#listen its a great bag but i just. i am a bit ashamed anytime i have to go out with that bag and that side is showing.
autism-corner · 9 months
wait having a favourite colour is awesome i can just. make stuff yellow.
0 notes
yuto-non · 5 years
Ready Player 8 pt. 2 (M)
Pairing: Xu Minghao x Readeer
Word Count: 5.2k
Warnings: Dom!Minghao, thigh riding, situations without obvious consent, a lot of nerdy game stuff, breath play
Summary: Night two of the world finals heats up more with you and Minghao
A/n: I really love this fic, even if it doesn’t do as well as my others! It’s a lot of fun to write. Also SORRY ABOUT THE AMOUNT OF PLOT. I LOVE PLOT.
Your phone buzzed beside your head, alerting you to its presence. You didn’t even have to look to know it was Mingyu. He always woke up earlier than necessary, and since he was up, he felt both you and Wonwoo should be too. You grabbed your phone and groaned into it.
“Good morning to you, too.” Mingyu snarled at your lack of effort. He droned on about having to get up, something about this competition you were at, and other words, some of which involved food. You were too tired to completely focus on the words being said to you. You blindly nodded to no one at his speech, but it didn’t take Mingyu long to realize nothing he said was sticking. “Fine, just meet up downstairs in 15.” And he hung up. He knew what battles to fight, and waking you up early was not one of them. Especially when, unknown to Mingyu, you stayed up way later than you should have, alcohol slipping through your system and Minghao running through your mind. You couldn’t turn the thoughts of the night at the club off in your head. You could still feel his arms around you, you could still feel the burning need between your legs, and you swear you could smell that musky sweet cologne he wore. The night was not easy for you, sleep barely came, but you came plenty. Despite your valiant efforts to release the tension, you were more wound up than ever. You tossed your cover off dramatically and forced yourself out of bed. What would it be like to see him today? Well, unfortunately, you could not avoid him, as all participating contestants had to meet downstairs to have breakfast and begin matches for the day.
After prying yourself from the heaven that was bed, and putting on your team jersey and some jeans, you gave your best attempt to fix your hair. Normally, you wouldn’t really care to try and look nice, you were just playing video games, but now you had bubbling nerves in your stomach from a certain someone. A few attempts later, you settled on the best it was going to get. Your phone buzzed again, indicating a text from Mingyu, who was trying to hurry you up. The boys were already downstairs, waiting for your arrival. You rolled your eyes at his sassy text, and grabbed your bag and key before heading out. You’re ashamed at the times you had forgotten your key in the past, so you held onto it for dear life as you closed the door behind you. Just as you stepped out the door and began to turn down the hall, the corner of your eyes caught the infamous three, one of which was the worst of them all. Minghao. The man that had tortured you through the night, sent you back to your hotel soaked and confused, was making his way towards you. Of course, being the starstruck awkward person you are, you froze, hand still on your door handle, and staring down the three in their approach. Minghao somehow managed to look spectacular. His hair was hidden underneath a tye-dye bucket hat, which..on anyone else, you may question this choice..but On Minghao, it just made him look stylish and mysterious all in one. He wore his team, jersey, but paired it with ripped blue jeans, perfect black shoes, and a goddamn belt, again. You wanted him to do so many things to you with these belts he continually wore.
Your imagination was running wild as you were snapped from your own mind by the sound of Hoshi’s voice. “Well, hello gamer girl. You ready to lose today?” He teased, sending you an evil wink with his words. You wanted to spit back something at him, but words did not come as you tried to casually play off your heart beating in your throat. Minghao and Dino giggled at your awestruck look, but Minghao went further, locking eyes with you and biting his lip as the trio swept past you, leaving you shaking in their dust. Your body felt so tense, and you released the air you had been holding in your chest. You couldn’t let Minghao get to your head..Mingyu! Wonwoo! They were waiting.
“Fuck.” You cursed under your breath and took off down the hallway, running past the evil three to make it to the elevator before they could intrude. Mingyu would ring you apart if you were late. You bit your lip and took a deep breath, safe inside the elevator. You needed to focus, Minghao was in the other bracket, so hopefully you wouldn’t have to see much of him today.
You just had to keep telling yourself that, so you did. You stepped out of the elevator and ran through the crowd, throwing sorries around to people as you swung past them, pushing yourself skillfully between bodies to reach Wonwoo and Mingyu. Mingyu looked annoyed, and Wonwoo looked like he couldn’t care less. Pretty standard. “Finally. Thought we were down a member.” Mingyu threw the words at you with a bit of poison behind them. You knew Mingyu didn’t mean it - he just got very stressed in these situations. You gave him a smile, which he returned.
“I’m sorry, I promise, I am here now, and my head is in the game. I shouldn’t drink so much!” You laughed it off, and gestured for them to follow you as you headed backstage to get some food. Breakfast was first, in which the staff would take the time to go over the schedule. You all found your marked seats, and began to work on the food laid out in front of you. You didn’t realize how hungry you were until you took the first bite. The food tasted incredible, and it was nice to finally relax. You continued to eat while the staff members took attendance and went over rules. The first match of the day would be between you and another team that you’ve fought plenty of times before. Your team would usually come out on top when matched against this team, to no fault of their own, your composition just fared better when matched against theirs. Needless to say, you weren’t overly worried, and it was nice to begin the competition against a team you knew you had a great shot against. The staff let you and the opposing team know when you were allowed on stage, and the time limit you had to situate your computer and settings. They also were great in reminding you all multiple times that this competition was the world finals and being streamed to millions of viewers. You swear you stopped breathing anytime this was brought up. Stage fright was a real thing, but it was not something that needed to emerge right now.
You opted to not listen to the rest of the spiel, and wasted your time fiddling around with games on your phone while talking to Wonwoo. Wonwoo was always good about distracting you when you were nervous. A few games and many laughs later, the staff was done with tormenting you, and you were able to carry on. Mingyu ushered you both to get up - apparently now was your time to go setup your computer. You might’ve known that if you had payed more attention. The three of you rose from your chairs and grabbed your bags. A quick glance over at your arch rivals was all it took to realize Minghao had his gaze locked onto you, undressing you with his eyes and doing only God knows what else. His eyes trailed every inch of you, his dark orbs showing no emotion beyond pure need for you. You could feel the fire ignite in your stomach, but you turned on your heel and quickly followed your teammates to the stage.
Once away from the assaulting eyes of Minghao, you got to work on your computer. Checking all the cords, situating your keyboard and mouse to your liking, and adjusting every setting on the game. It felt nice to be in front of the computer, a place you had grown so accustomed to and become so confident behind. The crowd was growing, watching as you all set the computers up to your needs. You thought you would be a lot more nervous, but as you sat between Mingyu and Wonwoo, it was easy to forget that you were playing in front of thousands live and millions online. With the computers and their settings appropriate, you took off your headset and headed backstage with Wonwoo. Mingyu stayed back for a small interview, while Wonwoo and yourself tried to find some water and a snack before sitting down to play the first match.
