#literally his duality as a written fic lmao
sunboki · 1 year
these upcoming fics w chan are gonna be WILD that’s all m saying
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Omg I’m so happy you replied!! I definitely have more questions.
1. What Cillian character do you like writing about the most and why?
2. What story from your master list are you most proud of?
3. Do you personally have any fic recommendations/ must reads? Other sites included.
4. What gets you inspired to write? Following that question have you ever abandoned a fic?
5. What do you think made you a better writer? If you have any doubts about your work, how do you get past it enough to continue?
6. Is there a Cillian character that you just don’t like, or aren’t interested in watching/ writing about? (Sorry if that’s a loaded question)
omg thank u so much for this!!! i srsly love interacting w u guys, tysm for the thought provoking questions😄🙌
i think i like writing most about robert fischer:) ik it probably doesnt translate considering ive written most for jonathan crane but robert fischer is just such a little sweetheart to me,,, and can go both ways in being a sassy dom douchebag or being a sobbing daddy issues sub darling LOLLL i just think he has a lot of duality to delve into and develop (which ive definitely not done so far☠️) and it helps that his characterization in inception was also very surface level— i have a lot of wiggle room y’know??
i think im most proud of “dine & dash” which im aware probably no-one has read, but getting chris o’doyle’s sassy little dialogue down was like taming a wild beast,,, otherwise, considering my more well-known work, i rly liked writing “honey, i’m home”. i go crazy for the unhinged readers (if u couldnt alrdy tell lmaooo) and seeing jackson get messed with like that was a real treat.
i seriously just recommend anything by @mypoisonedvine,,, they’re literally genius & are the reason i started writing for cillian:)!! other mentions include kitten fics by @pictureinme and, a personal fave, @floralcyanidee’s jackson rippner mile-high club fic!!! these writers are all incredibly talented and im just blown away at their work every single time🫶
my thirst is such a big motivator for writing LMAO😭i wrote “guinea pig” ‘cus i wanted to absolute wreckkk jonathan crane and have him be a sub, and i got a 6.8k words long fic out of said thirst! music & book quotes motivate me a lot too— i spend sm time digging thru my pinterest for a good quote for the beginning of my fic its actually insane☠️and yes,,, im ashamed to say ive abandoned fics numerous times,,, but thats because they were series’, not oneshots. i get bored of series’ pretty quickly, ‘cause i feel kind of trapped by the initial dynamic or mood set in the first chapter. with oneshots, its like writing one long chapter of this trope and this kink or whatever and then its done, and i dont have to exhaust myself going back to tropes or kinks or storylines ive already done.
i think reading made me a better writer. expanding my vocabulary through the words of others was a biggie; seeing something be described in a certain way in someones story had me thinking of out-of-the-box ways to describe another thing (that doesn’t make much sense but lets pretend it does😭). i have many, many doubts about my work, like constantly, but i usually just suck it up. i sound like an attention whore but seeing the reposts & comments & tags on my other work reminds me people like what i’ve written before and certain people will enjoy what ive written now, so i should just finish my work for them. i also take like 100 years rereading my stuff until i think its good enough lmao,,,
ive kinda watched his whole roster of films (atleast ones i could actually find on the internet and not gone missing as a lost piece of media lmao) and i could probably write for any cillian character given i had a good idea and proper motivation. writing for certain characters is definitely harder for me to do though, so its likely i wont write for them/will take a long time to do so. an example is lenny miller— anna was such an insufferable movie to me, and lenny’s screentime wasn’t long at all, atleast not long enough for me to properly grasp his character. he just felt like a horny hardass fbi goof the whole time i could not take his 5’7 ass seriously😭cillian is smexy as hell in anna tho, so we’ll see😈another would probably be robert capa from sunshine,,, hes beautiful and deliciously musty in that but the whole spaceship setting kinda freaks me out (considering i know 0 zilch nada about space, spaceships, or anything of the sort, so it’d definitely be inaccurate). an au with him id definitely do, though! (with that hair of his my mind is already forming a 90s band au, guitarist!capa x singer!reader story…)
again thank u so much for these questions!! i feel like i rarely get to chat to u guys so this was well appreciated😄🫶thank you so much for reading, for sending these questions in, and for being an overall sweetheart, anon!
