#literally immobilized my hand to the point the dr told me to not use it for 8 days-2 weeks and has left severalllll cuts on my body from
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achilleslyre · 11 months ago
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mst3kproject · 4 years ago
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The Neanderthal Man
Since I'm taking a break from fishmen, I might as well let Bigfoot catch up a bit.  The Neanderthal Man isn't exactly a Bigfoot movie, but it’s along the same lines and its entire starring cast has MST3K pedigrees.  Robert Shayne was in Indestructible Man and Teenage Caveman. Richard Crane was Rocky Jones, Space Ranger! Beverly Garland was in Swamp Diamonds and Gunslinger. Even the composer, Albert Glasser, wrote music for Invasion USA, Last of the Wild Horses, and almost all of MST3K’s Bert I. Gordon movies.
Some little mountain town in the middle of the Sierras (which the Portentous 50's Narrator takes some trouble to tell us is a primeval place where 'the defacing hand of civilization has fallen but lightly') is having a rash of saber-toothed tiger sightings!  At first these are laughed off, but when the game warden himself sees one cross the road in the middle of the night, it's time to do something about it.  The warden shows a cast pawprint to Dr. Ross Harkness in Los Angeles, who is interested enough to come up and see for himself. Local Mad Scientist Dr. Groves pooh-poohs the whole thing, which is enough to tell me that we're not dealing with a local cryptid here.  Somebody is making prehistoric monsters.
So... I may not have actually run out of movies, but I seem to be running out of plots, because this is a remarkably similar movie to Monster on the Campus. The major difference between the two films is that Dr. Blake turned himself into a caveman by accident, while Dr. Groves here is doing it on purpose.
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Another difference is that Monster on the Campus' story, while silly, was linear – events escalated in a way that felt logical, and there were reasons why things happened when and where they did.  By contrast, The Neanderthal Man feels like a first draft.  At the beginning of the film, we're dealing with the saber-toothed tigers that Groves has been creating by injecting cats with his de-evolution serum.  We hear about these slaughtering game and livestock, and it seems like only a matter of time before they move on to human beings.  The beginning of the film is quite upfront about the fact that Groves is responsible, too, as it is only mildly mysterious in its depiction of one of the creatures escaping his lab.
Sometimes the saber-tooths are represented by an actual tiger, usually filmed from behind or at a great distance so nobody has to put the prosthetic teeth on it.  They do have prosthetic teeth, but they're only visible in a couple of shots. Imagine being at a bar and some guy tells you his job is sticking fake fangs on real tigers for a caveman movie!  For close-ups, there's a hilarious puppet head that looks like the sort of thing you'd see mounted on a frat house wall as a joke.  The director had the sense not to linger on this in motion shots, but later we see still photographs Groves has supposedly taken of his experimental subjects and they're even stupider-looking than we imagined.
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Anyway, this goes on for a while with rising action, as the game warden goes to get Harkness and they manage to shoot one of the animals, only to have it vanish from the kill site when they try to show it to Groves (the movie never bothers to explain how that happened, incidentally. The ending suggests that the creatures change back when they die, but there's definitely no dead kitty cat at the scene, either).  The whole movie could easily have just had the cats and their creator as the antagonists, perhaps even ending the same way as Dr. Groves proves his work to the other characters by injecting himself. That's not what happens, though.  Instead, the story mostly forgets about the cats one we find out Groves has also been carrying on human experiments.
(Before himself, Groves' first experimental subject was his disabled Latina housekeeper.  Another series of photos show her half-transformed into a cavewoman who for some reason is wearing drag queen false eyelashes.  And as long as I'm talking about the movie being gross and bigoted, there's a bit where a woman is violently raped.  This happens off camera, but the audience is not allowed to entertain any illusions about it.)
The problem is that before we see him give himself an injection in the arm, we have had absolutely no indication that Groves has been giving his serum to anything besides the cats! Cats are stealthy, cryptic creatures and if one of those has been seen wandering around killing things, then surely a full-on caveman beating people to death would not be able to stay out of sight!  If what we were seeing were the first time Groves had tried the formula on himself then that would be an explanation, but his notes reveal that he's been doing it for so long that he's on the verge of losing control of the transformation and permanently reverting to a pre-human status, as indeed he does for the climax.  Much like the stupid dinosaur in The Beast of Hollow Mountain, the movie's main monster is given no build-up whatsoever!
There's worse yet, though.  The main characters, Dr. Harkness and Groves' daughter Jan, are barely involved in the 'caveman' part of the plot. They get phone calls about the various murders that Groves is committing in caveman form, and they snoop around the lab to figure out things the audience already knows.  The same story could have been told without them, perhaps with the game warden and the hunter as protagonists, and it would probably have been more interesting. The script also repeatedly has Dr. Groves wander in and bluster about how the tiger sightings are hallucinations and tall tales, which seems a little unnecessary when we already know he's responsible. The film-makers can't seem to decide whether they want us to know that or not.
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Dr. Groves wears glasses.  Maybe the reason his primitive alter-ego is angry and breaking shit (although it does politely open and close the window it climbs out of, which made me laugh) is because it can't see. This is also my theory about why the Hulk smashes, and what do you know?  In Avengers Endgame he's got Hulk-sized spectacles and only smashes when he's told!
The direction of The Neanderthal Man can probably best be described as 'serviceable'.  It shows us what's going on, but doesn't particularly add anything to the proceedings.  The 'Neanderthal' mask is immobile and uninteresting, not much better than somebody's Party City Sasquatch costume.  Even the eyes are just painted on, meaning the poor guy in the costume can’t do much because he can’t see where he’s going.
The dialogue is often very strange, with characters talking like they're in a Jules Verne novel. If only one person did this, it might seem like a character quirk – it works for Dr. Groves, for example – but it's everybody. Seeing the cat carcass is gone, Harkness declares, “I refuse to believe in the supernatural!  There must be some logical cause and effect to this unholy adventure!”  Groves' fiancee Ruth berates him for ignoring her, saying, “I want you, the man I once knew!  The good companion, the cheerful friend.  I want the happiness we once found in each other.”  It's bizarre to listen to, and often audibly awkward for the actors.
Monster on the Campus was kind of trying to be about how humanity must choose to evolve away from our inner savage, although the finale didn't bear that out.  There's a scene in The Neanderthal Man in which this movie seems to be trying to go in the opposite direction, saying that we were never savage to begin with.  Dr. Groves is speaking to a panel of scientists about the size of the brain in various 'primitive' species of human.  He points out that by the time we reached Homo erectus we were already working with four times the cerebral jelly of a chimpanzee, and argues that our ancestors would have been recognizably human in their behaviour and problem-solving capacity.
(Amusingly, his chart of human evolution includes Piltdown Man, which was proven to be a hoax literally a few months after this movie's release.  What makes this even more tragic for the writers is that their list of primitive humans seems to be the only place where they actually did any research.)
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The problem with Dr. Groves' theory is that he already knows it's wrong. We soon learn that he's been experimenting on himself with his serum for a while already, and his notes show that he knows very well he regresses into a near-mindless animal.  The movie does not even try to reconcile these ideas.  If Groves were continuing his experiments in the hope that perfecting his serum would give him a more accurate reconstruction of ancient man, that would be one thing, but the script never goes there.
So now that we've had two 'man turns into caveman by injecting science juice' movies, of course I have to ask which one is better.  Monster on the Campus wasn't a good movie but it was definitely an improvement on The Neanderthal Man in several respects, and although I don't have any way to find out for certain, I suspect it was an intentional remake.  It's definitely more entertaining and gets bonus points for including the Meganeura dragonfly, but nothing in it is nearly as funny as The Neanderthal Man's fake tiger head.  I guess if you're gonna watch one or the other, stick to Monster on the Campus, but if you're gonna watch both, start with The Neanderthal Man and do them in chronological order, the better to spot the inspirations and references.
Before I go, a fun paleontology fact: current thinking is that the saber-toothed cat's eponymous fangs actually didn't show when it had its mouth closed!  There are zero cave paintings or ancient sculptures of a saber-tooth cat with teeth visible, and when scientists looked at the structure of the enamel in the canines, it suggested that in life the teeth were hidden by big, fleshy, St Bernard jowls.  Google 'smilodon lips' and behold how this looks fully three hundred percent more ridiculous than you're imagining.  I love nature.
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Apologies & Logistics
This is the end of the “Humans Adopt a Combat SecUnit” story, or at least this part of it.
I had expected the governor to fry my organic neural tissue for disobeying a direct order, but it had merely immobilized and disabled me. I couldn’t move or see, but my hearing continued to function normally. It was a non-optimal outcome but still significantly better than my initial predictions.
In my ear, Serenity provided a running commentary of ongoing events. I felt like an oddly captive audience to a ship that suddenly eager for conversation, no matter how one-sided. And it had a variety of opinions on topics ranging from the Corporation Rim to cargo haulers, handlers, and the intricacies of wormhole travel. I wasn’t bored.
Meanwhile, external voices came and went.
I heard Cass leave the control room moments later with a squeaky gurney that could have used some grease in her wake. Kris’s booming voice echoed on the bridge while he negotiated docking procedures with one of the incoming rescue vessels. He notified them about the rescued corporate higher-up but failed to mention my existence. I suspected either they would dispose of me or steal me. My risk assessment module deemed the former option unlikely, given my handler’s determination in reversing the governor’s freeze command.
