#literally only posting about being sick these days but damn ya girl is struggling
hollandorks · 2 years
okay so I am way less sick now however I have this awful cough keeping me awake all night and not even my bestie max strength nyquil is helping
anyone have any tips?? Cough drops aren't helping (tried every flavor and brand I could get my hands on) and sleeping propped up doesn't seem to help either
edited to add: someone else suggested using an asthma inhaler, which only helps temporarily, same with honey!
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growingingreenwood · 4 years
Hey! Just wanted to pop by and ask how you where doing! Its been a while since one of my favorite writers has posted anything so I just wanted to check in. 💙
Awe thank you!!! That’s so sweet of you! Tbh I think I’m gonna hella personal with the answer to this question cause I’ve been wanting to explain what's been going on the last few months in more detail to y’all since you’ve been so kind and supportive of me!!
So check out the read more if you’re interested! I will warn you guys there will be some dark topics like depression and death of loved one’s so if that's triggering to you, please be careful with yourself if you read it!!
Hello everybody who’s decided to come take a look and read over here, I appreciate you greatly! I’m just going to dive right on in because I’m not sure how to ease into this topic lol this is going to be kind of a mess because it's like 6 am and I’ve been awake for nearing 32 hours now. 
But the past, like, 10 - 11 months have probably been the worst time of my entire life, not gonna lie. It's just been one thing after another and ya girl is so tired. 
 Since November: I put my 12 year old dog Suzy to sleep on the same day I had to write 2 finals, lost my Grandpa to an aneurysm (my last grandparent), had to live with/got guilted into staying with my suicidal aunt after his death for 2 months, kept my family from falling apart over dumb drama about the will, worked fulltime in a workplace with a manager that hated me and tried to make being there as miserable as possible WHILE I continued to go to school full time, quite that job and got a new one only to find out we were closing that location at the end of January (specifically on my birthday), had to move into a new place with my best friend because living at home wasn’t good for me anymore cause my dad gets mean when he’s depressed, got falsely accused of plagiarism in a situation that completly violated like 4 of my basic rights, got into a car accident, basically got bullied into accepting the conviction of plagiarism after fighting it for 2 months because I was doing my practicum and needed the class I was fighting the plagiarism against in order to legally do the practicum, COVID started and I’m severely immunocompromised and taking immunosuppressants similar to the one’s people get for organ transplants with lungs that are already the DEFINITION of trash, my internet friends 5 years got Covid and committed suicide, another friend I met on tumblr 8 years ago got Covid and passed away, her funeral was 3 days before my graduation, my best friend and only person I could celebrate with straight up vanished for a the entire week of my grad and then lied to my face for several days  about where she had been (she drove 8 hours to go have a Tinder hookup and stay there for like 4-5 days (Which literally put my life in serious danger), then when I got upset about that she basically gaslit me and told me I was an awful person she never wanted to talk to again, I relapsed in self harm for the first time in seven years, then I had to move back home with my parents because my ‘best friend’ continued to act irresponsibly with Covid and lie to me about it, then Lilah got really sick which was thousands of dollars I didn’t have, and now I'm trying to finish my damn degree while doing everything online, AND I can’t get a job or basically got anywhere until there's some sort of vaccine for Covid because if I get it there like a 80-85% chance that I’ll die so that fun. 
I’m sure I missed some things but that's pretty much the gist of my life this past bit. 
So right now i'm really struggling with my creativity and actually getting myself to act on creative ideas. I used to write literally everyday before bed but now I’m lucky if I can get myself to write twice or three times a month and it's INFURIATING. 
I used to be constantly creative. I used to color, write, journal, paint and post on the blog. But right now my brain is like “YOU ONLY GET ONE” and its coloring and I can’t make it let me be creative in other ways other than that & I don’t know how to fix it. 
My brain is just like 9 whirlpool’s of different disasters right now and it isn’t listening to me. 
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nightowlfandom · 5 years
Min Yoongi- More Than What We Are
REQUEST FROM PROMPT LIST- RIGHT HERE! (I also write for anime too wink wonk)
Okay so I don’t have a screenshot since this person sent me this request via the little chat message feature. If you have a request that hasn’t been posted, it’s probably in my drafts.
“Can you please do a scenario where yoongi is an idol who is having a fwb relationship with the reader but the reader wants more than fwb but Yoongi is confused with his feelings. You can end it as you like add a little bit of angst and smut. ;) 1, 15, 23, 89 Thank you. :) “
1- How miserable must i be before you’re satisfied.
15- We can’t all be a perfect pretty boy popstar
23- It was foolish of me to think you could ever want a relationship with me, forget it
89- Me? A jerk?...I didn’t know you felt that way...I’m-
Okay so if you didn’t know FWB means “Friends With Benefits”
Also I’m going to be posting a music playlist of songs I like to jam to while i write soon...as soon as I don’t get lazy and...ya ALSO YOU GUYS BETTER LOVE THIS ONE BECAUSE IT GAVE ME HELL TO SAVE AND POST.
You and Yoongi both fell back onto the bed. You took in a huge breath before exhaling with a little laugh. Yoongi let out an audible groan, followed by a few curses. You sat up in bed, looking down at him, who was still trying to breathe in a little.
“You okay there?” you asked, brushing your hair out of your face.
“Shit.” he smirked, biting his lip. “Yeah I’m good. I’m just-” Yoongi didn’t finish speaking. “Damn.”
As much as you wanted to be happy in this instance...you couldn’t. Yoongi would soon get up from your bed, look for his clothes, then leave. It was a cycle. A cycle that you wanted to break, however you had some trobules doing that.
“It looks like it’s about to rain.” you commented, staring outside your window. Before you could continue, you heard a crash of thunder. “Correction...it’s raining.”
“Yeah, I’d better go.” he slipped his pants on.
“You know you could chill for a bit, it isn’t gonna kill you.” you mumbled. You made sure he couldn’t see you roll your eyes.
“...You know why I can’t do that.” he said, totally oblivious to your tone.
“I’m aware.” you mumbled.
“See you later Y/N.” he winked as he exited your room, still in the midst of putting his shirt on.
“...Yeah...” you sighed. “See you later.” you mumbled, staring outside the window. The rain was your only companion now. You wondered if other girls had to go through this shit show.
Yoongi wasn’t your boyfriend, you wouldn’t even go as far as to say you two were really good friends. You were basically who he came to when he had a rough day, a terrible break-up, or was feeling lonely. You didn’t want to say “friends with benefits” absolutely not.The word ‘benefit’ would imply that you were also getting something from this sad excuse of a relationship, but in real life? All you got to do was make Yoongi feel better when he was upset then end up being a notch in his bedpost. At least that’s how it felt
It wouldn’t be that bad, if he didn’t treat you like he didn’t know these emotions were going through your head.
“Whatcha doin?” you peeked over Yoongi’s shoulder as he hunched over his writing pad.
“I’m having trouble.” he sighed. “Trying to write.” he shook his head, throwing his pen down. “So what do you feel like doing?”
“I dunno.” you shrugged. “What about you? We could go out somewhere?”
“Nah, that wouldn’t work” he shook his head.
“Why not?” you raised an eyebrow. “You asked me a question and I answered.”
“Y/N you know why...” Yoongi looked at you with a weird look.
“Wow, so now we can’t get food without it being a problem?” you rolled your eyes standing up straight.
“We said no dates Y/N...” Yoongi sighed, standing up as well. “Dates would insinuate that we’re together.”
“First of all friends can go out and get food together. Or is that concept too foreign to you?” you huffed.
“For us it’s different. Especially since you know how I am about catching feelings for people.” Yoongi waved you off. “Especially you.” he mumbled, however you were too in your own head to hear that part.
“Oh so having feelings for me is suddenly a negative thing?” you laughed, rolling your eyes.
“I don’t know why you’re so upset right now.” Yoongi argued, making you roll your eyes. 
“If you don’t understand then we have nothing to talk about.” you turned away. “It’s above me.”
“Y/N-” Yoongi sighed. “You know what I mean. You know what would happen if we start getting to close.”
“You act like it’s a bad thing.” you scoffed. “Maybe for you it’s a negative. We’ve already got past the awkward fucking stage to just casual fucking-”
“Y/N we talked about this-”
“No, you talked and I listened to you drone on about how we can have the sex, without the relationship to avoid any confusion well you know that....I may have made a mistake but you know what-”
“Then why haven’t you cut things off with me if you had such an issue?” he glared, making you cross your arms.
“I loved you too much to cut you off...it was foolish of me to think you could ever want a relationship with me.” 
“How do you know what I want?” he asked accusingly. 
“If all you see me as if your fuck buddy then you obviously don’t see me as anything more!” you replied, crossing your arms. “You’ve made it very clear that your only interest in me is to-”
“You don’t know what I see you as, Y/N” Yoongi calmed down.
“Wel you wanna know what I see you ask? A selfish jerk who has no idea when he’s playing with people’s feelings.”
“Me?...You think I’m a jerk? I...I didn’t know you felt that way.”
“Well guess what, that’s not all you don’t know. Yoongi you have two options, make up your mind or find a new toy. If being in a relationship is such an issue for you then maybe this friendship isn’t going to work out if all you gain from it is seeing me naked.” you whipped around, grabbing your purse off the table before stomping out the door.
.... (Two weeks later)
“What the fuck was that bullshit?!” Yoongi followed you into your apartment. He hadn’t shut up since you drove the both of you home. Yoongi had gotten kicked out of the bar. Why? Well, you were supposed to be on a date with a kind and sweet guy from your friends job who she thought you’d like, but apparently Yoongi had saw you two and went mad. It went a little something like-
“So anyways, there I am literally running and my sisters are laughing their asses off still wearing those creepy ghost costumes.” your date tried to contain himself from laughing. You were struggling to keep it all in and he told his story. You were were at a bar-club, one of your favorite chill spots.
“You’re kidding!!” you hugged your sides to try to keep from laughing.
“I swe-...Hey...are you alright? You seem like you’re thinking about a lot.” he commented, setting his drink down.
“No... it’s just.” you sighed. “I just got out of this major situation, or should I say ‘shit-uation’.” you sighed, shaking your head.”Maybe I’m still in it since I had left his house without another word.”
“Is it a guy?” he asked thoughtfully, making you nod your head. “Ah, still not over him?”
“No, it’s not that.” you shook your head. “He’s just very confusing and right...behind you?” you trailed off. Yoongi locked eyes with you and he didn’t look pleased as he stomped towards you and your date.
“Y/N, who the fuck is this?”
“My date, is there an issue?!” you asked with just as much, if not more venom.
You didn’t have time to register Yoongi starting an argument with your date followed by him dragging you out of the bar.
(end of flashback)
“I should be asking you the same thing!” you fired. “You literally ruined my date!”
“So you think you can just go and get all casual with some fucker so quickly?!?” he crossed his arms. “You had me worried sick! You didn’t call me for two weeks Y/N!!!”
“I never said I didn’t want to be with you! I said I had some things to work out! Why would you want to go on a date with that asshole anyways!?!.”
“Oh so any guy that shows a genuine interest in me is now an asshole. That’s real rich Yoongi!”you snapped. “And you never once said you had things to work out!”
“He’s obviously some douchebag, have you seen the way he dresses!”
“Well, we can’t all be some perfect pretty boy popstar! So let me get this straight. You don’t want to be with me, but you also don’t want to be with anyone else. JUST HOW MISERABLE MUST I BE BEFORE YOU’RE SATISFIED!?” you snapped. “Why I ever let myself fall for you, I will never know.” you said. No, you weren’t going to cry. You weren’t going to let him see you sad or mopey. 
You were fed up. You didn’t care if this ended with Yoongi walking out that door and never speaking to you again anymore. “I gave up so much to make you happy, to make sure you were always laughing even if it meant crying myself to sleep after you left...I was your stupid shoulder to cry on your stupid cheerleader your special friend.” you said, crossing your arms. “....and I’m not gonna do it anymore.” you spat.
“So.” you cut him off. “Do you...or do you not...want to be in a relationship with me?”
“You...have ten second to answer my question before I kick you out...I can’t keep doing this with you!” you began, scratching behind your ear.. “I wo-”
“Yes! Yes, I do want to be with you!” he cut you off. “I can’t stand being away from you, seeing you with that guy just drove me insane tha-.”
“I don’t believe you, I don’t believe that you’re serious.” you replied.
“Then tell me how to make you believe me!” his voice wavered. You had never heard that from him before, but it didn’t mean you automatically believed him.
“Prove it to me.” you crossed your arms. “Prove to me that you know me outside of-....are you even listening to me?”
Yoongi looked deep in thought, like he was trying to find a way to reply.
“Your favorite colors are (insert top 3 favorite colors). Your favorite korean food is black bean noodles. One time Namjoon tried to prank you by switching your sweet and sour pork with spicy pork.” he began. 
“What?” you were taken aback at his reply. How did he know this?
“You scratch your ear when you’re about to lie. You ran away from a small dog one time because Hoseok told you that they hated the smell of that perfume you always wear when in reality it just wanted some of of the sauce you had spilled on your pants.” he began, which caught you way off guard.
“Yoongi...stop.” you began choking on your words, mainly from confusion.
“You stay up late writing for your blog and playing video games.”
“How did you know I have a blog?” you slowly asked. “I haven’t anyone about that.”
“Who do you think sends you asks everyday.“ he hid a smirk rising on his face. You were taken aback.
“S-so...you’re ‘UndercoverCoolGuy’ “ you said, filled with partial horror. “That’s embarrassing...”
“Mhm” he nodded. “You’ve always loved coffee cold brewed. Your favorite sweets are cookies. You scrunch your nose up and flare your nostrils when you’re thinking hard about something. You talk in your sleep sometimes.”
“How do you know?” you suddenly asked.
“Sometimes, I’ll sneak back in and watch you, just to make sure your sleeping well.” he confessed, his cheeks turning pink. “You enjoy dancers more than singers and rappers. You have to sleep with the fan on, you organize your clothes when you go shopping.” he continued. 
 “The reason I didn’t want to catch feelings for you wasn’t because...I don’t deserve you.I don’t deserve to be loved by you, to be treated well by you.” he sighed. “Like you said I’m just some pretty boy pop-star. Girls only like me because of my talents, my looks even but they don’t care about me.” he continued. “You have men dying to be with you, always ogling at you and asking you out, any one of them would be better than me. Anyone of them would be better for you than me. Even when I tried to push you away you still fell back in-”
“Shut up...” you finally said...”Just stop talking.” You didn’t need another word. You didn’t need to hear anything else. You threw your arms around Yoongi’s torso, pulling him into a hug.  “Yoongi, you’re crying.” you chuckled a little.
“I am not!” he denied, touching his face and wiping his cheeks. “I’m just...sweaty. Shut up and come here.” he mumbled, pulling you back into his arms. “Stay the night with me”
“WOAH!” You had shot up, looking frantically around. You inhaled sharply, running a hand through your hair. Your head was pounding at the onslaught of emotions.
“Hey...You alright?” A groggy Yoongi grabbed your attention. You looked at the clock next to your bed. 3:47AM. “What’s wrong?”
“W-wow...” you sighed. “just a bunch of weird thoughts...going through my head.” you sighed, “Very confusing.”
You felt a kiss on your shoulder, hearing Yoongi laugh. “Hm, wanna talk about it?”
“Just about everything.” you raised an eyebrow. You shook your head at Yoongi’s weird expression. 
“What?” he raised an eyebrows. “Like about...us?” he chuckled, wrapping his arms around you. “I told you-”
“I mean you also did say that there are men dying to be with me and that I don’t deserve you.” you giggled, you stuck your tongue out at him.
“Oh really?” he chuckled, pecking your lips. “You are weird sometimes, but...I like it.” You threw your arms around Yoongi’s torso, pulling him into a hug. You grabbed Yoongi’s shirt collar and pulled him towards you. You kissed Yoongi, throwing your arms around his neck. “But I meant every word, I half expected you to laugh in my face and leave.”
Yoongi wasted no time in wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to his body. Maybe this was a little different, but Yoongi has never kissed you like this before. He tangled you hair in his hands, running his fingertips through each strand. His other hand caressed your cheek. You tried to pull back to breathe a little but he pulled you back into his lips, moaning almost pleadingly as if he needed your lips on his, not that you minded.
