injahart · 4 years
Listening More To Love Each Other Better | Podcast Interview with Roman Mironov
Listening More To Love Each Other Better | Podcast Interview with Roman Mironov
Whether you live alone or you’re a part of a small or large household, good communication and healthy relationships are beneficial to us all.
Good communication is important on so many levels but it can be challenging at times. Since we’re all works in progress and any given day has a buffet of variables to test, tempt or build us, some insight from a professional can go a long way.
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injahart · 4 years
Scheduling While Working From Home (Google Calendar)
Getting any work done lately?
Whether working-from-home is your regular rhythm or it’s a new thing for you, it takes some discipline and mindset-setting to get it done well.
I’m not saying this as a pro, but for 7 years I’ve been working mostly from home, which looks way different from when I was working partially from home. Let’s just say that when I go out, it’s ‘a thing.’
Even though…
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injahart · 4 years
How To Start A Podcast | Checklist & Tech Talk
How To Start A Podcast | Checklist & Tech Talk
Have you been thinking about starting a podcast? Not sure where to start or what’s involved in planning and uploading an episode?
Let’s walk through the prep and maintenance steps together. I made a list for you so here’s how to start a podcast using Anchor.fm
The cool thing about Anchor.fmis it’s a springboard to get on other platforms like iTunes, Stitcher, Google and more. At the moment,…
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injahart · 4 years
A Visit to Community Health Fair | Composting session & more
What do you do with your fruit peels?
Over the weekend, I went to ‘Recycle Haynesville’ – a health-fair, coordinated by Barbados Red Cross, that brought the community together with a family-friendly event on a bright Sunday afternoon.
There was a stall where people could check their blood pressure and sugar, a lady selling natural juices, a sno-cone and popcorn (selling) woman, a community dance…
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injahart · 5 years
4 Things to do without your phone, while waiting in line
What do you do while waiting in line? What did we do before traveling with your phone (a mini-computer) in your purse of pocket was a thing, and why do we do it?
Restlessness? The awareness that we can actually now talk to others, hop on social media, write and publish a blog post AND take care of business tasks while standing amidst a congaline of strangers? What do you think?
First of all, all…
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injahart · 5 years
Art takes time…
…so does building and maintaining a business, and sometimes it’s easy to get carried away with one or both when you’re riding an inspirational wave, taking care of client work while forgetting to tend to your own personal growth, walking through a challenging season, chasing dollars, busy being busy, or scrolling away absently.
We’re not meant to live as a hostage to time.
It’s a precious gift we’re given to make full and good use of…while we have it.
What I learned from running a 24hr vocal studio while travelling frequently:
Every time I’ve upped the pace to racing around constantly like a hummingbird, the punks that are migraines try to elbow in, my breathing becomes shallow, artistry flutters and thrill of the pace and left-brain workout quickly start to fuel my ego like “wow, cool am I?” Still a work-in-progress…
Really? Even though I know I am nothing without God and every good and perfect gift is from Him – The Ultimate (and First) Artist and Creator – let’s not get it twisted or ‘forget.’
Every magnificent sunset, beautiful flower, rushing river and rolling wave is a reminder and evidence of Creation.
Working hard is one thing; that’s not what I mean in this case. It’s in those rushed moments…a part of me starts to miss the pen, the book, the keys, the mic, my guitar and the canvas…and those treasured moments that come with the creative process…
But when (amidst all the planning, action and admin activity that goes into managing a business) I purposely carve out to time to breathe…to be…still…then move with purpose…to make art through words, visuals and song for others, my mindset, business and attitude are refreshed and revived.
writing time
It’s important that we not beat ourselves up – motivate and encourage ourselves (and others), yes – but not berate and belittle. That’s when the negative thoughts and acid self-talk can try to shove their foul foot through the door and seep through the walls of our minds. No sah!
How about you?
What’s your best life tempo and aspiration for your creative career?
Please try not to attach any emotion to it right this minute so there’s no urge to compare the now to the ‘one day.’ And no need to share here, but take a breath at a quiet time to consider how you can nurture your gifts while tending to your business, harmonizing the two to a tempo you can enjoy dancing to.
Ciao for now!
Was this a refreshing read? Share it to encourage a friend today.
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hand lettering
paintings on wood
one of a kind designs
Art Takes Time {Encouragement For The Creative Entrepreneur} Art takes time... ...so does building and maintaining a business, and sometimes it's easy to get carried away with one or both when you're riding an inspirational wave, taking care of client work while forgetting to tend to your own personal growth, walking through a challenging season, chasing dollars, busy being busy, or scrolling away absently.
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injahart · 5 years
Freelancer WorkWeek - Blogging, Beach, Bridgetown & Music Biz Meeting
Freelancer WorkWeek – Blogging, Beach, Bridgetown & Music Biz Meeting
Hiya, it’s about that time – here’s a NEW Freelancer WorkWeek video for you. If you are an aspiring entrepreneur, a creative business owner who’d like to click refresh on your work approach or a travel fan of Barbados, there’s something for you in today’s post.
As I type this, the first raindrops on the west coast of Barbados have begun. There’s a tropical storm warning on and it’s 10:06pm. The…
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injahart · 5 years
Don't Wait For Things To Be Perfect For You To Be Proactive - Part 2 {Video}
Don’t Wait For Things To Be Perfect For You To Be Proactive – Part 2 {Video}
Hiya; hope your day started on a bright note and blossoms into a sweet song.
By special request, one of top posts (and podcast episodes) here on ‘Joy within‘ now has a Part 2 in video format – not because I’m an expert in this area at all, but because it relates to a part of my personal quest in life…growing in gratitude by grace each day.
Yes, that does sound a bit flowery in a…
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injahart · 5 years
Growing In Gratitude Wherever We're Planted {Video}
Growing In Gratitude Wherever We’re Planted {Video}
Hi there, in today’s video post I’m sharing two things:
a bit on my quest to grow in gratitude daily
an invitation to join the joy journey and hop on the thankfulness train starting right where you are
As I mentioned a few times here and on IG, this blog started in a tough season when seeds of ingratitude were sprouting in my mind. Compelled to discover more about Barbados– the island (through…
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injahart · 5 years
Q & A - Freelancing, Group Organization & Tapping Into Passive Income {Video}
Q & A – Freelancing, Group Organization & Tapping Into Passive Income {Video}
Hi there, in today’s post and video we’re tending to 3 questions that came in about:
Moving from being an employee to an entrepreneur
Coordinating a group to successfully complete an assignment
Growing from starving artist to thriving creative entrepreneur
Viewing tip: replies to questions are at these points in the video so you can scroll to the answer that’s most relevant to you or someone you…
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injahart · 5 years
Be Your Sisters' Keeper by Tarryn Leigh {Guest Post}
Be Your Sisters’ Keeper by Tarryn Leigh {Guest Post}
It’s a fresh new season in the ‘Celebrate A Sister‘ series and our first guest for 2019 joins us from Zimbabwe. Tinaye (ishe) Tarryn Leigh is the founder of ‘Rhema‘ an encouragement and devotional group for women and today we carved out time to record this podcast episode for you.
Sis, you’re gonna wanna make a cup of tea or coffee, get your journal and a pen, or just close your eyes, listen with…
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