#listen to jews
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ind1g3n0us-lev1t3 · 1 year ago
“A lot of Jewish money is at the top of the tree,” say anti-Israel protesters
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hilacopter · 1 year ago
conflating diaspora jews with the actions of the israeli government is not okay, yes, but have you considered it's not okay to conflate israeli jews with them either
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gingerswagfreckles · 7 months ago
It's crazy how a completely random gentile can just lie and say "this Jew who talks about antisemitism on the left is a Zionist" and everyone just goes oh ok thanks and then dismisses everything you've said forever no matter how well thought out your posts are or how many hours you spend citing primary source evidence. And no matter how much you say you're not a Zionist everyone is just like ok well you're a slimy lying Jew and the person who accused you is a noble gentile 🤨 who should I really believe about your own political opinions?? And then they go back to not reading the news and spreading conspiracy theories about hostages writing their captors thank you letters and Spotify Wrapped being a Jewish Plot. 🙄🙄🙄🙄
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queerandpagan · 2 years ago
When I say that hearing actual Jewish people discussing the "Dybbuk Box" was the nail in the coffin for me in terms of Very Popular ghost shows I'm being literal.
I cannot look at that EdgeLord of a culture vulture anymore. Because he's still out here touting the og box was the real deal. While, unwitting or not, perpetuating incredibly antisemitic ideas.
Have you heard of Dybbukim?
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shalom-iamcominghome · 24 days ago
I usually say that my judaism looks like conservative judaism since that's what is closest to what I do (and want to do), and also about my general beliefs... but if I'm honest, my judaism is just a tapestry filled with every little thing I adore about judaism. My rabbi described it as a smorgasbord, and that's true, as well, but in reality, I see my judaism as nothing but love
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anshelsgendercrisis · 1 year ago
yesterday i watched a youtube recording of a class from the 2022 piyyut global workshop and something one of the facilitators said really struck me. he was talking abt all the people he’s studied with and said “it’s important to learn from these people because they are the last teachers.” they’re the last generation who lived in vibrant jewish communities in places like morocco and iraq and understood the cultural context of these piyyutim, the last who really experienced firsthand what it meant to be a moroccan jew or an iraqi jew, because for the children and grandchildren of mizrahi jewish refugees, all they have left is the experiences of their elders. and it made me think of ppl claiming to care abt mizrahi jews in one breath then advocating for “cultural and educational boycotts” of israel in another. when the only place a lot of these cultures really exist anymore, when the only people who can really teach about them, are in israel and you are saying not to listen to them, that they don’t matter, you’re sentencing those cultures to death.
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mossadspypigeon · 2 months ago
if the minority of jumblr that posts about how antisemitism isnt THAT BAD irl and that “you wont notice antisemitism if you have an in person jewish community” could shut the fuck up…that would be great.
a. you are victim blaming. if people want to complain about bigotry they are affected by in a semi safe space, or at least a space specified for their community, that is their right.
b. so glad you dont experience irl antisemitism, but most of us do. antisemitic hate crime rates ARE SO FUCKING HIGH FOR A REASON. clearly most of us are experiencing this!!! just because you dont in your bubble doesn’t mean your experience is universal.
(the frum people posting this: your communities are disproportionately affected by these hate crimes because you are the most visible of our people so lmao get a grip asap please. tell that to the chabad houses and ORTHODOX shuls burnt down this year )
c. you sound like an asshole. many jews in diaspora don’t have communities where they live. they don’t have frum or other types of jewish communities. even their chabad house is too far. what they have is online. and that is valid.
so please, shut the fuck up.
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hilacopter · 1 year ago
at this point when I read free palestine or see a watermelon emoji in someone's bio I go "are you free palestine as in innocent gazan civilians don't deserve to be massacred and peace is the solution to the conflict or are you free palestine as in hamas are freedom fighters and the solution is getting rid of the isnotrealis". I wish I had the power to instantly know which one it is so I know whether I'm looking at a person who wants me dead or not.
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hindahoney · 2 years ago
Unapologetic and opinionated Jews please know I love you
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antigoneikk · 7 months ago
inspired by @sea-changed 's post.
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shalom-iamcominghome · 5 months ago
I had a really nice discussion (almost two hours long in my car that was hot!) with my rabbi. As some background, he's kind of a naturalist/hippie kind of character. He started out our meeting with deep breathing and meditation, to illustrate this.
