#literally like one of the first times nene thinks about being nice to him to his face he starts going
ssruis · 3 months
Also I like that despite tsukasa being the comedy chew toy for wxs they all clearly think he’s great. Emu thinks he’s really funny and cool and has believed in him since the first time she laid eyes on him and compares him to her grandpa (inarguably the most important person in her life). Rui trusts him to improvise a crucial speech in WMS and specifically uses voice recordings of him to cheer up Mizuki and has no doubt he’ll become a star. Nene thinks his drive and skill is very impressive and says he’s reliable. However none of them will tell him this because he has a huge fucking ego (doesn’t need to be any bigger), he already knows they love him, and they all find it more entertaining to affectionately bully him. As nene said:
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faerishv · 2 years
HELLO!!! before i start i just gotta say i absolutely LOVE your writtings!!! they bought me smile into myface whenever i read them
okay back to the topic, i hope you see this and if you do can you make a reverse comfort? basically they had a nightmare at a sleepover and woke up in the middle of the night only to find you were awake for whatever reasons. They are absolutely flabbergasted, embarrassed about the fact that their s/o is seeing them crying over a dumb nightmare.
This promt with Teru, Kou, Akane, and Yashiro please! or if it was too much you can hust write Teru :)
have a nice day!!<3
" this is so embarrassing .. "
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; yashiro :
being in contact with so many supernatural entities can lead to feeling a little paranoid. She asked you to have a sleepover mainly because of her nightmares , maybe if she slept with someone who brings her peace all the nightmares would stop , that's what she thought.
So there she is , sleeping on the futon next to your bed , though unfortunately the nightmares kept going ; she was moving and whimpering under the blankets , seeing all her loved ones under the grasp of the entities when suddendly she woke up sweating and trembling , she sitted trying to wipe her tears , when she turned her head to you and found you awake looking at her too
She was so embarassed she started smiling at you trying to pretend nothing happened " w- what are you doing awake at this hour [ name ] ..? " you looked at her with pity " i heard you moving around and i woke up " you said while getting closer to her " Nene did you have a nightmare ? " she was so embarassed about you seeing her cry , sure you've already seen her in despair but not her crying like that " me ? Crying ?? No way , why would you think that !! " obviously her attempt failed miserably " alright , i did have a nightmare ... but it was nothing , really ! "
You could see her being uncomfortable thinking about what she saw , so you didn't ask anything else ; you let her lay her head on your shoulder for comfort ; it ended up with both of you sleeping on eachother and Nene stopping having nightmares
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; kou :
Kou invited you to have dinner at his house with his brother and sister , the weather got bad though so Teru suggested you to sleep with them , at first you suggested to sleep in the living room on the sofa but Kou asked you if you wanted to sleep in his room , and who are you to decline the invitation to sleep with your boyfriend. You are now sleeping on his bed and his sleeping on the floor ( he forced you to sleep on the bed )
Kou doesn't really happen to have bad dreams often , so it was really strange when he dreamed of you getting the same treatment that got Mitsuba from Tsukasa ; he was so scared of losing you too , the dream felt so real that he suddendly woke up with tears covering his eyes. He tried to search for you on the bed , just to find nobody on it ; he started freaking out when he saw you to the door walking in the room , but before you could do one step more he literally jumped on you , to your surprise ; he was touching your hair , arms , your back , he wanted to control if you were really you or if he was still dreaming " Kou ..? What happened to you ?? " you took his face in your hands just to find him quietly sobbing and with his eyes red from crying " what happened Kou , talk to me ! Did something happened while you were sleeping ? " he tried to recompose himself before talking " i - i had a bad dream .. you were there and .. and then he did something and s - sudde .. suddendly you were a supernatural .. i thought i would've lose you forever .. " you hugged him closely to you for about 5 minutes , before he calmed himself down.
you took his hand and guided him to the bed , you laid your head on his chest , his heartbeat was a lot calmer than before. You then woke up in the morning still in the same position you two were in
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; teru :
You two dated long time ago , so you already knew his past , the fact that he's always been a good exorcist and he couldn't live his childhood like he wanted to. That's something it always upsetted him : being the strongest to protect the others while the live their happy lifes , not that he isn't happy tho ; he has 2 adorable siblings and a perfect s / o by his side
By now it was normal for you to sleep at the Minamotos house , its like a second family to you. It was night , everyone was sleeping , some dreaming something beautiful , others dreaming things not so amazing. It's rare for Teru to have any nightmares at all , or getting any sleep at night overall ; he has many duties to attend to and many thoughts in his head that sometimes even he can't control
Terrible scenarios were heading into his mind : people assaulted by supernaturals and he couldn't do anything about it , his siblings in danger , than you leaving him because he wasn't enough. Every little fear he has showing up in his dreams until he couldn't take it anymore. He woke sweating , he touched his cheeks that were stained with his tears , he felt so dumb for crying over a stupid nightmare
" Teru ? Is everything alright ?? " he looked up at you confused and shocked : he didn't noticed you weren't in bed with him and honestly he was embarassed you had to see him like that , he never showed his true colors to anyone and he didn't mean to show them to you like that " ah , nothing dear , i just noticed you weren't here and i woke up " of course he lied , he didn't want you to worry about him for such a meaningless dream " mhm .. then why are your eyes red ? Did you cry Teru ? You know you can tell me everything right .. " he patted the empty spot on the bed , you laid down and he guided your head to his chest , his arms on your back
" [ name ] .. i love you , you know that ? " you looked up at him surprised , it wasn't flirty or anything like that , it was sincere and pure " of course i do , and i love you too Teru " he smiled while you laid down to sleep. Maybe , just maybe , someday he'll show you his true self and his fears
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; akane :
he really really loves when you ask to do a sleepover to his house , he couldn't be more happier to spend the entire day with you ; and he also loves when the night arrives and its time to go to bed , so that he can cuddle you to sleep all he wants
though tonight plans didn't go as planned , he didn't know why but this nightmares continued to torment him over and over again ; everytime he thought it was over it would start again : it was you and him being together as always , when suddendly something bad was about to happen to you but he couldn't stop the time ; he had to watch without the force to do anything , he felt useless , comparing to everyone , Teru or even the Honourable Number 7 , they are definitely better than him to fight
he woke up screaming to the time to stop , he felt that you weren't in bed with him and freaked out so bad. He calmed himself hearing your steps coming to the bedroom " is everything okay Akane !? " he started tearing up again and hugged you tightly " Akane ?? " " i really thought it was all real .. i couldn't stop the time and y - you ... you ... " you embraced him and stopped him before he could say anything else " shh ... it's okay my love , it was just a bad dream , im still here with you , and i'll always be " hearing you saying that calmed him down a lot " im sorry you had to see me like this , it was just a dumb nightmare and i couldn't help myself , its so embarrassing .. " he was so flustered it was so cute.
You two returned to bed , and if you thought he would've let you go in his sleep , you can be sure he wont now
i honestly got carried away with Teru and Akane but i love them so much , anyways this was really fun to write !!
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apotelesmaa · 6 months
Absolutely wild to me every time I remember Rui is literally only Like That with Tsukasa. Nene who has known Rui forever going I made his candle this scent because he’s mature and Tsukasa going what the fuck are you talking about no he is not. With every other character he’s behaving within the range of nice kind polite boy & somewhat mischievous but wrt tsukasa he’s like I’m going to be as insane as possible. Full throttle on silly goose mode. Something something Tsukasa being the first person to tell rui “not only do I appreciate your crazy ideas and think they’re so cool but I actively encourage them and will not accept you holding back” and also be the first person rui has met who is just as much of an insane show freak as him. Esp after Rui having everyone avoid him because of his ideas/passion for shows. Tsukasa told Rui he was going to stick by him no matter what & will be matching his efforts -> he proves this in the Halloween event by getting hurt by one of rui’s inventions and then being like how dare you hold back on my account -> rui is like oh I can be as weird & insane as I want with this guy. & obv this is just as important to tsukasa who now has someone who is able to help him improve and go further with his passions in a way no one else can. Always thinking abt that scene where tsukasa was like I cannot grasp this android character and asahi was like that’s ok you’re fine as is dont worry and rui was like no actually you can do better. Worlds most intense director meets the world’s most intense actor and together they create a feed back loop of Stupid.
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feverdancing · 3 months
A new part! This time, how Amane and Nene meet!
Watching Amane and Aoi interact was… Kind of cute, if Nene was being honest.  They weren’t in the same class. Amane was in the year below Aoi.  But that didn’t seem to deter their friendship. Aoi had helped him with something, Nene didn’t know the details, and boom! They instantly became friends. Nene always knew that the two could be good friends. Amane’s easygoing vibes meshed well with Aoi’s sweet personality. He was undeterred by Akane’s threats. Her friends were all nice to each other.
The way Aoi and Amane smiled and laughed about something Nene couldn’t hear warmed her dead heart. She almost feels alive while she observes all of her old friends have fun. Amane and Kou were friends as well. They were in the same class. He was part of Kou’s little friend group, but he tended to stick closer to Kou. There was a bit of a bittersweetness that Nene felt while she saw those two in particular interact. They were quick to become friends. Kou welcomed him into his friend group with open arms after they had been assigned a group project together. And there was also Amane’s twin, Tsukasa, who was great friends with Kou. Nene liked watching them cause havoc and play fight with each other. Amane would stand there and pretend he didn’t know them if they started roughhousing in front of people. If they were away from people, he’d watch and laugh at them. Kou and Tsukasa both had hyperactive personalities and led with their hearts. Nene was glad the red house demon didn’t taint Tsukasa, he was able to grow and be a normal kid. Of course, with Kou around, Nene wasn’t able to watch up close or with her haku-joudai, she couldn’t risk Kou immediately going after her in exorcist mode, so she would hide and be as discrete as she possibly could [she’s a ghost, so she could be practically invisible if she wanted to be] while watching them. Nene always felt like a stalker when she had to be that discrete. Not that she wasn’t; she literally followed them around and made sure she knew exactly where they all were and what they were doing when they were on the school grounds. 
Nene stood on the outside, peering in on her friends. And She was happy. Even if they had no idea of her existence. They didn’t need to know she existed. She was content with none of them knowing. She had accepted this fact a long, long time ago.
Which is why it was a surprise when she heard those three knocks on her stall. Horrified when she was summoned by the voice of someone all too familiar calling out her name three times.
Alarm bells rang off in her head as she met eyes of amber.
Nene was close to losing her composure when she slowly opened the stall, only to be face-to-face with Amane. He stumbled back with a yelp. She appeared behind him and leaned closer, and whispered a small “boo,”  And he cried out and whipped around to face her,  “You’re Hanako-san?!” He asked once he calmed down, clutching his chest. “The one and only!” Nene gave him a cheeky smile and struck a pose, ignoring the twisting fear in her. “I…” He looked mystified, unable to find his words, “I didn’t think ghosts were real…” His eyes dart down, and he blinked, “Do ghosts get swollen ankles? Maybe you should sit down,” He whispered the first part to himself. “Huh?” her ankles were seriously the first thing he noticed. “My ankles aren’t swollen?” His face twisted up with confusion, “But they look too fat?” Nene turned around, mentally ready to go somewhere else. She really didn’t want to deal with being called a daikon. “I guess you don’t want your wish granted…” “Wait!” Amane yelled, panicked, “I think they’re cool! They’re cool!” “Cool?” Nene turned back around, “I’m a cool ghost?” “The coolest ghost!” Amane insisted. She felt uneasy with how familiar this conversation felt, but she ignored that thought too and gave him a smile, “What’s your name and wish?” She asked, sticking to her script. “My name is Yugi Amane, and my wish is—“ Amane paused, blinking, “My wish?” “Yes, your wish, Yugi-san, you came here for a wish, right? I can grant it,” Why was he so confused? She didn’t understand. Amane looks to the side, “I don’t… remember?” “You don’t remember?!” Nene yelled, “Why are you here then?” “I wanted to see if the rumor was right…” Amane at least had the decency to look embarrassed. “I don’t get it.” “Aoi-san— my friend, she tells me about rumors around the school, and she told me yours and. I dunno, I just wanted to see if I could summon a ghost, you know?” “So you don’t have a wish?” He shook his head. “You know, it doesn’t have to be some large grandiose thing, right?” She couldn’t help but desire to be near him, even if it was for a short time. “Huh?” Amane tilted his head, “I already said I didn’t have a wish?” “But you took the time out of your day to summon me, so… might as well take a shot and wish for something, you know?”  Nene couldn’t help but want to at least do something for him. “I… I’d have to think— besides, doesn’t it cost something to have a wish granted?” “It does, not money. Honestly, it’s not really that important right now.” Nene waved her hand dismissively, “I’ll decide what’s of equal value to my services, but don’t worry, I won't use any steep supernatural abilities to drive up the price. I don’t really care for taking more than needed. Amane narrowed his eyes, staring at her with suspicion, “How do I know that? You could easily be lying,” He gasped, “Are you going to take years off my life? Or—“  “NO!” She yelled, planting her feet on the floor, “No! I don’t take people’s lives— let alone my clients! I would never ever do such a thing! How could you even jump to that as a conclusion?!” He flinched from her shouting. “I don’t know!” He raised his hands in surrender, leaning away from her, “I get it! You’re not going to take precious years off my life,” How could he even think like that? After everything Nene had done for him. She huffed, “Not many people are able to summon me, Yugi-san. I suggest you think wisely about your wish,” Amane doesn’t even know who she is. He was just cautious, and here she was, getting upset over nothing. You’d think after over fifty years of existing, she’d at least be able to keep her cool. He looked away towards the ground, his eyebrows stitched together as he thought about what he could ask for.
