#literally i think of doing anything w/ a woman and i have to j*ck off
ihatebnha · 3 years
I think toga is v seggsy
(warning: dubcon + fem leaning reader but idk)
Toga is truly girlfriend shaped.
I think about that a lot actually. Mostly just how good a friend she could really be, you know? Is. Because above all, we learn, she loves. She loves to the point of willingness to kill. Jealousy, defending your honor... it's all included.
But I guess that isn't the point LOL... because she's SEGGSY too. Def the type of girlfriend to dress up for you in pretty lingerie, and buy you both matching socks and lace. The type to try and cuddle up in your sweaters while you're wearing them, make her hair all static as she stretches out the fabric when she squeezes in. Give you hickeys anytime she's even close to your neck, almost like a y/n-vaccum.
And I just know she's like, unbelievable horny, too. Wants to fuck like rabbits, you probably wake up in the middle of the night ALL THE TIME to your hand in her panties or her pussy on your knee, it's wild sdjfaksdjklfa. She obviously has a panty sniffing kink, as well, and always tries to climb you the second you get home from work.
Do not look in her purse. And don't even think about indulging her with a little vibrator play. Your clit, her clit... would like. Never recover LOL. Plus, she's the biggest switch in the show. The BIGGEST.
Idk. I just think, in between all her kind, little gifts and her kisses (she has no shame. Will french you in public outside of your class or office or the bus stop)... she's a little minx. Not for the faint of heart. But so, so worth it.
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poppyknitt · 6 years
You Sure It’s Not A Dog?- A JSE Egos Fanfic
Recap: Schneep has inadvertently adopted a small horseshoe bat (which is a kind of fruit bat), as a result of it smashing through his window and breaking one of its wings, rendering it entirely useless. Chase seemed to be extremely fascinated by the little creature, and upon discovering that he (the bat) had no name, despite having been around for ages, opted to call him “Nectar”, for his and the rest of his species’ love of nectar. Oh, also, Jackie has a Peregrine Falcon for a sidekick, and Marvin accidentally created two sentient, carnivorous plants, one free-roaming and snake-like in build but cat-like in nature (named “thorn”), and the other (named “chomp”) too large and mouthy to be allowed anything other than confinement to a pot.
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[April 11th, 2017, our time]
Henrik hurried to the vet’s, his bat friend on his shoulder, as he cradled a cat meowing in pain, with slightly bloody bandages poorly wrapped around its head. He had found it stumbling clumsily around an alleyway, blood slowly oozing from where its eyes should’ve been, clearly having just lost them in a fight a few hours beforehand. The poor thing was obviously getting a bit lightheaded, and the fuzz around its eyes was stained with half-dried, old, and new blood, presumably each from when it had its head in different positions during a rest.
As soon as he stepped through the door to the clinic, the clerk was calling for one of the veterinarians, and several of the other medical staff worked the cat out of his arms and started asking questions.
“How did this happen?!”
“I am afraid I do not know. I found him stumbling out of an alleyway with his eyes like this, so I dropped everything, wrapped them up, and took him here straight away.”
By this point, Dr. Lewis was quickly rushing the cat to a room he could not see.
“Do you know how much blood he’s lost?!” The nurse continued to ask questions, clearly worried.
“Enough to make him dizzy, but in terms of cat, I am unaware of how much that actually is. They are not as big as humans, so it could be anything from eight of a liter to a full liter, and I would not know.”
“He may have to stay here for a night or so. Is that alright?”
“Yes, is fine! Just get the poor thing’s eyes fixed or something, I do not care how long it will take.”
“Okay. Thank you for bringing him so soon, and for being so patient. We’ll update you on his condition as soon as we know he is stable enough to be left for a few minutes.”
“Is no problem. Is alright if I wait in clinic until then?”
“Yes. Yes, it’s fine.” The nurse smiled thankfully at him, and quickly went to assist in the care of the poor ball of fluff he’d just brought in.
Schneep walked over to a chair that was placed by the wall, and slumped down into it, running a hand through his hair. He was very well aware of several people who were either looking around with wide eyes, or staring either at him or in the direction the nurses ran with the highly bloodied cat.
After about thirty minutes had gone by, he felt his phone buzz. It was Jackie, whom was worried, because he was over 45 minutes late, which almost never happened. He sighed, and opened up his messenger app, responding fairly quickly to his brother.
I am fine. Ran into severely wounded animal. Is no big deal. Will be home before tomorrow morning, hopefully.
The response was just as worried as he’d thought it would be.
What? Wounded animal?! Where?! Did you go straight to the vet’s office or something?!
He rolled his eyes, laughing softly in amusement at his brother’s immediate change of focus.
Yes. Cat was bleeding from the eyes, and acting like it had just finished its fifth bottle of vodka. Had no time to waste.
Jackie’s worry could almost be heard through the messages, even as the subject changed,
Well, uh, in other news... We’ve, uh, got a new ego. ‘S name is Chase. He’s a vlogger, I think. Uh, mind if I share your number with him?
He tsked in amusement as he responded.
No. Does not matter to me. He will get it some way or another, so is probably best he gets it now.
Jackie thanked him, and his phone went quiet for a few minutes. Then, a text from an unknown number buzzed in.
Hey bro! I assume you’re the doctor guy?
He took a moment, not sure how to respond to it.
Yes. You are Chase, correct?
You betcha! So... What’s the story with the cat?
Very long. Not ended yet. Will elaborate more when we meet face-to-face.
That’s understandable. You do you, my man.
