#literally girl adds me on snapchat and tells me she misses me (she transfered to home school) and im. in TEARS crying feeling like SHIT
carcinized · 2 years
do you guys ever wish you cuold just sit down in a room with the people in a situation who hurt you and ask them questions like why did you do this did you ever feel bad about it even?? do you ever feel remorse or miss me?? what did you mean by this?? and then get all the answers and then try out all the different scenarios youve played in your head where you yell at them and then either work things out when they apologize or just never see them again. like with no strings attached or drama that would go around after like i just want fucking CLOSURE man
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goth-girlfriend · 4 years
Hear me out: Reader who is richer than Shoto and Momo combined. They have a reputation of being stuck up and transfer into UA by STRONG recommendation. Everyone avoids her out of fear of being caught in rich wrath. But it’s not until the Bakusquad make a joke with her they realize what a complete idiot/nerd/funny person she is. Denki *makes joke about reader being to rich* Reader *pulls out hundreds to wipe tears and throws them on the floor when the tears are gone* If you can please? 😊❤️❤️
Request: “Sorry to message you! I but I sent a recent ask! I was going to ask if you could add the reader having like mesmerizing long black hair and killer brows and false lashes? Bonus if she ends up with Best Boom Boy!
I love this honestly! I’ll do my best to answer this the best I can! I’m assuming Bakugo right? I hope so, ☺️
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugo x Reader + Friend Bakusquad
Class 1-A was bustling with conversation at the news they’d just gotten. A new student would be joining the class Mid Semester. The daughter of a well known known man in Japan.
The Family name foreign, (L/n), It’s been in Japan no longer than four generations. And they’d already come to sit on the top of the money empire. Being rich and known would be a good thing for anyone aspiring to become a hero. It was a lie, often times press would take chances to start rumors and make false accusations leading the newest generation of (L/n) to be held to a new standard.
“I know! Everyone makes her out to be stuck up, snobby and rude!”
“Aren’t the (L/n)’s the family the Hero Times magazine compared to other families? If I’m right they said Her family dwarfs the Yaoyorozu, Iida, and Todoroki families combined!”
“I heard she had press locked up and cameras destroyed for taking her picture!”
“Oh! I saw a video from her middle school days! You can’t really make her out, but she brought a girl to her knees in-front of the school! For something she did....”
“Oh! She must be the girl who took down a group of boys because one of them brushed shoulders with her!”
“No way! I heard she got a boy expelled because she thought he was looking down on her!”
“She s-sounds scary, I don’t think I want to talk to her.”
“Yeah, I don’t wanna run the risk of getting kicked out of U.A., not after all the hard work I put in to get here.”
The chatter continued, on the other side of the door, hearing every comment stood (Y/n), her brows furrowed slightly in anger. She released the tension in her brows, they rested in their usual place. Her brows fell into her natural RBF as she sighed, she looked at the Principal, the dog/bear/mouse beside her smiled and knocked. It was answered by the Teacher she had met not to long again Erased Head, or as she’d be introduced. Shota Aizawa.
“I’ll leaver her in your capable hands, make sure she gets a good view on what U.A. iS really about.” He smiled and waved at the teacher and left without word.
Aizawa let the girl enter and stand at the front of the class room. He stepped over to his desk picking up a black folder with a golden crest printed on the front. It was the information U.A. has asked for when you applied.
“Why don’t you introduce yourself.” Aizawa said staring at at the first part of your folder. A record for my our old school, no tardies, no absences, no missing work, no violations, no record punishment, no reported incidents, No grade under a 98. Class representative, president of 6 clubs, President of Student Body Council, 4.0 GPA, in quirk control you placed number one in your school, In your school Sport festival you came in first, Cultural Festival you’d brought in the most donations and had a recommendation letter from almost every teacher and both the principal and vice principal.
I stood silent for a minute staring the class over, recognizing every weak point. I didn’t bother smiling, they probably would be scared anyway. I looked through the corner of my eyes to the window.
“I’m (y/n) (l/n), call me (l/n), I don’t have time to waste on friends, formalities. You bunch of extras would probably just drag me down, I don’t expect much from any of you. I reached the top of my class with ease, and by just looking at you I can tell it won’t be any different.” I scoffed and looked over the class. I
It definitely struck some nerves.
“WHO THE HELL DID YOU JUST CALL AN EXTRA YOU TRASH.” A blonde boy with red eyes glared at me popping up from his seat.
Pops coming from his hand, I stared his down, “What are you doing?” I scoffed, “With pop rocks like that the only thing you’d be scaring it probably a kitten.”
“I’ll kill you!” He screamed bringing his hand up.
“Bet.” Was all is said, a watched his hand and the bright light starting to form, with a quick hand sign he fell face first into the floor arms bound behind his back.
I watched him struggle, explosions forming in his palms. Everyone watched him, stares no longer on me I turned to Aizawa.