Nene stared at him.  Amane looked… so human and alive. And happy. 
A smile crept onto her lips.
“I dunno what I would want to wish for…” Amane says quietly, “I already have everything I could want,” His lips curve down as he contemplates. “Take your time. I don’t have any plans,”  Nene’s plans were to watch him and his friends, but he didn’t need to know that. Amane’s cheeks and ears slowly became a rosy hue. It had taken Nene a minute to notice.  His eyes were pointed at something. Nene’s eyes travel down, trying to pin where his gaze was directed. . . ? “Why are you staring at my legs?” He jolts up, “I— I wasn’t!” “Is there something wrong with them?” Amane looks away, and she notices how flushed his face is, “No! Nothing’s wrong with your legs—“ His words catch in his throat, and he turns back to her with a determined grin, “I know what I want to wish for!” Nene perked up, “Really?” she dug through her pocket, fishing a notepad and pencil out, “Well! Get on with it! What’s your wish, Yugi-san?” “I!” Amane paused for dramatic effect, “I wish for you to be my friend!” . . . “What?” Nene stared at him blankly, her hands lowering. “I wish for you to be my friend.” He repeated himself, “I want to be your friend, Hanako-san.”
Nene didn’t understand. Out of all the wishes he could possibly wish for, he chooses to be friends with her? “Um… You do know I’m like. Not alive, right?” She tilts her head. “I’m an apparition. We can’t be friends.” “Of course you can,” Amane dismissed her excuse. “No, I can’t,” “I wished for it.” He pushed back, undeterred by her protest, “I wish for you to be my friend.” Nene raised her hands, surrendering, “Alright, alright… You do know this has a cost, right?” He nods, stubbornly persistent. This was quite an unexpected thing.
Was it bad that she really wanted to be his friend? Probably, but she knows she’s much too soft for him. And it is his wish, after all.
A grin crept up on her face. Nene had the opportunity to do the funniest thing. “Alright, I’ll have you pay with,” She stepped close towards him, leaning into his ear, “Your body,”
“WHAT?!” he screamed, slamming into the bathroom stalls from how fast he backed up.
Nene laughed to her self, “You know, I was just thinking that I needed an assistant,” “What?!” She looked over to him with faux confusion, “huh? What’d you think I meant?” Amane stared at her, mouth agape and stunned. “You… you..” Nene gasped, “Did you think I meant something dirty?” She wagged a finger at him, “Oh Yugi, you dirty pervert,” “You can't just stay stuff like that!” he yelled at her, “What the hell is wrong with you?!” A giggle left her. “Well, it's too late to back out of this deal now.” She shuffled to the side, picking up the mop against the wall. "Did you know these floors haven’t been mopped in years?” He stared at the mop with wide eyes, “I—“ Nene dropped the mop. “Should we seal it with friendship bracelets?” She shoved her hands into her pockets, sifting through, and pulled out two mismatched bracelets that looked very old, “Do you want red or blue?” She holds up the square-knotted bracelets, “Hmm, I think blue suits you better,”  Shoving it into his hands, Nene slips the red one onto her wrist. Her attention quickly switched elsewhere,  “Maybe that stain can finally be removed,” Nene mutters, her eyes on the unknown black stain. Oh, right, Amane’s still here. Nene reminds herself, turning back to him, “Well,” A smile quirked up on her lips, “I hope you’re ready to be my friend and assistant!”
Amane just stood there, back against the stalls, overwhelmed by how much energy Nene had, “Ah—“ She realized how much she was loading onto him at once, “Sorry! I guess it’s just been a while since I… um… talked to a person,” He blinked before waving a hand to brush away her concern, “It’s fine. My brother is worse,”  “Brother?” She asked, knowing full well who his brother was. “Yeah, his name is Tsukasa,” He smiled, “He’s my twin, we’re identical.” “Whoaa,” Nene fakes surprise and wonder, “That’s cool,” He paused, “Yeah. I should warn you, he’s a lot,” “Oh.” Nene raised a brow, “It shouldn’t be a problem. He probably can’t see me.” He can’t. Nene already knows he can’t. “What? Why?” She looked over at him, confused, “Because he’s like… normal? You haven't seen ghosts and this stuff before meeting me, right?” “Well, no. But,” “You shouldn’t be surprised that he can’t? You’ve never been able to until now. Why are you even shocked by the suggestion that he can’t see me?” “Err…” Amane looked away, “Because I can see you?” Nene shook her head, “Not how it works, Yugi,” “How can I see you?” Nene didn’t know. He wasn’t going to die anytime soon. She would’ve felt it. She hummed, “I dunno. Maybe you had a near-death experience or something like that recently,” That’s not how it worked. Nene knew that. She watches him mull over it, absentmindedly wondering if it had to do with his last life. “Anyway.” She drew his attention back to her, “It doesn’t matter.” She points at him, “Starting today, you will be my assistant. And friend! I’ll give you tonight off so you can prepare yourself!” Amane gives her a look, a bead of sweat drooping from his forehead, “Are you actually serious about the whole assistant thing?” “Of course I am!  Every day you will come here before and after school! I will be expecting you. Except for weekends.” She isn’t a monster who would deprive him of his days away from school. Amane sighed, shoulders slouching, “Alright…” “I’ll see you first thing tomorrow!” Nene gave him a big smile, “Have a nice day, Yugi!” “Yeah, yeah, have a nice night, Hanako-san,”
She watches him practically sprint out of the bathroom, her smile dropping once the door shuts.
“Why am I so stupid!?” Nene groans, covering her face with her hands. She was so embarrassed. Why did she act like a schoolgirl?  Well, technically, she is, but that’s beside the point! She should have denied his wish and made him wish for something else. Better yet, she should have let him leave when he said he didn’t have a wish. But nooo, Nene just had to beg him for a wish, and now she is going to be hanging around the one person she gave everything up for. Now, she gets an up-close look at watching him grow up, graduate, and be the person he’s supposed to be instead of watching on the sidelines like she has since she saw him in his first year!  Nene slid down the wall, whining. “This is so unfair!” She shouldn’t be trusted being so close to him! She’s going to say something and reveal she knows everything about him! He’s going to think she’s a stalker!
. . .
A group of mokke stare at her from the window. “Are you dying?” “No…” Nene certainly wishes she could die again.
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starified-lizzy · 8 months
Accidentally cursed you with "aw crap I can't give facts because it's spoilers"
Hmm, would Blue or Sophie(?) 's relationship with eachother / other characters be spoilers or can we hear of the dynamics
I’ve been waiting for questions about other characters lmao
So, Blue, Soph, and Pico end up being POLY
because it’s CUTE
Pico has to deal with TRAUMA but he is just
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Everyone from the OG game is canon, for various obvious reasons.
My friend and I came up with a human name for Spirit, which I have said a few times(ees Sebastian). He only dons the name “Spirit” after the corruption arc b/c Soul kept bullying him with it, so he made it his name to take away that goober’s power lmfao.
I’m just gonna quickly go over the four goofers dynamics rq just b/c they live rent free in my head so I know how they are.
Soul and C hate each other at first (mainly it’s Soul hating C), but towards the end of the final arc they finally stop being dickheads at each other.
Blue is the nicest to all of them, the first to officially welcome each of the three b/c he’s nice like that.
Spirit and Soul honestly act like brothers because the amount of teasing between them is ridiculous.
Spirit and C are liek…… they’re gay. And sweet. I don’t know how a literal demonic embodiment of pure darkness can be sweet but… fuck- he is. Literally only for Spirit.
Nene and Darnell are like Pico’s siblings. Also they are the biggest allies to his gayness.
Anyways uhhhh- I do want to have at least a cameo, or a moment with Carol, Whitty, Hex, and Sunday, but no promises.
The second arc for this story is comprised of two halves; “world hopping”, and “glitched”
Basically, the “world hopping” is going to different worlds (I’m just gonna say rn that DDTO is literally fucking canon in this world, but only the bit after they end up in DDLC), and then the “glitched” is in reference to Pibby apocalypse because yes that’s a cool idea and yes I want it to be canon. However, I am still trying to work out issues with how they save the world n shit. Honestly, because Pibby is originally from a kids show I genuinely might just have the world be saved in that cringy child show way lmfao.
Also- I do want them to world hop to another world besides DDLC, and it’s like- it’s not like it’s a major spoiler or anything, but for the funsies, you’ll have to wait and see.
Uhhhhhhhhhh OH
After the final main arc, I want to do little “in the future” stories, and one of them, is dealing with C o n v i c t….
Monster and Harvester are also canon, though I think y’all knew that.
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bunnnali · 2 years
some anime or manga recs? please?
!! sure thing! it kinda depends what you're looking for but here's a few favorites of mine!! I’m gonna assume since my account is practically just talentless nana you’ve already read/watched it, but if you haven’t that’s definitely my biggest recommendation! 
if ur looking for smth sad!! 
princess tutu (anime) - a magical girl story about a duck who becomes a human girl and then a magical girl. she's trying to bring back pieces of her emotionless crushes heart, which seems innocent enough, but the story turns into a desperate attempt to find a happy ending in a world literally created to prevent one. it's really sad and cute and a big favorite of mine, and the end of it had me bawling 😭
land of the lustrous (manga) - a story about a gem-person named phos who lives in a world where their kind is at risk of being shattered and turned into jewelry by another species called the lunarians. it takes a while before the series really takes a dark term, but once it happens it really happens. reading it invoked a sense of dread in me nothing else has ever given me, and I really can't stress enough how good and depressing this manga is 😭 I suggest u watch the anime first and then read the manga! anime leaves off at around chapter 30 i think. this also had me bawling when I caught up to it. on call, with my friend 😭 very embarrassing
madoka magica - this one’s really popular so I think you’ve already heard of it, but it puts a spin on the usual magical girl trope, making it dark and depressing. they’re making a new movie, so if you haven’t watched it, this is a great time to get into it! it’s also very gay. MSJDKDJ it’s really good and sad and the characters are all incredible. there’s lots of hidden symbolism and meaning, and lots of foreshadow, so even rewatching it you’ll always find something new to enjoy <3
toilet bound hanako kun - this one’s also really popular so you’ve probably also already heard of it, but if you haven’t: the show follows a girl named nene yashiro, a hopeless romantic with a crush on a boy. she hears a rumor about a ghost named hanako, who grants wishes, and follows the steps to summon him. some things happen, and she ends up taking a job as his assistant, helping him to defeat magical apparitions in order to keep the school safe. it sounds simple, but it actually gets really, really sad and the story is really good </3 I’m not sure what they could possibly do for an ending on this one that would be 100% happy. it’s good! i really suggest it.
the promised neverland - season one of the anime is incredible, from there I’d say you should swap to the manga bc s2 does an awful job covering it. It’s a story about orphan kids who find out the orphanage they’ve been living at is actually a farm to make smart human kids to feed to monstrous demons. the manga goes downhill a little at the end, but it’s still a pretty nice read and it’s really, really good for a while
magia record - a spin-off anime to Madoka magica, set in an alternate universe. this one’s very sad too, and introduces a lot of new characters, while bringing back the old, iconic ones from the original pmmm. it’s based on a game, and the anime ending differs from the games </333 the ending for the game is actually happy though and the anime is,,sadder but still nicer than pmmm. i think this one is a good one if you like sad content, but still want to see the characters happy in the end. and all the original Madoka magica cast live! so!!! 
