#listening to spotify and it gave me a noah kahan song
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another vent bc the universe is testing me lately (cw disordered eating and just general negativity bc i’m going through it)
i am so anxious!!! i’ve been taking my meds!!! but my third year starts this month and idk wtf i’m doing w my life!!
why am i studying art i don’t even have a consistent art style; but i don’t have ANYTHING else i could possible do
my gender is going bonkers and i wanna kinda transition but i just want to be more androgynous but idk how i could do that and i’m not even out to my parents and idk if i ever will be bc my dad is Not an ally to trans ppl but i love him so much and he loves me so much but idk if he’d still love me the same if i came out to him
there’s drama in my friend group and two of my close friends aren’t friends anymore and it’s been a while coming but it still sucks and idk what to do bc i love them both sm but i am so on one side bc the other is so in the wrong but idk how to tell her without her getting mad
i still haven’t made an appt to see the surgeon ab my cyst and im so anxious ab it bc i hate medical things and it’s been making my arm sore (which happens when i think ab needles usually but it hasn’t happened in a while and i hate the sensation so much it’s so fucking scary)
my psychiatrist hasn’t responded to me email bc a prescription bc i’m almost out of one of the pills i take and im stressed
i think i’ve gained weight and i’m trying so hard to not be upset and to be neutral ab my body and how i look but my new apartment has a full size mirror and i can’t help but analyze myself in it; i changed my outfit three times today bc i hated how i looked in two different pairs of pants (one of them i wear fairly often and now i never want to wear them again even though they’re so comfy i hated how they looked today)
i’m trying to eat consistently but all of the above with my anxiety is fucking up my appetite and i do not want to go through all of this again i was doing so well this summer
i’ve been so spacey and i do not feel real lately but everything just feels so heavy and i am so fucking tired
and usually when i feel particularly Heavy i just watch community or buzzfeed unsolved or a documentary or something while i write or draw so i’m preoccupied and thinking ab too many things to think ab what’s upsetting me but laptop kicked it (getting a new one this weekend 🎊) and my tv is frozen and won’t even turn off (it faces my bed and is quite bright i might have to cover it w a blanket; which makes me anxious bc it feels like a fire risk) (also i’m gonna have to go to reception tomorrow and tell them and i don’t want to be my social anxiety has been going ham lately and i’m just UGH)
anyway i am very tired and i cannot wait to go home this weekend and see my parents and my dog (i have a dentist appt and i’m trying not to think about it) and i just want to go to sleep
#i think my period might start soon#listening to spotify and it gave me a noah kahan song#the universe rly just wants to see me break doesn’t she#just me talking
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1, 2, 9, 14, 19, 25 for the spotify wrapped asks!!!
1: Catchiest song
i'd give this to #18: Bad Day by Charlotte Sands. the chorus is fun and the beat punctuates it really well. it captures an emotion i am very familiar with (i'm upset right now and you can't make me feel better) and i've found it popping into my head when i'm in that sort of mood which a) helps surprisingly much and b) supports it's catchiness
2: A song you didn't expect to see in your top 10
i'm a little surprised by #6: every word by Animal Sun. of the four songs from them in my top 100 it's the one i discovered the latest, and i really like it but wouldn't've guessed it'd be so high.
9: Favourite lyrics of your #1 song
Make me bleed if you need to confirm that it's something I can do And I'll paint it red If you're still unsure, let me lie for a day Before they formally announce me dead When I'm gone, cast the bronze for the bust of my head To be displayed in the library Engrave that I gave my consent To be anything that anyone prefer I be
specifically it's that last line that speaks to my heart, but i think the context of the chorus as a whole is important to that.
14: A song you think is underrated
Like A Child by Mother Mother (#31). fun fact, MM was my #3 artist this year but only two songs made it into the top 100. i have a deep love for their music in general, and there are more songs i listen to, but this is one that's been resonating with me the most recently and i think it's a bit of a hidden gem based on streaming numbers compared to others on its album.
i feel like this song represents something important for me about where i am in terms of healing. the Mother Mother songs i listened to in high school was largely about depression and anger and struggle. songs like All Gone or Happy or Body or Burning Pile. then in 2018 they released It's Alright (and the rest of Dance and Cry), which timing-wise was around when i was starting to put myself back together and figure out who i was as an adult, with the ability to make my own choices. and now, Like A Child feels like a acknowledgement of progress. and importantly, a recognition that having an unhappy childhood or growing up too fast doesn't mean you can never go back. it won't be the same, but engaging with childlike wonder and joy even as an adult is still a powerful thing.