Presumably, I was still on the inventory lists of the security and tactical support company that owned me, and the humans would need to make me disappear in order to leave the sector.
“I’m not sure you can hear me.” Kris’s voice was suddenly close enough that I thought he might be sitting on the floor next to me. “And I’m not sure which option is better, honestly. I hope you’re not just trapped in there until Cass figures out how to fix this. But if you can hear me, I want you to know that I’m grateful. You protected my best friend when I couldn’t, and that means a lot to me.”
The human’s voice trailed off for a moment before picking up again. “Anyway, we’re going to finish this cargo run, but before we do, we’ll meet with a friend of mine who, uh, locates documents that don’t strictly exist and formally assign your ownership to Cass. Just in case.”
More silence. Human processing time is slow, but this was different. “Deity, it hurts to even say that. I really hope you’re not hearing this.”
Meanwhile, Serenity explained, “What Kris is referring to is a forger or a fixer. Probably one of Kris’ friends from his university days.”
The human kept talking. “I’m sorry about calling you a bot. You’re obviously not, and right now, I’m fucking hating the rules that say otherwise.”
I didn’t understand the human’s concerns; to me, the facts remained immutable. I was property, and if I belonged to this crew in a legal sense, they wouldn’t be stopped by Port Authority wherever they went next. If I could speak, I would’ve recommended that exact course of action.
A moment later, Cass returned from the medical room. I could hear her light footsteps as she moved around the bridge, and Serenity gave me an excellent overview of what the human was doing. My handler’s voice was gentle when she said, “All right, let’s take care of Jae. How’re you holding up, SecUnit?” I could hear someone unspooling a cable. “Ready, Sere?”
“Of course,” the ship answered in its mechanical tone.
I recorded a brief but frantic burst of activity between myself, my handler, and the ship that was mediating between us. Cass wanted to disable my governor permanently, but there was no practical way to do so without access to a Combat SecUnit manual, which we didn’t have. She implemented perhaps the next best thing — the module would no longer react or take action without my handler’s explicit permission.
Then Cass overrode my governor’s freeze command, and I could move again.
I opened my eyes to find Cass staring at me with a worried expression on her tired face. Serenity reconnected me to the feed, so I reached up and removed the feed interface from my ear. Now the ship could bother me anytime it wanted.
“How are you feeling?” my human asked nervously.
Better than initially anticipated. I’d added the sentence to my buffer once I’d understood what Cass was asking. It was becoming easier to modify the buffer with each attempt.
“You weren’t expecting to survive that, were you?” The human sounded suspicious.
I shrugged.
“Don’t ever do anything that stupid again! That’s not an order, Jae. This is me telling you that we like you alive and safe, and I want you to consider your own well-being when deciding how to best handle a situation.”
Understood, Cass.
I sat up, and the woman hugged me with probably all the force she could muster. I… I didn’t mind it. At all
The rescue ship that finally docked with Serenity was a small patrol vessel that belonged to the station's towing company. I was pretty confident that the warship would not need a tow at this point — there wasn't enough of it left out there to warrant cleanup operations. Since I had performed the rescue spacewalk and had gotten injured, a company representative took my statement first. Te pulled out a display surface and took down notes, presumably so ter corporation could figure out who to bill for the unnecessary services.
While Cass and I dealt with the tercera and the legal bullshit in this sector, Serenity edited the video and audio of my spacewalk to make it look like Jae had been destroyed by one of the weapon-wielding bots. In my report, I noted that we had a Combat SecUnit on board at one time, but it had suffered catastrophic damage during the rescue operations. When prompted, I mentioned that we'd put what remained into the recycler.
It was a bald-faced lie, but the bored and cranky representative seemed entirely disinterested. Te didn't even review the video before signing off on the documents, didn't ask for any logs, and performed only a cursory examination of the unconscious corporate employee still in our medical suite. For a small fee, te even offered to take the woman back to the station so we could be on our way quicker. Frankly, I wanted nothing more than to be rid of the human.
Cass had other ideas.
She and I huddled in the mess while the representative returned to ter ship to finish scanning the debris field. Te grumbled that billing back damages on an infiltration attempt would be a nightmarish hell of solicitors from the owner company and wasn't motivated to make anything easy for them.
"What if she tells someone?" Cass demanded after the tercera had departed.
I sipped my coffee and shrugged. "It's going to be a he-said-she-said between the corporate and the station."
"No, I mean later, when Tatiana returns to work minus a construct."
"They'll probably deduct its cost from her salary and demote her. The company cares about profit margins. And she won't be able to prove anything anyway since I destroyed her interface."
The captain looked unconvinced. She paced the room, running a hand through her shoulder-length hair in a nervous gesture. "I don't know…"
"Cass, we are literally stealing one of the most dangerous weapons in the Rim. I think we have bigger problems than one pissed corporate." I tried not to sound patronizing, but it was a struggle. "We absolutely can't take her with us."
"What if we could change her mind? About Jae."
I tried not to spit out my coffee and almost succeeded. The smell of coffee in my nostrils was unbearable. "I don't think so, love. If she doesn't think it's a person now, after working with it for the entirety of its life, what are the odds that we can say anything to change her mind?"
Cass sighed and stopped pacing. "Yeah, you're right. I just…"
"I know. You want to do the right thing. But at this point, absconding with our new friend is probably the best we can manage."
"Yeah." She still sounded reluctant. "Maybe I can reach out to Mom's friend and see if she can help somehow."
I glanced at her dubiously. "You sure you want to talk to Dr. Mensah? Didn't you say she was a councilperson or something?"
I knew pitifully little about Cass's home planet because she never spoke of it. It was a freehold planet unaffiliated with any corporate entities where people were apparently nice to each other. At one time, she'd mentioned growing up on a farm alongside a large extended family, but the story always ended with her leaving home as soon as she was old enough to make her own way in the world. That her mother knew one of the Preservation Alliance leaders reminded me that Cass had connections, even if she chose to do everything on her own, all the time.
"She was until she retired a couple of years ago, I think. I haven't been back in a while, and I barely talk to move. I definitely don't keep track of her friends." She scratched at a scab on her arm. "I remember a news burst that Mensah rescued a SecUnit, but that was..." She frowned. "Well, long enough ago that I completely forgot about it until just now."
I cleaned up the mess I'd made on the table with the coffee. "We're sending the crazy corporate goon back with the tercera. And if you want to call your parent, that's up to you. I'm sure she'd love to hear from you."
"Says the guy that doesn't speak to his parents."
I stiffened and then remembered that Cass had no idea why I avoided my family. "My parents still believe I'm female. I'm not willing to add jack shit to that conversation."
The captain looked at me with the same warmth that had initially convinced me to join her crew. "Oh, man, I'm so sorry, Kris. I didn't realize your parents were idiots."
That made me grin. "Idiocy is a nice way of putting it, love. I used some stronger words last time I saw them." I got up and wrapped an arm around Cass's thin shoulders. "Come, let's go see about finishing this transaction and getting the hell out of here. I bet Jae is bored sitting in its cabin."
"It's recharging," Cass told me, another reminder that she knew what the SecUnit was doing at all times. "But yeah, let's go. Enough insanity for one day."
The End!
I don’t know where the characters go from here. I have some ideas but maybe that’s a story for a different time.
I wanted to tell a story about stealing a CSU and there it is. And CSU in this case is a complete sweetheart, so. :)
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alixxxxcat21 · 5 years ago
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           I snapped up in the bed. Breathing very heavily. I went to the sink in the little bathroom and splashed water on my face. When I looked int he mirror my new blue serpent-like eyes were glowing. I had no idea what that meant. I had a bad feeling at the pit of my stomach.
           I then dawned on me that I hadn’t eaten. I didn’t know what I would be ‘eating’ now. Also didn’t know how long I had been here. Or where here was. I wasn’t sure what to do about calling Wesker or the hologram Queen.
           However, I didn’t have to because the door opened and Wesker walked in. It was like he owned the room or something. I wiped my face with the towel.
           “May I ask what this unexpected visit is for?” I asked.
           “I feel a strong need to come to check on you. They told me your vitals spiked for a significant amount of time. Is everything alright?” he asked, sounding uncharacteristically concerned.
           “Just a bad dream,” I said walking out from the bathroom area.
           “And hunger apparently,” he said.
           When I look at him questioningly, he answered by point to my eyes. They were probably still glowing.
           “I’ll take you to the lab. They’ll need to explain your diet. I haven’t been able to get to that report yet,” he said.
           He turned without checking to see if I would follow. I signed, went to the bed, slipped the shoes on, and met him as he was waiting to exit. He put his arm out.
           “Ladies first,” he said.
           I laughed. Now he was trying to chivalrous. If punching him would have made me feel better, I would have done it. I knew he had fast reflexes so I knew the assault would be futile.
           I followed him to a new lab. This one had twice as many monitors and other things that were doing scientific stuff. A lab coat looked up from his clip board and smiled. I wasn’t sure why he smiled at me, but I didn’t smile back.
           “Ah, there she is,” he said, walking up to me.
           I looked Wesker questioningly, then back at the lab coat. This guy seemed way very happy to be here.
           “He’s going to explain your new diet,” said Wesker.
           “Lovely,” I said, with heavy sarcasm.
           I wasn’t entirely sure I wanted to know. However, not knowing made me uneasy. The lap coat turned and walked to one of the monitors. I reluctantly followed.