school live - I REALLY DONT WANT TO SAY WHAT THIS ONES ABT BC LIKE the twist at the end is so good so it’s better to just go in blind but this anime is really really good and very very sad, but the ending is hopeful!! so!!! the manga is pretty good too, and it’s completed, but I feel like the anime is a lot more enjoyable 
if ur looking for smth a little happier !!
zombieland saga - a story about 7 zombie girls from different eras trying to form an idol group! it’s so well written and so nice to watch, it can be really, really sad or really, really funny 😭 it’s a great anime and all the characters in it are very lovable <3 it also has a canon trans girl! as one of the main zombie girls! so it’s very neat. It’s one of my all time favorite animes and it’s a lot of fun
bocchi the rock! - an anime about an introverted girl with social anxiety who wants to start a band, but doesn’t know how to talk to people. it’s super funny and super sweet, and at least in my case really relatable <3 the show does all kinds of really neat things, switching to stop motion, 3d, live action, etc, and the characters are all great. it’s a really creative show and it handles social anxiety in a much more realistic and relatable way than most other shows like this do. 
spy x family - a very cute and funny manga/anime about a spy named loid who needs to make a fake family in order to complete his new mission of investigating a very prestigious school. he adopts a girl, named Anya, and gains a fake wife named yor. but apparently anya has the ability to read minds, and yor is secretly an assassin. nobody knows each other’s secret identities, except for anya, who knows bc she can read their minds, and they continue to live together for different reasons, as they slowly grow attached to each other and become a real family
brand new animal - a studio trigger anime about an anthropomorphic tanuki girl, called a beastman, named michiru, who used to be human. she moves into a town consisted exclusively with beastman, and tries to discover just what happened to her to become one, and where her best friend who went missing is </3 this one isn’t a slice of life, it’s more of an action show ?? but it’s really good, the animation is lovely and the art and colors are really pretty and cute <3 it’s a really good anime and it’s only 12 episodes, so it’s a quick watch!!
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campbluelake · 1 year
On My Way | Eri | Epilogue
Enclosed inside a battered, slightly torn envelope is a letter— thankfully untarnished in spite of the envelope’s worn exterior. The contents are written in large, clumsy handwriting, and included is a postcard of the Tokyo Tower.
Dear Max,
Told you I’d keep my promise, right?
Hopefully this letter didn’t take real long to get to you. I dunno how they get mail where it needs to go, especially if it’s gotta cross the ocean and shit. It took forever to get explain to the guy at the post office here your address was a legit place in America too. Maybe ‘cause it’s so rurel rural?
Anyway, I’m back in Japan for a bit! I planned on going back to Audie’s place after, but I figured I gotta at least see my parents after all this. So I’m gonna hang with them for awhile before going back to America.
Which I think was the right thing to do, even if it wasn’t what I wanted to do, you feel me?? I think I’m getting better at that— doing what I should, even if it’s hard.
My folks were a goddamn wreck when I saw them. And I guess even Sporto’s parents made a real fuss over us being missing?? I think he wants to cut them outta his life though, which is probably good. I mean, I’m pretty sure they’re finally warming up to me, but they’re still total assholes in general.
But he got to see my parents too, and my dad actually cried when he hugged us. Don’t tell anyone, but I started crying too.
Maybe it’s easier for you ‘cause your mom is literally the earth, but I think a lotta humans have rough relationships with their parents. 
And siblings too, now that I think about it. My little sister Etsuko and me had a real long talk the night after I got back. Turns out she never hated me in the first place, and just wanted me to like her. Like, holy shit, right???
I think Sporto knew about this, ‘cause he got this knowing look when I told him what happened. That bastard… He’s an only child, so he doesn’t know how hard it can be. Especially when you’re the oldest!!
Wait, speaking of, do you got any siblings? If your mom is the earth, does that mean all trees are your siblings? And that’d make you one of the oldest, right? So maybe you’ll get me.
Someday you gotta come to Japan and try our food. My dad insists on making mochi every new years, so maybe you can come for that?? And take a swing at it yourself!! Don’t worry about being weak either, ‘cause my dad’s a toothpick too. Usually I’m the one to haveta hit the mochi.
I never thought I’d say it, but I’m actually happy to be home. Fucked up, right?
I hope you and Sayacchi have settled into your new place, by the way. Lemme know if you see any cool animals around, yeah? And not Sayacchi’s porswaas porsaws poorswahs (spelling?) but like actual bears or deer or whatever.
I’ll write to ya again soon!! And feel free to write back too, okay?
Your friend,
The next envelope is sent from a different address— this one in America. On the envelope are the outline of mouse ears, which also show up on the letter paper themselves. Slipped in among the pages is a Polaroid photo of Eri and Audie wearing Mickey Mouse headbands, a costumed Pluto sandwiched between them.
Dear Max,
Fuck, I’ve always wanted to say that!!! :)
Me and Audie just got back last week!! I’m up at her place now. Gonna crash with her for awhile and figure out what to do next with my life. Like, after graduating college or whatever.
I dunno if you’ve been to Disney yet, but you gotta make Sayacchi take you if not. It’s like, the pinnickel pinnicel pinnacle of human creativity and stuff!!  Plus it’s a real good date spot too!
I’m super glad to be back with Audie, even if saying bye to my family was weirdly hard this time around. She has a real cute dog, and her best friend Nene is super nice. She taught me about plants, so I think you two would get along!
Shit, speaking of, I got super exciting news!!
To a baby cactus!!!
It’s my first time taking care of something that ain’t a Tanagotchi, but Nene gave me a lotta info, so I’m gonna raise this cactus to be the most badass little guy around!!!
Audie is real excited too, as the co-mom! But maybe that’s ‘cause she likes seeing me excited?? I dunno…
Love is weird, huh?
Like, I know a lotta fucked up shit happened at camp, but I’m happy so much good came outta it too. Kinda like life, now that I think about it…
Man, I’m getting real deep, aren’t I??
Speaking of good, have you heard from any of the others lately? I try to keep in contact with them, but it’s hard when we’re scattered all over, yeah?
Though between you and me, I kinda wanna throw a reunion. 
Do you think that’d be a good idea?? I know there’s some bad blood between people, but nothing they couldn’t work past, right? Or at the very least, set aside so we can have a cookout. I wanna have a BBQ next summer!!!
Lemme know what you think, okay?
Your pal,
The last letter to have arrived is tucked away inside a manilla envelope. 
Also inside are several photos this time— multiple of a small cactus in a pot (each labeled ‘JERRY’ on the back), a photo of Audie playing guitar (labeled ‘isn’t she pretty???’), one of Eri playing piano (labeled ‘she found out I took a photo and got me back :(‘), one of Kyousuke and Niko dozing off together (‘loverboys <3’), and one of Eri and Kyousuke posing together in front of a grove of trees (‘saw some trees and thought of you!!’).
Additionally, something else is in the envelope— a Tamagotchi, still in its packaging. Taped to it is a note reading, ‘SEE LETTER!!’
Dear Max,
Long time no see!!!
Or uh… long time no write!!!
Sorry about that! I know it’s been a couple months already… I guess life happens real fast sometimes, you know?
Really, I bet you know even better than me, being immortal and all, huh?
But to make up for it, I included some of my favorite photos I’ve taken recently (plus one by Audie)!!! Someday we gotta meet up again so we can take photos together too, yeah??
I know we write to each other a lot, but I miss being with you in-person— or, uh, in-mothperson.
Anyway, I’m sure you’re wondering about the Tamagotchi!
I dunno if your member, but me and Lyds and Suzy all got Tamas. And raising Jerry (that’s my cactus) got me thinking, “Hey, I bet Max would like a Tamagotchi.”
It’s another pinnical pinnacle of human creativity!! It’s a virtual pet you raise by pressing the buttons on the screen. I’m sure Sayacchi can help ya set it up if you need help getting started!!
Growing up, I wasn’t allowed to have pets, so I settled for Tamas. They live basically forever if you keep them alive too. Like even now, I still got Air Bud…!! I dunno if you remember him, but he’s my Tama. I kept him alive all through camp. Ain’t that cool??
So I figured it’d be a real neat thing for you to try!! Humans can be super creative, huh?
Anyway, lemme know how being a Tamagotchi parent goes!! And don’t feel bad if you fuck up the first few times— it can be hard!
But as long as you keep giving it your best shot, you’ll be okay!! :)
Thanks for always giving it your best shot in life too, yeah? I’m stoked we can be friends even now!
Huh… does that make me the Tama??
It’d be sick if I am! ‘Cause I know I’d be in good hands :)
Love ya, dude!!! 
Your bestie,
P.S. Hopefully we can get that reunion planned out soon!!
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ngmn2002 · 1 year
Ch 106: Random thoughts part 1
Ok, here we go!
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It sounds like a little spooky rumor, doesn't it?
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And here I was excited to see who the colored first page would feature… it seems it's just Akane and Teru getting these lately… how lucky.
So, Akane can still move because he is a clock keeper, Teru can because he is a strong exorcist? That's what I still get from what's happening. Hanako moved again... how? Was he helped off screen by Akane or Teru or just moved again... somehow? out of literal shock? or maybe Tsu/his yorishiro being in No.1's boudayr that isn't affected with time
Ok.. I'm done with thinking about these stuff of catching the bad guys or whatever, until some action happens with the one who did it... it will be years. I'm leaving this thing behind.
The way they talked about honorable No.7 with though… poor boy…
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Really poor boy, Tsukasa really went a bit too far… huh? Hang in there. Lend him your hanky for a sec Hakujoudai or wipe his tears for him...
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…… he looks like he is done with everything… but really… the way Teru is treating him with is just rude. Can't you see the state the boy is in? he is even not a part of the chaos this time, he did nothing wrong. Spare him this time.
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I see, so this another reason Tsukasa and his lackeys as Kou puts it had the clock destroyed. Nice way of thinking.
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So yeah, I was a bit right, we got Nene monologuing about what happened last chapter. Nine.
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What a cool chance to wake up to Tsukasa of all people asking you if you're awake. Look at…?
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At this point and after seeing stuff like this for the past few chapters… I didn't go "wow" or anything of that sort... the boundary looks a bit normal, later in the chapter it starts getting interesting, though.
Also, adding this... Tsu...! Tsu...!! Tsu...!!! His level of self-confidence, boldness and capacity... uhhh!!! He [No.7's yorishiro, mind you] is in No.1's boundary as if it's no big deal, having a full day and posing as if he was home. in Hanako's boundary. This boy goes by his own rules, his own vision, he is so free willed and I LOVE THAT!!! HOW COOL!!!! AAAAHHHH!!!!!! HE IS A TRUE FORCE!!!! TELL ME SOMEOEN CAN BE A MATCH TO ALL THAT GRACE?! AHHHH!!!!!!!!!! 💜✨💜✨💜 Not to add he already did this before wit No.3's case, to the point we got a nice shot of 2 yorishrios together, hmm... will we see that happening again with No.1's as well. Gotta look forward to that!
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How radiant. Wow… a cool view to wake up to… just saying…
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Teach us, Tsukasa-kun! I love it when he gives little lectures!
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What a cool face! ♡ wow… right into business… what to do Nene-chan… oh! pretend to be dead! I had a little thought someday of... why not get Tsukasa taking Nene to destroy a yorishiro himself? here it is. all real.
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So funny. Love Tsukasa's reaction. That reminds me of this time she pretended to be fast asleep with Hanako back in the p.p arc. Maybe having flashbacks to that thing… I think she wouldn't like to do it again in fear of what might come next?
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Tsu!! Uh… I can't stop laughing! You know that isn't the case! You're such a little cutie!!!
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Twins… haha. If she was truly asleep, don't think that will wake her up, at least when the reason behind her falling asleep is you, Tsu. ~
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absolutely don't waste your time on other unimportant things.
