#listen it’s fun writing about the cuter side of kids
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meteor752 · 1 year ago
Episode 6 and 7 thoughts
This will now be a regular thing
Also im writing this as I go
Episode 6
So Izzy thought Ed was Roach. Huh. Does he and Roach talk regularly? <- Coming from a Rizzy shipper
“Do weeeee?” Fang I love you
Oh my god, Frenchie and Jim coming to Ed and Stede like they’re kids asking if their cousins can sleep over
The crew going shoppiiiiiiiiing!!!
Frenchie’s lil dancey dance added many years to my life
Ed being nice and giving kids mon- oh never mind, oh that’s a knife okay. Ed never have kids please
“Don’t pirate kids” well listen okay I don’t have HBO Max it’s the only way I can watch this show
Wee John you’re so beautiful and amazing and we don’t deserve you
Jim’s lil mustache, like yeah me too <- Non-Binary person
Stede looks so happy about seeing Wee John!! He’s so proud of his son!
Izzy is gorgeous. I’m actually so happy to see him explore more sides of himself, and to find things he can indulge in. This whole season has really just been Izzy’s big therapy arc
His hair makes him look a bit like Cinderella’s evil stepmother though
Oh he can sing too! Izzy!!! <- A person who did not like Izzy in season one
Wee John X Izzy? Roach X Fang?
Ed protecting Stede….just, immediately putting him behind himself…I just…
I rewatched that clip five times
“Because I only hang out with cool pirates” Stede’s face!!! He’s just like Oh Snapppp
Despite it all, Stede and Ed are still the cutest couple that has ever graced the TV screen. Like hell yeah, make fun of people together!
Ed keeps being protective…..okay I need a moment…
Roach you’re a lunatic and I love you
“Whatever this is it’s just gonna turn me on” Izzy you’re a shining star
Also I just now noticed that Black Pete and Lucius aren’t there. I’m guessing they eloped somewhere and are currently taking care of their adopted cat
Nope okay, literally the second I unpaused there they are. That’s the worst timing
Hell yeah my dudes, I hope you broke whatever bed you used
“I’m just doing it for the lolz” Yeah that’s sounds like something someone from the 1700s would say
I know this is a pirate ship but why do they just have so many knives and swords laying about
Who is this fanged torture queen, and how do I acquire her number?
Stede remains best employer, while Aziraphale is the best landlord. Can these two people just run the world please and thank you
Hell Cat Maggie is my soulmate
I feel like there needs to be a pirate workers union
The crew of the revenge is the best found family of all time
Stede Bonnet can rival Steven Universe in reforming villains, like he’s just such a genuinely nice dude
“Alright gang! Let’s talk profit sharing”
Oh protective Stede, alright let’s go mate defend your mans
Okay but why is Stede kinda 👀 in this scene
Oh Stede, love…
That French? Izzy speaks french?
I want to see that man get dicked down
I guess the revenge now has a pet goat
Episode 7
Okay Ed is a soft boy again, aight
The anime toast in mouth thing. He’s officially been baby girl for a long while, but we’re really solidifying it
Isn’t there an anime where a mob boss becomes a house wife? Yeah that’s Ed
Oh we’re telling him about the mermaid fantasy, okay
Izzy what the fuck, you’re amazing
“He’s jealous” my darling
The polycule is going strong, and I love the absolute lack of jealousy. This is the best representation I have ever had
Oh they’re going on a date! That’s so sweet actually
It’s really sweet that they’re talking about their time apart
Stede’s famous now? Good for him!
I need to stop falling in love with every pirate lady In this show. That being said, I hope we see more of the fangirl lady
I’m reinforcing my claim that Stede and Ed are cuter than anything that has ever been on screen
The Söt Och Saftig, my love. Also this far in and this is the first time the character “The Swede” actually says something in Swedish
Scammer Frenchie is back in business, love that
Jim and Archie trying to get their boyfriend set up is very sweet actually
The character development of Izzy going from wanting Ed to remain “Blackbeard” to him saying if being a softie makes him happy then he should do that, like I get it now, I know why you all love this man
Can’t believe Stede is an official Slut now
Open communication? Like genuine conversation about their relationship, and the pace they’re taking it? Ed being honest that he’s not ready for the steps they’re taking in their relationship?
What is this argument
I live for Lucius and Black Pete’s nicknames for each other
“I’ve only known you for a few hours Bonnet, but I’d fucking die for ya” Same random dude. Same
Zheng and Olu are really cute actually
Oh my god the polycule will end my fucking life
“That was really mean” YOU TELL HER STEAK KNIFE
Protective Jim my beloved
Oh my god
Roach and Fang friendship?
Roach is the queen of self care
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l1terally-justawizard · 1 year ago
Yessssss unskippable cutscene #2 unlocked!!
Ok so the first one I sat down and listened to was Bombarded. Its about 3 bards (who are multiclassed one is a rouge, one is a barbarian, and one is a druid) who just got accepted into a magic music college and their adventures around the world! Every episode they write a song to use music magic to help them get out of stuff! There is a super cute lesbian slow burn side story with the half orc bardbarian and one of the NPC's it's the cutest ting in the world (the dm and the bardbarian yashi are married irl so it's even cuter that they're rping falling in love again) IRL they are all in a band together! So good and the final episode had me almost to tears in my local library!
The second one I started was Not Another DND Podcast (NADDPOD) Its about 3 people with totally differen backgrounds who get into wacky hijinks and save the world multiple times! (terrible summary but its amazing) they have a ton of fun guests on episodes and it's such a fun vibe! Also one of the people on there is a new player so they're teaching him how to play while they do it and it's fun to listen to! After they finished the first campaign they made other ones with the same people but different stories (personally I like the first one the best)
Then I was reccomended Worlds Beyond Number and hoooooolly shit its so beautiful and gorgeous!! I bet critical role is cool but this stuff is fantastic!!! They only have 18 episodes out right now and are updating every other Tuesday! Once again three people who were childhood friends split apart by their duties (hehe doodie) come together once again to fight as hidden evil that threatens the world as they know it!! Featuring my favorite Dm of all time Brennan Lee Mulligan He's so talented at storytelling and its so gorgeous! The worldbuilding alone is so facinating and each of the characters are such interesting complex people!!
Lastly but 100% not least Dungeons and Daddies (not a BDSM podcast)! Its about 4 dads flung into the forgotten realms to save their lost sons! Each of them are a different type of dad! Theres Darryl Wilson the stay at home barbecue sports coach dad, Henry Oak the crunchy hippie Birkenstock rocking nature dad, Glen Close the rock and roll bard dad who consumes copious amounts of drugs, and Ron Stampler the emotionally detached step dad who's really just trying his best! They all have to navigate the new world they're in while trying to better their relationship with their sons (also Daryll's son Grant is gay for a kid with his feet fused to a skateboard)
so those are the podcasts I have listened to/finished in my time listening to podcasts all of these are on Spotify and basically all listening platforms as far as I know! Also some of these podcasts have fanbases here on Tumblr for sure! Enjoy my good friend and please do tell me how you like these if you listen to them!
Once again, observe my Dungeons and dragons prowess
rainbow clickey clack math rocks
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oolathurman · 7 years ago
embarrassing family moment times with azukni: teaching her kids NOT to eat their boogers. Trying to get them to understand that it’s super gross and it has lots of germs and whatever other excuses parents make up on the spot to get them to stop, and please, for the love of— Elanii! Kadryd! Get your fingers out of your noses right now! It’s super dirty and no no nO NO—!! Oh, honey, oh sweetie........... please........... dont do that again, okay?
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smellsfaintlyofvanilla · 4 years ago
SPOILERS! SORRY i wanna request another annie x reader, this includes spoilers like season 4 episode 8, and when annie comes out of her crystal in the manga so feel free to ignore! basically, reader was in sasha’s place and ended up dying when gabi shot her. after annie comes out of her crystal, the scouts explain to her what happened to reader. when annie and the scouts see gabi again, annie has a breakdown and screams at gabi how much reader meant to her? <3 tysm!!
You guys are sending me on an Annie brainrot, I’m not even kidding...
Also, the part where Annie comes out of the crystal hasn’t been animated yet (I already knew it happened cause of spoilers don’t worry), so I kinda just looked it up really quickly, so it might not be super accurate but ya know.
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Tragedies of War
(Annie Leonhart x Reader)
AU: Canon (Somewhat non-compliant)
Warnings: Slight violence, season 4 spoilers
Category: Angst
Summary: After coming out of the crystal, Annie searches for her s/o, and when she receives news of your passing, she searches for the one who ended their life in order to get closure.
Words: 5.0K
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The sun shined harshly onto the parched dirt below your feet, and a swift pivot of your foot kicked a small cloud of dust into the space that surrounded your legs. You had dodged Annie’s punch flawlessly, and you held your hands up to your head defensively, just as she had taught you.
For a moment, a smile graced her lips. She was proud of how quickly you were catching up to her technique. She had taken up the task of teaching you basic martial arts and hand-to-hand combat after you expressed your dismay at being so inept at it.
Her fists raised to her face once again, signifying her readiness to continue.
You slowly approached her, preparing to land a strong hit, and hoping to get the upper hand against the experienced blonde girl.
Once you were in range, she swung her right fist swiftly towards your face, but a quick shift of your head to the right managed to have her arm swing right into the air above your shoulder. You acted quickly, not giving her the chance to recoil her arm or regain her stance, and delivered a harsh uppercut to the underside of her jaw with your idle right hand.
She stumbled backwards in a mixture of shock and slight pain. She had to admit, the late night training the two of you had been partaking in for the past few weeks was starting to pay off. Your uppercut was stronger than it had ever been, and a dull aching pain spread rapidly through her whole jaw, rocking her usually tense form ever so slightly. She brought her left hand up to rub her jaw, trying to sooth the pain as she winced.
“Impressive.” She muttered through her clenched teeth. Outwardly, she seemed annoyed, but inside, she was pleased at your performance. “You’re improving Y/n. Sooner or later, I might have to start to actually try against you.”
You chuckled nervously, reminded of how many levels above you Annie was. Still, a spur of confidence surged through you at the successful hit, and you raised your hands once again. You let out a satisfied huff.
“Well then, let’s see it!” You smiled confidently, high off of the delusion that you could possibly beat Annie’s master level combat skills.
You charged at her more recklessly this time, and reused your previous uppercut in attempt to catch her off guard once again. In response, she arched her back, tilting her head away from your fist effortlessly. Before you even had the time to acknowledge that you had missed, her left hand struck your stomach fiercely, and as you buckled over in pain, she placed her hands on the back of your head, and drove your face to her kneecap unrestrained.
You sunk down into a heap onto the dirt, clutching at your stomach in pain. You coughed dryly, trying to regain the breath that had just been knocked out of your chest oh so mercifully.
“O-Owww... That was... A little rough, Annie...” You choked out between pants.
“Well, you seemed confident. I needed to knock you down a peg.” She stared at you, unamused.
She waited a moment for you to stand up so the two of you could resume training, but you stayed hunched over on the dirt as crimson started to drip slowly from your nose. The small whimper of pain that left your lips ignited a twinge of sympathy in the girl, and she knelt down next to you to grab your hands and cautiously lift you up.
Her attention shifted to the blood that leaked from your nose, and she averted her eyes. It was training, you were bound to get hurt no matter what, but that didn’t stop her from feeling guilty over your minor injury.
She walked over to the small pile of towels she had set aside, originally there in case one or both of you got too sweaty and needed a break. She picked up one from the top of the pile and brought it to your nose to try and prevent the blood from leaving stains on your clothes. After all, you only had so many shirts, and they were seldom washed to remove stains.
“Maybe I was a little rough there... sorry...” She murmured, embarrassed at how soft the whole situation was making her feel.
An adorable giggle left your lips, and Annie looked at you in confusion. What is she laughing about? What’s so funny?
Her look of confusion didn’t help you keep your composure, as you started full blown laughing.
“Y/n??” Annie asked, accidentally bringing the towel away from your face. “What it is??”
Your laughter died down, and after letting out one final chuckle, you spoke up. “You’re just really cute, especially when you’re worried.”
She blushed at that, still not used to the verbal affection that you were so fond of giving her.
Flustered, she tilted her head down to rest her head longingly on your shoulder. You grinned once again as you felt a gentle smile curve upwards on her lips.
“Take it back...” Her voice faltered. She was deeply conflicted between accepting the compliment or insisting that she wasn’t cute.
You only chuckled once again. Her inability to think of anything to do in response to affection was even cuter.
You grabbed her wrist, and brought it up to your face. You started gently and endearingly ghosting kisses along her skin, starting at the wrist and moving wordlessly up her arm. You stopped for a moment though, just to hug her arm into your chest lovingly.
“I love you Annie...”
“I love you too...”
Cold. That’s all it felt like. Cold.
Something was... wrong... very wrong... but she couldn’t place her finger on what.
Her eyes peeled open slowly, and the first coherent thought she would have after four years started to form in her mind.
Oh... I’m on the floor...
She sat up slowly, her tense joints and muscles refusing to give her an easy time of it. Once she stood up on her unsteady, almost shaky legs, she stretched, surveying the room around her.
Small fragments of icy crystalline shards lay scattered at her feet. It took one bewildered look behind her for her scatterbrained mind to form together an understanding of what was going on.
I... I’m free from the crystal...? Why?
She glanced around, confused and desperate for any indication of why she was free. There were no MPs in the room, nor any scouts or Marleyan soldiers. Clearly, no one was intentionally trying to set her free.
After assessing the situation to ease her mind a little, she shuffled backwards and slid down the wall, taking a deep, full breath for the first time in years. The air felt great, she had to admit, and being able to move once again was certainly freeing. She hugged her knees to her chest and rested her head in her arms tranquilly. She loved feeling free once again, but she felt her heart tug, as it was yearning for something... or someone.
Her head perked up abruptly, a memory flashing through her brain. She was training with you... her girlfriend.
It had been four years since she’d seen you... she wondered what you would look like now. Had you been having fun with everyone? Did you find out the truth and escape the walls?
An anxious thought ruthlessly tore it’s way through Annie’s brain. Did something happen to you? Did you take your final breaths cold and alone while she slept like a baby in the stupid crystal? Were you devoured by a titan that her own nation sent to kill you? Did you... die hating her?
She stood up abruptly, swinging her leg back and kicking a shard of crystal across the room and letting out a huff through her clenched. Surely not. She’s an extremely strong soldier. I know her better than anyone else would. Nothing could have happened to her...
But, still, a seed of worry had already planted itself in her stomach. Still, she just had to see you again. Not only did she need to make sure that you were unharmed by this senselessness, but just to see you once more. She couldn’t care less what become of her, especially now that she had escaped. She wanted to treasure one more conversation with her lover, and to hold you and whisper sweet nothings to you. God, she was missing those little things so bad right now.
Her mind shifted to the first step towards seeing you- getting out of this shitty dungeon. The wooden door was unlocked and unguarded, at least from this side. She took quiet, strategic steps towards the door, and creaked open the door gently, as to not alert anyone outside of her presence.
A lone guard stood with their back turned to the door. One look at the short and wavy cream colored locks and she was easily identified as Hitch, her old MP roommate.
She made a quick dash, stopping behind the unaware girl and placing one hand over her mouth to prevent her from making any noise, and the other arm was wrapped tightly over Hitch’s neck. She felt the girl tense up considerably out fear in her grasp.
“Take me to the Scouts.”
Within the day, she had arrived at the current residence of Scouts. She had convinced some of the higher up MPs to let her see them, with much pleading of course, and on the promise that she would do absolutely no harm, and she would be under MP supervision the whole time.
She walked along the worn dirt path quickly, an MP standing to either side of her, holding both of her arms as to prevent any chance of Annie attacking. She stepped right in front of the door, and her heart filled with both excitement and anxiousness as she thought about her lover, who was most likely waiting on the other side.
An MP dully knocked on the door, and a disgruntled Levi answered.
“Military Police? What are you doing here?” He asked, unamused at the sudden presence of guests.
Peering over his shoulder from inside, Armin’s eyes widened as he recognized the anxious girl in the doorway. “Annie? What are you doing here? Why are you out of your crystal??” He started to jog to the front door, standing next to a confused Levi.