MM has a lot of bangers, but this one deserves more love imo
19: Is the most streamed song by your favourite artist your favourite of them?
now this is a hard question because it says favorite artist not top artist. which means i need to pick. i think i'd probably have to say Raynes or Noah Kahan- if it's Raynes, maybe? top song by them was Cast the Bronze at #1 and i do love it, but Second Thought (#7) might be my favorite so i'm not sure. if it's Noah Kahan it's an easy no- my favorite by him is Homesick, which was #2 last year and #21 this year. but my most streamed this year was Catastrophize at #3.
also fun fact: in the artist message for top listeners Noah Kahan called us out for having gone through "something traumatic" and said "if you're an emotionally stable person and you're listening, i would consider listening to something else" which. yeah. if it was not clear already the theme of my music listening seems to be "childhood trauma" (but in like. a normal healthy it's just a part of who i am way)
25: Favourite lyrics of your #100 song
I just turned 14 And I think this year I'm gonna be mean
for this one it's definitely this specific line and doesn't need the surrounding lines for context. i've seen this song getting clowned on more recently for being written by a trans man cringe which is weird cause it's good. i think it's interesting from a personal gender perspective because i relate to it on vibes more than actual matching experience. kind of like how mountain goats songs are somehow the most relatable when they're about hyperspecific characters in hyperspecific situations. distilled emotion or whatever.
anyways i had a lot of anger as a kid and tended to bottle it up and then explode. i also have a lot of baggage about being "nice" because it feels like a box i was put into very early on and never allowed to leave. one of the biggest healing things for me has been allowing myself to feel anger, embracing the idea of being mean, and especially in the context of being a kid.
"i think this year i'm gonna be mean." as a teenager i never knew where the anger came from. like, i knew immediate causes, but it took moving out for college to realize just how much living with my family was fucking me up on the daily. so like. idk, the idea of just. deciding to be mean. not for any reason. i just am. it's relatable.
Ask Game Here
thank you for the ask!!
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"On Repeat" playlist tag game
Thanks, @the-road-betwixt for tagging me to shuffle my on repeat playlist. I am a weirdo musician who doesnt listen to enough music tbh and i hate spotify so i try not to use it. lets see what pops up on my youtube history. i will also be That Girl that links everything and has a fuckin paragraph sorry, so tldr readmoreing tagging @averseunhinged bc i am quite certain you will have bands ive never heard of, same with @retoxdiet, @gemleilou and anyone who i tagged in here as reference and hasnt done it, and @notquitecogent bc hi! i liked that song that gave you kastle vibes and im curious (no pressure to anyone)
Holding a Heart - Todd Wright. ha @purplesigebert and @kirythestitchwitch this is from Fang Fridays because tvd uses another version of this song and i was lucky enough to grow up listening to the og
X Out - Extreme. I loved them when i was 15. The lead singer was so kind to me when i met him and told him my music dreams. there's something compelling and eerie about this track but it's probs nostalgia
When You Get to Asheville (Bright Star soundtrack) - my fave from the musical
Grace - Jeff Buckley. Never be over this album.
How We Operate - Gomez listened to this like 15 times in a row lmao
555 - Jimmy Eat World. definitely a change of pace for them style wise but melodically it's classic them and it makes my heart warm and ache at the same time.
Mia Resurrected - Cristobal Tapia de Veer. Huge fan since Utopia, but i think the humans soundtrack is my fave.
Your Needs, My Needs - Noah Kahan i thank @carry-the-sky for this one. god the last minute or so just kills me every time.
Parade - Heypenny idk something about this being fun but creepy at the same time is just a cool vibe
Cantus in Memory of Benjamin Britten - Arvo Part. Music always reminds me of times and places and ill never forget this coming on on a mix CD i made on a long drive and i just burst into tears in a cathartic way.
IM ADDING AN 11th FOR Fingers - Chinchilla (live). i watched this an unhealthy amount of times
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tag game wednesday :>
thank u for the tagss @creepkinginc @energievie @lingy910y @such-a-barbarian @mickeysgaymom @transmickey @golden28s @ardent-fox @milkovichrules i love doing these!
