unfoldingmoments · 10 months
Listening Well
Listening well is not simply hearing the words being said, it’s also feeling the emotions being felt. People usually don’t want solutions as much as they just want to be understood.
What’s one area of your life that you keep trying to “solve” instead of simply understanding? This doesn’t have to necessarily be a relationship either. People try to “solve” their health problems with fad diets, when often they first need to develop an awareness of the emotions that enable the problems in the first place.
In my own life, I’ve often tried to “solve” my creativity by over-planning books and projects, when really I just needed to sit down and create and understand what I was feeling.
Try being a better listener this week—of others, but also of yourself. Don’t just focus on the information, focus on the feeling. Then sit with that feeling. Don’t try to fix it or push it away. Just let it be there and then simply seek to understand why it’s there.
This is Emotional Intelligence 101 and most of us suck at it. - Mark Manson
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injahart · 4 years
Listening More To Love Each Other Better | Podcast Interview with Roman Mironov
Listening More To Love Each Other Better | Podcast Interview with Roman Mironov
Whether you live alone or you’re a part of a small or large household, good communication and healthy relationships are beneficial to us all.
Good communication is important on so many levels but it can be challenging at times. Since we’re all works in progress and any given day has a buffet of variables to test, tempt or build us, some insight from a professional can go a long way.
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This past week @staugyounglifeleaders focused on listening as a core value of being human and our work with teenagers as a mission organization.This article by Bonhoeffer captures the essence and importance of this gift of listening we offer the world around us. #listeningwell #listeningfirst #listeninglong (at Saint Augustine, Florida)
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anthonyfrancismoorman · 11 years
Anthony Francis Moorman is the Producer and Director of "Listening Well" by: Goodbye Gemini.
Goodbye Gemini is the studio project of songwriter/multi-instrumentalist and Hiders keyboardist Kevin Carlisle. The new album features contributions from singer Meredith Hogan and bandmate Billy Alletzhauser. The music reveals many influences, primarily a love for the alternative synth-pop of the late 70's and early 80's.
Director of Photography: Shawn Baird Gaffer: Dave Jared Make Up: Cass Brake Wardrobe by: Monica Skrzelowski Location Person: Amanda Hogan Carlisle
Editor: TIffany Lusht
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