You were yanked onto Yoongi’s lap just as you began to pull his shirt over his head. His body was warm, and heaving. His hands creeped under your shirt, but stopped. “No...we’re gonna do this right.”
Yoongi suddenly pinned you down onto your back, crashing his mouth over yours again. “I’m taking care of you from now on.” he whispered against your lips. “I’m gonna take you out every damn day, stay with you every fucking night, tend to your every needs needs...starting with-”
“Don’t say it.” you cut him off. “Yoongi you know how I feel about word and you know good and well that if you say it that I’ll-.”
“I’m gonna start with taking care of that sweet little pussy. “He cut you off with a sinister sounding chuckle. “What’s wrong Y/N...You don’t want me to tell you I’m gonna take care of that sweet. little. pussy? “ he cooed. “It’s the least i can do for making you wait so long.”
”You’re so vulgar!” you covered your face. His hands creeped under your clothes.
“Hm, I always am.” he laughed, yanking your jeans off. “Fuck, you better buckle up Y/N.”
“Um...what exactly are you planning.”
“Nothing much...it’s just gonna get messy.” he winked, yanking your panties down too. “For me anyways. So you’re gonna sit back and enjoy it”
Oh...oh shit was he gonna-
You were cut off by a lewd water sound echoing through the room, along with a huge shiver skyrocketing up your spine. You looked down to find Yoongi with his lips clasped to your clit. He must’ve noticed you looking because he began lashing his tongue against your hot flesh, flicking up your slit with each pass of his mouth.
Now he had never done that before.
You gripped onto the bed sheet, trying to stay quiet. You’re silent cries only urged Yoongi to make his movements more...well urgent. Yoongi once again, being the vulgar man he was sucked on your clit more harshly, this time moaning into your heat, just to send vibrations back down your spine. You felt his fingers slide into your tight hole, beginning to thrust into you.
“You’re so dirty.” you cried, almost arching into your back. “Smug B-bastard.”
“No I’d say the opposite. You on the other hand.” he chuckled. “It’s dripping down my chin.” he moaned. You watched as he licked his fingers. “But it’s dripping even more down your leg.”
“Stop it.” you covered your face, feeling your cheeks heat up intensely. “So vulgar.” you whined as Yoongi crawled over you, making sure to trail his togue over every slope of your skin.
“But you like it though.” he winked. “I’m not done with you yet.” he growled, hooking his arms around each of your thighs and yanking you closer to him. 
“So uh...be honest with me. What’s the probability I’ll be able to walk in the morning.” you asked. 
“Slim to none” he answered, yanking off his sweats.
“Thought so...” you replied, just as Yoongi pinned your arms over your head.
“I love you Y/N.” he mumbled before he took all of you.
(Lowkey have the urge to do some tsundere stuff....I dunno yet. Bro this was so hard to write I hope the request was what the ask wanted.)
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hispeculiartreasure · 5 years
All We’ve Got is Time - Chapter Three | B.B.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
AU: If They’d Survived/Post-War/Window Washer!Bucky Barnes
Rating: Teen | Due to language
Word count: 2,930
Chapter 3/24
Warnings: Very brief language
AN: Y’all are getting this chapter a night early because I have had a supremely shitty week and could use some cheering up. So far, this has been the chapter I was most nervous to write because it’s from Bucky’s POV. I have felt so incredibly unworthy of trying to delve into this character because so many fantastic writers I know and love write him flawlessly. It’s been so intriguing for me to explore what Bucky would be like post-war and I think I’m liking where this is going. This chapter has actually turned into one of my favorites and I’m proud of how it came out. Sidenote: Did y’all REALLY think I was going to write something completely void of Steve Rogers???? If you did, you don’t know me that well 😉
Chapter Two
Series Masterlist
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Mondays usually were accompanied by drowsiness and wistful thoughts of a weekend passed.
Not for Bucky.
For Bucky, Monday meant he could return to a life where he blends in, where he gets to be the one who observes everyone else. Washing windows is not what he wants for the rest of his life, but for now it felt good to be doing something useful, to have tangible results in front of him everyday. Monday morning means having someplace to be, a set schedule for his day, someone counting on him, and quiet stretches of time alone and away from the worried eyes of his family members.
The pitying glances over breakfast were becoming a bit much for him. Bucky loved his family to death, wouldn’t trade them for the world. But for all their ability to give him space to figure his life out, they sure were clueless that he was keenly aware of the way they looked at him, the way they spoke to him. He doesn’t really blame them, he wouldn’t know how to handle himself either. Most days he pastes on a smile, tells them not to worry, he’d be back on his feet soon. Maybe if he said it enough times, he’d actually believe it too.
Unfortunately Monday also meant dealing with the rest of the boneheaded window washing crew. He was constantly reminding himself to go easy on them, they were just kids. But nothing made him more aware of his age and veteran status than being around them. Compared to their carefree countenances, he realized how much he’d been through, how much he’d seen, how much he’d survived. He should be grateful they were able to be total idiots instead of being shipped off to war. But most days he was tempted to share the number of his confirmed kills so they would leave him alone.
Bucky scales down the building, wind tousling his hair as he looks up to count how many floors he’s finished.
That makes this. . . six.
He peers through the window, pretending to be checking the glass. Scanning the office, he doesn’t see you - his disappointment surprising him.
In the week in which he’d been working on the east side of the building he’d seen you every single day. The way you carried yourself was what first caught his eye - you were confident, poised, not demanding attention but not morphing into a wallflower. You cared about your work, always looking intense and focused. And you saw him. Not in the way people usually saw him - as a figure in the window, someone to be ignored and walked past. In the smallest of ways you were kind to him. You waved every single day, always had time to spare him a smile. There was something about you that was calming. Granted, your interactions were minimal and nonverbal. But you didn’t make him nervous. Which was a rare occurrence these days.
Something in him just wasn’t working lately. Every girl he took dancing, he stepped on her toes. Try to share a meal, he couldn’t find anything to chat about. Dating was easier before he left. Or maybe everything had gotten harder since he’d returned home.
He’d be lying to himself if he didn’t admit it. Bucky knew he’d changed, he just hadn’t realized how much. Steve had echoed the sentiment a few nights ago.
Reluctantly, Bucky had allowed his idiot friend and Peggy to drag him to a bar after dinner - how the times had changed. It wasn’t one of their old haunts from before the war. Neither Bucky nor Steve could handle the cacophony of noise a club filled with energetic people brought. They bumped into several groups of those kinds of people, including a raucous group of slightly inebriated young women. Suddenly they felt old, weary, uneasy in a place where they used to belong. Or at least where Bucky used to belong, Steve always argued.
This place was quiet, refined even. Conversations were at a dull murmur while a band played casually. No one was here to drunkenly drown their sorrows or celebrate being alive wildly. Almost like everyone here knew the patrons just needed a rest.
“You realize you two don’t have to invite me on all your date nights, right?” Bucky huffed as the three settled at a table near the back.
Peggy smiled coyly.  “Don’t worry, James. You aren’t welcome for the entire night.” Steve choked on his drink, coughing violently while his ears burned pink. Bucky’s response had been something along the lines of “gross”.
After the usual chit-chat, Steve had waited for Peggy to excuse herself to refresh their drinks before broaching the subject.
“Doing okay, pal?”
“I’m fine,” Bucky responded, rolling the last sip of his whiskey in its glass.
“You sure?”
Bucky recognized that voice. Eyes flicking back to Steve’s guilty face, his suspicions were confirmed. “Alright, who’s been in your ear this time? Ma? Becca?”
“I’ve got my own eyes and ears.” Steve waited a beat before adding, “But your ma did mention-” Bucky groaned, not hearing the rest of the sentence. “Don’t be like that. They just care about you, Buck.”
“I know,” he snapped. Then he repeated quietly, “I know.”
“You’ve been dragging a lot. Gotta admit you haven’t been yourself.”
Bucky leaned back, leveling Steve with a hard look. “To tell you the truth, Steve? I don’t know who I am. Nothing that mattered to me before means anything anymore. Once I got to Europe. . . I stopped making plans. Didn’t seem to be much use in dreaming about things that I’d never come home to. But then you, being the punk you are, saved my ass countless times - even caught me falling off a damn train - and somehow I’m back in New York. I didn’t plan on having a 29th birthday or hugging my family again.” He idly scratched at an itchy patch of his beard. “Yet here we are.”
“We’re all lucky to be alive, Buck.”
“But for what?” Silence hung thick in the air at Bucky’s question.
“You know. . .” Steve started, then paused. “I do know where you’re coming from.”
“Don’t try to sell me that bullshit. You’re literally a god-damn hero. There are comic books written about you, movies carrying your name, and you have job security for the rest of your life. You had dinner at the White House on your birthday and bagged a kickass partner in crime. If that’s not purpose, what is?”
Steve had the nerve to look embarrassed. “It may be purposeful. . . but it’s not normal. You know better than anyone else that all I wanted was to do my part in the fight. To say I got more than I bargained for is an understatement.” Bucky could only respond with a snort. “But none of us thought I’d survive the scarlet fever, the arrhythmia, or the anaemia. I was lucky to make it as long as I did. The chances of me surviving the serum injection were laughably low.”
Memories of many days spent at Steve’s bedside float over the table, somehow sobering Bucky even more. “But each year was a surprise. My ma would’ve called it a blessing. I never knew what to do with myself, especially when the war started and I was the only man not being shipped off. . . I was desperate to feel normal. What I got was a hard swing in the other direction.” Steve’s eyes shifted to Peggy at the bar, a whisper of a smile on his lips. “I’m grateful for it, don’t get me wrong. But sometimes I wouldn’t hate it if I had ended up with a stable job, a calm life, and a happy home.
“So I get it. Purpose, normalcy. . . we’re all struggling to find what we lost the last few of years.” Steve clasped Bucky’s shoulder, “But Ma taught me that we always have to stand back up. I don’t care if I have to drag you to your feet, Buck, we’ll get you back up. Whatever we have to do to make it happen.” Bucky knew the stubborn fool in front of him wasn’t going to let him wallow much longer. The tables had turned harshly.
Peggy returned to her seat with three drinks in hand, instantly catching on to the shift in mood that had happened during her absence. Misty-eyed, Steve and Bucky cleared their throats and shifted in their seats.
“And while the pair of you are gallivanting around saving the world, I’m washing windows and living with my family, who don’t know what to do with me.” Bucky had meant it as a joke, but it came out much more bitter than intended.
“Still haven’t heard back from the VA?” Bucky just shook his head at Steve’s question, tossing his drink back in one gulp. “You know you’ll always have a job waiting for you at the SSR as long as me and Peggy are there.”
“Eh, that’s not the kind of normal I’m looking for.”
“What are you looking for?” Peggy asks softly, even gently, for her.
“Guess that’s the million dollar question, huh? A coupla years ago, all I cared about was having a good time and getting through school. Dancing with pretty dames. Maybe get hitched, have some kids.”
“And now?” Peggy prompts in a way that allowed no room for a vague answer.
“I wish I could tell ya, Peg. I really do.”
Peggy’s voice echoed in his mind again.
And now?
Bucky shakes that night from his mind, still not spying you anywhere in the office. Deciding you were either taking a late lunch or were sick, he gets on with his job. Halfway through cleaning the window he notices someone sit at your desk, which was strange. You’ve kept your workplace meticulously tidy since the first day he saw you - surely you wouldn’t appreciate this. Out of the corner of his eye he kept track of the stranger’s movements as he continues to work. Part of him wants to tell the lady to buzz off for you, another part of him can’t wait to watch you take down the person scrambling up your desk, the other part of him. . . . is definitely attracted to the Desk Invader.
He only catches glimpses of her during his task and her chair is angled away from him to tend to a filing cabinet adjacent to her desk, so he can’t see her face. But Bucky could tell she was graceful. Ruby red nails carded through the mounds of files, curled hair shined in its rolled-back fashion. Her dress was a bold blue - and fit in all the right places if he let his mind wander.
Right when he was getting desperate for a look at her, she swivels her chair back to the desk - revealing half of her face. Fine powder, bright red lipstick, nothing he hasn’t seen his sister don at the beginning of her day.
She’s made up like every other girl he’s seen pass through the office. Well, not every girl. You seemed to prefer a utilitarian approach to your appearance, which he didn’t ha--
And then the stranger turns fully towards the window, smiles, and waves at him.
It was you.
Is that actually her?
Bucky leans back in his rigging and takes you in fully. Yeah, looks like the utilitarian approach was out. In was a dame on-trend and truly pulling it off. Before you were beautiful, charming. Now? With the makeup only serving to highlight your features? You were stunning. Shaking his head, he can feel the heat in his cheeks with the realization that he’s been ogling you while you watch. Your smile falters, shoulders drop ever-so-slightly. Not very gentlemanly of you, Barnes.
Bucky touches his own face and hair, raising a brow. Making it obvious that he was looking you up and down, he quirks his head to the side in question.
You roll your eyes so far into your head, a chuckle escapes from him. After a surreptitious glance over your shoulder at the rest of the bullpen, you point towards the office he assumes belongs to your supervisor. He nods. Quickly, but clearly, you raise a certain finger in the direction of the office door.
A laugh emanates from deep in his chest, Bucky’s shoulders heaving. He can’t remember the last time he’s laughed hard enough that his eyes are forced shut. When he opens them again, a similar smile is echoed on your face, definitely pleased with his reaction. You’re sassy. He likes that.
With a remnant of a easygoing-Bucky he’d almost forgotten about, he sticks out his lower lip appreciatively while nodding towards you. Accompanied by a wide grin, he knows you’ve gotten his point. You look good.
You duck your head, but he catches the smile you aim toward your lap. A little something stirs in his chest.
And now?
Then and there, he decides he’s going to allow himself to be impulsive.
Just this once.
Bucky knows for certain he has never completed his job so quickly -and probably never as sloppily. He checks his watch as he smooths down his hair. Just as planned, he’s finished earlier than usual - much to the confusion of the rest of the window washers. After stashing his supplies in the outdoor service closet designated for his team he rounds the building, the front entrance being his destination. The remainder of the team was still cleaning several floors up.
From above Bucky hears his boss shout, “Where you going, Barnes?”
“Don’t worry about it, Harrison,” he shouts back. “I finished. Got something to take care of.”
“You better be here early tomorrow!”
Tucking the tail of his shirt into his slacks, he favors the stairs for the elevator as he climbs to the sixth floor and is met with a giant bullpen of desks and offices.
That’s when it registers exactly how many women work in this office - funny how he hadn’t noticed before you walked in. He’s become accustomed to having little attention paid to him due to the nature of his job but now at least a dozen sets of cat-eye-lined eyes are set on his every movement.
Oh boy.
Trying to be as nondescript as possible he begins to head to your desk when the abrupt clearing of a throat stops him. Sitting at a huge desk immediately in front of the elevator is the most intimidating woman he’s ever seen. Tall and rail-thin, her features seem to be pulled tight with the fastidious bun resting at the nape of her neck. A gold sign affixed to the front of the desk reads: M. Flannery, Office Manager.
“May I help you. . . sir?” Scrutinizing him behind thick-framed glasses, she somehow dons an expression that makes her more severe.
“Umm. . . I’m just looking for someone. . . ma’am.”
“May I inquire who it is you have business with?”
He waves a hand, warding her away from the chock-full appointment book she was reaching for. “No, I don’t have an appointment or anythin’ like that.”
“Then what exactly is the reason you are here?”
“There’s a typist I was hoping to speak with.”
“What is her name?”
“Umm, I- we’ve only exchanged pleasantries. I was hoping to catch her name today.”
Mrs. Flannery hums disapprovingly.
“I know where her desk is,” he points to the furthest corner of the office, “she had on a blue dress today. Can I pop over there and say hello?”
“I am afraid unauthorized persons are not allowed past the front desk.” An argument bubbles in him, but he swallows it down after her stern gaze tells him that it was a lost battle.
“. . . Could you ask her to meet me out here, then?”
“The woman you are looking for has already left for the day.”
“Oh.” All his nervous energy deflates and the letdown weighs heavy in his gut. He turns to leave when Mrs. Flannery speaks again.
“You may leave a note with me and I will deliver it to her when she arrives in the morning.”