“You know her?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Yes, from our cadet years. She didn’t join the Scouts though.” His gaze shifted from Levi’s eyes to the floor, an unreadable expression painting his face. “She’s also a Marleyan Warrior.”
Annie’s eyes widened at the mention of the Warrior Program. Of course they found out...
Levi turned around to head back inside, deciding this was none of his business. “Take care of it Armin.” He let out a small chuckle before continuing. “I thought we were getting arrested again.”
Armin’s eyes followed Levi as he walked away, but he turned back to face the MPs and Annie once again. She admired him for a moment. He seemed more mature now, but at the same time, it seemed some of the childish wonder had left his eyes in place of a more hopeless, dead look in his eyes. Such was to be expected of a soldier long at war.
“What are you doing here?” Arming questioned, staring at Annie.
“I... uh...” It wasn’t until now that she considered that admitting the only reason she was here was her lovesickness would be a little embarrassing, but she had to explain. Still, she altered her motives just a little bit so she wouldn’t seem so hopelessly devoted to you. “I broke out of the crystal... somehow... and I just wanted to visit you all one more time.” Even if she wasn’t directly speaking about you, admitting that she missed any of the people from her cadet days made her fluster up a little bit.
Armin stepped out of the way, beckoning her and the MPs to come inside. She stepped inside curiously, gazing at the inside of the building. It doesn’t seem half bad in here...
The MPs followed her cautiously, and still held both of her arms securely behind her back. Armin saw this, and motioned with his hand for them to let go, before speaking calmly.
“She’s not a threat, you can release her.”
The MPs loosened their grip on Annie, allowing her arms to fall comfortably at their sides. The two officers stepped back and against the wall, deciding to stay there to observe the situation.
Annie took the time to gaze around at the soldiers surrounding her. People looked on at her with many emotions. Some were indifferent, since they didn’t know her, but many were weary of her Warrior status, and a select few stared at her with pity-filled expressions. She continued to look to see if she recognized anyone in the crowd. Most faces were unfamiliar, but certain people stood out to her from her memories. Mikasa, Eren, Connie, Jean, Sasha... she glanced around, searching for the faces of her old comrades, but more so, she was looking for you.
“Everyone has changed a lot, haven’t they?” Armin sighed, looking at the ground with a look of sad nostalgia.
After a few more seconds of searching, she failed to find your beautiful e/c eyes anywhere in the room, and the seed of worry in the pit of her stomach began to grow, her palms growing clammy with anxiety.
“Where is Y/n?” She spat out abruptly, worry evident in her voice. She couldn’t bear any small talk at this point, she just desperately wanted to see where you were.
Her eyes widened as she looked back to Armin. His mournful expression by itself answered her question clearly, but she refused to pay any attention to it.
She gazed around at the others in the room desperately. Everyone from the 104th Cadet Corps (in other words, everyone that knew about the Annie’s relationship with the h/c haired girl) had the same expression.
Their faces were all laced with the same emotion.
The kind of pity that you see when a neighbor has to tell the little kid down the street that the family puppy got hit by a car, or the kind of pity that you have when somebody gets their life’s work stolen from them, or, in this case, the kind of pity where you are forced to tell a distraught individual that their lover died at war. That kind of pity.
She didn’t want to believe it. No, she couldn’t believe it.
She couldn’t be bothered to close her slacked jaw, or to hide the distress on her face as she waits for the possibility that she was reading the room wrong.
Armin looked to his side, averting his eyes. He truly couldn’t find it in his heart to answer the question.
It wasn’t until the distinct clacking of boots on the hardwood floor started to approach her that she snapped out of her trance.
The person approached Annie slowly, but calmly, and Annie took a moment to scan her face. The stranger was decorated with a Scout badge on her shoulder, and a shiny medal hung from their neck. They had auburn/brown hair that was tucked into a loose ponytail behind their head, and an eyepatch covering their left eye.
The person had a sorrowful look as they grabbed Annie’s limp hand and encased it in their own.
“I am Hange Zoe, commander of the Scouts.” They said courteously. They bowed her head in mourning and respect as she continued on. “It’s my displeasure to have to inform you of this, but during a semi-recent mission to the city of Liberio, Y/n was shot and killed by a Marleyan.”
All of the sudden, everything stopped.
No sound, no motion, no nothing. It had just... frozen.
She had a feeling that the person in front of her was still talking, based on the fact that their lips were still moving, but she couldn’t hear them. She couldn’t hear anything. All that enveloped her ears was ringing. Painful, painful ringing.
She had stopped shaking, and she was certain her hand had gone cold in the other person’s grasp.
She didn’t understand it at all.
“How...” A barely audible whisper ghosted from her lips, and Hange’s word stopped in their throat. “How did this happen?” She grit her teeth and spoke out shaky words of disbelief. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes and threatened to spill down her cheeks. “How did someone like her... die...?” The last word of her sentence was so light in volume, yet so heavy in emotion. It’s almost as if the blonde girl couldn’t even comprehend the word itself.
“It was a warrior candidate.” Someone spoke from the other side of the room, and both Annie and Hange turned to look. The speaker leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, a scowl adorning his features.
“Floch, now isn’t the time-” Hange quietly tried to coax the man into shutting up and letting Annie grieve, but he continued to speak.
“That little bitch- she climbed aboard the ship using stolen ODM gear, took a gun, and shot into the crowd of soldiers blindly. Hit Y/n in the chest, she dropped to the ground in seconds.” He continued to explain so nonchalantly, as if the death of a comrade was just another casualty in his eyes. His calmness made Annie want to knock him out cold, but she wanted him to finish. She desperately needed to know.
“We beat the shit out of her for a minute- her and some other little blonde kid. They’re in holding cells downstairs as we speak.” Annie’s eyes widened as she thought about her girlfriend’s killer residing in the same exact building as her. Dark thoughts of violence flashed through her mind as she imagined all the things she would do to the murderer if she just got a chance. All she needed was a few minutes.
“I wasn’t with her when she died, but Mikasa, Armin, and Connie were. I think her last words were directed to you, but I don’t remember what she said.” He folded his arms and looked away, a subtle indication that he had finished speaking.
The room was still with tense, stagnant air. No one moved, nor spoke. Annie tried desperately to gather her thoughts, to try and think rationally about all of this- but she couldn’t. Rage and sorrow flooded her mind, and any other thoughts were just a blur. She was going to go confront this person. No, she swore, she was going to kill her.
Taking advantage of the stagnant environment (and the MPs questionable devotion to their guard duties) Annie made a mad dash towards the hallway.
The tears were rolling down her cheeks unrestrained now, and she made no effort to wipe them away. Normally, she would never let anyone see her this emotional. Well, no one other than you, of course.
She ran to the end of the hallway, and found the staircase that led to where the supposed murderer was- the basement. She swore she could hear chaos filled yells from behind her, but she couldn’t pick out if they were directed to her or this “Floch” guy, and frankly, she didn’t care.
She rushed down the stairs, nearly tripping because of how hurried she was, and reached the only jail cell that remained locked.
Gazing through the bars, she was met with two figures, both sitting slumped on the beds. One had short blonde hair, with a lost and confused look in his eyes, while the other had the same auburn hair as Hange, alongside chestnut colored eyes that were swelled over in rage. They looked battered and filthy, but that was to be expected of any prisoner of the Scout Regiment.
Still, their faces ignited a twinge of sympathy in Annie’s bruised heart. They were the faces of children. Lost, confused- they hadn’t began to even sort the world out. They still had lives to live, so much opportunity ahead of them. Opportunity that was not to be found in the Warrior Program.
Regardless, nothing could stop her from getting to that child on the other side of the bars. The anger in her eyes would easily single her out as the guilty party. No one with kind eyes, like the blonde boy’s, could have done this.
The children gazed upon her, mostly with confusion, but also a mix of fear and apprehension. Despite her relatively small size, she could look pretty damn intimidating when she was pissed.
A swift, but strong kick hit the ancient rusty lock, and it snapped open easily. The forced of the kick cause the door to swing wide open, and no longer did anything separate her from the monster that just crumbled her world from all around her.
Dangerously slow steps approached the girl as she gazed on with both fear and aggressive apprehension. The blonde boy could do nothing but watch bewilderedly.
“You...” A low whisper escaped Annie’s throat, like the shriek of a ghost trying to breach the worlds between the living and the dead.
She stopped walking when she reached the bed, and she gazed at the floor silently. She wondered if this was the sympathy that lay locked in her heart. She couldn’t say she didn’t understand the girl, after all, Annie was a warrior candidate once too. She knew what it was like, the desperation to get picked and become an honorary Marleyan, and to not disappoint your family- she got it. It led you to do a lot of things, and she couldn’t help but feel bad for anyone caught up in the twisted program, especially since she was only a child, twelve at most.
The flicker of empathy that burned quietly in her chest was quickly snuffed out, however, as images of your bleeding form crying out for her, alone and in pain, floated in her mind tauntingly.
She grabbed her right arm with her other hand, and let out hushed breath, before leaning her head back and bursting into hysterical, almost maniacal, laughter.
None of this was fair at all. Why did she lose you? Why did you have to die? Why you? Why? Why why why why why why-
“WHY?!” She suddenly screamed, tugging on the front of the girl’s shirt and throwing her across the room carelessly, adrenaline flowing through her and giving her all the strength she needed.
The girl collided with the wall with a thud, and fell into a heap on the floor with a yelp. But, Annie wasn’t done. She marched over and picked up the girl by the collar and slowly raised her off of the ground. She held her against the wall with fury in her eyes, and the girl winced in pain as her feet lifted from the floor and kicked helplessly into the air.
“WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DO IT?!” Annie screamed, her eyes wide with trauma and lips frozen in a broken frown. “WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE HER, DAMMIT?! DID YOU EVER THINK BEFORE YOU CHOSE TO KILL SOMEONE?! WHAT THEY MIGHT MEAN TO SOMEONE?!”
Annie vigorously shook the terrified girl, trying desperately to get some sort of point across. Any point was lost in the translation of anger and grief, however. But for now, scaring the shit out of this girl would have to do.
“Dammit...” The tears that had been held back for so long started to flow once again. All she saw was you... your smile, your laugh, everything about you was just so perfect. She yearned to see you just one more time, and to have one final conversation with you.
“Dammit! Don’t you understand?! I was going to spend the rest of my fucking life with that girl! We were gonna get married and settle down and live a normal fucking life! That’s all I ever wanted! I was supposed to be there for her through everything, and you let her die cold and alone because of what?! What did you gain out of this?! Do you feel proud?! Satisfied?! Do you enjoy the blood on your hands?!”
Her hands stilled around the stiff fabric of the shirt that she still clenched in her hands. The girl had giving up on clawing Annie’s grip from her- Annie wouldn’t let go.
A final, lowly chuckle left her lips, her hands slowly relaxed, and the girl slowly slid down the wall, and her feet connected with the ground at last, but the girl didn’t run away. She could, if she truly wanted to, but she stayed there in the blonde girl’s grip. Perhaps guilt, or perhaps fear. Annie couldn’t tell, of course. Her vision was too blurry from tears to make out facial expressions.
Sobs started to wrack Annie’s body as she struggled to keep her composure, and one of her hands left the worn shirt to instead go up to her mouth, covering her mouth as she started to breakdown further into grief.
“I... I loved her...” She chocked out quietly. “I loved her so much... and now... I’ll never get to... see her again.” Her other hand finally let go of the cloth, and she leaned that arm against the wall for support as she leaned her trembling body onto it, her forehead meeting the cold stone.
The final realization of her lover’s death hit her like a brick as her sobs wrecked helplessly through her body, and she shut her eyes in mourning, or perhaps to pretend that nothing had even changed at all...
“I... I miss her...”
She stood there for a moment, and although she could feel the gazes of the two children on her, she didn’t care. She stood there in silence, crying silently in vain for her lover to return to her.
After what felt like hours, a gentle hand placed itself upon Annie’s shoulder. She turned around hesitantly, and was met with Armin’s saddened gaze.
“Annie, I...” He averted his eyes and gazed at the two children still inside the cell, as well as Mikasa, Connie, and Jean, who all appeared silently in front of the open prison door. “I think it’s time to go.”
“Her last words?” Connie questioned sorrowfully.
“Yes.” Annie leaned her back against the stone grave and gazed into the moon as it began to rise elegantly over the horizon. “What did she say?”
“Well...” His eyes darkened as he slowly started to recount the events that unfolded that day.
“When she was first shot... and I ran to her side to try and talk to her, and see how bad it was. She said your name, Annie. I thought it was a little strange at first, until she cupped my cheek and smiled at me. She lost a lot of blood, and fast, so I figure that she may have been hallucinating, and thought I was you for some reason.” He chuckled painfully at that, conflicted on whether to be sorrowful or nostalgic about that moment.
“I was screaming at her to hold on until we arrived at the island, but there was just too much bleeding. There was nothing that we could do. But, she told me something else right before she died...”
“Hey, Annie... Don’t be sad, okay? I promise you... w-we... will meet again sometime. Maybe another life, or in heaven... I don’t really care. I don’t really want you to forget me, but... let me go. You have your own life to live, even if mine ends... here. This is a senseless war anyways. But... if even just my sacrifice... can slowly bring... c-closure to all this fighting... than it’ll have been worth it, I promise you. So, in that regard, I don’t regret anything. Just... stay strong for me, Annie... I l-love you...”
Connie finished speaking, and turned his back away from Annie respectfully as the tears started to fall yet again.
“Try not to get too cold out here...” He stated bluntly before leaving.
After a few minutes, and she was sure he and anyone else was gone, she slowly shifted to lay right underneath the tombstone. The moon now shone brightly upon her, and reflected beautifully against the grave stone. She didn’t figure that this was how she would be spending her night with you, but she felt a least a little solace in being alone with you again, under the vast, unaware stars that freckled the night’s sky above.
Her mind having finally been cleared, she came up with a conclusion that she was honestly ashamed for not reaching earlier.
This was a senseless war. A war where everyone is a victim. It wasn’t Annie’s fault, nor was it yours, or Eren’s, or even Gabi’s- as she had soon learned was the girl’s name. All this fighting amounted to nothing but bloodshed and loss.
She peered around her surroundings, and pondered if every solemn gravestone belonged to someone who was loved in the same way that she loved you. She stopped to wonder, as well, about all the Scouts she had murdered during that time as the female titan. She thought back to Marco, as well. All of it was pointless. Every single person meant something to someone, and she was so cruel for ripping that away. This stupid war- she should say- is cruel for ripping it away.
War never felt so cruel until it affected her like this.
It was like your final conversation that she could ever have with you, one that she would have from beyond your grave. A conversation of ideas, and of hope for a future without bloodshed.
Truly, the reality of it started to set it. Even without you, she would do all she could to stop the bloodshed. It meant sacrifices. Sacrifices, most notably, like you. She would’ve given anything for you to be at her side- to end this conflict with her, but she sighed as she figured that it just wasn’t meant to be that way. Your death wasn’t in vain, though, as it helped her understand.
With or without you, she would fight to end this war, no matter the costs.
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i did this instead of maintaining a consistent posting schedule...
Still, I hope you don’t mind how unusually long and detailed this is, I may have gotten a little hooked on the prompt.
Hope you enjoyed it, after all that effort lmaooo
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yamalegacy · 4 years ago
also, do you have any hcs as to what type of person would mirko, midnight and ryuko like? maybe physically or what type of personality are they more attacted to. -🦋
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first time doing something for ryuko! and it was super fun and nice to do! just a bunch of little thoughts that were surprisingly easy to come up with for all three of these amazing ladies! but holy shit writing for nemuri and rumi both makes me super happy and completely wrecks my soul. ANYWAY! i hope you’ll like what i came up with!
characters: ryukyu, midnight, mirko
cw: none. pretty sure i didn’t even leave a swear word in there for once!