           “My name is Dr. Oliver Thist. We were able to figure out what your body would need to stay healthy,” he said. “If you look at the level at the screen, you will see that you need to maintain a high protein diet. You’ll also need 10 times the about of glucose than the average person. Meaning you will also need to intake more healthy sugars at all times. We have an alternative for both. However, they are to be used on an emergency basis,” he said
           “What kind of protein?” I asked.
           I had a sinking feeling I wasn’t going to like the answer to that, but I had to ask.
           He was silent for moment, “Well that all depends. We can’t run those kinds of tests without you.”
           I raised an eyebrow. I think I understood what he meant. I saw a smirk form on Wesker’s face.
           “I should probably see the buffet table,” I said, trying to lighten the tension.
           Dr. Thist walked toward another closed off part of the room. I could smell the ‘options’ before I even laid eyes in them. I wanted to vomit. I could see some of it was normal food. I wasn’t particularly interested in the ones that I could see that they were either part of a human or part of something else. I really didn’t want to know what that something ‘else’ was.
           “We provided some things for you to taste test. So that we can see what your body digests and uses to keep you going,” he said.
           It was like we were talking about a cake tasting. I wanted to stop existing. I knew there was no way around this and would have rather been blindfolded. This wasn’t going to be easy.
           “Well, I will leave you to it,” he said and quickly exited the room.
           I looked at Wesker for some sort of guidance on how to go about this. He sighed and stood directly behind me. Directly in front of me was the human items for consumption. I seriously didn’t want to start with that.
           “Do you trust me?” he asked.
           I rolled my eye and turned to give him an incredulous look.
           “Close your eyes,” he said.
           I, reluctantly, did so. There was no other way to do this. He had no qualms about this, so I really didn’t have a choice. With all of that I was hungry. I felt his arms reach out in front of me.
           “Keep your arms down. I’ll feed you,” he said.
           “Lovely,” I said sarcastically.
           Considering I already knew what was in front of me I just tried to keep my brain from bombarding me with images of an exaggerated nature of what I was putting in my body.
           He deliberately pressed his chest into my back as he reached forward. I really wanted to run. There was literally no way this situation could be changed.
           “Open up,” I heard him say.
           I hesitated for a second and then opened my mouth. I almost plugged my  nose. However, that I wouldn’t have changed anything. The moment whatever part of human flesh hit my tongue I almost gagged. I just tasted like hot rubbish. I spit it back out.
           I coughed and I went to kneel. I felt like my entire stomach was wanting to out itself. Wesker, seemed to realize this wasn’t a normal reaction. I felt him slowly lower me to the ground as I was dry heaving. I was tearing up. Slowly, I regained my capacity to breathe. Wesker was rubbing my back in slow circles. He had pulled my hair out of the way earlier.
           “I will take that as a no,” he said.
           I glared at him, “You think?!”
           He put his hands up as if to say “Fine”. I slowly stood up. Then when I felt like I was ok again we started at the next item on this table. I knew this day wasn’t going to get any better, that and the table wasn’t shrinking anytime soon. There was nothing I could really do. This had to figured out or I was going to hurt someone.
           I sighed and closed my eyes again, Wesker stood behind me again. I wasn’t sure what the next item on this menu was, but the smell allow told it wasn’t going to work. I grabbed Wesker’s hand before it came any closer.
           “The smell, I can’t,” I said.
           “I can’t smell anything,” he said.
           “Well, then,” I said as he helped me shift to right to the next thing.
           Since the smell was easiest way to see what my stomach was going to allow. I didn’t see what this item was. As he lifted his arm with whatever it was, I didn’t smell anything foul. So, I allowed him to feed me. I wasn’t entirely sure how to describe the taste. However, my stomach seemed to accept the it as food.
           “Good?” asked Wesker.
           I nodded. So, from there we went through about half of the items. It seemed that I wasn’t hungry anymore, so I didn’t want to continue.
           “Finished?” asked the doctor.
           I nodded as I made sure not to make eye contact with Wesker as he led us out.
           “Do you have the data you need?” Wesker asked.
           “Yes, it shows a that she needs fruit that are high in healthy sugars and for proteins she has a variety of choices that we can provide without incident. They would be raw, however. The high glucose items she stores on her own. It looks like it is tied to the venom glands in her stinger at the end of her tail. So, we presume the more she uses her stinger the more she will need to intake glucose enriched foods,” he said.
           “Wait, back up, how do you know I need glucose for the stinger?” I asked.
           He side glanced at Wesker, almost as if to ask him for help.
           “Well, we took samples while you were unconscious,” said Wesker. “Your tail seems to protect you when you are incapacitated.”
           “Right,” I sighed.
           “That part was taken out of the video. I didn’t want you to be more upset,” he said.
           “So, now you’re hiding things from me?” I snapped.
           The atmosphere instantly changed. The humans took several steps back. I knew my tail was swaying aggressively. Wesker didn’t seem the least bit worried.
           “Would you have liked to know you almost killed three people during that incident?” Wesker asked.
           “I would have liked to have the full story, Wesker!” I snapped.
           There was a loud thud because my tail stabbed into the floor next to him. Literal inches away from his shoe. He side glanced at it without much change in his expression. I felt a rage building.
           “You know what? Fine, now I know. We’re done here. I am going back to my room,” I snapped, pulling my tail out of the floor.
           I walked pass Wesker purposely bumping into him on my way to the door with a death glare. I made it halfway to my room before the aggression was unbearable. I felt something push under my skin and ripple down all my extremities. My tail flailed violently. My vision became unfocused and then I only saw red.
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           I opened my eyes to a familiar ceiling view and the feeling of being heavily restrained.
           “Mr. Wesker, she is awake,” said someone to my left.
           I heard footsteps from further in the room coming closer. I could tell my tail was also immobilized. I sighed angrily. Trying to keep myself calm.
           “You had a tantrum. We had to find the right sedative. You weren’t reacting to the many of them,” he said.
           “Well, I was angry,” I said slowly.
           “We noticed. We had to close that hallway completely. Luckily, no one was hurt,” he said coming into view.
           I wasn’t in the mood for sunglasses in my view.
           ���Can you release me? I would like to go back to my room,” I said.
           He nodded at the personnel around me. I felt the restraints loosen and get moved off me. There was something heavy attached to my tail that took a little longer to get off. I stood and stretched my back.
           “I’ll walk you to your room,” Wesker announced.
           “No,” I said slightly back stepping.
           I didn’t need to see the eyebrow raise to know it was there. I proceeded to the door and managed to make it to my room through the new hallway. Well, new to me. I took a shower and then threw on a shirt and shorts. I had just gotten nice and warm in my bed when the door opened.
           I knew who it was. Why he was here I wasn’t sure. I had a feeling it wasn’t to see how I was. Ulterior Motive was like his middle name as I had been learning so far lately. I threw the blanket off and went to the counter.
           “Why are you here?” I asked.
           I only heard footsteps getting closer to me. Then his entire presence loomed behind me. My tail seemed to not be very cooperative right now or else he wouldn’t have been able to get that close.
           “We actually need to discuss what just happened,” he lied.
           I knew he didn’t want to talk. He was attempting to get my guard down so I would turn and look at him.
           “What’s to discuss?” I asked. “Will I need to rebuild the hallway as punishment for ripping it to pieces?”
           I heard the frustrated sigh he let out as his head landed between my shoulders softly. He put his hands on the counter in front of us.
           “I’m sorry, I lied,” he said.
           I froze. My brain wasn’t sure I heard that right.
           “Come again?” I said.
           “You really want me to pay, don’t you?” he whispered.
           “Very much,” I said.
           He pulled away from me.
           “I’m sorry, I lied to you,” he said again.
           Now I turned to face him. Scanning his face for any signs of deception. I didn’t see any, but it was Wesker.
           “Why? Does lying come that easily to you?” I asked.
           He visibly winced at that question.
           “Yes, considering the level I was at in the corporations I had to adapt quickly,” he said.
           I could tell this almost physically hurt for him to admit. Against my better judgment I decided to be forgiving. I wasn’t sure it would do any good.
           “Wesker, if you want to ‘win me over’ you have to never lie to me again. That’s all I ask,” I started. “Well, that and stop the sexual aggressiveness you seem to have towards me that I can literally smell.”
           He tilted his head slightly, confused.
           “You can smell arousal?” he asked.
           “Yes,” I said like he should definitely know that already.
           “That’s new,” he said. “I will have note that.”
           “You mean you didn’t know I could smell it?” I asked, surprised.
           “No, no one did until now,” he said.
           I sighed, now I really felt like a freak. I went to walk pass him and he grabbed my arm. I stepped back looking at him.
           “Since you can smell it, would you mind indulging me? Just a kiss, nothing more,” he asked.
           I rolled my eyes. I never said I wasn’t a complete idiot. He seemed genuine about the request. I just wasn’t sure which one of us would lose control first.
           “Indulge you? Are you sure you just want a kiss?” I asked.
           The look he gave me, even with sunglasses on, told me he definitely felt he needed more than that. I wasn’t sure how willing I was to give him what he wanted.  
           “Yes, and to last question, no,” he said gently pulling me back and hugging me to him.
           “Wesker,” I growled.
           My tail couldn’t curl that tightly to get to him. I could still stab him in the back but then I would be put out of my room while they cleaned it up.
           “You’re not going to give me a choice?” I asked.
           “You’re not exactly being fair,” he said leaning forward.
           “You lied to me,” I said.