“I would appreciate that, thank you, ma’am.” He looks down at his empty hands, then scratches the back of his neck. “Got a pad and pen I could use?” She sighs heavily, as if his request is the most inconvenient part of her day. Once she shoves the utensils in his direction, he stares at the paper. In the heat of his impulsivity he hoped he’d see you and know exactly what to say. Now the blank page mocks him. Mrs. Flannery’s pointer finger taps on the desk, urging him to hurry up.
Bucky glances up at the office manager again. “I’m guessing I can’t convince you to give me her name, huh?”
“I am not in the habit of giving out young women’s personal information to every dandy that walks in. I will make sure it gets to the girl in the blue dress.”
Becoming increasingly uncomfortable under her gaze, he scribbles the only thing he could think of and folds the paper twice. Holding out the note Bucky asks, “For her eyes only, ma’am?”
Mrs. Flannery’s eyes narrow as she takes the note from him. “I am offended at the implication that I would violate the privacy of a person’s correspondence.” With an upturned nose she swivels away from Bucky, promptly dismissing him.
“Thank you, ma’am.”
With a spring in his step he returns to the stairwell, whistling a happy tune; purposefully ignoring the room of women still watching his every move.
Chapter Four
@abovethesmokestacks @barnesrogersvstheworld @ursulaismymiddlename @moderapoppins @lookwhatyoumademequeue @crazinessgraveyardsandcartoons @thinkwritexpress-official @fearless2tobeme @laneygthememequeen @past-perfect-future-tense @drhughgrection @wildsageleon @promarvelfangirl @connorshero @the-canary @anditwasjustus @p3nny4urth0ught5 @just-add-butter @katiemarks1942 @usernamemingmei @thorfanficwriter @blueskiesbleakeyes @silverwing2522 @satansmushroom @nerd-without-a-cause @firewolf-marvels @reginaphlanageadams @kiliakit @forsaken-letters @bouquet-o-undercaffeinated-roses @hiddles-rose @part-time-patronus @biavastarr @ellaenchanted91 @ihopeyousteponarosepetal @thisismysecrethappyplace @palaiasaurus64 @fanfic-diaries @fangirlfictionmain 
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Lunacy Fringe (Chapter 16)
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Now this story is complete and I’m just posting these chapters for you, I’m re-reading Let The Flames Begin so I can get in the right headspace for the sequel.
For some reason, I’m starting to struggle juggling life stuff with my writing and also my art. I’m usually okay with kind of having certain times for certain shit but lately, I feel like I have no free time at all. I’m trying to organise my shit again so I can get back to everything being stress-free and not pulling my fucking hair out.
A week had passed and Zoey was now home. She had been feeling much better but Denise wanted to keep her in a little longer to check she would be fine. Now she had the all-clear and she was finally home. Daryl hadn’t left her side at the infirmary, almost reverting back to how protective he used to be when she first got there. He refused to speak to anyone and hadn't left the room unless it was to get her food or to take a fucking piss. Other than that he was right by her side and slept in the bed with her. He was needy, very needy and even Zoey noticed the shift in him. He had almost lost her, he had come so close to losing her like all the others he had lost and it scared the shit out of him. This new world was a fickle bastard and things could change with a blink of an eye. He had been feeling happy and then it all changed. As much as he had some hope now that things were getting better, he still had that deep fear in his bones now. He had thought she was safe inside the walls, and she was when it came to the dead or people. But not things like this. Anything could happen. An accident, illness, so much bullshit that could take her away from him.
She had been home a day and Daryl had not let her leave the house. He had refused any visitors too when Carol or Maggie ended up at their door wanting to see her. Rick was worried, it was like going back in time only this time it seemed even worse. Zoey was sat on the bed with a book but she couldn't focus on it. She knew Daryl meant well but she was starting to feel like a prisoner. She wanted to leave, to walk around in the fresh air, to speak to those she had grown close to. But he flat out refused for to her leave. She had gotten dressed feeling up to leaving the house today but when she asked Daryl to come with her to see Carol he said no. He told her they were staying in and his tone made it quite clear he wasn't joking. She didn’t like this, feeling trapped. He was so on edge she felt nervous about arguing with him and just as he reverted back to his old ways, so did she. She felt more anxious now, like she’d took a few steps back and was now the meek girl that was too scared to say anything to anyone.
She wasn't that girl though, not anymore, and she knew that deep down. She wasn't about to be locked away like this, not again. She knew he didn't mean any harm by it but she needed to fix this before it all got out of control. She set the book down and walked downstairs. Daryl was in the kitchen cleaning. He had spent the day cleaning the house from top to bottom with bleach and she hated the smell, it reminded her of a hospital. She knew her being sick had really done a number on him.
“I’m going to see Carol,” she called out, her voice firm as she started to walk to the front door. She heard his heavy boots hitting the floor behind her when he suddenly grabbed her wrist, turning her to face him. His face was like thunder and she swallowed thickly as she braced herself for what she knew was coming.
“Like fuck ya leavin’ the house. Get upstairs and rest,” he demanded roughly, making her bristle at his tone. She had to remind herself he was acting this way because he was scared. He loved her, he had told her as much and he had almost lost her. That didn't mean she had to lay down and take his bullshit though. She needed to show him this wasn't okay. He clearly wasn't thinking straight.
“No. I’m going out,” she countered, standing up a little taller as she looked at him defiantly. He clenched his jaw and growled as he let her arm go, standing up taller himself almost like he was trying to assert dominance over her. As much as she liked him taking care of her and being dominant, pushing her about wasn't going to fucking happen. Never again would she let a man treat her that way. She was stronger now.
“I ain’t gon’ ask ya again. If I have to carry ya up those damn stairs I will,” he threatened as he glared at her. It was getting harder to remind herself why he was acting this way, she just knew she didn't like it.
“I’m not your prisoner Daryl. I’m a person. I can do what I want when I want and right now I want to leave. You’re fucking suffocating me!” she yelled, her frustration pouring out of her. She watched his face as it fell and he took a step back, the lightbulb flicking on for a brief moment on how he was making her feel. She saw clearly the second the mask slipped back in place though and he clenched his fists by his side.
“Ya think I’mma just let ya out there to get sick again? Or for somethin’ else to happen?!” he shouted, chest starting to heave as his emotions weighed heavy on him. He didn't want her to feel that way but he couldn't control how he was feeling either. He couldn't stop the desperate fear that was clawing at him that he would lose her and his sanity may have been lapsing just a little.
“You can't wrap me in cotton wool forever Daryl. How the hell do you think I feel every time you leave the walls? Putting yourself in bad situations where anything could happen? I don't ever make you stay here though, do I?” she asked, shaking her head at him. She didn’t know how to get through to him and she really wanted to talk to Carol or Rick about it. Daryl started pacing, his fists clenching and unclenching by his sides as he started to unravel in front of her. Deep down he knew what he was doing was shitty of him, especially after she just told him she felt like a prisoner. He knew what she had been through, he knew he shouldn't be making her feel that way. But the stronger part of him was fighting to keep her here with him and only him. It was the only way to really make sure she was safe, that nothing would happen to her. He hated that she was right. Every time he left it was clear she was terrified and didn't want him to leave but she never kept him here. She most definitely didn't refuse to let him leave like he was doing to her.
“Get upstairs Zoey,” he demanded, his voice rough and low as he looked at her with his jaw set. Her nostrils flared a little in annoyance as she glared right back.
“I said no,” she refused, glaring at him.
“Get yer ass up the damn stairs!” He yelled, agitated by her refusal to just do as he fucking asked so he could keep her safe.
“I said no!” she yelled back, hating how he was talking to her.  
He rushed at her, ready to throw her over his damn shoulder and haul her ass back up to the bedroom when suddenly the room filled with a resounding smack as her hand collided with his cheek. He stepped back, shock all over his face as his hand came to his now stinging cheek after she literally smacked some sense into him. She blinked at him, hands shaking and her chest heaving. She hadn't meant to smack him so hard, or at all really. But he knew better than to do this to her after the shit she had been through. She had been scared, actual fear running through her.
“Don’t you ever try to manhandle me like that again,” she growled, her venomous tone shocking him and making his heart ache. The look she was giving him was the most painful thing he had ever endured. He saw how upset she was with him and he also saw the fear. He wanted to kick his own ass for putting that look on her face. He lowered his head, tears breaking free as he shook his head. The real emotions breaking through the mask of coldness and the anger. The emotions that were seared into his heart from the very moment Rick had told him his girl was sick and he wouldn't be able to see her.
“I can’t… I can’t lose ya… I don’t…” he lamented, not able to get his words out as he crumbled in front of her.
Her fear subsided as she watched him breaking down, once again remembering why he was acting this way. She still wasn't impressed with him though but she did feel bad for him.
“I get it. I know you’re scared Daryl. How do you think I feel every time you leave the walls? Or when Maggie told me you’d gone to an overrun pharmacy without so much as a goodbye? I know you’re not used to dealing with this kind of stuff but I’m not gonna stand here and be made to be a prisoner all over again. Not from you,” she frowned, her voice cracking at the end as her own tears threatened to fall. He looked at her through his hair and her heart ached at how sad he was. The shame that was radiating from him. He sniffled and wiped his eyes and she stepped forward wanting to comfort him but he took a step back and shook his head. He didn't feel like he had the right to touch her, to be comforted by her after how he had behaved. He knew everything she had been through yet he had lost his grip on reality for a brief moment. He had scared her and he hated himself for it.
He felt the anger building up at a rapid rate and Zoey watched carefully as he yelled out in frustration, turning around and kicking the coffee table. The noise made her flinch but she wasn't scared of him. She knew this wasn't directed at her, she knew he was angry at himself. He stormed into the kitchen, rage and fury pouring out of him as he started trashing the place. Throwing chairs, plates, anything he could get his hands on. She rushed over with wide eyes, grabbing his arm. He whirled around to face her, a complete mess as the wave of intense sadness overtook him. She wrapped her arms around him, stroking his hair as he buried his face into her neck and cried like a small boy. He would hate himself later for it but right now he couldn't even get a reign on himself. He felt so many fucking things, none of them good and he didn't know how to deal with it.
She held him for a little bit as he just cried and cried, stroking his hair trying to soothe him. It was hard to witness him like this, so out of control and not being able to do a thing to help him. She heard a knock at the door and she tensed a little. She had a good feeling who it would be after the racket Daryl just made. She moved away a little, leading him over to the couch to sit down. She leant down and kissed his forehead before going to the front door. Daryl wiped his eyes and sat there with his head in his hands as he tried to gather himself.
When she opened the door she came face to face with a worried looking Rick, just like she knew she would.
“We heard all the noise, everything okay in there?” he asked concerned, his eyes flitting over her shoulder to Daryl who sat brokenly on the couch. It didn't take a genius to figure out something was going on. The house was a shambles and Daryl had clearly been crying. Zoey glanced at Daryl before slipping out onto the porch and shutting the door. She told Rick was transpired between the pair and Rick listened intently. He wiped a hand over his weary face with a sigh when she was done.
“Alright listen, go and see Carol. I’ll talk to him,” he said, making her look at the door worried for a second.
“But he didn't want me to leave the house,” she frowned. Rick shook his head.
“It’ll be fine. I can handle him. We need to fix this before it gets worse,” he said firmly, making her nod. She knew he was right after all. She looked at the door one more time, feeling bad for leaving but she really hoped Rick could talk some sense into him. She scurried off to see Carol.
Rick heaved a sigh, bracing himself before he walked in. He knew Daryl had been worried after what happened but he couldn't behave like this.
“Where’s Zo?” Daryl asked as soon as Rick came in without her. Rick could feel the tension in the room a mile away and it made him wary of what a delicate situation this was.
“I sent her to see Carol, we need to talk,” he said using his stern cop voice on him. Daryl growled as he stood up so fast it made his head spin for a second.
“Ya did what?!” he roared, his temper flaring that Rick had just sent his girl off like that. Rick didn't even flinch at the raised voice and he walked over to stand in front of him.
“Sit down, we need to talk,” Ricks tone left no room for argument and despite his temper flaring, Daryl found himself complying as he sat down and glared at him. Rick sat in front of him on the coffee table like he had done when Zoey was sick and he looked at Daryl with a heavy sigh.
“Do you wanna lose her Daryl?” he asked carefully, his voice low as he levelled his gaze on him. Daryl tensed and sat up straighter as he glared harder at him.
“Ya fuckin’ stupid? Ya know I don’t, why ya think I don’t want her leavin’ the house?” he spat, unable to quell his irritation at the man he considered his brother.
“I don't mean that Daryl. I mean, do you wanna lose her?” he repeated. Daryl squinted at him until it clicked in his head just what he was getting at. Rick didn't mean by death or sickness or any other means like that. He meant did he want to lose her, have her walk away from him and their relationship because of his behaviour. The thought felt like a bucket of ice-cold water had been thrown on him as a new fear gripped him. He wouldn't blame her if she left him. He had treated her poorly as a result of his fear. Even after knowing what she had been through.
He lowered his head feeling ashamed of himself once again. It seemed to be the theme of the day apparently and he shook his head as his heart constricted painfully in his chest. Rick nodded, patting his leg a little as he saw he broke through to him.
“You can't do this Daryl. It's normal to feel scared, but this? Lockin' her away? Not lettin' her leave or talk to anyone? How's that any better than her old group?” he asked him, making him feel like a scolded child as the shame intensified. He knew what he was getting at though, she had told him she felt like a prisoner so he knew Rick was right.
“Ain’t mean to make her feel that way man, I just… got scared,” he admitted, all the anger seeming to evaporate from his body. Now he just felt defeated and sad. He couldn't get the image from his mind of the fear in her eyes as he rushed at her. The sting on his red cheek evidence of just how scared she had gotten. He wished she had punched him, broke his fucking nose or something. He deserved worse.
“I know you did brother. And so does she. When I told her to go to Carols she didn't even wanna leave you after all this. But you gotta use your head. Things are gonna get pretty toxic if this keeps up. She's been doin' so well Daryl, I don't want her to go back to how she was and I know you don't either,” Rick said softly, watching as Daryl finally met his eyes and sighed.
“I just couldn't control myself. Ain’t used to all this bullshit,” he huffed with a frown.
“I know. But you need to learn to talk. All you needed to do was sit down with her and be open with how you felt and work it out together. The key to relationships is communication,” Rick continued. It was like he was imparting his wisdom onto him but Daryl needed it, he clearly couldn’t do this on his own.
He would end up losing her, after all they’d been through in a short space of time he would just lose her, and not in the way he had been so concerned about. She would willingly walk away from him. And he would have to live here seeing her and knowing how badly he fucked things up. She deserved so much better than this. Than a Dixon who couldn't fucking control his damn temper. He needed to make it right. He needed to fix it and be better at this bullshit. One day she would get sick of him. She would wash her hands of him entirely and he’d have no one but himself to blame. Rick was right with everything he said. And as stubborn as Daryl was, he knew if he didn’t take the advice of his brother then he would regret it for the rest of his days on the earth.
Taglist; @risingphoenix761 @daryldixonandfrogs @arlaina28 @divadinag @keeperofwonderlandus @jodiereedus22 @easnuppa @fand0m-fiend @txladyj-blog @walkingdead-dixon @of-storms-and-sadness
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jrubalcaba · 6 years
Christmas in New York
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A CHFIL/SlayerSoldier series crossover
author: jrubalcaba
featuring: OFC Evelyn “Evie” Collins x Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes x OFC Alice Winters
word count: 12,394 words
Rating: mature audiences please
warnings: cussing, suggestive situations
A/N: Okay everyone. So, this is the first chapter I ever posted about Evie and Steve, but it’s been updated. A LOT!!!! I hope everyone likes it!
With just a few days until Christmas, Evie was finally getting her gift for Steve. She had purposely saved him for last, as she knew he would be hardest to shop for. And, to ensure she got the perfect gift, she enlisted Sam, who knew him best. She was gonna ask Bucky for help, but he was too busy devouring Alice to be available.
Evie and Sam were walking down the sidewalk, arguing over what Steve would want.
“I'm tellin’ ya Evie, all you’d need for Steve would be a few strategically placed bows and he'd die happy,” Sam insisted, making Evie blush bright red at what he was implying.