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RYUKYU ( tatsuma ryuko )
outside of her hero work, ryuko is a very simple and gentle person, and so, she needs a relationship and partner that agree with that side of hers, which is why she'd also prefer to date someone who isn't too interested in heroes and their work
she is very much aiming for long-term relationship and wouldn't even think to try to settle with someone she can't see herself spending the rest of her life with — do dragons mate for life? this one might.
being more reserved and shy, she likes someone who is confident in the way they express their feelings and affection for others. kind and generous people who are friendly and don't hesitate to tell their loved ones that they, well, love them!
soft-spoken people almost make her weak in the knees. ryuko would enjoy someone who talks to her and has a gentle tone. if they're willing to read out loud to her? she will positively melt against them and fall asleep right there and then
maybe someone who is passionate about what they do would be good for her? not a career-driven person, but rather someone who loves their job (especially if they work with kids) or their hobbies
listen. she might say she doesn't have a type (she doesn't really have one) but curvy and chubby women win her over in about three to five seconds.
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MIDNIGHT ( kayama nemuri )
three words: cute, cuter, cutest. nemuri just can't see herself with someone she doesn't find cute. her criteria aren't limited to the whole cliché "young, petite, gentle soul who can't do any harm", though she does love these things
she focuses a lot on eyes. it's not about color or shape, but rather what she sees in them, you know? she likes eyes that are gentle, but also expressive. she wants to be able to see care, love or passion in her partners' eyes!
honesty and a strong sense of justice are things that she finds extremely attractive. passionate people who know what they believe in and stand their ground? but also know when they're in the wrong and won't hesitate to ask for forgiveness? hot hot hot.
a somewhat calm and quiet personality is a good match for her. someone on the more shy and reserved side. nemuri loves someone that she can fluster and tease and coax out of their shell (in a more poetic way, she wants to be the sun that makes the pretty flower bloom)
at the end of the day, nemuri just really wants someone she can come home to and enjoy a chill evening with. cook dinner together, snuggle up on the couch in pjs — someone who will give her all the physical affection and attention that she craves, when she needs it
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MIRKO ( usagiyama rumi )
healthy. rumi likes people who are just as healthy as she is when it comes to her body. they don't need to workout all the time or anything like that, but she'd love a partner she can at least go for a morning jog with! and someone who doesn't mind all her healthy meals is a big bonus
she needs someone who can handle her energy levels and her brash personality since she can be a lot to deal with at time because of how brutally honest she tends to be, you know? but if they're just as brutally honest as her, rumi will both hate and love the tension
she isn't necessarily attracted only to loud personalities. rumi actually just likes a challenge, someone who doesn't take her shit. someone who is more reserved would be a challenge for her as well and she loves that!
people who are ripped catch her attention easily lbr — but it needs to be the healthy kind of ripped, not the 'dehydration for the sake of aesthetic hollywood abs' because she can spot those a mile away and it's really unattractive to her (don’t mean that she doesn’t love all body types because boooy, she sure does!)
long hair. it doesn't have to be super long. but she really likes at least shoulder length (no matter the gender identity) because it feels nice to play with her partner's hair when she gets distracted (which is all the time when she isn't working, or working out). hair has to be healthy and soft to the touch tho.
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l1terally-justawizard · 1 year ago
unskippable cutscene unlocked!!
Ok so the first one I sat down and listened to was Bombarded. Its about 3 bards (who are multiclassed one is a rouge, one is a barbarian, and one is a druid) who just got accepted into a magic music college and their adventures around the world! Every episode they write a song to use music magic to help them get out of stuff! There is a super cute lesbian slow burn side story with the half orc bardbarian and one of the NPC's it's the cutest ting in the world (the dm and the bardbarian yashi are married irl so it's even cuter that they're rping falling in love again) IRL they are all in a band together! So good and the final episode had me almost to tears in my local library!
The second one I started was Not Another DND Podcast (NADDPOD) Its about 3 people with totally differen backgrounds who get into wacky hijinks and save the world multiple times! (terrible summary but its amazing) they have a ton of fun guests on episodes and it's such a fun vibe! Also one of the people on there is a new player so they're teaching him how to play while they do it and it's fun to listen to! After they finished the first campaign they made other ones with the same people but different stories (personally I like the first one the best)
Then I was reccomended Worlds Beyond Number and hoooooolly shit its so beautiful and gorgeous!! I bet critical role is cool but this stuff is fantastic!!! They only have 18 episodes out right now and are updating every other Tuesday! Once again three people who were childhood friends split apart by their duties (hehe doodie) come together once again to fight as hidden evil that threatens the world as they know it!! Featuring my favorite Dm of all time Brennan Lee Mulligan He's so talented at storytelling and its so gorgeous! The worldbuilding alone is so facinating and each of the characters are such interesting complex people!!
Lastly but 100% not least Dungeons and Daddies (not a BDSM podcast)! Its about 4 dads flung into the forgotten realms to save their lost sons! Each of them are a different type of dad! Theres Darryl Wilson the stay at home barbecue sports coach dad, Henry Oak the crunchy hippie Birkenstock rocking nature dad, Glen Close the rock and roll bard dad who consumes copious amounts of drugs, and Ron Stampler the emotionally detached step dad who's really just trying his best! They all have to navigate the new world they're in while trying to better their relationship with their sons (also Daryll's son Grant is gay for a kid with his feet fused to a skateboard)
so those are the podcasts I have listened to/finished in my time listening to podcasts all of these are on Spotify and basically all listening platforms as far as I know! Also all of these podcasts have fanbases here on Tumblr! Enjoy and please do tell me how you like these if you listen to them!
I also have some cool ur channels I like that taught me a lot of things about dnd soo tell me if you ever wanna hear about those! double also I use this blog to do wizardposing which is basically dnd but online! If you ever wanna get into it just make up a character get a sideblog and you’re good!
The desire to get into dnd but also the conflicting short attention span and being horrible at strategy and math and just rules in general(struggles with long instructions)
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saynotoshityouhate · 4 years ago
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Squirt Guns & Switches (Adam Sackler x Reader)
summary: Your childish boyfriend ruined your nephew's birthday gift - but that didn't ruin your evening.
notes: this was my first submission to a fic exchange ( @adcuficexchange ) ever - something that really pushed myself out of my comfort zone but now I’m addicted. I wrote this for the lovely @leatherboundbirate and while it’s not my best work (and I desperately want to try it again now that I know what I’m doing) I still had fun writing it and hope you liked it! 💕
cw: oral (f receiving), PIV, squirt gun play
Summer in NYC was sweltering at best. The air was thick with humidity and sweat. The tall buildings and black asphalt held all of the heat at street level. Your small apartment had one window AC unit that you only turned on to sleep. You and your boyfriend, Adam, were struggling actors and living in NYC was expensive enough without the small comfort of cool air.
It was your nephew’s birthday party tomorrow, and you still needed to wrap his gift. You got out the wrapping paper, tape and scissors from the back corner of your closet, along with the shopping bag that held his gift, and set them at the kitchen table to put the gift together. You poured yourself a tall glass of ice water, attempting to cool your body down more, as wearing only a thin white tank top and gym shorts wasn’t doing the trick.
As you sat down, the front door flew open. Adam, a towering presence, crashed into the living room, kicking off his shoes and tossing his red backpack onto the couch. “Hey kid,” Adam kissed your cheek, “How was your day?” He whipped off his t-shirt, revealing his structured chest that was covered in a sheen of sweat. His skin was adorned with millions of little brown freckles and moles, a walking game of connect the dots - your favorite hobby was to trace them and find new constellations across his back.
“Oooooh shit, I’ve always wanted one of these!” Adam picked up the newest version of the SuperSoaker Squirt Gun - the gift you had purchased for your nephew, before you even had a chance to answer. “Hey put that back, that’s for tomorrow!” The heat had drained the patience from your soul, even if he got cuter when he was excited about something.
Before you knew it, he had ripped the packaging apart, eliciting a groan from you. “Ugh, seriously Adam?” Adam chuckled. “Kids have too many toys these days anyways. I’d be content with a stick…and a magnifying glass.” You rolled your eyes. “You were one of those kids who lit ants on fire, weren’t you.” He stuck his tongue out at you as he turned on the sink to fill up the squirt gun’s large tank.
You stood, hands on your hips, still pissed that you’d have to buy a new gift in the morning. “Adam, don’t you dare.” Adam grinned wide, showing off his goofy smile that made you absolutely melt. You tried to hold firm, but then he fired. “wanna see your tits….” He sprayed the squirt gun across your chest, dampening your white tank top. You squealed, the ice cold water soaking through the thin fabric, quickly revealing the fact that you hadn’t put a bra on this morning. It was too hot!
“Adam!!!” You whined, stomping your feet. “Give me that!” You charged towards him, grabbing at the squirt gun. Adam held the gun above his head and skipped around the apartment chanting “You’re not wearing a bra! You’re not wearing a bra!” He was too tall for you to reach it, but you knew exactly what to do to get him to listen to you.
Taking a deep breath and looking up at him with puppy dog eyes, you grabbed the hem of your tank top. “My shirt is so wet Adam, I should probably take it off.” You lifted the shirt over your head, revealing your breasts. Adam dropped his arms from above his head, and set the squirt gun off to the side. Like two magnets, his large hands latched on, holding their weight and softness. You gasped slightly, knowing this would be his reaction but never fully prepared for how wonderful it felt. He knelt down, bringing your chest to eye level, as he laid gentle kisses on and around your breasts. You brushed your fingers through his mop of dark hair, reveling in the feelings coursing through you.
You hated to interrupt, but this was your one opportunity. You grabbed the squirt gun which was just off to the side and taking a step back, you fired. Adam was knocked off balance, too engrossed in your tits to realize you had bested him. You copied his actions, spraying his chest, until you saw the tent that had formed in his shorts. You laughed, always surprised by the small things about you that turned Adam on - like when you took control.
Adam’s eyes were blown wide, surprised by your actions but also incredibly excited for whatever was going to come next. Your eyes glistened with mischievous excitement. You shot one quick squirt of water just to the side of Adam’s hardening cock. He grunted, his hips thrusting slightly, seeking friction. You laughed again. “You’re a needy little brat, aren’t you? Stealing my gift, holding it out of my grasp, getting my shirt wet…” You sprayed the gun again, this time to the other side. He grunted again. “Kid, come on, gimme a break.” Adam pleaded.
You slowly walked toward Adam, squirt gun pointed at his crotch. “You ruined my gift, Adam.” You sprayed the base of his erection, drawing a groan from your prey. “Now I have to go shopping in the morning.” You sprayed the head of his cock. “Fuhuuck, I’m sorry,” Adam mumbled. “What did you say, babe? I couldn’t hear you.” You stood over him, your legs straddled over his hips, squirt gun pointed straight down.
Adam grabbed your calves, rubbing up and down. “Y/n, I’m…” you sprayed a long stream of icy cold water, slowly, from base to tip. “Hands off, Sackler. Not until I hear an apology.” Adam’s head rolled back, his hands falling to his side and his hips jutting upwards. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry,” he yelled, bringing his deep golden eyes back to meet yours. You smiled, taking a step forward and lowering yourself down to sit on his stomach. “That wasn’t too difficult, now was it?” You held the squirt gun above your head, resting your other hand on his chest and leaning in, you placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. Your breasts fell right in his eye line, taking every ounce of his self control not to open his perfect pink lips and take one into his mouth.
You stood up, setting the squirt gun back on the table. “Now, here’s how you’re going to make it up to me. Not only are you going to replace the gift you ruined before I have to leave in the morning, but you’re going to make me feel good. I’ve had a long fucking day. I really just wanted to wrap this gift and spend the evening with my wonderful, caring, doting boyfriend. I wanted to make him feel good.” You shimmied your hips, pushing your shorts and underwear down to your ankles. Kicking them off to the side and taking a large step forward, you looked down at Adam, who was salivating. “Do you think you can make me feel good, baby?” Adam nodded his head, swallowing thickly, his adam’s apple bobbing in his throat.
You smiled down at your large, usually intimidating, boyfriend. Not only was he goofy, and silly, and sweet - but he could be strong, and dominating, and rough around the edges. You loved that about him - never knowing what to expect. It kept you excited - and he felt the same way about you. You slowly lowered yourself, his tentative hands gently guiding you, unsure whether he was allowed to touch you or not. “Please touch me,” you breathed, covering his hands with yours, your warmth easing itself onto his eagerly awaiting face.
Adam knew what he was doing, knowing exactly how to draw reactions from you, whether they were feelings of pleasure, frustration, or pure need. He used his lips and tongue, his breath and the vibrations of his own pleasure to drive you absolutely crazy. From the start, you weren’t sure how long you’d be able to hold out. Your hips moved in slow circles, your heavy head lolled back, and your hands, unable to find a home in one place, moved from Adam’s hair, to reaching behind you, grabbing at his now painfully hard erection through his shorts. “Babe, you make me feel so good, make me cum baby, please,” you whined, quickening the movement of your hips. Adam chuckled, the deep vibrations of his laughter drawing a high pitched squeal from you. He was in charge now.
Adam moved his hands up to your hips, and in one swift motion, he had you on your back. Lifting his head and pushing your legs apart, he settled himself up on his knees between your legs. “I’d be happy to go shopping for you, kid. But I know the best way to make you feel good is my cock in this tight pussy of yours. I was just gettin’ it ready earlier.” Adam pushed his shorts and boxers down just enough to free himself, the tip red and angry and leaking precum. “Please Adam,” you cried, desperately, “I need you.” That was all he needed. In one movement, he entered you, fully and deeply. He was right, his early actions had you more than prepared for his above average size. You had already been so close - it only took a few deep strokes and taps of his finger on your clit for you to lose control. Your orgasm crashed over you, babbling nonsense and soaking Adam’s cock with your arousal.
“Couldn’t even last for me, could you, kid? Now you’ve gotta wait for me, can you do that?” Adam’s thrusts became messy, his hair fell in front of his eyes and stuck to his face where your taste still lingered. You sighed, pushing his hair out of his eyes, reveling in the full, warm feeling that had washed over you. “I can wait for you, please cum for me, Adam. I want you to fill me up, Adam. Please.” That was enough for him, stuttering once more and groaning into his release.
You both laid on the kitchen floor, close...but not too close - the heat of the day and your activities didn’t bode well for post-coital cuddling, the squirt gun still sitting perfectly on it’s perch. Who knew a squirt gun could lead to so much enjoyment?
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viastro · 5 years ago
tastes like cola | lee jihoon
ミ★ synopsis: in which you force jihoon to be your fake boyfriend in order to finally beat your cousin at something.
ミ★ genre: fake dating!au, humor, fluff
ミ★ warnings: none!
ミ★ word count: 2,250
ミ★ pairings: jihoon x female reader
ミ★ notes: this one is dedicated to my luvie @urlocalcaratclown​ !! don’t think i forgot you mentioning this is one of your favorite prompts >:D i hope you like this one lucy <3
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“Absolutely not.”
“But Jihoon!” He lets out an exasperated sigh, stepping out of the kitchen to go into his studio. You trail after him like a lost puppy, planning not to leave him alone until he says yes.
“Yn I said no. I’m not going to pretend to be your boyfriend just to prove to your cousin that you can, in fact, find someone who’d want to date you!” You press a hand to your heart, ego slightly deflating at the comment, but you choose to ignore it. “Pleaseeee?”
“No.” You run up so that you’re in front of him, stopping him from walking. He glares at you, and you give him the best puppy eyes you can muster.
“I will literally buy you cola whenever you want for the rest of the year if you do this for me.” He raises an eyebrow at the offer, and you internally smirk. 
“... I’m listening.”
“I just need you to go on one double date with her and her boyfriend. She’s been making fun of me for so long, we have this eternal competition that we’ve never actually vocalized, but I swear it’s a thing.” Jihoon blinks at you, and you give him a big smile.
“So will you do it?” He stares at you for a moment, watching the way your nose scrunches up as you await his answer. 
“Make it cola and kbbq and you got yourself a deal.” You scowl at the addition to the original offer, but still outstretch your hand towards Jihoon. 
“Alright, deal.” Jihoon grins, softly shaking your hand. 
“Now can you come sing background vocals for the song I’m making for my class?” Rolling your eyes, you nod, stepping out of the way so that the two of you can walk to his studio room.