“Take a seat in the back by the window, it’s the only open desk.” He said closing the file.
I looked ahead not bothering to look at anyone or make eye contact, I say down and moved my hair so I wouldn’t sit on it. I brought my hands to my nape and pushed them back pushing my hair over my back and into the space between my back and the chair. It felt pooling into the part of the chair I didn’t take and overflowing on sides where he chair didn’t catch. It dangled just an inch from the floor. I held my bag beside me. As I got adjusted to my seat and finally looked ahead to the front of class. I felt stares as I started to pull out my notebook, pen, and pencil. 🖤
I ignored it and went about my business, by the end of the day I heard whispers of why the things I used were so expensive. They hadn’t seen my phone yet, it’d definitely kill them if just a brand note book had them like this. The day was finally coming to an end, during lunch I stayed in class, afraid of sitting alone, I’d rather be alone and unseen rather than alone and stared at.
I sighed and looked at my bag, class was coming to an end for the day, and Aizawa was standing at front in his sleeping bag. Everyone was talking, some sitting on desks. I pulled out my phone, over a thousand notifications on my public social media’s, my dads manager saying I need to become friendlier with the public because of the appearance the press keeps trying to force onto me.
‘I set up some social media accounts for you just post about your day, make some friends post about them, just show the public you aren’t who they’re trying to make you out to be.’
I scoffed at his words but nodded just agreeing, if it’s for my dad I’d try my best. So here I am switching between accounts and now on public Snapchat scrolling through chats answering a few and adding people back so it feel more ‘personal’
“Do you see that?” I heard a whisper.
“Do you think it’s real?”
“It’s huge! If it’s real it must cost a fortune!”
“Look it up.....”
The room was silent for a minute,
“No way, the company only made a few and they sold for 48.5 million, and that was an IPhone six, that’s literally the newest iPhone, so it ages to be worth double even triple what the six was!”
“Go ask,” “Dude, no you go ask.”
“I’m scared,” “You probably should be.”
The bell rang and I was up and gone, no point in sticking around. I found a stair case, it led up to the roof. I followed it, it was so high. I walked over to the railing, I watched people pour out rushing to dorms or wherever else. I dropped my bag on the gravel floor and reached for my phone in my pocket, I held up my camera to the sun, the sky was turning orange. I took a picture, the sun rays peaking through the clouds.
I waited it out a bit longer, I felt a smile graze my face for the first second time today. My friend was posting on her story pictures we’d taken last year today. We skipped school to go to arcades, she met her boyfriend of one year now, we had boba, bought a bunch of merch, and just stayed out till night had claimed the sky. We walked home, bags in tow, uniforms scrunched up, cheeks sore from laughing and smiling the whole day.
Just as I finished the story I got another notification, a message from her. I opened it it was a video, unknown to us it was my last day at my old High school.
“Awww, I love you!” She hugged me, I hugged her back, “Love your too loser.”
“We’ll be best friends and together forever right?” She smiled as we rocked back in forth in the hug.
“I wouldn’t leave you for the world.” I laughed.
“Well just act like I’m not here,” her boyfriends voice in the background.
“I will, bros before.....hoes.....” she laughed and I smiled shaking my head.
“Come on, ill pay dinner.” I said and the video stopped.
‘You loser 😭 I didn’t feel like crying today, it’s my first day of school.’
‘Then you shouldn’t have left me 😭
‘I didn’t even know 😢’
‘🤔 Mhm, we need to meet up soon, it’s only been a day but I already miss you 😢’
‘Aight Bet.’
‘A challenge? 👀’
‘Saturday the usual? 😎’
‘I accept your invitation.’
The conversation ended and I headed to the dorms. This repeat for the next few days, I met with my friend Saturday and told her about my dads managed, she agreed every weekend we’d meet up and feed the public. After a month of this I was sitting in class minding my business, I cracked a smile at my phone and quickly wiped it away realizing I was still being watched.
“Sooo, (l/n)?” I looked up, the boy everyone called Denki leaning on my desk.
I cocked a brow, “Hm?”
“I’m in need of money, and I’ve been shot down twice, sooo, let’s make a bet a gamble really. If you win I’ll pay you, but if I win you pay me.” He sounded so cocky, I squinted at him brows furrowed.
I reached into my bag bringing out my wallet “I don’t waste time just take a donation.” I pulled out six hundred and handed it over like it was nothing.
“Oh....thanks? I guess it’s easier to pay people off when your loaded,” It sounded more like a joke.
I felt a small smile and pulled out another hundred, “Sometiwms you have to buy friends, it’s sad I know.” I patted fake tears and dropped the money ont he floor.
“But you know what they say,” I held the hundred out to him, “You feel better when you cry in a Ferrari.” I let out a single laugh, and then realized the mistake I made when I smield as he laughed.
“I knew you weren’t completely heartl-” I cut him off,
“Don’t talk about it, I’ll pay you off to never mention it.” He laughed and smiled a hand reaching to the back of his neck.