So, the interesting thing he said was about Rosh Hashanah and Tu BeShvat. It went something like...
"When the leaves fall, we celebrate the new year. Our own leaves fall as we shed our old habits and the things we choose to leave behind, and we enter the hibernation of winter to reflect. It's the new year for ourselves. Once the leaves bud again with leaves, we celebrate the new year with trees just as we ourselves wake up and rejuvenate to dedicate ourselves to growth. We are connected with everything in nature, with the trees around us as we continue to live"
I don't know, there's something about connecting ourselves with nature that I really love about judaism. We are not an island - we cannot survive alone. We need each other, we need nature, we need g-d, we need to live. And that's what I love so much.
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mumpsetc · 1 year ago
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And the Song Said Lets Be Happy
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lizbethborden · 20 days ago
When Elon seig heil'd at the inauguration, I saw bewildered posts #onhere sputtering about "why aren't Jews talking about THIS," in a sort of self-defensive way from those charming antisemites who think it's praxis to reblog blood libel.
Having spoken to a Jewish mutual about this, what I'm wondering is if, well--first, let me get it out of the way: antisemites are not seeing "Jews" talking about things because they have long since been blocked by Jewish people and/or have never or rarely sought out places to find Jewish output, such as the jumblr tag. (Moreover, posts specifically about Jewish issues usually hit a ceiling; from my own experience, I have had several feminist posts go my version of viral here (a couple hundred notes) within the past week-2, while generally speaking people do not interact with my posts about Judaism and antisemitism.)
The other part, the actual insight, is this: this kind mutual (who I will @ if they are comfortable with it, but I don't want to assume) and I chatted about how we could understand our grandparents and great-grandparents having to go on with their lives essentially in the shadow of their own doom, because it's what we've had to do. And frankly, Jewish people have been doing that for significantly longer than the rest of the US population at large. Everybody else is simply calibrating to where Jewish people have been for a long time as we watched pro-Palestinian activists dox hundreds of Jews in Australia, an organized "Jew Hunt" in Amsterdam become rewritten as noble Dutch activists heroically defending Palestine against evil Israeli soccer fans, an American university become plastered with "wanted" posters of Jewish faculty, and people just walk up to random Jews and stab them yelling "Free Palestine."
(And much of this before everyone and their wannabe leftist cynicism, disinformation campaigns, latent and in some case blatant racism, etc and so on voted back in the guy that said of the Charlottesville Neo-Nazi rally, where white men chanted "Jews will not replace us," that there were "fine people on both sides".)
I will repeat my main point. If you are only now feeling bewildered, out of your depth, terrified, confused as to how you can get up each day, put your shoes on and go outside, go to your job, your class, shop for groceries, cook your meals, all the while a massive shadow falls ever more heavily onto you--you are just catching up to where Jewish people have been for a long-ass time. And simply put, you haven't been paying attention. That's your own fault lol sorry bout it
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crimsonender · 4 days ago
Im not a religious person but I do think we can learn a lot from religious teachings in the same way we should study philosophy through the ages and older ideas about psychology, all with an academically critical and thoughtful lens. As an atheist I would happily sit down and listen to a Jewish person lecture me about their culture and religious views. And of course I would like to capture a Catholic under a jar and study them like a bug.
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angrybell · 6 months ago
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This is the most Kapo thing I’ve seen yet. “Let’s vote for Kamala because she’s made brisket”.
Completely ignoring that when the rubber hit the road, she backed the pro-Hamas protesters harassing Jews on campuses. When it came time to pick her people for outreach tot he Jewish and Arab communities, she chose an antizionist Jew and an Arab who has tried to strip Jewish students of their constitutional civil rights on campus.
This is a remarkable moment. Why? Because so many Jews seem ready to vote for someone who is closer to Father Coughlin than Joe Lieberman.
Voting for Kamala Harris is voting for someone who has chosen to ally themselves with people who hate us. Just because you’ve always voted Democrat and your parents have always voted Democrat, doesn’t mean that you should vote Democrat in this election. Harris is dangerous.
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hilacopter · 9 months ago
sometimes I think "how tf do hamasniks still believe they're not being antisemitic when we jews have explicitly told them over the past eight months that they're denying our history and supporting a terrorist organisation that wants to wipe us out" but then I remember uneducated token jews exist, along with fakers like jvp and unhinged cults like the neutrei karta.
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