“Hey, gamer girl.” You rolled your eyes, you didn’t even have to look, you knew it was Hoshi.
“What do you WANT.” You tensed at the last word, turning to see the three ever so cocky gentleman make their way to you and Wonwoo. You just opted to not look at Minghao, that never ended well for you.
“Whoa whoa, there. God, you’re so feisty.” Hoshi held his hands up to defend himself from the words you threw at him. Dino laughed behind him. You weren’t sure what Minghao was doing, as you used every cell in your body to purposefully not look at him. “I was just going to say - good luck. I hope you win, so we can beat you in the finals.” Hoshi teased you, to which you rolled your eyes.
“Yea, I guess the same to you.” You nodded and turned away, you didn’t need this right now. Wonwoo chased behind you to catch up, and grabbed your wrist.
“Hey, don’t let them do that to you. You know why we are here. You know we deserve it.” Wonwoo was always like this. He was always there for you, he waited until he knew you needed him most, which was now. You gave him an assuring smile, and kept walking with him in tow.
“I know. Don’t worry. I’m not intimidated.” You slightly lied. You weren’t intimidated by Hoshi or Dino, no. You were, though, absolutely and without argument intimidated by the likes of Minghao, though. Luckily, you weren’t on stage with Minghao, and he was going to behind a wall, far away from being able to drive you insane.
You all lined up in front of the other team, waving to the crowd as a roar of screams and applause broke out. Such a surreal feeling, seeing all these faces here to watch you. You were enjoying it, but you didn’t have long to bask in such a feeling, as you were about to sit down to the first game of the competition. Your team walked forward, shaking the hands of your opponents before taking a seat at your pre-set computers. It was game time.
The first game began, a plan in place for your teams focus. Applause was breaking out in the crowd anytime someone came close to dying. Screams fell on your headset, causing a muted noise, but you were easily able to focus on the voices of Mingyu and Wonwoo flowing through your ears. Within a few moments, the target you had in place was down. Now it was all clean-up, finishing off the last two opponents. As the last victim fell, you couldn't contain your smile. Wonwoo clapped his hands rigorously, and Mingyu was beaming with the proudest smile. You had one more game to go to win the round, but man..it felt amazing to completely crush the first game.
“Great job, guys! Stay focused! One more!” Mingyu kept your heads in line, kept the focus through the wave of excitement that flew threw your bodies. You began to contain your excitement, your hands shaking a bit on the keyboard as you had to shake your leg to try and get the thrill that ran through you out somehow.
The second game began, and the focus immediately set in, but you could feel your heart pumping adrenaline to every single tip of your body. You were running on pure electricity, every single move you made more pronounced and exciting than usual as your body heated up from all of the adventure that was happening around you. Your team faltered slightly, sending the crowd into hysterics at the loss you almost experienced. Thank god you reacted fast enough, saving Wonwoo from the almost secured death. The other team was audibly upset, yelling their displeasure as they began to rally to attempt the take down again. Wonwoo and Mingyu got together, protecting you as the three of you went straight for the other team, securing your victory.
“WE DID IT!” Mingyu threw off his headset, followed quickly by yours and Wonwoo’s. You all three stood up, and the sound of the crowd hit your uncovered ears. Wonwoo snatched you into a tight hug, jumping up and down and yelling along with the crowd. Your body felt like you had just ran through a fire and a firework. You wanted to explode out of excitement and happiness. You couldn’t believe you had just won your first match at worlds. Mingyu grabbed you both into a hug with his monstrous long arms. The announcer congratulated all of you, and motioned for you to meet him up front. You had to shake the other teams hand before conducting a small interview about your victory.
After the interview, you all ran backstage, thoroughly reliving the feeling of the victory again. In the midst of your over exuberant chatting, your manager came to pull Mingyu away. Mingyu was basically the leader of your team, and had to do yet another interview on the game you all just successfully won. Wonwoo and you continued your banter, laughing and living in the moment. “God, that win sure built up an appetite for me.” You laughed at Wonwoo’s typical statement. You were hungry, but much too excited to eat much. While Wonwoo went to the cafeteria for a meal, you opted to get some water and a snack, and headed to the small table that was laid out for all competitors to pick and choose from. As soon as you turned for the table, you were greeted with the undeniable back side of Minghao himself. Normally, you’d freeze, change your destination, play it off and convince yourself you were totally fine. Coming off your win, though? You felt empowered. You know he watched, he must’ve been impressed at your save to secure your team’s win, and you weren’t feeling nearly as nervous as before. After a deep breath and convincing pep-talk, you made your way to the table.
“Oh, hello. Just getting some water.” You slid up next to Minghao, barely paying him any mind. Minghao froze up next to you at your sudden show of confidence. You leaned forward, brushing your chest up against Minghao’s extended arm while he reached for a water himself. Minghao’s head turned to watch you, and you just let a smirk creep up your face as your pressed into his arm more before retrieving your water. As you went to stand up, you put your lips painfully close to his and whispered to him. “Sorry about that…” Your eyes found his, his pupils made his eyes black and he opened his mouth to reply without finding the correct words. Before anything could be said, you pranced away, leaving Minghao in a state of shock at your forward behavior.
You smiled to yourself as you met back up with Wonwoo, who had a piled high plate of food. You peeked back at Minghao, still standing at the table and eating up every single inch of your body. You bit your lip and eyed his body up and down. This felt good, being so forward and powerful. Minghao seemed to enjoy it too, by the dumbfounded look on his face and the bulge that appeared in his pants. You laughed it off, and sat down at a table with Wonwoo to relax until your last match.
The noise from the crowd let the three of you know how the games outside were going. Cheering, screaming, and lots of laughs were echoing through to the back. You figured how the games would go. You figured the evil three would make their way to the finals, so watching would only drive you all insane. You all opted to sit in the back, play games, and Wonwoo even took a nap. How that man can nap anywhere is beyond you..but whatever.
After your arch rivals obvious victory, they emerged from the door and into the waiting room with everyone else. Minghao barely spared you a look as he blew past your table and into the bathroom. Hoshi and Dino laughed at something you weren’t interested in, and before you could even comprehend what may be going, you were summoned to appear on the stage for your final competition of the day. You were a little distracted, wondering why Minghao was paying no attention to you. He almost looked angry. You know they had won their matches, so why was in such a sour mood?
You tried your best to brush the feelings aside as you took your seat. You really wanted to brew in your head the questions you wanted to ask, but you weren’t here for that. Mingyu and Wonwoo gave their usual pep talk before the game began. This was also another team you had faced many times before. They weren’t as easy for your team to take as the previous team, mostly because of their team composition, but it was doable. You focused all your energy into keeping Mingyu and Wonwoo alive, despite some of their dumb decisions. You shook Minghao out of your mind, and managed to secure the first win. This one was not as exciting, as you continued to dwell in your head. He didn’t even look at you. Did you do too much? Wonwoo saying your name brought you back to the present.
