, why the hell are you complaining. Anyway, they also CONSTANTLY asked about EVERYTHING. Like if you have questions that’s fine, but they were already on my nerves and just infuriating me. Every 5 seconds: Hey, what do you use to make sure the slime doesn’t arrive sticky? (Nothing??? That’s literally impossible it’s hot as heck out it’s gonna get sticky no matter what you do. Unless you overactivate it at first but that’s a risk I am not willing to take.) Where do you get your containers? What do you include in your orders? (They asked that at least twice, possibly three times) What does your note say? What candy do you include? (Like man it’s supposed to be a cute surprise stop) How do you make butter slime? It stressed me out more than anything else id ever encountered. Oh, and like I mentioned, if I was gone for more than like 10 seconds I’d get bombarded with messages. “Are you done with the slime yet?” “?” “Slimegalaxies” “??” LIKE NO I’M NOT AND I’M NOT RESPONDING BECSUSE MY HANDS ARE COVERED IN GLUE
I included an extra slime out of the goodness of my heart (mistake 3) They then asked if I could include two free slimes Oh but wait! Actually can you just send samples of every slime you have? I’m poor and I’ve never had slime before
Quit it with the “I’m poor” bullshit. So am i. That’s why I’m selling slime. SELLING. IT. NOT GIVING IT AWAY.
I said no to that one and they decided to be a picky little shit and make me change the type of extra slime to send. I did it (mistake 4)
When I was finally done, they asked about the candy, then literally asked if I could send a bag of cheetos. Kid I’m not your damn parent go ask them.
Obviously I said no. So I finally got it all together, they asked for pictures of the package and even asked if I could include something else that I don’t remember rn because I’m sleepy
Finally sent it, thought my hell was over with. Well apparently once they received it, they added too much activator at once to the fishbowl slime. And some of you probably know what happens then. It falls apart. Honestly, good lmao
They also told me it’s expensive for a “lil slime” Bitch???? That’s literally 2/3 of what the price should be???? I need to actually make money here???? Plus 5.5 oz is not “lil”
So I finally thought that was done. Then just a few days ago I get a message that they somehow broke the 5.5 oz container. Just straight up told them to go get Tupperware or a sandwich bag, which they conveniently didn’t have because “I’m pooooooor!!!!!!!!” I think they just wanted a free container. Also I trusted them even less because it was now obvious the cousin didn’t exist because they had the slime.
And there’s the story of the word thing ever
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