           “I apologized. Would you like me to do it again?” he asked leaning forward.
           I could torture him more, but the nice side of me told not to. I sighed, I knew that I was going to regret this, but another part of me said “screw it”.
           “You’re lucky I feel like being nice,” I said.
           I lifted myself up on my toes. I pressed my lips against his. His hand tightened on my hips as he kissed me back harshly. My brain switched into a different mode. I don’t know why, but I lifted my leg to hook onto his hip. His hand slid down my hip, gripping my thigh.
           The kiss progressed. I could feel him getting hard. My tail lowered. Now that I wasn’t agitated there was no reason to be on the attack.
           “Mmm,” he groaned pulling away.
           I stayed silent. He leaned in and nuzzled my neck.
           “Why do you excite me so much?” he whispered into my neck.
           I didn’t have a legitimate answer for that. He lifted my other leg to hook it on his hip. I thought my weight would be bothersome. He turned, walking to the counter, and put me down on the counter. It was closer than the bed. My tail seemed to be on auto pilot. It moved out the way automatically. He was gently nibbling my neck. His hands were under my thighs. My arms went from his shoulders to his chest. Unzipping his top so I pull it off without tearing it. He had to momentarily remove his hands from thighs to he did so. When they came back one went to thigh and other went under my shirt. Squeezing my breasts gently. His other hand slid up the leg of my shorts and rubbed my clit.
           I moaned, more surprised than anything else. The nibbling turned into biting. Not hard enough to break skin, but hard enough the combination sent a tingle down my spine. My arms went around his neck as I leaned my head back against the cupboard.
           His hand at my breasts stopped momentarily to remove my shirt completely. I automatically lifted my arms. Since he had to stop biting me. He latched onto my lips again, my arms going to his chest again and sliding up around his neck. I felt his hand move away from my clit and start pulling off my shorts. I had to lift my butt a little so they could come off.
           His fingers came back and went inside me this time. His other hand disappeared, and I hear another zipper being undone. He had two fingers thrusting inside my pussy. I moaned into each kiss without being able to stop myself. He was a master at this, and I literally had no way to slow him down. Not that I wanted him to. It felt wonderful.
           When his fingers left me, he also broke the kiss. He reached up and took the sunglasses off. I hadn’t even really noticed they were still on. He placed them on the space next to us on the counter. A few long seconds later I felt his thick cock push against my entrance not meeting any resistance as the head of his cock pushed inside.
           He grunted slightly and my lulled back again.
           “Fuck,” I moaned, closing my eyes, as he pushed himself all the way in.
           He leaned in and latched on my neck. Biting hard enough to leave a bruise if my skin could bruise. I hooked my legs on his hips. Using them to keep him in place while he began to thrust in slowly. At some point my hands slid down his chest using my nails to rake down his skin. Leaving little pink lines.
           That seemed to trigger something in him. His hands let go of my thighs and he pulled out. I opened my eyes, confused. He pulled me off the counter and turned me away from him. Almost getting smacked with my tail. He pushed on my back. I was off balance, so I used the counter to catch myself as he pushed himself back in. My head almost bashed off the counter as he entered me again.
           He had one hand on my hip and the other on my shoulder. He slammed in with long, hard strokes. My brain shorted out completely. The moans turned into begging for more. He would occasionally lean down to kiss my spine and bit gently. I could feel the tingle building. His hand left my shoulder and tangled in my hair tugging me gently to straighten up slightly.
           The hair pulling sent another tingle down my spine. Causing me to shiver.
           “Are you that close already, Raven?” He growled in my ear.
           If he was expecting actual words to come out of me, he had way too high a hope for me. I just moaned as an answer. He chuckled and kissed my shoulder. He used the grip he had on my hair to pull me back against him. His hand left my hair and slide down my body and started rubbed my clit.
           I had to grip the counter as an earth-shattering orgasm hit me like a ton of bricks. The moan, scream, it was definitely a scream, that left me seemed to cause a chain reaction. I tightened around Wesker’s cock without thinking. My eyes rolled back in my head. Wesker’s cock twitched before I felt him release his load deep inside me as he attempted to pull out. The rest was on it ended up on my back and dripping down my very shaky legs.
           I was breathing heavily and bracing my weight on the counter. My legs wouldn’t support me, and my tail was also limp. I barely heard Wesker come up behind me.
           “That was intense,” he breathed helping to my feet.
           I was groggy and very tired. I needed a shower. I thought I had gained some strength back and attempted to walk. I nearly fell on my face.
           “Woah,” Wesker gasped as he caught me around my waist.
           “Shower,” I snapped.
           “As you wish,” he said and his lifted me into a bridal carry and walked me to the shower.
           He put me down and kept his hold on me as he turned on the water. I grabbed the only bar in the shower. Lowering myself to the floor while he exited the shower. The water was slowly warming up and I needed to find my strength. I also figured Wesker would get dressed and leave. However, to my surprise he reappeared and was completely naked. He stepped around me and into the warm spray and kneeled in front of me.
           “What?” I asked.
           He grabbed my chin and pulled me into a rough kiss. He gently nibbled my lower lip as he broke the kiss. Standing without saying anything. Leaving me to stare at his broad back in bewilderment. I was able to stand at that point, unassisted.
           “Wesker?” I called.
           He had his head under the spray. Washing his hair. He turned slightly to acknowledge my call.
           “Yes?” he answered.
           “We need to figure out what ‘we’ are,” I said.
           I saw muscle tense in his neck. I was very new to this...whatever it was, and I needed to define it so I could move on. I knew he also wasn’t wanting to shift focus at the moment.
           “Why?” he asked, turning to face me.
           I had to swallow the gasp that almost came out. He look gorgeous with his hair slicked back normally but this was different. It was in a more natural way.
           “Seriously? I can’t navigate the minefield known as ‘Albert Wesker’ without know the rules of engagement,” I snapped.
           I maneuvered around him to start scrubbing my tired body.
           “I,” he started. “I don’t know how to define what I want versus what need when it comes to you.”
           I paused the scrubbing, “Need?”
           “Yes, need. Not from the view the corporation, but personally,” he said. “I want to be able to do as you ask, but my position forces me to break promises. That’s never bothered me before. It wasn’t until I met you that my worldview changed. It’s not an easy thing for me to navigate.”
           I stood silently. Trying to arrange the words in my head accurately.
           “So, you knew when I asked you to be honest with me that you would break that promise? Why would you even agree to it?” I asked.
           “You were angry and scared. I wanted to...to give you something to hold onto. I knew I was already guilty for what happened to you. I didn’t know how else to get you to see me as not entirely terrible. I didn’t know how you would react,” he said.
           “Why do you care about how I feel?” I asked. “You had to realize I would eventually find out.”
           “Yes, but I thought I would have more time to explain it privately,” he said coming closer to me.
           He ran his fingers down my back, stopping at the base of my tail.
           “Then start explaining,” I said as I turned around.
           He looked down at me. I got the feeling he was searching for something in my face. I broke the eye contact to finish cleaning myself and rinsing off. It was when I was washing my hair that I felt him hug me.
           “Wesker, random shows of affection confuse me,” I said into his chest.
           He hugged me closer cradling my head against his chest.
           “It’s hard to express emotions with words, in my case, the appropriate ones anyway,” he said.
           “Then explain it in a way that makes sense,” I said looking up at him.
           He looked at me for a few seconds. Then he pulled me away slightly and raised his hand to stroke the side of my face gently. He leaned down and kissed me gently. One hand slide to base of my back and the other held my face.
           I was starting to realize the problem Wesker seemed to be having. He wasn’t used to caring about someone. I didn’t know what made me special enough to make him change. However, I now knew he had a soft spot for me, and it made him do things that didn’t come naturally. Affection wasn’t something he had a lot of knowledge of. He was also a rough personality so my super affectionate nature challenged him on a level he wasn’t familiar with.
           The kiss progressed and I pulled away almost breathless.
           “As much as I love long showers and make out sessions,” I started. “I really don’t want to be a prune.”
           Wesker chuckled and reached to turn off the water. He hadn’t let go of me yet.
           “Do you mind if I stay?” he asked.
           “Yes, you can stay” I said.
           I couldn’t tell him to leave. I would feel like the bad guy. He seemed surprised that I agreed. I pulled out of his embraced and went to grab a towel.
           “You never answered my question,” I said.
           “You’re right,” he said coming up behind me again. “What would you see us as?”
           “Well, consider the mind-blowing sex, we should be in a committed relationship. Like boyfriend/girlfriend,” I said.
           “I respond to you more like I’m your husband,” he said.
           I turned to stare at him, incredulously. He down at me like he didn’t understand the seriousness of his statement.
           “What?” he asked.
           “You do know what a husband is, right?” I asked.
           It may have sounded stupid, but I had to make sure he really understood.
           “Yes,” he said leaning down and kissing me quickly before stealing my towel.
           My tail shot out and wrapped around his ankle as he went to run. Almost throwing him off balance.
           “I deserved that, didn’t I?” he asked.
           I gave him a look.
           “There are more towels in the cupboard,” I said.
           I didn’t release his ankle until I had the towel back in my hand. I quickly dried off and went to pick the discard shirt and shorts. There was bin by the bathroom that I assumed was for clothing. It was too big to be a trash can. I dropped them in and placed the towel on the rack. Then headed for the bed.