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“Should we run through it again?” Jihoon nudges you, giving you a smile in an attempt to offer some reassurance. “We absolutely do not need to run through it again. I’m very sure that we have our first date story memorized yn.”
You nervously bite your lip as the sight of the arcade draws nearer with each step you and Jihoon take. Your cousin has practically made everything between the two of you a competition since you were kids. If you got a dollhouse? She’d beg her parents to get a mansion for her dolls. You decided to grow out your hair? She grew hers longer. You were a cheerleader? She became the cheerleading captain. You lift a hand up to your mouth, about to nibble on your nails when Jihoon reaches up and takes it. He lets your hand fall, and intertwines your fingers with his.
Your eyes widen, and you turn to look at your pretend boyfriend, who is looking at anything but you. “J-Ji?”
“You gotta break that nail biting habit of yours when you're nervous. It’ll all work out yn, and besides, the arcade is like two steps away and it’d be weird if we walked in without holding hands.” You stare at him for a moment, before letting out a breath and looking forward again. 
stop falling for him you absolute buffoon, you think to yourself as your face gets warmer. Jihoon is biting back the smile from breaking out onto his face, trying not to focus on how your hand seems to just… fit.
He opens the door for the two of you once you reach the arcade, and you step in. Immediately the feeling of dread hits you when your cousin turns around and smiles at you. “Yn!” 
“Hi Mina.” You greet, lack of enthusiasm really showing that even Jihoon picks up on it. You let go of his hand to return the hug she gives you. He muffles down a chuckle when Mina turns to him, an indecipherable look appearing before she changes it back to a happy expression. “Yn, is this your friend?”
“He’s actually my-”
“I’m her boyfriend, Jihoon. It’s nice to meet you.” Jihoon interrupts, stepping over and holding your hand once again. Mina’s eyes practically bulge out of her head as she glances between the two of you. 
“N-no way..” She mumbles as she takes the chance to quickly do a onceover of Jihoon. His blonde hair is parted to the side, showing off his forehead and strong eyebrows. He’s wearing a simple white shirt and black jeans, slightly revealing his muscles. 
“Where’s your boyfriend?” You ask, snapping your cousin out of her drool fest. She lets out a grin, turning around right as a tall guy walks over. He wraps his arm around her, giving you a kind smile. 
“Bong-pal, this is my cousin yn and her boyfriend Jihoon.” He extends his hand out to shake, and you outstretch yours, eyes widening at the firm grip he’s got. “Nice to meet you guys.” 
“Should we go play some games?” He asks, and the three of you nod. 
“Well it’d be strange if we came to an arcade just to stand in the lobby.” You joke, to which Bong-pal laughs. Mina’s eye twitches, and she turns to you. “Wanna play basketball?” 
Your competitive fire ignites in your chest when you see the glint in your cousin’s eye, so you let out a small smile. 
oh god here we go… Jihoon thinks to himself once you turn away from Mina, catching sight of the furrow to your brows.
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“Fuck yeah!” Mina shouts once she gets another point in air hockey, and you clutch the striker tightly in your hand. The two of you have been competing in multiple different arcade games for the past two hours. You’ve won three out of the five games, while Mina has won two. Her poor boyfriend just walked off to play other games by himself because it was clear Mina had one goal and one goal only. 
Jihoon reaches out and rests his hand on top of yours, causing you to turn to look at him, snapping out of your thoughts. Your features immediately soften when he gives you a reassuring grin.
“Try and relax yn, you’re literally clutching the paddle so hard your knuckles were white.” You let out a sigh, and he pats your head with a grin. Mina raises an eyebrow at the gesture, turning to find Bong-pal sitting at one of the racing games. She glares, looking back towards you and Jihoon. 
they seem more on the friendly side than the romantic side, Mina thinks to herself as she stares at the two of you. It’s like a lightbulb goes off in her head when she comes up with the idea that the two of you might not actually be dating. 
“Ji, what do you like about my dear cousin?” Mina suddenly asks, and Jihoon freezes. You curse to yourself when you remember that you and Jihoon didn’t practice any answers for that type of question.
“Where did we meet?” You ask a tired Jihoon. He lets out a yawn, leaning farther back into the couch. He closes his eyes, releasing a sigh.
“At uni.”
“Who asked who out?” 
“I asked you out because you were too scared to make a move.”
“How long have we been dating?” Jihoon opens one eye to glance at you, seeing the determined look on your face. He smiles at the sight, finding it ridiculous how passionate you are about a fake relationship.
“Two months now.”
“When did you ask me out?” 
“May 27.”
“I, uh. I-” Mina smirks, and you feel your heart drop into your asshole when you realize she might be onto your guys’ act. You let out a breath, about to open your mouth to try and change the subject.
“I like how determined she is. When she has her mind set on something, she does whatever it takes to achieve that goal. Even if there’s a lot of bumps along the way, she still perseveres.” Your mouth drops open at the honesty in Jihoon’s voice, warmth rising to your cheeks as he stares at the puck.
“She’s really funny, sweet, and most of all, she’s kind. When we first met,” Jihoon lets out a small chuckle at the memory. “I was really tired that day because I stayed up writing a song the night before. I wasn’t looking where I was going, and I ended up bumping into her, spilling my coffee onto her white shirt. Yet she was the one who kept profusely apologizing to me, offering to get me a new cup of coffee and explaining how clumsy she is.” 
Jihoon turns to look at you, letting out a small smile when his eyes lock with yours. “I’d do anything for her, even go on a double date with people I don’t know.” You cough into your elbow, trying to will away the warmth in your cheeks. Mina blinks once Jihoon finishes, looking down at her hands clutching the striker. 
“Sounds like you really like yn, huh?” She asks, and he nods. 
“Yeah, guess I do.” Jihoon mumbles, quiet enough that you almost don’t catch it, but you do. Your heartbeat is fast and loud against your ears, smile breaking out onto your face. 
Mina coughs, taking a sip of water. “Let’s start playing again, shall we?” 
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“Well, it was nice meeting you Jihoon. Great seeing you too cuz.” Mina says, forcing out a laugh as she gives you a hug. You give her a genuine smile, and Jihoon chuckles about it, knowing that you’re only happy because you beat Mina at air hockey.
“It was great meeting you Bong-pal. I’ll see you at the next family dinner Mina!” You and Jihoon wave at the two, turning around to leave when your cousin stops you.
“Wait! Let me take a picture of you guys.” You and Jihoon pause, slowly turning around to see Mina already holding up her phone towards the two of you. You let out an awkward chuckle, getting ready to pose with Jihoon so that the two of you can fucking leave. 
“No be cuter!” Mina whines, and your eye twitches. There’s slight tension between you and Jihoon after he literally poured his heart out about what he loves about you, so now you just want to go home so the two of you can talk it out.
“Is this not cute?” Jihoon asks, arm wrapped around your waist. Mnia shakes her head, giving the two of you a devilish smile.
“Kiss!” You choke on your saliva while Jihoon turns into literal stone right beside you. Your cousin tilts her head to the side at your reactions, feeling satisfied that she’s almost caught you in your lie. She smirks, “Why? Is something the matter? I thought you guys were dating.”
“Nothing wrong! I’ll kiss my boyfriend.” You state, and Jihoon looks at you with wide eyes as you turn to face him. He mouths the words, are you sure? when he tentatively places his hands on your waist. In return, you give him a nervous smile, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck. The two of you stare at each other for a moment, before you close your eyes and press your lips to his.
Jihoon squeezes your waist, feeling his heart practically burst into butterflies at the feeling of you kissing him. He pulls you a bit closer, and you’re so caught up in the fact that his lips are soft and taste like cola due to his obsession, that you’re unable to hear Mina saying she took the picture.
“Uh, yn.”
“YN!” You and Jihoon jump away from each other, turning towards your annoyed cousin and her amused boyfriend. Mina taps her phone, telling you to turn on your airdrop. Once you do, she airdrops the photos, before bidding goodbye again. Once her and Bong-pal walk out of the arcade, you and Jihoon slowly turn towards each other. 
His eyes trail down to your mouth, taking note of your lips being more swollen than before. While you also stare at his, noticing of his lips being a bit pinker than before.
“Let’s get out of here.” You mumble, turning around and walking out before Jihoon can get a word in. He grins, following after you. 
“Hey!” You continue to walk, pretending to not hear him calling you.
“Yn~” Jihoon rolls his eyes, walking a bit faster so that he’s now standing in front of you. “Oh Ji, I didn’t hear you.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” You open your mouth to protest but he shoots you a look, immediately making you back down. 
“You promised to buy me kbbq whenever I asked.” Jihoon says, smirking at you when your timid expression turns into a glare. You let out a sigh, “Fine, fine. I’ll buy you kbbq.”
The two of you begin walking in the opposite direction in a tense silence. Well, the tension mainly comes from you as you are unsure of what to say now that you and Jihoon have kissed and you really wanna do it again. You’re snapped out of your thoughts when Jihoon slips your hand into his, letting out a content smile when he’s reminded of how well they fit. 
“We can talk about it when we eat.” He says softly, giving your hand a squeeze. A small smile escapes you, realizing that today was quite a success. 
i guess my fake relationship will turn into something real.
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doctenwho · 4 years ago
Woes of Infertility
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Hello! So, I had to do a bit of reaserch for this one in an attempt to make it as real as I possibly could. The emotions and thoughts weren’t ones I’d ever thought of, so, y’know-- hopefully it’s alright! Thank you for the request, it was fun to write!
I tried to keep it sad (but fluffy) but I can never seem to leave things at hurt. I’ve always gotta add that comfort in! I think it could be read as 10th or 11th doctor (I wrote as Ten) since sadness is relatively the same between the Doctors (as far as I’ve seen). Lemme know if it can, and I’ll add Eleven’s tags and an Eleven gif too!
Warnings: Sad, Infertility(?)
Word Count: 3,492
Summary: Read prompt above!
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(Gif’s not mine! Credit to creator!)
It was a slow walk back to the TARDIS. The Doctor was at your side, just as quiet as you were. This wasn’t like your normal trips to earth, where you’d stop in and save the world, or where you’d come home and visit your folks, or even your friends.  
The two of you had spent the afternoon at an obstetrician’s office. It... wasn’t the news you’d wanted to hear when you’d stepped into the office with the Doctor on you heels.  
You’d been trying to get pregnant for a little over a year.  
You and the Doctor had both agreed that maybe it was time to bring a child into the world. It had taken some persuasion, but you’d come to an agreement in the end.
You’d always wanted kids, since you were very young. It had been the one thing you’d always seen in your future. A little you, or a miniature copy of whomever you happened to end up with in life. Now you couldn’t seem to imagine anything besides a little tiny Doctor toddling around the TARDIS. You couldn’t get the thought of cradling a baby that resembled a bit of you, and a bit of the Doctor in your arms.  
It had taken years for the Doctor to allow himself to even think about fathering another child—let alone a half time-lord, half human baby. You knew he’d lost his first child in Gallifrey, he’d shared that a while back, after knowing him for years. You also knew that he had the galaxy on his shoulders already, and the planet of earth relying on him so heavily.  
He’d be stupid not to be wary at the thought of a baby relying on him too. The galaxy of people was one thing, but his own offspring depending on him would be something else entirely.  
You probably would never be able to fully understand how the Doctor’s mind was processing the thought of you wanting a baby with him. There was a lot he needed to think about before he could make that kind of commitment again.  
Plus, there was the fact that humans and time-lords reproducing together wasn’t rationally a good idea. He was an alien, no matter how human he looked. And you were still a human. The two of you were biologically different, but you didn’t think that should really matter. So, what if your baby has two hearts in the end? One or two hearts, you’d love the child with all your heart. And you knew for a fact the Doctor would feel the same way.  
But despite his initial hesitance, you’d managed to get him on board. You’d managed to get him as excited at the idea of the two of you creating a baby together as you were. He was thrilled now, waiting patiently and doing his best to keep you happy, and safe in his world of dangers.  
You weren’t keen on raising a child while travelling. You loved the TARDIS, and knew that she would be a perfect home for your baby to grow up in, just like it had been a perfect home for you to start your life with the Doctor, but you’d like to keep everything in earth’s atmosphere.  
And to your surprise, the Doctor had agreed to do just that for the first few years of the child’s life.
You’d had everything planned out. The two of you talked about names, both human and Gallifreyan. You were planning things even though you’d really had nothing to be planning for you. You’d gotten a bit ahead of yourself—the both of you had.  
The Doctor even showed you what few baby items he had hidden away in the TARDIS. There was really nothing cuter than the little cradle the Doctor had shown you with his name engraved in the headboard wood.  
You’d been so excited at the thought of having a child, and it was frustrating that you’d been trying for so long, but hadn’t had any luck. You really wanted nothing more than a baby of your own. A baby that looked like you, and the Doctor. A piece of the both of you.
But you hadn’t been successful.
No matter how long you waited, or how perfectly you timed things, or what fertility tricks you tried out that friends, and family had to offer.  
You did not fall pregnant.  
And you were worried. You’d voiced your concerns to the Doctor, and you knew he was worried too. He was worried, but he always did that thing where he acted like he wasn’t and put your feelings before his own. But you knew he was worried too.
You’d booked an appointment with an obstetrician that was recommended by a friend and waited for the day to come when you could arrive at the office and learn exactly what you were seeking, or maybe even find some help in the path to parenthood.  
You’d walked into that office hopeful for a bright future with a child of your own, and you’d walked out with a broken heart.  
The obstetrician had studied the two of you when you walked into her office, talked brightly and offered wisdom you hadn’t known about the reproductive process and pregnancy. She’d sat you down, and given you an examination that you’d hoped would’ve given you some answers. She hadn’t looked too much into the Doctor, but he didn’t seem to mind.  
And really, the last thing you guys needed was the obstetrician finding the Doctor’s second heart and calling the police, or maybe even the government.  
You really just wanted to know if you were able to carry a child.  
You’d never have guessed you’d have irregular ovulation. You’d always just assume everyone had inconsistent cycles. That missing a period here and there was normal. No one had ever told that it could be an ovarian syndrome.  
You’d listened silently to the obstetrician explain everything to the two of you, the Doctor’s hand on your thigh as his thumb rubbed a calming back and forth pattern. You’d never met a guy so in tune with your emotions, but you supposed if there ever was to be one, it would’ve been the Doctor.  
The woman went on to talk about fertility treatments, and getting the Doctor tested as well. You promised you’d look into it, but you knew you wouldn’t.  
You and the Doctor both knew he couldn’t have an exam down on earth, not when he differed from humans even in the slightest. You didn’t want to lose him to a lab of scientists, so you’d just had to... accept fate. There wasn’t much more you could do. Not with your unorthodox relationship.  
You and the Doctor said your farewells to the woman as she apologized sympathetically for the unfortunate news you received. You left the office in a hurried pace, breezing passed the couples in the waiting room, all in varying stages of pregnancy.  
You tried not to look at them, because if you did, you’d surely cry. And you’d rather not bawl your eyes out in a doctor’s waiting room, around a bunch of women all hormonal and pregnant. Something you’d probably never be.
You knew you could still look into fertility treatment, even if just for yourself instead of for both you and the Doctor. You were sure you’d have more luck if it were both you and the Doctor taking the treatment, but there wasn’t much else you could do on you home planet, and you were afraid to do anything to yourself on a planet that wasn’t yours.  
And you still couldn’t (and never would) know if it was simply the biological differences between human and time-lord refusing to battling to be the dominant species of the baby you desire. Perhaps your different DNA’s were doing more against you in the process than you’d thought.  
And you’d never know, because you’d never be desperate enough to put the Doctor in danger to test it.
The two of you walked slowly to where the Doctor had parked the TARDIS, hidden away in an alley behind the obstetrician’s office. You walked right beside the Doctor; close together and almost shoulder to shoulder. The Doctor’s hands were buried in his pockets, while yours were motionlessly hanging by your sides.  
You were suddenly so exhausted. You were tired of the world and this day. What had been said in that office was finally hitting you—and it was hitting you like a freight truck. You could hardly bear the thought of the news you’d been given. It had been so much worse than whatever you were expecting.  