“Call us friends and you won’t even have to pay me.” He smiled.
“Deal.” I answered.
He opened his phone and held it out, “here add your number.”
I sigehd and added my number, he sent me a message and I saved him number.
“Alright new friend, I’ll see you later.”
He waved and walked off as the bell rang.The next day I was dragged to lunch and sat between Denki and Bakugo. I don’t know what to do, so I just drank water, I tried to talk to Mina when she talked to em but they all seemed so tense except for Denki.This became my schedule for the weeks to come.
“I’m hungry,” I grumbled into my phone.
Denki had FaceTimed me at 2 in the morning.
“Then go eat, nobody’s up except you and me.” He shrugged sitting on his bed under his blanket.
“Alright, I’ll be back. so just stay here.” I propped my phone up he had a view of my room from the prop my phone was on.
“Oooo, even your room looks like it belongs to a rich girl. Definitely fancier then Yaoyorozu’s.” He looked around to see what he could.
“Nice, I’ll be back I’m going to find.... dinner?”
“MKay.” Was all he said as he yawned.
I grabbed my second phone and popped in my AirPods, I started to play my music on shuffle. Making it to the Kitchen I was vibing with my music and getting into it. I started to make a sandwich and doing weird dances. I smiled and finally started to Clean up.The song Falling for you, started to play and for some reason my mind went to a certain blonde. I smield to myself, thinking about him. I fluffed my hair and ran my finger over my lashes. I felt the tips of my hair brushing my bare legs.
I smiled and picked up my sandwich and started a new dance with hip movement when the song Hotel Room Sevrvice came on. I started to turn to walk away stopping when I met familiar eyes.
“So, the edgy princess isn’t who she acts to be.” I swallowed, staring at him, his biceps were huge, especially in that muscle shirt.
I got a message form Denki, I’d given him my second number, “SOMEONES HEADED YOUR WAY!”
“Heeeyyy Bakugo....” I was caught, no point in hiding.
“What are you doing up this late?” He asked unamused.
“Well,” I looked at my sandwich, “I was looking for food but an even better snack walked in.” I winked at him.
He made a grunt.
“No? Not Good enough?” I asked an dlwaned against the counter.
“How about are you a tombstone cause is nat you on top of me,” I did finger guns this time putting my sandwich down.
“Anything better?” He asked his eyes narrowing.
“Are you a sinning ship? Because I really wanna go down on you.....” I didn’t fight back the smile.
I heard him cough, and I smiled as I noticed a very faint blush.
“Want me try again?” I asked with a cheeky smile.
He didn’t answer he just looked at me,
“You can call me a coffin cause I want you be in-“ I couldn’t finsh I looked and licked my top lip, I assume she understood what I meant but wanted to finsh “inside me.”
At that point I forgot my hunger, I was hungry something else, nothing particularly dirty but some attention.
“Well Katsuki,” I casually walked over to him pushing myself into his side tilting my head onto his shoulder and looking up at him. “I know we definitely have a lot of bad reactions, but I say we should experiment with this chemistry we have going on.”
I pulled his left arm from across his chest and held his hand between my palms, “You look like you’d enjoy someone who would totally dominate you.” I pulled back and placed a soft kiss on his shoulder.
“What do you say?” I asked squeezing his arm.
“Yeah right,” he scoffed and looked down at me.
“Come on, from what I’ve heard you wanted to be called a king, I can make you feel like a king.” I nuzzled against his shoulder.
“I’ll give you one date, but after that you’ll just be an extra so you’ll have to stay out of my way.” He said and brushed it off like it was nothing.
“Ill make sure you don’t regret it.” I stretched and kissed his cheek and booked it out of there sandwich in tow.
“YOU WONT BELIEVE IT.” I screamed at Denki who was still on face time.
“Soooooo?” I hugged Bakugo’s waist as the class gathered around in the gym.
Everyone in costume, “You look so fine dressed in your hero uniform.” I said and trailed my hand up the giant gauntlet on his wrist.
“Hm.”He grunted ignoring the stares of disbelief. “Whatever.”
The moment we broke of into our Duos to play an all to competitive game of catch the flag we stopped in the middle of the trading grounds, I was pulled into his chest, his right hand brushing my hair from the top of my head to my lower back. “Your hair is so long,” He mumbled I felt him take a hand full and pull on it, I was weak in the knees almost instantly.
I looked up at him batting my eyelashes, “There you go batting your fake lashes just to distract me.” He grunted.
“I’d agree with you if they’re weren’t real.” I smield and blinked slowly.
“Well aren’t you just gorgeous.” He snarled and he kissed the top of my head
“Now out of my way Extra I’m leading you so don’t leave my side or get in the way.” He stepped aside and looked down at me.
“You and I both know your better at taking Commands. But I’ll play obedient, only for you Katsuki.” I winked at him.
He turned with a growl, “Let’s just go beat that damn nerd.”
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