“You okay?” He looked concerned. Now was not the time to tell Wonwoo you were trying to figure out why the guy who has been torturing you for two days, who happens to be on the opposing team at the world finals, is now ignoring you.
“Yes, sorry.” You mumbled, and looked back to your screen. Mingyu and Wonwoo went through the next strategy, guessing the opposite team would also switch theirs. The match began, and your energy all went towards the game. Shutting Minghao out of your head. Wonwoo took a large chain of hits and Mingyu sat in crowd control for too long. You barely saved Wonwoo from death, and the crowd cheered loudly at your success. You all attempted to stay away from the other team while formulating a new plan. You were hyper focused at the game, very aware of everything, but nothing could stop the onslaught the other team forced onto Wonwoo, taking him down once and for all. The crowd groaned along with you, some cheers breaking out as the other team finished the round in their favor.
“Guys!” Mingyu didn’t need to say much more, you all understood. You had one more shot. Now was not the time to flail. Now was not the time to show any weakness. Deep breaths and a few moments later, the final game begin. Your blood was pumping, your ears shut off every noise that didn’t belong to the game or your teammates, and your fingers danced along the keyboard.
“Go go go!” Wonwoo screamed into the mic, directing you to all rush the target of choice. You stayed back, supporting your team from a perfect position. Your entire year led up to this, and you would be damned if you lost it to some silly positioning. Mingyu screamed for you to all fall back, his health at a scary low. The other team chased the three of you around a pillar, which would ultimately be their downfall. You all capitalized on their desperate positioning, grabbing one of their members and eventually ending the match then and there.
You guys were in the finals. The crowd went berserk, screaming and cheering. The announcer screamed your team name throughout the arena. You felt great, your body felt like it was on cloud nine, but there was a nagging in the back of your head. Minghao. You obviously did something, and it was effecting you to the point that you excused yourself from the post-victory interview. Mingyu, as usual, finished off the interview to satisfy the hungry fans, while Wonwoo darted after you, grabbing your arm.
“What’s up, girl? You’re not yourself.” His face looked painfully concerned as he pulled you closer.
“I’m just super tired. These games took it out of me.” You mustered up a weak smile, enough for Wonwoo to somewhat believe you. You continued to convince him of your exhausted state, even if he wasn’t fully buying it.
Eventually, Wonwoo had enough of you avoiding the question, and demanded that you headed up to bed early. You thanked him, but waited for Mingyu to come to the back to give him a hug. It was not their faults you were beating yourself up so much over this guy, and you all played amazingly. They deserved a congratulation. After a hug and goodbye, you made your way to the hotel. The boys would stay and socialize, possibly go out, but reminded you multiple times to call them if you needed absolutely anything.
You were actually really tired. Your body felt 100 pounds heavier as your dragged yourself to your hotel room. The elevator ride seemed to take years longer than usual, and when the doors opened, you felt a huge relief to see your door just down the hallway. As you made your way to the door, you felt more and more excited to finally be relaxed, except..that damn hotel key. “God damnit.” You swore to yourself, digging through your bag and pockets desperately. The key held all the power, but you could not find it anywhere. You were giving up, your patience wearing thin, and as you slammed your bag on the ground in a fit of anger. You closed your eyes, swearing to a higher power. Just as you decided to calm down and retrieve your bag from thee floor, you felt a tightness around the back of your neck, lifting you upwards. The grip around the back of your neck was a hand, and it slowly tightened as it pulled you up. You didn’t react, as you were shocked this was happening to begin with. Who in the fuck was behind you? You remembered Wonwoo and Mingyu, begging you to call for any help you may need. Slight panic set in as the hand gripped even tighter and moved you towards the wall. You fumbled with your hands to try and grab your phone, when another hand swatted them away. As the hand pushed you closer to the wall, you could feel a body press harshly against the back of yours, and that’s when it all clicked. Minghao. You could smell his cologne, you could feel his presence, and your body instantly relaxed. You’re not sure why you relaxed, as he still had a tight hold on your neck and was pushing you firmly against the door, but something about the situation did not seem alarming to you.
Minghao continued to press your body into the door, his grip on the back of your neck not lessening at all as he pressed his body firmly against yours. He took a deep breath in before nipping at your ear and causing electricity to shoot down the back of your spine. His other hand made its way to your wrist, holding it securely behind your back. You could feel his cock hardening against your ass as his body pressed into you. The cold of the door on your cheek gave you a much needed break from the heat that was flowing like lava throughout your entire body. “You’re such a brat.” He growled into your ear, nipping it after he spoke. You didn’t know if you should speak, your core was throbbing and your blood pounded in your ears. Minghao loosened his grip on your neck and pulled you back off the door. With such ease, he twirled you around so you were facing him. His hair was messy, dusting over his forehead and barely covering his black eyes. His lips were slightly parted, his breathing coming heavier than usual as adrenaline burst through his veins. His hand didn’t wait much longer before ending back on the front of your throat and pushing you back against the wall. One of your hands instinctively grasped his wrist that was around your throat, as if to make yourself believe you controlled any part of the situation. The grip he had was the perfect amount of pain and pleasure. Your breathing was mildly constricted, causing your endorphins to run wild through your body. Your eyes were hooded as you stared at him, and you could feel your pussy soaking through your panties.
Minghao smirked at your fucked out appearance and moved one of his legs forward, parting yours. Minghao was fairly taller than you, tall enough that when he slid his leg between yours, you could easily feel your heat slide across his knee, causing a moan to break from your throat. Minghao’s knee stayed exactly where it was, while his free hand glided up the side of your body, sending shivers down your spine. His hand made its way up until it landed on your breasts, sliding over the thin material of your jersey. Your nipples began to harden at the contact, and Minghao’s eyes locked with yours as you moaned from the feeling. There you were. Pinned against your room door in the middle of the hotel hallway while Minghao’s leg rested against your heat, his hand teasing your nipples and his other hand never leaving its rightful place on your neck. He leaned forward to your ear, his breath flowing across your ear as he whispered to you, “Move.”
You needed no more instruction as your hips began to move on his thigh. Strangled moans left your lips, your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you finally were getting to release some of the tension you were feeling. Minghao watched you in absolute awe as your body begged for every inch of him, grinding on his thigh, using his wrist that was at your neck to help you grind harder and harder. The friction of your jeans and his thigh had you sliding the perfect spot against your clit. Minghao gripped your breast harder, and slid his leg up more to help you create an even better feeling.
“Fuck, I’m not sure if you deserve to cum after today” He groaned, his eyes never leaving your face for a second. He loved the look of torture you had on, of absolute desperation and need. Your eyes tried to open, you tried to focus on him through the lust and need you were filled with. At this point, you didn’t care if someone walked out of the room, your body was on the edge and you needed to cum. Minghao’s leg pressed harder against your pussy, his hand gripped harder on your neck and his breathing became more and more shallow. You could feel the edge, you could see the wave of pleasure approaching as you tried to make noise but none came out. Your head tilted back and your hips took over, moving your dripping core as hard and fast against his leg as you could. You decided cumming was more important than breathing, as you used the last strength and air you had to scream Minghao’s name, begging to let you cum.