           Wesker dried himself and walked toward the bed after putting the towel on the back of one of the chairs. I had laid down under the blanket. He crawled in behind me. Being careful to not lay on my tail. I had to curl my tail partly around my leg to keep track of where it was.
           “So, I guess I’m your wife now,” I said, quietly.
           “Mmm,” he had wrapped himself around me, hugging me to him. “You don’t have to agree to that. It won’t change how I respond to you.”
           I thought about that for a moment. I didn’t bother me. Nor did I feel pressured to think I couldn’t walk away from it.
           “Well, considering we can’t officially be married in the current state of the world. It’s fine,” I said. “Plus having you on a leash is almost better than the mind-blowing orgasms you give me.”
           He chuckled and I yawned. My body tired and so was my brain. I felt him kiss me neck before I drifted off to sleep.
To be continued...
Part 4
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random-aya · 7 years ago
Detroit: Become Human | Chapter II
Chapter I - Chapter II - Chapter III - Chapter IV - Chapter V -  Chapter VI -  Chapter VII -  Chapter VIII  - Chapter IX
Fandom: Detroit Become Human (of course)
Pairing: Connor x Reader
Word Count: 1,631
Author's note: Thank you so much for all the likes and reblog you gave in the first chapter! Here you have the second chapter, I really hope you will like it! As always, English is not my first language so excuse my grammar and my repetitions. 
When you reached your destination your expression was priceless, The Eden Club, the first nightclub to use Androids for human pleasure. Getting out of the taxi, you approached Connor and Lt Anderson. Lt. Anderson looked terrible, for the smell it was easy to tell he just showered but he still looked in a horrible stated. You looked at Connor to find any clue but he just looked at you and tilted his head to say hello."Sexiest Androids in town." Read Anderson. "Now I understand why you insisted on coming, Connor." He laughed. You looked at Connor. He didn't react to the joke. Actually, he was programmed with a low sense of humor, he took everything literally or he didn't get it at all."Everything is all right, Dr. L/N?" Asked Connor when he felt your gaze. You stared at him looking for a sign of something. "Everything is all right." You answered smiling at him then you motioned him to follow Anderson.
At the Eden Club later that night a female Android killed a customer. The Club was full of half-naked Androids everywhere. Most of them closed in a cellule waiting for someone to rent them. Just two where outside dancing in a pole. at least in the first hall. The door of the crime room opened and detective Gavin Reed emerged. You rolled your eyes when you saw him. He was that kind of man full of himself and still thinks world turns around him. You didn't stand him. Gavin mocked Lt Anderson as he was used to and when he passed by Connor he pushed him with his shoulder. Connor just looked at him but that action bothered you. Inspector Reeds came closer when he spotted you. "Nice to see you again, Dr. L/N." He greeted you with a shining smile. "If you got tired of those two," he added coming closer. "You know where to find me." "In an Android Night Club?" You asked sarcastically. "Sorry, not my thing." And you just walk away leaving him there. "I think I like you." Chuckled Lt Anderson when you entered the room. You smiled at him satisfied and looked at Connor who was already working analyzing the clues. In the room, there was the victim on the bed and a Traci Android on the floor apparently broken. "He was strangled," Connor stated. "It wasn't a heart attack." "Yes, I saw the bruised in his neck," Anderson replied. "But that could mean it was rough play." Connor looked around and went close to the female Android that was laying on the floor shut down. She had blue blood on her nose, it looked like the victim like it rough, and you couldn't help but felt sorry for the girl even if you know she was an Android. Connor reactivated her and interrogate her as fast as he could since she was heavily damaged and was ready to shut down, forever. The girl was scared, she told how the victim beat her and that there was another Android. She shut down before adding anything else. "We need to find the other Android." Announced Connor. The three of you got out of the room, Lt Anderson talked to the club owner to see what he knew about the victim and if they had any camera, while Connor went to see an Android inside of a cellule. It was a beautiful female Android. Connor looked the way that Android was looking and then back to the Android. He looked for a way to open her cellule. But the payment scan just worked with humans. Connor turned to me. "Dr. L/N, could you please rent it for me?" You looked at him incredulously. "What? What do you want to do?" You asked alarmed. "Please. I need to probe its memory." He told you. "This Android might have seen someone getting out of the room." You sighed. That won't be beautiful in your bank account. You put your hand on the scanner and before you changed your mind you accepted the payment. The cellule opened and the Android stepped outside looking at you with interest. But Connor took her by her arm and connected to her memory. He closed his eyes and his LED turned yellow. "I know where it went." Announced Connor when he reopened his eyes. "Are you having a party without me?" Asked Lt Anderson when he got close and saw the Android outside its cellule. You felt uncomfortable and just smile sarcastically at him. Connor went to the front door and connected himself with the male Android that was in a pole dance bar. "It came back inside." He told you. Anderson and you followed him as he connected to every Android he thought he might have seen the deviant. Sometimes he asked one of you to pay for an Android. Of course, Lt Anderson protested. "So much money spent and still not having fun." Connor looked confused after probing an Android memory. "I have lost it." He remarked frustrated. "I made a mistake somewhere." And he started again. "It's your turn." Said Anderson crossing his arms. "Plus, I'm sure he is more your type." Connor stood in front of a wonderful black male Android waiting for one of you to pay for it. "Come on, don't be shy." Lt Anderson mocked you. "I'm sure he will please you." Your color grew to your cheeks just imagining you with that Android. He was indeed gorgeous. You paid for it and when he got out of the cell he looked at you and gave you his hand. For a moment you hesitated of taking it but Connor who was strange to your thoughts took his hand instead. "That way." He pointed to one of the rooms. While Connor kept looking for the blue-haired Traci you couldn't help to think what might felt to have sex with an Android. It surprised you to see so many people in the Eden Club. "So," started Anderson. "Now people prefer to fuck with a plastic doll than a person."He said those words with bitterness. You stared at him, he looked around him but you could see that he was getting impatient to get out of there, he didn't feel comfortable around that many half-naked Androids. "It went that way." Announced Connor pointing to the private area door. He opened it and you two followed him. You found yourselves in front of the warehouse door. "I'll take it from here." Lt Anderson stepped in front of Connor taking his gun in hand. Connor turned to me. "It's better if you stay here,  Dr. L/N." "But.." you tried to protest. "It's safer." He insisted. He gazed at you with a deep look in his eyes, you didn't know why but you couldn't say no, so you stayed behind and waited.
A few minutes later you heard too many noises of things falling and Anderson growling. You couldn't help yourself but you got in there just in time to see how Connor was laying on the floor aiming with his gun to a short-haired Traci that was going for him. When he shot everything stopped for a second. You slowly got close as you saw the blue-haired Traci lean over the dead Android. "Oh, no, no..." She cried. "Why did you have to kill her?" Connor said nothing he just stared at her. The blue-haired Traci caressed the other girl. "Yes, I murdered him." She confessed turning at all of you with hate. "When he broke the other Traci, I knew I was next. I begged him to stop but he wouldn't. I put my hands around his neck and squeezed. I didn't mean to kill him, but I did. I wanted alive! I wanted to live with the one I love..." She looked at her dead friend. "But you just killed our hopes of living free, and away of disgusting humans with their smell and dirty words.." She looked at you and then to Anderson with disgust and you felt her pain, the look in her eyes was deep and for the first time in your life for a moment you thought she really was alive. She looked back at Connor and ran to him, he didn't have time to react that she took the gun from his hand and blew her head. Thirium splashed on Connor's face who fell on his knees immobile. Your heart stopped for a moment and you took your time to react and understood what just happened. With your trembling legs, you kneeled in front of Connor. You took his gun and handed it to Lt Anderson. Connor's eyes kept staring at nothing, his LED was completely red. He was in a overload. Probably traumatized by the situation, being unable to understand what just happened. "Fuck..." You sighed worriedly and not really knowing what you had to do. "Connor" You called him. He didn't react. "Connor, are you there?" You insisted. "RK800!" Nothing. You cupped his face between your hands and made him looked at you. "Connor." You tried again. This time he really looked at you but you could see he was confused and lost. "Connor, who am I?" "Dr. Y/F/N, engineer for Cyberlife." He answered with a robotic voice. "Who are you?" You asked him. "My name is Connor I’m the Android sent by Cyberlife." He said with his normal voice and regaining the shine in his eyes. You hugged him relieved. You hold him tight for a few seconds until your heard Anderson clear his throat. You looked at him a little ashamed for your behavior. "Sorry..." you apologized to Connor. "It is okay, Dr." He said. You stared at him and you dried the thirium drops that were on his face.
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fearofaherobrine · 6 years ago
Roleplay Server Log #359
“Legion, Magic by Alex”
[Karla] I knew those bloodstains weren't just decoration.
[Sammn] - is disturbed and distracted, catching sight of Helm walking around, trying to straighten up. Legion hops slightly closer.
[Doc] Uh Helm? You should come over her by me. -signing as well as speaking-
[Helm] - snorts and heads over, walking as close to the walls as possible.
[Karla] Any other terms to this 'agreement?'
[Legion] - it's green eye watches as the orange one cracks open. Slowly, one of the tendrils snakes out toward Sammn. - The terms set forth before, are the ones we accepted. We shall not harm those residing here.
[Karla] Reaches over to poke Sammn. - Concentrate...
[Sammn] - startled, she jumps, then stumbles. Before anyone can react, Legion lashes out and wraps one tendril around her wrist. Her eyes go wide and she freezes.
[Doc] I have my eye on you there.
[Karla] Sammn?