“Oh, shut up Sam. Besides, he's got a girlfriend for that.” She looked down at the ground, avoiding his gaze. “If I did that, it would make things incredibly awkward between us,” she added, causing Sam to snort.
“Oh, hell naw girl. It would only make it awkward because then we'd all have to listen to him screw your brains out constantly.” If possible, Evie blushed even redder.
“Steve would never. He has a girlfriend, remember? I'm just his doctor,” she trailed off lamely.
“Yeah, and I quote ‘the most beautiful doctor he's ever seen’.” At this, Evie snorted.
“Yeah, whatever. He's seen plenty of them in his life, so..” she left it at that, making Sam laugh.
“Damn. Do you ever leave the state of denial? You both have it bad, but are way too chickenshit to do anything about it.” Evie shook her head and sighed.
Apparently, the other night when she admitted to Alice that she was in love with Steve, Sam had been nearby and heard it all. She begged him not to tell, and he agreed, but that opened her up to relentless teasing. Add to that the constant ribbing from Alice and Bucky and she was surprised Steve didn't know.
“Sam, I get that you, Alice and Bucky think that Steve has a thing for me, but he doesn't. Wouldn't you think he'd break up with her if he wanted me?” she asked pointedly. Sam shrugged.
“You would think so, but he doesn't know how you feel. If you let us tell him, you'd have your lips wrapped around his-”
“Samuel Thomas Wilson! Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?!” Evie cut him off, smacking his arm. He laughed.
“No, but I kissed yo mama with it last night,” he joked, wiggling his eyebrows. Evie joined in with his laughter, heading down the sidewalk towards more stores.
They stopped at a crosswalk, waiting to cross. When the signal changed, Sam offered his arm and Evie took it as they went through, reaching the other side and continuing on, looking at the different shops.
As they were coming up on a shop, there was a grotesque looking snowman out front. Evie heard the person inside hiccup but by the time she went to stop Sam, it was too late. The dude inside had jumped, scaring the Avenger and making him scream like a little girl confronted with a spider.
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If Evie wasn't too busy trying to breathe from the laughter, she would've felt bad for him. But she didn't.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Evie burst out laughing as Sam tried to act like he hadn't just gotten the scare of his life. “Oh my God, that was great! Are you in need of new underwear, Sam?!” She dissolved into another fit of giggles at the look he gave her as they continued to walk down the sidewalk.
“Har had, very funny,” he snapped as he tried his best to mimic Steve’s Sad Face.  “You’re a sick bastard, ya know?” She grinned at him.
“Oh, come on. It wasn’t that bad,” she teased. He shook his head at her.
“You do realize that you owe me one now, don’t you?” Evie’s face went white as she contemplated his words.
“How do you reckon that? I had nothing to do with it!” she argued. He chuckled at her.
“Yeah, you did. You let that asswipe scare me!” Her jaw dropped in shock.
“Sam, I heard him like a split second before he jumped! I had no chance to warn you!” she exclaimed, but her pleas fell upon deaf ears.
“A likely story. I already know how to make it up to me, so no worries.” At this, Evie stopped in fear.
“How so?” she squeaked. Sam turned to her and grinned evilly.
“You have to scare someone for me. And not just anyone, a certain someone. A certain someone who is all big and bad...and carries a red, white and blue shield.” She gasped at who Sam was talking about.
“No. No, Sam, I can’t. I can’t do that to him!” she pleaded.
“You can, and you will. Or I will march my happy ass right back to the Tower, find him, and tell him everything I heard you tell Alice the other night. Hell, I’m sure FRIDAY caught it on video/audio, so I could just show it to him. Your choice.” Evie was torn. There’s no way she could let Sam tell Steve, but she just couldn’t scare Steve like that.
“Sam, he’ll hate me if I do this,” she whined, causing him to smirk.
“Well, would you rather him hate you for a short while over a small prank, or possibly have him hate you indefinitely for wanting to be Mrs. Steve Rogers?” he mused out loud. After a few minutes of thinking, she hung her head and sighed.
“Fine. I’ll do it.” He punched the air in victory as they went on walking, discussing how to lure Steve out here.
“Hey, Steve?” Evie called softly, knocking on his open bedroom door. She looked in and didn’t see him, and was about to walk away when he stepped out of the bathroom, pulling a shirt over his head. Evie internally groaned at the sight of his oh so yummy abs, wishing she could lick along the lines of his Adonis.
“You need something, Evie?” he asked. She huffed out a breath at being caught in a daydream and shook her head to clear it.
“Uh, yeah, actually.” She cleared her throat, taking a deep breath before continuing. “I’ve gotten everyone something for Christmas except for Bucky and Alice. I don���t really know them well enough, so I was wondering if you would be able to go out with me and help me find them a gift?” Steve gave her a look.
“You want me to go out with you?” he clarified, smirking. Evie thought over her words and giggled at how she had phrased her question.
“Not like that,” she lied with a giggle. “Let me rephrase; will you help me find a gift for Bucky and Alice?” Steve smiled at her.
“Oh, well in that case, sure. I was actually gonna go grab something for lunch, wanna make a date of it?” It was his turn to be embarrassed at the choice of words. “Let me rephrase; wanna grab some lunch and do it after?” Evie struggled to keep her laughter at bay as he facepalmed.
“Yes, Steve. I’m actually getting hungry too so lunch and some shopping would be great.” She headed back to her room to grab her coat when she ran into Clint, literally. “Oof!” she went as they collided, the ginormous bowl of spaghetti in his hands spilling all over her.
“Shit!” Clint cried. She stopped in her tracks and looked down at her clothes, covered with red sauce. “Sorry, Evie!” Steve chose to walk out just then to see what the ruckus was about.
“Evie, you okay?” he asked, seeing the distraught look on her face. “Oh god. What happened?” He looked so upset for her.
“It was my fault, Cap. I wasn't paying attention and I ran into her. My spaghetti got all over her,” Clint confessed.
“Yeah, I'm gonna have to go change now, and shower,” Evie said in defeat. Steve frowned.
“Well, it doesn't seem to have gotten anywhere other than here,” he pointed out as he gestured to her lower stomach and hips. “Just change your clothes and take a shower when we get back.” He didn't want to miss out on spending as much time with her as possible, so he wanted to go now.
“Okay. Luckily it hasn't soaked through yet, so that'll work for right now. Give me a second to change and we'll get outta here,” she answered as she walked very carefully to her room.
“Here Barton, I'll help you clean this up while I wait for her,” Steve offered, stooping down to help the other man. Clint started to chuckle.
“You're welcome, by the way,” he said, still laughing. Steve quirked an eyebrow at him in response. “I gave her a reason to get out of her clothes. You just gotta go in her room and you can ‘help’ her take them off.” Steve blushed bright red as Clint winked.
“Shut up, Barton,” he growled, ducking his head to hide his blush.
“Just tell Evie how you feel. The worst she can do is tell you she thinks of you as just a friend.” Steve's heart took off as he wondered about if Evie felt the same. Just then, she came out of her room, wearing clean clothes.
“Okay, I’m ready to go,” she said, looking down at the two men. Steve stood then, taking in a deep whiff of her perfume. He loved it on her and he could honestly get high off of it because it always made him think of her.
“Awesome. Barton, I think you can clean this up by yourself. Be careful next time,” he instructed as he offered Evie his arm, and the two walked away, leaving Clint to clean up the spaghetti.
“Yeah, those two have it so bad for each other,” he muttered under his breath.
“So, what do you think Bucky and Alice would like best? Should I get them each something or just a single gift for them both?” Evie asked as they walked down the sidewalk. Steve thought for a bit before answering.
“Well, coupley gifts are what everyone got them, so a single gift will work.” Steve led them further down the street, and as Evie looked around, she saw the snowman from earlier, and her heart sank.
God, this was going to suck.
“Maybe something they could take up as a hobby together, so they aren't….fonduing all the time,” he said with a shudder. Evie giggled half-heartedly.
“You know, it's not a crime to engage in copious amounts of physical love. It's actually a great stress relief, and as a doctor, I actually recommend it from time to time,’ she replied. He sighed.
“I know, Evie. I guess it's part jealousy on my part as to why I have an issue with it.” She looked up at him in wonder.
“Why? Do you have a thing for Alice or something?” she asked quietly. He sputtered for a while before he could answer.
“God no! She's my best friend's girl!” he exclaimed in shock. “No, it's just that they're so happy and in love, and….I'm not,” he finished lamely.
“Hmm. Well, I would say ‘I told you so’, but I won't and just settle for smug instead,” Evie said with a smirk. He turned and gave her his best ‘oh really?’ look before reaching down and scooping a handful of snow up and throwing it at her. “Oh, you did not just do that!” Steve smirked at her in response.
“Oh, I just did.” There was a split second before she dove at him, trying to knock him over. That didn't go far before he threw her over his shoulder and walked away, reaching up to swat her behind when she started to kick.
“Steven Grant Rogers, you maybe be old enough to be my great-grandfather, but that does not mean you are allowed to spank me!” she wailed. He laughed out loud at that, not realizing that he was walking right to the snowman. He was just next to it when he finally put her down in front of him.
“Well, someone needs to show you who's boss around here,” he teased, wrapping his hands around her lower back and bringing her closer to him.
“Sorry Steve, but you'll never be the boss of me, no matter how old you are,” she countered, smiling at him from under her lashes. He glanced down at her lips for a second before he started to lean in.
That's when everything went wrong.
The snowman decided to jump at that point, but instead of scaring Steve, it made the super soldier go into protector mode, and his priority was keeping Evie safe. He swept her behind him, out of harm's way. Unfortunately, when he did that, she slid on some ice and went down, cracking her head against the ground. Steve was in a defensive stance still, but once he heard her skull connect with the pavement, he turned back to see if she was okay.
“Oh my god, Evie! Are you okay?!” he exclaimed, worry dripping from every word. She looked up at him before bursting out laughing.
“Apart from hitting my head, your reaction was worth it,” she wheezed betweens guffaw. He looked down at her, a frown spreading over his face.
“You….you knew it was gonna do that?” he asked, incredulous. She nodded vigorously.
“Yeah. It got Sam earlier when we were shopping. I didn't get to warn him beforehand, so he said that I did it on purpose and to make up for it, I had to scare you,” she explained, still giggling. He stood abruptly then, looking thunderous.
“How could you do that to me, Evie? I thought we were friends.” She stopped laughing and looked up at him, a frightened look on her face.
“Steve, we are friends. It was just a joke, really,” she answered timidly. She was gonna kill Wilson the next time she saw him.
“No, it's not just a joke, Evie. I thought that thing was gonna attack you. Why would you deliberately do something like that to me?” Steve didn't wait for a response before turning around and walking away, leaving Evie still sat on the ground.
“Steve?” she called after him. He kept walking and knowing that she had made him do it broke her heart. She slowly stood, tears beginning to fall as she watched him walk further away.
From her.
Evie was frozen as tears ran down her face. She could no longer see him, as her eyes were obscured and there were too many people in the way. After her sobs subsided, she started to follow him, but since he was nowhere to be found and had a head start, she figured he was halfway back to the Tower by now. Defeated, she turned and went into the first store she saw, which happened to be a bookstore that young Peter had told them all about.
Steve felt like an asshole.
He has never gotten mad at Evie, in any way, shape or form. Ever. And now, because he couldn't take a fucking joke, he went off and made her cry.
He was a sore loser, and she paid the price.
Steve sighed, glancing around to see where he was. He had walked pretty far in his anger, but even with his enhancements, he didn't want to walk all the way home, so, he had to go find Evie and pray that she hadn't left him there, even though he deserved it.
After a while, he finally found that fucking snowman, so he walked up to it.
“Hey, you remember scaring me and my girl earlier?” he asked the person inside. She wasn’t his girl, and probably never would be after this, so he took the chance to call her ‘his’.
“Yeah, and you threw her to the ground?” the guy replied in a scratchy voice. Steve was ticked in an instant.
“I didn't throw her. She fell, and it's my fault.” Steve just needed to find her, and this guy was making him feel bad again.
“Yeah, well, you're a massive dick for yelling at her like that. She started crying as you walked away.” Steve felt even worse now. He thought he had heard her crying, but hoped he had imagined it. “If that's your girl, I feel sorry for her. She deserves better from her man.” Steve hung his head and sighed.
“She's my best friend, and I'm in love with her,” he replied, making the snowman scoff.
“That's how you treat the woman you love? Nice.” This dude, a complete stranger, was right. He had treated Evie like shit, so he needed to make it up to her.
“Can you tell me where she is so I can apologize to her? I'm an asshole and I need to make things right,” Steve said solemnly. The snowman chuckled.
“She went down that way, might've gone into the bookstore? Not sure, but I know she went the way. Mighta been following you,” the snowman answered. Steve clapped him on the shoulder and set off, trying to find her. He made it down to where the snowman had said and went in the shop, the scent of Evie’s perfume letting him know that he was in the right place. He went through all of the sections, finally finding her in the self-help section. He watched her for a bit, walking up as she reached for a book way up high. He grabbed it and held it out to her, watching the grateful smile on her face vanish when she realized he had been her helper.
“A book on stress relief would be great for those two,” Steve murmured, giving her a small smile. He noticed that her eyes were all red and her face was blotchy, and it felt like a punch to the gut from Bucky’s left arm. He reached out to rub her arm and she flinched away.
“Don’t fucking touch me, Rogers,” she snarled, making his stomach drop to the floor. Evie has never called him by his last name like that. Steve knew he had fucked up.
“Evie, I’m sorry for earlier. I-” he started before she cut him off.
“Suck my dick, asshole.” With that parting shot, she turned on her heel and walked to the registers. He made to follow her, but was stopped by a group of teenagers.
“Hey, you’re Captain America!” one of them cried. As more and more patrons approached him, he could see the smug look on Evie’s face as she walked out the door.
Evie felt so good about walking away from Steve and getting the last word. She headed down the street, her Jeep her destination. About a block away, she had pulled her keys out, only to be grabbed and thrown over someone’s shoulder.
“What the fuck!” she yelled, struggling with whoever it was.
“Evie, knock it off! I’m gonna drop you again if you keep it up,” came the stranger’s voice. One she would recognize anywhere.
“Steve? Put me down, you asshole!” she shouted, drawing attention to themselves.
“Don’t mind her folks. Just a couple who got into an argument, and now I’m trying to fix it,” he replied. A few people cheered and clapped, but most kept silent and went on their way. Evie was stunned. Did he just call them a couple? He has a girlfriend, that isn’t her. Well, to be honest, looking at this from an outsider’s view, ‘couple’ was easier to swallow than ‘just friends’. Steve had finally gotten them to the Jeep and reached up to grab the keys, which she held out of his reach. “Hey, either unlock it or I’ll break the window,” he warned.
“Oh, like you haven’t done that before!” she snapped at him, molten heat pooling in their bellies at the reason why he had broke her window.
“Admittedly, this reason would be a lot dumber than the last time, so just unlock it.” She rolled her eyes and hit the button. Once the doors were unlocked, he opened the back door and laid on her on the seat before climbing in and shutting the door behind him.
“Screw you, Steve,” she spat, using her foot to keep him away. He chuckled as he grabbed it and held it to one side before doing the same with the other.
“You know, if you wanted me between your legs again, all you had to do was ask,” he taunted, pressing his hips against hers. Evie was getting too turned on to care about his language, so she tried to slap him to get her point across.
“Fuck off, asshole!” she snapped as she slapped his arms or whatever she could reach. Her hand came up to slap his cheek, but he leaned back just in time.
“Evie, now stop. I'm trying to apologize to you,” Steve grunted as he grabbed her wrists, keeping her from pushing him away.
“Oh, so if you want to apologize, I have to listen, but if I want to apologize, you're allowed to storm off and leave me all alone,” she snapped up at him, fighting back even though she'd never be able to fend him off.
The two wrestled in the back of her Jeep, each working out their frustration. After a while, they stopped, panting. Steve still had ahold of Evie's wrists, pinning them to the seat on either side of her head. His hips were keeping hers down, which meant that there were mere inches between their faces. They stared at each other, slowly calming down as they did. Once they had settled, Evie looked around and realized that she was once again underneath Steve in the backseat, but as she opened her mouth to tell him to let her up, he pressed his lips to hers.