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Hmm? Yeah, sure. You're not thinking about other things at all. ~
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Ohhh... didn't think Nene perspective- ikemen Tsukasa (+ Hanako) would show up in the chapter... is it just me or whenever I give him a closer look he starts looking more like Teru? Ok, love her little imagination, though I see Tsukasa won't say these things… Nene-chan is so much into manga of such types it seems.
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Though, I will say I like Tsukasa's cool looks and moves in her little fantasy, really capture the vibe of "bad boy" have to say. Who does he think he is you said Nene-chan… well, it's really easy.
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He is Tsukasa-kun! I guess we all know what it means to be Tsukasa, huh? So, good luck, Nene-chan. ~
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Uhh... she is too much into manga... she is imagining a whole scenario in there… This "be my assistant".... seriously… so now this word is equal to "lover/girl" it seems? ……. Imaginary Hanako... wow... love how they look and holding into each other... manga way. as if JSHK is not a manga oh... my... love her words at the end, too.
This Tsukasa however, how he is posing... what he is saying… my honest reaction to him is…
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I don't like the pose or facial expressions at all. He already said that… didn't look this way at all.
Though, I might believe Nene-chan is putting a sense of reality and a bit of personal life experience into her little fantasy. I mean…
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… … … so, he is a cat. Does he see her as a cat, too? I mean… I believe cats bring their close ones gifts like these… well, a nice gesture…
Love the face she is making! Going dead again to think more. Let's see…
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A nice way of thinking I must say. Though… Tsukasa did actually speak to her about the yorishiro when she woke up, guess she couldn't help but think about the other thing first. lol
Also, really love how they are walking while holding hands all childish & cheerful. how cute and funny.
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how adorable! I really wished to see them this way as Nene & Tsukasa now, and I got it. can't be happier. Next time I would love to see it for real. ♡
And wow, a nice prank she was planning to pull on Tsukasa! though, knowing Tsukasa… I assume she should give much more thought into it? I mean she saw how 'powerful' he can be. Still, a funny little plan! I love how he looked once No.1 supposedly electrified? Him? she actually got that plan coming true herself at the end of the chapter, didn't she? He looked even better than in her imagination. Haha.
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Uhh… so funny!! She took lots of steps back!! Hmm… you got that to yourself, dear. if you didn't pretend to be 'asleep/out of it' that wouldn't have happened. I woke up this morning to find my cat staring at my face this way... it was pleasant. not scary at all. At least I love how she didn't give him a headshot like she once did to someone. lol
Seeeee? He is just Tsukasa-kun!
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Nene-chan acting smart on Tsukasa-kun! Let's see how the show goes down!
"I don't want to. you destroyed all these other ones,now it's a problem?" pfffft. let's go! I will mention quickly… paying attention to the translation of dbs/manga up... it seems Tsu is saying she destroyed "Some"/"all" yorishiors we got so far... depending on each one I can guess a different case of his current knowledge about No.6's yorishiro destruction.
"you want me to destroy the yorishiro, right? well, I don't want to! – fine, don't. it's your choice, right?~" This thing is actually too funny. So casual and easy-going! Yes, that's the way of talking I love to see him going with! and that gave the girl some serious errors I'm telling you! who is more incomprehensible while speaking with Nene? him or his assistant?
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Haha, after getting her that way, he just went...
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and here where you know it's gonna go down quickly. ~
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lol. This boy this boy this boy!!! How much more amazing can he get? Seriously? That way of talking… oooh… playful manner… moves… facial expressions… oh, yes!!! who wants to run away from you??? if I was in Nene's place I would run right into his arms and say you got me! not kidding. also, good it didn't come to her mind he is a "yorishiro" as well. at some point he will want me to destroy him?!
This boy never disappoints me with his way of talking or unusual (impressive) way of changing the flow of the conversation to his benefit. Admirable!!! ♡
Even if it was just like "you fight for what you want, I will do, too. Mr. You're free to do whatever you want. The choice is always yours." That thing actually reminds me of a movie series I watched in the past... it had this "live or die, the choice is yours" thingy going around in almost every "game". remembering it kinda makes me shiver.
I feel a bit sorry Nene didn't even get a chance to speak in there. At the end, she had to do what Tsukasa wants… hmm… who was going and saying "you'll do what I want"… lol. Playing with Tsukasa is a bit tough, you have to follow 'his' rules. Love that!~
Though, the hand thing he mentioned, I believe he did it just to get Nene to give her best. He won't do that. I mean, surely he is sure he can catch her. he is so good at games, isn't he? Just wanted to have some fun with Nene-chan. How sweet. Tsukasa seems to like these games that take the form of little fun "bets" doesn't he? thinking about that one fic I wrote wizard Tsu this way with fun bets.. haha
Sooo... have to stop here due to pic limits... part (2)
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akikasas · 3 years
more of my randomized group swap and their shenanigans
Vivid BAD SQUAD (An, Shiho, Airi, Saki)
saki doesn't understand why her friends are so intimidating they're really just softies that love girls when it comes down to it
shiho gets recognized at gigs because her sister was a former idol (and later, gets recognized because shizuku is an idol again) and every time shiho has to pretend like she doesn't know who her sister is
even funnier is that airi will sometimes save her by going "oh you mean shizuku like my girlfriend? the famous idol shizuku who is dating me?"
an shows up to rehearsal one day mumbling "emo boy" by ayesha erotica under her breath and the other girls are like "BUT AREN'T YOU A LESBIAN AND DATING AN EMO GIRL???? WHAT IS THE TRUTH AN SHIRAISHI"
the groups before the merger were An and Airi (who went by the name BAD/GALS) and Shiho and Saki (as Viva la Vivid!)
Nightcord at 25:00 (Mafuyu, Touya, Emu, Kohane)
emu has to go to their SEKAI at least once a week to get the rest of them out of there and to school
kohane made a joke about emu being a letter away from emo one time and emu thinks about that every time they hang out now
touya and kohane immediately tell mafuyu to get some therapy and emu is just sitting there in the SEKAI after mafuyu makes her grand speech like "well maybe i could write a song so happy that it cures mafuyu-chan's depression"
the other three are shell-shocked when they find out that emu's family runs Phoenix Wonderland, and yet none of them actually do any research on emu before meeting her in person in the SEKAI for the first time so they don't know what she looks like
mafuyu's user is still Yuki, touya's is DOGdaze, emu's is WONDAHOI, and kohane's is KuroKoha
Leo/Need (Haruka, Honami, Akito, Kanade)
akito makes fun of his sister for being a cutesy idol despite him literally being in a cliche-ass band with his childhood best friends
haruka was literally a former idol and should have been given every opportunity to play the piano again and yet she sucks at it so hard when the band gets back together for rehearsal the first time
akito and kanade become friends again because their significant others are involved in a shady online groupchat and they vent to each other because what if it's a fucking cult???? what then???
haruka and akito are frenemies but only on akito's side because HARUKA WAS A FORMER IDOL AND HE'S JUST A FUCKING BASS PLAYER????
kanade almost immediately took to guitar and her dad (who was a street busker for the majority of his life) got upset about her being so naturally attuned to instruments rather than her being better at songwriting than he was
Wonderlands x Showtime! (Minori, Mizuki, Rui, Ichika)
mizuki & rui cause nonbinary circus chaos everywhere they go
ichika and minori bond over the fact that their partners are in leo/need (and minori is astounded when she finds out that ichika also has 2 girlfriends in vivid bad squad)
minori goes fucking berserk when she learns that rui is friends with a member of the ootori family
everyone but minori is trans and minori's the ULTIMATE cis ally
minori often gets lead roles, ichika is the secondary actor, mizuki is pretty much a wild card, and rui directs and produces the shows as well as plays smaller parts
MORE MORE JUMP! (Nene, Ena, Tsukasa, Shizuku)
again, loser tsukasa tenma real in all timelines
once nene and ena learn that tsukasa is close with rui, they will never ever shut up about him dating a clown (shizuku tries to remind them that rui isn't actually a clown, nor is tsukasa actually dating him. this does not dissuade them in the slightest. in fact nene even goes to ask mizuki and mizuki says "yeah they're gay keep scrolling")
ena and nene are best friends and have sneaked out of at least 1 rehearsal to watch VBS
shizuku offhandedly mentioned once that it might be nice to look uniform with tsukasa wearing a skirt and he hasn't looked back since
tsukasa wants to pretend like he's the actual leader of the unit but shizuku is actually in control here
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2n2n · 2 years
AMV, MMD & animation recs!
do you want all my bilibili bookmarks? Bilibili is a chinese site similar to youtube, where a lot of creatives post their AMV, MMD, edits, etc. You can fall into it for hours... I recommend clicking around. Here are my fav videos.
if you wanna search through the plethora of MMD on your own, there is a comprehensive tag. 
Disclaimerz: I wish this list could adequately represent my personal love for Nene x Amane x Tsukasa, or at least my love for HanaNene and AmaTsu equally, but unfortunately, content does not exist in equal measure to my passions. There are almost no AmaTsu MMD for some reason, despite there being plenty of AMV and original animations. HanaNene has many MMD, but honestly... many of them are rather plain/boring, and don’t celebrate the uniqueness of the dynamic, so I don’t bookmark much. So, you should browse bilibili yourself after clicking around my list to get a start, if you don’t already, because you might find tons of content that suits you ♥
Just be forewarned that not all video thumbnails are an accurate representation of the content within, and you’ll kind of get ‘tricked’ by thumbnails a lot, lol. I thought providing my list might help you get a start.
Absolute favorites:
Animation: Yellow Amane x Tsukasa. A beautiful animation! It respects everything about Tsukasa and Amane's history, their attachment.... a beautifully chosen song. Beautifully imagined, beautifully drawn. Amane closing Tsukasa's eyes as he says "It's safer to think that way.".... my favorite part..... It's so incredible to see something which remembers and considers so much of their past. The blood striking the radio.... Tsukasa's stabbed body below the horrified Amane, stars and night sky in his emptied chest.... holding hands at Tanabata, kissing sparklers together..... powerful juxtaposition! Reference to Tsukasa being kept hidden, tucked away, in the visuals and lyrics.... this is really my favorite video of all. The video itself is relatively gen, but this artist does draw them kissing in their other work, lalalalalla hahahaha ♥ lyrics in english
Animation: Mermaid A gorgeous Hanako x Nene video set to a very appropriate song!! I love that it centers on a very specific time in the narrative, when Nene first meets the living Amane himself..... lyrics in english here. It’s so rare, but it’s something that really pays respect to the pain Nene feels, loving the tragic boy she does.
VA IMITATION: "YOU ARE KING" Gen. a very talented vocal imitation of Hanako and Tsukasa's VA, singing a song together! You can read the lyrics here in english.  My favorite part is Tsukasa's "onegai" and "darling, darling" His part has a kind of sweet devotion and ache to its tone!
animation: 7150 days Amane x Tsukasa! Ah... this video is so ardent and sincere. It's using traced panels, which feels like such an effort....I'm glad this person wanted so badly to convey this message, and put it together. the song is carefully chosen. The shots are very sweet... it touches my heart. Lyrics in english here.
MMD: MONSTER Gen. Oh one of my favorites. More tiktok-flavored in its editing, very new-age, but I accept it, it's fun! I love this song for Hanako loool ♥♥♥ SHOULDN'T HAVE MESSED WITH HIM!!!! ARE YOU READY FOR THE MONSTER??????
AMV: Indoor Kei nara Trackmaker (BIGWAVE remix) Gen. this AMV has such amazing on-beat editing! The song is literally meaningless, but this video-- I watch it all the time-- because it does such a good job playing Tsukasa and Nene footage side-by-side, making everyone feel so similar! Such a delight! There aren't really AMVs for Nene x Amane x Tsukasa, so this is the closest I get haha.... ♥
MMD: "Otome Kaibou" A really nice Hanako x Nene MMD that respects the canon dynamic and events really well...! It also includes Picture Perfect boy, which is SO EXCITING. The person making this clearly put a ton of love and dedication into it. Maiden Dissection is a good song for Hanako to sing, really.... english lyrics here.
MMD: "Tokoyo" Gen. Though made by a shipper, and likely considers that element to Tsukasa. Ahhh this one I like a lot-- interesting editing, and a really good song choice. I’m glad at least one Tsukasa MMD exists which really considers his long existence, his patience. Very atmospheric. The lyrics in english here.