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atley01 · 7 months
fic writing updates!
Updates for: "Belonephobia," and "Salts and Spoons."
to anyone following me because of my fics on ao3;
I am in the process of writing a 3rd chapter to Belonephobia. Without spoiling anything, I will say that it's a win for the Denki enjoyers lmao.
As far as "Salts and Spoons" goes, I am both in the process of writing chapter 2, as well as fleshing out specific points of the story that I want to happen, and then fleshing out each overall story for the 5+1 aspect.
Given that "Salts and Spoons" has more chapters than Belonephobia, I want to spend more time on that fanfic. (that being said, I work on whichever one I have the itch to work on at any given moment I have the time to do so.)
"Salts and Spoons" does not happen in a chronological order. Each chapter happens at random points in time between Shinsou's freshman year of high-school to his senior year.
This is because while yes, sometimes you get weeks of bad symptoms, and in my experience, I have had weeks where I get hit with multiple flares and fainting episodes daily, it is important to me that I show the duality and unpredictable side to having POTS. One week you may not have as bad of symptoms, the next you have awful, debilitating symptoms.
While this fic's purpose is to highlight how disabled people may struggle with their health issues, I don't want Shinsou to only become his disability. He is more than that- disabled people are more than our disabilities.
And as always, I will ALWAYS be open to constructive criticism on my writing! My fics are not beta-read. I proof read them myself briefly, but I wont catch everything, so if you notice a spelling error, or grammar error, anything of the sort- don't feel shy to let me know! This is my first time taking a real plunge into writing fan-fictions, (I have written mini stories here and there & planned stories and prompts out before, but nothing quite like this. They were never published works- things "just for me.")
Lastly, I want to thank you all for supporting my writing. I didn't expect literally anyone to read my works or care enough to kudos it/ comment, but genuinely the support has been overwhelming! It makes me wanna cry tears of joy lol, from the bottom of my heart, thank you all so very much!
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getosugurusbangs · 8 months
1, 7, 8, 22, 23 for geto for the character ask meme? :0
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
i think he’s a very interesting, and well written character. i love the duality between him and gojo, and all they are for each other (to bring satosugu into this ofc). i love how truly kind and empathetic he is when it comes to people he loves and cares for. he also has a bomb ass character design, like most jjk characters, so there’s that too.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
i do like seeing all the analysis and different interpretations of him. though, sometimes all the different interpretations of him can definitely turn out to be a double edged sword. but in the end, it’s still cool to see all the ways someone can interpret and project onto him.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
i hate seeing people make his character out to be much more black and white than it really is. he really is not the whole “killing babies for fun” type, and so it really bothers me when people try and insist that he’s this pure evil character, like sukuna is. he’s sorta supposed to be a sympathetic and complex character for a reason, but people still disregard that lol.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
tbh i don’t read much fanfic, but for this i’d probably have to say just seeing him be absolutely whipped for gojo is fun to see (doesn’t apply just to fics, applies to whatever fan works). i literally wrote my own fic just to write him being all cute and in love with gojo n shit 💀
23. Favorite picture of this character?
glad you ask, because i have my favorite pictures of him saved LMAO
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makeste · 4 years
my long boring post about chapter 293 and Kacchan’s hero name
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lmao I think that’s all of them. anyways, so I said I was gonna do a post on this, and so here goes.
first off, I just want to say that people are allowed to not like the name! it’s a completely subjective thing, there’s no right or wrong “it’s good” or “it’s bad.” or rather, there is a right or wrong, and it’s whichever one you think it is. if you think it’s good, you’re right. if you think it’s bad, you’re also right. it’s an opinion, it doesn’t need to be backed up by peer review lol.