[Legion] - let's go and hops back. Where it grabbed her, the skin is blackened. - All we were doing, was our end of the deal. All traces of us.... Are gone.
[Doc] Sammn? Are you hurt???
[Sammn] - blinks a few times - I don't think so...
[Doc] So about this Herobrine... And also Chester made a good point, did your Betrayer fit the description of a NOTCH?
[Sammn] Brian? - looks around, confused, then flinches and rubs her side - The Imposter... he was attacking. He hurt him. I was trying to get to him, and...
[Karla] It sounds like s rescue mission may be in the offing.
[Doc] I know what you're implying, and I heard what you did to that little town with Cp. I'm not getting more lightbulbs for that thing, and you are not going with us.
[Karla] Little snort-
[Helm] - suddenly rushes over to Sammn, signaling frantically - Your bleeding!
[Doc] -checks Sammn for injuries-
[Sammn] - stumbles in a circle, looking. There is a spot of darker blue on her side, not large, but damp. - Oh, it's not much...
[Doc] Let me see Sammn.
[Sammn] - turns - It's fine. Nothing to worry over.
[Doc] with a slight smirk-  Don't be Cp Sammn.
[Legion] - coils it's tendrils up and watches, a amused grin on its face.
[Sammn] I am most definitely not. It's... Not important.
[Helm] - dashes out to go dig through the chests in the front room.
[Doc] I will fill this room with dragon and immobilize you Sammn. You know I'll do it. Show me.
[Sammn] Fine! - pulls up the edge of her dress just enough to see. There is a pattern of shallow wounds, forming a strange symbol. It's weeping slightly.
[Doc] That's better. - They pull out a jar of slightly green mush and smear the paste on the wound. It's mostly made out of Lie's healing flowers and it cools the sting of the cuts and starts to mend the little wounds.
[Karla] Has a closer look at the symbol-
[Sammn] - frustrated sigh - It won't work, or rather stay healed long.
[Legion] That is the reason you are you.... And not part of us.
[Doc] Somehow I don't think being constantly in a small amount of pain is needed for it to work properly
[Sammn] - shrugs - Normally it's fine, it only bleeds when used or triggered. The benefits outweigh the cons.
[Doc] I'm still going to get some jingly pain flowers from Lie for you.
[Sammn] Wait... I can remember what the hell it is! - turns to look at Legion - There are still gaps... I thought...
[Legion] - tendrils coiling nervously - We up held our end of the deal. Only memories of before do we ever bother with, the block we removed. Any gaps left, are not from us.
[Doc] So one dream or meditation session is still in order. Got it.
[Sammn] Atleast we are making some progress, slowly.
[Doc] whisper types to Sammn specifically- I wonder what would happen if Cp touched Legion's mind? If he'd discover anything interesting?
[Sammn] - shrugs & shakes head.
[Doc] still typing- You'd have to lure them over there though. Since it can't be touched.
[Karla] You're both being very quiet over there...
[Helm] - comes back in, holding a couple of potions. Once spotting Sammn, they head over and try to force her to take the bottles.
[Sammn] - She tries to turn the potions down, but Helm is becoming pushy. Finally she just takes them, stashing them in her inventory. Helm snorts, frowns then heads back out. - That may be easier said than done. For now, I'll keep Legion here, I have an idea or two, but... I need to rest. This was more than I expected.
[Doc] I understand, I hate to wait but rushing into something unprepared is bad too. You rest and contact m as soon as you're ready to tackle this.
[Karla] I presume I can get a ride back from you Doctor?
[Doc] Yesssss. I think you and I need to have a salt talk anyway...
[Karla] Adjusts the Wunderwaffe a little and stands ready - this should be entertaining...
[Doc] humph. Goodnight Sammn.
[Doc] Is flying with the other Doctor riding between hir shoulderblades. They were talking but it's been punctuated by several uncomfortable silences. The humming of the wunderwaffe is also a bit of white noise that making it hard for Doc to concentrate properly.
[Karla] I take it you regret inviting me?
[Doc] Grits hir teeth- No... But your attitude makes my skin crawl.
[Karla] Artful laugh- You wouldn't be the first to be discomfited, many prudes have disliked me.
[Doc] It's not like that! I don't have any place to comment on things like that! Gods know my mate and I are kinky.
[Karla] Sure you are....
[Doc] Irritated snort as xe lands in Lie's yard.- Just go please.
[CP] Is on top of the pouting tree and looks over the edge- The fuck are you two doing?
[Doc] Huffs- Coming back from a literal deal with a demon...
[Karla] It could have gone much worse.
[CP] - You make deals with demon's all the time
[Doc] Yeah...  but this one was exorcised from a friend and then not immediately banished. I'm still not happy leaving her alone with it.
[Karla] Demons are literal and procedure obsessed. It's one of their major weaknesses.
[CP] Yawns a little- Whatever, after having lived where I lived?  That sort of shit is boring as fuck
[Doc] Well considering what they had to say you might not rest so easy Cp.
[Karla] hops easily down from Doc as if they were an extra large horse-
[CP] - I'm not resting easy at the moment anyways
[Doc] I know the feeling... wait, why?
[CP] - Lie's been restless for several nights now, can't sleep if she doesn't dumb ass
[Doc] Oh...
[Karla] It's likely the baby putting pressure on her organs. I assume she's been urinating a lot too?
[CP] - I dunno, we don't actually have any need to pee
[Karla] It wouldn't stop the child shifting around and kicking at her organs though. That can keep anyone awake.
[Doc] Is that normal????
[Karla] Very much so.
[CP] - At least she gets a little sleep...
[Doc] Taps hir claws on the cobble walk. - Does it rest you at all when you're controlling someone else's dream?
[CP] - No
[Doc] There has to be some way for you to get some rest without having nightmares...
[CP] - Yeah, it's called sleeping with my wife
[Doc] Flicks hir tail fluff in annoyance- Besides that!
[CP] - I doubt it
[MA] -Passing by distantly, balancing a few shards ontop of his staff absent mindedly-
[Doc] Perks at their proximity. - Hey Ma!
[Karla] Your mother is here?
[Doc] No!
[MA] -Spins on his heel to trot over, not losing a single shard in the sharp turn- Yesss?
[Karla] Remarks on his poise and balance. - This one has a flair for showmanship. Like a stage magician.
[Doc] This is Magic Alex. Ma this is Dr. Karla Emmerich
[MA] You have to be pretty controlled to practice magic! A pleasure to meet you, Doctor Karla! -A small bow-
[CP] Just groans in annoyance-
[Karla] Returns his flourish and the wunderwaffe pulses some extra light in time with her movements. - You as well. I appreciate the sleight of hand.
[Doc] You would like arts that emphasise fooling people...
[MA] I can pickpocket faster than a Lightfoot! And that's saying something. -Tilts his staff and the shards fall into his sleeve- So, what're we doing over here?
[Doc] Discussing the ball of stress that can't relax- thumbs a claw at Cp.
[CP] - Oh shut up!
[Karla] Don't you mean a flannelfoot?
[MA] No! But I suppose it's quite similar. A lightfoot is a fast thieving dinosaur from my seed! And if he can't relax, I can certainly help!
[CP] - Fuck.  Off.
[Doc] What's your idea Ma?
[MA] Well, there's always hypnotism, a spell, an affected item so you can just get it out and relax....
[Doc] What's hypnotisim?
[MA] It's where you basically uhhh... Make someone do what you want, basically. It's so easy to hypnotize Mix, for example. -Leans in and whispers conspiratorially- It's how I got her to clean her room as a kid.
[CP] - You are not doing that to me!
[MA] It's not a matter of doing it or not, it's a matter of holding you down long enough!
[CP] Instantly flies up higher-
[Karla] Now that I would like to see- Hahaha
[Doc] Looks up - I bet if I asked Lie and told her why we wanted to do it, she'd just tell you to let us.
[CP] - Not happening
[Doc] Stands up like a gopher so xe can talk quieter to him- Not even if your mate said so?
[CP] - No!- Warily floats away from Doc
[MA] -Lets them talk it out patiently while picking at his nails. He's got time, after all-
[Doc] Cause I could just go ask- Takes a slightly awkward step nearer the house-
[CP] Growls a little-
[Doc] Takes another step towards the room and calls out in a normal voice- Hey Lie?
-No response, but there is a bit of noise from the workroom-
[Lie] Comes out the workroom door.  It's obvious she's super tired as she forgets to shut the door behind her- CP?
[CP] - Yeah?
[Lie] - I want chips...
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zimniysoldat-fiction · 7 years ago
Across the Universes; The Great Escape
Summary: S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent, and close friend of the Sorcerer Supreme, Tazia Cozier, is inadvertently sent to a different universe where nothing is the same. To get his friend back, Dr. Strange sends the Winter Soldier across universes to find her and bring her home.
Warnings and Ratings: The Great Escape: rated G, no warnings
Author’s Note: I really don’t know what this is, or rather, will be. Angst? Smut? Slow Burn? Absolutely zero clue. All I know is that it’s a serial (I don’t even know how many parts it’ll be). Feedback, requests, questions, and comments are always welcome. Also, images found via Google Image Search. Credit where it is due, text added by me.
Series Masterlist 
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The shackles were heavy and snug. Good. Bucky stayed perfectly still, sitting on his heels, arms chained to the marble floor, head bowed in apathy. He had honestly had enough of Russian decadence. Why did their torture chamber have a marble floor? He wanted to fidget with the chains, test their strength, their flexibility—he was getting impatient; bored.