name: laurel🌿
last song you listened to: killer by phoebe bridgers🫣
artist on Spotify giving you the feels right now: noah kahan forever and always, boygenius forever and always
fave Blorbo Moment: such a difficult question... i mean i have an entire multiple-page document about him so... i'll just go season-by-season
s1 - "thought you were working today... i'll meet you there in twenty" orrr "i like 'em sweet" like okay girl omg
s2 - the eyes he gave ian while he was shotgunning the beer in the dugout (he's a slut)
s3 - him making little pizza rolls with his oven-mitt an the snacks and drinks he got for his date with ian someone sedate me
s4 - of course of course of course the cop-car-coming-out-scene (could cry thinking about it)
s5 - "sorry i'm late"
s6 - *internal screaming*
s7 - "whatcha doin' here then?" orrrr "you ever think about me?" (he just wants to be loved no one touch me)
s10 - "i definitely love one" orrr "you're so sensitive" (bc it happened it's canon it literally happened i was there)
s11 - oh nothing just him planning that whole party that was entirely based off of the theme of their wedding and recruiting all of he and ian's loved ones without ian knowing a single thing about it.... or "get it yourself, bitch...fuck are you gonna do?" like he ate
your guilty pleasure snack: i will eat seventeen entire bags of salt & vinegar chips
what food are you craving today: chipotle
last fanfic tab you opened: only one of my fav one-shots ever that i reread literally all the time - “so collect your scars and wear them well” by tinyinkstaunedbird
favorite fic project you've created: that’s hard hmmm prob “nothin’ bad” on ao3 or “michellan star pizza rolls” or “mother-hen mode” on ao3 orrrr my “pretty-huh?” ficlet on tumblr heheh
next tattoo you want (or would consider if you're not a tattoo person): i have a whole list muahaha
what's living in your head rent free this week: lots of the bear this week... need them to come back to me
i'm superrrr behind but i'll tag some peeps anyways @mickeyheartian @gallawitchxx @heymrspatel @michellemisfit @vintagelacerosette @scurvgirl @deathclassic @jademickian @stocious @auds-and-evens
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seeing the smau fics going around gave me an idea to do a similar thing but with their Spotify y’know? which is obviously going to take a lot of time but i wanted your opinion on what Sam’s music taste would be. so far i have mitski/sad girl music, or indie? i’m leaning more towards the sad girl music. the obvious choice would be country or something but i hate country music with a blazing passion so i’m not doing that. my friend told me he looks like he listens to ayesha erotica 💀 that’s honestly kinda valid but anyways what are your thoughts?
@just-be-the-cowboy HEHEHE OMG I LOVE THAT IDEAAA if i can figure out how to format that i might steal that idea if i have permission cuz i LOVE IT !!
hehe sad girl music FACTS LMAO i don't listen to a ton of mitski/sad girl music but i can so see what you mean!! i think we would listen to it, it feels like sooo younger sam vibes especially.
i actually don't think he'd love country tbh, esp earlier 2000s country because it's often about stupid shit like trucks and being misogynistic and i don't think that's his vibe tbh HAHA ik that's an over generalization but i also hate country and even if he looks sort of like he likes country when he wears boots, jeans, and flannels exclusively, i think he's far more tasteful LOL sorry people who like country :) i think he does like a select few songs from the genre because they can be good sometimes. like he'd like country from women not men if he did. play picture to burn by taylor swift and before he cheats by carrie underwood HAHA he's a girls girl!!
but! that being said, i think he might like some country adjacent things like american folk!! from here on out i am 100% projecting my own music taste onto sam so disclaimer for that LOL. i love the idea of sad girl music sam, but since i know more indie better, that's what i think he'd like. specifically indie folk, some indie rock, and ofc indie folk rock LOL. i think in terms of artists (once again, just projecting my own taste), he'd like hozier, noah kahan, sea wolf, maybe some vampire weekend, and other random folky indie artists! i don't think he loves the more pop-ish indie that's more popular these days, but he wouldn't mind it! he also might like shoegaze?
and he'd be interested in music from other languages because of how much he likes learning new things. maybe he'd be into indie japanese music? i think that's a pretty cool music scene that he might like. in season 12 he also canonically likes the vince vincente music which was like 80s rock i think?? so he probably likes similar stuff. he probably also listens to classical music LOL which actually i think is so valid. he might like jazz too, begin challenge do you think i could make sam like laufey LOL
idk so yeah obviously this is really just me projecting because that's basically my music taste outside of kpop and i don't think he'd like that LOL he'd be fascinated by that music industry tho haha. but my excuse for projecting is that i think it's kinda accurate anyways and sam is basically me! he's so masc lesbian so ofc he likes my masc lesbian music LMAO
i don't even know about ayesha erotica BUT THAT'S SO FUNNY TO ME HAHA not sure if older sam would but stanford and early seasons sam was that kind of cunty sooooo what can i even say LOL
#THANK YOU FOR THIS ASK HEHE I LOVED ANSWERING SO I COULD PROJECT MY MUSIC TASTE ON HIMMM#huge sam loving hozier proponent#and noah kahan#he cried to noah kahan HAHA#anywayssss i'd try to make him like my other music like some kpop#and the marias and my spanish music#i think he'd like indie spanish and ballads#OH I ALSO HAVE A HEADCANON THAT HE'D LOVE SELENA QUINTANILLA HEHEHE#he learns the lyrics to amor prohibido by heart <3#once again i am projecting but idk#dean is a shakira girlie and sam is a selena girlie LMAO#. >> asks !#. >> mooties ౨ৎ !#. >> jace ౨ৎ !