that said, here is my own completely subjective opinion: I think “Dynamight” (though please not with the capital “m”, I beg you lol) is a terrific name for him honestly. it’s clever wordplay, it’s a subtle callback/tribute to his favorite hero who is also his inspiration for becoming a hero, and it’s a perfect fit for his chosen aesthetic. it’s honestly great.
and what makes it even better is that at the same time, it is also stupid as fuck lmao. this is a name that encapsulates the duality of man. it’s the perfect metaphor for this boy who think he’s the hottest shit god ever invented, and has no idea that the number of people who take him seriously after interacting with him for more than ten seconds is actually in the single digits. this hero name is the equivalent of an excited puppy ferociously bounding towards a squirrel only to trip over its own feet and fall flat on its face. it thinks it is scary as fuck, and has no idea that 30,000 people on TikTok think it’s the most adorable thing they’ve ever seen. I unabashedly love it, and will also ceaselessly roast the everloving shit out of it without the slightest remorse, just like I roast the beloved boy attached to it. that’s just how it is lol.
so that’s how I feel about the name! however, this next part I need to emphasize: my opinion of the name, and my opinion of whether or not I actually think this will be his name, are two different things. I like the name Dynamight. I really do. and I also think there is next to no chance that this will actually be his hero name.
here’s the thing. this would have been a perfect name for him if it had been his chosen name back in chapter 45 when everyone else picked their aliases. it would have fit in seamlessly with the rest of his class. Red Riot, Chargebolt, Earphone Jack, Sugarman, Uravity; those are all names that stick in your mind and look great on official merch. those are names that sell action figures, but they also do a great job of representing the individuals behind the names. they have personality. and so does “Dynamight”, for sure.
but the thing is, for whatever reason, Horikoshi didn’t have him pick this name back in chapter 45. he went with a running gag instead. “King Explosion Murder”, “Lord Explosion Murder”, and so forth. and in the end, we never got a hero name at all. he could have had him pick Dynamight after we’d had our laughs. hell, he could have used it as an early easter egg hinting at Kacchan’s admiration for All Might, which wouldn’t be officially revealed until the final exam arc about twenty chapters later. “Dynamight” in Japanese is written out in katakana -- ダイナマイト (“dainamaito”). this is the word that’s used in Japan for actual dynamite. there is no inherent indicator that it’s a pun; it just so happens that the “mite” in dynamite is spelled out phonetically in Japanese the exact same way that “might” is. so the pun isn’t obvious unless you know to look for it. Horikoshi could have left us all thinking that “Dynamite” was his name until chapter 62 or thereabouts when he revealed that Katsuki looked up to All Might, at which point Horikoshi could finally reveal the official English spelling and it would be like a second name reveal. which would have been pretty sweet, actually.
but my point being, for some reason he instead chose not to do this. instead he chose to drag it all out for 250 chapters, content to let us all languish. this man had not a shred of mercy for the thousands of Bakugou fans who were all “please, sir, the fic,” before eventually giving up and adopting Ground Zero as the official-unofficial name until we either got a real reveal or died of old age. he dragged it out, and kept it as a gag, and eventually it was just like, fine, whatever.
and then this happened.
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and it changed everything.
because you see, all of a sudden “Bakugou’s Hero Name” wasn’t just a running joke gag plot anymore. in the span of three sentences, Horikoshi changed the entire meaning of it. “your hero name represents your desires. the embodiment of how you wish to be. your ideal self.”
just like that, the whole mystery of “what will Bakugou’s hero name be” goes from being a funny little ongoing thing to an existential question, with the implication being that the choice he finally makes, whatever it may be, will in essence reveal the very core of his character. “your ideal self.” in other words this will really be almost the pinnacle of his entire character arc. his hero name, when he finally picks it, will show us just how far he’s come. it will show us his answer to “what kind of person do you want to be.”
that is an insane amount of meaning to suddenly dump onto something that up until this point had just been a funny little running gag. “lol Bakugou loves murder and death.” “lol at this rate Bakugou will graduate while still not having an actual hero name.” from that, to suddenly out of the blue, “Bakugou’s hero name will show us who he is as a person.” like, holy shit though. and mind you, this isn’t something that’s been done for any other character. this is very Bakugou-specific. all this build-up and significance has been ascribed to his hero name specifically. at this point his name is basically its own fucking plot. it’s literally its own individual little arc. all of that build-up. all of that meaning and importance given to it.
and then Horikoshi goes and gives us this.