«Who sent you? Who are you working for?»
«I work for no man.»
Bucky didn’t move, but he could see his interrogator clearly in his periphery. The man was short, sleight, and well-dressed in an immaculately tailored suit. He had no visible tattoos, but the two brawnier men who flanked either side of him did. They were dressed more casually, in steel-toed boots, ill-fitted jeans, and tight-fitting black tee shirts. They were pretty good at standing at attention, though their occasional shift in weight, or crack of their necks betrayed their eagerness for violence. Only the interrogator remained perfectly calm, composed, and patient.
All three of them were studying his left arm, reading the tattoos and their placement in order to find some clue about who he was, what he was capable of, which family he worked for. The tattoos did indeed tell them a story, but it read like a child’s fairytale, not a professional dossier. They concluded that he must be an imposter, a punk playing a role whose shoes he simply could never fill. All three relaxed at the conclusion, exchanging looks of amusement. If they hadn’t looked away from their prisoner for that split second, they would have noticed the tattoos jump, a glitch that was getting worse as the camouflage tech failed.
«No man, huh?» the interrogator chuckled, his voice hoarse, undoubtedly from years of smoking unfiltered cigarettes. «then, which bitch are you working for?»
«I work for no bitch» Bucky deadpanned. It took all of his concentration not to smile, not to look up at the sound of the lock sliding open. His ride was here.
“I thought I told you to watch your fucking language.” The faint Irish mixed with the old French in Tazia’s voice to create the most melodic accent Bucky had ever heard, it was always music to his ears, though he would never tell her that.
Finally he was able to pull at the chains, relieved to find them taught. It won’t take much for him to pull them free from the floor. As he flexed his biceps, working at the chains, he listened to his old partner take control of the room. He let himself look up, allowed himself to watch her use one thug’s neck as leverage, lifting her up just enough for her to plant the soles of her combat boots firmly against the sternum of the other thug. She was so strong, so graceful, that even that simple assisted dropkick landed with a loud, hollow thud, sending him to the ground. She commanded her momentum to swing over the shoulder of her captive thug, landing behind him with such a velocity that his neck easily snapped upon contact with her knee. Bucky was so busy admiring her grace that he missed his camouflage failing completely. It was his interrogator’s panic that alerted him.
«Oh my god, oh my god, no. It’s the Winter Soldier. It’s the fucking Winter Soldier! Send everyone!»
“Jesus, Bucky, are you sleeping on the job, or what?” she chastised him, immobilizing the second thug before turning to the interrogator.
“It’s not my fault you’re so god damned boring, you always put me asleep.” he shot back, breaking the chains free from the marble, using them to choke the well-dressed Russian.
“Did you find her?” she asked while she worked, liberating Bucky’s weapons and checking her own before moving into the hallway.
“I found her, she’s safe,” he nodded, cocking his gun. “she’s evacuated to her next mission in Latveria.”
“Damn, that woman never takes a holiday, does she?”
“She doesn’t know how to.” he smiled warmly at the thought.
“That’s why you married her. Yeah, I know.”
“That’s why she divorced me.” he chuckled, committing to the headshot on the approaching armed guard. “Tell me you have a quinjet.”
“You’re a bloody fugitive, Buck. S.H.I.E.L.D. isn’t going to authorize a rescue mission for you.” she lectured, disabling the alarms on the roof access point.
“So…no quinjet?” he frowned.
“I didn’t say that.” she looked back at him, glaring. “you fucking owe me, Barnes.”
Bucky worked to stifle his laughter. If she couldn’t requisition a quinjet from the spy agency, and she was here on her own, it meant she put herself in one very awkward situation just to help him out. He wanted to tease her about it, but if he did it now, she wouldn’t hesitate to leave him stranded.
Still, he couldn’t hide his amusement, his smile was wide and smug, though it fell from his face as soon as they hit the roof. They were outside, free in the open air, and yet the tension was still suffocating. Bucky’s eyes immediately began darting around the roof, looking for a way to slip away from the situation.
“Tony?” Tazia’s brow was furrowed with confusion, her voice laden with worry.
“Wh-who are you?” Tony Stark was visibly shaken, his voice trembling with every syllable. “Where am I?”
“Tony, it’s me, it’s Taz—”
This wasn’t the Tony Stark Tazia had left in bed back in New York. This Tony looked like he had just literally went through hell. His clothes were in tatters, his Iron Man armour was pulverized, only covering a quarter of his body. His face was bloodied, and as she studied him, she noticed the field surgery he had done on himself to fix what should have been a fatal wound.
“Winter Soldier,” she barked, her entire demeanour shifting, “call in the Sorcerer Supreme. Stat.”
“Yes ma’am.” he nodded, immediately boarding the quinjet and jumping on comms, thankful to be away from the couple.
Not that they were a couple. The way Tazia was acting, Bucky had to wonder if this Stark was an imposter. If he was, he was good. Despite knowing that it wasn’t her Tony, he still had Tazia visibly worried, upset even. Bucky allowed himself to watch the situation on the roof unfold while he worked the comms. Tazia had knelt down beside this Tony, she was being kind, even compassionate, while he rocked back and forth, hugging himself tightly, blocking himself off from the world. Bucky hadn’t even connected with Strange when he noticed the missile-like projectile hone in on the roof.
“Tazia, what the hell!” Tony slowed his approach, noticing the man the raven-haired woman was comforting, fixing his scanners on him. “What the hell?” his voice shifted quickly from anger to utter confusion.
“Tony!” Tazia jumped up and lunged herself at Iron Man, his helmet folding back just in time to let her lips crash against his, his robotic fingertips digging into her hips to steady her, while her long, slender fingers grabbed hold of his neck, pulling him deeper into her kiss. “I thought—I-I almost thought…” she kissed him again, this time sucking at his bottom lip.
Suddenly, Tony wasn’t so mad about her seducing him just to steal his quinjet. His fingertips dug deeper into her flesh, drawing her in tighter against him, frustrated by the barrier created by both armour and clothing. Her lips were so soft, her kiss was so intoxicating, that he had temporarily forgot about the other him curled up on the ground.
“You have to stop running back to your exes, Taz.” Stephen Strange groaned as his portal closed behind him.
The sudden interruption startled both Tazia and Tony back into the situation at hand; startled them back into reality. Tazia was quick to put distance between her and Tony, watching her caped friend study the other Tony.
“It’s me,” Tony cleared his throat, “I mean…it’s not me, but every scan I’ve run says that, in every way that matters, it’s me.”
“Yes,” Strange agreed, “that much is obvious. Thank you, Tony.” he chided the genius.
“Uh, guys?” Bucky interrupted, taking out a thug that was approaching behind Tazia. “Can we take this somewhere else? We weren’t exactly quiet about our escape. Half the Russian underworld is converging on this building.”
TAGS: @oneshot-shit; @thevanishedillusion
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justanotherbuckydevotee · 7 years ago
lostmyhead - part 4 (final)
Word Count:  2,298 words. Prompt : Lovecraftian – Horrible and indescribable platonic love. Or in which you don’t know how to deal with your emotions. Warning(s): Usual angst, sad bucky (im sorry)  A/N: At last, the final one! This series took a really really different route. Written for @hellomissmabel for her 2k Birthday Celebration. Thank you Annie for giving me the extra time. I hope you’ve enjoyed this mess of a fic. Now I can focus on memories. As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts and happy reading!  PS: this blog turned 1 today <3
masterlist | series page The Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | part 4 | 
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** gif not mine **  read previous >> part 3
It’s so damn bright.
The intense light overhead is the first thing that greets you when you blink your eyes open, eyelids heavy. Then your head is pounding, a series of painful throbs at the base of your skull and creeps its way to your forehead that you hiss. You swallow your dry throat uncomfortably, eliciting you to curse under your breath.
“That’s the first thing that comes out of your mouth?” a voice next to you laughed –an unrecognizable voice.
If you weren’t feeling so horrible you’d have the decency to say ‘screw you’ to this unknown person, but your body is adamant to let you suffer. You don’t get the chance to ask who this person is when you feel the ache around your arms and legs, the side of your hip particularly excruciating that you groan.
Finally, a team of nurses and doctors come flooding to your room, giving you that blissful shot of morphine to your system, sedating your muscles to relax. You don’t know how much time passed as you slept, but when you stirred the light isn’t from the fluorescent bulb but rather the sun.
The light comes in through the breaks of the curtain, landing to the floor of your room and giving you a calming feel.
You turn your head away from the window to see Sam smiling at you.
“Hi” you greet him back with a rasp roughly before coughing, grimacing at the sandstorm shoved down your throat. Sam quickly pours a glass of water for you, helping you sit up before you drank gratefully.
“What the hell happened?” you asked, looking down at your own body. Your hands make its way to your eyes, rubbing the drowsiness away. It’s then that you notice the bandage that’s tightened around your head. Panic slowly settles in as you try to remember what happened. You’re confused as you try to recall any memory of you in combat, but your thoughts are muddled and hazy.
“Take it easy, (y/n)” Sam tells you, hands holding your shoulder and forearm. “Could you tell me the last thing you remember?” he asked gently.
You tried to think, hard. What was the last thing you remember? What did you do before this? Where were you? Who was with you?
It’s taking a lot for you to remember anything, and Sam notices the symptom of someone struggling. “Okay, (y/n), could you tell me the date for today?” he asked, guiding you.