“Cum for me.” With those three words, Minghao pressed his leg even further into your pussy, sending you crashing into that wave of pleasure. His hand released his tight hold on your neck, allowing you to gasp in gulps of air as you body spun into a spike of intense pleasure and some pain. Minghao watched in fascination as your body began to grind down on him harder, chasing the last moments of pleasure. “Fuck, you’re so hot right now..” He whispered under his breath. Your body began to shake, your knees were weak, and you could barely stand as you began to come off the intense high you were on. Minghao moaned, trying to catch his own breath as he helped steady you on your feet. Once you were stable, Minghao reached down to pick up your bag, and magically, your key appeared in his hand. He handed you the key, and as he placed it in your hand, he took a hold of your wrist. You looked up at him through your heavy eyes. Minghao looked back, his mouth curving into a mischievous smile. His hand took yours, moving it over to him and placing it on his rock hard cock. He began to moan, pressing his cock harder into your hand, rocking back and forth. Your eyes went wide, he was so big and so fucking hard. His head fell back as he began to fuck himself in your hand. As you went to wrap your hand around his cock, he pulled back, sending you to fall forward slightly.
“Next time, maybe.” He smirked, raised a hand and pressed you against the door by your shoulder. You looked at him in shock. You were so confused, you wanted more again already, you needed more, but he was in control, and he had put a stop to it. Minghao came closer to you, pressing his body firmly against yours and grinding his cock into you. He leaned down, locked eyes with yours and pressed a burning hot kiss against your lips. Kissing Minghao felt like the best thing you never knew you needed, but now that you had him, you never wanted it to end. You pressed your lips into him harder, needing to taste every inch of him, but Minghao pulled away, breathing heavily and smiling down at you. “Sleep tight..”
And he was gone. His figure faded down the hallway, leaving you a mess and leaving you feeling absolutely filled and empty all at the same time. Your body began to turn cold, missing the feeling of Minghao’s body pressed against yours. You left yourself breath as you shakily turned to your door. Before you could get the key in, the elevator dinged. Que the two people you really didn’t want to see. Mingyu and Wonwoo skipped out of the elevator, blissfully unaware of what had just transpired. They both slowed their excited pace when they saw you, hair a mess, eyes heavy, knees weak and shaking as you attempted to get the key into the door.
“Hey..are you okay?” Wonwoo questioned for what felt like the millionth time today. You nodded to him and successfully opened the door to your awaiting oasis.
“I really need to sleep, night.” You quipped back as you carefully slid yourself in your room. You could hear Wonwoo begin to argue, but you slammed your door shot and staggered over to your bed.
One more night. That’s all you had to get through.  
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teenytinystorage · 5 years
Click Click - A Sanders Sides Fanfic
Words: 2786
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Food mention, Deceit (lmk if I need any more warnings!)
Pairings: None
Enjoy! :)
Click click.
The dreaded noise of a locked door.
Patton lowered his arm that was tugged down to the Earth with two grocery bags dangling from it. He was planning on putting a bag in each hand once he entered, since two trips would be inconvenient, but clearly, he was not getting inside anytime soon. So, he decided it was best to let his arm receive circulation again.
Patton exhaled loudly and turned his back to the door. He forgot his keys when he went out to do errands, and he knew none of the others were home now. He slid down until he sat against the doorframe. He crossed his legs and set the bags down to his right side. He set his hands in his lap.
“Now what am I supposed to do with the groceries?” Patton thought out loud. He turned his head to the two plastic bags that sat beside him, anxiously awaiting for the door to welcome them inside as they melted in the heat. “Ice cream isn’t good as a melty bowl of soup, and Logan and Roman won’t be happy to have thawed Crofter’s.”
Patton sat, watching the breeze blow through the tufts of grass on the ground. He knew Logan would be home soon enough from his break to go to the library, and Logan had his keys on him, Patton was sure. Logan wouldn’t leave his keys at home.
“It appears someone doesn’t need my assistance now,” a bitter voice rang through the window.
Patton leapt up and turned his head.
Two cloaked arms sat on the windowsill as Deceit leaned over curiously, staring down at Patton.
“Ah, Deceit! Good timing! Could you.. let me in?” Patton asked, leaning over to pick up his grocery bags.
“I’ll take the groceries in,” Deceit answered.
“..But will you let me in?”
“What didn’t I just say?”
Patton shook his head as he mumbled to himself while picking up the grocery bags. “Well, I suppose that’ll be good enough. This stuff needs to get into the fridge. I can wait. Logan will be home soon anyway.”
Patton looked up toward the window again and yelled, “So, how are you going to get these bags in, anyway?”
Deceit tossed a rope over the windowsill. “With this.”
“A pulley system? I like your thinking!” Patton chuckled as he tied the rope onto both of the handles of the plastic bags.
Deceit rolled his eyes. “Whatever. I’m totally not doing this to steal the Crofter’s or anything.”
Patton scowled at Deceit as he walked away from the rope. “Deceit, what did I tell you about stealing Logan and Roman’s Crofter’s?”
“I can do it as long as they don’t find out,” Deceit walked backward as he started tugging the bags up into the window.
Patton gasped, holding his hands over his heart playfully. “You know that’s not what I said! I’m ashamed of you!”
Deceit tugged the bags up the rooftop until the glass jars inside clunked against the windowsill. “That’s totally what you said.” He started to untie the bags from the rope.
Patton crossed his arms. “Well, if I see an empty jar lid and a spoon in there once I get inside, you’re not going to be let off so easy this time, mister!”
“Oh? And what are you going to do about it?” Deceit held the bags mockingly out the window in his hands, dangling them over the roof.
“Two words: No. Musicals.” Patton pointed his finger at Deceit.
Deceit growled, “Fine. No promises, though.”
Deceit set the bags down on his bed and grasped his hands on the window’s shudder strings.
Patton nodded. “Mhm! And that threat is real this time. No ifs, ands, or buts!” Patton childishly snickered to himself at his immature remark. “‘Buts’..”
Deceit rolled his eyes.
“Thank you! Put Virgil’s ice cream in the freezer please!” Patton shouted as Deceit slammed the window shut and pulled down the shudders.
“Well, I tried. Sorry Lo and Ro, there’ll be less Crofter’s for the week,” Patton muttered to himself as he sunk down against the door once more.
He felt more relaxed, since he didn’t have Virgil’s ice cream or Logan and Roman’s Crofter’s on the line anymore. He would just have to wait until Logan got home, then.
2 minutes passed.
Patton twisted and fidgeted with his cardigan sleeves, dozing off from sitting by himself for so long. He pulled his phone out to check the time.