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so. like... okay, I guess??
like, just some quick things of note here though:
he is still doing the whole “explosive destruction murder” thing on top of the “Dynamight” part. indicating that there has not been the slightest bit of thoughtful consideration actually given on his part. literally the one thing that everyone and their mom was trying to explain to him not to do, and all of it went in one ear and out the other. which is fine!! he is adorable here and I want to ruffle his hair, honestly. but it’s clear to me that he still hasn’t grasped what Jeanist was trying to explain to him before, if this is really his answer to “what would you consider to be your ideal self” lol.
the name is INSTANTLY panned by every single person in the surrounding vicinity, villains included. hell, Mirio might as well have stabbed him all over again. obviously this is intentionally being used as a lighthearted moment to briefly give the audience a breather before we wade back into the Todoroki drama; but at the same time it indicates that this name isn’t exactly going to be taken seriously by anyone who hears it in-universe. they are literally wincing upon hearing it skjlklhkgf.
lastly, none of the people closest to him -- Deku, All Might, Kirishima, or Shouto -- are even there to hear it. all of that build-up, all of that “Kacchan’s hero name will show us how far he’s come in his character development”, and then when it finally happens, the people who have had the most impact aren’t even there to partake in the moment. Shouto and Deku are busy dealing with an entirely separate plot and trying very hard not to be set on fire while Kacchan is out here providing comic relief.
because that’s really what this is, though. this is a joke. like, I don’t mean that in a pejorative sense; I mean that it is literally a joke. and so what you’re telling me is, if this really is his hero name, we waited 250 chapters and Horikoshi built up an entire character arc around it, only to have the end result be a joke panel that in the end was arguably not even the biggest thing that happened in the chapter.
like, idk, maybe there’ll be a flashback about it later after all’s said and done which will imbue it with more meaning as some have suggested. maybe Horikoshi will explain how it’s a childhood throwback name that Deku once picked for him, like that theory that’s been making the rounds. I’m not saying it won’t be possible to build on this after the fact. but it will be after the fact, all the same. as far as the initial reveal goes... this is it. the epitome of anticlimactic. a brief joke reveal mid-fight where everyone immediately goes “are you fucking serious” and he’s all “I WAS FUCKING SERIOUS” and falls down out of comedy lmao.
and so, to wrap this post up finally, basically the way I see it is that there are two possibilities here. either (1) I have been way overthinking this from day one and it was never really that deep and Horikoshi thought this would be an appropriate and funny conclusion to a plotline which in his mind was always meant to be mostly lighthearted, with the Jeanist stuff mostly just thrown in there to push Bakugou into picking an at least halfway-decent name in spite of himself.
or, (2) this isn’t going to be his final hero name either. this is instead the last hurrah of the “Lord Explosion Murder” part of that plotline, and after he’s laughed out of the room yet again he will mope and cross out this one as well, and Horikoshi will sit on it for another 500 chapters until he finally reveals it at the very fucking end of the series. like at this point I wouldn’t put it past him to wait until the very last page. I s2g, this man. but the flipside of it is that when that moment finally does happen, I fully believe it will be a moment that actually feels earned. it will feel right. it will feel like the moment we spent all that time waiting for. or at least that’s what I hope.
so anyway, those are my thoughts on it! tl;dr, while I like Dynamight as a hero name in and of itself, I don’t think it’s going to be endgame, mostly because nothing about that reveal moment actually felt right to me. and of course, it’s very possible that I’m completely wrong about this; it wouldn’t be the first time (Kacchan’s quirk says hello). but on the other hand fandom isn’t totally batting a thousand either (Ground Zero says what up), so hey. we’ll see!