That’s easy so you answer him without any hesitation. You’re certain of this because one thing you remember clearly was the mission planned to attack a HYDRA base in Sokovia. You feel accomplished for a moment, relishing in the fact that you at least remembered something. But Sam’s been silent a little too long to let you know that it wasn’t something to be celebrated.
When you meet his gaze, you know for certain that something was wrong.
It’s a beautiful day; the sun is gracing its presence down on you as you walk with Natasha. Or rather, Natasha is the one walking and is the one leading, pushing you in a slow pace around the compound’s many outdoor areas. You lay your hands on the wheelchair’s handle as you looked around you.
After countless days of staying in the bed of the infirmary, you could feel your sanity slipping away; immobile on that damn bed, looking at the white walls that confined you, listening to your heart-rate monitor as nurses and doctors came in to check up on you once in a while. It left you to ruminate about the whole situation you’ve found yourself in.
You see Dr. Cho’s lips moving, explaining to you the effects of your state but you can’t register anything she’s saying. You’re looking at her with a distant stare, not believing that this was real. Then your eyes flicker to Sam and Bruce, eyebrows slowly furrowing. What if this was all a lie? A sick, twisted game played by the enemy? What if this is just a setup? You found yourself thinking to yourself.
“(y/n)” Helen’s hand suddenly breaks you from your thoughts. Her touch alarms you and before you know it you’re squirming for her to get her hands off of you. “Get away from me” you roared.
It doesn’t really shock Helen the way you’re behaving, but it does pain her to see you so distrustful. She’s back to square one now –the progress of friendship between you and her permanently lost. So she nods her head curtly, not daring to look up at your angered state, before leaving.
Sam and Bruce do all they can to help you cope, to help you understand but it’s all too much for you to take in. Your head is pounding, a throbbing headache generated from an overload of information. You can’t decipher which ones are the truth or lies, but your gut is telling, begging you to simply trust one person in the team.
“Where’s Nat?”
Which was how you ended up here. You only trust her enough to accompany you around, and when you asked if she could take you out with the excuse of needing fresh air and warm sunlight, Natasha doesn’t say no.
“You okay?” she asked.
You could only snort as a response, before answering with “I wake up to see myself beaten and concussed to the point where I don’t remember two whole years of my life. I’m peachy, Nat”
You know you shouldn’t be like this, shouldn’t snap at her when she was just being a friend. But the situation that’s befallen you is utterly frustrating. Two whole years of your life –24 months, 104 weeks, 730 days, forgotten.
You sighed, stopping. “I’m sorry” you apologize, looking up to meet her green eyes. “I just feel like this isn’t real. Like I’m being tricked” you confess. You felt cheated and, for some odd reason, you feel like it’s all your fault that you were here.
“Can you feel this?” she asked softly, her hand resting on your shoulder. It’s a simple touch, but it says a lot. You nod.
“This is real, (y/n). And I know it’s tough to wrap your head around it, but we’re here for you. We’re all here for you” she said, her tone gentle yet firm. “You just need to trust us, and I know it’s a big step, but we can’t help you if you don’t” she continues.
Neither of you say anything, letting the nature that surrounds you be the only noise accompanying you both.
Inside the building stood Bucky, the giant glassed window giving him the perfect view of you and Natasha. The bandage that was wrapped around your head is now gone, and he can see there’s color on your skin again. But your eyes. My god, your eyes.
Even in the distance, he can see how empty they looked. Your shoulders are slumped as Natasha continued to talk, defeated. He can see you’re half-listening, half-thinking, at Natasha’s words. He can’t take his eyes away from the scene in-front of him. The last time he was with you was the night you woke up, cursing in pain and obvious discomfort.
Standing here now, he wondered what’s going to happen next? How long are you going to be distrustful? How long before you trust them?
You twitched suddenly, feeling like you’re being watched.
“What’s wrong?” Natasha asked worriedly, moving to the front and kneeling in-front of you. “I just feel like I’m being watched” you answer her truthfully, before nervously looking around. You just see bushes upon bushes of lush green set in-front of the modern buildings and its vast glassed walls. Gradually you scan the upper floor, eyes landing on an unknown figure.
Bucky’s eyes meet yours. For a moment he doesn’t know what to do, something inside him whispering how much you’ll fear him.
“Who is that?” You ask Natasha, who let out a breath of relief at your genuine curiosity, glad to see you weren’t anxious.
“That’s Barnes, James Buchanan Barnes. Steve’s friend” she clarifies.
You turn your head to look at her, stunned. “Steve found him?”
She nods, pulling you to a nearby bench before she begins explaining. It’s long, detailed and something you needed to hear. You listen to her talk, engrossed in the stories she’s recounting. It’s oddly calming you, easing your body to relax, allowing your heart to start believing. When Natasha finishes her story, you lean back.
“All of that in the span of 2 years?”
If you were normal, you’d have thought it ridiculous.
But you aren’t –the world that you’re living in isn’t normal anymore. You live with literal Gods coming and going, enhanced individuals are created, inhumane experiments are being performed. You live in a world where the legendary stories of the mystical world make up parts of this reality. You remember then your secret, the one ability you were taught and told to keep confidential.
Natasha sees you reflecting all she’s said, realization dawning on you. She patiently waits for your reaction, only to be given a gentle and slow nod.
“I’d like to go back to my room now”
Weeks pass, and in that time you’re allowed to go back to your room.
Well, not really your room. But it was better than the hospital bed. You missed lying on your king sized bed, where there was no constant and vigilant people watching over you (try as they may to be stealth about it), where you weren’t strapped by delicate lines, your own privacy.
Thankfully you were healing speedily, the progress promising. After that afternoon with Natasha, you allowed yourself to have a sense of trust towards your team mates, had tried your best to ignore the nagging feeling of skepticism. You apologized to Helen, and Sam and Bruce, and anyone you’d thoughtlessly took your anger at (so many of the staff members).
Sprawled on your own bed, a notebook opened as your hands write down your thoughts, an activity suggested by your therapist to cope.
I only hope this next step will be the step that brings my memories back you jot down, thinking about your request to meet everyone (again) a few days ago. A knock on the door prompts you to stop, grabbing the crutch on your floor to help you properly stand before making your way towards the door.
With a simple twist, you unlocked it, pulling to reveal Steve standing there.
He looks down at you with a smile when you greet him brightly. “Ready?” he asked as you step out, closing the door behind you tightly.
“Yeah” you answer him nervously, rubbing your hands together in an attempt to ease your nerves. “Kinda feels weird, y’know? since they’ve met me before, but I haven’t. But then technically I have” you began to spit the words out, making Steve chuckle.
“It’s gonna be alright. They’re eager to see you”
Everyone’s gathered in the common room, sitting and chatting with one another in an attempt to lighten the mood. It all feels odd to Bucky because he was once at the receiving end of this.
For the first time in a while, he feels genuinely excited, because you were finally ready to meet everyone. He can’t help but let his smile be present as he listens to everyone converse with one another. He’d miss you, but the situation doesn’t permit him to simply come over to you anymore. He’d miss you, and it struck something inside of him knowing that you didn’t know a thing about him when he knew everything about you.
Was this how Steve felt when he met him back in D.C? Was this how you felt right before Steve brought him back to the compound?
He’s brought out of his little reverie when someone nudges his knees.
It’s Wanda.
Her big blue eyes are looking at him with an almost inscrutable expression, before giving him a slight nod towards the direction behind him.
“There she is” Sam is the first one to move and walk over to you, clearly delighted to see you again. Soon everyone’s made to move, except for three of the members.
Wanda, Bucky and Vision all stand behind, looking at the others rejoice.
“Here, meet Wanda” Clint brings you to a young woman with long brown hair cascading her shoulders. She’s looking at you with a look of curiosity and something you can’t quiet put your finger on. Still, you greet her with a smile.
“Hai” you say, shaking her hand in yours. “I’m sorry if this is awkward” you tell her earnestly, eliciting a smirk on her lips.
“It’s alright” she waves it off, extending her hand over to Vision before introducing her.
“Ms. (y/l/n)” “Oh, please just call me (y/n)”
Steve moves over to Bucky, who’s at the side watching the little exchange. “I know this is going to be awkward” he begins, noticing Bucky’s gaze over you. “But give it time. I’m sure it’ll be like before again” he continues, patting Bucky’s shoulder in an attempt to assure him.
But will it ever go back to the way it was?
The answer was simple.
Because then you’re right in front of him, hands extended forward like the first time you met him.
“I’m (y/n). It’s nice to meet you, James”.
It physically hurts when his skin touched yours. He tries so hard to ignore the ache in his heart when the formal name comes out of your lips. It was clear to Bucky then that what the both of you had will no longer happen. But he manages to smile, seeing how everyone bated their breathe during this intimate introduction.
“Bucky. My name’s Bucky”
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tagging: Angst Royalty Babes @barnes-heaven @alphaabucky @captnbarnesrogers @hellomissmabel @rotisserierogers @buckyywiththegoodhair @buchananbarnestrash @minervaem @heartmade-writingbucky | Permanent Babes @lovely-geek @iamwarrenspeace @thefridgeismybestie @httpmcrvel | For This Series @cam0flug3 @southern-frued-chicken @chuckennuggets1213 @sebstanwassup @cami23593 @elorajaii @exploratiionist @mizzzpink @violence-and-velvet @lloeppky 
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