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Hi! For your song ask :)
OK - I freaking LOVED This. Like loved it! This is totally the rock singer-songwriter vibe that I am into. Loved the melody, loved his voice, and the lyrics gave me a little "Noah Kahan Canadian Style" vibe, which I'm totally here for. I listened to this three times lol
Love this lyric:
Ear full of music just when I need it Your soul won't sing unless you bleed it
I've never heard of him before, but I just tagged him on Spotify. I know what I'm checking out at work tomorrow. Thanks for introducing me to him!
Send me a song.
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probablyahazards album compilation for sad little losers
i was tagged by the lovely @nuclear-cowboy to give the 4 albums I listen to alot!!! I’m one of those people who doesn’t really listen to full albums, my soul picks a little song to make my whole personality that month and then I just play it on repeat

Shut In by Pigeon Pit - I have recommended this album to literally all of my friends. This album was my first introduction to Pigeon Pit for me when i was around 15? and every song I've listened to has branded itself onto my soul.
Stick Season by Noah Kahan - This is a more recent addition to my little musical menagerie, however no less than half this album is on my 'if these songs arent on my spotify wrapped in suing' playlist so i think it counts. I could go on forever about this album so lets just leave it at when the delux version drops I'll be off losing my mind in a corner
Pebble Brain by Lovejoy - Yes, i know I'm basic and sad. shut up. there are a lot of reasons i love this album, but the one imma put here is that i graduated high school the year this album dropped. To this day me and my friend cry at the chorus to model blues because that shit hits different when you're leaving school and are scared of the future.
The Tower (Original Podcast Soundtrack) by Tin Can Audio - Now this one might be cheating a little but i dont care hehe. my go to 'the thoughts are too loud again time for some background music' playlist. the track 'Funny Ideas About Eternity' is absolutely the soundtrack to my dreams. this podcast is also very good if you wanna go give it a listen.
Honorable Mentions!!
Your City Gave Me Asthma by Wilbur Soot - again I'm basic and sad, expect nothing from me. but this album is actually really good.
The entire discography of The Mechanisms - it would absolutely be cheating to put all of their music on here and i can't pick a favorite.
Both the Hollowknight and Coraline Soundtracks - apparently i have a thing for soundtrack ablums but these are both top teir and are absolutely being used for dnd
Music For The Climb by Tin Can Audio - there are 4 different albums for The Tower, either companion albums or as the actual music from the show, but these 2 are definitely my favourites.
I'm tagging @shyghostgrrl and anyone else who wants too!!
#this was actually really fun#a nice little project to do#theres so much good music out there guys#losing my mind a little#......#having looked back on my answers im screaming a little#ive found the throughline but we're ignoring it#anyways#hazardramblings#screaming into the tumblr void#ignore ignore ignore
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For the spotify wrapped thing, 42, 5, and 25
Thank you for the ask these numbers gave some good songs :3
5. Songbird - Ferester
Fun fact, while my now husband and I eloped we did have a little reception with family back in September and this was our ‘first’ dance song. It’s all just a good song, alongside Renegades on Borrowed Time.
25: Northern Attitude - Noah Kahan ft Hozier
Listen, sometimes I just want to listen to Noah Kahan and inject the New England vibes straight into my veins when I miss it up there. It gives me hiking in the mountains vibes, it gives me go to the flannel store in Woodstock, Vermont vibes. It gives me “stop telling me I say roof weird and that I don’t say Missouri right’ vibes.
42: Labour - Paris Paloma
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Spotify: 2 & 7!
2. Hold It Down by Noah Kahan - This was on my Closing playlist for when I had the 10 PM shift at World Market, and its...gentle resilience gave me a sense of grace at a time when everything in my life was chaotic (ironically, my life felt less chaotic AFTER covid hit). I can practically feel the dusty bottles of Decoy Sonoma Cabernet Sauvignon beneath my fingertips.
7. Mausoleum by Seryn - I’ve listened to this song so many times that I’d forgotten how good it is. The frantic main strum with a barely-there bass just when it counts, and then that soaring, screaming chorus that shakes something loose in your chest.
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