AMV: FREAKSHOW nice editing. I love anything that embellishes Amane's creepiness ♥ An appropriate song for him! It does a good job representing both Hanako x Nene, with some Tsukasa thrown in ominously, like he's a distant memory..... ♥ I love the part it plays Amane saying "Yashiro" many times.
animation: Otome Kaibou Amane and Tsukasa! Oh gorgeous perfect drawings of Tsukasa.... feminine, luxurious, elegant. The song itself is relevant for Tsukasa or Amane-- english lyrics here. The visual in the music video itself for this song, pertains to communication deteriorating between people over time (speaking with a tin can, a radio, etc).
Other favs to parooze: 
 AMV: "TASTE THE FLESH" ok so this one is just a horny AMV, Amane x Tsukasa. But here's the thing. It's not wrong. This edgy song suits the feeling. I mean. What can I say. Tsukasa would like you to give it to him harder and let loose. He would like your teeth to sink into his flesh.
 AMV: ?? uh. Amane and Tsukasa  hypnotizing short edit, layering his introduction on the roof with music..... very addicting to rewatch again and again.
MMD: "LAMB" Gen. I don't feel a special way about this song's lyrics. I just like that Hanako does jerk-off motions in this MMD. Thanks for doing jerk-off motions and then saying Aishiteru. I-- thanks. it's not all deep for me. The hammer/stabbing motions also do it for me. The lighting's also so nice!
MMD: "Bury a Friend" Gen. oh such a funny song, but good for Hanako, what can I say! I loooove the "careful♥" part... very Amane ♥
AMV: "MINDBRAND" Gen. This video feels like it's just for you to stare at and oggle Amane... let's stare at him together. 
AMV: Cradles Gen. I like this song. Short, simple, but, a nice Tsukasa-centric AMV.... not too many of those, given the anime’s limited footage.
AMV: MINDBRAND another Mindbrand AMV, BUT THIS TIME it's actually someone doing an impression of Hanako's VA! So, it sounds like him singing it. The editing is nice, as well! Hanako x Nene centric.
MMD: DOUBT Gen. Lol I love 21 Pilots.... simple, short MMD. Well, good for Amane's feelings..... it’s gen, buuuuut.... I like to think it pertains to Tsukasa.... ♥ I love the line "gnawing on the bishops. claw away at their system. repeat in simple phrases. someone holy insisted." mmm ♥ God blesses you Amane ♥
MMD: Monster(2) Gen. another Hanako MMD set to this song! There's a lot honestly, everyone understands it suits him, lol. This one has different motion data though!! Honestly I love when people put him on his throne. Nice and crazy. Now that's my boy!!
MMD: The Wolf Gen. Hanako be on his throne. It's simple but pleasant. Good to register this possessive dangerous beast.
MMD: I dont know this song ♥ Gen. I just like to see him run around. Don't you. Lookit him go. It scares me when his pupils suddenly disappear or go black. Kinda a good simulation of being on mr bones wild ride. He is... insane.... hi.
MMD: "AUTOPHAGY" Gen. A RARE TSUKASA MMD. There are so few, it breaks my heart. Trust me that this list would be more if there WERE more. I'm begging for scraps. I don't think the song really suits Tsukasa at all, but the animation is fun nonetheless, and I'm unwilling to not include the little Tsukasa content there is. Please know he’s not underrepresented for a lack of appreciation, but simply because... there’s not much. MMD are either solo Hanako, or, HanaNene. There’s not even more than 2 Amane x Tsukasa ones. ):
MMD:  .... I don't know what song this one is... ♥ Just a really cute Hanako x Nene MMD, with Nene in a cute outfit, matching him!
MMD: "Shake" Gen. well. it's just Hanako shaking his hips creepily. Why wouldn't you want to watch that.
MMD: SOLO Gen. ok this one is really funny. I watch it and pretend I am Tsukasa and Nene in the audience. Lookit him do his little moves. This is what MMD is all about. Watching a little dance. The single-finger waggle is very 'Hanako'. OOoohh teach me a lesson!
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mechanicalinertia · 3 years
STMPD Recommends Bubblegum Crisis Fanfiction: Charles 'Chaz' Stilman's A Certain Point of View
Here we go into self-insert territory - stranger still, into another SI I could only find on fanfiction.net, even though Chaz appears to be a college student in 1995 before he's Isekai'd off into Megatokyo. While it's not always genius in its initial induction of Stiltman into the Sabers, I will say this much: It does a lot of things I think a good self-insert fanfiction is supposed to do.
Let's talk about how it's all true, from a certain point of view - hoo hoo hoo.
So: Chaz ends up shunted right into Quincy's office, Madigan isn't sure what to do with him, and Mason injects him with nanogoop to turn him into a Largo prototype. He dies, or seems to, and Mason disposes of him in a garbage collector - at least until Chaz wakes up and jumps straight out of it.
It's a great opening scene: We know something's up, we get this growing sense of something being wrong with Chaz until the end of the first chapter when the obligatory Irene-saving takes place and he's able to seriously fuck up her assassin. It's a great fight scene for one, as the Boomer is mangled by dropkicks and bodyslams bit by bit, as Priss gets pretty badly banged up, as Chaz literally jumps off her motorcycle to grab the overpass and ding the Boomer. It's - it's fun. And then we get that Chaz is a nanoborg of sorts, his powers are explained, he joins the Sabers with little fuss.
See, there's little fuss over joining the Sabers or feeling like Chaz has no home anymore. Some, but not enough to be obnoxious. Integration takes some difficulty, Priss has hangups, but it happens all the same. Which is good, because then it doesn't exhaust the reader, leaving us open for more good fight scenes (Chaz can't do much against the SuperBoomer but he's able to provide a useful distraction, which is a clever way to make him useful without being deadweight) and more Rapid Canon Divergence.
Among those divergences:
- Irene manages to convince Dad to give the Sabers his full backing after being saved. There's this great scene where they have to drop Irene off at a Hou Bang airfield and are being hunted all the while by GENOM attack craft, Mackie's throwing the plane this way and that, they don't have a lot of fuel or armaments, it's exciting in a way a lot of fight scenes in fanfiction aren't.
- Mason goes overboard with the demolishing of the neighborhood in OVA 3, bringing in hunter-killer robots. It's a good fight, because it's just Mackie and Chaz, the other Sabers aren't picked up in time, and Chaz gets decapitated and lased through the head and still survives thanks to the other Sabers helping him out. It's not overly melodramatic, it's tense, Chaz gets through it, but, again, he isn't just pulling shonen-jump powers out of his ass. He's a genuine part of the team. (Also he's using a hardsuit styled after the Guyver, which is even cooler still!)
- After this, Madigan kills Mason, destroys the Largo body, and uploads the bastard into a Sexaroid body. It's brutal.
- Mackie starts dating Nene with Chaz's help. Actually, on the whole, Chaz has a pretty good bond with Mackie. They help each other build their combat suits, Chaz reigns in Mackie's horniness, Mackie just gets to be useful overall... For the plucky 'mascot character' of the Sabers, it's nice that the boy gets to thrive a bit without suddenly becoming a total badass (the way I've seen it happen in other, worse fanfiction.)
- Chapter nine is only a draft and has been thus for the past sixteen years or so, but it implies that aliens were to be involved, and that Quincy would enlist Celia's help to beat them.
And it's all so... cohesive, yeah? It's an adventure series. It helps that Chaz doesn't come off as a massive douche or just kind of a weirdo the way other SI writers can end up rendering themselves. He's likeable.
It's just so strange, isn't it? Fifteen years before this fanfic was published Bubblegum Crisis was one of the brightest stars of anime in the west. Fifteen years after this publication, it's all but forgotten. And in between those thirty years or so, Chaz chose to write this fairly decent fanfic just as its star truly began to dim. And yet it's still in the 'classical' style, still a blast to read, and still is one of the few fanfics I hold up as a good example of a self-insert. We need more like this, world.
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fnf-brain-rot · 3 years
We're In This Together [Pico's School AU] Chapter 2 - Donut Rendezvous
Today was the day..
It was a half day, being the day before a teacher work day. They didn't have school on that Thursday. Teachers had donuts available to them in the break room every Wednesday.
Pico and Darnell have been planning this for months.
They got the whole class on their side, having started a little protest in the cafeteria. "We're tired of adults hogging the sweets to themselves!" They cried out to the other students. "This time we take the sweets for ourselves!"
They were being normal at first, all arriving when the bell rang, sitting in their seats, and listening to the lecture. Most of the students shot each other knowing glances. Pico was the leader of this rendezvous, of course. On his signal, the others would move.
Ten minutes into class now, Bee was curious about the restlessness of the other students, looking around himself, having made eye contact with a few. Right, he's new. Pico had a grand idea. He'd lead in the front with him, like his queen of the army or something. He snickered at the thought, looking down at his blank paper. Right, perfect move. He and Darnell looked to each other, then nodded.
It felt quiet. Too quiet. The seconds ticked by loudly from the clock above them. Usually the teacher that buys the donuts would buy two boxes, which should be enough for two classes to feed each student one time.
Oh, right, the other class was in on it too. This would be big.
Pico stood up from his seat, slowly, as to not alarm the other students. Mrs. Fee's back was turned to the children, the woman mindlessly explaining some math equation and writing on the chalk board. He walked over to Bee, gently grabbing his hand. "Bee-" He almost started, but Pico covered his mouth, as to not alert Mrs. Fee as well. "Follow me.." He whispered. Bee nodded and stood quietly as well. The two shimmied from between the desks, and Pico held up one finger.
The cacophony of screeching desks an chairs startled the woman up front, and many children began to yell at the top of their lungs, mostly those also known for causing trouble. A thunderous rumble of feet crossed the floor, and Pico raced for the classroom door, Bee just barely able to keep up with him. He threw the wooden slab open, and bolted out of the classroom, not looking back, but he could hear the monstrous amount of kids following him.
"Beep!! Beep bop!!" Bee cried over the noise, then heard the door next to theirs slam open. The second class took the message, and now raced after the other. Pico could hear Darnell's laughter over the noise as the group of students scattered around down the hall. It was a straight shot to the break room, right down the hall. Their school had no security, all they had to worry about were the teachers.
"What are you kids doing?!" The voice of one of the teachers rang out, muffled by the sound of stomping feet and ecstatic screams. "Scatter!!" Pico yelled out. Some of the taller kids blocked view of Pico, Darnell, and Bee, entering the room in which the donuts resided. Bee stood off to the side, hiding behind the wall as Darnell closed the door behind them. "B-Beep?? Brappity-"
"Yeah, you weren't here for instructions. You see, me and Darnell been planning this for a long time." Pico began to explain it to the shorty, quickly grabbing one of the boxes. Still warm. Nice. "Darnell grab a bag." Darnell saluted and went to look for a plastic bag. They would snag a little under half the donuts exclusively for themselves, being Darnell, Pico, Nene, Gigi, by Nene's begging, and Bee, because Pico said so.
"Bep bop.." Bee breathed out. Pico could damn there hear his heart thumping in his ears. It wasn't over yet. "Darnell, assess the situation." Pico then ordered. Darnell poked his head out the door. "No teachers in sight, sir." He responded. "Good, let's book it." Pico grinned maniacally, Darnell holding the door open for him and Bee.
"Boop bepoo?" Bee pointed at himself, and Pico raised a brow. Their next stop was their secret spot, but they had to go past the main office to get outside, since the doors were chained during the day. "Why did I grab you? Well, cause you would have been left alone in there with Cassandra." Pico gagged as he said her name. the goths wanted no part in it. He didn't care, more donuts for everyone else. "Now come on, there shouldn't be anyone in the office right now." He led the two past the glass room, which as he stated, was devoid of any staff. They most likely went to deal with the kids, which the screams still echoed faintly down the halls.
They scampered past the view of some cameras, then accessed the side door. The empty area behind some trees across the walkway was visible. They were in the home stretch. "Hey, Darnell, carry one of these will ya? My arms are dying." Pico huffed softly, and Darnell snurked. "Whatever you say, sissy." He teased. "Hey, I'm the leader of this whole operation. I ain't no sissy." The ginger shot back, making Bee giggle lightly.
They made it without error to the hiding spot in the trees. Bee fumbled with his hands awkwardly, staring at the bag of donuts Darnell held. Pico laughed a little, setting one of the boxes on top of the other on a tree stump. "Wait just a second there Bee." He walked over, elbowing the smaller's shoulder, who winced a little, but rubbed it with a goofy smile. "Those are the special donuts. We're gonna go heat them up in the lounge." Bee made a face. "During lunch dummy."