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stanzoeywade · 4 years
Can you write a fic where Poppy's car broke down and MC happens to be around that place so she decides to give Poppy a ride and takes her to a dinner date? Some angst+fluff would be great! Thank u so much!
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A/N: Another Poppy one-shot. Hi everyone! How are y'all? I hope you all are good, this fic was written because of an ask, with my own take. I hope you all enjoy it. I'll probably work on a few other requests too during the weekend but have this for now lmao. (Excuse my digitally challenged ass but I tried to make a cute gif to like be part of this, but sadly my editing skills are non-existent.)
Summary: Poppy's duality never ceases to confuse and intrigue Rosie. One day she's all soft and fluffy and the next she's back to her mean and bitchy self, but if there's one thing she's noticed, Poppy's always beautiful no matter what she does or says and it's safe to say that she absolutely adores Poppy.
Taglist: @somewillwin @uhh-the-green-thing @jmojellybae @simp-pony @made-me-deep-blue @uselesslesbianfr @it-lives-in-braidwood-manor @belvoiresqueenbee @alexlabhont @samanthadalton @crazzyplays @sparring-hyena @baexpoppy @cloakanddaggerthings
Poppy is an enigma, she’s a big question mark that Rosie learns more and more of each day. There’s two sides to Poppy, one is the one reserved for private places where she’s delicate and vulnerable, looking so tired and frustrated from everything she faces on a daily basis. She looks tired and needs a lot of reassurance and care because Rosie can tell that the pressure is becoming too tough for Poppy to handle. Who can blame her? Poppy is put on a pedestal on a day to day basis, she’s always under public scrutiny no matter what she does in public. Photos of her are taken on a daily basis, some are filled with positive messages whilst others are full of negativity. After all, people either love or hate Poppy. On days where Poppy looks so exhausted, Rosie makes sure to help her relax by literally dragging Poppy to relax, or she does something sweet so that her girlfriend can take a break. For example, on days where Poppy is overwhelmed, Rosie is quick to draw a bath for Poppy as well as make sure that the blonde takes care of herself by fulfilling basic needs such as eating and sleeping.
No one in Belvoire really knows how emotionally withdrawn Poppy is, and there’s times where she’s so close to a breakdown, yet she stays strong and puts all her walls up so that she shows no weakness, only the ones closest to her understand the pressure she’s under. Chloe and Veronica worry for Poppy because she has tendencies to over work herself and forget that she’s not a robot, which cause the two to intervene by making sure that their friend actually takes a break.
The Poppy that they know in private is so different to the one that everyone else knows. She’s considerate and actually listens, she smiles a lot more and is not nearly as vicious as when she’s in public. Her smiles are genuine and she takes pride in taking care of her friends because as much as she loathes to say it, Poppy actually adores her friends. They’re the support systems she needs, God knows her parents aren’t exactly parents of the year and she knows that her friends are always there for her when she needs them and she makes sure to return the favour.
The ice princess of Belvoire is very sweet and soft for animals, let’s just say that the pug that Rosie adopted, whose name is ‘Bear', is the most spoiled dog in the world. Poppy can’t help but shower him with love and affection, so much so Rosie gets jealous. “I’m starting to think that you love Bear more than me Poppy.” And all Rosie gets in response is a roll of the eyes as Poppy continues to shower Bear with attention, which earns a pout from Rosie more often than not. She’s so different in private that it almost gives Rosie whiplash because of how quickly her girlfriend can put her façade on in public, but as soon as they’re in private Poppy quick to ask for hugs and kisses, especially if the day has been tiring or if she’s just annoyed in general. Poppy can barely stand people and there's only a few that she tolerates, and she’s always to quick to point this out if her friends are being annoying or just engage in crack head behaviour. “You guys are so fucking lucky that I’m fond of you, because if I wasn’t I would literally kick you.” Her threats are never taken seriously though, especially since she’s sporting a smile that looks to soft to actually mean it.