He laughed softly, having a feeling he would get along well with the newcomer.
“He will live, however, I’m afraid he will not survive if left to wander the streets once his wounds heal.” The nurse from earlier explained. The tom cat was being left in a well-kept cage for the night, where he would be carefully monitored. He was sleeping in a well-padded, presumably very comfortable bed, kept inside a one-level cat tree, had an automatic feeder next to it, and on the other side of the cage, a fresh, unused litter box, situated a couple inches away from his food and water bowls.
“Are you sure you will be able to watch him all night? Surely you finish closing the clinic up and go home about an hour after new customers are not allowed in?”
“Well, yeah, but we can have a few doctors stay behind and work overtime to keep an eye on him. They’ll just get more pay at the end of the week...”
Henrik laughed a little as he spoke, “Ah, nonsense. There is no need to do that; I can just take the little one home. I work late hours at home, anyways, so caring for him would provide me an excuse to take a break every now and then.”
“Well, I’ll have to check with the doctor on that. I have no doubts that he would be fine with it, but you know how things go in the workplace.”
“Yes, yes, that is fine. I do not care if I have to wait a little longer. Is not a big deal anyhow.”
“Oh, well, thank you, again, for your patience. I’ll be with you shortly.” She smiled, and quickly hurried off. One of the other regular clients, an older woman, was smirking at him.
“Ah, do not give me that, ma’am. Our relationship is strictly professional.” She made a small laugh-like noise at that, and looked away, still smiling.
[The next day]
Chase watched the ball of fluff that the doctor dude had brought home the night before, unsure of how to approach this tiny beast. From what he understood about cats, they were very different from dogs, in almost every way. What was more, though, was that he only had past experience dealing with dogs, so he had no idea how to approach a cat, let alone one that was recently blinded, and had its head almost entirely covered in bandages.
“Here, kitty kitty kitty... It’s okay. I just wanna pet you, alright..?” He whispered, internally thanking the cat gods when it looked at him. He slowly approached the large-looking beast that laid on the table top, a bit afraid that it might lash out at him.
“Mrrwah?” It meowed, tilting its head in curiosity, like a dog would. He paused, wondering if he’d heard it meow before. Probably not.
He slowly extended a hand out to it, making sure it could sense his presence. As soon as his hand got near its head, however, it lightly head butted him, and started purring. He smiled, happy to see that it was friendlier than what most people would want you to believe a cat could be.
“You don’t have a collar, do ya, kitty? I’m assuming that means you’re not someone’s pet already?” He asked softly, sitting down in a nearby chair.
“Prrrmrrwah.” It seemed to smile.
“I’ll take that as a no.” He grinned, “You need a name if I’m gonna call ya something other than ‘kitty’, though.”
He laughed, “... Right... Why don’t we just leave the naming to the humans, then?”
He started petting it, and, much to his delight, found that its luxurious, long coat was actually much softer than it looked. It was still purring, as it laid its head down onto its paws, and attempted to find a good resting position that wasn’t too uncomfortable or painful. He offered his free hand as a sort of pillow or something, and it gladly accepted it, promptly resting its head up against his hand.
“... I’m gonna call you Rogers.”
Jackie watched Chase happily interacting with the new foster, a soft smile on his face. He figured that if this one ended up in the same position as Henrik’s bat, Chase would probably be the best fit for him, which was good to know. He had a feeling that Chase would probably be quite a bit upset if he found out that the cat was going to have to leave after having spent so long with them.
[June 17th, 2017, our time]
“No, no, is fine! I understand completely. Blind cats are not for everyone. Thank you for calling anyways. Have a great day, Sir.” Henrik finished up another phone call. They had gone through everyone who had shown an interest in adopting an animal from them, at least, after the animal’s injuries were as healed as they could get. No one wanted Rogers, and everyone seemed to have different reasons, that ranged from “Oh, I just don’t like cats”, to “Nope, too fluffy”, and/or “I don’t think I can care for a blind animal”.
Chase sighed, holding the sweet, fluffy boy in his lap, petting him softly. He didn’t want Rogers to leave, but at the same time, he hated that nobody would take such a sweet, dog-like cat. Bingsepticeye, who was sitting in a nearby chair, side glanced at Jackie, and then opened his mouth to speak, “What if we let Chase keep him? They really seem to get along well.”
“... That... is a good idea. Chase, your thoughts?” Schneep looked at him.
His face lit up in excitement as he listened to the others, “Really?! W-We can keep ‘em?!”
Schneep laughed at his excited joy, “Yes, if you really wish for him to stay.”
“Prrahwrah!” Rogers meowed, sitting up and lightly bopping his head against Chase’s chin.
“Well, I think he’s already made up his mind.” Chase laughed, and Rogers started purring very loudly.
Jackie grinned, “That settles it then! Rogers stays with us.”
WorldView Prologue: Part Three
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Well, now, here we have Rogers, the cat with the personality of a dog, who lost his sight in a fight with another clawed animal, presumably a cat. I think he’s my favorite of the pets so far, just because he manages to somehow be really adorable, even with the unsightly scars over his eyes and eyelids. Plus, of the more developed pets, he’s the purest, happiest bean. I just fuckin adore the lil’ guy. Oh, yeah, also I’m doing one or more fics more than usual today, bcause, 1, I’ve been working on this one for several days now, and 2, again, as i said in the most recent chapter of World Initiative, I’m lowkey kinda having a few emotional dissociation/disconnection problems today, and currently writing is the only cure. ... Benefits... of mental issues..? I guess?
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