Steve knew he was crossing a line. But he didn't really care. He was alone with Evie, her soft and warm body under him. Her perfume was all around him, making his head swim with thoughts of her. His memory of their first time together, in this very car, came to the forefront of his mind, and suddenly, a thirst sprang forth inside him.
And the only way to quench it was Evie.
He released her wrists, running his hands all over her body, cupping and squeezing every bit of her he could. He ground his hips into her, glad she was wearing leggings so she could feel everything that she did to him.
Evie was incapable of rational thought, a base instinct taking over as she kissed Steve back. She could feel his erection rub against her clit, sending shocks of pleasure through her body. She wound her fingers into his hair, tugging firmly. He growled into her mouth, his actions becoming frenzied as he reacted to her. Suddenly, he pulled back and looked at her, eyes wide, lips swollen from kissing.  
Steve searched her face for any signs of hesitation or dislike, and upon finding none, relief flooded his body, quickly replaced by desire. Making sure not to break eye contact, he reached down and began to undo his belt. Before he could undo it completely, Evie grabbed his shirt and brought their lips back together. He stopped messing with his clothes, his hands coming up to tangle into her hair.
Evie knew where this was headed, and although she knew he had a girlfriend, she gave zero fucks that she was helping Steve cheat. She had him all to herself, and she'd be damned if she didn't take advantage. She reached down and resumed undoing his belt, then his button and zipper. Once that was done, she pushed his pants down over his ass before grabbing his length, pumping him a few times as she reveled at how warm he felt in her hand. His hands were gone from her hair, yanking her leggings and panties down before running a finger through her folds. She moaned against his lips, nipping his bottom one and running her tongue over it to take the sting away.
Steve wasted no time in lining his tip up at her entrance and pushing inside her. They both hissed at the feeling of being completely bare to each other again. He slowly sank into her tight heat, knowing above all else that this was where he truly belonged. Once he was in to the hilt, he started to thrust gently, opening her up for him.
Evie was in heaven. Feeling Steve, all of him, stretch her so much, but at the same time, not nearly enough, was a dream come true. She dug her nails into his ass, pulling him in deeper, his cock reaching places inside her that no other man ever could.
Or would.
Steve broke the kiss and pulled back slightly to look down at Evie, his exhales becoming her inhales. He never stopped thrusting, only slowing slightly, and as she ran her hands through his hair with the gentlest touch, something in him snapped. His brain tapped into a dark place and he sped up, thoughts of claiming her ever present in his mind. He pulled the collar of her shirt down, exposing the skin of her chest. He bit down, sucking a dark mark over her heart.
“Fuck, Steve...” she moaned, head thrown back. Once he was satisfied with his work, he added a bit of strength to his thrusts, almost weeping with joy as Evie accepted it, never crying out in pain.
He could never let go like this with any of the women he had been with. Not even Peggy.
Steve slid his hands up Evie's back, hooking them over her shoulders and used that as leverage to speed up and intensify even more, his eyes never leaving hers. Evie's hands cupped his face in the most tender fashion, her thumbs brushing over his lips. Their orgasms were fast approaching, and as hers began to wash over her, she closed her eyes and threw her head back again.
“No, don't hide it. I wanna see and hear everything,” Steve whispered. Evie opened her eyes and stared into his, transfixed. He got to watch as she became undone, her velvet walls clenching down triggering his own release. She was captivated by the look of pure bliss that came over him as he came, spilling his seed deep inside her. As they both came down from their highs, they peppered each other with kisses, hands wandering and caressing what they could reach. Once they had calmed down completely, Evie and Steve stared at each other, and they knew something had changed between them. He withdrew from her, both wincing in their sensitive state before he fixed their clothes. As they got back in the front, they shared another look before taking off.
“Evie….” Steve started before she cut him off.
“Steve, it's alright. This is a safe space. What happens in my Jeep, stays in my Jeep. Promise.” Evie wished above anything that she could shout from the rooftops about what they had just done, but outing Captain America as a cheater seemed like a bad idea, a complete PR nightmare for sure.
“Okay, only if you're sure.” He looked out the window, thinking about what had just happened. He just cheated on his girlfriend, and he was pretty sure he forced himself on Evie, which would explain why she was so quiet. “I'm so sorry, Evie,” he apologized. She looked over at him in surprise.
“For what? Breaking my dry spell?” she retorted. When she saw that he was serious, she grew worried. “Steve, what are you sorry for?” He sighed in irritation.
“You know what. Are you okay?” Evie honestly had no idea what he was talking about.
“Apart from my crotch being wet from your jizz oozing out, I'm great,” she replied. He sighed.
“Cut the crap, Evie. What just happened, you know what that's considered, right?” He didn't want to say the word out loud, but it seemed to settle in the air between them, unspoken.
“Yeah, you technically cheated on your girlfriend. Well, there's no ‘technically’ about it. You did cheat. That makes me the other woman.” Evie couldn't help but laugh at that, but it was true.
“No, I mean what I did to you,” Steve snapped. Evie had just pulled into her parking spot in the Tower garage, so she was able to turn and face him head on.
“What you did to me? Steve, you fucked me.” Evie was so puzzled as to what he thought they did. He sighed, getting out of the car and shutting the door with a little too much force. Evie got out and gave him a look.
“Sorry. Evie, I rrrrr…..” he trailed off, acting like he would be struck down by God if he spoke it out loud. “I...forced myself on you. You should be hating me right now.” Evie was floored. That was the absolute last thing she expected him to say.
“Steve, you didn't.” Evie crossed her arms over her chest in defiance. How could he possibly think that?
“Yes I did, Evie. I didn't ask if it was okay with you, nor did I give you a chance to say ‘no’. I just yanked your clothes out of the way and then went to town.” He looked so upset with himself, but there was no reason to be.
“Are you serious right now? Do you honestly think that if I didn't want to have sex with you, I wouldn't have said something?” she shot back. “Even if I couldn't talk, I would've hit or kicked or punched, hell I would have bit you to get my point across. But did I do any of that? No. I kissed you back. Hell, if I recall, I was the one who undid your pants and had my hand wrapped around your dick. How is that you forcing yourself on me?” Evie was beyond pissed now. He was ruining their moment.
“Evelyn, enough.” Steve's Captain voice was in full effect, and dammit if that didn't turn her on again. “This will not happen again. I can't seem to control myself around you, and that puts you in danger. End of discussion,” he added when she went to argue.
Evie bowed her head and walked passed him to the elevator, waiting for him to get in before hitting the button for the residential floors. They rode up in silence, Evie trying to keep her tears at bay until she was in her room. It broke her heart to hear him say that he would never have sex with her again, which obviously meant that Steve didn't think of her that way, that she was just a friend to him.
Steve felt like shit. He knew he was full on lying when he told her it wouldn't happen again. He would gladly sleep with Evie all day, every day, if she wanted, even if he was in a committed relationship. Which she would never want now, after all he said and done to her.
The elevator opened and Evie shot out, running straight to her room and slamming the door behind her. Steve, feeling like a complete asshole, hung his head and sighed as he walked out.
“Hey Steve, what's wrong? Why did Evie look so upset?” Wanda asked from where she was sitting next to Vision. The whole Team was in the common room, and they all looked to Steve expectantly.
“We had a disagreement, and I was an ass about it,” he replied as he walked over and sat next to Sam. “Can I ask everyone's opinion on something….for a friend?” For Steve to ask the whole Team something was pretty huge, and they all agreed.
“Sure Cap. What's eating your friend?” Tony asked from beside Bruce. Steve swallowed, knowing he had to tweak his question a bit.
“Okay, so….my friend has been in love with a….co worker of his for years. He's never been able to make a move because one of them always had a partner, and then he went….abroad for a while, so he definitely wasn't able to be with her then. Well, now that he's back, he has a girlfriend.” Steve stopped to take a breath when Bucky piped up, grinning.
“Hey Steve, what's this friend's name? Didn't think you had any outside of me and Bird-brain over there,” he asked, smirking at Sam who flipped him off. Steve blushed, knowing he couldn't exactly say his name.
“Uh….Roger,” he said at last. Everyone shared a look.
“Does his surname happen to be ‘Stevens’?” Alice joked. She got her answer when Steve blushed even redder. “Who is this coworker of his? Is she a doctor of some sort?” Alice knew exactly who Steve was talking about, and she wanted to tease him as much as possible.
“That has nothing to do with the issue, Alice,” he snapped. She grinned, but remained silent so he could continue. “As I was saying, Roger has a girlfriend, but he's still in love with his coworker. Well, ea-”
“Wait! What's his coworker's name? This could get confusing,” Alice cut in again. Steve sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“For fuck's sake, Alice. Her name is Ev...a,” he finished lamely. She grinned wider than ever and laughed.
“Eva, huh? I like the name ‘Evie’ better, not that you're talking about our beloved doctor though, right?” she teased, staring him down. The entire Team was looking at him, waiting for his response.
“Okay, I think it's time for me to leave, especially if Evie is being name-dropped,” Bruce said as he stood and left for the lab. Steve coughed, realizing that it was probably a good idea for Bruce to not hear this next part.
“Quit interrupting, Alice,” he snapped. “Like I was saying, earlier Roger and Eva went shopping and after they had a tiny disagreement, they had gotten into the back of her car and-” Steve stopped, as he was unsure how to go on.
“And what, Steve?” Sam asked, looking stony faced. Steve swallowed thickly.
“Uh, well, they uh, kinda, sorta, uh, had sex,” he stammered, blushing bright red. The reactions of the Team ranged from proud (Bucky) to impressed (Tony) to appalled (Sam).
“So, Roger, cheated on his girlfriend with the woman he's actually in love with, Eva? I'd say ‘well done’ and buy him a drink,” Tony said, clapping. Steve bowed his head, hiding his smile.
“Is Eva still standing?” Alice asked slyly. He looked up at her, all traces of humor gone from his face.
“Well, yes, but I, I mean Roger, screwed things up with her.” They all shared a look before he went on. “Roger is certain that he, well, forced himself on her.” The air in the room was gone. Steve felt like the world's biggest asshole, and judging by the look on everyone's face, he was.
“Steve, and cut the shit, alright? What happened?” Nat asked, her tone stern. He sighed before answering.
“I didn't exactly ask if she was okay with me kissing her, and I didn't ask if she was okay with me touching her there, and I definitely didn't ask if she was okay with me….sticking my dick in her,” Steve said, resigned to his fate. Suddenly, he was yanked up from his seat by Alice, who had murder in her eyes.
“So, you just had your way with her? Did she fight back?! WHAT DID YOU DO STEVE?!” she bellowed, raising her hand to deck him.
“No! Evie didn't fight back at all! She let me do it to her!” Steve cried. Alice released him, a puzzled look on her face. Bucky, who had jumped up with Alice, stood in front of him, grabbing his shoulders and looking him in the eye.
“Steve, if she didn't fight back or anything, then what makes you think that you forced yourself on her?” he asked.
“Yeah, we're with Barnes on this, Steve. If Evie didn't explicitly say ‘no’ or try to fight you off, then chances are she was completely okay with everything,” Nat added. Sam stood, placing a hand on Steve's shoulder as well.
“Face it, dude. Evie wanted the D,” he said, shoving the blonde slightly. “I told her to scare your ass, not tap it.” Everyone laughed at that, causing Steve to blush, as he figured the worst was over.
“Yeah, you're probably just feeling guilty about cheating on Amy, and now you have a reason to break up with her so you can have all the sex you want with Evie,” Bucky reasoned. Steve sighed.
“No, I doubt Evie will ever want to talk to me again, let alone have sex with me, after what I said to her earlier,” he lamented. When all that met him was silence, he explained. “I tried to apologize to her, but she kept saying I had nothing to be sorry about, so I snapped and said that I'm a danger to her ‘cause I can't seem to control myself when I'm alone with her.” Bucky snorted.
“Yeah, I don't think that'll be the case, Steve. Evie knew you had a girlfriend, and yet she still jumped on your dick and rode you like a horse. Trust me, she'll be back for more.” He, Alice, Sam and Steve began to walk towards the hallway, the tension from earlier gone. “Ya know, with all the different times you tried to join the Army with a new identity, you would think you'd be able to come up with better code names than ‘Roger’ and ‘Eva’.” The other three laughed at Steve, who went all Sad Faced.
“You guys suck, and for the record, she didn't jump on my dick. How do the kids say it nowadays, I ‘dicked her down good’?” he said with a chuckle before sighing. “I guess I need to go apologize to Evie, properly this time.”
“Oh hell naw. I do not want to see this,” Sam exclaimed, walking off. Steve squared his shoulders and headed down to Evie's door, Bucky and Alice following.
“Uh, I'd like to talk to her alone, if you don't mind,” he called behind him.
“Fine. You get five minutes before we knock. Have fun,” Bucky said, throwing a wink his way. Steve rolled his eyes as he knocked on the door, waiting for Evie to let him in. After a few minutes, it opened, revealing a freshly showered Evie.
“What do you want, Steve?” she asked, her voice wavering on his name. It broke his heart to know he was the reason she was upset.
“May I come in?” he asked after clearing his throat. She stepped back so he could enter, shutting the door behind him. “I'm here to apologize, and to admit I was wrong.” She had sat down on her bed, pulling the stress relief book to her and continuing to wrap it. He sat down across from her, waiting for her to speak.
“What were you wrong about?” She didn't bother to look up at him, as she was concentrating on getting the lines of the design right on the wrapping paper.
“I didn't….force myself on you,” he answered. She looked up then, sensing his hesitation in his wording.
“No, I wanna hear you say it. I want you to tell me what you didn't do.” She leveled him with a look that had him quailing at first before squaring his shoulders.
“Fine,” he huffed before taking a few deep breaths. “I did not rape you. We were both consenting adults that had sex in the back of your car. Happy now?” Evie smiled and nodded.
“Yes, thank you.” She resumed wrapping the book and he sighed.
“Wait, is my gift in here? I don't wanna see it if it is,” he said suddenly, looking around in alarm. Evie giggled.
“No, it's already wrapped. I've got a question for you now. Are you going to tell Amy?” It was a very loaded question, and there was a lot resting on his answer.
“Well, yeah. I did cheat on her, so she deserves to know. I just hope she doesn't cry.” Evie scoffed at him.
“It's a terrible way to do it, but just do it over the phone if it bothers you that much,” she offered with a shrug. He chuckled.
“No, doing it in person is the honorable thing to do.” Evie snorted at him, making him chuckle. “What?” She smiled at him.
“Well, I'm pretty sure the honorable thing to do in this situation is remain faithful to your partner.” Steve glared at her, but she was unphased. “Tell me I'm wrong,” she challenged, smiling even wider when he didn't. “I am curious though, why did we?” Evie knew why she had slept with Steve, but she wanted to know why he kissed her first and kicked the whole thing off.
“Well, honestly, having you under me made me remember our first time and I just couldn't help myself,” he replied sheepishly. She smirked at him.
“So, if I ever wanna have sex with you again, I just need to get you in my backseat and make sure I'm under you?” she teased. He returned her smile, before leaning in slightly.
“You just need to be underneath me, that's all.” Suddenly Evie was on her back as Steve pinned her backward on the bed.
“Whoa. That eager for round two, huh?” she asked. He grinned devilishly down at her.
“Well, why go elsewhere for subpar sex when I can have amazing sex with you?” Evie's panties were soaked, and she suddenly realized that she should have put shorts on before answering the door. Steve must have come to the same conclusion as he began to grind his hips into hers again, her panties doing nothing to dull the friction he was causing. Just as he was about to kiss her again, there was a knock at the door.
“You two better not be fucking again! Steve still has a girlfriend that he needs to dump before you two can you can fuck in peace!” Bucky bellowed through the door.
“Yeah, and I need to be able to tell you ‘I bloody told you so!’ before you're official!” Alice added. Evie used Steve's distraction to push him onto the floor, as that was the only place he could go. He laid there, stunned as she jumped over him and ran to her dresser and pulled on some shorts. He grinned when he saw the wet spot on her panties, knowing he was the reason behind it.
“We are not fucking again!” Evie exclaimed as she yanked her door open. Once her words caught up to her, she rounded on Steve. “Wait, you told them?!” He looked up at her from his place on the floor and knew he was in trouble.