Poppy in public eye is very different to the one that Rosie knows, she’s cold and each move carefully calculated. She never shows any weakness, her head held up high as she walks through campus as if she owns the entire place. If anyone tries to cross her a verbal lashing is prone to happen and Rosie is quick to do damage control by removing Poppy from the situation, but more often than not, there are a few students that need to be taken down a peg so Rosie doesn’t intervene. God forbid someone insults Rosie or any of her friends, then there’s nothing Rosie can do, Poppy’s going to be unstoppable and insults will be thrown. Rosie’s favourite being: “You look like a watered down version of Ethan Ramsey, and that’s lower than low.” Once people heard that, they couldn’t help but laugh as the boy looked like he was on the verge of tears.
Poppy’s confident and takes charge, and honestly Rosie can’t help but love how confident she is, even if she has bad days sometimes. The blond girl is a badass and isn’t afraid to say what’s on her mind, no matter what other think. However, after Rosie and Poppy got together people can tell that the HBIC of Belvoire is more relaxed and not as harsh as before. Not to mention the fact that Poppy actually seems to smile a lot more. Before, she never smiled, a permanent scowl seeming to be etched on her features and none of the students on campus can deny that Poppy actually looks really nice with a smile on her face. She looks like she’s enjoying her time in Belvoire, and it’s a massive difference because Poppy was insufferable and absolutely terrified everyone, but now she looks more grounded and more human, which is probably because of the fact that she’s not as grouchy as before.
Whilst Poppy is not big on PDA, she does have a subtle way of showing affection in public. One thing that Poppy and Rosie does is the three taps as if to say ‘I love you’ albeit in a subtle way, another thing that Poppy does is link her arms to Rosie’s if they’re walking around on campus. She also has a habit of rubbing her thumb against Rosie’s hand when they walk around, hands interlocked. Kisses are normally reserved in private, however, there are moments where Poppy gets jealous, and it’s mostly due to the Professor giving her girlfriend heart eyes. At those moments, Poppy doesn’t care who sees and she’s quick to pull Rosie in for a kiss, not really caring who’s looking. If anyone tries to flirt with Rosie, Poppy’s quick to stake her claim, not afraid of a make out session in a hallway and it always leaves Rosie blushing and wanting more. Poppy’s always quick to walk away though, she knows full well that all Rosie will think about is her lips apart from other things. She’s sly like that, but you know what they say “hate to see her leave but love to watch her walk away", this is especially true in Poppy’s case as she makes a show of strutting away as Rosie is left there stunned.
It’s not a well known fact but Poppy enjoys driving around, it’s one her outlets where she doesn’t have to think about Belvoire, the rankings and her parents. (Poppy drives a pink Fiat 500, and you can’t change my mind) She can just focus on the road as she takes in the different scenery that she passes by, however, her night is ruined when her car just decides to shut down in the middle of fuck knows Brooklyn. Needless to say Poppy is annoyed and angry, her night is ruined and once she calls the service she’s let down as the customer services team are incompetent  at their job and she’s left on the side of the road for another three hours. Rolling her eyes as she finishes the phone call, she decides to call Rosie, hoping that the other girl wasn’t asleep yet, considering it’s quite late at night and she knows that Rosie’s usually asleep by now. However, she’s surprised when Rosie picks up. “Hey babe, what’s up? It’s like super late, don’t you need your beauty sleep?” Rosie’s voice never fails to calm Poppy down, it’s always so sweet and full of affection, usually reserved for her and Bear.
“I need your help Rosie, my car broke down and now I’m stuck by the side of a road. Customer services are saying that they can’t get anyone here until another three hours so can you please pick me up? It’s really freaking cold.”
Rosie can hear Poppy’s voice quiver due to cold, and she’s quick to get up and get ready so that she can get Poppy. She quickly dresses up, and makes sure to bring another jacket for Poppy. Rosie loves Poppy, don’t get her wrong but she doesn’t quite understand Poppy’s fondness of late night drives, however as she goes to get her blonde girlfriend, she starts to understand. The cool evening breeze, the quiet streets, well as quiet as New York can get and not to mention the scenery she passes by. Rosie begins to understand Poppy’s fondness for late night drives.