3:34 P.M.
Patton heard swishing behind him. He turned his head to see Virgil strolling toward the door distractedly, his hands shoved in his hoodie pockets and headphones on his ears plugged into his phone.
“Hey Virgil!” Patton excitedly smiled and stood. “I didn’t know you’d get home so early!”
“Hey Pat..” Virgil noticed Patton and pulled the headphones off of one side of his head. He shifted his hand that was shoved into his pocket to pause the audio on his phone.
“So, are you feeling better now since..” Patton clumsily fumbled with his words, “..the incident?”
Virgil snickered. “Pat, you don’t have to call it ‘the incident.’ I just got a little overwhelmed with video making and stuff, that’s all. Not too big of a deal. Happens a lot.” Virgil exhaled as Patton frowned slightly. “And to answer your question. Yep, I’m feeling more chill now.”
“Oh goodie!” Patton clapped his hands eagerly. “What’d you do?”
“I went on a walk and listened to an audiobook.” Virgil turned his head as Patton’s smile widened, “y’know, since you and Lo were saying I should do that to calm down. It worked real well, more than I thought. Didn’t even realize I was walking when the audiobook was playing,” Virgil tapped the side of his headphones with his left hand.
Virgil took a relaxed breath in, swaying and shifting his weight between his toes and heels as he looked out toward the street. “The fresh air was great for my nerves,” Virgil admitted as he shoved his hand back into his hoodie pocket. “Who knew, exercise is helpful.” Virgil shrugged, turning his head back toward Patton and smirking.
“I’m glad to hear our advice worked!” Patton smiled.
“Mhm…” Virgil nodded. “So, any reason why you’re sitting outside in the heat when there’s a perfectly good house inside?” Virgil tilted his head.
“Locked myself out. Care to join me?”
Virgil’s hand flipped the metallic violet and black, stormcloud-shaped keys in his pocket as the metal clinked and jangled around for a few seconds. He shrugged.
“Got nothing else to do.”
Virgil strolled over to the door and sat down next to Patton. He sat with his knees to his chin and held his arms around his legs. He slid his headphones on once more, pulling his phone out of his pocket and continuing his audiobook. He leaned his head down onto his knees and closed his eyes.
Patton’s smile faded as he turned his head from napping Virgil back toward the street. He tapped his feet on the grass as he kept waiting for Logan to return home.
10 minutes passed, and Logan had not returned yet.
Patton was getting restless, but at least Virgil was sitting next to him and waiting as well. That made him feel a bit better, especially considering that Virgil had keys on him and could very well have gone inside already. That made him feel a lot better.
Pat eventually conceded to use his phone to pass the time, despite wanting to observe the outside to keep himself occupied. He had watched the grass and leaves on the trees sway back and forth and back and forth for a while, but he found it hard to focus because of his jitters and fell victim to the tension of not checking his phone.
Patton scrolled distractedly for a few minutes, until, in the distance, he saw a side approaching from the park toward the house. Had Logan finally returned?
Shielding his katana back in its holder that was slung across his back, Roman waved once his hand was free. His logo-embroidered ruby and gold shield was suspended across his left arm with the help of two gray sequins-encrusted leather belts strapped across his forearm.
He proceeded back home at a quicker pace upon seeing the others. Patton’s smile returned when he saw how ecstatic Roman was.
“Greetings!” Roman announced as he stood in front of Patton and Virgil, a bit weary from the running.
“Hi Roman!”
Virgil looked up, sliding the headphones off of one side of his head once more. “‘Sup.”
“How was dragon hunting?” Patton was practically bouncing from anticipation.
“Alas, no devious creatures were found roaming the woods this evening. I was disheartened to find out I had spent my all my time prowling with no avail!” Roman cried out dramatically, sweeping his forehead with the back of his palm.
Virgil rolled his eyes and pulled his phone out of his pocket to mindlessly scroll social media.
“Well, at least we can rest assured knowing there’s no dragons out there that’ll come to attack us, right?”
“I suppose that hopeful news will have to satisfy me with my lack of findings,” Roman glanced away and slouched. He pulled off his shield and held the top of it, leaning it toward his side.
Roman then glanced back over and a puzzled look came over his face. “Say, why are you two sitting outside the front door, anyways?”
“I locked myself out!” Patton proudly proclaimed.
“I got nothing better to do,” Virgil shrugged, staring down at his phone and scrolling through what appeared to be Tumblr.
Roman pulled back his hair and shook his head. His burgundy, sword-shaped house keys locked onto his belt clinked upon each other as he shifted backward. “I suppose I have no other option but to accompany you two in your loitering. Someone has to stand guard to protect you both from danger.”
Roman crossed his arms and sat down on the wall of the house to the left of Virgil, who sat in the middle. He leaned his humongous, shiny shield on the wall to the left of him.
After a brief moment of pouting, Roman turned toward the other two with enthusiasm.
“While I did find no dragons today, I still do have some thrilling tales! Would you guys like to hear my story of the hieroglyphics I found while searching?”
Patton turned his head and gasped cheerfully. “Yes! Can I hear it? Please? Pleaaaase?”
“Since you asked so kindly,” Roman chuckled. “So, I was on my way to the dragon witch’s cave.”
“When I followed the creature’s footsteps, I found five symbols on the wall: A sword, a sun, two crowns, and a dragon scale.” Roman drew out each symbol while he described them.
Patton listened intently, enticed with the story.
Virgil glanced up, noticing the symbols Roman was making with his finger. Virgil hadn’t been listening this whole time, but these motions were enough to make him slide his headphones down to rest upon his neck.
“They looked suspiciously like claw marks,” Roman pointed a finger up to the sky declaringly, “so I knew they must have been made by the!-”
“Mind explaining to me why you three are outside, in front of the door, when we pay adequate rent each month for an apartment?” Logan stood above the three sides, dangling his house keys in his hand. There were two locked upon the metal ring, one shaped like a pencil with similar metallic colors and the other like a pen, complete with a cap. The three sides glanced over at him.
“Hi Logan!” Patton waved his hand. He paused, stricken with forgetfulness upon the excitement of seeing Logan again (what a dork). “What was the question?”
“Why you three are outdoors was the query I proposed and expect to receive an answer to in the near future.”
“Oh, right! I locked myself out since I forgot the keys. So, I thought I’d wait here until you got home to unlock the door!”
“Not an entirely unexpected response,” Logan darted his eyes between Roman and Virgil. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but you two must have your keys on you. Why are you both not inside yet?”
“Pat was just sitting here, so I joined him so it’d look like we were just hanging out.” Virgil shoved his phone back into his pocket. Patton smiled upon hearing Virgil’s answer.
“I had to protect these two innocent citizens from the dreaded dragons of the forest! I’d be breaking prince honor code if I wasn’t!” Roman gasped, offended that Logan would even suggest him leaving the two sides outside by themselves. Virgil scoffed and exhaled quickly through his nose, stifling a chuckle.