“Well, not exactly. I didn't use our names,” he said as he climbed to his feet.
“What?” she asked, incredulous.
“He made up names to protect your identities,” Bucky explained, making Alice snort. “Yeah, completely unoriginal. ‘Roger' and 'Eva'.” She shook her head at Steve. “Aren't you supposed to basically be a spy? Those code names were diabolical and you should be ashamed.” He shrugged sheepishly.
“It was the best I could come up with,” he mumbled lamely. Bucky laughed out loud at that. “Yeah, I'm sure that the best you could 'come' up with,” he replied, winking at Evie, making her giggle. “God I hope you're better in bed than your imagination is suggesting,” Alice whined, making Steve blush. “He's not bad,” Evie replied with a shrug. “Much better than any other guy I've been with that's for sure.” Steve beamed with pride at this. “Oh yeah? What's his signature move?” Alice inquired, wagging her eyebrows.
“Eewww Alice! Boundaries!” Bucky cut in, gagging.
“What?!” she said with a wink.
“Well, it's not so much a signature move, but-” Evie started to say before being cut off by Steve and Bucky's shout of her name. She winked back at Alice, but said nothing more. Bucky shuddered before changing the subject. “So, does ‘Eva’ think that ‘Roger’ forced himself on her?” he directed at Evie, who didn't disappoint with her reaction.
“Hell no,” she replied with a snort. “That's good because I would have to kill Roger if he did try that shit,” the Slayer growled, glaring at Steve. “Trust me, Roger did no such thing. Eva totally wanted it. No doubt about it,” Evie assured them all. Bucky and Alice broke into matching smirks, causing Evie to blush under their gaze.
“Oh, did she now?” Bucky mused out loud.
“Well….yeah. She's been single for a while, so of course she isn't gonna pass up free sex,” she defended. She knew that Bucky and Alice both knew how she felt about Steve, but she wasn't about to admit it in front of him.
“Yay! So, Roger, when are you dumping the blonde tart and making Evie your girlfriend?” she asked matter-of-factly. Steve immediately began to stutter and blush at her question. “Who said anything about Evie?” he finally got out. Alice's eyebrows rose so high they were in danger of disappearing into her hair. “Excuse me?” she all but screeched. “You're excused,” Evie cut in before she could go on. “I'm gonna back Steve up on this. Who said anything about us becoming a couple?”
“Wouldn't you rather back up ON Steve?” Bucky interjected, wagging his eyebrows at her. “Bucky? Bite me,” she replied, rolling her eyes.
“Beat him to it,” Steve said quietly, knowing full well they could still hear him. “Seriously?” Evie cried, glaring at him.
“Wowwwww,” Alice drew out the word. “Steve's got a kinky side.” Bucky grinned his biggest grin yet at his best friend.
“Freak.” He looked Evie over, clearly looking for said love bite. “Let's see it then, although now I'm kinda worried that it's in a not so innocent spot,” he said when he couldn't find it.
Evie glared up at Steve, as this was his fault they even knew it existed. Shaking her head, she pulled the collar of her shirt down, exposing the deep purple, almost black, hickey just over her left breast. Bucky and Alice both gasped, before Bucky high-fived Steve.
“Goddamn Steve! Way to go bro!” he exclaimed, so proud of Steve’s work. Alice stared in shock a bit longer before recovering.
“Didn't that hurt?” she asked before smirking like mad at the Doctor. “I mean... sorry. Of course it didn't.” Evie blushed, fixing her shirt to hide the evidence of Steve's love.
“No, actually, it didn't. Wasn't really concerned about it at that point though. I had other things on my mind,” she admitted, blushing a bit more.
“Oh I bet,” Alice replied with a smirk. “But you two aren't going to make this official? You know, get to have all the sex all the time and in a BED?!” Evie sighed at her.
“He has a girlfriend. Kinda hard to make anything official,” she reasoned. Steve stopped and looked at her, realization dawning on his face. Evie paid him no mind, unaware that she had just inadvertently admitted to wanting to make it official.
Steve was in shock. There's no way that Evie wanted there to be anything between them, is there? He looked at Bucky, who, having just seen the myriad of emotions flutter across his best friend's face, nodded in confirmation.
“Yeah, a girlfriend he cheated on,” Bucky cut in then, with a smile. “His momma raised no fool. He’ll break up with her.” He sounded so sure of this, but Evie wasn't convinced.
“She won't let him go, he's a catch. No woman in their right mind would let him get away,” she argued. “And what makes you so sure we'd even get together? We're just colleagues.” “Yeah, colleagues who have fucked twice now,” Steve said with a confident smile. Before Evie could say anything, Alice cut her off.
“What do you mean ‘colleagues who have fucked twice’?” Evie turned to glare at Steve as he had let loose another secret.
“We hooked up once before. It was after the events of D.C. You know, when you two were busy playing house,” Evie snapped. “It was a one time thing, no big deal.”
Alice Winters, resident ex-Slayer, was beyond ticked.
“That's it? You're just gonna spring that on us like it's nothing, like it's no big deal?” she said slowly, trying to keep her cool.
“Well, it's not. So what if we've had sex a couple times? The only issue is that this time, he cheated,” Evie replied with a shrug. Steve looked mildly concerned for Evie's safety, as he swore Alice had fire in her eyes and smoke billowing from her ears.
“The only issue?! The only issue?!” the Slayer shrieked before lunging for the Doctor, her hands outstretched. Bucky and Steve acted defensively, Bucky grabbing hold of his girlfriend while Steve jumped in front of Evie, becoming her shield. He was a lot more durable than she was, so better that Alice got to him first.
“Whoa, doll! Easy! No need to murder the poor woman!” Bucky groaned as he held her back. Steve stood his ground, not really wanting to physically fight Alice off, but would to protect Evie.
After a few moments of struggling, Alice calmed, sagging against Bucky's chest. “Fine! You two are just so stupid it hurts sometimes! Anyway, come on Bucky, let's go and enjoy the benefits of being in a relationship together. Sexually,” she spat at them. Steve rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, we got that, Alice,” he replied. She smirked at him.
“Lots of sex whenever we want. You're the idiots who are being so damn blind and can't see what's right in front of you.” Evie chuckled at her. “Yeah, well apparently all I have to do is get him in my Jeep so….” she trailed off. “We’ve christened it quite nicely if I do say so myself,” she said proudly, holding her hand up to Steve. He high-fived her back and grinned.
“Yeah we did. That's the one place I've come the most in, and I wouldn't change it for anything.” Steve felt smug saying that, as it was true. Evie felt smug and she decided right there and then that she would never get rid of her Jeep, because it’s the only place she got to have Steve.
“Imagine what you could do in a big, soft bed though. Whenever you want,” Alice pressed. Evie sighed.
“Secret rendezvous are apparently our thing, so why fix it if it ain’t broke?” she shot back. While the girls were arguing, Bucky and Steve were grinning at each other. Steve was over the moon at the thought of Evie possibly returning his feelings, and Bucky’s grin was getting his hopes up even more.
“Dude, come on,” the metal-armed man groaned.
“Sorry, I have a girlfriend that I need to go confess to. Bye you two, see ya later, Evie,” Steve said as he began to walk away.
“Yeah, and if Amy does break up with you, I’m sure Evie won’t mind sharing her bed one bit,” Bucky called after him, getting Steve to stop and look back.
“Yeah, stop acting like such a Tom Cat and treat Evie better, you wanker,” Alice taunted. Making the blonde go all Sad Face again.
“Hey, he treats me just fine, thank you very much,” Evie jumped to his defense. Bucky grinned at her.
“Yeah, and he treats you even better when you’re riding his dick.” Evie’s jaw dropped at his boldness.
“Well, you’re supposed to treat the person you’re fucking better, unless there’s an agreement to be treated like shit. And for the record, I wasn’t riding his dick….this time,” she answered after a beat. Bucky smirked at her, but Alice cut across him before he could say anything.
“Evie, seriously, you’re okay with this? You don’t want more from Steve?” Evie could hear the sincerity in her voice, but was unable to answer truthfully as all three of them turned to her expectantly. She blushed deeply as Steve looked entirely too hopefully for her liking.
“Uh….well, no. We’re just friends, right Steve?” she squeaked. She insisted to herself that Steve did not look disappointed, just caught off guard.
“Oh, uh yeah. Of course,” he answered. Alice rolled her eyes.
“Oh my GOD.” She literally pulled some of her hair in frustration at Evie and Steve.
“Seriously?” Bucky apparently shared in Alice’s frustration.
“Why mess up our friendship? It’s perfect just the way it is,” she replied, shrugging.
“Yeah, hate to change it in anyway,” Steve agreed, sounding incredibly heartbroken. Evie tried not to think about how upset he sounded so as to not get her hopes up.
“You absolute fucking MORONS,” growled Alice as she stomped away. Bucky shook his head and followed her, muttering something about ‘so much for a super soldier, just a super dumbass’. Evie and Steve looked at each other and smiled.
“I’ll go ahead and let you go. Bruce and I have tons of tests that we’re doing tomorrow, so I gotta get plenty of rest. Night, Steve,” Evie said. He took that as his cue to leave and walked out, stopped in the hallway.
“Night, Evie. If things go the way I expect them to and Amy breaks up with me, maybe we can get dinner some time.” She nodded at him.
“It’s a date.” He walked down the hall, hoping beyond hope that he would be single by the next morning so he could finally take Evie out.
It was finally Christmas Eve. Christmas was probably Evie’s favorite holiday. She loved the decorations, music, everyone being together. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year. Tonight, the team was having their annual dinner and she was excited to be able to go for the first time. Every other time either she was sick and couldn’t go, or had other plans that night. This year, Tony said that they all had to find naughty or nice Christmas shirts or sweaters to wear. It was time to join the party, so after making sure she was ready, she headed down the hall.
As Evie walked in, everyone was already there, mingling amongst themselves. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw something glowing and flashing. She looked over and saw Alice, Bucky and Steve standing off to the side and that Bucky’s shirt was the thing that was flashing. Evie walked over and had to shield her eyes.
“Damn Barnes, didn’t know you wanted to be a tree for Christmas.” He flipped her off as the other two laughed.
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Alice’s shirt was definitely tamer than everyone else’s, but it was still on the naughty side. “You know, Alice, I think Bucky will have to take that monstrosity off before there’s any plowing.”
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We all laughed as she blushed just the tiniest bit.
“Oh shove it. I happen to like his jumper,” she pouted. “Besides, I’ve already told him to keep it on for later. It’ll help him see his present,” she added slyly, waggling her eyebrows. Evie looked away from her giving him bedroom eyes and caught sight of Steve’s shirt, reading it and grinning.
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“Hahahaha I like it Steve.” He looked at her in surprise, as did the other two.
“You understand it?” He and Bucky asked at the same time. SHe nodded slowly.
“Well yeah.” Evie reached out and covered the MERI with a hand. “A,” then covered the A. “Meri,” then ran her hand across his chest with a flourish. “Christmas! A Merry Christmas! Get it?” Bucky and Alice nodded with understanding. She grinned up at Steve, feeling incredibly proud. “Nice job Captain.” He smiled and it took all she had to not go weak at the knees. She saw him glance down at her chest, not doubt reading her shirt.
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“Wow,” he said with a smirk. “Is that an invitation?” He asked with a wink. Feeling very bold, Evie puffed her chest out a bit and smirked back at him.
“If it is, are you gonna accept it?” she asked coyly. They stood there, grinning at each other, for god knows how long.
“Hey Capiscle! Where’s your girlfriend?” Tony suddenly boomed, clapping Steve on the back. “Oh wait, I forgot. She’s banned from the Tower.” That one word was like having a bucket of ice cold water dumped on Evie. She ducked her head and turned away, catching Alice and Bucky’s gaze. They both smiled knowingly, Alice winking as Bucky threw a thumbs up. She walked away, hurrying to the bathroom to splash cold water on her face.
Evie forgot that Steve was still seeing that Amy chick that Sam had set him up with. Just as Evie had predicted, after Steve had gone over to Amy’s and confessed that he and Evie had slept together, Amy did NOT break up with him, claiming that everyone makes a mistake. Amy wasn’t stupid, and she wasn’t going to let Steve go without a fight. Evie jumped as someone knocked on the door.
“Evie, you alright?” Alice asked, concern evident in her British accent.
“Yeah, I’m alright. Be out in a sec,” the Doctor called back to her, drying her face before opening the door and flashing a quick smile. “I’m good. Let’s party, shall we?” Alice grabbed her arm and pulled her back to everyone. Steve regarded her with a sad look, almost like he regretted saying anything, and her heart sank.
They all took a seat around the fireplace, Tony sitting closest to the tree so he could begin giving out presents. Before long, everyone had a small stack of 12 presents and slowly began to open them, thanking the giver of each one. Finally, Evie had gotten to her last gift, which was from Steve. She took the wrapping paper off and found that it was a picture frame, flipping it over and seeing herself and Steve. They were both sound asleep on the very couch that Evie was sitting on, their arms wrapped around each other like it was the most natural and perfect thing in the world. She was speechless.
“That’s my favorite picture of us,” Steve explained softly, sitting down next to her. Evie raised an eyebrow at him, wanting more of an explanation. “The few times I’ve been in your room, I noticed that there weren’t any pictures of me. So, I found my favorite one and had it framed for you. I hope you like it,” he trailed off. She smiled at him, throwing her arms around him and squeezing.
“I love it. Thank you so much. I’m gonna put it up right next to my bed,” she gushed, releasing him, but he didn’t pull away completely. They sat there, in their own little bubble, just staring at each other. Evie agreed with Zemo, Steve does have a little green in his eyes. Suddenly, Steve’s phone began to ring and vibrate in his pocket, making them both jump. As he fished around trying to get it out, she shook her head and glanced up. Everyone was staring at them, and they all had the same knowing smirk on their faces. Evie felt her face burn as Steve finally wrestled his phone out of his pants and answered it.
“Oh hey babe,” he said, clearly talking to his girlfriend and ignoring everyone. He stood up and began pacing as they talked, going over their plans to spend Christmas Day together. Evie sighed, knowing that it’d never be her on the other end of the phone, making plans to spend the holidays with him. She suddenly couldn’t take being in the same room as him anymore, so she made a break for her room, leaving the presents behind.
Evie finally ventured out of her room a couple days after Christmas, feigning that she had been sick to her stomach and didn’t want anyone else to catch it. The rest of the team seemed to halfheartedly accept my explanation, but Alice and Nat eyed her warily afterwards. A few days later, Stark was getting everything together for his annual New Year’s Eve party when Steve announced that he wouldn’t be going, for he would be attending a party with his girlfriend. Evie could feel Alice and Bucky’s gaze on her, watching her reaction to the news. She kept her face as expressionless as possible, only looking up from her tablet for a split second before returning to her work.
It was New Year’s Eve, and Stark’s party was in full motion. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. Well, at least Evie thought they were having fun. She hadn’t actually been down to the party except to grab a bottle of vodka, choosing instead to hang out on the roof of the Tower ever since, enjoying the peace and q-
What the hell? She looked over her shoulder in time to see Steve throw his coat to the ground. He didn’t seem very happy.
“Hey sorry. Didn’t know anyone was up here,” he stammered. “I’ll go ahead and leave you alone.” He made to turn when she called out to him.
“No it's okay. There’s plenty of room. Here, sounds like you need a drink,” Evie offered, holding out the half empty bottle to him. He sighed before walking over and grabbing it, holding it up in a salute before taking a big swig. “So...what happened?” she asked warily, not wanting to upset him more. “If you don’t want to tell me, I understand.” He passed back the bottle before sitting down, bowing his head. Evie sat down next to him, setting the bottle down between them after taking another drink.
“Remember how I was going to a party with Amy?” he started.
“Well, after we got there we ended up separated, and as it got closer to midnight I couldn’t find her.” His breathing was getting faster. She reached out and rubbed his arm in an attempt to calm him down. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly before continuing. “When I finally did find her, she had another guy's tongue down her throat, but that wasn’t the worst part.” He took another deep breath and went on. “She had her dress hiked to her waist, while his pants were at his ankles.” Steve looked up at Evie, and she wanted to cry. He looked so broken in that moment. Her arms went around him, holding him tightly, willing the pain to be squeezed from him.