As soon as she reaches Poppy’s location, Rosie is taken away by how beautiful Poppy looks, even when she’s scowling. She pulls up next to Poppy’s car and as soon as she gets out of her car, Poppy’s already hugging her. “You took so long Rosie, did you drive at 10 miles per hour?” Rosie just laughs as she gives Poppy the jacket. “Here, you must’ve been cold, dumbass. I mean who wears thin clothing during cold weather?” Poppy just shoots her a glare she begrudgingly takes the jacket and put it on, but since Rosie is a little bit taller, the jacket looks a bit too big and Poppy looks absolutely adorable, so much so Rosie can’t help but take a photo. In which she quickly makes her lock screen. Poppy notices and just rolls her eyes. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think that you were a paparazzo, R.” Rosie just looks at her and smiles. “I can’t help it Poppy, you look cute.” This causes Poppy to look away and blush as she mutters a quiet “Thanks".
Rosie realises that even though they’re both wearing jackets, it is quite cold, and since the guy from the insurance company isn’t going to be there for another two hours, she thought that it would be a good idea to take Poppy out for something to eat. “Hey, we’ve got another two hours to kill before the dude comes, want to grab something to eat?” and before Poppy can respond her stomach rumbles which causes her to flush in embarrassment. “I’m gonna take that as a yes, I saw a diner a few minutes from here? Unless that’s too plebeian for you?” This earns Rosie a small punch to her shoulder. “Shut up Rosie, but since it’s close by sure, I’m actually really hungry.”
The two head off to grab something to eat, and as soon as they arrive at the diner, Poppy’s reminded of their teenage years where they hung out every summer. She remembers the taste of the cherry pie that they always used to get. (Free falling crumbs lol) When they go inside, Poppy’s immediately hit with a sense of nostalgia, the ambience of the place reminding her of their shared childhood and she can’t help but smile. “This brings back memories R, even the vibe is the same.” Rosie can’t help but smile as she sees Poppy, and she remembers the first time Poppy went to a diner, at first the blonde girl was horrified, but she grew into it, especially since the food was actually good. Simple and rugged but good nonetheless.
The two take a seat, and wait until they can order. "I don’t think I told you this Poppy, but I, I’m pretty sure I was crushing real hard on you since we were kids. It was pretty obvious but yeah, I’ve been whipped since day one.” Rosie looks away shyly, looking away from Poppy. “I was crushing on you too, idiot, just in case that wasn’t obvious. You were just so fucking nice and you didn’t want anything in return, unlike everyone else I was ‘friends’ with. Being with you was and still is simple, and I absolutely adore you, just in case you didn’t already know.” Rosie’s eyes soften as she looks Poppy, whose face is pink. “I absolutely adore you too Poppy.” The rest of the meal is spent in comfortable silence.
Before they drive back to Poppy’s car, Rosie is pulled back by Poppy. “Before I forget, you once asked me who I love most in the world.” She pauses as Rosie turns to fully face her. “Well, if I’m being honest, it’s you, Rosie.”
Rosie can feel her heart hammering against her chest as she begins to process what Poppy said. She almost forgets to breathe, tears threatening to escape which makes Poppy panic. “Shit, R, why are you crying? Did I say too much? I’m so s--" Before Poppy can even finish her sentence she’s pulled in and next thing she knows Rosie’s lips are on hers and they’re kissing under the moonlight. Rosie can taste a hint of cherry as she kisses Poppy like her life depends on it. Whilst she wears her heart on her sleeve. Poppy’s the opposite, she withdrawn and usually prefers to keep things low-key, but it’s not like she’s going to complain since she loves Poppy too.
They both have to pull away for oxygen and Rosie’s forehead is against Poppy’s. “I love you too, you dumbass. I don’t think I’ve ever loved anyone as much as I love you.”
A/N: hello guys, I hope you all enjoyed this one shot. I just needed some Poppy content, I do have plans to write something for aurora and jackie in the near future but have this first lol.