“But you found no dragons today-” Patton started.
“Shh!” Roman irritatedly shushed him. Virgil shook his head, looking down at his phone once more.
“That’s why I’m not inside right now,” Roman nodded.
Logan exhaled through his nose annoyedly. “Then, I assume I shall be the one to grant you all access to the apartment.”
Logan fumbled through his keys and stepped in front of the door.
Patton stood and strolled to stand beside Logan.
Virgil scooted over and sat next to the door.
Roman stood, picking up his shield and holding it horizontally on his arms as if it were a dinner plate.
Logan slid his keys into the lock and twisted them.
Click click.
Logan turned the handle. A creak and an open house awarded them.
Roman stared at Logan confusedly as he approached the door. “Hey, you’ve said before that being outside is good for the mind, and we’re usually cooped up inside most of the time anyway. Why are you so intent on getting us inside?”
“I have acknowledged before that being outside is important. However, I am not being contradictory. We have a house right here, and we’ve been out all afternoon. Shelter is vital, especially in this recent temperate weather. You do not wish to receive a heatstroke, do you?”
“Okay, Nerdlock Holmes, how am I supposed to get a heatstroke from a few minutes of lounging?”
Patton pushed himself between the two, uneasily trying to break up the argument and change the subject. “Well, maybe a heatstroke isn’t the only thing you’d have to worry about if you stay outside too long.”
Logan squinted his eyes and tilted his head upward. “And what else exactly would we have to fret about in that figurative scenario?”
Patton shrugged his shoulders awkwardly, chuckling to ease the tension. “Dee might be eating both of your Crofter’s as we speak.” He glanced down and quietly mumbled, “sorry.”
Logan glared upstairs at the window to Deceit’s room. “How did he get his hands on it again?”
“I miiiiiiiight’ve let him help bring the groceries inside so the jelly didn’t melt.”
“That MONSTER!” Roman cried, unsheathing his katana and wielding his shield on his arm. He rapidly sprinted up the stairs and to Deceit’s room, the thump thump thump of his speedy steps echoing through the apartment.
The three paused for a moment, stunned by the outrageous overreaction. Logan was the first to break the shocked silence.
“Patton, you must recognize that, despite your best efforts to incorporate him into our group, Deceit is not and will never be reasonable when given our personal belongings. You remember what happened last time, don’t you? We didn’t have any Crofter’s in the house for a week,” Logan remarked.
“I know, I know. But he still seems like he could maybe be—”
“Deceit, unhand the Crofter’s now, or face my unbridled wrath!” Roman’s yells echoed from upstairs.
Virgil violently burst out snickering, failing to stifle his amusement behind his palm.
Patton leaned inside and shouted, “Play nice, please!”
Logan shook his head. He sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of his nose. “While I am discontented with this thievery, I am not going to react that erratically.” Logan gestured to the stairway with his free hand when referring to Roman’s ridiculous reaction. “I presume I should follow Roman upstairs to make sure him and Deceit do not have a jousting-esque confrontation that extirpates-” Logan irritatedly altered his wording once he saw Patton and Virgil’s puzzled expressions, “destroys the whole mindspace.”
Logan lifted his head and trudged inside, marching up the stairs behind Roman, who had already made his way inside Deceit’s room to hear the confession of villainous theft.
Virgil slid his headphones back over his head, snickering to himself. “Drama queens,” he mumbled to himself before treading inside.
Patton strolled in behind Virgil. He closed and locked the door behind him.
Click click.
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yandereshit · 5 years
Listen, I will SUE you for not telling me bt your BD sooner so WANT IT OR NOT, I WASN’T PROUD OF THE SECOND HALF OF THIS SO I’M POSTING ONLY THE FIRST PART AND U GOTTA WAIT till your next birthday FOR THE REST.
yandere!Baekhyun x Reader: like a fly in spider’s web. [part ½]
Warning! As the title says, it’s yandere!AU. Put any yandere warnings possible here and just don’t read if ur not okay with that. I mean this part is still soft, but it gets better with time.
「You look pretty today. Repeat before maths today, the professor seems to be doing surprise tests in every class. Have a nice day, princess.」 
The notes left in your school locker managed to brighten up your every day. You smiled to yourself, pushing the small letter into your bag and taking out your own notebook. Ripping out a page, you took a pen and rested the paper against the locker’s door, writing.
「You know I look pretty, but I still wonder how you yourself look like. Nonetheless, thank you for the advice. Have a nice day, prince.」 
You pushed the paper between the locker’s door, not fully, just enough to be able to take it out later. You didn’t know who your secret admirer was, but you were more than sure that he would take the note as soon as he saw it, and probably leave another one for you, too. 
You were an average high school student. You didn’t consider yourself pretty, but if there was someone who did, you were grateful for that. In the school crowd, you felt lonely. But the person who, out of the whole crowd, seemed to pay you special attention, made it all somewhat better. 
You turned your head curiously at your name being spoken. Your classmate, Sonia, smiled nervously, the girl always seemed to be a bit awkward while speaking to you. Until now, you didn’t know why.
“Could we talk? I need to tell you something… Something I should have told you a while ago, actually” she admitted shyly. 
You nodded, letting her take you elsewhere. The secret admirer had been, for the time being, forgotten.
* * *
“Do you think she likes her back?” 
The question was spoken, making the tension arise around the three men sitting by the same table in the school cafeteria. To Chen and Minseok, the very moment Baekhyun’s eyes rested on the person far afar from them, making him completely forget their conversation’s topic, it was clear that it was the girl he liked.
This time though, he girl wasn’t either alone or in a large group of her classmates. No, she was with one person – a girl that, it was easy to say, had a crush on her.
“She doesn’t” Baekhyun announced simply, not tearing his eyes away from the female’s silhouette. She sat down with her lunch and rested her elbows on the table, playing with her hair while the other girl talked to her, which the three boys sitting at least twenty meters away obviously couldn’t hear.
“She may not, but are you sure she’ll decline?” Minseok said, tilting his head to the side. The three stared at the girl out of lack of anything better to do, knowing well enough that Baekhyun’s attention won’t be dragged away from her anytime soon. It was impossible to do, they accepted the fact months ago.
“Decline what?” Baekhyun’s voice was weirdly high-pitched when he reached for his juice, trying to land the straw in his mouth and poking his chin with it twice before starting to slurp the orange liquid.
“They gonna be datin’” Chen spoke simply, at which Baekhyun glared at him for a second before turning his gaze back to the girl.
“They aren’t” Baekhyun mumbled.
“They may” Minseok said truthfully and it was enough for Baekhyun to grumpily look away and then down at his plate. 
“They aren’t” he repeated. “She wouldn’t… She doesn’t even like her back.”
“Well unlike some, Sonia actually had the courage to go and talk to her. It already makes her be one step ahead.”
“I… have talked to her!”
“The notes don’t count. And they’re creepy.” Chen crossed his arms, staring at his friend with a judging look on his face.