You never really expect something like this to happen to you. To be one of the few who can’t have a baby. It’s always someone else suffering because of it, or heartbroken over it—but never you.  
Until it is.  
Beside you, the Doctor slipped his hand into your own, and laced your fingers together. You turned your head slightly to see him looking down at you with an unreadable look. Or, maybe you just didn’t have the energy to read it.  
He didn’t say anything, but he led you along to the TARDIS like he always did.  
The Doctor unlocked and opened the door when the two of you arrived, but you were quick to make your way in past the console room and into the bed that you more often than not shared with the Doctor.  
It was a bit weird that the two of you shared a room. Not in the traditional way, you knew on earth it was completely normal for a couple to share a bed, but in the sense that the Doctor didn’t sleep a lot. He mostly joined you very late at night, or sometimes just for cuddles.  
He was always so busy, so you liked it when the Doctor would leave the console room and whatever he was thinking about to just lay in bed with you. And sometimes even fall asleep with you.  
And slowly, in that process, the room the TARDIS had made for you, had expanded and became a bedroom for both of you. It was honestly cute that the TARDIS made the room bigger, and added pillows and other things to accommodate the Doctor into the room as well. You’d taken that to mean the TARDIS approved of your relationship.
As you made your way to your bedroom, you couldn’t help but get lost in thought. You knew the Doctor was hurting just as much as you, but if you knew him, he’d be itching to get off earth and away from everything.  
And you couldn’t say you weren’t happy to get off earth right now as well. It didn’t take away the problem, but it pushed it out for a bit. It was irrational, but you couldn’t help but tie your current problems to earth. It was just something to blame that wasn’t yourself, or the Doctor, because you knew neither of you were at fault.  
Upon arriving at your room, you dropped yourself into your bed heavily. You were quick to curl yourself up in a ball, knees pulled up to your chest and the side of your face buried in the pillow. You were tucked under the covers, hiding from head to toe.  
The Doctor didn’t come to you right away. Not that you minded. It was nice to have a moment alone with your thoughts. This news had been dropped on you like a bomb, you’d really thought you were going to walk into that office, get some kind of vitamins or something, and fall pregnant in the following weeks.  
And you knew he needed a moment to get his thoughts in order as well. This wasn’t just hard on you; you knew the Doctor was devastated about the news too—he just liked to hide it, and tend to you instead of worry about himself.  
It was only about ten minutes later that the Doctor walked into the room. He came to your side first, setting a mug on your nightstand before moving to his own side and crawling into the bed beside you. He remained on top of the covers, since most of them were cocooned around you.  
You felt his hand settle on the side of you head, over the covers. He pulled them down enough that he could see your face before settling his hand again and running his fingers through your hair. You gave a heavy sigh, uncurling your body from the tight ball and sliding up so you were resting against the headboard.  
You grabbed the mug off the night stand, noting your favorite tea, prepared just the way you liked it. The Doctor didn’t have a mug for himself in his hands, nor was there one on his nightstand, but he didn’t really like earth food and drink too much.  
You cradled the drink between your palms, leaning into the Doctor and sighing again. The man moved his arm so he could wrap it around your shoulders, and pulled you slack into his side. You curled into the embrace, willing yourself not to cry as you tried to sip at the tea he’d brought you.  
Neither of you said anything for a long while, just settled into a comforting silence. You’d both need a moment to think before you talked it over anyways. The whole future the two of you had been planning had basically been flipped upside down.  
You shut your eyes as you thought, sipping the tea occasionally as you tried to organize your thoughts. You didn’t open your eyes until you heard the Doctor speak above you.  
“I know this wasn’t the news you wanted to hear... I didn’t want to hear it either, but everything will be alright, my love,” the Doctor’s voice was soft, his cheek was resting on the top of your head, “we’ll do everything we can to help with fertility, and we’ll see this doctor the obstetrician referred us too and maybe... maybe we’ll get lucky?”
“We can’t,” you told him firmly, voice wobbling, “a fertility doctor will want a full medical exam of the both of us, and that’s not safe for you. As much as I want a baby, I won’t lose you in the process. I won’t.”
The Doctor didn’t say anything, but you could feel him looking down at you. You honestly weren’t willing to let the Doctor be taken away just so you could have the child you’d been dreaming of. It wasn’t worth it if it wasn’t you and the Doctor raising the baby together. You wanted a family with the Doctor, not just a baby.  
“I don’t know what I should say,” the Doctor mumbled honestly, frowning sadly, “I don’t know what to say to make this better. I’m sorry things aren’t working out right now, and I know you really wanted this, but this doesn’t change anything, alright?”
You gave him a nod, squeezing your eyes shut as you spoke, “it’s just... everyone’s expecting a baby. My parents have always hinted at a grandchild, and... I just really wanted to be a mother. It’s not fair, Doctor.”
“No, it’s not,” the man sighed heavily, leaning into you, “we can keep trying though.”
He paused, studying you before continuing, voice a soft whisper beside you. He ran his hand up and down the length of your back smoothly, “we can keep trying and we can jump through all the hoops she gave us to increase our chances, and hope that we get lucky but... there’s a good chance this may never happen for us.”
“I know,” you sniffled. “I was just... I was so excited, you know? A baby of our own. A cute little me, or an adorable little you toddling around the TARDIS? We’ll never... we’ll never have that.”
You pulled away from the Doctor just enough for you to set your mug back on the nightstand and slide back down to a laying position. You pulled the covers tighter around yourself as you buried the side of your face back into the pillow.
“I know,” the Doctor sighed, laying down beside you and molding his body around yours. He nuzzled his nose into the back of your neck, “it’s just... not a possibility for us now. I wanted this as much as you did, and I’m sorry it’s not a reality for us. I’m just glad you’re okay. Maybe you can’t have a baby, but you’re still healthy, and that’s all I can ask for.”
“It’s not your fault,” you told him softly, turning to face him, “it just... wasn’t meant to be, I guess. Maybe we’ll still get lucky, and be blessed with a baby somewhere down the line. Who knows?”
You swallowed, willing yourself not to cry. You cleared your throat, looking back at the Doctor with a tiny watery smile, “as long as we’re both healthy.”
The Doctor gave you a small smile in reply, face a twisted mess of fondness and grief.  
You were laying almost nose to nose with the Doctor. His hand had settled on the curve of your side, thumb rubbing those calming patterns once more. You felt a bit bad that the Doctor was doing all the comforting, when it was the two of you who were both feeling the heart break of the situation.  
The Doctor didn’t seem to mind though, and you knew he liked to care for you. This was probably his way of coping with the news.  
“We were going to be a family,” you whispered, eyes slipped shut, “you, and me, and the baby. And the TARDIS. She would’ve been a perfect home for our baby.”
“We are a family,” the Doctor’s voice replied, just as calm and soft as your own. He pressed a quick kiss to your lips, “we’re a family. Maybe we don’t have kids yet, and maybe we can’t physically have our own children, but there are other ways, right?”
You knew there were other ways to have children. There was using a surrogate, or possibly adoption. Surrogacy wasn’t technically an option for the two of you, since you didn’t want to put Time-Lord DNA and off-spring into an unsuspecting woman. You were fully aware of everything but any other human definitely wouldn’t have been.
As much as the Doctor was right about the alternative suggestions, right now it didn’t feel the same. You knew they were possibilities, that it would probably be more likely to get a child via those means, but it wasn’t the same. Maybe it was the heartbreak at not being to carry a baby of your own, but it just didn’t feel right.  
Maybe in a few days, or weeks or years, but the hurt right now was still too fresh for you to really see and think about the option of getting a baby from somewhere else. It truly was heartbreaking. No one wants to hear how low their possibility of conceiving a child is.  
You really had nothing against adoption—it was an amazing thing for both parents in search of children who, like you, were unable to have their own, but also for children needing homes. You knew sometime down the line you’d be all over that... but right now, with the heart break so fresh, you couldn’t wrap your mind around it.  
All you’d wanted was a baby of your own. A baby that was half you, and half the doctor. A perfectly little miracle of human and time-lord nature. A child that was yours, and the Doctors.  
And it honestly sucked that the chances of that happening were so slim. That the chance of you getting pregnant were low, less than five percent—at least from what the obstetrician said.  
You felt bad that you couldn’t give the Doctor what you’d talked him into. You’d gotten him excited for this baby, and now there would be no baby to get excited for. Not one from you, anyways.  
“It’s not the same,” you sniffled, wiping away a couple tears, “it sounds awful, but it wouldn’t be the same, Doctor. It’s just--”
“Shh,” the man consoled, “it’ll be alright. If I know anything about the universe, it’s that it always sorts itself out. Everything will be alright, okay? Maybe not right now, maybe not in a few weeks, but it will sometime.”
You let your head tuck under the man’s chin as he pulled you close again. You weren’t going to say it, but you really couldn’t imagine it being alright in this moment.  
You’d probably never get the child you’d always hoped for. You’d never get that deep level of motherhood others had. You’d never get that natural connection with a child of your own. And right now, it didn’t feel like the pain would ever go away.  
As always, I hope you enjoyed! Feel free to re-prompt if it wasn’t what you were looking for! Thanks once more for the request, it really was fun to work on (and the research was cool as well!).
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wowtobio · 5 years ago
Hi, could you please write hcs for tendou, Kuroo, and iwazumi helping their s/o who has horrible back pain. Like to the point of almost not being able to get out of bed( I am in that situation, but during school I’d have to take a bunch of pain killers to get through the day)
✧・゚: *✧・゚Kuroo, Tendou, and Iwaizumi w/ an s/o who has back pain・゚✧*:・゚✧
awwh i’m really sorry to hear that :( back pain is the worst, i hope the pains go away for you very soon ❤
my last post flopped haha :’) o whale
genre: fluff
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Alarm sounds jarred within the confines of your bedroom. Ignoring the searing pain in your back which was the true cause of your awakening, you slap your hand on the snooze button, silencing the most annoying sound in the world.
You sat up. Yup. Nope. Not today.
You collapse back into your pillows. The warmth and softness that welcomes you does not soothe the excruciating sting starting from your lower back spreading upwards. School is not worth enduring through combined with this. Gulping down some painkillers, you tell your parents class is a no go. And by the grim look you had, they allow you to stay home. 
Kuroo notices your absence immediately, and he pulls out his phone sending you a text. 
This boi will borderline spam your phone and will call you during break times at school. You appreciate the sentiment, but as you answer his fourth call with a tick mark on your forehead, he realizes that he should probably cut it out in order for you to get your beauty sleep. 
He thinks about you the whole entire day and is lowkey worried abt your well being awwwwh
Buys your favorite snacks and some painkillers on the way home, Kenma’s like “you’re so whipped kuroo oml” 
When Kuroo arrives, he just casually walks in. He’s been here before. Upon seeing your curled up form he sits beside you. No words exchanged as he lays his hand on the small of your back, rubbing it soothingly. His touch is familiar to you and you sigh with content.
You both end the day sharing and feeding each other the snacks and you listening to Kuroo talk about his day. He gives you the assingments he collected for you throughout the day and he offers to help you catch up on it. Of course, homework and studying is the last thing on your mind as you practically jump into his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck, 
His arms encircles your body, his fingertips stroking your back in attempt to relieve the pain. 
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Groaning, you ignore Tendou’s phone calls. This was your morning routine, your adoring red-headed boyfriend would spam call you acting as your alarm, patiently waiting outside your dorm. Once you do wake up and get ready, you meet him outside and walk to your classes hand in hand. 
However, today was a different case. Your back decided to act up once again, normally you would bite your tongue and deal with it. It may have been the way you slept or your back just decided to be a little dickhead, either way you couldn’t even sit up due to the screaming pain you were feeling. 
Your ringtone going off and the text tones rapidly popping up did not help, your annoyance towards the middle blocker grew. Finally you picked up the phone.
“OI TENDOU COULD YOU QUIT IT PLEASE. I ain’t coming to class today so just go on without me” 
Before you could hear his dramatic wails, you push the red end call button and throw your phone on a nearby nightstand. Not even 5 minutes of peace go by as the door to your dorm burst open with your worst enemy aka your boyfriend. 
Thank goodness your roommate already headed off, but you silently cursed her for leaving the door unlocked. Ignoring the calls from Tendou you chuck a pillow at his face. For whatever reason he falls on his butt due to the force of said object and he spits out how cruel and cold you are. 
When you don’t retort back like you usually do and instead curl up into a ball crying a little in pain, the boi goes silent. surprisingly. This is not the first time you experience these pains, Tendou now reads the room and he waddles on over to your side. 
Poking your arm he c a u t i o u s l y asks if you’re okay. because he loves you ofc
“Nee~ (y/n)-chan. Are you okay? You’re no fun when you’re all grumpy like this”
No response again, he sighs before walking off. Your ears perk up at his short arrival. He brings back a heating pad and some painkillers with some water to down it. He offers it to you and you thank him shyly, a light pink dusting your cheekbones. 
You didn’t even realize how much time has passed and you frantically panic and shout at Tendou he’d going to be late for class. He merely laughs it off and wave off your concerns. 
“Don’t worry about it honey! I’ll be here for you, now lay on your stomach for me okay?” 
There’s no convincing him otherwise, so you sigh and lay down. He starts to massage your back and even do his cute little karate chop thing that always made you giggle (seen in the gif above^^ lucky goshiki). 
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sooo I have read a few scenarios in which Iwaizumi is your nextdoor neighbor and all I have to say is yes. I love it. So I am writing about it here too because I want too.
Alright, upon waking up you cry out slightly as you predicted. The slight uncomfortableness you felt before and during you slept has ended with a now terrible aching in your back and all you want to do it make the pain stop. 
Try to sit up? Haha no, you could barely turn over on your side to check your phone, sending your boyfriend who also happened to live next doors, a text message saying you won’t make it to school. 
About 5-10 minutes pass and you hear your front door open. When your bedroom door opens you jump which causes you to yelp slightly in pain. Iwaizumi clad in his school uniform, tsks. 
“And here I thought you were dying” He scowls slightly. 
“I am Hajime! Or at least my back is hmph” You pout at him. 
Iwaizumi only sighs before sitting on the edge of your bed, his backpack left on your carpet floors, long forgotten. “I was only kidding” he states matter of factly, his roughed up hands from his volleyball practices finds themselves tangled in your hair. His hand strokes and massages your scalp and you purr at his touch. 
Tugging on his sleeve, you give him the puppy eyes you know he cannot resist. Hajime coughs slightly, attempting to hide the growing blush on his face and you only laugh at his shyness. He denies your request, claiming that he shouldn’t skip school.
“Buuuut Hajimeeee, you’re smart so it’s okay if it’s just one day” Cue the same puppy eyes, but this time cuter. Iwaizumi didn’t even know such a thing was possible. 
Turning bright red once again, he pinches the bridge of his nose and groans before sneaking into your arms right beside you. Silently cheering out of joy, you bury your face into his broad chest and inhale his masculine scent. His strong biceps wrap around and massages your back, he hides his face in your hair and mumbles
“I’m doing this for you idiot, so be grateful” 
a/n: it’s confirmed that i have a thing for iwaizumi’s hands sighh but thanks for reading! i hope everyone’s healthy, happy and staying safe hehe
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kermitbread · 4 years ago
a little thingy I don't plan on continuing. my only context for this is... witches, cat boys and... that's it lmao
sorry I haven't been posting too much writing. I haven't been confident about it lately ;w;
The chanting was getting louder the more closer they moved.
Nene had no idea where those people were taking her, because for one thing, she was blindfolded. They even tied her wrists behind her back and unceremoniously carried her away from her house. Wow, way to interrupt a girl from her leisure time, huh?
She could hear the crackling sound of fire and loud shouts of "kill her!" from the angry voices of the townspeople, which finally lead her to understanding what was happening. It had just been her luck that she decided to live in a town that greatly loathed her kind.
Yes, she was a witch. And currently she was going to get executed in the middle of town for many people to see.
What fun.
There wasn't any use on telling them that she wasn't like the bad witches at all. It wasn't like she was bad, it was just that she knew how people would react to the fact trying to explain things would be rendered useless from their moments of delusion.
