#literally just so scary like actually i would kill for rain rn and california is praying for the rain to stop. thinking abt all of this
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thekidsarentalright · 2 years ago
insane to hear abt how that hurricane is affecting california meanwhile on the other end of the west coast (in washington) we are suffering from terrible air quality due to severe wildfires like. aha climate change and global warming and stuff is soooo scary 😆‼️
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hellfire-damnation · 7 years ago
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Nicknames? Sav, Nan, Nannie, Savage (that one was once but it was hilarious)
Where do you live? Good ol’ California
What’s your age? 20 soon to be 21
Hair color? Lightish brown/dirty blonde? Depends on how much I’m in the sun.
Eye color? Green; occasionally yellow when they like to be weird
Height? 5’3”
Date of Birth? 08 January 1997
What’s your star sign? Capricorn
Element? Earth
How many siblings? nada
How many pets? Two; a doggo named Zeus and a kitty name Quinn. Until a year ago I had four doggos and two kitties but they were all rather old..
Obsessions? Writing. Maaaybe Tom Cavanagh but I haven’t decided on that one yet :P
Bad habits? I talk back/am sarcastic af when i probs shouldn’t be; constantly second guessing myself
Phobias? Heights man. Fuck heights.
What makes you happy? My family.
What really irritates you? People who are rude fuckers that don’t acknowledge that I (or someone my age) has experience and know what they’re speaking about. Also just. Rude people in general?
What makes you sad? Seeing people who have been discarded by society when they need help and cannot get it.
What makes you angry? Disrespect, misogyny….quite a few things but I can’t think of them all.
What makes you scared? Losing the people I love.
Who is your best friend? I have two, both of which I’ve known for almost ten years. The one, a guy, I’ve been friends with for about six or seven years. The other is a girl who I’ve known for approximately five.
Ever broken a bone? Surprisingly no.
What was the last CD you bought? Uhhhhhhhh Mumford and Sons I think?
What was the last book you read? Meddling Kids by Edgar Cantero
Who was the last person you spoke to? My best friends
What was the last thing you ate? Pasta
What was the last thing you drank? Coffee
What’s the best thing you’ve ever bought? A computer for school (bc first big girl purchase)
What’s the worst thing you’ve ever bought? tbd
What’s the best thing you’ve ever been given? A 2nd edition of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy is the first thing that comes to mind
What’s the worst thing you’ve ever been given? ....gag gifts are pretty awful
What are your future goals? Teach
Describe your bedroom? Decently sized, though not huge. I like to call it cozy. Light blue walls with a map on one side along with wall accents. A window on the right wall with some shelves
Who do you consider the most beautiful woman in the world? Tbh Gal Gadot or Scarlett Johansson
Who do you consider the most handsome man in the world? Tom Cavanagh ranks pretty high up there tbh
Favorite thing to do on a hot summers day? Swim, read a book, or have a picnic
Favorite thing to do on a snowy winters day? Curl up with a fluffy blanket, a cup of hot chocolate or coffee, and read my favorite book
If you were granted 3 wishes, what would they be? tbd
If you could go back in time to see or change something, when would it be and what would you do? I would definitely go back to the middle ages (bc like. King Arthur is my shit and uh I would kill to see the factual side of that legend).
What’s the first thing you think about when you wake up? Stress
Do you believe in the afterlife? Yeah I do
Where do you see yourself in 10 years time? Hopefully with a steady job, an apartment, and animals
What’s the funniest joke you’ve ever been told? ...people don’t really tell me jokes
Any hidden talents? I can get a perfect score on the Guitar Hero version of Black Magic Woman, if you consider that a hidden talent??
Dream job? Researcher for a private institution or as a history professor for my area of specialty
Who is your hero? My grandpa
Describe yourself in 3 words: Stubborn, Curious, and
Favorite color? Blue, green, or yellow i can never choose
Favorite number? Any odd number tbh
Favorite animal? Caribou (or dogs)
Favorite sport (to play)? Baseball
Favorite sport (to watch)? Baseball/hockey
Favorite Show(s)? Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, Supernatural, CSI
Favorite movies? The Lion King (tbh like 99% of Disney movies)
Favorite band? Mumford and Sons
Favorite song? Rn its Let You Down by NF
Favorite room in the house? My room.
Favorite food? Pasta.
Favorite drink? Coffee. I literally could not brain w/o it.
Favorite place? tbd
Favorite cartoon character? Basil (Great Mouse Detective), Simba, Tramp, Snow White...probs more but I can’t think rn
Favorite day of the week? Friday tbqh
Favorite day of the year? Any day when I am happy?
Favorite season? FALLLLL
Favorite Holiday? Christmas bc presents/birthday right after/family
Favorite girls name?Freyja.
Favorite boys name? Lincoln.
Favorite country? France or Gerrmany.
Favorite smell? Cinnamon and vanilla or the smell after it rains
Favorite sound? The crackling of fire wood
Favorite accent? UGHHHH tbh Russian or German or Australian
Favorite Ships (in or out of BDRP)? I am not gonna list them all bc I am multishipper trash but JUST KNOW there are a lot.
Favorite Fandoms? motherfrick...Supernatural, Harry Potter, and The Flash/Legends of Tomorrow are some of my biggest but I have quite a few...
Coke or Pepsi? Neither. That shit is nasty.
Pen or Pencil? The pen.
Day or Night? Midmorning or just before dusk.
Cat or Dog? Both. Equal opportunity for cuddles.
Summer or Winter? Winter. You can get warmer faster than you can cool down. Plus CA summers are miserable.
T.V. or Radio? Radio.
Brains or Beauty? You can be both smart and beautiful.
Cup or Mug? ...mug?
Tea or Coffee? Coffee
Gold or Silver? Silver
Brush or Comb? I don’t use a comb so brush.
City or Country? Country. God I hate how crowded cities are.
Early or Late riser? Early bird man.
Blond or Brunette? Either.
Scary or Romantic movies? Tbh most romantic movies are lowkey scary bc the tropes they perpetuate are everywhere but ANYWAY. Depends on the scary movie.
Board or Computer games? Board games, actually.
Half full or Half empty? Half full.
Happy and poor or Sad and rich? Happy and poor, always.
Glasses or Contacts? Glasses
Flowers or Chocolates? Chocolate. You can’t eat flowers.
Love or Money? Love
Hugs or Kisses? Both duh
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