“She likes them!” Baekhyun protected himself right away. Minseok laughed, patting his back in a calming manner.
“Sorry to tell you that, but Chen is right. If you don’t do anything, you can only blame yourself if [F/n] and Sonia start to date.”
As much as he didn’t want to admit it, the two only spoke aloud the thoughts he so much tried to keep away from himself. But finally, he managed to accept them. And make the decision that it’s the right time to act.
* * *
“See you tomorrow” Sonia said with a sweet smile, waving her hand at you as she walked away from the lockers. The classes ended, but she didn’t have anything to leave in the locker so she only walked with you as the two of you continued your conversation. When you were almost by your locker, she decided it’s the right time to go her own way. And you were somewhat grateful for that.
You still weren’t sure how to proceed what you found out barely a few classes earlier. Even though you tried to stay calm, you just simply didn’t know what to do. Sonia said you can take all the time you wish to make your mind, and that even if the two of you were set for a date, it didn’t have to mean anything yet. But you didn’t even know if time was all you needed.
Should you tell her yes? Or decline? You’ve never dated anyone before. The girl was nice.
But for some reason, it didn’t feel right. Until the moment you opened your locker, you couldn’t even explain to yourself, why.
But then the note resting inside of the locker caught your attention and you recalled that, in fact, there already was someone whom you somewhat liked.
Even if you didn’t know his face, you actually didn’t even know which classes he attended.
You knew that it’s a boy and that he’s at your age. You knew that he watched over you every day, spotting whenever you were stressed or feeling down. His messages were special. You felt closer to him with every passing day.
The note was surely not something you expected this time, though.
「 Do you want to see me?」 
You looked at the note closely. At its bottom, there was a phone number. You didn’t expect it. After all these months of getting messages from him, was it so simple? Could you just text him? Or maybe make a call?
You hesitated, looking around to make sure no one was watching you. Fortunately, everyone already packed their things and the corridor was empty.
You took your phone and carefully typed in the phone number. You hoped so that he finished his classes already; there would be nothing more disappointing than him not answering the first call you were able to make.
After a few moments of hesitation and mental preparation, you finally pressed the green button. From your phone, the flat sound echoed, urging you to wait.
You already started to lose hope, when the other finally answered the call.
You were beyond surprised with the softness of the boy’s voice. You didn’t really know what to expect, but until now, you decided to just imagine the least attractive person possible, to not raise your hopes. After all, if he never talked to you directly, he must have been somewhat ashamed of himself, that’s what you assumed. But even not knowing his face, that one word was enough to make you figure that you were mistaken. 
“Hello, is anyone there?” he spoke again and you realized you were just standing there, holding your breath, unable to answer. “Um, wait… [F/n]?” 
Your breath hitched and he must have heard that, because a chuckle followed, making you feel weak in less than a second.
“You must be really nervous now, am I making you nervous?” he spoke after a moment. “I’m nervous too, to be honest… It’s been a while, I didn’t really plan this out too well…” You leaned against your locker, trying to calm down your racing heart. But you still didn’t trust yourself much enough to speak. There didn’t seem to be a need to, though, as the boy kept the line busy. “I must have startled you with that message, but I’m really happy you decided to call me… Anyway, I know your classes just ended. I’m still in the parking lot, I could give you a drive home, if you don’t mind.”
You nodded, and it took you a short moment to realize that he couldn’t really see you right now.
“I-I uh… I-it’d be great” you finally stuttered out and wanted to slap yourself mentally for how awkward you felt. Not the best first interaction, really.
You could hear him chuckle again. You worried he’d tease you for how miserable you seemed, but nothing like that happened.
“Glad to hear you’re okay with it… Just go to the parking lot. I’ll be waiting for you by the entrance, I have a silver car, looks like any other but I’ll beep if you don’t see me. Hanging up for now. See you in a couple of minutes, princess” he said softly and hung up.
Your heart was still beating fast and the phone was still by your ear for the next twenty seconds at least. Finally, you let out a shaky breath and decided to get ready to leave.
* * *
There was almost no cars left in the parking lot. As soon as he noticed you from afar, he drove closer and stopped in front of the entrance, around ten meters from you. He knew that you can’t see him through the darkened glass of his windows, but he had a good view on the way you fidgeted with the edge of your blouse, hesitating for barely a second before stepping towards him. 
You looked slightly less nervous than he supposed you were during the short talk you two had. Back then, you couldn’t even speak a word. Now, you at least could walk properly. He smiled to himself, enjoying the last moments of secrecy before the two of you would officially meet.
Finally, you reached the car. He could see your eyes lit up when you made out his silhouette behind the window’s surface. You grasped on the handle and opened the door, leaning down to finally see him.
Your eyes met and the two of you stared at each other for a few pleasantly long seconds, taking in each other’s faces from up close.
He was in awe. You were, too.
You were the one to break the silence.
“Um… Hi” you said, laughing shyly. “Can I…?”
“A-ah, sure, get in” he replied and you awkwardly sat down in the car, closing the door behind you. The sound of the door being locked echoed in the silence and you found yourself suddenly realizing just what kind of situation you put yourself in.
“What’s… What’s your name?” you asked, tilting your head to the side and looking at the other curiously. You could tell you knew his face, you may have attended a few classes together, but you didn’t remember, which ones exactly. How come out of all the people, he noticed you? The two of you never talked, you were not an active student who’d stand out even during classes. Your appearance? Nothing in comparison to some of your classmates. Your personality? You hid most of it in your phone’s screen, your interests never leaked out.
“Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun” he introduced himself, smiling at you and then looking forward when he slowly started the car. It seemed as though he wanted to give you all the time to look him up, considering he’s been doing that with you for the last few months.
“Ah, nice to meet you, I am…” He smirked and you mentally slapped yourself.
“…Right, you know my name. But it’s… still nice to meet you” you said sheepishly. You finally glanced forward, at the way he was driving. “Won’t you… ask for my address? Thought we were going there?” you asked nervously.
“Ah, sorry” he smiled, sparing you a glance. “I actually thought we could hang out together a bit before I drive you home. Would you mind? I’d like to show you where I live, too.”
You fidgeted with your blouse again, seemingly growing more nervous.
“I… okay, I guess.”
Why did you agree? Something in your gut told you not to, but you found yourself willing to fight that feeling; as though stepping outside of your safe zone would help you open up, make your life at least slightly more interesting.
The way Baekhyun’s face beamed at your agreement only ensured you that you did the right thing.
“Ah, seatbelts” he suddenly pointed out and you were fast to comply. You completely forgot about these. On that, the conversation ended, exchanged with pleasant silence. 
A few minutes later, you found yourself in front of a house. It seemed quite old, but average, with only one floor. The main gate opened and Baekhyun drove in, parking the car in front of the entry. He left the car and quickly rounded the vehicle, opening your door as well. You didn’t say anything, looking around curiously. The place seemed somewhat empty.