"There's a part two to this plan??" Darnell quickly asked. Pico shook his head. "I just know how to get in and out. Me and the janitor are on good terms. I'm close to him letting me into his closet." He nudged the brown boy's arm, and they made their way back into the building.
"Now, I don't know what's gotten into you kids, but this behavior is unacceptable."
Mrs. Fee had decided to give the kids a lecture after they all returned to their respective classrooms. "The only one who didn't leave was Cassandra, which means the rest of you get workbook homework for the rest of the week." Darnell groaned, but Pico had a shit eating grin on his face, his cheeks flushed in triumph. "Fucking worth it." He muttered, holding his fist out to Darnell. "Yeah, I guess." He responded with quiet laughter, returning the fist bump. the other kids probably thought it was worth it. Hell, Pico controlled the distribution of the donuts. They better think it's worth it or they ain't gettin' shit.
Pico looked over to Bee, who was smiling and kicking his legs a little, fiddling with his pencil. That whole ordeal must have filled him with quite the adrenaline. "Stick with me, and you'll be on top of the food chain dude." He had told him when they were coming back in. Bee didn't seem opposed to the idea, but he still didn't wanna scare him off. They did things like this pretty often. Having the parents Darnell had, usually others had to get involved so just those two, or three, including Nene, wouldn't get in trouble.
After the end of first period, Pico waited for Bee by the door, of course being teased by Nene and Darnell as they left. Bee stumbled a bit as he threw his big bag on his shoulders, walking over to Pico with a big smile on his face. "You like that chaos, huh?" He asked the boy, returning the grin. "Beep boop!" He responded, bouncing on his toes a bit, and they left the room.
"That's just how it is in this school. Of course I'm the instigator, got kind of a reputation. I make my father proud." Pico laughed a little. His ego was inflated as hell considering the dads he has. Well, dad. Steve didn't like to entertain the chaotic nature those two shared. Said he didn't like to lose sleep while those two jousted with frying pans at two AM.
"Bep bop.. Skdoo beep.." Bee muttered softly, a bit of a bitter tone to his voice. "What, your dad doesn't like that kind of mess?" Bee shook his head in response. Must be on closer terms with his mom huh? Yeah, he's lucky he had a dad who didn't suck ass. "Well when lunch rolls around, you can have your donuts, okay?" Pico reminded him to reassure him. He didn't wanna see the sad look on the kid's face. He was too bright to be frowning like that. "We could work on that homework together too, if it'll make you feel better." He then offered him. There it is, that bright smile.
Man this kid was just so precious..
History was mostly uneventful, save for Bee falling asleep in the middle of writing a sentence. He must have crashed from all the excitement. It was so abrupt that his face banged against the desk, and his head shot back up as he let out a yelp. Pico snurked from beside him, and heard some others begin to laugh as well.
Once the class had ended, Pico made sure he and Boyfriend were the first ones out, so they could run and grab the donuts. Thankfully the boxes were still there, untouched. "Come to papa." Pico rubbed his hands together, and lifted the boxes. he hoped all the glaze didn't melt off, it's hot out here.
They made their way back into the school, walking in through the side door to the cafeteria, where all the students waited eagerly for their treats. Darnell, Nene, and Gigi caught up to them when they saw them enter. "Wow, you actually managed to pull it off. I'm impressed." Gigi commented lightly as they set up the boxes on the end of one of the lunch tables. Pico cleared his throat, his cheeks reddening as he put a hand on his chest. "Well, they don't call me Pico "danger" Neil-Griffiths for no reason."
"literally no one calls you that." Nene snorted. Bee held back a laugh, turning his head away, while Darnell just openly cackled. "Whatever, I like my name." Pico scoffed in response, then opened one of the boxes. He was right to be worried. It's a mess in there. "You sure they'll want these?" Nene asked him, doubt in her voice. Pico waved his hand dismissively. "They're idiot kids, they'll take anything with sugar in it." Bee reached for it, but Pico smacked his hand away. "We get the nice donuts. Darnell?" Said boy held up the large plastic bag of almost half a box of donuts. "You sneaky.." Gigi mumbled, sweating nervously. "That's capitalism for you. Now take the best looking ones outta here, and we'll let them have the rest- quit your yappin', you'll get your turn!" Pico glared at some kids that had gathered around the table, and allowed his buddies to grab whatever ones they wanted. He had a mind to sock one of these greedy children in the face.
He often forgets he's a child himself, but he doesn't associate with these gremlins.
Once each of them were satisfied with what they got, the group began to move to leave out of the cafeteria. Pico stayed behind to whistle, signaling to the others to come get their donuts. And like a pack of starving dogs, the children rushed over, once again, save for the goth kids, who glared at Pico knowingly. the ginger only flipped the bird at them, and ran off with the others.
"What are you guys doing for the half day?" He heard Gigi talking to the others. She and Bee were walking pretty closely. Pico stayed back a bit, narrowing his eyes at the little pit in his stomach. He felt nauseous, or something. He didn't know, but he didn't like it. He didn't linger on it for too long though, noticing Bee glance behind him. "Bep!" He slipped between Nene and Darnell, who looked to see where he was going. They cooed when they saw Bee grab Pico's hand, which made the taller flush exponentially. Geez this guy could pull. He must have been an annoying toddler.
"C'mon man, how are we gettin' in?" Darnell then asked as Pico was brought to the front. Pico laughed to hide how flustered he was, then cleared his throat. Literally everyone, except for Bee, weren't buying it. Oh whatever, he didn't need to convince everybody. "Simple, just walk in." Pico walked over and opened the door. "We're on schedule, so the teachers should be on their way in a little bit. Hurry and throw that in there." The others filed inside, looking around and snooping through drawers. "Nice. Sharp scissors." Nene pulled a pair of scissors out of the metal cabinet, and Bee flopped onto the couch, letting out a content, "Beeeeeeep.." Gigi laughed and sat beside him, causing his face to go red.
Pico forced himself to look away, as to not seem weird.
As everyone wouldn't shut the hell up about, school ended early. Pico was so ready to leave, he even had a couple spare donuts. He stashed them away in his backpack for safe keeping. "Geez P, how do you understand Bee so well so fast?" Darnell had asked them, the group hanging out in the front of the school. "I dunno, it's like.. telepathic." Pico looked to the blue headed boy in question, who was mindlessly tapping away on his phone a a bit away from them. "Bee, you're sitting in the middle of the staircase, someone can trip over you." Pico pulled him closer, just barely missing some kid who wanted to launch himself off the top stair. Dumbass..
"Bop.." Bee mumbled softly, turning his body to face Pico, then continued what he was doing. Gigi and Nene talked with each other some bit away. He didn't care to listen in, they were probably chatting about girl stuff.
"Hey, who the hell rides a limo?" Darnell grumbled in question, and Gigi's head shot up. The horn from said vehicle honked loudly, and some people stared at it. "God, that's so embarrassing.." Gigi covered her face. "That's mine.."
The group had shouted simultaneously, and the red head girl giggled. "What are you, rich??" Darnell questioned her, and she made a nervous sound. "I'll explain some other time. See you guys!" She gripped her backpack and ran off, the group watching as the door opened for her, and she hopped in. It left just as quickly as it came. "Huh.." Darnel murmured thoughtfully. "New objective. Find out if Gigi is rich." Pico joked lightly, and Nene scoffed.
"Knock it off. You've done enough today." She went and sat with the three. "Hey Bee, you wanna hang out with us today? We always stop at this playground on the way home." Pico then offered. Bee hummed in thought, but paused when he noticed Pico give him the puppy eyes. He giggled, then held up his phone. "Bee bo bop." He responded. "Is that.. a yes?" Nene questioned. "He'll text his mom." Pico answered for her, standing up from his spot. "Wizard." Darnell mumbled, and followed suit.
Thankfully Bee was able to go. Pico thought he would have to rant to his dad about mean parents.
Pico wanted to do everything and absolutely nothing all at once.
He sat in his favorite spot near the slide, Bee sitting beside him. "Behp beppo." He muttered nervously, and Pico scoffed. "We steal the playground every day, those kids should know better by now." He huffed.  Bee went quiet after a moment, and Pico looked up to him staring at him. His cheeks flushed red. "Uh.. What?" He then asked. The boy only responded quietly with "Hm?" as if he were spacing out. Pico clicked his tongue and looked away again. "Hey, you got your mic, right?" He then asked. Bee popped out of his trance almost immediately, and nodded excitedly. He reached into his back pocket and pulled it out. "Bee-dep?" He then asked the other, and he nodded, a light smile on his face.
Bee seemed ecstatic to sing for him again, and so he did, gaining Nene and Darnell's attention as well over some time. Just like at P.E, they listened to him sing for quite some time. It was calming, Pico would argue he enjoyed it the most.
"You know, you should hang at my place sometime. I got games and stuff." Pico offered, about an hour after Bee's little jam session. "Beep?" He turned to look at him. leaning against the bars of the playground structure. "I mean, I live with Darnell when my dads go off in the army. Oh, you get to meet my dads sometime! They're cool. I'll be completely honest, one of them will tease you for speaking in bee-bops." He then snickered lightly at the thought.
"Baps?" Bee tilted his head, holding up a two with his fingers. "Yeah, technically, I call them both dad. They're real close, but they're not married or in a relationship or anything." Pico then hummed softly. Sure they also sleep in the same bed when they're at home, but that's just because it's more comfortable than bunkers out where they are.
Bee hummed in thought, then nodded. Cool. It's a date.
Yes, he meant to think that.
It's a date.
Pico's mind swirled with thoughts of what he could do when they met up again. He pulled one of the donuts out of his back pack. It was a little mushed, but still good. He ate at it slowly, wanting to savor the taste. He could eat cold donuts, they were fine. He caught Bee staring at him again, then raised a brow. "What? What's up?" He then asked, his voice muffled with food. Bee's cheeks flushed, and he pointed at the donut. "Oh.. I can give you a piece." Pico looked down and tore off a piece of the treat, handing it to Bee, who took it thankfully. He popped the entire piece in his mouth, a happy "mmmmffff" emitting from his throat. Pico laughed a little. "You like donuts, huh?" He teased him, and Bee curled up a bit, still chewing away happily so he could get every little bit.
Pico spent the rest of that afternoon with the three. Darnell and Nene definitely understood Bee a little bit more after today.
Even if it is just a little bit.
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httpbread · 5 years
Can I ask for headcanons for Nene, Hanako, and Kou with a transfer student who's really into the paranormal and has no sense of self preservation? She'll willingly go into a mystery's territory just to satisfy her curiosity, but surprisingly never gets hurt!
Pairing: Yashiro, Hanako, Kou x reader
that’s literally such a vibe ngl thanks for sending this in!!
- when she first met (Y/n) it was in the middle of cleaning duty
- the girl walked in, she looked down, and she figured that would be the end of it
- until she suddenly asks “Hanako-san! Hanako-san! Are you there?”
- cue Yashiro and Hanako standing side by side, staring
- the girl knocks again on the stall door, much more firmly
- they continue to stare
- she then plants her hands on her hip, “Fine. I guess I’ll cross number seven off my list.”
- she got out a little note pad and a pen before Hanako was at her side
- “ohh, a checklist? For the seven mysteries?”
- the girl nods, “Yeah. It’s a shame mystery seven sucks.”
- hanako gawks
- it was then that Yashiro steps in, awkwardly pointing out that, uh, well, Hanako is mystery seven
- (Y/n) looks up
- “ohhhh. Pervert ghost! Got it.”
- “hey- what are you scribbling down?!”
- after that, they can’t keep the girl out of the bathroom, or away from her questions!!
- she has,,, a lot
- though,,, when she realizes she’s not getting the answers she wants,,,
- she disappears  
- hanako and yashiro hunt her down, only to find Yako racing down the hall, running for her life, (Y/n) hot on her tail, yelling something about ‘we’re not done yet!’
- it’s then that Yashiro is put on babysitting duty.
- of a fellow student.
- her classmate.
- she’s very much not enthused
- but she’s very much panicked when Aoi-chan and the transfer start talking, Aoi dropping juicy gossip on a very intently listening (Y/n)
- instead of looking at it like babysitting, courtesy of hanako, (Y/n) has decided yashiro is her new partner in crime and is determined to make her want to snoop too!