How in the world did they find out? Was she not being careful enough? Did some kid see her using some minor spells on her garden and snitched? Or did someone see her idly sharing a conversation with that black cat that visited her from time to time?
Ah, whatever. She was going to die and that was gonna be the least of her worries now.
She got dropped onto the ground and pushed against a pole, hands tying her waist around it securely. Something prickly brushed against her legs, which she figured was a bunch of hay underneath her.
"Burn the witch! Kill her!"
So this was how she was going to go, huh? Getting burned to a crisp for everyone's viewing pleasure. Well, if she had any regrets, one of them was not getting a boyfriend. It's because of my ankles right? No wonder they wanna kill me. Me being a witch, and my stupid ankles.
And that little black cat. He would be very sad when he finds out she couldn't make it for their everyday talks together. Maybe he could find a new, cuter witch to be with now? Not like he wanted to stick around a witch with radish legs, right?
The smell of smoke was beginning to become more apparent. She could feel the heat from the fire coming closer and closer. There were many shouts that repeated the same phrase over and over again, and a part of her just wanted them to get over the entire thing already so she wouldn't have to listen to them.
Funny that she still had the audacity to get annoyed on the verge of death.
She heard her name getting shouted with desperation, as she quickly recognized the voice. Ah, Aoi. I'm sorry that I have to leave you behind so abruptly.
The flames were getting closer, to the point she could feel the heat starting to get stronger. This was it. Unless there was some sort of miracle that would happen, which would be nice, there was no turning back now.
"That's a little bit extreme of you people, isn't it?"
All of a sudden, she felt all the ropes that tied her loosen, and herself getting pulled away from the fire that was about to burn her alive. It all happened so fast, she wasn't even able to process what just happened.
"Hey! What are you doing?! We're trying to get rid of her!"
The voice—which belonged to a boy that she seemed to sorta recognize—only laughed. She squeaked when he suddenly flipped her over and she got plopped into someone's arms, probably belonging to him.
What in the world was going on this time?
"Trying to burn a cute girl is considered rude, no? I'm sure we can all understand that." Nene felt her cheeks warm up at the thought of that boy calling her cute. Can you blame her, it was the first time a boy had ever said anything like that around her.
"But she's a witch! If we don't kill her now, she's going to kill all of us!"
"Tch, you humans and your irrationalities." It was strange that he refered to them as 'humans', as if he wasn't one of them.
Maybe he was like her, in a sense?
The air kicked up around her and before she knew it, she was being carried away by her still unidentified savior from the crowd of angry townspeople. She heard Aoi calling after her in a worry, before ultimately the voices of the crowd were reduced to merely silence as they went further and further.
They finally stopped, and Nene could hear water close by. They seemed to be near a river, one that was beyond the outskirts of the town.
Pulling her blindfold off she tried to squint through the dark in order to get a better look at the person. Short dark hair concealed by the hood of his cloak, and golden eyes that looked like the kind that would probably glow in the night if that were possible. She didn't realize she was staring at him until he decided to look back at her.
"You are one clumsy witch, you know that, Yashiro?"
Now how did he know her name? She doesn't recall meeting him at all. Or even seeing him around town for that matter.
He seemed to be irked at her confused look, as he sighed to himself, setting her back down on her feet. He pulled back the hood off his head, revealing... cat ears.
"You seriously don't recognize me, Yashiro? Am I that generic looking?"
Wait. It couldn't be possible, right? Like, she's a witch, sure, but even she thought it wasn't capable of happening at all.
Or was it?
"H... Hanako-kun?" She softly said, unsure whether she was right. Fortunately she was, as seen by how his face brightened up at the mention of the name.
"That's right! It's me! So you do recognize me after all!"
"T-that can't be right! Hanako-kun's a..." Nene trailed off when Hanako walked right up to her and bent over, leaning forward up to her face with a smile.
"This is my real form, you see. I wouldn't be able to save you from getting killed if I stayed a cat now, right?"
"I know that! It's just that... why did you save me? You barely know me, apart from those three months." Nene shifted her foot around, deciding to look down at the grass instead of his eyes.
It wasn't like he saved her for any special reasons, right? If only she wasn't such a hopeless romantic.
Hanako tilted his head to the side, still smiling all the way. "I like you, though. That's enough of a reason for me."
"Huh?!" That was totally uncalled for! What in the world did he mean by that?!
"I said..." Now their faces were so close to each other, to the point she hoped he didn't see how red her face was getting. "I like you, Yashiro."
"As a... as a friend?" She managed to ask, but for some reason she hoped it wasn't the case.
Only a little, though.
Hanako finally pulled away from her personal space, and he turned up to look at the night sky for a while to contemplate, then turned back to her.
"That's up to you to decide." He replied, sticking his tongue out with a playful wink.
"Wha—you jerk!" Nene stomped over to him, trying to punch him on the chest. Of course he was joking! The boy had the habit of misleading her with his words, even before he showed his true form to her. Why was she even disappointed in his answer, anyway?
"Aha, settle down, Yashiro." Laughing, Hanako takes both her hands into his. It was hard to keep a straight face when Nene was making such a cute angry face.
He saw light from torches coming closer to their location. Ah, crap. Those townspeople were on their tracks.
Picking Nene up from the ground once more, he plopped her behind his back, making sure she was secure. "We better move!"
"Eh—Hanako-kun, where are we even going to go?!"
He didn't turn to look at her, but it was clear that he knew what he was doing. "Don't worry, I'll protect you, Yashiro. So hold on, okay?"
Her heart beat fast again, another blush making its way into her cheeks once more. All she could so was nod and bury her face on his back, trying not to be too obvious.
Before she knew it, they were running away once more, away from the people chasing after them. Who knows where they were heading, but Nene had the feeling they were probably going to be just fine.
"Um... Hanako-kun, aren't I too heavy?"
"Yeah, actually—ow! I was just joking!"
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tobeornottotc · 5 years ago
A Chance To Love Episode 3- Positives/Character Dynamics
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So I’ve seen and heard comments about episode 3 being a ‘recap’ again and at first I was annoyed, and wanted to whine but I watched the episode and I absolutely loved it? And it makes me sad that if we never had known about season 1 or TINCAN before this, this episode would be highly loved and praised. Especially with all those who are out for Mame’s downfall (which I think is just urgh if you don’t like the show don’t watch it). Anyway I am here to say that this episode has made me so excited all over again for this show (we still need to cut out Ae’s storyline because he’s just crying and crying and I get it but it’s reaching the limit now)
I am slowly deciding if I’ll start analysing and writing posts about the show’s depth/dynamics of the characters especially the dynamic of Tul and Tin as brothers so far and how their love interests fit into their character’s needs and desperate requirement for love, warmth, trust. The connection between these two is heartbreaking, messy but also is so deep and strong? They are interesting shadows of each other especially due to the mystery of their past/child hood that’s still looming around. But that’s a post for another day.
So Yeh this episode is so good  and so is season 2 and here’s a list of things I adored about it:
Character changes/introduction to arcs/dynamics:
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Can: Can is much more mellow/calm? I think people have noticed it too, in season 1 he was more fiery and louder, and defensive. He’s still Can who calls out the wrong, and fights for kindness and trust but this time he’s more calmer, he’s more leinent to Tin. And I am obsessed with this change??? Basically we can see already from the actions and the difference that Can can’t help but like Tin, he complains about seeing him and bumping into him but his kind/childish nature is still willing to play around with Tin and be close to him even if he’s freaked out about the excessive PDA Tin displays. His reaction to the kiss is so different, he tells Tin about it but it’s more cuter instead of aggressive and panicked, he’s dazed and thoughtful about it, again he’s more positive about it all. We can see he is already seeing Tin as a friend he likes to hang out with. But this is essentially his actual personality. We also connect Ae’s break up with Pete with his own arc that’s upcoming. From seeing the pain people suffer from with love Can does not see the point of feelings and being that vulnerable with someone. Because it consumes people’s thoughts and it’s doesn’t seem fun. He prefers just being childish and naive about feelings. This is such a good way to set up the arc that occured at the conclusion of season 1 when he ended it with Tin but still wanted to be friends with him. I love this side to Can because I notice the chemistry even more from Plan, he’s softer, warmer and it makes me squeal watching all their scenes in episode 3 together.
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Tin: Tin is also different also less harsher, his brooding personality is contrasted with the hints about the pain/trauma he’s gone through from his family environment, he acts indecisive about how to act around his family members we see him soft with his nephew this episode only when no one is around and he sees his brother and reverts back to his cold shield. He also doesn’t trust his brother even though we’ve not been given enough information about what he’s done, and he seems okay so far? But little hints have been placed (the way Mame does) like him saying “That day is never going to happen” when Tin threatens to take of his mask suggesting he is hiding his real self and knows why Tin is acting the way he does. And just as in season 1 we see Can’s childishness make his stifled life when he’s feeling suffocated, give him some calmness/excitement to the lonely life he decided to embrace.
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Again their relationship arc has been given depth just as before but it’s told in a way this season that is even more romantic and softer. They’re bumping into each other, like fate and coincidence and they’re both helping the other with their character arcs. Can is giving Tin a positive outlook to life and trusting people again and Tin is making Can mature and trust feelings of love and being vulnerable. teaching him why love is worth everything. Already Tin’s presence to Can is showing that (which was foreshadowed in episode 1 at the beginning with the flashfoward when they hugged), he;s the person who gets to see Can vulnerable, and the person Can can lean on. This is why we have those scenes in this episodes, little tidbits that build up the story behind the scenes so we see a pay off when they choose each other.
1. The running to the car scene: This is such a good scene I squealed. We’ve seen this scene before when Can listens to Tin and he asks him if he believes if he’s an unloved child making Can question if he was too harsh. In season 1 it takes a while for Tin to say this line and for Can to apologise ‘(he does it with a letter I think). Him running to the car and immediately apologising and Tin rubbing his head before flicking it is sooo cute? We’re getting soft couple vibes rather than the enemy to lovers vibe and I’m loving it. Can choosing to apologise to Tin after he tells him he’s an unloved child shows his willingness to trust Tin and be friendly with him despite the fact that he’s rude and loudmouthed. he can’t help wanting to be friendly to Tin. Tin on the other hand just as before is shook someone listens and apologises to him, he finds Can like a child which again adds excitement and colour to his life.
2. Tin and the nephew scene: This scene again adds depth to Tin’s character, he forms a facade/barrier of being cold in order to survive his household. It’s been imbedded in him but he can’t help care for his nephew. The scene makes him think of Can later when he’s feeling suffocated, but it’s adorable when you think about it. We see his nephew being so open about loving his father, being loud about his love for his uncle, being excited to stay with Tin not understanding the coldness between him and his father, he’s just a kid, loud, naive and innocence. He says what he means and you can trust him. Tin loves that Can is like this kid, because as we know in season 1 and slowly hinted in season 2 he’s been in an environment where he can’t trust people. Can comes in and becomes a perfect companion for the stoic prince because he’s trustworthy and says what he means, and strives to be loyal unlike the people who Tin has been taught to be like to survive. See depth and 3d characters! We love.
3. The shopping scene: Personally because I just love how Can complains about feeling pain in his arms and legs from walking up and down and wanting to eat and rest. And Tin shows up and slowly takes the bags from him, asks him if he’s hungry and pays attention to his whining. Again this scene is showing why Tin is the right person for Can in terms of love, he makes Can feel supported and taken care of, Can is used to be being spoilt in season 1 by friends, i haven’t seen clues of that in season 2 yet, but again this adds to the reason why Can would learn why it’s good to fall in love and be vulnerable with someone. Finding the right person who’s always there for you without them meaning to. Cute right? Tin just somehow comes and helps Can as he complains and comforts and distracts him from his woes even though he doesn’t realise.
So these are just a few snippets for Episode 3 and why repeating this storyline is already building up again depth to this storyline, it’s still exciting to see their chemistry and moments because it’s romantic, it’s important and every single scene counts and furthur helps prepare us for the heartbreak that is coming and the resolution. And I am enjoying it so far.
Images are from @potatomarble​ 
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an-absolute-travesty · 5 years ago
have you seen that one post that’s like “oh to be a prince i love with the gardener” “oh to be the gardener in love with the prince” yeah that but like,,,, keefex (who’s the prince who’s the gardener i don’t know) (bonus points if fitz is the royal guard who is in on their secret romance and helps them get away with it and keeps people from finding out)
Heh so uh I got a touch...carried away
I should probably wait until I’m done with more than the first chapter but I can’t wait. Sorry if this first bit is kinda boring. Lmk if y’all like this and if I should write more 
About: Above
Word count: 1,057
Warnings: minor swearing 
So uh
I’m bad at naming things: a keefex story
Chapter One:
Keefe was practically falling asleep as the head of his royal guard (and his best friend) read through the next option for a wife at him. 
“Six foot, long curly hair, child of Duke Timkin and Duchess Vika Heks,”
“Duke and...wait aren’t the Hekses my cousins?”
“Keefe, we’ve been through this before. It’s about keeping the royal blood ‘pure’ or whatever.”
“That’s easy for you to say! Your ‘special friend’ is from a totally different kingdom. I’m sorry Fitz, I’m not marrying my cousin. Even if she wasn’t I wouldn’t marry her, Stina is a bi-”
Suddenly a servant came running in “Prince Keefe! Prince Keefe your father called for you!”
“Ugh not again,” Keefe got up from his throne. “Alright, this’ll be fun. Thank you for informing me.”
Yeah, no. 
He would not be putting up with his complete ass of a dad today. King or not, it wasn’t happening.
Instead, he took a short cut through the kitchen, out the servant door, and straight into the gardens. The hedge maze would make a fine hiding place for a few hours.
 Suddenly, someone carrying a large pot of dirt ran into him head on.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. I’m-I’m just so clumsy and-”
The boy who ran into him stopped stuttering when he looked up from collecting his dirt and saw who he practically tackled. He quickly looked down at the ground and sat on his knees as a sign of respect.
“Your majesty, I apologize sincerely. I didn’t realize-”
Keefe reached down for the boys forearm and pulled him up into a handshake. 
“Call me Keefe,”
“Great to meet you, Dex,” Keefe glanced around to check for his father. “So, I happen to be slightly on the run from someone. Would you happen to have a place for me to hide?”
“It’s um...it’s not much but it’s home.”
The small hut laid on the far end of castle grounds. All it had inside were 5 piles of fabric and fluff (presumably beds), a pit in the center for a fire, and a small collection of pots and pans. 
Once they got into the hut, Keefe knew he was safe. His father would never some within 50 feet of where the servants lived. Heck, even Keefe himself had never ventured too closely into “peasant territory” as his mother called it, it always felt like an invasion of privacy. 
Now that they were inside, Keefe got a better look at Dex. 
He looked about Keefe’s age, but just a bit shorter. Freckles were spattered like stars across his pale face framed by strawberry blonde hair. A bit of dirt was smudged across his cheek, which somehow made him look even cuter.
“I like this place,” Keefe said as he moved across the room and sat on one of the piles of fluff. “It’s cozy,”
“Yeah,” a blush spread across Dex’s face. “Nothing like the castle, I’m sure. Would you like some tea?”
“Oh, yes that sounds great, thank you.”
Wordlessly the boy took out a small...something from his pocket. It was made of some type of stone and metal and roughly in the shape of a stick. With the flick of a switch on the side, a spark shot out from the end and lit the wood that sat in the fire pit.
“Woah...are you like...a wizard or something?”
Dex giggled, Keefe could listen to that sound forever.
“No, I’m a technopath. Just like how I hear the royals are empaths.”
“Yeah it’s just that...I don’t know, I thought everyone with abilities were at least nobels. That’s what my parents told me.”
“Yes, but not if your mother chooses to marry a talentless.”
Dex continued going about making the tea, Keefe was silent as he set the iron kettle over the fire, he didn’t know what to say.
“I’m sorry,”
“What? No, no no no no no, it’s not like that. No, I love my dad. It’s not his fault.”
“Oh, that’s good.” Keefe fidgeted with his tunic, not able to shake the idea that the boy in front of him deserved to be wearing a similar one. “So...your family is nice then? You love them?”