“Oh, Steve. I’m so sorry,” she choked out, tears welling in her eyes. He sat there, motionless for a while before she pulled away, realizing that her actions probably bothered him. “Sorry. That was uncalled for.” Damn alcohol. He shrugged.
“S’alright. Not your fault.” He grabbed the bottle and took another drink before putting it down and leaning in towards her. “Wanna know who the guy was?” he whispered, his breath fanning across her face.
“Who was it?” Evie breathed, not wanting to speak any louder that he was.
“Your ex Brian.” Her blood ran cold at the sound of his name. Brian had dumped her all of a sudden a while back. Things were going great between them, or so she had thought, until one day he accused her of flirting with Steve, of all people, and went out and started fucking any girl he could find.
“That bitch. He's not even in our lives anymore and he's still fucking things up!” Evie stood up and began to pace. She heard laughter and when she turned around, Steve was laying on his back, his mirth getting the better of him. “What's so funny Steve?” she snapped, hands on her hips.
“Did you really just call him a bitch?” he gasped, trying to catch his breath.
“Yes I did. Is that funny to you?” When all Evie got was more laughter, she walked back over to him, dropped to her knees and began tickling him. “If you want funny, I'll give you funny.” Steve froze for a moment as his brain processed what was happening, but wasn't long before he began tickling back.
They wrestling around on the roof for a bit, before Steve had maneuvered Evie to her back as he straddled her legs. “Say ‘uncle’ and I'll let you up,” he offered, his hands at the ready to resume his assault on her sides.
“Uncle,” she laughed. He stood before helping her up.
“Hey I can hear the crowd in Times Square counting down,” he said,  pointing over in the direction of the lights.  “15,14,13,12,11,” he counted out, nodding for her to join him.
“Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.”
Steve and Evie hugged each other, and it felt amazing to start the new year off together. After standing there for a moment, she felt him start to pull away, but as shei made to unhook her arms from around his neck, his lips found hers. She sprang away from him almost instantly, shock evident in both of us.
“Evie, I'm so sorry,” he started to apologize.
“No, Steve, it's fine. Really.  You just broke up with your girlfriend, who you had intended on kissing at midnight.  It was an accident.  Don't worry about it.” Evie was so heartbroken, and it took all her willpower to not cry. “Look, I'm getting tired, so I'm going to go to bed. I'll leave you alone.  Happy New Year's Steve.”
The next morning, everyone was in quite the hungover mood.  Evie walked out to the common room and headed straight to the fridge to grab a soda. It's the one thing that could clear up her fogginess. Once her head was clear, she started making pancakes, bacon and eggs for everyone.  It was the unspoken rule that whoever recovers first makes breakfast.  As soon as the smell of bacon began wafting around, the team descended on the kitchen like a horde of zombies. She handed out plates to everyone and they dug in like they hadn't eaten in days.
“Mmm. Well, it's not a Full English breakfast, but it'll do,” Alice mumbled from beside Bucky.  
“Oh, I'm sorry your Majesty, but seeing as how this is New York and not London, this is what you're gonna get,” Evie snapped at her. Bucky shot her a shocked look while Alice looked dumbfounded. Alice and Evie haven't gotten on very well since she, Bucky, Steve and the others came back from Wakanda. Evie tends to find Alice a bit abrasive and Alice tends to find Evie a bit thick. Evie closed her eyes and counted to ten while taking deep breaths. “I'm sorry. That came out harshly. I'm hungry and my head still kinda hurts.” Alice narrowed her eyes, scowling for a while before nodding curtly in understanding as Evie turned back to the stove.
“It's alright,” she replied. “Were you even at the party last night? How are you not as miserable as the rest of us?” Evie turned back to add the last of the pancakes and bacon to the platter before fixing her own plate.
“Well I didn't go to the party. I was up on the roof.” Alice quirked an eyebrow so she elaborated. “I'm not big on crowds or parties,  so I grabbed a bottle of vodka and hung out on the roof.” She finished the rest of her food before grabbing their plates and taking them to the sink with hers. She heard a chair scrape back and then Bucky’s amused voice.
“Damn Steve, what time did you get in last night?” Evie peeked over her shoulder at Steve, who had grabbed a plate and was loading it with food. “Did you and Amy ring in the new year?” Her face burned as she remembered who Steve was with at midnight.  
“No we didn't. I came back shortly before 12.” She turned back towards them, drinking her soda as they talked.
“Well then, where were you?” Bucky asked. Steve and Evie locked eyes again.
“I was up on the roof with Evie,” he answered proudly. Evie bowed her head to regain her composure before looking back up and seeing Alice watching her, a Cheshire cat grin across her face.
“So, you two spent the night together,” she mused.
“No. Not like that,” Evie began to explain before Alice cut her off.
“Not like what? Two people standing on the roof at the same time?” she asked innocently. “What did you think I meant?” Shit. Alice backed her into a corner, and they both knew it.
“That we were together, ‘cause we're not, er, weren't,” the Doctor stammered. The Slayer leaned forward on the breakfast bar, a satisfied smirk on her face.
“You were together though. Both of you were on the roof at the same time, which means you were together, right?” she reasoned, the smuggest she’s ever been. Bucky was giving Steve the same look that Alice was giving Evie, but he showed no signs of discomfort. Evie, on the other hand, was about to fold like a cheap suit. “Or does the word ‘together’ mean something different here than it does over in England?”
“No, no, that’s what I thought you meant.” Her face fell the tiniest bit as Evie found a way around the implied meaning. “Steve and I were together at midnight. We ended last year together, and we started  this year together.”
“Cute,” she huffed.
“Did Steve ever tell you what he caught his ex doing? Or who?” Everyone gasped as they all looked to Steve, while he shot her his best ‘really?’ look. Evie shrugged in response. “What? You’ve spilled a secret, so why can’t I?” He shook his head at her.
“Evie’s ex-boyfriend,” he said simply.
“Wait a damn minute here,” Sam cut in. “You mean to tell us that Amy, Steve’s now ex-girlfriend, cheated on him with Brian, Evie’s ex-boyfriend?” Everyone exchanged glances as they processed this information.
“Ask Steve. He’s the one who saw it,” Evie argued. Sam wasn’t letting it go though.
“So, out of the billions of men on this planet, the one that she chooses to hook up with, completely at random, was your ex?” Everyone was looking at her, waiting for an explanation.
“Yeah, I guess so. What? I’m not his damn keeper.” It had suddenly hit her as to why it seemed so suspicious. “Do you think I had something to do with it?” she asked, incredulous. “When on earth would I have the time to do that and, why would I do that?” No one seemed to believe her. “Brian broke up with me, okay? Someone lit his car on fire and told him to dump me or the next thing on fire was going to be him,” she confessed. Evie was so worried about trying to get everyone to believe her that she missed the look that Bucky gave Alice.
“Well, then if you didn’t hook them up, then how the hell did they end up at the same party?” Nat asked.
“They must have a mutual friend and that’s how they got invited to the same party, or else…” she trailed off before turning to Steve, who had this delighted yet disapproving look on his face. “Where was this party at?” He thought about it for a bit, before answering.
“The Aurora.” Well, son of a bitch.
“That’s Brian’s apartment building. I’m guessing it was a building wide party, so all the tenants were invited. That’s how they met,” she pointed out proudly.
“Amy’s best friend lives there too, so yeah that had to be how they found each other,” Steve added. Everyone seemed to accept the theory and went about their day. Nat however, didn’t appear to be entirely convinced.
“Well, has anyone come forward to ask you out?” she asked. Evie shook her head.
“No, but that’s the thing. Someone obviously wanted me single, and yet not one gentleman caller,” she lamented. Alice chose this point to add in her two cents.
“Maybe they were waiting for the perfect guy to become single himself.” Alice caught Evie’s eye and winked before gesturing between her and Steve. “You both are single now, perhaps for your next relationship, you should look closer to home.” Bucky chuckled to himself at Alice’s statement before Steve silenced him with a look.
“Well,” Nat piped up. “I know this really great girl, who can be a bit of a flake sometimes, that would be good for Steve. She’s out of state right now, so it’ll have to be after she gets back.”
“Great. Can’t wait to meet her,” Steve said, somewhat enthusiastically. Nat smiled at him before eyeing Evie out the corner of her eye.
“I’ll set it up then. In the meantime, should you find someone else that you want to be with instead, go for it.” She leaned forward and dropped her voice. “Because you know what they say, the best way to get over someone, is to get underneath someone else.” Steve’s eyes got big as the full meaning of her statement sank in.
“That’s called a sexorcism,” Evie blurted before blushing. The four of them turned to her, making her blush even more. “Where was all this advice when I got dumped? I could’ve used it and gotten one. Hell, I still could do with one.” She buried her face in her hands as Steve snorted.
“I could definitely use one too,” he added. The chance to be Steve’s rebound was right in front of Evie, but she wanted to be more than that to him, so she stayed silent.
“Well, I’m going to go. Hope you all enjoyed breakfast.” Evie walked around the bar and headed down the hall to her room, needing a cold shower to fight off these hormones.
@suz-123 @avenger-nerd-mom @aglarelen @amaranthuspetals @amillionfandoms-onlyoneme @bad-wolf87 @bolontiku @brighterlightss @buckybarnesappreciationsociety @buckyywiththegoodhair @caplansteverogers @captainradicalpassion @caramell0w @celeb-fess @delicatecapnerd @doloreschanal @donnaintx @earinafae @etts21 @ghostssss @girlbehindthecameraposts @gramaeryebard @jhangelface0523 @kimistry27 @liz-pbnz @loki-god-of-my-life @magellan-88 @marvel-trash07 @pegasusdragontiger @punkfrog @ruinerofcheese @ryverpenrad @sarahp879 @silver-starburst @the-real-kellymonster @4theluvofall  @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety  @stars8melanin  @getinmelanin011  @honey-bee-holly   @lostinspace33  @dustycelt  @avengedqueen26 @amandarosemire  @diinofayce  @sillinessinseattle @lookwhatyoumademequeue  @jewels2876
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ruckusheaven · 6 years
A Coon In A Colorful Heaven-  Chapter 2: “Forever is a Mighty Long Time...”
Coon- A black person who is ignorant to white discrimination and unknowingly suffers with self hatred   
This chapter continues to follow the eternal story of a man named Damien. When we last saw Damien he had awoken in his own Hell awaiting Judgment. Damien was being judged by his own personal Angel named “Angie”, as she read off a list of his sins that were condemning him to hell; in hopes of having him understand and accept his fate. But during Damien’s judgement Angie saw something “interesting”  withing his conflictions. Was it Hope? Confusions? Or maybe she Pitied the poor soul? Regardless of what Angie saw, Damien would soon come to realize that even in Heaven you can still create your own Hell; and that spirits that belong in Heaven, Stay in Heaven...
*A Bright Light Crashed down, dissipating leaving Damien laying on his back*
Damien: *sitting up, rubbing his head* ow that...hurt?
Damien: You can still feel pain in Heaven? I thought in Heaven you couldn’t feel anything ba- *deep gasp*
As Damien looked up he had saw a Realm that many had and still Dream of, yet all are completely wrong. Heaven.. a Realm made of pure imagination. Shapes and Buildings. Clouds and Water. Animals and Tress. Some Buildings that look old and familiar. Some buildings that look..Impossible. Colors of different shades and hues, but somehow all perfectly harmonized. People Flying through the sky and walking around. Some wearing familiar clothes, some wearing nothing at all..
Damien: *eyes start to water* This place is... this place is-
???: Paradise right?
Damien: *looking up* Angie!?
Angie: Hola 
Damien: *standing up* What are you doing here?? Are you like my Guardian Angel or something?
Angie: Oh no not at all! that’s a whole nother headache that i’m no longer apart of.
Angie: I’m just here as a guide of sorts
Damien: A guide?
Angie: Yep! as you can see Heaven is literally an endless place of space and possibilities. Souls are scattered all over the place
Angie: Some in places that are highly populated. Some in personal “Zones” or area’s unknown to everyone but them.
Angie: Heaven is a big place, so Angels like me are here to help you find what you’re looking for first, like families and friends or maybe help create your own zone.
*A few feet away from Angie and Damien, another soul crashes down and is greeted with a huge crowd of family and friends*
Damien: wow what a huge family.. why wasn’t anyone waiting for me?
Angie: Ehh... let’s just say that you being here is a surprise,, a very uncommon one.
Damien: *takes a deep breath* wow.. really..
Angie: Yea.. but listen that’s kind of why you’re here anyways. See the reason i-
Damien: Listen you don’t have to explain... i think i get it. 
Angie: Do you really?
Damien: Yea... i’m the first of my bloodline to make it into Heaven and it’s kinda big deal.
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Angie: Boy are you dumb or retarded!? Do you know how huge your bloodline is and continues to be!?!
Angie: And you think that out of the MILLIONS before you, that you’re the first to make it!?
Damien: I mean yea kinda..
Damien: Look im not dumb enough to think that my Ancestors in the B.C time didn’t make it. But from what i can remember about most of my personal family.. most weren’t great people and not enough donated blood to make it into Heaven like i did.
Angie: You’re just so...
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Angie: You know what. How about i just take you to their sector, so you can see for yourself. This was kinda the point in the first place.
Damien: We have our own sector??
Angie: Yup and they’ll be more than surprised to see you. I’m very excited to see the upcoming results
Damien: Results? what are you-
*A Bright Light crashes down on Damien, Taking him up to his family’s sector*
Angie: Now what will it be Damien, Peace or Silence?...
*A Bright Light crashes down leaving Damien on his feet*
Damien: -doing here?..
Damien: Angie? *looking left and right* Angie!?
A Young Girl Walking in a distance: I recognize that voice.. i know... i know they didn’t
Damien: *looks and sees the young girl* Hey excuse me can you help me out!?
The Young Girl in the Distance: OOOO! Pam and Craig are gonna flip on this one *A Bright Light crashes down taking her away*
Damien: What in the hell was that about?..
Damien: *walking around* wooow, this place is beautiful
Damien: I can’t believe my bloodline has its own sector. Everything looks different but at the same time familiar.. and there’s so many people here.
Damien: *looks around* aye, aye! Aunt Veronica, Aye it’s me
Aunt Veronica: *Flying by*
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 Damien: Dam... maybe she didn’t hear me.. she was pretty high up..
Damien: If she’s here i wonder who else is.. *walking around* this place is really beautiful
Damien: omg is that... AYE, AYE! Uncle Lennard, AYE its me man!
Uncle Lennard: *sitting on a bench* aw hell, they done let this negro in
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Damien: *walks up* aye uncle, man im so glad to see you here
Uncle Lennard: hey Damien... so they let you in huh...
Damien: Yea man, but to be honest i barely got in. Shawty at the gate said that thanks to my blood donation i saved a few hundred people, so it kinda balanced out everything.
Uncle Lennard: well ain’t that bout a bitch
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Damien: Huh?
Uncle Lennard: nothin.. it’s nothin nephew.. *stands up* good to see ya.. *walks off*
Damien: Dam what was that about??
Damien: *walking around* i wonder what was up with Unc just now..
*An All White with Gold Trim Cadillac pulls up next to him*
Damien: *looks up* OMG!!! UNCLE CRAIG!!
Uncle Craig: *looks over* aww hell naw, no they didn’t!
Damien: Uncle Craig its me. What up baby!
Uncle Craig: Yea i see you nigga, they just lettin anyone in now huh?
Damien: Whatchu mean?
Uncle Craig: Aye, All Lives Matter i guess huh
Damien: All lives matter…. *Thinks*
Damien: *flashes back to him tweeting all lives matter against black protest*
Damien: *makes a deep gasp*
Uncle Craig: uh huh, you done fucked up big time nephew
Damien: look that was back in the past. i ain’t-
Uncle Craig: and don’t think we ain’t see those post you made talking mess about dark skin women and what happened between you and Lexis
Damien: ooo wait till yo great ancestors see yo ass *skirrrts off* 
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Damien: *panicking to himself* what the fuck! were they all watching me this whole time…
Damien: *his heart starts to pound fast* no way. no way. no fucking way
Damien: If Uncle Craig is here… then the chances of  Aunt Pam being here is-
*A Bright Light crashes down leaving behind The Young Girl from before and Aunt Pam*
The Young Girl: Mmhmm there he is Aunt Pam *points at Damien*
Aunt Pam: You got alot of God damn nerve showing up here! *marches towards Damien*
Damien: Look Aunt Pam i-
Aunt Pam:
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Damien: *stumbles back, holding his cheek in shock* that.. really hurt.. alot? 