- which she is,,,
- leading them into a lot of adventures where Yashiro is screaming, clinging to (Y/n) who is furiously writing notes, and Hanako tiredly busting them out time and time again
- she would probably be a bit more understanding about her curiosity, knowing how to deal with it better than the others
- but does NOT understand (y/n)’s lack of fear
- “(Y/n)! You could die!”
- “oh sweet! do you think I could become a mystery too?”
- really tries her best to keep (Y/n) out of trouble but sometimes she’s just so persuasive,,
- holding hands while hanako scolds them
- it was actually in yako’s boundary that he found (Y/n)
- he was stunned, only able to watch a the girl skip by, her very obvious student uniform flowing with her
- “Oh! Wow! That’s a drop and a half!”
- “Care to take a plunge?”
- he’d meant to scare her but she only turns to him beaming “Can I?!”
- no. no she could not.
- hanako, with a great deal of effort, dragging a very pouty (Y/n) out of the boundary
- “dealing with the supernatural always come with a price, you know.”
- “yeah, one time, I almost had to sell my soul. it was kinda cool.”
- “wait what”
- he lets her off with a warning, trying to be as scary as possible so she won’t come back
- two days later yako drags her back to him
- “take your mutt! It got loose again.”
- “my- oh, it’s you again.”
- “wow, don’t sound too excited.”
- he tries to scare her again.
- finds her in no. 3’s boundary t h e next day, complaining about the mirrors not working how the rumor went
- hanako then makes a deal with her
- “if you want to explore the super natural so bad… why don’t you stay close to me?”
- “lame.”
- “I’ll ban you from the mysteries.”
- “whats that? I said I’ll be so close I’m your shadow.”
- (Y/n) is not too enthused to be ran around like some kind of secretary
- until a spirit picks a fight with her
- and hanako ‘handles’ it
- suddenly she can’t get him to stay away
- or out of trouble
- or out of any of the boundaries
- at first he thinks she’s just a big handful who never listens to anything he says
- but realizes she does, she just happens to think it’s even more interesting
- so, he ends up genuinely trying to teach her about stuff (nearly murdering every supernatural who even breathes in her direction wrong)
- kou met (Y/n) when they were just kids
- in the bushes
- watching teru do his exorcisms
- “who are you”
- “I’m (Y/n)! And I’m eight years old. And-“ oversharing baby, tells kou all her business
- he nods, solidarity
- it becomes their thing, watching teru do cool stuff
- when they eventually get found out his parents just graciously accept her as just another child into the family, mostly because (Y/n) is very good at batting her eyes and being very nice to get out of trouble
- so they grow up side by side, (Y/n) and him constantly going to each other’s house, and her watching him when he starts training!!
- when (Y/n)’s parents suddenly move her off, he’s heartbroken!!
- his first crush, his first love!
- good teru comforting kou content
- though, as (Y/n) gets older she gets more reckless, a little more desensitized to the danger of it all growing up with it, even away from the minamoto family she finds ways to get her fill on the supernatural!
- so when she transfers back,,,,,
- she’s not even the slightest bit put off by the bright exorcist she’s greeted by!!
- or the rumors of ghosts
- kou is just bouncing off the walls excited to have his best friend (and childhood crush) back!!
- it’s like no time has passed between them except (y/n) is so very pretty now and he is so very whipped
- begs, begs, BEGS kou to check them out with her, just like old times
- Kou decides its up to him to be her knight in shining armor!
- absolute trouble duo
- when kou decides he’s going to exorcise all the school mysteries, she’s at his side cheering him on
- when he decides he might not, (Y/n) is still there, applauding him
- though when hes starts to wonder if he shouldn’t, (Y/n) takes this as the go ahead to help him see if he should or not by taking it upon herself to explore all seven mysteries on her own
- Kou always showing up, (Y/n) going “Oh my gosh! You’re here too? Isn’t this place so cool, Kou-kun?”
- he thinks it’s a little tiresome sometimes but when he sees the big smile on her face, he knows it’s all worth it
- he also knows she’s never going to back down,,, so,,, surely it wouldn’t hurt if he did enjoy getting into so much chaos with her,,,, right?
- (Y/n) gets really excited when he saves her, and always plants a kiss on his cheek to thank him
- so he also has that for motivation
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alvacchi · 5 years
Imagine if Hanako was Literally a Flower Spirit
@rapidfur Surprise, surprise! XD hehe
What happens:
Once upon a time in Kamome Academy
Yashiro was busy in the school's practice garden
Since she's a member of the gardening club, she helped out with tending to the plants and vegetables
One day as she was walking through a field of red camellias
She spotted a blue rose that stood out yet was nearly hidden by the others
'So pretty!' Yashiro immediately thought.
'What's a blue rose doing in the middle of the field of red camellias?'
She was also thinking how romantic it would be if someone gave her one
She's never seen a blue rose before nor even knew if they existed.
The rose was drooping a little from lack of nutrients and Yashiro quickly tended to it
Giving it plenty of water
And putting the blue rose in its own flower pot
She decided to keep the rose for herself in the garden
Perhaps it would bring her good fortune
Yashiro wanted to name the blue rose
Naming it "Aoi" for its color would be confusing since she had a best friend with that name already
So she decided on Hanako
Hanako would be a nice female name for a flower
Yashiro left the blue rose in the garden as she went home for the day
The next day
She came back to the garden to see how the blue rose was doing
To find a strange boy sitting around near the plant
The boy saw her come by and he floated towards her all excited
"Ah! You're finally here!"
Yashiro blinked in confusion
Was she dreaming right now? Did he just float?
"Who are you?" Yashiro asked.
"Who me? I'm Hanako! That's the name you gave me! I'm the blue rose you saved yesterday!"
Yashiro: "Huh?! Wait, you're a boy?!"
That really shouldn't be the first thing she asks. There were far bigger questions.
Hanako: "Yes! I am and I'm a flower spirit! It's nice to meet you!"
So, that's how it all began.
In the beginning of their relationship, Yashiro had freaked out and went to go show Aoi the blue rose
Aoi looked at her in confusion though
Aoi: "Nene-chan, are you daydreaming again? That's a very nice flower pot you have but there's no rose there."
And that's how Yashiro came to realize only she could see the blue rose spirit Hanako
And she got used to him over time
During Yashiro's gardening activities, Hanako would come bother her.
Hanako: "Pay attention to me, Yashiro! I need water!"
He would roll around the dirt and whine
And often clung onto her as she removed the weeds from the garden with everyone else
He loved to greet her with a "Flower you today, Yashiro?"
And teased her to "smell the roses"
Yashiro reacted by saying that while she understood the phrase, she would not do that to him literally
Yashiro would rant to him about her latest attempts to confess to her crushes and asked Hanako to bring her good luck
Hanako: "What am I? Your good luck charm?"
Yashiro: "Yes!"
There was a time when Yashiro wanted to play a trick on Hanako
She brought in some fake plants and watered them for a couple of days
And then she told him, "Ha! You've been watching me water these fake plants for a few days now!"
Hanako's response surprised her
Hanako: "I thought it was really nice that you cared a lot for them despite them not being alive."
He had a solemn look on his face for a bit before he went on to tease her about how she thought he fell for it
He claimed he was able to feel the spirits of the flowers so he could tell right away if they were fake
Yashiro became flustered and playfully hit him
To think that her trick backfired on her
The other gardening members noticed Yashiro was being more talkative than usual
But it wasn't weird to them
Talking to plants actually helps them grow faster (more so to a female's voice than a male's)
They thought Yashiro planted a seed in her flower pot and wanted to help it grow faster
Aoi later commented on Yashiro's recent behavior to her best friend
Aoi: "Nene-chan, you seem more happier than before. Did something good happen?"
Yashiro: "Huh? What do you mean?"
Aoi: "Well back then, you didn't actually talk that much to plants and you weren't crazy about the club. It was as if you were only gardening to impress someone. But now, you seem like you're having fun! It's so nice to see you being genuinely happy to take care of your new plant."
Yashiro was astonished but as expected of her best friend to notice.
She really did have a good time with Hanako.
...If only she saw what was coming
It was almost a week already and Yashiro stopped by to see Hanako again in the garden
To see him kneeling strangely on the floor and breathing funny
Yashiro started to panic at the sight as she ran towards him
Yashiro: "Hanako-kun?! Hanako-kun, what's wrong?!'
Hanako: "Ah, Yashiro...."
Yashiro: "Did you not get enough sunlight? Should I have moved you to a different location? Did I give you enough water? Wh-"
Hanako: "Yashiro! Calm down, Yashiro..."
Yashiro was crying now
Her tears were falling onto the ground and dampening the soil
Yashiro: "What did I do wrong...?"
Hanako: "Yashiro, it's not your fault. I'm sorry I didn't tell you."
Yashiro: "Huh?"
Hanako: "Roses only last up to about a week."
Yashiro: "No...."
She completely forgot
Hanako: "You've made me really happy, Yashiro. You could say you were my sunshine..."
They both tried to laugh but failed horribly.
Yashiro continued to sob
She never cried so hard for a flower before
Yashiro: "I don't want you to go, Hanako-kun..."
Hanako: "I'm afraid I can't grant that wish. Besides, I wasn't even supposed to exist. I don't exist."
Yashiro: "Huh?"
Hanako: "Blue roses are a myth. A fantasy of longing and desire. Did you know, Yashiro?"
Hanako intertwined his fingers with hers.
Hanako: "They could mean an unattainable love."
Yashiro: "Is that why I have such terrible luck with confessing?"
Hanako: "Eh-? Well you don't have to interpret it that way!"
Already, Hanako was slowly fading away
Hanako: "Yashiro...thank you"
When he completely faded, all that was left was the flower pot. No wilted flower. Nothing but soil in the flower pot.
Yashiro hugged the pot to herself as she cried her heart out.
She later buried the soil that nourished Hanako back in the field of red camellias as they represented his ashes.
Yashiro started speaking aloud
"Did you know, Hanako-kun? Red camellias mean love, passion, and deep desire."
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wild-battlebond · 4 years
Digimon Xros Wars Ep44 Liveblog
Now that Kiriha has received some character development and embraced his ability to love, him, Taiki, and Nene have gained the ability to use Great Xros and increase Shoutmon to X7! Unfortunately, this is not enough to one-shot Gravimon.
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and straight into the fray!
i forgot about all of this Great Xros stuff. it’s pretty cool & i like how it fully establishes the three of them as a close-knit trio
this is nice. I’m glad Kiriha gets a little bit to feel emotions about Deckerdramon’s death
oh no oh god i forgot about this until now. this episode has some weird parasite-growth shit in it... anyways Taiki has like. a bit of Gravimon wedged in his arm and it’ll grow into him or something and it’s mildly upsetting. like the thing with plotlines like this is that they’re pretty fascinating in their own right (there’s a guy inside you and it could kills you wyd) but also (like i said) mildly unpleasant to watch
so Gravimon can regrow from anything (in this case, a wire), not his core, but his core needs to be intact to be able to regenerate. which is why he stuck it in Taiki, since it would either mean that his core would never get destroyed or the others would be forced to kill Taiki to destroy him (iirc that’s this episode’s main conflict)
is Taiki misquoting a saying just a mistake on his part, or is it supposed to indicate that the core in his arm is affecting him?
from here on out, Kiriha starts acting a lot more relaxed, & it is really gratifying to see him change so much. it’s like a weight was literally taken off his shoulders after he realized his mistakes and was able to embrace his love, from the way he stands to how he interacts with the group (like Shoutmon said, he’s even smiling and laughing now)
ohhh I see, it’s a decoy X7 made up of seven completely different Digimon! that’s clever!