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lumilasi · 4 years
By request from @violently-canary I am doing this writer interview, because why not?
Name: Lumilasi
Fandoms: currently Bnha, but I used to write for Bleach (Grimmichi, still have some fics incomplete OTL) and MCU (stucky, one Tony centric short thingy)
Where you post: AO3, fic illustrations on tumblr
Most popular multi-chapter fic: Family Secrets, Crossroads is close second. I’m still kind of amused how many people I half-accidentally made to adore a version of rotten potato man, namely as a dad figure, not that Hisashi is your classic rotten potato lmao
Favorite story you’ve written so far: Violinist. It was such an interesting Au to make, namely how it still got a lot of the canonical ’grit’ while the boys weren’t villains, and their relationship started differently from my usual writing style, where they were attracted to each other before any emotional bonds formed. It was also funny how canon reveal kind of solved plot issues I had with this by revealing Hana to us haha. I have to say my newest one (The Stringmaster) is also growing on me fast
Fic you were nervous to post: There’s, always a level of apprehension about posting something new, not knowing if people will like it or not. I was quite nervous with my first ever bnha fic (Reanimate) because it was my first dip into the fandom, and it did include ocs in significant roles. Thankfully the feedback was majorly positive with that story, which encouraged me to keep writing more stories.
How you choose your titles: Couple of ways;
First is the ’symbolic’ kind where the title somehow symbolizes the overall story themes. ’Reanimate’ was called that because of the whole ’Izuku enters into the body of his younger self in another world’ thing, essentially ’reanimating’ a body that was in a coma. Family Secrets is called that because it’s a story about a family (and a man) who hold a lot of secrets only the insiders know. Unravel is Unravel because they are unraveling a mystery.
Second is the ’literal’ where I just call the story something that it has, like Violinist, where its called that because Tomura is literally a violinist in the fic. The neighbor has that name because it is about two neighbors.
Sometimes the name if a mix of both like Crossover, where it’s literally a crossover story, but also refers to crossing over into another world haha
Do you outline: Roughly, it tends to be necessary given I make long fics. Things do evolve and change as the story progresses, though often the ending remains largely the same, because I keep it as a sort of destination point the story is building towards. Some details about it might change, but overall the end result tends to remain similar to the original draft
Complete: a lot; Family Secrets, Crossroads, Reanimate, Violinist, Soul Duality, Kitsune Tomura one shots, more one shots, crossovers and sequels, that one story with Izuku and Shoto whose name I forgot, several bleach and mcu fics...
In progress: Unravel (around the middle of the story rn) The neighbor (near complete) The Stringmaster (at the beginning) Diversion (one third left roughly) A Father’s shadow (I’d say halfway there) Depths (also halfway there) a crossover story with Leeontheneon (still at the beginning stages, I should forward it but...I’m so rarely in the mood for such pure fluff OTL) One giant bleach fic I should finish because I put so much effort into it, but I just don’t have the motivation or interest RN.....
Coming soon/not yet started: the final chapter of the Devil’s Doppleganger series, where Tenko and Izuku go to find and bring their dad home. Also to show that even crippled Hisashi is a badass - and such a dad. He will never escape his dadness mwa ha haa.
Do you accept prompts: Mostly no, apart from as contest prizes occasionally. I just prefer coming up with the ideas myself
Upcoming story you’re most excited to write: well, given there is only one, the final part of TDD, that one. From the ongoing ones, Stringmaster is always quite fun to write, and A father’s shadow has gotten into an interesting point too.
Upcoming story you are most excited about: Based on the response on the version I snatched this from (provided by canary) this is about other people’s fics. I don’t read other people’s works much, but there are two I can say I actively read each time they update; first is @theteapotofdoom’s fic Something Good (especially good if in need of fluffy feels) and @nightlilly0110’s No Heroes. It’s such an interesting concept and I get good laughs out of the humor in it!
If there is a fellow writer eager to do this, go right ahead!
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