Aunt Pam: GOOD! it was suppose to and i got more where that comes from! *goes to throw a punch at Damien*
*A Young Man Grabs Pams arm and pulls her back*
Young Man: CHILL! This isn’t worth anything!
Aunt Pam: *struggling and jerking around to get free* THE HELL IT IS!!
Aunt Pam: 15 years Damien! 15 years i watched over your trifling disrespectful ass going around hurting whoever and doing whatever you wanted hoping that you’d change one day
Aunt Pam: But after seeing what you did to your Wife and Daughter and the trauma you left behind damaging a whole generation to come. i refused to watch over you for a second more!! 
Young Man: *lets go of Pam*
Aunt Pam: You embarrassed me and this whole family! leaving others to clean up the mess you caused… so many souls lost because of you and you don’t even know it..
Aunt Pam: You should be in Hell just like your Father..
The Young Girl: oh shit..
Damien: *lifts his head up in shock* Huh?…
Aunt Pam: Just looking at you just makes me sick
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Damien: *falls on his back*
Young Man: PAM!
Aunt Pam: He’ll be fine, im going back to my zone anyways *A Bright Light crashes down taking Pam away*
Damien: *slowly starts to sit up*
Young Man: *looks at The Young Girl* Can you go check on Pam and make sure she calms down
The Young Girl: Sure it might take a few thousand years but that doesn’t really matter now does it. *A Bright Light crashes down taking The Young Girl away*
Damien: not really feeling like paradise anymore…
Young Man: *looks down at Damien* I think we both know she has a right to be angry
Young Man: How did you even get in here?
Damien: Some dumb Angel said my blood donation saved lives so im here now
Damien: But to be honest if this is what i have to expect for an eternity, then i think i was better off in Hell
Young Man: *looks at Damien’s foot* Keep talking like that and you just might find yourself there
Damien: what are you talking abou- *Damien sees that his foot is starting to deteriorate just like in his judgement room*
Young Man: Relax you still got time.. but you’re only going to stay in Heaven if you belong in Heaven.
Young Man: So that means me and you are going to have to talk
Damien: Who the hell are you anyways!!
Young Man: *leans over and sticks his hand out to Damien* Hi my name is Chris and i’m your grandson.
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lucy-in-the-house · 6 years
☆~Oc info sheet~☆
So I decided to get off my lazy @ss and post this :b
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^^^sketch of my oc(tails and ears not included)doing one of her favorite passtimes, free-run parkour in search of a wall to graffiti^^^
☆*Full name*☆
Lucy Jeanette Eileen Giroud
"The fox"
17 (physically)
Half human/half demon
Pineapple. Just kidding, Female
☆*Blood type*☆
HH, also known as 'Bombay Blood'
☆*Eye color*☆
☆*Hair color*☆
2nd year highschool student, or in France: Terminale student. And the personal bodyguard of the heir to a worldwide criminal organization.
-Eliott Giroud (older brother).
-Lisana Teatly (Lily for short, childhood friend).
-Thomas Carlson (childhood friend)
Drawing, 'performing arts' (dancing, singing, theatre,...), playing video games, watching anime and listening to Kpop.
☆*Favorite food*☆
Chocolate and any soft, and not sour, candy.
☆*Favorite drink*☆
Bubble tea
Iron bru (for the meme)
☆*For dem shipzzzz*☆
I like to ship her with Laito :3
"Crazy is such an ugly word. I prefer... mentally unstable."
"I ain't no fox!"
"You vamps are literally oversized mosquitos"
"*Irish accent* you wanna go mate? You wanna fight? I'll bash ye 'ead in! I swear on meh mom I'll destroy ya!"
"Well imma just skiddadle the heck outta here"
"Hon Hon Hon I am very française!"
"*T pose* I'm the meme Lord and punmaster. Fear my powerrrrr..."
"If you're feeling suicidal you came to the right place! Cuz I'm gonna f*****g kill myself as well"
"BTS are true Gods. No need for Jesus when I got these sunshines."
She will usually wear a red or purple hoodie with black shorts (sometimes jeans) with pink thigh highs and white shoes. She always has three hairclips to hold up the right part of her fringe. She has a pair of red glasses but doesn't wear them often because she forgets. She is very pale (mostly because of her unbalanced health) and is a bit chubby, she's a bit too busty for her age (but seriously doesn't give a damn).
She's a really laid back and bubbly girl, who has a bad case of swearing, and talking about morbid subjects with problem. She a good person, though she might be psycopathic. However, she's absolutely horrible at socializing, as a child she never had the chance to, so she has difficulty opening up to others, or speaking to people she isn't familiar with. Apart from that, she can get very sassy and sarcastic with a pinch of salt. She gets easily triggered like say sh&t about her fam and she'll diss yo @ss. She's also a 'daredevil', and will never say no to a challenge. She a kind soul with a pinch of spicyness and MEMES.
And although she's a weirdo, she a good and respectful student.
And I almost forgot, she a Kpop fan and an otaku (not a weaboo) so her social life is n o n e x i s t a n t.
(Note: her history is long, but if you read it all you'll get a cookie🍰🍩🍰🍪🍪🍪🍪)
Lucy was born in an average family. She grew up in france, though she was born in america. Her life at home was pretty normal, though she didn't get along very well with her father or siblings, but Lucy was pretty close to her mother who was like a best friend to her. At school however, she was constantly bullied, both mentally and physically. The reasons were one because she was the only child with red hair in her school (and they thought she had some contamination), and because she didn't fit in any social groups.
She grew up thinking she was a freak of nature and a disgrace, cursed to be alone, that love was something she'd ever experience and learned that the only way to be left alone was by being creepy and/or violent.
However, she managed to make friends with two people, and she made her mind to protect them no matter what. The bullying went on for 10 years. Her parents tried taking her to therapists, doctors, psycologist, but not one could fix her broken mind. So the only option they had left was to send her away to her Uncle and Cousin, after that day, she never saw her biological family again. (Except for her brother)
Her cousin Caitlin (who is now dead) was like an older sister, and was nice to her. She soon found out that her family came down from generations of monster hunters, her uncle was one, and so was her cousin, her cousin taught her how to fight, and the weakness of practically every monster that she could remember. But her cousin's intentions behind educating her on this topic was to find herself a replacement, to kill a demon she had summoned a few years back. Caitlin had sacrificed her soul to a demon to obtain the weapon needed, which she gave to Lucy.
After her cousin dissapeared, she went back to her hometown and reunited with her friends. She spent the next year hunting the demon her cousin was aiming for, but little did she know that the demon was also looking for her. When they finally encountered, it was a hard battle. Lucy won, but barely alive, having a big scar going across her torso. But before the demon died, it infuses its soul into Lucy's body, giving Lucy it's powers and cursing her with immortality. After that fight, she went back to her friends. They traveled down to the South of France and settled there, trying to live 'normal' lives... Until one day, she received orders from [...] to live with the sakamakis.
-Eliott: they almost never interact, although they are family. They only speak when it comes to business or important matters.
-Lily: they are very close, Lily is one of the only two people who know Lucy inside out. Lucy has sworn to protect Lily even if it would cost her life. They love to hangout together and cry over fandoms.
-Thomas: same as Lily, except he's like a mom, always taking care of Lucy, even when she says she doesn't need help, they both share a love for kpop and anime. Lucy's emotional bond with Thomas is stronger than anyone else she's close to, even Lily.
As Lucy is half demon, she gained most of the abilities of the demon who infused itself into her, who was a shadow demon:
-increased strength and hearing
-she can sorta float
-the shadow realm: by jumping into a shadow (a person's shadow, object's shadow, any shadow at all) she can enter an dimension called "the shadow realm", a place only shadow demon may access
-a little thing I like to call Katherine: Katherine was the 'name' of the demon Lucy fought with, this ability activities when she deadly mad or under too much stress or pressure that she just snaps and goes psycho. She has strange black tentacles (like a kagune from Tokyo ghoul). She will attack anything around her. Only Thomas and Lily can control her under this form.
Lucy has been fighting since as long as she can remember, so she is very skilled in the domaine.
Although she might not have all the abilities of the demon, she's still more powerful than a demon, as the fact she has emotions (which demons don't) has a great impact on her powers.
Lucy can't die from age ot sickness. But she candie from bloodloss and getting wounded, as she heals only slightly faster than a human.
☆*other info*☆
1-Lucy was the second eldest of her biological family.
2-she enherited half of her father's company (the other half her older brother) and her family's mansion.
3-she an absolute virgin :/ *le sad music*
4-She's left handed, therefore her capacity at cutting meat is non-exigent (true story, left handed people struggle more at cutting meat, and I'm talking out of experience because I am left handed)
5-she speaks fluent English and French (Those were the two languages she spoke throughout her childhood), she also learned German, Japanese and is trying to learn Korean. She's also fluent in Shakespearean and in both English and Australian slang.
6-in the south of France, she goes to a highly reputed international campus.
7-lucy doesn't like physical contact whatsoever, except for Thomas and Lily, and she can just about tolerate Laito but She gets really flushed and embarrassed. She gets uncomfortable when people touch her hair, shoulders, lower back and thighs, if someone does touch her there she'll flinch and try to pry them off.
8-she only wears clothes that fully cover her body because she's a very self aware person and she's covered in scars because of her sh&tty childhood.
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goaskjordan4-blog · 6 years
Depression has no face (enjoy my shitty grammar)
When people first meet me there are a few descriptions I fit around the board; outgoing, friendly, strange, creative, funny etc. blah blah blah. From an outsiders perspective it goes hardly noticed that I could suffer from any form of anxiety, depression, or social phobia (if you catch me at the right time of coarse.) In reality, I’ve worked so hard to receive all these titles. Never in my wildest dreams would I think a person who has just met me, or even known me for a substantial amount of time would ever use the word “outgoing” to describe me. Those currently struggling with mental health may have some pre-conceived notions on how others who deal with it carry themselves. It wasn’t long ago to what I would consider to be the shy, awkward, sad, neurotic, anti-social, cookie cutter fit the mold of the ultimate millennial mental health crisis in America. When I went out. I would see these social butterflies and think, damn what I wouldn’t give to have that kind of confidence. In my eyes these kids had everything I never had and everything I ever wanted, Recognition. I remember when I started my first semester at are school I quickly became acquainted with Adriana. This girl was the poster child for social butterfly movement, anyone and everyone could have a conversation with her. Even me! It wasn’t long after we met that she started hanging out with my roommate and I. They hit it off right away (cus… ya know…. Social skills) But I on the other hand had a hard time making a strong connection with her do to my shyness. It wasn’t long after meeting her that was like, “Okay I gotta get to know this bitch better.” Despite the fact that she was fun person, she seemed to have LITERALLY ALL HER SHIT TOGETHER. And I was determined to find out how and where the fuck these people come from. The three of us (Adriana, my roommate and I) were out on campus one day. The roomie had to go back to our place to get some work done, leaving Adriana and I alone to go about our day. This was our first time hanging out one on one, therefore our first chance to have any kind depth conversation. She had to go to the post office to pick some stuff up and offered me to come along. On our walk there our conversation was very forced. Neither of us new each other very well so I scrambled to find some common ground to talk about. A movie, a TV show, Drawing, Pumpkin Spice Lattes, WHATEVER!!! I can’t remember how it started, but the topic of depression came into play. I almost shit a brick when I found out this happy go luck girl struggled practically every single thing that I did, and more. Depression, Anxiety, Suicide, self harm, and more. She had a tough life, and spent a lot of time in forester care. She felt abandoned, worthless, and had a multitude of insecurities. That led me to my next question. How the hell did this girl go throughout her day with all of this weighing down on her shoulders? She couldn’t give me the secret ingredient that I was looking for. The honest truth is everyone has their was of coping, and that was hers.  Happy, bubbly, friendly the sun will come out tomorrow, Adriana was a mess, and I wouldn’t have bet bottom dollar in a million fucking years.  It just goes to show you. I’m not saying that everyone is like this. Some people wear a smile on their face and in their hearts. It just goes to show you, depression has no face.  So the next time you see that kid who looks like they have it made. Keep in mind that you never know what’s going on behind the scenes.
I feel so sad I don’t know how to bare this emotion I want to drink, but I don’t want to feel sick I’m tired of running from this One of my greatest desires in life is to be accepted and desired, maybe not just that but to be recognized. But I wasn’t always like this. You know that old saying, Your life can change in an instant. It’s so fucking corny, but it’s true in a way. We’ve heard it in the movies countless times. Not to mansion real life. It’s always there whether it’s acknowledged or not. I never hear it used in a positive light though. “you’re life changes in an instant” is most commonly used to show some form of loss or unfortunate occurrence that has changed your life for the worst. Not to say your life can’t change in positive ways instantly, but we tend to take those little moments for granted.  We all like good things to happen to us.  Sometimes we don’t even realize how easy it comes. My first “life changing event” that I can remember, was nothing bold, nothing out theer, nothing anyone can detect. No one but me I guess.  It was a subtle shift, something I think wouldn’t change my life in the long run. But here I am 20 years later still thinking about it. The other day I was cleaning out my room and I found a shit ton of old junk that I had when I was in pre school. They were papers and reports basically talking about my development and how I interacted with other kids.  I was surprised to see the words “leader” “”social” “”outgoing” “energetic” and friendly in my reports. Since most of my childhood I made an effort to stay a loner.  I knew I had not always been a loner, but it was refreshing anf somewhat fascinating to see it written down on paper by an observer. That brings me to discuss my first life changing event, which is, of coarse, when I decided to stop being all those things.  I must have been 3 or 4 at the time. My best friend was this girl that lived down the street named Molly. And I literally was best friends with her ever since the day I was both. She was 3 months older than I was and since her family lived not too far away and my parents were already well acquainted with them she was constantly over at my house.  Every time my parents set up a playdate I would be like YES YES YES.  I loved hanging out with her. Having her around was one of my favorite things ever. One day the phone was ringing and it was Molly’s mom. “Hey Jordan” my mother said cheerfully, “Would you like Molly to come over for a play date.” My immediate answer was yes of coarse because I always LOVED seeing Molly. But then something happened. I had these sudden flood of unfamiliar emotions. “Wait,  I can’t have molly over, what if I get bored and want alone time.” “What if I just don’t want to see her right now.” “Will I regret this decision in the future?” It was as if a switch flipped in my brain. I went from being fully exited and happy, to immediately regretful and unsure of myself.  After this weird flood of emotions I immediately said to my mom. “Never mind, I don’t feel like seeing anyone right now.” And from that moment forward I kept a cautious distance.  Whenever I was asked to see her again, I would say things like, “ok, but only for an hour” or “maybe later, I don’t feel like it right now.” I don’t know exactly why but I just felt like I needed to be alone. As if alone time was “better” in some way.  That one switch in my mind mapped out a majority of my childhood and adolescent social life.  And to this day I wonder, if I ignored those emotions that day Molly’s mom was on the phone and just said yes as I always do, How different would my life be today? In the grand scheme of things I really didn’t mind being alone all the time.  But I could definitely tell my parents were concerned.  I was brought to all these doctors as a kid and they’d always ask my about my social life and how things are going. I’d just always be like “things are good”
“How are friends at school?” “Things are good.” “Do you enjoy interacting with the other kids?” “Yeah. I guess.” “Do you ever invite them over to your house?” “Sometimes.” “Why don’t you invite them over more?”
Like… I understand the concept of therapy. But when I don’t understand is how a parent will legit just bring there little kid to some random office, have them sit down in a room alone, with a woman they don’t know AT ALL. And expect them to actually say to that random stranger, in that random building, siting in that random office how they actually feel.  Like, the whole Idea of giving those doctors even a shred of personal information, was beyond me. I know some people who go to therapy today AS ADULTS who feel uncomfortably sharing shit with there therapist. So the idea of an elementary schooler doing it is beyond me. It wasn’t until years later when I was 17 that I actually chose to go to therapy again because I was ready to open up.
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