Nene’s disguise this time is hilarious because she wore it literally just to talk to the guard and then have Mervamon kick the guard in the face.
so since they found out he could regenerate, Gravimon’s not even being slick about it this time... but he’s not showing his whole hand, either, since he still hasn’t told Taiki about the core
aaaaa that's cute how she holds Hi-VisionMonitamon's hands
Kiriha still acts like his normal self while in combat, though. so, he's probably started to understand that there's a time and place for everything -- sometimes you can relax with your friends, and sometimes you can be a brutal fighter.
this is a really good way to represent how X7 was made up of everyone's bonds (and everyone's Digimon) -- before, Taiki was riding on X7's shoulder before hopping off, and now that Kiriha is giving X7 orders he's the one riding on X7's shoulders. they did something similar a while back when X5 (i think? it's the one with Sparrowmon) first formed and both Taiki and Nene stood on X5's shoulders since X5's formation was also indicative of their budding friendship. like, swapping around who's the one giving orders (who X7 has to trust with their life) is very significant in a battle.
man Gravimon really wants to force Taiki's friends into killing him. i think he has a problem.
hmm yeah that's just as disturbing as i remember. i don't like how it does a heartbeat thing.
so now Gravimon is putting Kiriha's character development to the test by trying to goad him into killing Taiki again
"rip it out" dude it's inside his arm do you know how much that would hurt???
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well Kiriha contemplated it for a bit but then remember that Taiki has continued to trust and been nice to him him despite his betrayal, so he is not going to kill him. that's good.
so Kiriha is going to surrender by giving up his Xros Loader… leaving himself completely defenseless
or not? i guess Gravimon thinks that's too easy?
and then he was going to kill Kiriha but then Taiki jumped in the way?? he's going to try and take out Gravimon with him???
so then Gravimon had his core leave Taiki and Mervamon grabbed him and Kiriha so they're fine now
and X7 shot down the core so everything is fine now and they’re moving on to the next (and final) kingdom
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way-veee · 4 years
yan yu
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rating: m
genre: romance, fluff, comedy, wayv being absolute crackheads
word count: 1.5k +
pairing: reader x wayv
pt. 6
“okay, sure, has the osaka part of the report been sent in yet? the editors need it by friday, also can you get me an estimated time for the cover photo and staff member list?” 
you roll your eyes as your manage asks you a multitude of questions  over the phone due to the change in arrival.
“yes i sent in the report yesterday and the cover photo will be taken on the last day. everything’s fine, don’t worry i got this.”
you hear her huff through your phone.
“okay that’s great. i read part of the preview you sent over last week and it seemed pretty good. keep up work like that and the report will be trending in no time.”
you nod into the phone.
“listen,“ you start, “ i was wondering. what would happen if maybe i covered wayv in a not so unrealistic light. what if i focused more on their struggles and issue with their company-”
“y/n” your manager snaps, definitely upset. “if you do that you’re fired. do you hear me? we don’t need our company getting shit on by sm or their fans because you wanted to have some political coverage to make you feel authentic or whatever. if i see anything like that i’ll fire you right on the spot. i swear to god.”
“okay i’ll take that as no. nice talking to you as always.”
“you too” she responds flatly.
she hangs up a second later and you pocket your phone, ready to go out.
you try to push probably being fired from your job out of your mind and enjoy the day.
wayv was at the studio again today, practicing their choreography and finishing lyrics. you wanted to get more coverage on the process for the report so you decided to go as well.
the boys left earlier in the morning than you, and not wanting to wake up at 6:30 to sit in a cold practice room, you had declined.
you go to the cafeteria and get a latte and bagel for your breakfast. you tuck the bagel in your purse for later and walk out the front exit of the building to get to the bus stop.
it was cold while waiting for the bus so you put on your hat to keep warm. the bus came fifteen minutes later and you gladly boarded, taking one of the only empty spots beside a girl that looked about your age. the bus took off with a jolt and you leaned back into your seat sipping your vanilla latte.
“hey i know you!”
you look over at the girl surprised, you didn’t think you knew her.
“you were in my vocal class senior year!”
you inspect the girls face more thoroughly. her sloped nose and clear skin jogged your memory. 
“ohhh i remember you! you’re nene, the one who sang adele for their final exam.”
(not very well if you recall correctly)
“ya! that’s me!” she responds cheerfully while looking you up and down “and you sang....”
“i didn’t.” you reply embarrassed, looking past her at the highway falling behind the bus window.
“riiight, that was when you ran out of the exam and threw up in front of the science classrooms!”
you nod desperately trying to forget when you were too nervous to perform and vomited in front of your classmates.
“then the principal came but you wanted to come back and-”
“how’s the singing going now?” you cut in, slightly annoyed.
“oh great!” she replies with perfect teeth and rosy lips.
“i’m still doing auditions but i have a feeling something big is coming my way. plus i’ve already achieved something better!”
“what’s that” you reply, losing interest in the pretty girl from high school that you remembered was also quite boring.
“i’m dating a celebrity!” she yells.
everybody on the bus slowly turns to look at us, mostly annoyed at us being loud. you shrink down wanting to disappear from this conversation.
“oh, that’s so cool...” you say not wanting anything more to do with this girl.
“do you wanna know who it was?”
“no that’s okay, you probably shouldn’t tell people anywa-”
“they were in nct 127!”
“what” you say a little too loudly.
“you heard me” she smirks definitely liking your shocked reaction.
she disinterestedly plays with a pink charm on her purse. she was going to make you ask to her to tell the rest of the story. you had to know a little bit more because wayv and nct 127 were both sub units. 
you hated girls like this.
“nene, can you please tell me a little more? if you can, i understand if you can’t but-”
“okay, it was like 5 months ago and i was at one of the recording studios downtown doing backup vocals for this really cool band called the rain and as i was going to get a snack they literally walked right past me.”
she retells the story so perfectly and without skipping a beat. you figured she was telling the truth. 
“and i totally make eye contact with taeyong. like eye contact” she emphasizes making big eyes at you while continuing.
“the recording manager said that they’d be on a break in 20 so i waited outside and when taeyong came out he says hi to me. and we talk for a little bit and he gives me his number! his actual phone number.”
“wow” you say trying to sound enthusiastic. maybe this was just a boring story and you shouldn’t have asked about it.
“so then a week later we set a date at the dorms... and you know” she says smiling cheekily at me. 
“he was super sweet too, he told me this funny story of when mark went on a date with a reporter because she kept writing bad articles about them and she totally thinks that he likes her and that they’re like dating or something. anyways, when i got there..”
your jaw dropped. it made sense now. why they were nice to you and became your friend so suddenly. 
god you were so dumb, 
why didn’t you think that the managers of wayv would also get the rough drafts of your report too. they definitely told the boys about what you had initially said.
it was apparent now that they were just using you so you’d write a positive report based off of friendship not truth.
“hey y/n?” nene says pinching your arm with her pointy nails. “oh...” she says while definitely trying to suppress her smile. “i forgot, aren’t you are reporter too?” she tilts her head looking at you bemusedly to see how you’d react.
“this is my stop” you say while gesturing to the red flashing light announcing the street that the dance studio is at.
“bye y/n!” nene screeches from inside the bus. “you know where to contact me!”
you wave meekly as the doors shut and the bus passes by you.
while walking to the studio your sadness of being deceived turns into anger and embarrassment. you hated celebrities and vocal majors and cold days and bagels. 
you walk into the building and find the room number you had written down on a piece of paper. you walk up two flights of stairs and down a large hallway with closed doors.
finally, you bust into their room to see them by the full length mirrors practicing formations.
they saw the pain and anger on your face and were frightened by how different you seemed.
“y/n, are you okay?” kun asks getting up off of the floor visibly concerned.
you knew that you shouldn’t do this here for so many different reasons. but you felt like you had too. wayv meant too much to you for it all to be fake.
“is this real.” you ask, staring at them and their confused expressions.
“y/n what do you mean-” kun starts
“is this real. is our friendship real?”
they look at you quizzically. why were you bringing this up now.
“yes, we’re friends now. remember we got past the whole hating eachother bit and banded together to make music and you were gonna write the article-”
you cut ten off sharply
“are you just being nice to me because of my job. because you want me to write something nice about you guys.”
they stay silent as you feverishly try to push back tears. the buzz of the room is so loud in your ears.
“i know this is dumb because we haven’t known eachother for long. but i thought that we were friends. i thought you guys- you superstars liked me for who i was. i- over this week i was really happy working and talking with you guys. i’m so stupid to think that you would actually like me.”
you started to get really nervous for speaking your thoughts to them in a rom-com fashion. you wanted to crawl into the floors and disappear.
everyone is quiet for a moment. thinking over what you said as you clutch the cold bagel in your purse trying not to cry.
“what about the song? do you think that was fake? or that we do that with every reporter?” lucas asks.
you look up at them.
“do you know what yan yu means?” yangyang asks
“of course” you reply. “ it means to speak”
“that’s going to be the name of our new title track.” he replies
you look at yangyang wanting him to explain.
winwin steps forward slightly looking at the ground.
“we called it yan yu because you allowed us to speak. because of all that you’ve done while you’ve been here. the thing we care about most isn’t the article, it’s having our own voices. we want to tell the world- through our music that we’re ready to be heard because we finally have something we can say that’s ours. this is all because of you, we can speak now because of you.”
you look into his eyes as they soften in the corners. you know that what winwin said is real because he never liked you enough in the first place to make up such a heartfelt lie. 
you start to melt a little as you continue to process the words.
“if we wanted you to write a positive article we would’ve just seduced you.” hendery says. “it’s easier and probably has faster results especially if there’s more of us-” 
you run and hug hendery before he finishes. you smile in his arms as he hugs you back. you pretend that you’re not crying but his shirt is probably wet now, so they’ll find out very soon.
 what they said was so sincere and nice. you were now convinced that what you had with the boys was real to them too.
all of your worries from early dissipate into the stale air above you. you felt someone hug you from behind only to feel lucas’s warm chest against your back. you smiled bigger as you felt the other members join your hug, feeling warmer and warmer each time a member joins.
a moment later when they were all silent you spoke, trying to not let your voice crack from your crying.
“you deserve to be heard. you guys have so many important things to say and a lot of music that needs to be listened to. i’m glad i could help you all become the fantastic artists you’ve always been.”
you feel the hug tighten around you and you swear your heart smiles within your chest. 
how were you ever going to phrase this in the report.
“no, xiaojuns arm is too far above lucas’s it looks weird.”
“are you sure that’s not what the video looks like?” ten questions walking over to inspect the boys formation.
“no shes right” he says moments later after glancing at the laptop screen.
he adjusts their arms and they slowly runs through the next steps as you try to compare them to the video they had given you on one of their laptops.
you stop them seconds later, “lucas coming down from the high kick you were behind by a few seconds and henderey you need to extend your leg more.”
they run the moves again as you enjoy your newfound power over the boys. they had been practicing a new intro choreo for their music bank performance for a little over two hours. 
you had agreed to help them because you thought it would be good to add how much hard work and dedication it took to just perform a two minute intro for your article. 
okay, another part of you also felt bad for barging into the practice room, accusing them of being fake friends and thinking that they were influencing you so you’d use the little power you did have to make them look good. maybe a little more of the second, but they didn’t need to know that.
“wait stop! did you guys change that cross formation there or was it in the second half.”
“um,” ten says while sweating and breathing vigorously from the nonstop motion. “we changed the triangle formation in the second half to the diagonal line. this is the cross formation.”
“okay, i wasn’t sure, i’ll mark it down. also lucas and yangyang you guys need to fix your levels on that cross because it looks unbalanced” you say while scribbling that down on the stage direction sheet.
“jeesh” xiaojun whispers to the boys, “she’s worse than our choreographer and that’s his actual job.”
the boys chuckle while glancing over at you as you wrote the note down.
“well we’ll be out of here faster and the performance will be good.” kun shrugs while trying to hold back how tired he really was.
lucas pokes kun’s shoulder with one of his long fingers and he goes tumbling down to the ground. the boys laugh hysterically.
“you won’t even be able to walk by the time we do have to perform!” lucas yells in his face while laughing at the tiny amount of pressure that had sent him tumbling to the ground.
“okay we’re gonna take it from the top one more time!” kun yells at you while trying to get up off the ground as the boys continue to laugh at him instead of helping him.
you nod and rewind the video. you had a few more notes but wasn’t sure if they could handle it today. kun seemed pretty tired so reluctantly you just pressed play and let the music run.
you watched the boys in such fascination at how fast and expertly their bodies moved. it was insane to you how some of them couldn’t even dance before becoming trainees but now were better than some professional dancers.
the boys were hard at work on this sunday afternoon. practicing the same painstaking motions over and over again until it morphed into art. to this day i will never understand how idols can turn such mundane actions into a performance piece worthy of national acclaim. for now i have only one solution, i believe there is something inside them that is extraordinary.
part 7 will be linked down here:)
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