“Yes, of course.” A look of concern spread across Dex’s face as he glanced up from tending to the fire. “I mean, you love yours too, right? Everyone loves their family.”
Just then, a set of 3 bickering kids burst into the home. 
“Lex, it’s my turn to pick the game.”
“No it’s not! You picked last time Bex.”
“No, Rex picked last which makes it my turn!”
The fighting only got louder until Dex cleared his throat. They all fell quiet as they saw Keefe.
“As you gremlins can tell, we have a guest today. I’m sure you all recognize our prince.” Dex said it in a way that implied they should kneel in respect. Rather they just stood for a second. 
Keefe wasn’t sure what he expected their next moves to be but it certainly wasn’t running forward, tackling him, and yelling questions. 
“What’s the castle like?”
“Is it warm in there? Even in winter?”
“Do you have cake in the castle? I’ve only had it once but mom says you all have it every night!”
An ear splitting whistle filled the room and the kids covered their ears scurried back to the door. Dex shoved them out but quickly opened the door again and said “By the way, it’s Bex’s turn.” Before slamming the door again and plopping straight to the floor. 
“I’m sorry about them, the triplets can be a handful.”
“Yeah, yet another reason why we aren’t nobility.” 
Keefe started to say something but he was cut off by the loud chime of the clocktower, 4 bells. 
“Shoot,” Keefe said, springing up from his comfortable spot on the bed. “I have to go, I’m gonna miss my talent lessons.” They were the only lessons that Keefe could stand, his dad used to teach him but eventually he got frustrated and got him an actual teacher. Oralie was much nicer than his dad. “Bye, I’ll see you around.”
“Yeah,” Dex said with a beautifully crooked smile. “See you around.”
A rare blush spread across Keefe’s face.
Maybe he had found someone he wouldn’t mind being with. 
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collecting-stories · 5 years ago
Edible - Connor Murphy
A/N: Mentions of weed use and psychiatric hospitals. 
If you listed out all the weird places that you could possibly meet a cute guy, the psychiatric hospital’s inpatient ‘boys’ ward would not be one of them. And yet, the kid by the window who was only half pretending to listen to the woman seated across from him was way cuter than you expected anyone in this particular hell-hole to be. He was tall, even sitting down, caved in on himself in some effort to disappear, you could tell he was tall. And thin. Like a vogue model or something. His hair was tied back in a bun and he had on a black hoodie that he kept picking at the sleeves of. He looked bored but maybe it was just medication, and the woman across from him looked seconds away from bursting into tears. You felt like you’d walked into your own ‘It’s Kind of a Funny Story’ except you weren’t a patience. You were just visiting one.  
Louder than he needed to be and talking a mile a minute about a video game you didn’t understand, your brother was seated on the computer chair next to you. He was in the middle of free time when you came to visit and unwilling to lose his time in front of the computer.  “And then you can run your guy up on the curb like this,” he continued, driving a pixelated jeep through an obstacle course of building.  
“I like the car.” You pointed out. Hospital visits made you antsy but you’d been religious in your scheduled appearances at the hospital. It was coming on October now and you had been here every weekend, Saturday and Sunday, since May.  
“It’s pretty good. Will’s got a camaro on his which is awesome! I wanna get a Tesla.” Ryan continued, pulling up a side panel of cars to show you exactly which one he planned on getting.  
“Dope.” You nodded as if any of the cars meant anything to you. “Hey Ryan, who’s the new kid?” You asked, dropping your voice to a whisper. You had chosen the perfect seat to be both a total creep and an interested older sister.  
Ryan glanced over at the boy in the corner, at the most 7 years his senior, and shrugged, “dunno, we’re not in the same group. Tyler’s the oldest in our group.”  
The groups were broken up into two sessions, from what you understood when the ward doctor had first explained the hospital to your mom. Eight to thirteens and then fourteen to seventeens. New boy had to be your age.  
You kept watching as the woman finally said goodbye, attempting a hug that he didn’t return and then hurrying out of the double doors. She was here less than you thought she’d be, less than you. It was just the three of you in the rec room now. There were two on this floor and this one was mainly used for visitation, probably because it was a little nicer.  
“Hey new kid do you wanna play Road Blocs with me?” Ryan called over to him, pointing to the screen of the computer.  
New kid looked over and yeah, he was even cuter when you could see his face unobscured. It sounded weird to say it but he looked something like a sad bunny rabbit, if that was a possible facial trait. The sad at least, was a definite. And tired, judging by the purple beneath his eyes. The cute ones could never just be mentally stable could they?  
He picked himself up off the couch and walked over slowly, moccasins shuffling and you thought they looked out of place on his feet. “What is it?”  
“You drive this car around-“ Ryan went into an explanation of the game while new boy pulled a chair up on the other side. He looked over Ryan’s head at you, eyes meeting. You wondered later, because in the moment you were nothing but dazed and had managed only a small smile before looking away, if he looked at everyone so intensely. Like he was digging through their entire being to figure them out in one glance.  
“Sounds fun.” You weren’t sure if he was humouring your brother or actually interested in the game but either way he took the mouse from Ryan and began driving the car around the lot.  
You looked over toward the window to find Connor there. He gave a slight wave and then signalled for you to come over toward him.  
“Hey, how’s it going?” you asked, looking back toward the double doors your brother would be coming through soon.  
“Alright, didn’t think I’d see you.” He replied, looking back down to his chipped black nails.  
“I can’t come on Saturday because I have a college interview so I figured I’d stop by tonight,” you replied, sitting down on the chair beside him.  
It would be March soon and you had been coming every weekend just like you always did. Only, things had changed quite a lot since October. It wasn’t just Ryan that you visited anymore but Connor too. He hung around the visiting room on the weekends while you were there with your brother and he even made sure to look out for the younger boy during the week. Mostly though, he used his phone and computer privileges to contact you.  
The two of you would talk about nonsensical stuff, like music you liked or movies you wanted to go see or plans you had for the summer. He talked you through homework when you were stressed and he was allowed his hour on the phone. Connor had become someone who was a friend but who was also a little more than just a friend. You didn’t drop everything to spend an hour on the phone with just a friend. Or log on to your computer to email with him the second your phone alerted you to the first message in your inbox. Connor was not just a friend but neither of you had broached the ‘more than friends’ discussion yet.
“Excited?” He asked, twisting to see you better.
“Hardly, I just keep imagining myself screwing it up completely.”
“You won’t.”
“You don’t know that.” You replied.
Connor reached over, taking your hand in his and surprising you enough that you could practically hear your heart hammering in your chest. Could he tell?
“You’re way too smart to fuck it up, trust me, you’ll be fine.”
“Thanks...but are you sure your mom hasn’t been sneaking you weed?”
“I wish.” He laughed.  
The double doors swung open and Ryan came bursting through, looking happy as ever and holding an envelope in his hands. When he saw you he made a beeline for your chair, throwing himself onto your lap and hugging you. Connor let go of your hand and shifted away in his chair.  
When he had calmed down enough to stand up you decided it was safe to speak, “Hey, how’s it going?”  
“Good! I got stickers from Will, do you want one?” He asked, holding the envelope out to you. All the stickers inside were red rectangles with white writing, SUPREME printed on them. When you had plucked one out he passed the envelope along to Connor.  
“Are they all the same?” Connor asked, fishing out three. He unpeeled one and stuck it to the front of his grey t-shirt.  
“Yeah, I don’t know where Will got ‘em but he gave me the whole envelope.” Ryan replied, “I told him they’d be evenly distributed.”
“Well thank you, I appreciate the distribution.”
“Do you guys wanna play roadblocks?” Your little brother was already making his way over to the computer when he asked, still hooked on that game even after all these months. It was structured enough that he didn’t get bored and chaotic enough that he could follow along without being confused.
“Still with this game?” You asked, grabbing a folding chair to sit next to him.  
Connor followed behind you, sitting on the other side of your brother like always. Weekends had become almost predictable. You would meet both Ryan and Connor for computer games. Halfway through Connor would break so that he could visit his mother, who still religiously came in, just like you, and then he’d rejoin the small group. You were certain the first time he joined you was some bizarre fluke but he continued to go along with whatever game Ryan was hooked on.  
The gymnasium was filled with families, a buzz of indistinct conversation floated through the air as Connor made his way down the side aisle to where he saw Ryan standing, spinning one of those fidget toys that had been so popular a year ago. When Ryan saw Connor he waved, an excited smile on his face.
“Hey!” Ryan gave Connor a hug, causing the older boy to tense up from the sudden contact. When he pulled away he held the fidget spinner up for Connor to see, “I just got it, it glows in the dark.”
“Oh yeah?” Connor took the spinner, cupping his hands so that it was covered and peering through. “Damn, it does.”  
“Told you!”  
It was graduation day at your high school and you’d bought an extra ticket for Connor. Since his discharge from the hospital he’d spent most of his free time at your house. With his phone returned he was able to text you whenever he wanted and he did, often, but neither of you had progressed passed the ‘just friends’ status. Cute boys who were emotionally oblivious were probably your type though, so it wasn’t surprising.  
Once the actual graduation started and the gymnasium became quiet, except for the person speaking on the stage, Ryan started to get antsy. Connor felt a nudge to his side fifteen minutes into the principal’s opening speech. When he looked over Ryan was shifting positions on his seat. Your mom looked over at the same time, leaning in and whispering for Ryan to behave and sit still.
“Sorry, I’m warm.” He said, shifting once more.
“We can go outside?” Connor asked, looking to the side door. It was warm, with everyone in there. He wouldn’t hate stepping out. “I don’t mind.”
Outside was where you found Ryan and Connor, post-graduation, sitting on curb. Or at least Connor was, Ryan was racing back and forth asking Connor to time him to see how fast he was. When he saw you exit the gymnasium he veered off his path, running over to give you a hug.  
“Sorry,” Connor piped up, “we kinda missed the whole thing.”
You shrugged, “hey Ryan, mom’s wants you inside.”  
“Alright.” He released you, hurrying over to the doors and heading back inside while you walked over to Connor.  
“Thanks for coming out here with him, he can’t really do sitting down.”
“Oh trust me, I know.” Connor replied, standing up and brushing off his jeans. He appraised your graduation gown and the nice outfit you wore underneath briefly, “you got pockets?”
“I got you a present.”
“Mmhmm.” You hummed and nodded. Connor pulled a plastic ziplock out of his sweatshirt pocket with what appeared to be an oversized rice crispy treat inside. You took it skeptically, unzipping the bag and taking a whiff before laughing out loud. “Did you just hand me an edible on school grounds?”
“Not like you can get detention.”  
“Oh my god, I thought your mom told you to stop smoking.”
“Well I’m not really smoking am I,” he shrugged, grinning, “by the way, only a little at a time, it’s pretty strong.”
“How much have you had?”
“Are you suggesting I gave you my leftovers?”  
“I’m suggesting you like to dip.” You replied, breaking off a tiny piece and eating it before stuffing the bag into your pocket.  
“I haven’t had any...from that bag at least.”  
You shook your head at him in mock exasperation. You didn’t mind the weed habit, if it made Connor feel better you weren’t going to argue with that. He was balancing it out with CBD oil (a cheaper alternative, you had pointed out, in case he wanted to save his money for something else) which helped Cynthia feel less like her kid was a drug addict. Even your brother took CBD gummies to help his moods.
“Anything else?” you asked. Connor had told you that he had something important to talk to you about today and you were sure that it wasn’t the edible. Or you hoped at least.  
“Anything else?” He repeated, raising an eyebrow and looking at you as if he was trying to figure out what you were getting at.  
Maybe the edible really was it.
“Anything else you needed to tell me? You texted me this morning and said-”
“I know.”
“So?” You hated when he did this. Played dumb and made you drag out the entire thing.
“Connor! What is it?”
“What’s what?”
“I swear to god Connor...what’s the important thing?”
“Oh yeah, that,” he smiled when you groaned at him in annoyance, “go on a date with me?”
You rolled your eyes, smacking his arm gently, “stop repeating everything I say...and, okay. Okay, yes I’ll go out with you.”
“Thank god, otherwise I was gonna take the edible back.”
“What?” You laughed, “that is not contingent upon us dating! It’s a graduation gift.”
“Me taking you on the date is the graduation gift.” He replied, reaching into your pocket and taking the ziplock back so he could break off a piece of rice crispy.  
“What about...other dates, after that date?”
“Oh, you’re paying for those.”
My younger brother’s mom put him in a psychiatric hospital for half of the year and he just got out at the end of December, right before Christmas so...kinda based the younger brother in this on him. 
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jaxl-road · 5 years ago
The League of Extraordinary Rockstars, ch.1
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Summary: LA is a hub for music and mutants, making it the perfect place for Motley Crue, Guns N’ Roses, and countless other mutant musicians to call home. But it’s not all easy, especially when it comes to finding a decent place to live. So what better solution than moving in together in the mansion of an immortal? Love, drama, and super powers. If nothing else, it’ll be interesting.
Chapter Warnings: Language, genderswap!Steven
AN: This is a collaboration between myself and @the--blackdahlia​! It combines elements from her fic “It’s So Easy (And Other Lies)” (specifically her genderswapped!Steven) and my super powered GnR series. It is completely AU and ignores timelines like Woah, but hopefully you’ll have as much fun reading it as we’re having writing it! Let us know what you think!
Los Angeles. The city of angels. Also, the highest per capita mutant population in the United States. With it’s history of welcoming minorities, it was no surprise. And West Hollywood was the hot spot. Humans hanging out with mutants, getting their cigarettes lit by a bass player who could control fire, getting their joints from a singer who could control pot. Things were great in LA.
Well, pretty much. They painted a picture perfect world of mutants living in the hills with the rich and famous, when in reality, they were living in small apartments that had more mice than people in them. But the one nice thing about LA? It was usually sunny. Rarely a cloud in the sky. Stevie Adler smiled as she looked up at the sky.
And then there was the honking horn.
“Get out of the street you bitch!” A guy screamed from his car. Stevie sighed and shook her head, crossing the street towards the recording studio. Yeah, LA was a great city.
“What was that about?” Izzy asked from his designated smoking spot.
“Asshole is impatient,” Stevie shrugged. “Where’s everyone else?”
“Slash is hiding because Axl is screaming at someone on the phone,” Izzy explained. “Duff’s not here yet. But Baz is, and he’s getting a kick out of watching Axl trying to avoid going supersonic.”
“Is there a betting pool started yet on if he’ll lose it?” Stevie grinned.
“I’m giving him about ten minutes,” Izzy smirked. “I think it’s Neil he’s yelling at.” Stevie rolled her eyes.
A cold gust of wind blew past them, causing Stevie to shiver. It seemed to get darker all of a sudden, a cloud covering the sun, but before she could comment on it, Izzy was looking past her with a raised eyebrow.
“Uh-oh, looks like someone’s in a bad mood.”
Sure enough, when she followed his gaze, she saw a very sour looking Duff stalking towards them. The weather witch looked deep in thought, a scowl on his face, which made sense as he usually didn’t lose control of his powers like this, especially since he knew Stevie needed as much sun as she could get.
“Hey, stormcloud!” Izzy shouted, getting the bassist’s attention, “Reel it in, motherfucker! The weather report said clear skies today!”
Blinking, Duff seemed to notice the shift in weather for the first time, “Ah, fuck,” the clouds quickly dissapated, the wind dying down as the sunshine returned. “Sorry guys,” he sighed.
“What’s got you all worked up?” Stevie asked.
Running a hand through his hair, Duff glared, “A fucking pipe burst in my apartment. The place was shitty enough with cockroaches crawling all over me, now I’ve got two inches of water covering everything.”
“Hey, if you need a place, Tracii moved out so Slash and I have an empty room,” Stevie told Duff. “I might be able to dry your stuff out. I’m sure Nikki would help.”
“Yeah, because you know that Axl loves those guys hanging around,” Izzy laughed. “Let’s go inside.” The three of them headed in, seeing Baz and Slash, but no Axl.
“He’s in his tantrum hole,” Baz laughed, pointing at the soundproof room. “He’ll be out in a minute once he calms down.” Stevie headed over to Slash to talk to him, leaving Izzy and Duff standing there together. A few moments later, Slash was hugging Duff.