“You live here?”
“Yes, alone” he admitted. “My parents always worked far away so when I turned eighteen, they just stayed there, taking my sister there too. They pay the bills and I work in my free time, so I’m doing well without them here.”
“The house is huge though, doesn’t it feel lonely to be here all the time?” you asked. Spotting the concern on your face, he smiled warmly.
“It’s not that bad” he said. You followed silently as the two of you entered the house.
It looked nice, but Baekhyun didn’t seem to clean around here too much. It wasn’t messy, but the furniture was covered with dust except for the places he seemed to use often. A few pairs of shoes laid in front of the door, somewhat in chaos, and he quickly pushed them aside with his foot.
“S-sorry, I didn’t clean up, I didn’t think that… You know.”
You took your shoes off, placing your backpack on the floor next to his own, in the corridor. There was no reason to take it anywhere further; since there were only the two of you, its presence wouldn’t bother any housemates. The silence around was creepy at first, but you found yourself enjoying the comfort it gave. In this empty house, there was no one to trouble you, to judge you, to tell you to stay quiet. As soon as the speakers in Baekhyun’s room blasted out, the silence was obviously gone, but the feeling of privacy was not. The neighbours were too far away to hear the noise, even though the bass made the floor vibrate underneath your feet, but you didn’t mind. 
Baekhyun quickly came back to you as you looked around the rooms some more.
“Enjoying yourself?” he asked politely.
“It’s a nice house” you stated. “I mean, it may sound kinda dumb, but I mean it.”He laughed softly.
“I’m glad to hear that. You want something to eat? The lunch was already a few hours ago, but I got yesterday’s pizza, if you’re okay with it.”
“Pizza! Sounds great.” You felt yourself salivate at the mere thought. In truth, you didn’t eat much in the canteen. You were too busy with Sonia. 
The kitchen was bright and didn’t match the rest of the house in the slightest. It was minimalistic and modern, unlike the old-fashioned corridors and the living room you had a peek of less than a minute ago.
You sat on the bar stool behind the U-shaped counter, while Baekhyun took the pizza from the fridge and put it in the microwave. Not the healthiest food, but who would care? You only hoped so that during his parents’ absence it’s not the only thing he consumed.
“Actually, why did you want us to meet today? Since you weren’t planning it before…” you asked curiously, watching as the boy got various things done around the kitchen, taking out the glasses and putting some older dishes in the sink.
“Hmm… Can’t you tell?” he asked absent-mindedly, not looking at you.
“I wouldn’t be asking, if I…” You hesitated and then your eyes widened at the sudden realization. “It’s because of Sonia?” He didn’t confirm, but didn’t deny it either. “Don’t tell me… Were you jealous?”
He glared at you, looking slightly offended, which only made you smirk. You knew you were right, and now, that you grew slightly more comfortable in his presence, you didn’t mind teasing him a little.
“Cute” you chuckled.
“Hey!” he glared at you again. “I wasn’t jealous. I just didn’t want you to think I’m never going to do anything about it.”
“Hm… And would you? If Sonia never asked me out, would you want us to meet?”
He hesitated slightly, before leaning his back against the counter, stopping whatever he was doing at the moment.
“I wanted it for a while already” he admitted, somewhat avoiding your glance. “I just… wasn’t sure how to do it. But today, it kind of… blasted me off. I saw that she was fond of you for a while, but I didn’t think she’d dare to… be so open about this. Like… couldn’t she see you already have someone you like?” he mumbled grumpily and you found yourself growing nervous again.
“Well… I don’t think we’ve ever established that we like each other, have we?” you started carefully and Baekhyun finally looked back at you. In his eyes, you could see the strong insecurity he managed to hide until now, but which – as you realized – was there since the beginning. 
But what could you say? You – in fact – liked him, but you weren’t sure if this much.
“I… When she asked me out, I agreed” you admitted. “We’re meeting tomorrow morning, since it’s Saturday” you said, looking away, unable to stand the pressure of his stare.
A painful silence hung between the two of you, until the microwave beeped, signalizing that the pizza was done. For the next few few seconds, no one moved even for an inch. Then Baekhyun pushed himself off the counter, going to the microwave and taking the pizza out.
“Orange juice or tea?” he asked, putting the pizza on two separate plates. His voice seemed as calm and carefree as usual, but you couldn’t get the unpleasant feeling off your head.
“Um… Juice will do.”
He placed the plates in front of you, sitting by the other edge of the counter and pulling the glasses towards yourselves. The juice was already standing on the counter and he poured it into the glasses carefully. 
His hands were shaking, though. You could see it clearly from up close, but decided not to point it out.
“Thank you…” you whispered, sipping a bit of the juice and then turning your attention to the meal.
As the two of you ate, the silence was unsettling. The tension filling the air grew nothing but stronger. Some words urged to be spoken, yet you couldn’t find yourself actually saying them. 
Once the plates were empty, you finished your juice and put the glass down.
“Um… Thank you for the dinner” you started carefully. “I think I should go home though, I shouldn’t-”
“I won’t let you” Baekhyun replied simply. “If you go home now, you’ll go with Sonia tomorrow. I can’t let that happen.”
His voice was calm, way too calm for your liking. 
“You… know I wouldn’t stay for the night anyway” you said. “You can’t just force me not to go… She, I may… She’s really nice, and I want to give it a try” you stated. “I’m not saying I won’t give you a chance too, but… I don’t want to stand her up for no reason.”
“Then call her and tell her you can’t go.” The reply held a bit more emotion, but surprisingly, you found yourself growing more wary than relieved. 
“I told you that I want to go” you said firmly. “Sorry, but I… I really think I should go.”
You jumped off the stool, stepping in the exit’s direction.
“N-no, wait… I’m sorry” the boy started, following you and quickly grasping your hand before you could go any further. You shivered, startled by the force with which he pulled you backwards. “Don’t go, please, don’t…”
“You can’t tell me to stay here, Baekhyun. I already made my mind about that” you stated. “I’m sorry, but you won’t tell me whether I should be seeing someone or not.”
Your words were final, at least that’s what you thought.
But the moment in which you wriggled your hand out of the other’s grasp was the last one you remembered.
* * *
Soft music ringed in Minseok’s pocket when he stared at the TV’s screen. The show was so boring he didn’t think twice before answering the call. 
“Baekhyun? What’s wrong?” He right away knew that something’s not quite okay. The other’s nervous voice betrayed him right away. When the boy started to stutter though, he couldn’t make out a single word. “H-hey, calm down first and tell me what’s going on. Just calm down.”
“O-okay.” It took him a few seconds to even out his breathing. Minseok waited patiently until the other spoke again. “I… I think I’ve hurt [F/n]. I don’t know… I don’t know what to do.”
“You… met with her? Did you said something bad? Is she mad at you?”
“N-no, I didn’t… She’s not… m-mad, she’s… Sh-she’s not moving, Minseok.”
^ full fic there uwu
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