“Roomie!” Slash laughed.
“I see Stevie talked to you,” Duff chuckled.
“Dude, this will be awesome!” Slash grinned, “Now I’ll have my two favorite drinking buddies in the same house!”
“This is a terrible idea,” Izzy muttered to himself.
“What’s a terrible idea?” Axl finally emerged from his designated anger room, with a look on his face that said he was very consciously keeping himself calm.
“Duff is gonna move in with Stevie and me!” Slash exclaimed, “Apparently his place is underwater, and we’ve got some space since Tracii moved out, so it’s perfect!”
“...Yeah, I’m gonna agree with Izzy and say that’s a terrible idea,” Axl shook his head as he moved to lean against Sebastian’s side, “The three of you? In one place?” 
“It feels like a threat to public safety,” Izzy chimed in.
“You’re just jealous cause you know we’re gonna be the most fun house on the strip now,” Stevie teased. 
Izzy smiled tensely, looking briefly between Duff and Stevie before glancing away.
“Wait a minute, I thought Motley Crue had the most fun house on the strip,” Baz pointed out before Axl glared at him. “Sorry babe, but you gotta admit, they know how to throw a party.”
“I think that Nikki’s party trick of catching himself on fire is annoying and overused,” Axl huffed. “And you’re supposed to be on my side.”
“Okay, before Sebastian and Axl start fighting to make up later, can we record some music?” Stevie asked with a laugh. “Duff, we’ll go get your stuff that can be salvaged. I’ll call Tommy to come help.” Axl groaned but Stevie pretended she didn’t hear.
“Think you can get through a couple songs without shattering the glass?” Slash joked at Axl. The singer merely flipped him off as they finally made their way into the booth. Stevie took a seat behind the drums, not noticing Duff and Izzy glancing at her. Slash just sighed and got his guitar.
Baz smiled as he listened to Axl sing, and soon, they had a couple rough tracks down before their studio time was up. Stevie bounced to the payphone to call Tommy while Slash, Izzy, and Duff talked.
“So...you’re moving in with Stevie…” Izzy said, staring at Duff.
“And Slash,” Duff pointed out. “Not just Stevie.”
“Right, right…”
“Gee, way to make a guy feel loved,” Slash pouted.
Izzy rolled his eyes, shoving Slash’s shoulder lightly, glad for the break in the tension as the three chuckled. At that moment, Stevie jogged back over, giving a thumbs up as she smiled.
“Alright! We’re all set! Tommy should be here s-”
A gust of wind swirled around them as Tommy skidded to a stop beside them, his hair a wild mess around his face. The speedster gave Stevie a quick hug as he chattered, “Stevie told me what happened, that sucks dude!” He gave Duff a sympathetic pat on his shoulder, “I’ll totally help though! Nikki’s dealing with Vince right now, apparently he’s having a bitch fit cause of some phone call or something, I dunno, but he’ll be by to help out later. Anyway, how are the rest of you guns?”
Tommy gave Slash a quick hug, but when he moved to throw his arm around Izzy’s shoulder, his arm fell right through the other man, sending the drummer stumbling forward. Slash, Duff, and Stevie laughed as Tommy pouted at Izzy’s deadpan expression.
“Oh come on, man, don’t be like that!”
The next couple hours were spent bickering and joking as they waded through Duff’s apartment to clear out his meager belongings, Tommy running between the flooded space and Slash and Stevie’s apartment while Duff chewed out his landlord until he got his deposit back.
Duff came back to the soggy apartment to see Stevie standing there, holding a book and smiling. He raised an eyebrow until he saw what she was looking at, then he tried to run to grab it.
“Duff, you were so cute!” Stevie laughed.
“Let me see!” Tommy ran by, grabbing the book. As he did, a photo fell out of the back. Slash picked it up. “Duff, you were a dorky looking kid.”
“Says the guy who was wearing tights in a picture his mom showed me the first time we met!” Duff pointed out.
“Ugh, don’t remind me,” Tommy groaned.
“At least you don’t look as dorky as Stevie,” Slash teased, showing Tommy a picture of Stevie asleep next to Duff, her head on his shoulder, and most definitely drooling. “I’m just surprised you didn’t burn up the camera. Either with your sunshine crap or being so ugly.”
“Love you too,” Stevie rolled her eyes. “Why do you have that?”
“Just liked it,” Duff shrugged.
“Okay, well, do you guys mind like, getting out of here?” Tommy asked. “Everything that can be saved has been saved, and I can feel the mold growing on us as we stand here talking about how I’m much cuter than everyone else.” He smirked. “And Nikki said he’s gonna try to meet us over at your place to help dry things out.”
Nodding in agreement, the group made their way over to the apartment that housed Stevie, Slash, and now Duff. The place wasn’t much better than Duff’s old apartment, but it was dry, so they couldn’t complain. Plus, the bassist was happy to note that there were significantly less cockroaches than his old place contained (not no cockroaches, that’d be asking for too much, but less at least). 
On top of that, despite being small and dingy, Slash and Stevie still managed to make the place feel like a home. Cracks and stains on the walls were covered by posters, fliers, and magazine cutouts of their favorite bands, the pictures layered over each other excitedly. Their garbage dump couch was covered in an old tie dyed bed sheet to mask the tears. The kitchen counters held rows and rows of empty bottles, some of them containing the dried remains of long dead flowers that would probably give Vince a heart attack if he saw them. A lingering scent of cigarette smoke clung to the whole apartment, there was trash everywhere, and a pile of records reached halfway up the wall next to a thrift-store record player.
Duff immediately felt right at home. 
“So, your room is right over here,” Slash led the way down the short hallway. They passed a bathroom that had definitely seen better days, a bedroom covered in KISS merch that simply had to be Stevie’s, and another door covered in caution tape that was closed tight.
“That’s Slash’s room,” Stevie leaned over to whisper in Duff’s ear, “He thinks I don’t know about the python he’s got in there, but at least he keeps it contained.”
Shuddering at the idea of being in the same space as a large snake, Duff debated about turning right back around and returning to the lake of his apartment, but before he could, he was being steered into the final bedroom. It was a little smaller than his old place, but it’s not like he was picky. Tommy had piled his stuff along the walls in two groups- the stuff that needed drying, and the stuff that was okay.
Right on cue, there was a knock on the door. “Oh, that’s probably Nikki!” Tommy cried enthusiastically, and with a gust of wind was off to the door.
Sure enough, Nikki was there with Vince and Mick in tow. Nikki had a couple pizza boxes in hand, Vince had a sour look on his face, and Mick, well, was Mick.
"We brought pizza!" Nikki announced. "Two large supremes!"
"Did you get something not supreme?" Stevie quizzed.
"Just pick off the black olives and shit," Nikki teased. Mick smacked the back of his head and handed Stevie a pepperoni pizza.
"Here you go," He grumbled. "Nikki just likes to tease you."
Sticking her tongue out at the bassist, Stevie happily accepted her pizza, the group gathering in the living room to take a break before tackling Duff’s damp belongings. As they ate, Vince kept scowling, pouting, and muttering under his breath. Finally, Slash sighed dramatically.
“Alright Neil, I’ll bite: what the fuck is your problem?”
Glaring, the blonde singer huffed, “My problem is that your singer is an asshole!”
“Are we supposed to be surprised or something? This isn’t news,” Stevie chimed in.
But Vince continued as if she hadn’t said anything, “That bastard stole my favorite pants, I just know it, and when I called to nicely ask for them back-”
“He wasn’t remotely nice. I was there,” Nikki contributed.
“-he had the fucking audacity to say, ‘why would I ever steal your ugly-ass pants?’! Like, we all know that my style is MILES better that his garbage, midwest grunge look!”
“Don’t let Izzy hear you talking like that,” Duff snickered.
Meanwhile, Stevie’s brow was furrowed in thought, “Which pants are these?”
“My acid-wash jeans with the white stitching on the side,” Vince answered, sighing wistfully.
“Oooooh, shit,” Stevie grimaced, “Yeah, I’m pretty sure I gave those to Axl after last laundry day.” Slash and Stevie’s apartment building was the only one in the group that had a laundry facility on-site, so once a week all the rockers showed up on their doorstep with a bag of dirty clothes and handfuls of coins for them. Slash and Stevie used to deal with it together, but ever since Slash decided that laundry detergent and dish detergent were interchangeable, he had been banned from the laundry room.
“What?!” Vince screeched, “Stevie, how could you?” he cried, his voice full of betrayal.
“I didn’t do it on purpose!” Stevie threw her arms in the air, “I was tired, we all dress the same, and you and Axl are the same size!”
“You take that back! I am a quarter inch taller than him and you know it!”
“Oh, excuse me,” Stevie rolled her eyes, “how could I forget? How’s the weather up there, skyscraper?”
Gasping in exaggerated offense, Vince turned to his bandmates desperately, “Do you hear this blasphemy? She’s trying to sabotage us! She wants to break my spirit and give my superior wardrobe to her singer!”
“Yes, Vinnie, she is clearly an evil mastermind,” Nikki chuckled as he looked at Stevie’s pouting face.
“Aw, come on man, look at her!” Tommy reached over, putting his hands on either side of Stevie’s face to squish her cheeks, “How can you stay mad at her? Look at this face!” Stevie giggled as the other drummer pulled her closer, both of them giving Vince puppy eyes as Tommy sang, “You know you loooove herrrrr.”
To Vince’s credit, he put in a good effort fighting off the smile on his face. But eventually he couldn't resist breaking into a wide grin at the drummers’ antics, “Goddammit, you guys, I have a reputation!”
“You do?” Nikki laughed as Vince punched his arm, the group descending into playful bickering and laughter.
"I think I saw something about his reputation on the bathroom wall at the Roxy," Duff teased, making everyone laugh.
"Guys I gotta pee," Stevie laughed. She got out of Tommy's hold and headed to the bathroom, Duff taking a peek.
"See something you like?" Nikki teased, elbowing Duff.
“I’m sure I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he huffed, shoving Nikki’s shoulder, “Didn’t you come over here for a reason? Come help me with my shit before it fucking dissolves or something.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m on it,” grinning, Nikki rubbed his hands together as they glowed lightly, the two bassists making their way back to Duff’s new room to try to salvage more of his stuff.
Tommy shook his head lightly and turned to Slash, “Dude, Duff and Stevie in the same apartment? Have fun with that.”
“God, don’t remind me,” Slash groaned, “You should have seen Izzy’s face when we were talking about it.”
“I can’t believe Stevie still hasn’t noticed.”
“Hasn’t noticed what?” Stevie chirped, narrowing her eyes suspiciously as she rounded the corner, making her way back to her seat.
Without missing a beat, Slash smirked, “That Tommy’s been trying to flick olives down your shirt for the last ten minutes.”
“Dude!” Stevie cried indignantly, smacking Tommy’s arm, “Not cool! This shirt isn’t even low cut, you’re just gonna just fucking marinara on it or something!”
“Sorry, sorry,” Tommy grit out, glaring at Slash as he, Vince, and Mick laughed at his misfortune.
The night went pretty smoothly, other than Vince calling Stevie ‘Benedict Arnold’ various times throughout the night, and Nikki almost catching a couple of Duff’s books on fire. But soon, the Crue headed out, leaving the three roommates in their home.
“I don’t know about you guys, but I’m beat,” Stevie yawned. “I’ll see you in the morning.” She said goodnight before heading to her room, Duff watching her as she went. Slash slapped his shoulder.
“I’m not living with you pining over her,” Slash groaned.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Duff stood up and headed to his room. “Stevie doesn’t even like me like that.” With that, he headed towards his room, leaving the guitarist there to groan.
“It is a sad, sad day,” Slash muttered to himself, “when Axl is the one in a stable relationship.”
With one last shake of his head, he made his way into his own room, bracing himself for what was sure to be an interesting new living situation.
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senjuushi · 4 years ago
Translation: Kirsch Episodes
Hello! I come bearing another translation!!! o3o This time, I’m starting on the modern guns’ “episode” stories from the old game! There are three of them for each of the guns, and I’ll be posting them by character, all three at once! 
Kirsch is up first!! ...cute little shit that he is~ XD
. . . 
Episode 1: “The spy saw it! ~The little devil of the World Empire~”
......not? ...that’s why...! 
Really? I can’t believe it! The soldiers of the Word Empire are struggling against the antique guns-- even though they’re the weak ones!
I have no idea how I’m going to report this to Papa... Grrrr!
...but Papa isn’t around and I have to act like a good kid, so I guess it can’t be helped. 
Aaah, it’s sooo annoying~ Those antiques, what shall I do with them~?
Beat them up until they’re in tatters, then capture them alive, maybe? Then even more torture and bullying them lots... 
And lastly, I’ll play around with their hearts... and traumatize them to the max!
Ahaha♥ Just thinking about it gets me all excited~♥
Nnn, I just can’t wait until I capture one of those antiques... 
To distract myself, I wonder if I should talk to that guy over there. 
The other day, this recruit who’d only just joined our unit... wasn’t there a record that he’d seriously injured someone on our side on his very first mission?
Aha♥ That must be a really awful memory, huh? He’d hate to have to recall it, wouldn’t he?
I’ve decided! Today, I’m going to have some fun with that recruit!
Today’s bit of gossip will be a special course...♥ Ahaha!♥
Episode 2: “The spy saw it! ~Delicious memories~”
Kirsch: ......really, that’s the wo........ like that! That.... ....the...... think!?
Kirsch: You over there! Mister! Talk to me for a bit!
Soldier: ...Y-Yes? You’re speaking to me?
Kirsch: Hah? Is there anyone else here? ...well, more importantly, listen to me!
Kirsch: I got sooo mad at that bald superior~
Kirsch: All I was doing... was having some fun reminiscing with that stupid little recruit who’d gotten someone hurt. 
Kirsch: “Don’t corner people and torment them,” he says! It’s not like I was being cruel to that recruit!
Kirsch: You heard my conversation with that recruit, right, mister? Do you think I was bad? That’s not it, right?
Soldier: Well... that’s. I’m afraid that the fault was on both sides, I think... 
Kirsch: Eeeh~! You think it was my fault too, mister?
Kirsch: Ah! Could it be... since I look kinda like your son who died on the battlefield, you’re trying to treat me like a father would?
Soldier: ....! Aa........!
Soldier: Ahem... That isn’t what it is at all. Thank you for your time, but I have work left to do. Please excuse me.
Kirsch: ....Aaah, he left. That guy always has super weak responses. It’s way too boring!
Kirsch: Oh well, I guess. There are plenty of other misters with delicious memories around. ♥
Episode 3: “The spy saw it! ~The trickery of the little devil~”
Kirsch: .....Nin........hey, ......? Ninety~! Ah, there you are!
Kirsch: Hey, Ninety? That board you always use to talk.... let me borrow it. 
Ninety: ......, ....?
Kirsch: “Use if for what?” ...Aha♥ For something fun, of course.♥
Ninety: ........, ......., ......!
Kirsch: “Creepy, bad feeling!” ....he says. Wow, that’s perceptive for you! Impressive!
Kirsch: The truth is... I’m thinking about wrecking Mauser and Papa’s relationship a little.
Kirsch: That Mauser, he’s Papa’s favorite, isn’t he? Even though I’m definitely way cuter!
Kirsch: That’s just wrong, isn’t it? Buuuut, if I lay a hand on Mauser, Papa might hate me....
Kirsch: And ~ that’s ~ why♥ The message needs to come from you....
Kirsch: So write on the board, “Assassination plan! Mauser traitor!”, then show it to Papa!
Kirsch: Then Papa won’t be able to trust Mauser either, right!?
Kirsch: That single-minded Mauser’s shocked face when Papa suspects him... doesn’t that sound super hilarious? Ahahaha!
Ninety: .........!!
Kirsch: Hm, what’s that....? “Getting mixed up in that, no thank you! Bye-bye!”  ....he says!
Kirsch: Aaah! Backing out is so mean! Hey... don’t try to run away!
Kirsch: Aah, there he goes. I’ll have to think of something else~ ...tch. 
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